#college erik
asyncamestel · 10 days
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xxplastic-cubexx · 21 days
dofp having both Time In A Bottle and erik telling charles he wished he hadnt spent so many years fighting him was actually evil really !!!!!
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seokjinsxmoon · 18 days
completely unrelated to what i usually post on here, but the cherik brainrot from nearly a decade ago has comeback with a vengence
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themushroomprince03 · 22 days
If Erik Lehnsherr was a high school teacher (ein Lehrer, if you will), he wouldn’t teach metalworking. He would 110% teach Civics
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bigautomaton · 2 months
If I had seen all that stuff with Graham Folger, the guy who ate all that paper, I'd just assume he's in college and it's finals week.
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
The Game
Erik!Stevens X Black!Reader
Part Seven
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Erik being the most popular person at  Texas Southern University, he has his heart set on a particular girl.
Warnings: SMUT
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At the next practice, she was more than ready to say what she had to say. All of her teammates heard about the talking Coach Ruby gave her, and they also knew about the meeting that she would be holding as co-captain. 
“Alright girls, huddle around!” The coach responded. The girls moved from their formations and sat in front of the mirror. “It has come to my attention that a couple of girls on the team are displeased with the drama going around the team. Rightfully so, you should have a moment to talk to your captain and co-captain about these issues so we can be united as a group. So, here is your co-captain to hear and talk to you guys about these concerns.
She walked to the front of the room as some girl’s posture changed in regards to being able to have a talk with her. 
“So, the coach has come to me with these concerns that the team is having and as co-captain, I promised that I will take each and every opinion and fact that you guys have to say about this situation.” she started as she looked around the room. “It’s no secret that Erik Stevens and I have started to date. And knowing the history and the past that was caused because of him, I would like to know what these concerns are face to face so we can have a team talk instead of talking among each other about me and my decisions.”
It was silent before Mirah raised her hand. “What’s up?”
“So, with all that you know what he did to not only me but Aliyah and some other girls, why would you think it would be appropriate as co-captain to date him?” she asked tilting her head. Obviously, she was trying to be smart, but (Y/N) was Einstein. 
“Thanks, Mirah. So, before we started dating, I told him that I didn’t want to date because of the drama. We chose to be friends until he spoke his truth and with my judgment, I declared he was telling the truth. The both of us had some conversations about not only the drama but the past relationships that were formed on this team. He stated that the ONLY relationship other than me was with Aliyah.” she responded confidently as Mirah scoffed and the girls laughed.
“Yeah, and he’s lying.”
“Can you prove it?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Can you prove it? DM’s, messages, pictures, whatever proof you have. Can I see it? Because I promise you I can go tic for tac with you.” she said pulling out her phone. 
“Why would I keep old photos and messages of a nigga I used to mess with?” she snapped. 
“Language! Let’s keep it respectful, we are teammates remember?” Coach Ruby reminded her. 
“Oh no, I believe that you don’t have the messages. Like I said I can go tic for tac with you because he let me have access to his Instagram DM’s,” she said pulling up her Instagram. A couple of the girl’s faces dropped as some of them ooohed. 
“Yeah he’s not stupid enough to do that,” she said rolling her eyes as she shrugged. 
“Bet.” she pulled up the DM’s between Erik and her. 
“I think it’s really fucked up how you kissed me last weekend but have been ignoring my messages, especially after Aliyah and I fought. I’ve had feelings for you since last semester-”
“Okay, you know what-” she stood up looking at Coach Ruby. “Are you believing this right now?” she asked as Coach Ruby sighed. 
“I do. She showed me the DM’s... including the ones from two girls on the team who are in this room right now, who shall not be named.” Mirah looked back at her. 
“Real fucking classy co-captain. So much for being a team, reading personal DM’s between-”
“I’m gonna stop you there. You were not worried about being classy when you were taking pictures of us at a party minding our business. Not only that, you guys lied about this poor man and I have the proof that Y'all are lying.” (Y/N) said stuffing her phone in her back pocket. 
“Mirah.. you lied about dating Erik?“ one of the girls said laughing. “Girl, that’s weird.” 
“For real. Why are you so pressed on what (Y/N) is doing?” another teammate said.
“Because it’s trifling! We voted for you as co-captain because we thought you were responsible! And now here you go getting fooled up with him. Ever since you guys started dating you’ve been slacking as co-captain and I’m sick of it!” she snapped. (Y/N) looked at Coach Ruby then back to her. 
“So give me an estimate on when I started acting horribly as a co-captain,” she said crossing her shoulders. 
“For about a month! Around the same time y’all started talking!” she snapped. “Our routines have been offbeat, everyone instead of worrying about our competitions, they are sitting around gossiping about you!” (Y/N) looked again at Coach Ruby with an ‘I told you’ so look on her face. Coach Ruby sighed and then said, 
“That’s not true. Mirah sit down.” 
“No! You guys are sitting up here letting our team go to complete hell for what!? I’ll say it because everyone is afraid to say it. Ever since you and Erik have been fucking with each other, for the past month our team chemistry has been horrible and it’s your fault!” she snapped. 
“So I guess my theory was the right coach.” (Y/N) chuckled. 
“I’m afraid it was.” 
“What are you guys even talking about?” One of the girls spoke up. 
“How many other people think that for the past month since I and Erik have been dating that team chemistry has been down?” Five girls out of the rest of them raised their hands. Of course, they were friends of Mirah. Kia and Brandy started to laugh knowing what was about to come up.
“Kay, why do you think that?” she said picking one of the random girls with her hands up.
“I feel like since you got with Erik, our team has not been a priority for you in the past month.“
“And let me get this straight because I don’t want to miss interpret what you’re saying. So in August, September, and mid-October I’ve been focused and doing right by the team. Then Erik came along around mid-October and everything has been a, excuse my language, a shit show.” (Y/N) said as the collective of girls nodded.”And because Erik and I have started dating since last month, from then and now our team has been going down, because I am letting him influence me.” she clearly said. 
“Exactly! Thank you. At the beginning of the semester, we started off strong. Our dancing was great, we were damn near perfect.” Mirah exclaimed, which only made her chuckle. “I don’t see what’s funny since you are putting our team in jeopardy, (Y/N).” she snapped at her. 
“No, it’s funny because Erik and I have been talking since Mid august and made it official in September. We only made it public a week ago so I’m gonna assume you caught wind from a specific ex-member that I’ve been messing with her ex for the last month.” 
“Oh my god, why the fuck are you lying! You know damn fucking well y’all weren’t messing with each other. You’re only saying that to deflect what you’ve been doing to our team!” she yelled at her. 
“No, no. She’s telling the truth. They’ve slept at each other house, went on cute little dates and everything,” Brandy said matter-of-factly. “The two of them even came together for some of our movie nights” she finished.
“And unlike you, I have pictures and messages going back all the way to the night I had my first conversation with him and from then on. You felt upset and you ran to Coach because you thought she was going to get on me for dating him,” she replied as the team got quiet. 
“Yeah because I was worried about the team! He’s caused so much drama, which has affected our team negatively!”
“Okay Mirah but if you cared so much about our team and what he was doing to it, why were you in his DM’s complaining about him ignoring you?” she asked her. Everyone looked at her for an answer but she didn’t have one. 
“This what it seems to me. If this statement is true about our team slacking, it’s not because of you’re co-captain is messing with this boy, but because y’all are pressed on what they are doing to even focus on your own stuff.” Coach Ruby said defending her. “She has proven that she’s been doing great with balancing both the team and him because y’all didn’t even know they were dating within that time our team has been so-called perfect.” Coach Ruby shrugged. 
“Really what the problem is that y’all are lying, and keeping rumors up after finding out about this relationship.”
“Coach Ruby no one is worried about their little relationship. Trust and believe that. I only had my team in mind.” she snapped.
“Mirah.. just sit down. Stop embarrassing yourself. We will forget this happened.” The other teammate laughed. Knowing damn well they were going to talk about it for days. 
“No fuck y’all.” she stormed out of the hall before Coach Ruby came up. 
“Now, does anyone else feel like they have an issue with their co-captain dating Stevens.” no one raised their hand. “Alright, his name will not be discussed from here on out in this room. Y’all are dismissed.”
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Erik was now home from the gym, waiting on a call back from (Y/N). He was proud of her for finally standing up for herself against everyone and not being afraid of the outcome. He noticed that ever since she got with him, she’s been more confident in standing up for herself.
Even Omariana noticed the change, and she was here for it. She considered (Y/N) her little sister. Whenever someone had an issue with (Y/N) or said anything disrespectful towards her, Omariana would be right there to check on anyone. She was happy that (Y/N) was finally finding her voice.  
As Erik was unpacking his gym bag, he heard a knock at his front door. No one that he knew texted him to tell him that he was on his way. He got up going to the peephole at the door to see (Y/N) standing there with two take-out plates, her book bag, a duffel bag, and a drink carrier with two milkshakes. 
“I know you see me, open up the door! I got a lot of shit in my hand!” she exclaimed. He immediately unlocked the door helping her by grabbing her duffel bag and the milkshakes as she let out a sigh of relief. 
“I ain’t know you were coming over here,” he said kissing her on the shoulder and placing her duffel bag right next to his gym bag. 
“Yeah, it was a last-minute decision. I stopped and grabbed us some wings for dinner and a milkshake at the food truck on campus,” she said taking off her Crocs. She walked to his counter placed all the other stuff and turned to look at him. He walked over and placed the items he grabbed off of her and placed them on the counter. 
“You don’t mind me coming right? I wasn’t sure if you were busy or not this weekend and I really need some alone time to study for my midterms and-” he stopped her rambling by reaching behind her and grabbing her ass, and grabbing a little bit of her pussy from the back. 
“You know I don’t care about you coming over here. When was the last time I had a taste of you?” he whispered in her as she bit her lip. 
“It’s been bout a week or two.” she moaned as he let her go, not before slapping her ass. 
“Yeah, I hope yo ass know what’s up,” he said taking off his tank top. His muscles were a lot more toned, her figuring that it was probably because he just got back from the gym. Which means his libido is through the roof. His hands traced the outside of her tights as she leaned against the counter. 
“And if I don’t?”
“You gonna figure it out real quick. Matter of fact-” he picked her up and placed her on the counter, catching her off guard as she squealed. 
“Wait, Erik, I need to take a shower. I just came from practice,” she said pushing his head away as he moved it. 
“Oh, would you look at that? I just came back from the gym and need a shower too,” he said picking her up. 
“Aht aht. I wanna eat my food before it gets cold nigga, damn.” she laughed as he placed her back on the floor kissing his teeth. 
“Don’t act like you don’t want my face between your legs,” he said walking passed her and grabbing both their bags as she grabbed her food and milkshake. 
“I wanna eat first. And take a shower,” she said grabbing a fry and eating it. 
“That’s fine. Just wait. I got something for your ass.” he said walking past the kitchen and into his room. It’s been damn near two weeks since they last touched each other. She wasn’t gonna lie and say that she didn’t want him. She needed him. With their busy schedules, it was almost impossible. With exams coming up, and the lack of competitions, practices, and events, she had a break this weekend. 
He eventually came out and started eating his dinner but she was done with hers. “Okay, I’ma jump in the shower now,” she said throwing her stuff in the trash. “Where did you put my bag, my soap and stuff are in there.” she said as he turned to look at her. Swallowing what he had in his mouth he said, 
“Yeah, I bought the same stuff you bring over here,” he said taking a drink from his milkshake. She looked at him shocked and said, 
“Like a week ago, I found it all on Amazon and just ordered it so you don’t have to bring that stuff from home,” he said taking another bite from his shoulder. 
“Oh,” she said looking him in his eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” she didn’t know what to say, but she knew what she wanted to do. She was going to completely fuck the shit outta him. 
After Erik finished up his food, he decided to join her in the shower. He took off his clothes placing them in the dirty hamper, and also placing her clothes that he saw on the bathroom floor in there. Might as well wash them so she could have some clothes over here, he thought. 
He slid the shower door open as she turned around rinsing the soap off her body. “That was quick,” she said moving over so he could get some water. He lathered up with his rag and soap and started to move across his body as she leaned against the shower. 
“Yeah.. because there were some things I wanted to do before you got out,” he said placing the rag and bottle of soap on the shower rack. 
“What’s that?”
 He leaned into her, placing kisses a long her shoulder and neck, whispering in her ear. “Playing with this pussy for starters.” his hands slipped between her thighs as she slowly spread her legs for him to have more room. “Such a good slut, opening up your legs for daddy.” he whispered biting her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders looking him straight in the eyes. 
“I’m your slut.” she said as he smirked at her. He back away letting the water run down his dreads. She took a look at him, drinking him all in. The water running down his chest, to his abs, to his dick with water droplets falling off it. All she wanted to really do was just suck the water off then have it down her throat. 
So she grabbed his dick with one hand and his arm with the other pulling him closer to her as he tilted his head. She went into a squat position as his eyes followed her every movement. She stuck her tongue out, licking along his dick, letting the water hit her tongue as well before placing his who tip in her mouth slowly sucking it. 
“Fuck.. I love when you tease this dick baby.” he whispered as she moaned against it, making him throw his head back. “My dick belong all in the back of that nasty ass throat don’t it?” he asked her as she slowly took every inch of him. 
She moaned in agreement as he bought his bottom lip between his teeth. He grabbed her chin as she placed her mouth open for him to slowly fuck her throat. She gagged as spit covered his dick but he didn’t stop, it wasn’t like she wanted him to either. 
“That’s it...” he moaned out. “Nasty fucking bitch.” he went faster as she looked him in the eyes, as he looked back down at her. Her fingers played with her nipples, the sight alone making him harder if it was possible. 
She took matters into her own hands as she wrapped her hand around the base of his dick, sliding it up and down as he fucked her throat faster. 
He grabbed her throat bringing her up to her feet before giving her a tongue filled wet kiss. His hands trailed up her stomach to her breast, pinching her nipples as she gasped. 
“Go to the bed. Ima be with you in a minute.” Was all he said before she gave him one last look. She stepped out grabbing a towel and walking to his room. The cool air hit her wet skin as she dried off in his room, hearing the shower still going. Quickly, she dried herself then moisturized and oiled herself down. She heard the shower turn off and the shower door open. 
She got into the middle of his unmade bed, getting in a face down ass up position. She heard him come in, not being able to see him since she was facing the opposite way. “Yeah... I like that.” he said walking behind her. He softly traced his finger tips along her spread lips, slightly applying preasure when he came across her clit. “I barely touched you and your leaking on my fingers.” he said licking the wetness up. 
“Daddy can you please touch me?” she whimpered. The throbbing of her pussy was killing her, Erik on the other hand was enjoying it.
“I think seeing you like this is my new favorite thing. Look at that pussy begging to be touched.” he said grabbing one ass cheek, spreading it a little to see her pussy drip. “I can see it throbbing.” he chuckled before grabbing a fist full of her hair. “Beg me to touch you and I might just do it.” 
“Pretty please daddy. I miss cumming on your tongue and lips. You made my pussy feel so good and I want that again.” she pouted. He sat on his knees, pulling her to his face so looked up at him with her back facing his chest. With his other hand, he spread out her pussy lips rubbing circles around her clit. She moaned out, gripping the sheets as he went faster. 
“Ooh Erik...” she moaned as he bit her shoulder, then placed a kiss on it. 
“There you go.. give me that nut.” he whispered to her. “You so pretty. You know that? You look so fucking beautiful giving up this pussy like this.” he taunted her. 
“Damn, im cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” she repeated over and over as her climax lasted longer than expected. He kept rubbing the sensitive but at the same rate not stopping, even though both his sheets and hands was covered. “Okay daddy.. I get it.” she moaned as he stopped, smacking her ass. 
“What did I say? Didn’t I say I had something for your ass.” he stepped away as she fell onto her stomach into the bed. He stepped off the bed, pulling her ankles along with him. He then flipped her onto her back, yanking her till her bottom half was hanging off the bed, him having a grasp on her hips. She looked down and saw a towel barley hanging around his waist, and his dick pressed against her thigh. Without a second though, she grabbed it through the towel biting her lips. She saw his jaw clench as the grip on her thighs tighten. 
“Yeah you a hoe for the dick ain’t you.” he smirked at he stood up straight, his dick hitting her pussy a few times. 
“Mhmm.” she mumbled waiting for him to touch it as he slapped her clit. She winced at the pain, but soon after a moment of pleasure came. 
“Use your words mama.” he whispered. “I said you a hoe for this dick right?” he said rubbing his tip against her clip as she eagerly nodded. 
“Fuck, yes daddy.” she moaned out throwing her head back. 
“You know how I like eating this pussy. Get in position.” he said stepping back. She pulled her ankles to the side of her head, as he stared directly into her eyes. She sat there with her legs in a V shape, his eyes slowly trailing down her body, his eyes halting when he seen her pussy. Clit swollen, pussy lips spread, wetness spread all over. 
“Such a pretty pussy.” he said tracing the tip of his fingers on her lips. He saw her pussy clench, more wetness forming as he chuckled. 
“I’m barely touching and your pussy is getting wetter. She must want daddy to eat her.” he said kneeling down as she nodded with a bite of her lip. 
“She does daddy. She misses you.” He smirked licking her one time as she gasped at the sensation. He placed a kiss on her clit before sucking on it. She moaned at the new pressure, his tongue taking random licks to collect the wetness she was producing. 
“Erik..” she moaned as he looked up at her. Her legs were shaking as her eyes were closed towards the ceiling. He pulled away whispering a fuck to himself, as his fingers found their way to their entrance.He inserted his middle and ring finger curving upward in a come here motion before putting his lips back on her clit. 
“Eat my pussy just like that..” she whispered sitting up, her body bouncing with every movement Erik made. 
“Pussy gripping the fuck outta a nigga fingers.” he smirked pulling away from the clit but still fingering her.
“You gonna make me bust again daddy.” she mumbled, but he heard her. Her squirt went all over his hand and forearm, him catching what he could with his tongue licking her up. With his fingers still inside her pussy, he said, “Will you grip my dick with this pussy just like this?” he whispered tilting his head to the side. 
“If I do, I’m squirting again.” she said letting go of her legs. He stood up straight again before telling her, 
“Get back in the middle of the bed.” she crawled backwards onto the bed, still facing him as he followed her on to the bed. Getting between her legs, he pushed her knees to her chest as he rubbed his tip against her pussy. 
He let out a dragged out ,“Fuuuck”, as her pussy clenched around his inches as he pushed further.
“Oh my-” her voice broke off as his dick massaged her walls, slowly creeping up to her G-Spot. 
“Fuck, there you go. Just give up the pussy like this.” he whispered in her ear as she moaned. She moved her hand towards her clit, rubbing it in circles as her mouth shot open. He took the advantage to grab her throat, slightly choking her and kissing her in the mouth. Another sloppy kiss endured between the two, as his paced went a little faster. 
“Ooh ima nut..” she whispered, her juices splashing against the two of them as she moaned loudly. He continued fucking her till every single dropped came from her her entire body shook.
“Lemme get this shit from the back.” he said flipping her over. She got onto her knees, arching as best as she could. 
“This beautiful ass.” he whispered smacking her ass a few times, then spreading her cheeks, to see her pussy spread once again. “Beautiful pussy.” he whispered to himself as he put his face between her ass, licking up and down her ass to her pussy slowly. 
“Fuck daddy your so nasty..” she smiled, the nice sensation making her pussy wetter, another climax in need. 
“Let daddy clean up the mess you made. Taste so fucking good too.” he said pulling away and smacking her cheeks. He spat on her pussy, before licking it up, the action throwing her off guard but she knew she loved it. He got back on his knees, alighning himself up to her entrance. He slowly pushed himself onto her as she gripped the shit. 
“This pussy...” he sighed as she groaned.
“Big ass dick... you’re fucking stretching my pussy..” she whispered as he smacked her ass. 
“Work your ass on this dick. Show daddy how much of a nasty slut you can be bitch.” he said. She started to move her way on the dick as he sat there, letting her fuck him. She started to only fuck the tip as he threw his head back in pleasure. 
“C’mon... fuck that dick how you want it.”
That’s was all the motivation she needed. Within seconds she was throwing nothing but ass and pussy on him, the wet sounds turning them both on. 
“You like when I fuck this big dick daddy. My wet tight pussy on this big dick.” she moaned at him as he rolled his eyes shut. 
“Daddy loves this wet tight pussy. You know how to handle this big dick like a big girl.” he encouraged her. The talking mixed with her g-spot hitting the tip of his dick, she was squirting again. 
But she didn’t stop. She kept fucking him through her nut as he smacked her ass. “What the fuck? You just squirted all over my shit and you gonna keep fucking me?” he said smacking her ass as she gasped.
“I don’t want to stop fucking this dick.. Ooh I’m gonna squirt again.” This time it was a mixture of both squirt and cream as he looked down at their connection. Her ass was now covered in her squirt and her cream, as she just continued to fuck herself. 
“Such a desperate whore, no matter how many times you come on my dick you gonna make sure make daddy nut.” he said meeting her match. Her eyes shot open as her pace slowed down. “Aht aht, Don’t fucking stop now- GET YOUR ASS UP!” he snapped as her arch began to fall. 
“You were just fucking me with no regards to how many times you came, not let me fuck this pussy.” he said putting her back in position. He pushed his way into her as she gasped. 
“Oh my God, daddy cum please. My pussy!” 
“Fuuck I’m close.”
“I want your nut daddy..” she whispered as he threw his head back. 
“Fuuck don’t say that. Please don’t fucking say that.” he moaned going faster. 
“My pussy want that fat nut please.” she whimpered. 
“Oh shit I-”
“Cum in my pussy daddy.”
Right on cue, he painted her walls as he continued to fuck her. He pulled out roughly as she fell onto the bed. “That pussy looks so fucking...” he couldn’t phathom a sentence to say looking at his cum ooze out of her pretty little pussy. He jiggled ass before running to the bathroom and grabbing soap and water to clean her up. 
“I’ma need a nap.” she yawned crawling up the bed as he stopped her. 
“Damn I wore your ass out.” he laughed. He was still wide awake, “Lemme change the sheets out.” he said grabbing a pair of grey sweat shorts out of the drawers. He grabbed one of his black hoodies, placing it onto her before getting the bed prepared.
It was now 7 o’clock and they were both deep into their nap. (Y/N)’s phone rang waking the two of them up. She grabbed her phone pulling it up to her ear, not looking at the caller ID. “Hello..” she yawned. 
“Well it’s nice to know you are alive. Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” she immediately knew it was her mother. She rolled her eyes not wanting to talk to her. 
“You already know why.”
“Just because I didn’t go to some foolish games to watch you shake your ass. No thank you. You knew I was against you on the damn team anyways, just embarrassing me in the church.” her mother snapped. 
“And you wonder why I don’t answer your phone calls.” she sat up, Erik looking at her get up out of the bed. She went into her duffel bag grabbing a pair of underwear and placing them on as Erik turned on his LED lights. 
“Don’t talk back to me. The hell is wrong with you. All I was going to ask is if you were coming home for Christmas break. CJ met a girl on this dating app, and I invited her for dinner.” she looked confused. A girl dating CJ was the last thing she was expecting. 
“Yeah.. I guess. I have to pick up some papers anyways.”
“And I want you to invite that boy you been messing around with.” her mother said, making her freeze. 
“I don’t think I can do that.” she said as her mom scoffed. 
“What? Y’all broke up? See I knew it wouldn’t last long-” 
“No we didn’t break up. We are together.” she rolled her eyes. Erik connected the two and figured that they were talking about him. He sat at the foot of the bed saying, 
“Who is that?”
“My mom.” she mouthed as he tilted his head in confusion. 
“So what can’t he come? You don’t want me to meet him or something?” she scratched her forehead before saying, 
“Have you thought that maybe he has a family of his own?” she said as Erik told her to put it on speaker. She placed the phone on speaker, 
“Well I just think it’s suspicious that you have a so called ‘boyfriend’ and I haven’t seen a picture of him. Seems to me like you're faking the-” 
“Actually hello ma’am. I’m right here.” Erik spoke up as she looked at him in shock. 
“Oh well ain’t this a surprise. And what is your name?”
“My name is Erik Stevens.” he said.
“Hmm, I think she told me about you before she rudely stopped answering my calls. You ain’t tired of her yet, are you? You can be honest because I know how it is around her.” he looked at the phone then to (Y/N) in confusion.
“No, actually. She’s been truly a blessing to know ma’am.” he said. The phone got quiet as her eyes went up in annoyance. 
“So is it true that you can’t come for dinner. I’d like to meet the boy my daughter is so called dating.” 
“Actually I would like to meet her family.” he said as she scoffed. 
“Wow, so she lied. Thought I’d raised her better but oh well. Well, I’ll be happy to meet you. Now you have a nice night.” Erik assumed that she would say bye to her daughter but she hang up the phone. 
“You don’t look happy that I’ma meet your parents.” he said as she threw the phone on the bed. 
“My father, sure. My mother and step-father, hell no.” she said sitting on the bed. 
“I moved in with my dad when they got divorced. Even at the age of 12, I could tell she was mean and manipulative.” she then looked at him. “No one told you to say anything by the way,” she said getting up as he grabbed her hand. 
“Aht, don’t walk away. I thought I was being nice.” he defended himself. She sighed grabbing his hand. 
“I know, it’s just you don’t know my mom. She will try to say and do anything for you not to like me. She has all that animosity till this day because I wanted to go live with my daddy.” she rolled her eyes. “And she’s always had this weird competition between the two of us. It’s fucking weird, and she wonders why I barely talk with her.”
“Well how about this.. I’ll find us a nice hotel so we don’t have to stay anywhere, we can leave her house anytime we want, and hell if it calls for it we can spend Christmas together.” He reassured her as she smiled. 
“Wait, what about your family.” 
“It’s okay. They can miss out on a Christmas,” he whispered
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@life-in-the-slut-house @gloglamsparks @waveynaee @lalaooopsie @luvvjada @nccu-rnc @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @leahnicole1219 @meeksmillsfrenchfries @hinatasfleshlight @kokokonako @junie04 @sourbabynaee @sociallyawkward18 @raysunshine78 @justgetitoverwith0 @lishabaybee @rbhp @ladymac82 @musicismeb @keviekevswife1 @chaneajoyyy @youlovechicky @sexicherri3 @amirra88 @jameica17695 @lishabaybee @softleoblue @automaticdragonmugalien @lynaye1993 @eterrealluvrr @xsweetdellzx @ajenae @forevermoremagcon @babbydollaaassignn @ziayamikaelson @blmcd57110 @kaireads2020 @ts1mp0ne @luvvvjada @cozyashhh @xsweetdellzx @shurixwifey1 @blkmystery @princessmel-1995 @trippyscotch @determinednot2fall @metra873 @ravynnn-12 @meeeeep5 @ts1mp0ne
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quinnwho · 2 years
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honestly??? this is one of my worst nightmares
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itsdynotdaddy · 1 year
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier, Raven | Mystique & Charles Xavier, Emma Frost & Erik Lehnsherr, Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Raven | Mystique, Emma Frost Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Porn with Feelings, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Public Sex, Public Blow Jobs, Foot Jobs, In Public, Oral Sex, Sexual Fantasy, Awkward Boners, Charles Xavier Needs a Hug, or sex he needs both, yes they really doing it under the cafeteria table, before you come at me erik not really dating emma, Smitten Erik Lehnsherr, erik uses too much pet names, frat party, everyone is drunk, no beta reader we die like raven in dark phoenix Summary:
Charles knows damn well that he is nothing more than just a friend to Erik. He knows his place. He can't cross the line unless he wants to ruin everything.
So he has decided to live only in his fantasies until somehow one of them becomes true.
Maybe it is his lucky day?
But also, could it be possible if Erik has actually been sharing the same feelings as him all this time?
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calemakart · 2 years
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avalanche mob au movie poster!
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space-hopper14 · 11 days
First fanfic
this is they first chapter of the fanfic I posted about, not sure when I’ll get around to finishing it as I can only really write at night or on weekends lol
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
Lands Hope
Falena: How's the situation
Amara: Not good, nobody can use magic
Falena: This is bad..
Cheka: *Stares at the sky on the balcony, then taps his foot* Hey poeple, listen to me, you gotta hear what I'm sayin'
Falena: *Looks over surprised*
Cheka: You've got that sparkle deep inside! You've got a talent worth displayin'!
Falena and Amara: *Walks over to him, standing on the balcony* We just need a little hope!
Kifaji: *Joins them on the balcony* We just need a little unity
Cheka, Falena, Amara and Kifaji: *Smiles at each other then looks skyward lifting their hands causing magic to flow into the sir* We just need to find the magic that's inside of everybody!
Najma: Sometimes it feels a little hopeless but things aren't always what they seem
Pegas: *Joins her on the balcony* Can you feel it? The energy?
Najma and Pegas: *Smiles, holding their hands out, magic flowing from their palms* Yeah, the power is growing~~~
Dylla: *Steps outside hearinf the voices singing* Don't look now, things will get better
Dylla: *Smiles, joining the crowd of singing people, lifting her head skyward* So, hold my hand 'cause we're growing together
Dylla: *Lifts her hands with the crowd, magic lifting into the air* We've got the strength to take on whatever!
Erik: 'Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us
Erik: *Looks skyward, lifting a hand into the air magic filling the sky* 'Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us
Neige: *Joins the other singing students outside, standing among the crowd* Don't look now, things will get better!
Jaseem: *Holds his hand out* So, hold my hand 'cause we're growing together
Rielle: *Grabs his hand, smiling* We've got the strength to take on whatever
Che'Nya: *Appears behind him, wrapping his arms around their necks* 'Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us
RSA Students: *Lifts their hands to the sky, magic flowing from their palms* 'Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic in us!
Livia: *Struggles to stand up, then perks up hearing the sound of singing* Huh? Who?
Azul: *Looks around* Singing?
Koi(Spirit): *Gasps as the ground shook and cracked* WHAT!? WHAT'S GOING ON!? STOP THAT INFERNAL SINGING!!!!
Koi: *Snarls, releasing a sonic burst skyward* STOP IT!!
Ortho: NO!!!
Deuce: *Yells in alarm, shielding his ears as a screeching noise brought everyone down to their knees*
Vil: *Shields his ears, his eyes clenched shut*
Danell: *Throws a barrier up, panting quietly*
Crowley: Students-
Leona: *Looks away* Cheka...started this...
Leona: Cheka....
Cheka: *Removes his hands from his ears, then lifts his hands skyward again* So, everybody everywhere
Amara: Ooh~
Cheka: Now is the time to raise your voices
Amara: *Lifts her hands to the air* Ah-ah~~
Cheka: You know it's time to show your courage, yeah!!
Cheka: And nobody's gonna stop us, no!
Nilo and Duke: 'Cause there is hope when we're together
Maleficia: Ah-ah~
Nilo and Maleficia: *Lifts their hands to the air again* And it grows stronger when we sing!!
Mayhem: *Lifts his hands* So, raise our voices in unison!!
Thea, Rosalie and Cobea: *Lifts their hands* Raise our voices in harmony, yeah!!!
Koi: *Yells in alarm, gripping his head, feeling a splitting headache come*
Livia: You can take our magic and seal it away so nobody can defy you but you forget the connections we make with each other and with our land empower us!
Azul: That's why that voice, the voice that brought everyone to sing is the one who is helping us stop you
Kalim: Cheka is the real hero right now! Bringing the hope back to everyone's hearts!
Epel: And you're gonna have to go through us to find him
Ortho: *Charges a beam, glaring at Koi* And we'd be happy to indulge you in a brawl!
Koi: *Snarls and lunges at them* BRATS!!!
Koi: *Yells in alarm freezing in place as the voices grew when more joined, magic swirling around him* WHAT!??? HOW! I TOOK YOUR MAGIC!! ALL OF IT!!!
Deuce: *Standing beside Ace, their hands aimed towards the dull stone* Don't look now, things are getting better!
Idia and Lilia: *Lifts their hands into the air* So, hold my hand 'cause we're growing together
Vil and Rook: We've got the strength to take on whatever!
Danell and Aolani: 'Cause we've got the magic, we've got the magic
Riddle and Trey: *Looks at each other, then lifts their hands into the air, magic flowing from their palms* Just take another look, things are getting better!
Cater and Ruggie* We're growing stronger, growing together!
Leona and Ziro: We'll always have each other forever!
Jade and Floyd: 'Cause we've got the magic
Trein and Crewel: We've got the magic in us
Silver: Don't look now~~
Ace and Ollie: Yeah, we've got the magic!
Jack and Sebek: We've got the magic in us!
Malleus: Don't look now~
Jamil and Barik: We've got the magic!
Vargas and Crowley: We've got the magic in us!
Livia: SNOWIE! NOW!!
Snowie: *Runs across the room from her spot*
Snowie: *Grabs the rain Mage Stone and smashes it on the ground*
Kalim: YES!!
Koi: NO!!!
Livia: *Smiles, breathing in as her magic returned* Yes!
Kalim: *Beams, looking away as magic bubbles of different colors floated out of the room* CHEKA DID IT!
Livia: Don't look now~~
Azul and Kalim: *Smiles at her* We've got the magic
Epel and Ortho: We've got the magic in us!
Livia: *Looks away* Don't look now~~~
Cheka: *Smiles wide as the sky returns to daytime* We've got the magic, we've got the magic in us.....
Falena and Amara: *Hugs Cheka as Kifaji hurried away to check the status of things*
Cheka: *Beams up at them then looks skywards finding a rainbow in the air*
Livia: *Climbs out of the glowing stone, Vil grabbing her hand*
Azul: No we didn't...
Kalim: *Smiles and nods* Cheka saved the day actually
Ortho: Yes, we would've given up hope were it not for him
Crowley: Where's Koi?
Livia: *Holds out a glowing marble* Sealed away, permanently!
Crowley: *Smiles looking pleased* That's good
Livia: *Watches Crowley walk away with the marble* He's in for it...
Sebek: My Lady, please don't be so reckless next time
Lilia: You are in big trouble missy!
Livia: *Laughs as Diasomnia scolded her*
Kalim: *Smiles, sitting down as Jamil and Taleb scolds him about the danger he had been in*
Azul: *Sighs, patting a crying Verti's back, comforting his brother*
Ortho: *Laughs, Citro, Pen, Pan and Idia hugging him tight*
Epel: *Bows his head then perks up when Vil suddenly hugged him, smiling slightly as he patted Vil's back*
Danell: They're safe and magic is back...
Aolani: *Smiles softly* Yeah...that's a relief...
@queen-of-twisted @soulfungai @teddymochi @zexal-club @yukii0nna
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crehador · 1 year
penultimate night arc is like arsène lupin threw a house party to impress his crush (the phantom of the opera) and provided sick music, ample booze, quality weed, and maybe some e or something but then some postgrads crashed the party and started passing out crystal meth like candy and lupin, despite it being his party, just turned to his crush (the PHANTOM of the OPERA) and was like "hey should we maybe just leave"
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xxplastic-cubexx · 17 days
what other silly little antics do you think charles and erik got up to in that cube besides play chess because my money's on book discussions. like them book clubs with suburban moms where you drink wine and talk about books you read except theres no wine i dont think thats permitted in the plastic cube prison and theres not even a club its just two old men
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why’s Erik’s tibbies so big? /pos
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I guess you could call them phantom tits
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42donotpanic · 9 months
WIP Warriors Round 2
It is time for another round of the Avocados in Love Server WIP Warrior Challenge.
After the great success of the first round I'm upping my pledge to seven sentences per vote (even if no one wants to take that challenge). I have also added some more WIPs that have accumulated in the meantime...
As last time: Go ham and check out the other creators and polls!
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shit-enmu-says · 24 days
I don’t know how people around here keep thinking I’m college freshman age.
I don’t think I look young at all. I developed permanent dark circles at age fifteen that make me look like a perpetually exhausted raccoon. When I was in my sophomore year of high school I was routinely thought to be a teacher or my best friend’s mom.
Also my bones themselves are older than most of the buildings in this part of town, which were built around the mid 2000s. But you know what? I’ll take it. Perhaps it’s the T, who knows.
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