The Silent Lands
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maybe the silent rapture was a better way to go then now...
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thesilentlands · 1 year ago
Nick and Murmore
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thesilentlands · 1 year ago
Them two
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thesilentlands · 1 year ago
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thesilentlands · 1 year ago
Chapter 7+: Volts Upgrade
-dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know.
Volt could only reply with a simple "OK" before his message systems where blocked by the block chip. The chip also blocked his ability to move so hes completly imobile now only able to see and speak.
Volt then was placed on a harness and he waited for something.
-Hello? - he spoke out in a scared and confused static voice, then Frank came in to the room, wearing a diffrent shirt and a diffrent robotic arm.
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-hello volt - Frank said in a calm voice, slowly aproching a table where verious mechanic tools where located
-why are you doing, this? To me? -
-listen buddy since you guys moved hire i wanne do a good thing by cheaking you out-
-but but you cant, youll wont like what youll find-
-bealive me, i find many bad things inside bots that where traveling for a long while-
-but um UM-
-you dont have to worry about anything Volt- he said, walking twards Volt with a mear chair
Frank then removed Volts forgead plate and pulled out his "brain", this was a pretty tipical thing to do, but Volt was nerwous.
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-are you gonna kill me?- he asked
-why of course not, your not ready for salvage yet, hehe..-
-i think i know why your worried-
-whats that?-
-your from a bunker, arent you?-
-?!- Volt was shoked at what he heard -How you know???-
-well i know that your kind of model orginated from bunkers, plus your main chip is inscribe with bunker numerals-
-huh, so you knew from start?-
-yup, but i was kinda suprised when i first saw you walking on two legs-
-weard habit of mine-
-alright im gonna upgrade your system now, and maybe do some modification to improve you, your gonna black out-
-fine, alright, just do it-
As Volt said Frank did, Volt now couldnt see, hear or feel anything, he was completly surounded by darkness. Frank took some time wail reparing Volt, his systems where old and really out dated, he took 4 hours repeplacing, updating and modifing Volt. When frank was finished he removed the block chip and waited untill Volt woke up
Volt waited untill all his limbs where usable then he woke up, he looked around and saw Frank working at his desk, he then barked in a much better voice, he was suprised by this. Then Frank looked back at him and let him off his harness.
-soo, how do you feel?- Frank asked
-it feels odd, i can see everything better and my voice is better, im better-
-yeah bud, ive replaced your voice box with a new one, updated your system, and ive also removed your upper mouth plate where your lens was-
-wheres the plate now-
-dont worry, ive put it in on the top of the shelf, you know its risky-
-right, what else have you done to me?-
-alright, go to that mirror over there- he points at a mirror
Volt walks over to the mirror and looks at him self, he notised that at the bolts that hold his jaw there where a sturdey pieace of wire sticking out.
-did you broke me??-
-no no, just open your mouth and youll see-
Volt slowly opened his jaw and the wire was starting to split into many more and then a holo projection with a faint yellow color appered.
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-yeah i had a spare part that did this, when you scream youll then flash band someone your faceing, so be carefull-
-ok! Anything else?-
-ive instaled some small solar panels on your back-
-nice, anything else-
-thats all volt, you can leave now if you what-
-would you like to know something, i can anwer it-
-uhh, let me think... To who did you give the lens? If there was a lens in the first plac--
-to mike, he found me in my weakest and helped me, so i repayed him-
-alright then, thanks for shareing that-
-you wont tell anyone?-
-i wont, i promise-
-alright, ill be leaving now-
-later bud, see you in the morning-
Then Volt left, he was suprised and kinda happy that people dont judge him nor mike, he then went up stairs, quietly to not disturb the other, he walked up to the door and he could her Micheal and Vanessa talk.
He chose to not disturb them, he returned down stairs and layed on the couth he then entered his sleeping mode and sleep the night away, happy that he didnt need to hide his orgins
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Thorns and Flowers
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 7: The Copper City (part 2-2)
As Volt finished setting up the admin comands for Micheal a sudent door creak meet him, it was Vanessa and she was confused and terrified at the sight of Volt, volt slowly aproched her and she just stod where she was, motionless
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-Hello there! -w-what are you?? -oh please excuse my aplerance - Volt went back on standing on four legs - im Michaels companion, i was named Volt -he didnt mention he had a dog, where is he? -The atmospher got to him, he finaly asleep -what do you mean by that? -oh um, im not supoust to say where Michael comes from -why not? -hes sensitive about it -really? -yes! He dosent trust humans ive notised -why? -i dont know, can i trust you? -you can trust me if i trust you -how can i earn it? -i hate to say it but maybe you can show or tell something about yourself or Michael -Are you able to hold my and Michaels secret? -i mean yeah, i dont like sniching on people - good, maybe this will enlighten your mind a bit.- Volt opened his mouth to show a single slot where a power lens once was.
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-is this... -yes it is -so that must mean that you and Michael come from a bunker -how can you tell that HE comes from one -so where he somes from? -well... A bunker.. -are you guys like evil? -why would you say that? -arent bunker people like, evil and crazy over power? -ive escaped from one, i was almoust dead when i came to another bunker opening, there ive meet Michael, he helped me, hes a good guy -huh, so you guys are fine? -you can say that, we wont cause no harm -alright then, i will hold your secret -good, otherwise i will bit your face off -WHAT?! -just kidding! HaHa, but seriously dont tell anyone, michael isnt used to human interaction, he told me that -alright alright! But i have one more question -what is it? -since Michael is with you, does that mean that he has a power lens? -... He does, do you know about them? - a little, but still -what do you think -im yet disturbed about the sudent burst of information but im also exited! -exited? -think about it, lens holders are really rare to see, but there is one inside your room, and one that your gonna live with -i cant think about that, what can i do for now -well you can come down stairs and go meet everyone, just remember to not tell about anything -of course i remember -alright lets go! - they both walk out of the room and shut the door.
9 hours later
Michael finaly wakes up, a bit puzzled on how he have fallen asleep but still happy that he finaly did, he notised something tho, he felt diffrent, not only refreshed but more weard in a seanse, he sat down and little bit unraveled his bandages that covered his power lens and he notised something. The lens glowed brighter and something strange happend once he activeted it, previously there was only an orb but now the orb had an closed eye, Michael poked the eye and it opened up.
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-Welcome [A_Michael]! -w-what? What are you? -i am your lens guide! Please allow me to introduce your new system logs, you mech has allowed you to acces about 50% more of your systems! -what is happening, why werent you awake the first time? -i wasnt active silly! Would you like to how whats avaiable now? -i mean.. sure, show me - Michaels guide created a few pop up windows -your first new attachment is that you can recall your orb when its launched somewhere far away from you! -arent you the orb? -i can take it for a short period guide you are tell you new things! -intresting. -continue? -yeah go ahed -your next thing is to create power liquid extenstions from your previous wonds! - w- how do you know about them? -im in your body silly! I tho i got to say, dont you think theres too much on them? -i dont wanne talk about it - Michael said in a little agresive voice, the Guide covered his eye and scuried a bit away from Michael, Michael then looked a bit worried and he was saying again in a calm voice -whats wrong? -...y- you arent hitting me? -why would i? You where just curious -well yeah, but we arent allowed to be curious -what do you mean "we"?, Are you connected to other lenes? -we are.. in a sort of hive mind, we can comunicate with eath other, but they disconected everyone, only few are still online but they chose to be quiet, but i can still seanse the distress calls from everyone bellow... -im sorry, it just im not used to talk about them -can you tell me something? -what is it? -are all bunkers that terrable that you have so many wonds? -i guess so, they all are mad, they hurt you mentaly and phisicly, but how can you remember it? -the mech that they put me in gave me vision, they created something that looked like a hive of sadness and pain, and also seam to be digging for something.. -maybe materials -maybe, im sorry its just i thot that youd be bad and... -hey its ok, at lest we arent in thos hell holes anymore -yeah OH! -whats that? -youve got a message from your mech! -his name is Volt if you must know -ill make sure to note that, opening the message now - Guide opened a screan that looked like a group chat room.
-Michael is awake? -how do i.. interact with this pad? -you can ither say it or type it down hire -oh -yes, where are you? -downstairs, everyone hire, they dont see me now, chatting with you. -well im going there.. -wait you must know something -what? -Vanessa knows. -what? -OP cant speak no more! They getting suspisious. -what do you mean she know? -... -hello??
-he disconected -great, well thanks for your guidance but youll need to hide -right, have a good day! -bye.. - Michael puts back the bandages back in theier place, to hide the lens and then he gets up, he still wonders what Volt could mean by that? But he shrugs it off for now, he walks to the door and opens it.
After exiting and closing the door behind he hears a some people talking downstairs, he also hears disfigured dog barks, he slowly walks down stairs, to be unexpected meet with a suprise from the cealing.
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-Boo! -Hello? -ugh your no fun -what are.. thos things? -oh yeah, meet my forever friends! One with the lashes is called thorns and the other one is petels -weard names but alright -rude.. HEY EVERYONE, THIS DUDE IS UP - after screaming that Rose abd her pals returned to the void hole.
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Everyone was hire, they looked at Michael and happily welcomed him.
-you had a good night - Frank said -yeah, how long was i out? -9? 10 hour something like that, alright since everyone, whos not on a expedition, is hire why dont we introduce our selfs fully -alright! - Niko happily said -but youll go first Frank!
-fine. Well mine name is Frank Dagger im stuck at 37 years, before all the time substance stuff i worked in a blacksmith with my father and mother, but when the time stuff roled into exsistinc, it made us live forever, after that the black smith bisness has fallen and my parents where never sean, again, they severed contact with me almoust imidietly, but also that im a pretty lucky war veteran, that should explain mine mechanical body parts -do you work somewhere? -of course! We all work in the adventurer guild, you know where they send you out on expedition and stuff like that, i also know a lot about building mechs, my mechanical limbs are all mine work! - i see.
-Guess ill go next, my name is Vanessa Goldleaf, age is stuck at 26, before i was still in collage, but after im now a wildlife biologist, plant biologist and i partly work at the adventurer guild, you know to explore the odd wild life that was created -i see, and whats your story?
-mine turn! Im Nico Clocktick, im 13 years old!, i come from really far, my legs are made from blades, my far away friend made thos for me, he sometimes even visits! Oh got a little too over my self, i do the work around the house, ans i also go on advetures sometime! -arent you too young to do that? - im doing the best of you friend! -hes a pretty energetic kid - frank said -i see, so i guess its my turn, im Michael Walker, mine age is stuck at 24, i.. come also from a far, i worked as a.. i mean i also worked as someone who goes and adventures, and i came hire because i got kicked out from the previous city -what did you do that you got kicked out -em.. its weard, i feel like i been set up -i see, it happends all the time, but why wouldnt you fight back to stay there -they set me up good, i couldnt fight back -like i said it happends, alright i conclude... Oh yeah Rose havent introduce her self -Hissssss -fine then dont -soo what do we do now? -its sunday so we just do what ever -hey.. maybe i can take Michael out and show him around town - Vanessa said -you know, hes new -thats a great idea what do you say Michael -i mean... Sure, why not -Alright! Just let me change my outfit -Vanessa got up and walked upstairs -Volt -oh! Its you! Your awake! -yeah how are you doing? -Great! Frank is a great guy, Niko is a bit weard but well get along eventually - Michael got closer and whispered -what did you mean by that text of yours -youll find out soon -what? -Im ready! Lets go -oh yeah, lets go - Michael and Vanessa walk outside and imidietly as the door closes Vanessa starts a small, quiet chat -so your from a bunker huh? -WHA. Um yeah?? -its.. Really cool! How was there? -you arent disguasted? -why would i be? You seam like a really nice guy! I thot only assholes and people who think they are the highes come from there -i mean.. your right there are only assholes how there -oh, so everyone is right about bunkers, how did you got out - i found the last master key, and just left -nobody nosided you? -nope -left just like that -heh, so you know nothing about the outside? -i know nothing -oh boy you got a lot to learn.
Then Michael and Vanessa chatted about how diffrent theier lifes where, it was no suprise to Vanessa that life in the bunker can and is difficult, but to Michael life outside was a pretty big suprise.
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-so, what do you think of this place? -its fine, better then a bunker -yeah, your probobly right. Say you straight went from your bunker to this city? -we first tryed to went to a bigger city, but someone told us that it dosent exsist anymore and that there was only "man eatting grass"? -oh, you went a little too far, what did you did then? -the guy gave us a lift to a vault, and it showed us where to go, and hire i am -intresting, ive been hire almoust all my life, its a pretty nice city for the most part -im still pretty new to the world you can say -yeah you are, you can also say that you where in a whole other world -heh, yeah... Are we like, friends now? - i guess so, a little bit forced because Volt told your whole bunker stuff, and the lens stuff too, but dont worry about it -HE EVEN TOLD YOU ABOUT THE LENS?! -Hush! People can hear -oh yeah, im just a little mad that it had to come out this way -at least you can trust me, cuz now your friend -im still not sure, in the bunker people would lie, tell behind your back and do a bunch of other stuff -hey, its not the bunker anymore, i know what i say is going to sound weard to you, but you need to let go of what happend -i know, but its difficult, it will take some time for me to forget -i know, but im sure that it will make you feel better -thanks.. -wanne grab some ice cream? -sure! I havent tasted them in ages -REALLY? Thats a crime! -haha.
They both went near a park to buy the ice cream and to sit down, Vanessa treated Michael to some lemon and blueberry scoops wail she got a vanila with too many cheries.
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-soo should i know anything else about living hire? -do you know about the titan threats, by any chance? -Wh. Of course not! What are thos?? -well, one titan that you can see from time to time is the one thats carrying the sun -so the sun is fake now? -well, since we are hire forever and i guess the world is infinite something has to shine light, a normal sun couldnt exsist. Oh and it somehow disapered, i dont know why -weard... So what are the other titans? -well there is one in the ocean, it resembes like a gigant worm thats made from flesh, gives me the creeps when i think about it -has it been hire? -a few times, our defances always scare it off, but its been silent for the past 12 years now -maybe it died -i dout it, they are few of the creatures that where given imortality by the time substance -dam, are there any others? -well there are about 13 more but they are beyond the grass -there is something past it? -yeah a whole other world, many metal citys are there. Not gonna lie, its pretty easy to just fly over it -i figuret.
-have you consideret what you wanne do? -what do you mean now? -well, like a job, you know? -i havent thinked about it, hmm -have you consideret working at the adventurer guild -a little, but i wanne get used to the new place first, you know, nothing too fast -oh yeah. Also its getting kinda late -oh yeah, we should get back -yeah, and as i promised i wont tell no one that your from a bunker, or that you have a lens -yeah, again thanks for keeping my secrets -no problemo!
They both started walking back to theier house, Michael, despite his past experiance, really enjoyed company of Vanessa. He feels somewhat safe around her. Vanessa also enjoyed todays day, she Was going to show more but since the darkness aproched, she wouldnt risk it.
-hello everyone, we are back! -good, you both had a nice day? -yeah been around town, showing Michael stuff -oh ok, i wont boder you for now -where is Volt? -oh, he desided to stay with me for some time,hope you dont mind that -oh, no its alright -we gonna go now -alright, bye.
Vanessa and Michael both enter theier room -emm, where is the bathroom? -oh! Door to the left at the beguining of the hallway -thanks -ill go change, it wont be long -alright - Michaels enters the bathroom and looks at him self in the mirror, the thouth to him self, that hes gonna be finaly happy hire
-Hello Michael, i hope i dont bother you with anything but Volt whats to chat -alright give it hire.
-arent you worried? -i mean dudes a mechanic so i guess its good -as you say,ill be going now -goodbye -see ya!
-MICHAEL. -yeah? -HELP. -whats going on? -THIS DUDE WHATS TO UPDATE ME -so whats wrong with that? -WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT. -... then we are gonna live with it i guess -HELP I DONT WANNE. -Volt listen i know that your scared, but think about this,you probobly been in a bunker for many many years, and your software Must be upgraded -I KNOW. -then why are you afraid? -IVE NEVER HAD AN UPDATE. -dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know -OK.
*from behind the door* -Michael who are you talking to? -eee *whisper* should i tell her? -do what you think is best -*sigh* fine. You wanne know? -if you what you. can tell me -go to the living room, ill go there soon -alright? - he hears her foot steps walking away before hearing her sit on the bed.
Michael then changes too, into much conftable clouthing and walks in to the loving room
-hi im back -so what you wanted to show me -well -he sits on the floor, next to the bed -since i have a lens, why not show you some stuff -oh, i didnt thing it will looks so... Weard -well it is just a yellow glass thats in my skin -but whats with the yellow veins -still not sure why they are this way.. -any why are they going up to your pathed eye? - oh um UM -hold on, dont move -hey what are you doing - Vanessa gently removez the eyepath to reavel the lens eye -oh -you think its disguasting, dont you? -well, it is a bit weard to look at someone with a weard eye like that, but if your not conftable i can put it again -no it fine, we are alone so yeah, i dont have to wear it for now -yeah your right.
-huh -what? -ive just notised you dont have that mask on your head anymore -yeah i should come clear of something. I have a SLIGHT hair loss in that arena, but im treating it -well good for you -im curious about something -what is it? -why do you have soo many bandages? -i... Dont wanne talk about it right now -alright. now about that lens -oh yeah, have a look.
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Michael opened his hand and the orb flew from inside the lens, then the orb transformed in to the guide
-Hello again -who is this little fella? -hes mine guide, hes pretty nice -thanks.. -heh -so what can you show me -oh yeah, what can i do right now guide? -well you can chose the information,holografic or modefication tab, chose! -what does the holografic tab do? -i can show you a place, a thing or what ever you like as a hologram! Ill even gave you a breaf discription of the thing, but if you wanne know more refer to the information tab -you have any recuests? -can you show me the Great Deer Beetle? -of course! *Loading* -thats a weard recuest -well im not going up close to thos things, but i wanne know some stuff about them for my reserch, oh i see -done- the hologram portrated a gigant beetle that had very long limbs, the beetle had huge dear horns and big wings -The Great Deer Beetle, is a species of a meat eating gigant insect that dosent apper in this arena, theier habitas are usually dark forsets. now, what would you like to know? -i have a few questions, can they be tamed, are theier posionous and can they spit stuff - the Guide then explained to her about when and how to tame them and denyed some things -thanks a lot! Hold on let me note it all -my plesuere, take good care of Michael, ill be going now! -GUIDE -heh! -dont laught at that! -fine, but you really helped me, otherwise i wouldnt know that they kill humans -yeah *yawn* getting tired again -you need to explain to me how it was in there someday -someday, right now i wanne sleep -you arent sleeping on the bed? I could make a barrier with the pillows between us -i havent showered, i dont what to get the sheets dirty, also im used to sleep on the floor -fine as you say.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
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It was a day like any other, Vurpl woke up in his mech, and was ready to start his day. Since his creator made a choice that only alows him to breath acid he found his home in the wasteland near a Metal City, over there is a natural acid ocean, humans also like to get theier garbage there so the ocean will stay acidic for a long time, allowing Vurpl to survive.
Vurpl desided that today hes going to collect some samples from the non acid ocean near by, he notised the abnormal groth of some plant life, as well as weard mutations to some ocean life. He knows that thos changes wouldnt come from the acid ocean that hes in, because if it did the acid ocean would start to took over other oceans. So something odd is going on.
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Vurpl slowly but surely makes his way to the other ocean, they are sapareted by a chunk of land but that dosent stops Vurpl from exploring and studying it. he whats to be someone, someone important, like his creator Vurpl whats to study and make the world a better place, but his creator meet a tragic end, when the time substance desided that hes not worthy and turned his everything but bones in to fine dust, but they granted Vurpl imortality, he still doesnt knows why, but Vurpl desided to take his creators place, as a scientist.
When Vurpl entered the normal ocean he wondered, how he dosent remember the place where he was created, he knows how it looked from the inside, but cant remember where it is. He finaly arives at the place of his reserch, he takes of his lab coat but keeps his metal ring, he also equips his acid pack that he puts of his guils, he then exits his mech, feeling the colder water suround him, makes his feel weard for a few second, but he gets used to it.
He looks at the place, there is a pretty big chunk of something that dosent belong hire, it looks like a coral of some sorts but its actually a big chunk of flesh of unknow origins, its not normal.
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He closes up to the strange mass, and it seams that it has a heartbeat, and when lighten up there appers to be something inside. The "egg" causes the place around it to become mutated. Vurpl takes a small sample from the thing and is ready to leave, but he spots something in the rocks near by.
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A creature that resembles a cuddle fish, but its figure looked human like, Vurpl got a bit closer to the creature but it started to swim away, Vurpl gived chace to it, the creature had an advantage, knowing creveses of the ocean floor it could escape pretty quickly, but Vurpl didnt give up, just as the creature was about to escape for good, it got tangled in some lose fishing lines that where on the ocean floor.
Vurpl finaly could have a closer look at this creature and couldnt bealive his eyes, the creature was very similar to him self, but it was a pink cuddle fish, with a face mouth and many more tentacles, before Vurpl said anything the cuddle fish spoke first
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-DONT EAT ME, NOT AGAIN -im not planing to eat you, what are you? -you! You look familiar? -do you understand me? -yes, im new to speaking, hire is lonely -what is your name? -ah sorry, its, it was a number, i remember that, but forgot the full number, sorry -well im Vurpl, do you need help -yes please! - Vurpl started to untangle the fishing wire, it took some time but the cuddle fish was untangled without any harm -what are you doing hire? -crave company, cant stand being alone in the lab -lab? -place where i come from, do you too? -i came from some kind of lab, but i forgot where it is -would you like to know? I know a one lab, it near loud city -is it grey by any chance -yes! -huh, can i follow you there? -ye! Follow! - Vurpl took his mech and followed the cuddle fish close behind, he still needs to study the strange flesh blob, but its much more important to him to know where he comes from.
As the cuddle fish slowly swam to the surface, Vurpl knew that he was there, he took a look outside.
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It was this place, the one that he came from, he set his mech at the botom of the ocean and followed the cuddle fish.
-see? - the cuddle fish pointed at the open water vent to the lab -it goes to inside -i see, leed the way -ok - the both gone to the vent and crawled up the vent, they exited at the now broken cooling system -you know that thats a cooling system -whats that? -it takes the ocean water and cools down the mechanisms -cool! -are there any humans still hire? -no, everything is offline, only bones -can i see them -ye! - cuddle fish leed the way, along the way there where a few empty containing chambers, and rooms that couldnt be open because of the lab being offline, she then taken him up stairs into a testing floor, then into a room with a glass cealing. -Bones! And weard glass -huh - Vurpl picks up one of the skulls, and recognises someone, it was his creator.
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-its him.. -who? -my creator, hes the one who made me like this -really? He made me too! -really? What are your modifications? -look look! - cuddle fish bits off and eats one of her limbs -why would you do.. - her limb in seconds grows back to its orginal size -its that, pretty cool for me -huh weard, but i see a use for that -what are your mods? -well i have really toxic dark spots, and i breath acid -cool, hows that? -pretty bad actually, cant touch anything without wearing gloves - really let me see! - cuddle fish then takes one of Vurpls gloves and holds him -stop! Your going to hurt your self -no -huh? - the cuddles fishes tentacle sizles a bit but then it becomes normal -you... You build up an imunity to my posion? -oo i forgot i can do that, do you feel better? -acctually yeah -did it felt nice to hold someone? -yeah... -hey, maybe we can work togheter! -to do what? -to make this place our home, maybe there are others like us! -good idea, but we need a name for you -oh yeah! What do you think what name suits me? -maybe Bait? -bait? Bait! Good name, thank you Vurpl -heh.
Then they both started to live togheter in the old lab, they even managed to rebuild the electric system, which allowed Vurpl and Bait to improve theier studies of the curent ocean ecosystem as well as the strange egg. They also made the fasility bigger and they even made a mech for Bait! In other way theier immortal lifes really improven when they are togheter.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Soo i desided to explain some things that i might mess up at explaining, or just explain some things that may make things clear
Now beguining a masive spoiler terytory for thos who havent read the previous chapters
1 Power Len's
Power len's is a thing that Volt gifted Michael in the first chapter, ill start from the beguining, from where they come from, whats theier use and why they dont make them anymore. Im saying all thos thing hire because i dont see my self trying to explain it by Volts perspective
They where first produced once Vault 09 was on lockdown, they couldnt be produces seperatly so special mechs where created to hold them, its said that they firstly needed a "fake soul" for them to work, then when the time came, they would force the mech to give up theier lens, which resulted in a lot of them dying because they would only give thos lenses to thos who where pure hearted. Thos mechs then proseded to ither hide theier lens for theier entire life, or just straight up break them so no one can use them. Now in the world of Silent land only inside old vaults, there is a very small chance that youll find one of tho legendary lends, even rarer if there is a operational mech inside one,
Once a human has the lens planted in them, they will notise changes right away, if we take michael as a example, half of his body is flowing with power liquid, (if that makes seanse) soo if the thing is planted on the right side of your body, that side will start to produce power liquid, if the chest is the place the lens is the whole body will be flowing with blood and power liquid. The lens acts as a new heart to the body, and when exposed to light, the power liquid production is higher, the production can be also encrised by eating food, or if your high on energy.
When someone is just injected with the lens it dosent mean that someone has the full power yet, they can only make one simple holografic "nail" that can become anything pretty much, but in small size, this hologram can interact with the real world, they can also break physics, that someone can only use that, untill the mech that gave that someone the lens, allows its owner the "admin mode", this mode can be only activated when the lens owener is asleep, allowing the mech to allow the admin mode.
But im gonna go back for a bit, the orb is pretty much the lobby for the human, and you can pretty much modify the orb to become a nail, so that you can then modyfy it to anything, ok back on track.
Once the human that has the lens becomes the admin, well basicly that human becomes a god, then the orb will allow him to do a lot of diffrent things, things like:
-Body modification to limitless extend. This allows the lens user to expand or compress theier bodies, it also alows them to create:
Wings, tails, bio mech attachments, unadaiafable attachments,
They can also add weight to theier bodies and make it lighter, this means that theier bodies can become lighter then air or just really light which allows them to glide and jump really high.
-telekinesis with anything in sight. Anything that they see and isnt attached to anything, they can pick up with just theier will power, that also break laws of physics because any object thats picked up losees its weight.
-special view. This can mean a few diffrent things, which are:
Sight thrue walls, automatic info on anything that you look at, special place locator which allows the user to see cretan points, like citys,vaults ect. And how far away you are from them (doesnt work in Abyssal trail).
Also the lens when its implantet cant be broken, ever. And the lens acts as a heart that produces power liquid
Alright its all for power lens, if you have questions feel free to ask them in the coments
2 Abyssal Trail
Abyssal trail didnt exsisted, until the time substance disapered all at once in diffrent places, that caused a tear in the fabric of reality, which allowed the Abyssal Trail to be exposed to the reality.
The traill acts as a fast travel and a randomiser to diffrent places, in this place there are a lot of bridges that leed to diffrent places, some places are accesable by asking the creatures to take you there, they will ask for something in return. some places are only accesable by walking, and thos places are more dangerous and unknown
For now its all
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 7: The Copper City (part 1-2)
They waited and waited, traveling slowly thru the twisted world of abyssal trail untill they finally saw something at the end of the bridge, a light of normal world. They have finaly arived in there, they got of the creatures back and just as they wanted to turn around and thank it, there was nothing there
-where is the Abyssal Trail? -what do you mean? -we where one moment there and the other it dissapered! -you see, abyssal trail only has few main openings, but the bridges only rip a wormhole to a set location for just a moment for non abyssal creatures to leave, once they leave, the wormhole closes instantly -oh.. alright then. i guess just obove this hill is the city -are you nervous -very ive never meet nice people before -wait, before we go there you should cover up your lends and eye -oh! Your right.
Michael finds in his backpack a pice of rug and bandages, with the rag he made a eye path and with bandages he covered up his glowing hand and lends -you know that you can make the wires on your face stop growing? -how? -just think that its not glowing, that usually works -alright.
Michael focuses and the wires lose theier glow. -did it work? -yes it did, now lets go, it looks like its going to rain... -can you withstand rain? -i can not, my system will get rusty -maybe you can hide in my backpack when it does rain -i will accept that.
They walked to the top of the hill and they both glanced at the city.
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It was a somewhat odd feeling to see such a city, a bit of chill came over Michael, but he wasnt scared, he was curious, he wanted to get hire and thats what he got, he took the first step, it was a small one but its best to start somewhere, they slowly walked twards the city walls. they entered it and they where was a bridge, below the bridge there was a wheat feild that streached far off and ending at the another bridge.
Sudently something flew from the sky twards them, it was pretty big, and its wings where made from electrisity, you could see them from very far away, it flew closer and closer until it landed right infront of them.
-Welcome Michael! To the CITY_CW_49 or as everyone call it Copper Wax City nr.49, or just Wax City, im only hire to welcome you and to give you your ID and pin! - the mechanical creature that resembles a bird hands michael his ID and a pin that has the city symbol on it.
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-we are happy to have you hire! A bot will soon arive to your curent location to get you to your apartment -ok thank you, do you by any chance know if its going to rain today? -calibrating... The rain will fall in about 6 minutes and will last 30 to 45 minutes -alright thanks -my plesure! Ill be going now-.
As the mech said it did, it sprout its yellow, hologramic wings and quickly flew away. -i though you said that you guys with power liquid couldnt have hologramic things - its true, but this type can recharge thiere power house, and they have specific atachments that can save theier limited power use -oh. Wanne go to the end of this bridge? Maybe that bot is waithing for us there -alrighAA -whats wrong? -its THE RAIN, its raining a little -alright, get in -good call -volt jumped into Michaels backpack, suprisingly the backpack didnt became much heavier but stayed the same weight.
Michael walked and walked, there was another wall, that seperated the city from the field, near the entrance there was something, someone with cyan fur and a screan for a face, the "face" displayed pair of two small, yellow eyes, the creature also had an umbrela. The creature spoted Michael and started waving at him, Mixhael aproched it and it was a bot that resembled a bee -Hello! Are you Michael? -yes i am -great! Ill be takeing you to your new home! -great lets go then -alright -oh, just so you know i have my.. pet in my backpack, hes also a mech -oh! Then ill share my umbrela with you.
They both entered the city, they where now on the smaller part of the city, where there are no tall buildings, the streats became darker and the rain started to become heavier.
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-hey... What is your name? -my name? Its just a number, but you can call me CB! -alright, CB, do you you know what are thos pins for? -oh you dont know what pins do? They symbolise where you came from and they usually symbolise citys symbol, by the way, what was your first pin?- Michael chasitates, he dosent know how CB is going to react that he comes from a bunker, its something that hes really worried about, he choses to hide this fact -i had.. a really special one -do you come from a far? -very far away, ive lost my pin too, bad luck -oh no that terable, but fear not! Your pins are saved in your mind -what? -you see when you get a pin, there is something in them that makes it so a specific bot can acces them and show you them, they are pretty cheap too so maybe one day you could how me them -maybe, how about you? -im a bot silly! I can only get reputation by being nice or for carrying on tasks that the leader provides -leader? -yeah! Our leader is a robot that rests in one of the wind towers, its conected to every robot hire, even when new bots come hire they are asked to be conected there -i see, so my pet is going to be conected as well? -if it accepts then yes if no then no -intresting, hey, do you know anything about bunkers -bunkers? They are enchiant, its bealived that humans that have entered there have became monsters that even higher beings are scared of, it also known that they reasived a really special pin, a pin that makes anything free for its user, but they dont exsist anymore, because they where only given when they closed them in bunkers.. -i.. i see, what about vaults? -they are used to store inportant stuff, information, backup seeds, dna samples you know? -dna samples? -the technology is now advanced that you can use one strand of dna to create a whole animal! Its a backup if the whole species dies out -i see -and what do you know, we have arived!
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-house number 153, second floor. -alright thanks, see you around -oh! I should mension that youll have a roomate -oh.. ok, see ya -goodbye! - the bot slowly disapears in to the glommy night and michael stands in front of the building, he hasitates to enter, but they came all the way for nothing, its only a roomate, one person is better anyway, unlike the whole vault.
Michael opens the door, and is meet by someone, its was a guy with a blinded eye and a mechanical arm and leg, he didnt notised michael at first but when he turned around, he was a bit stureded by him, but he welcomed Michael in.
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-Ahh, so you must be Michael, well, welcome hire, im Frank, -nice to meet you -lisean i know its a hard thing to move in, but your very welcome hire -thanks, i come from.. really far away from hire, so its nice to see that you accept me -of course ill accept you! Im sure that the others will do as well -others? -yeah, there are three other people upstairs, and this thing in this hole - frank points at the big hole in the wall, then from this hole came a voice -oh boo hoo, im now called a thing? -sorry, its just,*sigh* your really anoying -i can understand, whos the new bulb? -w-what? -she calles people by flower names, i still dont understand why -i just like it, come closer new guy, i wanne have a better look at you - Michael got a bit closer to the hole creature, it then reaveled her self, it was a bot, that resembled a white rabbit, and her eyes where glowing with red light, when she saw michael closer she smirked a bit.
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-well arent you a daisy! Im Rose, if i get to know you better, ill let you meet the others from the hole - there are others? -well two more but for now youll get to me jużet only me -ok nice to meet you, ill.. ill be going now, to my room -alright daisy see you around~ - rose then disaperas in to the darkness without a sound -is she always like this -*sigh* yeah but youll get used to it, anyway since your going up stairs you should know that your roomate is named Vanessa, she knows that you arived so hopefully youll guys get along -are there any others? -well there is Nico, hes asleep right now, he also has an eye path like you, and Angela is few month in to an expedision on some wasteland, im kinda worried about her because she went alone, but im sure that she will make things work -i see, well ill be going now -see ya tomorow! - Frank went in to his room, leaving michael alone with volt -see? everyone is nice -im still not sure.. -come on give them a chance, its not like they are like people you meet before -i mean they do seam nice but what if that changes -dont think about it, just enjoy the moment -*sigh* fine, i guess ill try - michael enters the second floor, and stands at the door of his room.
He finaly, after standing for two minutes, he finaly opens the door to his room. In the view that he saw there was a other door to his left and a welcome mat under his feet, on the left there was a pretty big bed that was all a mess, as well as a night stand with a small lamp, next to the bed, in the corner of the room there was a table with two plants on it, all around the room there where lights, walls where a deep magenta color, michael turned around to close the door and when he turned back around there was Vanessa standing right behind him
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-hello! Ee.. it was Michael, right? -yeah, then you must be Vanessa -yeah, frank told you? -yes -alright, ill go to the kitchen to grab something and ill be with you -ok, where can i set my backpack -oh beside the bed is alright -alright thanks - Vanessa then exits the room leaving michael alone again, -see? Every one is friendly -its just... So weard... -whats wrong? -its just... I feel tired, and my head feels light -that means that your probobly about to fall asleep! -really? -yeah, maybe the normal air and outside atmosphear made things to you -maybe yeah.. im gonna close my eyes for a moment, just a moment... -alright.. - then michael fell asleep.
Volt used the sytuation, he got out out of the backpack and looked at michael, since Volt gave him his leends, he didnt had a chance to allow Michael to become "an admin", he could only use a single nail by this point, he could only access the main frame when he was asleep, now is his chance to make more powerfull. And he did
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Stuck In The Moment
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Abyssal Trail Creatures
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 6: Abyssal Trail
They layed there for hours on end, listening to the sound of the night, Michael wondered how his new life will look like, he knows nothing about outside life, maybe he will somehow fit it? He will find it out soon enought. Michael got up and moved Volt a bit to the side, he then packed up his sleeping bag and watched the sky, admaiering the beauti of stars. The sun was slowly rising and with that Volt woke up from his shutdown, he got up and notised Michael looking at him
-good morning bud -hello Michael, ready to go? -of course - they got out of the hole and headed west to to Abyssal Trail -Volt? -yes? -what is the Abyssal Trail? -Abyssal Trail is a masive unknown for of land that was created just after the time substance fanished from this world, its said that the land was created on the space where they left. The Abyssal Trail found its use to fast travel between lands much faster because the land there bends time and space. Creatures there are also pretty friendly and can give you a ride as long as you give them something small and shiny, they take it as payment -well thanks for the info -no problem -they walk and walk until they reach it, the great Abyssal Trail
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-its weard... -odd fealings are common hire, lets find someone to help us get acrose - they walked in to the strange place, there where a lot of strange creatures around them, they all where unique in theier own way, the all had the same bird like mask. There where also a lot of starnge floating objects and bridges that seamed to be infitite.
Sudently one of thos creatues aproched them, it looked pretty normal, it lacked a tail and its body was pretty fat, its legs where mechanical and the same bird mask stuck. -hello? -the creature made a series of mechanical clanking noises -can you understand this Volt? -they want to know where your going - Michael explained that they where going west to a city, he also detailed how the city looked, the creature yet again spoke -it said that it can get us there by a small payment in something shiny - Michael looked at the creature notising its belt of items, there was a lonely fork among them so he desided to give it a spoon.
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-can this be of use for you? - the creature chirped in respond -it said yes - Michael and Volt got of the creatures back and they slowly made theier way to the city.
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-do you think that ill fit in? -huh? -you know, i dont any normal human interaction, and im worried that they will take me for a weardo -your sytuation is unique, maybe youll find people who are almoust the same as you -maybe.. -dont get your hopes down, your true life may start just there, why keep them down? -i guess your right -they then admired the beaut of this place and both waited for the trip to end.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 5: Vault 87
-Part 1
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They walked and walked untill they reached the entrance of the vault, it was suprisingly in a very good condision, the Vault had a gigant painted number 87 and a big metal door that was closed shut, on its left was a pad that had a face id option also key and keycard openings. Luckily Michael took the keycard from the bunker that he was in and used it to get in, the keycard worked and the door opened to a elevator shaft, Michael and Volt both came in and the door closed shut, the lights of the elevator where dim but the elevator still worked.
-i feel something off about you- Volt said -your heartbeat became faster, are you doing alright -well... I have slight claustrophobia -after Volt haerd that, he got closer to Michael, conforting him made his heartbeat slow down again -thanks Volt.. -its alright, everyone needs confort - the elevator stopped and the door slowly slide open into a pretty demolished server room, the servers where still functional but some of them where disconected or entirely shut down, from the rubble they both made out something, something big.
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-Volt, what is this?- before Volt could say anything the gigant worm spoke first -hello there! I havent expected anyone coming today, please excuse me for a second, then ill help you- the worm gone back to its job of fixing bugs and conecting servers -Michael, its nothing to fear, its a Fixer, they fix stuff and help people in Vaults- the Fixer finished what it started and got closer to Michael and Volt - Welcome human, what do you desire to know? -well.. we are looking for a city to stay in, we were stranded in the middle of no where -a city you say? Do you come from a bunker by any chance? -why are you asking? -i can not recognise you, like that i would get an ID tag of you but you dont seam to have one -can i get one -of course! Just tell me from witch bunker you come from -bunker 05 -intresting... Do you know that bunker 05 is the first ever bunker to be shut down? -what do you mean shut down? -no human contact came from there when the bunkers door closed, pretty sad in my pointless opinion - the worm startes to search the walls of USB's, it then spots one and pulls it out of the wall - please follow me - they follow the fixer into a room that has a big empty metal table, once the Fixer plugs the USB into the table it lights up, displaing every possible city there is -my best recomendation is this city over hire - worm zooms into a pretty big city, that city is surounded by a wall, inside the city there are fields of wheat and other vegetablez, there is also a river thats conected to it, -this city has a high social rank and suprisingly low crime rate
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- and how can we get there -firstly youll need to get accepted by the maintainor of this city, would you like me to send an apruval form? -yeah go ahead, i also have a question -go ahed -will they know that im from a bunker -of course they will know, to your information, none of the sent information of yourse will be reaveled to the public - thats good to hear -you can wait over there - points to a couth -wail the form is ither accepted or denyed, then we can try again - then the worm disapears into the darkness. Volt and Michael sit on the couth waithing for respond, if there even gonna be one, yet another time Volt detects faster heartbeat.
-Michael? -yeah? -why are you woried about your information -you see, people from outside are diffrent, i still dont know if its in a bad or good way -im sure that they will be good -you think? Youve spent all your life in a mine with agresive humans, you really think they can change -it was in a bunker michael, the outside is much better then rotting down there -yeah your right
The worm returned -Mr. Michael? -yes? -youve been accepted to the city, congratulations! -thats great news! But before i go can i ask some questions? -sure -why is this place soo... Destroyed -some humans just think that they own everything, this is a aftermath of one of them, but to your information they are delt with -in what way -they where closed in a bunker forever -i guess its fair, anyway can i get my dog in the city too? -well yeah, if you say that your an owner of this mech no one can take it away from you -and one more, how do we get there? -the city is west from hire, your best way is togo to the Abyssas trail and pass there, it faster and youll save up a lot of time -ok thats all my questions, thank you for your time -my plesure, oh one more thing, this vault will be closed for two years because of damages, make sure that if someone wants to go hire tell them its on shutdown -alright bye! -goodbye, Michael! - as the worm said that the elevator door closed, they slowly went up and up untill they reached the ground floor
The elevator opened to a cloudy night sky -why is it so dark -... -Volt? -we.. WE NEED TO HIDE - Volt and Michael quickly ran in to a hole in the ground they sat there and listened, they heard a yell, not a human one but deformed mechanical one, then they saw it, a gigant raptor like mech chaseing something, the creature was no mach for it so its gets brutaly murdered from afar -Volt, what is that thing -its a Vault Runner, they protect vaults when its night time from any unwanted things, this one sames to be new -i guess we need to wait out the night hire
Michael then pulls out a sleeping bag thats in a shape of a catapilar, he crawls into it and tryes to fall asleep to no succes -you cant sleep, you know that? -im trying to enjoy it, maybe soon ill fall asleep -who knows the bunker changes people to be active 24/7, soon your surely fall asleep - then they both stared into the night sky, then closed theier eyes to wait the night out.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 4: Someone From The Deep
-Part 1
Michaels hunger started to become more notisible, he feels weaker and his head started hurting.
-you might what to eat something soon, my sensors can hear your hunger even from afar -eat what? There is nothing hire - i detect a sea side near by -sure then, lets go.
They both go to the eadge of a cliff to find an ocean many meters down, michael loes his cool a bit because of hunger and sits angrily on the ground
-whats the point, i cant swin and even if i could i dout any sea life found aproche me, great. Just great -why dont you use my powers Michael?- Michael looks at Volt with confussion in his eyes -powers? -correct, wanne see?- Michael noded -firstly you need to open your hand and focus a bit, you need to imagen a line in your mind, then cut it -what? -just focus.. - michael opens his hand to reaveal a yellow leends infused in to his hand, he then closes his eyes and focuses. Then he seas a yellow orb, that slowly aproches him he seas it when the orb got closed enought it turned in to a line, Michael then cut it and felt a slight pain in his right eye, he opened his left eye, holding the right eye shut, he was suprised at what he saw next. The same orb now in this hand, leviationg, conected to the leends by something that resembled a string, Michael then opened his other eye that then activeted soemthing. A floating panel appered, it was conected to his right eye and the yellow orb, michael was confused then he turned to see Volt, he had a slight smirk on his face.
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-first time huh? -what... is this? -your personal projection that aplies to the real world, meaining it can interact with the real world -how does it work -you have this panel that appered after you opened your eye, you can modify three things: the nail, orb and the conection, in other words the string -why are some of my options blured or not responding at all? -this can mean two things: you havent discovered the part yet or your too weak, that's why your orb is really transparent, to use your orb you need to eat to get the energy -michael modifies the orb to have a hook like end, when hes ready he throws the spear down. Surpisingly the spear springs out like an arrow and hits something, michael starts pulling and the fish seamed to dont have any weight tight to it, but the moment it flops on the land michael is unable to pick it up again
-big catch- Volt scans the fish that Micheal cauth -this power... Its amazing! Can you do thos things too? -only my owner can do them, i only give them out to people i trust - have you gaven them before -i was forced to give them away,but your the first person that i gave it freely- Volt finishes the scan - the fish that you cautch is a masive tuna, this one dosent seam to have any parasides AND can be eaten raw -great, finaly some food - Michael starts to slowly cut the tuna and enjoyed every bite that he took, Volt could see that his right eye glowed brighter and brighter the more he ate
-your eye glows brighter, -huh? -your right eye... -michael stops eatting and pulles out a mirror to look at him self for the first time since he left the bunker -are thos...Glowing Wires?! -dont be alarmed, they dont change anything, they even improve your blood flow. -they go all the way down my neak... -you can turn down the color a bit wail using your orb -im gonna leave them like that for now -alright - Sudently a loud rumble started to begone, it camed from the sea side, before both could react something came up from the water.
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A gigant mechanical octopus emerged from the deep, Michael quickly took his backpack and tryed to ran away, but then the octopus spoke -wAiT! - It yelled out, wail setteling on the ground. -youve meet something like this before?! -no! - the machinery then started to open up to reaveal something. Or rather someone.
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A blue octopus, dresses almoust like a human emerged from inside the mech, behind him was a mysterious green blob that was hanging from the cealing. The octopuss had a weard ring around his neak that projected a pixelated screen but the screen is slowly disapearing and turning in to a liquid, it alos has green gloves on every tentacle that he has, it also has a pair of green goggles that he slowly removed from his eyes, reaviling two diffrent colored small eyes the left one bright green, and the other one deep blue, it looked at Volt and Michael with curiousity. Both Volt and Michael where really confused, but aproched the octopus slowly -hello? -human what are you doing hire? -what do you mean? Who are you? -the octopus looked a bit abresed -oh sorry im not used to talking to humans, im Vurpl nice to meet you! -well im Michael and this is Volt -as for my question what are you doing hire? -Volt anwsered -im guiding him to a city, it just over two hills from hire -ohh.. oh no. Im sorry to inform you but the city that you probobly reafering to dosent exsist anymore -what do you mean, ive heard from many that there is a city there -i live near from hire that city was there 200 years ago, beyond that is an infinite filed where you get devourd by the grass thats 1000m from hire - Volt looked first angry, but before he said anything he turned his expresion in to a sad face -you really know that -yeah... - Michael looks at Volt the at Vurpl again -then where are we gonna go now? -i know a vault with all the informationyou need -what serial number? -number 87, you know it - Volt looked happy at the response he got -Michael,he know where it is!! -what? -Vault 87 will have all the information well need to get to the safest and bestes city there is, and the best part its that the informations are constantly updated -you what a little bit over... -my appologies -will you take us there Vulpl? -i can take you a place that is near, you know, water doesnt get there so my mech will not work.. -alright lets go then -come!
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-just let me get all the systems ready and we will there in no time! - Vurpl entered the gigant blob of green liquid, and a lot of small interactive panels surounded him. He used all his eight tentacles to intecart with all of them. Then the door that they came in was now closed shut, and the mech started moving back in to the water, it fell from the cliff and plumit down into the waters, Michael looked out one of the windows that looked like the mechs eyes from outside, the window was clean, no green color was visible, just the wide ocean. It was beautifull, full of all kinds of fish, and other sea creatures. Some fish where curious and came up to the windows to look inside. Michael looked at them with amaze as, the fish also looked at him with curiousity.
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-you see view like this everyday? -yeah.. but it gets boring the more you look -really? -yeah, it also gets lonely hire -no wonders, your are a smart creature thats probobly the only one hire, by the way how are you still alive? Dont octopuses live like 8 months? -when the time substance was still alive, my master sacroficed himself so that the eternal life will go to me, i dont know if it was a good idea or bad, but im glad that im alive- Volt spoke out now- what kind of substance are you in? -oh its acid -how? Its impossible - my master modified me so that i can only breath acid, i think that he tryied to make a break true, but ill never know -what name did he had? -i dont know, his name plak only said LAB, i think it standed for something but it doesnt matter anymore -what is your life purpous -im trying to find company, you know, someone like me, i still hope that there is someone outhere had the same idea as me, but i dont know, its been so long.. -thats sad to think about -we have arrived, preper yourself - the mech lifted it self out of the water and they all walked out of it -alright youll just need to go over that hill and youll see it -thank you a lot, actually i have something for you, its a little old but i hope that it will find a good use for you - Michael pulls out a rubix cube thats pronobly older than him he offers it to Vurpl
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-whats a rubix cube? -you basicly have to make all the sides the same color - Vurpl takes the cube and inspects it -thank you for this gift Michael! -i hope to see you around -i dont know maybe one day we will meet again, see ya guys! -bye! - Vurpl enters his mech and disapears yet again in to the deep, Michael and Volt walk twards the hill, once they are at the top of it they see the vault in the distance, they slowly make theier way to it.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 3: The Mateing Season
-Part 1
Michael and Volt made a good progress, but thats not the end of theier discoveries, theier next stop was a field with tall grass that was surounded by mountions, they walked true the tall grass that reached to theier knees. Sudently they heard something, a loud buzzing sound was getting louder and louder
-what is that sound? -its unknown to me what this means but we should probobly run - as they tryed to run they found the source of the buzzing, it was a mechanical bug like creature, once it was spoted it stopped buzzing and slowly aproched Volt and Michael, then more came and curously watched them both.
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-what are thos things? -im not familiar with this species, give me a minute to contect to them... -what does "conecting" mean? - i simply scan theier minds and bodies to gain all knolage about them, its simpler then normal scan -oh ok then - the mechanical aproched michael closely and inspected him, then it let out a unknown sound of hirps, buzzing and other unknown sounds -it said it likes you -how do you know that - from the mind scan, it seams that they prepering for something... -Volt came up to one of thos bugs and let out a unadeafble sound, the bug said something too, then it flew away
-so what did you discover -its theier mateing season -mechanical creatures can have mateing seasons? -they are bio-mech too -well that explains it, lets g- sudently he notised something in the sky. There were many shades of green there but then large purple nights appered and green lights started to swarm them.
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-so what are they? -theier species is called The Grass Glider, theier structure is very light and filled with green power liquit, also known as energy freteliser, this energy can alow them to create a short lasting energy wings that they use to fly, if the energy is low they will eat grass or small nonmechanical insects, to replenish theier energy levels - can you create wings like that? -its imposible for mine kind to create them, the power liquide only gives me energy that i need, if i try to create wings like them, the liquide will evaporate quickly leaving me deactivated -huh, so what are the large purple lights?- Volt looks up and analizes the lights every move.
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-they are the same species as Grass Gliders but the female counter part, theier form is called Glowing Terror they are more agresive species that have a diate of humans, but because its theier mateing season, so it wont even see us -yeah lets get out of hire before we get killed -good idea- they both slowly started walking true the grass outside the moution circle, the tall grass continued but now there are is no life there, just them walking is the only sound heard there
-so is there something more i can know about them? -its pretty much all the main info i could get out of them -can i know more things about you? -... -its alright if you dont what to tell me, no force needed -it was a bad place there, was forced to do a lot of things, bad things. But now im safe with you, right?- Michael stopped and kneeled down to hug Volt -your safe now, i will insure that -...thank you.
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thesilentlands · 2 years ago
Chapter 2: A little Rest
-Part 1
The first day off walking was hard for Michael,most his whole life spent in that bunker really weakened his ability to walk long distances, Volt notised Michaels strugeling so both desided to take a rest at a near by cliff side, the cliff had a view of a gigant sandpit.
-its good to take a rest in a wail... -we where only walking for 10 minutes, like that its gonna take us a mounth to get there -well im not ready to get a heart attack..- suddently ground started rumbling, Michael and Volt looked over at the sand bit to withness a gigant mechanical worm sprout from underneath the sand, it had a corpse of some unadefiable animal.
-w what is t that?! -dont need to be worried, they are a melow species -how can you know this?? -ive meet them before and they let me scan them, they feed mainly on desesed or rotten corpses, this looks like a female of this species -sudently two smaller worms emerged from the sand, opening theier mouth to reavel a fleshy like throut with many rows of teeth, the mother drops the corpse into one of theier mouths and disapears yet again in to the sand
-why are they so gross on the inside -they, like half of the species found in this lands are bio-mechanical, on the inside there is a network of flesh that digests everything from meat to fur, then some is produced so that useless things will exit theier bodies. On the outside the mechaical structure provides the worm with protective armor and shelter from the cold -do they have a name? - The Clearer Worm is theier species main name -alright, you can give me like 10 more minutes and we can continue -OK
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Michael layed there for another 20 minutes, then he got up and then they both proseeded on theier way to the city. Michael was more and more curous avout what they can find on theier there.
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