#like from what i saw in the orginal thing he's all talk but in the us version he's a proper creep
bookishdreamer28 · 11 months
꘎♡━━Idiots in love━━♡꘎
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With the one and only,Gojo Satoru 𓆩♡𓆪
Suguru and Shoko had said that multiple times already. Satoru and Y/N were f oblivious, that they couldn't see what was right in front of them. They were either playing the idiots or they were actually idiots.
The said group of 4, were ready to go grab some food and then head to Shoko's home for movie night. Once they reached their destination, they went to their table and ordered their fave food. While Suguru and Shoko were talking about something she saw today on her way home, Satoru and Y/N were in their own little bubble, for once. Again.
Y/N was showing a funny vid she found to Satoru, but what she didn't noticed, was that all of his attention was on her, and her only.
"Oh look at that, isn't thi-"
"You're so cute."
"What did you just say?" She asked a bit flustered. Did she heard him correctly?
"I said you look like a boot." Satoru exclaimed fast, once he realized he said what he's been thinking, for a long time now, out loud.
"Wha- I look like a boot? This doesn't even make sense, egghead!" Y/N gave him a little slap on his forehead.
"Ow that was mean."
"You just said I look like boot!"
"Yeah well that Was mean tho. You're lucky you're cute." Satoru gave her a small smirk.
"Ugh you're unbelievable." And their bickering started again. Suguru and Shoko on the other head, had to hold their laughter. They just couldn't believe how oblivious they were.
"Hey I thought of something." Satoru approached Y/N and hugged her side.
"Well that's orginal." Y/N said with a teasing smile.
"Ha ha. Anyways, I want you to tell me...how do I know if I have a crush on someone?" Once he said that Y/N looked at him like he said the weirdest thing ever. Which somehow, it was. why would he even ask her that? Does he actually have a crush on someone? And who is this someone? And why she cares?
"W-well, you think about them all the time, you feel strange when they're around, and then you just- why are you looking at me like that?" Satoru was looking at Y/N, like he had hearts on both his eyes and his cheeks were slightly pink.
"Uh? OH! Ah NoTHinG". He said with a cracked voice.
"Can you tell me already, what in the world you two are doing?" Shoko said to Satoru. The two of them were out for some coffee, since they finished with their work early.
"What exactly you're talking about?" Satoru looked confused.
"Oh don't play dumb with me too. You and Y/N. Why is it that you're not together already?" That made Toru stop on his tracks and look at Shoko.
"WHAT? Where did this come from?? She's my friend. I can't just go and tell her something like this. "
"Is that really all she is to you? Just a friend. Dude, yesterday you told her she had nice lips. Who even says that?" She said chuckling. She could no believe how stupid he was. How stupid both of them were.
"I mean she Does have nice lips th- OK WHERE IS THIS EVEN GOING?" He said shouting a little. And he now looked flustered. Shoko smirked.
"Ok. And how about all the times, you talked about how perfect she is, how she looked beautiful in that dress she wore on our night out, how she has the cutest smile in the world. Friends don't talk about each other that way."
"Yeah yeah I know but that- wait? What do you mean each other?" Satoru asked curiously.
"Oh. Well, Y/N has said a few quite interesting things about you as well, but I'm Not saying anything more. All I'm going to say, is put us all all of our misery and admit it already."
Satoru didn't listen to anything else she had to say, cuz he was to busy thinking about all this. Was there really a chance that Y/N actually felt something for him, too?
There was an amazing spot on the beach, where Toru and Y/N were now going. He called her to invite her to spend a day on the beach, along with their friends. Even tho Satoru wasn't really into the idea of having their friends along with them, he didn't really cared since he was going to spend time with Y/N either way.
Once the group arrived to the beach, they started unpacking their stuff and some went to play volleyball and some for swimming. Satoru and Y/N were left behind. The two were now laying on their beach towels, talking about general stuff. While they were talking, Toru's hand grabbed Y/N's soflty and started playing with her fingers. Y/N was flustered and didn't utter a word. In all 3 years they've been knowing each other, none of this kind of affection was a big deal. But now it felt different. Good different.
While Y/N was looking at the sea, thinking about all these, Satoru was staring at her with lovestruck eyes and a soft smile painting his face. She felt his stare but didn't dare to look at him. She didn't understand why they both acted like this. What was even that? Why this tension?
After a few moments, Toru spoke.
"Uhm just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn't like, mean anything by the way. Not, i that way, at least...Unless you want it...ti mean something. I don't mind. That's cool." He felt like he wasn't making any sense right now and he was ready to jump into the water and never get back to the shore.
Y/N was giving him a questioning look right now, and tried to understand what was he even saying. Satoru's eyebrows were scrunched together in deep thought.
"Do you thing that this, us...do you think it could ever be something..more?" Y/N was now starting at him with wide eyes and mouth hanged open.
"Wait us? What do you mean us? Us, together? A couple?" She felt her whole bdoy sweating and she was struggling with words. Satoru noticed that, and brought her hand close to his chest. Where his heart, was beating fast.
"I think I'm falling in love with you. No. I've been in love with you for longest time. A-and I don't know why, but I thought you didn't feel the same way and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, but I couldn't resist. I mean, you're just so beautiful and awesome."
Y/N was ready to pass out. All this time, all this flirt, was because he ahd feelings for her?
"Oh wow. Too much to process already. I thought you were just teasing me because you know...we were friends. And this is what you do. And I didn't make any move because I thought you didn't feel the same way."
The two stayed in silence, listening to their friends laughing, the waves. Then, out of nowhere, they started giggling like two idiots. Y/N laid her head on his shoulder, and he pressed his mouth on her hair, as if trying muffle his laughing.
"God we're idiots." She said through her laughter and moved her head to look at Toru. And he was already staring at her smiling warmly.
"You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."
"Oh and now this sounds like you're flirting." She said with a small voice and a smile, while scouting closer to him. As close as possible.
".....I have been trying to do that for three years now." He said with a teasing voice. They both stared at each other, no more words exchanged. Because they didn't need to say anything. Their eyes spoke for them.
"Do you want...to kiss?"
And so, their faces leaned closer and their lips sealed into a sweet kiss. His hands were around Y/N's waist as he pulled her closer, goosebumps swarming every part of her body that he touched. After a while, the kiss broke for a second, a smile stretching Toru's face.
"I love the taste of your lips on mine."
"Then stop talking and kiss me again." Y/N murmured and grabbed his neck and pulled him close to her face again.
He kissed her back again, fingers softly sliding down the side of her face. They were paying no attention to anything or anyone now. They were too lost in their kiss to do that. Too busy to notice their friends looking at them with huge smiles on their faces.
A/N: Every time I write romance/fluff fics, I never see how mushy and sweet they are, until I get to reread them 😂
Btw, Nanami, Suguru and many more anime characters fanfics are coming, so stay tuned lovelies ♡
And for once again, thank you for liking my posts and I hope you'll enjoy reading this one too!!!
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 7-8 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
I'm back from vacay and back to back doctor appointments, so this one a little bit late. anyways who ready for some DRAMA!
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Yeah and i'm a descended of some ancient chinese emperor according to wikipedia it nothing special hunny.
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This scene is the most lakorn thing ever. like he just hugging a crying woman and both Juu and Wee treated it like they just saw them made out or something.
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Calm thy Titties Wee, and idk maybe talk to your man first before jumping to conclusion.
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Stupid gay rock i know you like drama but come on man!
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Daou is so freaking good in this EP man, he came a long way and i'm looking forward to more of him preferably with more other BL partners. look look, DaouOffroad are great and all but i need All the BL guys to kiss each other and not just limit us and themselves to this branded pair bullshit :P
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My heart!!
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Gaslight gatekeep girlboss. this lady is E-V-I-L-!
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Ok fuck it i'm taking this man as my future husband number 2.
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I loved that Grandma pointed out the risk of messing up the stone. but i also understand Wee very bad but understandable willingness to use it. cause she the only one whose been there for him all his life.
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Grandma came through with the logic of using the stone on her body. this is such a great way to make Wee give up.
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I knew this was coming but it still hurts nonetheless.
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Why are you doing this to me show. cute flashback after the break up, you're so mean.
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Tropey lakorn scene number 2.
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I'm not bothered much by San giving the stone to Wad here cause he's a 100+ years old and very old fashion when it come to honor and other junk.
Now For EP 8.
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Oh my. OH OH OH OH! my heart skipped a beat from how hot this man is in this get up.
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Future husband number 3. What >.> i haven't date any one ever in my life and now i'm hungry for men!
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He's moving on baby boy, just let him love you god damn it!
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Ok i like to point out that the hugs game between these two had been top notch. cause yeah some other BL shows maybe did more with physical intimacy but hugging always been a weak spot in a lot of BLs.
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Bit on the nose but she's serving. no note this outfit is perfect for the villain revelation.
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I loved her. this woman deserve her money, i already forgave her for all the angsts she put my boys through she's just that fun to watch.
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And now i'm ordering pizza. product placements never works on me but random food, hmm. hell yeah i'm a pig.
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Chu called her strawberry in thai btw. it's orginate from the word ตอแหล *Torlea which means liar or bullshitter. people just started using strawberry because the word sound alike.
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Grandpa you're dying and you're still this horny? respect bro.
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My baby you're so cute when you're terrified out of you mind.
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EP 7 was so good ya'll buttttt yeah EP8 definitely felt rushed idk maybe this show would be better with 12 EPs so the conflict and separation could be more impactful. or maybe draw out the separation for 1 ep longer and have the resolution play out in the last two EPs. anyways the angsts maybe too short and not perfect but Daou and Offrode did an amazing jobs from what they've been given.
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themadauthorshatter · 10 months
Part 3 of Robots Rewritten, bitches, LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!
Tw for robot gore/violence for this part. This final battle is going to be greasy, as it's said in the original
We pick up where we left off with the outmode crew and Bigweld going to Bigweld Industries, much to the surprise of all witnesses. Bigweld still has Rodney and Cappy wait, but frames it more as a, "Let the adult handle this," and also gives a bit of a parental push for Cappy by encouraging her to stick with Rodney so he doesn't stir up trouble. While Bigweld goes inside, Rodney and Cappy talk, admitting that neither knows what happens after this, but Cappy goes in to tell Rodney how genuinely grateful she is he ever came to the city, as she would never have been as brave as him to make a difference to this extent. The best Rodney comes up with in return, after some self hyping, is asking Cappy on a date, a proper one where he's himself and not wearing a dumb disguise. It makes them both laugh, but Cappy agrees on the condition that they pick what the other HAS TO wear. When Rodney dares her to repeat that, Fender and the others join in by giving odeas for what Rodney could have Cappy wear, i.e. something onutmode-ish and silly, and time's are just fun for a second as they wait a little bit
Ratchet still sees Bigweld and PANICS, and still "charms" his way to the point he knocks Bigweld out, and knocks some screws loose. Things proceed as they do in the original with Ratchet ordering Bigweld taken to the Chop Shop along with Rodney and Cappy, thought Rodney does onject and demand that Ratchet leave Cappy alone, maybe even kicks him and sees how weak Ratchet's upgrades are. The chase still occurs because it's genuinely entertaining, and Cappy shows off her rollerblading
The chase ends the same way, the outmodes go to the Chop Shop to foght, and the final battle starts the same way as it does in the original, with Gasket realizing Rodney is the one causing her so much trouble and revealing the giant Sweepers and that the outmodes are outnumbered. UNTIL PIPER AND THE ROBOTS RODNEY HELPED SHOW UP!!
The fight is very much the same as it is in the orginal, with everyone fighting their own battle, though after saving Bigweld, Rodney does an "awesome, badass nerd" move by swinging in(with a push from Wonderbot) to save Cappy from Chop Shop workers; she got separated from the outmodes and got outnumbered. (A visual gag could be Bigweld high-fiving Wonderbot for added humor. You'll see why it's needed soon)
Gasket ultimately has to retreat from the fight on the Giant Sweepers, and Ratchet gets the Sweepers activated.
Cappy, Rodney, and Bigweld all see it happen, but Rodney gets an idea, though he tells Cappy to stay where she is so she's safe. Cappy obviously refuses, but Rodney begs her to because he doesn't want anything to happen to Cappy; his idea is a dangerous one. There's back and forth, but Cappy ultimately kisses Rodney, who she makes promise her that he's going to come back and take her on that date he offered. He obviously does and moves out
Like in the original, Rodney and Bigweld swing down from a giant saw to knock over the Giant Sweepers, thank goodness too because they were closing in on the outmodes.
Ratchet sees Bigweld and Rodney swing toward him and has momentary panic before throwing himself at Rodney at the last moment, sending the two on a conveyor belt. The momentum also sends Gasket into the same chains Ratchet ends up in, in the original, so she's next to her husband
The Giant Sweepers are taken out and the outmodes rush to get Bigweld and make sure he's okay. Rodney and Ratchet have landed on one of the higher up conveyor belts, but they're also low to the point that Cappy cannot reach either of them. Just explaining that now before we get to what I consider the climax's climax:
Angry beyond all reason, Ratchet essentially flies off the handle, whaling on Rodney with anything he can grab, like a hammer, wrench, thin pipe, whatever, and Rodney tries to stop him and defend himself. Ratchet only shouts about how Rodney ruined everything, being a stupid kid who's slowly falling apart and can't scrape up enough to even build himself into something better. Wonderbot does try helping, but is backhanded away, though Rodney is able to kick Ratchet back and try running. Ratchet only knocks him back down again
Basically put, Ratchet goes Ratigan and just wants Rodney dead. It's nit a completely one sided fight, as Rodney, is getting a few hits in and taking advantage of bith his stronger, "outdated" metal to keep from getting his face smashed in, and the thinner, less reliable upgrade metal Ratchet has, both weakening Ratchet, and riling him up further. At one point in their scuffle, Ratchet has Rodney on his back again with the two having that sort of "push 'contest'" where there's a bar/pipe between them and while one's pushing down two kill the other, the other is pushing up to not die, Ratchet says he should have taken care of Rodney the first chance he had, maybe even thrown him out of the window without his little dishwashing invention so he wouldn't be a problem in Ratchet's city
Rodeny, who's been beaten to high hell, shouts that the city isn't Ratchet's, never has been and never will be, and he does a risky move after saying that, having seen where one conveyor belt meets another, by having the wheels catch Ratchet's arm, just enough to get him to let go of Rodney.
The two have one final stand off, both beaten tired, and with their metal and bodied badly damaged. Ratchet has armed himself with a hammer, ready to smash Rodney to pieces once he moves, but Rodney, is unarmed, refusing to take a wrench Wonderbot is trying to give him, and even looking at a picture of his parents and Cappy and his friends he's got in his arm compartment.
Ratchet admits he probably won't have the city, won't have Bigweld Industries, and won't have every outmode either melted down or looking as shiny as he is, but he can at least have the satisfaction of getting rid of Rodney himself, which is a shame because he really could've used somone as inventive as Bigweld, but easier to push around. Rodney, seeing that the two are DANGEROUSLY close to the flames meant to melt down metal, only tells Ratchet that he'd rather be himself than anything like Ratchet, saying so as he runs forward and tackles Ratchet off the conveyor belt
It leads to the two also smalling into the wall and falling onto the new metal conveyor belt. Ratchet is down for the count while Rodney has enough energy to at least push himself up. AT LEAST, until the conveyor belt doors slam with him caught between them
It causes MANY robots to scream, especially as they see Rodney fall out of the doors once they're open again. Everyone swarms to get Ratchet and Gasket and get the two out and arrested, as they are responsible for mass murder, and to see Rodney, Cappy pushing and rushing through the crowd and shouting for everyone to let her through. Fender stops her, not wanting her to see how badly damaged Rodney really is. Cappy still shouts for him to let her go and let her see Rodney.
Camera poc, there are glimpses of Rodney as people swarm around, all quiet and asking if he's dead or not. Cappy ultimately breaks free and gets to her childhood friend, and freezes once she does.
Rodney is HORRIBLY broken apart, having been nearly been broken in half by the doors. The fight had left one arm broken to the point the covering has come off. Much of his body had been badly dentes, but now it's tenfold. He has had an eye broken in the fight, his mohawk is broken and he's almost completely covered in grease(not blood, relax). His legs were also fairly damaged, but more more than the other; he would have been limping before the door slammed on him. It's enough to make Cappy fall to her knees and hold Rodney close to her, in shock and refusing to let him go as the outmodes try to get the two to move. Camera pov again, Rodney's hand twitches and the screen fades, giving a small hint that he is alive
We see it's true when Rodney comes to in his house, back home, in HORRIBLE pain and having some trouble seeing clearly. He sees his parents sitting close by and when they twarfully ask how he is, he admits he feels awful, having had the most screwed up dream ever and not being able to move very well, so he'll have to call in and try to get a day off. Rodney's mother cries as she holds Rodney's hand, though Rodney's father just looks away for a moment before asking Rodney what he remembers last
Rodney, confused, basically says he left for Bigweld city, but the city was being taken over by someone who wanted to destroy outmodes and make everyone upgraded, but Rodney and the outmodes stopped the robot responsible
Before either of his parents can speak, Rodney is tapped on the shoulder and he looks over to see Fender, who asks Rodney how he slept and if his fabulous new legs were in that dream of his. Rodney realizes that, yeah, NONE of it was a dream and sits up to hug his parents and Fender, crying because of everything that happened and because he's home and ALIVE
Fender, who's getting misty eyed himself, tells Rodney not to get too weepy when he's got some repairs done, including a new eye that they don't want fogging up yet, and he's got a special someone to introduce his parents to, and it's not Rodney's polished girlfriend
With some help getting up, Rodney, his parents, and Fender all walk outside, where Rodney sees both the bots from the city and his friends hanging out when the boys from his hometown, even seeing Bigweld talk to Aunt Fanny because I think they're damn cute. Also out and about, but not talking to anyone is Cappy, who's holding a dejected Wonderbot in her hands. That changes when Wonderbot lights up upon seeing Rodney and flying over to him as fast as possible, maybe even using his wire(?) Arms and legs to hug Rodney before lightly bonking him on the head for almost getting himself killed. Cappy is utterly speechless, even while Rodney fumbles over himself apologizing to her, but Cappy hugs him, which he reciprocates because he really needs a hug
The two only break their hug when Bigweld comes in to check on Rodney and see how he's doing, seeing as he's up and moving. He's asking because he's got an announcement:
He's come all the way to the small town to personally announce the remaking and redistribution of spare parts for all robots and, once he's all healed up and himself again, he's hiring Rodeny to work for him and, when Bigweld retires, will make Rodney his successor, if Rodney would like to be. Rodney asks if that should go to Cappy instead, and Cappy, a little cheery, asks Rodney who he thinks gave Bigweld the idea to hire Rodney in the first place. Bigweld also jokingly chides Rodney and tells him to respect the new leader of his industry, though she'll be acting more as his assistant manager or something
It's all good news, and when Rodney looks to his parents, they're HELLA proud of him and they tell him. Rodney does falter for a second in agreeing, but it's ultimately his parents's approval and the mostly silent encouragement from everyone that gets him to agree(it's not peer pressure, don't worry). It's also some encouragement from Rodney's father that helps, said encouragement being that his father didn't necessarily get to go after what had been his dream, a chance he doesn't want Rodney to miss by any means. When Rodney points out how His father could still have time to pursue his dream, his father only tells Rodney that Rodney himself is that dream, telling his son that he's always made him proud and he just knows that Rodney will continue doing doing great things. The two hug and there is the stipulation that Rodney NOT get himself nearly killed in his line of work again, but still. Happy serotonin all around
After agreeing, it's celebrating all around, though, Cappy pulls Rodney away after a while so the two can get some quiet time. Admittedly, she's a little upset, but more at the fact she almost lost her best friend. Rodney apologizes, as that was one of his dumber ideas, but right as he goes to promise he won't do anything stupid like that again, he stops himself, and he and Cappy kiss. Fender, Piper, and the other Robot City friends see it, Lug trying not to cry, Piper and Crank being fairly impressed, Diesel being shocked before turning to give them some privacy, and Fender giving a, "not bad," at the scene
Diesel does shoo everyone away with Wonderbot's help, but the kiss leaves Rodney with some trouble standing, as he still isn't used to his new legs yet, maybe even asking how Fender got used to his new legs so fast. Cappy just tells him not to worry about it and just stays by Rodney's side, though does remind him that he owes her that date more than ever now. Rodney, remembering their agreement, wishes her well in finding him something that will go with is mish-moshed parts. It's supposed to be a cute, sweet ending where we don't think about the horrible trauma the characters must have from the story's events, and wrap up on a happy note as Rodney and Cappy kiss again, though Rodney surprises her by picking her up and spinning her around, making them both laugh even when they inevitably fall down; Cappy is unharmed because she lands on Rodney, who is also unharmed
In true 2005 fashion, the ending has a dance sequence, because why not, with the characters cutting a rug and being silly, maybe even a cut of Gasket and Ratchet, if he survived, sitting in prison scowling in their defeat while Ratchet's father is dancing along as well
The ending shot is of a picture taken of nearly everyone together, though it does turn into a freeze frame as the credits roll
AND THAT WAS A PG-13 TAKE ON ROBOTS!!! I really hope you guys liked this 3-parter, sorry if this last part got a little intense, I had a certain image in my head that I just had to share with the rest of you, and this was honestly my way of putting context to that image
Not saying what that image was, but I'm sure you can guess😁
Fr, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading this!!!
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princess-ibri · 5 months
I just stumbled across your blog so maybe I don’t fully understand your disneyverse but I saw you talk about morgana being tritons step sister and I was wondering what your thoughts on that were/an explanation for why you think step siblings over full siblings and if there’s any canon to that.
I mean I know that Morgana isn’t a really thought through character and conflicts some of the earlier lore so I was wondering what you thought about the whole thing
Sorry if you’ve answered this alr or if this doesn’t make sense
You're all good! So basically on this blog I'm doing my own Disney multiverse called the DisneyVerse, where I try to tie all the movies (or at least the ones I like) into one timeline, and I come up with more backstory for the characters to flesh them out more/tie into the greater timeline narrative.
My backstory involving Urusula and Morgana and Triton's relationships can be found here:
And here:
But basically, I take the orginal films as the hard canon, and ten just take from the many different Disney spinoff materials and pick and choose which peices I like from those to build out my expanded universe :)
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whatyourusherthinks · 23 days
My Adventures With Superman Season Two Review
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AND WE'RE BACK! If you don't know what we're doing here, than go read my Season One MAWS review, but I'm just gonna keep trucking along!
Season 2 Episode 1 'More Things in Heaven and Earth'
Interesting dream opening, and I like that Clark and Lois are still being cute. But hold the fuck up a second. Jimmy is in charge now? Him selling his YouTube channel to the Daily Planet made him one of the bosses there? Is this implying he's like a partial owner or something? ...Actually I'm okay with this. But why is everyone giving Clark shit for a "lame" date idea? Why do they care? This is why no one likes you Cat! And Jimmy, you were there in the first season and saw Clark way over plan his first date with Lois. And you gave him shit about it. So why are you doing the opposite now? Not only is this entire Valentine's Day plot just their for some no really funny jokes, but I'm more annoyed about that than the entirety of the Daily Planet staff being super investing in Clark and Lois's love life honestly. Jimmy was such a good wingman before! YOU CAN'T DISTRACT ME WITH A REFERENCE TO THE ORGINAL SUPERMAN MOVIE SHOW!
Oh hey the guy who becomes Cyborg Superman is in this episode. That will totally distract me from this weird opening. I do like that Jimmy tries to cheer Lex Luthor up, which he takes as inspiration to become evil. I'm gonna get more into it later, but they do a very interesting dichotomy. I like their version of Kryton in the show, it's another thing I'll get into later as the show reveals more about it. I'm bummed they aren't going to give Superman a Fortress of Solitude, it seems like something they were setting up in this episode, but I get why and I can't blame them for making this choice. I just think it would have been cool. Especially since Jor-El is super cool in this episode. Also, any guesses about who the "enemy" the could not defeat is? Given that those Kryptonian soldiers are killed by a laser that seemed to change directions, the Kirby-dot accents on said laser, and what the planet looks like from space, I think it's Darkseid/the New Gods. That would be hella dope. All the villains in this episode are kinda dumb. Slade has officially fallen into "goon" territory, and Damage... I'm pissed at what they did to Damage. Maybe if the show goes into his backstory in a later episode it could still make him work, but right now they took a antihero with an interesting and complicated relationship with both Superman and the US government and made him Big Punchy Bad Man.
Season 2 Episode 2 'Adventures With My Girlfriend'
Hey this opening is kinda cute, with Waller hyping herself up and bring General Lane cof- Hold the fuck up again, how does Ivo have the Parasite suit? Superman tore him out of the suit and they left the remains in the park, did Task Force X capture him again and stick give him the Parasite tech again? Even though last time he destroyed their base and Waller herself admitted he was going insane? Why would you not keep him out of the suit until you need him to be Parasite? He's not even restrained that well they just leave him in a cell! Ivo aside, this episode is the beginning of something that bothered me throughout the entire season. Lois and Clark spend the entire season needing to talk about various things, and the show just doesn't let them have a moment. It just makes for the most annoying kind of cheap drama. So do you hate the show now? What? No! I still love the characters and the writers know what they are doing with Superman himself. Case in point, this episode is basically Superman versus the Prison Industrial Complex. And it's great. There was more subtle social commentary in the last season, but they make it more in your face this season. Which I have absolutely no problem with. Break my nose with your ACAB propaganda Supes! Plus Lois and Clark are super cute while they are investigating together. I also had a little freak out when Atomic Skull showed up. Yes, he a random Task Force X goon with no set-up, but a) his backstory in the comics is sorta dumb so skipping it works for this character, and b) he just looks so damn cool! A creepy looking destructive force is all you kinda need from AS, so he's good. Also, I like Jimmy's subplot. The laugh Perry White give when Jimmy says the interns aren't aren't listening to him cleansed my soul, and I like that the Newskid Legion and Steve are trying to kill each other in the background. And is this first episode where Superman uses his super-breath? Cool. Also, FUCKING CALLED IT! EVERYONE DID! I DON'T CARE BUGGNUTZ I'M STILL SMART!
Season 2 Episode 3 'Fullmetal Scientist'
Oh HELL the fuck yes! This episode introduces STEEEEEEL~ And Cyborg's dad? That's a cool easter egg. But for real though, Steel is a super dope character and I am so glad they included him in the show, even if he looks dumb. This is what I mean when I say I don't mixing CGI and traditional 2D animation. That CGI mech body with the cartoon head sticking out looks completely ridiculous and makes all of Steel's motions look really weird too. I wish they gave him a mech suit like what Deathstroke has just with a more comic accurate look, or at least a helmet for this new one so he doesn't looks like an egg on a Gundam. I like John Henry Iron's design outside of the suit, I love that he's even bigger and broader than Clark is. I also love how Clark is a huge nerd about him too. And he's Flip's uncle? Okay, sure. I also like what they did with Metallo. It's vastly different to the comics, which is great. In my opinion, the only thing that Metallo has over, say, Cyborg Superman is the kryptonite heart thing, and even then it's not super interesting. Metallo instead being a bunch of drones which Lex improves their power cores with synthetic Kryptonite is a cooler idea. I wish they looked more different than the Task Force X or Kryptonian robots, but I like that they have laser-railguns. Railguns are awesome. I think the forcefield power Clark gets in this episode is cool. It's kinda in the comics, he has a bioelectric aura that just for hand-wavium for dinguses who are like "How can Superman lift a plane by it's nosecone without destroying the plane?" or "How can Superman's clothes stay intact when he's in an explosion?". But as far as I'm aware it's just something that's always on, he doesn't control it. But it's a power that makes sense for Superman to have. Way more than something like "Super Muscular Control".
Now for my problem with the episode: This episode that really made me mad about General Lane not realizing Clark is Superman. THEY'VE BEEN LIVING TOGETHER BETWEEN AND DURING THIS EPISODE AND THE LAST ONE HOW DID JIMMY FIGURE IT OUT AS SOON AS HE MET CLARK BUT A HEAD OF A BLACK OPS TEAM TRYING TO HUNT DOWN SUPERMAN DOESN'T. I wouldn't get so mad if the rest of his identity wasn't so reasonable. The only people who Clark interreacts with as both Superman and himself are Lois, Jimmy, his Parents, and General Lane. (Also I guess Ivo too, but a) they don't establish that he does know Superman's identity or not, and b) even if he doesn't know he's insane because of the Parasite suit so it's explained away that way.) And only the general doesn't know. HOW? I get that he sees Clark as a screw-up who doesn't deserve to date his daughter, but he's shown to be very smart, tactical, and always making plans. And you're telling me he would never even consider that Clark and Superman are the same person? HE VISITED THE KENT FARM AND A SPACESHIP RAISED UP FROM BENEATH THEIR CORNFIELD. Also, don't be surprised if a there is an episode next season where Clark is forced to interview/be in proximity to Lex Luthor and has to not give away his secret identity, only for either Lex to figure it out anyway or for Lex to completely dismiss Clark because he's too "wimpy". Given how the show has handled Clark's secret identity so far, I could see it going either way. But I think it would be way more interesting if Lex actually knows and plots to expose Clark as well as take him out.
Season 2 Episode 4 'Two Lanes Diverged'
THIS EPISODE MAKES ME WANT TO CRY! Not just because the first half of the episode is the sweetest friendship with Clark and Jimmy, not just because the darkest hour and the ending of this episode are gut wrenching, but also because we get Lois's backstory and it's so sad watching her try to connect to a guy who's such a dick AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH Alright, calm down Hayden Christensen. *Sniff sniff* You can't make me. Oh dude Toyman is in this episode! I mean barely and it's pretty much just an easter egg but his teddy bear exploded so I'm gonna count it. Why do you even like a guy called Toyman so much? He sounds lame. Gee, I don't know why'd I like a guy who's whole gimmick is Dr. Jekyll except he makes armies of killer robots- Wait. Wait. He's working on a tiny robot model of the Brain. Was he a member of Cadmus? Did he design the Brain's mechanical body!? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE CONTINUITY?! Oh hey, this is the episode where they really establish Lex and Jimmy's relationship. Lex Luthor in this universe is like an evil opposite to Jimmy Olsen, and that's brilliant. I mean it totally make sense, right? Jimmy's Superman's Best Pal, and what's the opposite of a best friend? A worst enemy. I'm probably way over explaining this, but I like it a lot. I don't think these two characters have had a lot of crossover in the comics WRONG Read the 2019 run of Superman's Pal: Jimmy Olsen. Oh, uh... Sure, this seems right up my alley! (And I do remember one issue where it's revealed that Lex's biggest fear is being Jimmy Olsen, so there's that.) ANYWAY My point is that it's a cool angle to take these two characters and I hope they deepen it in future seasons. Also haha the show does another plot thread that sucked in BvS and works so much better here. Zack. I don't know if this is going to revealed as a lie, but Lex's motivation is really interesting. It's by no means unique to the show, but other stories usually spice it up with "he's jealous of Superman" or "he's cRaZy" and I don't really think he needs that. Paranoia is enough of a motive to plot murder. Also the fight at the end is dope as hell, I love that all the Star Labs gadgets they showed off earlier in the episode come into play and that metal backing track was awesome. I don't even have any nitpick for this episode. This is one's really good.
Season 2 Episode 5 'Most Eligible Superman'
On from the best episode of the season so far to the worst... But let's be positive first. This episode introduces Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl. And her and Jimmy are in love and have the cutest frickin' date and they are OTP! They better hook up for realsies next season I swear to Rao! Calm down, you're hyperventilating. Also, didn't know Wonder Woman has an enby villain. That's cool. So is the fight at the end. But the main plot of this episode is Clark having to pretend he's single so he doesn't accidently reveal his secret identity and also because Cat Grant is an idiot and Lois gets jealous because I guess Clark was supposed to violently reject this hot billionaire flirting with him while also pretending to be single and also because Cat Grant is an idiot. There's some funny moments I guess, but all this dumbassery is just to facilitate Clark and Lois breaking up at the end of the episode FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Roan Lois breaks up with Clark because she felt overwhelmed and her insecurities took over after her Father left in the previous episode and she felt not good enough for him. Not saying it was aa good reason, but that's why it happened. ...Okay fine, but the next time they see each other they pretty much hook back up, so what is even the point? It's just annoying because most of the time the characters act reasonably and this just feels so contrived and without purpose. Look at Perry's face in the opening after Cat bursts into his office. That is my reaction to this entire episode. Also, there is a bizarre continuity error. Hank Henshaw (the guy who becomes Cyborg Superman) said he had a wife in the first episode of the season so why is he one of Metropolis's most eligible bachelors? Bleh, I'm just gonna kick this one aside and move on.
Season 2 Episode 6 'The Machine Who Would Be Empire'
Okay okay, shake it off. Let's start with saying this is my favorite version of Supergirl I've seen in anything ever. Admittedly, I'm not a huge Supergirl fan to begin with. She's fine, but I've never read or seen anything that makes me go nuts for her. (Although I've heard the Tom King's Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is really fucking good and I love his Miracle Man limited series. It's on my reading list.) But this Supergirl is amazing. Probably the smartest thing the show does is have the first episode with her super cute date with Jimmy, because it let's me overlook some of the mean stuff she does to Clark in this episode. But even then, you see her softer side. I like that she's really into exploring and seeing other planets, and I like that Clark immediately starts making fun of her when he finds out she has a crush on Jimmy. It's okay, she get him back. Their sibling dynamic is something we never get in the comics, and I love it. They're cousins. Whatever, get my meaning. I also like how Kara's a massive dumbass. Like it's not really her fault, she's been manipulated by Brainiac since she was born and part of that is he stunted her education, clearly. But the rest of the gang are pretty smart, both academically and emotionally, so it's a good a character who has no idea what she's doing. Ever. (And before anyone jumps up my ass, yes she obviously knows more about Krypton stuff than anyone else still alive, so she's not an idiot technically. But for like 90% of the plots this show has she'd be completely out of her depth.) And hey, speaking of Brainiac, I like what they did with him too. While it would have been cool if he did the bottling cities from the comics, but I still like his motivations. And him being Kryptonian is cool. I like the way he looks, his personality ("With ambitions so small they could fit inside a cradle"), and I like that he can possess Kryptonians. There's a cool symbiosis between Kryptonians and their technology as a whole, it's very transhumanist, I dig it. Also, I noticed Krytonians always have their powers, even on Krypton, for the first time in this episode. I kinda like that change actually. It makes sense with the ultra-conquering empire that they changed Krypton into, and it gives Kara an interesting argument for her perspective in the episode. Also, IS THAT A FUCKING GREEN LANTERN? A THANAGARIAN? A PARADEMON!? THEY LOOK FUCKING AWESOME!
Season 2 Episode 7 'Olsen's Eleven'
Oh hell yeah heist episode! And the Brain and Monsieur Mallah are back?! AND MALLAH HAS HIS BERET!?! This has gotta be the best episode of the season! Also, Livewire has a butch girlfriend now?
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All seriousness, I love this episode. I love heist movies, my favorite characters are back, I thought the twist of the episode was great, the final fight was awesome too. This show makes the power of love cool. I feel like half the time "the Power of Love" just like brings someone's partner back from the dead or is a healing power, but I love it when a) the story shows that powerful love can be between anyone, not just romantic partners, and b) the power gives a character a strength boost or drives them to perform an insane feat of endurance. They do it a couple times this season, and they are usually the best moments of their episodes. I also like that Lois admits she was dumb in 'Most Eligible Superman', and I like Jimmy trying to prove he can solve most situations just by talking to someone. The backstory/explaining stuff montages are a cute extra animation style, but I don't care for the big-eyed expressions Livewire gets in some parts. You've already bitched about this in previous episodes. Yeah true, but if the show keeps doing it... Wait that nursing home has the name "Silver Age" that's hilarious. What was I talking about? How it makes no sense that Lois has the Kryptonite shard from the data ball. Oh yeah, how does she have that? It was in Clark's ship and I thought it got destroyed at the end of 'More Things in Heaven and Earth'. Didn't Task Force X get it? That's why they could make Kryptonite weapons and change the Metallos' power core. Okay, I had to go back and check, but Jimmy picked it up the shard and put it back in the ball at the end of the episode, but Slade still had some remnants on his sword that they must use to synthesize more. So not a plot hole.
Season 2 Episode 8 'The Death of Clark Kent'
Flash Bulletin! We got a name drop of the Black Mercy in this episode, which guarantees that Alan Moore absolutely has to hate this show. I, on the other hand, like this episode. Even though like the a quarter of the episode is basically clip show, and the way Kara says Kal-El was starting to grate on my nerves. But forget all that, 'cause JIMMY AND KARA ARE SITTING IN A TREE, WELL KARA'S PROBABLY FLO-OA-TING! Ow my ears, calm the fuck down dude. Shut up you don't have ears, you're a manifestation of my DID. Also, it's another kinda heist-y episode except instead of stealing something, they are rebooting Brainiac or something. Also Brainiac is really sassy in this episode and I like it. ("Now let's find your weakness. So I can kill you.") I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but I really like Brainiac's voice. The voice acting in the show as whole is alright, but the soft, lilting voice Michael Emerson gives him is perfect for the character. I like that Brainiac's plan is to mental break Clark so he can possess him, it's a perfect encapsulation of Clark's emotional journey and also there's an awesome Torquasm Rao refences with how he fends off Brainiac. (At least I think it's a Torquasm Rao reference. It could just be a "Power of Love" thing but it should be a easter egg.) I feel like he could have used memories of Ma and Pa to fight off Brainiac more easily. Eh... Could he have? He tried that with Kara and she easily shook his faith with them. Plus he's in his early twenties and is obsessed with Lois, she's probably the only thing on his mind like 65% of the time. And I super love the dark ending. Everyone on this website has already lost it over Possessed Superman, and yes his moob window is funny. But I actually like way Brainiac poses and moves while possessing Clark more than that. He's very regal, and every action seems calculated. Both Clark and Kara aren't uncoordinated at all, but Brainiac makes them both look like bumbling children. It's really creepy. And his speech at the end. Ugh his speech at the end. Not only is it the best worldbuilding information we get about Kryptonians, but that moment where he tells Kara he loves her right before smashing her into the floor is the best low point in the series.
Season 2 Episode 9 'Pierce the Heavens, Superman!'
Okay... So far the episodes with Superman's name in the titles have been the least good of all the episodes. Does 'Piece the Heavens, Superman!" keep the track record? Well it has a reference to Superman's pet Sun Eater from All Star superman in the first scene of the episode, so obviously it's the best episode so far, duh. I feel like your enjoyment of the show is too reliant on easter eggs and references to the source material. Didn't you knock Deadpool & Wolverine for the same thing? First off, use that title sparingly, I don't want to attract any unwanted guests. Secondly, both MAWS and D&W's use of easter eggs I think is symptomatic of the same thing, which is the writers understanding of the characters and the source material. Clearly both the writers of this show and that movie have done their research and understand what people like about both characters. The difference for me is that one is an pop culture icon representing the ideals of heroism and is a character everyone can and should look up to, and the other is a purposefully obnoxious meme that people like because they are stupid. Superman's the second one right? ...Yeah, now fuck off. But seriously, this episode is dope. I like time loops concepts, I like that Clark and Lois fall for each other all over again when they lose their memories of each other temporarily, and I absolutely love that when Lois realizes she can't be removed from the Black Mercy, she just becomes a pain in the ass for Brainiac. The B-Plot is awesome too. I love that the Daily Planet immediately formulates a plan to rescue Jimmy and Lois after they get arrested, and I love Steve's pep talk for Kara. Y'know, I take back what I said in the last post. I like this Steve Lombard. (Cat still sucks though.) And the end of this episode is probably the coolest "Power of Love" moment, not even just from this show but for anything I've ever seen. Sure, it's a little cheesy, but I am not gonna hate a couple in love working together to overpower a seemingly impossible challenge set to pop-rock.
Season 2 Episode 10 'My Adventures With Supergirl'
And this season's finale is DOPE! First, spoiler warning. Second, I like that all the villains are helping fight off Brainiac with Superman (which is something that happens in the comics from time to time but is much more cool here since it feels like they all want to help rather than have to). Third, the animation in Superman and Supergirl's fight is amazing, might be the best animated fight in the show. Even Brainiac postulating looks extra. And the music that plays when Clark says "Let's bring you home Kara." is so fucking good I can't even. And holy shit, I was so convinced that they were gonna kill Kara in this episode. I'm so happy she's gonna be back for the next season, seriously, she's my favorite character in the show, especially after this this episode. The episode ending with Kara and Clark playing catch in Smallville was perfect. Just like last season, I cannot wait for the next one! It's gonna have Superboy!
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 6 months
Hi I saw ur tags on my posts lol 🔥😭😭 thank you so much for liking my ryoshu and oc arts, but can I ask where did the name of yuzuki for ryoshu's daughter came from? I don't think hell screen mentioned her name?
Thank you for helping me get up this morning. Very short tldr but vauge answer: Hell Screen has been translated and adapted enough you could have read the a translation that keeps called Yoshihide's daughter, "Yoshihide's daughter"
If you read the Little Penguins Books Publishing, they did not use Yuzuki as the name from what I can see, but Yuzuki exist somewhere.
Lazily doing a half-baked investigation under read more.
I will never claim to know anything about translation and I had too little sleep to do things today. I'm also broke so I can't go cross refrence evey translation and adaptation of Hell Screen. I hope someone better than I can could look into this or help out. Ill come back to this maybe
This is absolutly not how you do research or go off of things but Penguin Publishing version reviews don't use the Yuzuki name so I'm thinking they don't use her name there. The Jay Rubin Translation doesn't use Yuzuki. I say that because I'm re-listening to this while cross refrencing a pdf I found. Im guessing their one in the same.
This archeologist/writer named matthewrettino uses Yuzuki when talking about Hell Screen
Haunted Places Ghost Stories did a reading on this and unrelated but they pronounce Monkehide how an american would so its, "MONKEY HIDE." But anyway, they use it. They just spell it liker Uzuki
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Portrait of Hell or Jingokuhen make Yoshihide Korean, apparently. I wanted to put that here, it''s not really important, just an example of an adaptation changing something. You have a story for so long and things get changed.
It's part of human history and how we tell stories, we like adapting things and giving thigs new meaning just like Ryoshu. She's not named Yoshihide but we're all thinking, "Yeah, she's Yoshihide, she likes art, she has fire, shes sadistic, that's Yoshihide." But she's not an old man, Yoshihide never spoke in acronyms, Yoshihide's not a woman. Jesus Christ was never white. He was born in Jerusulm in a dessert, it would be strange if he was white. Most people living in the middle east and closer to the sun normally have darker skin because they have more melanin in their skin to protect from the sun. The image has been passed around so much that, at least in our Eurocentric culture, I can't find the word for it, Jesus is commonly depicted as white. Yuzuki could have never had the name in the original language, or the inverse, she could have had a name but time let it go through the skin of its fingers and it was lost to oblivion. We just need to rediscover where it's orgin came from.
Meme - A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another
The name Yuzuki might as well be a meme. If it wasn't in the orginal version of Hell Screen, it just exist now. That's why people are like, "Yuzuki, that's the name of Yoshihide's daughter. That sounds right!" Because idea's spread from text, imagry, music notes, whatever you have come to life like a spark of flame from a lighter and drift off from its starting point. The co2 particles relase into the air and up to the clouds, and when enough people emmit co2 at a rate thats unsustantable for our planet, big things happen. Really big things happen. Or you just scream so loud that no one hears you and much like the effects of smoking, damage your lungs.
I hope it doesn't feel like I'm pulling stuff out of my ass. I'll come back to this and when I have a solid answer, i'll tell you or reblog this. No worries.
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ringworks · 2 years
So uh let me try to get this straight here.
Pride is the old man in the boy's body (is the boy's name Hugh or something else. My apologies I'm going off Google translate here. It wasn't clear.) The boy is gone I think or is he still in the body with the old man??? I think it's just the old man alone in the body. The old man's name being Algernon. At least from what I can gather.
Anyway, Pride's full name of Hugh the Dark Algernon III is a combination of the boy's name, the boy's nickname for the old man, the old man's name, and the fact that he's the third being of them both maybe (1st person Algernon + 2nd person Hugh = 3rd person Pride). And if what I think Google translate is trying to tell me is true then Pride doesn't, and never has, had an eve because if he does he'll lose his name. Which he refuses to do as it is the name that is his own but also one he gave himself, a constant reminder of what happened, of who he is, and the memory of the boy. (Which again begs the question of why servamps even need eves to begin with. Outside of companionship and as a source of blood I mean.)
However, if that is true then that brings up an interesting notion. So remember when Kuro couldn't remember his orginal name with the excuse of its been such a long time since he's thought about it he must have just forgot?
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That was already rather suspicious and as such I assumed there was more to it then that so maybe this is what Tanaka had in mind.
As far as we know Mahiru is Kuro's only and first eve. And while that dictates that Kuro could have just forgotten his orginal name when he contracted with Mahiru a line from the count makes me wonder again if perhaps there is more going on here.
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Or maybe I'm just overthinking this as I do all things with this series. The count doesn't seem to have made a contract with Kuro ever as far as we can tell. The count might just be trying to explain what an eve is right here.
Also the chapter mentioned that there are spies on the Alicein and Tsukimitsu sides of the war working for team revive the count. Which I am again assuming for the Alicein's is Mikuni (idk maybe there are others). And I guess because of the ending...Yumikage for the Tsukimitsu?? Otherwise how did he know where Tetsu was. I don't think he was the person talking to Mikuni in the C3 arc who's shoes we saw but idk idk. I don't think Nico would have been able to tell Yumikage where they would be (he only knew the general direction Pride had gone in I believe) so to me it seems like it's the only option.
Please correct me if I am reading any of this wrong.
On a side note it's nice to see the karaoke pride subclass again.
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thesilentlands · 1 year
Chapter 7+: Volts Upgrade
-dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know.
Volt could only reply with a simple "OK" before his message systems where blocked by the block chip. The chip also blocked his ability to move so hes completly imobile now only able to see and speak.
Volt then was placed on a harness and he waited for something.
-Hello? - he spoke out in a scared and confused static voice, then Frank came in to the room, wearing a diffrent shirt and a diffrent robotic arm.
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-hello volt - Frank said in a calm voice, slowly aproching a table where verious mechanic tools where located
-why are you doing, this? To me? -
-listen buddy since you guys moved hire i wanne do a good thing by cheaking you out-
-but but you cant, youll wont like what youll find-
-bealive me, i find many bad things inside bots that where traveling for a long while-
-but um UM-
-you dont have to worry about anything Volt- he said, walking twards Volt with a mear chair
Frank then removed Volts forgead plate and pulled out his "brain", this was a pretty tipical thing to do, but Volt was nerwous.
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-are you gonna kill me?- he asked
-why of course not, your not ready for salvage yet, hehe..-
-i think i know why your worried-
-whats that?-
-your from a bunker, arent you?-
-?!- Volt was shoked at what he heard -How you know???-
-well i know that your kind of model orginated from bunkers, plus your main chip is inscribe with bunker numerals-
-huh, so you knew from start?-
-yup, but i was kinda suprised when i first saw you walking on two legs-
-weard habit of mine-
-alright im gonna upgrade your system now, and maybe do some modification to improve you, your gonna black out-
-fine, alright, just do it-
As Volt said Frank did, Volt now couldnt see, hear or feel anything, he was completly surounded by darkness. Frank took some time wail reparing Volt, his systems where old and really out dated, he took 4 hours repeplacing, updating and modifing Volt. When frank was finished he removed the block chip and waited untill Volt woke up
Volt waited untill all his limbs where usable then he woke up, he looked around and saw Frank working at his desk, he then barked in a much better voice, he was suprised by this. Then Frank looked back at him and let him off his harness.
-soo, how do you feel?- Frank asked
-it feels odd, i can see everything better and my voice is better, im better-
-yeah bud, ive replaced your voice box with a new one, updated your system, and ive also removed your upper mouth plate where your lens was-
-wheres the plate now-
-dont worry, ive put it in on the top of the shelf, you know its risky-
-right, what else have you done to me?-
-alright, go to that mirror over there- he points at a mirror
Volt walks over to the mirror and looks at him self, he notised that at the bolts that hold his jaw there where a sturdey pieace of wire sticking out.
-did you broke me??-
-no no, just open your mouth and youll see-
Volt slowly opened his jaw and the wire was starting to split into many more and then a holo projection with a faint yellow color appered.
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-yeah i had a spare part that did this, when you scream youll then flash band someone your faceing, so be carefull-
-ok! Anything else?-
-ive instaled some small solar panels on your back-
-nice, anything else-
-thats all volt, you can leave now if you what-
-would you like to know something, i can anwer it-
-uhh, let me think... To who did you give the lens? If there was a lens in the first plac--
-to mike, he found me in my weakest and helped me, so i repayed him-
-alright then, thanks for shareing that-
-you wont tell anyone?-
-i wont, i promise-
-alright, ill be leaving now-
-later bud, see you in the morning-
Then Volt left, he was suprised and kinda happy that people dont judge him nor mike, he then went up stairs, quietly to not disturb the other, he walked up to the door and he could her Micheal and Vanessa talk.
He chose to not disturb them, he returned down stairs and layed on the couth he then entered his sleeping mode and sleep the night away, happy that he didnt need to hide his orgins
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thefirsteldenlord · 2 years
Godfrey had postponed setting the thorns ablaze again due to the fog that surrounded the Erdtree and throne room. He wasn't confident that he could set the thorns ablaze once more without causing a disaster because of poor visibility.
But it had been days now, over a week in fact. Godfrey was growing more restless by the day. He even once took to axing the thorns because he was afraid of losing what progress he made on creating holes within the thorns.
The holes were wide enough now that Godfrey could stick his entire arm and axe through (and the God's know how tempted he was to stick his arm through the window of light). But he's refrained from sticking his arm though, at least until he can make a hole big enough to crawl through. He doesn't care at this point if he has to cram himself into a tiny hole like how he did on the night of his honeymoon, he's gonna get in the first chance he gets.
Well, he can only chip at the impenetrable thorns for so long. He grew tired and his axe soon became dull. Unless he wanted to break his axe and fully exhaust himself by the time he could squeeze himself through a tiny hole, he was going to have to find another way. That way would be through light. He knows that there's an incantation that can be used to bring forth a powerful light that could help him see as he works to bore a deeper hole into the thorns. It still held its own risks, and it certainly wasn't fool proof, but it was worth a shot.
First, he needed a seal. The man has barely ever used faith based incantations in his life. To say he didn't have a reliable seal that he could use was understandable. He knew the twin maiden husks at the Roundtable Hold held plenty of weapons and armor. He knew they held a few seals that could be used for incantations, and he knew there was a man who frequented the Hold that knew many incantations and could possibly teach Godfrey the incantation he's looking for. So off he went to the Roundtable Hold.
When he first arrived, it was fairly quiet. There was some general courtesies given as he made his way to the Twin Maiden husks. Even though he originally was looking to buy the seal, he remembered his axe had gotten dull from chipping at the thorns, so several thousand more runes went down the drain to get the smithing stones to repair it.
He was thinking about repairing the axe himself, (as he usually does) but then he remembered Hewg was around here. If Godfrey had enough runes, perhaps he could just have Hewg repair it. He checks his pouch. He thinks to himself for a a few long moments before deciding to give it a shot. 
As it turns out, Godfrey did more damage to that axe than he orginally thought. He thought it was just dull, but Hewg told him the damage was pretty extensive. It would take him some time before he could full repair it. It would also cost the last of Godfrey’s runes. 
So here was Godfrey, broke, and waiting for his axe to be repaired. Speaking to other tarnished was one thing he could do, but considering all of them have their own business to tend to, those conversations didn’t last long. 
But then he saw the room that held the two fingers. He thinks about his work on the thorns again, and all the instances he’s been talking blasphemy as of late, especially around Morgott. But... there was still a fog surrounding the erdtree. Dead birds falling upon the throne room seemingly out of nowhere. He couldn’t figure out why this was the case, but maybe the two fingers know? 
After a few minutes of talking himself up to it, he enters the room with the two fingers. It’s noticably a different atmosphere than before. Instead of the finger in their more hunched over, relaxed position, they are standing more straight, twitching constantly as if it was distressed. 
He looks at Enia, who stares back with her sunken eyes. 
“You are finally here.” She croaks at Godfrey.
"I taketh something is very wrong." Godfrey speaks of the elephant in the room first. He couldn't bare a moment to ignore it.
"Indeed." She confirms his suspicion. She then turns her vacant gaze to the fingers. She begans to speak their message to Godfrey.
"Dearest Lord Godfrey... Make haste towards the Erdtrees depths! The Greater Will has sensed the presence of something most foul that threatens the Golden Order and Erdtree as a whole. Hark! The Prince of Death has risen from his tomb and now roams the Lands Between, seeking to unbind the rune of death. Oh, Lord Godfrey, find the Prince of Death, slay him before it is too late!"
Godfrey was stunned silent. Was that why theirs been this perpetual smog over the erdtree? Is that why birds that fly around it die? Is that why he's been seeing these more black and gnarled roots around the city?
"The Prince of... what?" Godfrey stammered on his words. No, they aren't suggesting...
Enia looks back towards Godfrey, now speaking words of her own.
"Yes, the once felled Lord Godwyn, The Prince of Death has risen from his tomb. Thou must slay him with haste, for he is very powerful and unpredictable. Untold disaster will strike the Lands Between if he were to release the rune of death."
Godfrey had stopped listening when she had said his name. Time slowed to a screeching halt for him, now deep in though himself. My eldest son... he's alive again? The thought filled him with joy. He honestly forgot that he was supposedly the Prince of Death that would bring disaster to the Lands Between.
Enia notices Godfrey's contemplation, and speaks once more. "Understandably, this is a very difficult task the Greater Will has given you. But you must do it, in order to be granted the title of Elden Lord. The two fingers, and greater will expect nothing less from you."
Godfreys attention slowly reaches back to Enia. He heard her, but he definitely wasn't listening. Kill his son? Fie! He'd rather walk on hot coals while carrying the weight of a runebear.
"Very well." He responds flatly to her.
"Now, go fourth." Enia bids farewell as he leaves. With that, he nods and leaves. The Greater Will can't be dumb enough to think he would slay his son. This was his first born! His flesh and blood. He'd have to do something pretty horrible in order for Godfrey to think of killing him. Release the Rune of Death? What kind of horrors would that bring? He honestly couldn't comprehend it, he was sure the Greater Will was just blowing smoke up his ass.
He returns to the large Roundtable, he will patiently wait at the grace for his axe to be fully repaired.
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
Hi I would also request a dream interpretation, if you have the time and energy. This one happened a few days ago. I had a dream that me and my family and best friends where visiting my mother in a hospice (this is based on what actually happened, my mom had cancer and unfortunately died last year in a hospice, but my best friend wasn't there). But her condition was much better than in reality and when we visited her in my dream, the hospice was testing out new inventions to somehow find a last minute cure. And she was talkative. While it was devastating seeing her like this, we still had a little chat I can't remember and left and me and my family assembled in the parking lot, as it was night already. Then all of a sudden a guy comes near us and asks us a question about the elevator in the dream hospice (the hospice in my dream wasn't the hospice from real life. The dream one resembles a hospital a lot more). I can't really remember what the question was but the answer was that he had to go to a room that was on like the 16th floor or something, very high. And then he got super pissed and started to yell. More to himself, but he eventually left muttering, with his friend I didn't notice was behind him, who kept mouthing apologies. We thought it was weird, but just left it at that.
When we got home I immediately went to my bedroom and kept thinking about my mom, who seemed a lot better due to the inventions of the hospice and I started to get a feeling of hope, that she might survive all of this and can come back home with us. But all of a sudden, I see something flying around my room and feel a sharp bite on my hand. At first, I thought it was a wasp and got scared but at a closer look, I realized that those were 3 lady bugs flying in like an infinity-shaped loop. I was trying to catch and either kill or release them, but then I had the urge to google something about lady bugs on my phone. (Irl, I'm super afraid of any sort of insect, even butterflies lmao.) And just pictures of lady bugs kept showing up but they looked very weird. They had antlers, like a deer and it was all just close up shots of their faces and insects look nasty. It startled me so bad, that I woke myself up lmao.
I have a hunch, that the part about my mom is about me not wanting to believe that she's gone forever, but I have no clue about the damn lady bugs lmao. But I have (in awakened state) accepted that she died and in our real life visit, we had a conversation, our goodbyes and how she's feeling. Given her situation, she was very positive about passing on and finally not being in pain anymore, so that was a very comforting fact for us, although we heavily mourned her loss.
I hope the dream is not too dark to do an interpretation on and if you don't feel up to do it, that's totally fine. Have a great day anyway and thank you for doing this <3
I am sorry about your mom anon...
For the lady bog part, orginally i was gonna go with the interpretatiin of faith and protection ( thry zre often called gods favorite insect in maky lnaguages) but your google thing interested me, and i found it was a sign of separation.If you have other relatives who died, then maybe three of them are looking after you even after you were separated.If you believe in the afterlife then it is a sign you will meet again and have more time together.Thr fzct the faces were pretty bad maybe means that the three relatives were sick, or that their passing was hard emotionally on you up close, but from fzr away (with time) you saw it was at the right time (ie you mourning your mom but knowing she wasnt in pain anymore).I think there is another possible interpretation but i cznt exzclty find it ?
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readbyred · 2 years
okay but i might have a crush on a character from a sitcom and idk how to feel abt this haha
i mean im just living my best life enjoying my new problematic fave, but i'm kind of nervous to post abt the character? the show gets brought up and referenced sometimes still and it feels weird watching the show through selfship lenses. ofc im still very much going to think my f/o thoughts, but it feels weird sharing anything abt this character? like, it's not that thing where like, in him/ym (does the '/' do anything here even or?) i think a resonable chunk of people can be like yeah i get it, character A is gf material u r right. but here, this show has only memes and some jokes with references to the source. no ffs on tumblr or even wattpad my beloved. it's like, it doesn't have a fandom, ur regular people r the main interest group. at least that's what it looks like from the outside. i'm sure there r people who care abt those 4 guys a little more than a normal amount like me /lh. idk if i end up posting abt the character just don't judge me too hard lol
also i just got it?? i remember there was this short with robert manion, the one where he and 3 other guys were in school, 3 friends, new guy shows up and also all of them r rlly unlikable. i literally just realized it must have been a parody of that show??? the age gap joke? hanging out in the park? i vaguely remember 1 of them being into a specific girl i think? i found "dibs" funny (i obvi don't condone,,, well anything there) and like, a year later here i am finding out that the orginal thing is going to be the only thing i talk abt for the next 3 weeks
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kass-storycorner · 3 years
I really loved your ghost fic with Xiao. But it left me curious to have a second part in which they finally find the way to communicate. Whenever is just to say goodbye and having reader going to the afterlife or getting stuck there forever in an eternal solitary pseudo-company together is up to you, I just want to see them talk 😭
awww, thank you! I'm so glad you loved it (though I am sorry for the sad feelings haha). And I was really struggling to find a way to end that orginal story in the beginning, which is the reason why it ended that way oops. Well, now here is the follow up for it. Compared to the small bit I wrote for Xiao... I mean not even compared to it, this is the longest fic I've posted on here so far? Ah, well. I just had so much fun with it.
Idea/Prompt: a follow up to Xiaos part in this post
Genre: a bit of Angst and Hurt, more comforting than the first part, but if the ending is a happy one is up to you!
Characters: Xiao (Zhongli as side character, mention of Hu Tao, Verr Goldot, a new character I made up that did not get a name)
Format: Text
Word count: 5593
Content warning: mentions of blood, spoiler-y for the second act of Zhonglis story quest and the same spoilers warnings as for the OG post! this is not proof read, I started writing this at midnight and its 5am now ahha fml
The Ghost of you Part II. - To the end
yes we are keeping the mcr names
“Xiao”, he felt an uneasiness in his body upon hearing his name. Where was he? Looking around, Xiao saw he stood in a field of flowers. When did he come here? He had no recollection of it at all. Confused he furrows is brows, worry filling his heart and then- “Xiao.” There it was again, that voice calling out to him. Speaking his name softly, voice filled with affection. Where did it came from? He walked around the field, no end of it in sight, looking for that voice calling out to him. The longer he searched for it, the more his heart was filled with dread. “Xiao.” This time the voice came from behind him and when he turned around, he saw you, holding your hand out to him and smiling. “(Y/N)”, Xiao looked at you in disbelief. Was it really you standing in front of him? Your laugh pulled him out of his trance. “Xiao, why are you standing there like a pillar? Come, take my hand,” and at that you wiggled it a bit, signalling him that you're waiting for him to take it. “(Y/N),” Xiao repeated, standing still and looking at your hand, then to you. “What are you doing here?”. Again, you laughed as if what he said was the silliest thing you ever heard. “What do you mean by that? Xiao,” you shook your head and then you shoot him a bright, warm smile. “You wanted to come here, remember? Now come, take my hand and dance with me before the music stops.” Dance? Music? At first Xiao did not understand what you meant, but then he heard it. In the distance, the low sounds of a flute, a sweet melody that sounded strange but all too familiar. “Xiao”, he heard you whisper his name, speaking so gently. Slowly, he was still a bit hesitant, he reached out for your hand, taking it in his. A smile came across your face at the touch of your hands. With a swift motion Xiao was pulled into your arms, you both at first staying still in that embrace. “Xiao, lets dance, okay?”. With that you both started to waltz around the field, Xiao not knowing how he knew to dance like this, but somehow, he did. The dread that started to spread in his chest earlier was now gone, replaced by the feeling of love he felt for you. Still, there was something tugging at his mind, telling him something was amiss here. It felt familiar, yes. However, it also seemed to be strange to him at the same time. Though Xiao tried to push the nagging feeling away, wanting only to enjoy this pleasant moment with you. Which is why he at first didn’t notice how the sky darkened above them nor that the music had stopped a while ago. As you both stopped to dance, still holding each other in your arms, he heard you call out to him again. “Xiao”, the sound of your voice was filled with pain and when he looked at you in his arms the light behind your eyes was gone, your face stiff and emotionless. At the sight of your dead eyes, he wanted to part from the embrace, but he couldn’t let you go. Xiao saw the blood, saw the bruises and suddenly he was on his knees again, you are laying in his arms. He wanted to cry, wanted to say your name but he couldn’t. It was as if there was no air to breath so he could speak. And then – “Xiao.” His name. “Xiao.” Again. “Xiao.” Over and over again he heard how his name was spoken, but with every whisper of his name the voice became more distorted, louder. Until he cowered in pain at the sound of it, wanting it to stop, wishing for it to stop. “Xiao”.
With that Xiao woke up, his body covered in cold sweat and his breathing erratic. Another nightmare of you, another nightmare of something he wished the both of you could’ve done but never did – because of his shortcomings. Xiao sat atop of a rock, looking over the forest in which your ghost continued to wander aimlessly around. He had been watching you for a few weeks now, trying to figure out what kept you here and how he could help you. However, Xiao was clueless at what could be the cause of this. It was clear to him now that he couldn’t help you, he needed to find someone who could. Looking down at the forest, seeing your ghost wander around between the trees, he softly whispered. “I will be back soon, I won’t leave you again for long, I promise.” There weren’t many people Xiao could ask for help. Back when you were alive Xiao wasn’t the most social, wanting to keep his distance from humans. After you died this habit of his, avoiding others, only worsened. So, the only person Xiao could think of to ask for help in this matter was the same who saved him from his servitude as a bloodhound. Zhongli spend most of the last hundred years among the people of Liyue, but for a few decades now he lived in a remote house. It was now the door of said house Xiao knocked on, knowing that although he could easily enter the house, Zhongli preferred it for him to knock. “Ah, Xiao, it is nice to see you,” Zhongli greeted the adeptus. As Xiao entered the house and followed the tall man into his kitchen, it was a standard practice of Zhongli to drink a tea with anyone who visited, he couldn’t stop to notice that the notebooks scattered around the house grew in number. “So,” Zhongli began his question, “what brings you here? From your troubled look I can tell you didn’t come for the tea or my company.” With that Xiao didn’t waste any time on more formalities, explaining his predicament to the former Geo-Archon. “Mmmh, I see,” he replied, taking a sip from his cup. “I fear I might not be much of help in this case, although I have some knowledge on the topic of the human afterlife, I can’t think of a solution to this. However, it might be best to go ask Hu Tao on advice, as she is way more… let’s say, perceptive when it comes to the dead.” How bothersome, Xiao thought at the mention of Hu Tao. “Zhongli, Hu Tao is long dead”, was all Xiao could say. It happened more frequently now that Zhongli seemed to forget things, small ones but also important pieces of information and this filled Xiao with unease. He didn’t like it that the erosion of Zhongli already was set in motion, thinking about that one-day Xiao might have to face him in battle should he lose all sense of self and sanity. Neither did Zhongli enjoy slowly losing his memories of the past – although he wrote down as much as possible, it bothered him that he had to even rely on his notebooks. “Ah,” Zhongli replied, setting his cup down on the table and with a troubled look, “I seem to have forgotten something again. Would you please help my memory, when did this happen?” “One thousand years might have already passed,” Xiao saw how much it stirred Zhongli up that he had forgotten the passing of a friend. “She had a good life, right? I’m sorry for asking, but I somehow can’t seem to remember much about her later life.” “Yes,” Xiao answered, thinking about the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. There weren’t many humans he tolerated or even enjoyed being around, but Hu Tao was one Xiao always was fond of. She was also the one at the Parlor that day you died, when Xiao came in with your dead body in his arms, he hoped he might find Zhongli maybe he could do something about it, but… Xiao knew there was nothing anyone could do. Hu Tao understood his pain, without a word she showed him where to put your body and prepared your funeral, without even asking for a single Mora. “Then, “Zhongli pulled Xiao out of his thoughts, “maybe you might find help with the new Director, her family always had some knowledge about that human afterlife that’s even a mystery to me.” With that
Xiao said his goodbye to Zhongli and made his way to Liyue. The city of Liyue changed over the last thousand years a lot, but the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was still one of the constants in the city. Xiao couldn’t remember the last time he visited the city, though it must have been a few hundred years ago for sure. He just never really liked it and since, what the humans called a ‘industrial revolution’, the city was even more crowded and overwhelming for Xiao. “Welcome to the Wangshen Funeral Parlor, how may I help you?”, a young person greeted Xiao as he set foot into the building. At the enthusiastic way the person greeted him as he entered a funeral home, Xiao was sure this was one of Hu Taos descendants. He barley could imagine anyone else be so happy surrounded by death. “Are you the director?”, Xiao asked in his usual stern voice. “The 107th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, yep that’s me!” “I may need your assistance.” “Wonderful, I’m always happy to help- oh well, not happy as I am happy for your loss, my condolences by the way, but in happy as I am happy that I can be of help. So, what do you need help with? We have some wonderful new coffins out of a wonderful wood, really they are also very comfortable, not that comfort is that important for someone who’s dead, but I thought it might be also of interest to say that they are really comfort-“, ah yes, Xiao thought, definitely related to Hu Tao. “I don’t need a coffin”, he interrupted the young director. “Oh, um… what can I help with then?”, they asked and then Xiao explained everything to them. At first, he wasn’t sure of the director would be of help, most humans have long forgotten the existence of the gods and adepti, as most of them died or lived a life among humanity, but sure enough the director did turn out to be well versed with the forgotten knowledge of the world. “So, you say the ghost is just roaming around those woods? Nothing else happens?”, the director asked, sitting in their chair in the back office of the Parlor, and they had their hand on their chin, looking like they were thinking about something “Will you be of help now or why do you keep repeating the same useless questions?”, Xiao became a bit impatient now. He just needed to know if someone was able to help you. Without even answering the question the director stood up from the chair and walked towards a bookshelf, pulling a big and old looking book out and opening it up on the table. “Mmmh, from what you’ve described it seems to be nothing to grave, they don’t seem to have become an evil spirit just yet, moreover it seems like they are just one who got lost, though it is surprising that after such a long time the spirit didn’t just turned into something malicious. Normally for most human ghosts it takes a few hundred years until they go insane and well, you know all too well what then happens with an evil spirt I guess.” Xiao was aware what happened to the evils in the world, because it was mostly him. Though he didn’t like to think about it what it would have meant if you- no, he didn’t even want to finish that thought. “How do I help them?”, he didn’t care about any of the other information, he just wanted to find a way to help you. The director pointed at a passage in the book in front of them and continued. “What we have to do is easy if you think about it, I just need something that belonged to the deceased they held dear, a few materials like Qingxin flowers, around twenty should be enough, and the next part is more tricky if you don’t know the deceased that well, which shouldn’t be a problem here, but we need to, well you need to, speak some words that you know are important to them. A story or something like that, sometimes even the voice of a loved one is enough to help to guide the spirits back. Though I will definitely have to accompany that spirit to the border, just to make sure it won’t happen again, you know getting lost, because I can’t guarantee this method will help a second time.” Xiao was quiet. Something that belonged to them, when the director said
those words, his hand immediately flew up to the necklace with the small pendant he wore. Xiao wasn’t the most adept with words, he rather enjoyed listening to what you had to say to him most of the time. He enjoyed the sound of your voice; it was so much more pleasant than his own. One day, Xiao still remembers it so well, your voice said something he did not expect for you to say. “Xiao, I love you.” It took him by surprise, standing on the balcony of the Wangshu Inn, watching the night sky… he suspected that you liked him that way, he did too. Oh, but how he hoped that you wouldn’t say anything about it, like he planned too. Your openness scared him. The idea of being loved scared him, for what was there to love about him? He didn’t want to be a burden to you, his karmic debt, his burden – he feared it would all just make you hate him one day if he let you see it all. That night, after you said these words, Xiao disappeared without a word from your sight. He wasn’t far away, but he wished back then that he teleported out of his hearing range. The sobs that came from you after his departure broke Xiaos heart. After this he avoided you, which wasn’t too hard because you did the same thing too. But with every day that passed when Xiao didn’t see you, hear your voice, his heart grew heavier. Asking himself if he really did do the right thing. Verr Goldet approached Xiao a few weeks after your confession, inquiring why now you didn’t come to the Inn anymore. Xiao did not answer her question, but Verr was a smart woman and at the look in his eyes she understood. “Don’t give up someone you love, only because you are scared of the love you both feel for each other, Xiao”, was all she said. This was the final push for Xiao to finally get over himself and embrace the feelings he felt for you. He didn’t know anymore where the idea came from, but he decided to gift you a handmade necklace along side his confession. Xiao was scared that it might be too late for telling you that he felt the same. However, he knew he had to do it and he wanted to give you something that showed you how he felt too. So Xiao collected the material all around from Liyue, creating a metal necklace and using a small piece of Cor Lapis, your favourite you told him once, as the pendant. With that he looked for you, finding you sitting in the middle of a flower field. “(Y/N)”, he said, stopping himself from continuing when he saw how you jumped at your own name. “Xiao! You scared me!”, you quickly stood up and turned around to him. Xiao wasn’t the most adept with words, he enjoyed listening to you – but you stayed quiet after facing him and you kept quiet when Xiao came closer. “I-“, he began, but unable to speak the words he so wished you to hear from him. Instead, he took your hand and put the necklace in it. “I- I made you this,” was all he could say, feeling how fast his heart pounced in his chest. The look in your eyes, Xiao saw the love you felt for him in them. “Xiao, I-“, he saw how you viewed the necklace in your hand, tears starting to form at the corners of your eyes. Before you were able to finish the sentence or let the tears fall down, Xiao took your face in his hands and kissed you. Yes, he wasn’t the most adept with words, but he learned that he could show you how much he loved you in other ways.
From that day on you wore that necklace every single day, never taking it off since Xiao but it on you after the shared kiss. You joked that it was a physical representation of your love for each other, though Xiao felt like you actually meant it. And somehow it really was. Xiao remembered how that necklace was still around you neck when he took your body to Hu Tao, he remembered that it was covered with your blood. He didn’t even think about taking it off you. It was Hu Tao who gave him that necklace after your burial and since then he hadn’t taken it off. It was the last thing he had of you, the last reminder of your love for each other and every night after your death, when he cowered in pain because of his karmic debt, the cool touch of the stone on his skin helps him to stay sane. Just like the flute he heard even long before he met you.
When Xiao and the director arrived at the forest, they collected the flowers on their way, he could see your ghost again. Walking around, calling for him. His heart breaks every time he had to witness your suffering. “Okay, we have the flowers… do you have something that belonged to them with you, Xiao?”, the director asked, and Xiao shifted his focus from you to them. Slowly he took the necklace off, feeling somehow so vulnerable without it, and gave it to the director. “You know where they start their walk and end it right?”. Yes, Xiao knew that. He had watched over your ghost for the past couple of weeks and noticed that you were walking in circles, without even knowing so it seemed, starting from the place you died and ending up there again. Although your body was buried in another part of Liyue and already long gone, taken back by nature, you stayed here. Where you died. Xiao wished he had come here earlier. Together with the director Xiao made his way to the place where your life ended and your endless suffering in a sort of limbo started, laying down the flowers and the necklace. “And how is that supposed to help them now?”, he asked, not sure how any of this will work. “Like I said, we put down something that belonged to them and was important because they will gravitate to the feelings still connected with that object. The flowers are helping, because they built a bridge between the living realm and what state they are in. Now we just need some words that they have a connection with, in the past it used to be certain prayers because people kept using them a lot, but you know it honestly doesn’t matter what you say, it just needs to be connected to them in some way. Maybe their favourite story or a lullaby, there are many possibilities.” “A lullaby, huh,” this was something Xiao hadn’t thought about in a long time. “Xiao, are you alright?”, he heard your voice from across the dark room. It was the middle of the night, normally he would be out killing monsters, but for tonight you were able to make him sleep with you. When you found out that he never sleeps you were shocked, though he tried to calm you saying that an adeptus didn’t need to sleep. “Maybe you don’t need to,” you told him with a stern look, hands on your hips, “but it will be good for you too, believe me!”. And somehow, after each of you confessed the feelings for the other, you were able to make him sleep next to you some nights. Just for that night his karmic debt plagued Xiao. He sat in front of your window, trying to keep his distance from you, not wanting to disturb your sleep and he didn’t want to worry you. “Xiao?”, you asked again, but instead of an answer Xiao growled in pain. Suddenly you were beside him. “Don’t”, he said through gritted teeth as you tried to touch him. “You’re in pain, let me help you.” He saw your worried painted face, ashamed that you had to see him like this. “It’s fine, I’m used to it. Don’t worry.” “Don’t tell me not to worry when I see the person I love most suffering,” and with that you took his hand. “Please Xiao, let me help you.” Even when he wasn’t in such a weakened state it was hard for Xiao to refuse you and now – all he wished for was your comforting touch. You led Xiao back to bed and when you noticed how he had a fever you quickly prepared a cold and wet towel for him. As you both lied down in bed you took Xiao in your arms. “I don’t know if this will help,” you began after a short amount of silence, “but when I was a child my mother always used to sing this lullaby to help me fall asleep. She even continued singing it when we were older and got sick… it always helps me feel better and at ease, shall I sing it to you?”. Xiao only gave a small nod, not believing it would help when you sang that song for the first time. But it did, you soothed his pain and helped him fall asleep. From that night on you would sing it more often to Xiao, he never asked for it but you somehow always knew when he wished to hear it, especially on the nights when is karmic debt caused him great pain. That lullaby became
another sign of how much you loved each other – the necklace was Xiaos gift, the song yours.
Now there he stood, in this forest that once was just a plain field, the flowers and necklace to his feet singing that lullaby. Xiao never sang it when you were alive, he never sang at all. No matter how much you begged him to sing for you, this was something he always refused to do. Thinking about how beautiful your voice sounded, he never wanted to soil this song with his voice.
It felt like you screamed for Xiao for hours and hours on end, but your voice doesn’t hurt. Where were you? What had happened? In your head you repeated and repeated the last things you could remember again and again. You were walking in the fields, wanting to collect some crystal flies for a commission. Then you remembered that you were attacked, who or what attacked you slipped your mind. However, the fight was tedious and hard… and then you called for Xiao. That’s it. That’s all you could remember. But where was he? Where was Xiao? Didn’t he say he would always come when you called out for him? Why didn’t he come now? You feared that he was still angry with you, though you didn’t know anymore why he even should be angry with you in the first place. The two of you had a fight yes, but… was that it? You spend so much time apart, did he just decide you weren’t worth his time anymore? Did he maybe stop loving you? Those thoughts filled you with dread and you wanted to cry, cry at the thought of Xiao not loving you anymore, but somehow you couldn’t. So you kept calling for him, over and over again. “Xiao,” you screamed. “XIAO!” And then you heard something, at first you weren’t sure what it was, but there was a noise. You stopped calling out for him, trying to focus on where the sound came from, following the direction. It got louder and – was that Xiao singing? The closer you came towards the sound, towards Xiaos voice singing that lullaby… your mothers’ lullaby, the lullaby that became yours and Xiaos. Which he always refused to sing, no matter how much you pleaded. The closer you came you started to remember the things that happened more clearly. How you didn’t want to call for Xiao at first that day, how something hit you in your stomach and how you felt the blood gusher out of you. Yes, you remember how you couldn’t stand anymore and all that was on your mind was Xiao, you wanted to see him again. Just once. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were, how stupid it was for you to fight and how stupid it was to wait this long to call for him. You wanted to say this to him, all of it. But all you remember you said was his name. “Xiao.”
He stopped singing, his head flying up seeing your ghost stand right in front of him. His name. You just said his name. “Xiao,” you said it again, this time he heard you say it clearly and you looked right at him, not through. “(Y/N)”, it came more out as whisper. This is what he wanted. He wanted you to see him, to get out of that limbo, but why does it still hurt as much? “Ah, seems like it worked, great!”, the director interrupted the moment, looking at Xiao and the ghost of you. “I ummm- I’m gonna leave the two of you alone for a while, so you can talk things out, say your goodbyes, yadayadayada.” With that the director walked away and it was just you and Xiao.
“I-“, Xiao began, but somehow his voice failed him. What was there to say? What should he say? “Xiao,” he heard the hesitance in your voice. “Xiao, I am dead, right?”. He couldn’t stand looking at you, his eyes avoiding yours as he gave his short answer. “Yes.” “I see,” you replied quietly. You slowly started to remember the nights you stood on the field, waiting for him to come. “Why,” you weren’t sure if you wanted an answer to your question, “why didn’t you come? After, you know… I- I waited for you. I called you. Why-?”. “I felt guilty. It was my fault, if I just hadn’t tried to push you away again, then you wouldn’t have died, I’m so sorry,” his voice was so quiet, but you could hear how he tried to hold back the tears. “Xiao,” at hearing his name again he looked back at you, you now seeing the tears that pooled at the corner of his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have pushed you… and I should have called for you earlier. But Xiao,” you saw how the tears started to fall down his face, “it wasn’t your fault.” He couldn’t hold it in any longer, Xiao fell to his knees, hands in his face and crying. “Please,” he sobbed. “Please, forgive me. I should have protected you that day, I should have come here earlier and see what was happening… please, forgive me.” You walked towards Xiao, reaching out your hand, wanting to touch him. Wanting to take him in your arms, but you couldn’t. It broke your heart. “Xiao, please, please look at me,” he did, his eyes red and filled with his tears. “There is nothing to ask for forgiveness for, you did nothing wrong Xiao. It’s alright. I’m sorry for leaving so soon, for running away that day we had this stupid fight. I don’t even know what it was about…”. “I don’t know either”, Xiao admitted and somehow you had to laugh a bit at that. None of you ever remembered why you fought even in the first place, all of this nearly felt so normal. But it wasn’t. Xiao wiped away the tears from his eyes and stood up again, this time to be able to face you. You looked just like he remembered, except for the see-through part but… your smile hasn’t changed. Even if this was a sad one. “Xiao, how much time has passed since I died?” That question surprised him. “Around…”, he was hesitant to tell you the truth. Should he really tell you? “Xiao,” and you looked at him and he knew that he couldn’t hide the truth. “A thousand years perhaps.” Thousand years, you thought. For thousand years he walked around with this guilt, for thousand years he kept that necklace that still was on the ground… for thousand years he lived his life, still mourning you it seemed. “Did you get over me?”. Again, another question he didn’t expect. Why were you asking him this? Did he get over you? “No, every single day since you died you were on my mind, I couldn’t forget you and I do not wish to. I can never get over you.” This wasn’t the answer you hoped for. “Xiao, I’ve been dead for thousand years. Even if I hadn’t died that day, I would have died on another one. Thousand years compared to what, sixty? Maybe seventy years if I had lived a full life is nothing. Humans are weak after all, aren’t we?”. You didn’t mean to stir him up with your last comment, it was more intended as a joke, alas a sad one, but somehow you struck a nerve within him. “No, they are not. I always said that, but I was wrong (Y/N). I don’t understand how you human can live your life, knowing that you will die, that those you love will inevitably die. How you can idly sit next to people you care about forgetting important things, things about themselves, struggle to remember who they are, seeing them die… and you move forward. I watched over you humans for such a long time, protecting you and I still- I don’t understand how. How can they love again? Where does the strength come from to keep moving forward?”, Xiao’s voice was full of pain, you heard it clear as day, seeing how tears rolled down his face again. You felt that there were even other things weighing heavy on him, not only you, but you knew that you couldn’t comfort him. That this was
something he needed to figure out himself. “Xiao, you will learn. You will understand it one day, it just takes time.” Your voice heavy with sadness and oh, how you wished you could take him in your arms, wipe his tears away and kiss him.
Before Xiao could reply anything in return the director disturbed the two of you again. “So, are you ready now?”, looking directly at you. “No, but I stayed here for far too long now, didn’t I?”, a sad smile coming across your face. You really didn’t want to leave, but you knew you couldn’t stay any longer. It was time. “I will come with you as far as I can,” Xiao had wiped his tears away and stood now right next to you. If you still had a body your shoulders would touch.
Xiao and the director accompanied you to the border of life and death in silence. Before you crossed it you looked at Xiao. He looked so sad, as if he was to lose you a second time. “I wish,” you heard him say, “that you could stay just a bit longer. I know it’s selfish, but I just wished you could have stayed by my side forever. But you can’t stay, and you shouldn’t.” “Xiao, I feel the same. I wish I could have spent eternity with you, but I can’t and it okay. I just want to ask you for one thing, one last promise before I go, okay?”. Xiao looked at you with a heavy heart. “Yes.” “Promise me you will try to find happiness for yourself again, okay? Promise me you will love again, please. Don’t stay alone.” Silently Xiao looked at you to then finally say “I promise.” “Thank you Xiao,” Archons, you wished you could take his hand. “Now then,” you said looking in the directions you had to go. “Time to go.” “(Y/N)”, you heard Xiao say before you left. “I love you.” “I love you too, Xiao.” As Xiao and the director left the border, he stayed quiet, the atmosphere being quite sombre. “Maybe,” the director pulled Xiao out of his thoughts, “there is nothing behind the border and they stopped existing completely. But maybe their soul will now find a way back to you, just in another way? Who knows,” and with that the director left. Xiao didn’t know if he believed that you would find a way back to him, but as it started to rain and as it fell down on his skin, Xiao felt now lighter as if a heavy burden was taken off of him. With that he started to move forward again.
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broadwayandnetflix · 3 years
Hey pretty! Could we possibly get a part 2 of "Done"?
Does he call her and sort it out? Is it completely over? How does he cope? How is she feeling? Ahhhshsh
Your writing is amazing, thankyou so much,
All the love<33
Come Back To Me - Bo Burnham x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: ANGST with some fluff.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is part two to Done I really hope you enjoyed it. It was not crazy fluffy but I tried to make it to the best of my ability. I am also tagging @stspookers @katelyneliz and @andshesaidwhat and @asi-42 Since they orginally commented on the first part.
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At first, you took up in a nearby motel; you didn’t wanna inconvenience anyone about your failed relationship. It had been forever with Bo by your side. Without him? It just felt off-putting.
One week turned into two, and you were getting too scared to look at your bank account. Surely enough, you had contacted a friend and took up residence with them.
In regards to Bo, all you had heard from him was radio silence. Almost making you believe that it really was happening, that you had lost him for good.
Your whole entire heart, mind, and body were numb. You moved around your life like a stranger, not sure of where to go and what to do.
Nights were the worst; you’d think with getting practice without him beside you would be fine. Except, it was the exact opposite; the hope that you had for Bo had faded.
You felt silly; the man wasn’t dead. So why were you acting like he was? You didn’t mourn him. You mourned the relationship.
Or scratch that, he might as well have been considered dead. Even when you saw him after all those long nights in the guest house, he was practically a ghost.
You could tell that your friend was concerned; she had taken you in with open arms. In regards to her place, there was no eviction date in your future.
She tried her best, spending long movie nights with you over shared tubs of ice cream. Or taking you shopping and trying to boost your confidence. Making sure not to mention the man unless you are comfortable.
That is until one day you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, you had been slumped on the couch watching one of your favorite shows.
Bo: Can we talk? I need to say so much. I am so sorry. Can we please just talk? I miss you.
You felt as if you had just been electrocuted, sitting upright to stare at the message before you. Do you answer it? Do you? Or do you just kick the man to the curb just like he did you?
On the one hand, you wanted him back so desperately. You tried to forget this ever happened and just go back to normal. But then again, what was normal really? Is, is it now being ignored by the very man you loved so deeply?
You shook your head and turned the phone off with a slight grimace. If he wanted you back, he’d have to work for it. You knew your worth, and it does not contain running back to Bo that fast.
You let the days roll by and the numerous texts and missed calls that would accumulate from Bo. Each text getting more frantic and desperate as the days went by. You kept waiting for the relief of satisfaction to coarse through you, but all you felt was sick to your stomach.
Despite your friend’s encouragement and telling you that you were doing the right thing, all you could think about was the exact opposite.
Sure he hurt you, big time, but you didn’t wanna hurt him back. This wasn’t you. You didn’t do revenge, and as each day passed, the more you tried to restrain yourself from replying.
Which didn’t last long, given the fact that you had accidentally accepted a call a couple days later.
It was important to point out that you did not intend to answer him. He was just very convenient with calling you. You had been scrolling through social media when he called, and you had hit the call button instead of decline.
The air was thick and heavy even over the call, and it made you wanna crawl into your skin. Bo’s words barely making any sense as he practically begged for you to return.
You sat frozen in your spot listening to his pleas and sincere apologies, and you felt like you were gonna be sick.
“Y/N? Honey, please just say something. God, anything. Please?” he sounded so broken.
You sighed, waiting for the words that you knew were not gonna escape your lips. Held your phone tightly in your palm and hung up the call.
Curling into a tiny ball and letting the tears flow freely down your cheeks once again.
At this point, you’d thought it was over. It had been two weeks since that call, Bo’s calls and texts dwindling down. You didn’t feel fantastic, that’s for sure, but you felt like you could finally breathe.
Your friend had asked if you could quickly run errands for her; you gave her a tight-lipped smile and went on your way.
It was going well; you had gotten most of everything when out of the corner of your ear. You had heard a muffled gasp, and it didn’t take long for you to promptly realize.
The man that you had so desperately wanted to see and avoid at the same time was right behind you.
How the hell were you gonna escape this? You had no idea. But you most definitely were gonna try as you wheeled your cart away from the man.
Whatever he needed was long forgotten as without fail. He followed you in what appeared to be some desperate jog, which, if you weren’t trying to ignore the man, would have been hilarious.
“Y/N, oh god I am so sorry. Can we please talk? Can you just please hear me out? And then you will never have to hear from me again, if that’s what you want.”
You exhaled and turned around to face him, trying so hard to compose yourself. It was practically taking everything in you from just going straight into his arms, letting him back into your life.
You missed him just as much as he missed you. He looked miserable if he looked poorly before. This was way worse. His hair and beard were poorly maintained, and the circles under his eyes were more profound than you anticipated.
He looked tired, so were you. And at this point, you didn’t care anymore about holding back. Bo’s eyes desperately pleading for forgiveness, and it was like the floodgates opened.
You placed your stuff down carefully onto your shopping cart and went straight into his arms. Not even caring that you were in a supermarket aisle, his arms snaking around your waist, holding onto you for dear life.
“I am so unbelievably sorry, I was horrible to you. You do know that I love you so much, I can’t do this without you. I wouldn’t even forgive myself-” Bo practically sobbed into your chest.
“I do.” you whisper, so softly you’re not even sure you said it.
He stiffens ever so slightly, murmuring a series of gratitude into the embrace. The two of you weren’t perfect, or not at least right now you aren’t.
There was a lot of work to do. A lot, but within due time, you’d find yourself moving back into the shared apartment.
You’d awake to Bo making you breakfast and twirling you around in the kitchen. As if it were a ballroom, you’d find Bo making time for you.
He’d make sure to sleep in the same bed, pulling you into his arms every night. Peppering kisses up and down your body, making up for all the time he spent away from you.
His voice is groggy with sleep as you’d wake up to sunlight streaming through the window. Making sure to remind you how much he loved you.
You knew the past wasn’t him, that he never really did stop loving you. But trusting him again came with some time, and he was ever so patient with you.
If there was anything you missed was his jokes, the way he’d effortlessly bring you to laughter. The kind where you snort out of pure glee, and he just taps your nose and looks at you with pure adoration.
Of course, he wasn’t always perfect. This wasn’t a fairytale. But much as he was there for you when you struggled, you did the same for him.
Even if it was space, you gave him all the time that he needed. In return, he made sure to come back every night and let you know if he needed anything.
If he needed the motivation to finish the special, you gave him a break to just breathe. You did whatever he needed. Just to see him smile was enough.
And he loved you all the more for it, drawing you hot baths and getting your favorite foods. Or just sitting on the couch with you and the dogs and just soaking everything in.
You two weren’t perfect, far from it. But you loved each other, and it was going to be okay.
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Pirate au pt 3
gwyn watched as the shadowsinger pulled into the harbor next to her own ship. 
she had two thoughts as she stared at the ship. 1. it was ugly as fuck. the whole dark thing was so overrated and overdone. the ship was black as a raven. and it was all black. gwyn scoffed in disgust, their captain had terrible taste. her second thought was she was going to slit every single throat on that ship. 
it seemed nesta had the same thought. not only had she pulled out her katanas but she was sharpening her dagger and had a pistol in front of her. gwyn’s saber was in her hand and she slipped her own dagger from her sleeve. 
emerie appeared from the shadows and stopped them in their tracks. 
“get the fuck out of my way or I will use this on you.”
“I am going to ignore that.” emerie responded “Look I want to destroy them as much as you but remember your ship rules.” 
gwyn took a breath a repeated them to her “1. money 2. revenge 3. loyalty”
“and money..” she said waiting for gwyn to finish
“overrules revenge” she said begrudgingly. gwyn was a lot of things but she was not a hypocrite. “and to get to the money we need their help.” 
“exactly” said emerie. what would gwyn do without her emotional rock.  
“well good luck trying to get nesta to put those swords.”
“already on it.”
gwyn made her crew stay to their dismay as she walked onto the dock. 
the captain of the shadowsinger wasn’t there. so she stood against a cart and waited impatiently. not even a moment had a passed when she was turned around and pressed up against the wall with a dagger against her throat. 
gwyn smirked. so it was that kind of day. 
she hated to admit it but he was beautiful. she bet his hazel eyes and dark hair made people weak in the knees. gwyn would know, she tended to have the same affect on men and women. 
even in the dark she saw the scar that cut across his sharp jawline. 
“what’s stopping me,” he pressed the knife harder against her throat “from dragging this blade across your pretty little neck and leaving you bleeding out in an alley” gwyn laughed, oh this was going to be so much more fun then she orginally had thought. “you’ve caused me quite a bit of trouble and now.” he whispered “now you’re going to burn” 
gwyn let the dark haired pirate talk. if she was being honest, she was slightly turned on, but he would never know that. gwyn yawned finally tired of this charade
she waited until his grip loosened a fraction and then headbutted him. the pirate was stunned so she twisted the knife from his hands slipped her own knife out and shoved him against the wall, pressing one against his throat and the other right in the soft spot between his ribs. “you would like my first mates sister, she also has a flair for the dramatics.” 
“now would you like to be civil or am I going to. what was it you said?” she winked “oh right drag this blade across your pretty little neck and leave you bleeding out in an alley?” 
he said nothing instead he kicked one foot behind the other releasing yet another blade and held it to her heart. 
gwyn smiled “good now were even.” they both retracted their respective blades at the exact same time. 
“now explain to me why I am refraining from killing you at this moment, majesty”
“oh yes very classy, make fun of my ships name while yours looks like a damn sewer.” he looked slightly offended so she kept going “what is it with men and black? did your mommy not give you enough attention so you turned all dark and sad” she mock pouted at him
“can it your ship is the equivalent of a my little pony” 
“at least we are original. I earned my reputation, when others see the lilac sails they either cower in fear or they get cocky” she smiled fondly at the memories “and boy do I love when they get cocky” she shot him a look “well you should know since I had you with your tail between your legs within seconds”
“good to know I can now check off two of the rumors as correct” 
“you’ve heard of me, I’m flattered”
the captain ignored her “that you arrogant as fuck and” he paused and gave her a once over that was rude beyond all measure “and you are absolutely insane”
“I coulda told you that” she winked at him “all you had to do was ask.” 
“I am this close to sewing your mouth shut and dumbing you in the harbor”
“but what would be the fun of that?” gwyn was seriously enjoying playing with him, serves him right for shoving a dagger to her throat as a greeting. “and besides, don’t you want to hear what I have to say?”
“if you don’t get to the fucking point soon your crew is going to be following a trail of your guts across all 7 courts” 
she waved him off “threats here daggers there. blah blah blah you truly do lack any creativity. my quartermaster could help you out with that you know.” he was starring daggers and she could tell he was getting impatient to a point where he might actually follow through on one of his threats “ok ok relax. have you heard of the huge hall?”
“I don’t buy it”
“so you’re a skeptic good to know, well anyway have you heard of elain archeron?”
“the witch? sister of that assasin who is a giant pain in my ass?”
“seer but that would be the one yes. well I know her from a while back and she owes me one.” 
“a favor from a witch, definitely would like to shoot you in the head but I gotta admit that’s impressive.” 
“well It helps when you’ve fucked her.” the shadowsinger’s captain cheeks turned slightly pink, hardly noticeable to the average eye but gwyn caught it and smirked. “now that we are on the same page may I continue with my proposal or are you going to start drooling again.” 
he didn’t respond so she took it as a yes. “well I have it confirmed by the seer that if I want any chance of getting the huge hall I need your help. so I have a blank map.” gwyn was taking a risk by offering up this information. “and a crew who lives on blood sweat and money ready to become rich” 
“I’m saying we help each other out. split it 50/50 and then when all is said and done I’ll kill you for ruining the vallahan job” she said simply 
“what’s stopping you from betraying me once you have what you need?”
“I’ll tell you what,” gwyn paused in suspense “I will make you a bargain” she saw the subtle signs of shock on his face. his pupils dilated, his breath hitched and his mouth opened slightly before he fell back into his stone cold demeanor 
“a bargain” he repeated and waited thinking it over before saying “state your terms”
“I nor any of my crew will betray you nor your crew. we will each share our resources and work together to find the huge hall. when we do find it we shall split it halfway between us and separate and will be allowed to harm each other to our hearts content.” 
“you didn’t say anything about harm coming to my ship”
“well obviously, when I burn it, it will be a great service to us all” gwyn thought it was hilarious and only slightly true but the captain did not seem to think so. “alright and no harm of your vessel will come by the silver majesty’s hand and vice versa. do we agree?”
He held out his hand and she took it and they shook. she could have sworn she felt sparks but blamed it on the bargain as a flash of light erupted where their hands met. and when the light was gone she had a new tattoo on her wrist. 
“by the way I’d like to know the names of the people I work with especially those I’ve bargains with.” 
“gwyneth, gwyneth berdara, you?”
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spencerreidslove · 4 years
Hi! Do you know that one episode where the unsub froze his victims to death? I think they were meant to survive to join a cult or something like that, but yeah. I was wondering if you could write something like that (doesn’t necessarily have to be based in that ep) but the reader is kidnapped or something by the unsub and he starts to freeze her or idk and then the team arrives? Could it also be Platonic!Bau x reader, but spencer and reader r together? I hope that made sense. Thank you!!
A/N: I tried to stick to this episode as much as I could, but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen the episode so I probably went off from the actual plot. Also, sorry this took me 80 years to write!
Spending nearly a week in some random town in the middle of nowhere, Ohio was not how you wanted to spend time.
But that came with the job. The BAU has orginally been called in due to bodies that had been frozen to death. No new bodies had turned up and the team was facing a dead end.
You placed a hand on your husband’s shoulder as the rubbed his eye so hard you thought it might pop out.
“Spence, honey, look away from the board for five minutes.” You said.
“I need to finish this geographical profile.” Spencer muttered.
“Spencer. It’s nearly midnight, Hotch told everyone to go to the hotel nearly an hour ago.” You said, leaning into Spencer’s side and wrapping your arms around his waist.
“You go ahead. I’ll stay and work on the profile.” Spencer said.
“What did you say when you married me?” You asked.
“Spencer, what did you say when you married me?”
“Lots of things. Be more specific.”
“About always being there. Be there by coming back to the hotel.”
Spencer laughed a little bit. “I think you’re twisting that a little bit. Look, go ahead and I’ll be there within half an hour.” Off your look he said: “If not, then I will owe you. Seriously.”
“Fine. Half an hour. I’ll be counting.” You said, grabbing your bag. You waved at Spencer as you made your way out of the precinct.
The hotel was nearby so you decided to walk. You were almost at the hotel when you heard someone call out from behind you.
“Excuse me? Ms?” The voice called out.
“Yeah?” You asked, turning around. Years at the FBI had made you cautious, so you kept your distance and crossed your arms so your hand was over your gun.
“Can you point me in the direction of 48th street?” The man asked.
You made a rookie mistake. You turned away from the man and looked at the road behind you. “I think it might be-“
You felt a sharp pain in between your shoulder blades; maybe a needle. Before you could figure out what it was your vision started to cloud and you felt yourself falling.
“Spencer.” You muttered before your eyes closed.
“Kid...Kid!” Morgan shook Reid’s shoulder.
“I wasn’t sleeping!” Reid cried, shaking himself awake. Morgan laughed. “Sure you weren’t. Did you sleep here?”
“I must’ve.” Spencer said, looking around at the table in front of him. “I was working in the geographical profile. I fell asleep.”
The rest of the team funneled into the room, and Spencer excused himself to the bathroom to splash some water on his face.
When he returned to the room, something was off. “Where’s Y/N?” He asked.
“We thought you knew.” JJ said.
“No, she left for the hotel late last night. I stayed here.” Spencer said.
“She wasn’t in the lobby this morning.” Emily said.
At that very moment, a uniformed officer walked past the room, holding a bag that looked very familiar.
“Sir.” The unie said, sticking his head in the room to talk to the detective in charge. “I was out canvassing and I saw this bag on the ground. You said it’s by where this guy’s looking.”
He held out the bag, handing it to the detective. The detective opened it, looking through the wallet. “This purse belongs to one...Y/N Reid.”
The world was falling from below Spencer’s feet. He must’ve fallen back into a chair because the next thing he knew he was sitting with his head between his legs.
“Breathe, Spencer, you need to breathe.” JJ said, rubbing small circles on his back.
“I-she was supposed to go to the hotel-and she-“ Spencer knew he was hyperventilating but he couldn’t stop.
“Reid, we’re going to find her but in order for that to work you need to calm down first.” Morgan said.
“I can’t-she...she’s gone.”
It was the only thing you could feel. Maybe Spencer had turned the thermostat down again and had taken all the blankets with him.
“Spence...blankets. Hand ‘em over.” You mumbled, rolling on your side.
You tried to reach out a hand to grab them, but you couldn’t move your arm.
You furrowed your brows as you slowly opened your eyes. Then you remembered. You weren’t at home in bed with Spencer.
Man. Needle. Falling.
The thoughts came back to you slowly. When you finally opened your eyes you looked around, seeing you were in some sort of dark room.
It was freezing.
“Freezing...” you said. “Oh shit.”
You rolled your head back and looked down at yourself. Your hands and feet your tied together, explaining why you couldn’t move them.
The door to the freezer opened. “Good, you’re awake. It’s always so much more fun when they’re awake.” The same man who got you said.
“Let me go.” You said.
“Look, you don’t want to do this. I’m in the FBI. You know what will happen if you kill me?”
“I know. I only took you because you’re a Fed.”
The man stepped closer to you. Grabbing you roughly by the rope, he made you sit up. He punched you. And then again. And then again.
“He has to have some sort of industrial freezer.” Hotch said, putting his hands on the desk.
Spencer still hadn’t fully calmed down. He had now swung the way of throwing himself into work. He stared at the same geographical profile he had been working on the night before.
Every time he looked at it, all he could think about was you telling him to come back to the hotel with you. And him refusing.
“Kid. Step away from the map. Let someone else take a look for a moment.” Morgan said.
“I can’t do that.” Spencer said.
“Fine. Then come with me to eat something. You need it.”
“I can’t do that either. Y/N is missing, so I’m not going to stop working.”
Morgan left his side for a moment. Then, he returned and took the pen out of Spencer’s hand.
“Hey!” Spencer called.
“You can get this back in five minutes. Take a break, pretty boy.” Morgan said.
Spencer sighed and followed Morgan out into the hallway twoards a vending machine.
The pair stood in silence for a moment. “It’s my fault.” Spencer muttered.
“Reid, what?” Morgan said.
“Y/N-she kept telling me to come back to the hotel. I said she should go ahead without me and I’d be there in half an hour. If I had just gone with her she wouldn’t have been taken.”
“Spencer, you can’t blame yourself for that. If you would’ve been there, you might’ve both been taken. You you could have been killed. We can’t go back and change last night, but we can work to find this son of a bitch. And to do that you need to be present, not nearly passing out.”
Spencer sighed and took the bag of chips Morgan was holding out to him.
A few minutes later they returned to the room, where the group was huddled around a table.
“We might have something.” Hotch said.
“Garcia, taking into account Y/N’s abduction site, how many people in that area have industrial freezers?” Rossi asked.
“Just one. A Stewart Hull. Sending his home and work to you now. Go get out girl back.” Garcia said.
You had been left in the freezer alone again. The man had punched you several more times and turned the temperature down. You were 90% sure there were icicles on your eyelashes.
The door opened again. “Well, Little Ms. Fed, our time has been fun. But I think it’s time to end it.” The man said. He was wearing a full snow suit and was holding some sort of machine.
“Time for the freeze.” He said.
This is it. You thought. And I’m never going to see Spencer again.
You closed your eyes, preparing for the cold to hit you. But, just as you thought it was going to happen, you heard a familiar voice.
“Stewart Hull, step away from the freezer.”
JJ? You thought. You opened your eyes again to see her standing across from the man.
Afterwards, when asked to recall what happened, you won’t remeber much, other than the feeling of cold, the man yelling, and then gunshots.
Soon, JJ was beside you, calling for a medic, and untying you.
“Y/N, it’s going to ok.”
“Cold...” your teeth chattered. “Spence...”
“He’s here, he’ll be here any moment, just hold on.”
Then the cold took you.
You woke up to beeping. As you’d lowly opened your eyes, you realized you were in the hospital.
You blinked a few times and turned your head to the side, spotting Garcia sitting in a chair next to your bed, typing away on a computer.
“Penelope.” You muttered.
She looked up from her computer, jumping out of the chair.
“Mrs. Dr.! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” She cried, wrapping you in one of her signature Penelope Garcia hugs.
“How long have I been out?” You asked.
“2 days. They said you had early stages of frostbite.” Garcia said.
“Spencer?” You asked, looking around your hospital room.
“The Boy Wonder is down the hall getting some food. Morgan practically had to drag him down there. He hasn’t left you.”
“Could you got get him please?” You asked.
“Y/N?” Your husband’s voice said from behind Garcia.
“I’ll give you two a minute.” She said, leaving the room.
Spencer looked like a mess, you probably did too. “Hey.” You said.
Spencer dropped his bag and came up beside the bed, wrapping his arms around you. “Please don’t ever leave me again.”
“Not if I can help it.” You said.
“I’m so sorry.” Spencer said, his shoulders shaking a little bit.
“For what?” You said, holding him tighter. He was crying, you realized.
“I should’ve left with you.” Spencer said.
“Never mind that. We’re both here now.” You said.
You both say like that for a while, Spencer and you embracing.
“However, I think you were more than half an hour late to the hotel, so you do still owe me.” You said, trying to make a joke.
“I owe you for the rest of my life.” Spencer said.
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Barriers - Reader x Niki
Pairings: Niki x Reader
Characters included: Niki, (mentioned) Wilbur, (mentioned) Philza, (mentioned) Ranboo
Warnings: n/a
Series: a small drabble for Valentine’s :]
Summary: The Enderling Y/N meets up with their best friend and Merling Niki like usual, though this time a surprise is waiting for them.
Words count: 1689
Authors Note: This plays in the Powers SMP (I call it Power smp since Orgins is already taken) and I just wanted to write something nice with Niki since I really enjoyed the idea of an Enderling together with a Merling
Y/N sat down on the soft grass, near the pond. A soft smile ever present on their face as they kept their eyes trained on the water. There were bubbles at the surface nearby, since Niki installed some soulsand in the ground that produced them nonstop.
Ever since she got her hands on soulsand she had been lowkey obsessed with the stuff, always asking for more to decorate her home with it. Y/N ended up being her main source for it since they spent the most time together, which was a bit ironic in hindsight.
As a Merling Niki was bound to water, unable to breath on the surface while as an Enderling Y/N was practically allergic to any water. Yet they still hung out as much as they could.
Just like today Y/N would walk over to her pond and she would come up, making sure that her gills are submerged while the two were talking. Though sometimes Niki would come out more, though not for long since it was her equivalent or holding her breath underwater. Only the exact opposite.
Though today Niki took her time. Y/N kept watch over the water but couldn’t spot their friend.
A blush spread on Y/N’s face as soon as they caught themself hoping it could be more than just Friends but the circumstances were a bit against their favor for that, so they were just happy spending the time with Niki like this.
Niki was a lively and beautiful Merling. Always so excited and happy when Y/N brought her stuff from the surface or even the nether.
Meanwhile Y/N got nervous as soon someone looked directly in their eyes and tended to keep to themself, mostly using their time in order to find things that Niki could enjoy. Yeah they had it bad for her but what can you do.
The two have been talking a lot about how they could maybe find a way to bring Niki out of the water so they could show them the surface while also maybe finding a way to bring Y/N into the water without hurting them so they could finally see all the work that Niki put in her home.
Niki would often talk about how she decorated her home and Y/N would apologize saying things like “I can see some things you have done! Sorry, I can’t see a lot though. I’m sure you did a fantastic job!”
Rainy days were the funny ones. It was the only time Niki could be more outside than usual and actually take a good look at everything while Y/N had to hide from the outside, often huddling down beneath a tree only occasionally teleporting to the next one.
It was on one of those rainy days Y/N and Niki shared a hug, though it was still a bit uncomfortable for Y/N since Niki was all wet from the rain but they didn’t dare to complain. Getting a hug from your best friend for the first time was more important than the admittedly very minor water burns.
That was when something red caught their eye. Something floated between the bubbles. Must have for some reason been caught in it and then pushed to the surface.
Curious Y/N moved closer to the bubbles, inspecting what it was.
A rose?
How did a rose get inside the water? That’s curious. Did the others litter inside Niki’s pond again? If Y/N finds out who it is they will make sure to give them an earful. It’s quite rude to empty your trash inside Niki’s home for Ender’s sake.
That’s when a second rose appeared. Okay, now it was more weird und unlikely. Then a third and fourth. More appeared. Did someone throw a whole rose bouquet into the water?
Carefully Y/N took a hold of one rose, trying their best to not touch the water, while using a cloth that they brough with them to hold the flower. It was wet and a tiny bit squished but a beautiful flower nonetheless.
If Y/N didn’t know any better they would say the pond or even Niki is giving them a little gift. An embarrassed smile spread on their face. A stupid thought that made them happy.
“Do you like them?”
Y/N let out a surprised yelp as Niki suddenly appeared with a beautiful smile on her face, scaring Y/N half to death who was busy with their own thoughts.
“Uh, the flowers? I mean yeah they are quite beautiful.”
Niki’s smile widened as her cheeks grew to a soft pink “I picked them for you!”
Y/N’s eyes widened as they looked between the flowers dancing in the water and the blushing Niki.
“You? You picked them? For me?”
Niki enthusiastically nodded “Yes! Wilbur helped me a bit to find a good place near water and together we picked some! It wasn’t raining but I still managed to pick quite a lot for you!”
Y/N’s face grew hot as their heart beat faster “Wait, wait, wait. Never mind how dangerous it is for you to just walk out of the water for some flowers… why?”
Niki suddenly brought a flask out and stared at it for a few seconds before snapping back towards Y/N. They could immediately tell she was nervous which brought their beating heart into overdrive. They pressed their cold hand against their face, trying to calm themself down a little bit.
“Well it’s Valentine’s Day and I wanted to ask you if you would want to be my Valentine?” she immediately sank a little bit lower into the water so that only her eyes were looking out the surface. Honestly if Y/N wasn’t dumbstruck by that question they would have laughed at Niki’s adorable behavior.
They slowly nodded “Yes. I would love that.” Their voice was wavering due to their nerves. Does that mean Niki felt just the same towards them? Wait, peddle that back. How long did Niki feel like that now that they would ask them out on a Valentines date. Or was it a platonic one?
Y/N felt like their head was about to explode.
“You, uh, you want to go out on a Valentine’s date with me?” they just blurted it out as they tried to make sense of the situation.
Niki came back up so she could talk with Y/N only to reveal her bright red cheeks “Yes! Philza and the others even helped me with making potions that allow me to breath surface air! You can show me your home and we can hang out!”
“I would love that so much, Niki.”
“Oh! That reminds me! Wilbur promised to help me with something!” she then uncorked the bottle and downed the contents of the potion she was looking at before. It was clear Niki was relieved with Y/N’s reaction while Y/N themself still seemed to lag behind.
Niki jumped up and came out the water. She then pointed at the cloth that Y/N held on to who in return just gave it to her without hesitating. Niki then dried herself as much as she could with it, mostly concentrating on her hands.
She then stretched her hands out which Y/N slowly took in theirs. It was the first time in a long while they held hands like this.
Almost amazed Y/N looked up at Niki who was smiling just as brightly at them.
“I asked Wilbur to set something up for like a small picnic for us! Let’s go find him!”
Niki stood up pretty fast while Y/N still seemed dazed.
“I kind of just ambushed you with this, huh? I’m sorry.”
Y/N shook their head “No, I’m glad. I’m just, I never thought you would feel like that towards me. I mean I had hoped but, I never imagined. I feel like I’m on cloud nine.” They admitted.
Niki giggled “I’m sorry I should have explained a bit more. I was just so nervous and then so relieved when you agreed that I kind of jumped ahead. Listen, Y/N. We spend so much time together and I enjoy your company so much, I wouldn’t know where I would be without you. You always come around to bring me stuff only because you think I would like them. That’s sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me. I’ve had quite a crush on you for a long while now but was too scared to say anything, you know, because of our water situation.”
Y/N let out a relieved chuckle “Ha! I had the same thought! I mean I’ve had feeling towards you for a while as well but I was too scared to say anything due to our situation but if that was the case why did you ask me out today?”
“Ranboo came around and told Wilbur of all the enchantments and new potions recipes he and Phil found. He told Wilbur about a potion that would help Merlings breath outside of water.” Niki shook fondly her head “He immediately came my way and told me about it. Apparently our mutual pining has been pretty obvious for all the others but us.”
The two laughed. They laughed as if it was the only way to let go of the last rest of their nervousness. Holding each other’s hands as they begun talking about their pining and how obvious it had been in hindsight.
They spent so much time talking about it Niki had to chug another potion which made them realize they should finally find Wilbur who set up the little surprise picnic for them.
Once they found him and Wilbur saw the two grinning with flushed cheeks, holding hands he brought them over to a flower field. He pointed out that he build up a little overhang in the back that should it rain, Y/N could hide beneath it but otherwise the two could spent time on a blanket with a ton of food which was apparently courtesy of almost everyone.
Apparently once the others heard what Wilbur was doing they felt the need to pitch in since for them it seemed like a long time coming.
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