#like god i get it. youre already booked. but dont GHOST ME
applejongho · 9 months
I need new friends . Lmao
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Chapter 14(?) of "Better late than never"
Soapghost, flights and cartoons.
Sorry for the long wait but I had some real life drama. I hope that this will bring you all some joy as I decided to bring SoapGhost on a little vacation! I mostly focused in this one on a let's say build up for the next chapters but I managed to make them watch cartoons while at it ❤️
The days in the UK were starting to be unbearably hot, so much that day to day life on the base was getting insufferable. Morning jogs weren't bringing him any satisfaction as he was dripping sweat after just a few minutes outside, not even running yet. His usual morning coffee was undrinkable in this weather, even Ghost has ditched his boiling hot tea. 
The only positive of this horrendous weather was that Ghost not only abandoned his drink of choice but also his usual get up. Now Soap had the great pleasure of seeing Ghost's arms every day. Which- dont get him wrong, he knew it sounded lame but with the amount of clothes Ghost usually wears this was a treat.
But even that wasn't salvaging how he felt on base. All he was thinking about now was a vacation, swimming and drinking cold beer.
And remember how he promised Ghost that he’d take him to the beach one day? He was going to make it happen. 
Half of his plan was already done. The easy part which was convincing Price to give him AND Ghost a leave. What was important was that the leave for Ghost was not yet discussed with the man himself because Soap knew that he wouldn't want to take it himself.
Price didn't even raise his eyes from his ashtray when Soap burst into his office with his request.
"...and ah think that a wee break would do us both some good. Si- Ghost will agree if-"
"MacTavish, I signed off on your leave already during your rambling. If you will successfully convince Simon to actually go? Son, I will give you the best box of cigars I own, because that muppet has been postponing his leave for years and I never could convince him.... you though? I believe you can, so good luck." Price waved him off.
Soap let out an amused chuckle. "Thanks, cap."
"Oh and Soap?" Price stopped him before he could get out.
"Thank you. For taking care of him. He is... calmer now, since you are around." Price looked at Soap with that knowing eyes of his.
Soap just stood there for a second, a warm feeling spreading through his chest knowing that maybe he was making a difference for Simon. He allowed himself a gentle smile.
"It's... It's good tae hear. I think he is good for me too, Price."
Soap stood before Ghost's bedroom door, mentally getting ready for the conversation. But he set himself a goal and he was going to achieve it, if he has to he will bribe the lieutenant into agreeing.
Deep breath.
He enters.
The doors open just how he expected. Ghost sat on his bed, legs spread out a bit with his elbows perched on his knees. He was reading a book, not raising his eyes from it when Soap entered. He was clearly feeling as hot and miserable as the sergeant did since his balaclava was nowhere to be seen, his hair flowing thanks to the turned on fan.
How Ghost knew every time that it was him who entered the room was beyond him.
"Hm?" Ghost hummed, clearly not having any energy to even lift his head.
"Pack yer things." Soap set on quick and direct approach. No beating around the bush.
 He quickly regretted his choice when he saw how quickly Ghost had whipped his head up to look at him. Worry and a bit of panic visible on his face without the cover.
"Did something happen? Are we getting moved?"
"God, no-"
"Are they moving me?" 
"No, we are fine, Simon. Relax, dear god." Soap sat at the foot of the bed. 
"Then the fuck do you mean, Soap?" Ghost visibly relaxed.
“We have a flight to Scotland in like 3 hours and you really should be already packed.” Johnny said casually. Ghost looked at him like he grew a second head.
“Did Price send us out on a mission that I apparently don’t know about?”
“Yes, mission codename- vacation.” Soap clapped his hands together.
Ghost still looked confused.
“I am taking you on leave, Lt.”
“No, no you don’t.”
“Yes, yes ah do. It’s decided, Price signed on it. Noo c’moan, I will help ya, a’m already packed.”
“What do you mean? I didn’t agree.”
“Yeah, you never do.” Soap opened Ghost’s wardrobe. “I wouldn’t be taking a lot of those hoodies, one is enough just in case.”
Ghost was still sat on the bed. “I am not going, Johnny.”
Soap sighed, turning to Ghost. “Alright, tell me one, one reason fur how come ye don’t wanna go.”
“I don’t do well in public transport and you know it.”
“That’s the dumbest excuse you ever had and yes, you are right. I do, know that.”
“Business class flight- no one will bother yer ass.”
Ghost was slightly taken aback before he came back to his annoyed face. “Well, Glasgow is too… busy for me.”
“Who said we are going to Glasgow? I promised to take you to the beach, remember?”
Ghost averted his eyes and looked to the side. He nodded slightly.
“St Andrews is a wee coastal town. It’s calm there and it’s bloody gorgeous. I planned this Ghost, thought about this a lot. Yer gonna have to try harder.”
“Ok.” Ghost raised his eyes at soap. “I am going to feel useless and fucking awful. Every time I am off base I feel like a piece of shit. Is that enough of an excuse? I don’t belong out there anymore.”
Soap sat next to Ghost again. “Yeah, you don’t belong there by yourself. Ye deserve someone to go with you and spend time with ye.”
“I promise you won’t regret it. Fucking pinkie promise.” He held out his little finger to Ghost.
Ghost raised his eyes to the ceiling. “You are something else, MacTavish…”
“Is that a ‘yes’?”
“But I don’t pay for shit.”
Soap laughed and took Simon's hand in his to finally hook their pinkies together. “I promise.”
And so their journey to Scotland began.
Soap knew that public airports weren’t Ghost’s favorite thing, probably on the very bottom on that list actually. So he made sure that he booked an early flight and arrived with Ghost at such an hour so they missed the big crowd that would usually gather there.
Of course Ghost being Ghost for the most part was still brooding and it was a nightmare to get through security with him since it was beeping all over. The daft bastard refused to leave his knives so Soap had to stand there and watch Ghost hand over all of the unnecessary metal he had attempted to bring on the flight.
He had an immense urge to slap the lieutenant on the back of his head.
After lots of explanations and Soap’s charm they were allowed on board. Ghost looked surprised when they entered the plane and saw really expensive looking seats, where every one or two seat had its own private “box”. 
Soap read their tickets and showed Ghost a box in the back. Ghost wouldn’t be lying if he said that it was probably the most comfortable and expensive thing he ever sat his ass on. He wondered how first class looked if this was business.
Soap put their luggage on the shelf over their heads and they could finally take a seat.
“Yep?” Johnny answered as the pilot’s voice started to soak through the speakers about safety and yada, yada, yada.
“How much did this cost?”
“Don’t worry aboot it. I have some saved money since ah don’t spend a lot from what I get and that's a crakin' occasion tae spend it”
“I would have survived the economy, you didn’t have too.”
“No, ah knew ye would have. But ye wouldn’t enjoy it.”
“I still don’t get why take me then.”
Soap let out an exasperated huff and rolled his eyes. “When will ye get that ah like you near me? It wouldn’t be fun If you stayed on base and I promised you beach.”
 Soap could see Ghost smile gently under his surgical mask and his ears blushed ever so slightly even though he was looking out of the plane’s window at something.
“Where are we even staying?” 
“It’s not a ‘need to know’” The Scot mocked Ghost’s voice and smirked.
“Soap.” Ghost side eyed the Scot.
“Just joking, Lt. Ma’ family has a vacation house there, so at least a’m saving on that.”
Ghost hummed in acknowledgment, but then he squinted and turned his head to the side. 
“Did you tell your family about this?”
“Just my sister. If I told my ma’ she would cut my head off for not spending my leave with them.But I need to relax and not be obliterated with my family being… well my family.” Soap reached into his hand bag in search of something. “Don’t get me wrong- they are lovely. But I would rather spend it with you this time.”
Ghost tried not to think too much about that sentence and its meaning.
“Got it!” Soap pulled out a tablet out of his bag. “The flight won’t be long, but I thought we could watch something.” He opened his saved movies and series. “Fancy a horror?”
“Not really.” Ghost looked at the tablet’s screen.
“Don’t tell me the big, bad Ghost is scared?”
“Have enough horrors on the daily, don’t you think?”
“...Fair. You are right. What about….” He started scrolling through his collection but got stopped by Ghost.
“What’s that?” He pointed at a header with a blue cartoon dog.
“Oh.” Soap chuckled. “I watched it with my niece on my last leave. It was surprisingly really fucking good so I saved it. I watched it a few times after missions- to unwind I suppose. Now you can laugh at me for watching cartoons.”
“I can’t judge- I don’t remember if I ever watched any cartoons.” Ghost sounded a bit distant.
“There is no way ye didn’t have a cartoon ye absolutely loved. Looney Tunes?”
Ghost just shook his head.
“Come on, Scooby-Doo? The Addams family? …You look like an Addams Family guy.”
“No, I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean.” Ghost crossed his arms.
“You- seriously? Nothin’?” 
Ghost shrugged and fixed his eyes on the tablet. “Never had… the luxury as a kid I guess.”
‘Luxury?’ Thought Soap, but decided not to pry. “Ah mean- it’s never too late. We can watch this if ye want.”
“It’s whatever.” ‘I really want to.’
Soap smirked and pressed play on the first episode of Bluey. He plugged in his earphones and passed one to Ghost.
Even though the cable was long enough for them to not sit close, Ghost leaned closer to Johnny and pressed their shoulders together. They both relaxed into the seats as the happy tune of the cartoon started.
Soap fell asleep after the first 15 minutes, probably exhausted by the stress of getting Ghost on the plane. But Simon didn’t and after the first episode came another and another. He didn’t even notice when he rested his head on Johnny’s shoulder and started chuckling at all the things the little dog characters were doing. And if the episodes made him feel a bit jealous or sad because he never got to experience half of the love those characters were showing to one another it was only for a second. Because he got one glance at the man resting his head against his own, his face relaxed, crow feet visible at the corners of his eyes and he thought. “Yeah, maybe it’s really never too late.” 
I want to thank all my beta readers from Twitter especially Hel and I am looking forward to reading your comments ☺️
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vyladromeave · 1 year
If MCD gets turned into a book I am almost certain the autism ghosts will possess me again and I’ll have to making a 5 hour long rant with a conspiracy style string chart on my wall
GOD mcd as a book genuinely makes me both so excited and terrified at the same time. I've had this ask sitting in my inbox for like a day now because idk entirely how to voice all the opinions i have about this. AT THE VERY LEAST: It's cool that Jess hasn't forgotten entirely about MCD, and while it sounds like the plans to continue myst are more clear/doable (its the same format she's always done, all it takes is for her to write a conclusion she feels satisfied with. which is definitely a large feat but it feels more in-reach than expanding on mcd right now), its cool that theres still an interest for MCD as well.
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CONTINUING: MCD continuation sounds like it is not in reach right now, and not entirely a priority either. It's not even in pre-production yet, it sounds like she hasn't even decided on a format to release it as, which means relatively zero work has gone into making that yet. (Beyond the guideline that has already been written for it in the form of the existing MCD story that we know and are familiar with.) We don't even know if it would be a book!! JESS doesn't even know if it would be a book!! I don't know how I'd feel about it if it WAS a book! She's been vocal about wanting something akin to an anime or animated series before iirc (though i dont remember the source for this so correct me if im wrong), so it could be that thats still something she wants to pursue with and getting a whole animated show at a good quality is hard! I don't know!!! Nobody knows!!!! (And I don't know if she's ever even produced anything aside from Youtube Video Storytelling/RP series. Sure she has a very successful toy line, but that's not really a writing/storytelling medium. And I guess there's the music videos, but those are... um......... bad........ And we know she's no stranger to fanfic, thanks to the fucklist if nothing else, but i've literally never SEEN her writing go towards something that wasnt a Minecraft Youtube Video. On this note, if anyone is familiar with work Jess/the team has done for something that ISNT the medium of things she posts to her youtube channel, please send it my way I'd be very interested in checking it out.)
I think I'm glad that at the very least, it wont be produced in the same style as her modern rps (the style used for mcds3 + modern mystreet content + Rebirth too actually...) because I really don't enjoy that style... to me a big part of MCD honestly is the fact that things are for the most part kept in Aphmau's POV of things, something they ditch alot in modern rp content. But switching that format to something else might not lend to telling it the same way. Which is scary to me!! (honestly I personally think mcd would function really well as a first person visual novel or something along those lines. but if anything, that might require more writing than a book would, since there'd be choices and paths...) And obviously ppl HAVE attempted things similar to retelling mcd as a book before, there might be more MCD rewrites out there than MCD fanfics at this point tbh im not blind. But there's still the difficulty of being able to tell that story well in a medium it was not originally produced in/arguably meant for.
There's also the point of: I don't really Like a lot of the more recent choices Jess has made with MCD's story somewhat recently. The stuff with Irene in Mystreet just feels like a mess, I don't like the idea of the two having crossover. And while Rebirth for the most part was pretty good, there are still some things I have gripes with, mostly with how Aphmau is presented as a character and agency problems she's had since all the way back in mcd s2. There's a very real possibility that I just wont enjoy MCD as the way Jess wants to tell it now. And thats like fine, obviously, but it is also a little disheartening.
and then there's the point of: still knowing that i probably won't like how it ends, WE WILL LIKELY GET AN ACTUAL END. can you imagine that. MCD with an ending. a canon ending. I doubt it would be in the first installment of whatever MCD gets published as (if it gets published at all), seeing as even in Rebirth jess was planning on it having 2 seasons, but still. Even if I don't like the ending, the idea that there will BE ONE OUT THERE for me to bounce off of is incredible to me.
when it comes down to it: i honestly don't have much hopes of MCD ever being officially finished in any capacity. I hate to be a downer about it so soon after news that Should be Good. But the fact that she doesn't even know what MEDIUM she wants it to be in is not a good sign. If it Will ever be officially published in some form, it's likely it won't be for a very very long time. Not like mcd fans are strangers to waiting, but still. As a professional MCD Waiter, I would not be surprised if we are left waiting forever. It happened with original mcd, it happened with rebirth, i do not doubt it will continue happening for a very long time. I'm scared to get my hopes up for a finished story of any kind, because it's never approached Finished before. Its very hard for me to get excited over something I know will likely be abandoned, possibly before it's even been started.
but yeah if we get mcd book ill read it probably. ya know. whatever or something. <guy who is trying not to look like he cares about this a lot
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babiebom · 1 year
Im a Bit curious about who your favorite characters are from the fandoms your writing for (also love your taste in kpop)
PS: k-drama recommendation
- Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
- Until we meet again (it's thai but still good)
- The sadness (Korean film)
- How may I help you
- Mouse
- Lovenest
- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
- Style (from 2009)
Ohoohoo~ anon you fell into my trap I love ranting about my faves also thank you(x3) for the recs Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is one of my favorite kdramas and Park Boyoung is like my third favorite actress so I already know your taste is good without having seen anything else also putting my faves below the cut because only god himself can stop me now. (I promise I will try to keep this short and sweet)
Warnings: spoilers for some series, cursing, bit of sus wording and thoughts yknow
Stardew Valley
Sebastian (Sebby/Seb/Loml)
Can you tell that I'm a sucker for grumpy bf x sunshine gf tropes????
Honestly along with the reader insert fic in gonna write(lets hope I finish it) I wanna write maybe a Seb x OC or something idkidk
Of the bachelorettes Penny is my favorite bc shes lowkey me (I sometimes teach kids and I want to have a bunch of them love housewife vibes)
In ridgeside so far Phillip is my favorite mostly bc I don't know the others that well amd im only gifting 6 people at a time and he just so happened to get picked he's so cute I love it when people are passionate about something
In Stardew Valley Extended Victor is the loml like yeah he's a rich guy but he also seems like a huge nerd and I love him
Also Claire(the joja mart girl) my tired queen plus
Also in terms of the kids Yuuma>Jas>Vincent>Trinnie>Keahi
Mystic Messenger
At first I was a Zen girl
Then I was a Yoosung girl
Then I was a Jaehee girl
Then I was a Jumin girl
And now I'm in my final form as a Saeyoung girl
I love him so much my man my man
I played this game for MONTHS like I was at school pulling my phone out to hurry through a chat room so i didn't miss anything
Was waking up in the middle of the night
The chokehold these men had on my PLS
Five Nights At Freddy's
Ok so at first i hated this game bc im a crybaby and it scared me so bad
Also bc I had an intense fear of animatronics and people in the mascot suits as a kid after going to chuck e cheese and being terrified of the things om stage and then getting stuck in a ride its a whole thing omfg
But then security breach came out and I was like oh? Why'd they make the animatronics sexy????? So like the first couple of games I dont have a favorite(except i think Chica is ugly dont hate me) bc like theyre kid souls but since the sb animatronics arent ghost kids indo have a favorite
Which is Monty
I love him he is my gator man<3333 also justice for Foxy I know he would've been cute af.
Dead By Daylight
Killerwise Ghostface is my favorite
And I know its a basic bitch answer but omfg that man could be the cause of my demise and I would say thank you
Also Oni is cool
Also trickster is cute
Womanwise for killer the Artist is my favorite shes so pretty I love her
I hate specifically wesker and the twins I feel like i needed to add this BC I hate them so much also Freddy kreuger but like thats obvious bc its included in my rules
Survivors I love are Leon(again basic bitch answer) Jake Park, Dwight, and theres more but i cant remember r n
For women its Nea(I main her), Meg, Ada, Kate, Elodie, again theres more but I cant remember and my brain is hurting
I do not like feng min or whatsherface the kpop manager lady bc of how people play them
Team Edward or Jacob?
I am an Emmett girl
I am also a Seth girl
They have been the loves of my life since the movies came out
When I read the books I liked Carlisle the most <3
Honestly twilight making a comeback was the best tike for me bc of all the new content people were making
I love the series pls
Also again Womanwise Rosalie is the loml
Also alice
Also Esme
Also Leah
Pls the women are so amazing
Harry Potter
Also lemme preface this by saying I do not agree with jkr or anything she has been saying
But I did get into this fandom a couple years ago when i was in high school because of a friend
And I do still love the series but now I only consume fanmade things
That being said Remis Lupin has my heart
Also Fred and George
And Cedric
And if anyone wanted to know my house I am a Hufflepuff<3
The Outsiders
Through and through I am a Dallas girl
Can yall tell my type yet?
When reading the book I was also a Johnny girl and I literally wanted the best for him and was so mad When he DID NOT GET IT
Now that I'm older that entire situation is bullshit
Like as a 22 year old that still lives with her family the thought of having to take care of myself plus younger siblings with no help and also have the house where everyone hangs out stresses me out
Like I love my little sister but i am so glad my parents have raised us to have and keep jobs even if we hate it bc I know she would help me with everything
Like I know Soda helped as much as he could but GOD bad situation for everyone
Johnny did not deserve the ending he got
The Walking Dead
Okay so lemme just say that I am into dilfs this is a dilf loving safe space idc
Rick can get it and him being lowkey insane is attractive (do not be like me pls)
Love his long hair
Also had a crush on Carl when he was in the show (he is a year older than me im not a creep)
I have not gotten to later seasons so maybe there are still cute people idk i need to re watch
I also hated Lori and Shane with a passion
I still do
I cannot imagine hooking up with my husbands friend of my friends husband or whateverbskkakslal
I will rant on and on about this it genuinely makes me mad
I do however love Maggie and Peggy(is this her name? The sister?) We love country girls
I am a Michonne simp through and through
I am a simple lady
Cool woman with sword? Count me in
Once Upon A Time
Though I hate Regina I find her so attractive its not even funny
When I was younger i had a huge crush on Peter Pan
Now rewatching I am a Captain Hook Simp
Also Mad Hatter
Also Ruby
Also Graham in season 1 if anyone remembers him
Gawd these men
Ruby number 1 IDC IDC
Also Mulan
I have also not gotten super far in this show
I'm gonna just list my favorites bc like I already feel super exposed and im writing all of this in one go bc I am so excited to share but my phone is broken
So number one is Steve im so mad he went back to Peggy but at the same time he deserves happiness
Number two Bucky again im a basic girl and tragic men attract me idk
Peter loml so cute also the only spiderman movies ive seen dont kill me
Wanda love her still have not seen Multiverse of madness last thing i watched is wandavison
Loved pietro
Thor my bb
I cannot think of any more
Doctor Who
I guess this one is going to be different because I have only seen new who and I do not dislike any doctor at all so i guess imma just rank them
9th(watched his season twice once when I was younger and was just getting into the show and then once a couple years ago when I committed to watching the show)
13th(I do not hate her I am just new to her bc I am still on her first season since i procrastinate to make the series last longer)
Then i guess I'll rank the companions bc again I dont really dislike anyone
Martha(best girl i love her so much)
River(literally going to name a kid River bc of how much i like the name)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
I have had a crush on this man since 2005
The first time i saw him I fell in love
No one will compare to my love
Hotch is a close second I do love my dom daddy(I am so sorry for saying this)
Penelope is also my love but in a platonic i would kill someone for her kind of way
Also Emily
White Lotus
Okay so lemme start by saying
Season 2 >season 1
The only people i like im season 1 are Tanya and Belinda
Everyone else are kind of dislikeable
Well the rich guys wife is fine but shes not my favorite
Season 2 however i like like half of the characters
Obviously Tanya is on the list bc she is so funny
But Ethan is my favorite especially later in the season bc again guys like that are my thing
Also Harper but mainly bc of Aubrey
Then Daphne is the loml and she deserves better
And Lucia my bb
And Valentina
And Albie even if he seems like a "nice guy"
Love these characters
Ouran High School Host Club
Takashi Morinozuka has my entire heart love this man
Honey is just me but male
And Haruhi loml pls shes so cute but also she tries to be the best person I love her
Also Kasanoda(and in the manga the girl he ends up with is kinda cool)
This again should also just be a ranking bc i love all the characters but im gonna limit myself
Again imma give a basic bitch answer and say Sebastian
I know hes a demon
I know he would hate me bc duh
But pls sir
Give me one chance
Also the undertaker
Also Agni
Also snake and joker
Grelle would be my platonic soulmate shes so funny
I also would like to protect Ciel(not the twin like not the real ciel or whatever I mean our ciel)
Like I understand that he basically siccs his demon on people and had them killed
But at the same time in my eyes he is literally just a traumatized little boy and i feel so bad for him
I know hes fictional but if i could change what happened to him i would
Finny is baby
I have typed for too long pls
Also thank you for asking this<3 feel free to ask other things and request stuff!!
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birthday-of-music · 1 year
1-12 FOR THE WRITING ASKS !!! hi :3333
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
uhm. i uh. write on the notes app. sometimes on word though and i just use calibri bc default
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
GOD NO I COULD NOT.. fun fact i never fixed my bad pencil grip when i was really young so i hold pens weird as shit and it hurts after a little while. english exam had me dying every five minutes shaking my wrist out and that was only like 600-700 words i think
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
another fun story i used to write about a hundred words every night on my old ipod that i kept in my room before sleeping. said ipod was kind of halfway to exploding. like uh. that one “pillow” post with the dangerous battery. iwdont do that anymore though and i threw out the ipod everything is fine
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I DONT KNOW UM. in general i have a notebook full of pretty words (ethereal, golden, eternity, that kind of like. overly fancy and poetic shit)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
uh. i dont think so im kind of basic
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
i guess that when i post something people will hate it? like. outright hate it and say its bad and stuff?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
i suppose the opposite of the above but also sometimes ill look back at my writing from a year ago that isnt like. in my mind anymore and ill be able to read it and enjoy it as not something i wrote? bc ill forget i wrote it and then i get to enjoy stuff that is extremely catered to me lmao
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
oh dialogue definitely theres something kind of fun about writing stuff without dialogue idk what it just. is.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
uh. nope not really
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
UM. same as you all the bright places. also the fault in our stars. very clear what types of books i like isnt it. also this fic which is saying a lot because i dont care about genshin anymore but every time i think about it it hurts.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
uh. i like hurting my faves but only if there is comfort otherwise i die inside. every time i write hurt no comfort i lose a bit more of my sanity
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
i always wish for more wishes but lorem ipsum i could never… three wishes uh. one that every time i write a character i can characterise them right. two that when i proofread i never miss any typos. and three um.. the ability to have continuous motivation to write a multichaptered fic
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crowning-art · 2 years
enfkjenkenfe so turns out I forgot a lot of important incidents and had to go back and reread a bunch of book 2 (heart breaking experience even when you know what's gonna happen T-T) and there's this one line that made me laugh tho where Fengxin describes Hua Cheng when he was younger
“That brat will definitely grow up to be a good man!” Feng Xin commented.
lmao dude has noooo idea that this 'good man' will the bane of his existence in the future lmao
ok ok now for the actual reading!!
Everything here feels so sad like Xie Lian here is rejecting the steamed buns, the very same steamed buns that years later, he will happily eat off the ground....
Feng Xin and Mu Qing were already waiting for him outside. Feng Xin had brought back steaming-hot buns, and Mu Qing was slowly munching at them. Feng Xin passed two over to Xie Lian, but when Xie Lian saw those dull and dry crude buns he lost his appetite. He shook his head, refusing them.
My heaaart! Xie Lian gets his cooking skills from his mom T-T that's so cute but so heart breaking considering the circumstances.
I reread book 2 and saw it happen but to see the origins of this tradition is just....sad (gotta increase my vocab, something says Im going to need more words to describe sad soon lol)
“Now, none of you understand. Worshipping a God of Misfortune would certainly bring bad luck, but this statue isn’t for worshipping, it’s for stepping. If you step on a God of Misfortune, doesn’t that mean it’d ensure your everlasting good fortune?”
Mu Qing replied, “The king and the queen are His Highness’ parents, and I have my own mother. She needs my care too. I can’t say I need to go take care of someone else and someone else’s parents, and neglect my own mother. So, I pray Your Highness will understand, I cannot continue to follow by your side.”
but also....I get it.....he's justified to leave....but dooooon't
You're kidding me. You're absolutely kidding me
Within the lanterns were all the wandering feral spirits that the elder had captured from the barren battlefield, so the one before him now must also be a young warrior.
He said quietly, “This war separated you from your beloved…I’m sorry. I didn’t win.”
However, the nameless ghost declared, “To die in battle for you is my greatest honour.
MY HEART IS BREAKING SO MUCH THINKING ABOUT THIS cuz little Hua Cheng was out there, alone, trying his best to bring comfort to Xie Lian from a distance, and fighting in a fierce battle, and then he dies. and it must have been a painful and brutal death...and no one knew...and he was alone...but he wasn't alone cuz Xie Lian never left his mind....but this little boy was all alone when he took his last breathe...
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Ouch....pls someone give him therapy
The ghost was insistent, “Believe me, Your Highness.”
“I don’t believe you,” Xie Lian said.
He no longer believed anyone, and he no longer believed in himself either.
God I absolutely love Feng Xin so much, like my boi went out of his way and was willing to do something so humiliating to help Xie Lian and you can see how difficult it was....this is so sad
Feng Xin removed the bow on his back and boldly pulled at it. “My…My nickname is ‘Godly Archer’; I can shoot a bullseye from a hundred feet away. I will show off my embarrassing skill for everyone to see. If you all enjoy the show, will you p-please grant some coins!”
Lmao at this point, I should have a sad counter considering how many times I said it hahahaha
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf liveread 10
part ten of my livereading of TGCF, Heaven Official's Blessing, which you should buy officially in english to support gays and great novels. and danmei and chinese gay fantasy. listen when I grew up we didn't even DREAM about having official licensed translations of gay niche content. anyway let's start book Four on today's recap:
"I can’t think of anything this story doesn’t have, except for a functional straight couple" -me, reading Heaven Official's Blessing, April 2020
originally tweeted 4/2/2020
Book 4 starting with a literal Xie Lian Suicide Nightmare!!!! This book is gonna Go Like That Huh!!!!
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reading xie lian poor & starving is giving me Anxieties & Flashbacks
& now desperation drinking oh no
I know there are Bai Wuxiang/Xie Lian shippers out there
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this is some fucking psychological horror
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Absolutely people ship these two, beauty & the beast style, 50 shades style but where she left him after the first book and they didn’t get back together i stopped reading after that
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I mean right now bai wuxiang is the most interesting thing happening in xie lian’s beginning of book 4 tragedy life so
Hella TW CW violence on these but OH MY GOD THIS IS SOME HORROR
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ahhhhh i cant tweet anything about this chapter it’s really too much. Except for The Birth of a Ghost at the end
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I understand why, & it’s because attraction is a form of power and power is often a root of attraction and clearly there’s some fucked up power dynamics here
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I feel like mxtx just came to my house and stabbed ME, PERSONALLY,
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dianxia about to qi deviate
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oh there it is. Hi ruoye <3<3<3<3<3 i needed a good thing in this narrative rn <3<3<3<3
A) this is Badass I Love someone turning really evil OBVIOUSLY
B) Wei Wuxian?!!!?!!? Is this The Burial Mounds??? What did you do with Xie Lian?!? This isn’t your book
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There’s a Lot happening here and I’m kinda.....really into Black Lady Evil Magical Girl Dianxia
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Chapter 192 is SO GOOD oh my god
This is an extremely Hua Cheng moment. “You’re already dead”????!!!!!!!!
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mxtx, probably: ....too much soft boyfriends....this could use some more body horror
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okay I didn’t realize when Xie Lian entered the Kiln that he was ALREADY A GHOST KING
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he can’t kill himself & become a ghost and then kill bai wuxiang and emerge from the Kiln as a Ghost King....because he already tried that once
Is it like him from the future or something bc this is getting fucked up???? I mean i trust mxtx’s plotting
nope nope nope
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even when this is like Evil Version Xie Lian it’s still incredible & I’m cheering for him to be Really Evil
(i dont want wuming to be hua cheng tho let him have other friends)
Oh that’s the second ascension huh
ascension 1: fighting bridge demon thing. ascension 2: stopping the human face plague. ascension 3: being daddy's favorite
Jun Wu’s like “But please don’t do that though”
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okay i got through book 4 and that was a lot more & also shorter than i expected
Now it’s a Crown Prince-off in the Kiln tonight, fine scholars
......um? this got very Mecha huh
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i’m glad shi qingxuan is back i missed them!!!
There’s a lot more plot-wrap-up than I thought there was gonna be, honestly
This actually makes the most sense as a plot explanation
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WAIT DAD NO!!!! JUN WU!!!!!!!!!
just like a real dad, I feel very betrayed
I Still Love Ruoye The Most
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This is a very classical Action Movie wrapup so far
Ah yes, Solve The Problem By Injuring Myself: a Classic mxtx protagonist move
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another little side dish of horror for our Evil Crown Prince and the human face disease
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some hua cheng backstory!!!!!! Crumbs of it!!!! I cling to it!!!!!!!!!!
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This novel is so interestingly not like mdzs? Much more comprehensive, longer, bigger scope, more of an adventure story. Also probably a better-written novel, though translation being what it is, i can only speak to plot & planning & pacing
Im trying to think of other books this long and immersive i wanted to eat recently & really only came up with the wheel of time (less like this) & the baroque cycle (more like this, less romance)
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I can’t think of anything this story doesn’t have, except for a functional straight couple
I also purposefully didn’t emotionally engage much with book four brcause torture & suicide cw tw real hard & i can read it but....i’m not gonna sit here & live out those scenes in my head like I do for the rest
This ‘bringing your boyfriend home to uncle’ scene with uncle bing like “JUST DON’T DATE THAT HORRIBLY UNFORTUNATE BOY DOWN THE STREET” & Hua Cheng staring him down
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IT’S NOT AN AFFAIR THEYRE ENGAGED xie lian just doesn’t realize it yet
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wait the heavenly city moves???!!!!! This is suddenly very big budget action movie (or some truly atrocious c-drama SFX)
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This is a HELL OF A BOSS FIGHT....or should I say a HEAVEN of a boss fight......
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“He owes me money” i died. i love hua cheng
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TGCF Goes Gundam continued on tgcf liveread part 11!
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nervousmistycat · 3 months
tag game time!!
Disclaimer: I'm bad at saying stuff so the answers are gonna be a bit short and maybe weird? idk
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? uuuh yeah? kinda? my qpp is so awesome so yeah
02) What was your dream growing up? idk, at first I wanted to be a therapist and stuff, then a designer for many stuff, and now I'm just here
03) What talent do you wish you had? doing everything right the first time, cause I've quit so many hobbies for the sole reason I wasn't excellent first try lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? probably coffee? or a matcha drink. Actually, now that I think about it, my beloved once bought me my favorite drink from my fav place unprompted so yeah.
05) Favorite vegetable? uuuuh, first that comes to mind is broccoli
06) What was the last book you read? I was about to start a series but I already forgot the titles so that's fun
07) What zodiac sign are you? taurus I'm pretty sure
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? only the basic earring ones, I want more piercings, still not sure about which tattoos specifically but i do want some
09) Worst Habit? everything lol
10) What is your favorite sport? I don't play sports, but to watch it would be ice skating
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? honestly, kindof pessimistic but i would say its more of a realistic one
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. I'm pretty sure I have a shit ton of health problems but going to the doctor in general makes me have anxiety attacks so I won't go willingly LMAO
13) Do you have any pets? MY DUDE!!!!! he's just a little guy who has no thoughts (yorkie dog)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? I think they are just there, but some of them have some amazing makeup skills (I could never)
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? I just want to be a racoon or a cat.
16) What color eyes do you have? very dark brown
17) Ever been arrested? not yet.
18) Bottle or can soda? cans, so i can take the opener thing off the top and collect it.
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? just put it into savings cause I'm too indecisive to use it on anything instantly
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? idk, probably in my egg chair so
21) Do you believe in ghosts? i belive they are just little guys
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? nap
23) Do you swear a lot? sometimes? its kinof weird because sometimes i'll be like a sailor but other times i forget those words exist
24) Biggest pet peeve? being a bigot
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? myno
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? i read a lot of fanfiction so
27) Favourite and least favourite food? lagasnga or however that's spelt and least is onions (the texture BLEGH)
28) Do you believe in God? i think it would be funny that every single one of them is in a shared space, so all religions are kindof right and wrong at the same time
29) What makes you happy: my friends
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: heatwaves LMAO (I swear it's ironic)
31) Favorite place to spend time: idk, my phone?? dont really have a physical place
32) Favorite lyric: you know the one from the crane wives, curses
33) Recommend a film: uuuh, idk the truman show?
34) Recommend a book: THE LUNAR CHRONICLES
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: uuuh crywank is good
36) Recommend a TV show: genloss
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? im in the same place ive always been
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? ma dog, we adopted that guy from a friend of my father
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? idkk ants? dirt? sand?
40) How did you 'find' fandom? wellll, i was on amino
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. my bolillo purse, a creeper, a garfield plusie, a slinky and a ball
42) How do you style your hair? i just hope it looks good when i wake up
#tag games
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strangerstilinski · 5 months
You may have received this message 3x because I typed it out the first time and RIP computer crashed then the second I clicked send and by God Tumblr crashed and so if it crashes a 3rd time you will never see this message but maybe you have it in your inbox like a bazillion times.
Basically the first part is yea I get small towns but a lot of the urban legend and crimes weren't talked about openly because a lot of churches in small towns Indiana. Also because people were superstitious as fuck and like there's a lot of Masons near my small town Indiana so you didn't want to say anything that could somehow be related to them...
Anyways more lore and infodump about Indiana because I already said some things and now my brain is itching to tell more: which also the majority of these was read in a book when I was a preteen about weird and creepy things in Indiana (and again this is the 3rd time trying to send this message so things aren't in the same order)
There's The Fox Hollow Farm murders about another SK like Eyler. I have seen podcasts do an ep on this but briefly listened and never finished.
Claypool murders. It was a hotel and in 1940s a woman got murdered never found the killer. Another woman got murdered in the 1950s, but they did find their murderer. Place may or may not have been haunted but it is torn down today. I've heard this one on a podcast somewhere idk where...
The ghost Diana at the Dunes. Dont ask me the lore because my family had more interesting urban legend. Because its common for people to go missing or fall into the dunes, well my dad told me the rumor he heard was that the dunes moved creating air pockets- but WHY did they move? And some people who "fell" into these air pockets said it felt like something grabbed them...there's something living in the dunes that causes the sand to shift.
There's 100 steps cemetery i think in southwest Indiana. There are so many different legends the one I remember is you have to count each step, or you'll die in so many days. But also you'll see a premonition of your death?
Vincennes is just a haunted town, everyone i know who isnt local who has gone there has seen or heard something especially on some of those bridges.
There's catacombs under Indy that may or may not be haunted.
Bigfoot. So many stories and legends about Bigfoot in the state park. Speaking of state parks, one is called Shades state park. I went one time because I had a goal to hit as many different state parks in Indiana...never again because there were ladders you had to climb. But it was called Shades of Death in like the 70s or 80s because of people going missing.
There's some small town that had a Wolfman. He like defected from a war or something and then got adopted by a pack of wolves and lost his humanity and became like them. I only remember reading this one because the townsfolk turned on him and locked him in the cave by blowing up the exits and left him to die and I thought that was horrific because I'm terrified of caves.
Which there is the Indiana caverns. Thats its own thing snd there are rumors im sure
One of the bigger cities near me has a lot where a murder took place and the house was insanely haunted. Like every person who lived there after saw things and went insane or got killed there. They tore the house down and rebuilt on that lot and it continued to happen. Now its just an empty lot.
Mermaids. Don't ask me how or why a landlocked state has mermaids in the few ponds and lakes it has. I say mermaids loosely because yeah there's the river creature sea serpent loch ness monster type of creature in one of the lakes but there is also the mermaids as the town called it that were a mix between actual mythology of Selkies and Sirens.
Also there's supposedly a turtle cryptid somewhere in Indiana and I just think that's funny compared to the rest
this was wild from start to finish 🤯 thank you endlessly for fighting tumblr by sending this in a third time, because this was the only version of this message that i received and i am soooo grateful (i was not joking when i said i wanted to search for creepy podcasts hehehehe)
also u easily saved the best for last bc a turtle cryptid???
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dedeuteros · 9 months
i think about you sometimes !!
messing with my typing quirks b/c maybe it’ll be fun for you to figure out who this is , like a silly form of enrichment , but i do think about you and how you’ve introduced me to things before i see them again , sometimes years later ! i got a song on my recommended that you sent a link to before and i checked to see if you actually had and you did ! i got a silly video about spacehey too and i can’t find the message but i’m 99.9% sure you showed it to me ! i wonder about your mind and your art and your writing but lately i’ve rarely talked to anyone at all , so there’s the excuse for not reaching out . i’ve been going about just keeping to myself . i don’t know if we’ll ever talk again , but you’re in my thoughts .
i hope you’re doing well !!
if youre who i believe youve done an endearingly poor job of changing up your writing style but i respect the effort! this is an interesting way to reach out, feels rather like talking to a ghost. but i guess youre right that i could only respond to something so nonconfrontational. as is.
im doing the thing right now where i read a lot of one book and like to talk with a similar formality. (it doesnt come through well but it reads the same in my mind.) it's no less than a collective of 3000 pages of careful intricate slowburn of a god-on-earth emperor and his competent secretary. they work to reform the 99 generations of poor government, the emperor one day gets to be himself again. there's a beautiful drapery of court pleasantries and fealty as a guise for their deep feelings. not that i am sure i have so many feelings (though the book skirts a perfect line of the aroace spectrum i enjoy) but maybe you can see why myself, avoidant and indirect, can enjoy it.
im glad you are excited by things i share, and that i was right they might be something in your own radar! my dear maliha used to do that for me in middleschool and it always tickled me when something came back to me a year later.
i also wonder on the writing and art of yourself and the entire lot of our class. i miss very badly being able to glance to either side and see something internal laid out next to me. i dont do so much, except my smileys when i feel aggravated and my easy doodles in book margins. but i have plans to do some studies. your pieces which included ambient sound were among my favorites (assuming you are, of course, you)
i dont hang out with anyone except my coowrkers, except holidays when the full force of several social lives drains me. had to call out of work for how tired it made me. i hope that you do still have people you could hang out with even if you dont. and i am still gravely sorry i cannot so enthusiastically be. sometimes it is easier when you know for certain someone is not willing to peer into your heart and soul but instead just enjoy company. any more makes my head spin.
much love, whether ive guessed who or not, to you! from my writing and my art and my thoughts.once dear to me i do not at all forget, which i think i already told you.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 9 months
part two of this:
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
everyone say hello at my bushcat :) her name is Maple.
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
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Thank you for all the kind replies! ^^ to celebrate I’m letting Maple share some words of wisdom:
6)nvd .,c-%@#0”sxmlkp. d
Truly inspiring.
804 notes
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🩻 thesnatcher Follow
you all should send my sister anonymous hate it would be funny
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
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⌛️ahatintimekeeper Follow
I dont think that snatcher realizes that people just pecking hate him
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🌠corgiquest5fan Follow
15 notes
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anonymous asked: Um you do realize putting “Domesticated the Snatcher” in your bio is hella creepy right? Like it’s weird as fuck to dehumanize an already demonized species like ghosts are people too. You’re already disrespecting the dead with that but it’s especially weird seeing as he’s literally an actual murderer on top of that? Like taking away the ghost thing that’s even creepy to say about a fucking serial killer as well. Like. What the fuck man. Actually what is wrong with you??
🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
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6360 notes
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🐇 bunnything-official Follow
“what’s your gender” ermmmm im silly?
6490 notes
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
Godssss if I have to see one more post about the lost prince of subcon I’m going to break the moon again /j
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
like not just posts talking about him but ones that are just blatantly wrong or infactual but I can’t be too mad because no one knows what really happened hardly but STILL. thank stars I killed him by transitioning but STOP PUTTING HISTORY ARTICLES ABOUT HIM ON MY DASH!! PLEASE!!!!
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Anonymous asked: WAIT WHAT?????? Amy did you???? Know the lost Prince of Subcon?????? Also what’s the context of the transition thing? What????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
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go talk to @ thesnatcher about it because I don’t care about that guy anymore (referring to the prince, not snatcher, love u ^^🩵❤️(i want to trap him in the horizon sometimes))
1094 notes
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anonymous asked: YOUR SISTER IS THE FUCKING SUBCON PRINCE WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
oh gods what happened why are we talking about this GET OUT OF MY ASKS.
5800 notes
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anonymous asked: Amy why did you say to talk to your brother and not you?????
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
…because he’s the prince too…? I thought everyone knew this??
🩻 thesnatcher Follow
🎆mjs-hideout Follow
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🏞️ doyoulovethecoloroftheskyline Follow
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3006 notes
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🐇bunnything-official Follow
anyway happy day for subcon history fans i guess :p, so sad no one knows i was the one who cracked moonies egg but wat ever *kicks rock and walks away with head lowered + tail dragging behind meoh stitch i just reread the top half of the post for a microsecond i lived in a world where my bosses didnt pitch that idea to me it was so beautiful
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💠 Jermeow Follow
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856 notes
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🎆mjs-hideout Follow
shady-sunburntdeactivated03122017 is both my best friend (wrote pretty accurate books on subcon history and spirits :)) and my worst enemy (wrote books on subcon history ft my deadname being everywhere in it)(I mean I suppose it is also my brothers name but it’s NOT MINE OK he can keep it)
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🌷identifying-flowers-in-posts Follow
Sorry we made your queer platonic ghost partner match with me. Yeah he took on my flower motifs and I took on his thorn motifs. Yeah we match to show our relationship. He’s chilled out now he’s not evil anymore but he’s still a massive bitch. Yeah. Yeah he’s biace too. Yeah, sorry. #about thorns #subconsnatcher
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finneysbaseball · 2 years
headcanons of being on your period and how i think the ghost boys would react
(im on my period rn so this might be self projecting)
literally supposed to be cleaning cus I'm getting a new bed today but like
finney blake
now ik this boy would be so sweet
but so clueless
he had a mom but she didn't teach him anything about this stuff
he did research about it because gwen has her period
and he does the best he can
now he will get you pads, but he'd probably have gwen actually buy them.
he would rub your stomach if you asked
he'd let you cry on his shoulder if your pains get too bad (me rn bro)
he would be so scared of u
like you're mood swings
he'd be hiding from u bro
thats it's for my lil anxiety filled boy
robin arellano
ok for robin
he'd be so nice about it
like if u bleed on his bed? its ok! he'll get new sheets it wasn't your fault
he would def get u pads
he dont gaf whos looking
he'd be like "tf u looking at🤨" if someone even questions him
he'd lay with u in bed all day<3
and he'd lend u his jacket if u bled thru your pants
and if someone sees the leak and says someone about it?
oh god just pray for them
bruce yamada
this man would be sooo nice about it
he'd def go out of his way to get you everything you need
a new heating pad? done.
candy? snacks? drinks? also done.
pads? tampons? already had some in his personal bathroom for you.
wanna cuddle all day doing nothing?
if someone said something ab you being moody he'd cuss them out
like this boy is nice
like even nice to ppl he doesn't like.
but if someone is being mean to you?
he is not taking that bro
also he'd be so nice ab your mood swings
vance hopper
ok first things first.
i hc that he has only sisters.
no boys just all girls and then him
maybe ab like 4 sisters yk
and he is absolutely a mamas boy
u cannot tell me other wise
and since he has 4 sisters he knows alot about this stuff.
know, i dont particularly think he would go out to get u pads unless he absolutely has too
and since he has 4 sisters who all have their periods (expect his youngest sister who is 6)
they would be stocked up on feminine hygiene
and his sisters would LOVEE YOUUU
you'd cuddle in his room
ok so mood swings
yk he has a temper so you would be arguing bro
his sisters would be like "🍿🍿"
while you 2 we're arguing
yk i think it would be bickering
not like "oh i hate u arguing"
like old married couple arguing
billy showalter
now i don't know much about him so pls bear with me
he wouldn't be over nervous but he wouldn't be that calm either?
you and him would go to the store and get all that you needed, his mom took you both
know imo i think he'd be just a tad embarrassed to be seen getting pads?
he'd still be sweet about it
he'd make you any kind of food (well his mom but yk he poured your drink give him cred)
and then you'd both go into his room and cuddle while he read a book to you:)
ok thats it my lovelys i hope u enjoyed!
also feel free to send me headcanon requests i love making these when i have time!
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Father of the Year (Part 5)
Tony Stark x child!reader
Quentin Beck x Stark!reader (platonic)
Peter Parker x Stark!reader (platonic)
warnings: death, blood mention
a/n: im running out of timeline lmao. again and again, dont come at me for this bc its just an alternate take on dad!tony
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6
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You obviously skipped out on Tony’s funeral. If your absolute contempt for his existence didn’t stop you, the Avengers would. “You caused him too much heartache,” they’d probably say. “Pepper is scared for her safety and the safety of her child,” they’d probably say.
You just wanted him to be there for you. To be your dad. The fact that he had actually been a dad to your stranger of a sister didn’t sit right with you, but you tried not to dwell on it.
Only, you did. Tony Stark was a lot of things, but you’d never consider him to be a good father. He never showed up for anything. No graduations, no doctor’s appointments, no parties, nothing. It was like you didn’t even exist to him. So what changed? He went through trauma when you were both alive and well, but it never changed his perspective. You might have even thought for a moment—just a lingering moment—that he’d tell someone, maybe Pepper, “I miss y/n, I should have been a better dad while I still had the chance. Maybe I could have prevented this.”
The reason why you doubted it was because the moment Pepper got the chance, she filed for a restraining order. Good luck serving you, though. You were a ghost once again, just you and the team.
“Y/N…y/n…” Quentin snapped his fingers in front of your face, leaning down beside you. “Still taking everything in?”
“Just thinking.” You sighed and chuckled, rubbing your eye with your palm as if your eyes were just watery from an itch.
“You know, you can still be upset that he’s gone. Whether it be because you didn’t get revenge or closure.” He assured you with a light hand on your shoulder before he took a seat beside you and stared at your favorite wall. “I know that I hated the guy with every fiber of my being…and you’re just about the same way, but grief is a weird thing, y/n. Don’t bottle it up because your ashamed of it.” He paused for a long moment, no longer distracting you or himself from your loud sniffles. “When you dusted, we used our grief to work even harder. God, you should have seen us the day Tony came back from space three goddamned weeks later. We couldn’t keep it together, and the rage and sorrow just…took over us.”
“And now he’ll forever be known as a martyr. The man who gave his life for the lost half of humanity…how selfless.” You winced at the facts that would live in the history books for years to come.
“…I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you this, but I might as well get it over with.” Quentin and you each turned your heads to face each other as you cocked an eyebrow. “Do you remember your combat drones? The ones used originally for your ‘PSA?’” He asked you with a mischievous grin.
“I do, yes.” You squinted at him through your still-blurry eyes.
“Well, I have a similar model that I’d really like to replicate, and you’re just the person to do it.”
“He’s giving your tech to who?!” You were already hot in the face again, Quentin was nearly about to make you take five.
“You heard me, y/n.” He placed his hands on each of your shoulders. “But this is where the plan comes in. We have your brain, we have the drones, we have a story, we can pull this off.”
“Just how stupid do you think Nick Fury is? That man can smell a lie from a hundred miles away.” You’re eyes were stuck wide open and your faith in the plan had already left your heart and mind.
“It’s an airtight plan, y/n. Obviously, you’ll need to keep some distance, right? But I’ll no doubt let you in on the action. I know you have problems with this ‘Parker’ kid.” Your eye roll didn’t bode well with his claim.
“That’s an understatement.” You huffed. “To this day, I don’t know what was so great about him. We’re practically the same person, yet my father decided he was good enough for all that attention and all the affection that I never got.”
“And that wasn’t fair at all. Tony never deserved you, y/n.” You stood there silently contemplating his plan, and he was right. You guys needed to do something about this. “This is our chance, the chance to get back at your shitty father postmortem. He left his legacy to a stranger, I can’t—I won’t let him get away with that. It’s not fair to you.”
“I’m in, Beck. Behind the scenes.” You watched his eyes widen and a smile begin to grow on his face. “But we have to be super careful about all of this. I never hung around with the Avengers, but I know all about Fury. He was the director of SHIELD for a reason.”
“Tell me everything. If I’m gonna have to get close to him, I’ll need all the intel I can get.”
Although you were on edge about his plan, it went off without a hitch. It wasn’t long before Peter wanted the pressure off of himself and when it was, Quentin was right there, ready for the taking.
When Quentin returned to base with his prize and former tech, you celebrated as if you were your father in the 90s. It wasn’t every day that you got a real win, especially against someone that you could consider your arch-nemesis.
“There were so many times I wanted to punch that kid for you. He’d bring Stark up and say all the wrong things, it drove me nuts.” He clenched his fists in the air with a solid laugh to accompany and you shook your head and laughed with him.
“Maybe someday.” You replied while resting your head on his shoulder. “I didn’t even think we’d get this far.” Quentin sort of got silent, stiffening his body some. “What? I didn’t mean it like that, Beck. I still believed in you.” You tried to defend yourself.
“No, no, it’s not that.” He assured you. “No, I just…I may have left apart of the plan out.”
“Oh, god. What is it?” You buried you face in your hands and awaited an explanation.
“Well, okay. So, when you were gone, we went through some of your files—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we didn’t think you’d be back. But we found out that you were working on your own suit! It was good stuff, I have to admit.” He sounded super excited telling you this, and you knew exactly where he was headed. “I know you, y/n. You could create this suit in a couple hours, and I know you want to make a statement. Show the world that y/n Stark is still alive and well. Maybe even try to stop the Elementals with one ‘Mysterio?’”
“You want me to be a hero?” You asked him with a dry chuckle. “The world isn’t gonna buy that, Beck. Tony dug himself out of his self-righteous hole and buried me in it instead. To the people, I’m a spoiled brat and a menace to society. One day I just snapped and my ‘dear old dad’ had to go on without me.” He picked up anger in your voice, but he knew that what you were saying wasn’t entirely true.
“There are still people on your side, y/n. Not just us but normal, everyday people. They’ve knew what Tony was capable of, he was heartless. Sure, maybe he did a few good deeds, but he’s responsible for more destruction than good.” Quentin was good, you’ll give him that. He knew how to talk you into anything, but you already knew you wanted to do this. “You were a product of that destruction if you think about it. Neglect and distain, all for nothing. The greatest destruction one can inflict, especially on a child. “Don’t let him be remembered as a martyr. It’s your turn to take the spotlight away from him, show the world that you can be better.”
“You are impossible, you know that?” You glared at him with a stifled smile and finally broke into laughter.
“But you’re buying into it.” He nudged you with his elbow and you stood up from your seat.
“Yeah, yeah, you win. Go ahead with the plan, I suppose I’ll start on that suit.” Your words excited Quentin enough for him to jump up and bring you in for a hug, then a little celebratory fist pump.
“Let me go tell the team the good news! Call me if you need anything—you need food? Or water, maybe? Just let me know. See ya!” He sprinted from the room and you heard the boom of his voice not even five seconds later. “Y/N’s in!” Cheers from the team brought tears to your eyes, it just felt so good to be wanted. So you cleared your workstation and pulled up the old plans, ready to rework them just a bit and get right to it.
Now, it wasn’t an Iron Man suit, but it shared some similarities. You weren’t interested in carrying on his legacy, you were here to make one for yourself. This suit was not as clunky as his others, it barely even looked alike. The power source was still stored on the chest, an important feature that just works. You employed a bit of nanotech for weaponry, but you decided against a full suit of it. Personal preference for the moment. It wasn’t going to be perfect, this was like a trial run, but it would work because you were the one that built it. And the moment you were done, you were ready to put it on display for the world.
“Are you ready, Beck?” You called to him from another room as he suited up in preparation for the London demonstration.
“Am I ready? I should be asking you that.” He remarked with a smile just before you stepped in the room in your newest creation. “Wow, it looks perfect. Please…tell me everything about it.”
“Well, encased on the shoulder blades are a whole lot of nanobots capable of whatever I want, so long as I program them for it. They’re currently extra armor and weaponry that will evacuate from the chamber and cover me in any position. Also they can be tentacles, how cool is that?!” You ranted along to him, eyes glistening with hope and a mouth that beamed with pride. Quentin hadn’t seen you with this expression in many, many years. “And then I have these hologram projectors on my shoulders, they’re somewhat like the drone ones, but mine are going to be used to project messages, scan objects with lasers and project, or throw enemies off. The possibilities are endless!”
“Y/N, the suit—it’s, it’s better than I could have ever imagined! The people that you’re going to show up today, or inspire, they won’t know what’s coming. I just—god, I am so proud of you.” Quentin, your mentor, was biting his lip as if he were trying to stop himself from showing stronger emotions, but you were too caught up in the euphoria of this masterpiece to even notice.
“Right, and like, I didn’t have time to program myself a personal assistant, but I do have basic voice commands slash controls that are ready to go. And the suit will fly, that’s a given. Boosters on the feet and hands, plus backup thrusters all around the place so I have full control of my movement. Plus I have weaponry for days! My repurposed repulsors, a couple of nice little rockets, real functioning lasers and calibration lasers, a fully functioning targeting system, and I’ve barely scratched the surface!” You were rambling on and on and Quentin could not get enough of it. “So yes, I’m ready when you are.” Quentin did a quick walk around to check your suit from all angles.
“I’m very interested in your choice of green chrome, y/n.” He poked fun at you, but in a way that you knew he wasn’t judging. Just curious is all.
“Oh, yes! Okay, so the green is like a base color for the suit right now because my hologram tech will set the suit apart from the environment and cloak me so that I’m nearly invisible to the naked eye. Sounds cool, huh?” You explained it while starting the program up. “MC, engage camo mode.” You commanded and suddenly disappeared from the room whilst standing right in front of Quentin.
“Remarkable…” He muttered when he reached out and touched your armor. “‘MC?’ Did you name your suit the Master of Ceremonies?” He raised his eyebrows and hoped you were facing his direction to see.
“MC, disengage camo mode and helmet.” You were, in fact, facing him with your face open for him to see the unenthused and slightly embarrassed expression on your face. “It stands for ‘metal clad.’ I didn’t have enough time to figure out a decent name, okay?”
“It’s not the worst name I’ve heard,” he patted your shoulder and led you to the team, “have you guys seen what y/n’s working with here?! I think they deserve a round of applause!” Quentin and the team began to clap in unison until you quickly shut it down.
“Alright, you guys! Thank you, thank you, but we have a mission, don’t we? Let’s hop to it!”
It was a sight to behold, you in the sky next to the world’s newest superhero. The publicity was immediately fantastic and extremely welcoming to you. I will say, you had some problems with the plan, problems that were never officially disclosed to you. Like a calculation of casualties. You deployed shields immediately to save the people, it wasn’t their battle to fight.
“Everyone evacuate the area, now!” You shouted with a speaker system built into your suit. When you flipped up the mask of your helmet, it became apparent exactly who you were, and all eyes were on you.
“I knew it was y/n Stark! I knew it!” One person shouted with their camera in your face.
“Yes, that’s me, now get your ass away from the blast zone. Trust me.” You instructed them and used your shields to herd the crowd away. It wasn’t long before you got a distress beacon from Quentin and took to the sky, though. Who knows what kind of danger he may be in if he was brave enough to ask for backup? As you landed on the bridge, you were greeted by a familiar face, one that you were surprised to see. Quentin said he took care of him, but by the looks of it, that wasn’t exactly true.
“Y/N?” Peter’s guard was still up due to Quentin’s schemes, but he was still shocked to see you. “What are you doing here? Are you with him?”
“He’s the only person who’s been there for me, Parker. He’s done more for me that Tony ever did.” You clenched your jaw and took one step closer, but noticed something was off. There was a hologram in progress behind Peter. Quentin wasn’t so much down as he was cornered. He needed a distraction.
“I just don’t get it, how could you work with someone like this? He’s hurting people. Was that your idea?” Peter accused you of something the immediate turned your blood to a boil.
“No!” You shouted, beginning to tear up as old memories surfaced. You didn’t think seeing Peter in the flesh would dig this deep. “I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Why do you think I was on the ground doing crowd control? I couldn’t live with myself if I purposely hurt the innocent—it’s what set me apart from Tony.”
“Tony was a good man, y/n! I don’t know how you could have ever hated him, attacked him, or disgraced him. What did he ever do to you?!” Peter had begun to cry and you weren’t far behind.
“Peter, please don’t do this to me! And don’t lie to yourself, either. I know that Tony wasn’t all that great to you, even if you can’t see it.” You knew that Tony was his idol, but a man like that should not be idolized. Peter looked angry, but he also looked exhausted. He was beaten, bloody, and bruised, and now he was letting you get the final words in. “He dragged you into his petty battles then left you high and dry for months, then held all sorts of threats over your head to keep you in line and tried to take away his gifts to you. And on top of all of that, you were a kid. You still are! And I was a kid, too! Neither of us deserved what we got, but you—you…somehow you struck a chord with him, got an in. You were lucky, but look where that got you.”
“Well, you’re here, too.” Peter gulped and lowered his head for a moment. “So I wouldn’t get too high and mighty.”
“But I’m still standing—” There was a quick bang and you flinched a moment too long. By the time you could focus on what had just happened, Quentin was down and you had rushed to his side as Peter stood over his body. “Beck, hey, stay with me, Beck.” You kneeled down before him and grabbed onto his hand while the other reached for your shoulder.
“It’s too late for me, y/n, but it’s not too late for you.” He told you, accepting his defeat right there.
“No, no, don’t say that. I can still get you help. Please, stay awake.” You begged of him while Peter watched with pity in his eyes.
“I knew that we wouldn’t always see eye to eye on all our operations, but I always knew that you’d do better than me. Don’t become like me, y/n. Promise me that.” He squeezed your hand one last time.
“I, I—Quentin…” You stammered and you pulled you just a little closer.
“Y/N.” Quentin leaned his forehead against yours with tears in his eyes, but yours were already flowing fearlessly.
“I promise.” You whispered to him and held him close until he passed on. Once he went limp, you moved to his side and fell back against the wall, still grasping onto his hand. “He’s gone. It’s over, Peter.”
“EDITH?” Peter put on the glasses to confirm. They did. “I’m sorry, y/n.”
“Me, too.” You sniffled, cooling down a bit from you cries.
“You know, I think you made a good impression on the people today.” He sat down with you and tried to make this bitter moment just a little sweeter. “And you don’t have to go through this alone. Come with me?” Peter proposed and you glared at him before bursting into tears once more and leaning your head against the wall. “I’m sorry, y/n. I really am.”
“Just shut up.” You commanded him while you tried to regain your composure. Once you were given a moment to think, to clear your head, you got up and walked to the damage of the bridge that had become a new exit.
“Y/N? Where are you going?” Peter got up and followed. “I really think you should come with me. It’s the least I can do.” You reached the exit and took one look back at Peter and Quentin, whose body you’d need to leave behind.
“Don’t follow me, Peter. There will be consequences.” You threatened him. “But call me if you need me. Hero business only.” You began your flight out of the crime scene and left Peter in the dust. Moments later, EDITH received a message, your cryptic contact. Peter chuckled a bit, grabbing his ribs in pain, and looked back at the body that you were crying over just moments before. He felt guilty, but it was either him or Quentin, and it was obvious that you understood that…specifically because you didn’t yell at him.
After your sighting in London, news outlets flooded with tales of your heroics, almost like your redemption. Every single one of them wanted an interview with you, even a simple quote, but you were off the radar once again.
Days went by with nothing new or out of the ordinary. Spider-Man returned to New York, everyone was safe and sound, and the world knew peace once again—until a particular news story broke out. Quentin’s Revenge: told by J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle. In the clip shown by the news, things were taken way out of context. Peter was shown using the drones, commanding them to “execute them all,” then your voice could be heard in the background shouting, “no! Please don’t do this!”
So in the end, Quentin and the team truly helped you reach the hero status, pulling Peter down in the process. And if that wasn’t enough, they added insult to injury by exposing Peter’s secret identity, shocking him to his very core.
“What are you going to do?! Peter?!” MJ frantically asked him as the people of New York began to close in.
“I have to make a call…y/n will know what to do.”
taglist: taglist: @hc-geralt-23 // @dancing-tacos-23 // @huntective-kyeo // @angeldreifics // @coollemonsaresour // @directionerlarryzi // @babycarrot-1 // @natasharomanoffstan // @tonystanktheirondad // @big-galaxy-chaos // @xx-narcissa // @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @xuxinoir // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @legolas-with-hearing-aids // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop //
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You’re in love with him
A/n I gave his mom the name Mei.
Warnings: none just some fluff, friends to lovers
Pairings: Aone × fem!reader
Being best friends with Aone came easily having your mother’s being best friends and living down the street from one another meant spending lots of time with him becoming close friends your selves. Always going to school together and waiting for him during practice so you can go home together. Having weekly sleepovers alternating who’s house unless he was away for a game, tournament or training camp.
And today you made your way to the gym to watch practice while doing homework, before staying at his house for the weekend. When you walk in the guys were still stretching.
“Hey guys” you said walking in
They greeted you with several ‘hey’ or 'hi’ from them as they started to warm up. Taking your normal seat and starting on your homework. When suddenly a volleyball comes flying at you unexpectedly and smashing into the side of your face. The whole team freezes except Aone who is running up to you.
“Way to go” Futakuchi said sarcastically to Koganegawa “dont be surprised when Aone kills you for hitting her”
“Let me see” Aone said softly moving your hand away from your cheek
Your cheek was very red and bruising already as tears fell down your cheeks. He ghosted his thumb over your cheek to wipe your tears
“Ow” you whimpered
“Here” Sakunami said handing Aone a ice pack that he wrapped a towel in so the ice wasn’t directly on your skin
He took it and gently placed it on your cheek holding your face so gently in his hand. You gently place your hand over his on your cheek.
“Thanks bear” you whisper his childhood nickname
He smiled softly at that. Then his smile dropped as he removed his hand from your cheek your hand still holding the ice pack as he turned and glared at Koganegawa.
“I promise it was an accident I didnt mean to” Koganegawa said quickly
“Then why haven’t you apologized to her?” Sakunami asked
Koganegawa ran over to you hanging his head
“I’m so sorry Senpai” he said “I didnt mean to”
“Please be more careful Koganegawa” you said
He nodded and they went back to practice you packed up your things as you waited for them to clean up to walk home with Aone. Your cheek still hurt and it had potential to give you a black eye from where it hit your cheek.
“Let’s go” Aone said when they were finished
“Can I get a piggyback ride to the train station?” You asked
He nodded and crouched down. You climb on and he holds your legs as you wrap your arms around his neck as he starts walking to the train station, resting your non bruised cheek against his his back. He set you down while waiting for the train. When you finally arrive to his house you walk in taking off your shoes in the now permanent space for you since you were over so often.
“Are you kids home?” His mom calls from the kitchen
“Yes we are Mei” you said
“Dinner is just about ready if you want to wash up” she said
Aone walks up to the bathroom to shower quickly before dinner. As you walk into the kitchen washing your hands to help finish making dinner.
“How are you dear?” Mei asked her back to you
“I’m good” you said as you move next to her cutting up some green onion
“What happened to your face?” She asked alarmed seeing the bruise
“I was watching practice and I got hit with a stray spike” you said
“Oh dear” she said “have you iced it?”
“Yes, bear made me right after it happened” you said
She smiled at the use of Aones nickname “of course he did” she said “but it looks like it still going to be around for a little while.”
“Yeah unfortunately” she said “the first year that accidentally hit me felt so bad I thought he was going to start crying”
She giggled softly and you both finished up making dinner which was shoyu ramen (soy sauce based)
“Will you go get him for dinner?” Mei asked
You nod and go upstairs to his room the shower wasn’t going anymore. So you walk to his door and knock. He opens the door letting you in. Hes drying his hair from his shower wearing black sweats and a white tshirt.
“Dinner is ready” you said smiling up at him.
“What are we having?” He asked putting the towel in his basket
“Ramen” you said
“Good its going to be cold tonight” he said.
He lightly touches your cheek again.
“I’m okay” you said
“I know I worry still” he said
“You always do” you said leaning into his touch and turn to kiss the palm of his hand “let’s go eat”
You take his hand in yours not noticing the wash of pink on his cheeks as you lead him down to the table and taking your normal seat beside him. After dinner and helping him clean up, his mom left going to the store to get some groceries and some snacks for the both of you for the weekend.
You go upstairs with him, he started on his homework and you lounge on his bed keeping him company when your phone started ringing.
“I’ll be right back” you tell him as you leave his room
You walk to the living room. And sit down and answer your girl bestfriends call
“Hey, Yachi” you said
“Hey honey” she said
“What’s up?” You asked
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to have a sleep over this weekend” she said “me, kiyoko and Saeko are here”
“Oh I can’t, I’m already staying at Aone’s this weekend” you said
“Have you confessed to him yet?” Saeko asked
“What do you mean? Hes my best friend we’ve been friends our whole lives my mom and his mom are childhood bestfriends too” you said
“You spend all your time with him unless hes away for volleyball” she said
“Well yeah…” you said
“Did something happen?” Kiyoko asked
“I got hit with a stray spike in the face” you said
“And how did he react?” Yachi asked
“He ran over right away and checked on me and gave me an ice pack after wiping my tears away” you said
“And after practice?” Saeko asked
“He gave me a piggyback ride to the train station and we took the train home, I helped his mom finish making dinner and we ate, I was keeping him company in his room while he did homework until you called” you said
“I hate to be the one to say it but you and him act more like boyfriend and girlfriend not friends” kiyoko said
You sat in silence for a little while thinking about everything.
“Hey are you still there?” Saeko asked
“Oh god” you said
“You’re in love with him” kiyoko said you could hear the smile in her voice
“Yeah…” you trailed off
“Then go tell him” Saeko said
“Is everything alright dear?” Mei asked
You hang up the phone and look up at her as she stood in front of you
“I just realized something” you whispered looking down
“What?” She asked concerned
“I’m in love with him” you whispered afraid to say it too loudly
“Who?” She asked tilting your chin up “Takanobu?”
“Yes” you whispered nodding
She smiled and kissed your forehead “I’m happy you finally figured it out” she said
“What?” You asked confused
“Your mom and I were wondering when you’d finally figure it out” she said
“Really?” You asked “you both knew?”
“Oh my dear, I’m pretty sure the only ones who didnt know were you and him” she said smiling “now, why dont you go tell him”
You nod a little hesitantly but go back upstairs after texting yachi why you hung up so suddenly. When you walk back in hes closing his text books
“Finished already?” You asked
“Yes” he said standing up and walking over to sit on his bed
You go and sit beside him.
“Can I tell you something?” You asked
“Of course” he said
You take a deep breath and let it out slowly resting your head on his shoulder “I love you, more than just friends” you said
He stiffened for a moment “you do?” He asked turning to look at you
You look back at him and nod
“I-I” he started but took a breath “I love you too, more than just a friend”
“You do?” You asked
“Yes, I have for a while” he said and he reaches into his bedside table and pulled out a letter and handed it to you
“What’s this?” You asked
“Read it” he said
You open the letter and read it;
'My dear,
We’ve been friends for as long as I remember and I’ve never been good with words; but I want you to know I cherish our friendship, but lately I find myself wanting more, I want to hold your hand when we are walking together, not just around town but at school too, I want to hold you in my arms when we have our weekly sleep overs, to wear my volleyball jacket when you come to my games. I guess I’m saying that I want you to be my girlfriend. I’ve loved you for a while now and it’s taken me this long to tell you how I feel.
-Love your Bear’
“I’ll gladly be your girlfriend” you said as tears fell down your cheeks
He wiped away your tears and kissed your forehead. You look up at him and lean towards him and gently kiss his lips, he kissed you back gently before pulling away smiling. You smile back and cuddle up to him as he gently plays with your fingers and his hand in yours. The both of you end up falling asleep cuddling.
A few weeks later, you’re getting ready, Saeko is picking you up to take you with her to a training camp to surprise Aone. You hear her honking and you run out and climb in handing Hinata your bag.
“Okay go” you said
“Are you excited?” Saeko asked
“Of course I am” you said “I’m always excited to see my boyfriend”
“Dont you see him every day?” Hinata asked
“Yep but he doesn’t know that I’m coming” you said smiling
About 45 minutes later and nearly dying from Saekos insane driving three times you finally arrive at the training camp, the first ones out are Hinata and Kageyama. Then you and Saeko got out walking towards the gym where the teams were taking a short break between games. The next team’s going up were Date Tech and Karasuno. Kiyoko and Yachi see you first.
“You came!” Yachi said smiling as she runs over and hugs you
“Saeko picked me up” you said and hug her back
“Good, we needed a few other girls” Kiyoko said smiling taking her hug
“Please, shes ditching us for her boyfriend” Saeko said rolling her eyes playfully
“Boyfriend?” Nishinoya asked “this beautiful goddess has a boyfriend?”
“Yep” you said smiling
“Who?” He asked
“Watch” Yachi said
Just then Date Tech walked over and you smile as you see your boyfriends eyes widen seeing you here. You run up to him jumping into his waiting arms wrapping your arms around his neck as he held your thighs, giving him a kiss on the cheek
“Hey” he said softly
“Hey baby” you said smiling hugging him tightly
He was holding you close not paying any attention to the stares from the other teams. As they watched the iron wall be soft for his girlfriend. He sets you back down on your feet, but holds your hand.
“Come meet my friends” you said he nods and follows you over, “this is, Kiyoko, Yachi and Saeko, kiyoko and yachi are Karasunos managers and Saeko is Tanakas older sister”
“Hi” he said “I’m Aone”
“Oh we know a lot about you” Saeko said smirking at you “this one talks about you all the time”
“Saeko I do not” you said blushing deep red
“Except you do” Kiyoko said
You whine a little bit embarrassed and hide your face in Aones chest. He starts stroking your hair.
“Its fine dear, I dont mind you talking about me” he said.
“Aone were about to start” Futakuchi said calling him over
“Go, good luck” you said
He lets you go and kisses your lips quickly before running back over to his team.
“Its definitely safe to say that you’re in love with him” Kiyoko said
“Yes I am” you said smiling watching your boyfriend getting ready to play
“So should we expect wedding invitations after you graduate?” Saeko asked in a teasing tone
“Maybe” you said blushing.
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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sanchoyo · 3 years
so I decided to watch danny phantom. I got 3 episodes in and I have Thoughts. im not going to liveblog it necessarily, but just, maybe post my thoughts every 3-5 episodes? because, I have thoughts. (which im sure are not NEW thoughts for dp fans, but, you know. new for me) Anyway. ep 1-3 Thoughts.
- the parents Suck. I love Jazz.
-dannys little 'actually i wanna be an astronaut :)' BABY. im adopting him and his sister. these parents suck so far lol jazz shouldnt have to deal with this and being the most responsible person in the house at age 16. HATE the 'absentminded idiot parents' trope SO much actually. it just makes me mad and makes me want to adopt these kids.
-sam...is so much like me at age 15. at least when I was having a vegan phase. not saying veganism isnt a legit thing or w/e but. my god. shes so Not Like Other Girls. lmfao. if she wanted to go to the dance, she shouldve just SAID so directly!! and I hated her just going up and being catty to Paulina for No Reason Other Than Jealousy UNPROVOKED!!! Like, if anything, the BOYS are the shallow ones, approaching Paulina based on nothing but her looks instead of getting to know her?? it would not have been shallow of her at all to turn them down, she has every right to.
-tbh the way the girls are written makes me cringe. they Deserve Better I think. anyway tbh if a girl came up to me being that rude,, im not saying paulina was RIGHT to lead danny on, but like. I can't be super mad at her for it...sam was bein. hm. rude. and in paulinas little teenager brain thought that was the fastest way to get back at her I guess, by taking the guy she may or may not be crushing on?? I just hate unnecessary rivalry between girls in shows. anyway. glad she did attempt to apologize near the end anyway. I do get that a lot of kids shows have the protags being shitty to teach a moral lesson later and show them apologizing. it still rubbed me the wrong way.
-Was also rolling my eyes at Sam's 'the gorilla needs to be FREE!!' like girl realistically if theres two left,, itll be a huge poaching target, its better to keep it with professionals so it can lead a long, healthy enriched life, and so we can have a lot of footage to teach future generations about so we at least have the memory/history preserved as well as possible! zoos and nature preserves and such can be good. focus on, idk, taking down sea world or smth. (also, the fact it turned out to be a girl gorilla,, and no one noticed until Danny got An Eyeful...of course it would have to be. you cant just tell kids watching this show that theres two male gorillas and theyll DIE FOREVER AND GO EXTINCT AFTER THAT. I GUESS??? but showing danny possessing people is fine. gotcha)
-I liked skulkers design A Lot. it (funnily enough with the episode involving an actual gorilla-) reminded me of the way the gorillaz band got drawn early on. I think its the eyes.
-the voice actor for the box ghost sounded SO familiar. so I went to his IMBD originally thinking he HAD to be a voice actor on ed edd n eddy. THIS GUY HAS VOICE ACTED IN EVERY CARTOON I GREW UP WITH. SO MANY CARTOONS AND ANIMATED MOVIES. funnily enough he was in ed edd n eddy like i thought but in a very very minor role of one of the parents?? I think I just assumed he had to have voiced something I used to watch a lot of. actually, hes voice acted everything, ever. and has been since the 80s, and still does today. Crazy. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0667326/ LOOK AT THIS MAN'S TALENT.
-box ghost has the right idea tho. I wanna haunt a fed ex truck and get that rush of Open Packages Serotonin for my whole afterlife. king shit. (I also just love very silly villains and this show is checking boxes for me. love the monster of the week format stuff)
-did valerie actually cancel on tucker,, or did the boys just lie to take sam to the dance. that seems so unfair to val but we never SAW unless I was looking away. valerie u deserve a date sweetie i am SO sorry. if u already made a commitment to valerie I think sam can take HERSELF TBH. she wanted to be passive aggressive about the dance, it couldve been a lesson in 'just say what you want and dont expect your friends to be mindreaders' lol
-'boys hugging makes every year book funny' TOP 10 SAM HOMOPHOBIC MOMENTS?? let them cuddle while they nap girl wtf. I KNOOOW I know this is how a lot of cartoons were written in the early 2000s but I hate it.
-tucker being freaked out by the cute ghost girl wanting to dance with him at the dance?? no sir. you WANTED A GIRL TO WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU!! and your best friend is half ghost!! tucker top ten ghostphobic moments!!! (also, her having a dragon amulet is a BONUS. coward)
-danny can just. possess people. ALRIGHT! casually terrifying. love that.
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