#like blm
ink-the-artist · 2 years
where do you find the images you use in collages?
I just collect magazines and stuff that gets mailed to my house that my parents don’t want, I get a lot of use out of advertisements for supermarkets bc there’s lots of images of raw meat lol. The images in the angel collage came from these luxury magazines advertising jewlery and watches and such, lots of nice big high quality images of pretty gemstones
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shawcl · 1 month
everyone on insta suddenly posting that "all eyes on rafah" picture in their stories after being quiet for half a year and then calling it a day, thinking they did smth is pissing me off man
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kouhaiofcolor · 3 months
It will never not be a massive mindfuck to me how humanity has always made it entirely 1,000% ok to exclude Black People in any and everything that is a human concept — but it’s somehow “more racist” or “aggressively gatekept” for Black People to preserve & protect ourselves, our own spaces and representation. 🫠
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grindel-elf · 8 months
I want to underscore that the creator of the audio has stated multiple times in their other videos (and in the full length video this audio is from), that she recognizes that voting/demonstrating/calling your reps DOES indeed have an impact, however, they go on to explain that the impact is simply NOT ENOUGH at this point; that by itself, protest is ineffective without making other disruptions to the system. I highly encourage you to check out his other videos. She has a lot of great content that breaks things down.
You can find their videos at this link:
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mypimpademia · 6 months
Y’all’s behavior and attitude towards boycotting in support of an entire race of people going through literal genocide is actually very weird and I’m wishing the worst on you if you can’t put down a 10$ coffee or a random McDonald’s order to show the barest form of solidarity
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beeheevs · 11 months
sometimes, I'll be reading an atsv fic and come across one word or way of phrasing or encounter, and all of a sudden just know the author is black. on the flipside, sometimes writers will write in a certain way that makes it obvious they're decidedly not 💀
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hope-ur-ok · 1 month
The swiftie mood really has just become "disappointed but not surprised" huh
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etherealnoir · 8 months
Selena Gomez making herself the victim? Must be a day ending in Y.
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ashleyrosefall · 8 months
I hate when twats spill out shit like:
"i'M aGaInSt InTeRsEcTiOnAlItY bEcAuSe EaCh GrOuP's StRuGgLeS aRe DifFeReNt"
That doesn't change the fact that each group struggle.
Feminism aims to fight the patriarchy, which predominantly affects women. Especially black women. But the patriarchy negatively affects men too. Not to the same extent, but they are affected nonetheless.
Trans people, especially black trans women, have always fought for the rights for queer people and other people. They started this entire thing.
Black Lives Matter is a movement focused on combatting systemic racism in our societies and governments.
Can you see the connection between these examples? Everyone is affected by what these groups are fighting against. We are all stronger together.
Even if our individual struggles are different, a problem shared is a problem halved.
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remma-demma · 3 months
Critically underused part of G’raha Tia’s character that he’s a good singer
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
The idea that the oppressed should have to be patient with their oppressor is ridiculous. Damn near every animal in nature show warning signs of being threatened before they attack you, but I'm supposed to handhold your boot off my neck? Imma fucking bite you 🤣
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To that piece of shit that dragged the cast into this i hope you know your page is a fan account of an actual racist. If you pieces of shit run him off this show i will never forgive you.
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cloudystaar · 18 days
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butchniqabi · 8 months
like EYE dont like to kill a mockingbird and think we should stop reading it in schools because i think white people's literature about racism should be replaced by actual black authors' works, but the fact that white people hate to kill a mockingbird because it's "too radical" really just shows that we'll never be in a world where that's possible
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mongeese · 2 months
Honestly I think FHJY is overambitious in its reach. Or at least, overambitious to be done in the episode limit they have. Like, previous seasons had one primary antagonist with a few secondary antagonists, with the secondary antagonists getting limited screen time, and 100% of the screen time we do have is dedicated to moving along the main plot (along with cast shenanigans, obviously). This season, there's still a primary antagonist (Porter) with a few secondary antagonists (the Rat Grinders), but the Rat Grinders were set up as being very important from the beginning, therefore giving them so little screen time feels disappointing. They're meant as character foils, but we barely know anything about them other than their class. Add onto that the fact that this season is also supposed to be about stress and academic pressure, represented by the downtime system, and there's a huge chunk of screentime that's not dedicated to the main plot or mystery at all. It's just too much stuff to resolve in a satisfying way in only 20 episodes imo
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the-littlest-goblin · 2 months
I'm a million years behind on fhjy but Kristin Applebees the character that you are!!
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