#like cmon that must have healed by now
midnightloversmusic · 5 months
Ruined Movie Dates ✧.*
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James Potter x Reader
“Did you think I would have been mad? because i’m not mad, honestly I don’t think I could ever be mad at you even now when you hide yourself in a bathroom to avoid me helping you when you are hurt, I can never be mad.”
You are currently hiding from James in the bathroom.
It’s not like you want to be hiding from James, you want to be cuddled up in his arms watching a movie right about now as you had planned yesterday, but here you are with a black eye hiding in your bathroom as you hear James letting himself into your apartment.
It really wasn’t your fault it’s not like you prompted this person to punch you, she mistaked you for the girl who slept with her girlfriend and that’s fair.
but god does it hurt like an absolute bitch.
And all you know is that James can not know about this. Your sweet, kind, lovely, caring boyfriend would flip the absolute fuck out if he saw that you had a black eye.
in a loving and concerned way of course but, how exactly are you going to hide it from him when he’s literally in your apartment right now for a movie date?
you have absolutely no idea.
you hear James call from the entry way
“I’m just in the bathroom i’ll be out in a sec!”
you usually keep your makeup in a drawer under the sink but as you open it is you realize you left your foundation in your purse yesterday when you were running late to work. Now you really have to option but to kick James out and wait until your eye heals to see him again.
“Um James can you come here please?” you ask in a small voice
you hear his footsteps come from the kitchen up until the door and you open the door a crack so that he can’t see your bruised eye
“I’m really not feeling good tonight and I know it’s a little late to cancel seemingly as you’re already in my apartment but I hope you’ll understand when I ask you to please go?”
he stands there silently staring at you, evaluating you, looking right into your soul, and stealing all the thoughts from your brain.
how dare he.
“If you really are feeling unwell and want me to go, I will but I don’t mind getting sick and I would rather take care of you, if you’ll let me?”
and shit. When he talks in that sickly sweet voice it’s really fucking hard to lie to him.
“Jamie I appreciate the offer but I just really need you to go-“
as you are as politely as possible asking him to remove himself from the premises of your apartment complex he shifts his position allowing him to see just a little further into the bathroom. Just enough to see your absolutely fucked eye.
“Baby what happened?”
All the sudden his concerned look gets ten times worse. his eyebrow scrunches more and is frown deepens and he opens the door to grab your chin and examine your eye.
without the stress of trying to hide from james you can finally feel the throbbing pain in your eye and you really wish you had sneaked an ice pack before you scurried into hiding
“lovie you have to tell me what happened”
you just whine.
he lightly brushes his finger over the bruise and you wince
“it’s okay” you say taking a deep breath
“This girl mistaked me for the girl her girlfriends been cheating on her with but it’s not her fault because she showed me a picture and we do look exactly the same I mean I was wondering if i was secretly adopted and had a twin that I didn’t know about-“
and now youre rambling and it doesn’t seem to be soothing james’ pitying expression
“ Love why didn’t you call me immediately? I would have been there in an instant. Did you think I would have been mad? because i’m not mad, honestly I don’t think I could ever be mad at you even now when you hide yourself in a bathroom to avoid me helping you when you are hurt, I can never be mad.”
“i’m sorry I just didn’t want to make it a big deal”
“it is a big deal, you’re hurt, cmon love let’s go get an ice pack that must hurt”
and he scooped you up into his arms as if it was your legs that were hurt and carried you the couch as he grabbed an ice pack
you can’t lie, there are much worse things than being taken care of by james. much much worse.
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weepingchronicles · 6 months
platonic yandere katara headcanons
tw/cw: overbearing behavior, yandere, guilt tripping, infantilizing
a/n: yippie katara headcanons! this is just thoughts I had and female yanderes are so underated here especially katara herself
I'm also working your guys requests, i have a lot of drafts right now!!
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katara is a very controlling but soft yandere
her tendencies are a bit more toned down if you're older than her, but if you're younger you are basically adopted as her little sibling or mother
however she sees you as, she's still very motherly
she's a bit more soft because she'll let you socialize and have friends especially with those she loves like aang, sokka and toph
but she'll get VERY protective if fire nation is somehow involved, even when she eventually warms up to zuko she doesn't like him around you
if you're fire nation however? she'll insist that you're different and the only one who is truly good in her eyes
if you go against her and talk to zuko or someone fire nation, she'll basically guilt trip you and cry
"how could you do this to me? you know my mother died by firebenders" sob sob
some part of its sincere, other half knows if she cries you'll do as she says
if you ever get sick or injured, she is by your side ALL THE TIME
if you get a smallest paper cut or bruise she'll insist on healing it for you, which is fine at first until she demands full body healing sessions DAILY just incase you're hurt somewhere she can't see or you can't feel
her controlling tendencies go to its MAX and her overwhelming need to care for you goes out of control. she'll bathe you or at least be right beside you (just incase something happens!!), cook for you, do all your clothes, EVERYTHING until you're fully healed.
she genuinely hates to see you like this and couldn't live with herself if you got hurt more because she wasn't there.
the only reason she lets you come with her and the rest of the gaang is because what if something happens to you and she isn't there to heal you? she just needs you to be within a 2 feet radius
the only way i can see you reasoning with her is if you go to sokka or aang for help, to intervene. aang straight up says no, he's too loyal to katara and knows she's projecting her trauma onto you. sokka does try talking but it ends up in a full blown argument and kinda gives up
besides it's not like she's hurting you or anything??
she'll tone it down after sokka talks with her a bit but goes back right after
so you might as well live with it! 🩷🩷
if you try to escape, which I don't blame you-
you might be able to get away for even a month or two if you prepare well enough but cmon, she has the fucking avatar as a boyfriend and a flying bison
it won't take too long before she tracks you so enjoy your freedom while it lasts
when she "reunites" with you, it's all tears. she's somehow even more overbearing and checks if you're hurt and asks 100 times as well
she won't be mad at you neither will she punish you
she'll definitely keep a closer eye on you and will snoop through your things if she believes you're plotting
the most she'll do to punish you is, again, guilt tripping
"how could you do this to me? you're just like my dad, leaving me alone!"
she's practically hysterical and the only way to calm her down is if you apologize and swear to never do it again
another thought is if she'd bloodbend for you?
I don't think she would nor do I think she'd get to the point of killing someone for you unless they MUST be stopped
but i do think she'd threaten to bloodbend others or maybe even you if pushed far enough
she'd never actually do it though..
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mysicklove-main · 2 years
Parings: Dabi x Nurse! Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Stalker-ish elements, Injuries, Talk of violent acts, Heavily suggestive comments. NON-CANON. Gn! Reader
Summary: The villain patient that can't seem to get out of poor Y/Ns head.
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“But Nurse Y/N, my hands are all chained up. How am I supposed to eat? C'mon be a doll, and help a guy out,” Dabi purrs, and you roll your eyes. Ever since the new, very much villain, patient has checked in; he has been determined to take up all of your time. 
Your time desperately needed being a sought-out nurse. You haven’t told Dabi yet, cautiously staying a distance away from him, but with your touch, you provide natural pain relief. Sort of like a drug would do but without the side effects. But it only lasts about twoish hours.
Dabi is one of the strongest villains of the League of Villians, and here is his, caught and acting like a child. He has two broken ribs, a punctured spleen, a concussion, and a sprained wrist. Other than the spleen that has been taken care of, the rest were not deadly. But he acted like he was on his deathbed. 
Day three of his antics, and you were already used to it. You were assigned to be his personal nurse because, for some reason or another, Dabi here has threatened to murder every single one of your coworkers. It actually surprised you, seeing how whiny and docile he was with you. But then again, he is a villain. They are full of surprises. “You already ate, and I am doing something right now. Do you want me to call in my assistant to help you?”
“The one with the big nose and dreary eyes?” You sigh but hum in agreement, knowing if you react to that, he will just fiend off the attention. “Pass. Why would I want him when you treat me so well, pretty?” You refuse to blush. He was just teasing you; you were just another toy to play with. “Awe, don’t ignore me. Cmon, I won’t bite.” 
You raise your eyebrow like this, and for the first time since you walked into his room, looked at him. “You tried biting the other nurse yesterday!” 
At your reaction, he tilts his head to the side and shows a lazy grin. “There’s that pretty face I have been waiting for.” You groan and begin to grab your tools and leave the room when he stops you. “Hey–Hey! Okay, yes, I did try bite her, but she deserved it! I called for you, not her. The bitch tried to touch me.”
You turn from the door and face him, a frown on your face. “And if I try to to touch you, will you bite me too?”
The smirk doesn’t fall. “You want to find out?” This time you do blush. You can’t help it. The man was just insufferably flirty. You sigh loudly and finally leave the room. He groans when the doctor passes you and walks into his room.
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Dabi has been watching you for a couple of weeks now. The first time he saw you was when you helped Toga out, surprisingly. You must not have recognized her because when you saw the child-like villain covered in bruises and scratches (from a fight with a hero), you immediately stopped your walk from home to help her. Of course, the girl tried to kill you, but with one glare from the fire welder, she stopped. You didn’t see him at the time, but he was definitely there, just watching from the shadows.
He watched as you took away her pain, and he remembered his eyes widening and heart thumping. You could heal him, make all of his pain just slip through his fingers. No more of the nauseating pain of the staples in his skin and the nights where he stayed awake from the burns that sometimes would flare.
It was an infatuation at first. But as the days went on of him watching you walk home, he grew more and more attached. He would send wounded people and animals to you to see just how you react. Eventually, after the first week, he grew more bold. He sent wounded villains to see how you would react. 
As expected, you took some of their pain away and told them exactly what to do to keep their wounds clean and how exactly to heal them. Dabi, of course, watched and made sure non of them tried to touch you. But he knew you also had some sort of moral because when you left the injured villains, you called the police, who sent heroes that tried and failed to scout for the villains.
You were kind. Even if technically you weren’t interested in villains, you were interested in helping people. He burned, and you healed. The two of you would never work, but still, Dabi couldn’t stop the infatuation. The one stemming from your quirk and now onto just you as a whole.
So, he got himself arrested. He didn’t put up much of a fight and knew that the heroes would kick his ass and send him to the hospital. The blue-eyed man went out of his way to provoke them, but still, his injuries were minor compared to what he wanted. If he were in critical need of help, you would have your attention on him and solely on him.
And now, he waits daily for you to walk into that dreary room. He waits for you to finally take away some of his pain when he closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep. He has to keep his moans in as, finally, for the first time, all of the itching and burning pain just disappears for a short period of time.
He was assigned other nurses before, but it pissed him off so immensely he threatened to kill them and their families. He would do it if they didn’t have some sort of relationship with you. He didn’t want to provide you with pain you couldn’t take away. 
But finally, after two days of being in the hospital, you were assigned his nurse, and things couldn’t be better. Of course, if you talked to him more sweetly, of course, but he would take all that he could get. It has been four days since he has been under your care.
“Was that really necessary?” Your beautiful, perfect voice asks when you walk in for his morning assessment. Instantly his fowl mood from seeing the Doctor vanishes.
He grins at your furrowed eyebrows, “What, the fake screaming or the fake seizure?”
He chuckles lightly at your exasperated expression. “You were taking too long. Missed my pretty little nurse.”  
You roll your eyes and sigh, walking over to the man. You look over his chart as he continues to ramble, “I had some dreams about you last night. You were naked of course, and you were in front of me–down on your knees and–”
“Dabi!” Your furiously blush is back when you cut him off, and he grins. He loved it when your cheeks turned adorably pink and your eyes looked everywhere except him. He loves your flustered expression. You were just so easy to tease. “N-No more of that, okay. You are giving me a hard time, Y’know, the other nurses think I am…doing something with you.”
He tugs against the chains just to hear them rattle against the bed. Trapped. But with you, so he could take it. He looks up at you with amusement. “What, fucking me?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. “Yeah. The others are beginning to gossip, and if corporate believes them, I could lose my job. So, cool it with the flirty remarks, yeah villain?”
His eyes narrow at your remark. Were the others bullying you? He looks at the dark circles beneath your eyes. Were you staying up because you were worried about losing your job? The sick bastards.
He leans forward, as far as the cuffs allow him to, and whispers near your ear, “Y’know my little nurse, I can just kill them all. Then you wouldn’t be afraid.”
As expected, you jump back, and your eyes widen. You look toward the police at the front of his door and gulp, hoping they didn’t hear anything. When you do, though, you do a double take on your actions. Why were you afraid of him being caught? You should be reporting what he said to the police, not hiding it.
Dabi could basically read your mind. He saw your eyes flash to the police and had to bite his lip to hold back a smile. This was progress. On the first day, you reported him immediately for saying something. But now, you were almost hiding him. “No need to scold me, I know, I know. I won’t kill your friends and I’ll try to behave myself.”
You sigh and nod. “Thanks, Dabi.” You hate that you are beginning to treat him like he was another one of your patients. Or even more, a friend. He is a villain.
“Try. No promises, pretty.” You lightly elbow him in his shoulder, something you never do to patients. When the both of you realize this is the first time you touched him (other than at night or earlier mornings when you use your quirk), the two of you stare at each other. Then, slowly that small, villainous smile creeps upon his face, and you gulp and turn around.
You grab his breakfast from the tray behind you and shakily place it in front of him. Once down, you nod and begin to scramble away. Then you hear the sound of metal on metal and pause. You turn around and see his eyes flash to the cuffs around both of his hands, and you gasp in embarrassment. You knew he was chained up and couldn’t eat, but for some reason, you didn’t process it. He was driving your brain haywire. “Right! Sorry, so sorry. Let me grab you a spoon.”
Then with shaky hands and a wobbly smile, you dip the spoon into the oatmeal and raise the spoon up to his mouth. His eyebrows raise as your usual confident and professional composure slowly begins to fade. 
He knew he was finally beginning to play an effect on you. So, he opens his mouth and lets you feed the disgusting hospital food into his mouth. Those crystal blue eyes stare at you as you drag the clean spoon away from his mouth. For the first time in a bit, he is silent, no flirtatious remark, no whining, no threatening. He just stares at you. The silence made it hard for you to focus.
But eventually, he gets tired of the food. So, after one last bite, he finally speaks. “Thats enough, Doll. Thank you. But I’m feeling rather tired, mind if I rest for a bit?” This was the first time that he was kicking you out. It was strange, so you quickly nod your head and scramble out of his room. 
The two policemen give you a questioning glance at your fast departure, but you just smile clumsily and walk to your next patient, completely distracted by those piercing blue eyes that you can’t seem to escape.
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Day five of caring for Dabi went the same as the fourth. Dabi making you feel flustered while you just trying your best to ignore it. He was a villain, after all. But, no matter how hard you try, the past two nights, your mind always drifts back to the man.
Whether or not Dabi threatened the others or not, you don’t know. But now, the other nurses don’t seem to mention the two of you. In fact, they seem to tiptoe around the topic of the villain under your care. When you told your patient about this, he seemed to be rather happy to be flirting with you again. You don’t know why you told him about the nurse update. He shouldn’t be flirting with you at all; you basically encouraged it with the new knowledge!
Either way, time went on, and now, it was day six. His spleen is basically healed, and he shouldn’t be at risk with any of his other injuries. He was leaving tomorrow. Not just leaving; going to prison. The thought makes you feel uneasy. “What is my pretty nurse thinking about now?”
You blush, being caught, and quickly shake your head. “Nothing much.”
Dabi smiles, knowing by the tint in your cheeks what exactly you were thinking about. But he cuts you some slack and changes the subject. “So, Y/N..” You turn toward him with a lack of a nickname. He chuckles. “What is your quirk?”
Of course, he knew what it is, seeing you use it on him every morning and night, but he wants you to use it on him when he is supposedly awake. Plus, you may have happened to forget to do it this morning, so he is not feeling as fantastic and refreshed as usual. “Oh. Well, I can take away peoples pain.”
He smiles at you. “Yeah? How?”
“Through touch. It’s simple really, just a light touch and my patients feel completely fine. But of course this can be dangerous, because we need pain to show our body we need treatment. They still can die, but they wouldnt feel any pain and wouldnt know really other than the physical signs that they are dying,” You explain, your professionalism coming back to you. You don’t usually share the darker aspect of your quirk, afraid others would find it scary, but for some reason or another, you felt comfortable enough to share with him. 
Dabi nods, already have thought of ways your beautiful quirk could be deadly. That is another reason why he was drawn to you in the first place. Like a poisonous flower. Pretty but if needed to be, deadly. “Can you test it on me?”
This was it. This entire time you used your quirk on him when he was sleeping because he was a villain. Your quirk wasn’t necessary for a patient. It was only to help. He killed people. He should be suffering. But yet you couldn’t let the man wither in pain. So, you turned to helping him in his sleep. He shouldn’t know that you were making him feel better. He didn’t deserve it.
But now, everything was so strange. You wanted to show the man that you can help him; make him feel better. “Yeah. Alright.” He smiles at you, the smile that makes your heart do circles and causes you so much confusion. 
You close your eyes and press your hand to his forehead and activate your quirk. You can feel his gaze on you; you know that those crystal eyes are staring right through you. It is so much different than him being awake. 
He lets out a sigh. The pain disappears, and so do the uncomfortable pricks of the staples. Just like before, everything begins to feel alright. Your hand leaves his body once completed, and he wishes his hands weren’t bound so that he could grab them and keep them there. He hasn’t felt such gentle warmth in such a long time. But he can’t, so he just watches your eyes open, and your kind smile fills your face. 
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” He murmurs, and your smile falls.
You look toward the floor in thought. How things are going to be back to normal without the villain here? How boring it is compared to being with him. You lightly scold yourself for thinking that. You were grateful for the job. And how could you complain when he was going to prison? This seemed like a dream compared to that. “Yeah. I would say, I’ll see you around. But, you know…prison and everything.”
To your surprise, he laughs at this. His body shakes with a smile, and the metal clacks with the bedrest from the movement, and you can’t help it. You begin to laugh too. You laugh as you think about how crazy you were for falling for a villain and how much it is going to hurt when he is gone. How the hell did someone you met less than a week ago, make you feel like this?
But then, someone on your pager breaks the moment. It’s an emergency. You sigh and quickly stand alert while Dabi’s laughs die down. “I got to go. I’ll be back for your dinner, alright? Please don’t be too bad for the other nurses, I can’t help you all day. It’s an emergency.”
He looks at you with that smile again. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tonight, my pretty little nurse.”
You nod and linger at the doorway for a second before finally turning and helping the next patient.
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You didn’t see him for dinner. The new patient was in a critical car crash and needed high amounts of your quirk for them to feel alright during the surgeries. They ended up making it.
It was 11 pm. Dabi has bound to be asleep. He should be, considering he is leaving tomorrow at 7 am. 
You begin to put away your tools and sigh. You wonder if he had a hissy fit when one of the other nurses tried feeding him. If he threatened them or tried to bite them. You can’t help but laugh lightly at the thought. He was so different than anyone you have ever met. You craved it.
But he was leaving. Tomorrow he is leaving to spend his life in prison. As he should, he is a villain that killed, and you are the fool and almost as equally bad civilian who fell for him. 
His room was a couple of feet ahead of you. The lights were off, as expected. He has to be asleep. But maybe not. Maybe he is too restless with the thoughts of his future to be asleep. If you were in his shoes, you would be.
One peak couldn’t hurt. Just to check if he was asleep and maybe for the last time, use your quirk on him. As long as nobody saw you, it will be alright. So, you tiptoe to his door, and open it. 
The nightlight, which all rooms have, is on, and you can see his figure on the bed. You can barely tell that his chest is rising and falling. He is asleep. Still, you walk over to him and place your hand on his forehead, like earlier and activate your quirk.
Once finished, you sigh and lightly trace your finger along the scars and the staples that cover his face. You wonder how painful that ought to be, and your heartstrings tug when you think about how you can’t help him anymore.
But then you have this thought. One only a villain should have. Why don’t you help him escape? You breathe as your eyes widen in the dark. 
You gulp. Nobody will know its you, right? As long as he escapes, it’s not like he would tell anyone, right? He would owe you that.
So, you made up your mind. You’re going to free the villain. Metal pliers is what you need, but if you’re at a hospital, how the hell would get those? So you think of the next option. Or maybe something that can unlock them?
You scan the room, barely able to make out anything in the dark. A paperclip. You have seen one of the Youtube tutorials on how to break out of them using one of them. So, you quickly unbend the metal and get to work.
It’s dark. You cant see, and it isn’t working. Ten minutes have gone by, and you are next to the sleeping figure and struggling. You begin to cry and, out of anger, shake the cuffs and Dabi’s arm with it.
A quiet sob is let out. “God Damnit!” You whisper yell when suddenly the hand you are right next to you grabs your face. You let out a startled yelp into his hand, and he, in response, lets out a quiet “shh.”
When you finally realize that it is just Dabi, you pull away from the hand and take deep breaths. “What is my darling nurse trying to do? You tryna save me, Doll?” The hoarse voice whispers into the dark.
Tears continue to stream down your eyes. “I tried! I can’t do it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Dabi. I wish-” You cover your mouth with another sob when you think about him spending the rest of his life in prison because of you.
“I know. I know. I was awake the entire time. You put up a bit of a fight, don’t ya, pretty? But hey, don’t worry. It’s alright.” You shake your head in the darkness, and Dabi smiles softly. “You know what I want you to do for me?”
“What?” You whimper quietly.
“Get in your car and drive home.” You begin to talk, but he cuts you off, “Don’t want you losing your job and sending you to prison for helping a nobody like me, hmm? I’ll be alright,” He reassures, which does absolutely nothing to you.
He uses the hand next to your face to brush away your tears. “B-But you’ll go to prison. For life.”
He hums in agreement. “Don’t worry your sweet little heart about it, alright? You trust me?” You shouldn’t, but you do. You trust in the villain you only met a week ago. You nod. “That’s it, good. Now get going, alright Doll? It’s late, and the roads can be dangerous.”
So, you stand as tears continue to fall down your face at your failure. You stuff the failed paperclip into your pocket. Then, you lean forward, and in the darkness, you find Dabi’s lips and press yours against them. 
He smiles at first and then kisses you back for a second before he pulls away. “Go. Now,” He commands. You nod, and scamper across the room, leaving the villain behind for the police to find tomorrow and take away forever.
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The next morning is rough. You want to skip work so badly, but you don’t want the nurses to gossip. So, you sigh and drive yourself to the hospital.
When you arrive, you are surprised by the influx amount heroes and police inside the hospital. You turn to a doctor for questions, and she says, “You didn’t hear? Dabi escaped! Heroes everywhere are looking for him. I am so scared, what if he comes back and–” Her voice is drowned out after you heard the news.
He knew he was going to escape. He didn’t need your help at all. Now you looked like the crying mess who horribly failed to try to help him.
Without meaning to, you find yourself inside the room that heroes are crowded in front of. You drift over to the bed, with the missing handcuffs. Your hands trail along the now-empty pillow, and you can almost smell him.
Then, the nurse in you comes back, and almost like second nature, you begin to strip the bed. As the sheets come up, a paper falls down. 
You gulp, and your now trembling hands reach down and flip the small paper over. With messy handwriting and a burnt edge, you know this is Dabi’s work. Your heart thumps rapidly, and you can’t help but smile.
I’ll see you around, my pretty nurse.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Character voice
Thanks to @willtheweaver here and here, @somethingclevermahogony here, @the-golden-comet here and here, and @illarian-rambling here, and @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: write the given line in the voice of your characters!
I swear I don't let these build up intentionally! It's just that I seem to only get tagged in giant spurts and it's only when I'm busy! I get tired and it's hard to think about these responses.
Anyways, under the cut.
"Don't worry! I'm fine! (Lie)"
Lexi: "Nononono, seriously, I'm totally fine! No need to worry about me! I know what I can and cannot handle."
Maddie: "Why is everyone worried about me? I'm fine. Wade healed me. Who cares?"
Ash: "Pfft. Cmon, there's no need to worry, Lex. If there was a problem, I'd stop it. No need to worry."
Gwen: "Thanks for your concern, but I really am okay."
Robbie: "I already said I was fine, dude. Stop worrying, haha."
Akash: "Ha, I'm fine. Like, I get it, you're worried, and thanks, but really though - I'm okay."
Jedi: "While I appreciate that you are concerned for me, I really must insist that I am in no need of it."
Carmen: "I'm fine! Leave me alone!"
"Stay with me, help is on the way!"
Lexi: "Nononono, don't pass out! It's okay, you're okay you're okay.... We'll help you. They're coming and... And then you'll be fine." This is mainly for herself.
Maddie: "I think you'll be fine. Help is coming." She doesn't believe it.
Ash: *does this telepathically*
Gwen: "Shhh, hey, it's okay...it's okay.... You'll be fine. Stay with me... help's on the way.... You'll be okay."
Robbie: "Hey, hey dude... you'll be fine, just... Hang in there until help comes."
Akash: "You'll be fine. No need to worry. We just called for help. They'll be here soon." He also doesn't believe this.
Jedi: "You will be healed soon. You are not going to die. There is no need for concern."
Carmen: "Just shut up and focus on not dying. Help will come and you'll be fine." She's genuinely panicking.
"I refuse to apologize!"
Lexi: "I wish I could apologize, but I don't think it'll do any good now."
Maddie: "Why would I apologize? I didn't do anything."
Ash: "Wait, you want me to apologize? Why?"
Gwen: "I'm not going to apologize for doing what's right."
Robbie: "Pfft, what?? Apologize? Why would I?!"
Akash: "I'd apologize normally, but I'm with Robbie here."
Jedi: "I do not understand why it is necessary for me to apologize, so I will refrain from doing so."
Carmen: *scoffs* "Apologize?!"
"We've run out of time? GET SOME MORE, THEN!"
Lexi: "WHAT?! We're outta time??? How???? Oh, man, I wish there was more time!!!"
Maddie: "We're outta time? Oops. Wouldn't it be funny if we actually ran out of time? It's a weird statement if you think about it."
Ash: "Wait, since when is it [this time]? Why am I always running out of time to do stuff?"
Gwen: "Huh?! *Checks time* Oh, no, I'm late!! If only I had more time..."
Robbie: "What time is it??? Shit!!! Shitshitshit--- (mumbling to himself) gotta get distracted all the time... Running out of time... Dang ittttt.... Wish I could just add more time..."
Akash: "It's WHAT TIME?? Oh no, there's no way. No way. Time is not that short."
Jedi: "Huh. It appears it is well past the time. That is rather unfortunate...." He's really upset.
Carmen: she makes it her mission to always know what time it is.
"Don't do that. Seriously. DO NOT."
Lexi: "No!!! That's illegal/you're gonna get in trouble!!!"
Maddie: "Stop doing that. It's annoying."
Ash: "Will you stop!? That's annoying."
Gwen: "Hey, uh... I'm not sure if you should be doing that?"
Robbie: "Dude, you realize if you keep doing that, you're screwing everyone over, right?"
Akash: "Man, you gotta stop doing that, you look like an idiot."
Jedi: "I...would advise you not to do that."
Carmen: "Do NOT DO THAT!"
"Didn't think you had it in you to be this petty. Nice!"
"Fuck, I hate this job."
Let's pretend that they all have jobs. Despite only Jedi and Carmen being adults.
Lexi: "Ugh, this job is kinda dull. And lonely. I don't really like it."
Maddie: "This is boring. It's like the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. I hate it."
Ash: "This job is kinda...meh, I guess. Dull, maybe? I dunno, but nothing is happening. I kinda hate it."
Gwen: "I know I'm doing good work, but...I dunno, I just... I don't feel it, y'know? Fulfilled? I feel like I'm getting drained every day, and I dunno what to do about it."
Robbie: "I can't take it anymore, okay? It's just... So boring and repetitive and-- and I dunno, I can't do it. I feel trapped or something. I hate it."
Akash: "I don't think I can do this job anymore. I'm tired of being alone all day doing these stupid tasks."
Jedi: "Carmen, I... I am starting to not quite like our job. I am...unsure if what we are doing actually possesses meaning." (If only he could just come to this conclusion now)
Carmen: "You think I like this job?! I can't stand it!" (Cmon Carmen let it out...)
Lexi: "Wow. That's a little petty. Though I guess he deserved it. Just wasn't expecting it from you."
Maddie: "Ha. That was petty. Nice."
Ash: "Haha. I knew there was some pettiness in there." (She can sense it)
Gwen: "That was...a bit petty. But it was pretty cool. And I think you needed to be a bit petty."
Robbie: "Dude, that was sick! Super petty, but sick!"
Akash: "That was super petty, but super awesome. Didn't know you had it in you."
Jedi: "I will admit, that was quite the petty remark. However, I believe it was a deserved statement. I am, though, surprised it came from you."
Carmen: "Wow, Jedi. That was a little petty, coming from you. [Several seconds of pause] Good job." (She would only say this to him)
Yayyy we did it!
Tagging @melpomene-grey @riveriafalll @mk-writes-stuff @sarahlizziewrites @dyrewrites
Y'all's phrase is: "Do you think it's a good idea to pet [that animal]?"
I think this can be used either way where the person talking wants to pet the animal or who they're talking to wants it.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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vrmxlho · 2 years
tyy @phoenix666stuff for requesting! i rlly loved writing this, hope you enjoy <333 also reqs are open!! 
pairing. atsumu x gn! reader
word count.  794
synopsis. you’re new in town and japan as a whole. lucky for you, your assigned guide knows all the best places to take you...
a/n. this is so not proofread so if you see a spelling mistake or a grammatical error i want you to pretend it’s not there, if it’s negligible; but if you genuinely don’t understand what’s going on lmk and i’ll fix it <333 this is so bad, i promise i don’t always write this badly T-T ++ idk why i included diary entries lmao i just didn’t know how to show the passing of time without literally writing *time passes* sorry it’s so short :(((
cw. swearing, one mention of death
p.s. red camellia also symbolise love 
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dear diary, 
i’m in japan now! it’s nice to be in a different place. home is safe and comforting but the uncertainty of an entirely new country is just as exciting. the anxiety is eating away at my stomach but it’s almost comforting at the same time, i’ll overcome it. i’m about to immerse myself into a whole new world, a new beginning, so many new possibilities.
the school’s assigned me a sort of guide to help me with the language and the cultural barrier. i think his name’s atsumu? i’m not sure. i’m meeting him in the library tomorrow. 
wish me luck!
goodnight diary, speak to you tomorrow, love [name]
“atsumu miya, nice to meet you, and you are?” his hand’s outstretched. his entire vibe felt so comforting, it reminded you a bit of home; you could already feel yourself warming up.  
“[name], [surname]. it’s nice to meet you too.”
it was sunny that day; it honestly felt like the sun was always out when you were with him. you didn’t understand why, but he genuinely felt like home away from home. your soul was serene and there was already a sense of familiarity between the two of you. 
he had picked kitchen by banana yoshimoto, telling you it was the only book you’d ever need, and somehow it really was. the two of you sat at those uncomfortable desks for hours, yet the sun still shone and neither of you wanted to leave. by the time you had finished you could feel your heart break. ‘it must be because of how beautiful the book was…’
“when will we see each other again?” the sound of your own voice made you cringe. ‘that sounded too desperate.’ but he just laughed. he just fucking laughed what a cute, cute laugh. maybe your heart was already healed. 
“tomorrow i hope.”
“yes!” you didn’t even care if you came off as overly enthusiastic, you just wished he’d laugh again. 
dear diary,
he’s so beautiful, his face, his eyes, oh darlings his eyes, especially when he laughs. and his laugh!! it could bring me back from death…
we’re going to the national museum of japanese history tomorrow, i’m so excited, gosh what should i wear?? i’m so nervous…
again, i need your luck so please pray for me 
goodnight my dearest diary, love [name]
today he was holding red camellia; he looked pretty; the red of the flowers complimented the red on his cheeks, just like the red on yours. 
“why the flowers?” you asked. 
“flowers are very important to japanese culture and they’re very symbolic.” 
“and what do red camellia mean?” 
“it symbolises a noble death among japanese warriors.” 
“how gruesome…”
“it has other meanings too.”
“cmon these tickets do expire.” 
dear diary, 
i had katsudon today, just like mirage sakurai from kitchen! it was so good, i can really feel myself getting used to japan. everyone’s so nice (nice honestly doesn’t even begin to cover it). 
and atsumu… every time i’m with him i feel like i’m having tachycardia. in a good way. i feel like my face is always red, i wish i was better at hiding it.
what should i do?
please get back to me diary, love [name]
p.s. why am i asking as if an inanimate object is gonna tell me what to do…
one day you found yourself in his kitchen. baking. there was flour everywhere, eggs cracked on the floor and sugar spilling from the counter. it was a mess. a mess atsumu had created. the moment he saw you he had slipped, dropping everything he was holding. you both were also messes, laughing messes, and stupid pining, lovesick messes. 
the days you spent with him felt endless. you couldn’t remember a time you weren’t with him. everything passed so quickly. the truly happy memories you had were always with him. why was it that everything you ate when with him was so delicious? why was it that every negative emotion was dulled when he was around? every moment glowed in your heart, it ached by how full of love it was. the boy had infused himself into your soul, he was a part of your being. 
“aishiteru yo.”
“what does that mean?” you knew exactly what it meant. you’d heard it before in the two months you’d been here. you just wanted to hear him say it again. it felt unreal, you were just verifying this was real life and not a dream. 
“it means i love you. the place i like best in this world is with you. no matter where it is, no matter why, if it’s with you, if it’s a place where i can be with you, it’s fine with me.”
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dexaroth · 1 year
erm. talking abt steven universe. thoughts. yknow the.. Drill. teehehe
ok so i spent the last. 4? days binge-watching su after watching a yt vid that was titled 'in defense of steven universe' and a bit of the followup vid partly bc i was healing from my neck pain but also because i was super into the show when i was like 14 and like. the vids were well. Defending su from the 3 vids with millions of views that changed the whole overall opinion on the show and i was like damn! i vaguely remember watching something and changing my mind about su.. and probably getting bullied for liking su on google plus too lol.
its.. old enough to be nostalgic and worth of a revisit! after all i remember it being so nice and chill..! and cozy.. oh how i missed the piano song after each episode... that SOMEHOW kept being replaced by erm.. Not Better ones. and i remember that very much!
what i dont remember exactly was the capital D Discourse but i remember it was a thing. there were vids that, looking back, i cant tell if they were ironic? talking about oh gee whee steeveni forgave the war criminals! theyre nazis how could he! and and and..... . good lird.
i kinda wanted to talk abt this bc its just so.. idiotic. ive watched up until season 5 and i just finished the movie and holy shit what kind of brain worm got into peoples mind to take su so fucking seriously
it just. it was such a big thing. everyone up in arms about it. about a...
kids show.
i dont say that lightly because there are so many interests of mine that are considered childish but are complex and engaging if people didnt overlook it so much but.. this? seriously? this was what it was all about?
its fun. and cheesy and goofy. there were some parts that i went Oh Cmon! but like, its a cmon in a funny way. like yeah this could have been done better but its. a kids show. and a lot of episodes just end when theyre about to get good because of the limited time they have...
its so weird. This. is what all that was for. and thats just the usual me not knowing about anything popular nowadays besides hearing the news of when someone involved in the show was harassed off twitter or something.. and all the discourse back then of course. for this.
i dont knoww how to put this into words its so ridiculoussss
every day that passes i start to hate fandom even more.. that word already irritates me but the extent to which people elevate things. take things so out of context. bend everything to their will to the point of being unrecognizable. W H Y what do you get from this
its fucking steven universe this is such a cute show and its even better than i remember it being and that was the fucking reception it got..? for this..? ..insane. fetid even. and to think their poison got to me when i was that young.. how many people did to have this kind of rot spread to them. no wonder i have shame issues when this is the kind of reaction thats just completely expected of everyone. fucking hell
the (um. spoilers. ) diamonds being like ohhh steeviinn let us adore you!! aueough we spent like 7 episodes trying different types of nukes on you but were friends now!! is like haha thats cute. a bit rushed and cheesy but in a fun way. and people Lost Their SHIT about it good LORD how are they not cramming shakespeare into the gem cartoon! how come theyre not discussing how rose fucked that old man or whatever the fuck. we must put rebeccas head on a spike for this! //*banging onthis post hello??? is anyobyd thewre?? helppp
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telltale-tabletop · 1 year
Cie'th from FFXIII are heartbreaking and really fuckin cool.
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I know the FFXIII trilogy is divisive among the fandom, and this discourse is not without merit. However, I feel all the people who dislike the games have failed to consider: the setting kicks ass????
In the world of FFXIII, mechanical god-like beings (one is literally just like, a building,) known as Fal'Cie watch over humanity, exacting their unknowable goals under the guise of having mankind's best interests at heart. This is total bullshit, of course. They serve their own interests, and for many of them that is awakening their creator at any at all costs,
When a Fal'cie has use of a servant, in a spin on the classic image of a paladin, they fuckin BRAND their chosen hero. These branded chosen are known as L'cie, and are given three things:
1.) Both magical and physical strength. Except instead of like, casting smite, you get fireball for free. It's kinda rad.
2.) An ominous fucking fever dream showing what they must accomplish in easily misunderstood surreal imagery! This is known as the L'cie's Focus. Good news! If you complete this you get eternal life! Probably. Okay it's more like you're encased in crystal and put into storage until your mechanical overdiety needs you as a meatshield again- but like, cmon nothing's free right?
Congrats, assuming you've been branded! You now have magic, incredible strength, and a limited time left to live. You better work out your Focus, and fast- those who fail to fulfill their focus become shambling monsters known as Cie'th. Imagine zombies that can sling spells but lack any of the sanity or intelligence to use them properly. Cie'th live in constant agony, cursed to wander and lash out at anything that comes close- including themselves. In an especially heartbreaking touch, some Cie'th occasionally cast healing magic on themselves only for it to do absolutely nothing.
Kindof a lose-lose situation huh?
Little recap, in the form of a helpful image for you!
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Could you imagine how fucking soul-wrenching this would be in a DND campaign? Picture this: The party's favorite NPC is branded by some dark deity, and given a focus. Cool! You now have an extremely powerful ally that can cast some pretty good spells, and kicks serious ass.
Except, of course, they must complete their focus. And as a GM, i'd take this in the most heart wrenching direction possible- that is to say, your beloved NPC is now in complete opposition to the party. Give it a few sessions for the party and NPC to work it out, slowly drip feeding the information through the cryptic dreams the NPC has every night.
Let's assume your NPC is a good-hearted person, who deeply cares about the party. In my mind, they completely denounce their focus, outright refusing to fulfill it. Determined to find another way, they lock themselves away to study and research- looking for any possible way to rid themselves of their fate.
If your party pops in on them from time to time, describe how this dark crystalline material creeps around their body, spreading from their brand. Once the head is covered, it's game over. This could be both a great launching off point for a sidequest (save your friend!!!!) or a hopeless task in the shadow of higher beings. Alot can be done with this, I think!
You could also just like, have your NPC go along with their focus? A battle against a once-friend now-divine-battlemage also kicks significant ass. A good 7 on the AssKickometer.
We actually see this happen in-game, its pretty cool!
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Ignoring the sexyman himbo in the image, this would be absolutely devastating to your table if they're at all sympathetic to NPCs.
Man. If only someone made a statblock for one of the Cie'th varieties from FFXIII for use in such a plotline. Sure sucks that no such thing exists IM LYING IVE DONE IT ALREADY.
This is a statblock I'm giving to you, dear reader, for absolutely free!
When I was making this, I imagined this as the absolute rock bottom for the character, a mere shell of their former power and self.
This is my first ever tumblr post, and my first time trying something like this, so critique and input is highly valued!
Additionally, submission and ask boxes are open! So like, yell at me about cool monsters you like from Things and Such!!!! Do it!!! Right Now!!!!!!
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geordikisser · 8 months
thinking about porter, missing porter.
i just imagine one day porter is injured on treasures door step on day, and unknowingly enough, they end up at lovelys house for help due to them being childhood friends. id like to think treasure is keeping the fact that porter is a vampire to lovely & vincent [ spoiler alert: vincent & lovely already know porters a vampire obviously,, ] but lovely doesn’t know that !
not canon behavior in the slightest don’t behead me
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lovely: treasure? wyd here? OH MY GOD—
treasure: please lovely you gotta help!
vincent: whats all this racket? OH.
porter, barely hanging by a thread: ughh,,,
treasure: please lovely! idk how to do first aid!!! :-(
lovely & vincent: ,,,
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lovely: so ,,, how’d this happen ?,,, where’d you find him ,,
treasure: he came onto my doorstep weak! he was covered in injuries and at first, i thought it was foreplay— ,,
vincent, slightly disgusted: freak ass foreplay ,,
treasure: but then he fell into my arms and i realized he was actually hurt & came to me for help! :-(,,
lovely: wow. ok uhm ,, don’t worry, we’ll help him! he’ll be brand new when you see him again
treasure: wdym again?
vincent: give us a moment ,,, treasure.
treasure nods as they step out the room
vincent: im not aiding this freak.
lovely: vincent cmon!! your healing magic is better than mine!
vincent, grimaced: god can you believe they thought this was foreplay ,,, they gotta be into some freak shit, lovely ,,,
lovely: god don’t get me started, literally felt my heart fall to my ass when they said that.
vincent: porter being a masochist doesn’t surprise me though tbh, it just justifies the reason he acts the way he did way before now
lovely, giggling: vincent!
vincent: what!? i’m not below kink shaming!!!
lovely: jesus that’s not what i—,, ok,,
vincent: you think treasure was the human he wanted to bring to the summit?
lovely: no, i mean probably not anyway, treasure doesn’t believe in this stuff. i don’t even think they know about my situation
vincent: really? they must be real stupid then if they met porter & haven’t pointed a thing supernatural about him yet
lovely, mad: boy? get to healing since you wanna talk like that >:-(
vincent: ugh. fine.
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treasure, wakes up: ,,, mmh, porter?
porter: treasure ,,? where are we ,,
treasure; a super close friend of mine! don’t worry— they don’t know your secret. we are safe here
porter, feeling unsettled: ,,, treasure. who is this friend of yours,,,
treasure: my childhood bestfriend! lovely & their boyfriend vincent.
vincent: hello porter.
porter: wow. this is just my luck.
treasure: and don’t worry! i didn’t tell them your seeecreeet
lovely: uhm what
porter, awed: you poor thing d’aww,,, thank you though, treasure.
vincent: what happened porter. who roughened you up?
porter: i stumbled across the wrong crowd, that’s all i’ll say,,,
lovely: treasure, you got to be having body if you can carry porter from your house to ours tho lowkey
treasure: what?
vincent: i was thinking the same thing lowkey, porter is a hunk of meat ill say
porter: that a compliment, vinny?
vincent: a hunk of meat. that’s easy to cut and tear apart.
porter: oh don’t put such a fantasy in my head infront of your partner mr. solaire!
vincent: jesus— porter, don’t piss me off in my own house,,,
lovely: i’m unconvinced that he pulled them for some reason.
treasure: we should all go on a double date sometime! that would be lots of fun!! i didn’t know you two knew each-other :-3
porter: what do you say, you two? you don’t want to break my poor sweet treasures heart do you,,?
lovely, winced: eeermm yeah treasure,,, social cues were never your thing ,,,
vincent: sure.
lovely & porter in disbelief.
treasure: awesome! maybe a lunch date? :-D
porter: uhm treasure ,,, maybe dinner, how’s that?
treasure: oh yes—!! i nearly forgot. erm. maybe the farish house? they have good mediterranean food!!
vincent, smirking: we can discuss this later when your partner isn’t in agony, yes?
porter looks horrified (didn’t think vincent would say yes.)
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homestuck--edits · 3 years
could i please get any panel (of your chosing) edit of heinoustuck rose :3
yeah ofc!
under the cut for blood + body horror
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you said any panel so here she is making a little snow abomination :>
-Mod Davesprite
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punkheadspace · 2 years
dbd crack fic
posted to my ao3 as well
everyone sat around the campfire, all the survivors at least. jokes and laughter heard from a mile away as tonight’s main entertainment was smash or pass: normally theyd had played it as horny teenagers. but now they were all adults, however they were bound to an eternity of being murdered brutally, night after night. what better way than to spend it than with your friends.
“smash or pass: huntress” the sultry voice of zarina spoke beside you. it was only a matter of seconds before the question was answered.
“smash, hard long all night smash.” ace answered, before getting a wolf whistle from mikaela. his eyes peered around look at everyone around them, almost expecting more of a response. “guys cmon back me up on this. she’s got those strong shoulders and get strong grip. she’s such with pretty lady.”
“he’s got a point,” dwight spoke up before getting a rather strong shove from his girlfriend : kate. ace has previously commented on their relationship about how odd it is that kate would choose someone like dwight over someone like leon on chris. but then proceeded to fist bump dwight.
“my turn, smash or pass oni.” ace cut the awkward tension before a giggled emerged from a throat.
“smash and i have smashed” mikaela deadpanned towards everyone, painting the image of petite mikaela getting absolutely raw dogged by oni. mikaela had sexual relations with everyone, whether being the third for dwight and kate, or even taking the virginity of feng min, to even having sex with michael. fucking michael. lori was not a fan of that.
“how does that work?” that was the first time you’d spoken all night long, only earning a devious glint from mikaela.
“oh you know, a little bit of shimey. i must say, he’s an absolute fan of my circle of healing if i may say so myself.”
“oh my god mikaela SHUT UP.” lori borderline screeched in humiliation. lori had been the only person mikaela didn’t make moved on. she didn’t like short hair. feng was different because they had a different, spiritual understanding of one another. which eventually led to them being in an open relationship.
“smash or pass: ghostface.” mikaela spoke up again, laughter on the verge of her throat, she’d known about your little crush on the ghost man.
she’s seen it in trials, you staring at him like a pathetic school girl. which was rather odd considering he had just launched your body on a hook. but hey, who was she to judge.
well, no, she would judge because why did you look like you were about to orgasm over a man who obviously just fucking put a NEW HOLE THRU YOUR BODY.
mikaela got a pay off from thirsting over the killers, they were more gentle with killer her. but no, the more you seemed to crush on the masked killer, the more aggressive he got with absolutely fucking murdering you.
“pass.” you spoke, eyes stared at you from all around before laughing.
“you’re so full of shit.” dwight said, he spoke before anyone else only making the laughter grow, especially because he was the most kind person there.
“exactly! they were practically grinding their ass into his face when he picked them up the other day.” mikaela added on, being snarky as ever.
“was not-“ you were almost instantly cut off by foreign laughter. almost instantly, all of the survivors stopped.
“what the fuck.”
ghostface, the legion (all members might i add), and huntress were stranding watching around.
“was too.” was all that ghostface/danny had said before walking off with the others.
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the-tangle-web · 2 years
[Aftermath of ‘Two of A Kind’]
When Anthony was first given his nanotech suit from Stark, it scared the shit out of him. It make him think Stark knew his identity as Tangle Web. To his surprise, no one here has linked him to legit the only other known spider related hero in the city as he was the only one to revive the super serum.
No, Stark gave it to him so he could be matching with Scarlet Spider, assuming the two would have gotten along just fine.
That was a mistake.
Now, Anthony has to be yelled at and lectured on his behavior by Fury. He demanded an explanation to no avail with the teen that stood across from him, not even bothering to look at the adult.
“You’re childish and you’re selfish! This could have been good for you!” You could always tell when Fury was mad because of the subtle but firm raise in his voice and knitted brows.
“I pulled you out of that rut you were in and this is what you give me-“ He exhaled sharply through his teeth and pinching the bridge of his nose, titling his head down.
Anthony continued to stare at his phone. He tried to tune the other’s voice out but to no avail. He found himself listening anyways, but barley so. His abdomen still stung from the metal band and his chest and back was still aching from the kicks and being thrown into a wall. There’s only so much his super healing could do.
Fury continued his rant, but after awhile, he gave up, seething, and stormed out of the room at some point. This left Anthony alone sitting by a tall table with one of those tall chairs, staring blankly at his phone, not even looking at anything on it anymore as his mind wandered.
Of course, after hearing about the dilemma this morning from Stark, Steve had to show up and see what’s going on. After seeing a seething Fury, he knew that visiting the boss was a no go at the moment. Besides, Anthony could use someone right now, no? Maybe he was just a bit fed up or had a bad day and he lashed out, it happened a lot, he just needs to cool down without the restraints. Easy as pie, Steve isn’t sure why no one else attempted to talk to the kid after an ordeal like this.
Walking over to the table and setting his shield onto it, he took a seat across from Anthony, who still didn’t look up from his phone as he held his head up with his hand, elbow on the table.
A few moments of silence ticked by.
Steve cleared his throat and straightened his posture, “So, how was school today?”
Anthony shrugged with a dismissive hum.
A few more moments of silence.
Steve exhaled through his nose slowly, then looked back up at the teen and was surprised when Anthony was glaring back at him with unfriendly intention.
Steve raised a brow, titling his head, “Cmon, Anthony, I’m not trying to get anything out of you. I just wanna talk-“
“I don’t wanna talk,” Anthony snapped before the other could finish, turning his gaze back to his phone.
The other man shook his head with a sigh, “Look, we all have those days and that’s ok. I’m sure you must have been intimidated when we started shoving all of this Avengers business into your face, especially with Scarlet Spider, I get it, you’re afraid of these abilities,”
There was a subtle creaking noise coming from Anthony’s side of the table. The teen was gripping at it the edge of the table with his free hand that wasn’t holding up his head anymore.
Steve inhaled sharply through his teeth, but kept going, “We’re just helping you, that’s all, but we need you to tell us what we can do to provide for you-“
“How about providing me some privacy and minding your own fucking business, Steve?”
The man exhaled slowly and clicked his tongue against his teeth, “Alright- it’s a start…”
Now he knew why no one talked to Anthony as much as he wished. Steve wasn’t willing to give up yet.
He’ll be honest, he doesn’t know much about Anthony… anything at all, really. All he knows is that he showed up one day with powers he didn’t want and was stuck here under Fury’s care. Once things cool down, what’s the harm in taking the kid out to burn off some energy? He was positive the kid would excel at combat. Steve grabbed his shield left the table to leave Anthony alone, the teen loosening his grip on the now dented table.
The kid was angry and confused, of course he would be. But he’ll make a great hero one day. Steve hoped Anthony knew he would always have a home with the Avengers, that he was one of them and they were his family.
What Steve doesn’t know is that Anthony has been doing anything but calling the Avengers his family. The tower is his prison and Fury is the warden.
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adrienscroissantx · 4 years
I dream of dead miraculous holders
AU idea that most of the heroes die in the end with the battle of hawkmoth. Marinette is the only one who makes it out with no injuries, because fusing the ladybug earrings and the chat noir ring at the end of the battle healed all her injuries as a side effect. A few of the heroes survived, but all found themselves with disabilities. Luka will never walk again, Kagami lost an arm, Rose is blind and suffers chronic pain. 
But the threat is over now. And they all still address her with respect and admiration after all these years. She saved the world, and so did they. But compared to what she lost, what they lost, was it really worth it? 
She keeps in touch with the Lahiffes, hears how well Chris is doing in high school. The Cesaires tell her how successful Nora has become, how Ella won a soccer championship and Etta has gotten really into painting. She never hears anything from the Agrestes. There aren’t any left after all. She doesn’t keep in touch with Chloe’s parents either. She hears about the world moving on, the world celebrating her victory with festivals all over the world. Monuments are erected all over the city, commemorating the fallen heroes. 
It doesn’t feel the same, living without them now. 
Being the guardian has it’s perks though. Because in her dreams they’re all there. 
Nino tells her it was worth it. He’s spinning his hat in his hands the same way he’d toss his shield as carapace. Tossing, catching, tossing again. He’s rather casual about it, as he was about most things. Says he’d do it again in a heartbeat. Marinette tells him that he shouldn’t have had to. He shrugs. S’okay. It wasn’t ever about what i had to do, you know? She knows. She hates it.
Alya tells her about all the exciting things happening in the world, and she smiles so brightly and her eyes light up like they always did when she was talking about something she was passionate about. Marinette argues that it’s not fair if she isn’t there to see them. Alya tells her not to worry about that, that that’s not the point. It was never the point. 
Chloe acts like its obvious. Of course it was worth it, that’s a stupid question, surprising for you to ask, Ladybug. She still talks up to her as if she were an idol, looking at her with doll eyes and insinuating their best-friendship in every sentence she can. In death, she must know that Ladybug was Marinette all along. Chloe doesn’t seem to care about that though.
Chat Noir tells her that he loves her and that he misses her. She says she misses him too. She says she’s sorry, and he asks for what. Cmon, my lady! We saved the world! I wish I could be there with you, but hey! This isn’t so bad. You’re safe after all, and that’s all I could ever want. Go out and live in the world we made! Go and do all the things we always talked about doing! She tells him she only wanted to do those things if he could do them with her. He doesn’t respond to that.
Kim and Max always come together. They finish each others sentences. When she asks, they look at each other and nod. 100% certain, 100% sure. On some level she knows this cant just be a dream, because she still doesn’t really understand everything that Max says. His mind was always up in the stars, translating the secrets he found in them into words for everyone else to hear. She wishes she were smart enough to understand him. She never appreciated his brilliance when she had the chance to. Kim always tells him not to worry about what he’s saying, and does some cool trick you can only do in dreams. She always laughs. Even if she doesn’t mean it.
Juleka comes alone. She can never really get an answer out of her. She’s always looking up, talking about the rain. She never really understood what she meant, until a few days later when Rose tells her she’s growing violets on Juleka’s grave. 
Ivan never speaks, but he does smile. Mylene touches her cheek and tells her not to doubt the battles end. That she’s happy here. That she’s proud of what she accomplished.
Alix looks different every time. Sometimes she’s older, sometimes she looks like a teenager. Sometimes she’s Bunnyx, and sometimes she manifests as the young girl Marinette met in pre-school all those years ago. I always knew it would end this way. I couldn’t change it even if I wanted to. Trust me, i tried. Marinette asks her if she’s okay with the result. The result isn’t over. This end is not the end. There is still so much work to be done. She never stays for long, she’s always busy. With what? Marinette doesn’t know. She’s the only one who shows up in her hero costume, Marinette reasons that’s why she never found the rabbit miraculous. She never had much control over that one as the she did with the others. It was always meant to belong to Alix anyhow. Neither bothered to follow the rules. 
Sabrina has never looked so free. Marinette had never seen her in a dress before, but she’s always wearing one when she comes to visit now. A lot about Sabrina has changed. She never stops talking. It’s hard to get a word in, so she just lets her speak. Marinette gets the feeling she never got to much. She wants to ask her the question she asks everyone, but she already knows the answer. It greets her with a smile every time she visits, paired with a fun fact about water filtration systems and a top ten list of cretaceous dinosaurs from South America. Sabrina isn’t bothered. Sabrina is happy. 
They’re all happy. 
There was one other dream she had. It only came once. She had found herself in a park, with a light blue sky and soft green grass. And there HE was, sitting on a picnic blanket, throwing a giggling toddler Adrien in the air. Gabriel is laughing. Child Adrien is smiling. His wife is there, happy and charming as ever. And it makes her so angry. He doesn’t deserve a good dream. After all the hurt he caused. After all he’d done, all the death, all the pain, all the suffering. She wants to move, she wants to lash out, to take Adrien away and scream. But she can’t move. He doesn’t even see her. 
Emilie sighs a summer sigh, chuckling at the two of them, before looking over at her. She’s beautiful in person. Adrien looks so much like her. Her smile falters slowly, and there’s a sad look in her eye. “I wish things could’ve stay like this. I’m sorry.”
And she knows it’s not his dream. 
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eldritch-araneae · 3 years
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Welcome to my long post about this boi because he's my fav ahah!
First impression:
In 2011 it I watched the first Transfromers baymovie. It was the "ohh he's an alien who quickly befriended a hum that so cool I love him!" thing, I so easy to please when it comes to interspecies relationships. I enjoyed the movies and Bumblebee quickly became my fav.
Then love for him solidified more and I found out about his G1 version and his info immediately spoke to me om personal level. He's cute, getting along human and seem gentle, but he also struggles with hiS place in the world and among his own friends.
It hit close to home.
Impression now:
I know I keep repeating myself a lot, but Bumblebee deserves a good writing! I want to see this original self with his struggles to be properly explored!
It only he wouldn't fall into " cute mascot of the show" box =/
He has so much potential for incredible character arc. This subject rarely appears, and if it does, it usually resolved quickly, which is not how it works.
In Plight of the Bumblebee from old marvel comics, he gets depressed ( yes, not just upset) about he don't feel belong among Autobots. He feels useless and even responsible for losing the battle ("If I were more help" ), firmly believing no one will notice if he's gone. He wishes to be a human because humans are weak, and if he was a human, someone would need him.
Then he just runs away without a word.
And then much later in Go for a Gold & Win if You Dare he compares himself to meteors, that burn in atmosphere before making any impact. And even if they do - they crush to pieces. Not to mention he constantly talks himself down ( "I'm not smart as Wheeljack", "I'm not strong as Grimlock") almost through entire the comic.
This this depressing as fuck, and believe me, just because your friends saved you or because you realized the importance of teamwork those feelings will not go away. Sure you will feel validated for few day, but they will come again, and again, and again.
He feels alienated from his own people, he feels weak, useless and unwanted, he has a constant need to prove himself, even if it kills him. His highest stat is courage, and this is probably why!
All this brings up an important question I haven't found a answer: what happened to him?!
Insecurities, especially like these, never appear out of thin air!
He shows signs of neglect at best, or abuse at worst.
Dreamwave's Guide said that Sunstreaker is bulling him and constantly makes fun of his failures in front other Autobots who laugh, believing it's just teasing. But cmon, I don't need tell you how damaging this shit is, especially when it's done for years.
But sadly, it's just a guide, it's not even a comic, so why?? Why not explore this??? Like seriously!
Even in TFA where it was shown that Bumblebee was abused in bootcamp, but the show never, ever made it a trauma, which is ridiculous! Optimus, Ratchet and Prowl had their own struggles, but Bumblebee must remain okay? As if being constantly picked up, and his legs being detached while he was locked isn't traumatizing enough??? I swear, people don't realized how bulling can break people and drive them to suicide ugh.
Another thing that bothers me is why Bumblebee needs to die (Goldbug) in order to become mature and stop stressing about what others thinks? And if he reverts back to Bumblebee, his insecurities are suddenly back as if nothing happened??
This is why I will not calm down until I see proper writing for him. I will demand his presence in each TF media and I don't care if fandom hates him xD
Because cmon, you can have a character with struggles and dark secrets who is also is full of hear and tender =/
Seriously, hire me Hasbro!
Favorite moment:
Ohhh there are so many across multiple continuities! I love every moment when he interact with his human friends and Windblade! ))) And generally Bumblebee is such delight to see, even if I picky about his looks ahah.
Idea for a story:
This is entirety of Sparkpulse! He not only has insecurities, but he has to deal with horrific trauma and phobias. He' not just a cute mascot or angry boi - this Bumblebee can do both!
He's like force of nature, a benevolent being who will bear many blessings to people he care about, to people who treat him kindness and respect...but if you wrong him, you will pay in full.
I explore a lot for ideas here. Like anger is not being inherently evil emotion, but a useful and powerful tool if controlled.
Or the fact that cute and kind character can be genially terrifying if he want to be.
He has so much compassion, but at the same time he can be relentless and merciless. Yet even here, he knows the price of life and will only resort to killing if literally anything else failed.
He's dedicated and wise, but also too hard on himself.
He's incredibly strong, but this strength is not limitless. Bumblebee must learn to rely on others, that it's okay to be weak, that he doesn't have to be useful in order to live.
This journey is long and full of hardship, but he's not alone and with his friends help he will let himself to make a first step towards healing.
Unpopular opinion:
I would only say that Bee is not bad character and actually can very complex. It's just Hasbro refuses to write him properly, sadly not many ppl see it and explore possibilities.
Oh well, I will have to do it myself then)
Favorite relationship:
I love his relationship with Windblade, like said in her post, it's very Ghibli like and full of love. I also love his relationships with humans! I would say much more, but I'm a bit tired and I don't know where to start.
Also his relationship with Starscream is such fun concept, that I will dive into it in my cont!
Favorite headcanon:
Oh gosh, there are way too many of them, the entire Sparkpusle is build on headcanons and ideas xD
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ill confess this is a lot even for me to do it... (the m.o.d tome features) (inportant read the desc at the end)
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(Huge thanks for the mod Mowzie’s mobs for the ferror Worghtnaut i think thats how its spelled)
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(seasons include winter,attum,summer and spring diferent events happen depending on the season)  
(how i hate the fact my english is more shiter then horse shit... forgive me viewers ;w;) now lisen up this is the mod speaking and i just wana say that yeah... this book only the first chapter has like THOUSENS of things new... and ill be honest it would take SO FREAKING LONG to make it all so i added some of the things i wanted some of theses mobs werent even made by me but the mobs: apiary,warrior,mage,lotti,monsterhunter,mysteryus trader,king villager,megaboomer and Peak-a-boo. were made by me. so heres how it will be ill make a list of all of the new things that were added here cuz if i try to draw EVERYTHING dear god...it would take so freaking looooong ;-; so in this case if you must know the ref or the information about such thing as mob or feature you have 100% permission to dms me for the dethails im open and ill awser you when i have time besides this is the path im takeing. over 50+ mobs like cmon and 8 new bosses. (one last thing before the list some of theses mobs were also made so people could just do their charecters based on them. however lotti is sort of mine so dont copy him too much hes a boy i have been dreaming for the past 3years and I WANT HIM IN MINECRAFT PLEASE MOJANG) also some of theses features are entirely form mods well its the M.O.D tome what ya expect ?? for thoses ill still give info by using the mod the most ill describe is the one mobs made or based on smt but still made by me.
so heres the list and feel free to dms me for ref and new sutff:
Blocks: Ores: silver ore,thaleonite ore,ruby,topaz,saphire,lithium,titanium. decotrative: Mushy carpets,mosaic block (it has diferent colors), Cristal block,cristal glass,wallpaper empty blocks,drain block,chain block, stick block,hopper block and camuflage block. plants: Fosfirita flower,cotton flower,blue gaper,cornila flower,mountain moss.
Mobs!! (theses here are diferent ones from the first ones showed): illagers: Dynamite illarger,horse illarger, stealth illarger, tank illarger, villager: the painter,the quest maker and the floricultist. creepers:(along with a huge pack from the more creepers mod),burried creeper, missile creeper and the hollow creeper. animals: (EXTREMLY BIG thing from alex mobs NEVER UPSETS ME but no animals from the nether and the end are here from the mod) Quivster,beetle,ants,firelizard and viper, undead: dead warrior,dead chemistry exper,dead mage,dead archer. reinforced skeleton,golden skeleton,jungle skeleton, lost miner skeleton. 
BOSSES!!!: the 3 brothers of acient magic, The dead king, scrapster, meteoriter, sky chaser, sea recker.
features: Heavy wind!,mega trees (aka trees made with 12 spalings together),sandstorms,snowstorms,pushing winds,heavy rain,color change of trees.
items: Bloat fruit,dynamite bar,silver,titanium,lithium,thaleonite= amors and tools., wardrober table,forge anvil,fish net, long bow, harpoon,copper tools,mushy balls,rubble,wallpaper,camuflage paint, automatic pusher,beetle meat,magma scales (and boots), poison glands, rusty axe,rusty sword,rusty shield,old wand,rusty bow, reinforced bones, golden bones, muddy bones, cracked bones. flying potion,blasting potion,firetouch potion,morph potion,quest paper,advence fishing rod,golden fish rod, angler trinkets, super sword, zaladios, blasting powder, super streagth potion,super insta heal potion, contrapack.
food: (cooking for block heads makes a aperence here for variouse things) icecream,pizza,spagtthie and shulker meal.
new gran quest: 4 elemental stones (foreshadow ;) )
Mod: i guess I GUESS this is everything im trying my best on remenber everything i planed im telling you I THINK A LOT! and if theres smt im missing here and there i juge myself a lot for forgeting but again ya guys can ask for info im open im sorry i dint draw everythign but look at that IT WOULD TAKE AN ETERNITY. anywayes thats all.
(when your langueg isnt english) 
inglesh people:
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We all like to take a piss at Father Silva like ahaha he’s in BC Bahamas with the Vermillion parents but in the light of the recent chapter, where the fuck is he??
Like idk how Acier really is but she seems decent and if she liked her husband enough to have 4 children with him, he must be a decent man right? Like couldn’t he have told Nozel, who was probably giving the dirtiest look known to baby noelle, that his mother died because she loved her children?
Was papa silva himself so traumatized by the death of his wife that his own mental health leapt off the deep end and therefore useless to console his grieving children and most importantly, his traumatized son? So many questions and no real answers👹👹 is Tabata so used to writing orphans that in any given backstory, parents simply do not exist except to push plot?? I could think of many plot points with papa silva there. He doesn’t even have to be that involved.
He could just show up in the story every now and then to show how traumatized the Silvas are and help portray a much more realistic depiction of how Noelle initially suffered, her attitude, and her healing process like Ik this is a battle shonen so I lowered my expectations but cmon, Tabata made a whole thing out of Noelle’s backstory and we just can’t act like parents don’t exist like this is Tokyo revengers or something😭😭
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azraqnar · 4 years
Thoughts on Young blood Old souls. (SPOILER WARNING (Duh))
Ok I would say its a decently satisfying ending to season 1
To start off
- there’s gonna be more theories on who wrote the Unauthorized history books of the boiling isles. The authors name is scratched out so looks like we’re gonna have a gravity falls style mystery about the author. (I think it’s Azura/Camilia before she escaped to the human realm)
- I loved the cape Eda made for Luz and that little note she left behind was so adorable. She really did care about Luz like any proud parent would.
- So we know Wild witches get a “witch trial” style execution called “petrification” where they turn into a statue. Burning at the stake would be more fitting but after Hunchback of Norte dame Disney can’t let that style of execution take place so I guess they had to go with something less traumatizing.
- While I do enjoy the sisterly moments between Eda & Lilith, when they stuck their tongue out, it felt odd. I know sisters always make fun of each other & I’m like that with my sisters but the seriousness in the episode just didn’t match with the silly tone.
- As usual, we all saw this coming, Belos lied. Of course he did. I guess he knew he couldn’t control Eda even if he healed her so killing her was the best choice but I don’t think lying to her guilt tripped sister was the best call. Like my dude you just lost a loyal follower. If you want to keep your army strong then don’t lie to them. Honesty is key as we always say.
- Speaking of keys, Belos needs the portal to the human realm. But what would he want with that world? He said he isn’t looking to invade it. So it’s not that he wants something there, he might be looking for someone. Like idk someone important who escaped to the human realm. Cough cough Azura!
- Now I’m curious to how Eda got the key. It’s safe to say it was a gift from someone (cough cough Azura!)
- I like how we’re seeing an angrier side to Luz. Her boiling hatred of Lilith shown throughout of episodes brings out more layers to Luz. We always see the happy and pure side of her so it’s breath of fresh air to see a sad side like last episode & in this case an angry side.
- I admit I laughed when Luz and king stepped on grass when the sign said “do not step on the grass”. Like it was warranted to get sent to the conformatorian (idk how to spell it). Jaywalking must be a federal offense then.
- Nice to see the Warden again even tho he didn’t have much of a role.
- The moments between Luz and Eda were sweet. I love how they consider each other family & Eda wanted to send Luz back to the human world to protect her. It was sweet, she knew it was the end & she didn’t want Luz to suffer. Eda also giving Luz the key could be a parallel to whoever gave Eda the key (COUGH COUGH Azura/Camilia)
- The fight between Luz and Lilith was fine. Lilith clearly wasn’t interested in it but it was nice to see Luz take out her anger. I held my breath when they crossed into the human realm. Idk why but I thought they would be trapped there or something would happen to witches who crossed.
- Ok, now for what people were curious about. Lilith. I get they tried to make us sympathize with her and she sounded guilty when explaining what happened. So apparently Lilith and Eda both wanted to join the emperors coven but there was one spot left so they had to duel. Lilith became a sore loser and didn’t want to lose to her younger sister so she decided to get a curse that would take away her magic for the day. Or so she thought. (Like cmon Lilith didn’t the scroll tell you exactly what it would do, like where did you miss “turn witches into monsters forever”?) the day comes and Eda forfeits cuz she doesn’t want to fight her sister and then turns into a monster. They tried to justify it but it just doesn’t sit well with me. You still cursed your sister. That’s wrong even if it was gonna take her magic away for a day. Poor Eda tho.
- One thing I did see was I think we got a glimpse at Amity’s mom. In the background you see a green haired witch with the SAME HAIRSTYLE as Amity’s mom. Literally looks like Amity, I think we also saw a brown haired boy next to her (which could be Mr. Blight) watching the duel. The witch had a “mean girl” look to her so I can say I do think that was Amity’s mom in the background. I’m excited to see her next season.
- So Luz goes back with Lilith and King to save Eda. Belos discovers Lilith betrayal and send her to get executed with Eda. I really liked the fight with Luz & Belos. Luz was throwing all she got at him and he was just amused by the whole thing until she got a hit on him and chipped his mask. He only wants the portal and we still don’t know why (tho I will post a theory later). Luz eventually gives up and hands him the door in exchange of letting her save Eda. I’m intrigued he didn’t double cross her or try to kill her when she blew up the door. He seemed annoyed by it but stayed calmed. That was interesting. He seems to be playing along and staying composed. I really want to know more about him.
- So while the petrification is going on. Willow and Gus take control of the news and demands they let Eda go. The crowd cheers on & demands it with her. You’d figure for sheep it would take more convincing than that to turn against your emperors wishes. But whatever.
- So Eda. Luz, Lilith and King escape and fly away.
- Belos tells the crowd that he spared Eda cuz the Titan told him to (& totally not cause he lost) & of course the crowd believes him, so they’re back to being sheep.
- One thing that I’m so glad they did was Lilith got her Karma. She shared her curse with Eda. She’s sharing in the pain she caused and she’s facing the consequences for her actions. Get that? CONSEQUENCES! She gets a taste of her own medicine and now she is cursed. It doesn’t make up for the years of pain she caused Eda but at least she’s sharing in the pain & getting punished for what she did. She owned up to it! She did more than just say sorry so I’m happy for that. I personally don’t think she deserves a redemption but if they continue to show Lilith trying to make up for what she caused Eda then it would make it more believable but time will tell
-To think an episode ago she was so remorseless and took advantage of her sisters weakness. Tried to kill Luz & was just being so horrible. Now it’s a 180. I hope they don’t make it seem like she’s redeemed. I hope they do at least acknowledge her trying to kill Luz (who is a child). I hope they can do that next season cuz now the stakes are high.
- It looks like Eda & Lilith lost some of their magic & Luz will teach them her style. I can see this exploring many things so I’m excited. The one silver eye thing was nice too, physical scars are always cool.
- Is Luz going back to Hexside? She’s a wanted criminal too so shouldn’t they be on the run? I guess Belos has more to worry about than a human. She can’t even go back to the human world cuz it’s gone. Ooo this is opening the door ( pun indeeded) to many possibilities.
Now she has the portal to worry about. Belos is trying to repair It so there’s something really important on the other side. OR SOMEONE (COUGH COUGH AZURA/CAMILIA)
- I’m gonna post a theory on it later
- Overall it was a satisfying conclusion for season 1, I did expect more but it’s a season finale not a series finale. Can’t wait for season 2!
- 8/10
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