#like cmon they’re warriors
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Decided to draw them more anime because why not. Anyway, here’s JayPaw and his Aunt. (I really wanted JayPaw to stay a warrior, break his destiny, do his own thing. He always struck me as too stubborn to give in, but he did so 😔)
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azulaaaaaaah · 5 months
atla/tlok characters that i think did *it* (but i just can’t prove it)
this is the most unserious post i’ve ever made. (AND I WANT TO PREFACE BY SAYING BY *IT* I MEAN KISSING)
Sozin and Roku
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and history will say that they were just great friends…
this is the only one where ill legitimately die on this hill
like i’m 90% sure roku just showed Aang their friendship in the flashbacks to prevent awkwardly explaining to a 12 year old monk that he was romantically and/or physically involved with the person who committed a g*nocide against his people
sozin i feel loved roku (to an obsessive level) and roku literally dgaf. king shit
Wan and Raava
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genuinely what the fuck was going on between these two. like i don’t even have any words
canonically at the very least it was a domestic partnership
S2 korra doesn’t make sense at the best of times. imagine trying to explain the intensity of this pair’s devotion to each other, to someone who hasn’t seen the show- all the while knowing raava is a disembodied spirit practically older than time
she’s the embodiment of everything good and light in the universe and he’s just wan. (and he’s wanough <3)
‘do you think we’re soulmates in every life?’
‘wait that’s not what i-‘
Cabbage Merchant and his cabbages (or at least a cabbage)
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yeah i’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole
Every member of the red lotus squad
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ah yes it’s my favourite evil polycule
amidst plans to kidnap children and topple monarchies what else is there to do except… kiss.
let’s be real there’s something so inherently romantic about being apart of an elite, vaguely murderous anarchist squad
they all share one exact bed. it’s canon
(p’li somehow big spoons all of them)
The S2 Nomads
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these dudes are the textbook definition of anti-monogamy
like they’re obsessed with love so i fully believe that they think ‘it should be spread amongst others’ or some shit
oh to be a travelling communist nomad in a band, wandering the wilds with my wife, and our several partners
they’re somehow the opposite of the red lotus and yet the same. they all share a single bed/sleep area
The dangerous ladies (but all separately)
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i don’t ship any of these particularly and yet can still admit that it’s canon
ty-lee and azula have kissed bc azula probably made up a dumb excuse like ‘oh i don’t want my first kiss with a guy to be… erm… bad’
mai and ty-lee have kissed because they both probably have genuine, vaguely deep rooted romantic feelings for each other
mai and azula have kissed to purely spite zuko (and yknow what ty-lee too)
HOWEVER A KEY ASPECT TO THIS DYNAMIC: azula is completely unaware about the ty-lee and mai thing. it’s uh… better off that way.
Hakoda and Bato
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i ship this about 50% but like… it’s got to have happened once right? considering all that down time they spent together on a boat away from the repercussions of water tribe society…
also considering they were leaders i doubt the other warriors were in a position to ever call them out on it
like cmoooooooon what’s a little kiss between the homies every now and again?
hakoda is where sokka gets his rizz/flagrant bisexuality from and i can’t change that guys
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unicyclehippo · 9 months
One word prompt: pause
imogen was glorious, holding her own before the most powerful people in the world. she was gorgeous and glorious and strange. to herself, from herself.
‘that’s probably why he was staring at us. because storm lord, storm powers.’
‘yeah. yeah,’ imogen muttered with a quick smile. ‘that’s probably it.’
it had nothing to do with profound distrust or the inhuman recognition of the inhuman in imogen, surely. laudna watched imogen watch the earthbreaker stride back to his small battalion of warriors. her eyes lingered, burned. then they met laudna’s and imogen seemed to pause before the burning gave way to only warmth.
‘hey, honey. done talking to the voice?’
laudna nodded. her fingers twisted, knotted together.
fearne waggled her eyebrows at them. ‘how was last night? the manor is so romantic, isn’t it?’
imogen conjured a little laugh, a little blush. enough to make fearne coo at them, teasing, and turn tail to give them a moment alone. laudna watched it happen and tried to pair the blush with the quiet night they’d had, laying untouching side by side. imogen hadn’t slept much and had said less.
‘we didn’t do anything,’ laudna whispered.
imogen shook her head with another laugh. ‘she doesn’t need to know that.’
‘we didn’t do anything.’
‘i know. do you want me to tell her that?’ imogen asked quietly, laugh falling away to a mild frown. her eyes drifted sidelong, mind drifted sidelong against laudna’s. laudna wished she would look within—maybe she could explain laudna’s thoughts to her. all she knew was that it was filled with hungry shadows and visions of the red storm, and imogen. ‘laud?’ imogen touched her cheek gently. from her tone, it wasn’t the first time she had called laudna’s name.
‘i’m alright, darling.’
‘that’s why you’re pulling your hair out? because you’re alright?’ imogen’s frown softened. ‘cmon, let’s get out of the sun.’
she guided laudna to a spot of shade against the wall of the fort. at a pointed glare, a nearby guard jumped to their feet and carried over a bucket with a crisp salute and ‘ma’am!’ they hurried away just as fast and imogen overturned the bucket, sat laudna down upon it.
the shade was blissful. after the dark damp of morrigan’s fane, the desert was so harsh. brutal sunlight burned down onto laudna’s pale skin. and everywhere she looked it was a vision of death and blood, pale faces drawn in nerves and painted red by the light of the moon.
‘close your eyes,’ imogen told her, crouching beside her. ‘it’s okay. don’t look.’
laudna clamped her eyes shut. ‘the red…’
‘i know.’
‘it’s like your old dreams. the red and the sand.’
‘and all of these souls… what if they’re like dear old bertrand? the lumas twins? what if all of them are claimed by the moon?’
imogen’s hands tightened on laudna’s. ‘that’d be pretty awful, huh?’
laudna didn’t answer for a long moment. the silence stretched, a strained tendon. she didn’t dare open her eyes. all she wanted was quiet and dark and imogen.
‘i’m here,’ imogen murmured.
laudna felt her hands being moved and peeked down through dark lashes to see imogen lift one of her hands, press her lips to it. laudna’s sharp inhale was almost a gasp and it drew imogen’s gaze upward. her lips drew up in a bright, sharp smile. the corner of her mouth was thin, pulled long by her smile. laudna touched a trembling finger to imogen’s cheek, just shy of her mouth.
‘beautiful,’ she whispered. then, unable to keep the words back any longer, ‘don’t leave me.’
imogen’s smile flickered. ‘why would i—‘
‘you can fool the others but you can’t fool me. something happened when you gave in.’
‘no please, let me finish.’ she gathered imogen’s hand up. ‘i know what it feels like, i know.’
‘no. you don’t.’ imogen yanked her hand free and shoved up to her feet. ‘i’m fine,’ she assured her, eyes elsewhere, already looking for where she could go, anywhere to get away from this conversation. orym stood at the other end of the fort, filling water canteens with ashton’s help. imogen started toward him—only to stop when laudna wrapped a hand around her wrist.
‘let me go.’
‘it felt good,’ laudna said, voice low. ‘safe. it felt like you were hardly there, that predathos was holding you so tight you could hardly breathe and it was wonderful because he could keep you so safe if anything happened, if anything scared you, hurt you. it felt good because no one has ever wanted you that much.’ imogen tried to pull her hand away. with uncommon strength, laudna held tight. ‘he made you feel powerful, welcome, special. he showed you that you are already all those things, that he sees that in you. he showed you how l-‘ laudna stopped, voice cracking. after a moment, she pressed on. ‘he showed you how lonely you are. that he doesn’t see you as a monster. you aren’t scary with him. you aren’t freakish or dangerous. you belong with him.’
imogen was panting now, eyes wide. she turned to face laudna, who spoke quick and quiet as though she only had a few seconds to speak, a few seconds before something would stop her. or someone.
‘you’re wrong.’
‘i’m not weak,’ imogen spat, not seeing laudna’s flinch. ‘he can tell me whatever he wants, i know what is true. what is right.’
laudna clenched her jaw. the planes of her face went hard as marble, eyes stern. her voice wavered then went harsh. ‘you are weak, imogen.’
the shock of the words made imogen pause, jaw dropping.
‘you have a weakness, and he will exploit it. that is what they do. you have been a stranger to everyone in your life. you have been in pain for a decade. you are scarred all over and so powerful it scares people. your mother left, your father ignored you, and no one else could come close because it hurt—‘
‘stop it.’
‘you have spent years wanting to get as far away as you could, somewhere without awful people, somewhere you could just be. it is a terribly strong lure, to feel that you might be able to be around others like you. no longer the odd one out. to find joy in who you are, not pain.’
‘stop it!’ imogen snapped. ‘it doesn’t matter what he offers me, ‘cause i ain’t taking it. and if you felt so damn strong about this, you should’ve said somethin’ before i dreamed last night.’
the stone in laudna’s face cracked, crumbled. ‘yes,’ she whispered. ‘i should have.’
‘good, well, it’s too late.’ imogen wrenched free, successfully this time. she rubbed her wrist where laudna had held her. the grip hadn’t been tight nor painful but something in the closeness now made her skin crawl. her eyes dragged up to the moon hanging overhead; when she refocused on laudna, she was met with a look of understanding.
‘i want you to make your choices. i will follow, whatever you choose—‘
laudna stuttered to a stop. ‘no?’
‘i don’t want to make the choices for you. you have to figure out what is right, laudna! you aren’t her! and you sure as hell aren’t me. stop giving into her and start thinking about what is right for once! make a choice!’
‘i choose you—‘
‘choose yourself,’ imogen snapped. sucked in a breath as she heard the sharpness of her tone, saw the way laudna’s certainty wavered and she began to fold into herself once more. ‘choose yourself,’ she said again, more calmly. ‘i love you. i went to the ends of the world and beyond to get you back, ripped you out of her tree, so that you could live your life, not hers.’
‘i know.’
‘good. so just focus on keepin’ her out and doing what we came here to do and it’ll all work out.’
laudna pursed her lips with a tiny frown. ‘i- i should have said something earlier. i’m so sorry, darling. i want you to feel at home. loved. but…’ she swallowed harshly, then held her hand toward imogen. she didn’t grab at her, nor move closer. ‘predathos doesn’t love you.’
imogen laughed, sound harsh. ‘i know that.’
‘do you?’
it was too hard to meet laudna’s eyes. something in her still pulled, yearned, for the moon. imogen knew the moment her feet landed on the moon that she would feel more at home than she ever had. that the weight of the world would lift that small amount, that gravity would right itself around her. she didn’t know how she could come back to exandria after, knowing that.
‘whatever he says to you, whatever he offers,’ laudna continued when imogen said nothing, ‘tell me. i will spend the rest of my life trying to give it to you,’ she vowed. ‘you will never owe me anything. it will be the joy of my life to - to love you. to build a home with you, away from the world, away from everyone else.’
‘and safe?’ imogen whispered. ‘can you promise we’ll be safe?’
laudna lowered her eyes. ‘no.’
‘no. that’s what i thought.’
‘but he can’t keep you safe either.’
‘i dunno, laud. he felt… powerful. it felt like nothing could touch me there.’
‘perhaps nothing could,’ laudna agreed. her hand was still outstretched, unwavering, though imogen had not yet taken it. ‘that sounds terribly lonely, darling.’
imogen shook her head. ‘he was everywhere. i’d never be alone.’
the words struck laudna. she looked sickened, and for an instant her hand trembled. she kept from snatching at imogen, barely.
‘it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be,’ she whispered. ‘you lose track. of your own voice. yourself.’
‘it wouldn’t be like that.’
‘you wouldn’t even feel it happen.’
imogen bowed her head. the sun had shifted overhead, the day straining to press on against the weight of the moon. the shade they had stood in was being eaten up. soon, there would be nothing left of it at all.
she reached out. took laudna’s hand.
‘before we get there, while i’m still myself. bring me back.’ her grip tightened. it must have been painful. laudna held her as tight, nails digging into imogen’s skin. ‘i might scream or fight. i might not want to come back. but.’ her throat tightened, something in her already fighting the words. ‘this is my home. you. exandria. bring me home. whatever it takes.’
laudna nodded. stepped in, pressing her cool forehead to imogen’s. ‘a tether.’
‘my tether.’
‘my whole world,’ laudna murmured.
the words didn’t quite touch her. imogen could still feel the lure, the pull, the feeling of belonging and home just out of reach. she could feel it burrowing beneath her skin to hollow her out and for a moment she could see past the haze of red sand and static and knew that laudna was right. the clarity wouldn’t last long.
she kissed laudna there, for anyone to see. her lips were chapped but laudna didn’t complain, only kissed her sweetly and gently. there was such a look of surprise and adoration when she pulled back that for a second imogen felt it. home.
‘he can’t have me,’ imogen promised, voice edged with a sandstorm growl. ‘better halves. i’m already whole.’
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belle-keys · 9 months
I'm really missing Cordelia right now and I know how much you adore her too. Do you have any interesting headcanons for her? How about songs that remind you of her? Anyway here's a pic of my Funko she's keeping me company while I work
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Cordelia! That's my whole damn cousin! Here are my headcanons:
She lowkey loves to bullshit white Englishmen about her ethnicity. Sometimes they come up to her asking “What’s Arabia like?” or “ Which part of India are you from” or some nonsense lumping all brown people together because they’re ignorant like that. Instead of lecturing them about Persia, she starts playing along and saying things like “Oh yes, I’m actually the lost queen of Rajastan, third in line for the throne”. James wants to punch the men but Cordelia plays along and she and Alastair laugh about it later.
Her chai game is simply not as strong as Alastair’s because cmon, Alastair is the British-Persian king of chai! But they still have chai-making battles which they force Sona to judge.
She likes experimenting with various types of dance as a hobby. From traditional Persian dances to ballet to classical Indian dance. She finds it’s a great way to destress when her Clave duties become taxing. Plus, James thinks it’s super hot.
Her dream vacation destination (after Constantinople) is Petra.
Absolutely no one can beat Cordelia at chess but she absolutely sucks at card games (because girls weren’t really taught to play card games back in the day). However, Lucie happens to be good at card games because the Thieves taught her, and Anna is good at them too because Anna is Anna. Hence, Cordelia’s greatest secret goal is to get as good as them to beat James and Matthew one day and relish in their frowns.
She is deadly scared of bees and she will not hesitate to whip out Cortana and attempt to slay them… often to no avail. “What a great warrior,” mutters Alastair whenever this happens.
Some songs that remind me of her:
La Chute est lente by Alma (she’s a lovergirl)
Cupid by Victoria Monét (she’s a lovergirl)
The Great Mermaid by LE SSERAFIM (she will take absolutely no shit)
War of Hearts by Ruelle (she will beat your ass)
Anywhere But Here by PVRIS (jordelia)
Akasaka Sad by Rina Sawayama (breaking generational trauma)
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lockandkeyhyena · 10 months
Idk if it's unpopular, but here's my opinion: Squirrelflight and Leafpool should've ficking killed someone.
Ik for Leafpool it would be " so out of character " but that'd what happens when everyone INCLUDING GOD pushes you over the edge. My interpretation would've been that after watching Bramblestar abuse her sister, disown their first litter ( bc Lion, Jay, and Holly are just as much his and Squirrelflight's kits as Spark and Alder ), and considering she knows he trained in hell with his dad, she'd have enough and poison his ass as many times as it took.
For Squirrelflight, she should've killed Ashfur ( not Imposter!Ash, just alive ash ) instead of revealing the secret. Ik she had a wound on her belly, but cmon, put it a situation where your ex is threatening to burn your children alive would produce adrenaline like a mf. She'd knock his ass off the branch and into the fire, leaving him to burn while she got her kits to safety. This could also be what breaks Hollyleaf, as the code states that one doesn't need to kill to win, and what she just witnessed was her mother murder another cat.
Idk, have a lot of warrior thoughts, if you couldn't tell.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
bib BIG fan of leafpool/squirrelflight fucking kill someone aus they’re so cathartic. not much more to say, i’m a fan
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atla-suki · 10 months
“and suki’s bc i love sukka and i am deciding that they stayed together forever bc it’s my blog and i make the rules” being completely honest do you think they stayed together? like deep down? Im always split not because i dont believe they could last but more because Bryke would be like ‘yeah no they went their separate ways’ or whatever. I dont know !
honestly… this is a really difficult question lol
do i WANT them to be together forever and ever? yes of course. do i think they DID stay together? well….
as much as i absolutely adore sokka and adore suki and am obsessed with their relationship, i feel like it’s too unrealistic if kataang AND maiko AND sukka end up together. (this is assuming izumi’s mother is mai. just go w it for the sake of the argument).
the fact that we didn’t see anything of sukka’s potential children (or of sokka or suki themselves except one flashback) in LoK makes me feel like bryke didn’t really think about whether sokka and suki would stay together. or whether they were relevant to the plot of LoK (DUMB. btw. all they had to do was have asami or someone be like “yeah i trained with suki, leader of the kyoshi warriors” or have a scene of sokka w tenzin & tonraq defending baby korra against the red lotus. like cmon now. anything is better than nothing).
anyway back onto what i was saying i think it’s unrealistic for ALL of the teen couples to have stayed together for so long. kataang, fine, i guess, because they’re the main characters and most often things work out Good and Happy for the main characters. but i honestly feel like there was too much working against sokka for him to have the same romcom type fate idk.
no suki in the yakone flashback. no mention of ANY children (and you know that if they were together into their adulthoods it’s likely they would’ve had kids). that one scene in the fortuneteller episode where sokka is told he’s gonna have a life of self-inflicted misery (i forget the actual quote but yk which one i’m talking about). the fact that he and suki are in a long distance relationship throughout the comics… i just don’t know.
of course i WANT them to be together. i think that of all the couples in the original series they deserve it the most (not bias this time, i genuinely think they had the best chance of something real), but i also think bryke doesn’t rly care about sukka as much as i do.
do i think they stayed together? yes. one of my favourite things about sukka is their ability to find each other over and over again, even through long distance.
do i think bryke actively kept them together? probably not.
HOWEVER, *i* live in a state of delusion. so yes, sukka are together to me.
(also suki didn’t die young idek where that came from and the fact it’s still circling around is silly)
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ninjamelissajulien · 6 months
DR2 notes
- ok teen riyu super cut
Pixal mentioned!!!!
Lloyd that’s ptsd
Kai my beloved
I love Kreel ngl
Inch resting with Cinder. Didn’t think I’d like him
Fugidove VA I can tell
Cinder fuckin don’t break their backs dear god
Master of smoke… what happened to ash???
bagels are always good
Morro theme
I love the new intro
New colors for imperium outfits
What is with people trying to make Lloyd eat rancid things
Also panic attacks canon with Lloyd and Zane
Are we not gonna mention Ash???
I love Sora so much
Can we fucking chill with the TEAPOTS PLEASE
Arin is such a scrunkly
Uh oh. I bet this is gonna go after Jay - shattering the goodness inside him.
I love euphrasia so much
Ohhh the worm curse I forgot about that
Element masters but evil… force from the East banished them…
I do love that the new ninja are 3 girls 1 boy
Jordana I fucking love you
Aww Nya comforting Lloyd
Ash mention how the fuck did Kai beat Cinder so fast wtf I blinked and he was down
Ok I have to say the fighting is beyond amazing, but also holy shit shatter spin is terrifying and also Zane is fucjin dead rip
The sound that cinder makes with each hit is the gong sounds
They keep zooming in on one of the wolf warriors- also are they real people or the masks manifested
Life. That’s the dragon that claimed Lloyd. Lloyd’s element is Life.
The imperium source was Energy. Another is strength. Motion. The other 3 aren’t mentioned.
I love you Kai. So much. I’d kill for you.
Protective Kai for Wyldfire also Zane why are you staying behind
Jordana vs Cinder is fucjing funny
RGB siblings real
WYLDFIRE you crazy son of a bitgh
God the animation is GORGEOUS
Leviathan theme
God Arin and Sora are brotp
Damn jays voice is deeper
Jesus fucking Christ “the real Jay would never forget me” they’re going for that aren’t they
What was Kai’s - was it seabound
Of course Kai would jump first since Cole isn’t there
Me: ok I need to pause to go to the bathroom I’ll pause at the beginning of 4
The beginning of 4:
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These bitches gay good for them good for them
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Yep that’s Cole’s kid
God I love the sound of Nya’s element
Rontu I love you
Cole I love you so much
Forces from the East meet the Journey to the West
Coles powers are stronger
Bonzle is the key… maybe the undead open the gateway
What was last time???
please I’m begging you do we get a whole fucking episode about the backstory of the plush because u want that so badly
W… what… bonzle that’s a lot to just casually drop on someone
I love Bonzle’s voice.
Fuck yeah new story animation I love these (genuine!) also sorceress comes in later
A place more permanent than the realm of the departed… interesting
Cole holding Geos hand I saw that you gay cutie
No. Fucking. Way.
Rontu you amazing beast
Motion was one of the source dragons
God if that is Andrew as Egalt he’s fucking fantastic
Garmadon mentioned!!!!!!!!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTION
the ninja cured his loneliness 💔
Wyldfire I love you you dumb bitgh
My favorite gif of the high five
aww Zane 🥹
What the fuck Ras is tripping
These worried parents
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The rocky dangerbuff mustache
Do it wyldfire
Mention Lou I’m begging you
Or Marty Oppenheimer
“I was never the performer in my family.” Me: I… I mean… Lou… but the triple tiger sashay…
Have I mentioned the animation because Jesus it’s so good
The monastery?
Also I’ve noticed I haven’t heard any sound effects from Kirby yet which is interesting. Not bad by any means, but interesting. It’s nice that Andrew’s Cole is becoming his own 💙
Cole why are you staring at the wall oh
“Totally annoying and I was completely blameless” sure Cole sure also interesting that this is now the SECOND time Jay has been mentioned
Chen’s noodle house mention
3 mentions
I don’t know who you are but I love you you queer queen also sprite???
Aww wyldfire
Bonzle 😭😭😭
Uh oh who’s knocking THESE FUCKERS AGAIN????
Zane you handsome dumbass I love you
Uh oh
That happened fast
Damn nindroid-phobic where the fuck is Jay
Zane I love you
Me: where the fuck is Jay *two seconds later* THERES THE MOTHERFUCKER
wait the shatter spin JAY GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE
Ok so amnesia yes but admin jay not too long lmao just bring up Nya
Are we not going to mention Nindroids
Hey can we get to Jay????
Jay???? Jay????? HELLO JAY????? JAY?????????? WE JUST NIT GINNA JAY??????
I forgot about Jordana lmaooooo
Oh yeah I forgot Cinder lmaooooooooooo
Wow the super old “using jay’s voice for Kai as a whimper” sound
Are we still not bringing up Jay
oooh flashback
Boy Euphrasia really got sidelined didn’t she
So we really aren’t going for Jay aren’t we
Who is this Janet????
Arin and his seatbelt
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Cole Rottweiler confirmed
Take. Off. The. Masks. Now.
Uh oh ARIN
Don’t you fucking dare tempt arin
I will kill myself if something happens to Kai
They better not
I will do it
I’m not on my meds
I’m suing.
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aboldone4 · 8 months
Spoilers for Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
Okay, hear me out. Let me cook with this one.
My brain came up with the crack pairing of Kamisato Ayaka from Genshin Impact and Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem.
Waitwaitwait pls dont leave. Let me cook.
Think about it.
Starting with similarities:
Ayaka comes from a clan that’s head of a whole commission in Inazuma, so she’s from an influential and powerful family.
Edelgard is the emperor of Adrestia. There’s no need for me to elaborate on that. I think the title speaks for itself.
Ayaka was willing to question the Raiden Shogun to some extent.
Edelgard questioned the church of Seiros and started a revolution against the crest system of Fodlan.
Gameplay wise, they’re both really strong units in their respective games. Literally every alt of Edelgard in Fire Emblem Heroes is broken and I love it. Like, it’s objectively a bad thing, but she’s a fave so I let it slide.
In terms of differences,
I tried not to emphasize it too much up to this point, but Edelgard is significantly more open to radical courses of action than Ayaka and is more willing to do things that might be considered morally questionable at best.
Ayaka couldn’t openly support the resistance movement of Sangonomiya Kokomi, and it’s even mentioned the Yashiro commission and the Watatsumi Resistance don’t see eye to eye on certain matters.
Ayaka’s also more of a swordfighter, while Edelgard uses a heavier weapon in an axe. Ayaka could probably teach Edelgard to use a sword better while Edelgard could show her how to wield an axe and use it in combat (and maybe like during training Ayaka looks at Edelgard and is like sjsjshshshsusu. Would be interesting for sure).
I think that Edelgard could broaden Ayaka’s horizons, while Ayaka could help Edelgard not lose herself in pursuit of her lofty goals.
I also just like this ship because they’re both pretty and I headcanon both of them as autistic as someone with autism myself.
Like cmon, people can’t tell when Edelgard’s joking because of the tone with which she delivers her jokes, and she didn’t know the social cue of a high five in Three Hopes. I also think that part of the reason she acted the way she did when Byleth lost Jeralt was because she didn’t know how to deal with something like this, along with the fact that this was the only way she could cope with losing her siblings and mother.
Ayaka had difficulty socializing with people, and though that’s probably mostly because of her status, I also think part of it is that she doesn’t really know social cues due to being put on a pedestal. She seems to have experienced some fun things pretty late in life like going to a festival to enjoy it, which — to be as vague as possible — I can kind of relate to.
This is obviously projection on my part but come on. They are both my scrunklies. I love these two so much I’m so normal about them.
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fisherrprince · 10 months
hi. rolls up wearing a "Terra Fan #1" t-shirt. FOR the character ask game, 1, 2, 12, 14, 18, 21 (or 22, optionally), and 25, all for Terra!!! feel free to skip some if that's a bit Too Many At Once i'm simply the world's nosiest little beast :3
squints and carefully puts “Terra fan #2” shirt away (I can’t compete with my irl who loves Terra more than me it’d be foolish)
He’s BIG hes TEDDY BEAR and he has SO SO MANY PROBLEMS and he was three people and a terrifying armor ghost for years I love Lingering Will I think lingering will is the coolest thing ever. Wayfinders are my favorites when they’re vengeful ghosts
coughs. Lingering will. But actually I love that he’s a very polite boy I think a lesser medium would have made him edgier. He’s very polite and asks for things nicely and says please. good boy. 12. oh no I’m in a list wait
12. I think he’s very bad at cooking. I think he’s just downright bad at it it’s not that he doesn’t want to he is just bad. After kh3 he tries to get into it because aqua likes to bake as stress relief but he is not good at it however he CAN!!! make a KILLER kebab. because he just piles everything he likes to bbq on a stick
14. I. Honestly his normal aesthetic is so good for him. Samurai fantasy tech warrior is so good. And I don’t think athletic wear quite fits him? Put that boy in climbing gear maybe. Plenty of carabiners
18. Ummmmnnnnnhhhh UHHH ACTUALLY YOU KNOW WHAT i don’t quite know about this one bc all of his relationships are either sad or very brief I think he should interact with sora more though. I think they would get along well. I hope he chats with riku more too….. it’s so cute… maybe that’s the answer to the actual question. Wiku
21/22. Can you believe I’ve written him like once? Unbelievable. He’s just hard to do for me I think. I like it when ppl make Terra the lets go lesbians let’s go guy I love it when he’s just a woodworker he’s in a trade of some kind and lesbians just love the guy. It’s a trope I’ve seen like three times and every time it’s so funny to me. Who would have guessed. the big gentle himbo. But I also don’t like it when fics make him Too Mean?? You know? This is a problem with both Terra and Aqua I think people assume they’re older and therefore stricter and more entrenched in master eraqus’ teachings and completely unwilling to go near the idea of accepting darkness and while I don’t think that interpretation is wrong or not easily supported, it just feels… too harsh… like they didn’t also go through a big darkness revelation and have to deal with it all by themselves and maybe they wouldn’t find Riku to be comforting, if not a major relief. idk. You can make them as complex as you want (personally I have thoughts about how unintentionally bad they are at emotions and communication ALL THE TIME) but i get sad if they’re one dimensionally mean :( I get it you want a bad guy in your vanitas redemption. But cmon :(
25. I (thinking) I basically watched kh backwards. Sort of. So my first impression was actually,, Terra giving his friends a big hug and crying!! So I always knew he was a sweet boy. Now he is a complex sweet boy who made bad decisions and his whole arc can be taken with different readings beyond even the effects of manipulation into cycles of power and relapse or su(i am dragged offstage by a comically long cane) HEY
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sapphic-catz · 1 year
Idk this is purely based on my opinions okay? Understand that? Okay then
I’ve seen a lot of au’s and rewrites for warrior cats. We all know how sexist this series is. A lot of people try and fix this and that’s awesome. But like. Idk.
Every time I see a swiftpaw lives instead of brightpaw au it just irks me. Why not Bright? Why can’t you just explore the trauma and life of Brightheart? She has so much potential that isn’t shown that you can use. Or even worse when both live and she’s made into just a love interest for Swift or or or given a automatic healing arc just so she can help Swift deal with the trauma they both share.
Another thing is how overlooked still a ton of female characters are instead of male characters. Even if they’re like shown often. Like cmon we need more Sandstorm as deputy or Sandstars. Why does every other deputy choice under Firestar never women. Like cmon. It’s always Longtail, Brackenfur, Whitestorm (canon but in these he lives instead), or some other dude.
How about Morningflower??? Not as a deputy under Fire but as a bigger character instead of grieving mother who talks to Fireheart like twice. Make her the deputy before Mudclaw and Onewhisker where she retired now and the two fight over the next role. Works great for drama still and patches the Deadfoot being already dead thing.
Russetfur is also sitting right there y’all. She should get more!!!! Give me mroe of her!!!!
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Orange time :D I’m watching Joel
“I don’t support Elon Musk, I think he’s a weirdo, but his internet — I need it” based
My instinctual “don’t ask about ccs in other people’s chats >:(” but they’re asking about his wife lol
“I’ve not heard of anybody getting covid in ages, maybe it’s just cause I hang out with loads of losers who don’t leave the house”
Joel’s frickin’ voice when asked if he met Dream 😭😭😭😭
His reaction to Jimmy’s skin is priceless, oh my gosh
Sausage making lore and Joel just “…. What”
Owen sound so desperate to not be left alone with them, I’m dying
Rocket Spleef
“As long as none of us die in any of the games, we’ll be fine” so true
“Cmon Sausage, are you still in?” “No, I’m a dead man :D”
Grid Runners
They’re killing it!!
First in saw mill, we take it!!!
Battle Box
Oh that was so clean
“Those bows are killing me” literally
That sandwich of rounds if so satisfying actually
“Not last, yay” “What are you at?” “39th” Sausage my beloved
Sands skippers :((
Sands of Time
Dave finding the silver lining, as they should <33
Oh man that was such a tough word puzzle
Joel is getting so lucky with his pathing, what the heck??
Owen calling the gold chain parkour beautiful, he’s a different breed
Something about their comms are so natural and chill, it feels like they all have their ears open and are properly hearing each other, it’s so nice
There’s still sand in the lobby ;-;
That’s a solid score for only getting one(?) vault
Ace Race
They’re just a bunch of sweaty little guys, aren’t they /aff
Joel first!!!
Owen and Hoel holding hands :))
Joel figured out the ending and beat five people in the last checkpoint, we win these!!
He only cares about beating Jimmy lol
The “Well, that happened” energy they’re exuding is so freaking funny
“No one cares what we want, which is annoying” “no one cares about me” “why are we not the main characters” them!!
Dave is a prodigy, mhm, that’s definitely the right word for what he’s talking about mhm
“My wife texted me saying to stop throwing, so no I will stop throwing” “oh I didn’t realize you were doing that” “that was an hour ago”
Oh to be at an MCC watch party with Lizzie, Jojo, and Jack
Parkour Warrior
“Hey guys, love you wife” Joel is the wife guy of all time
Pkw when people don’t mute is just stretches of silence broken up with people complaining and I love it
Joel is killing it!!!
Owen and Dave holding hands <33
Dave losing her absolute mind lol
“This shhhhhhtuff is hard” nice save king 👍
Joel needs to not be so hard on himself, that’s an order
I think Dave might care, just a hunch
Sausage’s “angy” killed me
Hole in the Wall
Tom Holland as Dave Krtzyy in the film adaptation of the novel they will write about MCC32 Orange Ocelot’s comeback
Barbenheimer bois :))))
“I don’t know, even if Barbie dies, like, the atomic bomb killed way more than one person” DAVE 😭
Joel actually screaming then unmuting like nothing happened 😂
Yeah this event is crazy competitive
Dave is so funny and for what
I love the energy renewal after they accept they can’t close that gap
“If we’re not making it to dodgebolt, werymaking it on those gosh darn top 10 channels” real!!
“It was written in the stars, gentlemen, and the stars are saying slaughter them all” Dave my beloved
Dave been practicing his bomb making skills, good to know
“I know minecraft physics, baby” that’s my streamer
“Get down, I’m gonna do something stupid” we stan a humble king
Yeah I don’t feel like they did anything wrong, just nothing really lined up for them
Ye ol’ mcc1 alliance vs everyone wanting Ran to break their curse
“You better hotguy, you cowards!!”
Dave got a snack and raised a puppy
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vrmxlho · 2 years
tyy @phoenix666stuff for requesting! i rlly loved writing this, hope you enjoy <333 also reqs are open!! 
pairing. atsumu x gn! reader
word count.  794
synopsis. you’re new in town and japan as a whole. lucky for you, your assigned guide knows all the best places to take you...
a/n. this is so not proofread so if you see a spelling mistake or a grammatical error i want you to pretend it’s not there, if it’s negligible; but if you genuinely don’t understand what’s going on lmk and i’ll fix it <333 this is so bad, i promise i don’t always write this badly T-T ++ idk why i included diary entries lmao i just didn’t know how to show the passing of time without literally writing *time passes* sorry it’s so short :(((
cw. swearing, one mention of death
p.s. red camellia also symbolise love 
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dear diary, 
i’m in japan now! it’s nice to be in a different place. home is safe and comforting but the uncertainty of an entirely new country is just as exciting. the anxiety is eating away at my stomach but it’s almost comforting at the same time, i’ll overcome it. i’m about to immerse myself into a whole new world, a new beginning, so many new possibilities.
the school’s assigned me a sort of guide to help me with the language and the cultural barrier. i think his name’s atsumu? i’m not sure. i’m meeting him in the library tomorrow. 
wish me luck!
goodnight diary, speak to you tomorrow, love [name]
“atsumu miya, nice to meet you, and you are?” his hand’s outstretched. his entire vibe felt so comforting, it reminded you a bit of home; you could already feel yourself warming up.  
“[name], [surname]. it’s nice to meet you too.”
it was sunny that day; it honestly felt like the sun was always out when you were with him. you didn’t understand why, but he genuinely felt like home away from home. your soul was serene and there was already a sense of familiarity between the two of you. 
he had picked kitchen by banana yoshimoto, telling you it was the only book you’d ever need, and somehow it really was. the two of you sat at those uncomfortable desks for hours, yet the sun still shone and neither of you wanted to leave. by the time you had finished you could feel your heart break. ‘it must be because of how beautiful the book was…’
“when will we see each other again?” the sound of your own voice made you cringe. ‘that sounded too desperate.’ but he just laughed. he just fucking laughed what a cute, cute laugh. maybe your heart was already healed. 
“tomorrow i hope.”
“yes!” you didn’t even care if you came off as overly enthusiastic, you just wished he’d laugh again. 
dear diary,
he’s so beautiful, his face, his eyes, oh darlings his eyes, especially when he laughs. and his laugh!! it could bring me back from death…
we’re going to the national museum of japanese history tomorrow, i’m so excited, gosh what should i wear?? i’m so nervous…
again, i need your luck so please pray for me 
goodnight my dearest diary, love [name]
today he was holding red camellia; he looked pretty; the red of the flowers complimented the red on his cheeks, just like the red on yours. 
“why the flowers?” you asked. 
“flowers are very important to japanese culture and they’re very symbolic.” 
“and what do red camellia mean?” 
“it symbolises a noble death among japanese warriors.” 
“how gruesome…”
“it has other meanings too.”
“cmon these tickets do expire.” 
dear diary, 
i had katsudon today, just like mirage sakurai from kitchen! it was so good, i can really feel myself getting used to japan. everyone’s so nice (nice honestly doesn’t even begin to cover it). 
and atsumu… every time i’m with him i feel like i’m having tachycardia. in a good way. i feel like my face is always red, i wish i was better at hiding it.
what should i do?
please get back to me diary, love [name]
p.s. why am i asking as if an inanimate object is gonna tell me what to do…
one day you found yourself in his kitchen. baking. there was flour everywhere, eggs cracked on the floor and sugar spilling from the counter. it was a mess. a mess atsumu had created. the moment he saw you he had slipped, dropping everything he was holding. you both were also messes, laughing messes, and stupid pining, lovesick messes. 
the days you spent with him felt endless. you couldn’t remember a time you weren’t with him. everything passed so quickly. the truly happy memories you had were always with him. why was it that everything you ate when with him was so delicious? why was it that every negative emotion was dulled when he was around? every moment glowed in your heart, it ached by how full of love it was. the boy had infused himself into your soul, he was a part of your being. 
“aishiteru yo.”
“what does that mean?” you knew exactly what it meant. you’d heard it before in the two months you’d been here. you just wanted to hear him say it again. it felt unreal, you were just verifying this was real life and not a dream. 
“it means i love you. the place i like best in this world is with you. no matter where it is, no matter why, if it’s with you, if it’s a place where i can be with you, it’s fine with me.”
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thedurvin · 4 months
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Meanwhile Mattel is also doing a great job making Masters of the Universe toys out of obscure classics and concept art and extras from the background of box art, but can I just suggest that they do a line of Masters of the Multiverse or something and bring in some other Mattel properties they’re doing nothing with
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Honestly I’m surprised Street Sharks and Extreme Dinosaurs haven’t already been absorbed into the line; they could even use the same molds for the arms and legs
Take the same muscly limbs and stick them on plastic food with faces and brother you’ve got Food Fighters. Cmon Mattel, just one, Eternia is a big place, they’ve got room for a hot dog man
BraveStarr feels like it’s already in the same universe. I bet that one cyborg cowboy that’s friends with He-Man knows BraveStarr too
Xtractaurs mix-n-match dinosaurs
Rockem Sockem Robots. Just repaint any other robot in red and blue and you’re done
The Multiverse guys have a powerful computer called the Intellivision that can summon various low-def enemies from AstroSmash or whatever, y’all own an entire iconic game library
My dudes you own Shogun Warriors, which I think would grant you legal precedent to make MotU versions of dozens of classic Japanese mecha and kaiju. PLUS that series canonically had transforming robots which would allow for some even crazier versions of classic vehicles without having to rely on teaming up with the competition over at Hasbro
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
What’s Her Face women without faces
Remember that weird 90s Creepy Crawlers cartoon? The one that was like an even weirder TMNT knockoff? Anybody?
Okay Monster High is very much not abandoned IP but there needs to be some crossover between the two, I don’t care if it’s MotU Frankie Stein or if Skeletor gets a side gig teaching at the Evil School or whatever
U wanna get really crazy? Make MotU vehicles out of some of the iconic weird Hot Wheels
Okay now I’m just skimming the list of Mattel properties but what the hell are U B Funkeys?
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Oh those things! Yeah they look like they could be one of those little peasant Ewok-Smurf-Hobbit tribes that He-Man has to save from some evil monster. Same for Upsy Downsies and Pixel Chix
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max--phillips · 6 months
Omg I didn't see that post about the ears, but yes I 100% agree. Trans right! Trans Twi'leks are loved.
Also the dam you just opened, GET READY FOR LORE BECAUSE I GOT ALOT
Now to Twi'lek colors! This, if I remember is legends, but also Disney never said that its wasn't canon. I just know this info is from that time, so maybe take it with a grain of salt? Its still very cool regardless.
Skin colors actually hold a lot more meaning than simple genetics. Each color is attached to a doctrine! Which families are usually (but not always) the same color or varying shade of the same because their clans were born to that doctorine!
Blue/Aqua (Rutian) Twi'lek arw born of the Water Doctrine and were known for being peaceful, and very good mediators.
Yellow/Orange (Tukian) Twi'lek are born of the fire Doctrine. Known for being great explorers.
Purple/Pink (Tyrian) Twi'lek are born of Music/Art doctrine, anything art is their specialty. Music, paining, stories, you name it! (Im particularly drawn to them myself)
Brown/Grey (Darian) Twi'lek are of the Earth Doctrine are exceptional, and notoriously violent, warriors.
Green (Tukian) Twi'lek are of Spirit Doctrine, and are more often that not known to be Religious priests
Then you have your very rare skin types, that you could hardly find repeats generationally. And I dont think these i particular have a doctrine to themselves, they fall under what ever family they were born into. White, Red and Black!
Now I think if you had two doctrine house holds, they follow their parents doctrine they match. Like if a child had a blue and green parent and they were green they'd follow that doctrine. But dont quote me on it that was never a confirmed piece.
That’s so cool!!!!! Tbh there’s a lot of their whole deal that reminds me of the asari from Mass Effect (which is like, the least surprising sentence ever, I’m pretty sure they took direct inspiration from twi’leks, plus the whole “they were created to fill in the sexy green woman alien archetype” thing which. Booooo BioWare but yeah I get it) (don’t even get me started on how dirty they did the asari in andromeda tho)
That said I wonder if there are big feelings if two people from two different doctrines married and had kids, or if that was encouraged and having people from the same doctrine have kids was kinda frowned upon?? Bc since the asari can procreate with any sapient species in the galaxy, it is extremely frowned upon for two asari to have a daughter (did I mention they’re a monosex species? They’re all. “Women.” Though I use that loosely bc like. Cmon the fact they’re a whole race of sexy women is highly unlikely, they’d probably be agender, y’know, and certainly not subscribe to Earth’s version of femininity but that’s a whole discourse in and of itself). They’re sort of expected to procreate with someone outside their species.
ANYWAY this is hella cool and interesting thank u :0
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The Toronto Raptors are a G League team
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luimagines · 2 years
Hello pinky! (Im the one who sent in that merchant reader and reader is a friend of Wild and a big fan of Time lol) I finally have a clear story in my head and I can finally write and share it with you!
Ever since reader heard about the disappearance of their good friend, link (aka Wild) Reader couldn’t seem to get him off their mind and constantly was in a state of fear and thought of the worst.
“What if he was kidnapped? What if he was killed by monsters? What if he just didn’t wanna live in Hyrule and just left? What if he hurt himself? What if-“
Reader was snapped out of their thoughts by Wild casually saying hello to them while standing in the front of readers shop with men behind him.
“Hello (Name).” Wild said casually.
“Wha- WILD?! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!!” Reader screamed at the top of there lungs and then reader realized that people in town was staring at them including the men behind Wild.
“Wait…are those guys behind you your kidnapper’s??!!” Reader screamed whispered.
One of the boys behind Wild blinked at reader and chuckled quietly, he had Black tattoos all on his face brown hair wore a black fur pelt around his shoulders and was right next to a horse.
“What? No no. Let me explain this to you in the back of the shop please we really need your help anyways.” Wild whispered back.
“What do you mean “we”? Those men in the back who could’ve possibly kidnapped you?!” Reader whispered back as they open the entrance of the counter to let Wild into the back as they begin walking away from the other men.
“No they aren’t my kidnappers..it’s…its kind of a long story.” Wild spoke louder when they got closer to the back of the shop.
“Ok then..” reader pinched wilds cheeks as hard as they can.
“OW! What was that for?” Wild jolted back and held where reader pinched his cheek.
“For going missing for MONTHS and worrying the shit out of Zelda and lots of other people you met on your journey and then coming to ME casually saying hello while they’re sketchy men behind you!” Reader screamed.
Reader sighed “I’m sorry for the outburst you just worried me a lot..now please tell me where have you been all those months?”
“Alright. Sit back and enjoy this heck of a longggg story (Name).” Wild calmly smiled and started to explain what happened. He explained that the men behind him was the actual heroes of Hyrule like him (Reader didn’t know who Twilight or Warrior was cause they were not in the history book that Zelda gave reader) he also explained that he and the heroes needed my help because reader sells the best supplies for adventures and how portals opened causing him to go missing and this weird lizalfos keeps on trying to fight them, Wild told reader EVERYTHING. And he thought reader would believe him because reader is very gullible most of the time but smart and logical sometimes.
But reader took the smart and logical side of them this time surprisingly.
“Haha. Very funny. Link. Is this one of your pranks? Again?” Reader deadpanned.
“What?! No! Why would I be lying?!” Wild got nervous now.
“Oh yeah lemme just believe the fact your traveling with the actual heros of Hyrule and they named you “Wild”? And who is the hero of twilight and warriors?? Also it makes it even more unreal cause you say you’re traveling with THE hero of time. You know I’m a big fan of him! How could you lie about something like this?!” Reader scoffed
“Cmon (Name) I know this is unreal to you but you have the history book? Right? Cause you know they did sketches of the hero’s in there maybe you can question them and compare the sketch’s to their looks cmonnn I know you haven’t actually gotten a good look at the them!” Wild said.
“…fine.” Reader instantly regretted what they said but knew they couldn’t go back from this and grabbed the history book.
“Come! Let’s go” Wild giggled and dragged reader back to the front of the shop.
To readers surprise the men were touching and examining the supplies.
“HEY! Get your filthy hands off the supplies!” Reader screamed at the boy with a white cape and blue gem on it and the other curly dark brown hair wearing a green, brown and gold outfit? It was hard to describe them.
Both immediately stop touching and apologized.
“Sorry, you just really sell great potions and healing supplies! and beautiful flowers.” The boy with the brown curly said and whispered that last part to himself.
“I’m sorry. Your name is (name) right? You sell good swords here! Where did you get them from?” The boy with the white cape discussed.
“Uh…uh” reader was confused and it fell silent for a few seconds and Wild introduced reader to the men.
“Everyone! This is (Name) the one who I told you about! And they are going to help us!” Wild said excited.
“Hey! What the hell? I didn’t say that! I don’t know who these guys are!!” Reader screamed, scrunching up their face annoyed.
“Oh yeahhh I forgot to mention (Name) has anger issues.” Wild smiled
“Anyway, guys! Introduce yourselves!” Wild said
A little boy with blonde curly hair jumped “I’ll go first! My name is link but my nickname is Wind or Sailor! But they call me wind mostly- so you can call me Wind! Aka the hero of the Winds!” Wind put on a smug face and pointed at himself.
Reader was shocked and opened the book to the section called “Wind Waker” it had a sketch of the hero and reader compared the looks of the boy to the sketch and was surprised that they looked the same but Wind looked bit older.
This was when reader already started to believe that these were actually hero’s.
“I’ll go next. My name is link also but they call me Sky! So you can call me Sky aka the hero of sky’s! Or chosen hero!” Sky did a similar introduction as wind.
Reader quickly went to the section called “Skyward Sword” and looked at the sketch and compare it to the boy and just as UNexpected they looked the same but Sky looked a bit older.
Reader was gonna pass out. But didn’t.
“Um..hi I guess my name is link and I go by legend..cause people call me legend..I guess..oh yeah aka the hero of legends.” Legend looked away with an annoyed face.
Reader went to ANOTHER section called “Links awakening” as expected..looked the same but legend looked a bit older.
“Hellooo! My name is link as well and you can call me four! Aka the hero of four swords!” Four put on a happy face.
Reader obviously could tell that they didn’t need to flip to the section called “four swords” he looked the same but a different outfit and hairstyle.
“Hi! My name is link and I’m Hyrule the hero of Hyrule is what they call me!” The boy with the brown curly hair that was touching the potions earlier spoke.
Reader flipped to the section called “The Legend of Zelda” examined the looks and sketch.
“Im the hero of warriors and this is the hero of twilight! Both of our names are link but I go by warriors while he goes by twilight.” Warriors said happily. “I can introduce myself. Warriors.” Twilight said and rolled his eyes he was the one that chuckled quietly earlier.
“Um.. I can’t find these two in the book li- I mean..wild.” Reader said already becoming annoyed again.
“Well if they aren’t in the book well that’s your problem.” Wild shrugged
Reader rolled their eyes.
“Alright..your last old man!” Wild smiled.
“Hi (name), I heard about you from Wild including you being a fan of me..anyways my name is link. They call me Time or old man. Aka the hero of time” Time smiled gracefully.
Reader flipped the page as fast as they can and went to the section called “Ocarina of time” and compared the sketch to his looks and they looked the exact same but the time looked older. But being a big fan of him reader KNEW this was him and now believed Wild.
Reader gasped and passed out.
“(Name)? (Name)? (NAME)??” Reader heard a muffled voice woke up laying down on the couch in the back of their shop.
“Link? Link! What happened! Did I pass out? YouknownowthatIthinkaboutitthatisthefirsttimeipassedoutinmylifetime-“ reader paused their rambling.
“I PASSED OUT INFRONT OF- oh god can I meet him again please? Are they still here??!!” Reader kept on rambling.
“Yes yes he is still here (name)” Wild said calmly.
Reader pushed him out the way and apologized to him while running to the front of the shop.
And ran so fast that they opened the front counter and running into twilight.
Reader sat up fast and asked Twilight where Time was.
“Hey hey do you know where Li- I mean time is??” Reader smiled quickly
“Yeah I do. He’s where the instruments are.” Twilight groaned.
“Ah thank you very much!” And reader picked twilight up and let him go thinking that he could stand up again but instead making him fall to the ground.
“Oh forget it! Sorry twilight!” Reader ran off the to the instrument section.
It was quiet over here and reader can here their heart pounding wanting to meet their idol.
It was quiet.
Until reader heard and ocarina play.
Reader followed the sweet calming sound and found the old man playing the blue ocarina.
Reader stayed quiet till the old man stopped his playing and said “I know you’re there (name)”
Reader was hesitant at first but walked towards the man but kept their distance not wanting to make the man uncomfortable.
“H-Hi my name is (name) but I guess you already know that cause you just said it..haha..” reader said awkwardly
A chuckle came from the man and turned around
“You know I never thought I would still be know to the kingdom and have fans.” Time said calmly.
“Well I am a fan..cause you’re super cool..” reader said awkwardly wanting punch themselves mental for saying that.
“Well it is nice to meet you name.” Time stook out his hand for a handshake.
“It is nice to meet you to Mr. Time!!” Reader grabbed the hand gently and shook it.
“Um..so can I get a picture with you..?”
“HAHA..of course!”
The ending was kind of lazy but eh I’m just hoping you like it 🫶
AWW that was cute! Thank you so much!
This is going up on the masterlist for sure. :D
Just look for it under the link titled "Anon submitted stories"... Or something like that.
Time is so nice. Wild is a menace (to be expected) and poor Twi. He can't catch a break, can he?
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