#like babes we were 12 at the same time that's CRAZY
pjs-everyday · 2 months
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been reading a lotta shoujo lately -- let's see if i can do our girly some justice <3
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phyrestartr · 11 months
Till Death Do Us Part (Miguel x Reader)
Miguel x Husband!Reader W/C: 9.5k
#NSFW, exhibitionist kink, praise kink, hurt/comfort, infidelity, toxic relationships, brief verbal abuse, mending relationships, mentions of medication, mentions of mental illness, difficult/complex feelings and emotions, things work out in the end, nobody dies, the zombies aren't that important, old men just really going through it
Note: I cried a lot writing this lol please also cry and enjoy! (I also tried my best with the Spanish and tried to reference good sources, but I apologize if it sounds whack lol I only know EN and JP o(--( )
-- Till Death Do Us Part --
"(Name), where the fuck are you?" Miguel ran his hand through his hair as he watched the news, as he stared outside at the cascade of chaos. He waited for you to pick up the phone. He'd already called so many times, but you weren't picking up. Why weren't you fucking picking up? 
"Miguel, he's probably fine," Dana cooed as her arms looped around him from behind. "You need to worry about what we're gonna do." 
Miguel shook his head and shoved Dana's arms off of him. "Our daughter–Gabriella–" 
"You mean our daughter?" Her tone was vile. So, so fucking vile.
"Shut up," Miguel barked before ripping the phone from his ear when your voicemail picked up again. He shot you another text, asking where you were before his fidgety fingers scrolled the log up and down, cruelly reminding himself of the messages he'd ignored from you just a few days ago. 
November 18th 7:04am babe come home 7:04am please 12:19pm we can talk about it  12:20pm we'll figure it out 12:46pm gabi misses you 9:34pm call me tomorrow
November 19th 7:35am you still ignoring me? 7:40am gabi wants to call you 7:41am you gonna answer if it's her? 8:05am i'll tell her you're busy with work 9:50pm i miss you
November 21st  9:56pm call me
November 23rd 12:01am i shot someone  12:01am i had to 12:01am but i can't stop thinking about it  12:32am i need you  1:12am please 2:07am miguel
November 30th 7:16am miggs shit's crazy outside 7:17am lock the doors, don't let anyone inside 7:17am maybe stock up on food first idk this might take a while  7:18am but DON'T help anyone who's bit or injured 7:19am they evacuated gabi's school but i don't fucking know where they're going 7:19am i'm gonna find her, i promise 7:20am i love you. stay safe.
December 2nd  3:05am i love you 3:06am i'm sorry
Miguel rubbed his eyes. He sped past his own wall of text starting from that day, December 3rd, and sent another plea, another wish that you'd respond back sooner than a week from now.
"Oh my God, just give it up–" 
"Dana, shut the fuck up, just shut up." 
He called you again. 
And this time, you answered. 
Miguel's heart jumped. "(Name)?" 
"Babe?" You sounded like you were panting, like you were straining against something. "Are–are you okay? Where are you?" A string of coughs punched out of your lungs in rough staccato, pinching Miguel's nerves with every ghastly beat. He was scared. He was so fucking scared. 
"I--I'm," Miguel stammered, still unable to have that conversation, still too much of a coward in the end. "Does it matter?" 
"Just keep the doors locked," you continued. "Keep 'em locked, and…and I dunno if you're in a tower or a house or fucking whatever, but don't leave until things get quiet." You picked yourself up from the ground, Miguel could tell by the scratch of gravel echoing wherever you were. "Don't get bit. Don't help anyone who is bit. Put yourselves first." 
"But, I–you–do you have Gabi?" Panic gripped his throat as jets flew overhead, high above the city. The engines roared a gruesome apology, a sound Ouranos himself must have made when his own children slew him, so filled with godly enmity. 
Then, molten death rained on the city. Miguel stared at roaring explosions dotting the cityscape, watching pillars of flame feed into the world's chaos. His hands trembled when the same carnage screeched through your phone. 
"I'll find her. I-I promise, Miguel, I'll find her and--and I'll–shit."  
There was gunfire. Gunfire encased in wild snarling. It devoured the crack of plastic hitting concrete, the noises you gasped out, the–
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Miguel hated his mind. He hated how it remembered that one moment so clearly, like it'd happened just a minute before the present. Sometimes, when he felt like torturing himself more, he wondered what your face looked like in those last moments. He wondered where your life flickered out. He wondered when he'd see you stumbling through the streets and have to put a bullet in your head. 
But he'd force good memories to the surface when he found the light growing too dim; that confession and first kiss, starry nights spent lazing on the hood of your jeep, the look on your face when you finally held little Gabriella for the first time–it all chased away the darkness. It all made him feel whole again, it let him see clearly again. But with clarity came the difficulty of accepting what he'd lost.
He found a way to do it. He found a way to talk about you, too. It was hard not to–your old colleagues, other officers of the lost world, were an integral part of the Alchemax colony. Jeff Morales and George Stacy, amongst a few others, had known you, and by proxy they knew Miguel.
"He was a good guy," Jeff had mentioned when the moment felt right. "Bragged about having the best-looking and smartest partner around. Now, I ain't gonna say he was right, but he wasn't wrong." That brought warmth to Miguel's chest, but guilt smothered it too quickly. 
"Never stopped talking about your daughter either." George smiled when he recalled it, but it was something small and morose. "Gabriella, right? Yeah, he said she was a smart cookie. Kind of a brat, apparently, but hey, with that guy as her father? Hah! I'm not surprised." 
Miguel liked having them around. He liked the happy memories they brought to your name.
But on bad days, vulnerable days, Miguel wanted to break their necks and watch them turn so he could kill them again in their undeath; they still had their children, their families. How could they bring up what he'd lost while they still had everything? 
Today was one of those days, too, one where your memory hurt just a little more than usual. Maybe it came with the snow whirling in the blue-drenched outdoors, or the sudden darkness the world lost itself in. But he knew the frostbite decaying his heart came from the eternal proof of your lost existence:
December 2nd  3:05am i love you 3:06am i'm sorry
Why did you apologize? Miguel sighed, and carded a hand through his hair as he paced Alchemax's halls. Enough of that, Miguel. You need to focus. Focus. 
And once he stepped foot in the control room, the routine morning check commenced: doors remained sealed with no record of tampering, security cameras still functioned, the solar panels still collected more than enough light to keep things rolling. Good. Perfect. 
"Hey, hey, how's it lookin'?" Peter asked, a cup of coffee in one hand and his little girl tucked in the other arm. It would've been a wholesome sight, if Peter hadn't ruined it with a too-loud slurp from his mug. Ugh. 
"Fine," Miguel grumbled. "Everything's in the green. Nothing to worry about." He ran a hand over his face with a sigh. "Just have to clear the snow off the solar panels later today." 
"Oooh, snow! It is that time of the year, huh? December already! Who woulda thought. Time goes by pretty quick when you're not worried about getting eaten all the time." Peter looked at his little May and cooed. "Isn't that right, Mayday?" 
Miguel rolled his eyes fondly and shook his head. "If you're that excited about snow, I'll put you on shovelling duty, Parker." 
"Oh, wow, I'm suddenly deaf and can't hear you." Peter shuffled away in his stupid slippers and stupid bathrobe. "Oh, right, right, MJ made bread! Can you believe it? I feel like I haven't had a bread-carb in forever! We really gotta do another supply run or we're eating canned beans all winter long. Y'know what? I'll put it on the 'to-do' list!" 
Miguel threw a glare at Peter over his shoulder. He was annoying, but he wasn't wrong. They did need more food, more supplies, more ways to sustain themselves. Scavenging the dregs of supermarkets and convenience stores wasn't cutting it anymore; there were too many mouths to feed, and shitty, packaged foods wouldn't suffice much longer.
Miguel braced his hands on the centre console after pulling up a satellite map of the surrounding area. The lab they called home laid nestled away from prying eyes of citizens, making it a safer place to start to rebuild the semblance of a normal life. Though, at the same time, it made it more difficult to get in and out of the city in good time. They had to pick their destination on the map, calculate the time it'd take to get there, and then execute the plan with little to no hiccups. It was hard. It was a pain in the ass. But it had to be done.
Miguel took his time scanning through the map, trying to spot any buildings they hadn't already marked off as empty and not worth the trip. These days, they had to get creative, they had to think of places that'd have food where people wouldn't expect, where the average scavenger wouldn't think to look and–
"Shit," Miguel breathed before rushing to move the map. "How could I forget?"
He spotted a small building on the map, one they'd never ventured to, one they never thought to go to. A chain link fence surrounded the perimeter, giving about five metres worth of breathing room around the building. Clusters of huge garden pots dotted the area randomly, along with whatever outdoor trees and shrubs that'd survived all these years on their own.
Miguel covered his mouth as he smiled.
"You might've just saved us, viejo." 
Because you were a country boy. A farmer's son. 
You convinced (begged) him to pull over, to go to the new garden store that'd appeared not too long ago. Miguel, far too smitten with you, couldn't find the heart to say 'no' to the excitement buzzing in your voice. 
The store was filled with beautiful plants, ranging from common houseplants, to tropical rarities that Miguel never knew existed. All sorts of bushy plants, tall single-leafers, and vining beauties lined the displays and bathed in the gentle, constant mist raining down on them. It really felt like a tropical jungle landed in New York. 
You'd sauntered over to the seed section while Miguel wandered through all the store had to offer before finding you again. You had several sachets in your hands and scanned the shelves for anything else that piqued your interest; they were all vegetable seeds, stuff like corn and green beans, tomatoes and onions, but the occasional herb showed itself as well. 
To Miguel, raising vegetables seemed like a cute hobby. But to you, raising crops meant revisiting your childhood. 
"You wanna get some?" Miguel asked. He looped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as he read all the different seed names on display. 
"Yeah. I mean…maybe. Dunno if a vegetable garden'll go with the house." You laughed softly, a little self-deprecatingly, before you reached to put the packets back. "I just–I don't know." 
"I think it'll work." A smile warmed Miguel's face as pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. "We can make a greenhouse. A big one. In the backyard." He kissed your neck next. "You can show me the farmboy fantasy." 
You laughed, turned in his arms, and kissed him. "Done."
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Miguel crept up to the garden centre with Hobie and Gwen in tow. Travelling anywhere from the safe confines of Alchemax was something of a nightmare, but Miguel was used to it–despite being the man who knew how to run the building, he too often volunteered to head out on supply runs himself. He needed the space to think, to feel the darkness they’d found themselves in, and to feel the light of the sun on his skin to remind himself it wasn’t over. Because it was far from over. 
The garden centre was surrounded by chain link fences encircling the entirety of the building, the very same ones Miguel had seen from the satellite’s view. Honestly, he found himself surprised to see just how good the place looked–the windows were mostly intact, the fences hadn’t been torn through, the doors were still sealed, and a row of crippled undead and frozen re-deads dotted the perimeter, but none were inside. It didn’t seem like any had ever been inside, actually.
“That’s…kinda weird, right?” Gwen murmured as she adjusted her toque. “This place feels like…like it never went under, or something.” 
“Damn near stuck in the past, I’d say,” Hobie agreed. He looked to Miguel. “Fishy’s an understatement, yeah? Might be some not-so-dead-yets in there.” 
Miguel took a deep breath as he thought. “It’s a plant store. Not the highest priority for scavengers like us.” He headed forward, grip tight on his hunting knife. “Try not to shoot. Not unless there’s a runner.” 
“Better not be any runners,” Gwen grumbled. “It’s December. Hopefully they’re all freezing to double-death right now.” 
Hobie scoffed a smile. “If not, we just give ‘em an early Christmas present, hey?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m sure they’d love their brains blown out.” 
“Eh. I would.” 
Miguel rolled his eyes as the youngins bickered softly behind him. There was no point stopping them–trying to dad them out in the wilds of New York just gave Miguel a bigger headache, and too often ended in a louder match of bickering and scolding, which then often resulted in the undead stumbling their way. It was always a mess. Maybe he should stop bringing the dynamic duo with him. 
But you’d known them. You were fond of them, too, always letting them off the hook with a slap on the wrist when they were caught vandalizing buildings or stealing from stores when they were teenagers. You laughed when you told Miguel stories about them, about how Hobie’d call you “officer tall, sunny and handsome” to get on your good side (which worked), and how Gwen would try to bribe you with car-washings and babysitting to get you to not tell her dad what happened. You knew they were good kids, just bored and too smart for their own good. Miguel knew that, too; the two of you were thick as thieves back in the day, total petty-crime masterminds. Maybe Hobie and Gwen were your dark apprentices, in a way. 
Miguel smiled faintly. He missed the days where you both broke into abandoned buildings, haunted houses and everything else inbetween to fool around and fuck. It’d always be filmed, much to Miguel’s embarrassment, but watching the videos back always made him feel…wanted. Appreciated. Like a rare piece of art. 
You’d always cheese it up and make it sound like some sort of bad porno or found-footage film, like you didn't just break into Chuck E. Cheese to fuck in front of the creepy animatronics. Breaking the law got you excited, as ironic as that was for a future cop. Miguel thought you were a freak. Miguel was kind of a freak too, though. 
“Fucking God,” Miguel moaned, somehow louder than the squeak of the table hosting your feverish coupling. His hips bucked and rolled against yours in a desperate attempt to keep up with your brutal, delicious pace, and his thighs dug into your sides with his hands clutching to your shoulders for dear life. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you mumbled into his ear. Miguel’s body gave a sharp, involuntary jolt, kickstarting the sudden crescendo of his well-earned euphoria. He let his voice be heard as he arched off that shitty table and up against your solid frame, his hips still rutting and moving in sync with your own. You groaned too, letting yourself be just as loud in the midst of him tightening around your heavy, thick cock pummeling into him. 
“God, lookit that pretty face,” you growled when you pulled back to see how fucked out he was. “You feel good, huh? ‘M I makin’ you cum hard?” Your hand slapped the side of his ass, and Miguel whimpered sharply. “You’re so good, baby, so fucking good. I’ll make you cum again, yeah? Make you cum while you–while you take everything I got.” 
You were terrible. Horrible. A monster in the sack, and apparently in front of powered-down robots. You did what you promised, and ripped another orgasm from his exhausted, over-stimulated body before reaching your own blissful undoing with a rude grin on your stupid, annoying face. 
It made for good content, though.
They reached the front gate without problem, only to find it locked with hefty chains and thick padlocks. If there were people in there, then breaking through the first line of defence wasn’t their favoured option–they didn’t like other survivors, no, and they didn’t work with them without good reason, but they weren’t in the business of sabotaging them, either. 
“Hobie,” Miguel beckoned, muffling the chains’ clanking while holding up one of the locks. 
The young man smirked and flicked his old lock picking set from his pocket. “Don’t mind if I do, coz.” 
He unlocked everything in record time. Miguel thought of you for a moment, and wondered if you’d taught the young man a few nefarious tricks since you, too, were an expert sneak. But Miguel pushed the thought aside as they all carefully, slowly, painstakingly unwrapped the linked metal from the fence, and pushed it open with just as much care to keep the noise to a minimum. It’d be a shame to ring the dinner bell in such an untouched place. 
They relocked one of the padlocks for peace of mind before wandering towards the front entrance. The doors’ windows were boarded neatly and meticulously, Miguel noticed first. He crouched down and noted something blocking the small gap between the ground and the door, but the faintest reach of light still reached through the few cracks that remained. 
“Lights’re on. Front’s boarded,” he sighed before backing up. “Might be a different way inside. Looks like there might be people in–” 
“Miguel!” Gwen whispered. He looked her way, and saw her point to a decrepit shed nestled up against the side of the building, right underneath a large window. Shoved against it laid a single, heavy pot flipped on its end, serving as a sort of stool to get up on. But the lack of snow on the newfound path gave Miguel pause.
“I’ll check it out,” Gwen said before nimbly scampering up the side of the shed. 
Miguel frowned. “Gwen–”
“Relax, I’m just gonna look.” But Miguel did not relax, especially not when she rose on her tiptoes on that shitty, rickety shed roof and peered through the window before her eyes grew wide with a soft woah. 
“Whatcha got, Gwendy?” Hobie asked, approaching the shed himself. 
“You two–” Miguel warned. He looked around cautiously, his body aching with primal instinct–they weren’t alone. There had to be someone else here. Gwen and Hobie had to realize that. They were smarter than this. They wouldn’t do anything stupid. They wouldn’t be hypnotized by whatever was in there and throw caution to the wind to get it. Right? Right. 
Excited, Gwen smiled and glanced at the two before looking back at whatever she saw. “There’re–there’s…trees? And bushes with veggies and–and wow, you were right, Miguel.” 
“Well, I say we hop in there and snag a few to bring back, yeah?” Hobie suggested. “Reckon they grew on their own?”
“No,” Miguel scolded. “They didn’t. Come down, right now. We need more people for this.” 
“I’m juuust gonna...” Gwen reached for the window, and Miguel’s anxiety peaked.
“Just a little–” The window groaned as it popped open. 
They froze. They died as statues for a single, long moment, rejecting the need to breathe, letting their eyes freeze solid in winter’s mercy while their ears pricked, searching like the alert deer suspecting death stalking nearby after a misstep on a brittle branch. 
One minute passed. 
Then two minutes. 
Three minutes.
But the birds kept chirping, the world kept spinning, and Ares didn’t come to collect their battle-worn souls.
Gwen looked at her group with a nervous smile, a guilty thing that said, “oops?” 
Miguel was furious. But now was not the time to argue or yell. He could let her father handle that back at Alchemax.
But someone grabbed her, and yanked her inside.
Hobie didn’t hesitate. He jumped up to where Gwen once stood and took the plunge after her, scrambling up into the window, but that same someone shoved him, sending him plummeting down to the frigid concrete. Miguel rushed to his side when he hit the pavement with a choked-back groan. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” Miguel rolled him on his back. “Hobie, you fucking idiot.” Miguel’s panic ebbed just the slightest bit when he saw the punk blinking away stars instead of losing consciousness. 
Electricity burst through him. Miguel ripped his revolver free of its holster and returned aim up at the shadow in the window. The tired winter sun illuminated a barrel of black metal, and the small, tawny hand holding it steady. A child. A kid. He was pointing a gun at a kid.
“We don’t want any problems, kid,” Miguel called up. He tried to relax, but he couldn’t; children who grew up in this world were ruthless. They were cruel, unrelenting, and unapologetic towards  their targets. He couldn’t blame them. It was all they’d known, all they’d been taught. But they were only as cruel as their teachers made them. Some of them still held on to shreds of humanity. 
And judging by that unwavering hand, Miguel feared their adversary was at least a confident shot if not a full-blooded monster.
“Yeah, c’mon,” Hobie groaned. “We just–we just want some seeds ‘n shit, ‘at’s all.” 
The small hand faltered a bit. Seems she still possessed sympathy. But a voice, deep and thread-bare, called to her. She looked over her shoulder for a second, before pulling the window closed and locking the latch behind her. 
Panic lanced through Miguel as anger possessed Hobie. “I’m gonna snap that kid in half–” but the creaky hinges of the front door opening cut him off. Miguel aimed toward it, and Hobie did the same once he got himself together, but then–then Gwen peeked out. 
“Guys!” Her hand fluttered and ushered them to come. “You’re not gonna believe this! It’s–” 
“Daddy?” A young, gentle voice asked, and Miguel’s gaze snapped to her. To her. To the little girl peeking out from around Gwen. To his baby, to his tiny world, long lost but never forgotten. To–
“Gabriella,” Miguel breathed. 
“Ho-ly shit,” Hobie commented.
Gabi’s eyes flooded with emotion. She sprinted to him, nearly slipping and tripping in the snow before jumping into his arms and holding on tight. She was so much older now, so much bigger; her tiny face used to bury into his stomach, but now she had her head tucked up against his chest, staining his jacket with heavy tears. 
“It’s okay, mija, it’s okay. I’m here, Daddy’s got you.” Miguel kissed the top of her head. He fought back tears of his own, but did so so pitifully with broken, bewildered laughs and shaking breaths. He pulled back and looked down at her face, her beautiful, beautiful face, and carefully wiped away the wet trails freezing on her cheeks. “I–you–L-Look at you. How’d you get so big?” 
Gabi smiled and sniffled as she wiped her eyes. “I-I, um, finally ate my veggies.” She took a breath to try and still the quiver in her lungs between thoughts. “Y-You have so much grey in your hair now!”
A few beats of warm laughter left Miguel. “Yeah, no thanks to you. Spent all this time worrying about you, kid.” His hand, so used to killing and defending, trembled as he brushed flyaways out of her face. "Listen, I–I'm gonna take you somewhere safe, okay? You won't be alone anymore." 
Gabriella blinked. Her small hands clutched his jacket. "What? But–"
"She's not alone." 
Miguel almost didn’t look. He didn’t really believe what he just heard. But when he risked it, when he managed to wrench his gaze away from his daughter and back to the heavenly light of the front entrance, he saw you. The man who'd been haunting him for years. The man who'd been keeping him warm at night. You, his lover. You, his husband. 
(You, the man he betrayed.)
"She hasn't been alone," you said, the words punctuated by hazy clouds of warmth–proof you were alive, that you weren't an illusion, not this time. "I promise." 
You looked so, so tired.
But Gwen was grinning, and even Hobie smiled with a lack of irony as he walked to you and gave you a hug. 
"My man! Officer tall, sunny and handsome in the flesh!" He clapped his hand hard against your back but you hardly wavered. You offered a smile, and hugged him back, short and sweet. 
"Hey, Hobie. Behaving?" 
"Eh. Sometimes." 
"Good enough for me." You let him go and scanned over all the survivors, your eyes not lingering on anyone for too long. "Head inside. It's warm, there's food. We'll talk. Gabs?" 
"Okay!" She hurried to corral everyone inside. "In, in, in, we gotta lock up for the night." Her gaze turned to Miguel as he hesitated, still watching you with glazed eyes. "Daddy, are you–?" 
"I'll be there in a second, mija." And, thankfully, his baby girl read the room better than he could have at that age, and let you two be. 
You looked over your shoulder, so like a predator making sure his cubs were inside and safe before prowling through the night. A man enchanted, Miguel followed you, watching you re-lock the gates they'd slipped through, and lagging behind while you checked the perimeter with thorough hands. Miguel would give anything to have those hands on him right now. 
He didn’t know where to start. "(Name), I–" 
"You said you could take her somewhere safe, right?" You asked before you turned that timid, unsure gaze back to him. "You meant that?" 
The words took too long to register. "I–yeah, I meant it. I mean it." Miguel forged courage out of trepidation and used it to fuel his journey to you. "We have a colony. The old Alchemax building, you remember?" 
"The one that was supposed to get torn down?" You wondered. 
Miguel nodded. "Yeah, that one." 
You kept walking. "Didn't we fuck in your office there?" 
A smile threatened Miguel as he followed like a lost puppy. "We did." 
"Ah. Always liked that building. Liked that desk, too." You shrugged. "Comfy, all things considered." 
Miguel hooked his finger into your belt loop and pulled you closer to him. "Then you'll be happy to hear it hasn't changed." 
You almost laughed, Miguel heard it. But you pulled away from him, and wordlessly finished up the perimeter sweep. 
"You should stay the night," you mumbled on the way back. "Pretty sure it's gonna snow." 
"Might make it harder to get back tomorrow," Miguel said, following you inside and watching you bar the door again. "We came here by foot." 
"No truck?" 
"I'll take you back, then. I got a truck." 
"You make it sound like you're not coming." Anxiety gripped Miguel. "I'm not losing you again." He held onto your arm tightly.
You looked troubled, glancing between the hand on your arm and Miguel's eyes. "Did Dana die?" You asked. 
Sickness coiled in Miguel's stomach. "What?" But his tone was too deep, too dark. 
You shook your head. "No, I–I'm sorry I don't know why I said that, I'm just–" 
"We both know why you said that," Miguel said through clenched teeth. 
The way you looked at him, eyes full of bristling hatred for the woman who'd stolen away everything from you, set alight an ancient sort of fear in Miguel’s core. It was so like that night, the one where you'd found out. 
Gabi was still at daycare. You were at work. Miguel was supposed to be at work, too. It could have been the perfect crime, one full of sinful lust and infinite rapture. 
But you came home early. 
You didn't even say a word when you walked into the bedroom and found him tangled in the sheets with Dana, with the woman he'd convinced you to think was a surrogate, not someone he was fooling around with and just so happened to knock up. You had that same stare, rotting with hatred, infested with betrayal, all for the woman underneath your husband. Miguel loathed that look, but he found some sick joy in hurting you, too. Because he hated you, for some reason. 
 Dana laughed when you walked out, some smart comment about how pathetic you were dancing off her plush, scarlet-stained lips. Miguel scoffed a laugh, too. You really were a coward, weren't you? 
(But you weren't.)
Miguel finished with Dana, and she left. He heard her say something to you, something light and playful and damn hurtful, but Miguel didn't say anything. Nor did you. 
He found you in the living room after he'd pulled some clothes on like it mattered. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms, staring hard at your profile while you graced the ground with an empty gaze. Your hands clasped and unclasped slowly. Your head nodded shallowly. 
"You're really not gonna say anything?" Miguel goaded. 
"What am I supposed to say?" You offered. 
Something. Anything. 
Miguel laughed, mocking, and sat down across from you, on a mirrored couch, across the glass coffee table you'd picked out together. 
"How long?" You managed. 
Miguel hummed in thought. "How old's Gabi?" 
That got a reaction out of you, something Miguel craved so deeply; your eyelids fluttered in disbelief, and your lips parted to suck in a sharp breath. You looked hurt. You looked like you were feeling something.
"The prenup says you keep what's yours, I keep what's mine, yeah?" 
Miguel's smile faded. "What?"
"Gifts fall into that category. I’m keeping the Jeep." 
"I'll find a lawyer in the morning." You got up, and Miguel snapped. 
"You're not even going to fucking ask why?" He yelled, pursuing you into the bedroom. "You don't wanna know why I'm fucking someone else? What the fuck is wrong with you?" 
You ignored him. Miguel's temper flared. 
"Fine! Fine, fuck it, I'll tell you. You don't excite me anymore. You don't try, you don't wanna fuck me, you don't wanna do anything anymore–" 
"You're not the same man I married. What happened to you? When'd you get so–so pathetic and weak?" He took a pause to breathe. Or maybe gasp, more like, as the stabs of panic started to overtake him. "I hate you. You can't leave me." 
He braced on the door, trying to get his bearings on his own, but you were quick to his side. With a strength Miguel loved and adored, you eased him down and fell in slow-motion with his shaky frame secured in your arms. 
“It’s okay, Miggs. You’re okay.” Your fingers combed through his hair slowly. You held him tight,  and convinced him to breathe with you. In and out. In and out. In and out. He breathed to the rhythm of your heart, as it turned out. Slow and steady. Hurt and bleeding. 
“We’ll figure this out, I promise.” 
And he believed you. 
That’s why he took off the ring, and left first thing in the morning. 
Hobie and Gwen passed out after eating their fill of stew. Miguel was beyond annoyed, but couldn't find it in himself to wake them up and leave, not when you were undecided about going with them, but very much wanting him to take Gabi. 
Honestly, he didn't think you'd still be hurting after all this time. Dana was something of the past, a succubus that followed the steps of opportunity and wealth wherever it may go. That's why she wasn't with the group anymore. That's why she left him when he needed her most, and jumped in a truck with strangers while he bled out, alone, in the solitude of an abandoned pet store. 
Chills raked his spine, breaking off chunks of bone when he thought about it. He'd never been so fucking scared in his life. He wished he could have called you to come save him. He wanted you to be the one to walk in there and find him, crying and dying, because you would have stuck by his side through all of those moments; if he hadn't let his emotions get the best of him, if he hadn't made so many stupid decisions, he would've been with you. If he died that day, it would have been in your arms. 
"Hey," you murmured with a gentle touch to his shoulder. Miguel jumped, and your eyes softened. "You okay?" 
Miguel swallowed thickly as he nodded. He looked around, grounding his mind through the touch of your hand, the duo snoring and slumped against bags of soil, and the gentle flickering of the propane campfire keeping the space warm. You taking a seat beside him helped, too. 
Copper eyes took a moment to pace around the old garden centre; true to the outside, it was more or less untouched on the inside, just more cluttered with haphazard barricades and half-done projects. Miguel watched his ghost walk through the isles, once filled with tropical plants, but now replaced with beautiful, healthy trees raised by your hand. It was no wonder Gabi grew up so strong. 
Speaking of--"Where's Gabi?" 
"She's in the next room. Watering some seedlings." You smiled for a fraction of a second. "Putting her green thumb to the test. Tryna show her old man up, I guess." 
Miguel smiled though his eyes stung. "Sounds like an O'hara." 
"Yeah, I thought so, too." 
You shared a few broken beats of laughter before silence fell, just like the snow beyond the door. Then, shyly, like you'd never done it before, your arm reached around his waist. Miguel didn't hesitate to lean his weight into you, though, and that arm didn't wait to pull him in closer right after. 
"So. You still hate me?" Miguel dared to ask before the dancing cinders.
Your hand smoothed up and down his side thoughtfully, soothingly. Miguel melted against you more with a sweet, content sigh. 
"I never hated you," you whispered in return. "Never." 
Miguel made a little sound, something caught between surprise and relief, while your words sunk deep into his thoughts. You didn’t hate him. You didn’t hate him. 
“Then come back with us.” 
“There’s no reason to stay here,” Miguel bit out, frustration egging him on. “We have shelter, we have water, showers, rooms, beds–we have everything.” 
“What about food?” You asked quietly.
But Miguel didn’t have an answer; food was the reason they were coming out here, to find more ways to create sustainable living, to try and make life work again. He couldn’t help but look at the trees and bushes bursting with colourful fruits and vegetables, showing off years of dedication and hard work through the literal fruits of your labour. Miguel didn’t know how hard it was to get there. He didn’t think he wanted to know. 
“...It’s a work in progress,” he grumbled instead of admitting the truth. “But we could use your help.”
Your warm fingers dipped under layers of clothes to find the searing skin of your past lover. To Miguel, it almost ached. He hadn't been touched in so long. He hadn't felt your hands on his bare skin for even longer. It intoxicated him, filled his mind and blood with wants and needs–things only you could fulfil for him. 
"I won't leave you hangin', promise that. I just–I need to figure out how this is all gonna work." You looked around the room, taking stock. "Lots of gear we'll need, lots of shit to move. I'll send you back with whatever's already picked. Not worried about the cold with those. The trees are another story, don't want 'em to go dormant while–" 
Miguel kissed you. Sloppily, and wantonly, but with genuinity. Your hands scrambled to hold onto his massive frame when he leaned into you and almost knocked you off the discounted garden bench. This time, you were the one who made a cute, surprised noise. 
And you were the one who kissed him the second time, but it was smaller and shier coming from you, not so eager to consume like Miguel. Your calloused hand held the side of his neck, and your thumb ran along his jawline thoughtfully when you parted, noses bumping and nudging together in a weak nuzzle. 
"I guess you don't hate me anymore?" Your whisper ached Miguel's heart. 
"I never did," he confessed. 
"Then why did you say it?" 
"I don't know." He traced the curve of your lips with tired, weighted eyes. Your cupid's bow had a nice shape to it, so soft and pillowy, meant just for him. "But I didn't mean it." 
"I need a better answer than that." You swallowed down what Miguel could only guess to be a tincture of fear and sorrow, or maybe rage and betrayal. "I've lived with–with that for a long, long time." Your eyes glistened with unspent grief, suddenly. "I need more than 'I don't know.'" 
Miguel's heart lurched. He hadn't bore witness to the consequences of his selfishness before, not with you, not during his affair with Dana. He'd only seen you grow distant across that coffee table far before that god-awful night. And back then, he wanted a reaction. He wanted something like this out of you, but now, he couldn't fathom why.
"Mi amor, I–it's hard to put into words, and I was a stupid kid, and–hey, hey, don't--don't cry." He wiped away the bravest tear to fall first before you turned away, back to the flickering blaze, and rubbed your face roughly. 
"Here's my guess," you muttered. "You wanted to fuck, and I couldn’t–I just–it was hard for me. Or maybe it wasn’t hard, maybe that’s a better way to put it.” You rubbed your face, and held your head in your hands. "The, ah, the medication, the anti-depressants or whatever, they were fucking me up. I didn’t wanna fuck you. I didn’t wanna do anything. Then I was in training to join the force. Wasn't home, and when I was, I was too tired to take care of you and Gabi, so I focused on her. And that made you go back to Dana. Again." 
Bile scorched the back of Miguel’s throat. "You knew." A realisation, not a question. "You knew we–that she and I–" 
"Yeah, that she wasn't a surrogate.” You picked your head up from your hands and stared at the fire, unseeing. “Because she was dating Gabe at the time, and you were with me." You sighed and let a deep, venomous grief finally escape from the space between your lungs, from the spot where that thing had festered like a disease for too many years. 
"I could let it go the first time, turn a blind eye because she gave me–gave us–our daughter, but–the second time? With all the shit you two said?" You shook your head. "I just--I couldn't–I wish you'd just told me what was wrong. I wish I'd told you what was going on with me, too, 'cause I know all the shit that happened is my fault, too.”
"Dad?” Gabi's small, hollow voice rang. The both of you turned to her, but you were the one who got up. 
“Baby,” You said with a hushed tone, somehow so comforting but so afraid. “Hey, you done with the watering?” 
“Uh, yeah, but…um, is everything okay?” Her gaze flicked between you and Miguel. He could almost hear her little mind firing on all cylinders as she tried to parse what they were talking about. “You look sad.”
You crouched before her and took her hands in yours. “We’re talking through some things, honey, it’s alright. We’re figuring things out.”
A light of worried realization illuminated Gabriella’s gaze. Miguel fidgeted and futzed with his clothes as he looked away, unsure of how to deal with her accusatory revelation. How much did she know? Did you tell her anything? No, no, you wouldn’t do that, you wouldn’t dirty her memory of her father like that. You were a good man. You were a better man than Miguel. 
“Oh,” she whispered. 
You nodded and brushed some hair free from her freckled face. "We’ll be alright, baby. You just get some sleep, alright? Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day. Lots of loading up to do." 
Gabi whispered the softest okay before giving you a hug. She paused for a moment, before running to Miguel and throwing her arms around him for a few precious seconds before running off to the loft to sleep. 
You sighed, then, and Miguel did too.
You turned to him. “Look, you–I don’t know why I’m starting shit right after you…you wander back into my life,” you murmured, going back to Miguel and straddling the bench before taking his hand and squeezing. “I’m sorry. And I love you. You know that, right?”
That pang came back in Miguel’s chest, but this time, it was warmer.
December 2nd  3:05am i love you 3:06am i'm sorry
Miguel squeezed your hand back and this time, he was the one tearing up. “Mi amor, you don’t need to–you’ve done enough apologizing already.” 
"Miggs, don't say that. I–" 
"Stop. Stop it." Your husband straddled the bench, too, and scooted closer to you until he was more or less in your lap, his heavy thighs draped over your own. 
"But–" you started, and stopped as Miguel cupped your face with both hands and squished your cheeks. You sighed and leaned into his touch when it eased up. "Baby–" 
"Me arrepiento de lo que hice," he whispered to you, "espero algún día puedas perdonarme." He let go of your face, and found your hand to kiss its back. "Te amo." 
You smiled. Something real, something happy. Something that stayed around for more than a few seconds, and made the corners of your eyes crinkle with the beautiful way you'd aged. Then, you kissed him. 
"Te amo," you murmured back, your lips still touching his. "We'll figure this out. Work it out. We have the time." Your lips pressed against his again. "I'm not giving up on us." 
This time, Miguel cried.
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It took some time to transport everything to Alchemax. It took a little bit longer to get you there, too. 
But you got there eventually, ready to stay for good, and ready to put Miguel's mind at ease. 
Your old friends and coworkers greeted you, clasping their hands on your back and hugging you tight until you couldn't breathe anymore. You smiled, too, and asked them how they were holding up, if your husband was keeping things in line. You couldn't help but remind them that you in fact hand the handsomest and smartest partner in the world, too. 
They let you get acquainted with the building pretty quickly, probably seeing the haggard, exhausted state you'd lived in for five years and wanting to let you unwind for the first time in a long time. And that called for a hot shower, food, and some sleep. 
"I'll take you to your room," Miguel told you as you both left the common area. 
"My room?" You retorted, sounding mighty confused and damn near insulted. 
Miguel blinked and looked at you. "Yeah. There's enough for–" Oh. 
"What's yours is mine, yeah?" You said, stern and a little bit spicy. "Then your room is mine. And your ass is–"
"Câllate," Miguel cut you off with a smile. "I'll take you to our room." 
He led you there with a bit of a spring to his step, and you kept up with as much enthusiasm. The room was nothing special, featuring nothing more beyond a mediocre bed, uninspired furnishings, and random knick knacks Miguel had left here over the years. But it was home. Your shared home. 
"Huh." You looked around the room. "I think that coffee table woulda looked nice here." 
Miguel scoffed a laugh and rested his hand on the small of your back. "You think so? I think it'd clash." 
"Yeah, well, you have bad taste, hun." 
"Oh, wow, you're really gonna say that when I'm married to you?" 
"I'm the one who confessed first. I'm the one who proposed. Pretty sure it's safe to say I picked you." You leaned toward him and kissed his cheek. “And I have good taste.”
Miguel felt his face get hot. "Shut up and take a shower." 
"Your wish is my command." You set your pack down by the bed before sliding open the door to the ensuite. Miguel watched you like a hawk, his prey drive skyrocketing when he caught swaths of your bare skin peeking out from the washroom. He wanted to watch more, but you deserved a little privacy. 
"Oh," you said, peeking out from the doorway. "I, uh, kept my phone through everything. There're some photos of Gabi, if you wanna check it out." You vanished back into the bathroom and Miguel heard the water turn on. "It's in my pack! In the shitty little phone pocket thing." 
"Yeah, I–okay, I'll take a look, thanks." Miguel smiled, and rummaged through what you'd brought with you before pulling out that beat up phone with the charger still plugged into it and kept together with bandages of tape. Colour him impressed. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and went straight for the camera roll. There were loads of new pictures ranging from Gabriella when she was littler, to pictures of animals that Miguel guessed Gabi had a hand in.
There were old pictures, too. Mostly of Miguel, as embarrassing as that was, but the baby photos took over his reign once that perfect little girl entered your life. It made Miguel wish he’d taken more photos, that he hadn’t thought it was too cliche and embarrassing to capture every moment. He used to say shit like, “Do you have to take a photo? Can’t you just live in the moment?” but you’d stick your tongue out, give him a pinch or a bite on his cheek or something else in retribution. Because you didn’t care, you wanted to look back on little memories. 
He scanned through photos until he caught one that sent a rush of red to his features; it was of him, on his back, eyes teary and face alight with a fierce blush as you, well, obviously fucked him stupid. It was the only one of its kind. Maybe you forgot to delete it? Maybe–
The videos. Oooh, now that had Miguel excited. Miguel scanned through the other folders, but found nothing, much to his dismay and relief, seeing as Gabi probably had free access to your phone. 
But then, he spied a locked folder. 
The first password he tried worked (your anniversary because duh. You were such a sap), and a whole catalogue of videos and pictures were unleashed. 
Miguel glanced up at the washroom door before he skimmed through. He remembered all of these places (but the geo tags helped, too. Christ, you were so organised with your exhibitionist porn), ranging from IKEA after closing, to an abandoned amusement park. He still didn’t know how you picked out these places, or how you knew how to get into them without getting in heaps of trouble with the authorities. 
He tapped on a video and bumped the volume up a couple notches, just so he could barely hear; it was him on his knees, on a rusty old ferris wheel, staring up at you like you were God himself as he gripped your thighs and did his damndest to give you the blowie of a lifetime. Your sighs and soft moans rippled through the speakers like waves lapping at the shoreline. Present Miguel rubbed his mouth, worrying at his bottom lip before licking the dryness away. 
“Good boy,” You whispered on the other side of the camera. Your hand came into view and carded through dark locks before cupping his cheek. Miguel of the past turned into your touch and took your thumb into his mouth while his hand took over stroking your length from base to tip over, and over again. 
Miguel swiped to the next video. He was on his back this time, in your shared bedroom, if that duvet cover was to be trusted, while your fingers plunged deep inside of his heat and tore loud moans and gasps from him. He remembered this; you called it an experiment before you bullied his prostate with three, thick digits.  
"How's that feel, gorgeous?" You purred. Miguel swallowed thickly, both in the video and in the now. His hesitant hand crept down his thigh slowly, like he was trying to hide it from himself and call it an accident as he reached to palm himself through his jeans while he watched. He almost felt guilty. But that's what made it better. 
"Good. Really fucking good." His past self rocked down against your fingers, choking on a needy whine as his eyes slid open, and found you. "I need you, mi amor. Please–" 
"I know, babe, I know. I'm almost done here," you promised. You tilted the camera down to his stretched hole to catch what you did next. "Then you can have whatever you want from me." 
You pressed your pinky in, then, and Miguel of the present bit his lip as his shocked gasp and shaky cry pierced through the speakers. Miguel still couldn't describe the deranged pleasure he got from having half your hand in his ass, nearly to the point of fisting him. 
Miguel switched to a different video quickly. The next one was in the Jeep you loved so much. You were both out camping for the weekend, something you loved and Miguel had learned to love; that stupid red truck became home for so many long weekends, it became host to long hours of napping and intimacy, it turned into one of Miguel's favourite places. 
The video started with you adjusting the camera and squinting at it while Miguel’s younger self bitched and moaned in the background. 
"I'm just making sure the tripod's working 'n shit, babe, just gimme a sec!" You whined back. 
"My dick's getting soft," Miguel threatened, so blasé but annoyed at the same time. "Come on, viejo." 
You pulled away from the camera, grinning smug as a fox, and scooted back to your lover. His past self was lounging, hair and clothes already a mess from the prologue to this movie, as he watched you.  
"I'm here, I'm here." You kissed him, and Miguel could almost taste the s’mores on your tongue, the coffee on your lips. "Sorry, just wanna make sure it's perfect." 
"Oh, yeah, 'course. Gotta make sure your indie porno looks good." 
"Hey, one day we're gonna look back on this! It's worth it, baby, trust me." 
"Whatever. Just kiss me," Miguel demanded with a laugh. And you did as you were told, kissing his lips, then down his chest, then–
"Knew you'd like watching 'em back." 
Miguel jumped, nearly dropping the phone as he jerked his hand away from his clothed bulge. "I, uh–what?" he asked dumbly as he stared at your built frame leaning against the doorframe. God, you were still an impressive specimen. He wished that loose towel would just drop from your hips already.
"Our, ah, home videos." You grinned, so much like that fox from the past, and paced to Miguel. "Nice looking back, ain't it?" You cupped the underside of his jaw and tilted his face up. "Got you a lil' excited, yeah?" 
You weren't wrong. With a hammering heart, burning skin, and tingling nerves, he couldn't deny he was stuck deep in a pool of desire and need. And now with you handling him like this–fuck. He was in trouble. 
Miguel nodded weakly. "Yeah." He took a deep breath. "Just a little." 
“I’ll help.” You eased onto the bed and took great care in settling behind him. "Let the video play," you whispered against his neck before leaving a possessive kiss. 
Miguel leaned back into you. He watched you pop open his jeans and slip a hand down, down, down, until your warm palm met his aching length. A shuddered breath escaped him when you felt him up, pulled him free, squeezing and stroking in all the right spots; it'd been so long since anyone touched him. It'd been so long since he touched himself. 
"I, ah, don’t think we–did we lock the door?" Miguel heard himself moan in the video, and he dared another look; your head bobbed between his thighs while fingers pistoned into him. He wondered if you would do that to him again. Maybe tonight. 
"Mmmh. You want me to stop jerking you off so you can lock it?" 
You chuckled. "Okay." 
Your hand still worked him slowly and thoughtfully while lovers of the past filled in the rest of the silence. Miguel's hips bucked, and you hummed, so pleased with yourself. Pleased with yourself for pleasing him. Something Miguel found self-value in.
"I think I, uh, I think you mighta been right," he murmured to the air, trying to control his voice. Your gentle hum of intrigue spurred him on. "I think I need you to fuck me more than I realized. Need you to want me, ‘n…take me." 
“Yeah?” You asked before sinking a bite into his neck. “Figured you had somethin’ of a praise kink. Makes sense, in hindsight.”
Miguel gasped when you picked up the pace. “Fuck–I’d call it…mmmmn, I’d call it a-a love language–”
“Huh, didn’t know there were six love languages–”
“Sh-shut up, shut up, you know what I–what I mean–!” Miguel bit down hard on the inside of his mouth as his hips rocked up into your cruel, talented hand. He was close. How embarrassing. “I, uh…physical touch. Words of affirmation.”
“‘Needing my husband to fuck me and tell me I’m sexy.’” Miguel moaned and dug his head back into your shoulder as you chuckled. “That sound about right?”
“Viejo,” he whined, setting the phone aside to be forgotten. “I–”
“I know, baby; show me how hard this love language makes you cum.” 
It only took a few more strokes for Miguel to come undone. His teeth clattered together as he strained to keep his voice on lock as a forgotten rapture ripped the air from his lungs and electrocuted every vessel in his body. He clung to the other arm that’d come to wrap around his chest and hold him against you while you worked him through the motions, slowing down, accommodating the way his body reacted to the blinding pleasure. There were words said, probably encouraging ones muttered into his shoulder, but Miguel didn’t have the mind to parse the meaning of what you’d said. 
“Y’know,” you tried again when Miguel’s mind levelled out, “I think I have a praise kink, too. But a complimentary one. One where I like praising you.” You rested your chin on his shoulder and hummed. “Hm. Who woulda thought.”
“Hah. Good to know you’re still annoying,” Miguel said with a chuckle. He scrunched his nose up when you licked the side of his face. “(Name)--” 
“No.” You bit his cheek this time, and he sighed. You did, however, feel his softening cock start to come back to life again. “Want me to lock the door now, old man?” 
“Yeah,” he breathed. You got off the bed, letting the towel fall where it may, and Miguel finally gazed upon his lost treasure. “And set up your phone. We need to update the archives.”
You grinned when you turned back to him, and Miguel felt so at ease. 
There were still things to work out: the mental illness you hid from him, the cheating Miguel tried to hide from you, the little secrets you both kept wedged in the darkest cracks of your minds. But with you with him, the man who refused to give up on their bond and their love, Miguel felt safe indulging in mindless pleasure you so generously gave to him. Neither of you were about to seal away the past again, but if you could share in the good of your relationship while acknowledging the bad, then hope wasn’t lost; it was found in the moment you’d pulled his old wedding band from your pack, and slipped it back on Miguel’s finger that night, murmuring the words you said in a church so long ago:
“Till death do us part.”
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aqueeracademic · 10 months
Gayest House Scenes:
Season 1:
Unfortunately, episodes 1-4 didn’t have quite the quality of gayness I was looking for. We begin at 5:
Season 1, Episode 5: “Damned if You Do”
W: Maybe I'll come to your place.
H: Your wife doesn’t mind being alone on Christmas?
W: I’m a doctor. She’s used to being alone.
H: …
W: I don’t wanna talk about it.
H: Neither do I.
Note: and then Wilson ACTUALLY FUCKING WENT TO HOUSE’S PLACE FOR CHRISTMAS. and House played the piano for him and they ate chinese food because neither of them celebrate christmas at all, actually; they just wanted to be together. They just wanted to be together during the season of love and family. I'm so sick. 
Season 1, Episode 6: “The Socratic Method”
Foreman: I thought he liked rationality.
Wilson: He likes puzzles.
H: You think I’m crazy. 
W: Well, yeah. But that’s not the problem.
Season 1, Episode 7: “Fidelity”
W: Oh. That’s what breasts look like.
H: You love everyone. That’s your pathology.
W: *watches House leave longingly”
Cameron: Did he just turn on the TV?
Wilson: He needs to think.
W: That’s all! I mean it. 
H: You always do. It’s part of your charm.
W: I love my wife. 
H: You love saying it.
Season 1, Episode 12: “Sports Medicine”
H: You thought I couldn’t handle this news?
W: …
H: You talk to her a lot?
W: No. It’s been a long time. Look, if you don’t want me to see her-
H: What is this, eighth grade? I’m fine.
W: It’s fine if you’re upset!
H: No! It’s- I have no right to be upset. You two are friends. You should see her.
Season 1, Episode 14: “Control”
W: Since when do I need the secret code to talk to you?
H: You value our friendship more than your ethical responsibilities?
W: Our friendship is an ethical responsibility.
Note: that asshole chairman figured out he couldn’t threaten House, so he threatened Wilson's job instead to keep House in line. I’m sick?
Season 1, Episode 17: “Role Model”
W: House, I believe you’re a Romantic.
Season 1, Episode 18: “Babes and Bathwater”
Note: Wilson didn’t vote House out. and the chairman was so offended he decided to fire Wilson instead. Wilson fr put his whole career on the line, knowingly, to make sure House could stay. I'm SO SICK.
W: I got sacked.
H: Did you make a pass at Cuddy? I told you, she only has thighs for me.
W: …I voted to keep you.
H: Is he gonna sack everyone who votes to keep me around?
W: Yes. Every one of us.
H: …Just you?
W: Yeah.
W: I have no kids. My marriage is all messed up. I only have two things that work for me: This job and this stupid, screwed up friendship. And neither mattered enough to you to give one lousy speech.
H: They matter. If I could do it all again…
W: You’d do the same thing.
H: Nice job protecting me! You saved my ass by sacking Wilson?
Note: House lets Wilson sit in his chair and doesn’t make him move. He makes everyone else move. He doesn’t make Wilson move.
Season 1, Episode 19: “Kids”
W: My advice is much more simple: stop being an ass. You always find some tiny little flaw to push people away.
H: Now it’s people? I thought we were talking about applicants.
W: You have a history of this.
Note: When Wilson tells house he’s “going to end up alone”, House just stares at him. i am WELL AWARE they were discussing women, but they were discussing why House always pushes women away. and then Wilson tells him he’s gonna be alone and House just stares at him???? like stares at him like he just said something both crazy and hurtful???? like he thought he would have Wilson in the end????
Season 1, Episode 20: “Love Hurts”
H: He peed on me. I’m not into that.
W: It’s apple juice! Now, go apologize.
Note: House immediately does what he’s told and finds the patient he yelled at.
W: I just want to make sure no one gets hurt.
Cameron: I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m going out with Jack the Ripper.
W: Oh, it’s not… it’s not you I’m worried about. It’s been a long time since he opened up to someone, and I… you better be absolutely sure that you want this, because if he opens up again and gets hurt… I don’t think there’s gonna be a next time.
C: You’re worried I’m gonna break his heart?
W: …
H: This is a mistake. I don’t know how to have a casual conversation.
*Wilson rolls eyes*
Note: Why the literal hell would Wilson be at House’s place helping him get ready? Helping him with his tie? i’m sick.
Note: “What I am is what you need. I’m damaged.” HELLLLOOOOOO????????? i’m gonna eat my hands
Season 1, Episode 21: “Three Stories”
Note: “I’m not busy. But I’m not sure I want him to live.” HELLO IM GONNA JUMP OUT THE WINDOW??????????
Season 1, Episode 22: “Honeymoon”
Note: “Some part of me hopes that he’ll die. I’m just not sure if it’s because I want to be with her, or if it’s because I want her to suffer.” HELLLLOOOOOOO????????? This line just sniped me from behind.
Note: Stacey and I actually have SO MUCH beef. She better watch her back.
Note: “I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn’t love me.” As wack as I think Cameron’s relationship with House is, this line killed me.
Note: The audacity of Stacey to tell House she’s still in love with him and always will be just to tell him she won’t be with him?? Like what is actually wrong with you. Let my boy catch a BREAK.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL
April 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 9 of 10 - My biggest concern is that Uea left his sister in that house with a known abuser. Meanwhile, the office teasing was cute. I’m thinking that the final two episodes were mostly added to deal with the backstory resolution of the family drama, and to add a sappy proposal thing. I’m not necessarily mad about it, but I do think there’s probably would’ve been a better tighter story at 8 episodes. 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - There is nothing to this show but softness. Also we visited my old exclamation to the BL gods: please don’t make them act crying. It’s so difficult to watch. That said I still love this  stupid show.
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) 6 of 12 eps - Wow. Sides kissing. Brave high school kid! Also mains. Wait. What is happening? 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 7 of 12 - Having a rich boyfriend sure is clutch. Boss is smart to ingratiate himself with his boyfriend’s gaming team. Also there is no doubt that they are complete and total boyfriends, the most boyfriendly boyfriends ever. 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - I’m pretty much fast forwarding anything to do with the main couple I just find them so boring. Although my beloved side dishes have disappeared. So I guess I am watching it for the faen fatal? 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 - Whatever. Good sex scene tho. Bummer about the, ya know, story. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT) ep 6 of 10 - ON HIATUS UNTIL APRIL 19.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - It’s just the best. It’s so sweet. Yutaka’s little smile because the kid likes him and wants to cook with him is probably the warmest most endearing thing ever to happen in JBL. 
Unintentional Love Story (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 9-10 fin - sorry I won’t have a chance to watch this until early next week but I promise to post about it! 
The Eighth Sense (Korea Weds Viki) eps 5-6 of 10 - Hyung mistakes made by constantly acting EXACTLY like bf in front of their friends is very cute. I don’t have much to say a this time. Narrative and characterization is unfolding as expected, staying tense as we get little nuggets of backstory. Lines will be crossed, one way or another. The trot part was VERY funny. Also we got us a on screen rep of a fairygodBLer. These two kiss well but all I can see when they do is how much pain is incoming. I don’t know what was up with the ending but we do have 4 more to go, so I don’t think we are actually in an H3:MODC situation. 
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) - It’s a bit frenetic, camp, crazy, and outrageous, but I’m not mad about any of that because it’s classic Pinoy BL. So I think I’ll keep watching. This is the same characters as My Day. Which means they did break up the main couple from that series. So if that’s going to traumatize you, be aware. There are a lot of storylines going on. And I’m just not sure BL from the Philippines can handle this much at once, they may have bitten of more BL than they can chew. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) - Japan is so weird. I mean that in a good way (but also sometimes in a bad way). Also sometimes just weird. Also embarrassing and cringe. I’m going to watch it but I don’t like it very much. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was cute, classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, it totally holds together as it’s own little short story too.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) from WaGa Creative staring Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Same as above.
In Case You Missed it
Cafe In Love 10 eps finished its run.
Destiny Seeker 10 eps also finished its run.
A First Love Story is on Gaga now. It’s my favorite BL short ever made, check it out. It’s wonderful.
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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04.18 Step By Step (Thai WeTV & Gaga) - 10 eps office age gap, I am all in! 
04.19 The Promise is back!
Finishing: Bed Friend, Chains, Future
I might start watching Destiny Seeker or Cafe in Love, or both.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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En of Love franchise leaning into its brand (Future the series)
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I love their friendship and their bromances and this was an adorable moment ... but now I want these two to lead out a BL together. 
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I love an “accidental” outing (both Boss & Babe). 
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Calling out tropes and characterization, as ya do.
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Passing along the familial obligation of care. 
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 (all Bed Friend) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Block B’s Very Good, I TOLD you I’ve been dipping into the well a lot recently. I really miss Kpop’s 2nd gen insanity phase. 
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Emma x Draken: Love Story Part 12
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Emma was a worrier.  If her neck hurt, she had a life threatening illness.  If she broke her finger, it was going to need to be cut off.  Draken called her crazy for this.  He wasn’t wrong though.  
Today, Emma was really sick.  She was throwing up like crazy and extremely tired.  Draken was away with Mikey at a race, so this left Emma home alone.  Thankfully, it was Spring break, so Hina, who was off from teaching, came over to take care of her friend.
“Hey Emma, when was the last time you, you know,” Hina asked, holding up her best friend's hair as she threw up.
“I mark it on the calendar on my phone,” Emma said in between throwing up, “it’s on the counter.”
Hina scrolled through her calendar and noticed something, “Emma, you missed it.  You could be pregnant.”
Emma’s eyes widened.  This could not be happening.  Draken and Emma had talked about waiting at least 4 years until they had kids.  They had only been married two years, so this couldn’t be happening.
“Hina, can you get a few pregnancy tests for me?”
“Of course,” Hina said as she exited Emma’s home to get what they needed.
Emma took six different tests and they all said the same thing.  Pregnant.  She started crying.  She was nervous Draken wouldn’t be happy.  But, she had to get the conversation over with.  She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.
“Hello,” Draken answered.
“Hey babe, are you busy” Emma asked, she was really starting to sweat.
“No, what’s wrong?”
“Remember when we talk about having kids? And how we wanted to wait until we did?”
“Yeah.  Are you saying what I think you are?”
“I’m pregnant.”
He didn’t respond, making Emma even more nervous.  If Emma was there, she would see the dumb grin on the dragon tattooed mechanic.
“That’s great, babe.  I know it wasn’t what we planned, but does anything we ever do go as planned?”
Emma smiled, “yeah, that’s true.  I can’t wait till you get home.”
“I know.  When I get home, let’s celebrate, okay?”
“I’d love that.  I love you Ken.”
“I love you too Emma.”
She hung up the phone and looked at Hina.  The two girls started jumping up and down in excitement.  Hina was getting married and now Emma was having a baby.  Their lives were changing and the Toman family was getting bigger.  Life was good.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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linafinsterwald192 · 3 months
GHOVIE SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! my feelings about it
omg i have so much to say y'all. SPOILERS. SPOILERSS.
Holy shit. HO-LY-SHIT- I went to Berlin for that (it's like, 2 hours away from me so not that big of a deal BUT i have social anxiety) and the train station and the unfamiliar cinema and all that made me anxious, but I had to be there on time, so I didn't have time for that!! I made it and i am so glad that i did and i am glad to know that copia would be proud of me. Also the tickets were ridiculously cheap. I made almost the same for the ticket AND my cinema menu, which was just mid-sized nachos with a mid-sized pepsi and two dips??? Also yes I know Berlin cinema snacks are expensive, but I paid almost 12€ (compared to around 16 for Ghost) on Avengers Infinity War tickets a few years ago, and that one I watched in a shitty small town cinema. The fans were awesome. One of them came as a ghoul(ette?) and another gave out bracelets. I now have a Mummy Dust bracelet. Picture my excitement when it played in the movie. The lightning was fucking fantastic. It was BEAUTIFUL and brought out the faces and the jackets and oh my god everything was so close and so cinematic and i fucking loved it. I expected the movie to basically be one big Chapter, so it being essentially one big concert was a surprise to me, and it took me a while to realise that this the concept of the entire movie - but I loved it! I do not have the mental equipment to go to a concert since I get overwhelmed with crowds and such, so it was amazing getting to see a Ritual on the big screen. I love the character arcs. I love Copia standing up to Nihil, questioning what he has ever done for him. I love Sister's absolute SASS when congratulating Nihil for finally being a father at last. I love Nihil actually being a father, if for like... 10 combined minutes xD I love the characters in general. I can absolutely understand that C wants to stay and it's so interesting to see Seestor trying to let him down gently - as compared to... you know... stabbing the others when it was time? I love the relationship between Sis and Nihil. Clearly in love but still nagging (for good reason). I loved the whole cartoon-y clip. I think it conveyed their relationship perfectly and while I'm not usually a fan of i like you/Go away relationships, I absolutely ship them. They match each other's crazy for real. Also the coffin kiss is part of my Roman Empire now. I wish we could have seen how Sister and Nihil felt about Sister's death. I wish we could have seen Sister looking forward to being on the same plane as Nihil again - and I want to know if they can hug and kiss again now! I was kind of grateful that they didn't include this since it leaves more room for headcanons, but I do wish Sister had gotten an on-screen death. I loved all these small funny moments. "Do you think that's air you're smelling?" was fucking hilarious, as were the eye movements with Nihil crossing and... (what is the opposite of crossing here) his eyes - i bet the actor was very proud of that one xD I liked Ashley, and I'm glad to see Copia still has Mr. Saltarian by his side. I'm SUPER excited to see if we get more chapters, now with Copia as Frater Imperator. Also, the twin thing???? Very fucking excited for that! It was also very funny to see the ghouls so well-behaved on stage. Papa, too. 12/10. would watch a million times more. the audio for the concert portions was so clear, the jackets beautiful, and my babes were rockin'.
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pvffinsdaisies · 11 months
the Anglo-Celtic Isles as song’s from Maisie Peter’s “the Good Witch”
(With little to no explanation) (featuring OCs)
“When all I do is think about the past, and haunt a house nobody lives in, you wanna hear about it all, where do I start? Well, I guess when it kicks in.”
“I wish I would’ve seen it sooner, why did it take me ages to say it? I wasn’t your cliché, no, this is my coming of age!”
“You’re so bad (so bad!), you look better (what the fuck?) I fought it but I saw it and it sawed me right in half. You still get to me, but I still let you (yes I do!) you’re being a superstar and all I’ve got are victim cards and you’ve got every single thing you want, and I just watch.”
“Then I, I can’t help thinking that she’s got a better body, has she got a body better than mine? And I, I can help thinking when you touched it were you sorry, were you sorry like weren’t at the time? Loving you was easy, that’s why it hurts now, the worst way to love somebody’s to watch them love somebody else and it work out, now, I can’t help thinking that she’s got a better body, has she got a body better than mine?”
“So I know, that you did bad, but if one more person says it I might go mad. Yeah I know, it didn’t last, and what was cheap to you to me was all I had. The issue is, I know all of this and I, I still want you back.”
“It was Friday nights, it was video gold, oh it was shining lights, it was rock and roll. It was the band and I, on a 12 bed bus, it was making and messing it up! It was endless roads, in the same old boots, oh it was letting go of everything but you. It was the band and I, on a 12 bed bus, if we’re living the dream, I hope we never wake up.”
“I’m on a one-way trip to take over the world, you could’ve come but your head’s in the sand, what’s a girl gonna do when she’s in love with you, but you’re just a boy and I’m kinda the man. I’m on a one-way trip to take over the world, you could’ve come, babe, I held out my hand. Yeah it’s sad and it’s true, and I’m in love with you, but you’re just a boy and I’m kinda the man!”
“I know I’m obsessed and right now I might be a mess, but one day you’re gonna wake up, and OH SHIT! You lost the breakup. I’ll smile and you’ll have to face it, I’m the greatest love that you wasted, but by then I’ll be far away, and OH SHIT! You lost the breakup!”
“You could take me to neverland, baby, we could live off of magic and maybes, but I know the girl that you want and it scares me, behind every lost boy there’s always a Wendy. So I’ll lock the windows and turn on the AC, you’ll throw your rocks and you’ll scream that you hate me, but it gets old being forever 20, and what about my wings? What about Wendy?”
“If a man says that he wants you in his life forever (run!) if he calls you up says he’s so in love and it’s been one week you better (run!) if your heart says broke and your friends say “don’t” it’s an r.i.p you better (run!) as fast as you can, take a quick sharp turn at the side of the man and make it done! If a man says that he wants you in his life forever, (run!)”
“You were driving fast, I was holding back and I loved you babe but I bet you knew that. The song was true and the sky was black, god, I wish it was two weeks ago. When you said we’re like your mum and dad, knew you loved me babe, when you told me that, and the song was true and the sky was black, god, I wish it was two weeks ago.”
“Broke me big time, it’s funny and im laughing baby, you think im alright, but im actually bloody motherfucking batshit crazy!”
“Now you’re gone, honey I can’t sleep, I’m just talking to your memory. I still love you, but you’re taking me from your arms back to therapy, therapy, oh Lord, I’m going back to therapy, therapy. You swore it’s somewhere I would never be, so how come you’re taking me from your arms back to therapy?”
“The love we had was covered in snow, I had to let it go. The love we had was eating me whole, I had to send it home. Oh there it was, heaven knows, there it was, now there it goes.”
“I’ve seen it in the poems and the sands, I’ve pleaded with the powers and their plans, I’ve tried to rewrite it but I can’t, it’s the history of man. She stays up, he’s sleeping like a lamb, she begs him, he says he doesn’t understand, she loves him more than anyone ever has in the history, the history of man.”
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aajjks · 5 months
mommy issues!JK
you and chaeyoung are what the kids describe as ‘friends with benefits.’ you both met in college, had a little fling that carried on until you both went your separate ways only to meet again as kindergarten teachers. it was awkward in the beginning but with your classes being across from each other, the two of you just grew closer and closer until that flame was reignited once more.
the last time you slept with chaeyoung was over a year ago since she was in a ‘situationship’ you had no interest in but stuck by chaeyoung’s side as a friend. when crazy was happening in her life, it almost felt as though you were the first person she’d call and you vice versa. so when tonight’s set-up, disaster, betrayal, or whatever happened you immediately phoned chaeyoung.
although your feelings for chaeyoung have sailed she can’t say the same. if she didn’t feel anything for you, you wouldn’t be on her couch with a glass of soju at 10:30 o’clock at night.
as you rant your feelings to chae, she’s hyper-focused on your pretty face. your beauty marks, your little freckles, and flawless skin that’s free of all the makeup adorned from earlier.
you’ve always been so pretty—too pretty.
“are you listening to me?”
“of course, y/n”
“what did i say then?”
“you said you feel like jungkook and nara set you up, which i think they did. i warned you about him, babe. i told you he was bad news”
“but what if i was just overthinking everything?”
“you aren’t. look—,” chaeyoung shows you her phone, an article from vogue’s official website has a picture of nara and jungkook side-by-side with the title reading: JANG NARA IS NO LONGER SINGLE!! WHO’S HER MYSTERIOUS SEXY BOYFRIEND?
“honestly, they look cute together”
“chae” you warn.
“whaaaat?? they do. i think so”
“she’s a horrible human being, chae. trust me. i think i’ll talk to him tomorrow”
“that’s why you keep getting hurt, y/n. you always let people in. thought i told you to stop doing that? do i need to remind you of what happened the last time you let a person with a dick in your life?”
chaeyoung knows that what she’s saying is manipulative and horrible. she’s comparing jungkook to your abusive ex ji-cheol but how else is she supposed to steer you away from him? he’s doing a great job by pushing you away on his own but to pull you closer, she has to lie. as your friend and future lover, it’s the only way.
“that’s harsh, chae” you say. “he’s already ignored me for a whole week and…i’ll just figure it out”
“you’re a smart girl, y/n. just listen to your intuition. it’ll never steer you wrong”
“you’re right”
from mr. jeon:
I know that I fucked up, but please listen to me. I didn’t know that you were coming and this was supposed to be just a formal dinner… I didn’t know that you were invited here on purpose to be misguided… she did this on purpose, please please yn…. Please don’t leave me-I want to be with you
“is that him?”
“what’s your intuition telling you?”
“…ignore him”
“then listen to it”
and so you do.
it’s 12 in the morning and you’re just now arriving in your apartment. you toss your shoes by the front door and go face first into the couch. ‘thank God it’s sunday’ you think to yourself as you close your eyes and allow sleep to overtake you before you’re up again at 10 in the morning.
“daddy wake up!” says an excited seol who’s jumping on his father’s bed before jumping onto him. “are we going to spend time with mommy today? please? pretty pleaseeee, i miss her”
It was actually hard for him to come home last night because Nara wasn’t letting him go, he was quite drunk last night, but he didn’t do anything stupid thank God for that, but he was heartbroken when he came home and saw that they were no replies from you.
You’re really upset, aren’t you?
he would be too, if he were in your place, he would be upset too. But… How could you believe everything you saw?
He is a little angry at you because he told you everything about her and his relationship dynamic and didn’t just see the way she was trying to control him last night?
But then his trail of thoughts are interrupted when Seol comes into his room and starts jumping on the bed- Jungkook smiles looking at the only good thing in his Life.
“Hi baby.” Jungkook grabs Seol and begins to pepper his face in kisses, his baby is getting so big, his birthday is coming up soon and he’s so handsome and cute.
When he asks him about you, his smile, falters is a little.
“Ahhh you miss mommy? I do too, but mommy is a little angry with daddy.” He sits him into his lap- rubbing his eyes as Jungkook thinks of a way to talk to you.
“But don’t worry baby- daddy will get mommy back.”
Here he is- on a Sunday at 9AM on your door with some flowers and chocolates in his hands as he taps his feet on the ground while he waits for you to open the door.
It takes him exactly 3 knocks until he hears your door unlock- oh his heart is going crazy.
There you stand with sleepy eyes and yawning- until you realise that it’s Jungkook at your door. You gasp and he scratches the back of his hand before he pushes the flowers and chocolates in your hands,
“Yn.., what happened last night.. it wasn’t true. The articles are false because I’m not dating her and I did not know that you were going to be there. She did this on purpose and I don’t think that I should be the one taking the fall for this.”
“I think I deserve a chance to explain myself so please just wait for my explanation and give me a chance to explain.”
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she-karev · 6 months
Cousin Jen
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys I hope your enjoying your break I’m trying to finish this story by the end of the week while working on a report my evil professor assigned me but here’s hoping.
Summary: Amber introduces Jen to the interns and Jo.
Words: 2722
I sit on the passenger side of my mustang looking over Andrew’s neuroscience journals while he’s driving us to work where Jen and Matt agreed to meet us this morning. I have my left knee propped up with my notepad on it while I read the journals that are laying on my right leg. I’m making a list of possible neurological conditions that is causing the fainting spells.
I bite the back of my pen thinking, “Was his BP regular after he fainted last night?”
“Yeah it was, like he was sleeping.” Andrew tells me and looks over at me and back at the road, “Dr. Shepherd is gonna find out what’s wrong with Matt babe.”
“No I know.” I try to play it cool as I put down vasovagal syncope, “I’m not worried.”
“You are.” Andrew says knowingly, “You bite your pen when you’re stressed and list every bad outcome you can before we even get answers. Shepherd is the best in the state hell the best in the country he’s in good hands.”
There’s something bothering me that I need to be sure isn’t a problem, “They got the brain tumor out, right?”  
“I had the tumor in a jar in my hands when I showed it to Dr. Shepherd. Do you want me to show it to you?” Andrew chuckles but I look at him considering his offer causing him to look perplexed, “Why would you want me to show it to you?”
“I need to know she’s not gonna take his jaw apart or blind him, you know the tumor did that too.”
“I am gonna make sure you’re not in the same room as her so your lack of filter doesn’t get you fired.”
I sigh and put my pen away, “I’m sorry it’s just that Jen came down all the way from New York because she trusts me to treat the man she loves. It’s a lot of pressure and it doesn’t help that she was my rock when I was a stressed out med student. And I’ve known Matt for years and as much as we snipe at each other he’s the only guy I ever approved for Jen.”
“She’s your family.” Andrew tells me simply, “She drives you crazy but she helped you no questions asked. I get it I go through it with Carina, every heartbreak or low point I have she’s the one I call. It’s why I forgive her for sleeping with all of my friends…and my exes.”
I pat his arm in comfort, “You don’t have to worry about that with me. I mean she’s hot it’s just our situation is tangled enough with my brother.”
“Agreed.” Andrew tells me and he grins for some reason.
“What’s that smile for?”
Andrew looks at me with a smug grin, “Hot Seattle guy?”
“Oh for the love of god.” I look at him annoyed even as he chuckles, “I was high on endorphins and you were from Seattle and yes you are hot it wasn’t a hard nickname to come up with. Did you give me a nickname?”
Andrew thinks on it, “Nope but at the time I didn’t think I was gonna see you again so I didn’t want to dwell on our spectacular night. Even though there was a lot to dwell on.”
I smirk, “Well you didn’t do so bad either.”
“I know your cousin made that very clear.” I look at Andrew amused before going back to the journal, “Can I ask you something?”
“You can but I’m not sure I’ll answer on account of what’s on my plate right now.”
“Half birthday?” Andrew starts and I look at him surprised by his change in topic, “I mean no offense it’s just you don’t seem like the kind of person who makes a big deal out of their half birthday. What’s the story there?”
I sigh and look back at my journal, “It’s a long story filled with sighs and sorrow.”
“Well it’s a long bridge filled with cars and trucks so I think we got time.” I look to see that we are stuck in traffic. I see Andrew’s face looking at me with interest and I decide to stop my research so I can explain.
“Okay fine.” I clear my throat, “For my tenth birthday, all of my friends and I we’re gonna do a campout in one of their basements. I was super excited, there was gonna be pizza and horror films and board games, I was counting the days excited. But then on my birthday the police found my mom roaming the streets in her nightgown just completely out of it because she forgot to take her meds…again. And I had to cancel the party so I could help Aaron watch her in case she slipped again.” I see Andrew looking at me with sympathy, “I mean that was normal for me so it wasn’t that big of a deal except Alex left for med school not long after and it was the last straw for me. I gave up on birthdays in general because it’s a day your expectations are high and your family celebrates. Except for me when I expected them to forget or get arrested.”
“And half birthdays?”
I shrug my shoulders, “If you don’t have high expectations then you can’t get let down.” Andrew looks at me with sorrowful eyes that I detest, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” He asks me.
“Like I’m that sad ten-year-old girl you want to scoop up and hug. I’m a big girl and half birthdays have been great for me so far.” Andrew raises an eyebrow suspicious of my claim, “I’m serious every year Jen and I would go to Serendipity 3 on the Upper East Side and get the biggest sundaes we could get. We would switch them and sample taste and after we would go to the cheapest Broadway show we could find. Last year we did Mean Girls, yeah, they made a musical about the movie, it was surprisingly good. I would’ve done Harry Potter and the Cursed Child but Matt was with us and two of them voted against me.”
Andrew chuckles, “I’ll admit it sounds a lot more fun than my actual birthdays. And you know I wasn’t pitying you I just…I wish I could’ve known you when you were a kid and celebrate with you, make you have high expectations for once.”
I feel flustered at that super sweet statement, “That’s sweet of you to say. Although I bet you were the stud in elementary school, you wouldn’t even look at the brainy tomboy with her head in the books wearing her brothers hand me downs.”
Andrew grins, “You seem pretty confident about that.”
“Oh I bet you planning my half birthday this year that I got it down to a T.”
Andrew chuckles, “Really? You’re willing to risk your fabulous half birthday’s just to prove your right?”
“I’m an occasional gambler.” I see we’re parking near the lobby, “Let’s prove I’m right, after we cure Matt so Jen can marry him.” Andrew nods and we get out of the car and head to the lobby where we find Jen and Matt sitting in the waiting area. We stand in front of them, “Hey, any fainting spells after the restaurant?”
Matt stands up with Jen, “No we were out like a light when we got back to the hotel.”
“Yeah and while we were there I did some research into this neurosurgeon we traveled across the country to see despite my fiancé telling me it wasn’t necessary.” Jen glares at Matt who looks at her with a grin to keep her calm but she turns to us, “Did she really blind that surgeon here?”
“It was unavoidable babe.” Matt tries to soothe her but it fails so Andrew steps in.
“I read the case file and I can honestly tell you Shepherd did the best that she could at the time. The tumor was a grade 4 astrocytoma that other neurosurgeons declared inoperable. She saved her life despite the obstacles.”
“Did I not mention she blinded her?” Jen repeats to us clearly scared for Matt.
“Well to be fair Shepherd had a brain tumor at the time.” Jen’s eyes widen in shock at my statement and I rehash, “At the time meaning not now and not while she’s treating your fiancé. Cuz I understand your worried but you’re not gonna find a better neurosurgeon for Matt. I promise you have nothing to worry about, we’re gonna take care of your guy. If you can’t trust Shepherd then trust me.”
Jen inhales and exhales trying to destress, “You’re lucky your my favorite cousin.”
I shrug, “I know and your lucky your my only cousin.”
“She-Karev has a cousin?” Helm, Roy and Qadri approach us in their scrubs. Roy looks at Jen up and down with a grin. I groan at the sight but introduce them.
“Jen these are my coworkers, doctors Qadri and Helm. Ignore Roy he will just hit on you and if you give me permission, I will gladly rip his hair out for you.”
Jen grins and turns to them with a warm smile shaking their hands, “It’s nice to meet you doctors, I’m Jen Evans.”
Helm looks at her perplexed, “Oh my god your so nice, she’s so nice.” Helm looks at me as I glare at her, “Why can’t you be nice like your cousin?”
“Why can’t you?” I insult back.
“Fair enough.” Helm stands down as Qadri and Roy talk to her.
Qadri asks Jen, “Are you here for a case, are you a visiting surgeon?”
Jen laughs at that, “Oh god no, Amber and Alex are the ones with the brains. I’m a hairdresser and my fiancé Matt here is studying to be an internalist.”
Matt snorts and corrects her, “It’s an internist babe. Hi I’m Dr. Matt Shapiro, Lenox Hill.” They all greet and shake hands with him, “We’re actually here for me, I’m the patient and no offense but I really hope none of you cut into me.”
I chuckle at that, “Don’t worry I won’t let any of these rabid puppies touch you.”
Roy looks at me offended, “So let me guess your cousin is the sugar and you’re the spice and nothing nice.”
I glare at him, “Don’t you have some other females to bother, try the cadavers they might just respond to Dr. Douche.”
“Like I said nothing nice.” Roy grins and walks away from us.
I turn to Qadri, “I need you to fill in for me assisting Avery.” Qadri’s eyes widen, “I want to help Shepherd with Matt and you’re the only one I feel won’t bring Jackson and his life saving research down. Do you think you can-”
“Yes!” Qadri interrupts excitedly, “Yes I would be honored just tell me where to meet him.”
“Slow down tiger. First I gotta find him and tell him the news.” I turn to Jen, “I’ll be right back, I gotta change and find Dr. Avery. Are you good to wait for me?”
“Oh no I’m coming with you.” I raise an eyebrow at her intentions, “I’m owed a tour of your new job plus I want to see you in doctor mode.”
I sigh at her genuine curiosity over my new job and relent, “Fine let’s go, I’ll take you to the lockers and give you a tour while I find Jackson.” I turn to Andrew, “Are you boys good without us?”
Andrew looks at Matt awkwardly but turns back to me, “Yeah, I gotta change too, I’ll take him with me and page Dr. Shepherd to the lab. We’ll see you both there.” I nod and lead Jen away from the lobby and inside the locker room where she looks around in clear disgust. There are about ten people inside including Casey. Some of the guy’s leer at Jen clearly enticed by her Fendi zipper front crop top showing her mid riff that is mostly covered by her high waisted light wash wide legged jean with her combat boots giving her a 90’s grunge look. We stop by my locker as she looks around with pursed lips.
“You traded an apartment in the Village for a bland locker room that smells like the end of Hoosiers?” I raise an eyebrow at her watching sports movies instead of chick flicks as usual, “Matt was begging me to watch it and I got tired of the pleading. How do you work like this?”
I put my scrubs on, “Because I want to make a difference and advance medicine and a smelly locker room is what interns are supposed to get.”
Jen gets closer and lifts a strand of my blonde hair that she grimaces, “Yeah that and split ends and dying dye jobs.” I get my strand out of her hand and put my lab coat on, “Seriously cuz when was the last time you went to a hair stylist? Or even saw the inside of a hair salon?”
“I’m busy.”
“Nobody is too busy to sit in a chair for two hours and repair the damaged follicles.” Jen groans in disgust as I put my hair in a clip, “Okay this is a hair emergency that I need to operate on, free of charge.”
“Hey Karev.” Casey comes up to me grinning, “Is this your stylist?”
I say no and Jen says yes at the same time causing me to glare at her, “Casey Parker this is my cousin Jen Evans.”
Jen looks at Parker and smiles shaking his hand, “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you from Amber she says your great.”
Casey looks at her pleasantly surprised, “Really? She told you that?”
“Yeah she told me how you fought off that guy that was attacking her.” I called Jen the week after Paul came to town to tell her the details, “I gotta say that was very impressive and I was slightly turned on.”
Casey grins, “Well thank you and might I just say that you are nothing like your cousin and I mean that in a nice way.”
Jen chuckles, “Yeah don’t let the girl’s sniping fool you there is a lot of affection there.”
I roll my eyes at them, “Come on let’s go diagnose your fiancé.” I practically drag her away from Casey and out in the hall where we run into Jo and I remember I have rounds with her.
“Hey where are you going? We have rounds.”
I groan at that, “I need to skip them.”
“Why?” Jo notices Jen next to me and looks at me surprised, “Um hi who are you?”
Jen grins, “Hi! I’m Jen Evans, I’m Amber’s cousin.”
Jo’s eyes widen more at that and she looks at me confused, “Y-Your cousin? This is your cousin? You have a cousin?”
“That is a lot of cousins in one sentence Jo.” I chuckle at her uneasiness as Jen gasps remembering what I told her about Jo.
“Oh! This is Jo? This is the girl Alex is dating?” She turns to Jo smiling who grins despite her shock and shakes her hand, “Hi it’s so nice to meet you Amber has said nothing but good things about you. It’s the first time she did with the girls Alex and Aaron dated, but then again those two could date Stalin and Bin Laden and she’d like them better than all the others.” Jen chuckles and I grin despite myself while Jo chuckles uneasily.
“Wait so if Amber is your cousin.” Jo recounts, “That means Alex is also your cousin?”
“It’s the way the family tree works.” I tell her, “Look I need to skip rounds Jen is here for a consult on her fiancé and it might be neuro so…”
Jo nods understanding, “Okay yeah sure I’ll let you know what you missed.”
“Great thank you and have you seen Dr. Avery by any chance?”
Jo thinks, “Um I think he’s in a meeting with his mother and a doctor from Cedars in the board room.”
“Great thank you let’s go.” Me and Jen walk past Jo down the hall so we can find Dr. Avery and get back to the guys.
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crinkled-emotions · 9 months
Day 12: "Did you get any sleep?"
Slowly but surely getting there. I'm kind of hoping to catch up by the end of Monday (which is coincidentally my sister's 20th birthday! Crazy, feels like yesterday she was biting people)
(by people, I mean me)
(that's a story for another time)
Anywho, taking a break from TGM to write some Outer Range! This is more of an alternate take on Rhett and Hadley's story from the original 15k fic I wrote but I don't have a problem with that at all. I'm always down for a little cowboy
With Hadley - she is an OC, but other than her being Australian I've kept her general stature etc unknown.
It was still dark when Hadley stumbled down the stairs, scrubbing at her face as she quietly made her way to the kitchen. With a flick of her wrist she started the kettle and then reached for a mug.
“Fuck, Rhett!”
Hadley whipped around, pressing herself to the counter when she realised Rhett was sitting at the island, his own cup of coffee in hand. When she checked his coffee maker she could see it was half empty and she frowned.
“Did you get any sleep last night, babe?”
“No,” he admitted. Hadley sighed, leaving her cup of coffee to give Rhett a hug. His arms went around her shoulders and she leaned into his body, running a hand over his side.
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“What’s the point, right? Then both of us are up for no reason.”
“Or we can come downstairs, watch something shitty and break the cycle of going to bed only to lie awake for hours. It only makes it harder, Rhett.”
“Are you seriously trying to fight me before 6am?”
Rhett pulled away, brows furrowed. Hadley’s face fell but she kept her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head.
“No; it wasn’t a criticism. I’m more worried about what kept you up rather than the act of you being up.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Hadley hummed.
“I get it. Not sleeping makes you do dumb shit. Do you want to try go back to bed now?”
“Can’t... gotta get to the ranch.”
“Five minutes with your dad, Rhett, I swear,” Hadley said. Rhett rolled his eyes but he pulled Hadley back into his arms.
“For his safety, I think it’s better that you go feed Jester and get ready for work.”
Hadley raised an eyebrow, pressing a kiss to his temple before going back to the kettle when it finally boiled.
“Diplomacy? That’s hot.”
Rhett put his head down, a blush covering his features and Hadley tried to stifle her giggle into her coffee.
“Mom wanted to know if we could put flyers out again this afternoon when you finish work.”
“Did Joy give the okay?”
“Don’t think it matters.”
Hadley took another sip of coffee, reaching for her phone. She went quiet for a moment, heaving a sigh.
“Alright; I’m gonna go get dressed and feed Jester. Are you still going to be here when I get back?”
Rhett got up to rinse his mug out, a habit he’d picked up from Hadley, then gave her a kiss.
“Probably not. I’m sorry, Hads, I know you wanted to have date night-“
“-don’t worry about it.”
Her eyes were warm as she squeezed his bicep, heading for the stairs.
“Make sure you eat something before you go, not eating or sleeping is a bad combination.”
“Thanks baby,” Rhett called after her.
The morning didn’t start well at the Abbott household; Rhett told his mom he’d already eaten breakfast and she huffed and puffed about it, then his father demanded that they move the cattle for the third time that week which would be a big feat between the two of them. Usually Hadley and Cecelia would help but Hadley was working and his mom was meeting with the police again about Perry and Amy. Neither had been seen for almost three weeks and had mysteriously disappeared around the same time. By the time they got saddled up and a plan made Rhett’s stomach was grumbling because as much as he’d insisted that he’d had breakfast, his breakfast consisted of coffee and a granola bar. He was already dizzy when they finally located the herd and working them back toward the pasture nearest to the main ranch site was difficult enough.
Royal was in a bad mood, too; he was bitching and moaning and worried about Amy but he wouldn’t talk about Perry or ask about Hadley which was almost normal these days. Hadley had made it very clear she thought Royal was a shitty father and that if she had any say in the matter she would have helped Rhett get the fuck out of town when he had the chance. He’d given up the rodeo to help his family and Hadley saw the way he regretted it every time his father tried to talk to him.
“Rhett- Rhett!”
Rhett snapped out of his daze, clearing his throat.
Royal sighed.
“Were you listening to anything I just said?”
“Don’t be an ass; what’s on your mind?”
Rhett glanced down at his reins, enjoying the way they ran through his hands. He and Whiskey had been thrown together when he was a teenager and for three years it looked like they weren’t ever going to work together; now she was one of the only things that made him smile.
“Thinkin’ of goin’ home after this. S’not like we’ve got much to do this afternoon.”
“Rhett, we need to go through the barn and then start calling Rebecca’s college friends-“
“-you think they’re gonna know where Amy is? Perry?”
“I mean fuck, dad, you think people who knew her ten years ago are gonna have any clue where her daughter went- that they never met? Yeah, that makes sense.”
“We have to do something. That is our granddaughter – your niece – that is out there and she’s probably scared as all- well, you know what I mean.”
“Did you ever think maybe Becca came to get her?”
“Rebecca could have come home at any point, the door was always open for her to-“
Rhett swore, turning Whiskey around to come nose to nose with his father’s horse.
“What you and mom did to Becca, you’re doin’ to Hadley right now. I might have only been a kid when we met her but she was alone out here. She didn’t just leave because Perry’s a sorry excuse for a husband-“
“-Rhett, that’s enough!”
Royal’s eyes narrowed and his mouth twitched, body straightening in the saddle. Rhett rolled his eyes.
“Let’s get these cattle into the pasture and then I’m goin’ home. Me and Hadley can hang up flyers in town when she’s done with work.”
Rhett nudged Whiskey into a canter to catch up with the cattle, calling over his shoulder that he was going to be sick the next day.
Considering her boyfriend’s history with the Tillerson’s and the fact that Wabang was kind of scary for an Australian woman to be living on her own, Hadley had installed a camera on her gate that alerted when someone drove through it. When she got the notification during her lunch break she checked it, frowning when she watched Rhett’s ute drive through. Considering it was barely midday and he never came home for lunch, she was a little confused.
Hadley: are you okay?
Rhett: fine
Hadley: gate alatm went off. You’re home really early
Rhett: done for the day
Hadley: ?
Rhett: talk about it when u get home
Rhett: love u
Hadley: love you
Hadley: see you later
Hadley stood from the lunch room table, gathering her items and her paperwork to track down her boss.
“Hey, any chance I could take off? Something’s wrong with my boyfriend, I’m worried. If everything’s fine I’ll come straight back and work overtime-“
“-Hadley,” her new boss smiled, having finally replaced the one who called her Aussie because he couldn’t be bothered learning her name, “considering what you and your boyfriend have been through recently, please go and check on him. Take as much time as you need, don’t worry about coming back today or working overtime.”
Hadley turned and headed for her desk. In minutes she’d collected her things and was out the door heading for her ute, trying to figure out if she should text Rhett or ambush him. Sometimes it was easier to ambush him but when it came to his family...
Hadley: hey, I’m on my way home
It was better to give him a heads up.
“Hey, babe! You here?”
Hadley kicked off her work shoes at the door, stepping into her pair of cowboy boots. She glanced around her house and then called upstairs, before glancing toward her tiny stable where Jester and occasionally Whiskey stayed. Her lips twitched upwards in a smile and she left the house to cross the gravel to the stables. Sure enough Rhett was there, talking rather seriously to Jester who was just enjoying the pats he was getting.
“Is he talking back?”
Rhett jumped when he realised Hadley was standing by the doors, still dressed in her work clothes but her boots on instead of the office shoes she wore to work. She sent him a smile.
“Tough morning?”
“Dad’s on somethin’ again. Wants to call Rebecca’s college friends about Amy. Like they’re gonna know where she is; don’t even think they know about her.”
“That’s not enough for you to crack the shits, Rhett. I know you; you put up with that.”
“I asked him if he thought Becca came to find Amy; get her outta town. He didn’t like that but he didn’t like me telling him he treated her badly either.”
“I can imagine... are you okay?”
“That’s bullshit.”
Hadley walked through the stables, taking a seat on one of the bales of hay. She drew a knee to her chest with a sigh.
“I understand why you keep this stuff from me; I do. I just need you to know that when you are ready to talk, I’ll listen.”
He stayed focused on Jester for a moment and Hadley started to worry that she was losing him. Rhett gathered his thoughts and lifted his head, gesturing back toward the house they’d decided to share when Rhett was getting into screaming fights with his parents more than they were having productive conversations.
“What’s the saying? Smoko?”
Hadley laughed at his terrible attempt at an Australian accent, standing to give him a hug.
“A+ for effort, Rhett. C’mon, bit early for afternoon smoko but we can still have a cuppa.”
“I swear I’m gonna need a translator if we’re gonna get married.”
“Slow down, cowboy, who said anything about marriage?”
“Me, so if you’re in trouble with the IRS you better tell me now.” Hadley’s shoulders shook as she laughed, following him back up to the house.
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darksvster · 2 years
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happy christmas, i wrapped it up and sent it — ➥ e, one-shot, 10158 words about six months ago, rhaenyra, who spent her days as a wildly popular social media influencer, accidentally started dating the annoying, crass, not-so-young, hot-tempered daemon, an esports gamer and twitch streamer. like any normal relationship, they slowly got to know each other and oh yeah, then happened to find out they're related. by blood!
two break-ins, a lot of sex, and some frank conversations with viserys and aemma later and now they're off to old valyria (located snugly in the Alps) to meet the rest of the family. how will christmas go? what surprises await them in that quaint little eastern european country?
read the holiday special to find out.
a daemyra streamer/influencer au story.
ao3 link
“Okay, I need you to say it for me now.” 
“I was wrong and you were right,” Daemon says, sounding completely unconvincing.
"Hmm... no, that's not enough."
"I was very wrong and I should have listened to you, my sweet and beautiful girlfriend." 
"Yeah, I don't know if that's enough either."
"What if I promise you multiple orgasms on top of my apology?”
"Psh, that doesn’t mean anything to me. You give me multiple orgasms every Wednesday!"
Daemon pouts, moving his chair closer to her in the airport lounge so that he can reach out to stroke her arm. Rhaenyra turns her nose up at him but her upset face breaks when he picks her hand up and kisses her knuckle, offering her a dashing smile.
"God, you’re so annoying," she says, rolling her eyes, suppressing the grin on her face.
"But you love me all the same?"
She frowns, looking at her watch. "I don’t know this trip is really testing me, Uncle." She smirks at him when she sees his eyes darken. God, he was easy to rile up. "You know we could be in the air right now? We could be fucking 30,000 feet up in the air. But no, someone didn’t want to fly in a jet. Even though you fly in jets for VPL all the time!"
"I don’t know how you can watch a documentary about how dangerous private jets are and not be terrified about flying for 12 hours with some random pilot!" Daemon says, throwing his hands up.
"Okay, how dare you! Harry is not some 'random pilot'!"
"What’s his last name?"
Okay, he's got her there. She pauses for a minute. Was it Stone? Rivers? She can't pinpoint it so she shakes her head, unwilling to concede. “That’s not important! He flies a ton of rich and famous people around if they trust him we can. The Kardashians trust him with their lives, Daemon.”
"Private planes are 200 times more likely to be fatal, Rhaenyra!" he yells, throwing his hands up in the air. A couple of children in the lounge look over at them and their parents politely jerk their faces away. Leave the crazy man alone. "Besides, we're flying first class!"
But she just gives him an 'aww you’re so cute' expression. “Babe, first isn’t what it used to be. It’s basically business class at this point,” she says sounding unintentionally haughty.
“I’m a man of the people, Rhaenyra, I don’t have a point of comparison. First class is first class.”
“Ugh, at least on this airline we can lay together," she says as if it's the least they could do.
“We get to lay down?” His head perks up, eyebrows raised.
“Oh babe, you're so cute,” Rhaenyra laughs, nodding over at the bartender in the lounge, who brings her over another glass of champagne. "You're going to be like a little puppy when we get onboard, I just know it."
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E Part 15 - I Try (set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby takes a deep breath, freshening up and looking in the mirror at herself, on the verge of tears as Eddie walks into the bathroom.
"It's okay to cry, sweetheart," Eddie goes silent when Kirby, wraps her arms around his waist, buries her face in his neck and starts crying, "I got ya, babe, ya okay." He whispers.
"I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to..." She goes quiet, unsure of herself.
"It's a'ight, you can tell me." He reassures, rubbing her back to keep her calm.
"I wanna be with you, I have tried to forget you and move on, I can't deny the way I feel anymore... I want a life with you, I want a family, I want to wake up in a bed next to you, every morning for the rest of my life... I want us, without the fear of Damien splitting us up, all of it, the good, the bad, the goofy, the grumpy, the fuckin' ugly truth is I'm afraid... I'm afraid of Damien, I shouldn't be, but I am, even at my best I can never beat him."
"Then we'll take him on... together," Eddie smiles softly at her, pulling her into a gentle kiss, "first though, ya gotta marry me. I want you, no, I need you. I need this tall, sexy, Celtic rose in my life. I won't deny, I've had some nights where I got drunk and almost went home with a chick, but I couldn't get anythin' from them, everything I could gain from some other broad, you did better than them. Everything, conversations, sex, makin' out in the back of a car, everythin'."
Kirby smiles weakly, "You really wanna be with me?"
"It's why I'm here, I even brought both rings with me. Mox said the idea was insane, 'cause I have work tomorrow, but I can't wake up alone again, not when every dream I have is of bein' with ya... I stopped tellin' Renee about the times I dream, 'cause every dream I've had since ya left... they were all the same, all of 'em, I would wake up next to you, we would talk for a while, and then they'd end when I went to kiss you..."
"'Cause I wasn't there..." She whispers.
Eddie nods, lifting Kirby's chin to kiss her softly. They stay still for a moment, taking in the silence before Eddie moves. He covers Kirby's eyes with one hand and leads her back to the bed with the other, making her sit down and close her eyes, when he allows her to open them again, he has the ring box and is kneeling in front of her.
"Kirby Raven Eirian Aoibheann Rhydderch, will you please never leave my side again?"
"I will admit, this is an improvement on your first proposal." She jokes softly as she stands up, pulling Eddie to his feet and kissing him deeply, feeling a slight chill when Eddie slides the ring onto her finger, "Quick question, Papi, why the fuck and when the fuck did you get your eyebrow cut up like that?"
"October, missin' ya wife'll do crazy things to a man," He smirks, "now put on the prettiest dress you own, 'cause I am findin' a chapel, and we are partin' ways ever again." He looks at Kirby, a wild energy in his eyes as they meet hers.
Kirby feels Eddie's eyes watching her as she gets dressed, a simple plain orange sundress and the black timbs he bought her, Eddie makes sure he looks okay (even going to the length of raiding Kirby's stuff for a suit jacket, before giving up once he sees how well tailored they are to her size).
"Fuck it, c'mere." Eddie shrugs, hoisting over his shoulder.
"Eddie, no, put me down." Kirby chuckles.
"Nah," He pats her butt, "I think I'll keep ya there for a while."
Eddie carries her out of the building, putting her down and kissing her gently when they get outside. Eddie uses his phone to find the nearest chapel and leads Kirby to it.
Within half an hour, they're legally married. Within two hours, Kirby's surname has been changed to Moore. Within four hours, they're back in Jacksonville. In a hotel's 'newlywed suite' together. Eddie above Kirby on his hands and knees, trapping her on the bed, kissing her deeply over and over again.
"Do ya take me as ya husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, forever?" He whispers.
"I do," She whispers, "do you take me as your wife, for better or worse, until death do us part?"
"I do," Eddie grins, "My wifey, no more leavin' me, not now, not ever."
"Gotta put this in the calendar from now on, December first twenty-twenty, married the greatest man in the universe."
"Our wedding anni... aneh... anniversary, fuck that word." Eddie murmurs.
Kirby chuckles softly, cupping Eddie's face in her hands, "how about I say that word from now on?"
"Lil' miss bachelor's degree, my Mrs bachelor's degree, God, you're beautiful."
"Says the most handsome man in the world." She smiles softly.
Eddie smiles softly, "If I don't get you pregnant by the end of tonight, it'll be a miracle."
Kirby sticks her tongue out at Eddie, he immediately mirrors her actions before he kisses her roughly. Eddie growls against her lips, pulling away to take his shirt off and lay next to Kirby, lazily kissing her as he keeps hold of her left hand with his, the metal of their rings making a small 'clink' sound when they collide.
Eventually Eddie falls asleep beside her, and Kirby watches him for a couple minutes, she puts her head on his chest and snuggles up to him, soon falling asleep.
Eddie wakes her up with a kiss the following morning (2nd Dec 2002, Wednesday)
"Morning gorgeous, are ya comin' with me to work today?"
"I gotta sort a lot of things out, but it's all stuff I can do with my laptop and phone, so... sure. I'll come to work with you."
"You're so fuckin' cute... sure, you're a little awkward, a little clumsy, a little theatrical and definitely a workaholic, but I love that about you."
"And you're argumentative, childish, gruff, immature, overprotective, sarcastic, stubborn, a tease, a bigmouth, lewd and short-tempered."
"Oh, and ya also anxious, gluttonous, stingy, and a supposed cannibal." Eddie smirks, grabbing Kirby's face and kissing her roughly.
"You're so sexy, Eddie."
"Don't start flirtin' with me, 'cause you know I'll risk missin' work to fuck ya pretty little brains out."
Kirby gets up, pulling Eddie into a tight hug, going to the bathroom to do her morning routine after he kisses her cheek scar.
"Are you watching me, Edward?" She asks, looking in the mirror as she washes her face.
"Yea, can't help but stare at my lady... my beautiful wife... I'm gonna get you a coffee, and I'm gonna make sure everyone knows ya mine."
"You're going to work in that? It's cold out, A stór [my treasure], put a hoodie on or somethin'."
"What did you just call me, Ma?" He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"A stór, it means 'my treasure' in Irish." She shrugs.
"I like that, I'll go put a hoodie on, but I wanna hear you say that again first."
"A stór." She purrs.
Eddie spins Kirby around and kisses her deeply, his hands on her waist as he growls against her lips, grinding his groin against hers.
After Kirby finishes her routine, Eddie takes her out to grab breakfast.
He posts a picture of them from the day before on his Instagram and Twitter. He chooses the photo of them at the chapel, both of them displaying their wedding rings, captioning it 'I got her back, and my Queen is much more powerful than her King'.
Kirby shakes her head as she watches him post it, unable to protest, mid-bite of her blueberry muffin.
"There, now we wait for the comments, calls, texts and everythin' else."
"Now we wait for Twitter to set itself on fire over a photo." Kirby chuckles softly.
They don't have to wait long, the first call is from Mox, then Renee, then practically the entire locker room of AEW. Call after call, text after text, Instagram and Twitter notifications come streaming in. Kirby turns Eddie's phone off to silence the constant notification noises.
"We are popular today, Eddie... don't do that again."
"Why not?" Eddie smirks, "I thought you liked me being reckless."
Kirby chuckles, placing her head on his shoulder, he kisses her forehead softly as he turns his phone back on. He keeps his phone on silent and turns off his notifications for the next two hours.
"If we fly out tomorrow, we can get a truck and move everything to New York. I'll also see if we can fly out to Wales for ya birthday."
"We don't have to fly out for my birthday, Kingy... you want me to go, get some papers and roll you a ciggy?"
Eddie kisses her softly, "I'll grab ya coffee, you go roll me one, a'ight, Ma?"
"Okay, no talking to reporters, striking anyone or staring at my bottom."
"Two outta three?"
"Fine, you can stare at my ass... handsome man."
Kirby leaves Eddie in the café, heading to a nearby corner store and picking up some stuff for her and Eddie, she stands outside the café rolling a cigarette. She's practically a natural at it, having learnt from her uncles and cousins, she hands it to Eddie when he walks up to her. He immediately lights it up and hands her a to-go cup of coffee.
"Ready to go shock the world?" He smirks.
"Or get rich trying," She smiles softly, "You give me refuge, I give you a giant, cannibalistic demoness."
"Babe, I have a GED, I don't know what refuge means."
"It's basically another word for safety."
"Yeah, I'll keep you safe, stop ya from gettin' all jittery and keep ya head from spinnin'." He kisses her softly.
A couple hours pass and Kirby's, doing her work and emailing people, sitting in catering backstage at Daily's Place. She's listening and humming along to her 90s mix on Spotify, ignoring the world around her, when a very pissed off Eddie sits beside her and starts grumbling obscenities. It takes him unplugging her headphones, from her phone, to make her notice him.
"Eddie, that wasn't nice of you," She looks over at her American husband, her peaceful smile becoming a concerned frown, "What's wrong, Kingy?"
"I'm gonna punch Moxley in the face, if he asks me any more fuckin' questions." He grumbles.
"Kingy, no punching people, breathe, be calm." She whispers, pulling Eddie into a side hug and kissing his jawline.
Eddie takes a deep breath, reaching over to Kirby's laptop and opening something, starting a video call with Kirby's parents.
"Eddie, no, it's like one in the morning over there."
"Why the fuck are ya video callin' my laptop at this time, princess." Hywel (Kirby's father) groans as he picks up the call.
"Sorry, Da, My American idiot husband did it."
Hywel chuckles, "Hey, son, you two finally got married? Don't tell me it went down like a rom com, I'll owe your Mam a tenner."
"Hey Hywel, just wanted to ask ya, can you two fly out for Kirby's birthday, and would it be alright if we flew out to spend Christmas with you guys?" Eddie asks his father-in-law.
"I'll talk with Oda when she wakes up, but feel free to visit us anytime you two want to. Kirby already has her own house keys, and you can always visit the C.R.C building... I gotta sleep now, or else I'll be awake for the rest of the day, night my little princess, keep her safe Eddie."
"Night, Da, I love you."
"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe," Eddie nods, hanging up the video call, "gonna take ya home for the holidays, gonna make ya introduce me to ya family." Eddie smirks, tickling Kirby's ribs and slipping his hands under her shirt.
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superblysubpar · 1 year
Hi babe! I need to talk to someone who don’t know about this situation ‘cause I’m going CRAZY; I have a crush for one of my friend, I’ve liked him for three years (I know I’m embarrassing), in 2020 we had a period where we dated, but at some point he broken up with me because he didn’t like me anymore. At the begging I was not bothered with this, but then after new year, I became very sad, and depressed, I had a very dark period, when I was as hanging out with my friend the most of the time I didn’t speak, I was so angry with myself, and I blamed myself for what happened because finally I had found someone who likes me, and then, maybe for my temper (I have trust issues, at the begging I’m a little cold) he left me. At some point I stopped drinking alcohol because when I became drunk, I locked me in the bathroom for crying, or for throwing up and sometimes I called him a piece of shit 😃 he was always there because we have the same friend.
BUT, I noticed that recently when I make a joke he laughs A LOT, he’s the only one who laughs at something it’s not so funny, maybe I do a sarcastic comment under my breath and he laughs!!!! And when he does obviously I laugh too and I look at him and he looks at me, and this beautiful thing happens where both of us laugh and we look at each other, last week it happened and I wanted TO DIE, we almost fell out of chairs I’m not joking. (The same night he gifted me some Harry Potter’s stuff he found in a sort of chocolate egg ‘cause I didn’t have it and he had them double)
I don’t feel the same love I did three years ago, but when this things happen I want to punch myself because I know that maybe he just trying to be friendly, he want to be my friend (and I want too) so I have to wake up and go on, but I can’t, today he texted me for asking a thing about the city I live, and then he asked me how I was and then he told me he was good too except for the hot weather, I was like a kid in the candy store but I kept telling my self that he was just being friendly he doesn’t care about me 😭😭😭😭
Sorry for this looong ramble, but I have to tell to someone to see if I’m the one who sees things and you look like a really good and sweet person, sorry if I took your time 💛
-🍝 (I’m the Italian one who go crazy for Jo’s hands😇)
Aww babe 💛 so to be fully transparent, I'm totally not a relationship advice person in terms of knowing how dating is going today / or having been with multiple people. I had two boyfriends growing up (one who was actual literal garbage in the form of a human flesh, but that's a different story) and then my now husband who I've been with for almost 12 years.
All I can say is something I've learned with being with him for so long. We were friends first and that I think is always the most important thing to me. He's my best friend, and I still wanna tell him everything & that totally stems from the friendship we formed before dating. But what I've learned through that friendship and our relationship is just communication 💛
If you're confused about your title/what this is - ask him. If you wanna put your heart out there - do it. Whatever happens, then you know and you're not left with questions and what ifs and it's all out there - for both of you to know. Sure, it could end up ruining what you have or make things messier, but then in my opinion it wasn't meant to be and you don't have to spend more energy wondering. It of course wouldn't be all perfect and feeling good right away, but I promise you that a future you will be happy you communicated how you were feeling.
Also, I think for your particular situation, it would be really beneficial to talk about how things went down and what's happened since if you never had those kind of chats before. It sounds like you went through a lot together as well as personally and talking it out is always beneficial in my opinion 💛
Also! Even if he's just a friend, then you have a really great friend you can not only laugh with, but have these cool and meaningful convos with, you know?
I really hope this helped! 💛
- XOXO Gossip Girl Taylor
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Things are Very Mixed
May 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 3 of 10 (MDL still says 12, but Gaga still says 10) - The subs are janky on YT, so you might want to watch this on Gaga. This is such a good show, it just feels so much more authentic to an office environment and first job then anything else I’ve seen in BL. Now that might be because it has western source material, or it might be because it is actually kind of old-fashioned (it’s been years since I worked as an office grunt). While the authenticity may be a little triggering for some, I love how much tension it adds to the leads’ dynamic and the quality of the narrative. I also really love the brothers’ relationship, now that we got to see them on screen together for a bit. Walk of shame was great! Oh look, character development, how novel. This is what Boss & Babe should have been. Not sold on the sides tho it’s nice to see a faen fatal as the main character in a dynamic for a change. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - This one is really grabbing me by the throat. I love the starter concepts, what a fantastic twist on a meet cute not to mention soulmates. I hope we spend more time with the vet and his coworkers, they seem awesome. And another surprise, the guy we think is being set up to be the brother’s love interest is now clearly interested in the wrong brother. I love the trope subversions going on with this show! 
Our Skyy 2 (The Eclipse) eps 5-6 - FirstKhao are just ridiculously cute as a couple. Honestly? Aye just seems like he would be a lot of work as a lover. I’m not as wild about the premise of this installment, with the film clips and stuff (as I was of NlMG’s installment). And then, the singing. Oh well, you can’t have everything. I gotta say, First is a great crier, although I don’t think this story warranted his tears. In the end? My feelings on this installment were mixed, the movie storyline didn’t grab me and the birthday storyline seems a touch mean spirited, but I do think it adds substantially to the original Eclipse rather than feeling superfluous or slapdash like many of the other Our Skyys. So I’m going to go with 8/10 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 6fin - More of the same (which I like) but I’m glad it ended. Didn’t need to get dragged out. Such drama over nothing. In the end? This is just a soft sweet cotton candy fluff piece about a younger boy who pursues an older boy and then manufactures silly gay drama. Nothing wrong with that. But I don’t think this style of BL really appeals to a very large market share. Will I rewatch it? Sure. Will anyone else? Nope. 7/10 RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS.    
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 9 of 12 eps - And now the amnesia trope. I’m not a fan. This is such a pulp. At least it ends next week? Groan, no 3 more eps.  
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 10 of 12 - one thing I realize I like about this main couple’s dynamic is that the seme/uke seems earned, where it didn’t in Echante. I don’t have much else to say except it’s crazy when a narrative betrays its characters like this and why to poor ForceBook keep having to deal with it? 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 7 of 10 - Honestly, who wears an all white outfit to play around with coffee beans in the countryside? I LOVE the faen fatal, he’s so good, courageous, honest, and morally sound. He even gives his rival fair warning. Nan should totally go out with him. I made awwww noises over the faen fatal! I NEVER do that. I guess Phu was right all along? Nan won’t date a friend. Ultimate friend zone. Well shit. This show. Ouch. 
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) ep 1 of ?? - There seems a slight horror element which I do not like and it’s also confusingly like Melrose Place or something. Everyone is sleeping with, or wants to be sleeping with everyone else. It’s kinda hilarious to watch something where all the actors are supposed to be good actors but it’s a pulp so they just really aren’t. So far my main issue is I can’t keep them all straight in my head (pun intended). 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga) ep 10fin - There is very little I enjoyed about this show. The entirely forgotten side dishes gave us 5 min of excellent high heat and then vanished, but otherwise this show sucked in the wrong way. It’s forgettable and I intend to do just that. 5/10  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - The way these two are very quietly yet thoroughly falling in love with each other is executed with such grace and subtlety that only Japan could have handed this out. It’s not even “falling” it’s more like sliding gradually into love. 
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 1-2 of 8 - Launched very much openly gay so that’s fun. Also very much bubble too, so no one around them cares. So: Seo is a player jaded older uke (fun character type we don’t see often) and his seme is a romantic if arrogant weirdo. Can you see my hands clapping? Combative trope activation! Absurdity. How fun. Also workplace harassment but hayho that’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) ALSO whole office in on seme-stalker’s side? All in all, it’s odd and questionable, but I’m into it. Why am I like this? 
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 3-4 of 8 - OK I’m not super into the main couple but I love all of the surrounding characters. The overly protective best friend with a crush is giving bad advice but it’s understandable and he’s super hot so I forgive him. And the idol character is a wonderful addition, he is my baby. Also, evil ex is v evil. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YT ) - I thought this was gonna be Tiktok only but apparently it’s showing up on YT too. It’s cute! My cat boyfriend (which is more common that it should be) and this seems to be Vietnam’s installment (we got Thailand’s last year). The boy playing the cat is the prettiest human being on the planet. Fight me. No fight him, get scratched. Serious tho. Holy hairballs. Look I don’t really like vertical content but I am watching this for him. Meow, indeed. 
The Day I Loved You (Vietnam YouTube) eps 2-3 of ? - BL Express’s first impressions mirror mine. Niks is so flipping cute. Rich kid is so into him, so is bestie. So much gay macho posturing. So much bi fear and het shame. But also it’s killer to get a femme main characters who isn’t being mocked. Dancing trope continues (better than singing together). It is kinda Heartstopper goes Pinoy BL. Honestly, I prefer kids a little drawings to terrible sound effects. This is better than it or we have any right to expect. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 12 - There is a lot I like about this drama, except the weird central conceit of the naked dining. But the romance part is cute, if a tad simplistic. 
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - chukchuk went missing and so did my interest in this show. I’m DNFing this one. 
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Dancing together, the baby sub-trope of 2023. (The Day I Love You) 
It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam) - meh
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In Case You Missed It
Actors Bas Suradej (2 Moons etc...) and Copter Panuwat (so much BL) have left Starhunter. So Copter and Kimmon will part ways as an on-screen pair (RIP KimCop). Their upcoming show Boy Never Smiles will still air, but will likely be their last together. (source) 
Restart After Come Back Home (highly recommended), Athlete, Capture Lover, Tkumi-kun, His the movie (recommended) and also a bunch of the dark stuff like Forbidden Love and Shortest Distance are all leaving Gagaoolala soon. So watch ‘em while you can. A few are also on Viki, but many will be difficult to get hold of without Gaga. 
I finally finished the second season of The Reason Why He Fell in Love with Me (Japan Gaga) and gave it a 4/10. I just don’t like or recommend any of the installments of this franchise, but if I had to pick, it’s season one. 
Make a Wish finished at 6 eps. Stars Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in medical-fantasy about a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish. Based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). I will watch it if I get hold of it, but for now... who knows how it went? 
Here’s a really interesting podcast ep from 99% Invisible on captions and captioning.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming in May 2023:
5/18 - Starstruck (Korea ????) - A boy has had a crush on his childhood friend for a long time. Stars Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted good egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (the one with the crush).
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. The wish has a price.
5/27 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan) - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS (but that has never stopped Japan before) and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I ?????  (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
Defining Gut Wrenching from The Promise
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Honestly you gotta be so careful who you case as the faen fatal, sometimes he steals everyone’s hearts. I caught a BAD case of second lead syndrome. 
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Future reviewing itself for us. 
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Tiny king of the GMMTV cameo. (Our Skyy et al)
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Frankly if this weren’t such a bad story, Cher might be one of my favorite BL characters. (Boss & Babe) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? BTOB's - Wind & Wish (I don’t consider myself Melody but I make no case for that statement)
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
I've just finished reading your last legacy reverse au headcanon and I absolutely love it
Can we have more Sage and Ilephta mc ?
The first meeting them, Sage didn't take them seriously like "so you're saying that you're an expert on fights and magic? Hah nice one, kitten".
MC is obviously pissed like " bitch I fought battles, led armies and killed the fucking Los HIMSELF-" "awww you're so cute when you're angry" so MC flips him over and pins on the floor and Sage is shocked but then goes "Damn mc you can take me down anytime ;)" "Gods you're such a dog" " want me to bark for you? ;)". He tries to take them down but fails every time , he's not complaining though ;)
The more time goes the closer they get and Sage falls more and more in love with them
I feel like Sage will end up like those crazy cat owners who take thousands of photos of their cats and show them to everyone (especially Tulsi)
"This one mc was mushing on a cat toy and this when they were napping next to the window and oh here's another" ".... isn't it the same photo?" " BUT THEY LOOK SO CUTE LOOK AT THEM-". Someone, save Tulsi pls. Definitely set one of them as his home screen.
On the other hand Mc wants to make something to thank him so they give him shiny rocks they found or make him food from a recipe Tulsi gave them from their childhood
Sage sitting on the kitchen table mushing on the food mc made (which tasted exactly like the one he had when he was a child) and MC just stares at him eyes blown dark, their tail doing this happy wiggly thingy while smiling at him. Sage notices that and goes to tease them.
"what got you smiling like that?" "You" "huh?" "You make me happy and I'm so grateful to have you in my life :)" "Uhhh....0///0" Sage's brain. Exe has stopped working.
One day Sage goes to a bar alone. He is late and mc is worried, so they go to the bar to find Sage is cornered in a nearby alley by some thugs and he is hurt and bleeding. One of the thugs pinned on the wall and is ready to punch in a face to find mc catches his hand crushing his wrist and throws him like he weights nothing. Now they're REALLY pissed
"You dared to hurt my beloved" they close their eyes, they smile so dangerously their canines are shining in the dark then open their eyes, they are glowing red "then prepare for the consequences"
They effortlessly destroy all the thugs, blood and screams are filling the place and sage is shocked like what the fuck happened to his cute purring mc??!!
When mc finishes with the thugs, they look at Sage their eyes still glowing red while whipping blood from their cheek (like the scene in chp 12 of Sage's route) and walk over to Sage who's pretty terrified (probably turned on), they kneel to his level, heal him with the astrolabe and carry him bridal style (I mean come he weights nothing to them )
The moon light Illuminating them , eyes glowing in the dark like a cat, they look down on him "let's go home, my love"
Welp congratulations mc you killed your very human boyfriend hopefully Felix still keeps his cult toys, you'll need it to bring your boyfriend from the dead
Babe,, y'know,,, you did most of my job here,,,, and all I can say is you're fucking right with all of it -
100% calls you pet names based on what animal you are (cat-ilephta is kitty, rabbit-ilephta is bunny, dog-ilephta is puppy, fox-ilephta is fluffy, etc etc)
You knock him into his ass and he's just bright red and trying not to have a nosebleed because he's unashamedly turned on
Loves petting you!! And when you purr?? His heart is melting into his boots he is just so in love because you have the badass-ness off a warrior but the adorable appeal of a kitty cat
He makes a group chat just to share cute animal pics/videos of you. Rime (who was added to the group by Felix) has it muted. Tulsi doesn't have it muted but only because some of your pictures make really good reaction memes.
Sage has one of your pics as his wallpaper and you stare at it for a little bit before asking him what it means,, when he says looking at the picture makes him happy,, your tail whips around and you rub your head against his cheek and your ears are tickling his face and he just combusts
He'll be out doing stuff and reach into his pockets and pull out a shiny rock that you slipped in there earlier,,, his eyes are watering up a little,,,,,
You start rubbing up on him,, winding your tail around his arm and tilting your head under his chin and purring so much he feels the vibrations in his chest,,,, he asks you what you're doing and you smile and say you're scent-marking him and he just Ascends™
You make some friends and obviously Sage wants to meet them so you bring him over and you're holding his hand and go 'This is my mate! :3' and Sage is fucking Gone™
You go Corrupted and rescue him! You're big and have glowing eyes and fangs and you're speckled with the blood of your enemies and then you turn to look at Sage and your expression softens just slightly, just enough to say that while you Are A Danger, you aren't a danger to him. The 'you' he knows and loves is still in there, just a lot more protective. And you wipe off the blood and then go over to him and at first he's scared but then you lean your forehead against his and purr and it calms him down,,, and yeah when you pick him up he's just Dead but if you wanna try a little mouth-to-mouth he won't stop you-
Bonus: Some incorrect quotes!
Sage: Don't take this the wrong way but I literally feel like I'm talking to a cupcake
Sage: MC... you've been cuddling with me for over an hour now.
MC: *muffled* mm hmmm :3
Sage: Fuck. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
Felix: If cats knew what sin was they still wouldn't care
MC: I don't care either fuck trigonometry
MC: sitting on and touching warm rocks…….… now that is the good stuff………….
Saaros: Are you a lizard?
Sage: What are you, a cop? Leave them alone and mind your own damn business
Sage: (petting MC) Please cure my depression
MC: (on their back, nuzzling him) Prrbhbphr! •w•
Sage: thanks
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Pregnancy scare with the Batboys?
These all happen at different times in their lives. Dick at 24, Jason 26, and Tim 20 because I feel like that’s the ages they’d like have this.
Warning: it’s gotta little bit of everything. Fluff, smut, convenience story robbery, blood, one little crude sex joke.
“I stopped at the store and got everything we need before the store comes in. Even got those pad tampon things you use,” Dick said waving the box proudly. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the box.
“And what prompted that?” You asked, eyes narrowed.
“A coupon deal on them,” Dick answered and you laughed.
“That makes more sense. Let me put these up and I’ll cook dinner,” you said, walking to the bathroom.
“Nope! I’m cooking,” Dick said happily.
“Okay,” you said planning to help him anyways.
You walked in the bathroom to put the box in your usual drawer only to find it full. When was the last time you needed one? You did the math and realized that it’s been almost 2 months. With your university schedule being crazy and Dick got hurt a few weeks ago, you’d forgotten all about your period.
You skin chilled at the thought. What if you were- what if you were pregnant? You were too young. You were 24 but it felt too young. You were only dating. You hadn’t gotten to the kids talk yet.
“Hey babe, where is the- what’s wrong?” Dick asked from the doorway. He looked at the package in your hand and the matching one in the drawer with confusion.
“Uh, I missed my period last month,” you said and his eyes widened. “I completely forgot.”
He looked at you frozen. “Wait- are you saying you might be...”
“Maybe,” you answered. “We gotta get tests and everything. And stress can mess it up. And we’ve been using protection every time.”
“Yeah. I’ll run to the store, okay?” He said before hurrying out the door. You sat on the toilet with the box still in hand. What if you were pregnant? Dick was a good guy but he didn’t exactly have a ton of money. He was a part time gymnastics teacher. You were in college.
“Okay I got 4,” Dick said, back in record time. He gave you the bag and watched you.
“Get out of the bathroom.”
“Oh right,” he said, leaving and shutting the door. You could hear him pacing as you took the tests. You unlocked the door as you waited for the tests to finish. A neat little row of absolute terror on the side of the bathtub.
“Are they done?” Dick asked anxiously.
“No. We wait two minutes,” you said almost hollowly with stress and he nodded roughly.
“If you are... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for whatever you decide. No matter your choice,” Dick said holding your hands. You gulped.
“Yeah. Thanks. I can’t believe I forgot,” you said with a little laugh. He hugged your shoulders.
“Things have been crazy,” Dick said with a shrug. Your phone alarm went off and you quickly looked at all of the tests. Negative. You both relaxed. You sighed in relief.
“That would have been crazy,” you said with a laugh. Dick laughed a little too. “I am not ready to be a mom.”
“Yeah. Same. I’d need a better job and a better place. Not that there’s anything wrong with our apartment but it’s too small for a baby,” Dick rambled on. He stopped when he noticed your little grin. “You know, I meant what I said. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”
You didn’t answer but pulled him in for a kiss that Dick eagerly returned before finally pulling away because you were in the bathroom surrounded by used pregnancy tests and boxes of menstrual products.
“I’ll clean up while you get dinner started. Yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Dick said with a kiss to your cheek.
You’d been thinking about it for a few days with a sense of denial. Your period was late. And you were mentally freaking out. You were too young. I mean, you were 26 but it felt too young! Your relationship was too new! You had been dating for 2 years but it felt too fast!
You hurried down to a corner store that you didn’t normally visit near your apartment to grab some tests. You jumped a little when the bell on the door rang as another customer entered the store. You had been too worried and stressed about picking from the 7 different types of pregnancy tests. Were they all the same or totally different? You just wanted to know ‘baby or naw.’ You grabbed three and put them in a hand basket.
“PUT your hands up where we can see them,” a man yelled and you froze before looking up, your hands above your head, basket on your wrist. “Take off any jewelry and pull out your wallets. We’ll be taking those,” a man in a ski mask said. There were a total of 12 customers and 2 shop clerks.
You carefully pulled your crossbody bag off your shoulder and held it out. A man grabbed it roughly from you and you made a tiny noise that made him smile. He looked you over and you wanted to shrink away.
There was a loud crashing noise as the side glass was broken and a man with a pair of guns blazing stood in the middle. The bright red helmet let you know that it was Jason and you almost sagged in relief. Almost. He pointed the gun at both criminals and shot at their knees. The rubber bullets hit them both in the knees and they fell before you could even move. He quickly punched them both in the head and they lost consciousness. Jason roughly tied them up by the register and everyone started to leave the building quickly while grabbing their things.
Jason grabbed you and pulled you from the building and up to the roof, basket still on your wrist. He rolled his helmet off and looked you over.
“Are you alright?” He asked holding your face in his hands. You grasped his wrists.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” you reassured him. He looked you over before his eyes fell to the basket. Jason froze as he looked at the contents. A candy bar and 3 pregnancy tests.
“Are you? Why do you have these?” He asked, looking at your face quickly. You sat the basket down.
“Maybe,” you answered quietly. His mouth opened a little as if you speak but he didn’t. “I mean, I’m late.”
“Okay. Alright,” he said nodding. “We just need to test first. God, you were almost shot and you might be pregnant.”
He pulled you tightly in his arms until the armor pressed against you. Jason’s lips pressed against the side of your head. For one of the first times, he looked scared.
Back at your apartment, you could hear Jason pacing as you took the test. You unlocked the door and he came in, staring at them. Neither one of you spoke before the results came in. Negative. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“I would have been there for you. No matter what. But I’m glad that it’s negative. We should plan this stuff, you know? My job... it’s too dangerous,” Jason said carefully.
“I know. We can’t,” you said with a dry smile.
“I’d quit. If you were. So that you and the baby would be safe,” he said and you quickly looked at him.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you said.
“But I would.”
Tim’s hands were tight on your hips as he thrust in your from behind and you couldn’t stop making little noises. God, were you always this tight? He could barely control himself and the second you clamped around him in pleasure, Tim came as well. Both of you panted as he roughly and slowly thrust through your highs. Tim pushed in deeply before stopping to catch his breath and then pulling out.
“Fuck,” he said in a terrified voice. You turned to look at him confused. “The condom came off.”
Your eyes widened at the implication. “Did you- did you finish inside?” You asked as cold panic flooded your body. You were only using condoms at this point in time.
“Yeah. Definitely,” he said, looking down and in literally any other situation he would have loved the sight before him. His cum leaked out of you and Tim winced.
After a few minutes of trying to finally get the useless condom out, you were almost in full freak out. You were only 20. You couldn’t get pregnant!
“I’ll get plan B. Unless you don’t want it,” Tim said looking at you.
“Good idea. We definitely need that,” you said nodding. “But you can’t go to the store and buy plan B. Timothy Drake-Wayne buys plan B. Playboy like his father Bruce Wayne? I could just see the headline. I’ll go.”
“Smart,” he said. You quickly took a shower and threw on clothes before running down to a pharmacy. Your heart pounded as you asked the pharmacist for a plan B but she simply gave you a box that you paid for. You took the pill before even leaving the store and threw away the evidence as if someone cared what you did.
That night you had some nausea and cramping but were fine otherwise. Tim was extra nice in the next few weeks as you both waited to see if your period would ever come. He put in effort to see you more often and stay off his phone when you were together. Finally you woke up one morning with cramps where actually pleasantly happy to see that you had finally started to bleed. That didn’t happen often.
You told Tim who sagged in relief. He didn’t even know how much tension he held in his body before releasing it. He kissed your cheek and you laughed a little.
“Never buying that brand of condoms again,” he swore.
“I’m making an appointment to get birth control,” you said and he quickly turned to you.
“Really? No more condoms?” Tim said hopefully.
“It’ll take a little while to start working but yeah,” you said with a little smile. “Then I can be your Twinkie instead of your toaster strudel,” you laughed.
“Wow. I wish I could time travel to unhear that,” Tim said covering his face with a hand while laughing.
“You know that’s a good joke,” you laughed pushing his shoulder.
“...yeah,” he said with a grin.
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