#like for one I get screamed at by very silly people a lot. for two I talk about some shit authoritatively when I should not be doing that
aurumalatus · 3 hours
𝐩𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐚𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟏
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pairing. kinich x fem!reader
genre/warnings. pixelprincess!au (princess!reader x knight!kinich), reposted for formatting lol
summary. a series of random headcanons from the universe! part 1 of many because i have lots of thoughts about these two
author's note. feel free to come scream about some more headcanons with me <3 enjoy!
𝐩𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐚𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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kinich and the princess have known about each other for a long time, but it’s only recently that they’ve really talked a lot and become close (since kinich became your guard)
kinich is a bit more open in this universe because although he grew up an orphan, he was recruited into the guard earlier and taken care of by his fellow trainees and the castle staff. he’s still pretty serious and deadpan at his core but he has a bit of silly in him too 
the maids especially used to dote on him a lot. they would coo about how beautiful his eyes are and sneak him cakes and sweets from the kitchen
kinich and the princess actually had one key interaction when they were children that she doesn’t remember
the princess came down with a bad illness and had to stay in her room for about a week. kinich was assigned guard right outside her room, but she never saw him. still, they used to talk a lot during that week through her door, and she never quite figured out who her temporary friend was.
princess used to be *very* spoiled and she knows this. kinich is one of the only people who knocks her down a peg, and he also taught her how to do a lot of practical things (i.e. cleaning, cooking, weaving) 
kinich takes his shirt off by grabbing the back of his collar and pulling it over his head (idk if i’m describing this well, but the image in my head is INSANE). 
once they actually get together, kinich is the type to kiss the princess’s tears away when she cries (i’m going to scream)
kinich secretly has always known he loved the princess in some capacity, maybe since the day he was inducted as her guard (he looked up into her eyes, knelt before her, and felt something burst in his chest). he doesn’t feel like he deserves her love in return and feels so committed to his duty that he won’t do anything about it.
kinich isn’t afraid of dying, but he’s afraid of leaving the princess alone. it’s the reason why he insists on teaching her so many practical things like fighting—he doesn’t trust anyone else to protect her like he can.
there’s a yearly tournament among the guards (and any citizens that want to enter) that is held to win the royals’ favor. kinich is required to participate due to his position, but he tries a lot harder than he lets on—something about letting another guard win kind of irritates him. he wins your ribbon as a prize, a sign of your personal favor, and keeps it on him at all times. he claims it’s just to prove that you owe him.
kinich is a TERROR in the capital marketplace. sellers love him and hate him—he’s fair, but he barters like HELL. you, on the other hand, are any easy target. you will pay pretty much any price they name, and this irritates kinich greatly.
kinich is in charge of training newer recruits to the guard, and older members will warn them not to mention the princess in front of him. last time someone said something disrespectful about her, kinich had them running laps until the sun came up.
most mornings, kinich trains at sunrise. the princess will come out to join him sometimes, either to just lay down in the grass and talk, or to bring out a picnic
many princesses from other nations are attracted to kinich, but he does not return the sentiment—whenever one tries to talk to him, he acts extremely dry and boring on purpose until they lose interest.
kinich has a lot of piercings, but they're not always optimal to fight in—on days when he expects a battle, he wears a pair of studs that the princess gifted him
the castle maids have a running bet on how long it will take you and kinich to get married. sometimes they try to push it along by telling kinich you're looking for him when you aren't, just to pull the two of you together. the pot is over one million Mora, and at some point, the queen joins as well.
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communistkenobi · 1 year
I need to talk a bit less online I think. good for everyone involved
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
Hands down one of my worst experiences in high school was when the seniors decided to extort the entire school by using tactics that were banned by the UN to get them to pay for the senior party! If that sounds like a wild sentiment stay tuned because this shit got crazy.
I was living in Arizona at the time and I was a freshman. Our campus was largely open air, with walks between class room buildings and some covered outdoor tables. Our event began with a morning announcement. The seniors were collecting donations for the senior party, and when they reached their goal, their fundraising method would stop.
Their fundraising method:
To pipe the entire schools speakers with "If You're Happy and You Know It" on loop. To this day, I cannot hear this song without experiencing a degree of rage and madness that is frankly alarming. One of the worst parts of the entire thing was that the recording they chose had the female singer do a little clap and say "Yay-ha-hey," at the end. So it wasn't just the song, it was this awful little cooldown stinger at the end.
If this sounds a lot like psychological torture you'd be extremely correct! This practice has been banned in some countries, but the good old US hasn't ruled it a human rights violation, and what a fun silly way to raise money, that definitely wasn't damaging to adolescent psyches!
Every morning for 15 minutes before school began, every passing period, every lunch, and after school for another 15 minutes they blasted that fucking song on unceasing repeat through every speaker in the school. Everyone found different ways of coping with this and mine was to observe my classmates descent into madness and categorize the stages.
The first stage was almost completely consistent, and it was a smug almost exasperated eye rolling phase. Often accompanied by derisive comments about the song or the tactic, this phase was extremely mildly annoyed. Most people figured it would blow over soon, and no one anticipated this continuing for a week and a half, creating a miasma of fraught tension.
The second phase was elevated annoyance, starting to snap and be less amused characterized this level of irritation. People would try to cover their ears or put on headphones, humming aggressively to block out the syrupy repulsive children's performer with her loathsome little clap. This phase had people picking their absolute least favorite part of the song. Her inflection on certain words, her timing between verses. I think it's pretty clear already which part I hated most.
The next phase was a bounce back out to absurdity. It became funny how annoying it was and people would sing along as if to challenge the song's authority over their psyche. This paired exceptionally poorly with people in phase two as they'd often lash out at the people giving more voice to their hell.
The fourth phase was a dead-eyed madness. People would stare straight ahead and their lips would silently mouth the familiar words. The song had pounded its way into their very soul and was inextricably linked to auditory output. They often didn't even realize if they began chanting along.
The fifth and final phase was pure uncut pubescent rage. Kids would scream, attack each other, and in a truly epic end to the event hurl a cafeteria chair with such force at the speaker in the cafeteria to irreparably damage the sound system.
The seniors got funding for a party, but some of it had to go to repair the damages, which were substantial.
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countcvnt · 7 months
Chapter One: Scrambled
Summary: Your memory is hazy, almost nonexistent, after being plucked out of a safe house and experimented on for months. When you're finally rescued you don't remember the people closest to you. Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (not much else this chapter), me using an english to scottish translator, not beta read Word Count: 3.3k A/N: Had this silly idea and turned it into a serious/angsty fic. I hope you all will like it as much as I do! Also, Reader has a call sign! It's Ace. If you prefer, you can read it here on AO3
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Your eyes are heavy, your body burns, and you can't stop shaking. You aren't even sure of where you are. Your eyes are trained ahead of you, looking at what you assume is a two way mirror. A scientist is standing to the side of you messing with some needles and medicines. Your half lidded eyes cut towards him and you see a thick blue substance in a syringe.
“What's that?” You croak, voice hoarse.
“Hm?” The scientist doesn't even look at you, “curious now, are we?” He asks, pulling the syringe up and turning to you. He doesn't answer your question though, not in a way you would like. “We are about to figure out what this is.”
‘We’. Your stomach flips. He didn't even seem to know what it was. You accept your fate. You have from the very beginning. You don't know how long you've been part of this ‘program’, and to you, it didn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is trying to get out alive. No one seemed to be coming for you. No one has in all of the days you've been hidden away. You didn't expect anyone to save you now. So, you had decided to save yourself. Figuring out how to do that was becoming difficult though.
You know that behind that two way mirror are a bunch of guards. You know they're heavily armed. You know, no matter what they have juiced you up with, you aren't beating a bunch of armed men. So, you sit idly. Letting them poke and prod and decide you are going to wait until the perfect opportunity shows itself. You just have to hold on until it does.
A loud alarm suddenly rings throughout the building and you cover your ears, flinching. The scientist seems more agitated than anything. He doesn't seem as bothered as you are, by any means.
“Guards!” He calls out, looking towards the large mirror. “Guards?” He questions.
He puts a finger up at you, asking for you to wait a minute. As if you have any other choice. A loud bang comes from outside the room and chills run up your spine. The guard walks towards the door and he peeks out. He quickly shuts and locks the door before returning back to you. He scurries over towards the metal stand beside your seat. He grabs the syringe and picks it up.
Something clicks in you. The alarms are still blaring and the guards seem to be gone to check it out. You watch as the syringe comes towards you, headed right for your neck. You move faster than you're used to, and grab the man’s hand and push him back. A lot harder than you had meant to. He slides back and hits the wall. The syringe does not leave his hand.
You rush towards the door. You wiggle the door knob and try to rip the door open. It doesn't budge. You turn your head back and see the scientist steadying himself. Fear kicks in.
“Help!” You scream, slamming your fists into the door. “Please, help me!”
“That was really stupid,” the man behind you says. “No one can hear you, no one is coming to save you. They haven't yet, have they?”
Tears prick your eyes. You turn back around and your back hits the door.
“Y'know, I'm going to be honest.” He stalks towards you. “I know they picked you because you're so… compliant. But really? I think that big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.”
That stings. “Who?”
“Which one?”
“You know I can't give out classified information. But if this works, I promise, you'll know everything. As for the other guy? I'm surprised you don't know who I'm talking about. But honestly, after all the brain scrambling you've had done to you, I understand how you don't remember him…”
You lose it. Something in you snaps. You lunge forward and grab the man. The both of you tussle briefly. Until you get him pinned. Your body slams into his and you hold him down. You raise your fist and bring it down, slamming it into his jaw. Screams, pleas fall from his lips. He's begging for you to quit. But you don't. You, at that moment, decide you are going to do that to every single person who has harmed you, who caused this.
The door behind you blows open, but you don't falter. Your fists continue to slam into the scientist’s face. Until you hear someone with a Scottish accent say your name. You freeze. You turn to find a man in the doorway, his eyes wide. You furrow your brows when he whispers your name again. You move to get up, without thinking about the man below you. You don't realize he's moving. His hand comes up and the needle is pressed into your neck. Whatever the liquid was is quickly administered into your bloodstream.
You hear your name again, louder this time, but you fall to the side, eyes too heavy to hold open. Your head slams into the now bloodied white tile and you're out.
So much for escaping. _____________________________________ You wake up to beeping. A sound you had grown accustomed to recently. You feel monitors hooked up to you, and an IV in your arm. You twitch ever so slightly, every muscle in your body contracting. And then it hits.
Your eyes snap open. Your legs swing over the side of the bed. You rip every single monitor off of you, the IV flying across the room. The monitor begins to beep loudly and as you rush towards the door, exiting the isolated room, an alarm blares. You flinch momentarily, but do not let the sound stop you. You are looking for someone, anyone to give you a hint of what's going on. Nothing around you looks familiar. But from all the ‘brain scrambling’, that's normal. You're used to not knowing as much as you figure you used to.
A man in a bucket hat turns the corner, rushing towards what can only assume is you. You let out a low growl and begin to sprint. Your body slams into his and the both of you are sent sliding across the floor. You grab his vest and lower yourself to him, all of your weight holding him down. “Where the fuck am I?”
He's looking at you with confused eyes. He doesn't make any sudden movements. He immediately presents himself as a friend, not a threat. You squint and then see someone else coming around the corner.
“Price! Oh my-” the young man freezes. He says your name and your world is instantly rocked.
You haven't heard your name in god knows how long. The Scottish man had called out for you earlier, but before that? You really can't think of a time when someone had called you something other than some experiment number. “Who are you?” You hiss.
You feel the man under you tense up. He swallows hard and he says your name this time, slow and soft. He isn't showing any signs of wanting to throw you across the room or knock the shit out of you. You take it he isn't a threat and shift.
“You don't remember me?” The man in the ball cap asks, brows furrowed. “You don't remember us?”
Your heart jumps into your throat. You push yourself off of the man below you and you stand up. You brush yourself off and watch as he stands up. He radios someone to cut off the alarm and it's promptly stopped. You are thankful for that. You stand in the hall awkwardly and watch him and the other, younger man talk to each other with facial expressions.
“You're probably hungry,” the man in the bucket hat turns towards you, “how about we go get you some food?”
You aren't stupid, you know that also entails speaking with them about everything you just went through. Despite not wanting to talk, you nod. You are hungry and haven't had an actual meal in possibly months. The man reaches out to touch your lower back, to lead you to wherever he wants to go. You flinch away from him, everything in you tensing. You can tell it's a reflex. A habit. He's used to doing that. Your eyes scan him and you're searching your brain for everything, anything about him. But there's nothing.
“Sorry.” Is all he says. He leaves it at that. “Gaz,” he looks away from you and towards the other man. “Please go grab some food and meet us back at room 2B.”
“Yes, sir.”
The tension is palpable. You want to run. Fast. You can. You know you can. But something is keeping you tethered there. You follow a couple feet behind the man who had yet to introduce himself and keep thinking about ‘Gaz’. Your mind is reeling. You keep thinking about his name, his face, everything. You close your eyes tight and inhale sharply.
“Kyle.” It's all you say. It stops you dead in your tracks. Your eyes open and your breathing is heavy. “His name is Kyle.” Your breathing is suddenly ragged. You can't catch your breath and feel like everything is crumbling in on you. You fall to your knees and try to keep yourself from wailing. “I don't even know your name!” You whisper to keep yourself from sobbing. Your voice cracks.
“Price. John Price.” He drops in front of you. He reaches for your bicep. You don't flinch away this time. “Hey,” his voice is low, “look at me.” Your eyes cut up to him. “We're gonna help you through this. I promise.” You nod. You want to trust him. You need to. You feel like you can. You inhale slowly and Price helps you up. “We're going to go to room 2B, you're going to eat some breakfast, and we're going to ask you some questions.”
You nod and start following Price again. You make it to the room in silence and Price opens the door for you. You walk in and find four beige walls, a table, and four chairs. Nothing else. Until you look in the corner of the room and find a little camera. You lock onto it and squint.
“Why?” You point at it.
“Oh,” Price walks in and closes the door behind him, “it’s protocol. Security and all.”
“Fair enough.” You sit down at the table and look at the Price. “You gonna sit?”
Price holds onto his vest and leans against the table. “Not yet.”
You shrug. “Suit yourself.” Your stomach growls. You touch it through the thin white shirt you're wearing. “You think Gaz will be here soon?”
With that, a knock comes from the other side of the door. Two knocks, a pause, and another knock. Price opens the door and Gaz walks in. He has a tray filled with food and you are growing antsy. He sits across from you and slides the tray towards you. You try to not immediately dig in, but you can't help it. You grab a glazed donut first and begin to devour it.
“Oh,” you pause your munching, “thank you, Kyle.”
Gaz freezes. His eyes widen and he turns towards Price. It's your turn to freeze. You look up at him mid bite and blink. Gaz motions towards you and asks, “Did you tell her my name.”
“No.” Price shakes his head.
“You remembered?” Gaz seems ecstatic. “What else do you-”
“Nothing.” You snap. “I don't remember a damn thing.” You huff as you move onto the muffin on the tray. You unwrap it and begin to devour the sweet. “All I know,” You speak through bites, “is that I was locked up for God knows how long and they were experimenting on me-”
“Four months.” Gaz speaks quietly.
“Huh?” You question him. “How do you know?”
“We looked for you when you disappeared. It was four months ago when they got you. You really don’t remember anything?”
“Like I said,” You huff, “I just know they were juicing me up.” Before they can question you further, a light bulb goes off in your head. “Wait.” You squint at them, “The Scottish one. Where is he?”
They tense up. Gaz talks first, “You remember Soap?”
“Huh?” You cock your head. “Is that his name? He’s the one that found me. I assume he’s here. Or did he not…” You trail off.
“No, he’s here…” Price begins, “…We don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“Oh.” You shrug. “I guess that makes sense. How am I supposed to, uh, assimilate without being overwhelmed. I mean, why don’t we just rip that band aid off?”
“Trust me,” Price locks eyes with you, “we do not need to rip that band aid off right now.”
“Okay, okay,” You put your hands up. “Do you wanna ask your questions now?” _____________________________________ “This cannae be healthy,” Soap looks at Simon.
Simon shrugs, “Don’t care.” He’s watching the cameras closely.
“Thay aren't even in th' room yit! Ye'r peepin' an empty room!” Soap’s eyes move from the screen and back to Simon.
Simon’s eyes cut from the screen and to Soap, “Shut it. Price wants us to stay away from her for now. He didn’t say we couldn’t do this.”
As he says that, the door of the room opens. Price is visible first. And then, another figure walks in. You. Simon and Soap both tense. You look directly at the camera and point, asking why it’s there. You’re so clear. Soap’s heart jumps. Simon shifts.
“She remembers Gaz’s name.” Simon speaks through gritted teeth.
“A'm sure that's a targeted attack against ye, Ghost.” Soap is trying to find humor in this situation. He’s grasping for straws.
Simon is not enjoying it. “Shut the fuck up, Johnny.” Simon growls.
Soap focuses back on the screen and notices you aren’t even sure how long you’ve been gone. As Gaz gently tells you four months, Simon grumbles the amount of time at the same time.
“If Price doesn’t wanna overwhelm her, why the fuck is Gaz in there.” Simon is seething. “Why can’t we all be in there.”
Simon shuts his mouth as you say they had been juicing you up. He tenses. Soap does the same. They both need to know what it means. Simon feels like he’s going to combust. His eyes narrow once you mention Soap. Soap looks like he’s about to jump with joy, until he realizes you don’t actually remember him. Not past him saving you.
“Fuck this,” Simon pushes past Soap. “I'm going in there.”
“Hey! Price said-” Soap starts. He doesn't finish. “Fine-” he rushes out behind Simon. He guesses they're just going to bust into the room and Simon is going to make you remember. He isn't quite sure what Simon has planned really. But he decides he can't sit in the security room and just watch. He needs to see you.
So does Simon. _____________________________________ You reach for a fork for your eggs and lean back in your seat, plate in hand. You relax (as much as possible) and you look at Gaz and Price. You are studying them. Really digging into their features. You want to remember so badly. You have no reason to trust that they used to know you, a part of you is ready to attack in case they are lying. But most of you trusts them. How else would you remember Kyle’s name?
“Listen,” Price inhales sharply, “we want to help you, without overwhelming you. We need to know what you know.”
“Listen,” You mimic his tone, “I don’t know what you aren’t getting. I remember nothing, nada, zilch.”
“Okay,” Gaz interjects, “What’s your last memory?”
You're sent into deep thought. You place your hand on your chin and look off. “Well-” You begin, “I remember-”
The door of the room busts open. You tense, ready to pounce. Your palms hit the table and you stand up straight. The fork clangs against the ground. Two men walk into the room. The one who saved you and-
Words play in your head over and over again. ‘I think the big guy with the mask would have been a better choice.’ For a moment, your world is completely rocked. ‘I’m surprised you don’t know who I'm talking about.’ Your eyes lock with the large beast of a man. His eyes soften. Briefly. You swallow hard.
The entire room is silent. Until you open your mouth. “He wanted you…”
“What?” Soap is the first to question you.
“The scientist, the one doing the experiments on me-” You are tense again “-he didn’t want me.” Your head hurts. You place your hand on your forehead and groan. You are thinking too hard. Remembering too much.
“Hey,” Price motions for you to sit down, “it’s alright.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ghost,” Price looks over his shoulder, “not right now.”
Ghost stiffens. He doesn’t say anything else. You sit down and inhale slowly. Your eyes move from the floor, past Price, and they hit Ghost. You feel something stir inside you. Like your emotions know more than your brain does. You want to scream. Every single man in that room seems to think so highly of you, and you don’t even remember them.
“I think I need to sleep.” Your voice is a whisper.
You don’t know the last time you got a good rest. You figure sleeping will help you. Price begins to grab for you, before freezing. You lean into him, letting him help you up. Price moves past the men and you tag along beside him.
“I’m going to show you where your room is. If you need anything, please let one of us know. But for now, we’ll leave you alone.” You are led down the hall and towards the barracks. It’s silent between the two of you, until you reach your room. “You have this room to yourself. I had some things rearranged, if it needs to be changed, and you aren’t comfortable alone, let me know.”
You nod at him. “Thank you. For everything. I’ll see you in the morning?”
“0600 sharp.” Price begins to leave.
“Wait,” You stop him. “You don’t happen to have my phone, do you?”
Price turns back to you. “No, that was not recovered. But, we can get you a new one. I’ll work on that while you rest.”
You nod. You head into your room and close the door behind you. You look around. There are two beds. You groan at the fact you can’t remember who used to be your bunk mate. You’re scraping through your brain, really searching for just an inkling of a memory. But… Nothing. Nothing at all comes to your mind.
Nothing about the four men convinced that you know them, anyway.
You lay down in bed and cover up. It’s not the most comfortable bed you’ve ever been in, but it is the most comfortable bed you’ve laid on in the last four months. Your head hits the pillows and you close your eyes. It takes longer than you’d like to go to sleep, but not as long as you expect it to take. You only hope you don’t dream of anything at all. You can’t be that lucky. _________________________________ “Price!” Simon shouts at the captain. His face contorted with anger and pain, and he is more glad than ever that they can’t see him through his balaclava. “What the fuck was that? We need to know-”
“No,” Price stops him immediately. “We do not need to stress her out further. We will figure this out eventually, on her time.” Price reassures his team. “You did not see the look in her eyes, the way she tackled me to the floor-”
“She what…?” Soap tenses.
Simon bristles instantly. He’s seething again. “What do you mean?”
“Ghost,” Gaz starts, “I know you want to know what happened. We all do.” He’s trying to get through to him. “But something is not right. The way she easily took Captain Price down- That wasn’t the Ace we know.”
“Of course!” Simon growls, “She was gone for four months, being poked and prodded-”
“Ghost,” Price interrupts, inhaling sharply, “she pinned me down and I could not get up. They did more than poke and prod at her. They-”
It clicks. “They were making soldiers… Enhanced soldiers.” Simon whispers. His face contorts again, this time with confusion, “Why did they pick her?” He remembers what you said. ‘He wanted you.’ Simon momentarily feels a pit in his stomach. “Ace couldn’t have been the only one… There’s no way they did this experiment on one person.”
“She was the only one at the underground compound.” Soap shifts. “Maybe she was the only success?”
Simon is stuck on why they picked you. It’s not like you weren’t capable. But you were never on the field fighting for your life. You were always on the sidelines, helping them get into the places, helping them get information. How had they spotted you and decided you were the best candidate? He knows that question is going to keep him up at night.
“Come on,” Price brings Simon back to reality. “We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
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ajortga · 5 months
opposites attract
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: people would call you and jenna the old married couple from across the street, you'd always argue. you hate each other so much, but you love each other even more.
word count: 2.1k+
warnings: alcohol, goofiness, hilarious imo
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based off request! (love you 🦦)
Jenna Ortega! x Reader!
"In every friend group, there are always two people arguing"
holy shit this dynamic is so cute, it's like wherein obvi J and R likes to argue a lot, whether it be going out w friends, in set, sleepovers, literally just everywhere all the time.. In the end obviously they get together 🙈 YOU CAN DO ABSOLUTELY WHATEVER W THE PLOT IF YOU'D LIKE.
Completely understand if the request isn't taken!! I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM, I LOVE YOU
It’s silent on set where Scream is being filmed. Silence would’ve filled your break room, that would be if you and Jenna weren’t damn yelling at each other over the littlest of things.
“You fucking cheated!” You accuse, pointing your finger at her as you go crazy and throw your Uno cards everywhere.
The tinier girl puts her hands up, putting one to her chest to pretend to be offended, “The Y/N is accusing me of cheating? When will I clearly won fair and square?”
That throws you off the edge, screaming into a pillow and kicking your feet, then throwing the pillow straight to her head. “I saw you looking at my cards dumbass!”
The atmosphere is chaotic as you two throw pillows at each other, one of them hits Melissa in the nose, “Hey!” She goes, throwing a pillow to Mason, which throws it to Jasmine.
Everyone is throwing their pillows at each other, screaming and laughing. Actually, not everyone is screaming, the only ones are you and Jenna.
“SINCE WHEN WAS THE SCENERY MY CARDS?” You yell, throwing the stuffed animal at her.
Jasmine nudges Melissa, who lets her pillow down and lets her friend whisper in her ear, “Who’s going to tell them that they’re flirting?” 
A cackle escapes the other actress, “She’s definitely always thinking Y/N is the beautiful scenery. In which she is, she’s like the days that have the best sunsets. She’s a sweetheart.”
That was true. Although Jenna won’t admit it. You were breathtaking. You were like the movie that everyone wants to watch again for the first time. Whose voice was a gentle lullaby that lulled those into a peaceful rest. A work of art, Jenna would say. A work of art she’d fucking hate, yet still buy it’s worth for billions of dollars more than they should be.
“Okay FINE! I peeked! I just saw that you had a yellow seven! That’s it!”
“Exactly!” You say, throwing the stuffed animal up and victory, “Nuh uh, you also said half-way through the game as a joke “I bet you have a blue four,” and I had a blue four!”
“FINE, but that was all!”
Mason rolls his eyes as he leans back into his chair, throwing a huge stuffed animal and making you collapse and go, “Hey!”
“They’re gonna get married one day, they’re like an old married couple,” He states, and everyone that hears agrees, except you two. You two are too caught up with arguing with each other, smacking pillows at each other.
“Sweet girl.”
“Gosh, well aren’t they oblivious?” Jasmine scoffs, “Their flirting and don't even know it, they’ll use that as an excuse for another argument again. Melissa watches, amused, and laughing in the background with a cackle. You two are hitting each other with any pillows you can find.
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y/n_l/n this is very not an appreciation post for jenna, the first two i'm posting cause she told me not to but she cheated in uno and she's getting what she deserves! (someone save me from this mad woman)
#justicefory/n i hate you @jennaortega
melissabarreram: My babies #justicefory/n
liked by y/n_l/n
natalieortega1: Love you
↳ y/n_l/n: love u too!
crunchybaguette55: y/n is seriously blessing us with these photos
aliyah.ortega: nah why is jenna more flexible than me
liked by y/n_l/n
user839: watch jenna is gonna post something about her
jasminsavoy: lovebirds
liked by y/n_l/n
y/n'spersonalbag: SHE POSTED I'M EARLY
jennaortega: I hate you
↳ y/n_l/n: Ilyt
Melissa screams while the members of the cast begin to elevate up the roller coaster. 
“Oh god!” Mason shouts, while you two begin to lift off the floor from the free fall device.
“If the machine were to break and fall, would we bounce out of our seats or bang our head?” Jenna questions, looking down at her feet that are currently 100 to 150 feet off the ground.
You’re right next to her, yet you have to shout because of how loud the machine is, “Nuh uh! None of that stuff, if the machine were to break, then the starting point wouldn’t be as lifted and our feet would probably dislocate.” 
“Pfft, nonsense,” Jenna rolls her eyes, and you try kicking her but as you reach the top, it slowly begins to stop lifting up. 
“Guys!” Jasmine yells, looking down at the floor, she’s still holding her pretzel in her hand. The people below you now look like at least the size of a caterpillar. 
“It’s kind of tall!” Melissa says, but she’s giggling.
“No damn shit!” You say, looking at the floor and preparing for your heart to fly out of your chest, “Hold my hand!” Jenna jokes while you roll her eyes at her.
When you stop at the top, the machine makes a loud “TCCHhhHH” noise, and you are all still. 
“I DON’T WANNA DIE,” Mikey and Devyn cry, screaming.
“We haven’t even gone down- YET!” Everyone starts screaming as the seats you’re in descends at fast speeds. You all scream, high pitched, wails, singing to get your mind off of whatever. Devyn and Jasmine flutter their eyes and do a peace sign when the camera flashes. 
You close your eyes, the machine goes back up, then down, you’re screaming, laughing as Mason’s sandal falls out, “No! My shoe!”
It hits the person operating the roller coaster.
Somehow, your hand finds Jenna’s as you cling onto it, she doesn’t let go, giggling with you as you two fall. It was a nice moment, the breeze in your hair with the sunset saying hello. Except you don’t know if the moment got better or was ruined because before you can appreciate it, Jasmine screams, louder than she had when everyone dropped.
“My pretzels!” She screams, falling out of her hand and flying into the air, the cinnamon pretzels falling and smacking you and Jenna in the face as you feel a flash in your face again, you pose just as it clicks.
“I WANNA GO HOME!” Mason wails, “Where the fuck is my shoe? MY SHOE!”
By the time you reach ground level, everyone’s hair is ruffled, eyes dazed as your legs shake when you leave the machine.
You’re still holding hands with Jenna as you almost collapse on each other, you feel dizzy, probably because the machine was damn spinning and a pretzel got smacked into your face.
"You okay?" she asks, looking at your dizzied form.
"Mmhm, are you okay?" you ask, the feeling of throwing up going away.
She nods, letting you cling onto her as she hugs you tight.
"You're so weak," she teases.
"Says the one who screamed more from a pretzel being thrown in her face than the actual ride."
She smacks you, but nonetheless, still holds you tight to her chest.
Mason looks at the floor, and claps, turning happy, “My sandal!”
Everyone is groaning, Melissa is snorting and looking sick while Devyn and Jasmine shove their hands through the little amount of pretzels left in their bag.
You’re not surprised when everyone busts out laughing, pointing at the pictures of you on the rollercoaster. The first one, Devyn and Jasmine were making peace signs while somehow being able to do the slightest pose, Mason’s shoe is flying and you can see his mouth wide open with one foot barefoot, Melissa is smiling with cotton candy in her mouth, and you and Jenna are screaming and clinging onto each other.
The next one gets more chaotic, with Jasmine and Devyn looking horrified, the whole picture has pretzels flying and hits Jenna and you square in the head. Yet, the frame only catches Jenna’s face being smacked while you’re posing with your hands and blowing a kiss.
You’re laughing so hard, everyone is buying the photos, you can’t stop laughing as Jenna screams from the horror.
“How did they only take a picture when the pretzel gets to me?" She groans.
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liked by jackchampion and 4,971,391 others
jennaortega i don't know how that little girl managed to hide all her bad photos on my phone but melissa took a photo of her falling asleep on my shoulder, i did not cheat! cancel!! @y/n_l/n
jasminsavoy: little? girl, you're the size of a strawberry.
↳ jennaortega: fuck you respectfully
y/n_l/n: NO i was sleeping because filming was so long
↳ jennaortega: yeah and you decided to sleep on my shoulder, do you know how heavy your head is?
↳ y/n_l/n: meanie
jennasorange: I love you Jenna please notice me
melissabarreram: Love!
natalieortega1: My girls
fruitrollupsa: omg someone confirm are they official
jackchampion: I saw you looking at y/n's cards
↳ jennaortega: no you didn't
↳ jackchampion: actually i did 🤓☝️
It was a little after sunset, where outside is painted a blue and purple sky.
“To a long day of maintaining our sanity for today’s long duration of filming!” Devyn says, raising her drink.
“To a long day of maintaining our sanity!” Everyone else cheers, you bring your drinks up and clank them with one another before downing it.
You liked it like this. Having parties every Friday with your scream cast. They were your family, most times you’d have sleepovers, play card games, video games, gossip. Silly photos were taken, and these polaroids were always hung on your wall of memories, Melissa holding her puppy while doing a bridge gymnastic pose, risking her skull from literally cracking.
You take the sip of beer in your hands, with a wide smile on your face. It’s nice knowing you have a group that you can easily fit in, you don’t have to think to speak, you can just do it freely.
A few minutes turn into an hour.
Melissa turns to you, pointing at you and smiling, "You're going to be the first one to get wasted, your cheeks are all pink."
"No their not!" You retaliate, a small slur to your words as you lean on the couch for balance.
"Right," Jasmine says, sarcastically as Jack and Mason are screaming at each other.
"Jack no! If you take that one off then the whole tower will fall! We can't lose!" Mason screams, the Jenga tower tilting.
You giggle.
You catch sight of Jenna and you throw your arms up, stumbling to her while slurring her name slightly, "Jennaaaa, where were youu?"
The brunette looks at you, confusion shown in her futures as she looks at your tiny self, looking up at her and tugging at the collar of her shirt. Your eyes sparkle.
"You're seriously already a little drunk?" She questions, amused as you groan and shake your head, "Noo, shut 'p. You're drunk tooo Jennifer. I literally am not drunk, I know waaht m doing."
"Right, right."
"Jennifer, kiss my forehead,"
"If you call me Jennifer one more time I swear to-"
Jenna rolls her eyes, hugging you and kissing your forehead, "Love you," she murmurs.
"I love you tooo."
She sits you down to the couch where you get the sight of Mason, Jack, Melissa, and Liana are battling each other in Jenga.
"I'm not drunk, I just drank a little, I'm perfectly fine," she states. You don't say anything, instead distract yourself with the large jacket draped over her, you tug it, "I'm cold, give me that."
Jenna looks down at you, trying to take off her jacket, "Hey! What if I'm cold too?"
"Can we share?"
Jenna sighs, rolling her eyes, "Come here," you nestle into her as the jacket plays as a blanket.
It's not enough to cover the two of you, so she throws it into her bag and grabs a large blanket and lays it on the floor. The hollers of the Jenga crew grow loud as the tower tumbles over because of Jack.
"OH YEAH, oops. I forgot." Jack says, putting his hands up in surrender.
The blanket is huge, it can fit at least 4 people.
"Hey Melissa, over here, let's turn into a burrito or something." The taller Latina that's non-occupied looks at you two, seeing the way you're already laying on the blanket, ready to be wrapped up.
You're squished in the middle as Melissa giggles and Jenna begins to roll over and wrap you 3 in the blanket.
"Oh my god," you three roll till the blanket space runs out, now you guys are cuddled, nestling into each other.
Cozy for sure, all of their arms are wrapped around you and each other as you close your eyes, getting comfortable.
"I hate you two," Jenna murmurs, both you and Melissa go "me too" before you two are silent.
"No you don't," you slur, "You love us."
"I don't, I love you guys," she giggles, and you and Melissa smile, hugging each other and letting the sound of music from the party echoing in your ears.
a/n: didn't know how to make them confess, so the ending is kind of suggested that they did? hopefully that's okay<3
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11cupids-tarot11 · 5 months
A letter from your future self.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
1 -> 3
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DM me for private readings
$5.55 per question!
C@sh app and PayPal payments only!
Tips appreciated
Cash tag- $minnieplant3
Love y'all!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 1- The star, Two of wands, The devil.
"I think it's time you and I have a talk, I know you know who I'm talking to, yeah I'm talking to myself, but it's not just you and me here, what about little us? Past us? The most important form of ourselves? You haven't been listening to all of us, why? Why do you ignore the child in you who screams to be listened to, to be understood, who just wants to heal like the rest of you. I promise you it's not silly at all to be in tuned with your inner child, I promise you no one's going to hurt you or make you want to hide away again, they can't control your emotions. They only want you to feel so powerless against them, like you're helplessly chained to them, but you have the power to break the chain and run free again, wild. You deserve to follow your dreams, do whatever you want, whatever it is that's been bugging you like a fly in your ear, a project that's always on the back of your mind, the one that just wouldn't go away since you were a child, you can do it, I know you can because I'm already here as proof, but I can't spoil too much. Be creative, shine brightly and never let anyone dim that light. I love you with all my might! ;)
- Me"
Don't forget the poll below!
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Pile 2- The devil in reverse, Three of wands, Justice.
"Hi buttercup! I hope all is well these days, I've been thinking about you so much these days, well let me explain, I've been thinking about how hard we've worked, how far we've come and what we had to do to be here. I know, it's a lot. I'll often look back a lot and think about how unfair things were, how many people were never on your side, how many battles you've had to win on your own and how many you've had to lose. I'll never forget the day we decided we had had enough of our problems, our addictions, the toxicity and just did something about it, we cut that toxic person off, quit that stupid job or finally changed that damn schedule of yours and did something better for your health. Whatever it was we did it <3 and it paid off so much, I'm so happy we did because it led us to better days, so much abundance, everything we've always deserved. We got the justice we've always been searching for in such a cruel world and I'm so proud of us for doing that baby girl! We never gave up, no matter how much we wanted to, how much we wanted to go back to that same place because it was comfortable and we just got so blind sided we never knew we could do so much more if we just put our mind to it! Go us! Go me! Go you!
Love- The version of yourself you were always meant to be 🩷"
Don't forget the poll below! Love you!
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Pile 3- Six of coins, Ace of wands in reverse, Two of coins in reverse.
"Psst! Remember that project you weren't so sure about? You know the one, well I have a message for you! If you get started with it now I bet you a million bucks you could never guess where you'll be ten years from now. You remember that big house you've always wanted? All of the wealth you've always wanted to share and give back to others? We finally can! We did it! It was always important to give back to the ones we love, to be able to support and live comfortably and we finally did it. Just try not to get too big headed, okay? Remember who you are, where you come from and why you started this in the first place. Don't forget about your loved ones, the ones who supported you through thick and thin. I know your schedule might be busier, just don't forget to find that balance. We're at a very important time in our lives right now, I understand this, but remember to take a break from that damn schedule of yours. Take time for us, okay? I want you to call off as soon as you see a single sign of distress and go to the spa, I promise you're going to need it! ;) "
-Big boss lady (this pile was channeling feminine energy, someone who's in charge of their own business and gives orders to others. Very important business woman vibes here.)
Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom! Love you!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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stevie-petey · 6 months
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“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors.  “One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another.  They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
Summary: do the laws of dibs still apply if steve and robin see you at the same time ???
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n
Words: 1.4k
Before you swing in: this is for my beloved val (@southelroy), and i was so excited to try my hand at writing robin and steve together <3 this is a very silly fic, not at all meant to be realistic or serious, and it isnt proofread so pls enjoy n beware !
According to the ancient rules of “dibs”, the first person who sees the desired one has the rightful claim of dibs. Anyone else present during this time must obey this sacred rule, respecting the fact that the other has laid claim first. It’s an old, ancient tradition, held up for centuries through faithful friendships. 
It’s a solid system, really.
Except Steve and Robin see you walk into Family Video on the same day, at the same time, together. 
You walk in, hair slightly wet from the rain and your eyes bright, and smile at the two of them shyly. Setting down your umbrella, you unbutton your raincoat and look around the store. “Sorry, is it okay if I hide out in here for a bit? My umbrella broke and I really don’t feel like catching a cold.”
Steve and Robin stare at you, wide eyed and in shock. They’ve never seen you before, they surely would’ve remembered your face if they had, and their brains short circuit simultaneously. 
When they don’t say anything, you cautiously walk up to the counter and laugh nervously. “Uh, hello? I can leave, if that’s what you’re trying to say.”
“No!” Steve shouts, panicked that the word “leave” has left your very pretty and pink mouth. When you flinch at his raised voice, he quickly clears his throat and lowers his voice. “I–uh, I mean… No, no. You can stay–please! I mean, if you don’t mind, ‘cause, ya know, it’s raining–”
“What my coworker here is trying to say is that you can definitely stay.” Robin interrupts, admiring the way the raindrops in your hair seem to form a halo. “In fact, why don’t you have a look around? We have plenty of movies.”
You smile at Robin, which she practically melts seeing. “Thanks, you guys are lifesavers. I’m here visiting my cousin, and he said I should stop by anyways.”
“What, do we know him?” Steve asks, finally finding his voice again. 
“His name is Dustin Henderson, if that helps. He’s a freshman at Hawkins, said he stops here sometimes–”
“Dustin Henderson is your cousin?” Steve and Robin say at the same time, completely taken aback. 
You laugh. “Ya know, I’ve gotten that a lot since being in Hawkins. I take it he’s well known?”
“Oh, he’s definitely well known.” Robin snorts, thinking about how many people would scream at the idea of more Hendersons running around the world. 
But if they’re anything like you, then Robin thinks she’d love to be invited to a Henderson family reunion. Immediately. 
“Well,” you smile again at the two teens, amused by their weird dynamic. You can see why Dustin likes them so much. “Since I’m stuck here for a while and I promised Dustin I’d get a movie, I’m gonna take a look around as suggested.”
You pause, now realizing you haven’t asked for their names, and you gasp. “I’m so sorry! What are your names? I feel horrible for not even asking.”
“You could never do any wrong,” Steve sighs dreamily, leaning against the counter in what he hopes is a cool looking pose. “I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
He sticks his hand out for you to shake, which you accept with a slight giggle. He’s odd, but incredibly endearing even if he’s currently standing against the counter like a middle-aged man. “I’m Y/N Henderson.” 
Robin, sensing what Steve is trying to do, hip checks the boy so that he falls onto the ground. “And I’m Robin Buckley, the better half of this duo.”
Like hell she’s going to allow him to flirt with you. 
Her declaration makes you laugh, even as poor Steve groans on the floor in pain. You wink at her, amused by her charm, and start to walk towards the movie aisles. “Oh, I believe that.”
Steve scrambles back up, and the second you’re out of earshot, he and Robin immediately shout at the same time, “Dibs!”
“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. 
“One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another. 
They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
“Okay, let’s think about this.” Steve holds a finger up to indicate that he’s speaking, which Robin scoffs at. “I saw her first, so–”
“Uh, news flash, dingus: I saw her first.”
“Were you dropped as a child? I clearly saw her first–”
“Actually,” your voice causes both Robin and Steve to turn in horror, realizing too late that you’ve been standing behind them, listening in. “You both saw me at the same time, so I’m not sure how the rule of dibs applies here.”
“We…” Steve gapes at you, speechless. 
Robin is no better, her face burns horribly. “We think… You’re pretty?”
“Well, I gathered that much.” You laugh again, and the sound is enough for both Steve and Robin to forget all their worries and admire how delicate it is. Then, holding up two dvd’s, you place them on the counter. “I’ll take these, please.”
Robin looks down at your movie selection, seeing The Breakfast Club and The Outsiders, and her heart drops. “Just… Just these?”
“Mhm,” you nod, unsure why her demeanor has suddenly changed. “Is there something wrong with my movie selection?”
Steve looks at Robin and he knows immediately what’s wrong. She absolutely hates your taste in movies, which he’s ecstatic over. He lets out a whoop and first bumps the air. “Yes! She’s mine!”
“Shut up, you moron!” Robin screeches, embarrassed and infuriated. She cannot believe that this is happening to her right now, in front of a very pretty girl, no less. Closing her eyes, Robin takes a deep breath and turns to you. “Please excuse my friend, he’s allergic to pretty girls.”
“Hey, that’s not true–”
You cross your arms at Robin, an amused smile on your face. “What’s so wrong with my taste in movies?”
“Nothing!” When you raise your eyebrow at her, Robin accepts her fate and gives in. She knows she’s done for now. “It’s just… It’s incredibly bland.”
“I happen to think your taste is impeccable, Y/N.” Steve butts in, batting his eyelashes at you for added effect.
Robin watches, with pure disgust, as it works. Steve’s charm gets you to laugh once more, and you even lean closer to his side of the counter. You place a hand on his arm. “I’m honored to have you on my side, then.”
Stupid Harrington and his stupid male species. 
While you and Steve exchange gross lovey-dovey glances, Robin rings up your movie rentals with disdain. 
“That will be $5.25, please.” She mumbles, crestfallen. 
You tear your eyes away from Steve’s and notice the jealousy and hurt on Robin’s face. You frown, feeling bad for being the cause of this. She seems like a sweet girl, and Dustin spoke highly of her, so you know she’s someone special. Taking some cash out of your purse, you hand it to Robin and catch her eye. 
“Hey, listen to me real quick.” Robin looks up, despite not wanting to, but your eyes are too pretty not to look into. When you have her attention, you turn to Steve. “Can you give us a second?”
He looks bewildered. “What? Why?”
“If you leave now, I’ll give you my number.”
“Yes ma’am!” Steve hops over the counter and goes to sort some movies, leaving you alone with Robin. 
Once he’s gone, you lean in close to her. “I understand what you’re going through.”
Her eyes widen, terrified she’s been caught. “W–what? No, I think you’ve gotten this all wrong–”
“It’s okay,” you grab her hand, gently take it between yours. “We’re more alike than you may think, and while I’m flattered, you’re too young.”
Robin knows she should be devastated by this, but all she hears is, “So… Let’s say ten years from now, if you happen to visit Dustin again…”
You laugh, she’s got such a spark to her. “You’ll have to figure out the whole ‘dibs’ thing by then with Steve.”
“I saw you first!” Steve shouts from somewhere in the aisles, before a giant crash follows. A few seconds pass, and then, much quieter this time, he shouts, “I’m fine!”
⌑ writing masterlist
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ghoastixx · 8 months
Alastor w/ teenage human reader
A.N: gender neutral reader. You insert your name at ‘____’
Warnings: abusive parents mentioned, Alastor being a bit intimidating for a while, this is very self indulgent so yeah!
Goodness…how did the radio demon stoop so low as to be collecting human souls? Honestly what a pity..
To be honest Alastor didn’t even really know what had happened. One moment he had been drinking some tea on the balcony of the hotel, enjoying some absolutely dreary sights, and then he just.. wasn’t-
It caught him off guard to say the least. His ear laid back as his claws gripped his mic tightly. His smile never faltering.
“Holy fuck it worked!” A voice rang out, sounding astonished and a bit..too alive. Alastor’s eyes drifted down a little bit to see a child. …are you serious. He had been summoned by a child. How humiliating.
‘_____’ looked up at the demon. They had to admit, they were a lot more terrified than they would’ve liked to of been. The two just sort of looked at each other for a while before the child spoke up. Getting off of their kneeling position.
“Are you..the radio demon?” Their voice was meek and curious. It was intriguing that a child was able to do all of this. Alastor’s smile hitched up his face,
“Why yes I am! I’m assuming you’re the human that summoned me.” His smile widened when the kid tensed at his static-y voice. The radio filter never letting him down.
“W-well yeah.” They stuttered, showing vulnerability. That was going to be their first mistake. “I-“ now they were stammering, “I didn’t think it would work- honestly. I was just trying to humor myself.” Alastor was starting to get pissy, he had more important things to do than talk to a human that didn’t even know what they were doing.
“You summon a very powerful demon for fun?” His voice sounded rough, that static becoming more prominent as he got angrier.
“Well- I didn’t really think about this. This stuff doesn’t happen! I- I read a lot and of course there was that rumor going around on how to actually summon one and I just-“ the kids rambling was interrupted by a yell from downstairs. The kid winced at a thud that followed shortly after and the sound of a female voice filled with rage. The sound was almost too familiar to the radio demon.
“There wasn’t anything you wanted? Nothing at all?” He asked impatiently. When the kid sheepishly shook their head he got ready to go back to hell, but then he heard another thump which got him thinking. Why waste a trip? Perhaps there was a deal to be made here. “Say kid, why don’t we make a deal?”
“A deal..? Isn’t it frowned upon to make deals with demons? There’s like..so many songs about that.” The kid was smart, Alastor didn’t like that.
“Nonsense! I’m looking out for your best interest, little fawn. I think you’re very smart, I want to show that. If you give me your soul, let me take care of it, find me human souls, I will make sure that you do not rot in this silly little town. These people around you will not weigh you down.”
It seemed Alastor hit the nail on the head when he saw the consideration in the kids eyes. I mean- of course! A small kid who is summoning demons? In a small town? Arguing parents? Why wouldn’t they want out! And it seemed Alastor was right too, when the kid looked at the smiling demon and tensed.
“Okay. It’s a deal.”
The first time Alastor came back up to visit the soul he learned was ‘____’ he was quite impressed by the work they had done. The kid explained the type of people that would definitely be going to hell, all for the demon’s delicious picking. The first visit was strictly business.
It was the second meeting that became more personal.
‘_____’ looked up from the book they were reading, the music that they had playing softly from their radio turning staticy. They had been trying to drown out the sound of the constant screaming and whining.
“Is that a radio?” A loud static voice made ‘____’ jump. Obviously they hadn’t been expecting dear Alastor, who laughed heartily at the sudden jump.
“Damn it- scared the piss out of me-“ the fawn mumbled. Alastor thought they were like a fawn at least. Skiddish and soft. Curious. He thought it was a good comparison.
“I do apologize my dear! But please do answer, I thought radio went out of style in this day of age.”
“Well, it’s certainly not as common anymore, but it hasn’t gone completely out of style. Records have made a bigger comeback than radio.”
“How curious,” Alastor hummed, the sound of it immediately grabbing the fawn’s attention. It humored him how easily he could get the focus on him. A bang was heard on the wall with an incoherent yell, the only eligible word being “SHUT THE FUCK UP.”
‘_____’ shifted uncomfortably. It was obvious that they were trying to lose themselves in the radio. Alastor was starting to really like the little fawn, so he considered something.
Suddenly green fumes embedded themselves into the radio, making a static sound. The fawn looked up curiously,
“What did you do to my radio.”
“Patience, you’ll be able to tune into my broadcasts now. It’s only fair.”
The kid simply nodded. And they would listen to it. Because when Alastor decided to visit again for his souls, the kid would tell him it was quite morbid, but they liked the song selection.
This continued for a good while, the little fawn would tell Al about the new age for humans and Alastor would help distant the kid from their parents. If anything it boosted his ego, he felt like more of a stable figure for this kid than their own parents. And that would be put to the test when Alastor popped in only to see the little fawn curled up on the corner of their bed, so upset.
His ears flattened as his smile was forced. He couldn’t stand to see his little fawn so upset. He wasn’t sure when it became his little fawn instead of the little fawn, but he liked it better. It felt more appropriate.
“Now now, little fawn. I’m here, it’s alright.” He tried his best to console the little one.
Perhaps it was time to renegotiate their deal. Perhaps he could form this kid into a better version of themselves.
Now all he had to do was figure out how to get this kid into hell.
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Not alone [Harry Potter x reader]
Pairing: Harry Potter x f!reader
Summary: After spending some time with your crush Harry, and while on your way to Hogsmeade, you decide you don't want him to be alone.
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Fluff, English is not my first language!
A/N: Had this idea (which was supposed to be a drabble but oh well) while watching the third movie yesterday. Harry and y/n are supposed to be in their third year (to stay true to the books) but feel 100% free to imagine them being older if it makes you more comfortable. Enjoy! Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated :)
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The one thing new third years in Hogwarts were looking forward to the most was the fact that, after hearing their elders talking about how awesome all the shops in Hogsmeade were and all these rumors about the Shrieking Shack, they were finally allowed to go too. When you received your permission form, you immediately went to your parents so they could sign it. Soon, your friends wrote to you about how fun the trips to the village would be, and you answered , genuinely, that you were just as excited. 
So when it was time for the new year to start and to get inside the Hogwarts express, your friends were already talking about it while looking for a compartment. After a while, you ran into three people, and you recognized them immediately, not only because they were in your year, but also because of them was your crush - Harry Potter. You immediately felt your heart beating faster and your cheeks becoming hotter, especially when, when he was about to enter a compartment after Hermione, he turned his head towards you, and seeing you, waved.
“Hi, y/n.”
You cleared your throat, trying to pull yourself back together, and managed to smile back.
“Hi, Harry.” 
He gave you one last smile before going into the compartment, and you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Your friends didn’t know you had a silly crush on the Boy who Lived, as you knew they wouldn’t stop teasing you about it if they did know, so you kept your disappointment - and hope of the dark haired boy truly noticing you - to yourself. He talked to you sometimes, and you two were sometimes paired together for group projects which all ended in a very good grade - and even a correct one with Snape - and he was nice and friendly, but you felt like he acted the same with most of your classmates, which made you believe that your crush wasn’t reciprocated. 
The next month, the visits to Hogsmeade started, and you and your friends were just as excited as the other students. The day before the first visit, you went to the common room sometime after class and found Harry there, a book open before him - but it was obvious he wasn’t reading it, as he looked lost in his thoughts. There were only you two here, and you didn’t know whether you should go and talk to him or not. Gathering up some courage, you walked up to him.
“That book seems fascinating,” you teased.
Coming back to reality, Harry raised his head towards you and smiled.
“Oh, hum, yes,” he said. “We’re supposed to read it for Binns and write something about it.” 
“Ah, yeah, that one. I planned to do it tonight, too.”
And before you realized what you said, Harry answered.
“Oh. Well, we can do it together if you want?” 
You looked at him, incapable of speaking, and after a while, Harry cleared his throat. 
“I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want to, I know you have good grades in that class…”
“No!” you almost screamed. “I mean, of course we can do it together. I’d love to.” 
“Cool,” Harry said, nodding slightly. “Well, you should take a seat.” 
“Oh, of course, sorry.”
You felt yourself blushing, feeling horrible for being so awkward around him, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. The two of you started doing your homework, but soon started to talk about other topics like Quidditch or Professor Hagrid’s classes, not noticing the people coming and going. You guys laughed a lot too, and for the first time, it felt easy to talk to him. You still managed to finish the homework, and when you did, it was already time for dinner.
“Maybe we should go, don’t you think?” Harry asked. 
“Yes,” you nodded.
You two went to put your bags in your respective dorms before meeting again in the common room a minute after, and went together to the Great Hall. Here, you saw your friends as well as Hermione and Ron, and wondered if Harry would decide to rather stay with them than with you, but you ended up sitting next to him, and actually talked a lot with him, inadvertently forgetting about your friends. After dinner, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, you and Harry walked together back to the common room, still chatting. 
You turned your head and saw your friend Parvati.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time to go to bed.” 
You looked around and saw that the rest of the Gryffindor house had already gone to their dorms.
“I guess you’re right.” you said before turning back to Harry. “Well, good night, Harry.”
“Good night, y/n.”
You followed Parvati into the dorm you shared, and fell into an easy sleep, dreaming of a boy with green eyes and a scar on his forehead.
The next day, everyone in your class was talking about going to Hogsmeade, which made you realize you maybe should have asked Harry if he was going.  The afternoon came, and you rolled your eyes when hearing Draco Malfoy brag about whatever new expensive thing his father had bought him, and went to the courtyard to join the students who were allowed to go to the village. After giving your signed permission form to Filch, you saw Hermione and Ron, and looked for Harry, who usually wasn’t far away, and saw him talking to Professor McGonnagall. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but seeing Harry’s face, it couldn’t be something positive. You saw your Professor shaking her head, and after walking away a bit, going back to him and petting him on the shoulder in a compassionate gesture. You wanted to go and talk to him, feeling sad for him, but Professor McGonnagall gently touched your elbow.
“Let’s get going, Miss y/l/n.” 
You nodded, and turned back your head. Harry was still here, and your eyes met before he turned on his heels and went back inside the castle. Your friends actually waited for you, so it was easy to catch up with them, but as you approached Hogsmeade, you couldn’t help but think how Harry and how alone he must be feeling at this moment. Pondering whether you should go back to stay with him and if he wanted you to stay with him, you decided on the second option. Ignoring your friends’ confused questions and calls, you turned and ran back to the school, and, catching your breath, you went to look for the boy you had your heart. You started looking in the common room, but there was only the kind Neville. 
“Neville?” you asked. “Have you seen Harry?”
“Yes,” he nodded, “I saw him minutes ago, he was going to the library.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled.
You almost ran to the library, and found him sitting alone, a fist holding his cheek. He saw you when you came closer to the table, still a bit breathless.
“y/n? You’re not in Hogsmeade?” he asked, confused.
“I was going, but…” you gulped and had a small smile. “I…I didn’t want you to be alone.” 
Harry looked at you, not speaking a word, and after a moment, his silence made you doubt if you made the good decision.
“I mean, hum…I’d understand if you wanted to be alone, though? I…I can leave.” 
Feeling like you were gonna die of embarrassment, you quickly turned around to leave but you heard a chair moving and, seconds after, a hand on your arm. 
“y/n, wait!”
You stopped your pace, and when you turned around to face Harry, his hand was still on your arm.
“I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you to come back for me. I…Maybe we can go eat chocolate by the fireplace in the common room?” 
You smiled, and felt your heart beater faster than ever.
“I’d love that very much.” 
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knavesflames · 29 days
Not to be nasty or anything but do you think Arle is more into fingering? Tribbing? Or strap? Hihi Just a silly question that's taking over my mind recently
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No be nasty, I like it >:]
I’ve had a burst of inspiration just now so perhaps a fic today!! Anyway, your question.
Nsft utc >:] (no word count, I wrote this on tumblr instead of docs like usual!)
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I like to think she likes all three, depending on her mood. She feels like the type of person to hide her emotions until she gets to come home to her love. I feel also she may not cry, or shout when she’s upset. She prides herself on being graceful, does she not?
So, picture this: when you meet her at her office to drop off her lunch, or to ask her if she needs anything, or even to just let her know you’re going out (she needs to know you’re going to be safe, there are a lot of people against her, and in turn, against you), Arlecchino is practically salivating at the outfit you’re wearing. It suits you perfectly, and she can’t help but stare.
Once she snaps out of it, she gestures you closer with a singular bend of her index finger. You know she has decided she just can’t wait, and her hands, though calloused from years of training, grip your waist gently so she can lift you onto her desk. One hand covers your mouth, the other one has two digits softly rubbing your aching clit before sinking into your pussy, who so greedily clenches around her.
Or, perhaps, imagine: a date night. You have them seldom, for she is oh so busy with whatever project she is working on. She refuses to tell you what, you refuse to ask, as long as she is careful. On those nights, you beg to please her, too. Yet, her mind is constantly focused on you, so how could she give up your pleasure for her own? Enter the tribbing. A good compromise, you both agree. She can pleasure you and watch as you writhe (or, very rarely, vice versa) and she can chase the high she rarely allows herself to have.
On those special nights, picture you against her, grinding your clit messily onto hers, your own whimpers and whines as quiet as possible so you can hear the way she groans when you circle your hips, the way her hands tighten on your body, her breath coming out in quiet pants as she whispers praise to you. “Louder,” she encourages you, but you can never tell if it’s because she wants you screaming or if she’s hiding her own sounds she’s trying so hard to hold back.
You watch when her eyelids flutter she finishes with a hiss and a jerk of her body. The sight alone lets you come undone with her.
Also consider: some fatui officer messes something up again and she has to fix it, wasting hours and hours of her precious time. She does not express her anger then and there, no. Of course not. She comes home, and by the look in her eyes alone, you know she’s had a bad day. Still, she envelopes you in her arms with her nose buried into your hair. Her body relaxed slightly, but it’s not enough. “Please,” she mumbles into your hair. It’s the closest she’ll ever get to begging. Little does she know, you were offering yourself the second she came home. You secretly enjoy the way she fucks you when she’s frustrated.
Bedtime comes quickly, an early 9pm. Neither of you sleep, no. Instead, you’re ass up for her on your bed, hands ready to grip the sheets. Your entire body shivers when you feel her dragging the silicone of her favourite strap between your folds. With one hand fisting the base of it, and the other resting firmly on your back, she pushes her hips forward. She always starts slow, only for you.
When she knows you’ve adjusted, based on your breathing, she moves. It’s a gentle rhythm, but she ends up losing her patience, and she’s quickly fucking you and turning your mind to mush. Arlecchino could live on your moans like they coursed through her veins (she wishes you coursed through her body instead of the flames that overtake her) and she does everything possible to let the tip of her strap hit the gummy spot inside of you. The room is quiet, other than her small grunts, your whimpers, and the sound of your dripping pussy. She’ll fuck you until you cum. Then again. And again, until you say the word that makes her stop. Then, she’ll take care of you, like always.
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Rival III
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Not many people are happy at the next Arsenal game
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Neither of your parents are smiling as you stroll into the Chelsea locker room.
Usually, you're very happy to wear your 'assistant coach' jersey but it had been a battle this morning that Momma and Morsa had ultimately lost.
You don't own an Arsenal jersey but you've managed to find a t-shirt of the same red shade so you're happy to wear that instead. To rub salt in the wound, you had cried and cried and cried until your mothers had also worn red t-shirts into the locker room - although they've hidden those under their jackets.
"Whoa!" Sam says in shock, gesturing fiercely at your top," What's all this?"
"Don't," Morsa says wearily," You'll set her off again."
"She's been crying all morning," Momma says," I know when to pick my battles." She gestures to you. "But, Sam, by all means, have a shot at it."
Sam comes and kneels in front of you. She pulls on the bottom of your top.
"It's Arsenal colour," You tell her proudly.
"I see that, y/n," She says," But wouldn't you prefer Chelsea colours? You'll be sitting on the Chelsea bench."
You shake your head. "I like Arsenal," You declare and the whole locker room goes quiet," They're the best. Not Wolfsburg best but best here."
The locker room erupts into outraged voices.
"What are you teaching her, Magda?!"
"How could you, kid?!"
"You let them corrupt her?!"
"Pernille, you can't let this happen!"
"y/n, don't say such slander!"
There's lots of screaming and arguing but you're not too phased. The Not-Wolfsburg locker room is pretty boring most of them so this is a bit entertaining but gets old quickly. You glance towards the door. You know the way to the Arsenal locker room. Maybe Daan will have another juicebox for you and Katie can talk to you in her silly accent.
You nod to yourself.
You should visit them.
As the adults argue, you wander towards the door, hand on the handle to open it when you're stopped. You follow the big arm to meet Millie's face.
"Sorry, kid," She says," No wandering off this time."
You stamp your foot and scrunch up your face. "Why? Just want to see Arsenal."
Millie scoffs. "I know you think you like Arsenal," She says," But you need to stay here." She ruffles your hair. "Chelsea's in your blood."
You stick your tongue out. "I have Wolfsburg blood," You say," And I do like Arsenal. I do! I do! I do!" You're insisting so much that Millie looks horrified when you burst into tears.
Momma breaks through the crowd to pick you up, bouncing you up and down. You wipe your sniffly nose on her Arsenal-colour t-shirt and continue to cry.
Magda pats Millie on the shoulder consolingly, her fellow defender looking completely heartbroken to have made you cry. "Welcome to my world," She says," No one can say a bad word against Wolfsburg or Arsenal in our house." She gestures to her own and Pernille's shirts. "She nearly made herself sick crying so much because we didn't want to wear the tops she chose for us." She pats Millie on the shoulder one last time. "Pick your battles."
No one is able to talk you out of your fashion choice and Emma looks betrayed as you take your place on the Not-Wolfsburg bench.
You wave excitedly as the teams come out, completely ignoring your mothers in favour of the Arsenal girls. Leah grins at you and Katie gives you a silly two finger salute. Beth and Daan wave at you, as does Jill.
You wave back happily, bouncing and you think you can see the other Not-Wolfsburg girls sink back into the bench in embarrassment.
Kick-off starts and you remain excited. Normally, at Not-Wolfsburg games you get bored but you're completely engaged in this one - barely stopping to get a drink.
But, just before half-time, you retreat back to your seat. Jessie and Niamh are both there, letting you squish between them and leech their warmth.
Jessie holds your drink up and you take a generous gulp, wiping your mouth clumsily with the back of your hand. Niamh clears her throat and pulls out a you-sized Not-Wolfsburg jersey.
"Are you sure you don't want to wear this?" She asks, waving it teasingly in your face.
You push it away and tug on your own shirt. "Is Arsenal colour," You explain it to her like she's slow," That's Not-Wolfsburg colour." You smooth down your shirt. "I like Arsenal!" You spy from across the pitch, Beth scoring a goal and you throw your arms up. "Arsenal! Yay!"
The Not-Wolfsburg bench slouches lower in their seats.
The match ends with an embarrassing draw for Not-Wolfsburg and has even more embarrassing moments when you celebrate every goal Arsenal gets.
You zoom onto the pitch, completely ignoring your mothers to race across the see Daan and Beth.
Beth catches you underneath the arms and swings you onto her hip. Daan takes one of your hands, waving it around as you're carted away to the little group of Arsenal girls shaking hands with your mothers.
"Kid!" Katie says in her silly accent (Momma told you it was Irish but you think she keeps making up words) and plucks you from Beth's arms. She shakes you around and you giggle.
She places you on the ground and you're so dizzy that you stumble around, knocking into Leah's legs, who laughs delightedly at you.
"My biggest fan!" She high-fives you. "You're looking good in Arsenal red!"
Momma and Morsa both groan which makes Jill laugh.
You nod excitedly. "Uh-huh! Arsenal's so cool!"
Pernille has to wrap a consoling arm around Magda as Leah crouches down in front of you.
"Well, since your mums are Chelsea fans, they'll probably never buy you a proper jersey so, here, take mine." She strips it from her body, pulling it over your head.
It's very sweaty and kind of smelly but you love it.
You hug her tightly. "Thank you, Leah!"
Pernille sees Magda's eye twitch in outrage.
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poemsforchan · 7 months
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
summary: you meet Chan at a club and things get steamy from there.
word count: 3,579 words
warnings: NSFW, chan is always referred to as Chris, might be ooc?, mentions of alcohol, a lot of kissing, reader gets called pretty, sexual activities in the car, naked humping, thoughts of raw sex, that is all I can remember.
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The blinding lights of the club hurt your eyes when you walk through the door. The stuffy air and loud music hit you full force and you almost feel like turning around and going back outside, where the atmosphere was chillier and less suffocating. Your friend’s hand on yours is what makes you move forward, navigating through the sea of bodies with a quick “Sorry!” or “Excuse me.” being thrown into the air even though no one could really hear you. Your friend lets go of your hand when you reach the bar, immediately trying to get the bartender’s attention to order a drink. In the meantime, you look around the place in hopes of seeing your other friends you were supposed to meet. You suspect it would have been better to meet up outside the club. You shoot up a quick text to the group chat and wait for a response, expecting at least one of them to check their phone. Your friend returns to you with a big smile and a colorful drink in her hand and she promptly drags you to the dance floor, swinging from side to side to the beat of the song. It doesn't take long until you spot your friends and you move from your spot to stand beside them, exchanging hugs and loud words.
You dance with your friends for a bit, screaming lyrics and laughing as they make you twirl and do some silly dance steps. Mid twirl your eyes catch the stranger standing near the wall. He’s not alone, two other guys standing next to him with drinks in their hands and they laugh at something, but he’s staring only at you. The man is cute and very much attractive with dark hair, full lips and big muscles but you don’t stare at him for long, a bit too shy at the intense eye contact but you can almost feel him look at you even with your back turned to him. One of your friends catches your attention and you discreetly move your head towards the stranger behind you. She squinted her eyes in his direction, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be discreet and not completely obvious.
“You should talk to him!” She screams over the music, giving you two thumbs up in approval. You shake your head in horror, denying her suggestion. “He keeps looking at you!”
You want to check if it’s true but decide against it, not knowing what you would do if those intense eyes were still on you. You can’t help but feel a bit self conscious and scared that you were reading the signs wrong. You didn’t want to make a move just to be turned down because he was actually looking at one of your friends. Or maybe he was just looking around, too bored of the party and your eyes coincidentally met. You didn’t have much to lose but you wanted your pride to be kept intact. The rest of the group caught up on what was happening and they too proposed you going to talk to the mysterious man but when you denied their offers, they didn’t push you too much.
You kept having fun with your friends, the time passing too slowly and there were still a few hours to go before the agreed time to leave. Your friend, thankfully, asked you to go outside for a bit, feeling too hot and tired dancing. There’s an open area used mainly by smokers but a few people are sitting on the floor against the wall talking to each other. You and your friend find an empty spot, the rest of the group deciding to stay inside. She sits on the floor, completely ignoring the fact that it’s dirty, and you settle for leaning against the wall.
“You ok?” You ask her just to make sure.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you? We can leave earlier if you’re feeling tired.”
“Don’t worry.” You answer, looking around the place. “The guy inside was really hot. I kinda wish I had the guts to talk to him.”
“He was totally checking you out.” She laughs, looking up at you. “You’re so sexy, you should've jumped on him.”
You shake your head at the thought. “Never. Maybe he was looking at you. There’s no way I’ll embarrass myself.” Your friend replies with a “No way!” a bit too loud that has some people turning to look at you. “I’m serious!”
Your friend starts rambling about all of the signs the man was showing when looking at you, set on convincing you that he was indeed into you and should go for it. You don’t pay much attention to what she is saying, instead only catching a few words from time to time as you look at the people outside. You feel sleepy already - your day was too long for you to be partying all night but you weren't about to leave knowing you could stare at the pretty guy for a bit longer even if nothing was going to happen. You look back at your friend, still rambling about the man being “a pussy” and “doesn't know what he’s losing” as she gets up from her place to start walking inside. You laugh at her passion, your hand already holding hers so you don’t get lost in the crowd. The loud music hits you full force once again and you can tell your friend is still talking but you can’t really hear anything. The woman stops abruptly and you bump against her back, looking over her shoulder to see what happened. The pretty man stands in front of her, a shy smile on his lips as he says something near her ear. Your heart drops a bit and you scold yourself for getting a little bit of hope. He says something to your friend, she laughs and you just want to get out of there. You squeeze her hand before letting go, trying to signal that you were going back to the group standing a few meters away. Your friend quickly turns around with a big smile.
“He’s asking if he could steal you from me for a bit!” She screams over the music. You look at her confused. You? Maybe you didn't hear her correctly. “Was telling me he thinks you’re cute and wants to talk to you.”
“Why wouldn’t he just talk to me?” You ask a bit too loud, making the guy hear you too.
“I didn't want to seem like a creep or come onto you too strong. I don’t know, I’m nervous!” He replies, scratching the back of his neck.
Your friend pushes you closer to him before shouting a “have fun!” before rejoining your group. They’re close enough that they can see you if you need someone to save you and that makes you relax a bit. Still, it’s a bit awkward. The man’s eyes are too intense and you try your hardest to avoid eye contact. Instead, you look at your hands picking at the skin around your nails. A warm hand settles on yours, stopping your actions and making you look at the owner. He gets closer to your ear before saying “I’m Chris. You?” and you feel like you're going to combust on the spot. His hand is holding yours, his eyes are looking at you and you have an urge to just scream. His thumb is rubbing circles on your palm, moving to your fingers and then up to your wrist. He repeats the action multiple times, still looking at you and still waiting for your response but your brain is practically malfunctioning. You manage to say your name without embarrassing yourself further but you believe there’s steam coming out of your head when Chris smiles so sweetly at you and your legs turn into jelly. Your heart is beating too fast, your body is too hot and Chris is too close to you. Your eyes go from his to his lips and you don’t think you have ever wanted to kiss someone as bad as you want to kiss Chris. “You’re really pretty.” You hear him say and you swear you’re about to pass out and humiliate yourself in front of the hottest guy you have ever met. “Wanna go outside so we don’t have to keep yelling at each other?”
You almost want to argue that you haven't been yelling at each other because your brain turned into mush and you’re not talking at all but you still nod and he guides you outside, your hand still holding his. Chris takes you close to the spot you had previously stood with your friend. The cold air helps you organize your thoughts and stop overheating. With the stuffy air inside the club, the proximity and Chris’ breath hitting your neck, it was a matter of time before you passed out.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you since you first walked in.” He admits before his eyes widened and he quickly said “Not that I’m stalking you or anything! I just happened to see you and you’re really beautiful but I was so, so nervous. I don’t think I’ve ever done this but I knew I was gonna regret it if I didn't make a move. My friends were giving me a pep talk and when I saw you come back inside I just went for it. I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
“Don’t apologize, that was cute.” You giggle a little, feeling a lot calmer knowing you weren't the only one anxious. “You caught my eye too, I was just too shy to make the first move.”
Chris lets out a breath. “Good to know. I was scared my rambling was going to push you away and make you think I’m weird.”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry, I don't think that.” You chewed on your bottom lip, thinking about what to say next.
Chris’ eyes move from yours to your lips for a second before he snaps back to reality and his eyes move up again. “I’m glad. Are you… are you sober?” Your eyes alternate between his and the tongue wetting his lips. Chris’ hand is still holding yours and he uses it to his advantage, pulling your body closer to his.
“Yeah…” you whisper, not wanting to break the moment. Your throat is dry and you wonder if alcohol would have helped you in this situation. “I’m the designated driver. Are you?” you ask back.
“Drank water all night.” He replies.
His answer is enough to make your lips crash. Chris holds the back of your head with his free hand while yours is grabbing his shirt. His lips are soft and taste a little bit minty - it makes you dizzy. You can't think of a kiss better than this one but you reckon it has to do with the man kissing you rather than the quality of it. It’s a bit sloppy and fast but knowing you’re kissing Chris is enough for this to be the best kiss of your life. He’s the one stopping the kiss first and you mindlessly chase his lips, your eyes still closed. He chuckles and gives you a few pecks. You open your eyes and immediately wish you hadn't. Chris looks even more handsome with red, swollen lips that shiny a little from the lipgloss you had. His hand slides down your body from your head to your waist and you’re as close as possible. Every single thing you want to do to him plays in your mind like a movie and you even get surprised at your thoughts. It’s definitely a first.
For the first time since he talked to you, you let go of his hand to wrap your arms around his neck. His grip on your waist suggests he’s trying to hold himself back, eyes burning with desire. You pull him for another kiss, nails lightly scratching the back of his head as you play with his hair. You push Chris against the wall to deepen your kiss as you open your mouth to welcome his tongue. You don’t think you can go back to living your boring life after tonight and especially not after Chris starts being bold and slips a hand to grab your ass.
“Come home with me.” Chris whispers against your lips, then moving to kiss your jaw and neck.
“Can’t.” You manage to breathe out. “I have to drive my friends home.” You explain, throwing your head back to give him more space. The man sucks a hickey on your neck and hums at your words. “The backseats of the car are really spacious though.”
You don’t know why you were so bold suddenly but you knew you needed some kind of relief. Plus, having sex in the car was safer than going to his house. Right? It didn't matter either way - not when Chris looked at you with those eyes; like he was ready to undress you right there. He holds your hand again and guides you through the still full place until the exit. You manage to send a text to the groupchat informing your friends regarding what is about to happen (texting with one hand was harder than you expected but you’re almost sure they will be able to understand despite the horrible mistakes). When you reach the exit, you guide Chris to where your car was parked and the walk felt longer than you remembered. You unlock your car but Chris claims your lips before you have the chance to open the door. His hands travel up and down your body and you pull his hair a bit to make him stop. The man full-on groans while kissing you and you’re quick to reach behind you to grab the door handle before you decide to just drop on your knees to hear him groan like that again. You open the door and quickly go inside, laying on the backseat with your head propped on the window. Chris gets on top of you, almost forgetting to close the door if it wasn't for your warning. He goes back to kissing you as soon as you’re in the privacy of your car (which wasn't much. Sure, your windows were tinted but you doubt you will be controlled enough that people passing by don't know what is happening). You separate just long enough to pull his shirt off before your lips are crashing again.
“Do you… fuck… do you have a condom?” You ask, breathless, while grinding your hips against his already hard dick.
His eyes widened. “No! I didn’t think I was gonna need it.” He runs his fingers through his hair, making it even more messy. “I can just go down on you or something?”
The thought of Chris between your legs is definitely something and you’re inclined to say yes but, today, you’re focused on both of you. However, you hope you can see Chris again to fulfill the fantasy of having the handsome man pleasing you with his tongue, whether he’s between your thighs or under you while you ride his nose. Right now you have to deny his request, instead unzipping his pants. “We could just… do this?” Your front humps against him and Chris groans, moving his hips.
“Yeah… yeah, that’s fine.” He replies weakly. “Just… hold on, fuck.” Chris grabs your legs to help you take off your shoes and then works to unzip your jeans, sliding them off your legs with a bit of struggle. He pulls his pants and boxers down just enough to take his dick out and your jaw drops at the sight. Chris is pretty everywhere and you mentally curse yourself for not having condoms on you because you could be feeling his dick inside of you right now. One of his hands rests next to your head, supporting his body while the other guides his dick to touch cunt - your underwear being the only thing in between. Chris groans with each thrust, surprisingly vocal in this situation, which gets you to imagine how much louder you can make him be. For the first time in your life, you kind of want to get fucked raw by this guy you just met. Obviously you don’t. Instead, you pull your underwear to the side so you can get more friction. Chris, to your displeasure, thrusts against you rather than into you but it’s the best you will get in this situation. The tip of his cock bumps deliciously against your clit and you cling onto his shoulders like he will just disappear. He kisses you and bites your neck between sweet, groans and then his warm hands are pushing your top up so your bra is on display for him.
“Take it off for me.” Chris pleads and you immediately do as it says. The position is a bit awkward and it takes you a bit longer than normal to take off your strapless bra but as soon as you manage, Chris’ hand is touching your boobs, pulling softly a nipple between two fingers. “You’re so pretty.” He whispers. “And you have the prettiest pussy…” Chris grunts. Your brain almost doesn't process the words coming out of his mouth. The man who was too shy to talk to you had the dirtiest mouth during sex but you would never complain. Not when he looked at you like you were an angel, the prettiest person he has ever seen. “I can’t wait… f-fuck… I can't wait to fuck her.” Chris’ hand slides down your front until his fingers are circling your clit for an extra stimulation. It’s too much and not enough at the same time. You think your brain short circuited due to Chris’ words and at the fact that his dick, at times, gets dangerously close to your entrance. “You’d take me so well, wouldn't you?” You realize Chris’ words aren't directed at you and the whiplash you get from the guy you talked to at the party and the man humping you in the backseat of your car is insane.
With difficulty, you find your voice to whimper a “‘m gonna cum. Keep doing it like that.” that has Chris kissing you again. His fingers maintain the rhythm you asked for and it doesn't take long until you cum with a moan of his name. Chris helps you ride out your orgasm and his thrusts get a bit sloppy at the same time. Your hands find his hair, now slightly more curled than you remember seeing at the party and sticking to his forehead. “Are you close?” Chris nods eagerly. You pull his hair a bit, drinking in the way a moan falls off his lips so red and swollen from all of the kissing. Chris thrusts a few more times before spilling all over your stomach with heavy breaths.
Post-nut clarity hits Chris hard. “I am so sorry!” He says with widened eyes. “I don’t know why I said those things.” He looks down at your body, his cheeks getting a cute shade of red that you’re not sure is from the heat or embarrassment. “And I got you all dirty, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine, don’t worry. I enjoyed it.” You calm him down but feel a bit shy yourself. “I have tissues in my purse. I think I threw it in the front seat. Can you get it for me?”
Chris looks over the front seat and reaches to grab the purse. You grab the tissues but he stops you and takes it from your hand. You never believed in love at first sight but butterflies are partying in your stomach while Chris gently cleans you. When he’s done he pulls your panties back in place and smiles kindly at you, dimples on full display. You tug him for another kiss, this one slower than the ones you’ve been giving him so far. You both get dressed fairly quickly after you read the clock and realize your friends might show up at any moment. Chris opens the car door, looks around to see if anyone is near and then hops out the car. You get out after and leave the door open to hopefully get rid of the smell of sex. Chris pulls you by the waist to get another kiss and it confirms that you both like kissing each other more than anything.
You see your friends walking to your car when you stop kissing, a bit drunk and laughing loudly at something.
“I have to drive my friends home but… You could come to my house after.” You say quietly, a bit shy and scared that Chris didn’t feel all of those butterflies too and this was a one time thing. “If you want.”
He pulls out his phone from the back pocket and hands it to you unlocked. “Give me your number and I’ll text you so you can send me the address? My friend is gonna drop me off at my place and I’ll just drive to yours when you’re done.”
“It’s late though. Are you sure?” You question, taking his phone and creating a new contact with your number.
“One hundred percent.”
You get teased by your friends all the way but you barely listen to their words, thoughts filled with Chris and the second encounter happening when you get home.
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adyophene · 6 months
lucifer x husk is something i never knew i needed and as a multishipper im screaming
literally. king of hell x some alcoholic furry guy
i love them i need to know how they wouldve met, fallen for each other and started dating. and how much thatd piss alastor off
Ooh I am so happy other people are enjoying this pair as much as I am! I've gotten a few asks about my headcanons for them, and I am happy to blab on and on. Fair warning. This is gunna be a long and rambling essay.
I'm gunna put it all under a readmore, just cause I want to insert the art I've done of them so far, since I've been half-heartedly trying to tell a visual story through the doodles.
Okay. On we go!
How they met;
We did see them technically meet in the show, where they shared their singular canon piece of dialogue, which was just Husk saying 'hey'. And then in the finale where we see a literal split second moment of Lucifer holding Husk's arm.
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(also seeing the sweet looks huskerdust is giving each other here just makes me feel so delulu for writing this all, but crackships are silly by definition, so lets get back to the lucihusk) For me, what I imagined, is after the Hotel is finished its rebuilding, that is when Husk and Lucifer finally actually meet in a proper manner. I think Lucifer would be trying to make a good impression on all Charlie's friends at this point, endeared to all of them from their actions during the finale. Unfortunately, I think he is also the King of Bad First Impressions.
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[Note. I think at this point Lucifer wouldn't even remember Husk's name quite yet. I think he would call him 'Keekee' ( by accident) or 'Dusk' (confidently incorrect) or just be like "Hey!.... Uh... You?" until Charlie or Vaggie finally corrected him. ]
Husk, on the other hand, I feel like maybe wouldn't gel with Lucifer right away. Wouldn't hate him, but also maybe not be enamored with him right away. Same as Lucifer, maybe he would have sweetened on him a bit through the hotel's rebuilding, but I think they'd start out at very neutral feelings. Maybe a vague sense of 'He's okay, but I don't know if we will really get along.'
Despite this, Lucifer is persistent, and he's going to be everyone's (except maybe Al, unless they start getting along by s2) buddy. He'd start hanging around the bar and participate in the redemption exercises.
Now, we know Lucifer struggles with depression, and I think he would be trying real hard to mask anything going on during this time. They defeated Adam! They rebuilt the Hotel! He believes in Charlie's dream, and he's more involved with her life and other people than he has been for years.
His only issue being Husk sees right through it, both because Husk is perceptive, but also because even the King of Hell can't help but have a lonely night or two at the bar where he ends up venting about his divorce and subsequent lingering loneliness.
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[snapcube ref aside, )I really do think Husk would start to feel more positively toward Lucifer after Luci would drop the act somewhat. That they could bond over feeling both at their lowest of lows, while also being to admit that things seem to be getting better!
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This would be about the point that I imagine Lucifer developing more romantic feelings! Husk would be a bit less prickly, and Luci would just absolutely eat up any and all positive interactions they'd have. I like to picture a lot of little shows of care at the this point, like Husk memorizing what Lucifer likes and even making up 'fun' drinks just to try and cheer the guy up. And Lucifer would fun a fun game in trying to get the grumpy cat to smile, and just, lighting up himself any time he was successful.
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And that culminating into the two of them making each other laugh, with Alastor being an easy butt of the jokes, and a good way for Husk, himself, to finally get a chance to vent. I think Lucifer would be one of the only 'safe' options for Husk to do that with, in just so far as Al can't really threaten Lucifer, and Lucifer already sees Al as a bit of a manipulative bastard.
Falling for each other; At this point, Lucifer would start being a bit more caring toward Husk, though with that wonderful, oblivious flair of his. I don't think Lucifer himself would realize he'd have a crush up until he'd start feeling protective or jealous over Husk, and it would really throw him for a loop at first.
Because fake dating is one of my all-time favorite tropes, I have always had a idea for a fanfic (or comic) that I haven't gotten around to yet, based around Lilith coming back, and Lucifer panickily asking Husk to pretend to be his boyfriend, so he can appear well adjusted/completely over her. Of course the whole thing would backfire, as Lilith would see through it (as Lucifer wouldn't be as good of an actor as he'd think), and that Husk would end up kind of feeling hurt by the whole thing.
Husk, who'd go along with the plot with an eyeroll, would find himself seizing up through the whole fake date/encounter. Would find weird, sudden emotions bubbling up and absolutely hating it.
I don't think that man would think about the class difference between him and Lucifer up until someone would say something about it, maybe Lucifer himself trying to rationalize the (at this time still fake) relationship to Lilith. Now, Husk feels uneasy about the whole thing and ends up drinking heavily the whole night so he doesn't have to think about feelings. (Blitz and Stolas who? Ahaha. fuck.) Meanwhile, while the date would be fake, I think Lucifer would really rather like having Husk on his arm and feeling like he'd have a love-life again, while also not really getting why Husk's mood would be getting worse throughout the night. I think they'd still end up on good terms, but both of them would have their feelings in a jumble, and Husk would not like it. (he thinks he's lost the ability to love, after all)
I think somewhere at this point, as they are starting to develop feelings for one another, is when Lucifer finally starts really realizing how tied to Alastor Husk is, and he starts to make it everyone's problem. I do think Al and Lucifer would stay snarky at each other this whole time, but that it'd only get worse, as Al would poke back since he'd find Lu's over reactions funny.
I also think Al would be maybe the last person to realize anything romantic would be brewing between Lucifer and Husk, and he'd just think it'd be a purely platonic thing.
Beyond just bitching about Alastor, Lucifer would really be ramping up his attention towards Husk too. Fully in that 'puppylove/crush' stage, and trying his darndest to make Husk feel good and special. Husk would be resistant to it all, thinking it would just be Lucifer rebounding hard, and not wanting to get wrapped up in Morningstar family drama when he could happily (miserably) keep his head down and just keep drinking the days away.
But then Lucifer would find out about Husk's love of stage magic, and his history as a performer, and it'd be all over for the catman. It would become Luci's new pet project to rope Husk into some joyful self-expression, and after a song and dance number's worth of convincing, Husk would start to come around. I have to post all these images now cause- I drew them with the intention of mimicking a musical number! Husk starting off as a bit resistant before jumping in whole heartedly, and Lucifer overexcitedly dragging him along throughout the music number, hyping him up and just all around being smitten.
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And this is where Husk would start really falling. Getting swept up in indulging his favorite, least destructive hobby, and having someone who absolutely loves it to bond with. Especially when it would be over. When they would just settle down and talk, and laugh, and bond over what they love about performing. The spectacle, the audience, the love of the craft. Its about the comradery!!!
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@belladonazeppole wrote a wonderful series of fanfics based off these pictures, as well as the songs from 'The Greatest Showman' that really fit the ship! I would be remiss to not mention them here, because Bella and their fics are just wonderful!
How they started dating;
Now. Don't think just cause they both caught feelings for each other, that they'd immediately admit to it. No. I think both of them would drag their heels. I don't think Husk would admit to them at all, without some outside force effecting it. I think he'd stubbornly try to ignore the crush or drink it away, rather than let his heart become vulnerable to anymore damage.
Meanwhile, Lucifer would be struggling between his feelings for Husk and Lilith. (In the actual canon, I do think they might try to rekindle things, depending on what kind of person Lilith turns out to be, but I digress.) Part of him would be so swept up in a giddy kind of excitement, while the other would be set firmly in the camp of 'this is a bad idea, this won't work out, just look at what happened to your last relationship'. It wouldn't stop him from being outwardly more and more affectionate, but it would be weighing on him.
I do think Lucifer would end up being the one who would be thinking; "What am I doing. He'd never like me back." While Husk would be just sitting there (echoing what was said in the ask- sorry I went all wild and wrote this much about the ship dear god)- "I'm just some fucking furry alcoholic, what the fuck would the king of hell see in me??? Am I delusional? What the fuck is going on??" And I feel like this stage would go on for MONTHS and drive everyone else nuts. It would be clear to everyone (except Alastor, who again, would be just this meme
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Though that wouldn't stop him from getting a little pissy about it) And then it would all come to a head during something benign, like a board game night. There would be flirting, there would be jealousy, there would be arguing, and then finally, loudly and with a lot of feeling, Lucifer would shout his way through asking Husk out on a date. A real Date. A capital 'D' date out on the town, dressed to the nines and a real good time. The board would be knocked over in the fray, game pieces raining down upon them while Husk would just stare blank faced, trying to process what just happened. An awkward half-minute would pass before he'd finally, trying to play it cool, shrug out a 'sure'.
How much it'd piss Alastor off;
In the aftermath, a radio static would just lowly grate everyone's ears as Alastor would be slowly coming to terms on how just annoying it would be to have his friend (/Unhealthy co-dependent pet friend possession??) romantically involved (ew) with the King of Hell (double ew)??? Then, either it would be something light hearted like 'he keeps trying to break them up but failing cause he hates interacting with romance' or a darker route where 'he keeps trying to manipulate them into breaking up by preying on all their worst insecurities in the relationship'.
And that, my friend, is all I have in mind so far for this delusional crackship au! There is more I could flesh out, of course, like Angel's role as a friend or potential third in the relationship, or what I imagine as Husk becoming like a stepdad to Charlie, but I've typed enough for the whole month. Hope any of that was coherent! I did not bother to edit or proof read it. Just pure stream of consciousness.
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Valeria x female SO (sfw + nsfw headcanons)
(This woman screams bisexual to me, I just had to write this - sfw and nsfw on Valeria with a female partner. My personal take on her character!)
SFW: -Valeria is naturally a very dominant and assertive woman, her confidence borders on overzealously. It's been hard for her to maintain relationships, especially with men like Alejandro because there are two people struggling to dominate the relationship. As such, she needs someone who can handle being ordered around (in more than one way). Her energy could either be matched by someone very similar to her (ie. another strong woman), or someone totally submissive. She can enjoy a submissive man erotically, but he'll eventually annoy her and go missing. Submissive women, on the other hand, are a piece of cake. -Has a soft spot for puppy eyes, really struggles to not give in to pleas. She'll resist giving you what you want at the moment because she will *not* let a brat order her around, but she'll give in eventually. You want her to buy you something? What does she look like, a walking ATM to you? She doesn't work her ass off just for you to waste her money on silly things! But you will find whatever you wanted on your bed within the next 2-5 business days. And your next allowance will be a bit more generous. -Could definitely enjoy being a sugar mama, so long as she gets some sugar. Money is just another way to guarantee your submission and she loves to see her partner be grateful to her. -Has some abandonment issues from her past. May secretly feel the need to shower you with material things because you may not stick around if there isn't a material reward. Will need lots of affirmative words and caresses in private when she has a low mood. -Needs good morning cuddles to set the day. If they are disrupted for whatever reason, she'll be in a nasty mood for the rest of the day. -Easily touched by your devotion. Even simple moments where you might casually mention a future together, or wanting to get matching tattoos will make her emotional. -No PDA. Not because she's ashamed of your relationship, but because she doesn't really trust anyone, even the people working for her. -You'll have a whole wing to yourself at her residence. She says it's because she likes to separate her personal life from her business, but really it's because she can't stand having people around you. If she could have it her way, you'd be locked inside forever, away from the gaze of others. She often struggles with posessiveness and you'll just have to accept it if you want to be together. -Is definitely toxic; possessive, easily jealous and prone to angry outbursts. Oftentimes, only you can calm her down.
NSFW: -Valeria can be quite selfish when it comes to sex, will prioritise herself and expects to be completely satisfied every time. Her SO will receive pleasure too, of course, but only after she's had her fun. -Often uses sex to wind down, so will expect to receive on a very regular basis. -Uses toys. If she's punishing you through sex, she'll change the size of her strap-on over the course of the night to make it more challenging for her SO. It amuses her because she likes to see you struggle and writhe underneath her. -Another perk to having you in your own little space at her residence is that you can be as loud as you want. Wants you to use your words. If you don't speak Spanish, she'll order you in her native language and then punish you for not understanding her commands. -Enjoys aggravating her SO. If you're close and begging, she'll do the opposite of what you want and will laugh as you desperately fuck yourself on her for release. -Can be easily manipulated through sex. If she's in a mood where she doesn't want to give you anything, getting her off might just change her mind. Knows this is a tactic her SO uses and will purposefully deny you things just to have sex. -One time you came without permission, so she stole all your clothes as you slept. You were only allowed to wear your underwear until you apologised to her. And when you apologise, she wants it to be sincere and emotional, completely taking all the blame for her actions. Extra kisses for you if you cry while doing so.
Notes: Felt a little inspired writing that bit where the love interest has a whole wing to themselves. I might make a short story on Alejandro kidnapping Valeria's SO for intel and interrogating them with the 141, I think that'd be so juicy!
Update: Link to the short story ^ on A03 + available on my Tumblr profile
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Hello ! I just discovered your blog, and it's sooo good ! I am also French, so I'm happy ! I just want to ask : what king of voice the skellies have ? I'm really curious about it !
Thank you! Glad to see other Frenchies around! We're at least 4 in this community now lmao.
Undertale Sans - He has a nice deep voice, but he doesn't talk very loud, except when he laughs, where he's actually incredibly loud and makes you realize that Papyrus and him are really brothers. He never raises his voice, even when he's angry. It's all in the tone. He can be super warm and friendly just as extremely cold and distant if he wants to.
Undertale Papyrus - Loud. So so loud. Papyrus is extremely expressive and screams when he's happy or excited. Other than that, he has two voices. The one to impress people, being silly and showing off (even though not a lot of people are actually impressed), and the casual voice for his friends and family, where he's actually a lot more calm and natural. Papyrus rarely gets angry (he plays around when he's falsely angry, but never when he truly is), but when he is, people usually never want to make him angry again. Papyrus can be awfully terrifying when he's mad, and well, it reminds some people that even he can have bad days sometimes, and is not forced to be everyone's funny guy. It's still really rare.
Underswap Sans - He has a pretty deep voice, like Sans, but he can modulate it to sound less deep. He actually doesn't like talking too deep, because it's aging him. He prefers an energetic and very expressive voice. He still uses the deep voice when he fails to get the attention he asks, or when he's mad. He's definitely using the deep voice to flirt too. He loves flirting.
Underswap Papyrus - A bit like his Undyne, he tends to stutter on words. He often struggles to make himself clear, and he often sounds like he's not taking anything seriously when really, it's just his anxiety speaking. He's usually silent and even has days where he's non-verbal at all because he's too stressed. He never raises his voice either, which often causes people to ignore him in conversations, because he's scared to say what he wants to say, or scared he's going to mess up. He has a comforting voice though, and when he feels safe, he is definitely talking a little more to show he cares, especially when he's exciting about something.
Underfell Sans - He has a deep deep voice and a hell of an accent. He lost a lot of teeth Underground, so he struggles to make some sounds. And since he's lazy, he tends to abbreviate complicated words so he doesn't have to say them. It's usually hard to understand him at first, but everyone gets used to it at some point because he's a charmer and knows how to play his cards right. He's swearing and cursing a lot, even when he's happy, and even around children. He can't help it, it's entirely in his language. He can sound very scary when he's mad though. It's mainly a bluff to send people away because honestly, he can fight small monsters and drunk humans, but definitely not the big ones, but he likes to scare the people he likes too sometimes because he loves being a pain in the ass.
Underfell Papyrus - His voice is very annoying. He's a lot louder than classic Papyrus, and he has no chill. He gets angry or frustrated very fast, and when he's angry or frustrated, he immediately raises his voice to keep control of the situation. Like Red, it's total bluff, because he learned really small that the scariest you look, the more power you have over people. He tries to control it, but old habits are hard. However, it's easy to understand him, because he talks actually really well, sometimes with an elitist vocabulary. His old instructor in the Royal Guard said that being strong is nothing if you can't make a suspect talk, and he kinda beat him and the other soldiers up until they learned to talk like distinguished people the King could present in important meetings. So yeah, he's more educated than people can think, which doesn't stop him to curse and swear in a very familiar language when he's talking with Undyne or his brother. You definitely don't want to see him furious though. Edge was not nicknamed the Snowdin's Tyran for nothing. He's truly terrifying when he's really really mad.
Horrortale Sans - Talking is hard, so most of the time, Oak prefers animal-like sounds as answers. People understand him like that, so why bother? After Undyne almost killed him, Oak stayed in a coma for half a year. When he woke up, he lost the most basic skills. He didn't know how to eat, how to walk... And how to talk. Willow had to find a way to make his memory work so his old knowledges come back, but for almost two years, Oak couldn't talk. And obviously, it left some sequels. It's mostly why he's more animalistic than his old safe. Walking on all four was easier, just like growling like an angry bear to show displeasure. Even years after, Oak is mostly silent. When he talks, it's always very slow as he tries to not mess up his words. The fact that he tends to forget what he was saying in the middle of his sentence is definitely not helping though. So usually, he prefers to write when he has something big to say, as it's easier to focus on his notebook. At least, you know when he's happy because of his very deep loud tractor noise purr.
Horrortale Papyrus - His voice is similar to his old self, but he had a hard time Underground, mainly because of how painful his damaged teeth were. He had the brilliant idea to try to eat rocks when he was too hungry, but it damaged his teeth. Undyne breaking his jaw during their last encounter for sure didn't help to fix the problem, as for a long time, talking was very painful. With a lot of patience and a lot of work, dentists managed to ease the pain, and so he feels himself again (even though not really, as Willow dissociates completely from his old self. He struggles not to imagine that old Papyrus was actually him at some point :( )
Swapfell Sans - He talks like an English aristocrat. Mainly because he is an aristocrat. Even if he was dumped in the streets at a very young age, he became the Queen's favorite fast and she kinda mothered him until he got educated enough to talk like a future monarch. Well, for sure, maybe that should have trigger him sooner that she wanted him to be her heir, but he had other problems at the time. Nox is really good at arguing with people, and he definitely has a deep nice voice that helps to get to the point. He has a very rich vocabulary and sometimes talks like an old man, which never fails to amuse Rus, who is teasing him to death. It's hard to change his mind when he decides something though. He rarely gets angry or frustrated, as Toriel taught him to stay calm whatever how bad the situation is. I like to imagine him a bit like Levaï in Attack on Titans, but a little less vulgar, even though he can insult people (always with class though, you'll never hear him say shit or fuck).
Swapfell Papyrus - Unfortunately, he didn't have his brother's education, and even if Nox tried desperately to teach him, Rus decided he wanted to do things his way. Rus' voice is... something lol. You're not sure what his voice really is actually, because he can mimic every tone, every voice, every animal sound, that's his little superpower. He's super good at mimicking people, and so he tends to use a lot of voices all at once, depending on the situation. He's insolent, he's cursing and insulting a lot, and he will definitely push topics until you show him clearly you have enough. He never sounds mad, even when he is, hiding everything behind his humor, which usually turns cold or dark when he's angry. Rus is actually not too sure who he is really. He spent too much time playing roles, and he's not sure which voice is the real him anymore. He still has a long way to recover from all the abuse Underground, but he's not sure if he wants to heal yet, it scares him. So for now, humor and provocation is his best defense against everything.
Fellswap Gold Sans - His voice is always gentle and nice, but with a you're not sure what that doesn't sound right. Wine is an excellent negotiator and by extension a very good manipulator. Words are strategy and he uses them with care to get what he wants, even if it means sounding insensitive and careless. Wine takes the longest time to warm up, that's why he doesn't have very good luck in his love life. He's rude, brutally honest and doesn't hesitate to say when something is bothering him. A bit like Nox, he's definitely an aristocrat and talks like such. He's very proud of his education and learned really early that words have as much power as weapons. He's extremely dangerous because you can never tell when he's angry or not. And usually, when he is, you notice it when it's too late.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has only two moods: very enthusiastic, sounding almost childish, and getting overexcited over the little things, and complete panic when someone is meeting his eyes and wants to talk to him. Coffee struggled to make himself understand since he was a kid, mainly because Wine never left his side and kinda translated everything to the other people. But that comes with consequences: he lacks the basic social skills to hold a conversation as an adult. He is always scared to say something wrong and gets usually completely paralyzed when he can't control the situation. When it happens, he switches to being nonverbal. He knows sign language, and he's actually more comfortable talking like this with his favorite people. He panics less when he doesn't have to use his voice.
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carlsdarling · 11 months
Carl x Older! Reader headcanons Part III
More headcanons. A lot of requests for this so I decided to do that now... Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
Glenn showed you some pictures of Carl that he took with a Polaroid camera during the time in the prison. Carl was 13 or 14 years old back then, and you were enchanted by the pictures. "You were so cute," you purred against Carl's neck in bed at night. "I was never cute! I was already an adult back then and could handle a gun," Carl protested angrily. "Yes, you were really cute," you giggled. "Especially that picture of you sitting on the stairs with Beth. I bet you had a crush on her." The fact that Carl blushed proved that you'd hit the nerve. "Glenn shouldn't have shown you those pictures," Carl growled.
When the two of you are alone, Carl likes to call you his little cougar.
Carl makes a point of always appearing strong and being the one to care for you, but he's very emotionally vulnerable. On more than one occasion, you have had to comfort him because someone has made a silly remark about his eye. It hurts you when Carl is sad.
A few times you have played nasty tricks on people who have insulted Carl afterwards - making a mess in their houses or mixing mice faeces into their cereal boxes. It makes you unspeakably furious when someone is rude to Carl. There's now a fragile peace with Negan, but whenever he shows up in Alexandria, you can't help but insult him because Carl told you how Negan made him cry when he was younger.
For Carl's 19th birthday, you organized a surprise party at your house, and he was so happy. Michonne helped you get everything ready. At first she was very reserved towards you because she didn't appreciate the age gap, but now she and Rick have realized that you and Carl have serious feelings for each other.
Carl recently moved in with you and you think it's wonderful to be living with him now. It just feels right now that you've been together for six months.
You keep condoms in every room because you never know when you're going to get it on. You have a very high condom requirement. If possible, Carl always brings some with him when he goes on a supply tour. Some people have already noticed this and are constantly teasing him about it. Daryl in particular can't help it. "Carl, honestly, how many of these thingies do you need every day?"
You fucked in every room of the house - even in the kitchen, where you sat on the edge of the table and Carl positioned himself in front of you to penetrate you. He held your hips in a firm grip and thrust into you passionately, spurred on by the fact that you were moaning loudly and begging him. "Carl, harder! Even harder! Go faster!" you whimpered, digging your fingernails into his slender, smooth back. "You're so wanting," Carl gasped as he increased his pace and finally spilled his seed into you with a scream, his heart beating wildly. After that event, you had to grin every time someone came to visit, sat down at the table and you served coffee.
Carl doesn't like to get up early, and when he has the morning shift for guard duty, it's hard work for you to get him out of bed on time. Now you can place Michonne's gleeful laughter when she said when Carl moved in: "Have fun, Y/N, when Carl has to get up early. You'd best take the bed covers off him." But Carl clings to the covers and grumbles sleepily at you.
When Carl has had a difficult day, he is very quiet in the evening, very clingy and very cuddly.
You are so happy to have Carl. There are lots of girls his age in Alexandria who would love to be with him, but he chose you.
Tags: @tessasweet @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @knochentrocken0808 @xxcarlswifexx
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