#like he is absolutly making fun of her but also he probably thinks its a little bit genuine at least lol
inbetweenhours · 1 year
Scott bullying Katherine for being human and giving her food because “she’s human and can’t do anything” is both very scott brand condescension and Kat is offended but its even funnier when you remember that Scott probably makes this assumption rightfully because Sparrow was teh first human he met and he was just absolutely useless at cooking for himself lmaoo
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gealachros · 1 year
Thoughts while reading Trimax Vol 13!
Wow we're reaching the end, its kinda crazy but its been a wonderful time. Thank you to Revenant Ghost for organizing this book club!! This was such a fun way to read Trimax for the first time and to see others thoughts on it as well
Now onto the reading
I love the alt covers, always full of funny details. Also a pirate AU for Trigun would be kinda cool
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Wow holy shit... Already off to a strong start
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Of course Legato is that kinda villain lol, gives himself a handicap to make it more fun. Hes such an edgelord and its great
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Did he just catch the nail with his chin?? Livio is awesome man. Also, these fights are really cool. Very interesting dynamic between each fight
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Ewww Legato licking Vashs blood is pretty disturbing. Such a maniacal character. (Not showing the panel here because I dont want to force anyone to see it again lol)
Lol Livio just wanted to get his clothes back. This man is such an amazing character
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Oh wow... Shes got a sick as hell design even under the coat lol
I wonder if its supposed to be some sort of armor?
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What is happening??? Seems like all the straps came off and that causes something to happen? I'm guessing it makes her more powerful but I'm not sure why
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Lol even the people from space know about Vash. I wonder how they heard about him though
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Wow this panel is amazing but also, hes fully colored black which is a little scary... Apparently hes used all his power which I dont like what that could entail...
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Restraints??? Man she is badass as hell lol, I like her very much
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Razlo is back??
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LOL this fucking panel, I think Razlo is a little excited
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WTF Elendira has a physic attack??? Also wow that was a graphic panel which I am not gonna show lol
Aww the flashback to Wolfwood
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Oh cool, Razlo and Livio are working together now. I think they will work very good together since it seems like Livio is pretty good at tatics where Razlo is all about strength
I love this dynamic of them working together really well while still keeping their own personalities. Its really interesting character design for Livio/Razlo and its a great part of their character arc
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Wow that design is sick, I love the attention to detail in Trimax
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Aw this is really sweet, also holy hell what an awesome fight between Elendria and Livio/Razlo
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Oh thats interestin, after what happened at July. Legato and that doctor are the ones who found Knives. It makes sense but thats something I havent seen before so its cool to know more about what exactly happened at July
Man the callbacks to Wolfwood break my heart every time
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Ah thats how the space people learned of Vash, thats such a cool detail. Because of how hes been helping everyone all these years, the plants have remembered him
Indeed they do!
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Aw its really cute seeing their thoughts on Vash
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Some panels just absolutly send chills down my spine and this is no exception
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Wow what an insane ending to volume 13, this one was super intense. Next it the last volume which Im interested to see the ending but also that means the story will be over so its bittersweet.
I actually do have the physical copy of volume 14 so Ill probably read that and maybe make a post with screen shots afterwards. I am excited though to read the physical edition since its the only one I have
Anyways, as always what an amazing volume and what an amazing story. Trimax is so well written its crazy
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
50 hours across the country- Holy Jesus, my country (New Zealand) is kinda split in two but a 3 hour drive is kind of a long one!! It takes around 12 hours to get across the whole of the North Island I think? I don't kmow because i don't go to the top because my family is either an hour away or they're in Australia.
Also chollo with Christmas is such a weird concept to me because most of our Christmas foods are cold ones because its summer in December! But it starts getting hot and bright around October. And it's spring for Halloween. No one takes advantage of this. The eis this one American bloke down the street who goes all out though! I love going trick or treating jsut to see what decorations he has out, I love it.
And oh good! I'm glad the orange didn't stain the tub! But yes it's always hilarious whenever the dye does that. I'm glad that you're having fun with the orange!
Also It's so incredibly impressive to have 48 names, I'm still astonished. I hope they're having fun with them
And yes, your partner is absolutly a cat. That is absolutly their spirit animal. Please tell me they also act vaguely cat like- also the imagery of this mostly blacked out figure (If they were a cat I'd say that they're a calico) squatting on like, a display case or something, just staring out at a room full of people just not being acknowledged.
Oh! I'm used to all the influences here. Like it's not just the US, lots of it is also Australia (they basically control our economy lmao) but yeah, culturally lots of the American movies and TV shows and such make big money because we don't have that kind of industry. Most of our stuff is imported, like in general. Also I can name one band from nz that I like, and that's it (It's six60 btw, their music is pretty good and msot of it is like. And uplifting rock I'd say. Idk, I don't how to catagorise music- Google says they're rock/pop)
I don't remember if there was much else to tlak about but!! Long asks and stuff are fun!
yep! this country is certainly pretty big. I think it's in like the top five largest countries by area or something. And as such we get used to longer travel times and the like. I don't think the 24-hour car ride it takes to get to all my extended family is long (daydreaming get me through car rides even if I don't have music or anything else), just annoying and uncomfortable. And I don't have close ties with my extended family so there's no reward or anything to look forward to for me. Travelling in general makes me incredibly anxious!!
A 3 hour drive is long for you!! That is. That is wild to me. Depending on the place my family might drive three hours just for a day trip, not that we take those often. I remember one of my first experiences driving (like before I'd even met an official instructors) was the two hour drive back from this river through pouring rain out in the...mountainous? areas. It wasn't exactly driving up the mountain, but it was far away from people at least.
And damn it must be convenient to only have your family an hour away. I don't think most people live as far away from family as I do, so I'm just an outlier here. But you probably know them a lot better, is my guess. Idk!! I don't see my family! Like I said, I'm not close to them so I don't care, but I know its hard on my mom given her side of the family's numerous health issues and how she's not there for them. being a farmer has consequences on your body and also they're old. The few times my Grandpa came down to us he had like two gallon sized ziploc bags full of pills and I was just there like yes hmm. that. isn't great.
I'm going to assume you meant to type "chile" on that one, as chollo is something else and I remember mentioning chile before! It's been a while so i could be wrong, though. Chile goes with everything here!! That is if you like spicy things. My partner, for example, who has lived here longer than me, does not like chile. but seriously everything. Burritos and eggs and stews--green chile stew is so good but all the best recipes have meat and I'm vegetarian; I had this one homemade green chile stew at a feast day (baha'i thing) a few years ago and I haven't known peace since. It was so good but I'll never get the recipe and it's devastating. And on pizza! We put chile on pizza, too.
Spring for Halloween...that is certainly something all of us would love to take advantage of. One of the most annoying things as a child was when we'd have to plan our costumes around being warm and your parents would always tell you to put on a jacket and you'rejust there like but my outfit...it's even worse in the midwest! When my mom was a kid there was no point dressing up because she'd need a whole winter coat over the top.
And my neighborhood also has that one house that goes all out! Also I'd forgotten that bloke is a word that's actually used by some places. Nice! Of course, there's the people who go all out for Halloween, but there's also those who go all out for Christmas. There's a house just down the street that has several thousands lights up. On all the trees and framing the windows and it is. Very over the top. We know the people who live in the house (she was my sister's teacher a year or two ago) and she says she's always worried the neighbors will complain about the light, but her husband loves the decorations.
and the orange didn't stain the tub! I've never actually had a problem with my hair staining the tub with Arctic fox dye, only box dyes. My apologies to Lily for staining your bathtub blue and purple three years ago at 1am. In my defense you also stained the tub. But even with other dyes if you just rinse the shower down it shouldn't stain as much! And I have thoroughly enjoyed the orange. I've found the colors I'm most nervous about are the ones i like the most so far, so I'm curious to see how much I'll like red and pink, whenever I get to them. Blue and purple are safe colors for me, but they don't give the same ecstasy from the more unconventional ones.
My partner's names also impress me. Also it seems to have increased and it's now at 49. I don't get to use many of them like ever because you don't often use someone's name when in conversation, but they're very nice! I'm so picky about names so I have no idea how name-hoarders do it but kudos to them. I'm comfortable with all sorts of nicknames but the moment its an actual name it's like nope. so specific.
it's been a while since you sent this ask but I remember I showed them this description and they said something about it so lets see if I can find it. Found it! They said they were like a cat hiding under the curtain while people are talking, thinking it's a great hiding spot but not noticing how people are making sure not to step over their exposed tail. I don't know if I would personally describe them like a cat, but it's definitely a fun descriptor! A calico does seem fitting given how many layers they wear. I'm teasing them rn (lovingly). All the different layers is a different color in their calico coat. (also I know I've mentioned the spirit animal thing before and you sent this before I said that so this isn't targeted at you! but just for anyone who hasn't, the term is offensive to indigenous cultures and also promotes stereotypes and it'd be better to use a different phrase. again heathen I know you sent this before I mentioned it the first time so don't worry about it!)
darn America influencing everything. all the movies and dominating so many industries...I do not like it. i take a lot of language classes and as part of that I try to find music and movies and such from other cultures but it is. difficult, to say the least. i thought I just wasn't looking in the right places but you're making me think the problem is actually america and not me. doesn't help that I'm also really picking about the genres I enjoy!! and so many movies are romances and I simply couldn't be less interested. Though I'm glad you found a band you like!! i'm trying to finding spanish and french music and there's a few artists I've looked at but it is. difficult especially from an outsider perspective! rock/pop is fun, though!
I also don't remember! you sent this in a while ago so my apologies for taking a while!! long asks are fun but they can take a hot second to answer as I almost always write a longer respond than the ask itself. not my fault I have so many thoughts all the time and you've given me a perfect outlet for them. that's on you /j
I hope you're doing well! i'm looking forward to the weekend because I got nearly all my homework out of the way the past two days so now I can do the actual break things and answer asks and write and do my masterposts and take inventory of all my books. I took two tests today so i was a little busy, but it's all good!
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curious-menace · 4 years
Of the Gotham rogues, how likely (or unlikely) do you think each of them would be to take in someone they see as likeminded, or who have had similar experiences? Not necessarily as a sidekick, but I was thinking mostly someone in the sidekick age range, probably about 12-21. If there’s a specific thing they’d be more likely to sympathise with that would be cool to hear about too.
you mean like batman has  robin? that might be cool actually. mini rogues hehe.
putting this below a cut. its not nsfw but i do mention abuse and so on.
in general
i think its pretty much canon that they would all do this to some degree. there's no firm no from anyone.
i think all the rogues in gotham empathise with people who’ve suffered some sort of abuse. familial, sexual, spousal, bullying etc. they dont like the cool kids, they wont take in someone who’s at the top of their game. not just because they dont need them or even like them, they just have no desire to bring people down to their level. but if you tug at their stony heartstrings just enough they might take you in
penguin respects moxie. he takes a shine to street kids, the ones who’ve had a childhood like him out learning a criminal trade or a skill of some sort. i can actually imagine him taking a linking to a kid who tried to pickpocket him. He cant really empathise with having nothing but he appreciates the sheer balls it would take to do something like that. he’d probably find it funny if the person was like 12 and had NO clue he was a cobblepot. he’d take great pleasure in taking someone under his wing, training them up to follow in his footsteps. he’s a bit of a sexist, he’d be more likely to have a boy hanging around him. maybe start off as an umbrella holder? i can see him getting kind of attached since he has no family or kids of his own. maybe they’ll be his heir someday.
this is a difficult one. i can see harvey having a student mentor relationship with a struggling law student or maybe a young offender who wants to be a lawyer or defend themselves. He’d be happy to tutor them, practice with them and give them pointers. i imagine he’d build up a sense of pride for his student when they finally win their case or pass the bar exam but that is as far as harvey would go. 
Twoface on the other hand? hmm. maybe he’d employ some scrappy little thing and their twin sibling to do message running for him? i mean whos going to suspect a couple of kids on their bikes of ferrying something illegal around town. maybe he’s got a bunch of twins from lower income families doing jobs for him. he would indulge them with treats and look after them like they were his own but ultimately they’d be pretty expendable to him. 
ivy has a lot of kids following her around of all ages. i mean from toddlers to young adults. sometimes she’s babysitting for working mothers, sheltering people who are escaping abuse . she takes in waifs and strays and teaches them things. maybe not LEGAL things but certainly things they can use to survive. cooking, foraging maybe manipulation. she has a fondness for young women people have taken advantage of. she shows them how to use their feminine wiles to get revenge. She also seems to be Gothams unofficial Mom for LGBTQ+ kids. like you kick your kid out? sorry they’re my kid now. also you food is poisoned.
well he has query and echo. we know what his tastes in hired help are hahah. Lets be real, he can be a batman wannabe sometimes. i mean he wants to call himself the worlds greatest detective so bad you can taste it. maybe he would take a young ward like a riddle-robin?  i imagine him gravitating towards people who are smart at school but unloved at home. maybe he’d meet them playing words against friends or something? online chess? i know the idea of him meeting a 12 year old online and sort of adopting them is a lil sus but i promise he thinks nothing of the sort. i can also see him getting a bunch of kids and teaching them how to scam people with card tricks and puzzles so they can make some cash. he might like to have a network of kids of abusive cop parents feed him info for presents and so on. 
he’s sort of pack bonded with his students on numerous occasions. he refers to them as “my kids” and is always bragging about them like they actually are his kids. i think if he had an exceptionally bright student he might take them in for special treatment: like extra lectures, maybe he lets them see what fear toxin he’s been working on etc. he doesn't like little kids but he’s not above dosing one of the little shits if they’ve been bullying someone. like he’s playground monitor at lunch and sees someone getting picked on so he goes over with a bit of “whats all this then” and a lil perfume bottle of fear toxin for the bullied child to use. 
people adopt her! the other rogues treat her like their little sister when shes not with joker. If you left her to her own devices she would start a small collection of mini harleys. just little gymnast girls and boys dressed up in her diamond apparel. I dont think she’d have a sidekick but she does like to help coach at the local gymnastics , since she was a former champ. she also voulenteers at a local womens shelter to help comfort people escaping abuse. she, selina and ivy have absolutly gone out on the town to get revenge for some of these women. is that professional? no. will she do the same with joker? also no. but is it satisfying as all hell? yes~
there you go nonnie! this was a good one, i had fun just considering it. makes me wish DC would do something with the idea instead of another dark multiverse...
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm!💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Exchange student modern au jon pertwee x reader: Studying abroad
Notes: reader is a student from the netherlands she's 20 years old (jon is 24) and goes to england to studdy. She goes to frensham heights school and meets there jon pertwee as her asigned student for the year. It may not all be acurate but please enjoy reading jon lives in rowledge (this is an au and probably not completly acurate)
Words : 2488
Warnings : bullying, cursing
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Y/n was working on her degree in (prefred feeld). Her year of studying concidered also of studying one year abroad, she was extremly exited about it
"Do you have everything dear?"
"I think i do don't worry mom everything will be alright"
"Alright just wanted to make sure, here is your ticket for the train"
"Thanks mom" She hugged her " once i arive i'll call alright
"Alright, take care my dear "
"Take care mom" y/n ran to the train while waving "bye!"
"Bye sweetheart!!"
The wissel went off and a few seconds later the train started to move she kept waving at her mom, once she was out sight y/n sat down it was going to be a long ride.
She had to get from the netherlands to belgium to France and then to London england but she had brought some stuff to sketch a bit the ride was about 7 u 47 min.
Y/n drew the landscape around her sketching with difrent kind of colors
Finaly after almost 8 hours the train had finaly arived, packing everything back up y/n grabed all her things and got out
She had to wait for an other train to frensham cause there was the school she had to go to
Once the train had arived to bring her to frensham y/n sat down again it was going to be about an other 2 hours oh wel she thought its better than biking everywhere.
Late that afternoon y/n finaly arived at frensham heights school the princable greated her " Ah you must be y/n y/l/n" he shook her hand
"Yes thats me" she smiled
"I hope the ride went wel here"
"Oh yes it did everything went alright and the trains were on time"
"Good, you will be staying at a room for one night and tomorow you wil go back home with one of the students he has already been informed of your stay"
"Alright great" she picked up her suit case "please show me the way" about 30 minuts later y/n was seteled in the room, she wasn't going to pack out everything also because of tomorow. She grabed her phone and dialed her mothers number
"Hey mom"
"Hey sweetheart have you arived?"
"Yes i got here about 30 minuts ago and im now in my room where i stay for the night"
"Oh for the night? I thought you would stay there for the whole year"
"I do but they informed me that i would stay with a student for the year"
"Do you know who it is?"
"Not yet they will tell me tomorow"
"Alright wel i don't have to worry about you your 20 years old dear"
"I know mom its fine really, Anyway i should be going i have class at 9 tomorow"
"Alright sweetheart sleep wel"
"Night mom" She hang up And placed the phone on the bedsite table "wel Its time to sleep" she grabed her pyjama out her lugage and put it on, then she went under the blankets and went to sleep
*time skip to 8 o'clock next morning*
Y/n got out of bed and started to dress her self breakfast was waiting then she left her room to eat
"Good morning sir"
"Ah good morning y/n did you sleep wel?"
"Oh yes i did "
"Good im glad to hear that, breakfast is waiting for you it might be difrent from what you normaly eat"
"Oh thats alright im not making a big hassle out of it as long as it is bread its fine"
"Alright then once school starts you will be inform who you wil stay with"
"Thank you, see you later sir"
*skip to 9 o'clock*
Everyone had sit down for class and y/n walked in with the teacher
"Good morning everyone we got a new class mate she is an Exchange student from the netherlands please introduce yourself" the teacher stept aside
"Hi im y/n y/l/n and i hope we will have a Nice year with echoter im really looking forward to it"
"Good miss y/l/n do you know yet who you are going to stay with this year?
"not yet im suposed to get the info today"
"Alright the student you wil be paired with is mr pertwee" the teacher pointed at a guy with big grayish blue eyes dark brown wavy hair and he was wearing a school uniform "you can sit right next to him "
"Alright thank you sir" y/n sat next to mr pertwee
"Hi my name is jon its Nice to meet you y/n "
"Like wise"
"Please grab your english books and turn to page 45"
The day went by fast
"Oh now i don't know who im going to stay with this whole year"
"Y/n You are staying with us"
"Oh... we i guese that we should get my stuff then "
"Good idea, please lead the way" jon grined
"Here is everything"
"Three suitcases and a bag i have seen girls who brought more"
"Oh wel that doesn't really mater i only brought things that i would need, and i got my school uniform today"
"Ah i see, we should go i bet my aunt is waiting for us"
"Alright lets go" They grabed everything and went out
Once they arived home they went up the stairs jon opend the door
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"This will be your room for the upcoming year"
"Oh its absolutly wonderfull" she looked around on the otherside of the room stood a desk and a big closet
"The bathroom is down the hall first door on the left, i leave you be so that you can settle your stuff"
"Alright thanks jon i'll be down in an hour"
Finaly an hour later y/n was done with packing out and placing everything in the right place , then there was a knok at the door
"Hey y/n I just came to tell you that dinner is ready "
"Oh thanks jon im coming with you" she stood up and followed him
Y/n sat next to him at the table "jon i have a question, um where are your parents? "
"They devorced and they don't want anything to do with me anymore so i moved in with my aunt"
"Im so sorry jon i din't know"
"Its fine y/n don't worry" he smiled softly
"Hello everybody!" Came a voice from the front door
"Hi bill, y/n This is bill my cousin"
"Nice to meet you" she shook his hand
"Like whise"
After dinner Everyone went to bed early to get a good night of sleep, the next day was going to be a long day
*time skip to four months later because im to lazy *
"What lessons do we have today ?"
"Um english, biolgy, art , music, history and french
" and Tomorow ?"
Mathematics, science, sport and geography
"Alright noted"
Once they arived at school they went to their class room
"You go in jon i need to check something"
"Well wel wel if it isnt the Exchange student" y/n turned around and looked at a girl and there where two more behind her , y/n knew her of course she had been there already for four months
"what do you want erica" (Im sorry if it is your name you can change it if you want)
"Oh don't try to be all smart and stuff you know what i want and don't think you get a chance with jon, he's one of the best looking boys in the school and he will be mine"
"Honestly i don't mind i only stay at his place, in 6 months i'll be going back home"
"Good because he wil never like a whore like you, now bye" she fliped her long blond hair over her shoulder and walked away while her friends followed while snikering
Y/n signed and looked down "he's just a Friend Anyway" she mumbled while walking back to class
Once she was back in class she sat down next to him "what took you so long" he wispered
"Sorry i could't find my book" it was a lie of course, y/n doesn't want to talk about the struggels she's having with erica, and stuppid enough she's in the same class as her so she always has to look at that dumb face
Y/n Her thought were stoped by what the teacher was saying "as we all know we have a ball at the end of the year and because its you guys last year here you get to decided the theme of the party"
Erica raised her hand "Oh what about a party with lots of alcohol" she grined
"No erica alcohol will not be tolareated" said the teacher
"Whats the fun then if there is no alcohol tsjk" she scold
"Sir what about an all decade event everybody can dress up from the 40s thill now, difrent food will be served and all kinds of music will be played"
"Thats a Nice idea miss y/l/n" People around the room agreed with her idea
"Tsk sounds boring" erica said and her friends agreed
Y/n got angry but calmed her self down "wel if you think its boring please come with a better idea im curious to hear it" she said with a smile, erica went quiet and turned away
"Alright then its setteled this will be the theme of our ball it will be held 6 months from now"
*skip to the end of the day*
*sigh* "im glad this day is over" y/n sat down on the coutch
"Me to" there was a pauze between them "you know y/n Im really proud of you how you handeld yourself in class
"Thanks jon"
"Are you ok?"
"Oh yes i am, im just tired" she stood up
"What Are you going to do? "
"I have to call my mom to sent some of my stuff over for the party"
"Alright im going to make dinner"
Y/n went upstairs and called her mom "hi mom"
"Hi sweetheart Hows everything going ?"
"Everything is fine ..... mom i was wondering if you could sent some stuff over here"
"Sure thing what do you need?"
Could you pack my hair curler some of my make up, my black evening dress with glitters, my 1930s evening coat, the silver high heels i bought with the dress a and the ear rings and necklace i got from grandma ?"
"Sure thing i will sent it in a big box anything ells?"
"Oh yes my trolley i have to take my stuff back home as wel so thats the best idea i guese"
"Alright i noted it i will look everything up And sent it to you"
"Thanks mom love you got to go now"
"Love you to sweetheart speek to you later"
"Bye" she hang up And went back downstairs to eat.
About a month later everything had arived that she would need to dress up
*time skip to 4 months and 20 days later*
The bulying got worse and worse, y/n had been atacked, spit on and called names but never had she imagined that jon would go to the dance with erica.
She had done her hair but stoped with everything els it just wasn't worth it she would rather stay here at home, jon already left a bit sad by the news y/n don't want to atend
*knok knok* the door opend "hey y/n?"
"Oh hi bill"
"Whats wrong"
"Jon has gone out with somone wich i din't expect him to go with"
"That stuppid bitch Erica"
"Really with her? Goodness i expected better from him"
"Me to" she sniffed
"Hey don't give up now there is still a chance come on get dressed chop chop"
"Are you sure I mean..."
"Yes 100% sure you are way more pretty than her come on "
"Alright if you say so.... but how am i going to get there?"
"I have a car"
"Alright give me 30 minuts" y/n started to get dressed put on her necklace, ear rings and shoes she then did her make up, she grabed her long coat and walked out.
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She opend the door and heared a car horn
"Hey y/n over here" it was bill he sat in a old black vintage car "here is your ride my lady"
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"Why thank you kind sir, lets go" she steped in and sat down
Bill started the car up And drove away
"Thank you so mutch for the help i really need that"
"Its nothig everything for a friend, now come on lets go i also have a date"
Everything was nicely decorated and music was playing, people were dressed up in all Difrent kind of dresses and suits, a table stood against the wall where there wer all Difrent kinds of food it looked all So good
"Look there is jon"
"Alright thanks bill" she hugged him and walked to jon who was dancing with erica, people looked at her as she walked acros the dance floor she tapped his shoulder "hey jon"
He turned around " hey y/n I thought you were going to stay home "
"Bill convinced me to go anyway so here i am" the was caught of guard by a cough from behind her
"Im sorry but jon is my date so shove it you whore"
"Excuse me what did you say?"
"You heared me"
"You know what fuck you its a wonder jon would even want to dance with you, do you even know how miserabel you made me feel this past year, you are also 19 years old you really should be more mature" She was caught of guard when erica shoved her " I get it now you are jelouse of me for staying with jon get a grip, come on jon lets dance" she took his hand and walked to a chair and placed her coat on it, then her beautyfull evening gown got revealed
People stared at her "y/n you look absolutly gorgeous"
"Thank you" she blushed
"May i have this dance "
"Of course jon"
Jon leaded y/n to the dance floor and they both started to do the walz
"Y/n i have to tell you something"
"Tell me jon what is it"
"Well i really enjoyed this year with you staying and i wish you could stay longer, but y/n Im really realy in love with you and i wish i had told you ealyer "
"I love you to jon i really do"
"May i give you a kiss?"
"Sure" she smiled softly at him, He leaned in and gave her a kiss
"Perhaps i can stay a little longer but i need to inform my parents first"
"Thats all fine with me"
"Lets hope they don't mind"
"So do i" he said smiling
And both danced the night away
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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thelastdragneel6417 · 4 years
𝗗𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗝𝗔𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 part 1
(Ok sooo here’s my first time trying to write something original and good god am I nervous soo I hope you all enjoy)
The sun has now just rose above beacon academy signaling the start of a new day, while many would view this day to train or study to improve themselves as huntsmen and huntresses. For the (SUPER AWESOME AMAZING AND SERIOUS) team called team RWBY their is only one word that they would call this day
*At Team RWBY’s dorm room*
Yang: *laying on her bed looking throw her scroll before tossing it next to her* uggg I’m booored.
Weiss: * gruntingas she stops working on next weeks homework* normally I would scold you on your bluntness I agree it is quite boring today.
Blake: * siting on her bed reading her por - u mm I mean Um her “high class literature” yeah I agree but what do you ya think we should do?
Yang: *in a thinking pose* ummm how about we got the club?
Blake: *shaking her head* seriously is that all you can think of?
Yang: *in a hurt tone* HEY!!!
Weiss: besides we can’t the bullhead terminals are shut down for repairs after YOU AND NORA ALMOST DESTROYED IT BECAUSE OF YOUR IDIOTIC FIGHT *glaring at Yang*
Yang: *waving her hand defensively* hey in my defense Nora started it server her right for saying that pancakes are better that wallfls and besides I won it in the end.
Blake: no you didn’t Nora clobbered you into the ground.
Yang: *angry* hey whose side are you on anyway!?!?
Blake: *rolling her eyes* anyway how about we head to the library?
Weiss: that’s an excellent idea Blake. I think some time in the library would do us all some good.
Yang: ugggg no not the library I though we decided to kill our boredom not to kill me!!!
Weiss: you can stand to improve your book smart you barbaric bimbo *glareing at Yang knowing fill well that she probably a single second in the library during the new semester*
Yang: hey I’ll have you know that physical strength and training are more valuable than reading a few book right sis?
Yang: *confused* umm sis???
*yang and the girls all turn to look at Ruby’s bunk to see that she’s laying on her stomach kicking her feet in the air in a childish manner headphones on her head humming along to a song not paying attention to the argument going on*
Yang: Ruby? *no answer* hey Ruby?? *still no answer frustrated Yang walks over to Ruby lifts one side of her headphones and screams in her ear* RUBY!?!?!
Ruby: *leaps I. The air in shock before landing on her butt in shock* owww *rubbing her butt to suve the pain before glaring at Yang* why would you do that?
Yang: sorry sis but I could get your attention what were you doing anyway?
Weiss: yes I would like to know too? *internaly* probably reading on of her childish comic books uggg what a dolt?
Ruby: ohh I was just listening to JAGames *ploping herself off the ground before jumping back on top of her bunk*
Weiss: *confused having never heard of what that dolt they called a leader was talking about* JA who???
Ruby: *gasping in shock before using her semblance to bolt over to Weiss getting right up to her face* YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF JAGAMES!?!?
Blake: *anoyingly picking rose petals out of her hair and book* let’s assume we haven’t who are you talking about?
Ruby: *wipping her head around to Blake before screeching* HE’S ONLY THE GREATEST DUSTTUBE SINGER OF ALL TIME!!!!
Weiss: DustTube??? You mean that stupid website where people post those idiotic videos of themselves???
Blake: I wouldn’t say that DustTube it that bad you can make some serious money if you’re committed to it.
Yang: yeah but a DustTube singer is not a good thing to hear cause most of them are absolutely horrible *cringing as she remembers that Oum awful rap named “It’s Just Today Mate” by Ten Team*
Ruby *scoffs like she’s offended* ugh JAGames is nothing like them he’s a thousand times better than them his singing, his rhythm, and his music makes it look like all those other wanna bees are just babies playing with a baby piano.
Blake: huh seems like you know this guy a lot?
Ruby: of course I do I’m his number one fan after all I’ve listened to all of his music and bought all of his merch and all his albums JAGames’ music have gotten me through some tough times so I will always love him even though he has never shown his face.
Yang: huh soo that’s where all that stuff came from I’ve always wondered about that also *grinning* aren’t you already dating a certain noodle boy right now for shame Ruby how could you break jaunes heart by having an affair?
Weiss: I still don’t know what you see in that dolt *rolling her eyes back not truly understanding why ruby would want to date that idiot but nether the less grateful that he has stop relentlessly trying to ask her out*
Ruby: *beet red embarrassed* Yannng stop that it’s not like that all *blushing* even though I really like him and his music I will always love my sweet knight more.
Ruby: anyway I’ve got an idea since I’ve talked about JAGames this long *an ear to ear smile creeps up on her lips before shouting* WOULD YOU LIKE TO LISTEN TO SOME OF HIS MUSIC WITH ME!?!?
Weiss: *appoled* are you crazy!?!? No why would we ever want to listen to your stupid music!?!?
Yang: I’m in sounds like fun
Yang: it sounds fun anything to beat this boredom and besides I’ve been trying to find some new music for a while now.
Weiss: fine then be that way but know that Blake and I won’t be bothered to listen to your childish music.
Blake: actually I’ll join in too.
Weiss: *absolutly shocked* WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
Blake: same as Yang seems like fun also I’ve just finished reading my book so I e got nothing else better to do.
Yang: see even kitty cat wants to watch with us *blake glares at Yang for saying that* so whatcha say I’ve queen care to join us?
Ruby: *giving Weiss the worlds most dangerous weapon known to man the dreaded puppy dog eyes* plweeessszzzzzzzzzz?????
Weiss: *unable to resist the deadly powers of the puppy dog eyes* I— umm I ohhh alright I’ll listen to your stupid music what kind of music does he make anyway?
Ruby: *jumping up and down excited* yay thank you bestie ohh he mostly makes rock -metal songs some time a little bit of pop and always follows a certain theme.
Weiss: *annoyed by knowing that she’s going to be listening to that barbaric type of music* and that I is???
Ruby: *embarrassed* umm video games?
Weiss: WHAT THOSE STUPID IDIOTIC CHILDISH GAMES THAT ARE A WASTE OF TIME WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO THIS *exclaimed loudly but secretly at the same happy because deep down she is a HUGE gamer a secret that she will take to the grave* AND YOU *pointing to Blake* ARE OK WITH IT!?!?!
Blake: why not? I don’t have a problem with video games sometimes they can tell a story better that a book.
Yang: welp too late to turn back know soo sis what song are we listening to today?
Ruby: *excitedly grabs her scroll unplugs her headphones and sets her scroll near her freinds* how about his newest one it’s a remake of one of my favorites I’m sure y’all will love it!!!
(Here’s the song if you want to sing along)
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶the future fotells a tale of when the world goes🎶
🎶BOOM🎶 (when the world goes BOOM BOOM)🎶
🎶nobody prepared🎶
🎶don’t think anybody cared about the🎶
🎶SOLE TRUTH (nobody cared about the SOLE TRUTH)🎶
🎶oh the bombs🎶
🎶they rose🎶
🎶 now everybody knows the🎶
🎶catostrophic hell🎶
🎶will be soo🎶
🎶and be up in the sky🎶
🎶even when the world feels🎶
🎶lonely and cold inside🎶
🎶even when the heart feels🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶resources are scarce prepare yourself for homicidal🎶
🎶 claim you’re rightful place🎶
🎶mark the writing on your face turn a🎶
🎶well the bomb🎶
🎶they took🎶
🎶your land and now you’re🎶
🎶Thers masses of🎶
🎶proposterous, demonical🎶
🎶use your senses and you’ll🎶
🎶you’re the hero of this🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶now let’s begin with some simple instructions on what makes you a
🎶build your ability’s to carry more🎶
🎶will keep your aim right where you want it to be🎶
🎶bronze will tackle foes but how long for?🎶
🎶socialize enemies are closer than you think🎶
🎶outsmart your foes with gadgets capable of removing harm🎶
🎶agilety 🎶
🎶build your reflexes to defend from approaching scum🎶
🎶Tatic and strength is one thing🎶
🎶but some times all it takes is good luck🎶
🎶now take your world and throw it upside down🎶
🎶one man pushes through🎶
*insert guttiar solo*
🎶for you will rise🎶
🎶through hell and back🎶
🎶you fortell of time when you were under attack🎶
🎶put your hindsight and change the world🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
Ruby: *nervous* sooo what do you girls think???
Yang:That. Was. Awesome Sis that has got to be one of the best songs I’ve ever heard it was soo action packed.
Blake: I have to agree that was a very good song not my cup of tea but still very good nonetheless.
Ruby: YAY that two for three sooo bestie did you like it???
Weiss: *quiet as a mouse and as stiff as a board before throwing her hands up in the air and screaming*HATED IT THAT WAS THE WORST SONG IVE EVER HEARD
RUBY: *almost as pale as a ghost and on the verge of tear* W-w WHAT!?!?!?
(That’s all I can type was it good or shit (sorry if it was) this is the longest thing I’ve ever typed here I hope you all enjoy) (don’t worry jaune comes in next part with a secret)
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ravenclea · 4 years
Under the rain (Draco X Reader)
Hey ! So this is the first time I post something here, I wanted to apologise for my bad English, I'm French and even if I corrected this OneShot, there might be some mistakes so SORRY IF YOU SPOT ONE. Also, sorry for my lack of vocabulary…  I hope you’ll like it anyway.
Y/N : Your name 
Y/L/N : Your last name
Y/H : Your House
Y/BF/N : Your BestFriend name
(Night Fury is your horse )
Trigger Warnings : panic attacks, injuries, sadness, death, mourning
It was one of those nights when you couldn't stand living, so you escaped from the Y/H's dormitory to go to the Astronomy tower. you tiptoed through the hallways, trying not to wake up the figures on the canvas. You were struggling with your breath but you were used to it : you often felt overwhelmed and you had a lot of panic attacks during the third year. Professor Sinistra caught you during one your crisis and she offered to give you duplicate keys.
Their wasn't any astronomy class this night, so you sneaked in carefully and you went at the top of the tower. Fresh air stroke your face as you reached there. The sky was full of stars, the moon was shining in the middle of this canopy of heaven. Usually, you felt peaceful just by stargazing a few minutes. It was usually like that, you just had to watch carefully at the sky and you felt at ease except if a professor caught you while tiptoeing to your own heaven.
But this night, it didn't went that way. Even under this wonderful sky, you had a tough time breathing, even if you tried to picture a soft scene in your head, even if you put your nails in the palm of your hand, even if you tried to breathe calmly. You had some difficulty to breathe, since the beginning of this year, you didn't know why though. You were constantly staring at the ground even when Malfoy, your crush since first year, was closer than he's ever been. You couldn't think about something else than Night Fury's death.
It happened during summer break and you didn't tell anyone, not even Y/BF/N. You weren't able to talk about this afternoon, you had been terrified and the simple fact of thinking about horse riding took my breathe away. It was one of the most usual day for both of you, Night Fury was very enthusiast and so were you. You just put a halter on her and you jumped on her back, you loved to ride without anything, you felt more connected to her. It was drizzling but you didn't care, you went to the nearest forest, she was galloping, air was blowing your face, it was delicious, you can't picture another moment where you felt as free as you felt this morning. But suddenly, she stopped dead and fell. You didn't understand at first, my brain wasn't aware of his environment. you get up and you realised something was wrong, you started to freak out but you couldn't do anything. you fell on my knees, whispered a few words to her hears 'you got you, it's okay lovely, we're gonna fix this', and you jumped on your feet 'Wingardium leviosa', you said clearly and you started to flit and you ran as fast as possible towards to your house without loosing your concentration. When you reached your house, you saw your pale mother's face and when you faced your dark horse, you felt it : life had left her. you made her reach the ground and an empty feeling started to take place in your stomach : why her ? Why Night fury ? She was your dearest friend, she knew you better than anyone else, she knew all your secrets, she was the only one you fully trusted.
It happened in july and after that, you refused to go out, you stayed in your room all summer, only leaving it when Y/BF/N came two or three times, but you weren't there, you were locked up in your mind and Y/BF/N knew it but she didn't urge you to tell her, she knew you had a though time confessing some things.
So, this night, you just lied on the floor, struggling to breathe, trying to focus on the sky but you couldn't see any star with all those tears in year eyes when you heard the door squeak. You jumped on your feet, took your wand, ready to use stupefy on the next person who would cross this door. The footsteps were getting closer and closer and your heart was racing in your chest. You couldn't see anything but you glimpsed a shadow and you didn't wait any longer.
'STUPEFY’ you yelled.
The person moaned as she hit the wall behind her and fell on the stairs. You ran to her and used expelliarmus before he or she could do anything. As you touched the other’s wand, you discovered who was lying right here...
'Draco', you whispered as you used lumos to see his face.
He winced as his hand touched his back.
'What the hell have I done to you ?' He was glaring right into your eyes and you couldn't help but glaring back, his were usually grey but this night, you thought they looked darker than usual.
'You're hurt ? We should go to Mrse Pomfrey'.
He frowned as you tried to help him to go back on his feet, you felt guilty as you saw that he wasn't acting at all, he's been really hurt.
'Sorry, I thought it was something scary and...' he interrupted you and pushed you 'Get away from me'.
You were petrified as you looked at him going down the stairs. It was the first time Draco gave you some attention and you had ruin your only chance to talk to him, you thought you were the dumbest of all. You sighed as you started to go back to your tower but Malfoy fell down and you ran to him (as a stupid girl you were).
'Wingardium leviosa' you whispered as you was reaching him.
'What are you doing? Stop that or my father will..'
'hear about this, yeah, I know, fuck off Draco, I'm helping you even if you don't want to.'
You couldn't explain why, but he obeyed and shut his mouth while you were leading him to Mrs Pomfrey. you put him down once you both reached the hospital wing. You knocked on the door while helping Malfoy to stand up. The sweet woman opened to you and she helped you to carry this blonde boy to a bed. She examined him as you explained how you injured him without willing to. She nodded, you couldn't tell if she was listening or not but you weren't able to stare at Draco so you stayed, looking at your shoes.
'You've been raw on him' she whispered as you caught Malfoy's eyes.
They were full of curiosity, you couldn't tell why but all his nastiness had left his grey eyes. You avoided his look and smirked : he didn't steal it, after all. He was gross with everyone, it was just karma after all.
'I keep him here this night, you should go back to your bed Y/N, good...' but Malfoy yelled 'NO' making you blench.
His voice was changing and it reached a high note making you giggle a bit.
'She hurted me, she stays to look after me' he continued as you frowned.
'Absolutely not, I am sorry for hurting you, but I won't stay, I had enough of your company'.
And you just left on that, he was a diva but you surely wouldn't do what he wanted.
Next morning you had potions with slytherins and you smiled when Y/BF/N entered the room, it all became lighter : she was your sunshine, every time she was entering a room, she lighted it up with her smile, with her presence, and she made you feel peaceful. She was your guardian angel, even if she was friend with this damn Parkinson (your were a bit jealous of Pansy, you didn’t hate her at all). Malfoy was right behind Pansy and Y/BF/N and you focused on your cauldron while your best friend came to sit with you.
'Is it true you hurted Malfoy ?' she asked playfully.
She was aware of your crush on him, she was the only person in this damn castle you would confess and she teased you every time with it.
'It was an accident, I was in the middle of a panic attack and he scared me, you know I wouldn't hurt him otherwise' you mumbled as Snape was walking next to you.
'Y/N and Y/BF/N, you seem to have a lot to share with us so come here and tell us what you can smell' said Snape without a look at us.
You both walked through the aisle and sniffed the potion. Just before your class, your sister told you she made amortentia with her new class, she repeated sixth year as she failed last year, so you knew you were about to describe Malfoy's scent (a brilliant mix of lemon, musc and mint), you could smell it, the entire class had his smell and it distracted you.
'Y/N, go first'.
The whole class was glaring at you and it made you blush, you hated attention.
'Hum.. It smells like wood just after rain, and probably lemon' you lied without a doubt as you pressed your hand on your lips. Y/BF/N knew you were lying, you avoided her eyes and the thing you did with your fingers, you were always doing it while lying, but she didn't say anything. Y
Yet, you didn't lie completely, when Draco was passing by, you could smell lemon, you just didn't want to admit it.
'I smell leather and amber with a slight note of musc', it was clearly Theodore’s parfume and you smirked without looking at Y/BF/N, she seemed confused.
'Why do you make us smell amortentia, professor ? We're not capable of doing it, we're not sixth years'
Snape glared at you, he was next to Malfoy and you had to focus a lot not to look at this blonde guy.
'Are you doubting my knowledge, miss Y/L/N ?' he said with a calm voice yet full of reproach as you blushed.
'No, absolutly not, you just...'
'10 point from Y/H, go to your sit'.
You pouted and mumbled an insult as Y/BF/N and you sat back, for some reason he always hated you whereas you loved him, he had a lot of knowledge even if he had a shitty behaviour toward students.
'What is Amortentia ?' asked Y/BF/N as Snape was opening his book of third year.
'Go on Y/N, explain' he muttered without a look at you.
You were a living dictionary to him since you loved to learn things before his class, you already knew your program by heart and you were studying sixth year's program (just for fun), other Y/H were great in potions but you excelled in it.
'Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what, or who, attracts them.' you replied without lifting your eyes from the potions' book.
'So you're attracted to rain and lemon, who smell like that ?' asked Malfoy with sarcasm, you rolled your eyes, he was being stupid as usual.
'And you, what do you smell, uh ? Tell us, it seems more interesting than what I smelled, so go on' all of the colours on Draco's faced disappeared a second and then he became all red and started to stutter.
'Malfoy, Y/L/N, stop'.
The rest of this class was boring but it was raining outside and this satisfying sound made you smile the whole time, especially when Snape opened the window and this amazing smell reached to you. Y/BF/N and you split after class and you pouted, you were in different houses and you hated being separated. Plus, she had class with gryffindors, so it made it worse. You hugged her tight as Pansy waited for her.
This morning has been so long, all you wanted to do was running under the rain and that's what you did at midday, you took a snack and sat in the grass. It was delightful to sit there while these drops hit your skin, making you shiver.
'Enjoying the rain ?' asked this dumb-ass you had a crush on.
'Fuck off, Malfoy, leave you alone' you heard yourself mutter as you took a bite from your sandwich.
'Bergamot, lemon, cedar and leather' whispered Draco as you were eating while enjoying the rain.
'What do you mean ? This kind of tea doesn't exist...' you responded while blushing.
You knew he loved tea, but he didn't know that, no one was supposed to know this kind of thing about someone you weren’t close to, Y/BF/N was so right, you were a stalker. He frowned and sat in front of you in silence, it was weird, his look was intense and you had a tough time to keep looking right into his eyes.
'When it comes to potion, you're a know-it-all, but communication is not your best skill. The potion, it smelled like you.' he finally said, making you choke. 'But, I guess your love interest is this tree, I'm just gonna let you enjoy your...' '
‘I lied, Draco. I didn't want to tell everyone that the entire class smelled like you. Even if you smell like lemon, just a bit. But what the hell ? Why do you smell my parfume?'.
You glared at each other for a long time, maybe ten or twenty minutes, without saying a word, but it wasn't weird, it felt good even if you were soaked now. His fluffy hair was glued to his forehead and his shirt was now transparent, so was yours, though.
'Do you want some?' you whispered, giving a sandwich to him, he simply nodded, he took it and came to sit next to you.
'It feels amazing to just sit there, you're right, rain's scent is cool' he mumbled as he swallowed his bite.
'It's even better with thunder and lightening, but when you're done with your sandwich, we should go back inside to dry before our classes'.
He nodded and smiled.
'You should smile more, it looks good on your face', you said with a smirk.
He laughed a bit and you both stayed silent until you had to split to go to different classes. Since this day, you started to see each other more often, you had some kind of dates at the library and after a few months, Draco started to let you see his soft side to your great pleasure.
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Not as Bad as i thought | Matsukawa Issei x reader
Okay so i've been thinking about this scenario for a WHILE now and im,,,,,not mad at how it turned out ? Lmao y'all see for yourselves
- songs :  • savage remix by Megan Thee Stallion feat Beyonce
                 • kimi no nawa theme song
- weather association au : dusk (i dont even know if that's seen as a weather but oh well-)
[Tags] : @raevaioli asked sooooo👀 @haikoo
Tumblr media
- you weren't really sure how long you've been walking for
- you tried to recall the events from today with much difficulty as you strolled on the sideway at 4pm, still in school uniform but much messier than when you first got out of the house this morning, backpack lazily thrown over your left shoulder
- "and there goes a perfectly good weekend" you sighed, not talking to anyone in particular but yourself or maybe the occasional stray cat
- your house wasn't even close to the way you were going and you couldn't care less
- your phone had data anyway you could just search your way back in google maps (`ε´)
- plus it's not like you walked across the whole country and you already called your mom to make up some excuse
- "we'll talk when you get back." She had told you over the phone , you were pretty sure that the school had informed her of what happened
- thinking about it made you sick to your stomach so you opted on just focusing on how much of an anime MC vibe you were giving off right now instead !!!
- i mean, basically running away after school to go on unplanned walks with a messy uniform while listening to the new savage remix by Megan and Beyonce ???? Pretty badass ngl (◡︿◡✿)
- if only your balance wasn't -2/10 then maybe you could even skateboard and act like you were in an indie movie
- but back to the matter at hand
- the anger swelled up inside you as you started to think over what had happened
- you were in the midst of a chemistry class and you had been paired up with none other than your toxic ex who made you feel like crap for the most random stuff
- you were literally just vibing trying to adjust the microscope and he just HAD to shove you out of the way because, allegedly, you "didn't know how to do it", causing you to back into another girl's test tubes and bunsen burner !!!
- luckily the teacher was kind enough to aknowledge your apology and scold the girl for yelling but still !!! You were angry !! (⋋▂⋌)
- so angry that you may....have started crying in class just cause beating the living hell out of your ex was just not something you could do and not get at least detention for-
- the embarassment of it all had caused you to storm out of the school at the first chance you had, not wanting to murder your ex or anybody else if they made any comments
- you were taken out of your internal turmoil in the middle of the sidewalk by the smell of the sea and well,,,,,the sight that was literally right in front of you
- not to be sappy or basic or anything but a good sunset never failed to make your heart go doki doki from the pretty colors(●´ω`●)
- you didn't even notice time passing or the sky painting itself like that
- weird huh
- what a world we live in
- anyway you truly felt like things were meant to be at the moment you set foot on the soft sand (you'd have taken of your shoes if it wasn't for your socks preventing you from it)
- in this moment of awe you stuffed your phone and earbuds in your bag and made a run for the water !!!! Excited to see the cute riples of foam closer !!!
- and then you fell.
- and you would have been fine if it wasnt for the loud sound of someone SNORTING AND CACKLING BEHIND YOU LIKE ?????
- "Damn ive never seen anyone so eager to bite the dust !" And then laughed again !!
- ●︿●
- thats where it dawned upon you that this guy was one of the third years from your school's male volleyballl team !!!! If you remember correctly his name was Matsukawa Issei but did it really matter ???
- it was someone from school who was laughing at you ???? You Y/N L/N
- the embarassment came crashing onto you like the waves on the shore and in a second you were sobbing
 - the hot tears were rolling down your cheeks at high speed and you swore you heard Mattsun gulp when be realised what was going on
- "w-wait sorry...i didn't mean to make you cry" he didn't really know what to do so his hands were just hanging in the air as he knelt down in front of you
- ⋋_⋌ you mustered up the energy to glare at him thru your glossy eyes but really it looked as intimidating as a hamster- haha what no, the middle blocker's heart totally did NOT skip a beat with the pouty hamster + sunset color palette combination !!!! Not that you'd notice anyway
- instead of kneeling there awkwardly he opted for picking up your backpack before sitting next to you, putting his knees up to his chest and staring at anywhere but your very embarassed self
- "its not entirely your fault...." you managed to say between hiccups, "ive kinda had like....a really really bad day"
- ".....i see" i sEe HeAdAsS you should have thought about it before laughing at Y/N like that !!!
- after that you didn't really know what to do
- i mean yeah grabbing your bag, flipping him off and then going back home sounded like a tight plan but at the same time,,,,,the sound of the waves was calming and the sun was pretty   (●´ω`●)
- and little did you know that as you were too focused looking absolutly enamored with the sun itself Mattsun was looking at you trying to think about how the hell he was going to keep the conversation and the vibes going when you're just sitting there looking like THAT
- it was like that one scene in Kimi no Nawa when Taki and Mitsuba see each other for the first time sodjdisnakaka
- except that he was the only one staring but that didn't really phase him
- "you know-" ah here it comes
- he started talking so he'd have to go thru with it until the end
- he weirdly enough did NOT want you to turn to look at him because he knew that if you did the words would get caught up in his throat and- oh no you did
- oop the sand looks very interesting all of a sudden wow :0
- "you know when i have a bad day i usually come to sit here and watch the sunset"
- "okay and ?"
- "and it feels nice....like today for example, i just lost a volleyball match against some other school, Karasu-whatever you probably don't care but....after living such a hard loss it feels nice to look at the sky painted in all these colors you know ? Plus you don't have to talk so it's great it's as if you were on top of the world-"
- he was cut off by the sound of your laugh
- as you struggled to catch your breath you looked at him and smiled
- "you know you're not as bad as i thought !"
- huh
- you were definitely something :\
- spiking the ball right thru Matsukawa's chest and straight to his heart
- "My name's Y/N L/N im a 2nd year ! also don't worry i wasn't making fun of you at all i just can't believe that you exposed your simp card so proudly to someone you BARELY know"
- "well i felt bad because-"
- "it's cute (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- OH.
- you snapped him out of his daze by pointing out that your mom would be worried if you walked alone to your house at night
- "sooooo is it my cue to walk you home ?" smooth recovery from him, you must admit
- "should we get boba on the way ?" You said standing up and dusting your shirt
- "you bet."
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thefandomsurfer · 6 years
My top 20 favorite Tokyo Ghoul characters
I usually only do top 10s but like...I love so many characters in Tokyo Ghoul it was really hard for me to do?? So I did more. Also DO NOT GET offended. Even my honorable mentions are very...very dear to me. (Also the places are just how mush I, myself, enjoyed the character not how great the character is or that your opinion isnt valid. And I skipped most of the Suzuya squad because they would probably dominate my top six or something and that wouldnt be fair haha )
Honerable mentions:
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Shirazu ginishi
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THE ENTIRE SUZUYA SQUAD (Nakarai, Mikage, Mizurou, Hanbee.)
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Now onto my list!
20.  Shuu Tsukiyama
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I really didnt like him much at first. He made me uncomfortable and really annoyed. I mean, yeah, certain times I thought he was pretty funny but he made me more and more unnerved the longer I saw him. But then when I saw his nicer side and especially during seeing his loyalty and love for his family he started to grow on me. And now hes on this list!
19. Rize Kamishiro
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Rize always was interesting to me. I wondered how she got to where she was, why she was so important in the ghoul world and just how she got to be so strong. Not to mention her characters personality made me very compiled to her. Then I got her backstory and understood her more. I liked her even more and began to respect her character. 
18. Renj Yomo
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I always liked his ‘silent protector’ vibe even before finding out his backstory. I thought he was loyal and smart. And then it was revealed that he was the uncle to some very improtant characters and it made me love him even more. His backstory contributed to his gruffness and protective nature and not to mention his kagune is freaking AWESOME.
17. Ayato Kirishima
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Hes grown into someone I really enjoy. I...really didnt like him. He hurt Touka and acted like an ass the whole time. Then I saw a softer side when it came to Hinami. He was so concerned and cared about her so much that it touched me a lot. And he was a little more calm and controlled compared to what he had been in the first series as well. He developed into someone who not only cared for his love interest but his family and those important to both of them as well.
16. Amon Koutarou
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Amon, poor poor Amon. This guy has went through a whole lot during his time in the series. And hes accepted a lot as well. I always liked Amon even before everything like changed him. He seemed like a really cool guy who truly did what he thought was best. Then he learned what we the audience already knew. That ghouls weren’t as bad as everyone thought they were. And then fought for peace. And that coupled with how much he tried to help Seidou and loved Akira made be like and respect his character even more.
15. Kurona Yasuhisa
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Another character I really liked from the beginning. See, I have a weakness for twins. I always loved the idea of one and think that no matter the relationship they are always interesting to watch in media. And her relationship with Nashiro, while not explored a whole lot, was still prominent and known. And her denial about her death and the form of insanity she went through because of it was both sad and entertaining to watch. The fact that she started to think about forgiving the person who killed her as well was...amazing. Over all I wish she was explored a bit more but am happy with what I got.  
14. Urie Kuki
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Another character that I slowly learned to appreciate. He started out as someone who cared only for his own motives but after losing someone who he hadnt realized he cared for he begun to care for his team and mant to protect them as much as he can. Becoming someone worthy of their loyalty and love. Going as far as to save one of the ones who betrayed him and tried to kill him just to get them all together again and keep his promise to his dead friend.
13. Ui Koori
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Im not sure what made me drawn to him? Maybe his relationship with Hairu or his sense of Justice? I dont know but I do know that I like seeing his appearances. His fights and thought process was always fun as well. Over all Im not sure why I like him all I know is that I really do haha 
12. Ken Kaneki
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Okay I know, its basically illegal to have him so low on my list but honestly? I never really got that deep into his character? I mean he was sweet at first but then he was kind of boring? And I liked Haise a lot but really didnt like the reaper? The OEK one is cool and all but I still never got overly attached? I dont know. But I will say he is cool and I love how dedicated he is to his loved ones. And how honest he is about his flaws. Its really nice to see a protagonist that admires that he is selfish in certain ways and isnt always trying to do things for ‘the greater good’. And will do cruel and horrible things when push comes to shove. It makes him seem...a lot more human and tragic. Yet the fact he still had his happy ending made me happy for him. After the hell hes been through he deserves it.     
11. Seidou Tawkizawa
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Seidou. He...certainly needs a little help. Poor guy was such a innocent kid before his whole life was turnt upsidedown. I’ll be honest...I thought he was kind of annoying at first and then very scary later on. But after seeing a bit of his side of how everything went down and how much he cared for Akira and Amon my liking for him skyrocketed and I couldn't wait to see him again in the next chapter. How he sees himself and his future...it just hit to close to home for me. And soon enough he became one of my favorite characters.
10. Haise sasaki
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Ahh, my favorite of all the Nekis. I really, really liked him. How parental he was with his squad and his storyline always interested me. The amnesia thing has always been one of my favorite tropes. He, to me, was a perfect mix of Kuroneki and Shironeki. Having the lightheartedness and empathy of Kuroneki and having the toughness and ability to fight as Shironeki. I liked how goofy he could be (i.e dressing up as women) and all his little moments with Akira, Arima and Juuzou. But he was a dream, nothing meant to last, so he had to go. But that does NOT mean I didnt enjoy watching him the most.
9. Kanae
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I just really like her. I think her backstory is sad but not overdoing it and her dedication to Tsukiyama was certainly something that drew me to her. At first I thought I’d hate her but found myself sorely mistaken. And I cried a whole lot at her death and the touching moment when Tsukiyama, the person she loved so much, called her by her real name and accepted her despite
 the fact she thought she never deserved anything even similar to perhaps she’d be even higher had she stayed longer but she left far to soon.
8. Eto Yoshimura
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Eto is very interesting and fun to watch. Cruel and mean, yes, but also unpredictable! She never failed to make a impression on me everytime I saw a panel of her. I was always wondering ‘what will she do next?’ you know? I absolutly loved watching\reading her. Her backstory made me love her even more seeing as she had a bit of a struggle to get to were she is now.
7. Hairu Ihei.
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Hairu is someone else I dont know why I like so much? We didnt see her much at all and what we did see of her was little. But something about her drew me in. She was cute and I didnt expect much from her but found out she was pretty strong. Also with how sweet and air headed she acted I already liked her a little, the strength was only a added bonus. I only wish we got to see more of her. 
6. Uta
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Uta, someone who I already liked, only grew on me as time went on. I thought he was funny, unique and very good looking. And as time whent on, and seeing how twisted he could be, it only made be want to see what would happen next with him. Whose side he was really on. Things like that. But then his fight with Yomo made be see him in a more emotional light. Seeing how close he was to him and still was in in a way. It was sweet and only made me like him even more. 
5. Akira Mado 
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Akira Mado. At first I never thought much of her. Just a sort of bland character who had lost her father. Nothing new, nothing interesting. But her relationship with Amon certainly made be feel a little closer to her and made be pity her at the end of the first manga. But then in Re: I grew a lot closer to her really quickly. Her character seemed more open to others and friendly. Her realtionship Haise especially made me like her a whole lot. Then all her confusion and journey forgiving and accepting ghouls made he so interested and caring of her character. How much she wanted to protect Seidou and the fact she still loved Amon-It just...Made he love her. So much. 
4. Saiko Yonebayashi
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Saiko is a very funny individual that I didnt like much at first. I thought she was more or less dead weight and didnt understand why she was their to begin with. But the more we got to know her the more that I grew to love her development and character. Shes funny and kind but also strong and determined. I love her a whole lot. How determined she is to do what she thought was right and how much she cared for everyone in her squad despite her own initial unwillingness to try and work. All things I love about her. 
3.  Tooru Mutsuki
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Now I know how much this character is hated...And I understand too. He did a lot of twisted and messed up things. Stayed on the bad side a long time, attacked Touka and his squad helped turn Kaneki into  a monster...But his backstory and the personality we were originally introduced to made me love him so...so much. It didnt matter much to me what he did because I knew why he did it and not to mention...Mutsukis one of the most interesting characters to analyze because of his mindset. Also the fact he tried to redeem himself and felt guilty about everything he did...It shows that he is trying to do better and he is. I just....really, really love Mutsuki.
2. Touka Kirishima
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Touka is a very rough character, and I get that some people just dont like her, But I loved every second of her. The person with a rough outside slowly breaking out of their shell and becoming gentler as time goes on- its something I have a soft spot for. Loyal, selfless, strong and knows what she wants. A woman who is strong without being controlling or mary sue. I never got annoyed or bored of her and looked forward to seeing her every single time a new chapter was put out. And also her protectivness towards Kaneki, her child, Ayato, and Hinami made me love her all the more. Shes also got my favorite Kagune of the whole series-Yet another thing I love about this character.
1. Juuzou Suzuya
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By FAR my absolute favorite character in Tokyo ghoul. Now dont get me wrong-Im well aware of his faults. And I know he wasnt on the good side for a while either, But even though these things are there, I love him anyway. Hes so interesting and his backstory was so heartbreaking. When I first saw him I was indeed mildly creeped out but it also made me curious. The more I saw of him the more I wanted to analyze and get to know his character more. And right when I thought I got to know him-The one person who saw him as a person and treated him as he should be treated was taken away. This caused Juuzou to experience his first emotional loss in a very long time. And he changed. I personally enjoy his more mature personality compared to his more bloodthirsty one but love both either way tbh. And hes also very adorable when he wants to be so thats always a plus.    
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icharchivist · 5 years
Managed to get Chap 9 of FPvM, the chapter released last month and ma n
-Seeing Hifumi break down and cling to Doppo when the girls arrive is so goddamn heartbreaking. Seeing both Doppo and Jakurai trying to hold him to calm him down is giving me so much emotions, Hifumi is stealing the chapter for me.
-Ichijiku is a snacc
-The effect around the Mic concealers are so cool wtf??
-The whole scene with Juto coming to talk to Doppo has an amazing sense to it with Hifumi being clingy toward Doppo i’m living
-We also get the TDD reunion ofc and all that comes with it (i feel the manga added a Riou’s reaction to seeing the TDD though? I didnt remember him react but i should reread/relisten the drama track)
-Ramuda hug attacking every single of the TDD members but doing it in such an intimate YET threatening way toward Jakurai..... oof. But his hug is so tender toward Ichiro and Samatoki and i’m crying again.
-Jakurai and Ramuda’s fight is heartbreaking??? But i love how it differenciate their fighting style. 
-Ramuda’s is raw, violent and uncontrolled. You can feel the fury of the way he attacks, and when Jakurai fights back Ramuda loses all sort of control. The raw fact Ramuda is like that around Jakurai is painful. When he attacks again after Jakurai’s attack, he seems so raw and desperate and angry. This is the most disturbing Ramuda has ever looked so far.
-Meanwhile Jakurai fighting style is much more concealed, calm, almost gentle despite the rudest of his words. At least in appearance he doesnt give the feeling of wanting to hurt his adversary as much as Ramuda does. Or, well, he does, it is in a very cold and calculated way, not going for a messy attack like Ramuda does but by going straight to the throat. He doesn’t give the impression he wants to hurt but he still is determined to do so. 
-TBh that gives a good contrast with their backstories: Jakurai use a calm, cold, calculated and concealed way to hurt a bit like his assassin day would require, while Ramuda is all messy, violent, uncontroled which so far fits with how we’ve seen him fight (esp when he kills/tortures people in the TDD manga) - so i would argue it is like, things he picked up being the gov’s dog.
-Also you feel the history behind it man. I cant help but think about their TDD fight we see in the begining of the FPvM manga, bc there it was Jakurai doing the most damages and being the most violent/virulent. To see the shift around almost makes Jakurai seem more careful. Also his reactions to Ramuda’s attacks and the way he completely collaps... oof
-That too, the fact Jakurai COLLAPSE on hearing Ramuda’s attacks while Ramuda just goes completely unhingedly feral on Jakurai when Jakurai attacks again. As a way to react to the attack i find it very perticular? Jakurai reacts by vulnerability, Ramuda by losing himself. There could be a l o t to get away from it but i can’t lie i do like how it feeds my HCs there.
-Also boy seeing Hifumi and Doppo being completely horrified to see Jakurai collapse while Gentaro and Dice are staring in complete disbelief at their leader is freaking amazing. Like they established how terrifying Ramuda could be so well that the rookies who are not used to fight specifically and are curious (ish since Dice isn’t) about their relationship were all horrified. 
-idk why i find it odd but when the mic concealers arrive, the focus is on Ramuda and Jakurai realizing their speakers are disappearing (normal) ... and Doppo and Dice?? Like there are two panels for each of them to react, and Hifumi and Gentaro are nowhere to be seen in them. It’s such an odd thing to me, why focus on them? At best Doppo is the one who ends up arguing in Jakurai’s defense afterward so i can see why, and not showing Hifumi makes sense since he reacts directly when the girls arrive in total different manner, but Dice??? the one who had no interest in the fight or its reasons, and who doesn’t bring it up afterward? Why did you focus on my boy??? I MEAN ME TOO I WANT TO ALWAYS FOCUS ON DICE BUt WHY. Meanwhile Gentaro gets no focus until he collectly talk about how the girls are coming in. Not really surprising per se and that keeps him detached/focusing on the gov incidentally, but i can’t understand the focus on Dice.
-Admire Him.
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-They changed the setting for the FP conversation in the end and i looooove it but i also love how they put small details here and there like how Gentaro specifically shows still that he doesn’t trust Ramuda when Ramuda leaves to take the phonecall
-The way they framed his conversation with Ichijiku in the end OOF. This is so ominous and it captures the feel of the drama track so well. But to see Ramuda’s face change this hardly in between each of what Ichijiku tells him is frightening. Like... it really feels like Ichijiku is probably saying very upsetting things one after the other to make his mask fall like that, esp since he catch it back last minute.  And the reveal woaaahh. I’m kinda surprised about it in a way bc in the manga they revealed Ramuda connection with Ichijiku well in the first TDD chap yeah but also like, minimum 2 chapters ago in term of FPvM? Like there was a new, not-drama track adapted scene of Ramuda talking to Ichijiku about how it was “okay if FP lost the tournament as long as they went up to the semi finales” (which they did), so like by that point while in the tracks we didn’t know their connections, in the manga we definitly know. I love that they kept the gravity of the reveal from the drama track and it still works with how bad of an impact Ichijiku has on Ramuda for him to shift completely at every single of her sentences, and i guess it still works bc it tells you that in her intervention she was still keeping a hold on Ramuda somehow. It is just.. an interesting way it drifted from the original material.
-As usual the art from this chapter was absolutly outstanding. Maaaan for a chapter that just adapts Know Your Enemy FPvM i didn’t think it’d have much to discuss about, even the translating team just went “we can’t go in depth it’s just the drama track” but i find that the work in the details of the artworks to make the drama track come to life is absolutly fantastic.
Next chapter is out in 2 days and should adapt just a friend...... ✌ now THAT will be fun.
I hope i’ll manage to get my hand on the chapter quick though, i got chap 9 after a month so......... weep..... please gimme protective Dice early....
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sherlockxreader · 7 years
Requests Update!!!
A/N: This is the order in which we received these requests. I’m going to try writing them in the order we’ve gotten them so expect this to also be the rough order in which they’re posted. 
Also of yours isn’t here and it was sent in before the requests closed, I’ve probably lost it somewhere. Feel free to resend it (make sure to specify that it was before the close off please!!) and I’ll work out roughly where it’s meant to be in the list. Thanks guys!
- Maddy
1.  Could you do a fic where the reader gets her hair cut short like a boy and Mycroft and Sherlock make fun of her and she starts crying but John thinks she looks beautiful and confesses his feelings for her to cheer her up? And then they kiss or something? Thx! - anonymous
2.  Can u please do a reader x Sherlock where the reader is a Muslim, wears a headscarf and is British Bengali. Sorry that’s super specific but I never see anything like that. Also your writing skills are awesome. Thanks soooo muxh if u can do it and I absolutely understand if u cant. Thnx xx - anonymous
3.  Hey it’s me again Haha so I was hoping if I could request that reader is Tony Stark’s Daughter (or maybe sister would work better for you?) and she manages to drag her boyfriend coughSherlockcough to America during a holiday to meet him(?) that was my idea and I know it’s a really weird and specific niche of fic but if you guys are comfortable with it ik you’re the best ones to pull it off - anonymous
4.  could i get a sherlock x reader with prompts 92, 95, 97? Its a bit of an odd request sorry - anonymous
5.  Can I make a Sherlock x male!reader request and they’re married (that is why Sherlock is so unfazed by other people) anyway, he just shows up one day and people are clueless as to how Sherlock snatched up such a gentlemen and why they’ve never met him before (except mycroft and mrs Hudson ofc) Thanks~🎉 - anonymous
6.  Hey I was wondering if you could please write a mycroftxdaughter!reader where he wakes up in the cell in Sherrinford to find her next to him and how he would help through all the different stages of it. Thanks :) - anonymous
7. Hellooo What do you think about a Sherlockxreader in which the reader is a hacker working for the government and one day Mycroft brings her to Baker Street to help Sherlock and John with a case? And could you make her personality very smart and sassy? Thanks ❤️ - M (asked as anonymous)
8. could you please write a fluff where Sherlock and reader are getting married(small ceremony) and Sherlock is really really nervous, ending with beautiful vows? thank you :) - @narcissistvirgolady
9. a Sherlock x reader where the reader gets really angry at Sherlock for being distant lately with his cases, so he decides to surprise her ( the reader ) with a carefully planned date. Hope it is possible! - @justoneystrdy 
10.  Could u write a oneshot where the reader is Sherlocks daughter and the reader is pregnant and she is pretty far along in her pregnancy so she struggles to do super simple things and Sherlock and john keep offering to help and they try to help her but she is determined to do it herself, but after a long frustrating day she gives in to the help? - anonymous
11.  Hey! I was wondering if I could request a Sherlock x reader where they are married and expecting a baby and Sherlock is all frantic, but the moment he holds his child he knows is the moment that he waited all along. By the way, I love your blog! I wish I had those writing skills😂 - anonymous
12.  Hey! I was wondering if you could do a request (series or oneshot whatever) that takes place after Mary died, but instead of Sherlock receiving the CD Y/N receives it, and Mary tells her she has to save John and Sherlock otherwise they’ll pretty much self-destruct?? And Y/N gets herself kidnapped or something to bring those two back together?? Whatever you want! Also, could Nyla do this one?? If not, I understand. - @anonymous-requests
13.  Sup! Could you guys make a one Shot about Sherlock meeting Mycroft and his new Assistant (Y/N) (cuz Anthea was snitching with Irene i think) and Y/N is late at first. She’s very Young, around 20 and he makes a joke about Mycroft picking high schoolers or so idk haha, and clumsy and sentiment and all lol And when he deducts her he knows she’s having a depression and all and he have to nice and idk sorry ig ITS Long , was a Dream of last Night tbh hahah Btw Love your side 🙏🏻 - anonymous
14.  Hiii this is for Maddy Could u do a request where John, Sherlock and the reader are working on a case and u (reader) ends up getting shot and rushed to the hospital and John and Sherlock go into a rage trying to find shooter to the point where Mycroft is unsure of what either might do once they find the man and he goes to u who is recovering and u (can reader be girl?) have to hunt them down to stop them from doing something theyll both regret but then something shocking happens to u? Angsty plz - anonymous
15.  So there’s these two songs I absolutely love, and I was wondering if someone could do a songfic for one of them (“Oh My Love” by Silver Trees or “Dear Doubt” by Michael Schulte) where Sherlock thinks the reader is dead but receives a note that could only be from her except no one believes him, thinking its a prank, but then she shows asking for his forgiveness and he refuses to forgive her, avoiding her at all cost. Maybe sad, or bittersweet, ending??? Also, I love you all you’re all AMAZING ❤️❤ - anonymous
16. Can you do a request where Sherlock and Y/N are best friends, where she gets to see a side of him where he laughs until he cries and he shows his emotions to her sometimes, but they’re only best friends. She loves to pull pranks on people constantly, especially cruel pranks on Sally and Anderson for everything they say to Sherlock, but she does and it’s all really hilarious to both of them, and Molly of course gets super jealous and a bunch of girls do which makes it funnier to them?? And can you add in prompts “THERE’S SO MUCH BLOOD” and “Huh. And I thought /I/ was dramatic.” (Srry can’t remember the prompt numbers!) thanks!!!! Also, could Maddy write this?? If not that’s okay - @anonymous-requests
17.  Could you do a Mycroft x Reader were the Reader sees him every day but dont know who he is and is absolutly fascinated by the way he is and looks like? And someday he ask her how she could know he is the british government and she is all alike ‘what? No ich dont know anything about you’ - anonymous
18. Hey are the requests still open? :3 Could you do 6 and 25 with sherlock x fem! Reader? If not its alright aswell, i like your writingstyle :3 - @konankami
19.  Are you guys still accepting the numbered requests? I’d so, could you please do 16,20,and 26? I love all of your​ guys’ writing skills!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ - anonymous
20.  Hey! Could i get a sherlock x reader, where she is an old friend of John’s and she comes to 221b to catch up with him and Sherlock falls in love with her but he thinks she’s dating John and they (her and John) decide to prank Sherlock by pretending to 'get jiggy with it’ and it ends with her dating sherlock? Sorry if it seems weird xx - anonymous
21.  Could you do one with Moriarty? 6,8,19,36,64,117 Sorry if its too much - anonymous
22.  Hey! Could you do a Sherlock x reader where the reader doesn’t have any hair and she’s low key insecure about it and one day Sherlock just kind of deduces it and tries to tell her that she’s ridiculous in his own way ( so like not :“what do you mean, you look great!” Because I, myself have experienced that and it doesn’t actually make you feel any better) Sorry if this was really long…. Thank You❤️❤️❤️(love the acc) - anonymous
23.  Hello love! I have a request for a Sherlock imagine. After ten long years of no meeting with Sherlcok because reader suddenly disappears, she is now a client of Sherlock and brings her daughter with her. Little did he know she was as intelligent as him because he’s the father. Thanks a bunch!!! - anonymous
24.  hello, can i request a sherlockxreader imagine?when he’s “engaged” with janine, the reader didn’t like her and when john wants to tell her about s&j’s relationship, she makes comments abt her (like “she seemed quite arrogant, an opportunist"etc) but then she discovers the thing and is sad bc she likes sherlock, what are the others reactions? sorry i love your blog - anonymous
25.  Hi um I was wondering if you could write me a Sherlock x reader where reader is shy and insecure because of there disability a limp when they walk as she thinks it makes her ugly so she tries to hide it when she meets people by concentrating on her walking but Sherlock analyses her and sees she is insecure and tells her she shouldn’t be because she’s beautiful I know this sounds fluffy and is specific but if you could do it or something similar I would really appreciate it either way thank you x -anonymous
26.  i wanted to request a sherlock x reader where he notices her having trouble breathing etc and he finds out about her binding and he helps her buy a binder and she says her pronouns are they/them? thank you for everything xxx - anonymous
27.  Hi i have an imagine request, a jealous sherlock x reader, where she’s an artist (illustrator or painter or something) and she’s having a lot of activities with her artist peers and he gets jealous and insecure bc they have way more things in common w her than he has (as they are complete opposites in their lifestyles lol). Just fluff and fun, thanksss ily all💙 - anonymous
28.  Could you do a 1,24,31 Mycroft imagine,where the reader gets shot by Moriarty. - anonymous
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Birthday? What Birthday?
Request from anon: Hi absolutly love your imagines, would you write an imagine about the reader being in neck deep into work and forgetting that it's her/his birthday and everyone throwing a party for the reader? Perhaps with focus on Golds chara?
Note: Hope this is okay! Haven’t written much in the way of Gold yet :)
Gold x Reader
Words: 1,556
Disclaimer: None of the GIFs used are mine so all credit goes to their creators <3
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Why on earth had you decided to open up a bakery? Back in the early stages it had seemed like a brilliant idea, one that might have even paid off after a while, but instead of watching as the profits rolled in you found yourself working ridiculous hours and only just managing to make ends meet. So much for this venture shaping your future! You didn’t even know what time it was right now but given how extremely tired you felt and how deserted the street was outside it was safe for you to assume that it was definitely sometime in the early hours of the morning. Another batch of pastries was in the oven and finally, for the first time, you could allow yourself to sit down and take a five-minute break As soon as you sat down onto the chair the full force of your exhaustion hit you and before you could stop them from doing so your eyes closed shut.
It was only when an acrid smell invaded your nostrils that you were pulled out of the sleep you never even knew you had fallen into. As your eyes fluttered open a look of disgust etched its way onto your face as the horrid smell not only started to burn the inside of your nose but also caused you to begin coughing as it was joined by thick black smoke… …wait…smoke?! “No, no, no!” Immediately you were up on your feet as you dashed through the smoke and towards the oven you knew it to be originating from. The pastries that had been baking inside of it were beyond cremated now, so much so that when you finally managed to remove the tray the charred remains of them hit the air around you and instantly flew off and fell to the floor. Apparently some higher power didn’t think this situation was bad enough for you though and as soon as the smoke grazed the ceiling the sprinklers in the shop were activated and you now found yourself stood in what was essentially a downpour of rain. “Great….just great!”
“Having a few problems dearie?” A familiar voice broke you out of the panicked state you were in and as the water from the sprinkler continued to soak you your eyes fell upon your friend Gold. Of course he wasn’t getting wet because he was the sensible one who used his magic to protect himself from it. “Here let me help.”
With a wave of his hand the sprinklers stopped and any remaining smoke was forced out of the building. It would have been a relief to you that it was over had it not been for the fact that you could now see all the destruction as clear as day.
“Thanks.” You grumbled as you just looked at the mess rather than making any move to tidy it up. “This is what I get for trying to be productive.”
“I still don’t understand why you refuse to use your magic [y/n] it would make all of this a lot easier for you.” You shoot a glare over at your friend, annoyed that this was coming up into the conversation again, and moved over to where you kept the mop. This was not a conversation you were going to go into and he knew it…..which is probably why he quickly changed the topic. “Anyway I didn’t come over here to give you a lecture…”
“You sure about that?”
“Well I know I am not the best at sentimental conversations or anything but I am hardly going to scold someone on their birthday am I?” I was nowhere near close to having mopped all the mess up when something about a birthday was mentioned and I quirked a single eyebrow at him, confused. “Seriously? You have forgotten your own birthday?”
If you were perfectly honest it had been the last thing on your mind with all the work you had found yourself doing recently so you simply shrugged your shoulder and continued to mop up the remaining water on the floor.
“Birthdays aren’t really my thing. I can hardly take time out to celebrate something that happens every year when I have so much work to do.”
“You always help to make everyone else’s special in this town so I’m not going to allow you to just hide away and not celebrate it.”
“Gold, really, it’s fi-“ I looked up to speak to him directly only to find that he had done one of his disappearing tricks….again. “Great! I don’t even want to know what he has planned…”
                                             * * * * * * * * * *
It had been a full 8 hours since you had seen Gold and you hadn’t seen anything of him or heard a word from him. Some people in this town would have seen such a thing as a gift but you just saw it as suspicious. Especially given what he had said before he disappeared from your shop.
He was definitely up to something.
This was only confirmed each and every time a customer wandered into the bakery with grins plastering their faces. You had no time to question anyone though because as soon as they had their pastries, cakes, or whatever it was they had ordered they quickly raced out of the building.
It wasn’t until you were closing up the shop that you heard the very person you were suspicious about clearing his throat from behind you.
“Now that is most certainly not what the birthday girl should be showing up to her own party in.”
“Please tell me you didn’t.”
All he offered you was a mischievous smirk as he waved his hand to rid you of your dirty work clothes and instead replace them with a gorgeous knee-length black dress with a nice pair of heels. Not a bad choice for him really….he was creeping back into your good books for sure.
Once he saw that you were happy with the outfit he held out his arm and waited for you to links yours around it. He wasn’t always the most pleasant of people, even to you, but if there was anything he was adamant on it was that he acted like a gentleman when the time called for it.
He walked you over to the heart of the town, Granny’s diner, you had made so many friends in this place and although some bad confrontations had happened in this place the good ones far outweighed them so you were more than happy that out of all the places he could have chosen for your party this is the one he settled on.
As you walked through the doors you could see that the place was packed full of the faces that you had grown so close to. Any sense of exhaustion soon dissipated and was consumed instead by excitement at the thought of spending some time with them all.
The first one to meet you at the door in the form of throwing his arms around you was young Henry and instantly your face lit up.
“Happy Birthday [y/n]!
“Thanks Henry. You are growing up far too quickly by the way…..stop!”
You let out a small laugh before returning his embrace as The Charmings headed your way. Snow was the first to wrap her arms around you before David placed a soft kiss onto your cheek.
“You kept this one far too quiet [y/n]….now that Snow knows you won’t be able to from now on.”
He smiled at you before taking Snow’s hand and stepping back up to the bar of the diner. You had plenty more people to speak to, a lot of whom you hadn’t seen for a few days now, but there was one person in particular you wanted to put your attention on at the moment. He had sat himself at a booth in the far corner of the diner, not being one to particularly like socialising at these events, and so as the others guests helped themselves to the food Granny had put on you slid yourself onto the same seat he was on and rested your head on top of his shoulder.
You felt his body tense at the closeness but you ignored it. He had just made your week so he was going to have to deal with it.
“Thank you.”
“For what? I was just making sure that the tradition of a birthday took place when it should.��
“Of course. Well…..” Making sure that no one else heard you the volume of your voice lowered to that of a whisper as you moved towards his ear. “….I like to think there is a bit of a softer side to you that you tend to keep hidden so, still, thank you for this.”
“You are most welcome [y/n] now go…..have fun for once.”
Throwing a mock salute in his direction you dragged yourself out of the booth before making your way into the crowd of people. If this is how good it felt to be with the ones you cared about, minus the stresses of work on top of you, then you really did need to start thinking of slowing down.
Good things didn’t always last long in this town. Each minute needed to be appreciated.
Permanent tag (now open): @fallenfairy16@brieflybigwonderland @gayvvarden
(anyone who wants to be added just let me know!)
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oneunicornaway · 7 years
The Hetero/Bi Crisis (WonderWoman spoilers)
(It was first just called the hetero crisis, because it’s a funny title, but as far as I’m concerned, Diana is bi or pan, so I had to correct it in order to be precise)
Soooo, I just had a thought, okay?
Let’s rethink about context and its implications in Wonder Woman.
So first, if you think about it: Diana probably has little to no experience when it comes to actual sexual encounters at the beginning of the film. She used to be the only child on the island, so it stands to reason that most amazones would feel kind of weird to have sex with her, even once she grew up, and I’m sure that the one who didn’t feel weird about it were faced with Hippolyte and Antiope’s policy, which probably was “There will be no pieces left of you to be found if you even think about touching her.”.
So, even though Diana had a masterclass on sex in the form of Clito’s book, she doesn’t have much first hand experience (and she’s what? the equivalent of 25, something like that?). She grew up in a island who had romantic involvment of women, and she was led to believe than men were sort of useless. (By the way, the woman who rushes by Antiope’s side is either her wife/girlfriend, or a medic, and considering they are warriors and have been training for thousands of years, it stands to reason that any Amazon, including Diana and her mom, are skilled enough to at least operate minor surgery, so it most likely isn’t a medic...) So she has what we would call I guess a lesbian standard. Because even thought she believed she was going to discover the world at some point, it was also a very distant possibility. Basically, she expected to have a relationship with a woman.
And also, can I say? Diana probably had a crush or two on the older amazons (because they are cool and awesome, and most kids get crushes on older cool people) but she also would imagine what other women, outside the island, were like. Because as attractive as amazones are, they also kind of all look the same, in the sense that they are all made for combat, tall and muscled. So maybe she has fantasies about finding other types of women in the wide world. Like small or big women, who have soft edges instead of muscles, and would be ultra cute and also have spine and stuff (which is why I’m sure she was absolutly delighted to meet Etta, who is the first foreign woman she sees and looks nothing like an amazone, and is super cute and nice and fun and still has the determination to fight for her rights). And she might also think of men, but she doesn’t have much references for those, and Clito’s books make them seem violent, loud-mouthed and boring, so she wonders but she doesn’t have that much interest in them, and most likely next to no, or no romantic or sexual expectations when it comes to men.
So when Steve arrives on the island, it’s a great change for Diana. He comes from the outside world, and he’s a man. And like, she’s kind of lost because he is sort of cute...? and attractive...? and Diana absolutely doesn’t have time to re-read her copy of Clito’s volume about men, because she remembers very well the chapter on anatomie and stuff, but nothing about men being cute or attractive, and is that normal? Is she normal?? Because if you think logically, there is no reason for her to find a guy attractive, and what if she likes that guy, but he is in fact just like Clito’s books described, and she is weirdly biased??? So she has a whole freak out about the fact that she sort of like this guy, that has a very cute face and has a mix and confidence and uneasiness which is very different from the kind of confindence amazones have. And she is confused and perpexled about it during the whole boat trip, but then she has to save the world and but awesome, so she pushes it aside for when she has the time.
So yeah, I just thought it was funny, that with Diana’s perspective and environment, there is no way she doesn’t freak out about finding Steve cute, because to her, the standard is a couple of two women, not the “usual” hetero-couple. Also now, I have given myself the headcannon, that at the end of the war, she finds herself holding a long standing crush for Etta, who just goes on being awesome and reclaiming her rights in Britain.
Sorry for this post being all-over the place: I’m not used to making this kind of thing ^^. And sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes as well, because there most certainly are some that I haven’t found while proof-reading.
Bye :)
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