#like he ran over someone's foot but will not let the man speak a full sentence
myosotisbella · 1 year
also I honestly believe john slattery is an energy vampire
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
With your hands full, you use your elbow to push the doorknob and nudge the door open with your shoulder. You enter Ghost’s office, shutting the door behind you with your foot.
He stands with his back turned to the door, focused on the map spread across his desk. He looks over his shoulder and narrows his eyes as they fall upon the box in your hands. Although he doesn’t say it, the message is clear—he’s waiting for an explanation. You don’t blame him; anyone in his shoes would do the same.
“I need your help,” you announce.
“Absolutely not,” he replies, returning to the map.
“I’m serious.”
“Me too,” he murmurs, scribbling something on the paper. “Out. Now.”
“Seriously, man?” you protest, stomping your foot once on the floor.
He stops mid-writing, lets the pencil fall, and slowly turns halfway towards you. It must be the casual “man” you threw at him; otherwise, nothing would explain how he looks at you now, with one of his eyebrows so high up that it’s threatening to escape his forehead and shoot out of his balaclava.
“Please,” you whisper. “Just this one time.”
He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. “What do you want?” He asks.
“I need to hide this,” you explain and slightly lift the box in your hands.
He throws a brief glance at the box, then back at you. “Elaborate,” he orders. “What is it?”
“Cake,” you reveal.
“Cake,” he repeats and gestures with his hands to speak further.
“For Price,” you explain. “It’s his birthday.”
“I know,” he says, shrugging. “Why hide it?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply. “He doesn’t know.”
He clicks his tongue and turns his attention back to the map. “I think the captain is well aware that today is his birthday,” he murmurs.
“Will you please stop with the jokes?” you plead, throwing a quick glance at the door. “He saw me carrying it, and I think he’s suspicious.”
“Nonsense!” he chuckles while continuing to write on the map. “There is nothing suspicious about someone wandering around a military base holding a....” He turns back and looks at your hands. “Pink and white striped box with gold lettering embossed at the top; what the hell.”
“What can I say?” you snap. “Lulette’s patisserie ran out of camo boxes.”
He huffs and redirects his attention to the map, sketching out little arrows and making notations. He gets on your nerves like that, yet he never fails to lend you a hand when needed. You just need to be more pragmatic. Convince him.
“Please,” you beg. “This is the safest place to hide it; nobody dares to come here without permission.”
He tosses the pencil again on the map, this time more forcefully, and swivels his entire body towards you, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk.
“Yet here you are, in my office, permission or not,” he barks and points toward the door. “Out, now.”
“It’s an emerg-”
“I won’t repeat it.”
There’s a knock on the door. You both turn towards the sound.
“Who’s that?” Ghost asks.
“Price,” the voice responds from behind the door.
You turn your head towards Ghost, and he meets your gaze. The once scornful expression he had is now replaced with urgency.
He quickly looks around and motions for you to get under the desk; it has a modesty panel that graces the floor, making it a good enough place to conceal yourself and the box. You run toward your hiding spot and crawl under it while mouthing an “I told you so” to him. He brings his index finger to his mouth while pushing your head further into the opening. You bring your knees to your chest and balance the box there. Ghost quickly sits on top of the desk and picks up the phone.
“Come in.” He shouts.
The door swings open, and Ghost theatrically shuts the phone. He apologises to Price for the delay, explaining that he “was on the phone with one of the Sergeants discussing the upcoming mission.” You hear Price approaching, and Ghost dives right into the mission details without letting him get any closer.
After the lieutenant finishes his briefing, there’s something about the operation being on a tight timeline, how the captain needs everyone to be on point and Ghost assuring him how prepared the team is. They then delve into specifics and strategies, and you hear the map rustling, tapping fingers on the wooden surface above you, scribbling with the pencils and some subtle shifts in posture here and there.
Suddenly, Price’s voice changes direction, and you hear him walking around the desk. Ghost walks towards your hiding place and pushes his office chair closer, squeezing you further towards the modesty panel. You look up and listen to papers being lifted up. You hold your breath, and your heart pulses in your ears.
“Are these the documents for the mission?” Price asks.
“Yes, sir.” Ghost replies.
“Good.” The captain exclaims. “Let’s meet with the team and finalise the plans in the briefing room in an hour.”
“Understood,” Ghost says, and you hear Price distancing himself from your hiding spot, leaving the room.
Ghost waits a few moments, ensuring the door is closed, and Price is far away, before knocking on the desk twice, signalling that it is safe for you to emerge from under the desk. You put the box on the desk and slowly crawl out.
“I told you it was an emergency,” you repeat. “You didn’t listen.”
He doesn’t respond but grabs the box and walks towards the bookshelf.
“What cake is it?” He asks as he squats in front of a cabinet and places the box there.
“It’s a fruit tart.”
“Christ’s sake,” he grunts as he shuts the cabinet. “Who in their right mind picks a bloody fruit tart for a birthday cake.”
“Captain likes fruit tarts.” You remind him.
He stands up and walks behind his desk. “Be back in half an hour,” he states, looking at his watch. “We’ll do it after the briefing, where everyone will be present.”
“Yes, sir.” You nod and walk towards the door.
“And no poppers, no sparklers, no party horns.” He clarifies.
“What about party hats?” You ask.
“Party hats are fine.” He murmurs. “They don’t make any noise.”
“Should I save one for you, sir?”
He slowly shoots you the same look he did when you stepped into his office. “I don’t know.” He murmurs as he tilts his head. “Should you?”
“I guess not.” You whisper and clasp your hands.
“You guess right.” He whispers back. “Now, and for the final time, go.”
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cozage · 1 year
Five Stages of Grief
A/N: I'm so sorry.
CW: Major character death (you know the one. If you don’t, KEEP SCROLLING), spoilers for Marineford, depression, anger, just complete angst and sadness. 
Word count: 850
You didn’t think there was much to deny. You saw him die in front of you. It was a fact that the whole world knew. Portgas D. Ace was dead.
Denial came in the quiet moments. When you woke up in the middle of the night and reached for his warm body, only to find empty sheets. He must be in the bathroom, he’ll be back soon. 
It came at the dinner table, when you shot an irritated look at the man who sat down next to you. The guy didn’t even spare you a second glance, and you scoffed at his boldness. Everyone knows that Ace sits there. 
It came with orange hats and unexpected flames. A stranger in the crowd could turn into him at first glance just by a simple accessory. A building explosion down the street made your heart flutter.  He’s just around the corner. 
You weren’t an angry person. At least, not until after Ace died. Then the emotion came frequently and overwhelmed you. It was waiting for you at every corner, never letting you rest. Nobody was excluded from your wrath, either. 
Anger ripped into you the first time you laughed after his death. You turned to look for him, as you always did whenever someone on the crew made a fool of himself. You searched the room while you cackled with glee, not even realizing you were searching for him until you had done a complete circle. Laughter was instantly replaced with tears. You can’t laugh anymore, because he’s not here to share it with you. 
It ripped into you when you were sparring with a crew mate. You lost your footing, and he knocked you to the ground and disarmed you, forcing you to surrender. You screamed in rage, demanding a rematch. No wonder you lost him, you’re too weak to save anyone. 
It ripped into you when you heard another pirate crew make a jab at Pops in passing. Your blade is instantly against the leader's throat, telling him to repeat it to your face. They begged for mercy, and you granted it. They ran away, scared of the threat you posed. Why couldn’t he have run away, just once in his life?
You had started bargaining before you even went to rescue him. You begged and pleaded with every deity that you had ever heard of, and you abandoned them all for good when they failed you on that day. 
Bargaining began when you saw his wanted poster on an island after he was captured. You snatched it off the board, staring at his face. The face you were sure you’d never see again. The man who was supposed to be executed in five days. “Do you know him?” An elderly lady asked, a look of concern in her gaze. You ran out without answering, with the paper clutched against your chest. Please, don’t let this be the last time I see his face. 
It began when you saw the Strawhats all together again. You knew Kuma had sent them to different parts of the world with no way for them to return together before Ace’s death sentence. Everyone from the Whitebeard Pirates was at Marineford, a full crew united for one man. If Luffy's crew had been united too… If they had all been together, we might’ve been able to save him. 
It began when you awakened your devil fruit powers. Every single awakened devil fruit user was infinitely stronger than those who had not awakened theirs. If you had just awakened it earlier, you could’ve saved him.
You couldn’t hide your depression, and thankfully nobody asked you to. For a long time, you didn’t speak, didn’t acknowledge others, didn’t come out of your room. When you finally started to act somewhat like your old self, most people thought the worst was over. 
Depression found you when friends took you shopping. You passed a hat shop, and they led you in to try some on. “You always looked so cute with a cowboy hat! You should get another one that’s more your style!!” He had always let you wear it, and you didn’t want anything other than that one. Nothing fit right like the way his hat did. 
It found you when the sun set. The sky mocked you, reminding you every day of the colors you lost. The red, orange, and yellow that represented the flame of his life draining away every night. He should be sitting here, matching the colors of the sky with his flames.
It found you when they sold his Striker. It didn’t make sense to hold onto, since Ace was the only one who could operate it. And such a notorious boat would fetch a high price. You watched it float away with its new owner, a ghost of the vessel it used to be. That boat will never sail again, not in the way it was built to. 
Acceptance wasn’t here yet. And you weren’t sure you’d ever see its light. You would never recover from this, that was one thing you were sure of.
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jekyll-doodles · 1 year
📎 paperclip , ☁️ cloud and 📦 package, for the wakey wakey lords ? ^^
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
A Glimpse Into The After:
The palace halls were still a non-euclidean wonder to behold. Only now though, they were reliably navigable.
Well, they were for the most part. However, even if the lords had sorted out the labyrinthine layout, there were still a few unfortunate souls who would end up lost on occasion. After all, when the mind tends to wander, it tends to get lost. That's where Nigredo found himself currently: very lost. Just like his old self those many centuries ago; he had lost himself in thought and ended up somewhere he did not quite recognize. At least this time, wandering through the palace was not as treacherous as it used to be. One could take in the elegant decor without fearing for one's well-being at the hands of the ambassador. Nor having to worry about running the risk of accidentally walking in on a promiscuous scene. 
Certainly, when one is lost as he currently was, observing the scenery was the only thing he could do. And there were many grandeurs to behold: bouquets of lively flowers lined the halls, doors that were elegantly carved and towered above, and  flooring that was a soft carpet reminiscent of a glittering night sky. It would stand to reason then, he thought as he continued his search for the familiar, that this was possibly either Citrinitas's or Rubedo's lodgings. Their forms needed such accommodations: bigger doors and non-slip flooring.
'Perfect,' Nigredo mused as he picked and tucked a flower into his hair, ' I needed to speak with Citrinitas on the time matter, and if I instead found Rubedo, I can at least ask for directions.'
As he peered into the occasional room – knocking first to announce himself, of course – he felt the looming feeling of living in such a grand yet somehow empty place start to sink in. The palace was by no means empty, it was simply not full to the brim of people engaging in an assortment of debauchery and violence anymore. Perhaps it was merely the size difference of these particular halls that was making him uncomfortable. His own lodgings were not as grand– or more so, not as open-spaced. Or perhaps it was his upbringing, having lived with a large family for most of his life. Either way, it hastened his pace to find someone. Anyone.
Luckily, the loneliness did not last long. One room was thankfully occupied. It was a large bedroom set in a deep, sweet maroon and contrasted by orange candles that illuminated just enough to see into its cozy darkness. Its centerpiece: a bed fit for at least fifteen people comfortably. Fifteen average-sized people, that is. Currently, it had only one sole snoozing occupant that quietly napped amongst a mass of blankets and pillows. 
"...Rubedo?" Nigredo called out in a whisper as he stepped into the room, mindful not to let too much light in. He crept closer as his friend mumbled a response. "Rubedo, I need some help." 
The man drowsily blinked open one eye, just enough to gaze over to his worried friend, then propped himself up on his elbows. "...Lovely flower. One of mine?" The smile in his tone was ever present.
"Please focus," Nigredo ran a hand through his hair, absentmindedly fixing the flower. " I need to speak with Citrinitas, but I'm… kind of lost."  Nigredo sheepishly admitted. One or two pairs of his hands wringing themselves. 
Rubedo, ever helpful, hummed in understanding. He then laid himself back down with a yawn and a stretch of his hind legs as he settled back into sleep. 
"... Can you at least give me directions?" Nigredo tapped his foot, but kept a calm tone.  "Or any directions really. I'll take a simple 'North' or 'East'. This way or That." 
"Hmmm… nope." 
"Why not?" 
The dozing man simply beckoned him closer with a finger. Nigredo humored him and crawled closer. He planned that, should his friend fall back asleep without helping him, he would try tapping him awake or possibly stealing one of the blankets to rouse him. Suddenly though, before either plan could be carried out, a pair of tendrils snaked out of the fabrics and wrapped around his waist. The twin tails gently lifted him up onto the soft bed, over Rubedo, and sat him against his back. 
Nigredo huffed, knowing he should have expected as much. "Rubedo, I need to–" 
"I know, I know," he assured him warmly. "We'll go see Citrinitas in a few minutes. There's no rush." 
"It is a bit time-sensitive actually." Nigredo corrected, yet relented to rest against his sleepy friend. 
"Oh? Have you two figured time out yet?" 
Nigredo began to answer that it was complicated: that a plan had been devised but needed revision, and given their normal duties, it was postponed quite a few times – ironically enough, finding time to fix their linear time was more tricky than originally assumed. He proposed they seek guidance from SCP-343, but – and that's about when he realized that the question had been a mere distraction. Rubedo was only half listening, half dozing off again. Seizing the opportunity, he attempted to unwrap the tails from his waist, but they twisted back around him. 
"I have work to do, ya know. Important work." How was it that he had more arms now, yet was being bested by two tails? 
"Mhmmm." Rubedo purred. "I know. I have my important work too. But it's also important to take breaks, yes?" 
It felt shameful that after all this time, he still needed to be reminded to do so. Some things never change apparently. That even after The Everything they had endured, they were still… them. 
"...Yes, very important." Nigredo sighed. "...I'm assuming that the other lords are also taking a break now, then?" He plucked a pillow up and rested it on Rubedo's side. Surrendering to the notion of getting comfortable. 
"Mhm, while the children are out playing in the courtyard." 
Nigredo laid down against the pillow, some arms hanging over and wrapping around Rubedo. Others tucking against himself. "Aaah, A moment of peace, hm?" 
The two chuckled, and drifted off into a light sleep together.
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Hold on and stay safe ~Carl Grimes x OC~ pt 5
While grappling with the death of his brother in the Woodbury Vs Prison war. Gavin has to learn to live his new life with the people who killed his only living family member. Even once Gavin starts to feel like he was creating a home at the prison things go awry and he's forced to flee on foot while trying to keep a promise he made before it all went to hell. As Gavin wanders the woods and fields alone, he finds his way to a new safe haven, Alexandria. Where he is taken in and cared for, and while those around him try to tell him otherwise Gavin still holds on to hope that his group is still out there. That Carl is still out there.
I do not own any of the characters or plot points that are not my own creations, all credit for those goes to the owners and writers of The Walking Dead.
The story will also have Carl and all others around his age (ie. Enid and Ron) will be aged up slightly so that by the end all "kids" will be 18-19 years old.
Full story on Wattpad
My eyes snap open hearing a loud boom and feeling the prison shake. I fall out of bed and scramble to my feet. "Damn it, the one day I take a nap," I mutter under my breath, grabbing my knife and slipping on my boots with ease from how worn they were. I run out to the main part of the cell block. I see everyone running outside to see what happened. I quickly follow the crowd of people out only to see...the governor? He stood atop a tank, in front of a group of cars and trucks, everyone in sight had a gun of some kind. My eyes search the crowd inside the prison fence for Carl and the others. I see them all together standing by the fence. I ran up next to the group, clutching my fist, trying to keep my hand from shaking. Carl looks over and places his hand over my fist, trying to help calm my nerves. I look over at him, feeling the panic well up in my chest. I look over to see Glenn and Maggie standing together and reach out taking Glenn's hand as well. He looks over at me and squeezes my hand tightly, looking back to the Governor. I follow his eye line, back to the governor's army, I watch in horror as someone drags Hershal out, forcing him to his knees. My heart drops to my stomach like a stone and I instinctively take hold of Carl's hand, watching as Michonne was dragged out as well. My breaths become uneven as we all stand in waiting, watching Rick walk out to the main field. The others in the group began to split off, Glenn letting go of my hand only leaving mine in Carls. The group disperses to man different stations for when things inevitably get ugly. I look over to Carl, his eyes glued on his father. I squeeze his hand once to let him know I'm here. Carl pried his eyes away from his dad for a moment to look at me. I try to give a comforting smile, though not so deep down that I know how this will end. Carl squeezes my hand twice tightly, the silence heavy between us. After a moment I finally speak. "Go stand guard I'll try and round up all the kids and older folks okay? It's gonna be alright." I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking. I turn to walk away but feel Carl grip my hand tighter. "Gavin..." I look back at him, once more trying to keep my voice from stuttering. "What...?" I ask, squeezing his hand once more. "Stay safe..." Carl said, squeezing my hand twice once more before grabbing a pistol from his back and handing it to me. I hesitated for a moment before carefully taking the gun and turning the safety off. "You too..." I say before pulling away, going to round up as many people as I could. As I run back into the cell block I feel a pit sinking deeper and deeper into my stomach. I tried my best to ignore it as I went around, telling all the kids to grab their things and make their way to the bus. I quickly run to my room grabbing a dirty backpack from underneath my bed. In it were a few supplies I had kept in case something happened. In it, I had a few tins of food, two or three matches, and some string. I know I should have given everything I had when we moved over to the prison but I had this even back in Woodbury, It was Josh's idea. As I stood up I quickly grabbed a few other things from my room, nonessential like the book I was reading, a few pens, a notebook Glenn had found for me, and a change of clothes. After that I grabbed the few sentimental I had left, my brother's necklace we had taken off his body when we found him, a broken crossbow bolt given to me by Daryl after I broke it shooting the wall instead of a target, and Patrick's glasses, which were now cracked and had one lens popped out. I wrapped the glasses in a pair of socks and ran out of my cell. A few of the adults were doing a sweep of the prison to find out where all the kids were. They told me not to tell any other kids and to go outside and wait by the bus and that they would handle everything. I nodded and quickly made my way out the back of the cell heading to the bus, clutching the strap of my backpack tightly.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
The Paths You Take Update
Been sitting on this mostly finished for some time now, and a fresh re-read...yeah, I think it's okay to adjust my timetable a bit. Outlining was never my strong suit, and the story will get there when it gets there
Full chapter on AO3!
"So on a scale from one to royally fucked, how bad do you think our reception is gonna be?"
The question was rhetorical, one he didn't expect SAM to answer let alone consider, but the words had been weighing heavy on his chest ever since they'd gotten back to the Tempest. So much had been riding on Khi Tasira actually being Meridian and discovering that it wasn't…
He wasn't sure what the Director was going to do, exactly, but he didn't doubt Tann would find some way to punish him. Publicly? Privately? Strip him of his tenuous rank, or find some other way to pen him in? There wasn't much the Salarian could do about SAM's connection to Scott but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to order some research into how to tear them apart, pass the mantle on to someone he could bring to heel. 
I won't let that happen, Scott.
We might not have a choice here, Big Guy. 
Other factors to consider, too, like the mysterious "Benefactor" mentioned in his father's memories. He wished there was some way to jump start the rest of them, unlock them deliberately to give him some actual fucking direction, but the trigger method was as random as ever. No rhyme or reason for all they were coming more frequently these days, and Scott wasn't sure if that was because he was mentally where the blocks felt he needed to be or if that domicile back on Kadara had caused it. 
Speaking of… He chewed a thumbnail, turning on his heel and striding back to the other side of his quarters. SAM, how's our uh… special package doing?
It is en route to Kadara, Scott. I estimate it should be docking by the time we reach the Nexus.
No issues from the Scourge?
Some, the AI admitted, but it is not without shielding, and I was able to cloak some of the signals. It should make it to its destination relatively intact. 
Scott huffed out a breath at that, feeling his shoulders relax a touch. At least something had gone right back there. Something he had no intention of sharing with anyone aside from SAM and Reyes, of course, but still. 
Worse comes to worse we could always go pirate. 
An idle fantasy, so far-fetched from the reality of space piracy that he had to laugh at an imagination better suited to the boy he'd been than the man he was. He'd encountered plenty of real-life pirates back on Arcturus and the grim truth had stripped the veneer of excitement right off all those holo-vids he'd watched as a kid. 
Shame, he thought, pacing the other direction, Reyes already has the swagger down. 
Scott, your breathing is elevated.
"I know," he whispered aloud. Shaking fingers snaked through his hair and he made an effort to measure his breaths, counting the inhales and exhales the way he'd been taught. "I'll be alright."
Will you, though? he thought. You fucked up, just like you always fuck up, only this time its gonna cause a bunch of people grief. His team, the science team, the other Pathfinders and their teams… 
He didn't respond, his pacing picking up in speed. Any hopes of establishing an independent entity with the Pathfinders were probably toast, too, after this little stunt. He'd just been so fucking sure… 
He ran a hand over his face, coming to a stop. Breathe in, breathe out. There was nothing he could do about any of it right now, and sliding deeper into a panic wasn't going to help anyone.
Easier said than done. 
"Yeah, SAM?"
"Suvi wishes to speak with you on the bridge," the AI intoned. "She has an idea."
Reyes leaned his elbows against the rail on the upper deck of the docking bay, sequestered in a corner that gave him the best view. He was cloaked, having gotten into position carefully, spot chosen for its overall lack of foot traffic and sensors. 
The Tempest was due to land at any time, and he was eager to watch the show. 
A sizable crowd was already filtering in, Tann once again trying to command center stage by propping himself up on a pedestal in more ways than one. A looming figure cut above the rest of them, and Reyes wondered if it was an appeal to his desire for power, some show of force in the face of the unexpected. 
Scott Ryder may have been an overt catalyst interrupting carefully laid plans, but Reyes Vidal was the curve ball the Director would never see coming. 
His eyes scanned for other notables in the group arrayed right before the Tempest's usual berth, taking note of who was and wasn't present. Kandros was there, in deep discussion with Pathfinders Rix and Vederia; Kesh wasn't too far from them, reviewing something on her omni-tool. Pathfinder Hayjer was speaking to one of his own team, illustrating his point with waves of the hand, and Addison… 
Addison was conspicuously absent.
Reyes couldn't help but grin in self-satisfaction, resettling more comfortably against the railing. 
In the distance he spotted the telltale signs of a ship pulling in from FTL, a flash and distortion of space that manifested the vessel in question. The Tempest smoothly lowered to her berth, and the gathered crowd buzzed with renewed excitement. 
Details from their trip to Khi Tasira were sketchy at best, and due to the delicate nature of his stay on the Nexus Reyes hadn't been able to risk any direct forms of communication. But he had managed to snag copies of the data the Pathfinder team had sent ahead, availing himself of the science team's terminals via Sentinel, and knew that while Meridian itself had not been located the information gained supported Scott's assertions that the Remnant technology was important to the healing and growth of Heleus. 
Theory may not have been practice, but it was a solid starting point. 
Reyes straightened as the doors opened, intent on the group stepping through them. Scott's team looked…tired. Worn out, tense, and Scott himself looked a little rough around the edges. Reyes frowned, fighting the urge to break his cover and go to his partner. Had something happened? Had he been hurt, like he had on the Archon's ship? That episode had set Scott off-kilter for weeks, and he still had nightmares. Reyes bit his lip, fingers clenching against the rail, and willed Tann to get on with the pointless puffery already. 
"Our brave Pathfinder Ryder returns!" the Director announced needlessly, striking the same jovial tone he'd managed when Scott had brought back the Salarian Ark. Scott froze, having been eyeing the crowd and now looking at Tann like he'd grown an extra head. 
Not the reception you were expecting, mi amor? Reyes's frown deepened. He supposed he could understand why Scott may have thought his return would be decidedly less welcome, but surely he knew Reyes would've taken care of it?
Maybe Keema has a point, he thought, biting at the inside of his lip, I really ought to tell him how I operate. Not all of it, perhaps, but enough to ensure his partner understood that Reyes had his back, that their relationship wasn't some one-sided affair where the only one getting any clear benefits was Reyes. Not that he thought Scott saw it that way, but he did, sometimes, despite himself. 
He wanted a future with Scott -- and maybe he didn't know what shape it would take, but he knew he wanted the chance to find out. 
Scott was still staring up at Tann, poleaxed, and to Tann's credit the Director recovered quickly. Tugging Scott up by the hand and Reyes bit back his flash of irritation at the way the Director still thought he could handle Scott like that, and the Salarian slipped an arm around the confused young man's shoulders. 
"The data acquired on this research mission confirms the suspicion that Meridian is the key to our future here in Heleus," Tann was saying, ignoring how stiff Scott was beside him. "We have a long way to go yet to locate this incredible find, but I'm sure after some proper rest and assessments for next steps our courageous Pathfinders will set out to obtain it for the Initiative."
"For Heleus."
They were the first real words Scott had spoken since stepping off the ship, and maybe they were a bit rough but his tone was clear and his voice carried. Reyes glanced around, following his partner's gaze to a group of Angaran diplomats arrayed near the cultural center. Several of them had folded their arms over their chests, looking less than pleased, but upon meeting Scott's eyes a few of them nodded in acknowledgment. 
Scott seemed to be reviving, stepping out from Tann's hold and addressing the crowd at large. Fingers fighting their fidgets and Reyes knew he was trying his best, and couldn't help the surge of pride he felt as the other man got his bearings. 
"These finds are crucial for all of us -- Angaran, Krogan, Turian, Salarian, Asari, and human -- if we want to create a sustainable, thriving life in this cluster. The Kett threat extends to Meridian, and therefore to that dream; we have to stop them, and get to it first.
"We managed to foil them at Khi Tasira," Scott went on, hopping down from the platform. After a moment Tann followed suit, the crowd parting to make way for the young Pathfinder. Reyes felt himself smiling again, applauding the tacit message this move sent: I am not above you. I am of you, and I work with you. "We were challenged by one of the Archon's best, and emerged victorious." Scott held up a hand to forestall the burst of cheers this news brought. "But we have a lot of work ahead, and it's going to take all of us to reach that dream." 
He looked around, meeting the eyes of those closest to him, and nodded. Summoned a smirk that was more of the Scott they were all used to and said, "Now, if you’ll excuse us -- my team and I are very hungry."
Ripples of laughter and the crowd willingly began to disperse, making room for the Pathfinder and his team to get by. On the platform above Reyes began to move, a silent shadow trailing after them. 
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rinwellisathing · 4 months
Paint the Lines, Cut the Flesh: Part 9
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Sentry followed her gaze. Wings? He watched as an oily looking man in Flaming Fist armor landed on the balcony in front of Isobel. His wings were tattered and rotting with molting black feathers. Nothing good could come of this and the paladin quickly moved, forcing his own body between Isobel and the figure and drawing himself to his full height just shy of six feet. The man was burlier than Sentry's lean muscled scarecrow frame, but that didn't bother the tiefling, he'd defeated bigger men before. “Isobel, you must come with me immediately.” The man tried to reach out to her, but Sentry slapped his hand away. “D'you know this half-plucked buzzard, Isobel?” Sentry asked, looking back at the priestess. “Or more to the point, do you trust him?” “That's Markus, he came here with The Flaming Fist...but...” Isobel began, but her murmuring words were cut out by a jolt into Sentry's brain as the winged intruder began to speak. “True soul, help me. General Ketheric wants her alive. Aid me and The Absolute will give you anything you want, like she did for me.” The man's voice smirked within his head. “You could've had anything you want and you asked for a shoddy pair of wings? Bad dealin on your part.” Sentry's mind shot back. He turned to look at Isobel and spoke out loud. “This guy wants to take you to Ketheric. We should prepare for a fight. I'll protect you ask best I can but I doubt he came without reinforcements.” “I hate that you're right about that.” Shadowheart winced, looking around as the winged intruder cried out, his call bringing horrid winged fiends down on the inn in droves. A ring of moonlight surrounded Shadowheart as she drew her mace and raised her shield. Sentry's halbered glowed with raging fire and he swung a vicious arc at Markus as Isobel drew her staff, standing between Shadowheart and Sentry as she glanced warily about.
Down on the bar level, Wyll and Astarion turned their heads at the sound of a scream as one of the creatures lifted Mol into the sky and began to fly away with her. Astarion fired a few shots at the thing but it flew to quickly and, cursing, he ran to join Wyll in the battle. Kroger and Octavia joined the fray as well as Jaheira shifted into the form of a massive black panther and Rolan staggered to his feet, throwing up a shield over the remaining tiefling children. A hulking cave bear burst onto the scene followed by Lae'zel with her sword drawn and psionic energy coursing through her feet. Outside at the blacksmith, Jaina and Karlach heard the commotion and ran towards the inn, neither one noticing the creature swooping directly towards them causing Jaina to trip, her head hitting hard against the ground as her vision spun and her world swam out of focus. The last thing she saw was Karlach reaching helplessly for her as she felt herself lifted into the air and carried away. The last thought in her mind before she fell unconscious was 'Shit....Tibs always said I was clumsy...'
By the time the dust settled, Sentry watched calmly as Markus' head rolled from his body. He pressed his foot down on it to stop it and then turned, extending a hand to help Isobel to her feet. “Are you alright, Iz? Can I call you Iz?” Sentry asked as the half-elf accepted his hand and let him help her to her feet. “A little familiar for someone you just met, don't you think?” Isobel quirked an eyebrow. “But anyway, thank you...If it weren't for you, I'd have been dragged to Moonrise and all of these people would be dead...” “One thing I don't get, though...why does Ketheric want you alive? I understand the stopping your magic thing, he's a necromancer or something so a lot of dead people is good for his line of work, but he could achieve that same thing by just killing you, which probably would have been way easier.” Sentry frowned, studying Isobel's expression. “Who knows, perhaps to torture or to turn into one of his True Souls...” Isobel shuddered, but although Sentry missed it, Shadowheart picked up on a twinge of guilt and shame on Isobel's face as she spoke. Her eyes darted to Sentry, noting with annoyance that of course he didn't catch it. Still, something to keep in her back pocket till it was useful.
“Isobel! Thank the gods you are alright...” Jaheira panted as she dashed into the room. “Sentry dispatched my would-be abductor quite handily...I'm fine.” Isobel nodded. “To think that Ketheric would send his creatures directly to us like this...Now it is more vital than ever that he be defeated, and quickly.” The druid frowned. “I'll go find the rest of my party and head out, then.” Sentry nodded. “I feel like defeating this 'Ketheric' guy is something I would enjoy anyway.” He mused as he began to make his way downstairs, Shadowheart not far behind him. The moment they arrived in the tavern proper, the place was abuzz with commotion. Halsin and Kroger were healing the injured while Octavia and Gale did their best to calm the remaining children. Astarion was, predictably, checking the intruder's corpses for loot while Lae'zel helped the strongest of the Harpers cart out bodies and pile them. Karlach was speaking rapidly and breathlessly to Wyll, gesturing wildly and seemingly panicked.
Shadowheart broke off to help Halsin and Kroger with their healing work. Sentry noticed Rolan had return to the bar, a bit worse for wear. He gestured a quick healing spell his way as he approached and sat beside him.
“Rough day, huh, buddy?” Sentry asked. “Hmmph...Of course it would be YOU showing up now after it's all over.” The wizard scoffed bitterly, taking a sip of his drink. Sentry looked around the room and then back to Rolan. “I helped clear out the attack, I was upstairs.” “Not the attack I mean.” Rolan glared. “You and your friends and those pretty words about 'sticking together' and 'helping the weak'. You certainly got Cal and Lia excited to play heroes...And what did it get them? Taken away by that bloody cult.” He slammed down his drink. “You guys saved everyone, though, Alfira told me...” Sentry looked at him in wide eyed confusion. “Oh, well everything's fine, then, isn't it? Perhaps she'll write a song about me...” Rolan sneered, finishing his drink. “It won't bring Cal and Lia back from those dungeons...” “Then I will. If I got you guys into this mess, it's my job to get you all out.” Sentry offered, placing a hand on Rolan's shoulder. Rolan slapped his hand away, eyes blazing with fury. “NO. They are MY responsibility. Take your big damn hero act somewhere else, you oaf.” And he stormed off, leaving Sentry sitting there, blinking in bewilderment. “Ah beans...I should probably go after him.” Sentry sighed, rising to his feet. He got about half way across the tavern floor before Wyll and Karlach hurried over to him, both looking distraught. Sentry stopped, looking back and forth between the two. “What happened, are you both okay? Halsin and the clerics are healing people up right now, so...” “No, we're fine....But they took Jaina...She's been taken to Moonrise...” Wyll's expression was one of horror. He was worried for Jaina, Sentry knew that well enough, but the paladin considered for a moment the opportunity this afforded them. Jaina was strong enough to hold out until help arrived and more than that, she was smart. Smarter than most people Sentry knew. Put on top of that the way she could hide her feelings behind that inscrutable mask of diplomacy, and now they had a spy on the inside. The tables were turned on Ketheric and the general would think it was an advantage. “We'll get her back, Wyll. Don't worry. I'm heading there right now.” Sentry assured him.”We won't leave anyone behind.”
---- Jaina opened her eyes slowly, wincing as she reached up and clutched her throbbing head. She was laid out not in a prison cell but on a comfortable, if a bit dusty and long-unused bed. A skeletal dog sat beside the bed at perfect attention, watching her.
“Oh...that wasn't my proudest moment.” She hissed in pain. “I'm assuming this is Moonrise Tower, then...appropriately creepy, but with a few homey touches. I suppose not much worse than using one of the older buildings in town when we dock.” She pulled back the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, rising to her feet. She noted that the dog immediately scurried out the door. “Eyes and ears everywhere. Well, it's a military base, so...fair enough.” She began to explore the room, examining the dusty paintings of what appeared to be a happy family. A tall, imposing male half-elf in Selunite armor, a smaller woman in Selunite robes, and a smiling fair haired little girl in blue play clothes. This painting hung above a fire place near a small vanity mirror that seemed to have fresh flowers placed on it. A portrait nearer to the bed showed a beautiful half-elf woman with silvery hair, pale grey eyes, and Selunite robes. Her makeup was similar to the style Jaina wore, a typical choice for devotees of various gods and goddesses, Jaina's was the same deep black shade, and she assumed the only difference would be unnoticeable to most, the fact that ground shells were used to achieve the color of hers in honor of her goddess. She almost laughed. Those flying creatures couldn't tell a tiefling from a half-elf. She was slowly realizing she had been brought here in the place of someone else. “Forgive me this insult, True Soul. Clearly I relied on fools to carry out what I believed was a very clear, simple task.” A voice from the doorway interrupted her thoughts, dour and cold as an open grave. Jaina turned to find herself face to face with a very tall half-elf dressed in heavy armor, a circlet set with a skull pushing back his wiry grey hair. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry...I understand this is a very heavy disappointment for you.” Jaina inclined her head politely, keeping her words sincere but guarded. “It's my fault for trusting that one easily convinced soldier could accomplish something this important. But, perhaps you can be of more use than he was. You appear intelligent...Truth be told, you remind me of...her...in some ways.” The old man sighed, motioning for Jaina to follow him. The tiefling nodded. This was her chance, explore the tower, take in absolutely everything she saw, and report back to the others. Already, she noted a horrible sound like wet meat slapping together inside the walls, a horribly undulating squelch that seemed to cause the tower to shake just a little. “You know, rats in the woodwork have been the end of a lot of great ships.” Jaina commented, looking at the walls as the noises continued.
“Then it's a good thing we are in a fortress of stone and not aboard some rickety pirate vessel.” The General replied hollowly, not looking back at her. Jaina's mouth twitched at the insult, but she bit her lip and continued after him. “You have a beautiful family, General...I'm sorry for your loss...” She spoke up as they passed another portrait of the serene, pale haired half-elf priestess who must have been his wife. The General said nothing, merely looked back at Jaina, his expression somewhat mournful, she had expected anger. “...Thank you...it's been a long time...” “If I may, what was she like?” Jaina asked, noting the kind, calm smile the woman always seemed to wear and the distinctly Selunite garb. This curse was Sharran and Ketheric's armor was Myrkulite. There had to be some connection. He seemed surprised to be asked about his wife, like no one had bothered to in quite a long time. He barely hid the expression behind his dour frown in time. “She was dutiful, kind, intelligent...a remarkable woman. She devoted her life to her goddess and to her family...but somehow, that wasn't enough for Selune.” Jaina nodded softly. “I see...it isn't quite the same, but my maternal grandmother was a devoted priestess of Umberlee...She used to help care for me when I was a child. She was strong and kind, and the most devoted priestess I ever met...She got sick, though...and Umberlee called her back to the sea...I think sometimes the Gods miss their most faithful, they think we're selfish keeping them all to ourselves...it can feel unfair with all the power they have, can't it?”
Ketheric raised a brow, frowning at the sorceress. “Yes, it can....And when they take the things we love and leave us in our pain, they don't deserve our worship. What they forget is that we are able to simply find a god who does....”
--- The party was ready to set out, near to leaving the inn when Halsin stopped Sentry, taking his hand gently but firmly. The young tiefling looked up at the elf and cocked his head to one side. “Something wrong, Halsin?” “I have offered to stay behind to help with a sick man in the main room...He mentioned a name I can't ignore...The healer attending him believes he may have been trapped in the Shadowfell for a hundred years or more and something of his may jar him out of his slumber...if you find anything, please bring it back here. He could be the key to finding my friend and breaking this curse.” The druid explained, looking Sentry directly in the eyes, his expression pleading.
“No worries, I promised you I'd help, didn't I?” Sentry replied, nodding his head. “I'll bring whatever I find back here fast as I can...just as soon as I rescue Rolan...and Jaina...and the rest of the Tieflings...and Jaina's gnome friend's....husband?” Sentry squinted as he tried to remember. “Anyway, I'll remember! Back in a flash.” And with that he hurried towards the door. Kroger remained back with Halsin to attempt to help in any way his Ghustil training would allow with the comatose Flaming Fist recruit. The rest of the party set off from the inn out into the dark of the Shadow Curse yet again. The light blessed teddy bear bounced bravely at Karlach's hip even as the pixie blessing and Selune's light shielded the party. Kroger liked to think that added at least a little extra protection, or at least morale.
--- Sentry paused, forcing back a look of anguish that threatened to cross his face as the party stumbled upon the bodies of those who didn't make it when the tieflings were ambushed. He looked over each and every face, trying to remember what he could about them. Every mutilated body brought back a flash of memory to his mind, a bound and terrified figure, screams for mercy, blood...so much blood...He felt his stomach turn when the realization finally hit him. He had done these things before. The murder of the Dragonborn bard was not the first time. Only the first time he had felt guilty, only the first time he hadn't reveled in it. He heaved and wretched, going to his knees in a nearby ditch as he was violently ill.
It dawned on him like it never had before, these people were alive, happy, celebrating alongside him only...what? Weeks? Maybe even only days ago. And now here they were, slaughtered like animals and scattered along the road. The wounds weren't from shadow creatures, not from goblins either. People did this. Humans, elves, dwarves, maybe even other tieflings. The wounds were distinct and the attacks deliberate, more so the order they happened in were done one of two ways split amongst the group of refugees. To halt a fleeing target or to maximize suffering before death. There were few signs if any to suggest the refugees had fought back, so he supposed any who did were captured instead, but why? Slowly, he rose to his feet, shaking out his wrists and squeezing his eyes shut as he let one last shudder pass through his body. “Alright....We need to hurry.” He remarked. “Octavia, Gale, would you two mind returning to the inn to fetch someone to retrieve the bodies? It isn't right to leave them like this.”
Gale nodded, wincing at the sight. “We'll be as quick as we can...Those people deserved better...” Octavia began to trace out a portal with her index finger, murmuring a spell as the rest of the party pressed onward. Sentry picked up speed as they pushed into the thick of the Shadow Curse, nearing the sounds of battle. Karlach kept pace with him fairly easily with Shadowheart not far behind. Wyll and Astarion hurried to keep up as Sentry hoisted himself over a crumbling wall and down a small ravine, charging forward with a burst of speed. Rolan was panting for breath as he felt his mana near depletion. He was cut and bleeding in several places and his robes were damaged. He cursed under his breath. Even if he did survive this, he could forget looking presentable when he arrived for his apprenticeship. Worthless. He couldn't rescue Cal and Lia, he couldn't defeat a few shadow creatures, he couldn't even keep up appearances. He felt near ready to just give in and accept his fate when the creature in front of him exploded with an agonized cry in a flash of light. He blinked up and groaned in annoyance. It would be that big, dumb paladin rushing in to save him like some knight in shining armor with that stupid friendly smile on his face like a pet dog. “Hang on, Rolan...I've got you, buddy.” Sentry grinned, positioning himself between Rolan and the remaining creatures. “You look parched, soldier! Have a pick me up!” Karlach called out as she cleaved a shadow creature into nothing with one hand on her axe while the other hand tossed a healing potion to Rolan. These. Idiotic. Wannabe. Heroes. Didn't they understand? He gritted his teeth, his hand shaking as he looked down at the potion bottle. Everything came so easily for them, they were strong, lucky, practically chosen by some greater power. How could he compete? How could he ever be good enough? He wasn't even good enough to save his own siblings. “Worse yet, I'm too cowardly to let myself die after all my failures...I still want to live...damn it!” He bit his lip as he opened the potion bottle and drank deeply from it. When the dust cleared, Sentry turned to face him with a relieved smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Rolan! You're okay! We were worried about you...Oh, here, before I forget...” Sentry fished the little silvery bell out of his pocket and shook it, whispering the words as Rolan's body began to shine with silvery light like the rest of the party. “Yes....of course...thanks to you brave heroes, the failure of a wizard who couldn't even save his own siblings has survived...Gods damn it....” He looked away, face flushed with anger and humiliation. “You should have left me for dead.” He slapped Sentry's hand away, causing the other tiefling to step back with a guilty frown.
“You're my friend, Rolan. I couldn't do that. Besides, think of how Cal and Lia will feel when we break them out and you're not there.” Sentry insisted. “Come with us! We're stronger together, right?” Rolan shook his head, shoving past Sentry. “No....I know when I'm outmatched. You're the brave knight in shining armor who rescues the distressed refugees....and I'm the drunk who thinks he's better than he is...I'll only slow you down...” Sentry was about to turn to follow Rolan, to try and talk to him again, but Wyll approached the wizard first with a gentle expression. “You held your own against The Shadowcurse with little to no protection and even suffering from it, you stood your ground in a dangerous fight and made it to the tower. You're not weak, Rolan. You knew the people your loved were in danger and you put them first. Consequences or not, you tried to do what was right. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero. For now, though? Rest. Your time will come.” The warlock gave him a reassuring nod and for once, Rolan did not have a clever retort or a barb, he simply frowned and inclined his head, making his way back towards the inn. “Damn, how is it you always know what to say, Wyll? All that noble training?” Karlach gave a little chuckle. “You've gotta teach me and Sentry sometime.” “Hardly, I've just met so many people over the years I've spent as The Blade and very often I've been where they've been. When I made my pact with Mizora, I'd wager I felt just what Rolan was feeling right now. Overwhelmed, helpless, like everything was on my shoulders and I couldn't ask for help...I just told him what I would have wanted to hear back then, and to be assured I'd done the right thing...” Wyll replied, slowly sitting down on a raised root and looking up at his party. “Well, at least he'd already killed most of them by the time we got here, it'll make getting into the tower a lot easier.” Astarion sighed, glancing around at the slightly glowing orbs of necrotic remnants that lay on the ground. “Shall we continue then?” --- Jackal leaned against the wall of the throne room, smirking wickedly as Ketheric took a seat in the massive chair at the head of the place. That Z'rell woman stood beside him on one side, and on the other, that pretty little school teacher he'd seen traveling with Sentry. Soldiers of The Absolute stood about the room waiting to listen in to the trial about to take place. A group of goblins shuddered, huddled together off to the side and Minthara knelt before the throne. Her eyes were darting about the room and Jackal knew she was looking for Gabraela. His grin widened, knowing the tiefling was busy somewhere else and not likely to come to her rescue.
Z'rell glared down at Minthara. “True Soul Minthara, are we to understand that you and the entire army The Absolute provided for you were undone by a band of unknown adventurers simple thrown together from survivors of a crash?” “You do not understand, these goblins---” Minthara began. “Oi blamin' us? As if it weren't your fault, princess!” A male goblin spat. Minthara glared icily at him and continued. “If you had given me proper drow soldiers, I might have...” “So you blame The Absolute for your incompetence? The resources provided to your were not good enough?” Ketheric sounded almost bored with the precedings. Jaina's eyes flicked to him, watching his face. This was all theatre, he didn't care what happened to his subordinates and despite the stoic expression and his relaxed position, he was itching to get out of this room, to tend to something else. Things were about to go very poorly for this woman the more time she took up arguing. “No! I ….Please, just give me another chance....I could...I shall retrieve the artifact...” Minthara insisted. “You had your chance and you wasted it...Guards, take her to the dungeons to be...re-educated.” Ketheric waved her off as two heavily armored guards came to take her away. “What!? No! You cannot! I am of House Baenre!” She struggled as she was dragged off. “Bye bye princess.” The goblins jeered. “Told 'er it'd go badly.” Jackal whistled with a dry, choking laugh, shaking his head. “Next, these goblins...They are also survivors of the failed attempt to retrieve the artifact.” Z'rell announced as the goblins were forced to the center of the room.
Jaina frowned. She recognized them from the goblin camp and a guilty part of her wondered how the children she'd set under the sleep spell were doing. Were these the only adults from their clan they had left? She shifted uncomfortably. “We was nothing but loyal! Did as we was told! That lady up there saw us, tell 'em, miss!” The male goblin looked to Jaina, desperation in his eyes. Even without moving, it was as if he reached for her like a drowning sailor reaches for a rock to hold onto. “It's true, they certainly did all The Absolute asks of them.” Jaina replied. It wasn't a lie, they had been awful, evil little bastards, they way this one in particular had been tormenting poor Barcus, but those children kept coming to mind, goblin or not, they were little and they needed to be cared for. This group might be all they had. “Loyalty is what you ask of a dog. I demand results. We are too close to end to tolerate failure.” Ketheric sneered, waving the goblins off. One of the goblins tensed. Jaina could see there was going to be trouble as the goblin woman swiftly grabbed an axe from the guard standing watch over the group. “You creakin' old bag!” The goblin shouted. The next chain of events all happened so fast Jaina was sure she'd stood frozen the whole time, unable to even consider how to react. The goblin woman threw the axe, striking Ketheric between his neck and shoulder blade, a blow which should have killed any man. The General slumped back a moment and then grabbed the axe, pulling it free from his flesh and rising to his feet as he did. He began to slowly stalk towards the frightened, retreating goblins, axe in hand, until he was glaring down at the woman. “Try again.” His voice was hollow, empty, as he handed her the axe.
This time, with trembling hands, she buried it in his chest with a heavy swing and a grunt of effort. Ketheric still stood. His expression never changed, there was no triumphant smirk, no taunting laugh or sneer, but with that same empty gaze, he raised his armor clad fists and brought them down with a sickening crack and a wet squelch, caving the goblin's head like a melon. “I don't have time to deal with every miserable failure that returns here, Z'rell. Make use of our newest True Soul, have her handle these wretches.” Thorm did not even look back as he left the room slowly. The orcish woman looked at Jaina, her smile was hungry, a bit lustful even. Anywhere else Jaina would have returned the expression, but she thought better of it. Strength and authority was needed here, she decided and she thought of Tibs back in the city. She took her brother's stance instantly, hands locked behind her back, feet shoulder width apart, head raised just so, chest out. “You heard the general, True Soul. Deal with these ones....and don't be afraid to get creative.” The orc smirked, turning and following Ketheric. Jaina looked at the goblins, approaching and slowly marching around them in a circle, pretending to think deeply about her course of action. She frowned and hummed to herself, cycling through thoughtful expressions as though she were deeply considering the best course of action here. Finally, she looked to the guards. “Let them go.” She ordered. The guards hesitated, exchanging looks of confusion. “Well, you heard me. How can word of The Absolute spread if we kill anyone who is imperfect? How can we expect to grow a proper army when learning experiences are squandered?” “Oh...Oh thank you, your ladyship! We will spread word of The Absolute! We will do better!” The goblins clamored, bowing and scraping. “Praise The Absolute.” Jaina intoned, raising her arms up and using the voice her mother had always used when preaching the word of Umberlee to the people of the island.
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laughing-with-god · 3 years
The Unsaid Vow (Prologue)
Synopsis- You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings- Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a four-year-old (I never wrote for a kid before pls gimme a break), also I chose my future son's name for this fic but pls feel free to name him whatever you want :)
Slow burn Yandere Husband Jungkook
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Word Count; 5.4k
Unlike the vast majority of married couples, neither you nor Jungkook donned wedding rings.
Never in your five years of marriage did you regret this decision, given it was brought upon by you and your husband’s lack of funds for fancy wedding bands at the time of your rushed marriage.
Well, you were never annoyed....until tonight, that is.
The scene before you was exceptionally intimate, so much so that you felt the instinctual need to look away in respect of the two before you.
The woman was gorgeous, effortlessly attracting all the attention the small conference room had to offer. In addition to this natural charisma spurred on by her borderline enchanting looks, her short and skin-tight red dress showed off her pleasantly curvy body. Her long, silky, and jet-black hair was pulled back into an elegant ponytail that provided a simple background for her darling features. Utterly doll-like was her face; petite, creamy in complexion with bright doe eyes and berry-pink lips.
Such a beautiful woman was currently in the arms of an equally, if not more so, attractive man.
He was tall and slender, yet not at all lanky given his sturdy build that was a testament to his strict workout regime. His olive skin was complimented with occasional tattoos, a mix of faded and fresh ink that you knew like the back of your hand despite only the tats on his hand currently showing in his crisp Valentino suit. His mid-length inky black hair was down to frame his sharp face, and indeed it was a very handsome one consisting of full eyebrows, bow-like lips, a fleshy yet impish nose, and two large, yet seemingly bottomless, raven orbs.
This man had his arms encircling the middle of the mysterious woman, her expression lifting into a light-hearted giggle as she leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.
Whatever she said must’ve been amusing to the man, given his usual stoic facade briefly melted away as he allowed a small smile at her words, his pearly round teeth peeking out for a split-second appearance.
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that these two were lovers.
But there was only one problem with this scene.
That was your husband, Jungkook.
And that woman in his arms was not you.
As if sensing your distress and wanting to soothe your well-founded suspicion, Jungkook pulled away from the woman and ran his gaze across the room- only stopping when he spotted you. Your spouse then gestured at you, the girl following his line of sight and landing on you and your pitiful spot by the snack table. Her joyful expression briefly dropped for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it second, but she quickly plastered on another grin and nodded. The two then strode their way over to you, barely giving you enough time to steel your nerves and muster a polite purse of the lips.
Before you knew it, the woman was right in front of you with your partner at her side instead of yours. Much to your dismay, she was only more attractive up close, and you narrowly held back a grimace as she held out a hand in introduction. You took it and shook it lifelessly.
“Hello, you must be Mrs. Jeon. I’m Sana, Jungkook’s colleague.” Even her voice was pretty, musical and light to the ears.
“H-Hi, nice to meet you but please call me Y/n.” A brief and awkward pause as Sana briefly sized you up and down. “Um, Jungkook has never mentioned you….” you trailed off, side-eyeing your husband in hopes he would intervene and add context to this random goddess he’s thrust upon you.
Jungkook gracefully took his cue and explained, “Sana transferred from another branch out of the city and has only been with us for five months. I’m her case supervisor and have been taking care of her, showing her the ropes and whatnot.”
Sana didn’t even spare you a glance as she fondly looked up at your husband, coyly biting her lip and saying in a much softer tone that could've been just for his ears only, “And he’s been really good at taking care of me.”
You didn’t consider yourself a jealous stay-at-home wife who obsessed over the tiniest details between her husband and other women, but the double meaning behind her badly-whispered comment was enough to make you splutter in disbelief. However before you could even gather up the courage to ask just what the hell ‘taking care of me’ consisted of, two new faces waltzed up and joined the conversation.
“Are you all enjoying this fabulous Christmas party?” A tall, broad-shouldered but nice-looking man asked in a tone of familiar amicability.
You thankfully smiled up at him, having met him many times before.
His name was Jin, and he was the one who got Jungkook this job.
It occurred about five years ago when you first told Jungkook that you were pregnant. Being the romantic but overall good guy that Jungkook was, he insisted that you two get married so that your child could have parents who were at least husband and wife. In addition it would also lessen the judgment in your two families, which at the time was extremely appealing to you. You had agreed to marry on one condition: after running to the courthouse you two would need to move in together in a decent apartment with a room for the nursery. But getting an apartment would mean month-to-month rent, and Jungkook’s tattooing gigs weren’t stable enough to ensure that.
Jin was originally a friend of Jungkook’s older brother, but when he heard through the grapevine about the issue, he bought Jungkook a couple of suits and offered him a job at the corporation he worked at.
Now Jungkook made more than enough money to support your little family, and it was all because Jin took a chance on a college drop-out and his knocked-up girlfriend.
You opened your mouth to respond but were cut off by the unknown lady beside Jin.
“I’d say a little too much fun if anything. Sana and Jungkook, we get that you're the infamous office couple but maybe tone it down a bit, huh?” She joked while raising her brows at the close proximity between the two.
A long and tortuous silence swept the scene.
Jin glanced at you, pity swimming in his usually carefree eyes.
Not trusting your voice to say anything and desperately wanting to hide your face from the piercing eyes, you distracted yourself by taking calculated sips of watered-down eggnog.
“Daehyun...this is actually Y/n, Jungkook’s wife,” Jin told the lady in an uncomfortable voice.
You didn’t know what stung more, the fact that this stranger thought that there was more chemistry between Sana and your husband than with you, or that it was Jin who corrected this mistake and not Jungkook himself.
“O-Oh, well it’s nice to meet you.” Daehyun awkwardly said to you while avoiding direct eye contact.
You offered a tight smile, “Pleasure.”
Whatever gratitude you could’ve had for Daehyun’s clear embarrassment quickly vanished when the woman went on to continue, “I’m sorry. Jungkook never mentioned being married and he doesn’t wear a ring so I didn’t even know. I bet it must be interesting for his housewife to meet his office wife though, right?”
She laughed, not realizing that she only succeeded in putting a foot in her mouth right before stomping it all over your pesky little heart. The group didn’t seem to share your uneasiness, all three of them politely chuckling along to the lukewarm joke at your expense. Once again, you focused on your dwindling beverage to avoid the burden of speaking or even facing them directly, too scared that your miserable expression would be unanimously inspected.
“Well, we just came over to recruit you all for some karaoke!” Jin cheerfully announced, clearly trying to change the subject, “There’s a machine in the break-out room and it’s more fun to sing with a group.”
“More like you want an audience.” Jungkook wittingly teased, a handsome smirk on his face as Sana playfully scolded him with a push to the chest.
“I’ll take your jabs now Kookie because I know they stem from your insecurity that I can actually upstage you in the vocals department.” Jin rebutted in good nature, even letting your husband’s old nickname slip.
Daehyun and Sana both guffawed at this declaration, exaggerated disbelief present on their faces.
“Jungkook is the best singer in the office. He’ll upstage you without even trying.” Daehyun said in a tenor of utter confidence.
“Only one way to find out!” Jin brushed the comment off, pointing to the direction of the assumed breakout room, “Karaoke anyone?”
The so-called office wife nodded enthusiastically, taking your husband’s arm and looking up at him to plead, “Can we do a duet of that one song we like?”
Jungkook, for the first time in seemingly hours, shot you with a questioning gaze.
Be married to someone for a while and you’ll learn how to decipher what they’re trying to say with just mere looks. Your husband was wordlessly inquiring if you were going to join, if he should go along with the group or if you two should break away and do something else.
The ball was finally in your court.
Not wanting to be rude but needing to get away from these people before you lost your cool, you decided on a subtle excuse.
“I need a refill, but maybe we can meet you all later?” You said, shaking your empty paper cup as if to prove your case.
“Oh, well the drinks are right behind you.” Sana condescendingly pointed out, tightening her hold on your husband and began steering him towards the exit, “We’ll save a seat for you.”
Bewildered, you watched as Jungkook obediently followed her lead with the Daehyun girl trailing behind.
He didn’t even spare you a glance.
You wanted to be angry.
You wanted to storm up to your husband, yank him out of the clutches of his colleagues and practically drag him back home under the premise that he would never speak to Sana ever again.
But instead of a righteous rage fueled by the marital vows you two took, utter exhaustion bestowed upon you and prevented any instigation on your part.
Maybe earlier in your marriage you would’ve fought for his attention, but now you simply just wanted to go home and lick your wounds with the help of a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream while self-obsessing over Sana’s outrageous attractiveness. After all, who could blame any hot-blooded man for choosing that goddess over you? What could you possibly do but lean back and accept that she was the obvious choice?
Other than her being a knockout beauty while you were merely average on your best day, she had other qualities that made her a more appealing catch. She was most likely younger than you, obviously fit, more ambitious and professionally driven than you, and presumably has no kids.
Meanwhile, you were just an old stay-at-home mom who lived off of her husband’s paychecks while he fucked his coworkers behind her oblivious back.
Before you could draw more detailed comparisons between Sana and yourself, you felt a large hand place itself on the middle of your back, successfully guiding your attention to the only person who bothered staying by your side.
Jin smiled sadly at you, sympathy shadowing his expression as he gestured with his other hand to the empty cup still in your hold. “Let’s get you some more eggnog.”
You nodded wordlessly, still speechless from the interaction, and allowed the taller man to guide you towards the snack table. Jin then took your cup and refilled it himself, providing you the opportunity to pick at the catered food in some cheap attempt at stress eating. By the time Jin came back with a full cup, you were halfway done with a sugar cookie and eyeing the meatballs next.
“Here ya go,” Jin said as he handed over the drink to you. You took it and nodded in thanks but kept your eyes glued to the food, not wanting him to see just how defeated and tired your face probably was. But, Jin wasn’t going to let the whole thing go. “Y/n….I know what you saw and heard looks really bad but trust me….nothing is going on between Sana and Jungkook.”
You snorted. “It doesn’t just look bad, Jin. It was like they were practically rubbing it in my face. Him having an affair isn’t the problem, it’s the way they’re not even bothering to keep it down. The least they could do is be discreet.”
Jin’s jaw slightly dropped, “‘Him having an affair isn’t the problem’? Y/n, do you even hear yourself? Of course that would be a problem! Do you not care about your own marriage anymore?”
And there it was.
The big question.
Did you truly even care about this marriage?
Well, let’s look at the facts.
One: The disrespect of his alleged mistress was more offensive to you than the fact that she was a mistress.
Two: Jungkook dragging you along to this office Christmas party was the first time in over a year that he bothered to take you out.
Three: You two had humble beginnings and could barely afford food, much less wedding bands when you first got married, but now he was a very wealthy man and had no excuse for not buying you or himself a ring. Unless, of course, he enjoyed acting single around other women.
Four: And on top of all this, it had to be factored in how distant he has been with overwhelming work hours that prevented any alone time with your husband. Sex with Jungkook has been off the table for almost a year now.
But did any of this really bother you until tonight? The answer was a resounding no. You were willing to take all those burdens in stride but tonight it wasn’t just about the fact that you were the unwanted wife Jungkook got sacked with, it was the fact that you were humiliated and forced to face the type of girl Jungkook should’ve been married to all along. That was all you were truly upset about.
The conclusion that you indeed didn’t care about your marriage and haven’t in some time now hit you in a sudden wave, but in no way were you shocked.
Voice shaky and brittle, you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with Jin and say the one thing you always secretly thought but never dared utter out loud. “I-I guess I always expected it to end like this. When we were younger, he was always the popular one and all the girls wanted him. We were only dating for three months when I got pregnant, and if it weren’t for our son he probably would’ve dumped me eventually and left for another girl. But, he stuck around for his kid because he’s a good father. And I’ve been nothing but a burden to him for a while now.”
Tears began to blur your vision, forcing you to quickly duck down and quietly sip at your drink so as to not embarrass yourself even more.
You heard a shuffle and suddenly Jin was holding you, using both of his lengthy arms to cage you in and rest you against his broad chest. It had been a long time since a man had held you like that, and you practically went boneless at the contact. You closed your eyes and tried to will away the incoming tears, even going so far as to solely focus on the scent of Jin’s cologne as he soothingly said, “Y/n, listen closely to what I’m about to say. You and Hugo were never a burden to Jungkook, and you two never will be. Your marriage was sudden, but it doesn’t make it less valid than any other marriage out there. Jungkook has been with you for so long, he just doesn’t realize when other women are interested in him because he’s been off the market forever. But I promise you, if I knew for even a second that he cheated, I would tell you right away.”
You didn’t say anything.
Although Jin’s words were comforting, they weren’t necessarily true. A marriage that started from a healthy courtship and true love instead of inconvenient circumstances was of course more valid than yours. And even though you were sure of Jin’s honesty and loyalty to you, Jungkook could’ve easily kept his affair secret from Jin as well.
However, you didn’t wish to concern Jin anymore. You already put him through too much awkwardness tonight and didn’t want to keep him by your side as some sort of emotional sponsor any longer than you already have. Jin always loved parties and was the life of any one he was invited to, even if it was just a lame annual office gathering. You then felt guilty for putting Jin in a situation where he would even have to console you when he should be out enjoying karaoke with the rest of his coworkers.
You promptly pulled away from Jin and wiped at your face. He released you and also took a step back, carefully studying you for any signs of further turmoil. Once sure that your face was acceptably dry, you gazed back up at him and offered a thankful smile. “Thanks Jin, I’m sorry I just dumped all of that on you. I really have to use the ladies' room though, can you point me to it?”
“It’s right by the conference room,” Jin informed, pointing out the general direction for you. You nodded and took a few steps toward it before he grasped your wrist to stop you and ask, “Do you want me to wait for you?”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just find you and Jungkook when I’m out. Go and join the others for karaoke.”
Jin nodded but seemed unsure.
You didn’t look back to see if he actually went to follow the others, instead just advancing to the restrooms, secretly looking forward to some alone time even if it had to come from a public bathroom.
Once you entered the restroom you were relieved to find it completely empty, you weren’t sure if you could handle another run-in with Jungkook’s female colleagues. They all seemed to have a personal vendetta against you.
Instantly, you dashed to the mirror to inspect your makeup, assuming at least the mascara was ruined from your little cry. Thankfully, the damage was minimal and you were able to clean the smudges up with a damp napkin. You focused all your attention on the dreadfully small task, trying not to study your reflection too much given it would just conjure up more mental comparisons to all the other prettier women you encountered that night.
Yet the small task couldn’t last a lifetime, and you had to resort to looking at your phone in search of things to do. You weren’t emotionally ready to go out and search for your husband, so you wanted to prolong your time in the bathroom. Although it hasn’t been that long since you left the house, you decided to text the babysitter for any updates about your son.
To Emily: Hey, is everything okay with Hugo?
It only took about 40 seconds for the teenage neighbor girl to text back an answer, clearly on top of things and overly eager to provide any updates.
Emily: Yes! He ate his dinner, took his bath and we’re about to get ready for bed.
Your motherly instincts were satisfied with that response, but it didn’t do anything to subdue your desire to return back home. Your thumbs briefly hovered over the keypad, somewhat hesitant with the next text you were about to send.
To Emily: Great, thanks again for doing this. Listen, I think we might head back home sooner than we thought. Don’t worry tho, I’ll still give you the pay for the full four hours.
Before you could wait for a response from her, the sound of multiple incoming footsteps interrupted the steady silence in the restroom. Muffled female conversation could also be heard, the slight laughter and bickering amongst a group of women approaching the bathroom. Your fight or flight instinct was triggered, and to avoid any more awkward encounters you rushed to the nearest stall and shut the door- fully prepared to wait out the faceless group of female colleagues.
You heard the restroom door swish open before the women burst in, chatting and giggling with their heels clicking against the tile floor. One of the unknown females made way to the stall beside you, the others presumably hovering by the mirror if the sudden comments about their appearances were anything to go by. You quietly sighed and pulled out your phone again, ready to drown out their office politics talk.
Only for the conversation to somehow steer towards you.
“Did you see her?”
“Of course, I was very confused, to be honest.” One of them replied. “I mean….look at Jungkook and you just assume that whoever he’s with is drop-dead gorgeous, and she was just eh.”
“Yeah, she was pretty plain. What was her name again?”
“Y/n.” A third voice cut in, this one eerily familiar to you.
You glued a hand over your mouth to silence your gasp.
It was Sana.
“Did he ever mention her around you? You are the closest to him in the office Sana, and we didn’t even know he had a wife until tonight.”
“No, I didn’t know until tonight either.”
“What?! That’s insane. Literally all the time he spends with you: getting coffee, buying you lunch, driving you home after late nights, and he conveniently never mentions that he has a wife at home?”
“That’s suspicious. But I guess if I had a dog like that at home, I’d never mention her either.”
Cruel laughter from all of them.
The toilet from the stall next to you flushed, then opened as a new voice entered the discussion while she approached the sinks.
“It’s more than suspicious. He doesn’t even wear a wedding ring. And he’s so close to Sana but never mentioned that he’s married?” A pause as she washed her hands. “It’s obvious what he’s trying to do. Jungkook is trying to have an affair with Sana.”
Although this exchange was extremely hurtful to you, you felt somewhat relieved that you weren’t the only one to see what your husband was doing.
A pause hung in the air as none of the women spoke for a minute, they were willing to gossip but apparently outright declaring the obvious was a step too far for them.
Eventually, one of them chimed in with their own observation.
“Can you blame him? Sana you’re the most beautiful person in the office and you look so good next to him anyway. Much better than that cow Y/n.”
Another round of obnoxious laughter that broke your heart.
“C’mon guys. We gotta head back. Jungkook is gonna get anxious if Sana is away for too long.” Someone teased.
They all murmured in agreement, heading towards the exit as a group before one stopped them with a final question.
“Wait, Sana. If Jungkook does want to have an affair with you, what are you going to do?”
Although you couldn’t physically see Sana, you practically heard the smirk on her face as she said, “Who says we already aren’t having one?”
Needless to say, you ditched the Christmas party almost immediately after the bathroom incident.
You texted Jungkook a white lie about Emily struggling with Hugo, although a good father would’ve known something was up because your son had never given babysitters any trouble before. But luckily, your husband also wasn’t doing so hot in the dad department either.
You would’ve felt bad for not telling the truth if the truth wasn’t so fucking embarrassing.
“Hey, I’m gonna go home to cry like a little girl because I caught your coworkers talking shit about me. Oh, and also your little girlfriend accidentally let it slip that you’ve been fucking her this whole time. K talk to ya later!”
You grimaced at the thought of actually sending that text.
Sure it’s what that cheating bastard deserves, but you just weren’t emotionally ready for that fight yet. Especially after the night you endured, you needed some time to pick yourself up and figure out what to do next.
Divorce was the next logical step, but you were financially dependent on Jungkook. If you moved out and took Hugo with you, where would you two stay? How could you afford to be a single parent? And if Jungkook were to try to fight you for custody or the divorce in general, you would need a damn good lawyer. Unfortunately, lawyers weren’t cheap, especially one that stood a chance against Jungkook and all his wealth.
Your shoulders sagged with the imaginary weight of all these burdens.
When you entered the high-rise penthouse that you called home, you were surprised to see Emily anxiously pacing the foyer in waiting for your arrival.
“Hey, how was Hugo?” You greeted politely, already opening your clutch to pull out the agreed-upon salary.
“M-Mrs. Jeon, I swear I tried to have him in bed by eight like you said but he’s being stubborn and said he won’t go to sleep until you come back and read to him-” The teenager rushed out all at once, clearly nervous that you would scold her.
You held a hand out to stop her rambles, using your other hand to give her the money, and offered her what you hoped was a comforting smile, “It’s okay, Em. Thanks for doing this on such short notice. Why don’t you run home now and try to enjoy your Christmas Eve?”
Emily looked relieved that you weren’t mad, gratefully taking the cash before grabbing her jacket and shoes to make her exit. “Thanks so much for this Mrs. Jeon. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas.” You farewelled while walking the young girl out, locking the door behind her.
You turned around and proceeded down a long hallway that led to the bedrooms, stopping at the door beside the master room which belonged to your four-year-old son. You opened it to peer inside, the familiar deep blue walls with painted-on sea creatures greeting you back, swiftly reminding you once more of Hugo’s obsession with the ocean.
Your son was bundled up in a twin bed so big that it practically drowned him, his small frame barely being recognizable in the large fish-printed duvet wrapped around his tiny frame, only his small and adorable face peeking out to stare right back at you.
Hugo was essentially a carbon copy of Jungkook. At first you were somewhat resentful about this, how was it possible that you carried a baby for nine months and he came out with absolutely none of your features? But after a while of watching Hugo grow up and come into his own slowly but surely, you were pacified by the conclusion that while he may look exactly like his father, his personality and heart took after you.
“Dumpling, why did Emily say you were giving her a hard time and wouldn’t go to bed?” You asked gently, sitting by his side and petting his black hair.
‘Dumpling’ was a nickname you chose for Hugo since you first found out you were pregnant with him. It stemmed from your sudden pregnancy craving to eat dumplings and nothing else, you once even going two straight weeks surviving off the food. There were many times where Jungkook had to bribe you into eating other things, playing on your guilt for not providing your baby all the nutrition he needed. But even now ‘Dumpling’ still stuck, if Hugo’s chubby cheeks were anything to go by.
“Mommy, I-I’m sorry but-” His big doe eyes looked up at you in teary guilt, “I really needed you here. It was a nece-necess-”
“Necessity, bub.” You finished for him, grinning at his attempt at a big word.
Part of you wanted to scold the boy for being difficult, but you didn’t have the heart to. Lately, Hugo has been more clingy to you than ever before. Yet it was practically impossible to punish him because Hugo has always been a good kid and you knew deep down that he didn’t act out unless there was something else going on. You suspected that it had something to do with the lack of his father’s presence that forced him to hold onto you like his life depended on it.
“Well try not to do it again, okay? Emily is a nice girl and she’s just following my orders when she tells you to go to bed.” You said, ducking down to peck the crown of his head and continue running your fingers through his hair.
Hugo nodded in understanding but ultimately stayed silent, basking in your cuddles.
All was silent for a passing moment, and while Hugo enjoyed his mother’s touch, your mind gradually returned to the turmoil that was your marriage.
A sudden epiphany struck you and bit your lip as you debated an idea.
Should you expose your son to your future plan?
The victim of any divorce has always been the children who were left behind. And the last thing you wanted to do was blindside Hugo. Perhaps you should play the hypothetical game just to see where your son’s head was at? It went without saying that Hugo was closer to you than Jungkook and you were more of a parent than your husband. But still, every kid deserved to have a say in their parents’ divorce.
“Bub, how would you feel if….it was just me and you?” You hesitantly inquired.
“What do you mean mommy?” Hugo titled his head in bewilderment and craned his neck to look back up at you.
“What if me and you went away to live together?” You clarified.
“Like a va-vayca-”
“Vacation? And no. But forever. Just me, you and no one else.” You whispered, as if Jungkook himself would storm in and catch you planning your escape with the toddler.
“Oh.” A pause as you could practically hear the mechanisms in his four-year-old brain trying to work out the logistics of what you just proposed. “Okay.”
The nonchalance in his youthful voice had you taken aback.
“It’s a really big decision, Hugo. You wouldn’t mind...not living with daddy anymore, right? You would hardly ever see him, dumpling.”
The boy shifted to lean more of his body against you, essentially resting against you with his head on your chest as he said, “But it’s like that already, mommy.”
Your heart broke.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you, feeling a maternal instinct to comfort and protect.
“Okay Dumpling. I need you to promise me not to tell daddy what we talked about.”
“”Kay.” Hugo yawned and closed his eyes, inhaling deep breaths of your scent and beginning the process of falling asleep. “When do we leave?”
“It’ll take some time, bub. You start school in a few months, so mommy will try to find a job while you’re there.” You told him, not bothering to try to explain the concept of a lawyer or apartment deposits on top of that. “But we can do this. It has to be a secret but you're my partner in crime.”
“Like spies?”
You chuckled, “Yeah, like spies. Promise to work with mommy in utter secrecy?”
You held up a pinky, one that Hugo grasped with his own.
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Author’s Note:  So....A while ago before I took my long ass hiatus, I did a poll for which yandere story I should write next.  The Unsaid Vow won but that was around the same time that shit hit the fan in my life.  Recently was scrolling through my notes on my phone and found some of the plot points for this story and I needed a lil break from QQ.  Plus I know so many ppl were hyped for this concept so....Here ya go lol.  This is kinda short but it’s just a set up, Chapter one’s plot line will start a few months after this when Hugo will start kindergarten and Y/n will actually start looking in to jobs, lawyers and apartments.  Also I’m sorry but I’m really bad at writing for kids lol, and I absolutely refuse to write that gross ass baby talk so just pretend your son is a lil genius okay? Also srry Once but I needed really pretty girls to be villians in my story so yeah, Twice girls in here aren’t likable but aren’t reflective of how i actually feel about them lol.
Big thanks to @sushireads​ once again for creating the cover art for this fic.  They literally are becoming my go-to for fic art.
And my beta readers @bigbuffjoonie and @mustardpop​! They beta’d for QQ and I came to them really early about this fic.  They were with me since the beginning and have given me advice with creative choices to just simple grammar.  They easily could’ve leaked the first draft of this too but they didn’t and kept it secret for a while.  I was really insecure about getting out of my comfort zone with this plot but they really guided me.  
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gucciwins · 3 years
Golden Sparks 
Harry is new to town and signs up his eight-year-old daughter, Josie to the soccer team where he takes an interest in the well-respected Coach Y/N.
Word count: 25,027 
A/N: Hello friends! I hope you’ve been well, honestly I had this idea for a while and it wasn’t until I stepped back from another piece and came back this one that it began to flow. im proud of what I wrote and I hope you enjoy. my longest piece to date :) I do hope you all love it. 
Warnings: sweet dad harry, slight angst, slight smut
please do let me know what you thought of the story and please reblog! <333
"You're going to do great."
"I know, dad." Harry's eight-year-old daughter responds.
"Hey, I'm being supportive." Harry shakes Josie's foot, causing her to laugh.
"Thank you, I'm excited. Honest." Josie puts her hand over her heart, making Harry's heart melt.
He hadn't seen his daughter smile this much since they found out about the tryout that was soon to start in fifteen minutes. He felt awful making her move from their home in Georgia, but it was time, and this new opportunity would be good for them. Josie hated to leave her friends but mostly her soccer team with whom she had been with since she started playing at the age of five, but Harry promised he would find her a team, and he did.
The team was different from back home, seeing as it was an all-girl team instead of a mixed team of boys and girls. Not that he minds; he feels this will hopefully allow Josie to branch out and make friends that would not pick on her for playing what they said was "a boy's game." Those parents pissed him off back in Georgia, but he's gone, and he prays this goes well.
"Do you think mom will visit my games more now that we're closer?" Josie's green eyes peer up at him, reminding him that she looks nothing like her mother and is his little clone.
"I hope so. She was excited to hear about the move, remember." Josie nods before glancing at the field where other girls were chatting as they laced up their cleats.
Harry despised his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child. At the age of nineteen, he became a father, and his ex, three years older than him, didn't want to raise a child to a man who wouldn't marry her. They were together for two months when he called it quits until she came back a month later, calling him an asshole for getting her pregnant. After giving birth to his beautiful girl, she gave him full custody, not wanting to worry about diapers and night cries.
All she worried about was getting her figure back. It wasn't until Josie turned one that she came back and demanded to be part of her life, leading to them going to court and getting to see Josie on the weekends, and it went well because his daughter always came back happy after a visit. When Josie turned five, Claudia moved to California because she fell in love and was going to get married. Claudia didn't care that she was leaving Josie behind. A heartbroken girl not knowing why she couldn't be part of her mother's wedding and why she moved across the country so far from her.
Josie cried for a whole week straight until the ice skates showed up on the front door with a note from Claudia for Josie to chase her dreams. Thus, having Harry sign her up for ice skating classes came to an end in two short weeks when she learned how awful the leotards looked on her.
Josie was then determined to find a sport liking the idea of being active and having the chance to make friends, which led to her seeing soccer on the TV when a commercial of Alex Morgan for Nike came on. She asked question after question until Harry told her okay, and went to call a friend to see where he could find a team for her.
The first team they found was only boys, not wanting to mix, causing both of them to get upset, but a mom took pity on them and told them of the Sunnyville team looking for players. It was perfect; seven girls and eight boys were on the team, and Josie fit in perfectly until she didn't.
At first, Josie wasn't very good; no kid is, but Harry every night took her to their large backyard and practiced with her, and within a few months, she was able to dribble a ball at her feet without looking down constantly. She wasn't the best, but she was improving.
Harry enjoyed every minute he got to help her improve because within the next few years, he saw her go from being timid to push someone away from the ball to beating someone in a sprint.
California was a significant change for Harry and Josie, but this was a big deal for the company, and Josie understood. He was happy he could do something for her now it was her turn to shine and prove why she deserved a spot on the team.
"Now go prove why you're the best, petal." Harry kisses his daughter's forehead, taking her bag over his shoulder.
She takes a step forward before stopping. "Walk with me there, daddy."
Harry's smile softens, "Of course, honey."
They march forward, their steps in sync; Harry can feel eyes on both of them as they pass parents in their chairs, some sitting on blankets spread out on the grass.
There's a woman, dressed in black Nike sweats, some fancy Nike cleats on her feet and a plain maroon tank top and over to cover from the breeze is a windbreaker; the team logo on the left side over her heart and right under is a name he can't quite make out. If Harry's being honest, she took his breath away, she's gorgeous, and she's smiling at him. Harry's sure if he kept looking into her eyes, he would fall in love.
"Hello, I'm Coach Y/N." She greets them with a big smile on their face.
"Hi, I'm Josie, and this is my dad, Harry Styles." Josie steps forward, holding her hand out that the coach is quick to shake.
"Nice to meet you." Harry finally speaks.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Styles. I've got all the paperwork that you submitted, and everything looks good."
"That's great." Harry nods, keeping his eyes on her. "Just Harry is fine, please." She nods, letting him know she heard him.
"Nice accent, you English?" Y/N asks.
"I am, Josie was born there too, but she's lived in the states all her life."
Y/N nods, "No wonder I didn't spot an accent on her." She teases.
"My dad sounds funny, so one of us is okay." Josie jokes at Harry's expense.
"Hey now," Harry pouts, causing both to laugh and his heart to flutter, wanting to make Y/N do it again.
"Now, Josie, how about we introduce you to the girls before we get started."
Josie nods and steps forward to follow Y/N.
Y/N addresses him one last time, "You're welcome to sit by the parents or welcome to stand behind our bench on the sidelines."
"Thank you." Harry watches the walk away, his daughter's bright pink socks standing out around the flash of black, green, and blue. He smiles, knowing he'll have a good eye on her, as will the coach.
It has been a while since the team had a tryout for the Golden Sparks team. It has not been necessary because most of the young girls are already on the u-9 team.
She had heard the rumor of new people moving into town but wasn't sure, so on a whim, she added them up in places parents were bound to see them; at the grocery store, doctor's office, the school, and the local sports store.
Thanks to the flyers, they got two responses from Mr. Styles and Mrs. Clover, who wanted their girls to join. Mrs. Clover's daughter, Caitlyn, was switching over from a different team, so she knew the girls on the team well. Josie, the daughter of Mr. Styles, would be the only one who needed an introduction as she was new to the town.
After meeting Harry, she was surprised at how handsome and young he was. Most parents here are well over the age of thirty and are married or dating.
She has been coaching for four years now and only started because of her niece Juliet who is part of the team. Y/N's older sister, Clara, had Juliet at 23 a year after her wedding and when Y/N was only 18 and about to start university. It was a good thing she had decided to go to university only three hours away and not across the country as she first thought, or she would have missed so much of her niece's and goddaughter's life.
Y/N had just graduated and knew she would no longer be playing soccer and needed something to do when her sister Naomi approached her and asked her if she could watch over Juliet for the summer so they didn't need to get a babysitter. She was more than happy to accept.
At first, they would paint, color and dance, but they got bored quickly. Y/N wasn't one to spend her time inside, so instead, she decided to take her four-year-old niece to the park with a soccer ball and make the most of it.
At the local park, they both ran around each day, chasing the ball for hours. A week later, Y/N bought Juliet her first pair of cleats, letting her shoot in the nets. As the weeks went by Y/N, saw Juliet improve as well as take direction well. She was a bright young girl, and Y/N knew she was still small, and all she wanted to do was run, but Y/N knew that because Juliet had seen her play, she knew what was right and wrong. There were times when she just ran in circles picking flowers because, after all, she was a four-year-old.
A month into summer, a mom approached her, asking her if she was a coach because she saw her there every day. Y/N laughed it off and told her she was just taking care of her niece. The mom told her it was a shame because her daughter told her it looked like fun. Y/N smiled and said to her that she was welcome to join, and before she knew it, a bunch of little girls came together to kick a ball around.
Only when Y/N had over ten girls showing up every Monday and Wednesday at a designated time did she begin to look at soccer leagues for children, and to her luck, there was one in town, an all-girls league that started from age 4 to age 18. She got the paperwork required for her to be a coach and for the girl's parents to fill out. She pitched the idea, and everyone was aboard.
That is how Golden Sparks was created, and those four-year-olds are now eight. She has watched them grow in front of her eyes. She went through her master's coaching a team. It's just something she does as a hobby, and it's wonderful because she knows how vital her coaches were for her when she was growing up. Now she can do the same.
She loves these girls, which means she had to do trial runs for how well the new girls fit in with the team dynamic. That is why today is an important day for Caitlyn and Josie.
"Ladies, may I please have your attention?" Y/N calls out to all the girls trying to juggle their individual balls as they wait for her.
The girls quickly shuffle over, passing their balls to Kate, who is setting up both nets and getting out the bright pink pinnies that Emilia's parents donated to the team that the girls will be needing.
Josie is standing very close to Y/N, and Caitlyn comes to stand to her other side.
"Now, today's practice is going to be different. We have two guests today. We have Caitlyn, who comes from Ice Angels from across town, and Josie, who comes from Georgia all the way across the country. I hope you will be kind and welcoming because we would be honored to add them to the team."
Juliet raises her hand and smiles, waiting for Y/N to let her speak. "Yes, Miss Juliet," Y/N giggles.
"Can we say something interesting about ourselves when we introduce ourselves?"
"Now, that is a smart idea. I wish I would have thought about it." All the girls smile, waiting for her to share.
"I'll start, I guess." She puts her hand on her hip, exaggerating her thinking face. "My name is Y/N, and I'll be your coach, and something interesting is that I like to paint." She turns to Kate, who is standing there, arms crossed. "You're next."
"I'm Kate, the meaner coach,"
"Kate," Y/N chastise.
"Kidding," Kate laughs, capturing all of the girls' attention. "I'm the assistant coach, and I love making tamales. Next potluck, you'll know how amazing they are."
Kate volunteers Steph, standing next to her, allowing her to share, and before she knows it, all the girls have gone. It's a calm environment, and Y/N is happy she can help these girls be a part of that. There were a total of fourteen girls, sixteen now with the two new girls trying out, meaning they would have even teams of eight, just one more than in an actual game.
Y/N makes two teams by dividing her forwards, midfielders and defenders. Then the scrimmage vest were handed out to the team where the new girls were trying out.
"Four twelve-minutes quarters," Y/N shouts, and in the next second, Kate blows the whistle, and they begin.
Harry was sweating, his focus was on Josie and how well she was playing, but he also noticed how the coach was whispering to her assistant coach. They were doing a lot of talking, and he did not like it one bit. They had finished two quarters and took a more extended break before the third, where Josie shot him a thumbs up after drinking water. She was too busy talking to a girl to come see him. Harry was happy she no longer felt nervous and was making friends.
He had heard nothing but good things about Golden Sparks and their coaches, but he was nervous about what they thought of his daughter. When they blew that final whistle, Harry let out the breath he was holding. Thankful that Josie would be told her fate on the team.
The coaches rounded them up, and Harry just wanted to rush over there and have them tell him there and then, but no, they were dragging it out for him. Then again, they had more than one player to look after for.
"Golden Sparks!"
It was shouted out by all the girls, and they rushed over to their bags. Josie walked to her bag, handing her pinnie to the assistant coach while Coach Y/N made her way over to another parent. A young girl with a long french braid made her way to the coach, most likely to talk about her fate on the team. Harry moves his gaze away from them when he spots Josie chatting away to a girl about her age, wearing a black top with the team's logo on it. Usually, after practice, she rushes over to Harry, and she slips out of her cleats in the car. It makes him emotional seeing her make friends, something she didn't have many in her previous team.
Before he knows it, the coach talks with Josie and the other young girl before she nods and gets up, swinging her bag over her shoulder. The three of them make their way over to Harry, chatting softly, not allowing him to hear a word.
"Hi, petal. Did well out there." Harry tells his daughter once she's an arm's length away. He frowns when she doesn't rush into his arms to give him a hug.
"Yeah, it was fun. Everyone is so kind." Josie smiles at her father.
"Mr. Styles," Y/N begins, but Harry has to interrupt.
"Harry, please."
"Sure, Harry," she emphasizes. "Josie is a wonderful player."
"I agree."
"But," Harry frowns, knowing this is not going where he would like it to. "Josie tends to hold the ball too much. When given the opportunity to use her left, she takes that extra pass to switch to her right where it causes her to lose momentum and the opening."
"I get it, she's not perfect, but neither are those players out there."
"Dad." Josie gives him a glare to be quiet and listen.
"As I was saying," Coach Y/N, her voice just a bit less friendly. "She has flaws, but we noticed she has lots of speed; she controls the ball really well. She's stellar in the midfield."
Harry shifts his eyes to Josie, who is holding back a smile, and that is when he knows she's in. "We'd love to have her join the team and help her become an even better player."
"That's wonderful, I accept."
"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm glad you think it's a good idea, but it's Josie's choice to make."
"You're right. I'm sorry. Josie, honey." He steps back, a tad embarrassed.
Josie lets out a nervous laugh, "I had fun."
"How long have you played?" Y/N asks Josie.
"Three years now," Josie says, looking at Harry for confirmation and nods.
"The most important question is how you felt playing with everyone?" Y/N knows how important feeling welcomed to a team can mean to someone.
Josie looks up at her, a smile on her face. "Like I belonged."
"Does that mean you're joining?" The young girl standing behind Y/N answers.
"Yes. I would love to join." Josie says, a grin taking over her face.
"Well then, welcome. Practices are 5-7pm. Sometimes we can have a scrimmage with other teams, and it will be an hour before or after just to take that into consideration. Games are on Saturday, but when we have tournaments, they are Saturday and Sunday."
"That's great. I sometimes get out of work late." Harry confesses.
"It's why practices are later because we know parents work. So just shoot us a text the day before or early morning, and either Kate or I can pick them up as well as other parents. We're great with carpooling."
Harry smiles; he likes how organized they are. He has no worries about Josie joining the team. He's happy, and if he's honest, he is kind of glad to see more of Coach Y/N.
"It was great to meet you, and I'll see you on Monday for practice," Y/N tells both Harry and Josie.
As they are going to walk away, the young girl in two dutch braids speaks, "Auntie Y/N truly is the best. She's the reason I play so well." Juliet tells Harry.
Y/N blushes, "Knock it off. Save the sweet-talk for Kate."
"She's your aunt!" Josie explains. "That's so cool."
"Harry, this is Juliet, my niece and the reason this team exists. I introduced her to the sport at age four."
Juliet nods, "Yeah, because she didn't want to rotten my head with television."
This causes all of them to laugh. Harry and Josie walk away with a smile on both their faces.
Yeah, they would fit just right in. It was beginning to feel like home.
It's been a month since Josie joined the team, and he's never seen her shine as much as she has since she joined the group. It's like she's a whole new little girl, he hates to admit it, but his little girl is growing right in front of his eyes.
They had recently had a team bonding; they headed to Kate's house to swim and do a little bonfire. Parents were allowed to stick around, but almost none did because they want their daughters to feel comfortable hanging out with their friends and be themselves. Also, all the parents trusted Kate and Y/N with their daughters because of the years of friendship.
Harry wanted to stay the first time, a bit fearful she wouldn't like it and also because he wanted to get to know Josie's coach better. He hadn't had many chances to chat her up, always getting a formal greeting and a goodbye. Harry can proudly say he has a crush on coach Y/N, but he wants to have a chance to take her out and maybe take it further.
Josie begged and begged him not to stay, so he just did a quick hello and then left. What did he do in the four hours his daughter was gone, nothing. He was bored without her. Harry began to watch a movie he'd been dying to see, but it was boring. He went to call his best mate, but it went straight to voicemail, then remembered it was date night for Mitch.
He couldn't drink because he wanted to pick Josie up even though he knew she could carpool, but he wanted to hear all about it right away and maybe get one more glance at Y/N because she looked lovely in her pastel pink shirt, black leggings, and a matching scrunchie. His feelings only grew each time he saw her, but he wouldn't dare pursue anything because his daughter adored Y/N, and he wouldn't do anything to wreck that.
It was Monday, and he was driving his daughter to practice. She was on a high because she spent the weekend with her mom. Claudia managed to make her soccer game and then took her home for the week. Everyone got an insight of his ex and how she was not the kindest, but sure did adore her husband by the way she kissed him the majority of that game. Harry did not want to sit next to them, but she wanted to flaunt her relationship in his face to his luck. Not that he cared one bit, he just cared about his daughter's happiness. That she happened to be a part of.
After they won the game, she sprinted over to them after Y/N congratulated them on the win, and they finished shaking the other team's hands. Josie wrapped her arms around Harry, squeezing him tight before hugging her mother, who just patted her back before letting her go congratulating on her goal.
Claudia's interactions with Josie always made Harry upset, but what was he to do? She gave him full custody and only saw her on weekends. It was easy living, but that doesn't mean he had to like it. He wanted his daughter to have a mother figure to guide her and show her the right and wrong to show her what it is like to be strong and resilient, yet Claudia was none of that for his daughter. Sarah, Josie's godmother, did more of that, and Harry was thankful.
Showing up to practice, Harry was embarrassed and hoped Y/N didn't bring up meeting his ex-girlfriend. Josie was quick to introduce them, but thankfully the conversation didn't last long as she was called over by the other team's coach.
"Can you drive any slower?" Josie pouted, looking out the window as Harry entered the parking lot at a safe speed in case any person happened to cross in front of him.
"Josie, I'm not trying to run anyone over." Harry sighs as he finally eyes an open parking space and signals left, always cautious about an accident.
"Well, I want to talk with my friends before practice." Josie has unbuckled herself and is close to throwing herself out of the car.
Harry puts the car into park, unlocking the car door. "Fly, young one."
The grin that takes over Josie makes Harry happy. "Love you, dad."
"Love you too, Josie."
Harry slides his sunglasses on, hating how bright the sun was; it'd be a few hours until the sunset. He was nervous; he was dressed in black slacks that hugged him in all the right places with a mint button-down shirt that calls attention. He didn't have time to change today; everyone saw him in his casual clothes, never his work attire. Josie said she didn't mind, but he did. Honestly, he was nervous about what Y/N might say about his look. Not that he cared what she thought. Not one bit, right?
He went to his trunk, got out his purple folding chair, and left the matching one there. Harry is a sucker for deals which is why he walked out of the store with two when he only needed one.
He strolled, making sure no eyes were on him, and he was in the clear until he heard a shout, "Dad!" He looked over at the field, and it was Josie waving at him to sit closer to the parents. Harry shot her a thumbs up; he liked the parents genuinely. They have all been so kind and welcoming, telling him the best places to go for the team's discount.
He got along well with Payton's and Stephanie's parents. They had a good sense of humor and liked asking him questions about where he was from and how Josie was growing up. His daughter had become best friends with Juliet. They were two peas in a pod, talking from the beginning of practice to staying almost ten minutes after as they slowly took off their cleats.
Y/N didn't mind seeing as she had to pick up everything, and the girls were eager to help her if it meant spending more time together. Honestly, she was begging for a sleepover, but he kept telling her no because he wanted to meet at least one of her parents first. He wasn't sure what either one did, but Juliet didn't mind if they couldn't make it to a game because her biggest supporter was already there.
Harry approaches where all the parents sit under a shaded tree, waving at everyone before taking a seat next to a man reading on his kindle. He smiled, knowing he loved reading in his downtime as well. This would be an excellent spot to sit, conversation or not he'd be comfortable, but first, an introduction was needed.
"Hello, don't mean to bother you, but I don't think I've seen you before. I'm Harry Styles. My daughter Josie joined the team last month."
"Well, Harry Styles, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard wonderful things about your daughter. I'm Xavier Torres, father of Juliet." Xavier responded with a bright smile on his face.
Harry doesn't hide his surprise. "I've been dying to meet her parents. She's a wonderful girl, glad our daughters decided to get along."
"Yeah, we come as often as we can, but Juliet always assures us she's fine. That she has the best auntie watching over her."
"Coach Y/N is great with everyone. I've never seen anyone so dedicated." Harry shares.
"She's always been like that. I met Clara in my second year of university. She was only fourteen then, but she was so caring. I wasn't introduced to the family until we've been dating for six months, and she was shy but always offered me water or cookies she had baked. I loved having conversations with her; she has always been the smartest person in the room."
Harry grins; this definitely grew his crush on Y/N.
"I hear they are begging for a sleepover," Xavier comments, breaking Harry from his thoughts.
Harry nods, "Yes, I kept saying no because I wanted to meet the parents."
Xavier smiles, agreeing they were the same. "Yeah, we had to meet the dad."
He's shocked Xavier doesn't ask him about a partner, but then again, Y/N could have easily mentioned meeting Claudia and her husband. Harry's grateful if she did not like having to explain how he's a single dad and how he wishes his daughter's mother would do better.
"Well, now that this has happened, I have no problem with a sleepover happening."
"Glad we're on the same page." Harry laughs, grateful, their daughters will be happy with them.
Harry and Xavier spend the entire two hours of practice talking. Harry has close friends, but he wouldn't be opposed to adding Xavier to his guys' nights that happen less frequently now. At the end of practice, they exchange numbers and promise to coordinate a date for the girls. It may be summer, but the girls are still keeping busy during the week instead of doing nothing.
The girls rush over to them at the end of practice, giggling at the two fathers still chatting away.
"Does this mean a sleepover can happen?" Juliet asks, squeezing Josie's hand she's holding.
Harry and Xavier share a look and nod. "Yeah, it can happen."
"Amazing!" Josie cheers jumping up and down.
"We have to plan a day that works for both of us, so it may be a while." Josie frowns but nods. Juliet does not accept it.
"Auntie Y/N can host it."
"Your auntie is going to do what?" Y/N says, sneaking up behind her tickling her sides.
Juliet lets out a loud shriek, not being able to escape her grip. Harry beams at Y/N loving how playful she is with her niece.
"You can host our sleepover. You aren't busy like daddy and Mr. Styles." Juliet says in one breath after Y/N let her go.
"I do have a job, you know," Y/n says in a sing-song voice. Xavier laughs as Juliet pouts. "But I do have more availability than your parents. I'd do it if both of you were comfortable with it." Y/N looks up at Harry and Xavier, letting them have the final say.
Xavier throws an arm over Y/N's shoulder and pulls her in a hug. "Of course, it's a yes; I'm always looking forward to a kid-free house."
"Rude, daddy." Juliet frowns, crossing her arms.
"Only joking, my little flower. How about frozen yogurt on the way home?"
"You're forgiven."
Y/N waits patiently for Harry to answer as he has a staring contest with his daughter.
He sighs, "Yes," Josie cheers, hugging Juliet. "Only if we're really not imposing on Y/N."
"Please, Harry. I'd be honored to have them over. I'm an excellent host, and my movie collection is amazing."
Juliet smiles. "She does, also the biggest backyard so we can run around and do whatever. There's also a pool." She whispers the last part.
"Enough speaking about my house. She'll get the tour soon enough."
"So it's settled," Harry tells them.
"Guess it is; send me when you guys decide. I'm free after twelve on Fridays, and I'll take them to the game on Saturday, of course, or we can do it after a game. All up to you, gents." Y/N gets it all out there, allowing Harry to breathe a little easier.
"Good," Xavier shouts.
"I'm going home, coming Julie?" As Xavier swings his chair over his shoulder. "Daddy, you have to help auntie Y/N. You just sat on your butt for two hours."
"Hey now, I watched you practice."
"I'm going to tell mommy, you know how she feels about you not helping Y/N. She'll give you an earful." Juliet sasses her dad.
"I don't know where you got all that sass from, but I know I'm going to hate it when you're a teenager," Xavier mumbles as he goes to get the goal nets put away.
Y/N laughs before turning to Harry and Josie, "I'll see you both on Wednesday. Have a good night."
Harry watches her walk away as she races Juliet over to the balls scattered around. He smiles at the ground, hoping he could one day make her laugh that much. He doesn't notice Josie watching him, and she grins, happy that maybe one day her daddy will smile as bright as Xavier does when speaking about Juliet's mom.
They walk hand in hand to the car, both comfortable walking in silence for what the future might bring them.
Y/N enjoyed morning games as opposed to the afternoon, where the sun was blazing high. She had a hat that was helping with the heat, thankful she hadn't started sweating yet. She loves coaching, but during the summer, it isn't the most enjoyable.
"Hi, Coach Y/N."
She turns her head over her shoulder and sees Harry approaching. She checks him out, thankful for her sunglasses; he's got a black short-sleeve button-down that shines in the sunlight, letting her know it's expensive; he paired it with white linen pants and the beat-up Vans he always wore. He always looks good.
"Nice to see you, Harry."
"How are you?"
"Doing good, bracing the summer heat."
"Yeah, not so enjoyable."
"Ready for the game," Harry says, pointing to the field that will soon have fourteen girls running around.
"Yes, they have been working hard. I'm excited, and you?"
"Oh, nervous," he confesses.
"The girls are going to do great. If they start dozing off, then we can start to worry."
Harry laughs, knowing that she is right. It's about the girl's focus.
"How long did you play?"
"Too long." Y/N jokes.
"Haha," he laughs.
"I started at six and played up until I finished university."
"Wow! You must have been marvelous." Harry is amazed that someone can play a sport that long then go to teaching. He was never the most athletic, but he was a beast at ping-pong that was all hand-eye coordination.
"I would like to think I was good."
"You started coaching when?"
"The year I turned four, and soon enough I was running, and by four she bought me my cleats and bam! A team was created." Juliet answered for her.
"I'm pretty sure you told Harry this already." Y/N laughs playfully, nudging Juliet.
Juliet shrugs, "Just like reminding."
Y/N grins, "Okay, lovebug."
"Plus, you're a great coach."
Harry nods. "I can attest to that. All the girls love you, including Josie."
"And I love them," she tells him truthfully. "We don't get many new players, but we're happy to have Josie. She earned the starting spot as right-wing."
Juliet nods, jumping up and down, "Yeah, she's really good."
"Go on, start the girl with four corners." Y/N pats Juliet's back to get her to go on the field.
"Yes, ma'am." Juliet takes off running, talking to Kate, who helps her get started, and Y/N knows it's her cue to walk away from Harry.
"Good luck, coach."
"Thank you, Harry. See you after."
"Sure, of course. I'll be cheering for you. I-i-i- what-" Harry stutters while she stands there holding back a smile as she can see the heat traveling up his face. "I mean you and the girls. A-all as a team."
"Well, we appreciate it."
Harry watches her walk away, letting out a short laugh, not being able to believe he made a fool of himself.
The game was tied 1-1 with only eight minutes left. Harry could see Y/N was calm, voice firm when speaking to the girls. Lola was about to take a corner kick, he saw her take a step back, and Harry was ready for her to strike it, but instead, she shocks him as she passes to a player who ran up to her.
This startles the other team before Brenda sends it to the center midfielder, who passes it to Josie, who is screaming she's open. Brenda sends a through ball, and off his daughter runs. She gets a foot on it, looking at where the goalie stands. She makes the pass strong enough that the goalie doesn't stop it and just for Andy to tip it in, but it's too strong, causing the ball to go over the net. It's a miss but, everyone didn't mind impressed with the play.
The last few minutes were slow as both teams were tired out, and there was no chance for another goal in two minutes. When the referee blows the final whistle, all the girls bring it in, jogging over to Y/N and Kate as they all round up in a group hug. Harry can't hear what she's saying, but he knows it's reasonable considering all the girls are sporting similar smiles. He is quick to pack up his chair, ready to say goodbye to his daughter, who is about to have a sleepover with her coach and best friend.
The girls come back from clapping the other team's hand and are quick to go sit on the bench and take their shoes off. The clean-up was accomplished quickly today. Harry is waiting to talk to Y/N as she speaks with other parents. Caitlyn's dad praises her for that play, but Y/N is quick to tell him it was all the girls; they are the players. Either way, he hugs her, and Y/N pats the older man back softly. She waves goodbye to most girls when he finally gets to approach her.
"Great game today."
"Yes, they played well." Y/N agrees.
"Your coaching reflects on them."
"In a good way?"
He nods, "The best way."
She thanks him, and he knows she's not one to be boastful, so he changes the conversation.
"You are still good to take them for the sleepover."
"Of course, I'm excited."
"That's great. What time should I pick her up tomorrow?"
"Oh, I forgot to mention earlier, my sister and brother-in-law are coming to have dinner if you'd like to join us. Xavier has been dying to use the grill, and you'll get to meet my sister and my nephew."
"Juliet never talks about a brother."
Y/N chuckles, "It's because he barely started walking, so he doesn't hold much of her attention."
"Ah, that makes sense."
"She loves being a big sister, but only when he sleeps or plays blocks."
"Older siblings got to love them."
"Yeah, I know."
"Do you have a sibling?"
"I do. She's 35 and lives in London and runs a law firm. Total badass."
"I bet she is."
"If she ever stops and visits, please bring her around and would love to get all the dirt on young Harry Styles."
"Only if I get to do the same."
"Stop by Sunday, and you'll get the chance." She shrugs at him as she walks away.
"See you Sunday then." Harry shakes his head smiling as she grabs a bag of soccer balls and begins walking to the parking lot.
Josie runs over and gives him a big hug. "See you tomorrow, daddy."
"Bye honey, call me if you need anything."
"Sure, I love you." She yells as she runs to Y/N and Juliet, who are waiting for her at the end of the grass.
Harry knows she's in good hands, but his heart can't help but miss his little girl. He'll see her tomorrow and Y/N as well. He ignored how hard his heart was thumping at his interaction with Y/N instead of letting himself get lost in the idea of the beautiful afternoon that was to come tomorrow.
Y/N had a great time with the girls. She promised she would let them do their own thing and just supervise, but both girls wanted her involved. As soon as they arrived at her house, Juliet gave Josie a tour of her home, taking her room to room before they ended up in the backyard, both dressed in their bathing suits to go swimming.
She couldn't help but laugh, knowing how eager they were to go jump in the pool despite playing an intense game for an hour in the blazing sun.
"You little ladies must eat first before you can even think of swimming," Y/N says, arms crossed over her chest, knowing Juliet was going to try to fight her on it.
"Auntie, that's not what we want to do."
"Maybe so, but your tummy's say otherwise."
Josie steps over from behind Juliet to stand next to her. "I would like to eat. Dad says we need to regain all the energy we worked off."
"Your dad is a smart man, Jo." Y/N nods to the girl. "It's a 2-1 vote, then."
"Fine," Juliet groans dramatically.
The girls sit at the table as Y/n begins to boil pasta. She decides on pesto as she has had a craving, and both girls happily agree. In just thirty minutes, she serves the girls two even plates, and they have a flowing conversation. Mainly, Josie and Juliet do the talking, occasionally asking YN her opinion or a question they want her to answer.
After the late lunch, she sends the girls to wash up and meet her outside to lather them in sunscreen. She puts most of her dishes in the dishwasher and soaks her pans in water, wanting it to be easier to wash later when the girls give her a free moment.
"Thirty minutes we are waiting," Y/N tells them, the sun lotion bottle in hand.
"Come on, you believe in that?" Juliet asks.
"Okay, little miss rebel, since when do you always question everything I say." Juliet's eyes go wide, and she shrugs.
"Alright, listen. I adore you, Juliet, but it's not nice trying to take advantage of me because you have a friend over."
Y/N waits for her to say something, but she nods her head and moves to hug her around her waist. She hears her mutter a sorry, and when Y/N brushes her hair back, she sees Juliet move back to look up at her. "I'm sorry."
Y/N gives her a small smile. "It's alright. Now sit down so I can get your back."
Josie patiently waits her turn, and just as Y/N finishes Juliet, she speedwalks to the edge of the steps and sits on them, letting her feet get soaked. Josie sits patiently as Y/N spreads the sunscreen to her shoulders, then turns her to get her face and neck, allowing Josie to rub it into her legs.
"All done, Josie." She stays seated on Y/N's patio chairs under the shade. Y/N doesn't question her not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.
"Is it okay if I go join Juliet?" Josie asks in a soft voice.
Y/N almost awes out loud at how polite Juliet is, "Of course, go on. I'll let you know when it's okay to go in."
Looking out at the spacious yard, Y/N frowns, getting lost in thought about how she has the perfect home, but it gets lonely. It might be time she looks into getting a pet. She'll have to go check the local shelter soon but knows she should think about it for a while longer.
The ringer of her phone tears her out of her head when she hears the splashing, "Is it, time auntie?"
"Yeah, sweetie, it is."
Quickly she swipes three pairs of goggles from the table just as she begins to hear their splashing paired with laughter.
"Are we playing mermaids, auntie?" Josie asks as Y/N steps into the water, relaxing in the cool water, not suffering from the heat.
"We sure are," Y/N raises the three goggles and hands over one to each of them.  
It's after two hours that they all emerge from the pool, deciding to head into the shower seeing as the sun has begun to set. She ushers them carefully to the shower letting Josie use the guest room and Juliet her room seeing as they are the only two rooms fully equipped with towels and shampoo.
After the three of them are clean and changed in the pj's, Y/N makes popcorn to snack on while they play a few board games. They switch from Uno to Candyland to Mancala. It goes on for a while until they decide to put on a movie deciding on Tangled.
It wasn't until a quarter to ten that Moana watched Maui sing "Your Welcome," they began to yawn and started trying to fight back to sleep. Y/N thought they would never go down to sleep because two eight-year-olds have too much energy. Y/N paused the movie and told them it was time to sleep. Neither girl put up an argument.
She guided them to the guest room that had become Juliet's over the years. The girls get tucked into bed after brushing their teeth.
"Thank you for a great day, Y/N," Josie whispers, grabbing her wrist, halting her, tucking their blanket.
Y/N smiles at the kind girl. "Of course, sweetie. It's been a joy having you here."
Y/N goes to Juliet, gives her a kiss on the forehead, whispering a quiet goodnight who already has her eyes closed, her breathing slow and steady. She goes to Josie, who's looking at her with wide eyes. "Would you be okay with a forehead kiss goodnight? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Y/N addresses the young girl.
Little does Y/N know that small comment was enough for Josie to seal Y/N in her heart forever for her kindness. "Yes, please." Bright green eyes look up at her with a small smile as she gives her a soft kiss.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Jo."
Y/N goes to her room and does her night routine taking extra steps due to getting more sun exposure today. She loves how she feels putting on moisturizer at the end of the night. She lays in bed under her soft white covers. Her eyes shut, and she begins to count backward. She reaches all the way to one and tries again but stops halfway, sighing, knowing there's no chance she'll sleep; she heads to the kitchen to make herself a tea.
With her chamomile tea in hand, she sets it on the chrysanthemum coaster on the side table, picks up the book she left there, and sets it in her lap as she turns on her television to Netflix, deciding on The Great British Baking Show to use as white noise. She presses play on where she last left off, forgetting the book in her lap as the bakers had to make a raised game pie for their signature.
Y/N had already watched collection three, but it was one of her favorites. She loved the bakers and liked watching Nadiya improve each episode. The technical challenge was getting started, the bakers reading their vague instructions to make the tennis fruit cake when she heard small steps down the stairs.
She turns around, spotting Josie making her way down, "Hi there, you alright?"
Josie just nods but continues towards her, joining her to sit on the couch. "Can't sleep?" Y/N asks to share her lavender throw blanket with Josie.
"Not really."
"Yeah, I get restless sometimes as well."
Josie stares, tilting her head as if trying to figure out why she can't sleep, "What do you do to try to sleep?"
"Well, I usually try to read a book in bed, but I decided tea and a bit of tv would help."
Josie nods, and Y/N can tell she's working up the courage to ask her something. "Can I please try with you?"
"Of course, would you like tea as well?"
"Sure, that's what I was drinking."
"Daddy adds a bit of honey."
Y/N smiles, "Honey, I can do that."
She goes to the kitchen alone, getting Josie her favorite mug with bees scattered all around. As soon as she's done making her tea and checking it is at a suitable temperature, she brings it out to her. Y/N sees Josie has put play on the show.
Y/N just grins, happy the girl likes the show as well. "Have you seen this season?"
"Yeah, me too."
"Nadiya is excellent," Josie comments as Nadiya wins first in the technical challenge.
"She is! I'm glad they picked her as the winner though she had strong competition against Ian and Tamal."
Both Y/N and Josie sit there in silence, sipping their teas, watching the bakers now try to make Charlotte Russe cakes for the showstopper. It's not until the presentation begins that Josie breaks their comfortable silence.
"Why can't you sleep?"
"Well, uhh, sometimes I can't get my brain to shut down and have lots of thoughts swirling around."
"Oh," Josie responds. "Do they ever stop?"
"Yeah, usually when I count backward or tell myself a story."
Josie looks delighted at hearing Y/N sharing this with her. "What kind of story?"
"A sweet one, one my grandparents used to tell me, or I make one up."
"And it works?"
"Almost always."
Josie continues with her questions, but Y/N doesn't mind. "Do you get bad dreams?"
"Not always, but sometimes, do you, Jo?"
Josie smiles, "I like that."
"What?" Y/N says, puzzled, aware she avoided the question.
"Jo, dad calls me honey, darling, Josie and Josephine when I do something I'm not supposed to, but no one ever has said, Jo. I like it."
"Oh, I'm glad. It's alright that I keep calling you that then."
Josie repeatedly nods, "Of course."
Y/N looks back at the TV focusing on the new episode that started during the talk.
"Sometimes I dream I'm back in Georgia with daddy." Josie is looking down at her lap, where she draws a circle on the palm of her left hand with her right index finger.
"Yeah, how does that make you feel?"
"Sad sometimes and sometimes happy."
"Why is that?" Y/N asks in a soft voice.
"Well, mommy called me more when I lived farther away. Now I don't get to see her every weekend even though that's the deal. She doesn't even like watching me play."
"That must be tough, Jo. Have you shared this with your dad?"
Josie shakes her head no. "He'd get mad at mom, and I don't want anyone fighting."
"Don't think it's fighting. Your dad just wants the best for you and wants your mom to see that as well."
"I guess."
"Did you know I've visited Georgia?"
"You have?" Josie sits up, crawling closer to her, excited at the change in conversation.
Y/N nods, "My grandparents had family there, so every summer, we'd make our way there. Spent all our time at the lake or just walking through the woods. They lived in a secluded area, so lots to roam."
"We lived in the city."
"I bet you still went to neat places."
Josie thinks about it for a minute, "We did, the weekends were for the lake, and it was easy to drive to another state for a week."
Y/N laughs, knowing how exciting it was visiting a new state in a matter of hours compared to how hard it is in California. "Yeah, I liked that as well."
"What's your favorite memory?"
Y/N stops to think about it; it has been a while since she thought back to her times there. She hasn't had the chance to go back since her grandparents passed away.
"The fireflies. I remember we were in one of my uncle's backyard, and he was showing us his peaches. When I saw a buzz of light followed by another, and soon enough, they were all around us. My uncle tells me he'll never forget the look on my face because it was true happiness and disbelief."
Y/N's smile is nostalgic. If she closes her eyes tight enough, she can picture the fireflies surrounding her. She's brought back to the present when she feels a small hand placed over her own.
"Thank you for sharing that with me," Josie says before she leans over, giving Y/N a hug.
Y/N laughs and hugs her back, happy she got to know this sweet girl better.
"I think it's time for bed."
As they begin walking up the stairs after making a stop in the kitchen to put their mugs in the dishwasher, Y/N stops outside the guest room.
"You're really wise for your age."
Josie nods, "My dad tells me that all the time."
Y/N can't help the smile that Josie draws out of her, "Goodnight."
Y/N goes to bed with lots more on her mind. Her thoughts on the young girl who is caring more on her shoulder than she lets on. Josie has grown us quicker and doesn't realize it due to her experiences. Y/N goes wondering what tomorrow will bring.
A lot was running through Harry's mind after the dinner he had on Sunday with Y/N and her family. Trust him; he enjoyed it. He adored seeing her in a different environment, but she seemed distant, and so did Josie. It's as if the two gravitated towards each other more. Always whispering to each other.
He enjoyed seeing them get along; he just didn't like not being included. This also made him second guess in pursuing Y/N. He wasn't willing to risk it not working out. Harry also knows he's not sure if he'd survive the heartbreak.
It's been a while since he's put himself out there, but as a single dad, he feared that no woman he had met was good enough to meet Josie, not after learning that he had full custody.
Y/N's sister was kind, always teasing Y/N but Y/N gave it right back. He could tell the love they had for each other was the kind he shared with Gem. They might not have been that close in age, but they appreciate each other better as adults. Harry loved Y/N's nephew, who stumbled every few steps he took, which is why Y/N took it upon herself to have him attached to her the whole night.
It warmed Harry's heart and gave him all kinds of crazy ideas, for example like a baby that was half him and half her that he'd love just as much as Josie.
Fuck, he had it bad.
Harry's thankful it's Wednesday, and he gets to see Y/N again. He didn't make practice on Monday having Sarah bring her, and today Y/n picked her up from his house where Mitch was watching her because he had a meeting that would be running long. Luckily, he made it just in time before the practice started.
He knew he was going to stand out, showing up wearing creamed flared trousers and a black silk button-down. Harry had taken off his cropped, lapel grey plaid jacket knowing the heat would eat him alive if he left it on.
Harry chuckled to himself as he walked from the parking lot; his folding hair swung on his shoulder. He waved to the parents before setting up alone under a tree, wanting to enjoy the shade today and no conversations unless it was from one specific person.
He sees her pocketing her phone in her bag and knows this is his chance to talk to her. He makes his way discreetly as possible, going behind the parents, who are all currently staring down at their phones.
She turns, she scans him head to toe quickly, not wanting Harry to catch her, but he does. He lets it boost his ego a little.
"Harry, a bit dressed up, no?"
He chuckles, doing a little spin for her. "Not at all, haven't you heard business casual is the new uniform."
She shakes her head at him, "We'll take it into consideration."
"That's all I ask."
Y/N looks over to Kate and motions for her to get the girls' warm-up started.
"Dinner was nice."
Y/N nods, "It was. My sister really likes you."
"That's good. She's really funny."
"She knows it." Y/N rolls her eyes playfully.
Harry knocks his hips into her, "Don't worry, you're still my favorite."
"Gee, I was so worried." Y/N fakes dramatically but isn't able to hide how her cheeks heat up at his compliment. "Now, you need to go sit. I have to coach. Parents are going to think I'm flirting."
Harry smirks, "I don't mind the flirting."
"Styles, you'd know if I was flirting."
"I'm just going to say that I very much am."
"Hmm, I'll take that into consideration. For our future conversations."
Y/N joins the girls as they are about to start their second lap; Harry slowly makes his way to his waiting chair, happy that Y/N might like him just as much as he likes her.
Y/N pulled Josie aside before the scrimmage wanting to speak with her noticing she wasn't connecting with the team as she had on Monday.
"Doing okay?" Y/N asks as Josie gets a drink of water.
Josie nods, "Of course."
"Well, Juliet told me you didn't want to hang out. She said you had wanted to try that donut place with us on Friday."
"Because I had plans with my mom."
"Oh, that's fun."
"Why not?"
"She said she was busy," Josie murmurs.
"Well, you're still welcome to join us on Friday. I'm going to take Juliet to get ice cream at my favorite shop after practice. You're welcome to join." Y/N offers, knowing the little girl needs something to cheer her up.
"Does my dad have to come?"
"Not if you don't want him to."
Josie shakes her head no.
"Okay then."
"I'll go ask permission now."
"You can wait," Y/N laughs at her eagerness.
"No. I tell him now, and he can think it over while I play."
"Okay, sure. Don't take long."
Josie nods about to take off, but Y/n stops her. "Josie, I'm sorry your plans changed."
"She's been doing that more." She shrugs as if she's not bothered.
"Just because she is doing that doesn't mean you aren't loved. Your dad loves you and your godparents; the team does as well. I do, also. You're amazing, Josie." Y/N tells her, knowing Josie needed to hear it from somebody other than her father.
Josie's eyes shine, but she blinks the tears away. She gives her a quick hug before turning around and running towards Harry. From the corner of her eye, she sees Josie dramatically asking for permission as she lets her father retie the laces of her boots. Y/N smiles because she loves Josie, and if given a chance, she might also get an opportunity to love Harry. Y/N looks forward to watching what the future may bring.
Kate had organized a pizza party for the girls because they had been doing so well and thought they deserved a reward. Y/N and Kate always talked about motivating and encouraging the girls for their hard work and dedication. They would do small gatherings or bring them a treat to enjoy after practice, and the occasional Monday off that happened on significant dates or when they as a coach needed a break which wasn’t often because they loved this and the girls.
A pizza party was fun, it allowed parents to interact somewhere that wasn’t crazy hot, and the girls got to eat their weight in pizza. Y/N personally loved it because she got to eat crazy good buffalo wings. Kate and Y/N always shared a basket.
Y/N had sat in a booth with Kate across from her knowing the girls would take up two of the long tables. They rather not squeeze in between when they have a good view of them here.
“Anyone I should be aware of, Thomas, was it?”
“Uhh, no. He turned out to be a jerk who couldn’t get me off.”
“Gee any louder, Katie, would you.” Y/N smiles at Cynthia’s parents, who are in line waiting to order themselves around some beers. Y/N was never one who got into drinking, but it doesn’t bother her those who do.
“Anyways, the one who is coming is Tiffany, and we have been talking for a week, and I think I may be in love.” Kate sighs, a faraway look in her eye as the waiter drops by her beer. Y/N eyes it, not liking how much foam was in the cup.
“You say you’re in love each time.”
Kate rolls her eyes at Y/N, “Well, I mean it this time.”
“No, you’ll see. Tiff should be here soon. She got the most gorgeous curls and the most perfect brown eyes. Then when she talks Spanish to me, I have an idea what she’s saying, but it turns me on like crazy.”
“I can translate for you.” Kate rolls her eyes, knowing Y/N’s Spanish was perfect due to her high school and college years, not to mention she took YMCA classes at seven. “Anyways, let us move on from the conversation.”
“Okay, let’s talk about your sex life.”
Y/N chucks a piece of lettuce at Kate hitting her square on her chin. Before Kate can retaliate, Harry steps towards them, “Hello, ladies.”
“Hi, Harry,” Kate responds by making crazy eyes at Y/N.
“Mind if I join you, don’t think Josie would like me sitting with her or alone.”
Y/N nods, “Of course, but only if you don’t mind sliding in. I like the edge seats, or you can sit with Kate.”
Kate shakes her head no, “No, he cannot. My date should be here soon.”
Y/N gets up to let Harry slide in, he does a little wiggle to get to the other side, and Y/N does her best to hide her laugh. It seems to work, as he didn’t mention it. Y/N feels her body heat up because their thighs are touching. She feels ridiculous getting worked up over a simple touch.
The next hour flies by, and Tiffany arrives during that time, and Y/N loves her. She is as gorgeous as Kate described, her hair long falling down her back in thick ringlets, her brown eyes captivating, and her golden skin shines with just a hint of sunlight. She can see why Kate was smitten, but getting to know her and Y/N can happily say she’s a perfect fit for her best friend. She hopes it works out for Kate because this will be a heavy heartbreak if it doesn’t.
Y/N excuses herself, wanting to check with the girls. She approaches the table sitting by the pinball machines. The girls have question after question for her that she happily answers. She looks to see Juliet, happily leading a conversation with a quiet Jo sitting next to her staring out the window.
She excuses herself from the girls and places a hand on Juliet’s shoulder, who stops her chatter to grin up at Y/N before continuing like she never stopped. Jo just smiles at her before looking at the other girls acting as she was involved in the conversation, but Y/n knows better.
“You alright, Jo?”
“Of course, a bit full, that is all.” Y/N stares at those green eyes long and hard before nodding.
“I’m just over there if any of you need anything.”
“Yes, thank you, coach.” Most girls answer in unison.
Y/N goes back to their table, and Harry smiles, scooting over, “Saved your spot. Susan tried to nab it.”
“My hero.” She giggles.
The conversation around Y/N flows easily; she laughs and comments. There is a moment where Harry squeezes her thigh affectionately when she makes a witty comment defending him and his style. She wishes he’d rest his hand there, but he moves it back on top, also not wanting anyone to be suspicious.
As much as Y/N is having a lovely evening, her gaze drifts over to Josie, who hasn’t uttered a word since she was with her.
Harry is too busy chatting and having a nice time to notice how quiet Josie has gotten, not that she blames him; the place is loud and complete because it’s a Saturday afternoon. This worries Y/n as she has seen Josie withdrawing more and more but didn’t want to believe it. Josie hides it reasonably well.
Y/N hopes she’s wrong and that sweet Josie is only having an off day.
Harry was happy to see Josie loving California. He knew it was a risk moving across the country when the East coast is all she had ever known. Josie has shown him nothing but happiness; he can't wait to see how she does in the Fall when she goes back to school. The great thing is she will have friends due to the girls on the team. Also, he hates to admit it, but it has been good for Josie to see more of her mom. Allowing them to build a better relationship. Harry only wishes the best for his daughter and hopes he has been doing that so far in her life.
It's Wednesday, and Harry feels his weeks go by faster now that they have a structured routine. He always gets excited because he knows that he'll have a chance to chat with Y/N no matter what.
They arrive five minutes before practice starts, making Harry rush out of the car, holding Josie's hand as she pulls him along, wanting to apologize to Y/N.
Y/N approaches them as they reach the area where all the girls have just started their warm-up lap.
"We're so sorry. We got stuck in a traffic jam." Harry rushes out, hating to get his daughter punished for his tardiness.
She shakes her head at him, not bothered. "Go on join the others, Josie," she gently touched her shoulder. "I've got to chat with your dad."
Josie gives her an uncertain look, but she assures her with a smile. She runs off, joining the second lap at the back of the two lines.
Harry stands there, uncertain, not sure what she needs to tell him. By the solemn look she has, it might not be good.
She walks off to the side a distance from the parents and has an eye on the girls finishing up their warm-up laps before going into a stretch.
"Josie brought up something I think you need to know."
Harry waits, allowing her to go on, knowing he shouldn't interrupt.
Y/N takes a deep breath before looking him in his eyes, "Josie says her mom told her she needs to stop calling her and to stop with the visits. That she's pregnant, and that's her priority, not her."
Harry's jaw drops. He didn't know Claudia could be so cruel to their daughter. He wasn't even aware she was pregnant or that she wanted more children. Mostly he hates that he does not hear this from his daughter.
"She told me she was afraid of how'd you react to the news, but I told her she needed to address it, and by your reaction, I assume she didn't."
Harry shakes his head. "No, we celebrated the win and had a good weekend. Seemed happier than normal honesty."
"It's common for kids to try to block it out. As someone who had to go through her fair share of child therapy, I feel like it would be good for her to see a therapist." Y/N tells him, voice gentle, knowing this is a lot for Harry.
"Why" Harry bites back, defensive. "She's fine, happy, and laughing."
"Harry, I'm not saying she's not, but she needs to talk about it. Jo won't be with you, and it's because she trusts and loves you and doesn't want to hurt you. She thinks she is protecting you; an eight-year-old shouldn't be trying to protect her father."
Harry feels himself boiling, no longer wanting to hear any more of what she has to say.  
"The signs are there."
The signs," he scoffs.
"Quietness, sadness, isolation, anxiety." She points to the field, and he turns to see Josie stretching alone, lost in her own head. No longer sitting between Juliet like she always had the last few weeks. A frown on her face seems to be permanently placed.  
"You've got no right to say this." Harry wishes she never brought this up.
"I'm doing this for her, not for you."
Harry has had enough; he wants her to hurt her like he is right now, which is why he lets his mouth speak before he can think over what he has said, "Who do you think you are? Honestly, you're a lousy soccer coach who has nothing better to do but judge kids and their parents."
"Harry," she whispers, trying to mask her hurt.
"No, you've said enough. I think you can forget about Josie playing for this team." His voice dripping with venom. "Seems all you wanted was extra cash in your pocket with the addition of a player ."
He walks towards the field. "Josie, we're leaving," Harry doesn't care that the other parents are watching now. He throws Josie's bag over his shoulder as he watches her jog over to him,
"We just got here. I was warming up."
"Josie, we're leaving." No room for argument in his voice, but Josie stands her ground.
"I don't want to leave." Her voice falters as she stares up at him.
"Josie, don't."
"Dad, I like it here, Coach is-"
Harry cuts her off, "Enough, Josephine, you're not coming back here ever."
Those words bring tears to her eyes; she drops her head, defeated. She follows behind Harry and turns to look at Y/N one last time, shooting her an "I warned you look."
Y/N watches them walk away, and she can only hope this is the last she sees of them. She shakes all her feelings out, knowing she has all eyes on her right now. She's got a team to coach, and just like that, she brushes away Harry and his cruel words, knowing they'll resurface later in the appropriate environment.
After leaving the practice field, Harry And Josie did not speak a word to each other or the next day. They continued in silence, not for Harry's lack of trying to get a word out of Josie; she was just that upset with him.
All he received were head shakes, and Harry was worried. He cooled down after and let everything sink in, but the damage was done; it was too late.
That same night Harry called Claudia to confront her to tell her he would be taking her to court to forget seeing Josephine. All she responded was that it was quite alright. She was giving him full custody and would be sending him the paperwork she had already signed. Then hung up the phone on him.
Harry was appalled that a mother could do this to their child, to abandon them with no care. He always knew Claudia wasn't a good person, but he wished better for his daughter, and right now, even he didn't feel good enough for his angel girl.
On the fifth day of silence between his daughter and him, he received an email he was tempted not to open due to who it read the sender was. He did so anyway; it was the name, phone number, and location of a therapist nearby. The email read professional, not a hint of the last few months of knowing each other. There was an endnote that said to give her as a reference. He knew he would think it over for now.
On the seventh day of his daughter ignoring him, he called the number that he marked down on his phone. He called and set up an appointment for the following day; he knows it could have been longer if he didn't name drop Y/N. Harry knows he needs to apologize, but he's not sure where to begin or if it would be appropriate to show up at her house, but he decided to focus on one thing at a time, and that would be Josie.
Harry would have liked to walk hand in hand into the big building with big windows overlooking a secluded private park, but Josie walked ahead and sat herself on the rainbow-colored couches for kids and picked up a Judy Blume book to read.
Harry walks to the front desk and admires all the photos pinned up behind the receptionist. He knows they must be patients with only their first name signed. His favorite is a dinosaur swimming on a floaty holding a milkshake; there was some natural talent hanging on the wall as well as a lot of imagination.
"Sir, here for?" The receptionist called him for his turn, not noticing the person in front of him was now seated.
"Styles, Harry. Well, Josephine," he corrects. "Sorry."
"No worries, all parents do that their first time."
He awkwardly laughs.
"Dr. Sylvia Hernandedz will be with you shortly." He thanks her, going to sit on the black couch. He sinks right in full of comfort.
Five minutes later, they are called to go. He reaches for Josie's hand, and she lets him take it but doesn't make any move to hold him; it's as if he's carrying dead weight. Harry sighs but follows behind the receptionist.
"Hello, Styles family, lovely to meet you." A woman in her mid-forties greets them, a nice styled bun not a hair out of sight. Glasses on the bridge of her nose. She has a dark blue pencil skirt and a white buttoned shirt tucked in. He feels not as uncomfortable as he thought he would.
"I'm Syliva Hernandez, and you must be Josephine Styles." She leans down to be eye level with Josie and sticks out for her to shake.
"Yes, Dr. Hernandez. A pleasure to meet you." Josie responds politely.
Dr. Hernandez smiles. "Now, how'd you know I was a doctor?"
"The frame behind your desk shows your credentials." She points to the USC doctorate hanging behind a desk full of framed photos.
"Well, aren't you an observant girl?"
"Thank you."
"Would you like to accompany me to this playroom while I chat with your father? I can have my friend Alycia join you if you don't want to be alone."
Josie shakes her head no, "I'll be fine. I like being alone sometimes. I had a very wise person tell me it's okay to want to be alone sometimes, but it doesn't mean you're alone."  
"Did your dad tell you that?" Dr. Hernandez asks.
"Very, well off you go. We'll have an eye on you but feel free to use all the items in there."
"Thank you." Josie slips right in, grabbing paper and colored pencils, carefully pulling out her desired colors.
"Have a seat, please, Mr. Styles."
"Thank you."
He sits in the mahogany chair; he can't say he likes it much.
"These chairs are awful. My office is better furnished, I assure you."
Harry tears his eyes from Josie to look at the therapist.
They are silent, and Harry isn't sure what to do.
"Uhh...Y/N Y/LN recommend us to you. I'm not sure if they informed you or I had to let you know."
"Yes, I'm aware. She's a great person." Shutting down conversation.
"Your daughter's birthday."  
"December 13th, she's eight".
"How long have you been separated from her mother?"
"Since before her birth. We have a court agreement that I get weekly, and she gets her weekends, but that has recently changed. I have full custody of her.
"How does that make you feel?"
"Not okay; I grew up with divorced parents. My mother never remarried. I have an older sister, but we live in different countries."
"Do you fear the same for her?"
"Think it's worse for her. Josie's mother told her she didn't want her anymore because she would be having a baby. She didn't even tell me. She told--," he cuts himself off.
"Who did she tell?"
"Her soccer coach."
"A female?
"Yes. They are close. Have a real bond, an understanding of sorts."
"Do you think she is looking for a female to look up to?"
"It would make sense. My mother lives in London, and we only see her on holidays, same with my sister. She gets on well with my best mate's girlfriend, Sarah. She taught Josie to play the drums a bit. Also, Glenne, a dear friend."
"Male figures in life?"
"Too many. Mitch, Jeff, Adam, and his kids. Tyler, a family friend."
"It seems she has paternal figures, but she's searching for maternal figures." She states before continuing, "What's the reason you brought her in?"
"The coach addressed to me that she was worried that she was withdrawing herself, becoming anxious and lonely. Less happy. I didn't see it, but we've gone a week without speaking, and I've seen her mope and stare off a lot."
"Is she still seeing her coach?
"No, that's part of our not talking. I got upset over the suggestion of therapy and took that away from her."
"It led to a negative response."
"Yes, and I feel awful about it."
"It seems that the sport and coach are important to her and who she is. It's what you call a safe place."
"But she was beginning to withdraw from there as well," Harry states, not knowing it couldn't be so safe if she was isolating herself.  
"Well, we'll have to talk with her. Are you comfortable with me speaking with her alone? I do have to let you know what I speak with her is confidential. She can tell you about it, but you cannot ask me."
"Yes, of course. It's fine, I understand." Harry knows therapy can be scary, but it can also be the start of something better.
"Well, let me call her back."
Dr. Hernandez stands and opens the door, "Josephine, come with me, please." Josie nods her head, putting the colored pencils away and bringing her picture with her.
"I apologize if we took too long."
"Not long. Enough to finish my drawing." She shares, giving the doctor a small smile.
"Can I have a look?"
Josie hands it over, Dr. Hernandez turns it so they can both see what she drew. It's a photo of a goal net and who he assumes to be himself in the net. A little girl with two pigtails standing there, hands raised, and another female is to the side cheering with a megaphone.
"It's beautiful."
"Thank you," Josie says proudly.
"Do you think I can keep it? Have you sign your name and add it to the front desk."
"Would you?" Josie's eyes go wide at someone other than her dad hanging up her art.
"Of course."
"That'd be wonderful." And for the first time in a week, she turns looking up at Harry. "Did you hear that daddy, Dr. Hernandez wants to keep it?
"I would too; it's beautiful, darling."
"I can make another."
Harry smiles, grateful, his daughter is her vibrant self, "Thank you, honey."
"Josephine, are you okay with your dad stepping out and you talking with me privately one on one?
"Yes, I like you. Also, you can call me Josie."
Dr. Hernandez nods in acknowledgment before turning to address Harry.
"You can wait in the waiting room. Alycia will bring you back to discuss in my office when we are done."  
Harry mutters okay and walks out, closing the door behind him. He walks a few steps before laying his head to rest on the wall. This has felt like a lot, but he also feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulder.
Maybe I need to see a therapist. Harry thinks to himself, liking that he got a lot off his shoulders in just a short amount of time.
He's walking down the hallway when he hears a familiar voice, one he didn't think he'd have the pleasure of ever hearing again.
It stops him in his tracks.
He hears her voice once more and follows it out to the waiting room he's supposed to be waiting for his daughter.
Harry sees that she is talking with Alycia, and as he steps closer, he feels like it is harder to breathe.
"I have three more clients before I'm done for the day, but I have a thirty-minute gap, so maybe we can order smoothies, my treat." She tells the secretary handing her two twenty bills so that she can get everyone a drink.
"Y/N," he gasps out.
His eyes roam her body; he's never seen her dressed, so office official always used to see her in shorts, sweats, leggings, and a t-shirt. She's wearing this blue satin silk blouse tucked into high-waisted black trousers and low heels.
She is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.
Y/N turns, not at all trying to hide the surprised look on her face.
"You're here." She nods; he's not sure why she's here.
"Here's your next client's file. They are doing an intake. You have over half an hour."
Harry is now standing in front of her. "You work here?"
Y/N nods.
"You're a therapist." He states.
Y/N can clearly see he wants to talk and knows a better place to do it than their waiting room filled with waiting people.
"Why don't we talk in my office?" Harry nods, ready to follow her, but before he can, she turns to the desk once more, "Hold my calls, please, Alycia."
"Of course."
"Follow me, Harry."
They walk in silence as they pass Dr. Hernandez's door. She opens her door, allowing him to enter first. It feels bright and full of color; the wall's painting is pale green and hanging on the walls; she has lots of scenic photos and drawings. The chairs are nice, a red velvet couch pushed against a wall, her desk is not that big, he notices. It lacks pictures compared to Dr. Hernandez. Her degrees are placed on a bookshelf. She has it color-coded in colors of the rainbow, which is quite impressive.
"Have a seat." She offers all the open space.
Y/N takes a seat on the couch, and he follows.
Harry feels underdressed next to Y/N, and that has never happened before; he is always the one showing up in extravagant and overpriced suits.
"You work here." He waits for her to confirm.
"Yes, I'm a therapist here. Dr. Hernandez was my advisor during my undergrad. She knew what I wanted to accomplish for my career. They offered me a job, and I accepted. They have been supportive of obtaining my doctorate."
Harry is very impressed, "Congrats, that's wonderful."
"Thank you."
They both quiet down, not sure who should go first. Harry is about to start when Y/N begins to speak.
"Listen, Harry, I'm sorry. I went about addressing it wrong, and I never meant to upset you. I apologize." Y/N keeps her eyes on his wanting him to see how sincere she was.
"No need, I've taken a week to reflect on what a jerk I was. Having Josie give me the silent treatment for a week was torture." Harry confesses, scratching his neck to avoid reaching for her hand.
"Is she okay? Harry, that's a long time." Y/N's voice laced with concern.
"I'm sure she's chatting Dr. Hernandez ear off as we speak."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"I brought it on myself by taking her away from one thing she truly loves."
Y/N nods, not able to disagree with Harry. "Yeah, I understand."
"Is that how you know she needed therapy because you're a therapist?"
"Yes. I saw the signs, but I mostly observe and never address it, but from the conversations I've had with Josie and the relationship we built, I felt like I owed it to her to get her help." Y/N pauses, debating if she was ready to share more of herself with Harry. "It was also that I saw myself in her, it felt familiar, and I wanted to help."
"I'm going to tell you a story."
Harry can tell it's not going to be an easy one as she's not staring at her hand, focused on the lone ring she has on her index finger. "You don't have to."
She reaches over and squeezes his hand once to let him know it's alright. "I was nine years old when I walked in on my dad cheating on my mom with his secretary. I told her as soon as she came home and she didn't believe me. She went as far as calling me an attention seeker. By the end of the week, we were living with my grandparents. I didn't see my parents again after that day. At age ten, I started visiting the counselor because I blamed myself for my sister no longer having parents. I wouldn't even allow myself to talk to her; I was just consumed by guilt taking all the blame when I shouldn't have."
Y/N knows Harry's gaze is on her, but she doesn't dare look up, not wanting to see the pity in his eyes. "Don't think I've stopped since then. A big reason I'm doing the job I am now is for those who helped me along the way.
"Harry, no pity comments. I've made my peace, sure the trauma never truly leaves, but you overcome it."
"Thank you for sharing that with me, I know I don't deserve it, but I'm grateful."
Harry needs to apologize; he wants to leave here today knowing he didn't lose a friend.
"I'm sorry I hurt you."
"Harry, you-"
"No, I really am; I didn't mean a word I said. I know you're more than a coach, and you're not lousy; you're brilliant. You're my daughter's favorite person. I didn't mean it, and I hope you'll forgive me."
"I accept your apology, that was a bad day for all of us, but I can move past it if you can?"
"Yes, I would love that. I feel awful you're someone I trust, a friend. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
"Thank you, Harry."
"One more thing."
"Yes, go on."
"Can you recommend a therapist for me? Talking with Dr. Hernandez was amazing, and I think I would benefit from it."
Y/N doesn't make any comment, just nods. "I'll send you a list of therapists but do know you'll always find a friend in me if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to watch over you as you get drunk."
Harry chuckles; he'll keep that in mind for future references.  
"There's a knock on the door. "Yes, come in."
"Sylvia is ready for Mr. Styles."
"Thank you, Alycia. I'll walk him to her office."
Y/N stands, and Harry follows close behind as they make their way out to reunite him with his daughter.
"Y/N, can I hug you?"
She bits back the smile threatening to overtake her face at how small he looks asking. "Yes, that's fine."
Harry doesn't wait for another second; he throws his arms around her holding her tight. He hadn't been lucky enough to hug her before, but now doing it, he doesn't think he ever wants to go a day without one.
They walk out, both having heated faces due to enjoying being the embrace of one another. She walks them a few doors down and knocks, waiting for the go-ahead to go in.
"One last thing," She says, pointing a hand to his chest."
"Name it." He'd give her anything.
"Jo comes back to the team. You bring her to the game this weekend."
"Yes, of course."
She beams at his response, "Great."
Y/N peeks her head in, locking eyes with Sylvia. "Alright, to come in, Doc?"
"Of course, Josephine, this is my good friend and coworker Y/N."
Josie turns and smiles wide, jumping up when she sees her walk in with Harry right behind her.
"Hiya, champ. Seems to have found your dad lost out here."
Josie giggles and runs into her arms, hugging her tightly.
"I've missed you."
"As have I little miss sunshine. I missed my fastest midfielder at the game. All the girls missed you."
"Awe, I'll be back," she looks up at Harry with a look of worry on her face. "Right, daddy?"
"Yes, darling. Got a game at ten am on Saturday."
Josie lets out a loud shriek.
"So this is Coach." Dr. Hernandez says with a knowing smile.
"Yes, she's great," Josie responds, holding tight to Y/N's hand.  
Y/N chuckles. "How about you and I go draw a picture to add to my office while Dr. Hernandez and your dad tie up some little things."
They walk out hand in hand as Josie catches up with Y/N on everything she did on her week away. Not shying away from how she handled the now resolved issue with her father.
"You don't look as blue," Dr. Hernandez comments."
"Sorry," Harry blushes, having been lost in thought on the two girls who just walked out.
"Mr. Styles, your aura is soft, kinder."
"Yeah, I think she has that effect on people."
"You might be right."
Things are finally looking up, and Harry looks forward to rebuilding his relationship with Josie and hopefully creating one with Y/N besides their parent and coach relationship.
It's been two weeks since Josie came back to play, and thing's have been going smoothly. Harry begins helping out with cleaning up at the end of practice to talk to Y/N more. He asks more about her job and how the doctorate is going. He worries she might be juggling too much, but she assures him she has a smooth dynamic of handling everything.
It's a cold Saturday morning, it's the quarter-finals, and the nerves are high for everyone. The girls finished on top of the leaderboard, but the league likes doing a championship game to honor all the hard-working teams.
Y/N is quieter this morning, and all the parents have picked up on it. They are used to her light and kind nature, wishing everyone a good day and accepting treats. Cynthia's mom is in charge of snacks for today and offered her a muffin one she never says no to except today.
It immediately puts everyone in a skittish mood.
Truthfully, Y/N isn't here for the parents, but the girls and the team they are against is the dirtiest. Most girls are nine and will be moving up a division, but Coach Roman teaches them that dirty plays will make them win. Her girls are strong players, but she reminds them of the importance of sportsmanship and playing with heart.
Y/N even makes sure she cannot be approached by anyone, only the girls and Kate, as they start to warm up on the field. The girls do their drills as Kate stands quietly by your side.
"Someone can't take their eye off of you."
"It's true though, he was pouting when he saw you on the field clipboard in hand," Kate says with a giggle.
"Going to ask him on a date?"
"Only if we win."
That shuts Kate up, "You're joking."
Y/N slowly shakes her no, "Girls, two lines, run through side net shots."
Kate and Y/n stand back to back as the girls pass, and they kick it-bag, giving them only a second to angle themselves. This is one of their favorite warm-ups, and she's glad she can still talk with Kate during it.
"What made you finally decide?"
"I realized he's not going to make a move because one he fears I'm going to reject him and two it goes horribly wrong, then he might never show his face around here again. I'm positive he likes me."
Kate nods, "he likes you, adores you. He's got it bad." She's quiet for a moment before starting up again, "I know we're going to win, so how are you going to ask him? I'm going to need all the details."
"I'm going to go up to him and ask him out to dinner, simple as that."
Y/N changes the drill marking the end of their conversation; she leads the girl into two groups of keep away while Kate takes Dawson, their goalie, to keep warming up.
Before they know it, captains and coaches are called. Coach Roman is smug and annoying as he shakes her hand. The girls pick heads and win the coin toss. They choose to have kickoff; Roman's girls decide to stay on their side, meaning everything to their advantage as they have the slight uphill to battle through for the first half, and the second will use it to their advantage.
The starting lineup is quick to attack, and in a matter of minutes, Juliet scored a goal from a pass from Imelda. The girls' cheer, happy to be leading the game. They know better than getting cocky; if anything, this intensifies their speed at playing. The next twelve minutes of the second quarter are stressful as Josie makes it a two-zero lead from a corner kick. Just as half-time is to be called, a midfield slips through the defense from the back and gets it over Dawson's head, and just like that, the referee calls it.
Y/N can't remember the last time she was this anxious. It's foul after foul, and she's had enough of it.
Kate is quick to round up the girl, not wanting to monopolize all their time, wanting them to relax mostly to stay in a positive mindset. Kate leads the talk letting them know they are doing well and that the left-wing is getting beat, but having the downhill in favor should help her out now. Y/N went around making sure each girl was safe and had no injuries, only grass stains on their knees.
"Be aggressive, but don't stoop to their level."
"Yes, coach" is heard in unison as a response.
Each girl goes to their bags and starts to stretch, knowing they can't approach their parents because it's easy for them to influence them on how they are playing. Everyone respects it, but there are a few times a parent comes by.
She decides to take a walk, getting away from the girls. She just wants to relax and not be as tense for the end of the half.
She nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears someone call her name.
"Fuck, Harry. You scared me."
He raises his hands up in defense. "Sorry, I was just checking if you are okay?"
Y/N doesn't hesitate to rush into his arms, tucking her head into his neck. Harry, without hesitation, wraps his arms around her. He runs his hand down her back softly, hoping she finds it comforting.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." She holds him tighter, so he goes on. "You're okay, yeah, doing a good job. Girls are playing well. Taking care of each other, just like you taught them."
She slowly nods her head, she's calmed down, and Y/n thinks it might have to do with his soothing heartbeat.
"Deep breaths, love, Come on with me."
Harry breathes in and out until she does it with him. He feels her relax and tries to pull her back, but her grip is tight.
"It's okay, not going anywhere."
"Sorry," she whispers.
"No need to apologize, love."
"I just don't like when coaches teach their girls to play dirty; I hate injuries. They're just kids." She whispers, looking up at him now.
"They'll be okay."
"You don't know that. We have two quarters left."
Harry knows he won't be able to comfort her like he wants when he hears the ref blow the whistle. "Look, the girls are about to start, and they need a coach."
She nods, knowing she has to go back to her coaching mentality. The girls are her main priority; she can do this.
"Thank you, Harry."
"I'm here for you, whenever you need."
Y/N jogs over, nudging Kate playfully, who is shooting her suggestive eyes. They let the captain lead the huddle and listen intently before wishing them luck. The parents clap as the team cheer echoes out.
Only twenty-four minutes left, they can do this. She knows they can. The referees assured them he'd get a better eye on them, not wanting anyone to be carried off injured. Y/N refuses to take her eyes off of her girls. Constantly reminding them to keep communicating with each other when she hears them go quiet.
The last two quarters pass much quicker than the first; the girls play with more fleeting touches, not allowing the other team to put pressure on them.
Just when number eleven is close to getting the ball, Leslie switches the ball over to the other side; Y/N is shocked at how well Josie brings it down, she constantly struggles with this at practice, but she knows that Josie has been putting in the extra work.
She can hear Harry clapping and cheering on Josie; Y/N shouts her praise, letting her know she's doing well. Andie gets a breakaway, and it's a one-be-one versus the goalie. She fakes right as it goes left, touching it in softly, and in it goes. Y/N can't stop cheering, feeling the buzz all over her body. She's incredibly proud of the hard work they have all put in. Just as they reset and the ball is passed back, the whistle is blown and signifies they have won.
Golden Sparks are moving on to the semi-finals.
The girls are quick to jog in and tackle Y/N and Kate in a massive group hug. Y/N is going to be basking in this happiness for the entire weekend.
Y/N sends all the girls to their parents, letting them know she was okay doing the clean-up on her own. Kate stuck around, as did Juliet, because she wanted to have breakfast with Y/N telling her parents they were not welcome to come even though the invitation was extended to them. Clara and Xavier did not take any offense, happy to go back home and nap the morning away if their young toddler would let them.
Y/N approaches Harry after she gets everything settled in her trunk. He smiles at her, walking over helping her close her trunk as they wave by to Kate together. Josie and Juliet hang out in Harry's car, going through his Spotify playlist as they skip song after song, not being a fan of his taste.
Y/N lets out a deep breath, "I've been working up the courage to do this."
"Do what lovely? Harry asks curiously.
"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Y/N feels her stomach tense up as she waits for a response; by his wide eyes, she can tell he wasn't expecting her to say that, but he plays it off well.
"Asking me on a date?"
"I am."
Harry agrees, "I'd like that."
"Does Friday work for you?"
"Yes, great."
"I'll uh, pick you up."
"Proper wine and dine, love." She chuckles because, yeah, she wants to swoop Harry off his feet just like he did to her without even trying.
Y/N gives him a hug holding him tight for a few seconds, smiling up at Harry feeling giddy that they had a date planned after two months of flirting that they weren't sure would go anywhere.
"Juliet, we got to go."
"Okay, auntie." Juliet slams the door just a tad bit too hard, making Y/N mutter an apology.
"Bye, Harry."
"Bye, love."
Friday had arrived quicker than Harry expected. He got to see Y/N during the week because of the practices, and he was texting her every chance he got. He wanted to let her know he liked her and he was serious about pursuing her. It's been a long time since his last relationship, but call him cliche with Y/N; it all feels right. That everything is falling into place like it should.
Now here he sat on his couch waiting for Y/N to arrive; he had changed his outfit three times because she told him casually, and he couldn't settle on a look. It wasn't until he put on a plain black tee that hugged her arms just right and white linen cropped pleated trousers that he felt ready. He even broke out his new white Vans for the evening.
Harry was about to check the time when there was a knock on his door. He couldn't tame the butterflies in his stomach if he tried. As he opened the door, Harry let out a laugh because there stood the most beautiful woman holding up a bouquet of red lilies. He's falling in love, and there's no stopping him; he just hopes she's there to catch him.
"Hi Harry, these are for you."
Harry laughs, not knowing how to react to receiving flowers, "I'm speechless." He accepts them and gently cradles them in his arms. "I'll put them in water, and we can go."
"Sure, no rush." Y/N admires his living room, never having stepped foot in his house until today, and it's small but cozy. There are photos of all his family framed on the wall to her right. He has a small bookshelf that holds more vinyl than books.
Harry comes back and sees her staring at a photo of Josie on her first birthday covered in cake from head to toe. "I'd give you a tour, but I'm actually really excited to start our date."
"I'm sure they'll be another time."
She walks down his driveway to her parked car allowing Harry to have a moment to look her over. She's dressed casually; she has high-waisted jeans that show off all her beautiful assets. Her lavender cardigan looks warm; she left it open to expose a white plain top. It is genuinely a casual look, but she makes it look over the top.
"You look beautiful," Harry tells her as she stands by her car door.
Y/N does a small twirl before jokingly curtsying for him. "Glad you think so. Those trousers are doing your thighs justice if I do say so myself."
Harry giggles loving how easy she compliments him.
"Right, I wanted to take you mini golfing but considering it's a Friday and summer, it's going to be packed with teenagers."
"Oh, you definitely saved us."
"Yeah, I thought we could take Josie during the middle of the week as a date. I bet she'd enjoy it. Although, I never keep track of points because I'm too competitive."
The date has barely started, and she's left him speechless twice.
"You want Josie to join us on dates." Harry states.
She looks over at him quickly as they are stopped at a red light, "Of course, Harry. She's your daughter; I don't expect you to find a sitter every time we want to go out together. Isn't it like if you're dating me, you're dating my daughter."
He chuckles, "but not on our first date."
"Honestly, I think we were long overdue for a date."
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you out all summer long," He confesses.
Y/N gasps in shock as she signals a right turn, briefly checking her blind spot before making the turn. "Yet, it only happened with a few weeks left in summer."
"Yeah, but we got here, didn't we?"
Y/N leans over and places her hand on his thigh, squeezing him twice, "Yes, we did."
Harry sees her turn into a diner that looks a bit run down; he doesn't dare question her because she seems so excited as she gets out of the car and waits for him by the trunk. Y/N extends her hand for him to take, and he does without a hint of hesitation.
Y/n leads the way, but he hurries to open the door for her. She thanks him with a squeeze of the hand. Walking in, he was startled at how Harry felt he was transported to a seventies diner. The booths were red and looked sparklingly new. To the left was a jukebox that he was desperate to have a look at, maybe dedicate a song to Y/N. The floor's black and white pattern shined at him as the waiter wore a nice button-up with a black bow tie, a red and white striped apron thrown over, his name tag said James.
"After you," Y/N said, wanting Harry to pick a booth side; he knew better than to fight her and slid in on the left side. Harry is surprised when Y/N slides in right next to him. "This alright, Harry?"
Harry grins at her, dimples on display just for her. "Yeah, just caught me by surprise."
She opens up the menu sliding the other one away so they could share. Y/N points to some of her favorite items on the menu and cringing at ones she disliked.
"You know the menu well." Harry states before deciding on the turkey burger she had raved about.
Y/N chuckles, closing the menu. "My grandparents brought Clara and me here every other weekend, never letting us eat out. My grandmother was against the food industry, and she knew the owner here prided themselves on giving back to the community. Always holding fundraisers or donating to local teams."
"Fast food industry isn't the best, but I thank them because I can get Thai food delivered to my house."
Y/N doesn't have time to respond, as their waiter comes back with two glasses of water. "I'll have the turkey burger, no onions, and fries instead of the salad."
Harry didn't know she didn't like onions but made a mental note on it, "I'll also have the turkey burger and the side salad. Oh, and the couple milkshake, we agreed on strawberry, right?"
Y/N nods her head, "I had forgotten about that, but yeah, two straws, please."
"I'll have that out shortly," James tells them, walking away.
"The shake is too hard to die for; it has whipped cream on the top and bottom. It's freshly made, nothing like the canned kind. It's large! Made to be shared, thank goodness you remembered."
Harry shrugs, "That's what I'm here for."
Harry loves how easy conversation flows with Y/N. He doesn't have to force himself to say try to think of a topic or question to ask her. She's very open in sharing herself with him, he's never had someone drop down all his walls this quick, yet again, he might have dropped back ages ago.
Y/N talks to him about his grandparents and how adoring they were. That they supported all of her dreams, even the ones that we're crazy, like wanting to become a witch because she wanted to make flowers grow from her palm. Harry shared how the first year of Josie being born, he felt like he never slept, always nervous something would happen. He also tells her how living in Georgia is something he didn't enjoy, but he also didn't want to bounce Josie around from school to school. It was only date one, but Harry was excited for what the future had in store for them.
When James came back to drop off their burgers and shake. Y/N didn't even hear him too busy laughing at a dumb joke Harry had told her; he can't even remember the joke he made because her laugh is music to his ears.
Y/N waits for Harry to take his first bite, and he decides to tease her just a bit. He slowly raises the burgers stopping an inch from his lips; Y/N sits there, chin perched on her hand as if she has all the time in the world to wait for him.
"I'm in no rush, casanova." She smirks, not falling for his game.
Harry knows eating burgers is nothing sexual, so he decides to go all in. He moans at the first taste he gets, it's juicy, and the pepper jack cheese is perfectly melted, adding an excellent combination.
"Love, that is an amazing burger."
"I know." She's already gotten a bite in. She eyes his salad plate for a moment before looking back over to her fries.
"You want some, sweetheart?"
Y/N giggles at his comment, "God no. I eat healthy enough already, thanks to Juliet, but can I have some of your ranch?"
Harry understands eating healthy, he does it for Josie, and since Y/N is constantly around Juliet, it makes sense she would change her eating habits but does know as an aunt she's easier to give in to desserts. Not that he minds; he needs more sweetness in his life.
"Sure, you eat it with your fries. That's interesting."
She shrugs, "I don't think it is. Everyone in my family eats fries with ranch, including Josie."
"If Josie starts eating fries like that, I will know who to blame."
Y/N bumps her shoulder with Harry, "Haha."
They eat most of their meal in silence. Occasionally, Harry steals a few fries causing Y/N to chuckle before turning her plate, so Harry didn't have to reach over her. She doesn't chastise him about not ordering fries if he wanted some. Harry likes how much he enjoys spending time with Y/N.
"What's one thing you hope to accomplish within the next five years?" Harry asks as Y/N passes the shake back to him and takes a generous drink. They had finished eating, and now we're trying to finish the shake that Harry thought was smaller than what had arrived at their table.
"My usual answer is a doctor, but what's happening next year, so, give me a moment," Harry waits for her, watching as she plays with the rings on his right hand. They went front sitting thigh to thigh to Y/N, hooking her leg to Harry's, causing her to lean more on him. Harry liked it, and if he wasn't somewhere public or their first date, he would have pulled her into his lap. He took a chance and set his hand on top of her thigh; to his surprise, she placed her hand on top of his, intertwining their fingers together.
Every little thing she did made him fall deeper and deeper.
"I want to run a marathon."
"A marathon? I didn't know you were a runner."
"Oh yeah, last December I ran a half marathon, and it was hell, but once the runner high hits, it's the most wonderful thing."
"Why not do it now?"
Y/N frowns, taking off the rose ring from his finger and slipping it on one of hers. "The training is rigorous. You have to work up the miles constantly and eat better. I would rather enjoy the upcoming year."
"Well, when it happens, I can't wait to be there cheering you on." He tells her with a hopeful look.
"I'll hold you to that, Styles."
Harry smiles, hoping she does, hoping he gets to spend many more years to come with her in his life.
Y/N excuses herself to the restroom, and Harry decides it's a good time to pick a song. He approached it grateful to half a quarter hanging in his pocket. The jukebox looked old but well kept. Harry saw over 100 songs but searched for a specific one in mind; he was thrilled to see it was on there. Just as it started to play, he saw Y/N walking back towards him, so he hurried over to slide into their seat.
"You know, you're kind of clumsy."
"Am not," he denies.
"Oh, sorry, so it wasn't you who bumped into the table as you made your way to sit down."
Harry decides not to respond, knowing she saw him embarrass himself, and instead starts singing along to the song. The smile on her face widens as she hears how good he is.
"I'm not surprised you picked Fleetwood Mac, "songbird" is a sweet song."
"Am I that predictable?"
She nods, "Jo always sings one of their songs; at the sleepover, she said that's what you played most, so I taught her my favorites."
"Is it you I have to thank for the ABBA and Selena obsession?" He playfully glares.
"Guilty. She needed to brighten her horizon."
"Josie doesn't even know Spanish."
"Ah, but she will now."
"You're weird." Y/N shrugs in acceptance, knowing he meant it as a compliment.
As Harry's song comes to an end, she jumps up and rushes over to pick her song. She doesn't shy away about dancing her way back over to him. She mouths along to "The Name of the Game," moving her body to the beat.
"The name of the game?"
"You know it, darling."
Harry feels the heat in his cheek and hopes Y/N won't bring it up. She gets him flustered in just a few words.
"You know this is about falling in love with your therapist," he states
"Harry!" She exclaims. "No, the song is open to interpretation."
"What do you think?"
"I think it's about the early days of your relationship and wondering if it'll be something more or not. Also, that bridge, I mean come on."
Harry loves how passionate she is about the song. He loves that she's not afraid to share her thoughts with him, and he realizes he's doing the same. He can't help himself and leans in to press a kiss to her temple, throwing an arm over her shoulder to pull her close as they sit there listening to the song to the end.
"Ready to go, angel?" He feels her mutter a small okay, as she gets up, offering her hand to him as he's at the edge. "Let's go take care of the bill."
Y/N chuckles, "Already did, Harry."
Harry pulls her back, turning her to face him, "When?"
"The restroom, oldest trick in the book."
"Sneaky, sneaky."
Y/N, let's Harry lead the way out this time; they say goodnight to the staff and hurry over to the car. He didn't bring a coat, and he still wasn't used to how cold California got at night. He thought summer meant warm nights with a gentle breeze, not chilly air. Y/N seemed to not mind it, not hurrying after Harry as he jumped into the passenger seat.
"Afraid of the cold, H."
"Yes, why is it so bad?"
"Didn't you get snow in December up in the peach state? Also, aren't you from where the sun never shines?" Y/N teases him as she settles in her seat, turning on the heater for Harry.
"We visit occasionally; I can handle the weather with the appropriate clothing." He pouts at her, rubbing his arms.
Y/N turns around, reaching for something in the backseat before settling in again and settling it in Harry's lap. She doesn't say anything besides dazzling him with a smile and pulling out of the parking lot.
Harry slips it on over his head and finds it fits him loose, "I hope you know you might not be getting this back."
Y/N turns to look at him as he drags the collar up to his cheek to feel the softness it still holds, "That's my coach sweater. Kate got me a few, all in different sizes; I wear this one because I like baggy hoodies."
Harry smiles at her, he knows everything they have done has been in reverse, but he loves how confident she is. He knows she's been hurt before in the past from what she's shared but not once has he felt her trying to hide or push him away. He wants to tell her everything he's kept locked inside, he's never felt like this before, and he hopes the feeling never goes away.
"You know, if people see you wearing the sweater, they'll start talking."
Harry turns in his seat, facing her as the street lights shine on her face. "Let them. I've got no shame in people thinking you're my girlfriend. If I'm lucky enough, it might come true."
Y/N shakes her head, thankful for the darkness because he won't be able to see how her face heated up. The drive to his house was short, he wished for the night to never end, but even he knows he's not that lucky. Harry lets her know it's okay to pull into his driveway as he had his car parked on the curb right.
"I'll walk you to your door." Harry holds her hand the short way to where they will soon have to say goodnight.
Harry doesn't try getting his keys out; instead, he turns her to look at him, wanting to remember her in this moment forever. His last first date. Call him crazy, but there was no one else for him. It was always Y/N; he just had to find her.
"I had the best night with you," Harry whispers, pulling her close by her waist. She rests her hands on his shoulders and nods. "We're doing this again, Y/N."
"I got a second date." She cheers.
Harry leans his forehead against hers, smirking as he hears her breath hitch. "You get a second, a third, a fifth, a one hundred. You name it, you got it."
He's so close to closing the gap between them, feeling their breaths mix together.
"That means you'd be stuck with me for a long time."
"I want to say forever, but that might be too soon."
"Our secret." She whispers, her eyes dancing from his lips to his eyes. "Please kiss me, H."
Harry knows he won't ever be able to deny anything she wishes in life, mainly because he was close to losing her once before.
His lips moved slowly, savoring the feel of her against him as he pulled her close, letting himself rest against the door. He felt the butterflies in his stomach going crazy as she moved her hands to his hair, tugging on the small curls. Harry pulled back in fear of letting out a moan at the intense pleasure she made him feel.
Y/N pulls back breathless but presses her lips to his cheek, not wanting him to touch to go far. "Will you give me another, darlin'," Y/N nods a starry look in her eye as she lets Harry swoop in and take control of the kiss. This second kiss is faster and more passionate. Harry was holding back before, but now he wants her to feel everything he makes her feel. Harry wants her to know he gives her goosebumps and fireworks.
"I could kiss you all night." Harry trails kisses on her cheeks, loving how lost in his touch she is.
"Too bad, I need to rest. I've got to coach a game tomorrow."
That statement is enough to bring Harry back to reality, where he has to wake up extra earlier to pick up his daughter then drive her to the game. They have to say goodnight, even though neither one of them wants to.
Harry pulls away, dropping his hands from her waist; Y/N follows by letting her hands slide down from his hair.
"See you tomorrow?" He winks at Y/N as she walks backward, creating distance between them.
"Of course, we got a semi-final to win."
Y/N walks to her car, touches her lips feeling the lingering heat on when he kisses her breathless. She is turning on her car, making sure her headlights are on, when she sees Harry rushing down the steps toward her, the smile on his face contagious.
"What is it?" She asks as she rolls down her window, knowing she wouldn't leave soon if she got out.
"A kiss for the road."
Y/N couldn't dare deny him a kiss, especially when she was craving more already.
Harry slipped a hand the back of her neck, fearing she'd pull back sooner than he wanted. Her lips tasted like cherry; he figures she put on chapstick. This was only their third kiss, but it had only gotten better. Harry swiped his tongue against her bottom lip, begging for entrance, but she pulled back, letting out a breathless laugh at the pout he made, no longer able to feel her against him. She leans and pecks at the corner of his mouth, whispering a goodnight as he steps back, letting her drive away.
It may be too soon, but he might just love her.
The semi-final had to be one of the most intense games she had seen the young girls play. It was goal after goal from each team, neither one backing down on the pressure.
In the second half, she told them she was proud that if they kept playing how they were, this game was theirs. Going in a 3-2 lead, the girls stood shocked when, in a corner kick, the other team had been able to get it into the back of the net and over Dawson.
Kate thought this might knock them down, but it sparked something in all of them. All the parents stood up from their seats when they saw them dance around the opposing team switching the ball side to side. Honestly, it was something far advanced than they've ever presented.
Y/N was in awe; their communication was at a new level. There wasn't much time left, and Kate feared penalty kicks even if they were prepared for it.
Lani had control of the middle field; she just needed to get it past their defense. Juliet had defenders marking her tight, no way able to make a run towards the goal. If they played it right, Juliet would draw them out, leaving a gap allowing them to make a run for it. That's all they needed for a foot race.
Kate was sitting on the bench holding tightly onto Sarah Beth's hand, not able to take the pressure; then again, no one could take it. It all happened so fast; one moment, Juliet ran towards the midfield, two defenses following close behind when she got a touch on the ball, letting her send it back where it came from, then straight down the line. Jo and Franny ran down both sides too far ahead to be stopped; Jo was able to get a touch on it, crossing it straight to Franny, who shot at goal but was stopped by the opposing goalie. Jo was there for the rebound striking it in.
She did it. She made the final goal.
Jo was quick to be bombarded by the rest of her teammates hugging her as they ushered back for the kick-off. Y/N wished she could run in there and hug her, telling her how proud she was, but for now, shouting 'great job' and 'stay focused' would be enough. Y/N looked over at Harry, who was wiping his tears still yelling proudly for his daughter, and like he knew she was staring, he looked over at her giving her the cheesiest grin she had ever seen on him.
The game finished, and the Golden Sparks won another game, taking them to the final the following week. Y/N congratulated the girls telling how proud she was of them and the hard work they put in each game. She told them she can't wait to see them on Monday and to have a wonderful weekend. Then told their parents to spoil them a little extra this weekend that earned a cheer from all the girls.
As Y/N was packing up her things, Kate and a few other parents already helped carry everything over to Kate's car. She felt arms around her waist.
"Hey, quickster," Y/N says, turning, allowing her niece to hug her properly.
"The girls are going to get ice cream if you want to go with them; Emilia's mom will text you the address," Juliet asks, but Y/N has spent enough time with them and wants to let them be.
"Thanks for the offer, but you have a good time. I'll let your mom know Emilia's mom is dropping you off." Juliet nods, giving her one more hug before hurrying over to Emilia's car, where Jo also happens to get in. She sends them away; she notices Harry a few vehicles over putting a bag away when she reaches her car.
Something comes over her because the next thing she knows, she's calling his name and standing next to him.
"Hiya, love. Doing alright?"
Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear and nods, "Yes, all good. That was an exciting game."
"Good to hear."
"You doing anything now?" She asks, peeking over her shoulder, seeing Kate has her eye on her, but she just rolls her eyes before looking back at Harry.
"Going home, my munchkin left me."
"Well, there's a great Mexican restaurant here if you'd like to join me for lunch."
Harry smirks, "Asking me on another date, are you?"
"I have to when I know you're still a bit nervous about making a move," she confesses bashfully.
Harry's not surprised she can so easily read him; all the walls he had left are gone.
"Then I'd be honored."
"Great, uh good. Just follow me then."
Arriving, they were seated quickly. A plate of chips and salsa were delivered shortly, Harry asked for guacamole. Y/N didn't argue, knowing for many people that was one of their favorite dips. Personally, she wasn't a fan. She didn't like the texture. Most people were shocked at the revelation, and no doubt Harry would as well.
"What's good here, love?" Harry says, leaning into her side to peek at her menu instead of opening his.
"Hmmm...honestly everything. I always get something different when I come, but you can never go wrong with tacos."
"Alright, you want to share?"
Y/N shrugs, "We can. I'm not picky, but I am starving."
"Have some guacamole; you haven't gotten any."
"No thanks, I'm not a fan."
"You serious?"
"Yes, Harry."
"That's strange."
"What is?" She sets the menu down to look over at him.
"I mean, it's fine. At least you'll never buy avocado toast for like six dollars." He chuckles, and Y/N can't help but join in.
Their waiter comes over, "Estan listos para ordenar?"
Y/N nods, "Hola, si. Dos tacos de asada, y dos de al pastor. Por favor."
Harry is staring intently at his menu, not speaking a word as they wait for his order. "You alright, darling?"
He leans close to whisper in her ear, not able to focus on the term of endearment, "Can you order for me?"
She doesn't tease him, just smiles, "Y una orden de enchiladas rojas."
Their waiter smiles and walks away, promising to be back shortly.
"Have we discussed you speaking a second language?"
"I thought we had." She brushes it off like it's no big deal.
"I don't think so."
"Okay, I took YMCA classes from age seven and did so all the way until college. Even have a minor in Spanish."
"Sorry if you felt uncomfortable. They speak English as well but primarily speak Spanish."
Harry shakes his head, not wanting her to feel bad, "No, I was just caught by surprise. Hearing you speak Spanish was a turn-on."
"I'll keep that in mind." She winks at him, glad to see the blush spread on his cheeks.
Lunch went great, just as she had expected. They shared food, Y/N enjoying Harry's enchiladas much more than the tacos. Harry happily ate the three tacos she left after eating most of his plate, not that he minded. Y/N appreciated how open he was in sharing food. She had always done it growing up, so Harry allowing her to do the same made her find more profound comfort in their already growing relationship.
Harry beat her to the bill, and she let him take it not without letting him know she'd get it the next time. They stood outside together, allowing the nice breeze to brush over then neither one was eager to say goodbye. They knew they would see each other soon, but with the growing affection, they just craved more time together, more time getting to know each other.
Harry had her pressed against her car door, hidden from the view of others. "We should do this again."
"We should," she agrees.
"My house Thursday night, Josie is going out with Sarah and Mitch to watch a movie, most likely do a sleepover as well."
"I'd like that. We'll see if you can maybe have a sleepover yourself."
Harry smirks, liking the idea of her spending the night with him, not caring that they both had work the following day.
"Are you going to kiss me?"
"I want to."
"You have my full permission," she teases.
Y/N met him halfway and pressed, letting him press his lips against hers. As she kissed him back, she wanted him to feel how much she liked him, how fast she was falling for him. His hands wrapped around her waist tight; it gave her comfort. She knew he wouldn't let go until she asked.
She felt her beat just a little fast as she left out a soft moan; she shifted closer as his mouth opened over hers and his tongue slid between her lips.
He was in control of her. She did not mind one bit.
With a sigh, she tilted her so he could kiss her more deeply; he didn't need any encouragement to do as she wished. His kiss became more intense, she could feel the burn between her thighs, wanting more, needing more, and that's when she knew she had to pull back, but he beat her to it.
Harry pulls back, staying close enough that he could steal another kiss, "God, I can't get enough of you."
He surprised her, how open he became with her feelings, she hadn't asked how his therapy was going, but god, it must have been doing wonders if she could feel every emotion that was going through him as she gazed into his loving emerald eyes.
"I'll see you soon, darling." Harry took that as his cue to let his hold of her go.
"Not soon enough," he whispers.
"You'll see me Monday," she reminds him.
"Can I steal a kiss then?"
"If you're lucky."
Y/N knew it wouldn't be long until she could say she was in love with Harry.
Harry never thought he'd be the type of guy to be excited over a simple call or text reading: 'I'm thinking of you." She's made him feel good and confident in their relationship. He sent flowers to her work that led to her sending him a selfie with her face buried in the flowers.
At practice, he knew she couldn't pay attention to him, but that didn't mean he couldn't. He saw how fast she moved with the ball showing the girls a new drill, then doing it again slowed down, making sure they all understood. He admired how she never got frustrated. He knew how hard it was to handle one eight-year-old, but sixteen was impressive. He'd sit there for hours just admiring her if he could.
On Tuesday, he called Alycia, the receptionist at Y/N's office, asking for her lunch schedule, wanting to drop by and leave her lunch. She let him know she was taking it later that day at 2 since she was so busy. He decided that a BLT sandwich from two blocks away would do as she had once expressed to him how well done they were, promising to take him one day.
He walked in, noting how few people were in the waiting room, but eagerly stepped up to the counter. Alycia greeted him kindly, now seeing him more than once when he took Josie to her first session. Josie showed improvement, and each time he brought her, he made sure to leave a note behind for Y/N.
As he told Alycia to give you the food, there Y/N came walking down the hall. He was surprised at how casual, yet professional her look was; she had a silky oversized button shirt tucked into her linen pants, wearing her brown loafers he knew she didn't use often.
"Alycia, can you update this- Harry!" Y/N looks shocked to see him standing in front of her, not at all expecting to see him; she just planned on calling him later at night like they had been doing the past few days.
"Hi, love. Brought you lunch." He smiled sheepishly, holding up the bag.
She laughs, handing over the file to Alycia then stepping towards Harry to wrap him in a hug she has been wanting to do since she laid eyes on him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tight against him, taking in her sweet honey scent. Before pulling back, remembering, after all, she was at work.
"I'm starving, thank you, darling. I was about to head out." Y/N rubs her stomach jokingly.
"Well, I'll leave you to it. See you tomorrow."
Y/N pouts, "You're not staying?"
"Well, I didn't want to assume."
"Assume, please." She laughs at the smile she gets Harry to give her.
They excuse themselves from Alycia and walk towards her office. They take a seat on her couch as Harry hands her the sandwich. They ate together, and for the forty-five minutes they had together, it was perfect; they shared stories of how their week was going at how Josie was anxious for the game and just promising to see each other soon. Harry got a kiss goodbye and was glad he would be seeing her the following day.
It's Thursday night, and Harry will finally get her for more than half an hour. Josie left a few hours ago to watch the movie with Sarah and Mitch, her sleepover bag on her shoulder not at all a surprise for Harry. He glanced around his house and knew it wasn't the cleanest. Josie always had some stuff scattered around the house, but he knew it just gave the house character.
"Hey, I'm outside," Y/N tells him on the phone before hanging up.
He rushes to the door, swinging it open to see her shut the door with her hip before making her way to him, a grin on her face as she carries a pink box in one hand and what he assumes to be food in another.
"You said you don't always like having to cook, and I know you said you love Thai." She giggles as he reaches to take the bag out of her hand, letting the smell take over.
"This is sweet, love. I appreciate it."
"Well, of course," she shrugs off his compliment. "I wanted to do something nice."
"I feel like I should be the one doing sweet things for you," he confesses as he guides her to his kitchen.
Y/N frowns, "Darling, we can move past that."
"Can we?"
"Of course, I feel like we've grown in the last few weeks. There's a different type of trust, don't you think?" She turns to face him, knowing the conversation was serious.
"Do you know how sorry I am?"
She nods, slowly stepping towards him, stopping right in front of him. She lifts her hand under his chin to have him look at her. "I do, and I forgive you. Sometimes we let our emotions win."
"I hope you know I'd never do that again." His voice is soft.
"I know."
She leans in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his lips.
"Dinner?" She beams.
"Yes, of course."
The meal is good, probably one of the best foods he's had in a long time. She didn't pick this up from his usual place but wouldn't tell him where she went. Told him she needed to keep some things to herself to keep surprising him. Harry finished most of the meal and then opened the pink box she left on the table that held a mixture of donut holes.
"You've still got room," she exclaims.
"They smell so good." He defends. Y/N laughs but rejects the offer to have one.
After cleaning up, he leads them to the living room, deciding to watch a movie. The scroll endlessly for a few minutes before settling on Life As We Know It. Harry shared that it was one he enjoyed watching back, and she agreed.
They had only gotten thirty minutes in before they began chatting. Y/N went on about how she was planning a trip to take two up north wanting to visit June Lake and hike some trails. Y/N's sister was going to see Xavier's family in San Diego, so they couldn't go up with her. Harry, without thinking, said if she'd have them, they could go. She didn't respond, making him assume she didn't want them to join, but she surprised him by hugging him.
"Best idea you've had tonight. I'll make all the reservations. Just let me know when you're free." She told him before settling back down next to him, her hand on his thigh going back to the movie. She was grinning at the montage of Holly and Eric and how they were learning how to co-parent Sophie. Harry had not taken his eyes off of her; she laughed as Sophie pooped in Eric's old hat.
"You're staring." She narrows her eyes at him, suspicious.
"It's because you're beautiful."
"Thank you," she answers timidly. "Very sweet of you."
"Of course, I'm going to spend the rest of my life telling you how beautiful you are if you let me."
"God, you're smooth."
Harry smirks, "Smooth enough for a kiss."
She didn't answer him; she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him forward so that he could meet her halfway, and pressed her lips against his. Harry was quick to take control, slipping his hands around her waist and placing her on his lap, "this okay," he asked, quickly pulling back making sure she said yes. Once he had a go-ahead, he went back to her lips; she shifted closer, now touching chest to chest, not a single space in between as his tongue slipped into her mouth, prideful of the moan she released against his mouth.
Harry smoothed his hands from down her waist to rest on her ass, then cupped her and held her to him as he thrust against her. He pulled back for a second fearful he went too far; Y/N frowned, slowly opening her eyes whispering "again" against his lips, and who was he to deny her.
She could feel his hesitation, slid her hands up, and cupped his jaw, "You're okay, we're okay. You're taking care of me. I want this."
Harry swallowed hard, noting she never stopped rocking herself on top of him. His mouth curved in a slight grin, pushing up to meet her, he felt her go soft in his arms, and that's when he really realized the effect he has on her.
He needed her lips on him, it had only been a few moments, but he was craving her. He laid a string of kisses up her neck until he reached her mouth, lips swollen, but he knew she was eager for more.
"Harry, please." She had a hand tangled in his curls, needing to close the distance.
"I got you, love."
He tilted her head, allowing him to kiss her deeply, the kiss only more intense than before. If he didn't need to breathe, he would kiss her forever, never stopping.
"So pretty, all those moans just for me,"
"All for you," she breathes out.
Harry smirked, moving her up and down over his pants at a steady rhythm, but she was fighting for control.
"It's alright, love, let yourself go. Show me how pretty you look when you come."
Y/N was so close, tensed her thighs around him about to reach her release when they heard a phone ringing, halting their movements. Harry groans, pressing one more lingering kiss to her puckered lips, before reaching over to the side table to his right for his phone, "not me."
She holds back a whine, getting up for her phone inside her jacket. "Whoever it is, don't answer," he half-jokes.
Y/N giggles and looks at the caller as she swipes right to answer, "it's my niece."
Harry watches as she nods, telling her to relax and that she'd be right over.
"Has our night been cut short?"
"It has. Juliet got in an argument with her dad and is now threatening to move out."
"What," he laughs, standing up as he watches her shrug her jacket on.
"Yeah, to the backyard or with me."
"She really made you a mediator."
Y/N laughs, shrugging.
As Harry is walking her to the car, he can't believe how the night turned or would have. "You know I thought it would have been my child who interrupted us."
"Well, your daughter is an angel next to Juliet."
"You really think so,"
"I know so."
"You make it so easy to fall for you," he confesses, wrapping her in a hug before she leaves him for the night.
"What, I mean it."
She leans up to kiss his cheek, "I'm sorry we didn't get to finish."
"Me too."
"I hope you know once I'm in bed tonight, I'll be thinking of you."
"That's not fair."
"Why not?"
"Because I want to be the one taking care of you, making a mess of you."
"We'll get there," she promises.
Harry leans in and kisses her; it's short and sweet.
"Night, Harry. See you Saturday."
"See you then. Goodnight, love."
It's bittersweet honestly, it's the final game of the season. The girls have worked very hard to get where they are now: at the championship game. After this game, win or lose, they'll have a month off. No one will call her asking for an extra jersey, asking her for a ride, or texting her what time the game was, even with them owning the schedule. They'd all get a break until mid-September.
Harry and Josie were the first to arrive, while Kate and Y/N were setting up the warm-up drill.
"Loverboy is here." Kate teases as they walk to the bench.
"Stop." Y/N looks over at them, seeing them heading this way. "Styles family, good to see you."
"Hiya, Coach."
"Hello, Jo. You're going to go get ready?" Y/N says, looking down at the girl's black crocs with Avengers pins.
"Yup," she skips away, sitting on the grass next to Kate, who's pumping air in a few balls.
"Harry, hi."
"No darling," he teases."
She narrows her eyes at him, "I'll have you sit with the other parents if you keep teasing."
Harry looks appalled; she'd suggest such a thing, "Now that hurts."
"You know I thought you'd be sweeter, especially about that wonderful night we had Thursday."
A smile tugs up Harry's face at the memories, "My apologies, didn't want to upset my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Y/n doesn't hide her surprise.
"Yeah, uh, we've gone out enough. I like you, and I'm going out on a limb here that you like me," she nods, allowing him to continue. "You're marvelous and love, Josie; god, you even gave her a nickname. I want this; I really want to hold your hand and keep going on dates with you and kiss you. I never want to stop.
She smiles, stepping into his embrace, "I'll be your girlfriend, boyfriend."
"Enough to risk a kiss?"
She doesn't reply; instead, she leans in, giving him a chaste kiss.
"Now go be a good parent and take a seat."
Harry does so. The smile on his face mirrors her own.
The game passed in a blur; the four quarters finished quickly. Y/N had thought they lost to the other team carrying a two-one win over them. The girls didn't look defeated, but each girl she subbed came out with a sigh but cheered as the minutes counted down.
Everyone hated losing, including herself.
Then out of nowhere, Priscilla, a usually shy player, gets a touch on the ball and sends it towards the goal. The goalie lets it slip under her, and what do you know they scored. The cheers seem endless; Y/N isn't bothered with the time, knowing there isn't much left in the final quarter.
This gives the girls a new motivation like a spark has been lit. It's a game of keep-away, Blue Devils not giving up easily. Abby gets the ball at her feet, and she freezes; the goalie is running right towards her, the defense kept away by the others; it's not until someone shouts, "Shoot!" that the young girl lifts her left foot shooting it through the goalies' legs and hitting the back of the next. Then just like that, the referees blow the whistle and call the game.
The Golden Sparks had won the championship. Y/N felt the tears in her eyes, thankful for the sunglasses hiding her overflowing emotions.
Y/N laughs as she feels Kate hug her and begin jumping up and down.
"We did it!!"
"They did it!"
Y/N is swept through the motions as she shakes hands with the coaches and claps the opposing team's hands. It's not until Juliet runs towards her with full force, knocking her onto the grass, wrapping her arms around her waist, that she's brought back to the moment. Then before she knows it, there are fifteen more girls joining in on the group hug. She's not sure when Kate was dragged into it, but she feels their joy.
They have a lifetime of wins and losses coming ahead in their young lives, but she's happy to be part of one that brings them so much happiness.
The young girls help her get up before hurrying over to their waiting parents. Juliet is being smothered in kisses by her parents. Josie is passed around by Harry's friends and her godparents, congratulating her on the win. Each girl showing off their small first place trophies, indeed to be displayed for all to see somewhere in their home.
Y/N has waved almost everyone off, telling them she would see them for pizza and drinks at their usual location. She took one look around the emptying field and felt she did well this season, but there was also room for her to grow as a coach.
"Looks like you're a champion, love."
Y/N turns around to find Harry smiling at her, Josie a few feet behind, waving to a couple with a baby. "Think she's the champ; she played the game. You did wonderful out there, Jo." She grins as Jo looks at her proudly.
"I still think you should be congratulated; you led these girls. Taught them and helped them grow into becoming better little humans." he shares, grabbing her hand pulling her into his chest.
"Well, thank you." Y/N looks down at Josie, who's crouched down trying to pick up what's likely to be a worm, "Ready for some pizza, Jo?"
Josie nods, not looking up too entranced on the creature in her hands now.
"Can I give you a gift, you know for uh...winning?"
"Course, I like presents." She grins at him, eager for what it could be.
His fingers curled into her nape and pulled her head into his as he kissed her softly. She felt his full lips move over hers; she felt how much he felt for her. As Harry brought their kiss to an end, he pulled back and looked into Y/N's eyes. "Was it a good gift?"
"The best," she answers before they are interrupted by a giggling Josie, who is staring up at them.
"Does this mean you're together?" Jo asks.
Y/N and Harry share a look before looking back at Josie, who's patiently waiting, "yes."
"Oh my! Dreams come true!" She shouts, running circles around them.
"Isn't meeting dad's girlfriend too soon a bad thing?" Y/N asks Harry.
"Not when you know you're never letting go."
"Oh, I like the sound of that." She lets pull her towards him, his arm resting comfortably over her shoulder.
"Plus, you're meeting all my friends at the pizza place, they all came to cheer on Josie, and you did say everyone was invited."
"I might just regret saying that."
"It'll be fine. Not a chance you don't win them all over."
Y/N brings them to a halt, Harry smiling down at her. This is happiness; she never wants to forget it. Harry leans in, letting their mouths meet in a kiss, soft and passionate as they both spill their feelings for another, hoping that with each passing second, the emotions only get stronger and stronger.
Harry pulls back, resting his forehead against hers, "I don't know what the future will bring, but I'm glad we'll be able to see it together."
Josie walks a few steps in front of them, leading the conversation. Harry and Y/N listen intently, holding each other tightly because this is what their future will consist of; more soccer games, more smiles, more laughs but most importantly, more love.
thank you so much for reading <3333
I adore you. take care xx
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cyberwears · 2 years
The Delinquent: Will Byers x male!reader
Will and (y/n) became friends shortly after Will and his family moved to Lenora before school started. Over the time of the school year (y/n) realizes he is falling in love with will. When Mike comes to California he has a heart to heart with Will.
Request: no
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: angst, homophobia, slurs, suring, smoking, fighting, descriptions of wounds
A/n: I didn't really have a plan for it this. I just started writing. I hope it still fits the prompt. This is not proof read.
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(y/n) had noticed the moving company across the street from his house about two (2) weeks before the school year started. So naturally being a curious kid (y/n) headed over and looked to find someone to talk to. (y/n) crossed the street, almost bumping into someone, stopping before he ran into the man holding a box. Traveling further up the drive, He came across a slim boy with brown hair that was cut in a short kinda bowl-like cut, his eyes partially hidden from view as he sat on the porch, taking in his surroundings. He seemed lost in thought and distracted.
(y/n) walked over and stood in front of the stairs, keeping distance between him and the strange looking boy in front of him. (y/n) looked at the boy before speaking. “Hey. “ (y/n) said in a low voice, to try and not startle the boy from his state, rather trying to coax him back to the moment in front of him. The brunette jumped, looking at (y/n), eyes wild and short of breath. (y/n) quickly crouched to make himself smaller. “Woah man, you alright? I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to stop by to introduce myself and see if I can help. I am your neighbor from across the way.” (y/n) said as he pointed a vague direction to his own house.
“It's alright, I'm good. Just thinking about stuff.” the boy said and stood up, coming out to be taller than (y/n) by a couple inches. (y/n) stood back up to full height and took a step back. “Anyway, I am (y/n). Is there any way I can help?” He asked as he ran a hand through his hair and tapped a foot, a bit nervous he was going to be run off by the boy in front of him.
(y/n) was considered to be the black sheep of his family. He acted differently from everyone, not that he cared. He just didn’t know if the new boy had heard the rumors of him that had been circulating again recently. The newest one was that he was running around sleeping with other guys and supposedly “turning” people gay (y’know, the fun stuff).
The boy in front of him smiled and stuck his hand out. “Will, Will Byers” The boy spoke as he looked over (y/n) apprenance . (y/n) smiled a bit, shook hands with Will and introduced himself, again asking if he could help. Will nodded and dragged (y/n) inside by his wrist to his room and told (y/n) he could help by unpacking his room first then they could do the rest of the house.
As (y/n) and Will were unpacking things he met Will’s sister Jane, older brother Jonathan, and mom Joyce. Over the course of the day while (y/n) was helping with moving boxes inside he ended up pulling his shirt off and tucking it into his back pocket. The sun was beating down as he and Will took in the last couple of boxes. (y/n) and Will had arranged some of the furniture before moving into the kitchen to finish unpacking the dishes. (y/n) looked at the clock on the wall and looked back to the brunette sitting at the counter.
“Hey, I should probably head back home. It's getting late.” (y/n) said as he stood up and slipped his shirt back on. “You should stay for dinner. I’m sure mom wouldn’t mind.” Will said as he moved across the kitchen, putting away the last couple of dishes that were left. (y/n) cocked his head and looked at the back of Will’s head. “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude, especially since you guys just moved in and are getting settled in.” (y/n) said as he made his way towards the door. “Yea, let me talk to mom real quick. Mom should be making dinner soon.” Will said as he moved down the hall and into his mom's room.
(y/n) sat quietly at the counter and looked down at his hands and picked his cuticles. While Will was in the other room (y/n) heard footsteps coming down the stairs and whipped his head around and looked towards the sound. He watched as Jonathan walked past him, grabbed a glass and went to turn on the faucet. “I wouldn’t drink the tap water, it takes like shit.” (y/n) said, startling the older boy. “Thank you for the heads up. The water in Hawkins was ok so I just got used to the taste of it.” Jonathan said and filled up the cup.
Jonathan and (y/n) settled into a comfortable conversation over the time it took Will to talk to his mom and for them to come down to make dinner. (y/n) again told Will he didn’t want to intrude but his mom was not having it, so (y/n) ended up being roped into cooking with Joyce and Will, in all reality (y/n) didn’t mind helping and had fun (not that he would admit that). His parents were never really home because of work and when they were they kinda just ignored (y/n) all together.
After dinner was done and it hit around 11 (y/n) said his goodbyes and told Will he would show him around tomorrow. When (y/n) got home he went to his room and changed into his night clothes (which was a loose shirt and his boxers) then laid down. (y/n) fell asleep while thinking about where to start his tour of Lenora tomorrow, happy he made a new friend.
That was months ago. Him and Will were practically glued to each other at school, which started new rumors to crop up from the other kids around them at school. (y/n) constantly heard whispers about him and “the new kid”, talking about how they were dating or that Will took pity on him. That really set (y/n) off the day he heard it. That day (y/n) had already been having a rough morning. He woke up late and almost didn’t make it to class on time. It was spring finals right before the break and he forgot his project in Ms. Gracey class, which he shared with Will and Jane. He felt the spit balls pelt the back of his head but he ignored them as he listened to Jane’s presentation on her father. He found it cute but then Angela spoke up, causing (y/n)'s mood to sour quickly. He had hated Angela since middle school when she decided to make fun of him for his weight. (y/n) raised his hand and waited to be called on. When he was allowed to speak he looked towards Angela, a pointed glare cutting through the class.
“I really liked Jane’s presentation. It gives depth to her and her hero. Unlike you and your air head friends, maybe if you decided to actually read a book or do something with your life instead of choking on hair spray and other people's dicks you could see how cool Jane is.” (y/n) said, causing other people to laugh. He looked around and saw Will stifling a laugh as Ms. Gracey glared at (y/n) and told him to go to the office. “Beats being here. See ya fuckers. Also Angela, tell your mother I said hello” (y/n) said, flashing a smile and bowing as he stepped from the room as Ms. Gracey scolded him. (y/n) howled with laughter as he made his way down the hall, ducking into the bathroom to wait out the class period because he was not going to the office unless he was escorted there by the principal himself.
(y/n) stepped out of the stall as the bell rang and left the bathroom. He quickly found Jane and Will in the hallway. As he sauntered up to the two he felt a shove from one of Angela’s lackeys. (y/n) ignored it until he heard a shout and someone grab his shoulder. “You have 2 seconds to let go or I make you.” (y/n) said as he looked over his shoulder at the blonde male that followed Angela around like a lap dog. “Yeah? What are you going to do about it, faggot?” the Blonde said as (y/n) spun around to face him. “Last chance, dipshit. I am not having a good morning to start. So, Let. Go. Trevor” (y/n) said, venom in his tone as he went to glare at the kid.
Trevor hurled his fist at (y/n). (y/n) sighed as he took the hit to the gut, doubling over and dropping to the floor. (y/n) curled up as Trevor went to kick him. Once he felt the kick connect he grabbed Trevor’s ankle and grinned a bit. “Got you now, bitch.” (y/n) said as he yanked towards him as hard as he could, which knocked Trevor to the floor. At this point (y/n) pounced on Trevor, straddling him and hauling punches left and right. Trevor got a couple swings in as well, splitting (y/n)’s lip and eyebrow, as well and breaking his nose. (y/n) continued to pummel Trevor until he felt 3 people pulling him off the other boy. As (y/n) was being hauled down the hall he looked up and sent a sadistic grin towards the other kids watching and spit a mixture of saliva and blood on the floor. He looked back at the other kid, who had been picked up off the floor, bloody and bruised. “You’re a fucking freak.” Trevor yelled as he scurred off to the nurse’s office to clean up
“I warned you, Trev. Next time you might not be so lucky. Watch your back, boy!” (y/n) shouted as he was pulled into the office. He remained there the rest of the day. At the end of the day (y/n) quickly bolted out of the building, still not cleaned up from the fight (he told the nurse to basically fuck off and that he could clean himself up). His face stung as the wind rushed past the other students as he sat down in his car. He stopped when he heard a group of kids laughing and looked towards the commotion. (y/n) growled when he saw Jane being picked on and stalked his way over, his glare not leaving angela. People quickly moved out of the way as he got closer. Will met with (y/n) in the center of the area, next to Jane. “there is nothing to see here, you fucking vultures. Piss off somewhere else.” (y/n) roared as he helped Jane off the ground as Will grabbed her project. “Let's go guys.” Will said as he walked back over. (y/n) nodded and turned to Jane, asking if she was ok then storming to his car, he unlocked it and grunted as he sat down, pain flaring in his ribs from where he was kicked.
After Jane and Will were situated he peeled out of the parking lot. (y/n) was in an incredible amount of pain but ignored it while focusing on the road. When they pulled around the corner (y/n) proposed the idea of pizza to put the school day behind them. The two agreed as a hushed silence fell over the car. (y/n) could see Will Fidgeting next to him.
“I can feel you guys staring, I am not going to bite your heads off. What's going on?” (y/n) said as he pulled into the parking lot of Surfer Boys Pizza. “Are you ok?” Jane asked as she leaned forward to look at (y/n)'s bruised and swelling eye. “Yeah, I'll be fine. It doesn’t hurt too much.” (y/n) lied as he shut off the car and got out. “Are you coming or not? I am hungry and I'm not waiting for you.” He said, causing the other two to scramble out of the car, following (y/n) inside.
“Welcome to Surfer Boys Pizza brochaos.” A voice called as the three teens made their way inside. “Hey Argyle,” Will said as they made their way to the counter. Argyle smiled wide as he leaned on the counter.
“Yo little Byers, how is it hanging?” Argyle said as he looked between Jane and Will then nodded towards (y/n). “Nothing much, (y/n) promised food and Jane wasn’t feeling well.” Will said as took a step back from the counter. (y/n)’s head snapped back to the conversation when Will mentioned his name. (y/n) ordered a pizza for the three of them to share then excused himself to the bathroom to clean up.
While (y/n) was wetting a paper towel to clean the cut on his eyebrow he heard the door open, he tensed up and held breath as his eyes looked up at the mirror over his shoulder to the door. (y/n) relaxed and let out a sigh as Will rounded the corner and made his way over to (y/n). (y/n) dropped his eyes as Will leaned against the sink counter as (y/n) placed the paper towel on his cut. (y/n) hissed at the stinging from the marred flesh on his face as his eyes flickered to Will, who was watching him. “I know you want to say something, so speak” (y/n) said and coughed as he pulled the paper towel back and wiped away the blood that seeped out of the wound. “Y’know Joyce isn’t going to be happy to see that you got into another fight right? What is this, the 4th one this month?” Will questioned as he turned to face (y/n). “Why does she have to know? I just don't tell her and patch myself up. I did it before you guys moved here anyway” (y/n) said, his voice fading to a whisper and sighed as he started cleaning the wound on his lip, glad the swelling on his eye went down, the pain still there but dull now.
“You don’t have to anymore, We are here now (y/n). Why is that so hard for you to understand?” Will said as he grabbed (y/n)'s shoulder “Because so many people tossed me aside like I’m nothing, even my parents, Will. They left me behind in order to keep their dreams alive. I mean fuck man, you’ve seen my house, its empty everytime you are over.” (y/n) snapped as he looked towards Will. Will flinched and moved back a step. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. I am still in pain from the fight, Trevor got my ribs pretty good, see” (y/n) said as he pulled up his shirt so he could see the bruise that had bloomed on his lower 2 left ribs. Will nodded and told (y/n) that they could finish patching him up at home and that the pizza was done. (y/n) followed him out and sat across from Will and Jane then started eating.
“Will, tomorrow we have to get to the airport early, Mike will be here around 11 in the morning.” Jane said as she took a bite of her slice of pizza. Will’s face went a bit red and he nodded. “Wait as in Mike, your best friend and Jane’s boyfriend Mike?” (y/n) Asked as he went for a slice of the pizza on the table. Will nodded and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, and I was thinking you could come with and meet him?” Jane asked, Will looked at her in shock. “You don’t have to-” Will started but was cut off by (y/n) agreeing then went back to eating, jealousy flaring up. At what? (y/n) was still unsure of.
Over the last few months of basically being Jane and Will’s protector he had fallen for Will, bad, He decided it would be safer to keep his feelings a secret as opposed to telling Will and possibly putting him in harm's way. Lenora wasn’t the most accepting place for queer people, let alone queer relationships.
When the three teens finished their pizza they shouted out a bye to Argyle before climbing into (y/n)’s car then speeding off to Will and Jane’s shared house. When they got there (y/n) dropped them off and retreated back to his house to relax and clean up whatever wounds were left from his scuffle in the hall. After about thirty (30) to forty five (45) minutes of wincing and cursing, he finished patching up and went to bed after setting the alarm on his bedside table
The next morning (y/n) woke up to the ending verse of “Africa” by Toto. He groaned and slammed his hand down on the clock, desperate to shut it off so he could roll over. Just as (y/n) got comfortable enough to be lulled back to sleep he heard the phone ring from downstairs. (y/n) let out a yell in frustration as he made his way downstairs and answered the phone. “(l/n) residence, what do you want?” (y/n) said, voice groggy and laced with sleep. “Good morning (y/n), you have 15 minutes to be ready to get Mike from the airport.” Joyce said cheerly as she laughed at the bluntness of (y/n)’s tone. “Right, forgot about that. I will be driving there in my car. I don’t exactly feel like crowding Argyle’s van this early.” (y/n) said as he turned to look at the clock, 10:28. “Anyway, I’ll be there. I just gotta get dressed. Bye Ms. Byers.” (y/n) said and placed the phone back down against the receiver.
Rushing upstairs (y/n) quickly threw on some clothes that still fit his style and snatched his wallet and keys off his desk then thundered downstairs and out to his car, only pausing to lock his front door. The drive to the airport was short but felt like forever, anxiety clinging to the air as he blasted the radio.
A while later (y/n) was sitting with Will, Jane, Jonathan and Argyle as they waited for the plane to unload. (y/n) noticed a tall, thin boy, wearing very traditional touristy clothes and holding a bouquet. Will tapped Jane’s arm and she shot up from her seat to meet him halfway. (y/n) watched as the other three stood and met Mike halfway. As Jane took Mike’s hand and led him away he saw Will’s shoulders sag.
“Hey, you alright?” (y/n) asked as he placed a hand on Will's shoulder. “Yeah, I’m good. Just excited to spend time to mike” Will said and started following the crowd of people outside. “Do you want to ride with me? If not, it's cool. We can do whatever.” (y/n) said as he followed behind everyone with Will, half paying attention to Jane as she talked about whatever to Mike. Will looked between (y/n) and Mike then nodded.
“Yeah, sure. I think we are going skating later if you want to join us. Hey Jonathan, I am going to ride back with (y/n). I will meet you guys at the Rink-O-Mania” Will said and followed (y/n) outside and climbed in his car.
When (y/n) turned seventeen (17) his parents got him a 1969 midnight purple Chevy Impala as an excuse for being gone for a long time. While (y/n) was not happy that his parents missed his birthday he was very pleased when he turned the key and listened to the engine rumble to life.
As Will buckled his seat belt (y/n) tore out of the parking lot and back towards his house, blaring the radio. “We need to go to the roller rink. You are going the wrong way.” Will shouted over the radio. “I know! We are making a pitstop. I left something at my house that I need. Just enjoy the ride, Birthday boy.” (y/n) shouted back as he sped up and skidded around a corner. Will felt his face get hot as he listened to (y/n) hoot and holler as he drove recklessly.
(y/n) pulled into his driveway and parked the car then shut it off. “How did you know it's my birthday?” Will asked as he caught his breath from the ride back. “I can read a calendar, and Joyce told me the other day it was coming up soon.” (y/n) said and shrugged as he climbed out of the car, motioning for Will to follow. Will sent him a look of confusion and stepped out of the car hesitantly, climbing the driveway and following (y/n) inside. “What are we doing?” Will asked as he followed behind (y/n), playing with the hem of his own shirt. (y/n) ignored him and continued deeper in the house until he hit the kitchen.
“Happy birthday sugar.” (y/n) said, the nickname unconsciously slipping out. (y/n) whipped around to hide his blushing face as he pulled out Will’s gift. It was a small chain with a vile on it. The vile held a slip of paper inside. He handed it to Will and turned back to the kitchen sink, waiting for Will to pull the piece of paper out. “What is the date on this?” Will asked, his voice soft and enamored by the gift he just received.
“It was the day we met and I became your California bestie. I planned on giving it to you later but I forgot we had to collect Mike today.” (y/n) said and slowly turned to face Will. Will’s face was a bright red and grabbed (y/n)’s wrist. “It is beautiful (y/n), thank you. I mean it. I feel like my birthday was forgotten these last couple years so it's nice to have someone who cares. Let's go skate and show off how bad we suck at it.” Will said, a soft smile on his face as he pulled (y/n) into a hug. (y/n), now bright red, hugged him back and patted his shoulders.
“Fuck yeah, lets go make a fool out of ourselves in front the whole school. That should be fun,” (y/n) announced and gunned it to the car. Will laughed and slipped the paper into the vile then placed the necklace on as he followed (y/n) outside to his car.
Will and (y/n) pulled into the lot of the skating rink, passing Jonathan and Argyle as they were leaving. He pulled into the parking spot, parked, and got out of the car. (y/n) waited for Will to get out before making his way into the building, Will in toe. Once the boys got inside, (y/n) rented the skates and made his way over to Jane and the group (Will and Mike). He handed the skates to Will and sat down to lace his own skates. (y/n) waited for the group before pushing out into the rink and speeding past the other families and classmates around him as he loses himself in the music and the feeling of the wind whipping past him.
After a while of (y/n) skating around by himself he slowed down and skated next to Will for a bit before offering to go and buy them both a milkshake and moved away after quietly wishing Will another happy birthday. (y/n) paid for a chocolate and vanilla milkshake then headed back to Will.
As (y/n) was about to round the corner he heard Jane speaking to Will. Not wanting to interrupt them he waited around for them to finish up the conversation. “You know, I see how (y/n) looks at you” Jane says as she skates up to WIll. “What do you mean? How does he look at me?” Will questioned as he sat down on the bench. “He looks at you how Hopper looked at Joyce.” Jane said as she looked back and saw Mike moving towards them with a shake for both him and her. (y/n) felt his heart drop into his stomach as he realized that Jane knew that (y/n) had feelings for Will. “No way, (y/n) is a friend. He doesn’t look at me like anything, You’re reading into things too much.” Will said and (y/n) felt his heart crack and he felt his legs wobble a bit. He composes himself and pushes off the wall and goes around the corner
After sitting for a while and drinking the milkshakes and glaring at Angela and her cronies as they took Jane out onto the rink floor, (y/n) stood up and went to skate as one of the other boys grabbed his arm and stopped him from going out into the rink. (y/n) was about to snap at the boy until he realized it was Will. Will looked at him like he was upset, or atleast confused.
“This place is cool.” Mike said, officially changing the conversation topic. (y/n) makes it to them as sits on the bench next to Will. “It is, I don’t come here often. I don't really like big public events so I tend to stay home or go cruising down by the beaches” (y/n) said to Mike, Turning to Will. “They had vanilla and chocolate. Which one do you want?” (y/n) asked as he looked towards Jane, Who held a knowing look in her eyes. (y/n) shot her a glare as Will grabbed the chocolate shake and thanked (y/n).
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (y/n) said as he grabbed Will’s wrist. “Nothing, Jane just said something that has me thinking. How are you doing (y/n)? I realized no one has really asked since we got here.” Will asked as he tried to look (y/n) in the eye. (y/n) dropped his head enough that Will couldn’t look at him.
“I am fine. Tonight isn’t about me. Your best friend just got here and it’s your birthday. Don’t worry about me” (y/n) said, pushing the aching in his chest down. (y/n) threw a weak smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes towards Will. “Are you sure? Because we can totally ditch them.” WIll said as the lights cut and some kid started talking over the announcement mic and the song Wipeout started playing. (y/n)’s head snapped up as he saw the crowd skating around Jane and Angela come up and dumped a milkshake over her as the crowd laughed.
(y/n) felt his blood boil and raced out to Jane (as did Mike) and pushed through the crowd and dropped to his knees to check on Jane.
“Didn’t you see the sign? No food or drinks on the rink floor.” Angela sneered and chackled. (y/n)’s head whipped around to her. “ You evil bitch. I already told you once and then Trevor got fucked up. Wanna see what happens when I put aside my respect? I will fucking kill you if you come back around Jane again” (y/n) snarled as he popped back up. He told Mike to take Jane over to the bathrooms and help her get cleaned up. “Oh? You’re going to hit a woman? You would ruin your already broken reputation as a Faggot and add ‘woman beater’ to hit?” Angela said as she snickered. “If it means I am protecting an innocent person? Absolutely.” (y/n) said as he moved towards Angela. (y/n) felt someone grab his sleeve and whipped around and looked back at the person, a wild look in his eyes. (y/n) watched Will flinch and (y/n)’s face dropped as his blood went cold. He never wanted to scare Will. He looked back towards Angela. “We aren’t done here.” (y/n) said as he skated away from the group and off the rink floor, WIll following closely behind.
(y/n) went to where Mike was. “Where is Jane?” (y/n) said as he got closer. “She was just here and she disappeared. Just give her some time to cool off.” Mike said as he sat down at the table. (y/n) nodded, taking off his skates and laced his boots back up.
“Where are you going?” Will said as he made it back to the table. “For a smoke. I’ll be back.” (y/n) said as he quickly went outside and to his car. Smoking was a bad habit he picked up long before Will had moved and he only recently stopped because of WIll. (y/n) wanted to be better for Will, maybe then Will would have seen (y/n) as more than a friend but it didn’t work. As (y/n) made it to his car he saw three (3) people waiting on his trunk, one of them was Trevor. “Oh fuck me. This is gonna suck.” (y/n) said as he strolled over and went to unlock his driver side door. He felt two of the boys grab his shoulder and hold him as Trevor swung and punched him in the stomach. Which caused the air to leave (y/n)’s lungs, effectively winding him and causing (y/n) to drop to the ground. (y/n) didn’t try to move as the boys kicked, beat and hurled slurs at him and just waited for it to stop.
(y/n) only moved after the boys left and he caught his breath. Once he pulled himself into his driver's seat he lit a cigarette with shaking hands and looked in his rear view mirror. His nose was definitely broken again and the skin around his right eye was swollen and stung as the bruise formed. “Man, Ms. Byers is going to be pissed.” (y/n) mumbled as he dug around his front seat for some napkins to wipe away the blood from the small cuts that opened back up and the new formed cuts. (y/n) looked worse for wear already, but with his face busted open and the scene looked straight out of a horror movie. Blood was pouring from (y/n)’s face and was clumped in his hair as it smeared along his face from him wiping it away.
(y/n) grunted and winced from the sting of the napkins as he cleaned up his face. He didn’t even notice Jonathan and Argyle pull up and collect everyone as he took another drag from his cigarette, the smoke invading his lungs and burning his throat, which caused him to become light headed for a second before blinking it away. He watched as the van left after Will climbed in and felt a tear go down his face. (y/n) roughly wiped it away and started his car and quickly drove home, taking shortcuts and breaking almost every road law there was to exist. When (y/n) pulled him he saw the door shut to the Byer’s house and he shut off his engine.
(y/n) pulled the key from the engine and went inside. He dropped his jacket at the door and slipped his boots off before trudging upstairs to his room and laid down on the bed, not caring if he stained his sheets with blood. (y/n) felt himself drift in and out of consciousness as he sunk further into his sheets, until he heard the phone ring. Sighing he got up and stumbled down the stairs, half conscious and picked the phone up off the receiver, “hello?” (y/n) asked, voice raw from hiding his pain.
“Hey (y/n). Did you make it home alright?” (y/n) heard Will ask. “Yea, I made it home fine. How was the ride home with Jonathan and Argyle?” (y/n) asked and winced quietly as he shifted his weight and looked down at the ground. “It was quiet, Jane smashed Angela’s nose in with the stopper of a skate.” Will said quietly. “Holy shit. Is Jane alright?” (y/n) asked as he leaned against the wall harder to take some pressure off his leg.
“Yeah, Jane is fine. Can I come over? Mike and Jane are doing the gross couples shit the kids at school do.” Will asked and (y/n) snapped out of his sleepy daze as his eyes snapped to his shirt, the collar soaked in blood. “Uhh, yeah. I will be showing most likely when you get here. Doors unlocked.” (y/n) said nonchalantly while panicking internally over the state of himself. “Cool. I’ll be over in fifteen (15) minutes. See you soon” Will said as the line went dead.
“Fuck” (y/n) shouted as he rushed to his room and slung his shirt and pants off into his hamper and grabbed a towel then rushing into the bathroom to reassess the damage from the rink. Bruises bloomed like flowers in spring across his face and torso. (y/n) winced as he put weight on his left leg again when he turned to start the shower.
As (y/n) climbed in he felt the sting of the hot water rush over his open wounds and fought the urge to groan as he went to wash his hair (as his arms ached and his shoulders were bruised). When he got out he carefully wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into his room, jumping when he saw Will sitting on his bed, reading a discarded book (y/n) had left there months ago. When Will looked up at (y/n) he saw Will’s face pale as he went to stand. “What happened?” Will asked, concern growing in his features. “It’s nothing. I need to get dressed, unless you came here to-” (y/n) started and was cut off by WIll. “Absolutely not. Don’t deflect. We are not done here. I will be back in when you’re dressed.” Will said, leaving the room.
(y/n) grumbled a bit as he got dressed. He heard Will knock on the door and (y/n) let him know he could come in. Will came in with an ice pack, bandaids and pain meds. (y/n) shot a glare at Will and told him he was fine. “Unless you want me to kick your ass for getting into another fight I suggest you sit down.” Will half heartedly threatened and (y/n) sighed in annoyance and sat down. “It wasn’t a fight. I got jumped. I went out to grab a cigarette from the console of my car and there were three (3) guys outside. They beat me down and I took it. I was a pussy. I should have done something” (y/n) said, looking away in shame.
Will takes (y/n)'s jaw into his hand carefully and moves it so he is looking into (y/n)’s eyes. “There was nothing you could have done. That wasn’t your fault. They decided to attack you, for no reason. It could have happened to anyone. Do you understand? It wasn;t your fault” Will said, keeping a firm grip on (y/n)’s jaw.
(y/n) felt his face heat up as he stared into Will’s eyes. His gaze flicked down towards Will’s lips for a split second and then back up to Will. “Yes sir. I understand.” (y/n) said and grabbed Will’s other hand.
“Will, I have something to confess.” (y/n) said, his body shaking a bit from fear of rejection. “What is it? (y/n), you're scaring me.” Will asked and squeezed (y/n)'s hand, comforting the bruised boy. “Honestly, I scare myself sometimes. Promise me things won’t be different when I say this.” (y/n) says as he tries to look away from Will. “I can’t promise anything, but I will try.” Will said, moving to make (y/n) look at him. “Will, I like you. Alot. and I know this sounds so fucked up garenteed everything that has happened in the last few months and everything but I like you so so much.” (y/n) says and looks at Will to gauge a reaction.
“Holy shit, she was right. How did I not see it sooner?” Will blabbed to himself as he dropped his hold on (y/n). (y/n) felt his stomach drop and felt a burn of embarrassment seep into his body, his mind spiraling. (y/n) snapped out of it when Will began to shake him. “Where did you go? It’s ok (y/n). don't be embarrassed, I like you too, it'll just take some adjusting and a lot of secret keeping to hold this relationship.” Will said and grabbed (y/n)’s hands, entwining their fingers. (y/n) smiled wide and laid down on the bed as he placed a kiss on Will’s forehead.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, my delinquent.” Will said as he gently placed the ice pack over (y/n)’s eyes, covering the bruise.
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likeastarstar · 3 years
Boredom, Disinterest, & Intimidation.
Summary: Jungkook's in that suit and he's bored and you're not impressed by much...except for him. and then you fuck him in a public restroom.
(A/N: WARNING! SMUT AHEAD! for the anon requesting striped suit jk...I got severely carried away this is so much longer than I intended...feedback is appreciated.)
You weren't impressed by much.
Men were too boring to be impressive most of the time. They watered their personalities down, made themselves too accessible to be deemed worth it for your effort. Basically, you thought you were better than most of them. Your friends said you should lower your standards or risk being forever alone, but you didn't really understand why that was such a bad thing. At least you liked your own company, preferring to fly solo most of the time.
That's what you were doing at the event you were at, a networking thing that your company sent you to in order to make connections in different industries your CEO was interested in. You were the go-to for this sort of thing, where you had to be coy and work a room with no commitment.
You stared at the glass in your hand, wondering how many flutes of champagne the woman standing next you had consumed. She swayed off beat to the instrumental music playing and you couldn't help but guess that it wasn't a lack of rhythm that was causing it. Someone called your name and you lifted your gaze, falling on a bulky looking man with a kind smile. You recognized him as the PR connection your company had, one who was in charge of not only your own company but several larger clients in the entertainment industry. You smiled at him easily, floating over to where he was.
"Let me introduce you to my friends, they're in the music industry." He said pleasantly, gesturing to the group of men standing beside him.
You scanned the group neutrally, recognizing them instantly. Of course you knew who they were. You wondered why you were being introduced to them but soon connected the dots when you heard they were looking to explore the possibility of expanding their tour set-ups, primarily in the technology area, an aspect your company could help with. The tallest man did most of the speaking, his warm smile and easy going humor making it easy to see why countless people were in love with him. Your eyes stuck on another member of the group however, one standing towards the back with an uninterested look on his face.
While the rest of the men looked towards you eagerly when you spoke about previous experiences with audio and performance oriented tech expansions, he stared off to the side with his hands in his pockets. You studied his figure- black and grey striped suit tailored to a tee, skimming the length of his lean body. Straight shoulders, thin waist, legs for days- his proportions were scientifically perfect. His hair was gelled and neatly parted, jet black matching the inky color of his eyes. Everything about him was unapproachable, from the bored purse of his lips to the eyebrow piercing that reflected the light in a sort of warning. Another one of the group began saying something, sparking his attention.
His eyes flickered to you, flying over you at first and then doubling back to study you more closely. He frowned slightly, blinking a couple times before realizing you were staring back at him, refusing to look away.
"Seems like they're about to start the dinner, where are you seated?" Someone asked you, causing you to tear your eyes from his.
You just happened to be seated across from the man in the striped suit, who's name you had heard a couple times but had forgotten since you didn't personally pay attention to things like that. You ignored him and the way he slouched over in his chair, pushing his hips forwards with his neck stretched to the side so his head could rest back on the chair, watching the rest of the room out of the corner of his eye as if he couldn't be bothered to interact with it himself. He was distractingly handsome, chiseled jaw cutting a sharp line through space.
You started a conversation with a woman to your left who ran a charity organization or something, the details weren't really sticking in your mind since a certain someone had decided instead of zoning out, he'd zero in on you with total focus. You turned your head slowly towards him when you couldn't take the tension you felt from seeing his gaze locked on you out of the corner of your eye anymore, the knot of anticipation only tightening when you noted his smirk.
"Do you normally stare at people?" You asked in a flat tone.
"No," He said simply. "I actually make it a point not to make eye contact with people at these sorts of things. I'm making an exception."
He leaned forward in his chair, face tilted slightly so he was looking up at you through his eyelashes. You resisted the urge to squirm in your chair- this wasn't you. You didn't get intimidated easily, you were the one doing the intimidation usually. He rolled his broad shoulders back, sitting up straight as if to let you get a better look at him.
"Don't bother," You quipped.
"Aren't you bored?" He asked, a slightly surprised expression breaking the air of neutrality around him. "Don't you want to do something fun?"
"I'm working, I don't worry about having fun while I'm on the clock." You said, rolling your eyes before refocusing on the conversation you were having before as the appetizers were served. He was right though, things like this were incredibly boring. Rarely did you ever have fun at company events. You thanked the waiter, words hitching slightly when you felt a stiff shoe glide by your heeled foot, an ankle hooking around yours brashly. You blinked and looked back towards the man in the striped suit, a neutral expression on his face other than slight lift of his eyebrow, the silver hardware of his piercing sparkling. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to resist saying anything, trying to stop the heat pooling towards your lap.
You looked away quickly and he laughed, it's charming silvery tone ringing in your ears in a way that only distracted you further. You pushed your foot against his unconsciously, rolling your ankle around his as you carried on listening to the conversation around. It wasn't until he pulled away from you, touch ripped away that you realized you had been so forward with your actions. You watched him rise out of his chair, body limber and lean, looking down at you with a menacing intensity. He quirked his eyebrow again and you watched him stalk off towards were you knew the bathroom of the restaurant to be.
Even his walk was distracting, the way his shoulders rolled, hands swinging slightly, practically gliding across the room.
"What were you saying?" The woman next to you asked, tapping on your shoulder.
"I," You started, still staring off in the direction he disappeared to. "I was saying that...You know, I actually will be right back, I have to make a phone call."
You got up quickly before you really knew what you were doing, pushing through the waiters still trying to serve the large room full of VIPs. You passed the hallway to the bathroom when a hand snaked out and yanked you to the side, a now familiar pair of eyes staring down at you.
"I thought you didn't want to have fun?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
"I'm making an exception," You mocked, repeating his words from earlier before kissing him brashly.
His lips were soft on yours, tongue fighting against yours for control of the kiss almost instantly. His hands smoothed down your body and pushed you into the bathroom, ass pressing against the countertop. You matched his ferocity, biting down on his lip and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down closer to you. He lifted you onto the countertop, hands still kneading any part of you he could get his hands on. His hand settled on the jut of your hip, breath panting out as he moved down to your neck, kissing and sucking the skin there.
"Don't fucking leave a mark," You snapped, words venomous despite your hands pulling him between your knees. You hooked your legs around his figure, sighing as he pushed a sleeve of your dress off your shoulder and bit down on the space of your skin that was previously covered, laving over the spot with tongue.
"I'll be careful," he promised, "No one will see. My name's Jungkook, by the way."
You felt a lick of heat in the pit of your stomach, something animalistic that told you to keep going, ask for more, demand it from him. You didn't bother telling him your name and he didn't ask for it, pushing a hand up your dress instead. His hand rubbed circles on your skin and you realized he had rings on, cool metal pressing into the flesh of your thigh. Your brain felt like it was fizzing out, dial tones going off instead of coherent thoughts. God, why did his hands feel so good on your body? Why was he such a good kisser? What cologne was he wearing?
"Tell me to stop," He dared, pulling his lips off of you. He rested his forehead on the top of your shoulder, hand freezing in place. You said nothing, watching instead as he tilted his head back up to you with a surprised expression.
"Don't," You mumbled, voice so quiet you'd think he didn't hear you if he didn't smile at you. It wasn't a smirk this time, not a sly little expression, no cockiness in sight. He looked...sweet. Pretty. His eyes were sparkly and his cheeks fluffed up when he smiled like this, nose crinkling slightly. You felt your heart pang and wondered what the fuck was happening to you- who the hell was this guy?
"You wanna get fucked by a stranger in a random bathroom?" He grinned, going back to the cocky motherfucker you had known all night. He stood to his full height, hand still kneading into your skin as he gazed down at you, eyes catching on your parted lips. He tilted his head and leaned in, stopping just shy of contact. You skated a hand down his body, pressing fingertips against the firm abs you could outline under the silky material of his shirt, smiling slightly when you heard his breathing stop as you dragged your palm over the crotch of his pants, outlining his hard cock with your fingernail and wrapping your hand over it. You squeezed lightly, feeling Jungkook's fingers push up your leg and pull your panties to the side, "You're interesting." He mumbled, frowning slightly.
"No, I'm not," You said flatly, just before he dragged a finger through your folds. You breathed in sharply, feeling him brush past your clit and press down lightly, hips bucking up slightly. He thrust two fingers in you suddenly and you moaned. Jungkook kissed you, muffling your noises of need with his mouth on yours. Your back arched up to him, mind completely blank as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Slow-"
"No, fast." He grunted, "Gotta open your tight little pussy up if you want my cock. You do want my cock, right baby?"
You kissed him desperately, feeling his fingers split and scissor inside of your pussy, his thumb rubbing into your clit in rough motions. Nothing about what he was doing to you was gentle or soft, pushing you, stretching your limits, teasing you where he could.
"Yeah," You nodded, "Yeah, I want you to fuck me."
Your breathing became labored and you felt your chest heave as he curled his fingers, looking for a certain spot until a jab of his fingers had you spasming. He kissed you still, smirking against your lips as he angled his fingers to hit the same spot over and over until he had you cumming around his hands, wrapped around his finger like a cute little bow, willing and able to do anything he wanted you to. He was staring at you again, inky eyes locked on your face, scanning your expression as you came like he was trying to memorize it. He pulled his hand away too quickly, taking your panties with him.
Jungkook tucked your now ruined lace panties in his suit pocket and gazed at you, grinning as he unzipped his pants, "Okay, I'm gonna fuck you now."
"Okay," You said weakly, feeling your pussy spasm around nothing.
He shuffled closer to you, standing in between your legs as he pumped his cock. You peered down, wanting to see what his cock looked like before it entered you. Shit- he was huge. Maybe he should've used another finger. You watched him reach in his wallet and pull out a condom, tearing it open quickly before rolling it over his cock. You bit down on your lip nervously, realizing how much this was about to sting.
"What? Nervous? Wanna stop?" Jungkook asked, tilting your head back up to look at him with a finger underneath your chin.
You locked eyes with him, eyes warm and inviting. His lips were flushed pink and had some of your lipgloss smudged on them, cheeks flushed and a glow on his skin. He was really pretty like this. He was just pretty in general. No, you definitely didn't want to stop.
"No," You said simply, "I want you."
He smiled and nodded shortly, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in with one smooth motion, "What pretty girl wants, pretty girl gets."
You laughed shakily, leaning into the slight burn of his cock splitting you open, "Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want," He nodded, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before starting to move his hips, cock pulling and pushing against your pussy walls. "Shit- you feel really fucking good around me."
You moaned at his words, feeling his hips snap back, pulling his cock almost completely out of you before slamming back in. You were glad you were sitting on the countertop, you weren't sure your legs were working at the moment, curled tightly around Jungkook's body. His hands gripped your thighs, pulling your dress up and out of the way so he could watch your pussy take him, liking the wet noises that came along with how turned on you were.
"So wet, you have a crush on me or something?" He joked, laughing in a dry sort of way. You rolled your eyes and gripped a hand over his bicep, digging your nails into the muscle there underneath his suit jacket.
His thrusts quickened and he released one of your hips to slip his fingers around where your pussy was stretched around his cock, rubbing the folds there, adding stimulation that ripped the air from your body, making your head spin, body beginning to float away to nothingness.
"You're so fucking sexy," You moaned, gazing at him and the look of total concentration on his face as he fucked you into the bathroom countertop. His brow furrowed, sweat dripping down his face, pink tongue sticking out between his lips slightly. There was no way there was another guy on the planet like him- no one was this attractive.
You saw him blush and look up towards you nervously, suddenly shy to make eye contact, "Yeah? Y-you are too."
It was your time to smirk, rolling your body onto his. You felt his fingers latch onto your clit, rubbing incessantly. You clenched your pussy around him and he groaned, keening over and smashing his face into the crook of your neck, breath stuttering. He changed his pace suddenly, rolling his hips onto yours with an even faster speed you didn't know was possible. He was precise, pushing on the sensitive spot in your pussy with his fingers on your clit matching, pulsing, squeezing, tugging sharply.
"Your pussy felt so good cumming around my fingers," He mumbled against your skin, "Wanna feel it around my cock too, can you do that for me?"
"Okay, only because you asked so nicely." You smiled, feeling his hand squeeze your side in response. He bit down on the same spot of your shoulder he did earlier and that was it- you were unraveling around him in an uncontrollable way. You whined out his name over and over, triggering his own release as his hips finally faltered, shoving against yours for the last time. He stilled in you, moaning against your skin in that silvery tone that rang out like a bell in your ears. You felt him empty into the condom that separated yourself from him, feeling oddly angry that he had worn one to begin with.
You had just gotten fucked hard and were already wondering what it would feel like to have him do it again without a condom, what it would feel like to be stuffed with his cum. You squeezed around him unintentionally, getting turned on again at the thought. He winced, feeling oversensitive and pulled out of you slowly. His hands were shaking slightly, pulling off the condom and tying it closed before throwing it away in the trashcan.
You pulled your dress down as you caught your breath, floating back down to earth. Your eyes fell on the clock- you had been gone for 20 minutes.
"I should've been back at the table already," You noted, staring at the clock.
Jungkook tucked himself back into his pants and fixed his appearance, frowning at the mirror, "I should've kept fucking you for longer."
You laughed and ran a hand through your hair, "Maybe I should just go home- it'll be suspicious if we both go back at this point and I've made enough conversation for the night."
Jungkook stood in front of you, looking too happy but otherwise rid of all evidence of being freshly fucked, "Give me your number at least, I want to see you again."
You pursed your lips and debated it for a moment, staring at the hopeful look on his face. Normally, you'd say no. But something about him...
"Fine," You said nonchalantly. "But don't expect anymore exceptions from me. I'm hard work."
"I'm okay with that," He grinned, pulling his phone out quickly.
You really hoped that he was because he officially impressed you.
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dannystheone · 2 years
Hello! Can you write a fic with lee Itto and ler team geo (Gorou, Albedo, Zhongli) hehe? Have a nice day!
Hi hi hi this is super cute I love Lee Itto and we don't get enough of it!! At first I was a little intimidated at writing for four characters in one fic, but the idea I had for this made it doable!
I hope you like this!
Warning! Foot Tickles!! No 18+ 
Geo Team Taking Down Numero Uno Oni! 
Itto believes he's the strongest out of the Geo Team. He decides to put it to the test!
"Just admit it. I'm the strongest one! Arataki Itto, numero uno oni, the undefeated champion of Geo!" The brash young man had a smaller figure in his grasp while he proclaimed this. Itto tossed his hair out of his eyes while he held a struggling Gorou in a submissive omoplata. Gorou grit his teeth as he wormed and growled in this position.
"Itto! Get off! This is hardly fair!” Gorou struggled while Itto laughed and called him tiny. Albedo and Zhongli sat at a nearby table and watched the two scrap. Zhongli sipped his tea with a content look on his face, while Albedo sketched a rough draft of flowers of the bush next to him. 
Zhongli looked over at Albedo’s sketch with a smile on his face. “That’s coming quite well, Albedo. You have certainly do have exceptional talent.” Albedo flashed Zhongli a smile as he continued his work. 
 All four male members of Geo were in the backyard of Gorou’s Serenitea Pot for the day. Gorou had invited them to have some quality bonding time together and to unwind after the war ended. Of course, he hadn’t realized it would end up like this. 
 “Ah! Okay, okay, fine! You win, you’re the best!” Gorou tapped the grassy floor twice to let Itto know he’s had enough. Itto set Gorou free; Gorou immediately massaging the assaulted arm that trapped him in Itto’s setup. Itto climbed to his feet and flexed his biceps with a wild look on his face. 
 “Ahahaha! Arataki Itto wins again! No surprise there, I’m always the best.” Itto pointed to Zhongli and Albedo, sitting innocently at their table. “Alright fellas, time for y’all to face me! I’ve already defeated Gorou, both of you at the same time shouldn’t be a challenge.” Zhongli looked up to Itto’s declaration, while Albedo continued sketching.
 “Oh?” Zhongli placed his teacup down and smoothed out his suit jacket as he stood up. “You’d like to take us on, is that right? Hmm, I have a better idea, if you don’t mind.” Zhongli looked back to Albedo and beckoned him. “Albedo, if you please.” 
 “That’s right! Face me! They called me the Immovable Boulder back in my schooling days.” Itto folded his arms over his chest while the smaller men all moved to stand before him, Gorou included. 
 “Alright Itto, we’ll face you. On one condition.” Zhongli looked to Gorou to sell the idea. Gorou could already tell where this was going. 
 “Since we’re all too fragile to go up against the ‘Immovable Boulder’ on our own-” Itto smirked at Gorou’s words, which made him roll his eyes. “-we’d like to use our Geo structures against you to give us an advantage. But someone surely as strong as yourself can still handle the challenge with no problem, right?” 
 Itto laughed righteously, already feeling his victory within his grasp. The one he was most scared of out of the three was Zhongli, but the older man was more wise than he was strong. Or so Itto thought. 
 “Of course, use as many advantages as you’d like! They’ll be no match against me! Let’s begin!” Itto began walking backwards while the three men backed up as well. Gorou’s backyard was quite spacious, perfect for his dog-like nature. 
 Albedo, who has been analyzing and not speaking as often today, realized that Gorou and Zhongli had finalized a plan without even speaking to one another. Albedo’s intuition had let him in on the plan as well. 
 “Alright, you ready?! Three two one go!!” Itto was much more excited for this than the rest of them were. Itto ran towards them in a full on sprint, while the other three men jogged towards him while readying their Geo structures. Zhongli had prepared his Geo Towers, Gorou had prepared his flags, and Albedo had readied his Geo Flower. 
 “Pfft, do you guys even have a plan? This’ll be easy-” Itto began, when things went haywire for Geo team. All three men opposing Itto hadn’t coordinated their attacks in any way (clearly) which resulted in a clash of Geo structures all hitting Itto at once. 
 “Augh! What the!-” Itto cried out. The Geo team ran up to Itto in the abomination he found himself in. 
 “Itto! Are you alright?” One of them asked. Itto was caught in an amalgamation of all the Geo structures meshed into one difficult trap of bent rock, folded metal, and binding materials. 
 Itto shook the dizzy feeling in his head and reached to card his hair out of his face, but he couldn’t move his arm. The meshed Geo structure he sat in roughly resembled a pair of medieval stocks; with his arms raised at his sides and his ankles stuck in hard binding rock. Itto twisted and wriggled in this structure. 
 “I’m-...I’m fine but- huh-” Itto strained himself to twist and wriggle out of the rock he found himself in. It wouldn’t budge. “I can’t move! I’m stuck in here!” The Geo team came closer to inspect his predicament. 
 Albedo knelt down beside Itto and gently touched the fused rock, studying its properties. “Hmm..curious.” Albedo remarked. Albedo slid his fingers down the length of rock, running down along with Itto’s side next to it. Itto jumped in his makeshift seat from the fingers. 
 “Ah! Albedo be careful! That’s not funny!” Itto reprimanded. Gorou swung around from his own investigation of the rock, his bushy tail sweeping past Itto’s bare ribs. 
 “What’s not funny? What happened?” Itto started giggling and turning his side inward to escape the tingling sensations. Zhongli’s head popped up from behind the fused rock with a knowing smile on his face. 
 “I believe our dear Immovable Boulder here is in a terrible situation. Due to the properties of Geo, our structures disappear after an extended period of time once they’ve served their purpose. However, it seems since this new structure has fused into a brand new amalgamation, it may prove to be at least an hour or two before Itto is set free.” Zhongli relayed. Itto slumped in his seat, already bored out of his mind. 
 “An hour?! That’s way too long! I’ll die of boredom over here!” Itto groaned while Gorou’s tail swished past Itto’s ribs again. Itto giggled and twisted out of the way. “Go-horou stop with that! It’s ticklish!” All three men suddenly formed an idea, to help with Itto’s boredom in this Geo structure and to also knock him down a peg. 
 “Oh, what a pity. It would be a shame if we were to take advantage of that~” Albedo grinned suspiciously by Itto’s side. Itto was beginning to protest when Albedo grabbed Itto’s thigh and started squeezing into the muscle. 
 Itto sputtered and started laughing immediately, not even thinking about trying to hold his laughter back. “Ahahaha! Ahahalbedo! Dohohon’t do thahat!” Itto tried pulling his leg back from the tickles, but his ankle was stuck in the binding rock. Gorou had a sly grin while his tail started brushing up and down Itto’s side, the tufts of fur waving past his ribs. 
 “Guhuhuys reheheally! Yohohou- Dahahaha!-” Itto yelped out in a fresh peal of laughter as Zhongli skittered his fingers across Itto’s bare shoulder blades. Maybe it was a bad idea to have so much skin exposed as part of his outfit. The texture from Zhongli’s gloves aided in skittering across Itto’s bare skin.  
 “Sorry, you were saying Itto? We couldn’t quite catch that.” Zhongli teased. Gorou hid his gentle blush at Itto’s situation while he continued his gentle tail brushing on Itto’s side. Gorou couldn’t even imagine being in a predicament like this. Albedo noticed Gorou’s sudden shy nature and grinned to himself. How peculiar. Maybe Albedo can study people being ticklish in the future and call it ‘science’. It would be incredibly entertaining. 
 “I wahahas sahahaying quit it!! Thihihihis reheheally tihihickles!” Albedo had switched from Itto’s thigh to his hip; taking his thumb and squishing into the divet. Itto yelped and jumped in his chair with a new reaction. 
 “Don’t crush my hands back here now, Itto. The consequences would be awful for someone as sensitive as yourself.” Zhongli warned. His skittering fingers haven’t stopped their assault on Itto’s ticklish shoulder blades. Zhongli would have gone further down his spine, but the rock serving as a back rest got in the way. 
 “I’m nahahahat sehehensitive! Ahahahalbedo nohohoho hips!!” Itto spent the most time trying to escape Albedo’s thumb in his hip. The big red dot tattooed on Itto’s hip made it difficult to ignore the spot. Gorou noticed the tattoo on the other side as well, wanting to join in. 
 “If Albedo can’t get to your hips, I hope you won’t mind if I do~” Gorou’s brushing tail now started brushing closer to Itto’s abs while his sharp claws scritched over the surface of Itto’s hip. The reaction was nothing short of explosive. 
 “Gahahahahad! Guys plehehehease!! You- Nahahaha!! Zhonglehehe!!” Itto’s blush was now blending in with the red tattoos across his cheekbones as Zhongli snuck his fingers down to Itto’s exposed armpits and skittered in the hollows. The fact that there were thirty individual fingers wriggling and tickling all over him (plus a big bushy tail in his tummy) was abhorrent to think about. Itto was starting to sweat. 
 “Hmm, maybe we could find a way to get you out of this situation sooner if the Immovable Boulder were to admit defeat. Of course, it’s up to you, really. The structure could hold for just an hour, upwards to all night, perhaps~” Zhongli relented. Itto’s hands clenched as he could barely think about his options. Of course he answered the way he always would. 
 “Whahahat?! Nohohoho! I nehehehever gihihive up! Thihihhis is nohothing!!” The Geo men considered his answer and shrugged their shoulders simultaneously. Gorou was in the middle of kneading into Itto’s hip when something caught his eye. Itto’s waving foot. Gorou smiled slyly and moved downwards to attack it. 
 “Wahahait wait Gorou! Cohohome bahahack! Dohohon’t gohoho dohown thehere!” Gorou could tell this was a good spot from all the warnings Itto warranted. The military general slipped off the Oni’s sandal and spidered up Itto’s trapped arch. Itto squeaked and immediately tried pulling back his foot. “Nohohoho no no pleahease! Hahahave MERCY!!” 
 Itto’s voice went up an octave as Albedo started kneading both his thumbs into Itto’s sides and Gorou scritched up Itto’s sole. Zhongli started circling his fingers into either side of Itto’s ribs. 
 “I think we got him now! What do you have to say, Immovable Boulder? Too ticklish for your own good huh?” They really weren’t going to let that nickname go, were they. Gorou considered this payback for the omoplata he was caught in earlier, and what an excellent payback it was! Itto’s face was a mess, his cheeks bright pink and his hair astray. 
 “Cohohome ohohohon ehehehenough nohow!! Thihihis ihihis- YEEK! NOHOHO NO NO GOROU!!” Gorou looked back innocently as his bushy tail started weaving inbetween Itto’s toes; the fur tickling the stems and pads of his toes.
 “Yeesh Itto, I never knew a boulder could be so ticklish. What do you say, Albedo?” Albedo smiled at Itto’s childish reactions as he traced the red tattooed lines of Itto’s chest with tickly scribbles. 
 “Indeed. Such peculiar properties for a boulder. Perhaps I’ll have to study this-” 
 “ALRIHIHIGHT ALRIHIGHT I GIVE!! UNCLE!! PLEHEASE I TAHAHAP!!” Itto’s sudden declaration made Gorou and Albedo pause. Not Zhongli, it would seem. Zhongli still scritched and pinched Itto’s triceps, resulting in Itto giggling ceaselessly. 
 “Hmm, it would seem we reached a breaking point. However, that’s not the requirements I stated for this to stop, was it? I didn’t know Oni’s were hard of hearing. I clearly stated that you needed to admit defeat for us to stop this and attempt to break you out.” Zhongli started kneading into Itto’s ribs, making the demon yelp. Gorou made a mental note to never be tickled by Zhongli under any circumstances. 
 Gorou and Albedo silently went back to work after Zhongli’s statement. The general slipped off Itto’s other sandal, and started brushing Itto’s right sole with his tail and scribbled all over his left sole with both his hands. Albedo held his left hand to Itto’s lower abdomen and started tazing into his softer underbelly. That really drove Itto up the wall, the Oni struggling once more in his seat. 
 “WHAHAT?! NOHOHO!! Thahahat’s- rehehehee!! Rihidiculous!! I cahahahan’t!” Itto shook his head as his eyes narrowed in ticklish laughter. Gorou shrugged as he pulled back Itto’s toes and started dotting his claws under the pads of Itto’s sole. Itto let out a spirited scream and sunk in his makeshift chair.
 “Then I guess we’ll be here for a while. That’s fine, in my Serenitea pot it’s always sunset on the horizon. So I’ll wonder how long you can sit here until your mind starts to drift off and wonder just how long you’ve been subjected to this? I’m sure Albedo would like to investigate that.” Stars appeared in Albedo’s eyes at Gorou’s words. Albedo turned to Itto’s laughing face just as he sunk his fingers into Itto’s defined abs to scribble and tickle in them. 
 “Itto, never admit defeat. This could be groundbreaking for my research.” Itto didn’t want to be tickled anymore, and he certainly didn’t want to be studied by a spider eater. Itto swallowed his pride, just as Albedo sunk both his thumbs into Itto’s hips to knead in the divets. 
 “STOHOHOP!! OKAY OKAY!! I AHAHADMIT DEFEAT!! I’M DEFEHEHEATED! NOHOW PLEHEHEASE GET OFF!” Still so respectful after being tickled to death. Zhongli, happy that his contractual obligations to stopping the torture were met, smiled down at the panting Oni once the tickles stopped. Itto’s chest heaved quickly as the endorphins slowly calmed down in his head. 
 “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? It seems the Immovable Boulder has a few kinks in that armor.” Itto rolled his eyes at Zhongli’s words as he regained his ability to speak. 
 “Ho-Hokay..now set me free. I think I’ve earned it.” Itto was set free by Zhongli, a little too easily, actually. As if he could have been removed from this structure the entire time. 
 “Hey! Why was that so easy to remove me from? I thought you said you never seen something like this before!” Itto accused. Zhongli simply had a smile on his face as Gorou sputtered behind his hand from Itto’s reaction. 
 Itto spun around and pointed at Gorou. “And you! I told you not to take my sandals off and what did you do?! Where did you hide them?” Gorou started laughing nervously, the energy high and playful in the air. 
 “You never told us to strictly STOP did you Itto? I figured you- Yeek!” Itto lumbered towards Gorou and started wrestling him again, like he did this afternoon. Except this time, Itto had Gorou’s hands out of the way and his tummy out in the open. 
 “Oh, you wanna play like that? Okay! If you tell me to stop, I’ll only tickle faster! Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto started scribbling his fingers in Gorou’s tummy, making the military general fold and laugh immediately. 
 “Gahahaha! Itto stahahahap thahahat!” 
 “Wow you must really like this huh? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? If you wanted me to tickle you so bad you coulda said so!” 
 Albedo and Zhongli watched from a distance at the boys playing, the ominous Geo structure disappearing shortly after as it’s served its purpose. 
 As the afternoon came to a close, the rest of the night was filled with much more bonding time between the male Geo members; their female members silently wondering where all this sudden comradery came from the following Monday morning. 
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scarofthewind · 3 years
Could I request for Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt (and anyone else you may want) on how they’d react to cumming very quickly, like they’re having a stressful day and haven’t dont *it* in a long time and it just happens. :) thanks
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I really liked this one....very spicy! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW, R18+, heated make-out sessions, mentions of oral, face-sitting, pet names
Characters: Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason Voorhees and Bo Sinclair
word count: 2.05k Tip Jar (every bit helps!)
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Thomas Hewitt: 
“I need you to go upstairs for me, pretty girl,” Thomas’ voice sounded darker than you remembered as you walked through the front door, letting your workbag rest against the coat rack. Your lover didn’t give you a moment to speak before he was trudging back down the steps of the basement where you heard a male beg for his life. 
With a sigh you obliged, running your hand down your stiff neck and wondering if you needed to take some time off work. You felt like you hadn’t seen Thomas, kissed him or even touched him in forever and it was starting to get to you. You both hated the fact that work had you going overtime and that he was doing busy work with stuff around the acres of land he had to maintain. All you wanted was to spend at least a full day with him where there was no work, just love making and talking. 
Making your way to the bedroom, you shut the door as the man started screaming, the familiar sound of Thomas’ chainsaw going off as you took your clothes off piece by piece and set them in the laundry hamper, reminding yourself to do laundry when you could. You moved sluggishly towards the shower, pulling the curtain back and turning the water on, getting it ready for both you and Thomas who you could hear bounding up the stairs as the water warmed. 
Strong arms covered in blood wrapped around your middle and chapped lips pressed kisses along your neck and shoulder. “No more overtime and I’m taking next week off,” you told Thomas who hummed in response, pulling back to loose his clothing before following you into the warm shower. “I missed you so much,” you said softly, your heart aching at your words as the male stared down at you with a knowing feeling.
“I didn’t go anywhere, sweetheart.” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead to which you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to your lips, letting the water run over his red-stained skin. “But shit did I miss you too,” he growled against your mouth, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip while his hands felt up your body. One of your hands traveled down towards his cock, palming it gently and feeling it twitch to life before you began pumping the shaft gently. 
Thomas’ lips worked hungrily against yours as he pressed you against the shower wall, cupping your cunt with one hand before slipping past your lower lips and delving into your aching pussy. A soft cry left your mouth and Thomas felt himself snap at the feeling of your walls sucking on his fingers so tightly. Just the thought of what your pussy would do to his cock made him cum and he pulled away from you, apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry it just been so long and-”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s okay.” You say softly, bringing his lips back to yours. “It’s not like you can’t get it back up, right?” You smirk against his mouth and let out a shriek when he pulls you out of the shower and takes you to the bed, moving to lay between your legs and bringing his mouth to your sopping cunt.
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Bo Sinclair: 
The man was practically tweaking when you walked into the house, Bo immediatley springing up from his spot on the couch and making his way towards you. “I’m sorry I’ve been too stubborn to apologize for our fight last week but please, please, please forgive me.” Bo was frantic, his pupils blown wide and an obvious tent in his shorts that made you bite back a smirk. 
“I can’t get off without you, I can’t sleep, I can barely eat because you know I can’t cook-”
“Bo, please stop talking.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose before pulling him upstairs to your bedroom, him still babbling about useless things the whole way. As soon as you get into the comfort of the room, you shut the door behind you and turn to face him. 
“I mean I can’t even get close to finishing, it’s like my dick’s broke-” you cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. Taking his hat off and throwing it to the floor so you could run your fingers through his messy hair, you felt him relax against your touch, his hands pulling your body against his. “Please,” he groaned and you obliged, moving him over to the chair by the window and letting him sit down before climbing on his lap and unzipping his pants, spitting in your hand before pumping his shaft slowly. 
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, hips bucking at your touch while his head was buried between your breasts. “That feels so good, baby, just like that,” he let out a string of curse words while you continued your actions, running your thumb across the tip a few times while feeling a familiar wetness grow between your legs. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Bo panted, his hips moving along with your hand as he came in thick white spurts to which you wiped on his shirt. 
“That was quick,” you teased, watching him glare at you before he moved, having you seated on the chair with your legs hooked on his bare shoulders when he removed his stained shirt. “You don’t have to, Bo.” You said, watching him shake his head and pull your pants down along with your underwear. 
“I told you didn’t I? I’m a starving man and I know good eatin’ when I see it,” he winks up at you before slowly making his way to your glistening cunt. With the way he works your body like a finely tuned instrument, it doesn’t take you long to finish either and by then, he’s hard and ready to go again.
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Michael Myers: 
The air was knocked from your lungs the moment you walked through the front door as Michael shoved you against the wall, lips pressed against yours feverishly as his teeth practically clicked against your own. “What the hell, Michael?” You struggled to push the larger man off, moving slightly to the side and wiping your mouth from the wetness of the kiss. 
“I haven’t touched you in over two weeks, do you know what that’s doing to me?” He growled, pressing himself against you, your back one again meeting the wall. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of finally getting off after two straight weeks of overworking yourself and barely getting to see your ‘very busy’ serial killer lover. 
You let out a gasp when his teeth pulled at the skin on your neck, leaving various bite marks and bruises on your already sore body. “Calm down, you’re gonna kill me,” you whimper, feeling one of his hands dip between your bodies to rub your clothed pussy, the feeling still making you weak in the knees. “Bedroom, now.” You ordered, moving out from under him and not bothering to look back, knowing he was following you up the stairs. 
It didn’t take but a few seconds before you were topless, your bra still uncomfortably holding your breasts into place while you were shoved on the bed, Michael crawling on top of you faster than you could blink. Once again, his lips found yours and one of his hands found purchase on your neck, lightly thumbing over the dark marks he left there earlier while his tongue delved into your awaiting mouth. You could feel his cock straining against his pants as he slowly ground it along your pant-clad cunt, your panties becoming remarkably uncomfortable with how wet they were. 
A soft moan of his name left your lips when he slipped his hand from your neck into your pants, unbuttoning them and pushing them down enough for him to feel how wet you were. “Oh fuck,” he grunted, his chest heaving as his hands stilled and his lips moved off yours. You stared up at him in confusion as he quickly stood up, stripping himself of his pants and boxers, cursing at the copious amounts of cum that coated his now softening cock. 
“That’s new,” you tease, watching his ears turn red before he curses again. “Don’t be embarrassed, we haven't’ done anything in a while so it’s natural.” You assure him, watching him roll his eyes before moving to lay on the bed. 
“I don’t need this from you, just come here.” He grunts, getting comfortable and curling a finger at you. 
“I don’t get it, I’m not gonna ride you when you’re soft, it’ll-”
“Not my dick, Princess,” he said with a smirk, moving his hair from his face and running a hand along his mouth, his tongue licking his lips. “Come take a seat, I wanna taste you.” You didn’t have to be told twice.
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Jason Voorhees: 
It felt like their were a million things on your mind, but that he wasn’t one of them. Lately with work and your family, you’ve not been able to go out and see Jason all too much and it was starting to worry him. Did you grow tired of him? Did you find someone better?
He missed your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your body, your lips, your cunt; you name it and he was yearning for it. He hadn’t gotten off without you there since before he met you and he wasn’t about to do it again; it didn’t feel right to. So imagine your shock when you come through the cabin door, announcing your arrival and nearly getting tackled to the floor by your giant lover. 
“Jason, I missed you too but I can’t breathe,” you laughed, feeling him loosen his grip on you before cupping your face and pulling you into a deep kiss, his tongue swiping across your lip. A soft sigh leaves your lips and you drop what you have, shutting the door with your foot and ridding yourself of your coat, not caring where it falls. 
Jason can feel the bulge in his pants start to grow and he’s sure you can to by the way you run your hand over it. A shiver runs through his body before he yanks you over to the couch, wanting to be inside you as quickly as possible. “I missed you so much,” you whimpered against his lips when he lays you down gently, his frame moving between your legs and settling against your lower half. With a soft kiss to your palm before placing it on his heart, Jason told you that he loved you without having to speak before bending down again and reconnecting your soft lips with his. 
The cabin was quiet except for the soft pants and moans that came from the two of you as Jason practically humped your leg, his hands groping at the mounds of flesh on your chest while his lips worked wonders on your neck. You could feel yourself growing wetter by the minute and just as you were about to start peeling clothes off, Jason shot up and practically fell off the couch. “What? What happened? Is someone here, do I need to hide?” You asked with swollen lips, watching him hold one of the couch pillows against his front. 
“Jason what’s going on? Are you okay? Were we going too fast?” Your eyes never left his face but he stared at the floor as the gross, wet, warmth of his cum pooled inside his boxers, his pants showing a wet patch on the front to which he hesitantly showed you. he was ready to be teased but when you told him to come back to the couch, he did. 
“Look at me,” you said, gently cupping his face which was blushing a pretty shade of pink. “It’s alright. We haven’t been together in a while and you didn’t touch yourself while I was gone did you?” When he shook his head you smiled at him softly. “It’s natural to get worked up like that, it doesn’t mean we still can’t have any fun.” You whispered to him, watching his eyes narrow at you slightly before he grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you to the bedroom; challenge accepted. 
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lemons3ason · 4 years
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Family (Modern AU)
(Gyomei Himejima x Reader)
Warnings ⚠️: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, Smut, breeding kink, dirty talk, stomach bulge, overstimulation
You always felt strange when you went to pick up Gyomei from work, the children were just so sweet and caring to him. He would be such a wonderful father, he was already a wonderful husband but you just never knew how to bring up the topic to him. Sure you had shared intimate nights together but he’d never actually cum so you thought you weren’t pleasing him, or he just didn’t love you enough to get you pregnant. You arrived today just a little early getting to say goodbye to the last few children that were leaving, they all hugged you and cheered for your presence knowing full well that you were Gyomei’s wife. The light tapping of his white cane against the ground quickly caught your attention, you smiled seeing your husband’s soft smile as he walked towards you.
“Gyomei, I’m here.”, you called gently putting your foot in the way of his cane so he could tell where you were.
His hand reached up to your face waiting to feel your cheek against his palm, “Hello my love.”, he hummed brushing your lips with his thumb before leaning down to steal a kiss from you.
You giggled against his lips and smiled, your took his free hand in yours and lead him to the car before driving home. He spoke about his day to you, telling you about a fight some of the children had over a toy and how it broke so everyone started to cry. You giggled at how stressed he seemed about the situation, he was practically in tears just thinking about it. You giggled as you both finally arrived home to relax and enjoy the rest of your day together. In just half an hour you were sprawled against Gyomei’s chest softly dozing off to sleep but a single thought kept you awake. You wanted to bring up the idea of children to him but would he actually want to try for a child with someone that’s never pleased him?
“(Y/n) is there something on your mind?”, he asked quietly.
You didn’t know how to form your thought into a sentence but you really wanted to tell him, “G-Gyomei...I-I want a baby. I know I’ve never actually pleased you enough to make you cum but I really really really want a baby with you. Please.”, your shy stuttering and plead came out more like a whine then an actual serious conversation like you wanted but unbeknownst to you it did the trick.
Gyomei’s inner beast had been unleashed due to his sweet wife’s demand and he was more then willing to fulfill her desire.
“You want a baby? Are you sure?”, he hummed his voice suddenly grew deep and seductive.
You became shy due to your demand and pressed yourself against his chest to hide, “Y-Yeah I do...I really do but I don’t want a baby if you don’t. I don’t want to force you or anything I know I’ve never pleased you enough before to actually-“
“Beloved every time I’ve be blessed with the chance to be joined with you I’ve been desperately holding back, your cute little hole is always milking me. I’ve wanted to fill your sweet crevice with my seed since we married but I never wanted to do it if you weren’t ready for me. Now that you want a child I can pour every last drop of my fertile seed into your needy womb and impregnate you, and this time I can ravage you the way I’ve wanted to since our wedding night.”, Gyomei’s words were like a drug to your ears, when did he learn to speak like that?
Before you knew it your large husband had you pinned underneath him, “I’ll ask again, are you sure you want me to make you a mother?”, his erection pressed against your clothed core making you moan to the feeling.
“I-I want you. I want this. I want a baby please.”, you begged softly holding his face in your hands to kiss his lips. Gyomei stripped you feverishly, practically ripping off both of your clothes until you were naked. His sudden roughness made your body scream for him and he wasn’t even inside of you yet. He kissed you, his lips sending a jolt of electricity down your spine as his tongue took over your mouth. His thick fingers firmly grasped the soft flesh of your breasts massaging your chest, his hips bucked into your letting his hardened cock rub against your folds. Being man handled by him was such a new form of excitement for you, you never would have guessed that Gyomei was this needy for you.
“In just a few months these cute breasts of yours will be filled with milk, you’ll let me have a taste when they’re swollen with milk right?”, Gyomei whined moving his lips down to one of your pebbled nipple.
You smiled feeling his chapped lips rub against your breasts, his words and actions ignited a fire inside of you and his only physical proof was your lewd slick that started to puddle against the sheets each time his cock head pressed against your folds. You left a wet stain against his boxers that drove Gyomei insane, he quickly removed his stupid article of clothing and tossed it aside thrusting his cock vigorously against your folds despite it never making it into your snug cunt. At this point you were begging for him, for his cock, you wanted all of it.
“Gyomei, pl-please no prep, I don’t need it just please put it in!”, you cried reaching down for his shaft to push it in.
His lips finally left your breasts as he gently slapped away your hand making you cry in annoyance, “Are you sure you can take it? Most of the time you can only take it half way and then you start to whine that it’s too much. Will you suck it up and take me all in? If you want a baby so badly then you’ll have to take it all. Will you do that for me honey?”, Gyomei growled against making your cunt flutter in excitement.
“Yes. Yes I’ll take it all, I want all of you. I want this.”, you whined wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your desperate kiss was so exciting for him, he wrapped his fingers around the head of his cock gently dragging it against your folds until he felt the tip sink into your spongy cunt and slowly pushed into your core until you couldn’t help but whine. The stretch burned but you wanted him so bad you but your tongue to stay quiet until your body trembled from full feeling in your stomach. The veins of his cock were dragging against your gspot making your legs shake wildly, he chuckled when he finally had the full thing in watching your back arch in pleasure as a dry orgasm washed over your body. You were shaking just from taking in his full length but he honestly didn’t mind, his hand pressed softly against your stomach finding the bulge his fat cock left against your small stomach.
“You feel that (Y/n)? That’s my cock all the way inside of you. Somewhere in here I’ll be fucking my cum into your pretty little womb and filling it up until you pass out and no matter what I won’t stop until I know you’re pregnant. I’m gonna move now and even after you pass out I won’t stop.”, Gyomei smirked gently rubbing your clit with his free hand. He started rutting his cock into you, you whined with each thrust feeling the head reach your special spot repeatedly. The high pitched squeals and moans pouring out of your lips were music to Gyomei’s ears, even if he couldn’t see you he knew he was pleasing you from your cries. His heavy balls slapped against your ass, a reminder that you’d be emptying them out soon until they ran dry. Just a few thrusts inside of your tight cunt were enough to pull his first orgasm out of him. This man needed to relieve a bunch of stress and sex was the best way to do it. You just heard his grunts of pleasure as he bottomed out in you and you cried out feeling the warm ropes of cum filling you. You could feel his body tense with each contraction as he filled you with his first load, it felt like forever but in reality it had only last a minute. Gyomei was just getting started, even if you begged him to stop he wouldn’t because this is something he had been waiting for. As he moved his hips he dragged out his seed only to push it back in deeper then it was before, your moans were just so addicting to listen to. The pounding you’d take hurt at first but with his added cum as lube you couldn’t help but curl your toes in pleasure. This man was really going to make your dream come true and you couldn’t wait.
“Harder Gyomei, I can take it. Promise.”, you whined wrapping your legs around his waist.
He did just that, he forced your knees up to the sides of your head and pounded away into your sloppy cunt like nothing. A high pitched cry slipped past your lips with each pierce his cock made into your tiny body, seeing the bulge in your stomach made you far more excited then it should have.
“Yes that’s it (Y/n), take it. Take all of me. We’re not gonna stop until you’re swollen!”, Gyomei hissed against your ear thrusting away into your slicked cunt. The lewd song of skin on skin, moans, and declarations of love filled the small room, the bed creaked under your intense play but neither of you cared.
“I love you Gyomei.”, you sobbed feeling his cock pierce your cervix.
He moaned against your lips quickly stealing another kiss. One arm propped itself over your head to support his weight, his free hand quickly sank down to your clit rubbing your slick into the swollen bundle of nerves. Your toes curled, your whines became higher and your little pussy was squeezing tighter around his cock if that was even possible. Your body shook violently under him as another orgasm washed over your body, but still even as your contracting walls pushed him out Gyomei buried himself deeper then before. You’d get pregnant for sure. You’d be his sweet little swollen wife and he’d cherish you more everyday.
“Mmm~ W-what?”, you sighed still shaking from your release.
“Eight times is how much I’m going to fill you, my second load is coming so you better take it. Our baby is going to be made tonight and I’ll make sure of it.”
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deliriousgeek · 3 years
Thomas Shelby x Wife Reader
Summary: A quiet evening meant for celebration is thrown into chaos. Y/n wills herself to play into the daunting role that comes with being Thomas Shelby’s wife, because it might be the only thing keeping her alive. 
Tommy lowkey feels very oc so idk how to feel about that. im not good at writing suspense...its also very long. ha :,)
Warning: blood, guns, knives, fights, usual peaky blinder violence
If anyone knew Y/n Shelby, then they would know that she can’t stand seeing dead bodies. Although in her case, having that reaction would seem ironic, considering her husband was Thomas Shelby. 
It was around 9pm when Y/n slipped her night robe off and lay back on her bed. Her night was just winding down and she was waiting for Thomas to get back. He said he would try to be home around midnight, and to not wait up. He and his brothers would be at the Garrison, celebrating Arthur’s return from prison and discussing what was to be done with the Jews and Italians next. 
Y/n knew it would be a couple hours for Tommy to be home, so she settled onto their bed and grabbed a book off her night stand. 
The room was bathed in a warm, orange and yellow light— the type of light candles can give. When she was home alone, Y/n liked to use candle light. It reminded her of a time before the war and before this gang business, when all she and Tommy had to worry about was getting enough candles to light up the dinner table. 
Half an hour had passed and Y/n had gotten through a decent number of pages in her book. She felt her eyes drooping and decided it was time to call it a night. She stretched and cracked her neck before turning to place her book on the nightstand. Just as she was about to place the book down, she heard a creak downstairs. 
She froze.
Tommy wasn’t supposed to be back until midnight and none of the Shelby family would come over this late without a call, that was their safety protocol. 
She listened for more creaking. 
After Tommy had bought their house he had insisted on replacing the creaky floor boards, but decided to keep a few. In certain spots, that could be easily avoided if one knew where to walk, the floor would still creak. It was a safety thing that Tommy and Y/n agreed would be good to have. If the floorboards downstairs still creaked after the first step, it wasn’t one of them. 
That wasn’t Tommy. 
Y/n took in a deep breath as she put herself back into a sitting position on the bed. An intruder was in her house. At the moment, the Peaky Blinders had a lot of enemies. It could be anyone. Mostly, someone with a gun. 
She listened as the person made their way upstairs. She could hear them passing Tommy’s office, and the guest bedroom. This person knew where their room was, and she could only deduce from their movement’s that they were coming for her. 
Y/n was scared. She knew how to defend herself, but didn’t like doing it if she didn’t have to. Rolling her shoulders, she prepared herself for the inevitable. She’d have to fight tonight. 
To be clear, Y/n Shelby wasn’t unable to fight. She was a pro at throwing knives, which she preferred to guns; much to Tommy’s dismay. She knew how to shoot a gun and could decently fare in hand to hand combat, but she was still scared. Her heart beat in her chest quickly and anxiety bubbled to the surface. A normal reaction to knowing someone broke into your house to hurt you, or worse. Y/n assumed it was the latter. However, instead of letting her fear show, she turned on her fake calmness. A trick she forced herself to learn as Thomas Shelby’s wife. The alarm that was spread across her face vanished, instead being replaced with an eerily calm facade.
There was no point in locking the door. The person knew how to get past those if he made it into their living room. She heard their steps stop at the front of her door, she raised her book to her face, pretending like she was reading.
Act calm. She told herself.
Then, the door burst open.
Back at the pub, the Shelby brothers  were sitting around the table in the snug. Sharing laughs and taking on their third round of Whiskey.
“Alright boys,” Tommy began, placing his glass down and looking around the table. “We’ve had our fun, business begins now.” His content expression turned serious. 
His other brothers, and cousin Michael, cleared their throats and straightened up. 
“As you know, taking Arthur out of prison is a direct threat to the Sabini’s. It shows that even in London we have enough influence to get our own men out, if needed.”
The brothers nodded, and shared looks.
Tommy continued, “Getting Arthur out was our first move. Now it’s the Italian’s and the Jew’s turn but we don’t know when their next strike will be. So, from this moment on we have to be aware, alert, and ready for every—”
The door flew open.
Sir!” Out of breath, Isaiah stood with one hand on the door knob, looking at Tommy. 
“Oi!” Arthur shouted. “You know better than to interrupt!” 
Tommy nodded his head at Arthur, then turned to Isaiah. “What is it, lad.”
“Better be important,” John added. 
“Sir, the Italians are here. My dad spotted them making their way down the lane. They got a group with guns and a car. We best hurry.” Isaiah said in a rushed voice.
With that all the Shelby men stood and placed their caps on, rushing out of the snug. 
Upon noticing the urgency in which the brothers exited, the rest of the Peaky Blinders in the pub were at full alert, waiting for Tom’s next words. The crowd silenced as the brothers stood at the snug doors, facing the onlookers. 
“If you aren’t a Peaky Blinder,” Tom eyed the crowd, “leave.” 
Noise filled the bar again as chairs shuffled, cups were placed on tables, and the front doors opened and closed.
Tom didn’t speak again until there were only Peaky Blinders left. He pulled out his revolver and checked it, making sure there were bullets, before looking up again. 
“Battle formation, men. The Italians are here.” 
Then in a flurry of peaky hats and over coats, the rest of the men got into their positions. Some ran up the stairs to get the extra cases of shotguns and revolvers. Others pulled out their own handguns and checked them as well. The Shelby boys looked at each other, a silent way of saying ‘good luck’. 
Once Tommy deemed every one armed, he nodded to Arthur, who shouted to move out. 
The Shelbies were at the front, while everyone fell behind them in triangle formation. As they marched outside, they could see the group of Italians rounding the corner. 
It was rather intimidating. An outline of men and guns on shoulders, a rather sizable group at that, illuminated by the truck headlights that followed behind. It was a sight to see.
Darby Sabini stood at the front, a shotgun slung over his shoulder.
As the groups marched towards each other and came to a stop, a man behind Thomas called out to the front. “At your command Sergeant Major.”
A hushed tone of agreement spread throughout the group.
Darby stepped forward. “Thought you could come on our turf and get away with it, aye?” 
Tommy stepped forward as well, hands in his pockets. “It was meant as a friendly gesture, but I don’t think you have enough friends to know what that means.”
A small smirk made its way onto Tommy’s face as he stared Darby down. 
Darby narrowed his eyes, irritated at that remark. “I’ll show you what friendly means. Now!”
A hail of gunfire began and the sound of shots being fired filled the lane. It was chaos. Bullets flew and body’s fell. Punches were thrown and blood was spread. More men jumped out of the covered truck and ran to beat down the men on the other side. 
Tommy ducked and punched, kicked and shot. In the middle of punching a man in the gut he yelled, “Leave Darby for me!”
His men did just that. 
Thomas fought his way to the center of the fight, where Darby had just knocked out a Peaky Blinder. Tommy aimed his gun and walked forward, aiming at Darby. The fighting on both sides ceased.
“I didn’t bring a battalion to your town.” Tommy spoke clearly, in a raised voice. 
Darby aimed his gun as well. The two circled each other as men on both sides stopped to observe the interaction. They watched Tommy and Darby tread carefully, like two tentative predators waiting for their opposer to falter.
“You still showed up. That was enough.”
The two men were breathing heavily, a result from the brawls they just finished.
“What’s your purpose for being here, Sabini?” Thomas stopped pacing, his gun still firmly held up. 
Darby stopped as well. An obnoxious laugh left his lips. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Tommy didn’t move. He held a blank face, but his eyes still watched Darby with intensity. 
Not waiting for a response Darby continued, “I’m reminding you that I can take away everything you have in an instant. I already put your brother in jail, which it seems wasn’t a good enough warning for you, since you stupidly had him released so quickly.”
Darby took a couple steps toward Thomas, gun raised. 
“Killing me won’t do anything. I got people in place to still ruin you.” Thomas stated, his tone flat. 
Darby lowered his gun, a sickly calm smile spread across his face. It was an unsettling sight that made Tommy begin to think something was off.
“Oh Tommy boy, I’m just the distraction,” Darby’s eyes noticeably darkened, “How’s your wife these days?”
Tommy’s eyes widened and his finger pulled the trigger.
Darby fell to the ground dead, a bullet was lodged in the center of his forehead. 
Then like a wave, the fighting began again.
As soon as the gunshot rang, Tommy saw red. He shot, punched, kicked or swung at anyone in his way as he fought to get out of the crowd. He didn’t bother shouting an explanation to his brothers as he ran to his car. 
Tommy shoved his keys into the ignition and started the car. Tommy slammed his foot on the gas as soon as the engine roared to life. The car’s lights illuminated the carnage left from the battle. The Peaky Blinders were the last ones standing, as Tommy expected, but paid no mind to. His thoughts too consumed with conjuring the hundreds of horrible possibilities he might see upon arriving home, all ending with a bloodied image of Y/n.
John and Arthur ran towards the car, causing Thomas to slam on the breaks. 
“Where are you going?” John asked urgently. 
“They’re going for Y/n.” Thomas hastily replied.
John and Arthur jumped on the side of the car just in time before Tommy could speed up again. 
Michael and Finn watched as the older Shelby boys passed them. 
“Great. So we’re left to clean up the mess.”
At the house, Y/n held her book to her face as the door burst open. She turned her head and was met with the sight of a man pointing a gun at her. His clothes were clean and he looked very young. Her eyes flitted from the gun to his shoes, then to his eyes, then back to the gun. 
“On your feet.” He demanded. 
“What?” Y/n feigned innocence, despite her struggle to keep calm.
The man, gun still held towards her, trudged over and ripped the book from her hands, throwing it onto the floor. 
“I said on your feet!” He yelled in her face, backing away so he was a few feet from the bed.
She stared into his eyes, an impassive look on her face. Y/n looked back down at the gun. 
With a purse of her lips and a shrug she stated, “I’d rather not.”
The man’s soldier esc demeanor nearly slipped at her blatant defiance of his orders. “It’s not an option lady! Get up.”
She chuckled. “Y’see, lad. I’ve been on my feet all day. Have you ever worn heels for over six hours? Rather painful you know.”
Her cocky attitude betrayed her quickly beating heart that was full of adrenaline.
In an effort to scare her, he menacingly stepped forward. “I ain’t afraid to hurt you lady, but the boss wants you alive. If you keep disobeying me, I'm allowed to use force.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh really, and who is your boss? I must thank him for not wanting me dead.” 
She knew she was playing with her life, but if this boy was as inexperienced as he looked, she would get the information she needed to warn Tommy. Granted, if she got out of this situation. 
“Sabini.” The man bluntly answered. 
Y/n swallowed. This wasn’t good. If Sabini’s men were here and not in London, she needed to warn Thomas immediately. Her heart pumped faster than she thought possible and every nerve in her body was on the verge of trembling from fear.
“I see.” Y/n turned her head to the foot of the bed. “Well, like I said, I’d rather not get up. Matter of fact, I’d rather keep reading. So be a dear and hand me my book, would ya?” She was stalling.
“C’mon lady, stop being stubborn. You don't even got a weapon to be making these demands.” The man sneered.
Y/n slowly adjusted herself so that she scooted away from the pillows that propped her up. She straightened her legs on the bed, her left crossed over her right. Then she leaned back on her arms, purposely pushing up her chest to show off her unbinded chest. Hopefully, he’d be dumb enough to look at her distraction, and he was. 
“Ah, well. It was worth a shot. I can tell that you're new to this whole— kidnapping thing. If you want to get better at it then you should learn this.” She paused before looking back at the man, “Always do research on your target.”
The young man’s brows furrowed, obviously confused. 
“If you did your research, like a good little gangster,” She began as she slid her left leg up off her right, causing her silk nightgown to slowly expose her leg. The man’s eyes roamed her leg once she stopped moving, leaving her left leg in a bent position. She reached for the hem of the dress and raised it further up her left leg, stopping until it got to her mid thigh, “Then you would know, that I’m always armed.”
In a swift and well practiced motion, Y/n grabbed the sharp, throwing knife from her thigh holster, and threw. The knife landed in the man’s chest, in his heart. Looking down at the knife, the man stumbled backwards, tripping over his own feet and falling onto his back. Blood quickly formed a growing splotch of red on his shirt. Y/n quickly stood from the bed to remove the gun from the man’s hand, she then crouched over him. 
She placed her hand on the knife handle, “It was a shame you didn’t do your research.” Then she pushed the knife forward, until she felt through the blade that it had really punctured his heart.
Y/n stood over the man’s body, gun in her hand, and watched the blood puddle grow. She backed away until her knees hit the bed and gave way. Letting out a shaky breath, she sat with the gun in her lap. In an attempt to avoid looking at the body laid in front of her, Y/n stared at the ceiling. 
The adrenaline began to wear off, and the reality of the situation dawned on her. She could have died, quite easily too. If her attacker had not been so inexperienced and if she wasn’t wanted brought back alive, she could have died. Then, she thought of her husband.
Had the man lying dead on her carpet opened the door and shot, Tommy would have had to come home to her dead body instead. The thought of Tommy finding her body, cold and bloody, scared her more than death. She couldn’t imagine the pain of him being alone. He would blame himself for her death. He would say he couldn’t protect her, and he would loathe himself for the rest of his life. Tears began to prick her eyes and her throat tightened. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the tears to go away and for her erratic heart beat to calm down. 
She killed a man.
That’s the only thought she could process. Her emotions muddled her thinking. Never before had she used her knives to kill. She used guns, from far away. She used punches to knock people out. She used her knives to injure, but never before had she needed them to kill. She was slightly glad for the memory of Tommy coming back home from an errand, returning with the thin knife holster that he insisted she wear when he wasn’t home. She was also glad that she made it a rule for herself to never take it off unless Tommy was home with her. 
Then, the silence of the house was broken again. She flinched. This time, the sound came from the front door slamming open and muffled shouts that she could only register as her name. 
“Y/n! Y/n where are you?” The voice shouted.
She couldn’t pinpoint who it was, not in her boggled state of mind, but she knew it was safe. So she answered. 
“In the bedroom.” 
Her eyes were still shut and her head faced the ceiling when Tommy rushed in.
“Y/n.” His voice was slightly breathless as he took in the sight before him. 
The room was covered in warm, candle light, giving a complete opposite tone to the tense atmosphere. His wife sat on the bed with a gun in her lap. A man, with his wife’s knife in his chest, laid dead on the ground and a puddle of blood surrounded his wound. 
Y/n opened her eyes and looked at her husband. She could see the fear and worry that filled his eyes, his face in slight shock.
Thomas was relieved to see his wife unharmed, but he could see the tears that were threatening to fall. Her slumped shoulders were signs of exhaustion. The way her chest moved up and down with heavy breathes told him she was on the verge of holding herself together. 
Arthur and John came bounding up the stairs next, and found their places on either side of Thomas. 
Y/n’s voice came out void of emotion, but her teary eyes said it all. “One of Sabini’s men.” She stated before turning her eyes to the ceiling once more, trying to blink away tears. “Please get him out of my sight.” The growing puddle of blood made her want to throw up. 
“You heard her,” Thomas said in a low tone, staring at his wife with concerned eyes. “Get rid of ‘em.” His voice was just above a whisper.
Arthur and John stepped forward, grabbing the man by his arms and lugged him out of the room. Only once the man had been removed did Thomas walk towards his wife. Only when he wrapped his arms around her did she let herself cry. She let herself sob and express how truly scared she was when the man burst into her room, and pointed a gun to her head. 
Thomas held her close and kissed her head. He whispered in her ear that she was okay, and that she did what she needed to do. Holding her close, he told her he loved her, and promised to never let anything like that happen to her again. 
well I tried
Edit: Bro this blew up in less than a day with 41 notes. Thank you♡
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Nat’s a protective girlfriend and you may or may not be sick
A/N: I somehow just realized that since yesterday was Monday, by my unofficial posting schedule, I was supposed to post something yesterday. Sorry for missing it, but I hope you guys enjoy this :)
The annoying beeping of the alarm filled the pitch-black room. Not fully awake, you realized Natasha didn’t have to be waking up this early, so you shot up to turn off the clock before it could wake her up. Just as you were fiddling with the buttons, a groan from beside you told you that you were too late.
“D’you have to go already?” your girlfriend asked, her voice husky and slurred. You whispered back to her in an effort to not wake her up completely.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for waking you, Natty. Go back to sleep.”
“You don’t have to whisper, babe. We both know I’m not going back to sleep.” You let out a sigh, rubbing your eyes slowly to pull yourself into consciousness. She was right; Natasha was a light sleeper, and once she was up, she was up. “Don’t worry about it, dorogaya. Means I can do your hair for you.” That brought a small smile to your face. Not only was Natasha amazing at doing your hair, but it was always an intimate moment between the two of you that both of you loved. As long as Natasha wasn’t away, she made it a point to do your hair for you, even if you two were in an argument with each other.
A small cough brought you back to the present moment. You weren’t sure what it was, but you just weren’t feeling it today. You thought it was the sleep at first, but it was never this hard to wake up, and it wasn’t like you did anything particularly exhausting the day before. Shaking out your arms, you dismissed the thought and slid off of the bed.
“I’m going to go get ready first.” Both you and the redhead froze at your voice.
“Are you okay, detka?” You leaned over the mattress to gently rub at the deep crease between her brows, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, I must just have something stuck in my throat.” The spy chuckled at your response, but you could still sense an uneasiness in her.
“Go drink some water. Does your throat hurt or anything?”
“I’m fine, Nat.” She simply hummed, watching as you shuffled into the bathroom. You may or may not have told your girlfriend a little lie, but so what if your throat hurt? You’d be fine in less than an hour. You didn’t want to worry her over nothing.
When you were finished in the bathroom, the lights in the room were on, and Natasha was now sitting on the edge of your bed, legs crossed.
“Come sit.” She tapped the small footstool in front of her with her foot before returning to her position. “You sure you’re okay?” she asked again as you joined her.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine. You really don’t want me to go on this mission, huh?” you teased. Your face contorted at the end as you tried to hold in a cough, and you still sounded like a frog. Still, you tried to play it cool, hoping Nat was still buying your previous excuse. 
“Well of course I don’t want my girl to leave me.” You could practically feel your heart jump out of your chest when she called you hers, but you simply winked at her.
“I shouldn’t be gone long, half a week at most,”  you informed her, sitting down on the stool.
“I’d miss you even if you were gone for five minutes,” Nat murmured, leaning over to kiss the top of your forehead. “Oh my god, Y/N. You are not going on this mission, you liar. You have a fever!” As if she planned it, you shivered as a chill ran through your body.
“Nat, I promise you, I’m fine.”
“Yeah, right,” she scoffed. “You sound like a zombie. You look like a zombie too.”
“I- hey!” You didn’t mean to yell as loudly as you did, and it threw you off a little bit, causing you to release a series of dry coughs. Lips pursed, the redhead rubbed your back in an effort to soothe you.
“You are definitely sick, Y/N. Get back in bed. I’ll tell Fury.”
“Natty, you’re not going to-” Before you could finish, she was already at the bedside table, phone to her ear. Damn your girlfriend and her spy skills.
“Hey, Fury, Y/N’s sick with a fever and probably laryngitis. You’re going to have to get someone else to cover the mission.” You groaned, burying your face in your hands. You hated missing work. You’d never been one to take a vacation or a day off; for the whole time you’d been working under SHIELD, you only took a sick day once after you’d had to get surgery due to a mission gone slightly wrong. Even then, it took some serious persuasion to get you to do so. You were too busy stressing about missing the mission to listen to the rest of your girlfriend’s conversation with Fury until you heard her calling your name.
“Y/N. Babe? Y/N? Hello?” Looking up from your hands, you met her concerned gaze.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“Fury’s asking how you’re feeling.”
“Good enough to go on the mission?” The redhead rolled her eyes.
“Try again. He’s worried about you.” She held out the phone to you. “Fury, you’re on speaker.”
“L/N, how’s the throat? Try tea with lemon and honey, it’ll help.”
“I’m fine, old man,” you rolled your eyes.
“Wow, you really are sick.” Your lips parted slightly, and Nat couldn’t help but chuckle at the indignance written across your face. “Get some rest, L/N. Don’t worry about the mission, it shouldn’t be hard to get someone to cover for you.”
“No ‘but’s. L/N, your powers are literally based on your voice. This is a minor mission, but if this goes south, we need someone who can defend themselves to their full capacity. You are way too valuable to be lost just because you got sick. Listen to your girlfriend. Get better soon. That’s an order. Goodbye, L/N. Thanks for calling, Romanoff.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Wait, Fur-” The man hung up before you got the chance to finish. “This is all your fault.” You crossed your arms, turning away from the former assassin.
“Y/N,” Natasha sighed. “It’s just one mission. I promise everything’ll be okay.” She knew well of your anxiety regarding missing work considering she was the one who had convinced you to take the sick day after your surgery. While she hated making you upset, she knew—and if you were being honest, you did too—that you couldn’t go on a mission like this.
“What if I fall behind? Or what if Fury decides he doesn’t need me anymore? Or what if-” Your voice got weaker the more you spoke, partially because of your nerves but also partially due to your illness.
“Babe, as much as I’d love to talk this out with you, you shouldn’t be talking. Your throat is already destroyed, so for now I’m going to need you to trust me and just listen.” She took your hand and gently guided you back to the bed, purposefully avoiding the glare you were giving her.
“You won’t fall behind because this mission isn’t important. Fury said so himself. I promise it won’t affect your performance at work. And Fury will never decide he doesn’t need you anymore because he literally sees you as his kid.”
“He-” Natasha pressed a finger to your lips before you could finish.
“No talking. Yes, he does see you as his kid whether you want to admit it or not. He will also never replace you because you’re one of the best agents he has. He asked you to join the Avengers for a reason, printsessa. He’s not going to fire you just because you get laryngitis one time, even if you fall behind because of it.” Your girlfriend bent down slightly to meet your eyes, which were still directed at the floor. “You’re doing amazing, Y/N. You do so much for so many different people, and now it’s your turn to let people return the favor. Okay?” You stared at her for a second, your face so blank even Natasha couldn’t read it. When you finally nodded, the redhead let out a small breath of relief before giving you a small smile and a peck on the forehead.
“You stay here. I’ll be back in a little bit, okay?” You reached your arms to her, fingers grasping, when she began to walk away. Letting out a light laugh, she turned around and held one of your hands. “I’ll be back as fast as I can, malyshka. Why don’t you pick out something for us to watch?” She let go of you after one last kiss to the back of your hand and left before you could stop her again.
Natasha shuffled through the cabinets as the water was heating up in the kettle.
“Morning, Wan, starting breakfast?” the spy greeted the witch.
“Yeah, you’re up early. Y/N’s mission?”
“Actually, she’s sick,” Natasha grimaced. “Fury’s going to reassign the mission.” Wanda let out a whistle as she placed various ingredients on the kitchen counter.
“I bet she didn’t take that well?”
“Nope. But she can barely speak, and even when she can, she can’t speak more than a sentence or two without stopping to cough, which means…” She trailed off as she inspected a medicine bottle.
“No powers.” Satisfied, Natasha put the rest of the bottles away and returned to the now whistling kettle.
“Huh, the kid who can kill people just by speaking with a certain tone gets taken down by a virus.” The former assassin chuckled as she squeezed lemon juice into a steaming cup of tea.
“Don’t let her hear that.”
“Which part?”
“Any of it.” Wanda’s laugh rang through the room.
“Is she hungry? I can make some soup after breakfast if she’s up for it.”
“That would be great,” Natasha smiled gratefully, “Thank you so much.”
“Of co- Your girlfriend is calling for you.” Red flashed as Natasha’s head whipped up, confused.
“Are you sure? I didn’t hear anything. I told her not to-”
“No, no, not verbally. She’s just thinking it. Very loudly.” Nat sighed, but the corners of her lips curled upwards at your antics.
“Is there anything the queen needs?”
“Just you. And no medicine.” The spy shook her head.
“Tell her,” she started, tossing a spoon into the sink, “that I’m on the way. With medicine.”
“You got it,” Wanda promised with a wink. “Warning you now, though, her majesty won’t be happy.”
Sure enough, Wanda was right. You had already opened your mouth to complain about the medicine in Nat’s hands, but one stern look from her had you zipping your lips closed in a second.
“You take this, in a couple of days you can talk again.” Your girlfriend didn’t need to be able to read minds to understand what you were thinking; your face said everything. “Yes, a couple of days,” she ordered firmly, handing you two pills. “Take them. Here’s your tea, and I also got you a bottle of water.” You gave her a grateful smile before swallowing the pills, grimacing as they scratched their way down your very sore throat.
“Good girl,” Natasha murmured. “Now,” she started with a peck to your cheek, “Do you need anything else? Blankets? A cool towel? Oh, Wanda’s making you soup, by the way, but I could get you a popsicle or something if you want?” You shook your head at all of her requests. Instead, you patted the spot on the bed next to you.
“Alright,” the redhead smiled. “What’d you pick for us to watch?” You pointed to the screen in front of you. “American Idol. You really aren’t making things easier for yourself, huh?” Nevertheless, she slid in next to you, sitting cross legged, and pulled you into her, your head resting on her lap with the laptop placed in front of you. 
“Maybe I can pull an Ursula and use one of their voices for the mission,” you whispered.
“I swear to god, Y/N, if you don’t shut up,” the spy laughed. A smile on your face, you hit play and snuggled yourself further into her.
As Nat ran her fingers up and down the length of your arm, you couldn’t help but relax into her. Sure, your throat wasn’t better by any means, and you had some lingering anxiety about the mission. But if you had to miss a mission, this was sure as heck the best way to do it, with Natasha right by your side.
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