#like he's pretty alright with being with obi-wan initially
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Hope you had a lovely Xmas, Kit, you deserved a break to celebrate grad school victory! I re-read umbtbyf and then the tumblr tags for it as a lil treat and you said Obi-Wan was going to wait till things were more stable and build a place for Anakin then lure him into it and I was hoping for more details of this loving but sith plan? If they hadn't met what was the plan to lure Anakin in, what was the place/trap, and when was Obi-Wan going to introduce himself? Also how would it have gone? I imagine even Anakin would have seen the news of fallen Jedi murderous traitor Kenobi by then!
this is such a good question that i'm answering a year later and im very sorry <3
so in use my body to break my fall, if companion anakin hadn't been tapped to like. honeytrap the sith lord, i think parts of canon would have happened as they do - many jedi/most jedi die in an order 66-like event
(palpatine is interested in having anakin's raw power on his side and under his thumb still of course, but decides that he may be more influential as emperor in swaying anakin - and that anakin may even come to believe that the fall of the jedi was a good thing because they didn't want him in the first place and sidious wants to train him to be powerful and strong which is something the jedi didn't want to do and wouldn't have ever happened if they were still around)
but sith obi-wan hears rumors about this interest that sidious has in anakin (gossip about how this one companion is so picky even the emperor keeps getting rejected?) and he makes some leaps in logic that aren't even necessarily wrong and he immediately requests to see anakin under the name obi-wan kenobi
and anakin is both interested in seeing obi-wan kenobi and also curious about the man and also incredibly horny for the holo pictures he looks up of him, and hey, like....the separatists won the war and he's not like totally got his thumb on politics so he's not going to turn away a very handsome childhood crush customer because he was a separatist general, like it's not as black and white when youre in the middle of it all and also anakin is pretty horny at the idea of fucking obi-wan kenobi
and i bet obi-wan is very good at seduction (duh) and after one appointment gets anakin to agree to travel with him to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere (horniness makes anakin pretty stupid, theres a few canon examples of this im sure). when he's there and safe and successfully lured, obi-wan has a weekend long fuckfest and then leaves when anakin is asleep and kills sidious and then comes back 'from the grocery store'
(obi-wan in use my body is less interested in ultimate power and more interested in getting what he wants and thinks is his by rights, i.e., anakin and maybe some other stuff, so with anakin secured, he basically cancels the empire and makes it a republic again and then fucks off back to the cabin where he has left anakin)
(anakin wasn't necessarily tied up but it might have been a close call between what obi-wan wants and what he understands anakin would hate him for)
(i think there's still a lot of relationship negotiation, but i don't think obi-wan would have to try that hard to make anakin look past separatist war general - especially post the death of the emperor)
#asks#obikin#umbtbyf#not to say anakin isn't wildly suspicious at least a bit#he packs some knives#probably the first appointment greets obi-wan with a knife around his thigh#which obi-wan delights in finding#but also anakin isn't as involved with the jedi and sith stuff in this fic#what would he even know?/see?/understand having not been in the temple and fighting the war?#like he's pretty alright with being with obi-wan initially#but only develops a guilty conscience after he has dreams of obi-wan killing someone (i think)#but at least now obi-wan is not killing anyone anymore#and hey theres so much propaganda saying the jedi were actually bad that maybe he was right to?#there'd be some heart to hearts i think#and then also anakin's job and negotiations#but i think at least that would end the same (with anakin and obi-wan livign together in the middle of nowhere)#sith rehabilitation anakin likes to think#sith victory obi-wan likes to think
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I kind of want to get you started on mind tricks. cause like weak minded to strong minded dynamic and the blur away, but also the sith back in the day were for SURE a Caste system of force sensitive rulers and non force sensitives, and the jedi were their ENEMY off and on for thousands of years, cultural bleed through and dynamics of their own power systems but Ben we are not the droids you are looking for go away so I dont have to kill you, versus Qui hey I want this thing trade it for me.
Alright, Oct anon, it's been a while, but I have not forgotten you definitely forgot this ask in my drafts for who even knows how many months but it's found again, whoo!
It's taken me a while to get this together partly to try and arrange my thoughts in a logical order but also...
Guys, I really, really care about the use of agency in stories. Like, I've ranted about it in relation to droids, I've explained some of my problems with it in the context of the thematic changes between the OT and the PT, I stew over it constantly in my brain, it's a central theme of many of my own stories (including DLB).
I really don't like mind control, and not just in Star Wars.
Now, just because I don't like a thing doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in story telling. As a device, mind control/manipulation can be useful or important to a plot. To a theme. Overcoming it can be powerful or cool (Ella Enchanted-I prefer the novel personally, Tanjiro in Demon Slayer: Mugen Train), watching someone succumb to it can be agonizing (Frodo in Return of the King, anyone? Princess Euphemia in Code Geass?).
So, what is the point of Mind Tricks (and that naming choice, "trick," making it sound almost...harmless) in the Star Wars story, and maybe in the universe?
I feel like in its initial reveal, the mind trick was supposed to a) convey how "magical" Jedi were and b) get the plot from point A to B. Obi-Wan waves his hand, someone believes something hideously untrue, move along move along, don't think about it too hard.
Like, literally, audience, please. Don't.
Luke uses it in RotJ for pretty much the same reason. To convery a) Luke is well on his way to being a "magical" Jedi now (oh but wait, there's more character growth he needs!), and b) Luke needs to get into Jabba's palace and why would they let him in? Because he says so, so we will take him to Jabba now. Move along, move along.
I don't like the implications of this power existing, and as an adult who has been in situation where I have to report to higher powers, the disregard of the consequences of these things are a bit darker if I look too closely, but like...move along, I guess. It's fine as long as we're only using these powers on space nazis and slavers. Right?
Except then we get more movies. And cartoons. It's fine if Obi-Wan mind controls a person into not smoking, right? Smoking is Bad and Obi-Wan is Good.
Who taught Obi-Wan to use mind tricks?
Ah yes, my old nemesis.
To all you Qui-Gon fans out there, you may wanna leave. This analysis is probably not for you.
So like, Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon "I'm friends with the current Chancellor and thus an obvious, notable representative of the Jedi Order but I don't get along with my higher ups" Jinn. The thing you have to understand about my opinion of him is that, as a young, first time watcher of TPM, I liked him. He was funny, irreverent, direct. He was wise, or at least seemed to know things no one else did. He was a maverick, ready to go against all orders and advice for what he knew was right. And everyone around him was just stuffy and uninformed.
And to be fair, he wasn't wrong about everything. He's set up to be sympathetic. He's trying to treat with the gungans and they won't listen? Well he and Obi-Wan are right, the Trade Federation does go for the gungans. The Order says there are no Sith? Oops, wrong on that one. The Council makes the ambiguous assertion Anakin is "too old" to train. We've seen the OT. We know "too old" is nonsense.
But like, what does Qui-Gon do when he's thwarted?
He takes away people's agency.
Oh, you don't want to help us, Boss Nass, political leader? Cool, well I'm gonna undermine you in front of your entire court and you're gonna give us a whole ship (that we won't return) to help us defend a people you've been in an active war with for centuries. Oh, my currency doesn't work on this planet? I think it will mister small time junk dealer with a gambling problem (jokes on you for that one, sir).
This to me is a huge red flag in a story that is about literal slaves. I know people will defend the above examples. It was necessary. There were lives at stake.
You wanna know who would have suffered if Qui-Gon had been able to con Watto out of that part?
Anakin and Shmi.
Worthless (or event mostly worthless) currency on a planet where you have to buy water is literal death under the right circumstances. And who do you think Watto's going to reduce rations on. He's got cash flow problems? What's the quickest way for him to make back what he just lost? I'll give you a hint, he gambles on them later in the exact same movie.
So like, well before we get to "weak minded" or anything dubious like that, there's this awkward question of, "Why are the good guys always using powers to make people do things? And not worried about the consequences?"
And like, if we go back to simple story narratives, and trying to move things from point A to point B, that's fine I guess. I enjoy the OT. I'll move along.
But if you ask me to stop and think about it.
#my soapbox meta#agency#this is without even touching on things like#Anakin accidentally-on purpose?-mind tricking Padmé theories#or like#dubious racial/class implications#teaching this skill to ~~~children~~~#so many other things
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Grogu sometimes wondered whether or not the Armorer actually liked Din Djarin. Sure, he was grateful at getting a protector and a dad out of their deal, but with time and distance came objectivity. It sure seemed like she was sending him on a wild tauntaun chase.
Grogu didn’t even know what ‘kind’ he was. Being a former Jedi youngling wasn’t a ‘kind’. It was more like a status. You start as a youngling, full of ideas and energy. Then you are selected as a padawan, which honestly meant you were now full of fear, second hand embarrassment, and still a lot of energy.
After that, with hard work and the ability to put up with your Master, you become a Knight. If you’re lucky, which meant having good timing and better than average skills, you became a Master, so you could be annoyed by a youngster who thought you were old and out of touch while you tried to teach them the skills that would help keep them alive in a fairly chaotic galaxy.
At least, that’s how Master Kenobi explained it once when he was talking to Master Beq in the Arboretum at the Jedi Temple. They weren’t alone of course. Grogu was there. Hiding.
A trick that he and Ian had cooked up had literally boiled over and he was hoping that the Master in charge of provisions didn’t come to the Arboretum looking for them. Grogu was pretty sure that Ian had climbed the Life tree and he wished he’d been quick enough to do that.
Instead he was stuck right there, under the bench, listening to the two Jedi masters natter on about how hard it was raising young people to be old people. Of course, that was the problem. Young people didn’t want to be old people. At least not yet. They wanted to take some time and get there when they got there. It was one thing no youngling was impatient about.
It took all of Grogu’s self control not to laugh at them when they complained about their padawans complaining about carrying their cloaks everywhere.
“Anakin just refuses to do it. I’ve lost so many cloaks that way.” Master Kenobi has been more sad than irritated.
“At least Anakin knows his way around a lightsaber. My last padawan practically skewered me with his when I simply asked him to hand it to me. I’ve asked Master Yoda if I might switch to managing the younglings. At least they don’t have access to weapons.”
Master Beq had not met Ian by then, but then how were any of them to know that Ian could find a weapon literally anywhere and they should have thought twice about assigning him kitchen duty.
“If he does, just be careful around Grogu. Everyone thinks he’s a baby, but he’s not. He sees everything and then he tests it out with that friend of his, Ian. I don’t even know who brought the two of them here. I can’t be blamed for that.”
Grogu was about to protest that Obi-Wan was being unfair, when a very aggravated Jedi stomped into the quiet space and stormed right up to them.
“Have either of you seen that pair of menaces? They’ve made a huge mess in my stockroom and I want them both to sort it out.”
“Menaces? I suppose you mean Anakin and ?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Anakin? No. He’s fine. He never goes near the place. I mean Ian and his little green friend.” The other Jedi grumbled as if Obi-Wan was being deliberately obtuse.
“Ah, I believe they were assigned to collect trash in the central park as part of a new ‘Give back to Coruscant’ initiative that the Council has undertaken. Perhaps if you go there, you’ll find them.” Obi-Wan’s voice was kind and consoling and Grogu wondered at the time if he would ever learn to lie like that.
When the irate Jedi left the Arboretum, Grogu heard Master Obi-Wan chuckle.
“Alright Grogu. You can come out now. I can hear your stomach growling.”
Grogu had trudged out of hiding and smiled a little sadly at the two Jedi who were now looking at him so intently.
“This is half of our most dynamic duo, Master Beq. If you start to manage the younglings, this is who you will need to keep an eye on. All the time.”
Obi-Wan’s voice hadn’t changed in tone and Grogu wondered if he was trying to trick the younger Master.
Years later, he’d been able to ask the Jedi Master that question and Obi-Wan had replied that everyone needed a break once in a while. Even a Jedi Master.
Perhaps that’s what the Armorer needed. A break. Grogu expected that Mandalorians were a lot like he and Ian had been at the Jedi Temple. Always up to something and eager to find the next problem, even if they couldn’t solve it.
Now that was a funny thought. Grogu hadn’t found a problem yet that his Mandalorian couldn’t solve, but maybe someday he wouldn’t have his weapons handy and would have to do solve them a different way.

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Alright I see what you’re saying about the headcanons (which are not head canons so much a inferences from the information we have) BUT I have to clarify that multiple psychologists have explained that yes Anakin Skywalker has bpd. He has enough prominently visible symptoms to be clinically diagnosed if he were a real person. This is a fact.
Yes, some Jedi get glimpses of the future, or the past, but that is in no way the same thing as fully experiencing time in a non linear fashion.
I didn’t say that Jedi had ready access to that 4th dimensional view of reality, I said that the Force gives them a glimpse of what it could be like. we literally used the same word to describe it. I’m getting this from Yoda’s lines about how Jedi are luminous beings. But I'm also not just using the movies. (I'll get into my view on Clone wars in canon shortly.) It can be inferred also from everything we know about the Cosmic Force. Basically the Cosmic Force is that fourth time dimensional view of the universe while the Living Force is the fourth SPACE dimensional view of the universe. Sorry I’ve been being a physics nerd for the past few days all this is fresh in my head right now. Point is, the Jedi truly don’t see time as a linear thing even if they are for the most part confined to the present. They see something having existed in the past as never disappearing because the past is fixed and nothing can change that. The past still exists and thus everything that existed in the past will always exist and that is how they justify not feeling grief over loss.
And I want to be clear on something: I do consider the majority of Clone Wars to be canon and I do take quite a bit from Legends as well so not everything I say comes from the movies. But as a writer I do not see Clone Wars Anakin’s characterization as faithful due to stupid things like pandering to the audience who didn’t want to confront things like the complexity an nuance of mental health and toxic environments and relationships. Everything else, the characterization of others like Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Windu? The characters who didn’t get a ton of hate after the prequels were released? That’s all fine. It’s just Padmé and Anakin who suffered from deliberately butchering their character.
So all the Mortis arc, Yoda’s season 6 adventure to become one with the cosmic force and all the implications that go with it? Canon. The Jedi Council’s treatment of Anakin? Canon.
Exactly one Jedi made a big deal about Anakin being the Chosen One: Qui-Gon. That's it. The Jedi don't treat Anakin any different than any other member of their order.
This is patently false. His admission into the order was debated by the full council in front of him. That is extremely irregular. and even once he was admitted into the order he was at the level of Palawan at a young age and skipping the initiate phase. He grew up knowing that most of the council didn't want him there. Mace in particular made it pretty damn clear he didn't like Anakin.
We also know that Anakin was powerful beyond anything the Jedi had ever seen. it can be inferred that they would react more strongly to his emotional volatility than they do with other Jedi who aren't already seen as dangerous.
...I'm not sure what you expect the Jedi to do about that? Qui-Gon died, and Padme was a Queen who had to go back to her own planet.
Well they certainly could have handled it better than they did! Maybe it wasn't their fault but it was their responsibility to help him learn to properly cope. And it wasn't just that Padmé had to return to Naboo, Anakin literally wasn't allowed to be in communication with her, which I'm pretty sure was explicitly stated in Queen's Shadow.
That was a choice that Anakin made. Sidious didn't force his hand. Anakin made the decision that the chance of saving Padme - from a fate he didn't know for sure she'd experience! - was worth betraying the Jedi, worth murdering younglings, worth overthrowing the Republic and turning it into an Empire.
Now this. This is complicated. Because on a certain level you are correct. But he also wasn't in his right mind. He'd been fighting a war for months, hadn't slept in days, was being heavily manipulated, his entire support system was absent, and he was splitting all at the same time. and if you pay attention you'll notice that he resisted very very well. it was not easy for Palpatine to manipulate him into that situation. to even get Anakin to the point where he was mentally unstable enough to turn to the dark side took over TEN YEARS of manipulation. And after that it was actually the Jedi who played the ground work for him to continue making those choices after he became Vader. because the Jedi teach that once you fall theirs no going back, which is provably false but Anakin didn't know that. you may also notice that it didn't actually take much for Vader to return to the light side. Simply having one person believe in him was enough.
Addressing the bit about him not knowing for sure Padmé would die, I have to point out that even from Phantom Menace Anakin shows extreme reliability when predicting the near future. and he touted the dreams about his mother and as a result she died. If he'd responded to this vision just a few days, heck even hours, earlier Shmi could have survived.
That's why I call Anakin selfish and possessive. Because ultimately, he didn't care about Padme's feelings or opinions.
And this is where we come back to the BPD, which again is NOT a head canon but the opinion of multiple psychologists and people with BPD.
Anakin greatly values Padmé's feelings and opinions most of the time. to an unhealthy degree. to the point where his self-image is reliant on her opinion of him.
He was in the midst of a splitting episode. Here's a definition:
Splitting is a symptom of BPD. It occurs when a person sees everything as black or white, good or bad, or best or worst. Splitting is a defense mechanism people living with BPD use to deal with emotions (such as the fear of abandonment) that they cannot handle.
That's what was going on. He was unable to reconcile Padmé being against the side he'd chosen and thus could only see it as a betrayal. I also have to point out that he didn't actually choke her that hard or for that long. Her struggles weren't nearly as frantic as the could've been and later the medical droid made it clear that the was nothing physically wrong with her. There didn't even seem to be any bruising. Padmé shouldn't have died. And Anakin shouldn't have survived. And the Force can be used to drain life energy and transfer it to another person. Palpatine wanted Anakin alive and isolated, so killing Padmé to keep him alive would have been the perfect strategy. Anyway that's getting into theory territory so I digress. The Point is Anakin didn't choose to disregard Padmé or her beliefs, I don't even know if he was cognizant at all of Sidious's plans or what they meant. All he could really see was a black and white view of his side vs. the Jedi.
As for the unconditional love you say he needed? Padme did love him unconditionally.
Which is exactly why he was so desperate to protect her. Even beyond the fact that he loved her she was literally the only person who gave him what he needed. She was his entire support system. If the Jedi had supported him the way he needed things might have turned out differently. If he'd felt safe actually asking for help and being open about the details of the situation the Jedi might actually have been able to do something about it. But when he did go and ask for help he was chastised for caring and wanting to save someone from a possibly preventable death. Which is so messed up. Yoda didn't even press for details about the nature of the death to determine the risk of doing something. just claimed that sometimes the harder you fight the future the more likely it becomes or something. I don't see how Padmé potentially seeing a Jedi healer could have made things worse.
In conclusion the Jedi Order and its Council made a Buch of huge screw up when it came to raising Anakin and it ended up killing them and literally driving him insane. His mental health was their responsibility and they didn't just drop the ball, they threw it.
"no attachments" in SW literally just means "don't be selfish and possessive". that's it. that's all there is. doesn't mean jedi can't have friends and loved ones. they can. just. don't be possessive and selfish about it. don't murder thousands of people in an effort to save one.
#character analysis#anakin skywalker#star wars#star wars meta#bpd#mental illness in fiction#the jedi order#the jedi council
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What if Qui-Gon Jinn was not particularly special in his post-mortem abilities?
AKA “Old Ben” and his many Force parents.
They had all watched, their collective Force aura swamped in sadness, grief and longing, as Qui-Gon finally introduced himself to Obi-Wan.
They’d never call him ‘Old Ben’. The fact that he was only 40 years old notwithstanding, this was the boy they’d raised, grown up with, idolised. They remembered him toddling about the gardens, fascinated by the brightly coloured flowers; Getting shy around pretty people and developing awkward crushes. They remembered him standing alone at the head of an army, quietly confident and immeasurably capable. They had vivid memories of him carrying them back to the creche, so steady and strong; of his measured wisdom, and the confidence that Obi-Wan Kenobi would always triumph.
They remembered the mullet.
Nobody named “Old Ben” ever had a mullet.
The man they now, as they always had really, looked to for a light when everything else went dark.
They didn’t catch the murmured words. They were Jedi after all, (even if they were now technically one big Jedi rather than a temple full of Jedi) and eavesdropping was rude. Nobody listened to the sulky mutterings of the presence that was Quinlan Vos.
Their boy was nodding, sitting quietly on the floor whilst he finally, finally after weeks of careful and gentle persuasion, of them all keeping a tight rein on the order’s maverick (“Do not, we repeat do not, come out of the water tank. You’ll give him a cardiac arrest or something”) believed in the presence he saw before him.
They watched once more, pleased, as their missing piece allowed himself to be bullied to his feet, and guided over to the pile of blankets he called a bed.
They could feel Qui-Gon’s bitter relief as he perched next to his former student, his longing to pull the blankets up around his boy and smooth back his hair.
But words were all they had.
Still, as Obi-Wan Kenobi had shown the Galaxy; you could do a lot with words.
They’d argued (as much as an incorporeal fusion of spirits could argue) at length over who got to go next.
“I knew him longest, he’ll trust me!”
“He needs someone calm, measured. I will go”
“No offence Master Plo but you’ll make him cry. He needs cheering up, I’ll go!”
“Vos so help me Force-“
“I was the Master of the Order, I should do it”
“Master, we’re dead. I’m not sure seniority applies.”
In the end it was narrowed down to two options; Bant Erin, Obi-Wan’s oldest friend. Sweet natured and kind, she would be the perfect choice.
And Mace Windu.
It turns out seniority does still apply beyond the grave.
A small part of Obi-Wan’s subconscious was telling him that it was starting to get a bit awkward.
The transparent blue form of Mace Windu was looking down at him, the welcoming smile quickly turning into a grimace.
No. no no no this was not happening. He didn’t have time to go round the bend he had a child to protect!
He wasn’t sure if it was reasonable to measure sanity on the volume of dead loved ones he was hallucinating, but somehow one seemed saner than two.
Though it turns out he’s insane, and so not a good barometer of these things.
He knew his stare was starting to get very unnerving as his hysterical inner-ramblings reached a fever pitch.
“…Obi-Wan, are you alright?” Imaginary Mace Windu asked, concern and a tiny bit of nervousness showing on his face.
“I’m fine, how are you?” Obi-Wan asked, remembering a solid piece of advice from his formative years; Always fall back upon good manners when in unfamiliar territory Padawan mine.
Well, this was about as unfamiliar as it got.
Imaginary Mace looked at him, utterly baffled for a moment.
“Well…I’m dead, I suppose, is how I am” he answered awkwardly.
“Right. Obviously.” Obi-Wan nodded politely. “My condolences”
There was another awkward silence.
Imaginary Mace tilted his head for a moment, listening for something.
“Well…here I am” he said, spreading his arms a little.
The other Jedi frowned at Obi-Wan’s strained reply and his act of scrubbing his hands down his face as if to wipe away the image in front of him.
“Qui-Gon didn’t…didn’t mention we were coming?” he asked tentatively.
Obi-Wan shook his head, wordlessly.
The frown on Imaginary Mace turned into a complete scowl as the pieces seemed to fall into place.
“JINN” he bellowed, and Obi-Wan felt it echo in the Force like nothing before.
“He can’t hear you, he’s with Yoda”
Another figure popped into existence next to Mace, and Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes once again as Depa Billaba bowed to him.
“Obi-Wan” she greeted with a grin.
“…hi” He took a deep breath, mentally cursing his absent-minded Master.
“Are you alright?” Depa didn’t stop for a reply as she looked down with him and gestured at him, gently instructing him to get up from the floor. “Oh look you’ve scraped your knee there! Master I knew you’d startle him!” she scolded her former Master.
It felt like he was having an out of body experience as Depa ushered him into a chair (the only chair in the hut), Mace looking on anxiously.
“There we go” Depa soothed as she got him settled “I wish we could make you some tea my friend.” She said disappointedly.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
“You ah…you can’t?” he asked, something permeating the haze. Of this whole situation, that seemed by far the most unfair thing.
Mace smiled encouragingly, seemingly happier to be on more binary ground.
“I’m afraid not, we are beings of the Force, like your Master.” He explained, before scowling again. “Who, I would kill if he weren’t already dead,” he growled.
“I’m so sorry Obi-Wan” Depa said, dismayed “We all wanted to come and be with you, but we though Qui-Gon might be best to start with, so as not to overwhelm you”
“Sorry about that” Mace said apologetically.
They sat in silence a moment, Depa and Mace watching him process.
For the first time ever, Obi-Wan had exactly zero thoughts in his head.
He was starting to feel the pressure.
“All?” he tried.
Depa and Mace looked at each other.
“You ah…you said ‘all wanted to come’” he clarified.
Depa nodded happily.
“Yes yes, we’re all there Obi-Wan” she smiled at him
“Any Jedi slain by a Sith, or the machinations of the Sith, is there” Mace explained.
Obi-Wan was having the slightest bit of trouble taking deep breaths. Neither of his companions seemed to have noticed.
“Where?” he asked, only mildly aware that his voice was getting just a little pitchy.
“In the Force, we’re all one in the Force” Depa started again, and then paused a little lost for words.
“We’re all together and we kind of…share our presences” Mace picked up, with difficulty “Everyone who was killed by Palpatine’s evil, everyone from us right down to the littlest initiate, we share one consciousness in the Force.”
Obi-Wan was none the wiser.
Mace waved a hand frustratedly.
“Sorry, Plo explains it better”
“Plo?” Obi-Wan loved Master Plo. He loved all of them. And they were gone.
“Hello Obi-Wan”
“Well, if Plo and Depa get to see him I’m bloody well here too!”
“Hi Obi”
He could only watch, speechless, as the faces of old friends, comrades, mentors and carers crammed into his hut, all looking at him with unadulterated, unfiltered pleasure and love was the last thing he saw before his scrambled brain decided it’d had enough, and he knew nothing but darkness.
It turns out, living with the forms of all your dead teachers, carers and friends was actually rather trying, after a while.
“Oh thank goodness you’re not still drinking that awful caff”
“I like caff – Master Plo please don’t try and lift that”
“Relax Obi dear, we’re incorporeal”
“Can still see things though”
“Vos get out of my fresher!”
“What does this do?”
“Never you mind. No don’t – Ugh. Why don’t some nice, well behaved padawans ever come to see me?”
“They’re not allowed, only those who knew you personally can visit. We thought it might get a bit stressful otherwise.”
“…I can’t imagine.”
Aside from having to adapt his busy routine to accommodate half a dozen fidgety and curious…ghosts (?) poking around his small hut at any one time, another unexpected addition to his (attempted) isolation on Tatooine was the nagging. And Force could they nag! The concentrated worry of many, many, beings with nowhere else to direct their extra energies was powerful.
“Obi-Wan you haven’t drank enough today. Go and check the vaporators”
“Padawan aren’t you going to eat?”
“Listen, that plie of cloth can’t be good for your spine”
“Force! Get some sun block Kenobi or you’re going to look like an old shoe in three months”
“No right, I saw a sunhat he can buy at the market”
It was…weird. He’d always been very self-sufficient, not to mention being the centre of everyone’s attention was difficult, to say the least. But as the months went on, he found himself transitioning from awkward acquiescence to see-sawing between mulishness and good-natured obedience. The stubbornness rising usually when the despair did. But those days were few and far between.
And now, when they did occur (for one can only avoid one’s demons for so long) and he felt like he was drowning in the weight of existence, he could rely on his friends for encouragement, care, and the motivation to carry on.
“If you join us before your time I will KILL you Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now kriffing well eat something!”
Of course, when their brother, friend, son, comrade, teacher and last hope did at last join them, there was no nagging or disappointment (or violence). The ultimate Jedi was back in the fold and they were once again complete.
#And they're fussing#Obi-Wan Kenobi#mace windu#I See Dead Jedi#depa billaba#jedi order#fluff?#snippet of nothing
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The Sugar Baby Ben AU
The premise: Obi-Wan and Anakin from the end of ROTJ get sent back to the Jedi Temple during TPM. Obi-Wan is confused, Anakin is confused, Mace Windu is very confused, and Vokara Che is also very confused. (It’s fine, it’s not like anyone relies on the Jedi for their intelligence anyways.)
So what happens after they get where and who they are sorted out?
Anakin kills Sidious. He may be small, and blond, and just the cutest little kid, but he has several decades worth of fury directed at the man, and he’s still pretty much a Sith Lord (if a reformed one). It is very violent, and very worrying to anyone who sees it except for Obi-Wan. (In the absence of any convenient reactor shafts to toss the bitch down, Anakin resorts to a combination of lethal use of the Force and a blaster, just for good measure. They’re cleaning Sidious’s guts off his office carpet for years after the fact.)
Then, while the Jedi are trying to get a handle on the fact that (a) Sith exist, (b) time travel exists, and (c) the tiny adorable boy Qui-Gon Jinn brought back actually is horribly dangerous, Anakin runs off. He grabs his mother, slaughters a couple slavers indiscriminately, which Shmi feels obligated to chastise him for, even if she isn’t that horrified, and they go to Naboo.
To everyone but Obi-Wan’s surprise, Anakin lasts about two weeks on Naboo. A month or so later, the Jedi start hearing rumors about a small, dark-cloaked figure with a red lightsaber who leaves entire slave markets to burn. They don’t hear about the woman with him, who holds him back and calms his rage, who can stop her son when he needs to be stopped and hold him when he needs to be held. (Obi-Wan knows that she’s there anyways, and he sends her the number of a good therapist.)
So, what is Obi-Wan doing during all of this?
Short answer: scandalizing every jedi on coruscant
Slightly longer answer: scandalizing every jedi on coruscant by having ridiculous amounts of sex
Look at it from his perspective: he’s surrounded by that which he loves best, knows that the Republic isn’t doomed, and for the first time in twenty three years, he has a body— a twenty five year old body that looks exactly like a twenty five year old Ewan McGregor.
The thing is, while Obi-Wan looks like a twenty five year old Ewan McGregor (who is, if i may say, Peak Babie), he’s actually around sixty. This means that he’s not particularly attracted to any of the people his “age.” (Children, they’re all of them children. he’ll stop saying it when Vos stops acting like it.)
What does this mean?
Obi-Wan goes after milfs and dilfs and pilfs (parents id like to fuck) of ALL sorts. Ten legs and a tentacle? Amazing. Totally incompatible genitals? Time to get creative! Technically a plant? He can make it work.
(Credit to @nevertheless-moving for having the obi-wan milffucker idea. she is a genius.)
Thing is, he’s not really having to look that hard. Tons of people live on the upper levels. And you know what people on the upper levels are like? Rich. Very rich.
(It’s worth noting that not a single one believes him when he says he’s a Jedi. Everyone knows that Jedi are dignified. Ben Kenobi, the kid who’s fucking his way through Coruscant’s upper social strata, is not necessarily dignified.)
(It’s also worth noting that none of them tell him that they don’t believe it. Maybe it’s a sex thing, who cares. He’s hot enough that his weirdness is charming.)
(Obi-Wan knows they don’t believe him. He’s waiting for the perfect moment to do a triple backflip out the window while igniting his saber. He’s only going to get this chance once, after all.)
Cue all the rich milfs and dilfs and pilfs giving Obi-Wan tons of expensive gifts. And, alright, the first few are nice; it has been so long since he’s had a bath, let alone a bath bomb, and this one has— wait, is that solid gold? But his apartment is only so big.
Initially, he gives the gifts to whomever he can foist them off on. The problem with trying to foist solid gold bongs or jeweled cock rings or whatever off on jedi is that even though jedi aren’t technically ascetics, they’re still not that into pleasures of the flesh.
so Obi-Wan sells them on space ebay
(Another note: the people who check space ebay for scams flag obi-wan’s account multiple times, and every. single. time. he manages to prove that not only is he a real person, not only does he have the exact item he’s advertised, but that he is genuinely trying to get rid of his third diamond-encrusted collar of the week. the people at space ebay start asking if he’s got anything he wants to give them once a week. he always does.)
With the frankly obscene amount of money Obi-Wan is making off this operation, he decides to do a few things.
First and foremost: buy himself a nice stock of robes
Second: start pouring money into certain senators’ campaigns
Third: start buying and sending Anakin and Shmi gifts by way of guessing which Hutt they’re going to slaughter next and postmarking the box for Anakin and Shmi but sending it to the Hutt’s address
(Anakin is very touched. Shmi is very worried until she realizes that Obi-Wan is sending checks for Anakin’s therapy as well as hers in the gift baskets. Then she just enjoys them.)
So, on one end, you have Anakin and Shmi putting an end to brutal regimes on the Outer Rim, while bonding and going to therapy. On the other end, you have Obi-Wan funding every single political campaign that he has the mildest interest in while having incredible amounts of fantastic sex.
The Jedi are still confused, horrified, and a little bit angry— both at Anakin for being an Evil Murder Lord, and Obi-Wan for being so blasé about it
As it happens, one of Obi-Wan’s major interests is in decreasing the influence the Senate has on the Jedi. Unfortunately for the Jedi, this means less power.
One year to the day after Anakin and Obi-Wan go back in time, the Jedi Order officially establishes itself as an independent body, Anakin and Shmi finish installing their third democracy on a previously Hutt-owned world, and Obi-Wan is nearly assassinated, at which point he jumps out the window of the orgy he was just participating in, shirtless and brandishing a lightsaber. It becomes a national holiday.
The End.
(A final note: Obi-Wan tracks Maul down after a while, buys him a drink, and forces him into therapy. Maul starts leading whitewater rafting trips for money, and years later Obi-Wan runs into him again, shirtless and wet. They don’t sleep together, but it’s a close thing. After all, all’s well that ends well, and the galaxy is safe.)
#this is mildly not safe for work#in that i mention a sex toy or two and there's some swearing#but it's called a sugar baby au people what did you EXPECT#this is....#deeply ridiculous#enjoy#sugar baby ben au#star wars#star wars au#willow's aus#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker
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So your Star Wars au, what plot lines have you got, it could be from any of the smp, give me everything you had planned out in term of plot at least.
Alright, so the main plot lines I have fleshed out revolve around dsmp as I’ve had the most time to plan those? Under the keep reading I do have more Hermitcraft plot as well though pfjsjfjfj
Tommy is a Jedi initiate who almost doesn’t become a padawan, a story similar to Obi-Wan’s - he’s assigned to the AgriCorps once he’s past the age of mentorship. No master wants him, he’s far too emotionally charged, angry, has feelings he doesn’t understand how to properly deal with - many think he’s a ticking time bomb.
Sam comes back to the temple from an extended mission, and runs into Tommy just before he’s meant to get on the ship to his assignment, and sees a troubled kid with so much potential who just needs a little guidance but is refused out of fear from the order - he looks at Tommy and sees himself. So he names him as his padawan right then and there, and the rest is history.
Tubbo is Tommys best friend, they grew up together from crèche to initiates in the same clan, until Eret asked Tubbo to be his padawan learner. Tommy gets his assignment to AgriCorps, and Tubbo is who he goes to straight away - Tubbo comforts him and makes a grand plan of running away together and becoming the greatest space pirates to have ever plundered the galaxy. It’s a fun thought, but Tubbo entirely means it - he’s got a bag packed and ready so he can stow away on Tommys ship, and surely the two of them could figure it out from there.
Wilbur is a senator from some planet that’s barely in the mid rim, famous for being the leader of the revolution that toppled the previous monarchy of the planet. He’s a smooth talker and knows how to make a speech, and can be absolutely infuriating to work with, but he’s not a bad guy. He does his senatorial work, he volunteers his planets resources when he can, he works on establishing a proper infrastructure for refugees - especially and specifically for those who were previously slaves. When the clone wars comes around, he’s one of the loudest in the senate about bills for clones rights as sentient rights.
He’s got an ego and a temper, but he’s not an idiot. The political climate is pretty much the same as it is in Star Wars canon - a republic succumbing to corruption, greed, and malicious workings from the few in charge who siphon more power until they have total control. He’s never liked Emperor Dream, he’s never been a fan of the republic as a system, but he isn’t pushed to work outside of the laws to fix things until the death of the Jedi and the birth of the Empire.
He’s started a revolution before, led a rebellion from the ground up - he can certainly do it again.
Now the real plot, the big I have drafts for chapters of this fic plot, starts after order 66. Tommy thinks everyone is dead and he’s barely survived, only to find out Tubbo is alive through the force, but hurt and in need of rescue. Wilbur starts sparks of the rebellion in the heart of the Senate, doing what he can with subtlety and spreading the fire to what people he can. Eret, who was the one who betrayed the Jedi Order, realizes what they’ve done and leaves, coming to terms with the effects of their betrayal and doing what they can to fix it.
Dream is the Emperor, and is having a grand time consolidating his power and controlling the galaxy. Quackity runs Las Nevadas (of course) someplace in the outer rim, taking in Sapnap and Karl (who are both jedi) and acting as best as he can as a neutral ground.
Technoblade is a Mandalorian, specifically a True Mandalorian, comparable in Star Wars canon to Jaster Mereel in terms of Mandalorian beliefs. One of the only survivors from Galidraan, he joins Death Watch and seeks bounties to make a living, and comes to his own realizations about Death Watch maybe a little too late.
Ranboo? He’s just a nobody, from nowhere, who helps Tommy and Tubbo when they crash near his home on some backwater planet after Tommy rescues Tubbo. He helps them fix their ship and in return he joins them, finally stepping off solid ground and seeing the stars for the first time. He’s somehow the most force sensitive bastard ever, of all time, and just doesn’t realize it.
(Dream does. Dream also has an eye on Tommy as a surviving jedi padawan with a checkered history - either way, he’s looking for an apprentice of his own)
Philza and Sneeg are partners in crime, whatever that crime may be. Hitmen, mercenaries, smugglers, whatever hat the job calls for they wear it. Their ship isn’t anything impressive, but Phil’s talent as a pilot more than makes up for it - Sneeg’s skill on the turrets picks up whatever slack is left from there. It’s not too long before they join the rebellion themselves - they may not have hearts of gold, but working under Empire conditions is just not worth it, and hey, maybe they can find a little more help with their own troubles with the Pyke’s.
Niki and Jack are Jedi as well, Niki with an excellent connection to the living force, while Jack has connection to the Cosmic force. By all rights he should be dead, shot fatally during order 66 and dragged away by Niki - but he’s not, and his connection to the force has been fractured ever since. Niki as well has trouble seeing the light, during what feels like the end of all things.
All the OG L’Manberg crew were close before, including Wilbur. Jack worked mostly in the senate, with a bit of an interest in politics, but mostly used as an overqualified bodyguard for senatorial escorts. He worked most often with Senator Soot. Niki is close to Jack, Eret is close to Niki, and the rest of the connections are obvious from there.
Of course there’s a teary reunion, years down the road somewhere in a rebellion base. A day where even the general can take it easy, where the rebels can drink and dance and have a moment of hope and joy and love, making everything worth it.
Along the lines of order 66, and onto some hermitcraft folks, Etho is a mechanic on Coruscant when it all goes down. He’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe in the right, and helps save some Jedi.
Now far before order 66, even a while before Sam meets Tommy, Grian is taken in by the jedi order. He’s an amnesiac with far too much skill with the force to be turned away, not that it was easy for the council to decide. Scar fights tooth and nail for that decision to be made, having been the one to rescue Grian.
Grians memories come back fractured, cracked, through confusing dreams and visions of things he should recognize. He was involved in a mysterious and ominous force cult, the Watchers, who were obsessed with the omniscient powers the force could bring. Seeing what is, what has been, what will be, and always hungry for more.
He’s often struck with visions, sometimes helpful, sometimes not, often debilitating until he can unlearn the way the watchers taught him to seek them out rather than building shields to avoid constant connection to the force. Until then, he has to piece together his visions to figure out just what he used to be, and how to stop what they’re planning next.
This leads him and Scar to quite the adventure, along with Ren - a spacer who will take anyone anywhere if they’ve got the credits. He used to be a king on his home planet, until his kingdom was overthrown and he had to flee. Now he’s constantly on the move, making money where he can, and learning that there’s more to the galaxy then both nobility and war.
Xisuma is a senatorial aid for some Senator in the republic - for who, what planet, is inconsequential. What does matter is what he overhears one day, whispers of a nefarious plot that he clearly was never meant to witness. Plans on getting Senator Dream elected Chancellor, murmurs of dissent and planets wanting to secede, political plots that he’s far over his head in dealing with.
Cub and Mumbo are top scientists, well renowned and respected in the republic, with top level clearance for all the latest projects. They work on prototype weapons and defenses especially, while their colleague Zedaph works more on the biology side of things. He’s taken on to a top secret project, picked back up by Chancellor Dream when he takes office, and really cannot talk about it - and Cub and Mumbo grow very concerned at their own work, and the way Zedaph seems to disappear.
Doc has long since quit his scientific work for the republic, instead using his technical know how to find work in the outer rim, making money for taking odd jobs offered by questionable people and then doing what he can for the less fortunate. He’s less than pleased when he starts getting tracked down by the republic to work for them again, personally asked for by the chancellor. Whatever nonsense they want him for, he’s certain it’s some level of unethical, and wants no part of it.
There’s of course more, but these are the most major plot involved characters as of now. Pix has another large chunk of plot that I’m currently fleshing out as well. They all survive order 66, they all play some sort of role afterwards.
The main story’s theme is quite a few different things. A lot of discussion of what the jedi order should have been as opposed to what they were. About emotional regulation and feeling your feelings instead of blocking it all away. A lot of politics and commentary on it, a lot about fascism and how it rises. How to live with grief and to continue even after it feels like the end of everything. How hope is always there so long as there is life, and what that means for different people.
If not happy endings, then hopeful endings. And found family of course.
#this is. still just barebones hfjsjfjejr sos#if you want more specifics on anyone don’t hesitate to ask! for literally any mcyt#combining hyperfix with special interest means I will write easily over 100k for just part of this#thank you for the ask anon!!!!!#star wars au#sw#mcyt#dsmp#last life#hermitcraft#evo smp#i won’t tag empires because there’s barely mention of them. but they’re in this au#anon ask#z speaks
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My Top 5 Worst Shows of 2022
What's going on everyone? It's Dan here and were nearing the end of 2022 so much like every other degenerate online, I'll be giving my Top 5 lists. Starting off the list, I'll be giving My Top 5 worst shows of 2022 list!
Keep in mind, this is all subjective and just my opinion on what I've seen this year. There will be shows on this list you agree or disagree with and that's okay! are we clear on that? good. Let's begin.
Number 5 is going to the limited Netflix series, DAHMER. (6/10)
Now right off the bat, I'm sure I'll catch major flack for putting a show like DAHMER on this list because it was actually quite popular for a fat minute. My real gripe with this show is because it's a piece of entertainment based around a real killer. I don't have problems with adaptations based on true events or people, but when it comes to basing them off tragedies or killers, I get real mixed on the subject. I feel as long as its done tastefully then it's fine, but with Dahmer it feels like the series glorifies him to an unhealthy degree and makes Jeffery Dahmer (at least in the show) likeable. It's similar to when Zac Efron portrayed Ted Bundy a couple years back and people found Bundy to be a charismatic and likeable guy despite that he was a real monster much like Dahmer. Now you can argue this is thanks for Evan Peters portrayal which I'll admit is pretty well done, but even so, it feels like the show and its story is making light of the events that took place especially when they exaggerate or alter details for the sake of the story. The show itself is alright, like I said Peters did a great job but the show itself is....meh. The show overall I'd give it a 6/10, but the events and person it was based off of leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth and feels that it altered more than it should have for the sake of entertainment.
Number 4 is going to another limited series that's on Disney Plus, Kenobi (5.5/10)
This show I had high hopes for and something everyone has been waiting for, An Obi-Wan Kenobi movie or series on his exile on Tattooine watching over a young Luke, but it turned out to be a real disappointment. Now I already reviewed the show back in the summer and gave it a 5.5/10 so if you want a full in-depth on why I dislike it go check that out. To summarize what I initially said, The show is basically pointless filler in my eyes. It doesn't really add anything to the story of Star Wars and we got glorified fighting scenes between Kenobi and Darth Vader which I felt wasn't necessary, they didn't need to meet. Another reason was the characters were all weak, the main bad guy or gal in this case was just poorly written and felt like her actress was just being over the top. Plus the Inquisitor was thought to be killed off so easily and this caused outrage in the fandom since he's a big player in Star Wars: Rebels. The shows saving grace was when they brought in the writer from WALL.E (I'm serious) for the last two episodes and it managed to salvage the series and actually make it entertaining, make the characters sympathetic and bringing the Inquisitor back to life. The show was just a huge mess, even worse than Book of Boba Fett. It is a real shame because I wanted to like the show, it had it's moments where there was something that could have been great if it was handled better. Unfortunately this is what we ended up with and it was a real disappointment.
Number 3 has to go to the Disney Plus original series, She-Hulk (5/10)
Now this is a show I knew was gonna be met with heavy dislike and major debate. I had no faith in this show and when I watched a few episodes...it further reinforced those feelings. To be fair, the She-hulk show concept could work well but the way it was executed here was just awful. It's no secret that the MCU has treated the Hulk like a complete side character throughout most the MCU's run in cinema and I find that to be a serious injustice since the Hulk is my favorite Marvel character (yes even more than Spider-Man though he is a close second). I honestly hate how they've treated him in every phase after the original Avengers movie and I thought with the She-Hulk series they'd at least give him some kind of reparation for it as this wise mentor since he's professor Hulk now. But NOPE! Jennifer just complains, telling him how she's gone through far worse than him and talks down on him writing off his struggles as nothing. That's what initially made her so unlikeable in the first place, she has this sense of entitlement and just because she's a woman it means her problems are always worse than Bruce's issues. Keep in mind Bruce has struggled with a dual personality he was unable to control for the longest time and even attempted suicide at one point where as Jennifer has mentally more control than he did so it just makes her character unlikeable. In the comics and other shows she's portrayed to be a real charmer and someone who is easy going but in this show, she's entitled, mean-spirited and shameless (in a bad way). I know this is meant to appeal to a more adult demographic since there's sex (Disney's closest thing to that), Twerking, and profanity. All of those could work for a She-Hulk show, but the writing and lackluster CGI/VFX (she literally looks like that one scene in Click where Adam Sandler's character makes himself look like the hulk) is what truly holds it back. It has it's moments with neat Easter eggs and Cameo's like Abomination from the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie, but it's not enough to save the show and all that I've said makes it a chore to watch than entertainment.
Number 2 goes to the infamous Halo TV show on Paramount Plus. (4.5/10)
My god I don't even know where to begin with this one....For starters one of the producers Steven Kane would go on saying that they didn't play or look at the games the show was based off of. Secondly, They ruined Master Chiefs character by having him remove his helmet in the first episode which is something he would have never done in the games, third it's just space drama when there's no covenant fighting, I could go on and on. I already review this show so if you wanna see that go ahead but yeah this show was just doomed to fail. I don't understand why they bother making adaptations of beloved video game franchises and give it to people who seem to hate video games and make it so generic and almost nowhere near what its based off of. Yeah they said that this is non-canon, but that's still no excuse to make a Halo Show and make it this terribly. Companies always do this where they make a generic show and slap a beloved IP just so people will watch it. They did this as well with the resident evil show on Netflix (which I've seen clips of and will not watch it ever). It's a generic zombie show and they slap the Resident Evil name on it just so it could generate some views. We've seen with things like Arcane, The Witcher, Cyberpunk, Cuphead, and Sonic that prove you can adapt video games into a great show or movie as long as you have the right team behind it and stay loyal to the source material while also making it your own. It's been proven yet there are still shows like Halo that refuse to give any effort into it or hand it off to the right team. The Halo show was hard to watch, the only episodes I genuinely liked were the first and last episodes because they were action packed battles between the Spartans and the Covenant, everything in between was just space drama. Unfortunately, the shows budget was limited so they couldn't give us a lot of the covenant, that's why their appearances were limited. Also I hate Kwan Ha (not her actress) she is the worst character in this god forsaken show and is baby sat by Soren who I felt was the best character in the show. I initially gave this show a 4.5/10 but I honestly regret that score now I felt it should have been far lower.
And now for the number 1 spot! The Worst Show of 2022 goes to....
Number 1 goes to Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder on Paramount Plus (1/10)
I've mentioned what has held back a lot of the shows on this list, whether it be bad writing, bad acting, low budget, horrible VFX and CGI, decent concept but poor execution, poor adaptation of a beloved property and even controversy because of real people. I've mentioned how all these shows have one, maybe two of these qualities...well this show has ALL OF THAT!
I know I gave my review of this show back in April, but I don't think I fully expressed all my reasons so I'll try to get it all out in this. First off, the concept of this show is just awful. This live action and animation hybrid idea can work if done with proper care but this show half hazardly puts it together with the smallest budget known to man like literal peanuts flicked at the production. The OG Fairly OddParents was done completely in animation which is far better because you're not limited thanks to animation being a far more flexible medium. The animation is so cheaply done and clunky like I've seen better flash animations from 2005 than what I'm seeing here in 2022 how is that even possible!? The characters are all weak like I do not like any of the main cast aside from Cosmo, Wanda, Jorgen, and Mr. Crocker only because they got the OG voice actors back for their roles and even Mr. Crocker's Voice actor actually got to play him both in live action and animated which I think was awesome but that's about the only positive thing I can say. The settings are so repetitive and uncreative, they literally use the same settings and just redecorate them slightly to be somewhat different. The writing is just poorly done and the acting is all phoned in like good god no one was having a good time. The VFX and CGI are done poorly due to the low budget like this is stuff I can make with a green screen, photo shop and my art tablet. But the worst part about this show is the man behind it, Butch Hartman. He was the creator of Fairly OddParents and was one of the best animators in the industry back in the 2000's and even early 2010's. He was truly one of the best but along the way he got greedy and arrogant. He had that Oaxis Kickstarter, he's been accused of plagiarizing art and commissioning it, and he's just become a real unhinged Jerk if I'm gonna be honest. He agreed to bring back the fairies and he did a shit job at it. It's clear he had no real passion or drive to make this show successful...it's just a shameless cash grab and a phoned in check for himself. It's a real fall from grace story here. Normally a series like the Powerpuff Girls or MLP are ruined because the networks take it upon themselves to squeeze every dime out of the existing property when the original creator departs from the show. Here, Butch comes back but just doesn't care about his IP enough to make it good, he only cares about money and this show has nothing to offer. This show is just a hollow shell of its former self and that's why I feel Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder is the worst show to come out in 2022 and possibly of all time.
There you have it folks! the worst shows of 2022 according to me! how many of you have I upset? How many of you agree with me? let me know! I'll be posting the Top 5 Best shows along with the Top 5 Best/Worst movies of 2022 and I'll post those throughout the week.
See ya!
#dans den#top 5 list#worst shows#2022#reviews#dahmer series#kenobi series#she hulk#halo series#fairly oddparents fairly odder
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Cody shifted as General Kenobi gestured to the holo-map, a frown accompanying the crease in-between his eyebrows. The general was discussing tactics and strategies with the dreadful Wilffur Tarkin, and the two were debating over the better battle plan.
(It was arguing really, one-sided as it was.)
‘Well’ Cody mused. ‘Which strategy will allow more Vod’e to walk away alive.’
Tarkin was infamous in the GAR, ruthless in all his plans, and he certainly didn’t care about how many brothers died, and if all of them died but the battle was won, all those deaths were overlooked by everyone.
Except the Jedi.
The Jedi treated them like people, sentient beings with thoughts and feeling, not flesh droids. Called them by their names rather than their numbers, mourned them and loved them.
And Cody’s general, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Negotiator, was the best of them all.
Tarkins’ oily voice was cold and snide as he leered at Kenobi through the hologram.
“Well, General Kenobi” He spat out their Jedi’s title, which evidently didn’t go unnoticed, if nearly every brother on the bridge bristling in offense was any indication. “It seems that we are yet to meet at a compromise, I shall call at a later date to discuss this again.” With a harsh flick the call was cut.
Under his bucket Cody frowned. He hated the way Tarkin talked or looked at his Jedi. Obi-wan had turned around, a scowl in place of his normal charming smile, and Cody longed to run his thumb over those soft pink lips and kiss them sweetly.
The sudden beeping of the comms nearly made Cody jump. Nearly. Though judging by Waxer and Boils snickering, his brothers still noticed. Fuck.
“Kenobi?” Helixes’ drawl trickled through. “The Jedi healers arrived sir.”
Obi-wan nodded, even if Helix couldn’t see it. “Bring them to the bridge, thank you Helix.” Cody sighed internally, whether it was from relief or anticipation, he wasn’t sure yet. The senate had finally caved and ordered for a Jedi healer to be stationed with major and heavy-hitting battalions to assist and to make sure that those Jedi didn’t get themselves killed or captured as more and more cases of force exhaustion and force coma’s quickly rose among the Jedi.
Cody could still remember Pond’s terrified voice trickling through their comms, his breathing laboured and speech borderline hysterical. Sobbing about how during one of Windu’s worse bouts of force exhaustion and headaches, caused by there being too many shatterpoints had left them vulnerable.
Ponds was clutching his generals lightsaber in both fists, hands trembling and obviously trying to not think about what Dooku and Ventress could’ve been doing to his riduur, and he had refused to let go of the lightsaber until they had finally located and retrieved Windu two months later, the master of the order in a force induced coma and still temple bound.
Cody repressed a shudder. The sheer brokenness in Ponds eyes as he stared at the Korrun’s battered body floating lifelessly in the bacta tank, then later spending every day religiously by his side while holding his hand gently, not caring of the days going by as he sat his protective vigil by the comatose Jedi’s side.
Cody pursed his lips. It’s probably for the better.
Obi-wan’s expression morphed into slight confusion, even if it’ was only a slight narrowing of the eyes.
Cody removed his bucket to rest it on his hip and opened his mouth. “Sir?” He was going to say more, but he was cut off by the door to the bridge opening and a scream of “OBI!” echoing in the room. A blur of cream and blue robes and pinkish red skin rushing past him which quickly turned into a hug like tackle, the blur turning out to be a red-pink Calamari woman in a combined set of cream and blue robes, her shout having quickly drawn the attention of everyone on the bridge.
Obi-wan had looked up at the shout, surprise then joy spreading across is face as the calamari latched onto him like a barnacle from Kamino’s oceans.
Cody felt his eyebrows rise, in curiosity, and when Obi-wan hugged the vibrating stranger back just as tightly, he was pretty sure they were going to fly off his head.
Obi-wan smiled warmly, and for one in a long time, it met his eyes.
“Bant! I didn’t expect you to be assigned to u!”
Head against Obi-wan’s chest, the side of the temple where ears on a human would be rested right over his hears. Crys cleared his throat.
“I’m going to guess that you two know each other?”
Obi-wan gave a rare, but blindingly radiant smile. The two shifted so his and Bant’s arms were wrapped around each other’s shoulders a position Cody was familiar with. It was one of kinship and a way to acknowledge siblings.
Bant giggled. “Obi’s my Clanmate and brother in everything but blood.” Cody blinked.
“Clanmate..?” He ventured. “Is that like the vode’s batchmates?”
For a ridiculous moment Cody thought that would’ve been confused about the concept of batchmates, but her large eyes sparkled and she smiled.
“Exactly! There’s a few differences obviously, but the concept is same!”
Cody gave a small smile at the praise, ignoring Cry’s imploring look.
Suddenly Obi-wan straightened. “Everyone, this is Bant Eerin, she’ll be serving alongside our medics for an unprecedented amount of time.” A shiny whose name Cody has yet to learn raised their hand.
Obi-wan nodded at the shiny. “Yes..?” the prompt for their name went unsaid. They shifted on the spot. “Ace sir.” He tapped his fingers against his yet to be painted armour. “If you don’t mind me asking, but what’s different about clanmates?”
Bant smiled. “Great question Ace! Clanmates are like a Jedi initiates family until they are picked by a master, and then they join that lineage’s family.”
She bumped her shoulder against Obi-wan’s with a small grin. “It’s up to an individual whether or not they still consider their clanmates family or not.”
She fiddled with a necklace, the rope and pendant barely noticeable under her robes. “Sometimes a Jedi will switch masters, whether because they requested a change or something happens to the master, then you will be considered apart of two different lineages.”
Obi-wan grinned and nodded. “Does that answer your questions Ace?”
The clone nodded bashfully, a small smile and a soft blush making its way onto his face.
Crys leaned against a console with his arms crossed, but swiftly raised a hand. Obi-wan nodded over at him. “Yes Crys?”
Crys stared at the two Jedi with thinly veiled curiosity, and on the excited shifting from the rest of the Vod’e, they were just as excited to learn.
“What did General Eerin mean by if a Jetti shiny requests a new master?” They all knew what ‘if something happened to the master’ meant. Too incapacitated to teach and raise, or dead.
Bant’s eyes grew sad, while Obi-wan closed his eyes. “If,” Bant began, a mix of grief and anger swirling in her eyes. “-A padawan requests a new master, an investigation is launched immediately for why they want a change.”
Obi-wan took over. “There has been only a few cases of abuse, but they still exist, some instances a master had declining physical or mental health. And both have agreed that it would be safer and more beneficial for both to part ways.”
Obi-wan grew quiet. “And there has only been a handful of time where the master has fallen to the darkside.”
The bridge grew quiet at that. Cody hadn’t seen a Jedi that had fallen outside of Dooku, but he’s heard stories, tales of how they became a shell of their former selves. He shuddered at the idea of an ad’ika happened to be with them…
And Cody dreaded the idea of his general falling. Pale skin splashed with the blood of innocents, Jedi and Vod’e alike, warm blue-green eyes taken over by a cold, molten gold that boiled with rage and hate. His blue lightsaber, usually a blazing symbol of hope and safety, instead replaced with red, a symbol of fear and darkness.
Cody let out a breath. He and the rest f his brothers would rather be cut down or eat their own blasters than fight against their general.
“-Ways Bant, do you need any directions or do you want to go straight to the med-bay?”
Cody jerked out of his head, eternally grateful that he had put his bucket back on.
Bant and Obi-Wan had turned to face each other. Bant smirked. “Are you saying you’re willing to go to med-bay with me?” The bridges occupants collectively held their breaths.
Bant hummed. “Sixty-six seconds Obi, better start running.” Cody watched in amusement as a few clones cheered or yelled out “go general!” as he dashed down the hall, and Cody managed to catch a glimpse of Obi-Wan kicking a vent covering open and leaping into the vents just as the covering fell back into place.
Sixty-six seconds later and Bant stood from where she was sitting and cleared her throat. “Alright, boys!”
She grinned. “Who wants to help me hunt down a rogue patient?”
Cody grinned as Crossbones cheered from his spot next to Crys.
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Ooo these look fun. 16 for hurt Obi-wan and caretaker of your choice? 👀
Of course, @coalmine301! Thanks so much for the prompt!
From these caretaker dialogue prompts: 16. "I've got you."
Ahsoka didn't recognize him at first. He was curled in the corner of the room, flinching away as the bright lights of the hallway flooded into the dark space. His limp hair curled long over his shadowed face. He kept his arms and legs drawn close to his emaciated body, like he could somehow shield himself from whatever was entering.
"Hey, buddy," Ahsoka said, extinguishing her lightsaber. She didn't need it anymore after having used it to cut into the cell, it wasn't as if this man was in any shape to attack her. "Don't hurt me, okay? Come with me if you want to get out of here."
Dumb thing to say. Of course he wanted to get out of here. She didn't know why Vader had kept him in a cell in his personal quarters, but it couldn't have been for anything good, and clearly the man was being severely mistreated.
He raised his head hesitantly. "...Ahsoka?"
Ahsoka drew back, startled. "You know me?" She'd been doing a pretty good job at keeping a very low profile since the Empire rose to power, doing her best work helping the flourishing rebellion from the shadows. Why would this man know her, instantly?
"Of course," the man croaked. "It would take a lot more than this to make me forget the sound of my grandpadawan's voice."
Ahsoka gaped, staring more closely at the man. "Master Obi-Wan?"
He chuckled weakly. "I don't know if I'm a Master of anything anymore, but yes."
She rushed closer, letting the light flood in behind her. It illuminated the room a bit more, allowing his face to be more visible. Now she could tell that -- yes, behind the grime and pale skin, it was Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Master Kenobi!" she said, kneeling before him. "You're dead!"
He arched an eyebrow. "Oh? That would be news to me."
Even though he was clearly too weak to even stand on his own, Ahsoka had to push down a smile. This was the Master Obi-Wan she remembered. The one she -- and everyone else -- had thought died on Mustafar.
"C'mon, we have to get you out of here," she said, carefully drawing his arm over her shoulders and standing up. He tried to get his legs under him, but they just wouldn't support him. That was alright. Ahsoka just scooped him up, arm under knees. He felt like he barely weighed anything at all.
"No!" Obi-Wan suddenly cried, clutching to Ahsoka. "Vader! He's -- he's -- you have to --"
"It's alright!" Ahsoka soothed, jogging through the corridors of the ship and doing her best not to jostle the man in her arms too much. Who knew what sort of injuries he could be hiding? "We've got him distracted, we sent him on a wild bantha chase planetside."
"Vader..." Obi-Wan said again, grief staining his face briefly. "He's... It's Anakin."
"I know," Ahsoka replied, heart cracking in two before she shoved the feelings down. Of course she knew, it wasn't exactly as if there was anything hiding his face when he went out and slaughtered civilians who were uprising against the Empire, or Jedi who had managed to escape the initial purge. But Obi-Wan had presumably been kept away from the rest of the galaxy for all the time; maybe he didn't know how the stories of Vader had spread, how Palpatine used the legend of Anakin Skywalker to further his cause.
Or maybe Obi-Wan was just slightly delirious. He couldn't seem to keep his head up on his own, Ahsoka noticed.
"We just have to get you off this ship and then it'll be alright," she said, pausing in the middle of an intersection, trying to remember which way she had came. She chose left and continued making her way quickly through the ship.
"Who's 'we'?" Obi-Wan mumbled.
"Some members of the rebellion," Ahsoka replied. "No one you'd know, except..." She paused. "Rex. And Cody."
Obi-Wan startled at that, and it took Ahsoka a second to remember that the last memory her grandmaster probably had of Cody was of Order 66. And she knew for a fact that clones were among the troopers stationed on the ship, meaning there was a good chance they'd participated or at least been complicit in Obi-Wan's torture.
But that was for another day, another hour. Right now, they had to get Obi-Wan away.
"It'll be okay," she said, finally reaching the hanger and spotting her ship. "I've got you."
Thanks for reading! Requests are open! Requests are currently closed!
#in case it wasn't clear this is an AU in which Anakin won on Mustafar and took Obi-Wan prisoner#hence suitless Vader#and the rebellion and Yoda and everyone assumes Obi-Wan died there but really Anakin's just kept him for all these years#oh also Ahsoka and Rex rescued Cody pretty early on#this one is already begging me to be expanded upon on AO3#someday...#thanks for the prompt I had a lot of fun!!#obi-wan kenobi#ahsoka tano#post-rots au#my writing#prompt fills
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If you're up up to it, how about obikin and 42?
yes!!! Prompt 42 is Star-Crossed Lovers, but star-crossed lovers are soooooo out now. 'Crossed the stars to be lovers' is IN, baby!!
Someone has left a letter on his bunk. Obi-Wan as a rule doesn’t get letters. Actually, as a rule, Obi-Wan has never wanted to receive a letter in his entire life. They all have datapads for a reason, and it’s because they’ve evolved past the need for flimsi and ink when there are means at their disposal to deliver messages near instantly.
So no, Obi-Wan has never wanted to see a letter sitting on his bunk. He finds the whole thing rather trying, actually, the Flimsi Friends program the Jedi Order established fifty standard years ago in an attempt to connect their Jedi with others across the branches through letters. Obi-Wan had scorned the idea as an Initiate living comfortably in the Temple on Coruscant, and his opinion hadn’t really changed once he began his tenure at the AgriCorps.
Kabre notices before anyone else. “Oh, hey! Obi-Wan’s got a letter.”
“Finally,” Aldran grins, craning his neck from where he’s collapsed on his bunk. “We only signed you up months ago.”
“Really, you shouldn’t have,” Obi-Wan says. “Really.”
“Oh, come now, little Obi,” Kabre pats him on the head. Obi-Wan is twenty-five and of a perfectly average height, but Kabre is close to three heads taller than him and of an indeterminable age. “Think of it as an opportunity to strengthen your connection to the living Force.”
“Through the Flimsi Friends program,” Obi-Wan deadpans, raising an eyebrow up at his peer.
“Getting letters from Susa is the highlight of my week,” Aldran tells the ceiling dreamily.
Obi-Wan shares a commiserating eyeroll with Kabre. “That’s because you’re in love with her.”
“Who wouldn’t be? She’s so sweet and kind and pretty and she has all these stories from her adventures in the ExploraCorps--”
“Alright, who got him talking about Susa?” Lathrum asks from the door, sighing in exasperation as he makes his way over to his own bunk. “It’ll be a standard day before he’s done.”
“Hey!” Aldran gasps, offended and already close to sulking. “Whatever. Fine. Everyone’s just jealous that Susa and I are in love because y’all are never going to find something nearly as good as we have.”
“Obi-Wan finally got a letter from the program,” Kabre announces to Lathrum. “We were just saying that he should at least try to be excited.”
“Yes, perhaps you’ll meet your own Susa,” Lathrum smirks, peeling off his dirt-covered tunic. His next words come out muffled. “Force help us if that happens.”
“No need to worry,” Obi-Wan says dryly, picking up the letter and studying it. “They appear to be a youngling.”
“A youngling wrote you?” Kabre asks, barely restrained glee in his deep baritone.
Aldran guffaws from his bunk. “Well now you have to write back!”
“Knowing your luck, it’s probably a youngling from the Jedi Temple,” Lathrum says. “Dear Obi-Wan, Today someone chose me to be their Padawan and I’m one step closer to being a Jedi Knight. How are your plants doing?”
“Yes, alright,” Obi-Wan shakes his head, smiling slightly. He had met Lathrum when he was fourteen and still bitterly disappointed about his new position at the AgriCorps, and Lathrum has never let him forget it even after all these years.
He sits down on his mattress and pulls out the letter. It’s short at least. The handwriting is atrocious but the spelling is worse.
Dear Obi-Wan,
Hi! My name is Anakin Skywalker. I am nine years old. How are you doing today? My master says I have to write this to practice my spelling. I think not everyone can learn Basic, but he says I have to and that all Jedi masters know how. I didn’t ever know there was all this stuff I have to do to be a Jedi. I’ve been here for weeks now and I still don’t have my lightsaber!
I think the temple is really weird. It’s so big and cold. I miss my friends back home. Me and Kitster would go crazy exploring this place but no one here wants to play with me. Master Jinn says not to worry and I’m not! The temple is just really big and I’m cold all the time and I miss my mom. Master Jinn found me on Tatooine and took me here to make me a Jedi which is great, but everyone here already knows each other and I don’t think they like me much. I know the Jedi Council doesn’t. They didn’t even want to train me but Master Jinn inzi--incis--said he would.
Do you want to be friends?
Would you explore the temple with me?
Write back soon please,
“Well?” Kabre asks, when Obi-Wan finishes silently reading the letter.
Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand over the jagged penmanship. It’s all too obvious that this Anakin Skywalker is...painfully young, churlish and childish and achingly lonely.
Obi-Wan sighs again, harder, as he looks up at his bunkmates. “Where do we keep the blasted flimsi?”
Dear Anakin,
Thank you for your letter, it was very nice to read. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I’m 25 years old. I hope you are settling in at the Temple better by the time this letter finds you. I have to admit I was very surprised to hear that you are nine years old and have been allowed to train to be a Jedi. That’s unheard of. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent Jedi. There must have been a reason your master chose you. The Force wills it and it will be.
It is understandable to miss your mother and your old home. When I became a member of the AgriCorps, I spent the first few months missing the Jedi temple on Coruscant a lot. It was the only home I ever had. But we make others as we go. The Temple is big and I suppose very cold compared to a desert planet--I looked up Tatooine here and there wasn’t much information, but I could never live somewhere with two suns! I’d be burned to a crisp in a matter of hours.
The upside to the Temple being big is that there are a lot of hiding spots and footholds for climbing. Try the pillars in the entrance hall. They connect to each other. My friends and I would run around on top of them for hours, although I think that was mostly because we were too scared to get down. You should ask Knight Eerin about it, or Knight Vos. They’re usually in the Mess Hall if not the Halls of Healing.
I’m sure Master Jinn has you busy with meditation and classes, but I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dear Obi-Wan,
I was really excited to get your letter! I didn’t know it would take so long but it’s been ages! So much stuff has happened. I finally finished my remedial classes and Master says we can focus more time of katas now! I can’t wait to learn how to fight! And Master Windu smiled at me the other day when he saw me in the hall because Master told him about my grades!
I asked Knight Eerin about you and she showed me some pictures she had on her datapad of you when you lived at the Temple. You look really pretty cool! I have blond hair and blue eyes if you were wondering. My mom always said she thought I was going to be really tall. What do you look like now? What do you do at the AgriCorps? Why did you leave the Temple? Knight Eerin says you need to give her a comm call soon. She didn’t sound very happy.
I made a friend! Knight Vos’ padawan was there when I talked to him about what you told me, and she came with me to go exploring! She’s so cool. She’s been helping me with my katas too.
Apparently I won’t get my lightsaber for years! That’s so long!
Anyway I have to go and do my reading now but please write back faster this time, Obi-Wan!
Obi-Wan never reacts quite as happily and dramatically as Aldrin does when he sees a letter from Anakin on his bunk in the evenings, but over the years everyone learns not to disturb Obi-Wan on those nights.
The first letter Obi-Wan receives from Anakin after the boy turns eighteen includes his commlink frequency hastily crammed at the bottom of the page. If you want, Anakin has scribbled.
“Finally,” Obi-Wan jokes when the line connects and Anakin answers breathlessly. “No offense to you, dear one, and you have come quite a ways since you were a youngling, but your handwriting is still atrocious. I’d much rather talk to you like this than try to puzzle out what you’ve written.”
Anakin splutters and then stutters out in a voice slower and deeper than Obi-Wan had expected, “I didn’t know you had an accent, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan finds that he likes that voice saying his name in that way.
That’s the first sign of trouble.
Anakin sends a photo of his knighting ceremony. Obi-Wan wants to cry with pride. His friends tease him about it relentlessly. “You look like I did the day I married Susa,” Aldrin crows and takes a picture of Obi-Wan’s blushing, laughing face. Later, Obi-Wan reluctantly sends it to Anakin.
“I’m jealous of your friends,” Anakin confesses with an exhale of static. “They get to see you everyday.”
“Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, unable to say more. Unable to admit that he’s thought the same thing about Anakin’s master at the Temple. Unable to deny it though.
They move onto safer topics, ones that make Obi-Wan’s chest feel less tight.
“Jedi Knights are forbidden to have romantic attachments,” Kabre tells him apropos of nothing one late evening when they’re leaning against the railings of their cabin.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even try to pretend to not know what his friend is talking about. Anakin is twenty-three now. They call each other as often as possible, whenever they have enough free time. Thinking about Anakin, somewhere out in the galaxy, makes Obi-Wan feel dangerous things. Dangerous, insidious, illogical things.
“Yes,” he agrees.
“Everything you’ve ever told me about this boy makes me think he’s in love with you,” Kabre says. “And the way you tell it makes me think you’re in love with him too.”
“Kabre, I…”
“I’m not asking you to deny it to me, Obi-Wan. You don’t need to defend yourself. You know no one cares if you’ve gone and fallen in love with your flimsi friend. It happens. And Force knows there’s no way you could be more insufferable than Aldrin and Susa.”
“He’s a Jedi Knight, Kabre,” Obi-Wan looks away, off over the fields. “I know what that means.”
When Anakin is twenty-four, Obi-Wan walks into his room to see a letter on his pillow. He blinks in surprise. He hasn’t gotten a letter since they petered out in favor of comm calls with Anakin.
But he’d recognize that handwriting anywhere.
He sits down to read it.
Dear Obi-Wan,
I find myself growing weary of Knighthood. I love my Padawan, I love the missions, I love the fighting. But I love something else more. I have for almost as long as I can remember.
I’ve been looking through the old letters from you. I’ve kept them all. I know Jedi should not have material attachments, but I found that I could no more throw them away than give my lightsaber to a Sith. They make up our story.
You were the first friend I ever had at the Temple. I don’t quite think you realized that then, and you may not even realize it now. But you were. I would get a letter from you and feel warm for weeks afterwards.
Actually, everything I love about the Temple and the Jedi you gave to me. My friends now, indirectly. All the hiding spots. Moving meditation.
When I got my kyber crystal, I wanted to tell you before anyone else. When my Padawan braid was cut, I gave it to my master, but wished I had something I could give to you too.
That was the day I really admitted to myself that you already have all of me.
Obi-Wan, I’m in love with you. I love you more every time we talk. Disengaging the comms at the end of the night hurts like losing my hand all over again. I love you, I love you.
And I have been a coward about it for too many years. I was afraid that you would reject me, think me too rash and young and foolish. But I know what I want. You told me in one of your letters that you believed I lived off of a single-minded desire to achieve my goals and that I would let nothing stand in the way.
I do not plan on starting now, if you will have me that is. I dream of nothing more than to feel your hands on my face, to listen to the sound of your heart beating in your chest.
I will not disrespect the ways of the Jedi by loving you quietly, when I know you are my deepest, strongest attachment. One that I will not shake, even if I lived to be as old as Master Yoda himself.
If you find that you feel the same way, I will leave the Jedi Order tomorrow and meet you on Bandomeer. If you do not, then I understand and will never speak of this again. I am something of an expert after all these years of loving you silently from afar.
Yours sincerely, yours always, yours completely,
Obi-Wan traces the words with a shaking hand. He doesn’t know he’s crying until a tear falls onto the flimsi. Oh, Anakin. Oh, his brave, foolish Anakin.
Will he really be so selfish as to allow Anakin to leave his Knighthood for him? His padawan, his home?
But the knowledge that Anakin loves him is a heady, addictive feeling. Obi-Wan has never truly gotten the things he wants. He loves his life now, of course. But he hadn’t wanted it.
And he loves Anakin.
He loves him terribly.
He reaches for a piece of flimsi and a pen.
Anakin will be the first to admit he’s been in a foul mood for a few standard weeks now. He’d sent that letter to Obi-Wan--Force, why had he sent that letter to Obi-Wan, obviously the man will never want to talk to him again now--and then immediately Ahsoka and him had been called in for a mission.
It had been awful and disgusting. Anakin is covered in mud from head to toe, and his padawan doesn’t look any better. And worst of all, he had had no time at all to comm Obi-Wan. No time at all to see how the man had taken his confession. It feels like he’s been holding his breath for days.
But he’s at the Temple now. He can clean himself off and call Obi-Wan incessantly until the man answers. Anakin can’t keep living like this.
“Letter for you, Master,” Ahsoka says as he enters their quarters. She’d been sent ahead while Anakin had finished docking the ship, and now she’s sitting at the table perfectly clean.
Anakin thinks his heart stops at these words and then it starts beating as fast as it ever has before. “Where?”
“I put it on your bed,” Ahsoka peers up at him with a furrowed brow. “Are you okay, Skyguy? You look a bit--”
But Anakin’s gone, already tearing into his room. There on the bedspread is a letter. Obi-Wan’s written him a letter.
Anakin has to try opening it three times before he finally gets his fingers to cooperate. It’s very short.
Dearest One, Obi-Wan has written.
I’ll meet you here tomorrow on Bandomeer. I will be waiting.
Forever yours,
Anakin smiles and feels like he could cry or sing or dance or scream from all the joy that’s welled up in his chest at this small handful of words Obi-Wan has given him. They’re everything and more.
Mindful of the mud on his person, he puts the letter gently on his bed and walks back out to the common area. Ahsoka is right where he left her.
“Okay, now you just look scary,” she says, pointing a fork at him. “Stop smiling like that.”
Anakin lets his grin die. He won’t relish this next part, but it’s for Obi-Wan. It’s so he can be with Obi-Wan. It's necessary. “Snips,” he says, sitting down opposite her. “We need to talk.”
#asks#prompt fill#i could literally write like 20k of this tbh#i had a few more letters planned but i knew i needed to hurry it up#anyway#sw#obikin#this is also as usual highly unedited all mistakes are artistic and actually great
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Alright so, I wasn't expecting to catch a little detail like this while @untitled5071 and I were hatewatching Attack of the Clones last night, but can I talk about Jango Fett's death scene for a second?
Obvious CWs for death and decapitation here
I kinda figured out through our ongoing prequel rewind that I’m not hyperfixating on Star Wars at large, but specifically Mandalorian culture, which was made abundantly clear when I kept infodumping about the implications of certain things and at one point rewinded just to hear what Mando’a sounded like
Anyway, screenshots don’t really do the intricacies of this justice, so here’s a gif:
George Lucas absolutely did NOT mean to make it this detailed, I will never believe that he’s that smart, but the power of hindsight regarding the added Mando lore makes this accidentally terribly good
It’s pretty clear through context clues in The Mandalorian that a great deal of cultural importance is placed upon this idea of honour in battle. You fight with the fairness given to you, you treat your enemies with respect, you accept when you lose with dignity and grace, and you respect when they yield because unnecessary cruelty is against the warrior’s code. In the same vein, you expect to treated with respect, fairness, and you definitely expect to be respected if you show signs of yielding to a greater warrior. And Jango’s trying to yield.
Look at him. He’s backing up defensively, he’s not aiming for Mace, but to the side of him as a warning, and when he gets closer, he’s trying to activate his jet pack to get away when Jango realizes he’s not going to be respected. And honestly, from his perspective, why WOULD he be?
Jedi and Mandalorians have a very bloody history, and I think one of the most interesting parts of it to me is that it was the Jedi who threw the first punch in that feud. There’s a lot of irony in that the Jedi have historically tried to conquer and take over Mandalore because they believed their culture was too dangerous, brutish, barbaric, and unpredictable to be allowed to govern themselves, but Mandalore was long over it’s foundations as a colonial force and instead prioritized a sense of honour and strength derived from their connections to others at that point. And yet, the Jedi still arguably treated them with bigotry (not trying to compare this to real-life systemic bigotry, I’m just pointing out how interesting galactic politics and relations are to me) because they couldn’t figure out that current Mandalorian culture is not reflective of their ancestors’ actions.
Of course Jango’s trying to get away instead of expecting Mace to respect his yield. They see not only Jedi, but force-users at large as bloodthirsty, bigoted murderers with good historical reason. It’s why Din calls them “sorcerers,” the Armorer is so hesitant about Grogu, and Boba Fett bares his fangs at the mere mention of a Jedi in The Mandalorian. The Jedi in particular have only ever shot them first and asked questions later, and they know they don’t treat any other culture in galaxy with such automatic animosity. Honestly? I don’t blame Jango for attacking Obi Wan earlier in this movie; to him, dealing with a Jedi is kill or be killed, and he was trying to protect his son in his eyes. And I shouldn’t have to tell y’all how important foundlings are to them if you’ve made it this far into my hyperfixative ramblings.
Plus, on top of all this, Jango didn’t have any good reason to trust Mace as an individual to act with honour:
Christ man, and with his helmet off, in front of his kid, who hasn’t even taken his creed yet?? The benefit of the doubt would fly right out the window for me if I were in Jango’s shoes. The sheer disrespect he’s being treated with here is equivalent to spitting in his face and calling him a slur. im AMAZED Jango was so calm about it, I would not have been as chill about it.
But the thing that gets me about this gif is that Jango DOES initially give him the benefit of the doubt, because culturally, he’s supposed to. Maybe he was wrong, maybe a Jedi CAN act with honour, so his jet pack only starts sparking when Mace gets too close for comfort, and at that point, even if it didn’t short out, it would’ve been too late. Jango trusted a greater warrior than himself to do the right thing and accept his yield, and in doing so, trusted him with his life, and Mace still took it from him, which not only violates everything Boba was taught, but is like a last “fuck you” to Jango’s very soul.
Again, was absolutely not intentional on Lucas’s part, but this also unintentionally validates Boba Fett’s allegiance against the Jedi in the original trilogy, as well as why he hates Jedi so much in The Mandalorian. Why SHOULD he trust them? He watched his father get slaughtered like an animal with no respect for his yield. To him, if they acted with any honour or empathy at all, his father would still be alive, and he wouldn’t have been effectively alienated from his own culture, which must have given him a few identity crises growing up.
Of course Mandalorians hate Jedi, they haven’t exactly been given a reason not to. Every interaction with them gets them crushed down, disrespected, and oftentimes killed. I really don’t blame them for jumping to the defensive on sight or being so venomous to the very idea of the force, but especially Jedi.
#i have not watched the clone wars so do not @ me if im missing lore here#star wars#jango fett#boba fett#mandalorian#shut up dames
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solace — obi-wan kenobi
summary : after the death of satine kryze, obi-wan kenobi returns from mandalore to the jedi temple.
warning(s) : character death, it's pretty fluffy with some angst.
pairing(s) : obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader, mentions of obi-wan kenobi x satine kryze
notes : this is my first fic on tumblr like,, ever. i hope you enjoy lmao 🧍🏻♀️. oh also it’s written in all lowercase intentionally!
though you didn’t know much about their relationship, you knew from a very young age that obi-wan kenobi loved satine kryze. the jedi and the duchess were destined to live their lives apart, honor bound to serve the people before themselves, whether it be the citizens of mandalore or the jedi order. you had seen them interact firsthand, the endless bickering and shrewd glances at one another making up a feeble attempt to cover up how they truly felt. you hated the way your stomach twisted and your heartbeat quickened when you saw how he looked at her, overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions a jedi were barred from feeling. he drowned in her touch, however subtle that might be, her hand on his face leaving him with burn marks, his fingers on fire as he grasped her wrist. you stood idly by, hopeless in the shadows, because that was what the force had destined for you. you, like obi-wan, had duties as a jedi, duties that you would put over your own well being and selfish desires, even if that meant spending hours watching obi-wan languish in the realization that life would never allow him to be happy. he’d lost his master at an age where, although he was not terribly young, he was still vulnerable to the world and its brutalities.
life had not been kind to obi-wan kenobi. he was old when he started training, feeling the need to work twice as hard as his fellow initiates, just for him to be remembered and not cast aside. he was constantly battling his darkest fear, that he was never good enough for his master and he would one day be considered unmemorable or unworthy. life was still cruel to obi-wan kenobi. he felt the cold, bony fingers of satine kryze cradle his face, leaning into her touch before she fell back limply, dark blood staining her abdomen. around him, maul laughed, as vengeance had finally been served. all those years the scarlet skinned zabrak had spent wasting away, he only had one thought: kenobi. it was a mantra that kept him going, a fire that fueled him, that drove him so far to the point of madness that the only thought echoing in his mind was exacting his revenge on the man who had caused him so much misery, obi-wan kenobi. with some much needed help, obi-wan had escaped his jail cell on mandalore, but maul had won, for now he was trapped eternally in a prison of his own mind. if he closed his eyes, he could still see satine in all her beauty. the soft, pale buttercup locks of hair were strewn messily across satine’s face, framing her pointed features that highlighted her regality. her eyes, normally a stunning, brilliant blue, were now overshadowed with heavy purple circles underneath, fluttering once, before lying still. obi-wan could still feel the ice of her touch on his auburn beard, could still hear the hoarse whispers of her final, dying breath in his ears. worst of all, he could still sense through the force as her life signature died out, like a warm sun casting its final rays before leaving a planet in darkness. he had loved her, and she had loved him. though light years away, separated by many planets and suns and stars, you could sense his anguish. it was overpowering, tainted by the dark side; this was the closest obi-wan had been tempted to stray away from the light. still, he clung on to the light, clung on to the idea that there was still good in the world, despite every curve thrown in his way. the night ahead of you, should obi-wan not return before then, would be sleepless, as worry for the man ate at your insides, and you were helpless to resist as it consumed you. you were, for lack of a better word, attached to him, and he you, and that was the most dangerous thing a jedi could be. the very idea of caring for one being over another was discouraged, but no one prepared you for how hard it would be to follow a code you lived by. at last, you sensed his presence here in the temple. throwing on a beige cloak, you quietly shut the door of your sleeping quarters to greet him. it was late enough in the evening for the temple hallways to be barren, but not too absurdly late for you to be awake, as the bright yellow hues of the coruscanti sunset dimmed and made their final goodbye through the transparisteel. “obi-wan,” the breath caught in your throat as your eyes met his. he resembled a shell of who he once was, clad in red mandalorian armor that oddly suited him. his russet hair was disheveled, dirtied by dust and sweat, shoulders sagging as his arms lay limply at his side. his ocean eyes were swimming with sorrow and grief, mourning the loss of someone — it didn’t take much to put the pieces together. satine kryze. he had gone to rescue her, and returned alone. “y/n,” his voice is like a melody in your ears, though his tone is solemn and tired. they stood close enough for it to be amicable, but far enough for it to be agonizingly respectable. neither of you made any movement to get closer, knowing the probability of someone stumbling upon them was far too likely. “what happened?” you bit your lip, studying his face. his eyes didn’t quite meet yours, his fair skin littered with dirt and battered with cuts and bruises. “maul,” came the short response. “he… i must report to the council.” waves of alarm began radiating off of him, as if he had just remembered something important. “master yoda and master windu are both away,” you sucked in your breath. “you should speak to them tomorrow.” all he could muster was a nod of his head, and you knew then that he would only talk about it in time. silently, mannerisms mirroring one another, you began walking, your pace slow and your shoulders brushing just slightly every few steps. there wasn’t much to be said; obi-wan was silent for most of the short trek back to the jedi sleeping quarters. “will you be alright?” you stopped in your tracks, pausing in front of his quarters. a faint smile crept onto his face, his lips twitching upwards but his eyes remaining dull. he nodded quickly before turning to enter his quarters. “thank you, darling.” however persuasive the famed jedi negotiator was in his prime, there was something about the way his voice sounded so tired that made you doubt the truth of his words. obi-wan’s name was on the tip of your tongue before he disappeared behind the door of his quarters, not allowing you to call after him; he could lie to you once, to save you from needless worry, but he could not do so twice. without much resistance, you retreated to your own space, the walls and floors scarcely decorated, what little furniture you did possess simple and modest. after a moment, you retired to your sleep couch and allowed your sore muscles a bit of relaxation. sleep did not come to greet you, not even as you spent hours tossing and turning, the normally soft mattress underneath you now lumpy and hard. with a sigh, you threw the covers over you aside, wincing as you were greeted with the coldness of the floor as your feet touched the ground. you made your way to the hallway, pitch black and coated with a blanket of silence, a dim light seeping through the cracks of the door opposite of yours. obi-wan was still awake. raising your hand to knock on the door, you were surprised as your knuckles were met nothingness, as the door slid open automatically. obi-wan had not moved since the night began, sitting in his own turmoil. the mandalorian armor had been stripped off of him and was now cluttered in a corner of the room, and it looked as if he had used the refresher — droplets of water still clung to his hair, and his sleeping clothes looked fresh and clean. “can’t sleep?” you spoke up with a rueful smile, careful to keep your pitch low enough so only he could hear them. the door closed behind you, and then it was just the two of them. he looked up; dark circles of grief and exhaust making him appear older, more fragile. in a hasty, unsure movement, you had crossed the length of the room and settled yourself next to him, the sleep couch dipping slightly under your added weight. there were so many questions you longed to ask him, like the details of his journey to mandalore, and why he couldn’t even bring himself to say more than a few words at a time. but patience was a jedi’s greatest tool, and you forced yourself to simply sit in silence, the feeling of obi-wan’s grief hanging heavy in the air. “i lost her.” his voice is hollow, monotone. there is no need to say her name, but it enters your mind anyways. satine. “i know,” you let out a weary sigh. “i’m so sorry.” without more words, you felt his body shift, feeling the heat coming from his body as he drew closer to you. “you need to rest, love.” there was no reason for him to protest, but you knew why he had stayed awake for so long. nightmares. they would haunt him for the rest of his life, chasing him mercilessly for as long as he remained asleep. no matter how awful life treated him, obi-wan kenobi never cried, at least not in front of anyone — instead, he allowed himself to rot away, internalizing everything for fear of burdening another being with all of his agony. tonight would be no different, you suspected, as you felt a weight on your shoulder, as a head full of strawberry blonde hair, still dewy with shower water, rested against your side. it was hesitant at first, as he barely allowed himself to lean on you, but after a moment of his cheek on your shoulder, he collapsed, the full weight of his body and all his worries heavy against your frame. as your arm wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him closer to you, your breath was light and tense. this was the closest you’d ever been to him, to anyone, really, the feeling of his skin against her own a foreign concept she’d never dared to explore. it was the way he smiled. it reminded you of warm summer days, of lazy mornings on naboo surrounded by nothing but fields of flowers soaked in sunlight. he was like the sun, bright and hopeful; steady and dependable. it was the way he laughed. it reminded you of cozy winter nights, of waking up to a ground littered with snow, the frigid air of the outside making evenings surrounded by a crackling fire intimate and welcoming. it was the way he looked at you. his gaze reminded you of a chilly autumn breeze, of carefree days and brisk weather that made your skin tingle, your heart feeling light and free, singing to the fallen leaves of the sky. it was the way he touched you. it reminded you of spring, of new flowers blooming in soft sunlight, of plants budding with new, green life and animals of all shapes and sizes fluttering around with their young. it was the start of something new. you loved him. it went against everything you stood for, but you loved him. and maybe somewhere, buried deep within his soul, he loved you too. in another lifetime, perhaps you were the right person at the wrong time, or the right person at the right time. but in this timeline, where the jedi code was carved into your bones, where the light side ran through your veins, where your duty came above your being, it was the wrong circumstance. you had been so deep in thought, woefully wishing a for love from a man who could not do so, that you hadn’t noticed how obi-wan’s breathing slowed, how his eyes, which had once fought to stay open, were now blissfully shut. the man who had been through so much, who had endured so much heartbreak and loss, had finally sought solace in your arms. your own eyes fought to stay awake, knowing how much trouble you’d be in if anyone caught you both in such a… compromising position. however innocent the intention may be, the council would not see it that way. your last conscious thought was that of i must wake up before sunrise, before you lapsed into a peaceful sleep.
#obi wan kenobi x you#obi wan kenobi x reader#obi-wan kenobi x reader#obi-wan kenobi x you#obi-wan kenobi one shot#obi-wan kenobi imagine#obi wan kenobi#obi-wan kenobi#star wars#star wars one shot#star wars prequels#the clone wars#satine kryze#obaewankenobis
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I did the thing! I present to you Shereshoy, AKA Mace Windu gets to bail a drunken Obi-Wan out of jail at oh-dark-thirty. Rated T for some swearing.
This was not how Mace wanted to start his day.
Contrary to popular belief, Mace Windu did not actually enjoy being a hardass. But as head of the Order, it was a carefully crafted persona he did his best to maintain anywhere outside of private quarters and behind closed Council doors.
It was a useful tool, to be able to look at errant Initiates or the occasional unruly knight and have them apologizing for misdeeds of which Mace wasn't even aware. And he found it an extremely effective deterrent against nosy politicians and pushy reporters. There were some people, though, who would meet his deadliest glare with a beatific smile and not even blink.
"Somebody's in trouble," one of the troopers sing-songed. With two dozen of them in adjacent cells, there was no way for Mace to know whether it was a Guard member or someone from Ghost company. Another trooper giggled, and his own commander stifled a noise behind Mace, doing his best to uphold his end of the bargain for being allowed to accompany Mace.
Caf. He needed more caf for this. Especially when the beatific smile turned into a full blown, eyes sparkling, still karking drunk grin. "Mace!"
Mace scowled. "Kenobi. I'm not sure I even want to know why I am having to bail out a member of the Jedi Council from the drunk tank like he is some sort of truant Padawan. I generally only expect this kind of behavior from you when Vos is in town."
Another giggle, followed by a scuffle of elbows being shoved into arms and stomachs, and Mace is pretty sure he sees a handful of creds being handed off. There was not enough caf in the world for this. Somewhere nearby, he could hear Commander Fox swearing colorfully at Captain Rex, and Mace could empathize with the man.
"It isn't anywhere quite as bad as all that," Kenobi protested. Mace arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms, waiting for Kenobi to continue. Ponds was likely recording this, so Mace figured he could at least put on a good performance. "The Guard expressed some... skepticism...in regards to recent tactics that Torrent utilized in the field."
"That does not explain two destroyed speeders, thousands of credits of property damage, or why there is video footage of the High General of the Republic shouting Sooran, shab! after the Marshall Commander back-flipped from one moving speeder to another."
Kenobi's expression wouldn't melt butter as a soft Oya rippled among the troopers. Commander Cody had a lazy smile on his face, shoulder to shoulder with his general. Mace had watched the video on the way to the Guard offices; it had been quite an impressive feat, but he wasn't about to encourage Kenobi or his men any further. If he'd wanted them to be indulged, he'd have sent Plo or Adi.
"Commander Cody graciously offered to provide remedial instruction in said tactics." Ponds was shaking behind Mace, but at least his external speaker was off so Mace could pretend like his commander wasn't laughing hysterically. "Besides," Kenobi continued, looking entirely too smug, "it's not as if the general public would recognize him."
"Perhaps not," Mace conceded that point. One clone was the same as any other, as far as most of the galaxy was concerned, and the commander hadn't been wearing his distinctive armor to make him more easily identifiable. "But," Mace said, holding up a hand to stop Kenobi's pleased grin from spreading. "You are quite recognizable, on or off the battlefield."
Kenobi fluttered a hand dismissively. "Half the population still believes I'm dead, Mace, and there is quite a large faction that believes the Jedi Council replaced me with a convenient clone."
"And if I might say so, sir," one of the clones spoke up. "What with him looking like a shiny with his hair growing back, the General's hardly recognizable either."
"Thank you, Boil," Kenobi said, his mouth twitching up in a smile that was definitely more obvious without his full mustache and beard.
"Of course, sir. Besides, you obviously aren't pretty enough to be a clone."
Mace bit back a sigh. It wasn't surprising that the group had felt the need to blow off steam after the Hardeen mess was finished. The entire thing had been an easily avoidable shit show, if the Council had just been allowed to assign protection to the Chancellor as they saw fit instead of being ordered to send one of their most visible people undercover.
“You owe me big time, vod,” Captain Rex said as he approached the cell. He didn’t look it, but Mace knew the captain had been dragged out of bed for this too. “Like ‘giving the next three batches of Shinies the Sex Talk’ owe me. Or maybe the Padawan Commanders. I haven’t decided yet, but you definitely owe me.”
“Somebody’s in trouble,” Kenobi sing-songed. The clones erupted into giggles. Mace clenched his jaw and pinched his nose, massaging the throbbing headache forming between his eyes. Captain Rex shared an unimpressed look with Mace. Ponds was nearly bent double in laughter.
It was Commander Thire who came to open the cell. “Alright, you lot. You’d better get out of here fast before Fox changes his mind about letting you go.”
Kenobi was the first to stand, wobbling dangerously for a moment before his commander steadied him. “Thank you for taking such wonderful care of us, Commander Thire,” Kenobi said to the Guard officer, all flash and charm. “I will be sure to put in a commendation for you.”
Thire seemed mostly unaffected by it, at least, though he grinned in response as Kenobi and his men shuffled out of the cell into the hallway. “Probably best if you didn’t, General. I think Commander Fox would prefer not having any evidence from tonight.”
“If only that were possible,” Mace said dryly, taking Kenobi by the elbow to steer him away from his troops. He ignored the way Kenobi pouted at him. “We’ll deal with whatever the fallout is from this later.”
Captain Rex nodded in agreement, herding his stumbling and giggling brothers towards the exit. Commander Cody hung back from the others, giving his general a frighteningly intense look. “K’oyacyi.”
Kenobi gave him a soft smile in return. It was clear where Skywalker had picked up the absolute lack of subtlety in regards to emotions from. “K’oyacyi. Thank you for an entertaining evening, Commander.”
Cody nodded at his general, paused long enough to give Mace a dark look, then turned and allowed Captain Rex to see him out. Kenobi sighed, but was wise enough not to comment when he caught sight of Mace’s scowl.
“Try not to cause any more trouble today,” Mace said, ushering his friend out of the station, Ponds trailing behind him dutifully. “And you get to fill out the requisitions for the replacement speeders.”
“That hardly seems fair, Mace. It was the Guard driving them, after all. It wasn’t our fault that they became so distracted that they crashed.”
“I honestly don’t much give a damn whose fault it was,” Mace said. He sighed and stopped, turning to face Kenobi. With a flick of his fingers, he signaled Ponds for privacy and the commander stepped away. “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself,” Mace said. He truly was; the war had taken its toll on all of them, and Kenobi bore the brunt of it. Mace couldn’t remember when he’d last seen the man so relaxed and happy. “But in the future, you may want to consider toning your dramatics down below a Skywalker level.”
Kenobi scoffed. “I’ve always been less dramatic than Anakin. A Mon Cala opera is less dramatic than Anakin.”
Mace leveled him with an unimpressed look. “You may be able to fool the rest of the galaxy, but I’ve known you since you were knee-high. Also,” Mace added, starting them back towards the Temple. “You owe me several favors after this.”
“Now wait one moment,” Kenobi started to say, but ever faithful Ponds was the one who cut him off.
“Perp pictures,” the commander declared gleefully, and Mace let himself smile. It was, he had been told, even more terrifying than his glare. Kenobi blanched. Mace patted him on the shoulder.
Perhaps today wasn’t off to such a terrible start after all.
Sooran, shab - an insult, essentially “Suck on that, pal!”
K’oyacyi - Cheers/stay alive
Shereshoy - lust for life and much more - uniquely Mandalorian word, meaning the enjoyment of each day and the determination to seek and grab every possible experience, as well as surviving to see the next day - hanging onto life and relishing it
#star wars#clone wars#soft wars#mace windu#obi-wan kenobi#drunken shenanigans#ghost company being extra#commander cody#macewinduappreciationday#perp pics#aka mugshots#ponds is having the time of his life#fic
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anakin/hugs is my otp please give this man all the hugs ever he is so touch starved
Since you’re literally the only person in my inbox who suggested he get a hug instead of more pain, you get the first reply of the day.
Ahsoka knew that her apprenticeship was anything but ordinary. Her Master hadn’t picked her out of her clan after seeing qualities he thought he could nurture, but Ahsoka had been chosen by Anakin nevertheless. At the beginning of their partnership, she had had her doubts whether they had been truly made for one another or if Anakin wouldn’t see another Initiate at the temple when they were allowed shore leave and found somebody stronger, better. But her Master, unconventional as he might be, had picked her again and again. Perhaps bonds forged in the aftermath of tragedy and victory were stronger than any other. Nobody could doubt that when watching Obi-Wan and Anakin fight together. They continuously supported one another, made up for each other’s weaknesses and strengths.
Ahsoka wanted Anakin to be able to rely on her like that as well. She wanted, no, needed to be a pillar for him.
Now more than ever, or so it seemed.
Anakin had always been unusual. He was the Chosen One, even if he disliked the title and would prefer it if everybody just forgot about it. He also had a very loose relationship with the code and how a Jedi should conduct themselves in public. He taught Ahsoka mantras about while they were practicing ‘saber stances in mock combat. He also never had a problem with openly showing his affection. If anything, he had a hard time avoiding doting too much on the people he cared about. Whenever they had made it out of another bloodbath with death still clinging to them, the last words of dead soldiers still echoing in the Force, he made sure to hold her close.
“Stop listening to that,” he said. “Focus only on me.”
It was easier to let go of it all when Anakin’s warmth and heartbeat reassured her that this battle at least was over. They didn’t always win, they didn’t always lose. It was difficult to see a silver lining when every battle appeared to have the same result. But as long as enough people survived and they were still here, Ahsoka thought he could keep marching for another day.
Most Jedi divided their lives into before the war and after. Ahsoka couldn’t do that, not anymore. The peaceful days of her childhood seemed so far away. For her instead it was now before when Anakin was still alright and after when he was hurting. She didn’t entirely understand what had happened, why exactly he had collapsed on that battlefield. She had gathered the basics, learned about visions of a horrible future lived, but Ahsoka didn’t understand how it could be so horrible that her Master could forget how to walk and eat, treated his body like an extension of his blade.
“This lightsaber is your life,” he had said after she’d lost it for the first time in his presence.
Now it appeared as if he thought his life was the blade instead.
He still checked up on her, ensured that she was healthy, but even the softest and most gentle of touches made him uncomfortable and freeze up. It was easy to see how much he longed for contact, yet he seemed terrified of it. Ahsoka hated it. A good Jedi didn’t hate, but her lineage was made up of mavericks, even Master Obi-Wan. For all that he claimed to be the sane one, Ahsoka saw the looks other Jedi sent him when they thought he wasn’t looking. So Ahsoka figured this distance, this pain Anakin was experiencing, she could be allowed to hate.
For all that her emotions ran so deeply though, Ahsoka couldn’t bring herself to knock on Anakin’s door. She knew he was awake. She could count the hours she had caught him sleeping in the last weeks on two hands with fingers left over. It was ridiculous. She shouldn’t need comforting because of a stupid nightmare. She had had plenty of those since the war began. They didn’t even include any special warnings of the Force, just endless battlefields and ruined planets.
Mind already half-made up, Ahsoka turned around when the door suddenly opened. Anakin looked tired, he always did. The deep bags under his eyes had become pretty permanent and he had lost weight as well.
“Credit for your thoughts?” He said.
His voice was so flat. He made breaks in his sentences in regular intervals that made no sense to her and added a strange intonation to it all.
“I- I couldn’t sleep,” Ahsoka admitted. “I had a nightmare.”
She sounded like a helpless youngling, it was awful. She should be stronger than this. She was a Padawan already.
Anakin studied her, then stepped away from the door to let her inside, all while making sure that he was within arm’s length distance, never touching her.
Anakin’s bed was freshly made, or perhaps he had never even sat down in it. The sight offended Ahsoka so much, she decided to claim it for herself and dropped down on the blankets. Anakin meanwhile kept standing. That was another habit he had picked up since Ahsoka’s new divide.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
Ahsoka shook her head. She didn’t want to describe how she had seen Obi-Wan getting impaled on Grievous’s stolen lightsabers, Barriss being locked up and tortured, Anakin burning-
“Can I- can I have a hug?” Ahsoka’s voice sounded so small, even to herself.
Anakin’s eyes widened and surprise, fear, and apprehension took over his expression. That was another new thing. He couldn’t really keep the expressions he made under control. It was getting better already, but it was far from the usual calm and neutrality Jedi tried to show.
“Ahsoka, I’m not-“
“Please? I don’t want to be alone in my head.”
Silence followed her statement, then Anakin slowly sat down next to her. Their thighs were touching. He was so tense as if he was ready to bolt any second, afraid of being hurt or hurting her- she couldn’t tell. He put his arms around her shoulders and Ahsoka buried her face in the crook of his neck. She didn’t cry, didn’t want to show how everything was too much. Her shoulders trembled either way.
“Focus,” Anakin mumbled, half-order and half-plea. “Just focus on me. The universe becomes smaller. There is just this planet. Just this ship. Just this room. Just me. Focus on nothing but me. There are no nightmares here.”
Anakin’s hold on her slowly became a little tighter, a little more comfortable, a little more like the hugs they used to share.
They were going to get there again. Everything would be alright.
#star wars#anakin skywalker#ahsoka tano#medical trauma time travel au#fanfic#ask#anon#in this house we remember that Ahsoka is a child and should not be fighting a war#anyway they are a FAMILY#and ahsoka is worried about her space big brother/dad/jedi master#Anonymous
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Tʜᴇ Cᴀɪᴍ
“ Caim (n.) sanctuary; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, to remind one of being safe and loved, even in the darkest times. “
Word Count: 3893
Requested: no. i saw the idea requested by anon on another account, but the writers requests were closed.
It seemed that the days were growing longer and longer, but unchanging in what they contained and offered. Time was distinguished to the fullest extent, dragging on in a rhythm-like march that followed you around wherever you traveled.
It may have been a sort of depression, but the word did not come to mind when you thought about your condition. Stale, angering, stuck, dragging- these words were the ones you thought of instead. Your feelings felt numb, like you were bored of feeling whatever it was. Everything was the same, even when it was different.
Anakin and Obi-Wan had been tasked with leading their battalion to retake Umbara for what felt like the hundredth time. They had a fair enough plan, strategic though patient. In the early stages, however, Chancellor Palpatine had called the both of them to Coruscant, leaving them to wonder who would move forward to replace them.
Obi-Wan had initially thought of Plo Koon, who was unflappable and more than capable of commanding troops in a methodical plan. But the General was unavailable. Anakin insisted Rex and Cody could handle it on their own, but upon further thought realized Rex may not have taken well to it. The man was capable and sturdy, but seemed faltered without orders from someone he trusted so much. Granted, he had become less rigid as the war progressed, but he had also become more anguished at times. Ever since that General Krell... Nasty business on Umbara...
Obi-Wan was glad that you had accepted his request.
You were a bit of a mystery to everyone in the Jedi Order. Not in the worst way, by any means, but in the way that made you more observant than others. You spoke when spoken to, and while you didn’t often, when you said something people listened. You were a wise person with a brilliant knack for battle strategy, a stunning way of using your lightsaber, and of course- you weren’t Pong Krell.
So when Obi-Wan asked you, you accepted. You explained you had to finish your mission to fly over Ryloth with your battalion and that you would arrive shortly. The two Jedi explained to you the plan, Anakin with a bit of a charismatic nudge, and then they were on their way.
It was fine enough. There were times when you wondered about your own Clones, but you knew they were in good hands. The 501st was under your command for the time, you had them to worry about them instead.
For a month, things were as well as they could’ve been. The plan was on schedule, the clones respected you. You respected them in turn. But as described above, it was all slipping together in the worst way. Your feelings felt like they were aching and sore, cracking like dried dirt. Your muscles twisted in dull agony, eyes becoming less and less impressed with every experience.
It was terrible. Your theory was that the guilt of the war and the atrocities birthed from it had climbed so high in your gut and your mind that your body made itself numb to everything. There was nothing to be happy over, not much to appreciate. But with the numbness came the blocking of all the bad things as well, and there was nothing you could do but drown in it.
You felt exhausted, strained, overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time.
So, the days were the same. There was no point in keeping personal track of time. There was no point in having memories. No point in having standards, even. You woke up, you pushed the battalion forward, made progress, checked on the troops, and went to sleep. Sometimes you would train or give a quick report to Obi-Wan, though last time an explosion had stolen your attention midway through.
Then, one day, it wasn’t the same. It was different. Funny how even something so small can cast a large shadow like that.
ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ. ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ.
It was written in tight letters, a little messy but still straight and clear. The second period was spaced a little too far away from the letters, almost as if the person had nearly forgotten it. But they wouldn’t have done that. No, they wouldn’t have. The letters, however italicized with sloppiness, are still written carefully. They might’ve been filled with anxiety just to say the words to you, more or less.
Your thumb rolled over the scrap of paper, admiring the crispness. Someone was looking out for you. It wasn’t an accident, it was outside of your temporary room back at the base. Just by the door.
Someone was looking out for you. Who would do that? One of the Clones? You knew they respected you. That Captain Rex was always polite enough and continued to prove his worth as an impressive soldier. Commander Cody was more than worthy of his title. And while there was a divide between the Clones and you, perhaps it was possible that one of them had cared about you enough to check in.
Such a tiny, simple thing it was. It would’ve been silly to obsess over forever, so you didn’t. You obsessed over it for the night.
Carefully, as if not to damage the little slip of paper, you placed it beside the shelf you slept on. Then you went to sleep after thinking about it, ready to go back to things being the same.
It wasn’t the same. After you finished defending the perimeter of the base from some aggravated Umbaran’s, you switched your saber off with a twirl. All the same, all the same. Drowning in boredom and dull frustration, circles under your eyes as it all dragged on without the good.
“General, are you okay?” Rex asked from beside you. You stopped your walking to turn and look at him and Cody, who were standing and sitting at the ready, still dressed in armor head to toe. It looked especially good on them, though you thought the blue fit Rex better. “You’re bleeding,” he said, nudging his head a little.
You followed his eyes down to your arm. On your left one, around your shoulder but just above the elbow, was a long, scarlet slit. It looked almost purple in the Umbaran light, but it was dripping down nonetheless. One of the opposing soldiers must’ve nicked you.
“Yes, I’m alright,” you said, still observing the wound.
“It looks pretty bad, sir,” Rex continued. His arms reach up to remove his helmet and reveal his face. “Maybe you should get that checked out.”
Something brewed in your tummy, something warm that reminded you of your childhood. It felt nice that someone wanted you to be alright, even with something as minor as a scratch. This, and whoever had written you the note last night. While you weren’t so comfortable and felt a bit too tense for your liking, it was nice to hear Rex’s simple words.
You look back up to meet his amber eyes. They’re golden, sort of brown and shining copper. “Are you two alright?” you venture to ask. Your hand comes to rub your arm, as if brushing fingers against it will wipe the injury away.
“I thought I was a goner for a second,” Cody sighed. “Would’ve been if not for Rex.”
You looked back to the blue painted soldier with questioning eyes. Rex seems almost flustered for a second, like he’s uncertain about collecting praise.
“Just doing my duty, sir,” he decides to say after a moment.
A soft expression overtakes your face. “Experience outranks everything, right?”
The note was under your door this time. Not beside it.
ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪꜱɪɴꜰᴇᴄᴛ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀɴᴅᴀɢᴇ. ɢᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇꜱᴛ.
Your eyes soften as you look over the words. It meant a little more to you this time, lingered a while longer, because you honestly probably would’ve forgotten to disinfect the cut. So while you wrap your gauze around the wound you replay the kindness in your head.
But it didn’t end there.
ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʀᴀᴅɪᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴀɴᴅᴀɢᴇ.
Again, your thumb rolls over the paper, across the ink. It was dried already by now, but it still felt new and clean. Crisp.
You tucked the third slip of paper away in a metal box. The other two from the nights before stayed bright and meaningful inside.
The pattern continued. About 48 hours later, another note arrived. Instead of under your door, it was folded like a tent outside of your door. You noticed the quality of the paper was a bit different, almost better and more thick, but you didn’t mind. You hoped whoever was doing this hadn’t felt you needed such a royal kind of paper, for the words inside were what had mattered most.
ɪ ꜱᴀᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴍɪʟᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ. ɪ'ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ɪᴛ. ɪ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ.
Your lips turned upward slowly. Your thumbs ran over the paper lovingly, as if it was someones hand and you were appreciating it. It almost felt like a hand. The words were veins. Crinkles were knuckles. Shiny ink was little scars and flecks.
You thought of the hands of the Clones. Perhaps because they were the ones you had seen the most over the last few weeks. But you could remember one specific set of hands so clearly, even though it was almost the same as his brothers.
Captain Rex had a white scar across his right palm. Faint and thin, surrounded by callouses from holding his blasters so tightly. You’d seen his palm the one time you’d shook his hand and remembered it from the others because of the little mark. Rex stood out from his brothers.
You weren’t cruel enough to think all Clones were the same. They were all individuals, with individual brains and personalities and thoughts. Treating them as anything less than people was wrong, and General Krell had payed the price for it. But Rex still stood prominent in your mind. You weren’t sure why.
It was kind of like he was typed in bold when everyone else was typed in italics.
You showered that night, which you hadn’t bothered to do in a while. Rinsed your hair with a smile on your face, ran your fingers over your long eyelashes as they dripped with water. You felt more bare than usual somehow, all because of a group of words. It was almost comforting.
The next morning, your aura was different. Your posture was more straightened, eyes softer, hair shinier and clean. You still felt that same dull tension and thickness in the air, but it wasn’t as harsh today. You had woken up feeling brighter.
“Good morning, General,” Rex greeted as he approached you. His helmet was tucked under his arm, with Commander Cody at his side. Both their faces were pulled into stern frowns as always, as if they were programmed for seriousness. The few times you had seen these two specific Clones smile had been a bit of a relief to you.
“Captain. Commander,” you returned.
“We’re supposed to move out of here soon, right General?” Cody asks. You nod your head.
“We’re just entering phase 3. We should be done in the next few weeks.”
“Anything you need from us, General?”
You look around, gazing at your soldiers in the indigo light of the system. You could feel how tired and strained they were. It was different from your own strain, more physical. You felt guilty for this, as you were responsible for them, but you knew it would’ve happened with Skywalker and Kenobi anyway.
“I’m mostly concerned with keeping the men in spirit,” you say with a sigh. Both the men swell with satisfaction at the sound of your voice saying ‘men’. Not Clones. Not numbers. Men. “Anything to try and help that is enough.”
Commander Cody nodded, appreciating the sentiment. “Right away, General,” he said. He turned on his heel and marched off, respect in his identical soldier heart.
“He’s a good man,” you say as you watch him. The white and golden streaks walk further and further away.
“He is,” says Rex as he watches him over his shoulder as well. “I’m proud to call him my brother.”
The corner of your lips raises in a flash. It’s a brief wave of warmth coming from the sincerity of people. It’s difficult to find as a Jedi within yourself, only because of how forbidden it is. It’s difficult to find in other people at a time of war, but here is the best. Between Rex and Cody, between Rex and his men.
The smile disappears before Rex turns around. He turns to find your eyes already on him, observing.
“Something I can do for you?” you question. You had expected him to leave with Cody, but you can feel the heat radiating off of him, even from the distance between you. You’re not close by any means, but he feels... warm.
Rex’s shoulders raise as his mouth opens, then closes. Like he wanted to say something. He shakes his head a little, fumbling. “Did you sleep alright, General?”
You’re not as close to the 501st as Kenobi or Skywalker. Not close enough to talk about something outside of the war or planning. This takes you off guard. “Better than I have in a while,” you say, almost tentatively. “You?”
“Don’t worry about me, General,” Rex chuckles. “I’m alright. Just tired of being here is all.”
You agree wholeheartedly. Before you can vocalize this, someone calls you. You nod politely towards Rex before walking off. He watches as you go.
ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ. ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ.
A shaky sigh escapes you. This person was serious about doing this for you. After the guilt, the boredom, the frustration and the slow, agonizing burn from being where you were, this one wasn’t giving up. You could almost... relax. Relax into the notes like one might in a lovers arms.
Little by little, you collapsed in on yourself with every new note.
ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴊᴏʙ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ.
ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʏ, ɪ ᴡɪꜱʜ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ꜱᴇᴇ ɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ.
ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴇɴ.
ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴛᴜɴɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. ɪ'ʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ɪᴛ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ.
With each note you received, the more your heart shook.
You could feel... calm, when you got these. After being a protector and guardian, someone was doing the same for you. Alleviating tension and stress from your shoulders. The knots of your back were untwisting slowly, the strings of your heart pulling. Sometimes, in the dead of the Umbaran night, if you thought too hard about it, tears would prick your eyes.
It was so... kind. Doing this for anyone at all, but especially you.
During the last week of the mission, you were returning back to your room. Rounding the corner, you bumped into none other than the famed Captain himself.
His army was bulky and sharp against you, but you didn’t mind. You were too busy running into it to really notice. You bumped back before anything could happen, blinking a few times.
“General!” the man gasped in a slightly high voice. His hands reached out to steady your shoulders, although it wasn’t necessary. “I’m sorry, General. I didn’t see you there,” Rex said quickly. Nervously.
“It’s alright,” you promised. “There’s no problem.”
Wait a minute. Rex had no business being down this way. He slept with the other troops in the nearby facility. He had insisted on it. “What are you doing here?”
Rex swallows, confirming his anxiety. His hands drop away from you and he takes a respectful step back, keeping his posture upright and formal. “I was just... just running an inspection sir.”
“Running an inspection... in the hallway to my quarters?”
“Yes! Ah, Cody requested it.”
An eyebrow raised. “Cody requested you to run an inspection in the hallway to my quarters?”
Your shoulders shift. Arms come up to cross as you look up at the Captain. “Why?”
“Just... general inspection stuff.”
“Hey, Rex?” you continued, leaning forward.
“Yes, sir?” Rex replied, stiffening like a true soldier would.
“You’re a bad liar.”
His amber eyes widen for a moment. You can feel his heart rate pick up, the sweat begin to form on his palms. His throat goes dry as his brain struggles to stop and go at the same time, somehow working both a parsec per minute and not at all.
“You’re dismissed,” you decide casually. “Go on.”
Rex opens his mouth to say something more, but then closes it. With a slow nod like an ashamed child, he moves past you and continues down the wall.
You watch his back. He turns to get a final look at you as he goes, but this makes your heart jump and you surge yourself forward.
There’s another note at your door. Folded again, clean and proper. A relaxed smile graces your lips. Finally, after all the combat of the day, you were where and with what you wanted. The notes had become the highlight of your life.
You reach down with outstretched fingers and open it. Your body is letting go of the anxiety already, more than happy to welcome the new words.
ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ.
The love and appreciation fills your heart in place of the anger and frustration you’d been feeling. All the feelings of being trapped or drifting away as you succumb to the kind ones words.
You can’t help it. It’s like melting into the words as easy as falling into a soft mattress. It felt like all the blood of the stress and pain was evaporating as you gazed at the words. Like an ocean that carries everything you’ve been feeling away from you with the waves. The tide takes the weight from you in the simple stroke of a pen.
You’re special. You matter.
You turn your head back down the hallway, to the point where you had bumped into your Captain. You knew he hadn’t come down this way for an inspection, but what if he had come down this way for you. Solely you. A note for you.
You don’t drop your gaze from his eyes.
They’re flickering around, almost looking for an escape. He feels the pressure you’re putting on him from just a look and a stance. He feels the weight of your words, however passive they may be. But you don’t dare buckle or shiver.
“Find anything interesting during your inspection, Rex?” you asked.
Cody looked over at his comrade, who was visibly disturbed by the situation. Rex was looking between your eyes, his own skirting back and forth between left and right. “You ordered an inspection?” he asked his brother.
Your lips twitch into the faintest of smirks. Rex knows he’s done for. He knows you know now, and he’s watching the intelligence dance in your eyes from the situation. Oh, he should’ve known better than to not only overstep his bounds, but attempt to deceive a Jedi as well! He’s ruined himself now! What will you do to him now?
Rex struggles to form words. “Ah... I-”
“You misunderstand,” you said quickly. Your eyes didn’t leave the Captain’s, almost like a dare. “The Captain and I share many inside jokes.”
Cody sighs humorously. “I didn’t realize you two were so close, General.”
Rex didn’t remember what happened next. He may not have wanted to.
ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴀᴠᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ, ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀ ʀᴇᴍᴀʀᴋᴀʙʟᴇ ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪꜰᴜʟ ꜱɪɢʜᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʜᴏʟᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
You smile softly at this one, solidified in how it makes you feel. All the notes- no he- he has done this. He’s the one who saw your invisible suffering, and softened it for you all on his own. Not because he had to, but out of the sheer kindness of his heart. He wanted you to be alright, for one reason or another, and he had done what he felt was right to get there.
It made you feel safe, protected. Calm.
You tuck the note away with all the others, in the little metal box by where you rest. You don’t receive anymore for the rest of the week, limiting your interaction with the Captain. You talked only when necessary on the battlefield.
You led the troops to victory, pushing your final assault. Retaking Umbara had proven a lengthy and difficult task, but you had of course prevailed. It was partially owed to Kenobi and Skywalker, for conceiving such a wise plan, but your praise was not hindered. When you had alerted Obi-Wan of the success, he was glad his faith in you was not misplaced. All was well.
That night, while the troops celebrated and you returned to your quarters, you found the last note you would receive on the system. You hadn’t expected it, but you were overjoyed to see it.
ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ, ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ.
“I’m glad it was a success,” Obi-Wan said with a relaxed smile. Anakin folds his arms, an eyebrow raising.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Kenobi. Your plan was responsible for the victory,” you say in turn. Your eyes catch your soldier- your favorite soldier- walking in the background. His blue painted armor is chipped, and he’s waving his hands around for effect as he speaks under his helmet.
“How was Rex?” Anakin asks. “I hoped he behaved himself. I was worried he wouldn’t feel comfortable working under any Generals he didn’t know.”
You watch Captain Rex from behind them. You can imagine his golden eyes lighting up as he hears his comrades laugh. The careful way he had written his feelings out for you in any attempt to provide you with a circle of protection. Ironic, considering you were the one tasked with the protecting.
“He’s proved himself useful,” you say. You watch as the man slips his helmet from his head and tuck it under his arm.
“He certainly is a good man,” Obi-Wan agrees, him and Anakin turning to watch the Clone.
“Yes,” you whisper, a soft smile creeping over your face as you commit the Captain to memory. “He is.”
I didn’t check this for spelling errors. I’ll do it later, I just want to put something out. And if this gets enough asks for it then I’ll make a part two, because I think it might work idk.
Taglist: @haztory @omg-we-really-doo @chokemeanakin @anakinswhore @.drunk anon (i know you said you liked rex) @fanficsforheartandsoul
#captain rex#rex#captain rex x reader#captain rex imagine#captain rex imagines#captain rex fluff#captain rex angst#rex x reader#rex imagine#rex imagines#rex fluff#rex angst#tcw imagines#tcw x reader#star wars x reader#rex fanfiction
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