#like damn Erik Marie is all we got?
dawnofiight · 2 months
Also why does the main Shaw pack have parental issues? David is an orphan, Asher's parents are.. wherever fr, Milo has a deadbeat dad, and I think Darlin's parents suck.
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web-kindle · 5 months
!MASSIVE FOOLIVERSE RAMBLE! Read at your own peril!
Congratulations Erik! 🎊🥳🎊
You have successfully made me care more about the Fooliverse than ANY canon storyline you've currently got going on rn (Except for Hush and Vega, I'm still very invested in that). Forget the Balance, forget Sovereign State, forget the currently kinda stagnant DAMN storyline, I need more Fooliverse Lore! (Note: mildly hyperbolic, I do want Erik to push major storylines, but with the new schedule they're gonna take ages)
Like each character we've gotten so far have been so fun, but with them comes so many questions about the universe around them. For example (this is your final chance to escape, its a long one):
What's the rest of the DAMN crew like? Are they all complete opposites of their canon counterparts, and if not what stays the same. Gavin although quiet and submissive, still very much enjoys sex and partaking in it when he wants like in canon. So what about the others? Is Huxley less friendly in this AU, is he rude or just an actual loner that gave up on making real friends? Is he smarter or still a bit goofy? What about Lasko and Damien, what are their differences? Is Damien a member of staff or is Lasko a really extroverted student? Where's Kody in all this? Is he still a mild extremist or is he actually a cool dude? Maybe he's a jock unlike Huxley??? Like I'M SO INVESTED!
What's going on with the rest of the Rebaine Clan? Where was Marie when Milo's dad drunk himself to death and Milo got lost in the system? Was she an absent mother or was she just not related to Milo at all? Is she in the Rebaine Clan or is she the Queen of a Clan of her own? Where. Are. The Solaires?!?! I have to know if Vincent is still a human who survived The Surge and is just living life, or never got on in the first place. Did he ever meet Lovely, did he die on The Surge and not get saved? Was he born a Vamp, turned by William still, or someone else? Is William a minor Duke or something or still a King but not as important? What about being one of those High Council Vamps Milo mentioned? Is he even around? We know Porter is, like did Demetri save him, get Porter indebted to him, or was Porter born a Vamp and just joined the Clan??? And how close is the Clans relationship with the Talbot Pack. Like yeah their friends of the Clan, but to the same level as in canon, or more? Or less? We know Asher is more serious in this AU being the Alpha, so what's his relationship with Milo??? Are they close friends, or reluctant allies on a personal level? IS MILO STILL SHORT?!?! These are the questions we need answered
James we know is a stoner and that he doesn't see himself as a good person. Is he still part of ETS, doing stuff that doesn't sit well with him to the point he smokes to get away? Does he even have a job currently? Why does he feel like he's not a good/kind person? What did he do? Maybe it's just his personality this AU... But if James isn't part of ETS and Anton is in the Pack, who's running Project Meridian? Is the project even needed, cause if the Miridian is OK in this AU, maybe the company that would do it is just sticking to normal science projects (whatever that means). Where's Marcus in all this, is he still a weirdo, but in a different font? Maybe he's just a dude too, living life, or maybe Asset is just a person and they actual love Marcus and they live together with no issues... GOD this is so unfair that I don't know 😫
And more on Anton, we know he is a member of the Talbot Pack. It's cute he's so fun and carefree, not wondering when he'll see his Love again. He's flourishing in the Talbot Pack! I'm guessing he's just an ordinary member, but is he part of security (if the Pack still does that) or does he do his own thing. Maybe he's a stay-at-home partner, I wonder if he's still responsible somewhat to maintain the house easily or if he's completely a menace on that front.
What. Happened. To. Guy??? Cause why's my Guy so depressed? Is he still sharing an apartment with Mikayla, but Honey isn't there, so its sapping him of all his happiness? Did he confess but Honey was like "nah" and he's completely defeated in life. Maybe Guy tried to do more with his writing degree but it's not working out and him delivering pizza on the size is really knocking his motivation? What if he's just like that and things are a-ok overall. Maybe he barely reacted to Anton' wolf for cause he knows about magic (accidently or not) and is completely disillusioned about life cause "why are things still shit if magic exists" so he just doesn't care??? You can't leave me hanging like this Erik!!!
More on the Pack, DAVID IS OPENLY CALLED DAVEY! First, that's so fucking cute as hell, but I gotta know is it an inside joke, did Angel push for this, or maybe is naturally evolved and David doesn't mind anyone calling him that. Curious to see which one it is. We at least know based on his personality he's not highly likely to hate on it. Secondly, HIS DAD'S ALIVE (and seems to call his son for tech help lol). That's so sweet! ☺️ Shows how different he would be with his dad still around. And finally, damn he's such a sweetheart, and Angel is still a menace but a grumpy one instead. Its hot how he wants them to take the lead, begs for it even.
Overall love how cute he is in this, makes me question what his dynamic would be interacting with Milo in this universe. In fact, I wanna see more of his and Asher's best friend relationship in this AU. With their personalities, I feel like it would be really chill. Anyway, who is the Beta? It's not Davey and it doesn't seem to be Anton, so who is it? Maybe, it actually is Darlin like some people have been theorising. (Oh god Where's Sam in all this???) Or maybe Christian, which also makes me guess what the dynamic between him and Asher is like. Maybe it's not so different to his canon interactions with Alpha David.
And a side note, Alpha Asher just can't catch a break, it's like being the Alpha of this Pack curses you to be gruff and broody no matter what universe it happens in. At least no one close to him has actually died or something like in The Imperium. Unless if one or both of his parents died for him to become a grumpy Alpha!!! Who knows, its up for headcannon to decide. Mildly bummed out that we don't get a full vid or even an Asher cameo in this AU. A few references on his seemingly responsible lifestyle and kinda gruff character by other people is not enough. GIVE ME MORE OF THE FOOLIVERSE PUPPY!!! (Respectfully)
If you got to the end I sincerely apologise, you shouldn't have done that, but know you know the thoughts that have plagued my brain about this AU. Whilst there were some lighthearted demands in there just know they were all made in good faith and is just an indicator of how much I've enjoyed this AU. Its honestly been so fun and I hope it gets a comeback in some way.
Now it's time to bet on who the BAs gonna be about next month!
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strangefellows · 2 years
Sasaki Kojiro, Charles-Henri Sanson, Phantom of the Opera, Lancelot
First impression
Kojiro: Oh I know that name!!! Oh dude he's pretty hot.
Sanson: Who the actual fuck is Sanson, okay I gotta go google that shit right now.
Lancelot: For Berserkerlot: YOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING BADASS HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTT / For Saberlot: Oh, so that's what he looks like when he's not having a crazy day, he's cute!
Impression now
Kojiro: Even if he doesn't have much to him, he's still pretty damn cool, let's be real.
Phantom: What a FASCINATING version of him, he's very fun. I love his fourth Ascension art.
Lancelot: IDIOT STUPID DUMBASS HIMBO (affectionate) I love this guilt ridden mess of a man who desperately wants to be an Okay Dad he's my favorite of the KOTR Idiot Trio by far.
Favorite moment
Sanson: Salem, everything about Salem, but most of all his arc's finale where he saves Lavinia and gets executed, like goddamn son that was incredible.
Phantom: I loved him in Summercamp after we break the spell on him, he's so SWEET and FUSSY when he's having a normal day.
Lancelot: Every single time Mash destroys him and he thanks his daughter for doing it. But also Lancelot vs Agravain in the OVA was absofuckinglutely the most metal thing I have ever seen???? Also like, the big damn heroes in LB6 was golden.
Idea for a story
Kojiro: I NEED to explore this whole 'Kojiro doesn't really exist' thing but also Musashi interactions PLEASE. Let him hang out with his killer his enemy his friend the only reason he exists, only she's not really, she's another version, let's explore that.
Sanson: Good christ I NEED more of exploring his mindset especially reading about his role in the French Revolution.
Phantom: Anything would be fun, he's an interesting one to look at for sure.
Lancelot: KOTR INTERACTIONS!!! I want to explore the Gwen thing, I want to explore the madness, I want to explore his obvious insanely strong Catholic Guilt, but man I want to have him interact with Merlin for REASONS
Unpopular opinion
Kojiro: He's not popular enough to have those unfort lol.
Sanson: SHRUG EMOJI????
Phantom: IDK man these three are pretty minor Servants lol.
Favorite relationship
Kojiro: Him and Musashi for sure, but he and Artoria had an interesting thing going.
Sanson: Him and Marie for SUUUUUURE, him and Charlotte as well, definitely, considering he historically executed her and her dialogue for him. But also he and Robin had that really fun dynamic going.
Phantom: He doesn't...interact with many people, does he?
Favorite headcanon
Kojiro: I don't have many headcanons but I like to think he got really easily bored stuck at the gates and did stupid shit to pass the time.
Sanson: He looks tired All The Time, does he sleep god only knows. He's incredibly fussy towards Fujimaru, though, like a big brother. He's the only sane person on the Chaldea Medical Team.
Phantom: He 100000% is aware of the musical and if you sneak up on him you'll possibly catch him humming Music of the Night. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT mention The Sequel That Doesn't Exist.
Lancelot: He can speak perfectly fluent French, which terrifies people when they hear it. His accent is a horrible amalgam of British and French and it's almost kinda funny, the French part gets thicker when he gets upset. He's lowkey VERY religious, and he's the only person in Camelot who noticed that Merlin was lowkey terrified of Christian stuff and suspected there was more to it than "oh he's just half demon of course he is".
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behindthesemasks · 1 year
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Melania has had enough...
As everyone came through the door, Alexander’s eyes swept from Nic to Klaus, then to Erik.  He moved out of the doorway with deliberate steps and an expression of supreme annoyance.  What had one of the others done that had upset Mel to the point they could hear her down the hall?  It was clear that she was enraged, to a point he had never seen her before.  She was normally the calm and composed one in all situations but now she looked as if she might well explode at any minute.  He was glad she didn’t have a weapon, or someone would probably be shot.  “What have you done to upset her?”  His voice held accusation for the other three men.  He was quite sure that it was not Marie or Ambrose who had upset her, which left only them to be held accountable for her current mood.  “Well?  Would you care to explain?”  His patience was wearing thin and he DID have a weapon, one he was currently considering using if someone didn’t answer and soon.
“Done?  We haven’t DONE anything!  She woke up like this!”  Erik responded, obviously distressed.  He had no clue why Mel was so mad, but it was clear that something had enraged her instantly upon awakening.
“Haven’t done anything?  Haven’t done ANYTHING?!  Are you fucking kidding me?”  Mel was growing more enraged, if that was at all possible.  Her hands had fisted in the sheets and she was all but trembling with rage.  Max moved back on Alexander’s head, sensing his mummy was about to explode.  “You!  ALL OF YOU!  You have hidden the truth of who and what you are from the first moment I met any of you, and for some of you that means years.  You’ve lied repeatedly.  So you can stop pointing fingers at each other, I’m incensed at you all!”
“Mel,” Gabriel started as he stepped slightly forward of the rest of them.  He kept his tone calm even though he knew she was most likely beyond reason, and he couldn’t really blame her.  He wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about, and from the confused look on Alexander’s face it was a good bet he didn’t either.  “Sweetheart, you’re not making sense.  I think for your own good, you need to calm down and maybe tell us what you’re referring to?” His brows were raised as he looked at the others.  What the fuck had gone on in this room while the rest of them had been down the hall?
“For my own good?  For MY own good?  Oh, cut the bullshit Gabe!  Do you even want to know how much I’ve heard that before?  How many lies I’ve been told by people who claimed to have my best interest at heart?  Who claimed to even love me and then turned out to do anything but?  Would you like to hazard a guess?”  Her neck was now stained with a bright pink that was creeping up into her face, the blue of her eyes seemed colder and harder as she leaned forward and started to get out of the bed.
“Let’s start with the bastard that I called a husband for a year.  He hid his intentions and who he truly was for the entire time.  Everything he told me was a fucking lie, and supposedly so he wouldn’t hurt me.  No, he didn’t tell the truth because he was a fucking selfish asshole.  Where he was and what he was doing when he wasn’t with me was a lie, every single damn word of it.  He never did admit the truth, even when fucking confronted with it.  But everyone including you,” her gaze swept to Klaus, then Erik, and finally her accusatory gaze fell on Alexander.  “You all told me that I was better off without him, encouraged the anger, but ignored the pain.  The pain of having everything you believed you knew destroyed and the person who did it not giving one single damn about any of the fallout from it.  The pain of realizing that I never meant a damn in any way, shape or form to him.   In his eyes I didn’t even deserve a modicum of the truth and until the very end he denied lying, he continued to lie, and then he got mad I wouldn’t buy them anymore.  I honestly never knew who the fuck he really was in any way because not one word of anything he said was true.   But I was just supposed to fucking suck that up because my pain made everyone around me uncomfortable.  So I did, I sucked it up, tamped it down and pretended it wasn’t there.  I’ve worn nothing but a mask of being okay ever since because quite frankly not a damn one of you wanted to hear any different.“  Tears welled in her eyes and began to spill down her cheeks as she exited the bed and shoved Erik away from her.  Klaus was on the other side of the bed, trying to make his way to her while the rest of the team stepped back slightly to give her more room.   Remorse and regret were etched on the features of every one of them.  None had expected quite this outpouring of truths and were not sure what had caused it.  Nervous glances were cast over to Ambrose and Marie.
“Do you really want to go into what came after…who came after?  Should we really go into that?”  Most of their eyes fell at this point; all knowing what she was referring to and none being easy with it.  All had been there in some form or another for not only what happened, but the aftermath.  The cleanup of Peru had involved them all, and they had watched personally what she’d gone through.  The room echoed with the shuffling of uneasy feet.  “Once again I was just supposed to act like none of it bothered me, like being abandoned was the easiest thing in the world to move forward from.  Get up, get dressed, put on my makeup, my mask against the world ever knowing I hadn’t slept the night before and could barely face the outside world because of how bad it all hurt.  None of you wanted to hear about that or deal with that.  It was easier to pretend it didn’t exist because it didn’t involve you.”  She was shaking now and the monitors attached to her were starting to beep.  Erik had moved to the side and was trying to stretch the cord of the IV machine out so she didn’t end up unplugging it or pulling it out of her hand.  
“So I don’t want your excuses, I just want you to leave.  Shut up with all your reasoning and get the hell out!”  She pointed to the door and there were none in the room that doubted the sincerity of her words or actions.  Her face alone spoke of the upset and anger she felt.
Nic touched Marie’s arm and nodded towards the door.   Maybe it was best that they left and let Mel calm down.  She had enough of an upset at the dig site, then falling into the hole and getting a serious concussion, the last thing she needed now was for things to continue to escalate.  Ambrose followed Nic and Marie, touching the shoulder of Cam as he headed towards the door.  His granddaughter would calm and then maybe they could talk some reason, but all they would do now was continue to upset her and get themselves thrown out of the hospital.  That was not a good situation for anyone.
Just as Cade was beginning to turn towards Cam and the others leaving, another voice broke the uneasy silence that had only been punctuated by the beep of the machines behind Mel.  “NO!  You can be mad at me, you can hate me, you can curse me to all sorts of fates in Hell but I’m not fucking leaving Mel!  Not this time, not again!”  It was Klaus and he was now face to face with the svelt female who he now had by the upper arms as she tried to push against his chest.  “You are making no sense.  Not one lick of it.  They’re all afraid of upsetting you more, but I’m not going to let that fact make me do what the others have done because unlike them I fucking give a damn.  You want me out of this room; you’re going to have to hurt me bad enough that they have to put me in one like it.” His eyes bored into hers and his voice conveyed the seriousness of his words.  He’d take her anger and whatever came along with it but it was clear that she’d been hurt enough by those who left and he wasn’t going to be another one to do the same thing.  
Those who had been preparing to leave stopped.  For a minute the room was silent as Mel and Klaus stared each other down.  Neither of them was really moving, although it was clear that if she could that Mel just might claw Klaus’s eyes out.  In truth he would have let her if it could have eased some of the pain it was clear she had kept buried for so long.  She had points about how all of them, even Nic and Alexander had kept telling her she just needing to move on and move forward to heal.  Obviously that had been the wrong thing to do.  Whatever had started her upset now just dug more of that out.  He had meant what he said though, she’d have to injure him to get him out of the room.
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entomjinx · 3 years
Graham Grayson Fullbuster (Gray) (I am beging someone to ask about the hamson joke please ask about the hamson joke)
Ender Natsu Dragneel (Natsu) (it sounds so dystopian and he hates it for that reason)
Eugene Eunice Eucliffe (Sting) (is parents has a theme but oh boy. OH BOY. So when his mom starting calling him her “little bumblebee” he picked Sting and stuck with it)
Raios Charles Cheney (Rogue) (there’s a reason he goes by Rogue)
Gajeel Gabriel Redfox (Gajeel) 
Winifred Wendy Marvel (Wendy) (grandine was gonna call her Winry, but Wendy likes her middle name better)
Lavan Gleb Dreyar (Laxus) (Laxus was a nickname from his mom)
Fredrick Michael Justine (Freed) (the nickname Freed came from Laxus mispronouncing Fredrick and was kept because he liked it)
Benjamin Cornelius [lastname] (Bickslow) (he hates this so god damn much)
Erik Chokun [lastname] (Cobra) (his real name’s Just “Erik” But Sorana gifted him an “ugly middle name” for his birthday because she wanted to be able to embarrass him)
Mugen Sieg-hart Siegrain Mystogan Jellal James Genesis Fernandes (Jellal) (Jaci had the brilliant idea of giving him all his counterparts Names. and to quote Qbert: “That’s not very spanish. Jellal: You’re right. *only uses Jellal because the rest don’t fit and ‘James” is too white)
Mary Esther Strauss (Mirajane) (the Strausses came from an extremely religious town which was the whole reason they got kicked out after Mira discovered her magic, so they all have really really biblical names. also have this: Mira: Mary is kinda like maryjane, which is slang for weed, but I also like Mira. So Mirajane it is.)
Ezekiel Adam Strauss (Elfman) 
Lydia Lucifer Strauss (Lisanna) (their parents lost a bet and Lisanna didn’t even know her middle name until after they died for that reason)
Leviana Gwendolyn Mcgarden (Levy) (”Levy can have a really pretty but really long name. as a treat” -Bailey)
Eliza Belladona Belserion (Erza) (she remembered “Eliza” as “Erza” and then got Scarlet from Jellal)
Lucinda Margaret Heartfilia (Lucy)  (trans! Lucy and her dead name is Luigi Mario which is why she got so mad when Natsu forgot her name and called her Luigi. am I being serious or is this for an inside joke? You may never know.)
Cana Ruth Alberona (Cana)
Urrtia Fuck Milkovich (Ultear) (this one was entirely Jaci’s Idea. basically, When Ur gave birth to her, the midwife misheard Ur’s groan and then “tia” as “Urrtia” which then became “Urtear/Ultear” and “Fuck” was said in Fiori. the poor midwife only spoke Isvanian and had no idea that it was the “f word.”)
Lawrence Leonel Vastia (Lyon) (Gray calls him “larry (deragatory)” when he’s mad -Minty)
Reginald Louis Lore (Rufus) (he thought Rufus sounded cooler. that’s literally the only reason he goes by Rufus.)
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diwatera · 4 years
LGBTQ+ Movies I Watched Recently (Part 2)
Happiest Season (2020) dir. Clea DuVall
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Short Summary: Abby plans on proposing to Harper when they visit Harper’s family for the holidays. Her plans get derailed when she learns that Harper hasn’t come out to her family yet.
Why you should watch it: Not gonna lie, Mackenzie Davis drew me to this movie; I’ve been in love with her ever since San Junipero came out. Add Kristen Stewart, Aubrey Plaza and Dan Levy to the mix and I’m sold. If you want a sapphic romance with a happy ending, this one’s for you. 
Été 85 (2020) dir.  François Ozon
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Short Summary: Alexis recounts his six-week love affair with David during the summer of ‘85. 
Why you should watch it: If you love 80s aesthetic and music, you definitely should watch this. The movie made me nostalgic of that decade and I wasn’t even alive back then! It’s a whirlwind summer romance reminiscent of Call Me by Your Name but with a more devastating twist.
Getting Go: The Go Doc Project (2013) dir. Cory James Krueckeberg
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Short Summary: An obsessed college boy pursues his internet crush through the pretext of making a documentary about him.
Why you should watch it: The script and the acting are the one-two punch of this film. The writing is incredibly genuine, and both of the actors’ performances made the lines feel even more natural. I’m not the biggest fan of mockumentary-style films, but this one felt like it was a recording of my own life. Hyper-obsessive college grad with a Tumblr blog? Might as well have called out half the population of this damn site.
Pihalla (2017) dir. Nils-Erik Ekblom
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Short Summary: Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.
Why you should watch it: I’m a sucker for gays in the countryside™ and although this one is not quite up there with God’s Own Country and Call Me by Your Name, it still makes for a good watch. Miku as a character and his relationship with his parents was chaotic and fun. His relationship with Elias felt really natural and dreamy. 
You, Me and Him (2017) dir. Daisy Aitkens
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Short Summary: Olivia, a mature responsible lawyer, wants to have a baby, but her girlfriend Alex isn’t ready for the responsibility. Things get even more complicated when their flirty neighbour, John, joins the picture. 
Why you should watch it: It is one of the most feel-good lesbian romcoms I have seen in a while. But I warn you, there are some dark parts that can really sneak up on you. Yeah, it’s hilarious, but damn it made me ugly cry, too. Oh, and if you want to see David Tennant as an alpha male douchebag, here’s your chance. (CW: **spoiler alert** p̶r̶e̶g̶n̶a̶n̶c̶y̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶s̶ )
Giant Little Ones (2018) dir. Keith Behrman 
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Short Summary: Franky and Ballas have been best friends since childhood, both on the swimming team, both incredibly popular. But after an incident during Franky’s birthday, they quickly fall apart and Franky falls from grace.
Why you should watch it: I think the film captures just how tumultuous coming-of-age stories are. Franky is going through his own journey of self-identity, and I’m happy that the movie didn’t rush in with labels. The conversation Franky has with his dad at the end also hits hard.  (CW: physical assault, allusions to sexual assault)
Our Love Story (2016) dir. HyunJu Lee
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Short Summary: A fine arts student meets an attractive bartender, and the two women begin an intimate relationship.
Why you should watch it: It’s a very intimate love story that isn’t rushed or dragged out for too long. We definitely see Yoon-Jo and Ji-Soo’s relationship bloom from start to end, but it’s not mind-numbingly boring to watch. Raw and unembellished, I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a realistic portrayal of wlw romance.
Die Mitte der Welt (2016) dir. Jakob M. Erwa
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Short Summary: The film follows Phil and his relationship with his family, his best friend, and a newcomer at his school, Nicholas.
Why you should watch it: This is technically a second watch for me, and I’m glad I rewatched it, because I was able to catch some glaring red flags that I missed the first time. I love this movie in spite of all the heartache it caused me. The story, especially the deal with Phil’s family, struck a chord in me. And the shots! Visually stunning as well! 
Les Amours Imaginaires (2010) dir. Xavier Dolan
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Short Summary: Marie and Francis’ friendship is put to the test when a beautiful boy called Nicolas comes between them. 
Why you should watch it: Watch it for the visuals -- the colors, the costumes, the cast. Seriously, the actors included here may as well be kept in the Louvre: Xavier Dolan, Neils Schneider, Monia Chokri, hell, even a cameo from Louis Garrel! Dolan said it himself that this is a shallow film, but it’s worth the watch just to see Neils Schneider wearing heart-shaped glasses.
Closet Monster (2015)  dir. Stephen Dunn
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Short Summary: A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.
Why you should watch it: Right off the bat, I am going to say that this film is dark. I tried watching it back in college but tapped out within the first ten minutes because something traumatic happens. Then I tried again about a week ago, finished it this time. It’s actually a very moving film. It’s violent and gory in some parts, but also ridiculous and wholesome in other parts. IT HAS A TALKING HAMSTER NAMED BUFFY! BUFFY WAS THE STAR OF THIS MOVIE FOR ME. (CW: gay bashing/sexual assault)
Straight Up (2020) dir. James Sweeney
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Short Summary: Todd and Rory are intellectual soul mates. He might be gay but she might not care.
Why you should watch it: The dialogue in this film is undeniably sharp and witty. Loved the fast-paced back and forth between the two main characters as they discuss relationships, sex, gender, and more. James Sweeney and Katie Findlay’s chemistry just pulled you into the screen. It was funny, it was sweet, it was heartwrenching, it was great! (CW: allusions to sexual assault)
Latter Days (2003) dir. C. Jay Cox
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Short Summary: A promiscuous gay party animal falls for a young Mormon missionary, leading to crisis, cliché, and catastrophe.
Why you should watch it: I saw this in santiagonex’s top 20 LGBTQ+ films with happy endings, and I honestly thought it was gonna be a feel-good watch. Instead, I got a rollercoaster melodrama filled with early 2000s gay culture, religious guilt, buttcheeks, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Needless to say, I got more than I bargained for. (CW: self-harm, conversion therapy)
The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Blythewood
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Short Summary:  A covert team of immortal mercenaries are suddenly exposed and must now fight to keep their identity a secret just as an unexpected new member is discovered.
Why you should watch it: Okay, I was debating whether I should include this here, because it’s not necessarily an LGBTQ+ film as much as it is an action film with queer characters. I decided to include it, because JESUS! I have never seen such respectful and well-written representation of queer characters and relationships. Joe and Nicky are the most unproblematic couple in history. PERIOD. Pray for sequels, everyone. This is the kind of representation we deserve in mainstream media. 
. . .
Click here for more LGBTQ+ film recs
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healing and feeling
My @aftgexchange gift for @bayta-darell !!! I’m so sorry that this is late, I went to post at the beginning of the posting week but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’ve spent the week doing a rewrite. There was more of it (Kevin and Neil having a discussion) but I just wanted you to get something rather than nothing. I really hope you like it. A general foxes type fic where they do some healing.  Canon warnings apply- mentioned not detailed.
Twenty minutes. Twenty whole minutes it took of the foxes remaining silent for Betsy Dobson to realise she’d have to make the first move if she wanted to make any progress at all here today.
“David first suggested this for you all once before and you refused, which I respected. I will not force anyone to talk until they are ready. But you’re all here today and I feel I should ask the nine of you, why now?”
Aaron watched as everyone not-so-subtly shifted their eyes to look at Josten who opened his mouth as if to speak before closing it again. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them from where he sat on the floor by Andrew’s chair. There was a space next to Boyd on the plush yellow couch but well...
“This is the second time this week Neil has almost stabbed one of us.” Ah, Reynolds. Always making sure she got straight to the point. Matt glared at her, muscled arms crossed over his chest.
“I said it was fine, I startled him-”
“It damn well isn’t fine, Matt! Were you not a boxer with some good reflexes, he could have done some serious damage.”
Aaron watched them argue back and forth until Betsy politely cleared her throat, her calm, soothing smile never once leaving her face.  He admired the woman, he truly did; he couldn’t imagine dealing with people’s shit all day and managing to still look sane and collected. His own mind was enough of an asshole as it was. “I’m glad that we’ve gotten to why you’re all here, but I’d like for us to remain civil in these sessions. Talking about such things can be straining and I want you to remember you’re a team, that you’re friends.” Matt nodded and threw Neil a small smile and Allison simply flicked her hand, bright red nails catching in the sunlight streaming through the window. Aaron caught Neil bringing a hand up to rub at the scarring on his face but then Andrew’s hand came down to hold the back of his neck, thumb rubbing back and forth carefully and the tension Neil was holding in his shoulders eased up. His twin met his stare without faltering and simply raised a pale brow at him, as if daring him to comment. Aaron kept his mouth shut and turned back to Betsy. “Now Neil, would you be able to tell us what might have brought on these outbursts of violence?”
“I’ve always been this way, thanks to my mother.” Aaron saw Andrew’s jaw clench at the mention of Mary Wesninski; he knew well enough how his brother felt about abusive mothers. “But this is different. We lost our most recent game. We’re falling behind a little and if we don’t win the next game, we don’t get to progress any further.” Aaron couldn’t stop his mouth from moving, even if he had tried to.
“You’re telling me that Boyd almost got stabbed because we lost a game? Are you serious right now? It’s not the end of the fucking world!”
“It is for me!” He stopped and said nothing more, turning his face away from them all, ignoring their looks of confusion. He knew Josten loved Exy as much as Kevin, but he didn’t think such a thing was enough to stab someone over. Kevin sighed, eyes closing before he put his head in his hands. Neil’s jaw clenched and he stood abruptly, walking towards the door, Andrew following just a few seconds after. Betsy, bless her heart, she tried to reason with two of the most stubborn beings on the planet.
“Neil, maybe you’re not quite ready to talk, but we’ve only just-”
“I apologise, Dr. Dobson, but I can’t talk with you in the room. Anything regarding that part of my life cannot be discussed outside of the people who already know. I do not wish to implicate you.” The woman wrote a few things down; the scratch of the pen was loud to Aaron’s ears.
“Very well, then. Let David know when you’re all ready to come back, and we’ll schedule something between classes and practice.” Neil and Andrew disappeared out of the door and Aaron and the rest were quick to follow, but not before Renee, ever the peacekeeper, gave the woman a gentle smile and told her they’d see her next week. As if she alone could wrangle them all into another session. He made his way over to the mas with Nicky and Kevin, where Neil and Andrew waited, sharing a cigarette between them, and the upperclassmen left ahead of them in Matt’s truck. No one spoke until they were all in the car and on the move, and of course, it was Kevin.
“This isn’t a good idea.” Nicky leaned across the seats and over Aaron to bat at Kevin with one hand, all the while texting Erik on his phone in the other.
“Shut up. You don’t think that anything is ever a good idea unless it’s one of your ideas.”
“Neil I really don’t-”
“Enough, Kevin. I’m telling them and that’s final. I should have told them all anyway.” Kevin sat back with a huff and Aaron rolled his eyes at the idiot’s dramatics, staring out the window for the rest of the unusually quiet drive back to fox tower, except for the clicking of Nicky’s phone and the quiet giggles he would let out at whatever he and his fiancé were talking about. When they got there, Andrew found the closest parking spot to the building that he could, because his brother preferred not to do any more exercise than being an Exy player forced him to. The others hadn’t waited for them, not that Aaron thought they would have, but he thought at least Allison would have been standing at the doors so Neil couldn’t slip away and get out of telling them anything. 
They hadn’t, however, stopped themselves from taking over Aaron’s old dorm room he shared with the rest of the ‘monsters’ before he moved to Matt’s. Dan and Matt were sitting together on the couch, the former tucked into the latter’s side, Allison was lounging in a beanbag while she inspected her nails and Renee was sitting on the floor in front of the small and worn table, sorting Nicky’s nail polishes into some sort of order. “Now that you’re here,” Allison said without even bothering to glance in their direction, “let’s get to this secret you’ve been keeping from us, shall we?” Aaron watched Andrew move over to the window to sit on the sill, lighting up another cigarette. He knew there was no need to worry about the smoke alarm because Andrew had taken it out from the first day they moved into the room. It was clear he wasn’t bothered by any of this, at least Aaron didn’t think he was, which means either he knew what Neil was going to tell them all, or he had guessed early on and hadn’t pushed for a definite answer just yet. 
Kevin sat down in the other bean bag, although with how tall he was, he seemed to dwarf the bag. The sight was odd, considering that caused him to slouch more than a chair or the couch would have, something he would moan at the rest of them for when they did it. Nicky sat himself next to Renee, gushing over how she’d organised all of his colours, nodding so enthusiastically that his messy brown curls bobbed with the movement. Aaron went to lean against the wall closest to Andrew, who didn’t acknowledge him other than glancing at him out of the corner of his eye. They were better than they were before, Aaron actually managed to have whole conversations with his brother now and he was no longer hostile towards Katelyn, letting her come along sometimes when they went to Sweeties and Eden’s. He knew it would take time to have some sort of a stable relationship with Andrew but they were trying, and that was okay for now. 
Neil stood in front of them all, hands in the PSU foxes hoodie he wore, barely any emotion on his face, as he always was. No wonder he and Andrew worked so well together, Aaron thought, internally rolling his eyes. He got straight to it. “After Nathan was killed, all his debts with the Moriyamas fell onto me. The money my mother took when she decided that we should run belonged to them. In Ichirou’s eyes, they still own Kevin and Jean too.”
“What does this have to do with you turning into a murderous little rage machine?” Matt rolled his eyes at Allison. 
“I made a deal with Ichirou.” Dan dropped her head into her hands while Nicky made a choked off sound. Aaron was tired of Josten making dumb decisions and not telling them. This is what happened when the fucking idiot ended up at Baltimore. “I wanted something and to get him to give in to that, I said he could have the majority of our earnings when we went pro.”
“Wait.” Neil turned his head towards Kevin, who was outwardly confused now. “You said he wanted a take of what we earned, that I knew. But you didn’t say it was in exchange for something, what did he give you?”
“I wanted Riko dealt with and he was.” Aaron’s eyes widened at that, as did the others in the room. Kevin went deathly pale and he stood slowly, looking at Neil as if he didn’t even know him. He opened and closed his mouth several times before he gave up and disappeared to his room without a word. Aaron had a feeling there was a bottle of vodka waiting for him to drown his sorrows in. Allison looked mildly impressed. 
“We all knew the suicide story was suspicious, but I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I wanted him to pay for what he did. I walked out of that room and I laughed. But that’s why the nightmares have kicked in and I’ve picked up old habits, like sleeping with a weapon under my pillow. If Ichirou notices any slack, he will kill me.” Aaron looked to Andrew again, and his brother was staring back at Neil, as if waiting for him to fall apart. Dan stood, determination on her face and a fire in her eyes. 
“Then we help you stay on top of the game. We’ll fit in an extra practice a week and on the free period you share with Matt, he can discuss drills with you.” Aaron saw Matt smile and nod, receiving a dip of Neil’s head in return. “We’ll tell Coach that we’ll have an evening a week at the court, watching old games and seeing what we can take from them. No one gets to ruin this for you, they don’t get to take anything else.”
Nicky whooped and got up to hug Neil quickly, after he got the consent for one. Aaron wasn’t too happy about all this extra work for a sport he wasn’t even that bothered by, but he supposed he owed Neil this. After all, he was the one, no matter how stupidly he went about it, that finally managed their rag tag group work as a team and to become friends. He brought them together, and so Aaron would do this
So that they could stay together. 
They did get better over the weeks, and they won their next game, letting them progress further into this season. 
The session with Betsy continued, though progress on that front was slow going to begin with. Neil’s confession had broken the ice, and each of them would discuss assignments they were struggling with or the odd everyday problems life gave you. Betsy never pushed them, allowing them to get used to talking first before she tried diving for issues hidden deeper down. 
After a few weeks, Allison discussed her parents when she had gotten a phone call from her mother out of the blue. Apparently, they had started to notice how the foxes were on the up and up, and how much more media attention they were getting. Allison’s mother wanted to use her daughter for her own gain, to get their businesses promoted through the foxes and for Allison to start building their incomes through Exy. Aaron didn’t understand a lot of it, other than that his teammate’s parents were some of the most self centred assholes on the planet. After all this time, they hadn’t gotten in contact with Allison to see how she was or to ask about working on their own family issues, but just to see how they could make life better for them. The blonde had said in the one session that she finally told them where they could stick it, and if they wanted to cut her off from the money they could. If they didn’t want to love her as parents should, then she wanted nothing to do with them. 
When Allison ended her rant with the words ‘fuck them’, the foxes repeated them- even Andrew, to everyone’s surprise -loud and clear. Betsy tried to be reprimanding, but Aaron could see she was proud and trying valiantly to not smile with them. 
Some months or so after that, Aaron was attending one of his sessions where it was just him and Andrew. It was coming up to a year now since they’d first started these double sessions with Betsy, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit he liked coming to them. Yes, sometimes it was bad and they’d end then arguing heatedly, or sometimes, it would leave them exhausted but content that they were managing to get on to the same page with each other. And other times, well, those times managed to bring their walls crashing down. 
Today was one of those times. 
“Aaron, you don't look as if you’re well. Is everything alright? If you’re unable to sit through this one, you may go back and rest if you like.” He knew he must look like shit, after the night he’d had with his mind torturing him, but he felt as if this is why he’d been so plagued by nightmares the last few nights. Like Andrew had to know about them. 
“Nightmares.” His throat felt raw and scratchy, but he supposed that was normal when you wake yourself up by screaming yourself hoarse. 
“Are you able to tell us what they were or about?” He nodded, turning on the couch so he was angled to the left, making it easier for him to look directly at Andrew. His brother seemed unfazed as he usually did, but Aaron thought there was something different about him today, though he didn’t quite know exactly what was different. Maybe he felt like today was going to be better for them, too. 
“I thought I was already awake, because I was walking around the house in Columbia. It was too quiet, and the house was dark, and it was almost as if I could feel the shadows closing in around my shoulders.” He breathing became ragged and clenched a fist where his hand rested on his thigh. “I thought I heard glass smash and the sound of a thud, like something had hit the hardwood floor. It was muffled, coming from upstairs so I followed the sounds.” He closed his eyes and swallowed hard; it was like he was back in the nightmare and he couldn’t get out. 
“Aaron? Aaron, you can stop if you want to.” He shook his head, feeling part of his hair fall onto his forehead. 
“The noise was louder up there, coming from your room.” He opened his eyes again, catching his brother’s gaze, hazel eyes that matched his own. And they knew, they knew where Aaron’s nightmare was leading them, yet he didn’t flinch away. “I opened the door and it was back to that day, and Drake…” Andrew did not outwardly show any reaction to the name of his abuser, though Aaron saw his fingers stray to the edge of his armband. As if it soothed him to know he had a way to keep himself safe. “When I tried to get in there, it was like there was an invisible barrier in front of me. No matter how hard I kept hitting it, it never went away. I kept screaming at you, to look at me, so you’d know I was right there but there was nothing.” His cheeks felt wet and brought a hand up to find that those were tears running down his cheeks. 
Andrew’s eyes had widened, and the hand that was holding his armband started to drift towards Aaron, but stopped just shy of making contact. He took a few deep breaths before he felt like he could go on. “I closed my eyes after a while but I didn’t stop trying to get to you. Then all of a sudden I could hear laughing, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in that shitty apartment, before you came and Tilda had locked me in the closet. She had her Junkie friends over doing all sorts of shit, music on as high as possible.” He felt like he could breathe, as though someone kept on piling invisible weights on his chest, one after the other. “I had one toy, a couple of granola bars and a bottle of Gatorade, of all things. No matter how loud I shouted for her, she never came to let me out. I woke up screaming after that, scared Katelyn half to death.”  He’d kept his gaze on the floor when talking about his mother, knowing she was a touchy subject between them. 
There was a quick tap to his knee and, a bit reluctantly, he lifted his head to look at Andrew again. His brother was breathing a little heavier, and Aaron could see the way his chest moved. There was more emotion on his face than he’d ever seen. When he was on the meds it was different, it was just a constant sort of forced excitement. This was real and this was Andrew. His twin. “I’m going to hug you, yes or no?” Aaron almost choked on air at the words. Words he’d never expected to leave Andrew’s mouth. He saw Betsy falter just a little out of the corner of his eye, her own stalling from where she was writing things down. 
“Yes.” Then slowly, carefully, Andrew shifted forward so he could pull Aaron into him. His arms went around Aaron’s back, and he hesitated just a little before doing the same. Their cheeks rested against each other and when Andrew spoke next, Aaron could feel the words against his ear. 
“We’re okay, you hear me? Both of us. We’re a little bit broken, but we’re doing okay.” Aaron nodded, taking a stuttered breath. And if the two of them, the same yet not the same, held onto each other for just a little longer then that was just fine. 
They were just okay.
Again, I’m sorry about the lateness! Hope you liked it:)) I’m also sorry it’s not as long as it was, but trying to remember everything to rewrite was so difficult.
23 notes · View notes
leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Top Hat Job
leverage 2.06
hardison bored with a tennis ball on his forehead rb if u agree
- - - - -
Hardison: Her name is Katie. Likes wild horses. Dislikes vanilla toothpaste.
Eliot: Please stop talking. (to Katie) Hey.
~ a few moments later ~
Eliot (to comm): Oh, I'm so in.
Hardison: Hey, uh, Eliot, what is that blocking your button cam? Oh, yeah, it's your ego
hardison lowkey always thinks it’s obnoxious when eliot flirts like that with people. (you love him, sweetie, you just don’t really know it yet)
- - - - -
Eliot: Hardison, we got a problem.
[Leverage HQ]
Hardison: What kind of problem?
[Security Station]
Eliot: They're MRI'ing my pizza, and their stance says "ex-CIA."
[Leverage HQ]
Hardison: You can tell somebody work for the CIA just from how they stand?
[Security Station]
Eliot: It's a very distinctive stance
- - - - -
Eliot: Hey, big boy. What are you, 240, 250?
(the guard swings at him and Eliot punches the guy in the crotch. The guy goes down)
- - - - -
Man: You know when I said you had pretty hair? I was lying.
Parker: Yeah, well, so was I when I said you didn't. Wait. Damn it!
(Parker kicks the man back and backflips off the railing. The man looks over the edge, but doesn’t see her. Parker is hanging onto steel girders under the side walk)
Man: What
SHUT UP MAN SHES GORGEOUS + lmfao parker you tried
ALSO GUYS parker flipping off the railing of the pier and “disappearing”? she’s a badass and I love her
- - - - -
Nate: So, pizza-Delivery guy was your big plan?
Hardison: You know what, man? It was recon. Okay? Information gathering has historically been a very safe and peaceful business. A-and it was a food company! It wasn't like they was making weapons.
Nate: Listen, I-I've worked insurance for companies like this. Anyone gets their hands on the company's food patents, it could cost them billions. And, by the way, they guard that stuff better than defense contractors
- - - - -
Parker (touches Eliot’s elbow): Does that hurt?
Eliot: Yeah
Eliot: No, I lived. All right? You sat behind (Parker pokes his elbow) a computer and acted like Kool Moe Dee.
Parker: Does that hurt?
Eliot: Yeah.
Parker: How about now? (pokes his elbow)
Eliot: Stop.
(Parker gets up to move away, then leans back to poke his elbow again)
Nate: Eliot. Guys. Eliot. What are you doing?
Eliot: She was poking me.
(Nate moves to look at Eliot’s elbow, trying to poke it)
Nate: Don't, man, hey!
and the parker poking eliot’s wounds saga continues
we love a chaotic ot3 scene
- - - - -
Hardison: Lillian Foods is the third-largest food company in the world. Last year, made $12 billion. This is the vice president of the frozen-Foods division, Erik Casten. Erik with a "k," Casten with a "c."
Nate: How is that relevant?
Parker: Oh. Eric with a "c" - nice and friendly, Erik with a "k" - Evil.
Sophie: I didn't know that.
Parker: Everybody knows that
- - - - -
Hardison: According to Dr. Jameson, Erik with a "k" is trying to cover up salmonella found in the frozen dinners so his division doesn't have to pay out for that recall.
Eliot: That's why I grow my own food.
Sophie: How do you find the time?
Eliot: You make time. I only sleep 90 minutes a day.
- - - - -
Nate: All right, so what we have to do is we have to get a hold of Casten's report and make it public. It's on the servers. How do we get into the building?
Hardison: I'm so far ahead of you, man, it's scary.
(a package is being delivered to the receptionist)
Hardison: Look, I can't hack their system from the outside, so I sent a Trojan phone. It's hacker 101.
(the package is delivered through inner office mail to a mail slot)
Hardison: What I did was messenger a Smartphone with an extended battery to an employee that's on vacation. Package sits in the mail room, it scans for wireless and Bluetooth access points.
[Leverage HQ]
Hardison: Unfortunately, even their internal servers are locked down like the CIA, so all I was able to get was employee e-Mails
- - - - -
Sophie: Well, anything useful there?
Hardison: Oh, yeah. You know what? Marie from Payroll has a crush on Steve from Accounts Receivable. (hits remote to show pics on screen) Look, that's Steve right there on his vacation in Florida from a month ago.
Parker: She likes him? Really?
Hardison: Oh, yeah. That man is a sexy man-beast right there.
I know he’s joking but I will take bi hardison to my grave
- - - - -
Parker: Ugh. I'm so glad I don't live in the real world.
eliot next to her: ...?
- - - - -
Hardison: Go ahead. Put your hand up.
Parker: I don't want to do it.
Hardison: Woman.
Parker: I really don't want to go. Don't make me go.
Hardison: Girl! Take one for the team.
Parker: Okay! Me! Me! Me! Me! Pick me!
Chronos: You. Come on up here.
(Hardison and Parker stand. Hardison shows Parker something on his phone)
Hardison: The box is an SASJ-6412. This is how it works, all right?
(Hardison nudges Parker up on the stage. Chronos looks her up and down)
Chronos: Well... What's your name?
Parker: Kara!
Hardison: Yeah, Kara! Love you! Love you!
Chronos: Silence!
Parker: Love you, too. Sorry.
Chronos: Well, Kara, are you ready to step into the box... of mystery?
(assistant gestures to the box)
Parker: Uh. I don't know.
Chronos: I assure you, it's perfectly safe.
Hardison: I love you. (to another man) That's my girl. That's my baby. Sexy. She been doing Pilates.
Chronos: Give Kara a round of applause.
(Parker gets into the box and Chronos closes her in)
Hardison: Sexy stuff! Go ahead, girl. Do what you do.
(Chronos takes out several swords. He hands one to his assistant and pushes the other into the box)
Parker: Ow! Hey! Ow!!
(Parker grabs the sword and pulls)
Hardison: Oh!
Parker: Let go!
(Chronos tries to pull the sword out but it won’t move)
Chronos: She, she's perfectly all right.
Parker: Let go! Ow!
(the sword breaks and Chronos is left fumbling)
Hardison: Hey, Kara! Damn all that "she's all right." (Hardison comes up on stage) Baby?
(Hardison pounds on the box. Parker begins crying. The assistant tries to look into the box through the holes on the side)
Hardison: Um, baby? Baby? Man, if you don't –
(Chronos picks up another sword just as Hardison gets the doors open)
Parker: Just kidding.
Hardison: Ha! Isn't she great? Isn't -- come on.
(the audience gives applause)
Hardison: Snoodles. (they rub noses) Oh. Love you. (moves away from the box) And thank you and you and you and you-
also, hardison reassuring parker that she will be okay? I’m soft
(Chronos pulls out a set of rings)
Chronos: Interlocking rings.
Hardison: Hey, man, you, you forgot one over here. Just...
(Hardison takes a ring and hooks it onto the two Chronos is holding. The audience cheers)
Hardison: Thank you! That's dope, man. I like that.
Chronos: Get off my stage!
(Chronos pulls the rings away from Hardison
Hardison: Oh, look, y'all, this –
(Hardison takes one of the swords and pretends to ram it into his stomach)
Hardison: It, it ain't real. That ain't even all that, man. That's –
(Chronos grabs Hardison)
Hardison: Get -- get off –
(Chronos punches Hardison)
Parker: Oh, my god! Baby, I'm here!
(Chronos runs off stage while Hardison holds his eye)
Parker: I'm, like, totally here for you right now! Somebody get on your cell phone!
Hardison: I love you!
Parker: Get a dentist! You.
Hardison: I love you
- - - - -
Sophie: It's a good job you're not claustrophobic, Eliot.
Eliot: I was when I was a kid. (to Nate) Take this damn thing.
Nate: Oh, all right.
Parker: Really? How'd you get over it?
Nate: Here, Parker. (hands her the hat and rabbit)
Eliot: I locked myself in a woodshed behind my house for a couple nights. After that, I was fine.
(Parker hands the hat and rabbit to Hardison)
Parker: That is so funny. I was scared of the dark and did exactly the same thing.
(a young Parker lays in a trunk that is sitting in a hole)
Girl: You ready?
(Parker pulls the trunk closed and several children fill in the hole)
Eliot: That's not the same thing. What's wrong with you?
P A R K E R WHY + their differences in childhoods tho
- - - - -
they keep on handing off the bunny until hardison loses it in the hat
Eliot: Damn it, Hardison!
- - - - -
Sophie: So, massively, there will be no magic show.
Nate: Oh, no, there might be a magic show. No, absolutely. We might want to treat these people to the illusionist extraordinaire, right
eliot laughing and nodding at him in the background
- - - - -
Hardison: See, Sophie’s Smartphone is picking up the RFID signal from the big boss's I.D. All she had to do was cozy up next to him and...
Parker: You picked his pockets without actually stealing anything? Cool.
Hardison: It's what I do. A man. A phone. No limits.
(security guards walk by as the doors close)
Eliot: How about "a man. A phone. No action"?
(Parker laughs and hands Eliot a bag)
Eliot: Come on, man, you left that out there like a hanging curveball.
the ot3 being idiots I love it
+ eliot hoisting parker up and out of the elevator, domestic thievery hijinks
- - - - -
Casten: So, with that, and the open bar, in mind, I'd just like to say thanks, everybody. And let's give a warm welcome to (checks notes) Harry turner, illusionist extraordinaire!
Sophie: That’s you. You’re on.
Nate: Parker, I need my assistant now!
Sophie: Yeah. Yeah, speaking of that, how come Parker gets to be the assistant?
Hardison: How come Nate gets to be the magician? I do card tricks, too. I do great card tricks.
Nate: Can we talk about this later?
Sophie: Yeah, exactly. That's what I was just saying!
Eliot: Does anybody want to do my job? Huh? I get punched and kicked.
Sophie: I just think that if it was me, we'd be better off –
poor eliot lmfao
- - - - -
parker falling and having the time of her life + eliot clipping the rope to hardison’s belt + hardison flying to the top of the elevator because of the rope pulling him + him falling on his face when parker unclips = chaotic ot3
- - - - -
Hardison: All the employee phones in this building are hooked up to the internal Wi-Fi. You remember the Trojan phone? It works both ways. See, I can use the server to access his phone. And once I'm in, I can see through his phone's camera.
Eliot: You can do that?
Hardison: Oh, you'd be surprised at what I can do. (changes display on phone)
- - - - -
eliot and hardison curled up together under the desk to hide from the guards? cute
- - - - -
Hardison: It's not optical. They're using active capacitance. See, what happens is, it measures the change in voltage across the micro ridges of the --
Eliot: Can you get in or not?
Hardison: You... (reaches in his bag and pulls out a gummy frog)
Eliot: Gummy frogs?
Hardison: Gummy frogs have the same resistance as human skin, about 20 milliohms. (runs frog along the reader) What'd I say? That's a low-Tech hack right there
also does hardison always carry that fingerprint printer around ???
- - - - -
Sophie (to Parker, flourishing her arms): See, you're supposed to do it like this.
Parker: Next time, you jump down the elevator shaft.
Sophie: Oh, stop it. Everybody knows you love that.
- - - - -
(Hardison’s computer shows the junction room doors being locked)
Hardison: Uh-oh. (gets up and heads for the door)
Eliot: "Uh-oh"? What do you mean, "uh-oh"?
Price: This isn't funny any longer!
(elevator door opens)
Guard: Step out of the elevator.
Eliot: Oh, that "uh-oh." (crosses his arms)
that’s like the second time he’s said that in the past couple episodes
- - - - -
on today’s edition of non-weapon-things-eliot-uses-as-weapons, he uses the mystery box that the CEO is in to help beat up one of the guards
- - - - -
(Hardison is demonstrating card tricks to Parker)
Hardison: And your queen should be... (holds up a seven of clubs) this right here.
(Parker holds up her queen)
Parker: Stole it.
Hardison: Y-you can't do that
- - - - -
Eliot: I'm finishing off the kung pao.
+ eliot’s wearing hair charms/braids again 🥰
69 notes · View notes
tastingmellow · 5 years
It’s Been A Minute
A/N: I see you guys really like this series! I like it too! Quick heads up. My individual imagines may be lacking a little because I’m working on these series! I will also be making a Dad!Trevante series and will be continuing with the Dad!Killmonger series! That is all!
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader
Summary: You and Erik finally get to your lunch date!
Warnings: Fucking Fluff! And Language.
Word Count: I don’t know, geeez. Now, you’re just asking to tease me.
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When you finally got to the restaurant you parked and gathered your things. Jamari unbuckled himself, grabbed his toys and opened the door before carefully hopping out. You quickly locked the door and made your way to the entrance, Jamari just a little ways ahead of you, not too far that you couldn’t reach out and touch him. “Mr. Erik!”
Your eyes widened as Jamari ran ahead of you. “Jamari!” You quickly chased after him as he jumped onto Erik, who quickly caught him. “Hey, little man! Look, I missed you too but you can’t be out here giving your mommy a heart attack.” You panted slightly as Erik put Jamari down and you squatted, holding your son by his shoulders.
“Jamari, baby. You gotta watch the road, you can’t run away from me like that.” You lightly held his face as he pouted. “I’m sorry...” he mumbled in his little toddler voice and hugged your neck, you sighed deeply and kissed his cheek while hugging him back. “It’s alright. Just don’t do that anymore, okay?”
Jamari nodded and you stood up, letting him hook his finger in your belt loop. You looked up at Erik and gave him a smile. “Hey, E.” He chuckled and pulled you into a hug that you leaned into. God, he smelled so good...and so weirdly familiar. You took in a deep breath, pressing your face into his chest more. “You haven’t changed a bit.”
You pulled away and looked up at him, your head tilting slightly. “Every time I wore this cologne in high school you’d spend hours with your head buried in my chest.” You laughed softly, pulling away from him. “I couldn’t help it, it smelled so good. I’m surprised you still use it after all this time.”
Erik nodded as the three of you made your way inside. “Well, it was one of my favorite things that reminded me of you.” You bit your lip to hide a smile as you walked to the hostess. “Table for 3. Will it be okay if we got a booth?” Erik spoke up. You looked at him as the hostess led the way, swooning on the inside.
“You remembered.” You mumbled once you three were seated, Jamari seated on the right side of you near the wall. Erik shrugged. “I told you, I’ve memorized everything I could about you.” You grinned and he smiled back. “I hope I wasn’t the ex you always talked about with your girlfriends.” Erik laughed, leaning his head back.
“Oh, nah. I didn’t have too many girlfriends after you. Just flings and sh—...stuff to keep me warm.” You smiled at the adjustment of his language around your son. “I’m sure that was hard. You’re a looker.” You winked at him and he smirked, biting his lip before leaning forward with his forearms resting on the table. “I guess. What about you? What happened between you and Mari’s Pops?”
You looked down at Jamari who was too busy playing a game on your phone. “Well, we dated my sophomore year of college. I got pregnant in my senior year. We were together...five months after I had Jamari but it wasn’t the same.” You pauses your story to order a drink and an appetizer.
Once the waitress had left Erik turned to you. “You said it wasn’t the same?” You nodded and crossed your legs. “Yeah, we would argue a lot. We spent days without calling or texting each other. It was like a strain. Then finally I worked up the nerve at dinner one night. I told him the truth and he seemed relieved. That night we agreed, mutually, to break it off and co-parent. It was a pleasant departure.”
You smiled and he nodded thoughtfully, thanking the waitress as she brought your drinks. “You always did have a good sense of character.” You giggled softly as Erik grinned. “Yeah, he’s a great friend and an even better father. I’d love for the two of you to meet!” Erik agreed.
The conversation between you, Erik, and Jamari flowed smoothly. It was so friendly and full of laughter. Erik joking and playing around with Jamari made your heart feel full. The time passed a lot faster than you expected. “Damn, it’s almost 5. We should get going,,,” You trailed off, not really wanting to go. Erik had a small pout on his lips, one that mirrored Jamari’s. You chuckled to yourself as you looked between the two of them. “Mommy, I don’t wanna leave Mr. Erik!” 
You sighed as Erik rubbed the little boy’s head. “I don’t either sweetie...what if we invited Mr. Erik over to hang out some more?” Jamari smiled broadly and nodded his head, looking up at Erik expectantly. “Will you, Mr. Erik?” Erik chuckled at his excitement and nodded, his eyes traveling up to yours. “Yeah, I’d love to.” He looked down to Jamari and leaned a bit closer to whisper. You could still hear them. “Don’t tell your mommy I told you but I’d do anything she wanted me to.” Your son giggled and leaned up to him. “Me too. She’s the best mommy ever.”
You bit your lip to hold back the grin that was fighting to break out. “Alright, kids. Let’s go before it gets dark. Just follow me, E.” You grabbed your purse and phone. You began to walk out, holding Jamari’s hand in yours. When you were about put him in the car he tugged at your hand. “Can I ride with Mr. Erik, mommy?” You looked up at Erik and he nodded. “You’re already stealing my son.” You spoke with a playful grin. Erik laughed softly and kissed your head. “Nah, never.” You giggled and opened your car door before handing Erik Jamari’s booster seat.
“Make sure he wears his seatbelt,please?” Erik took the seat and placed it in his car before nodding, “I will, princess. Just lead the way.” Jamari climbed into Erik’s car and Erik got closed the door. “Bye mommy!” you smiled and waved before getting on your car and pulling off with Erik following closely behind. 
“How long have you known, mommy?” Jamari speaks up in the backseat and Erik glances up in the rear view before focusing back on the road. “I’ve known your mommy for nearly ten years.” Jamari gasped and sat up a bit. “You’ve known her even longer than me!” Erik chuckled and nodded his head. “Yeah, I have. Your mommy was my best friend in high school. She was the nicest girl in school.” Jamari nodded. “That makes sense. She’s nice to everyone.” Erik smiled and nodded. “Yeah, she hasn’t changed a bit.”
Jamari looked up at Erik. “Do you love my, mommy?” Erik’s eyes widened at the child’s bluntness before biting his lip, “Yeah...I do. I always have.” Jamari nodded. “Good, because mommy loves you. I heard her on the phone with grandma last night. Erik smiled, his mind racing with thoughts of what it’d be like to marry you, be with you and Jamari forever.
A/N: That’s all for this chapter ladies and gents! Comment and Reblog! I think I might put this story on hold for the time being. I don’t really know where I wanna take it at the moment. Some tags still aren’t working!
Erik Killmonger/ Trevante Rhodes:
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ROXANNE: Chapter Three
A/N: Haiiiiiii, Loves. So,I know my third chapter is late but I been sick while working some crazy, long hours and was depressed all at the same time BUT I feel better now. So, here is chapter three.
Warning: Mentions about death, weed and drug use, sexual innuendos and more. 
Song Recommendation: I listened to Hey There, Lonely Girl by Eddie Holman.
Word Count: 4884
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*Gun shot noises*
Erik was at the gun range, getting target practice trying to kill time before his “appointment”. He took his ear guards and shades off while pressing the button to bring the wounded paper closer to him. He placed the paper between his hands and smirked at the shots he made into a cross. He took the sheet placing on the ground beside him and adding a new sheet to the mix. He put his head phones back on with his shades, played his music and continued.
He soon found himself at a cemetery with peonies in hand. He walked up the deep hill; to a graveside with a tomb stone molded into the ground, two sat by one another.He stood with his hands in front of his pelvis and look down to see the names, Annie Marie Stevens and N’Jobu Udaku. He cleared his throat to stop the tears and said “uh, hey, ma. Hey, pop. I’m here for our monthly talk. Y’know like when I was younger. Well, life been coo lately and what not but, uh, I’m just trying to still figure out life I guess.” He looked around and all the tombstones and sighed. “What is the point of leaving life? We just all gonna end up here anyways. When we are long gone, is there actually heaven and hell or are we just done for? Do we become something or someone else or do out corpse just rot and decay away?” He shook his hand, stating “I still don’t get this shit, y’all. Life’s hard especially with y’all not being here. I mean y’all here but just... just not physically. There was so much y’all didn’t get to teach me. Like love and shit. I just wished we all had more time. Y’know I always wonder how life would be if y’all were alive, man. Would we be happy? Would I still be an angry ass person? Maybe not since ma was into self love and meditating.” 
He smiled at the thought of his family sitting on the ground, meditating early in the morning. He began thinking about Roxanne too out of no where and uttered out “I met a girl. Her name is Roxanne. This woman is bad and beautiful too. Her voice is like, is like honey drizzling onto some toast. Her eyes, they got so much passion and fire into them. Her smile is just like freshly cleaned diamonds and she just so beautiful. She strong too, y’all. She reminds me of…” He looked at his mom’s grave and sighed again, missing her more and more.
 Erik placed the flowers down on their graves and kissed his fingers to place by their names. “I hope I make y’all proud. See ya next month.” He began walking away when he noticed a golden miniature motorcycle that sat on a grave plot; something told him to stop and read the headstone. “To, a brother who made others smile. To, a son who warmed his mother’s heart. To, a friend who made people calm and to, a man who lived his best life. Here lies…” He stopped and knelt down when he read the last part. He read it again while holding his hands together. “Here lies, D’Angelo Fosters.” He shook his head while holding his hand to the grave and closed his eyes, mentally saying his hi and goodbye.
Roxanne was in her kitchen, in a wife beater, no bra and booty shorts cooking lunch for herself and Raymond. She had her hair wrapped in a towel to dry it as her hips moved to her reggae playlist. She was in the middle of making ox tails, with dirty rice and corn bread. She was winding her hips to the beat of Bonafide Love by Beenie Man. She was feeling herself as she turned the music up louder.
“I don’t why. Ooooh whyyyy”, she sung with her hands out and wooden spoon tossing in the air. “Aye, sis. I’m ba-“, Raymond said but stopped when he saw his sister vibing. He chuckled as he gently put the bag on the ground. He slowly walked behind her and began dancing like her until she turned around. “Bumbaclaat! Ray, you scared the shit outta me”, she said holding onto her chest to catch her breath.
“You was gettin’ it. girl. I was like aight then”, he said chuckling as she turned around. “You idiot. Anyways, how was the gym”, she asked, stirring the rice. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said “ah, man. It was whatever. Just like every other day. Of course, niggas was crowding up in there. Tryna pretend to be healthy and shit knowing damn well they ass gonna quit that shit in mid February.” Roxanne couldn’t help but laugh at that. Ray went over to the fridge to grab a water bottle and chugged it in one sip, shooting the bottle in the recycling bag. “So, how was the race since I can’t go up there?”
“Fine, 12 almost caught me but you know me. Gotta thank Erik for that.” Raymond looked to her with a rose brow and asked “Erik, Erik Stevens is back?” Roxxx nodded and said “yep and breathing too.” Ray slightly smirked and said “Damn, I ain’t see E in a minute. How he doing?” Roxxx checked the rice. “Good, I guess. He pretty cool. Just like bro said.”
“Invite him over”, he said as he took a spoon, dipping to the rice and eating a chunk before tossing it in the sink. Roxxx was mixing the cornbread batter as she spoke. “RayRay, he probably busy. Probably in some pussy right now.” Ray Ray smacked his lips looking her up and down. “Then he can come for dinner, Roxxx. C’mon I ain’t seen him in years. If you love me, you’ll invite him.” She looked at him and down and said “fine, I will try and invite him for dinner. No promises he will be here though.” RayRay kissed her cheek and ran to his room, leaving Roxxx with a smile.
“Uh shit, daddy. I can feel you in my gut. Fuck”, said the light skin girl, nude and behind in the air. Erik held his fist into her lower back as they fucked to DaBaby in the background. He bit on his lip as he watched her pussy stretch around his dick, creaming all over. Yes, her pussy was good but he would get turned off when she ran. He would have to hold her in place.
All of a sudden, the ding from his phone caught his attention. He tilted to his right to see a text from ‘Roxxx’ with emojis of a chocolate and a yam . He began thinking about her so much at that moment. From her eyes, her frame to when she touched his marks. The way she smelled even made his dick hard. He smacked the girl’s ass, pretending it was Roxanne. He began pounding into her pussy as he thought about Roxanne. The way she took control in every situation got him about to explode all over. He muted out the girl’s moans and heard Roxanne’s voice in his head. He pounded in her harder while holding her hips close to him. He then released into the condom in one pump.
Minutes later, he locked up the house and lied in bed, freshly showered. He grabbed his phone and began dialing the number; he then heard “hey, baby boy. What’s up?” Erik chuckled and said “you like calling me that huh?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Anyways what you doing?” He sat up in bed, back against the headboard and said “shit nothing. Why? You wanna see me or something?” He chuckled when he heard her say “boy, hush.” He smirked as he rubbed his abs. “Well, I was wondering what you were doing tonight. You remember D’Angelo’s little brother right?”
“Ray Ray? Yeah, I ain’t seen him since graduation.”
“Yeah, well he wants to see you and invite you for dinner and whatnot. If you can’t come, I understan-“.
“Nah, I can come. What y’all plan on having”, he asked sitting up, feet planted on the floor. “I was thinking about making some pot roast, with potatoes and greens and rolls. Ray Ray wanted a cheesecake so of course I made one for later. Then I made some iced tea and what not.” The line got so quiet until Roxxx asked “you still there?”
“So when we getting married”, he said making Roxxx laugh. “Boy, I’ll send you the address.” He soon hoped in the shower again and threw on a crisp black tee, jeans and of course some all black Timberlands. He finished the look with his father’s chain and his matching watch. He looked in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of chilled Jack Daniels before heading out; he placed the address in the GPS and was off.
Erik soon pulled up to the matcha toned home and saw the garage door open. Once he parked in front of the home, he grabbed his gift and looked around as he got out. Coming from the garage was some Doja Cat playing; Streets to be more specific. As he made his way to the front door, he saw a pair of female legs under a car with her right knee bent. The car was lifted up as she worked. Erik walked up to her right side, biting his lip. He can see her print under her shorts and thick thighs slightly jiggling.
“Are you gonna say hello or are you gonna keep checking me out”, Roxanne said catching him off guard. He chuckled and asked “can ya blame me?” She rolled out carefully and looked up to him with her brown eyes. Erik liked seeing her natural beauty where he can see her beauty marks and apple cheeks more clearly with her hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Roxanne sat up on her elbows with a slight chuckle and said “do I have something on my face again?” He rolled his eyes with a smirk and helped her up. She wiped her hands on the towel beside her, clean and dusted her legs off. He looked down at her frame then back to her eyes.
“So, what you doing there”, Erik asked as he watched her. She looked back to the car and let it down before opening the hood and propping it open. “Eh, just doing a monthly check up for RayRay. He had some gas leaking so I fixed that up. Had to clean out the AC vent so the air got a lot cooler.” She bent down over the edge slightly with her flash light as Erik checked her out more. Her cheeks looked so nice and plump enough to bite and never let go. “Now, I’m just checking the alternator and making sure the car won’t overheat easily.”
“How you know so much about cars”, he asked once she turned around and wiped her hands again. She leaned against the car and explained. “My pops. Used to do a lot of work on cars, detailing and shit. He used to tell me ‘baby gyal, ya will neva need a man for any ting. Make dem need you.’ ” She smiled at the memory and Erik saw that twinkle again. “Is he still around or nah?” She was about to speak until they heard “aye, Roxy. Have you seen”, Raymond asked as he walked to the garage. His eyes grew big as he walked up to the pair and looked Erik up and down. Erik smirked and said “damn you got big, Ray.”
Raymond gave him a brotherly hug and said “welcome back, bruh.” Erik patted his back as Roxanne stood back watching. Erik looked at Ray and said “damn, you gotta be at least-.”
“Yeah, ain’t seen you since you was like three almost. How Momma Dukes doing?”
“She’s good. I mean she in the hospital again and is in a home to be watched more but she doing better.” Erik looked to Roxanne then back at him. “Why she there?”
Roxanne looked at Ray and saw the hurt in his face as he looked at her. She rubbed his back and looked to Erik. “Ma losing her memory. Between me working every so often and baby boy in school, we couldn’t watch her all the time. She had slipped and fell apparently and was unconscious for hours until I got back from work years ago. She was out cold for like hours then when we took her to the hospital, we found out she had dementia.”
Erik looked to the pair and shook his head while saying “I’m sorry to hear that.” RayRay looked to him and smiled a little before he saw the bottle in Erik’s hand. “Is that for us?” Roxxx smacked the back of his head and he rubbed it. “Damn, bruh. I was kidding, sis.” Roxanne folded her arms and said “Ima kid my foot up ya ass. Go take the bottle and put in the fridge and clean up for dinner.”
“You ain’t the boss of me.”
“I promised ma I will be and I ain’t breaking my promise any time soon. Now go.” Erik chuckled as he passed the bottle to him and watched him walk away. “Mean ass”, Ray muttered under his breath and Roxxx threw a basketball at his back. “He must forgot I can hear anything.”
Erik followed her into the house and removed his shoes before placing them at the front door. Roxanne looked back at him and said “I see you was raised right.” He smiled and sat on the couch watching her in the kitchen as he got a text from the last jump off. Daddy, I miss that dick, he read in his head. He looked over at Roxanne as she grabbed the mitts and removed the pot roast, making his stomach grumble more. He made his way over and leaned against the corner as she stirred the greens. “You got it smelling good in here”, he complimented. She thanked him with a grin. “Who taught you how to cook?”
“Well, it was a combination of ma and my mom. Taught me all my life. I would just watch ‘em and all”. Erik looked around to see frames of multiple people but one caught his eye more. In the photo, looked to be an younger Roxanne with two other people. One was a man with soften ginger head of hair with medium brown skin. He wore a polo shirt with jeans and flip flops; the bottom was cuffed. The other person was a woman with skin like Roxanne and long braids down her back. She wore a long flow sundress that showed her frame; her and Roxanne could easily pass for twins.
Roxanne took noticed and said “those are my folks” as she drizzled juices over the roast. Erik looked back to her, with a wondering mind. He wondered if he should ask or not; he left it be.
Once they finished eating, Roxanne and Erik sat on her couch as Ray sat in his room. Roxanne came back from her room with a pencil case. She sat beside Erik as he poured the chilled dark liquor into the glasses. She opened the case to reveal a snack size baggie if weed, plenty of blunts and a R shaped lighter. She began rolling as she leaned her back against the couch. Erik took a sip of his drink and watched her. The concentration she had was immaculate. “So, what was the Navy like”, she asked as she lit the thick blunt and taking a hit. Erik took another sip and said “awe well. Kinda reminded me of MIT. Niggas tryna be all big and bad and shit. We trained a lot. I bulked up and grew my hair out.” She nodded as he thought to himself.
“Where are they now?”
“Ya folks”.
Roxanne still was rolling her blunt when she said “back home in Jamaica. We, uh, we got separated when I was thirteen. They ain’t had their papers, some folks found out and they were gone when I came back from school.” Erik noticed how her shoulders slumped but her demeanor stayed the same. “Sorry to hear that.”
“It is was it is. Niggas were upset to see a woman with her business of owning a restaurant and a man with a car appreciation business basically. I was put up for foster care and hopped around from home to home”, she said before stopping in mid memory. She looked to her dagger as Erik sat closer and rubbed his shoulder. “When did ma take you in?”
“Took months. I was hopping from Malibu to Vegas, the ATL and every where on this hell hole. My last name changed so much but then D’Angelo reconnecting when he saw me at the mall out here. I was down the way around that time. Been through some dark times, even thought about taking my own life until I got away. I was 17 and in a real dark place. Then ma took me but wasn’t able to be released until 18; but still stayed around.”
Roxanne passed the blunt to him so he can take a hit. Erik let the air out through his nose as he asked “when was the last time you saw them?” Roxanne took a shot of her drink and said “last year. I go out there every once in a while but since ma got worst, I gotta stay back and watch RayRay.” Erik leaned his head back looking at her face as she let out some air. “I race because my mom did it.” She smiled at the memory and said “I remember when my mom and ma was actually competing one another. My mom was a biker and that’s when I fell in love with it. She was incredible. Seeing her decked out in all black leather was like inspiration for me. My pop and I used to go a lot with her. Every race, she called us her lucky charms.” Roxanne looked over at Erik’s eyes and asked “tell me about your folks.”
Erik’s demeanor changed slightly but he pulled his eyes away from hers to look at the ceiling. “They dead. My, uh, my moms was murdered in prison and my dad was murdered in our apartment. They found these deep ass marks in his chest while I was playing basketball. Not sure what happened but when I ran up to get something to drink, he was drowning in his own blood. It was everywhere. Niggas took my dad out and I never found out who. I was just like you, hopping from place to place. Some were what ever and some was bad as hell. Had one family where they adopted all kinds of kids and made us food that was worst than the food my moms had when she was locked up. I had some dark times until my last guardian took me in. Some young cat, about 32 to at the time. Taught me how to be book and street smart.”
Roxanne looked over at him then at the tv screen. “Where he at now”, she asked folding her arms. He looked to her and then where she was looking. “Died years ago. When I was in service over seas.” She closed her eyes and took a hit of the blunt again, letting the smoke out. She shook her head as she opened her eyes and handed the blunt to Erik. “Life’s a strange thing, E. We are put on this world just to get hurt, to feel then to die. Makes no fucking sense. Never will. Like seriously what is the point of living if we just gonna rot in the ground anyways.” He looked at her to see her eyes on him and nodded, agreeing.
“So, E. How come you single anyways? I mean you seem like a cool dude”. She asked folding her legs together and looking at him. “It’s simple. Never could find the one. I like being myself. I like being to myself. Like staying lowkey. I mean I fuck from time to time but that’s just fucking to me; no strings attached.”
“Same here. I mean yeah I got my crew and Ray but sometimes I just like being alone. I can think clearly with a book and some bomb ass music while smoking or drinking ya know? It’s just that when I by myself, I feel like-“
“You can breathe with focus “, he interrupted to add and looked over at her as she smiled small. They continued smoking for a while listening to old school music. “Aight, let’s see if you got good taste. Top three old school r&b artist, go,” Roxanne said before passing him the blunt. “Easy, Joe, Tyrese, and Usher,” he said all confident before she smacked his chest. “Nigga, I said old school not 90’s r&b. Just for that you get no more weed”. He kissed his lips and said “fine, muthafucka. What’s your top three?” She looked at him and said “Marvin Gaye, Eddie Holman and Donny Hathaway, boom!” Erik shook his head chuckling and said “aight, but picture this. You get high as fuck right? What will be your playlist? Top 5, any genre of music, any decade.”
“Awe damn, E. Shit. Let’s see, um, ok I got it. Yearning for Your Love by the Gap Band, Frontin’ by Pharrell, It Was A Good Day by Ice Cube, Computer Love by Zapp and Roger and Time Machine by Willow. Your turn.”
“Aight, of course we got It was a good day, Hands on the wheel by Schoolboyq, Gangstas Paradise by Coolio, Passin Me By by the Pharcyde, I wish it would rain by The Temptations and , I guess, Stairway to Heaven by the OJays”, Erik said rubbing his abs through his shirt. Roxxx took noticed, bit the corner of her lip away from before taking a deep breath. “So, Erik. About ya marks, are they everywhere?”
He looked to her to see that she was looking at the ceiling. Her legs were wide enough for him to see her mound print. She looked good enough to eat, literally. “Nah, they not.” As he looked away biting his lip, Roxanne turned her head to him. “Did they hurt?”
“Nah, well only for like a second but the more I did it, the less it hurt.” Roxanne nodded in agreement as she started to play music, rolling another blunt. She hit shuffle on her phone and The Gap band played. She placed the blunt between her lips and lit the end waiting for the spark to pop up. She placed her lighter inside the box and leaned her head back on the couch playing the air guitar with closed eyes and tapping her feet. Erik watched her as he chuckled making her look at him with a smirk; she handed the blunt to him. He noticed the scars underneath her left forearm tattoo; he counted at least twelve. He took a hit letting the smoke leave his nose. Roxanne was too busy lip syncing the lyrics to notice Erik’s glare. Roxanne was a beautiful woman who was a boss all in one. She had everything he was looking for but it was too early to mention it. They only knew each other for like a couple of weeks or so. With eyes like the glass of Jack Daniels she held in her hand. Her lips would look like two plush pillows around him and with a body like hers, she would be the only woman he fucked with. Erik always had a thing for independent women because it showed they didn’t need a man or anyone to be around so it made him feel special in a way.
  For hours, they just sat in comfortable silence, enjoying one another’s company. Roxanne was hanging off the couch with legs on the wall while Erik rested his head on her legs looking at the window, at the dark skies. “Aye, Roxxx?” She looked up at him like in slow motion and said “yeah?” His eyes fell on hers and said “we been getting fucked up all day, ma.” He smirked and she started laughing, agreeing with him. “Shit, the sun just said fuck y’all niggas, I’m going to bed”, she commented making him laugh. “Like I’m out this bitch. Y’all with the shenanigans”; they laughed again out loud enough for Ray Ray to come out. He was dress in a clean tee and sweats as he rose his brow to them. “Y’all niggas fucked up, man.” Erik and Roxxx looked at him and started laughing again.
Ray Ray rolled his eyes as he made his way to the door and he opened it, he reached out for a slender woman’s waist. Roxxx looked towards the door when she took in the faint smell of Bath & Body Works’ Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray, making her sit all the way up. The woman had icy blonde hair and medium brown skin. She wore a green tube top, jeans that hugged her curves and matching fuzzy slides. “There go my baby”, RayRay said kissing in her neck. She giggled while trying to get out of his grasps. Erik looked over at Roxanne who held a stank, irritated face; he chuckled while leaning back. RayRay looked into Erik’s face and said “Erik, this is my baby, Angelica. Angel, this is my brother, E.”
 Angel saw Erik on the couch and said “hello, Erik. I see Roxxx finally found a man instead of acting like one.” Roxanne was about to hop off the couch with her knife but was pulled back by Erik. Erik whispered in her ear low enough for the others to not hear. “Chill. We good, aight.” She looked back at him then rolled her eyes leaning forward. “And it look like ya finally got some good hair instead of that dusty crusty one you been rocking since Obama was in office the first time, huh?” Raymond chuckled but waved it off. “Sis, chill. My baby still looked good.”
“Since when has she every looked good. I’m amazed her pussy ain’t start a huge as tornado with all that hot air going in and out. More niggas ran through her than a white bitch in an all black porno gang bang.” Erik spit out his drink before covering his mouth. Angel placed her hands on her hips and said “you got jokes, huh? Well, I got one for ya. What you call a bitch that ain’t had dick since the ‘incident’?” Roxxx looked up at her with an irritated look then to Raymond. “You told her about that?” Raymond looked to her and said “nah, she probably over heard-“.
“Over heard what”; he was silent looking at Angel. Roxxx leaned forward picking up a new wrap as Erik watched. “Raymond, you need to go pack a bag. You need stay with that bitch for the week.” Roxanne began wrapping the blunt as Ray shook his head before looking to Angel, signaling her to go to the car; she went as he went to pack a bag and leave, slamming the door shut. Roxanne’s lit the blunt between her lips and lied back. Erik wondered what they all meant but decided it wasn’t his place. “You good, Roxxx”, he asked with a rose brow. She looked to him and said “I’m good. Just-“, she stopped and blinked away a tear he couldn’t see on the other side of her face. She stood up and handed him the blunt before saying “you can stay the night if ya want. We been drinking all day and I can’t let anyone get hurt drinking and driving out here.” He nodded and said “I’m down” She took a deep breath, clearing her throat and said “I’ll go get you some blankets and shit. I- uh- just washed so you good.” She smirked a little before straightening her face again and going to fetch the new sheets.
 Hours later, Erik was lying on the couch with his tall frame knocked out as Hey There Lonely Girl by Eddie Holman played from her room. Roxanne looked up to the ceiling in deep thought, right arm behind her head and left head arm resting against her stomach. Her lips were tight as she bit on her bottom one, nostrils flaring and eyes red, soaked with tears and brows stitched in anger.
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I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter because the next would definitely make ya emotions stir up. 
@muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii @theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc @wakandantings @thadelightfulone @mzamethystp @simbiann @tropicalsun10 @babydoll756​ @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition @quietstorm-73​ @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies​ @mbakuwife @youreadthatright​ @babygotl01292003 @acceptyourselfloveyourself @madamslayyy​ @yoyolovesbucky​ @theogbadbitch @wakanda-inspired @bitchacho25 @toniilaney @wakandascrystal​ @girlsneedlovingfanfics @raysunshine78​ @melodyofmbaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @silenceisplatinum @thickemadame​ @shookmcgookqueen​ @heykillmongerluhme​ @fonville-designs @cutewylie @allhailqueennel @10bsatatime @nickidub718 @lildashofmelanin @allhailqueennel @amirra88 @hakunalive4eva @thickemadame​ @ghostfacekill-monger @cherrystainedlipsbaby​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @fd-writes
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blackmuzak8484 · 4 years
nortey dowuona’s best of 2020
to be completely honest, I decided to do this entirely for TSJ. otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered at all. Best end lists are for music nerds and billboard chart nerds and industry vultures, and i happen to be subscribed, in the discord and in the comments of the youtube vids of these folk. so, i decided to pick 10 out of random from the big best of 2020 i was compiling for the whole of the year, which I was gonna post to this Tumblr at the end of the damn year, but I guess I can just post the link to the playlist in the bottom of this post. Here, i’m gonna write about 10 songs I personally love, and pick out a few artists i specifically loved:
artist of the year.
RAP Ferreira put out his best album and best verses in a year everybody either stagnated, fell off or got rendered irrelevant by the world at large. He was ebullient, hilarious, thoughtful and even surprisingly honest. I enjoyed the fact that now he’s begun to create a real platform for many talented folx, and I hope he continues to do that in the margins and make even more beautiful music in the years to come.
rookie of the year.
Enny by a mile. Everybody else who debuted this year got hamstrung by the pandemic but she created 3 great songs, each thoughtful, insightful and a joy. Apparently she just started publicly releasing music to a large audience, and I hope she gets better and better, and even gets bigger than J-
most pleasant surprise.
Vic Mensa’s V Tape. An artist who I though had no more moves left completely turned around his whole career with a fantastic performance at Lollapalooza, a fantastic fleet of features and tis gorgeously produced EP which had some of his most brilliant songs on it. I love it all, Vic Mensah is well and truly back. Welcome back bro. (ALSO, DROP THE DRILL TRACK.)
Strongman Burner, Amarae, Okunta Kinte, Vic Mensah in general.
cool things my friends and classmates did.
Justine Darcenne’s #4TheBaeless. Valencia Rae’s Siren thyhomebodies’s Coming of Age. (Phil, a producer in the group, made his own studio!) Brad built his own computer. petit abri put a track on APT9 Record’s compiliation album Volume II. khaalid anderson’s transitions. (khaalid will also be performing at Beats & Brunch on January 23, 2021 at 11 am.) Yannick Paul’s Bear Fruit. The Big Climax’s This Is Ya Boy kxng jetson’s Waves (ft. Kokko Williams & Mike Mezzl) Nicole Gonzalez performed in The Composer’s Melody. Victoria Marie released a bunch of beaufiful covers on her Insta, @toriiii_marie @ph0ssy_jaw works as a counselor online. Pay her at her PayPal. Johnny Aperano Yoba was on People AND Vogue. Dalitso is a wonderful pianist at his church back home in Zambia. Kobina is a fantastic drummer at his church. Kayla graduated with a BS in Music Technology and Industry! Damian been cookin on his insta. Travis graduated! (Look out for Clan of Dragons.) Rorghino Flores made a documentary! Francis (and Animax FYB) put out Mmofra on AmaLexPrime! (play it with yo kids.) A Hype has been dropping crazy all year, roll by his SoundCloud and check out Persistence Of Memory. Reina H been doing great covers on her Insta, @challenges_inlife. Hannah placed music on C. B. S.
best albums of the year (that nobody’s written about).
Maya Huyana -1991 DaWeirdo - Broke and Ugly $ilkMoney - Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 VI Seconds - Because Why Not/Never Knows Best Erik Cain - Heart & Soul Vol. 2 Dimitri & the Scarecrow - Messenger is Sender (from 2015, finally got released onto streaming this year, still pretty great and another great Zimbabwean rapper for us to all fawn over, just like billy woods) Flowking Stone - Gifted 1 The Hoodies - Incommunicado Jayy Grams - Every Gram Counts Domo Genesis/Mike and Keys - Just in Case1/2 Madwiz - God’s Gold Teeth Maez301 - Hasaan Daara J Family - Yaamatele Dai Burger - Dessert EP TeePhlow - Road To Phlowducation II Tef Poe/Blvck Spade - Preacher in the Trap Terrell Hines - Portal One: The Mixtape redveil - niagara Nyukyung - Trap Harmonix AdrianXpression - Sucka Deante Hitchcock - Better (Deluxe) maassai & jWords - ve.loc.i.ty tobe nwigwe - cincoriginals everything Kelsey Lu did this year.
strangest things happening in music in general.
vic mensah actually making a great record. goldlink going through a narcissistic collapse and winding up making the best music of his career. redveil blowing up off Fantano calling him wack. pharoahe monch finally making a rock pivot and it actually works. meet me@the garden coming 10 years too late for my 14 year old self. RAP Ferreira being in the NYTimes, selling a vinyl record for $72, creating an actual nostrum grocers in a video game so we can listen to his next record. The entirety of the playboi carti phenomenom. The entirety of the lil uzi vert phenomenom. The entirety of Chance’s instagram EP being far more money worthy then the entirety of the Big Day and yet being released on Insta and not immediately monetized. Deante Hitchcock releasing a great album and being completely forgotten armand hammer releasing their underground kings wayyy too early. my ass continually not actually looking into amapiano despite always loving it when I review it. several good songs needing to be tacked on to a prior youtube vid as an ad for me to find them instead of actually listening to the artists. santan dave still releasing good verses after he made his illmatic. (expect his new album to suck.) slowthai becoming cake. (we let that go way too far.) Guapdad and BfB Packman being wonderful. Finding out BfB PAckman is a better rapper than Sada Baby. John Boyega putting on Ego Ella May. Having to admit Young Dolph was good all this time and i missed out like a fool.
best tv performance.
Chance The Rapper’s “A Chi-Town Christmas.” IDK’s “Change The Channel.” Sa-Roc’s Tiny Desk Concert. Chika in general. Robert Glapser’s “This Changes Everything (ft. Denzel Curry).” SZA at the Roots Picnic. Sampa The Great at the Roots Picnic. RAP Ferreira in general. Umi’s “Introspection Live Show.” Alexa Esperanza’s cover of “Is It A Crime.” Bad Bunny in general. the jwords, nappy nina and MIKE performances at Satellite Syndicate
most embarrassing piece of music i love with all my heart
Logic’s No Pressure. In all sense of the words I should not love this album like I love my siblings but I do. It is beautiful.
best 10 songs of this year objectively
1 - RAP Ferriera - An Idea Is A Work Of Art (ft. Mike Ladd) [prod. by Kenny Segal, mr. carmack and Mike Parvizi]
I know, I know. In all honesty Doldrums should be here. Then Noz put it on his best list and I had to be all ChiTown Go-Getter and pick the next better thing: this. And in all honesty, it has the best lyric RAP spits on the album: “we build better answers.” But it’s not just that, it’s RAP’s most animated performance, the most dexterous piece on the whole album and the most gorgeous beat, a loping bassline sliding behind the flatfooted drum, allowing Mike Ladd, his musical father, to gently drift through, saying, “what if royalty depised us?” and knowing the only gold is soul and giving it to all of us, all us maggots and vultures and locusts and weevils, to hold to the light so we can finally see. On the quest to get open and free, we continue.
2 - Chika - U Should [prod. by Lido]
I heard this the night it dropped and shot 2 insta videos playacting as it played. But apart from that, it’s a intimate, beautiful song about getting to know a new lady love, so tenderly sung it might melt and disappear if not held gently, with a sweeping guitar lick and purring trumpets sliding all over the place, Chika softly holding each frayed piece together into a considered, gorgeous piece - wait, she’s talking her shit.
3 - Issa Gold - Boys Don’t Cry [prod. by Kingjet & Sherwyn and Matt Zara]
The only reason this isn’t number one is because it dropped on Christmas Eve. But otherwise, it’s a openheart letter to us all. “it’s a lonely path being different,” Issa says, swimming in the melted ice caps as he once danced happily on the edges of melting glaciers that failed to drown him, looking at the world that keeps hurting his heart, yet he still opens his eyes and smiles, and dances. The heavy drums are so bouncy the whole song suddenly flies, formerly a hidden murmur becoming a bright sunlit flight across the sky so we can all see. I can’t wait to see Tempus, if it’s anything as good as this was.
4 - Deante Hitchcock - Growing Up/Mother God [prod. by Brandon Phillips-Taylor]
In all honesty, “Growing Up” is really not the best song on Better. It’s a sweet, happy song with a smooth, crackling bassline with soft, ghostly synths, but still kinda ok. It’s the song added at the end, “Mother God”, that has warm, sizzling piano chords and gorgeous singing in the back. It’s one of the few time I’ve ever heard a man pay homage to the woman in his life and to the God above while being entirely sincere and not faking the funk. The way he praises his mom, his lady, remembering the women in his family taking care of him and him foolishly neglecting Breonna due to his overburdened mind feels full of details, remembrances, explanations and praises. Plus, it actually makes sense that God, if she exists (she does) is a woman since -
5 - Yana Perrault - whiskey and weed [prod. by slate]
Apparently, Yana Perrault is verified now. Excellent. {YES YES MY GOD YESS}, It means more folks know about how great this song, and Yana herself is. If I had any sense, I would’ve written up 12:21 as the best song of 2018, but such is life. Anyway, we have this smooth, bass heavy slinker with shimmering percussion and lumbering drums about hooking up with a former flame who’s “sober” yet keeps on calling Yana to break their sobriety, “know we ain’t talked in a while but you still know my address,” she wryly mentions. As the beat sprints away under a warm cocoon of accapella echoes, it mirrors a relationship so tenuous it might disappear into the wind. Yet still strong enough to have whiskey on call.
6 - Marlon Craft - Culture Sick Freestyle [prod. by Cormill]
Apparently this was supposed to be a shot at Flex. And since Flex is a woman beater and a lame, good for him. Shouldn’t have even gone on Flex to be honest, but then again neither should Jay Critch or Tyler or Black Thought and besides, I watch those freestyles too. And on the freestyle, Marlon frankly put things in perspective. “You don’t want us to better, you just want to be cool still.” This describes all of rap media to be real. And tellingly, it only has 310,000 views. Methinks nobody really wants real. But I do. Thank u Marlon, you continue to be the best white rapper alive. (Nowhere near the best rapper tho, and if Token hadn’t fell off -)
7 - Miah - Cascades [prod. by Cedes]
I’m sideeyeing the boy Miah cuz I had to search up his Audiomack to find the producer’s name (it’s Cedes, and they have a really great avalanche of Drake Type Beats is you like that kind of thing). Were you trying to trick folk into thinking you produced it yourself? You don’t need to do that shit. Especially since you’re writing stuff like “back in high school all my peers were tryin to hit the league / until the league too far from reach so they tap dancing over beats.” When you can frankly break down life that clearly, don’t be trying to hide producer’s names unless you actually learn to produce too. Plaster your name all over that shit.
8 - Justine Darcenne - Off Days [prod. by Mikhail Miller] / Enny - Peng Black Girls (ft. Amia Brave [prod. by Paya]
Justine is indeed my classmate, but that’s not why this song is here. it’s here because it’s a nice little guitar driven song with a spellbinding bridge that’s the best thing I’ve heard her do yet. And I’mma keep it short cuz I already wrote this up at the Singles Jukebox.
Enny released this soft, cushiony record with washed out synths over bulky drums and floated FLOATED over them without even trying to run in the tar, saying frankly, “He said to me, 'they put guns in the streets, that’s what they wanted for me.’ And I said, ‘G, someone can fix you a plate but no one can force you to eat.’” After all, why not try to live for something greater than what the world has expected you to be. And Amia sings, “We’re gon be alright, ok?” with the joy and excitement of someone realizing the words coming alive on their tongue. One of the best songs of this miserable year, and it’s kinda funny watching Jorja accidentally Drake out Amia and even Enny (and by funny I mean irritating.)
9 - Tobi Lou - okay (ft. Dreezy) [prod. by Matteo Woods & Dilip]
Fun fact: Dilip did some great songs with Otxhello, a producer who recorded and mixed 2 records on my first album. That again is not why this song is here. The warm, swinging synths and heavy, bouncy drums are why this is here. Oh, and Tobi’s goofy, silly lyrics and his surprisingly effective Missy Elliott tribute are great too. But obviously, the verse that vaulted this into top 10 was Dreezy, which opens with such a openhearted line, “i can’t help it, it’s too hard to say I’m sorry.” And every line is harder than the last, until she closes with “and I ain’t talkin frontals but we got the city sown up.” Absolutely amazing.
10 - Strongman Burner - Pilolo (ft. KelvynBoy) [prod. by Nixie]
The sweet, gooey synths are poured over the soft, zipping and smooth drums as the wiry bass whirls between Kelvyn’s soft, thin crooning as Stoneman tap dances over the drums, both desperate and defiant, trying to salvage a sinking relationship that he knows is already gathering coral and snappers. It’s the best afropop song of the year and yet it still has a Nigerian on it (well, I put 4 Nigerians on here, next year I’m rectifying that.) And they even did a song together last year , not as good as this. At all. (still pretty good tho.)
best 10 songs i love (but not enough to write full paragraphs for, I already put 10 in and this is already 5 goddamn pages)
11 - Logic - Heard ‘Em Say
best song on the project that isn’t Dadbod but at least it isn’t tempting fate.
12 - Deqn Sue - Creep
I already love this for having a gorgeous bridge, and is cute af. Yes Sue, you can creep.
13 - Quelle Chris & Chris Keys - Sudden Death/ka - i love {moms, mimi, kev}
QUELLE CHIS CAN SANG SANG./ka can heart heart write.
14 - IDK - Square Up (ft. Juicy J)
I don’t know why this is here either but this slaps regardless.
15 - Nappy Nina - Modestly (ft. Maassai)
Maassai is creating some of the best raps out here. so is Nappy Nina.
16 - Kehlani - Lexii’s Outro (ft. Lexii Ajaii)
Let’s celebrate our great rappers when they’re alive (and this includes me. Pls Chika, don’t win Best New Artist.)
17 - Samad Savage - Goodnight
What Travis Scott should’ve tried to be instead of what he is now. Samad still dope af regardless.
18 - Bad Bunny - Si Veo Tu Mama
The way Bad Bunny actually hits that last note makes me feel so excited and alive.
19 - Fat Tony - Back In The Saddle
I fucked up. But I’m getting back in the saddle, back in the saddle next year. NO NIGERIANS ALL NIGERIENS. #ENDSARS tho.
20 - Lady A - the truth is loud
Why am I the only one who has this on a best list? I have 34 bot followers. Vibe, step it up.
best of 2020 music right here folxs.
worst music things of the year:
The Pop Smoke album. Just in all areas. (Better win that Grammy tho.) Travis Scott in general. (So loud and empty and boring.) Big Sean’s Detroit 2. (why does this exist? Just put out Deep Reverence and Detroit Night Cypher and leave everything on the cutting room floor fo the next album.) Remembering all the great rappers who are dead or incarcerated. No Kendrick album (just leaks. Not good enough.) J. Cole and Noname beefing and Noname getting strung up by twitter. Jay Rock pushing being anti-vaccinations. The realization that Normani might never drop a single record ever again. Tory Lanez in general. Joyner Lucas making actually good songs and falling off almost immediately. Cardi B in general. Anything positive being said about steven Universe songs. Luzamity shipping (until it’s canon please stop! Willuz is RIGHT THERE!)
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thadelightfulone · 5 years
Apollo Night
So, my good friend @shaekingshitup placed this idea in my head. It is an already planned series of one- or two-shots of College Erik shenanigans. I hope you all enjoy. Those who want to be tagged just let me know. As always, my OCs are always black!
Summary: Melanie just wanted to get more involved on campus.
It is Melanie’s first year at Cal State, and she has been looking for a way to make new friends, get more involved on campus, and experience all college life has to offer. Some of the girls in her Sunday School class at church were students on campus and BSU board members. They advertised their annual Apollo Night on Sunday before class began since it was open to the community as well. She decided that this might be an excellent way to meet some of her goals as she finishes her freshman year in college.  
The following Saturday morning, she goes to campus for auditions for the show. While waiting, she sees a few groups from various fraternities and sororities preparing song and dance numbers for their auditions. She moves off to a corner of the building and practices vocal exercises until they call her name. She follows her friend, Marie, from church, to where she will be auditioning. Along the way, they pass a group of rowdy guys leaving their audition, clearly excited because their act was chosen to perform.
She looks up, making eye contact with one of the guys as he passes her while waving to Marie. Shining dark brown eyes meet her timid hazel ones. He smiles down at her since her 5'2 frame is much shorter than his own 6 ft. Dimples and gold canines in full view, she internally swoons while meeting his smile. Melanie didn’t realize that she picked up her pace, and stops short right before running into Marie. He chuckles and continues behind his boys. She drops her head and follows her to the audition room.
The audition goes well, and Melanie is informed right there on the spot that she will be performing in the show. The board explains to her how the show will go – following closely to how A Night at the Apollo does their Amateur Night. They have someone who will be Sandman and remove folks who are booed for longer than 15 secs off the stage. They let her know that it is not like singing at church; no one will coddle her. And if Melanie wants to make sure she stays in the competition, then she should make sure she has some friends who can make serious noise in the audience – just in case. Melanie sighs but nods her head in understanding.
She is given the date and location of the show. The board lets her know about the optional walk-through rehearsal two hours before the show. Also, the latest time that she can check-in for the show because she will need a soundcheck if she doesn’t attend the rehearsal. Melanie thanks the board for their time, and quietly exits the building. Mentally running through a checklist of things she will need to do before the show in two weeks. She frowns when she remembers what the board said about having support, most of her friends were across the country at HBCUs or the Ivy League schools of their choice. Not paying attention to what she was doing, Melanie pushes on the door leading out of the building hard enough to hit some people standing on the other side.
“Aye, watch it!” One guy jumps out of the way as the door swings wide.
“Damn, girl!” Another voice calls out, and when Melanie looks over, he is rubbing his upper arm after taking most of the impact.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” She looks down away from the group of guys who all turned to face her. “I wasn’t paying attention. My bad.” Melanie looks up and realizes it is the group she saw on her way into the audition. The guy she hit was the one who smiled at her earlier, now frowning in her direction.
“I take it the audition didn’t go well.” Melanie barely hears his words over, watching his muscular arms flex and stretch in response to her attack with the door. She shakes her head, “No?” He stops moving and looks directly at her.
“Oh no, I mean, it was fine. I got through.” A small smile appears on her face. “It’s just a lot to think about, I have never performed in front of a group I don’t know before.” All the guys nod their heads in understanding. “Well, I guess I will see you guys at the show. I should go.” Melanie looks back up at him. “Again, I’m sorry about that.”
He waves her off, “You’re good. We all celebrate differently. Just be careful next time.”
“Will do,” she waves at the guys, “Bye.” They all watch her leave before breaking out into laughter.
“Oh no, nope.” Luke, who was the other guy who almost got hit, says, “Too easy.” He stands in front of Erik, who Melanie hit with the door, and looks at him, “Not her.”
Darrin, another member of their group, speaks up, “Why not? She would be perfect.”
“I agree, I don’t see why we can’t make her it,” Erik spoke.                                
“You saw her first. You are never supposed to encounter the mark. We choose them the night of the show.” Marcus, the last member of the group, lowers his voice as he walks closer to them, so no one will hear what they are discussing.
“Ok, so we do it differently this year. My vote is for her.” Erik responds. The guys all look at him.
“Are you sure about this?” Luke asks warily.
Darrin slaps Luke on the back, “You heard the man. She’s the one.” He shrugs when Luke moves out of his grasp and closer to Marcus. “Besides, it’s his choice this year anyway. Who cares when it was decided?”
“Fine. Don’t make us regret this.” Luke says before walking away.
— Two Weeks Later —
Melanie walks into the Student Union Pavilions, where the show was going to be. She sees Marie and some of the other board members finishing up the final touches to the stage. She decided to skip the rehearsal and just come in for a soundcheck. Marie takes her music to the sound guy who plays it while Melanie hums along, he makes sure to mark the levels on both the music and mic so she can be heard clearly on the mic.
Once that is done, she heads to the bathroom to change into her outfit for the night. Melanie chose a navy blue shift dress that has a deep shawl collar with some black velvet booties. The dress wasn’t too form-fitting, but anyone could see the curves she was rocking. Her natural curls were already pinned up in a chignon bun with loose tendrils framing her face. She wasn’t one for much make up but decided to put on some black mascara with a matte raisin lipstick. She pouted her lips, took a couple selfies in the mirror for her snap before calling herself ready.  
Walking into the waiting room, she sees all the acts gathering around while waiting for the lineup announcement. She goes to a corner and decides to run a few vocal exercises to warm up since she didn’t sing full out at her soundcheck. She starts at her normal chest voice, “Ma Me Mi Mo Mu – oooh,” going up half a step, she gets through 3 repetitions before she hears a throat clearing behind her.
Looking up from her seat, she sees the guy she hit with the door the day of her audition. “Ahhh, so she sings.” She smiles at him as he sits next to her. Holding out his hand, "I’m Erik.”
She takes his hand, “Melanie.”
“Nice to meet you, Melanie.” He lets go of her hand, “I haven’t seen you around campus before. You go here?”
“Yeah. It’s my first year here.” Erik nods at her. “Trying to get more involved on campus.”
“That’s kool. You a member of the BSU?” He takes a sip of some water.
"Not yet, but I know a few of the board members from my church.” He nearly chokes on his water.
“You go to church with Marie and her friends?” She nods at him. Coughing a bit more to clear his airways, “That’s what’s up. I bet she wants you to pledge S G Rho, too?”
“Actually, the girls from Zeta are already trying to recruit me.” She looks down at his outfit, noticing he is in a blue jersey with white writing on it. The Greek letters of Phi Beta Sigma big and bold, going down the right side. Erik smiles at her, nodding his head.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to practicing. Break a leg tonight, Melanie.” Erik stands to leave.
“Thanks. You, too Erik.” She returns to finishing her vocal warmups, as Erik makes a hasty retreat from Melanie over to his group members, and frat brothers.
“Yo, we gotta pick someone else.“ Marcus, Luke, and Darrin look at him, shaking their heads.  
"No, can do. Word is out about the chosen act of the night. It’s a done deal.” Marcus looks at Erik.
“What happened to change your mind?” Luke asks.
“Doesn’t matter, she doesn’t deserve it. So, pick someone else.” He hisses out, keeping his voice low.
“No one does, Erik. That’s what makes it so great.” Darrin laughs while looking around. “Do we know when she goes on?”
“Second half. Speedy just read off her name.” Marcus answers, “Gives us enough time to spread the word during the intermission.”
“Fuck all that and listen to me! Pick. Someone. Else.” Erik keeps looking over at Melanie, who moved outside the door to sing a little louder without bothering anyone.
“Nah, we got our one. We’re good.” Luke walks outside, “Let’s get that last part together before we go onstage.” Passing Melanie, who is coming back inside, “Aye, break a leg tonight, young lady.”
She smiles at all of them, “Thanks fellas, you too.” She continues out to the Pavilion, deciding to watch the first part of the show since she didn’t perform until the second half.
The host of the evening was a local SoCal comedian by the name of Speedy. He welcomed everyone to the BSU’s Annual Apollo Night, explaining how the show would go. Speedy completed a short comedic set and introduced Ace Money, the special guest performer for the evening. Ace Money opened the show and brought out the first performer of the competition.
About 5 acts into the show, Speedy came out asking the audience about their love of the Divine Nine. The crowd went wild as they knew this means the next few acts represented the black fraternity and sorority chapters on campus. First up was a guy from the school’s shared chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, reciting some poetry earning plenty of snaps and praise for his prose. Followed by a quartet of girls from the campus chapter of Delta Sigma Theta singing  Giving Something He Can Feel as En Vogue in their long red gowns.
Before Speedy even returned to the stage, the crowd was loud already knowing who was next up to perform. “Well, I guess these brothers really don’t need this introduction, but ya’ll gonna get it anyway.” He walked across the stage to the side where Darrin and Luke were standing, “Keep making some noise for the Men of Fire and Brimstone, PHI BETA SIGMA!!!”
The music starts, and the audience goes nuts as Erik, Darrin, Marcus, and Luke all stroll out from both sides of the stage to 112’s Dance with Me. They stood in a straight line across the stage before breaking out into their choreography for the song. As the song progressed, they made their way off the stage and down into the audience.  
Erik was on Melanie’s side, and he spotted her immediately on the aisle not far from the stage. So when he made his way down, he went directly to her and started dancing in front of her. Much to the delight of her classmates who she sat with during the show. He takes her hands and lifts her from the seat right as the call and response part of the song came on –
If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps)
Erik dances behind Melanie, holding her by her hips, waiting for her to clap along. When she doesn’t, he takes her hands and claps them for her in tune with the song.
If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps) If you sexy and you know it and you really wanna show it, If you sexy and you know it clap your hands (claps)
Before Erik heads back up to the stage, he pulls Melanie in and whispers in her ear, “Thank you.“ He makes his way back to finish the performance on stage, and Melanie drops back into her seat, as her friends laugh and snicker around her. The song ends, and the guys bow before leaving the stage.
Speedy comes out and starts fanning girls he sees in the front row, "Yeah, I think now is a good time to call for an intermission. Some of you need to cool off. See ya in 20 minutes.”
Melanie had a big old grin on her face as she faced the people around her. “Who was that?” Alicia, a girl in her math class, asked.
“Just a guy I met before the show began. It’s nothing.“ The other two girls look at her and laugh, "Whatever, I’m gonna get some water and head backstage. I’ll see you all after the show.” They all gave her hugs and well wishes before watching her disappear behind the stage.
Speedy came back out on stage after the intermission and told a few jokes before starting the second half of the show.  
“Alright, ya’ll ready for your next act?” He holds his mic out to the crowd.
“YEAH,” variations of it overlapped as he got everyone hyped for the next performance.
“I said, are you ready for your next act?”
“YEAH!” the crowd returns much louder than before.
“Please welcome to the stage, Miss Melanie Alonzo.” Melanie walks out, smiling to Speedy and then the crowd. He brushes past her and wishes her luck.  
She takes a moment to breathe and looks to the back, cueing the sound guy. Melanie has an accompanying track for her song, but she starts off acapella. Following her favorite version of the song, she starts singing –
Birds flyin’ high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin’ on by, you know how I feel
Some cheers come from the audience as they recognize the song she is doing. She exhales as she continues feeling herself relax more as she adjusts to her sound on the stage.
It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life for me Ooooooooh And I’m feelin’ good
She looks over the audience as she continues to sing and get more comfortable at the mic. The friends who were able to make the show smiling at her as the music starts.
Fish in the sea, you know how I feel River runnin’ free, you know how I feel Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel
As she pulls the mic from the stand to move around the stage, she starts hearing ‘boos’ coming from opposite corners of the room. She looks out at the audience and recognizes one of the guys booing her as one of Erik’s groupmates. She slows her pace on the stage as she continues singing while the ‘boos’ get increasingly louder.
It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life for me And I’m feelin’ good
Eyes roaming the audience, she can see make out that each one of Erik’s group members is spaced out and booing at her from their spots in the crowd. She was the Boo Boo Act for the night.
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean Don’t you know Butterflies all havin’ fun, you know what I mean
She can see her friends trying to cheer louder for her along with others in the audience who are enjoying her performance. Even their Sandman is holding back from running her off the stage.
Sleep in peace when day is done, that’s what I mean And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me She continues singing, hoping that the mixed reaction is enough to keep her in the competition when she spots someone dead center in the audience, Erik. He isn’t booing or cheering, just looking directly at her with a confused expression. Melanie is ready to bolt from the stage in embarrassment, but she won’t let him and his childish group of friends win. She puts the mic back on the stand, stares straight into the spotlight, and continues singing.
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel Scent of the pine, you know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me
Melanie’s voice increases in strength, and she belts out the last part, along with her own variation of Nina Simone’s scat before ending the song.
And I’m feelin’ – good
She holds that last note loud, long, and proud as the music ends, and she immediately exits the stage. Melanie had no idea that she earned a standing ovation or saw that Erik was cheering the loudest as she finished the song.
Speedy returns to the stage and looks back at Melanie, who went back to the waiting room. “I don’t know what that girl did to ya, but she handled that very well.” He shakes his head, looking down at his list of upcoming acts. “That couldn’t have been me, no sir.” There are a few scattered laughs and claps as the audience agrees with him.
Speedy calls out all the acts that made it through to the end. There was another act that the audience successfully managed to boo off the stage. He was still in the backstage waiting room. Melanie didn’t even want to be bothered with it anymore. She stayed in the back and listened from the open door. When a girl who sang Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill, was announced as the winner, Melanie moved away from the door.
Everyone came back in and was congratulating one another for a job well done and an incredible show. Erik and his group were the loudest, cheering on their friend who won the competition. Melanie stayed out of the way towards the back. Gathering her things together when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turns around to find the guest artist, Money Ace, a new rapper gaining traction around the SoCal rap scene, standing there.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know I thought you did a great job out there.” She looks him up and down, not saying anything. “I get it. Sometimes, it’s just not your night, and your voice just doesn’t match the song.“
Melanie rolls her eyes at him, “Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.” She grabs her bag and moves to leave. He grabs her arm, stopping her in front of him.
“Wait, I am always looking for people to sing hooks on my songs.” He pulls out a business card, “Maybe we can find something for you to sing for me.” Ace takes Melanie’s hand and slides the card into it. “Just think about it.” She nods, and he walks away right as Erik makes his way over to her. Melanie puts on her jacket, double checks that she has all her stuff before heading for the back door leading out of the TSU.
Erik had been watching her since he got back to the waiting room, he noticed she never came out on the stage with everyone else. When he finally got a moment away from everyone, he saw that she was talking to Money Ace. He tried patiently to wait for them to finish before approaching her. When he shook her hand, Erik moved towards her, but Ace caught him and wanted to chat.
Melanie was walking over to her friends when she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned and saw Erik standing there. She turned back around and continued walking.
“MELANIE! Melanie, wait up!”
She stopped in front of her friends and turned around to face him. "What do you want, Erik? There’s no crowd here to embarrass me in front of, so I don’t know what’s in it for you.”
He scoffed at her, “It wasn’t even like that. I promise you.” She sucks her teeth at him. He looks at the card in her hand. “What did he want?”
“Oh, Ace?” She twirls the card between her fingers. “He likes my sound and wanted to see if I was interested in singing hooks on some of his tracks.” She knew she had no intention of doing anything with it, but it serves Erik right for acting bothered by it after what he just did.
Erik frowns at her, then reaches out and grabs the card, “Nah, you don’t need friends like that.” He tosses it in the nearest trashcan.
“But I need friends like you?”
“He only wants to fuck, Mel. You don’t mind if I call you that, do you?” She shrugs at him. "And as I said, it wasn’t even like that.”
“Then what was it like? Because I was just starting and then I get booed. I look out in the audience and notice your friends are the ones egging people on.” Erik lowers his head. “Oh, and let’s not forget the not-so-secretly hushed rumor that one act was chosen to be the Boo Boo Act. I guess it was just a good thing that I had enough people on my side to make sure I wasn’t booed off like-” she takes a minute to remember the name, “like Vanessa was last year.” Erik is wringing his hands in front of him. “I take it that was you and your frat buddies at work again, right?” Erik looks at Melanie, who has begun tearing up in front of him. “What did I ever do to you and your friends? Did you really think I deserved that?”
“I told them to call it off.” He responds lowly.
“Clearly, they didn’t hear you, or they didn’t care.” Melanie inhales deeply, “Doesn’t matter, I don’t need that kind of friend either.” She wipes her eyes of the tears that started to fall. “Please just leave me alone.” Turning around to her friends who witnessed their whole interaction, they leave Erik standing by himself in the fresh night air.
“I tried to warn you, E.” A clap on the back brings him face-to-face with his frat brothers. Luke has a smirk on his face. “You think she’ll participate in Apollo Night next year? She did pass with flying colors.”
“Why did you do it? I told you I wanted it stopped.” Erik looks at all three, Luke, Marcus, and Darrin.
“Now, E, you know we couldn’t do that. It goes against the rules.” Darrin replies.
“Once the act is picked, it is final.” Marcus recites in a precise manner.
“Besides, you stupidly chose her two weeks ago. And we knew it was a bad idea, but you never backed down until tonight when it was too late to pick another.” Luke chimed in.
“This is why we wait until the night of the show. When we have the chance to meet the performers and speak with them during the rehearsal or soundcheck.” Marcus throws his hands up. “You were warned.” Erik walks away from them.
“So, how bad did you fuck this one up, Erik?” Darrin catches up to walk beside him as they head back inside the TSU.
“She told me to leave her alone.” Erik stops short of the entrance.
“Serves you right, nigga. Picking on lonely girls like that.” Luke utters as he passes Erik, who trips him at the door. They all watch Luke try to catch his balance before he hits the ground, “Damn, man. It’s not my fault that you fucked up.”
“That’s not gonna stop him,” Marcus says as he helps Luke up. They all look over at Erik and can just see the wheels turning in his head. He grins at them while scratching his beard. “Ahhh, here it goes.”
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Battle #26
The Vindictives: The Many Moods of... ( Side D )
The Mary Jane Girls: Only Four You ( Side 1 )
The Vindictives: The Many Moods of... ( Side D )
The Vindictives are probably one of the best and most underrated of the 90s pop punk bands to call Chicago home. They began in 1990, after Joey’s first band, Vicktimz of Society called it quits. Their original lineup included Joey Vindictive (vocals), Johnny Personality (bass), Ben Weasel (of Screeching Weasel fame on guitar), Dr. Bob (guitar), and Erik Elsewhere (drums). The band would quickly experience lineup changes and evolve in complexity as well. The band would end up releasing 12 EPs and albums until July 1996, when Joey Vindictive revealed that his health issues would prevent the band from going on. The band DID continue past that but never at the capacity and intensity it had been previously. The distinction between The Vindictives and other pop punk bands of the same cloth is all in the lyrics. Often sexual or paranoia themes (sometimes both!) took center stage. And those amazing and layered harmonies!! No one did it better than The Vindictives. You got a real sense of the frantic-ness though in the music and the production was outstanding. Every song is catchy and holds your attention, making each song just a little different. Something pop punk is not often known for often, embracing the repetitiveness. So this “album” is really one of their only proper ones but it’s more or less a collection of all the aforementioned EPs. “Future Homemakers of America” Starts the party off right. Meaty and punchy with those dripping snotty vocals. Not perfect and that’s OK. It’s part of the energy, and a real slap across the face of suburbia stay at home housewives everywhere. “Spring Valley Shopping Mall” Tell the tale of what sounds like a really bad date. Literally a story in the form of a song. “1 (900) ILU-VYOU” is a dominatrix tune that features those amazing backing vocal harmonies. You could say they DOMINATE (#seewhatididthere) at it. Next up is “Basketcase”-a quickie punker rocket with driving and screaming leads. It’s better than Green Day’s version. Just kidding, totally different songs, but Green Day does serve as a good comparison for production value and tight melodies. Speaking of tight,
“You Know Who You Are” follows suit and punches you in the face. All while bitting and clawing your eyes out. Wound up like a spring and ready to pounce. As if it couldn’t get any faster, “Impatient” flies at you at breakneck speeds. Vindictives are not usually Minor Threat level fast, but skatepunks be damned, these guys mean business! Thrashing lashes to make you gnash your teeth. Probably one of the best songs on this side, and best examples of how the Vindictives stand out is found in “...And The World Isn’t Flat Anymore”. It’s very catchy and sing along style, but still manages to employ one the band’s favorite tricks, vocals in the round. Joey understands how to make one set bleed into the other and it sounds so amazing. More vocal layers than a 7 layer burrito! His raw and unabashed outlook give that darker edge the band uses to their advantage. Ironically these are probably some of the weaker tunes in their arsenal, so just imagine how awesome Sides A-C are! Brilliant!
The Mary Jane Girls: Only Four You ( Side 1 )
The Mary Jane Girls are an American R&B, soul and funk group that gained popularity in the 1980s. They were protégées of singer Rick James. Much like Prince had Shiela E and others, Rick James has his girls too. They are known for their hit songs "In My House", "All Night Long", "Candy Man", and their cover version of "Walk Like a Man". Joanne "Jojo" McDuffie was the lead singer, the others filling out the group's style and appearance. According to the wiki, on the studio recordings, McDuffie was backed by session vocalists rather than the other Mary Jane Girls. The album credits the other members as each singing at least one song though. The Mary Jane Girls released two albums in the 1980s and recorded a third which was shelved for decades but finally released in 2014. They were inducted into the Rhythm & Blues Music Hall of Fame in 2019. You can practically see the marketing plan-o-gram throughout, but you know what? The songs are fairly catchy. I like the 80s and even though it has distinct Motown and funk influence, there is a decent representation of new wave too. Rock actually wrote and produced all the songs too, so he had his hands all over it. Of course we should address the obvious. The name of the group referenced mary jane, slang for marijuana; a favored recreational drug of James. (James wrote a hit song titled "Mary Jane".) The group's image was styled as containing a street-wise girl (McDuffie), a supermodel (Ghant), a cheerleader/valley girl (Wells, then Marine), and a dominatrix (Wuletich). This is their second album and has the biggest hit, which starts off the whole thing. “In My House” has a VERY Rick James start with that keyboard intro, then drop the funky bass. These are 4 ladies that know the 80s. If disco were just watered down new wave, ala Lipps Inc., then I’d be ok with it. That’s pretty much what we have here. “Break it Up” is another funky dance club hit parade. Revolving Supremes-like vocals that keep your interest. The next 30 seconds are an interlude to the song “Shadow Lover” but they bothered to list it as a separate track, so...? It’s a saxophone meets piano warm up really, into the actual action. A slow bedroom jam that might make Luther Vandross jealous. The last track (only 4 you I guess #seewhatididthere ) is next. It’s called “Lonely for You” and the play on the album title is not lost on me. This one is back to the rockin’ beats. Mellow and melody. The underlying keyboard is fantastic on this cut. It’s a new wave version of En Vogue or a disco version on The Supremes. Either way, nice. I hope they didn’t have to do anything freaky to get their deal...(#seewhatididthere)
So today we saw the many moods of The Vindictives in full regalia. They took 16 minutes to burn 101 calories over 7 songs. That is 14.43 calories burned per song and 6.31 calories burned per minute. The Vindictives earned 18 out of 21 possible stars. The Mary Jane Girls did it only four you. They took 19 minutes to burn 116 calories over 4 songs. That’s an average of 29.p calories burned per song and 6.11 calories burned per minute. The MJG earned 8 out of 12 possible stars. Looks like The Vindictives will be in a haploid because they won today’s challenge!
The Vindictives : “You Know Who You Are”
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
Forty-Seven G [Part 2 of 3]
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"Hot thing, barely twenty-one
Hot thing, looking for big fun
Hot thing, what's your fantasy?
Hot thing, do you want to play with me?"
Prince – "Hot Thing"
Summary: Erik Killmonger runs into his favorite flight attendant again. Payback is not always a bitch...
Mature Content.  Smut. 
Fa'aana stood in the aisle of the business class section of the plane watching passengers board at a snail's pace. She scratched the back of her neck while keeping an eye out for people who needed help.
The last few days had been a breeze with the flight team she was working with. Mark, Mavis, Lucy, and herself were in sync and had the uncanny ability to anticipate what they all needed from each other at any given moment. The long haul they were about to embark on from Italy back to Atlanta was going to be packed. When she checked the passenger manifest, there were only about seven open seats available.
She and Mark were able to catch a fantastic brunch at the hotel they stayed overnight in while on a layover in Rome. Munching on a croissant with a thick smothering of Nutella and the best espresso ever, she detailed the birthday dinner she had with Hugh back in the states.
Mark didn't seem impressed, and after sharing the deets, she realized it was a pretty poor date. They visited the Atlanta aquarium first because she loved the place, but Hugh gave off bored vibes so they left early. The restaurant he made reservations for had pretty bland food despite the expensive menu and all the hype she had heard about it. The strip club he took her to afterward that she was excited about going to wasn't as impressive as she had hoped. The exotic dancers were athletic and did amazing things on the pole, but all the music sounded the same and all the women looked cut from the same cloth: Ultra-colorful wigs. Overly injected ass cheeks and breasts augmented into unnatural sizes and shapes that looked uncomfortable. Plus, all the bored facial expressions.
She wanted a sexy good time that would lead to some amazing sex with Hugh, but instead, he served her mediocre peen. Bad food, bad company, and bad sex. Ugh.
The only highlight of her birthday was finding herself on the lap of a stranger getting fingered on the back of the plane almost a week ago. Forty-Seven G. Erik from Oakland. Thinking of him made her nipples perk up. She hadn't cum like that since…wow, when had she ever cum like that? It was explosive. Primal. It felt like he was introducing her to her own vagina for the first time.
She sighed thinking about him.
After he made her cum, she had to go into the lavatory and change her panties from the fresh pack she had in her carry-on stored in the galley. She wanted to reciprocate the pleasure back to him, but Mark had woken up and they had to prep for the breakfast run before landing and serve a few early coffees and juices. She felt bad because his erection was something she wanted to see and touch.
Before Erik left the plane, she had given him her number because he had promised to send her a picture of himself at the wedding he was attending. Two days later, as promised, a number she didn't recognize popped up on her phone with two attachments. One was a picture of Erik smiling with a bride and groom, and the other was a candid shot of Erik straightening his bow tie.
He was disgustingly photogenic, and she wished she had never asked for a picture because now she would be stuck with a memory of a man she would never see again. He knew how to wear a tux, and he knew how to serve face for the camera. And those damn dimples. Yummy.
She texted the number back thanking him for the picture and she was so glad that she hadn't sent anything else beyond that message because the response she got back was not from Erik, but from a woman who said he asked her to send the pictures. So much for that. He didn't want her to have his number apparently.
She did catch herself staring at the pictures every now and then, and then she would get a shiver up her spine thinking of his lips and his fingers…
"If there are some open seats available, do you think I could move to one of them?"
Fa'aana was broken from her thoughts of Erik and found herself staring into the eyes of a pink-faced older man who seemed disgusted that he had to sit next to a couple with a small child that looked to be about five.
"Once everyone is seated and we know our final headcount, I will let you know," she said.
"Thank you," he said glaring at the couple.
She was tempted to ignore him and pretend they were full even if they weren't. The child had been nothing but quiet and polite since she was placed in her seat. Some people just hated children for no reason.
Fa'aana saw Lucy waving to her from the first-class section. She made her way up the aisle to see what Lucy needed.
"Do you mind taking this and storing it in the back? All the bins up here are filled up."
"No, problem," Fa'aana said grabbing a small roller bag.
The hairs on her neck stood up when she saw Erik walk aboard. The same round black shades, a magenta jacket over a white t-shirt and gray jeans, and that same swagger. He was with a light-skinned Black woman and a white man waiting to head into the first-class section.
"Fa'anna, one more small bag, please. Thanks," Lucy said.
Erik turned his head when he heard her name. She couldn't see his eyes behind the dark frames. There was no hint of recognition really, not even a smile. He heard her name, turned to look at her and then kept it moving up into first.
Oh, it's like that?
Fa'aana headed to the rear of the plane with the bags feeling a bit vexed. The least he could've done was given a head nod or even a "W'sup." Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A cursory glance and then he was stepping. That's why she didn't fuck with young dudes. That man had played all up in her pussy, watched her face and thighs have an intense orgasm too, and he walked by her like he didn't know her.
Well. Be honest. He didn't know her. He probably didn't expect to see her again either. And if the roles were reversed, what would she say to him?
Let it be.
Fa'aana found space for the bags and went back to Lucy to inform her of the aisle numbers so the passengers would know where to retrieve them. She saw the back of Erik's head in first-class. He was seated next to the light-skinned woman who was having a heated conversation with the white man who came with them and was seated behind them.
"My oh my," Lucy said giving Fa'aana a look.
"What's up?"
"A little lovers spat," Lucy said glancing back over at Erik and his companions.
"The Black guy and woman—"
"No. The woman next to him is with the white guy behind her. She made the Black guy switch seats with the white guy."
Fa'aana saw Erik talking to the woman and she was shaking her head and pointing her finger at the man behind her. It was difficult to hear anything from them clearly, but it sounded like Erik was saying "Not my problem."
"Hopefully they simmer down soon," Lucy said.
Fa'aana nodded, but her eyes were still on Erik's face. Mark strolled up to them.
"So we have seven open seats available, three in the back, and four in business," he said.
"Be discreet, but if two of you want to fill in the seats in the back, do it," Lucy said.
"Cool," Fa'aana said taking one last look at Erik, then heading back to her station.
They hit some on the way out of Italy and had to endure more as they passed over France. Fa'aana and the other flight attendants had to wait to do snack and beverage runs. By the time they were halfway over France, the airstream was smooth again.
They made swift work of giving out snacks and libations. She moved the pink-faced complainer to another seat and helped an elderly passenger up to the business class restroom and back. By the time the dinner run was complete two hours later and cleaned up, she was able to kick back for a moment and rub her feet. She snagged an empty aisle seat in fifty-seven G but had to keep getting up for some wine thirsty passengers.
She was mixing a Bloody Mary when she heard a soft "Hey."
Glancing up she saw Erik leaning against a panel next to one of the lavatories. Dark glasses off, his face looked soft and open. She stared at him for a moment.
"Just a sec," she said moving past him to deliver the drink in her hand.
She felt her heart do a little double time. When she turned to walk back to the galley, he was watching her approach. She stepped past him and moved further into the galley. Mavis was in a seat in business class and Mark was sitting on the other side in seat fifty-two A. She had the galley to herself. Normally she would tell passengers they couldn't be near the galley. But this was different.
"Thanks for the pictures," she said trying to figure out the best opening.
"The wedding was great," he said.
Standing near him was so different than when they had been sitting next to each other, and when she had been sprawled across his lap. He towered over her…
"When you came aboard, I thought you didn't recognize me," she said, "is it the hair?"
She twirled a finger into her thick twist out hairstyle.
"Nah, I wouldn't forget you, trust," he drawled out, "I was just caught up with some drama."
"That's what I hear," she said.
"Whatchu hear?"
"The woman you were with seemed upset about something. You had to switch seats."
"Yeah, Chloe. My Ex."
"Who is the guy with you two?"
"Her boyfriend."
"What? Oh, I need to hear this," she said. She gave him a friendly smile. He moved in closer so that he was no longer near the two lavatories. She could really feel his height now. The vibratory hum of the plane masked their conversation.
"Nah, this shit is boring—"
"To you maybe. You go to friend's wedding and your ex-Girlfriend is there with her current boyfriend…and now the three of you are bosom buddies riding in first-class together. Yeah, total dullsville."
He laughed.
"Ain't no bosom buddies—"
"Speak then. How long ago has she been your Ex?"
"A year—"
"Wait, how old is she?"
"How old is he?"
"So, what happened?"
"First of all, it wasn't a surprise that she was going to be at this wedding. My boy already let me know that she was going to be there with her new man. She and I been cool for a minute, so it wasn't like shit was going to pop off when we saw each other. She introduced me to her man and everything was cool breezy y'know, mellow and shit. Wedding was dope as hell. But I notice that her man is making these reckless comments about her that I don't think is cool. Like he's saying shit to try and fit in because the majority of the people there are Black—"
"What was he saying?"
"Dumb shit not even worth repeating. So I pull her aside and tell her that I think her man is only with her because she's Black, but the type of Black that white guys like—"
"Which is?"
"Ambiguous Black women. Light bright, wavy hair…but this dude has a thing for big asses too….which I can understand…but still, I was getting fetish vibes. She and I have always been 100 with one another so I felt comfortable giving her my opinion. She didn't believe me so I just let it go."
His voice was getting heated telling the story. His facial expressions were interesting to watch.
"We're all doing the wedding party stuff and having a good time for four days. But then last night, she gets drunk and they start arguing over some personal shit, and my name gets thrown in there and he accuses her of wanting to sleep with me. I have no interest in her whatsoever. She's an Ex for a hella good reason…"
He shook his head.
"You don't need to hear all this boring ass shit. They got issues and I'm not going back up there until they go to sleep or something."
"You better go back up there and enjoy your first class—"
"I didn't pay for that. She upgraded my ticket, and that just added fuel to the fire. I was hoping to eat my fancy food and mind my business, but they kept at it."
"You can't stand for seven hours."
"Any open seats back here?"
"There's an aisle seat that's open. There's a man in the window seat—"
"Show me," he said.
She moved past him and pointed out the aisle seat that she had vacated.
"Yo, my man, you want to switch seats? You can have my first-class spot."
The passenger who had been trying to get comfortable against the window looked shocked.
"Are you serious?" he asked.
Erik handed him his first-class ticket receipt. Fa'aana nodded to the passenger.
"Wow, thanks a lot buddy," the man said as he stood up and took the ticket stub.
"Enjoy," Erik said.
"That was nice of you," she said.
"Be right back, I need to get my computer bag."
She watched him walk the long trek up to first-class. A passenger requested her assistance and she tended to them, bringing another blanket and a bottle of water.
She was making herself a cup of tea when Erik slipped back into the galley to stand near her.
"All good?"
"They sleep. Didn't even see me leave."
"How was your birthday dinner with your boyfriend?"
He laughed and she laughed with him. She ran it down for him without mention of the bad sex and he shook his head.
"You went to the wrong strip club, Ma. I know some places down there you should go to."
"You going to take me?"
"Next time I roll through."
"Hit me up then."
She waited to see how he would react to that.
"I got your number, girl."
"Alright. We'll see," she said.
She turned and sprinkled a sugar packet into her tea and she felt him get close behind her, his body heat radiating into her back. He leaned down to her ear.
"I ain't forgot about the last time I saw you," he whispered.
She closed her eyes and put down the tea. Sweet cornrowed Jesus.
"Erik, I'm working."
"You were working last time too—"
He jerked back from her when he heard the shrill female voice.
"Chloe," he said stepping out of the galley and back into the aisle.
Fa'aana ducked her head out and sipped on her tea. Chloe's face was flush, her lank dark hair swept to one side of her left shoulder. Her thick lips were curled up into a scowl.
"You just let some strange man come sit next to me?" she hissed to Erik.
He pulled her closer to the lavatories and the galley.
"I'm not tryna hear your bullshit, Chloe. I said what I had to say and I'm done—"
"No, we're not done. Come back to the front—"
Chloe clutched at Erik's arm.
Fa'aana stepped forward using her trained de-escalation voice.
"Ma'am, I'm going to need for you to go take your seat."
"You just mind your damn business. Go serve some coffee or something," Chloe said with a clipped voice.
"Don't talk to Fa'aana like that—"
"You know this bitch?" Chloe said stepping toward Fa'aana like she was ready to throw hands.
Fa'aana felt her neck tilt.
This heffa could catch some hands…
Erik stepped in front of Chloe.
"Take your ass back to your seat."
Fa'aana and Chloe both heard the rumble in his voice. It made Chloe's face switch up real quick and Fa'aana's knees quake.
"Erik, baby, I just want to talk…"
Chloe's tone had shifted. Coquettish. Soft. Pacifying. She was trying to wrap him around her finger. Fa'aana wanted him to wrap his hand around her own throat and choke her slowly while talking forcefully like that again. She imagined him bending her over—
Erik's eyes swept back to look at her.
"Sorry about this," he said. His face looked tired like he had been dealing with Chloe and her boyfriend all day and he was just weary of it. A passenger light signal went off and Fa'aana was happy for the distraction.
"I'll need you both to return to your seats please," she said in her professional voice. She left them to go tend to the service call.
A woman with a French accent wanted water for some aspirin she was taking. Fa'aana went to retrieve it and across the aisle, she saw Erik walking back to first-class with Chloe.
Sitting in the aisle seat, Fa'aana started a game of Blackjack on the vid screen in front of her. The cabin had quieted down and she could finally rest her feet after completing several walk-throughs checking on passengers. Most were asleep or trying to sleep.
"Mind if I sit in my seat?"
Erik watched her face as her finger lingered on the vid screen. She started to scoot over.
"I want the window," he said.
She stood up and let him haul his body over to the window. He took off his jacket and sat it on his lap.
"Sorry about that Chloe shit," he said.
"Already forgotten," she said starting a new game on the vid screen.
He reached for her hand on the screen and held it.
"Nah, for real. That wasn't cool."
"So that's the type of women you go for?"
"Chloe is a little hot-headed—"
"That too sometimes."
"What did you ever see in her?"
"She's fine—"
"Typical? Men like fine women. Physical beauty is what we see first. Straight up."
Fa'aana rolled her eyes.
"Women do it too. Don't act like y'all don't check for fine niggas," he said.
"Why did you break up with her? That sparkling personality of hers didn't keep your interest?"
Erik's eyes dropped to his hands.
"She's looking for a husband, picket fence, kids, all that rah rah. I felt like she was grooming me to take home to her parents. I'm too young for all that. I got shit to do and I have my own timetable for how I want my life to proceed. She didn't respect that. Got a little pushy so I bounced."
"What's your timetable?"
"Finish grad school. Then I'm going into the Navy. Become a Seal—"
"Wait, grad school and then the Navy? You don't strike me as a military man."
"I graduated from Annapolis before going to M.I.T. Been training for this life for a minute."
His eyes were so focused when he talked about his plans. She noticed a silver chain around his neck with a heavy and expensive-looking silver-black ring on it. She reached out and touched it and his hand shot out to pull it away from her.
"Sorry. I should've asked to touch it. It's beautiful."
His hand released her hand and she turned the ring with her fingers.
"It belonged to my father. He was killed when I was younger."
"Sorry to hear that, Erik. What language is this writing on it?"
"Wakandan. East Africa. My father was from there."
His demeanor became somber. This was something painful for him. She released the necklace and he tucked it inside of his shirt. They were silent together for a moment. She stepped away from her seat to go check the galley and to see if any passengers made any service calls. There were none and hadn't been any for a long time. The people in front of them and across from them were knocked out with headphones on and movies playing.
Back at the seat, Erik had fired up his own game. When she plopped down next to him, he seemed more cheerful.
"I didn't think I would run into you again," he said.
"Me neither, but there was always the small chance."
"You were hoping to see me, huh?"
Her lips curled up in a sly smile.
"You can admit it. I wanted to see you again myself. You been on my mind the whole time I was in Rome…"
She felt herself getting warm again. His voice was low and he was giving her bedroom eyes that she couldn't resist. He lifted up the middle armrests.
"C'mere," he said reaching for her.
"Erik, there are too many people—"
"Give me those pretty lips, girl…"
Her body ignored her brain, and she was scooting over to him and giving up her mouth freely.
"Hmmm, you taste so sweet," he said. He sucked on her tongue, the cranberry and apple tea was still strong on her breath. His right hand reached up and touched her blouse, his fingers feeling for her left breast. He tweaked her nipple and then his whole hand squeezed her plum-sized breast. He released her lips from his and his forehead pressed against hers.
"Open this up," he breathed out to her.
She didn't move.
"We're good, no one is paying attention. I want to touch you. Let me touch you," he whispered. His full lips were taunting her. He was nothing but trouble. Good trouble.
She allowed her fingers to open only four buttons, just enough to let him get his hand inside. He opened a fifth button himself and thrust his warm hand down on her. The thin silk of her bra cup was forced aside so that his fingers found her pebbled nipple. He pinched it and she gasped.
His fingers went to her other nipple and plucked at it. His mouth found hers again and he pulled her closer to his side. He tongued her down until her toes had curled and uncurled several times. He released her lips and she felt breathless. His hand reached under his jacket.
"You owe me," he said. She saw him tugging on himself under the jacket. She squirmed in her seat, her hips rotating slowly from need. He pushed his jacket aside and unfastened his jeans.
"Play with my dick."
Her hand slid down and reached for his pants.
"I want to see you pull it out."
She used both hands, one to pull back his boxers, the other to release the bulge that waited for her. When she gripped his erection, he let out a soft groan.
"Soft ass hands…"
She pulled out his dick. It was so heavy and so full of heat. Fuck. The weight of it made her mouth water. She stroked him.
"Ooh, yeah, just like that. Keep doing that."
She circled the head with her fingers and he widened his legs pulling down on his boxers so that his balls were accessible for her too. His fat sack was so hot to the touch.
"Stroke that shit. Make me feel it, Ma."
She whimpered, fisting him just under the mushroom head, hitting his frenulum and twisting her fingers a bit.
"How you know my spot already, girl?" he gasped, shifting in his seat. Beads of pre-cum seeped out and dripped on her fingers. She played with it and rolled it across the wide head. His slit leaked more. "You want to taste me? Go 'head, put your mouth on that shit," he said.
She lowered her head and licked the clear fluid. More spilled out and she gobbled it up.
"Stick your tongue on that hole…yeah…just like that…I got some more for you."
She squeezed the head and his natural lubricant trickled out onto her wet tongue. She smacked her lips and looked up at him.
"Let me stretch that mouth," he said. She moaned. She cared about nothing else at that moment. They could fire her for all she cared. She just needed this man's fast ass cock in her mouth.
He thrust up his hips and the bulbous head touched her lips. She opened as wide as she could and took him in. His lips pressed together tightly as he swallowed a deep groan. Her head bobbed in his lap and his left hand hovered above her hair, touching her head and pushing down when he wanted her to go deeper...harder.
When she raised up to catch her breath after she started gagging, he pulled on her hair. He gripped his dick and squeezed the head so that his wide slit opened.
"Spit on my dick," he said.
She swirled her tongue in her mouth collecting saliva and spit on the head making his dick sloppy wet.
"You like being nasty, huh? Spit on it again, bitch."
She felt her stomach twist up and a strong pulse made her pussy throb from his words. She spit on his dick again and then he was shoving it back in her mouth. He reached for his jacket and used it to cover her lower half. His left hand frantically raised up her skirt and then shoved down into her stockings. She wiggled her hips so that his fingers could reach her panties and soaked folds.
"Damn…you know how to suck dick…swallow this shit baby…yeah… keep going…keep going…"
Her folds were so wet and her pussy so engorged, he was able to slip his fingers in and out with ease. He flicked her clit in a delicious rhythm and she felt an orgasm building. He was making her work her neck out as he fucked her face trying his best to keep quiet. He was beginning to inhale with harsh sounds.
"I'm 'bout to feed you, girl. You betta swallow this nut—"
That's all it took. Her release was tight on his fingers, her walls throbbing with intense pleasure that made her skin tingle.
"Ohhhhhh…" Erik groaned, his legs seizing up tight as a hot load of cum shot up into her mouth. His dick swelled in her mouth and she felt it spasm several times. She swallowed what she could and then had to let him go because she was choking on his girth.
"Damn, girl, damn."
She held onto his cock as a final stream of creamy white spilled out from him. He looked down at his dick.
"Clean me up. Lick all that shit up."
She did what she was told to do. His fingers were still inserted in her pussy. And she was grateful for his touch.
"Fuck, that was a lot," he said.
She giggled and sat up. He re-fastened his pants. She fixed her skirt and buttoned up her blouse. He stuck two of his fingers in her mouth.
"You suck dick like a champ. World class head game, baby."
She circled her tongue around his fingers then pulled them out, licking up and down each digit.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. Sucking dick on the job…"
"That's good customer service," she quipped.
"You right, Ma. Serving excellence. I'ma tell your boss to give you a raise when I leave."
She felt her face flatten.
"What's wrong?"
She shook her head and pulled back from him. Passengers around them were still knocked out.
"Hey, Fa'aana, w'sup?"
Stupid. It was stupid. She was catching feelings.
"I need to freshen up," she said.
He pulled her in tight and fast.
"I'm feeling you too, Ma."
When his lips pressed into hers and she gave into his tongue and the heat of his mouth, she knew he wasn't lying.
Forty-Seven G [Part 1]  Forty-Seven G [Part 2]  Forty-Seven G [Part 3]
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For Everybody
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Summary: This story is what happens when @eriknutinthispoosy wants a fic of Erik cheating and @allhailnjadaka wants some ratchet shit to take place. The First Lady is all type of outta character in this one.
“Aww hell nah, this nigga got me 50 shades of fucked up,” Hennessy exclaimed as she watched the surveillance camera set up in Erik’s room. She never saw the point of them, but he and Charlie insisted, for security purposes. Just when she thought her idiot husband couldn’t get any stupider, he proved her wrong yet again.
“So 9 vaginas ain’t enough for him? His Braille-backed ass had to go get some random bitch from off the street? And his stupid ass brought her in our house?!” The Princess was fuming.
Her eyes widened when the mystery woman, standing at 5’10 with lean sun kissed legs and a face just as gorgeous as any of the other women in the house, walked to the middle of the room and looked directly in the camera. As if she knew it was there...as if she knew someone would be watching.
The time stamp on the recording read last Wednesday, 12:43 pm. That sneaky bastard. Wednesday was the day that all nine wives plus Little Bee wenr to brunch, catching up and bonding in sisterly fellowship. It was few and far between that they were all free at the same time and when those rare moments came they took advantage. Erik was filled in on this brunch at a few of the ladies favorite French bistro a day prior and he took advantage as well.
“Guess this nigga didn’t think we’d catch him.” Ryley’s long matte black nails tapped against the vast mahogany oak desk. She sat beside Henny as her eyes bore into the pretty face on the screen. “Bold one, she is.”
“Very bold.” Henny folded her arms and fell back into her seat. Her brows stitched together and her pouty lips were set in a thin line, emotions etched all over her face. To say she was hurt was an understatement. It hurt her so much she couldn’t produce a single tear.
“Am I not enough? Are we not enough?” her voice was soft and shaky.
“Nah, don’t even think like that sis. That nigga stupid and he gone get what’s coming to him.” A few moments later, Charlie sauntered into Henny’s office looking almost as upset as the other two women. Her usual Charming demeanor had switched to something more cold and devious.
“Henny, I love you, but y’all need to come with me.” Without question, the three women made the short trek to Ryley’s G Wagon and sped towards their shared abode. When they were a safe distance from the greenhouse, Charlie pulled up the surveillance footage on her iPhone X.
“I didn’t wanna tell you in your office for the sake of the plants, but yeah she’s still there and is making herself real comfortable.” They both watched as the mystery woman sauntered from room to room, touching and trying on their precious jewels and clothes. Hennessy began to see red. It had been a while since she’d gotten this upset and of course it would be Mr. Stevens-Udaku to bring her inner beast out of retirement.
“Hennessy?” Ryley questioned when she noticed the head brat had become a little too quiet for comfort. She remained silent.
“Henny?” she tried again. Silence.
“Kitana?” Charlie tried. Suddenly, the small woman turned and flashed a sly smile, her rose gold fronts gleaming in the twilight. Her usually happy, doe eyes and turned an eerie black and her whole face was turned into an evil grimace.
“Aww shit!” Ryley and Charlie exclaimed in unison.
“N’Jadaka! Bring your crusty ass out here!” Kitana screamed as she, Ryley, and Charlie walked back into The Kompound.
“Wait, what we miss?” Angel questioned, confusion etched all over her face. She and Little Bee were seated on the couch, Princess Nya bouncing happily between them. Kimora and Josephine were in the kitchen baking, while Homie sat comfortably on the counter acting as taste tester. Per usual, Aly’Sha was in her room, probably tired from football practice.
“Mr. Stevens-Udaku isn’t available right now,” the mystery woman called from the grand staircase. “However, I’ll be more than happy to answer whatever questions you may have.”
Everything was silent as all eyes fell on her.
“Ericka,” Kitana snarled.
“Nice to meet you in person, Kitana, I’ve heard so much about you.”
As the two exchanged looks, Kimora emerged from the kitchen.
“I’m glad y’all know of each other and whatnot, but who are you and why you in our house?”
“I’m the woman who just fucked y’all husband. Now since there’s so many of you I’m not sure whose room it was but it was real nice. I was thinking of doing some wandering since Daddy is asleep.”
“Bitch I swear to Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Bast herself, I will drag yo rusty, dusty, crusty, broke back, uneven frontal headass down this entire gahdamn hallway. And trust me, there's a lot of fucking hallway in this big ass house.” Josephine perked up at her tone.
“Aww shit, Demon Henny, yeee!” As the rest of the harem attempted to understand what was going on downstairs, Aly’Sha had heard just enough to take matters into her own hands in regards to the punishment of their husband.
“Aye Nigga! Wake the fuck up!” Aly’sha growled as she shot a hollow point 9mm bullet on the headboard above their husband, who she affectionately referred to as a beginners tutorial for the blind. Her voice echoed from the enormous room. Guess she wasn't too tired from practice.
“Aly'sha…” The beast growled, sitting up slowly. “What the fuck is the matter with you?”
“NAH WHAT THE ABSOLUTE DUMB NIGGA FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Another bullet whizzed past Erik's head and for the first time in a long while, he flinched.
“ALY’SHA I GOT IT!” the small woman screamed upstairs. “I just gotta take care of this bitch first.”
Grumbling to herself, Aly’sha exited the room, putting the gun back in the waist of her shorts. This nigga was really about to die die.
“That must be your little errand girl, hmm?” Erika hissed a giggled as she watched the rage in Kitana’s eyes grow.
Upon hearing all the commotion from her studio, Bastion emerges in her Moschino sweatsuit and fluffy mink slides.
“What in the Christian Louboutin is going on in here?”
“Don’t worry about it babygirl, go back to work. Mama’s just gotta take out some trash.”
“Oh well that means I must stay. That’s one of my specialities. Now who is this woman, why is she in my house and why are there gunshots being fired? I thought we weren't doing firearms in the house after the last time I got too drunk.”
“Because your husband is an idiotic dipshit.” Aly'sha growled, standing behind Kitana as if she was one of Charlie's angels.
“Well I knew that when I married him, but Harpo who dis woman?”
“A dead bitch,” Kitana hissed as she wielded the katana blade that was hidden in the intricately carved bracelet on her wrist. A birthday present from Shuri.
“Has she always had that?” Homie inquired.
“I don’t think I wanna find out,” Kristina said as she carried little Nya away from all of the commotion.
“Care to give me the information on her astronomical indiscretion?” Bastion inquires with a perfectly orchestrated eyebrow raised.
“It’s simple really,” Ericka began to explain. “While the cats were away, Daddy Jaguar decided to play. And who am I to deny the Prince of Wakanda?”
“As I said before, A dead bitch.” Kitana twirling the blade between her nimble fingers as she stared Erika down.
“I’m sorry let me see if I can comprehend this simpleton’s language. So you’re telling me that my husband, who has a plethora of pussy to use and abuse at his discretion, was intimate with you? Of his own free will? As though he wasn’t just shot at for not giving his last wife enough attention? He fucked you freely? Ha! Ok my darling please have yourself admitted to the nearest psychiatric ward. I’ll even recommend a wonderful therapist and even better medication. My mother knows them well.”
Ericka stared her, grin wide as ever but not quite making it to her eyes. They were steely, dark and deep. She’d seen and experienced a lot. It was in the way she moved…spoke. “You’re so entertaining, no wonder he stopped at you. You were the icing on the spoiled ass cake, huh?” She let out a chuckle. “Pipe down, little bitch, before I make you. I’m here to speak with the real wife, the first lady. All you other hoes sit down and watch me defeat your beloved head Princess Hennessy Chiron.”
Her eyes moved back to Kitana, looking over her frame before she met her fiery gaze.
“Let me give you the play by play. First, I took a seat on my new throne, you know those lips you love? Made him hit it from the back then from the side. Asked him what’s your favorite position and then made him look in my eyes while I took all that dick. He promised to make me wifey number twelve.”
Slice. The blade moved so fast no one could process the action. Ericka’s pink peplum blouse was now in shreds at her feet and blood oozed from the long cut across her chest. Before she could react, Kitana had the blade above her head and was bringing it down again, this time digging it into the flesh of her abdomen.
“I’m glad you enjoyed that dick because that’s the last one you’ll ever hop on,” Kitana snarled as she threw her blade down and went straight for Ericka’s neck. What she lacked in height, the small woman definitely made up for in brute strength and speed.
“Damn, she really is the female Erik,” Kimora noted as the two women wrestled in the foyer. Though Henny was much shorter than Ericka, she easily overpowered the outsider.
“No one can dethrone me, bitch,” Hennessy snarled with a sharp jab to Ericka’s face.
Ericka growled, her whole body throbbing. First it was the wound to her chest, causing pain to spread through her body like wildfire. Her tolerance was higher than many. She should’ve been on the floor begging for mercy. Her mission, however, was not done.
“I-I did you one better.” She spoke softly, low but audible enough for Kitana to hear. The venom in her bite had disappeared. “There’s a crack in your foundation. You’re relationship isn’t as perfect as you thought it was. N’Jadaka found ten wives after you and still can’t be loyal. I can’t take your spot but my actions will make you want to give it up.”
Just then the blade appeared from the small of Erika’s back, piercing a few vital organs and killing her instantly. The princess removed her blade and headed for the staircase. The wrath of Hennessy Monaé Chiron Stevens-Udaku had only just begun.
TAG LIST: @vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @champagnesugamama @sociallyawkward18 @chasingsunlight @dabluestsky @trevantesbrat @itsangeludaku
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