#( im p sure here lies the abyss will function the same .. unfortunately ..
firstknight · 4 years
just advisor alistair things:
was Secretly at the conclave to investigate rumours surrounding a group of grey wardens heading for skyhaven. since clarel has declared him a Wanted Man, he works with leliana and her scouts. 
‘the last time i was here .. i had to strip down to my small clothes to prove i was worthy of looking upon andraste’s ashes. i bet she just fancied me.’ 
trying to avoid cassandra who keeps asking where the HoF is. frequently finding himself hiding in the same spots as varric.
addresses What’s Going On w/ the wardens & the fake calling much earlier on. the main hurdle is tracking down clarel.
adds a down-to-earth perspective to the inquisition. while others may be prone to believing / wanting to believe the inquisitor is the herald of andraste, he offers a much more objective ‘sucks being the chosen one, i guess. everybody knows shit’s fucked but at least we can give a damn and do something about it.’
if he and the HoF are in a relationship, being relentlessly pestered by companions for Details.
being excited to meet blackwall. only to squint at him a lot like ‘you don’t seem very ... taint-y’. maybe blackwall’s real identity being revealed much sooner ?? 
‘a darkspawn magister? interesting ... now where’s the nearest cushion i can scream into’ 
cheeky bants at the war table, reminiscing w/ leliana -- noticing how she’s changed. differences of opinion on the templar order w/ cullen. josephine asking him to confirm rumours irt the landsmeet, ‘did the warden really choose their mabari as champion to duel loghain?’ 
his office is close to the kitchens.
taking advantage of the inquisition’s resources to find the HoF’s whereabouts and research into curing the calling... part of his ~loyalty~ questline ?? 
being ... somewhat deferential but sticking to his laurels during wicked eyes & wicked hearts, since the situation is picking lesser of two evils he’s just ‘as long as we get the support we need... just try to ignore the stench of power, corruption and lies’.  concerned abt where the waiter w/ the cheese platter has disappeared off to... 
MUCH less argumentative w/ morrigan. how their dynamic has changed will probs get its own post bc some aspects are conditional to what happened at the end of origins .. 
if allied with the mages, asking fiona about her travels with duncan, asking about the cure... maybe she tells him .. 
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