#rite here now spoilers
linafinsterwald192 · 7 days
GHOVIE SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! my feelings about it
omg i have so much to say y'all. SPOILERS. SPOILERSS.
Holy shit. HO-LY-SHIT- I went to Berlin for that (it's like, 2 hours away from me so not that big of a deal BUT i have social anxiety) and the train station and the unfamiliar cinema and all that made me anxious, but I had to be there on time, so I didn't have time for that!! I made it and i am so glad that i did and i am glad to know that copia would be proud of me. Also the tickets were ridiculously cheap. I made almost the same for the ticket AND my cinema menu, which was just mid-sized nachos with a mid-sized pepsi and two dips??? Also yes I know Berlin cinema snacks are expensive, but I paid almost 12€ (compared to around 16 for Ghost) on Avengers Infinity War tickets a few years ago, and that one I watched in a shitty small town cinema. The fans were awesome. One of them came as a ghoul(ette?) and another gave out bracelets. I now have a Mummy Dust bracelet. Picture my excitement when it played in the movie. The lightning was fucking fantastic. It was BEAUTIFUL and brought out the faces and the jackets and oh my god everything was so close and so cinematic and i fucking loved it. I expected the movie to basically be one big Chapter, so it being essentially one big concert was a surprise to me, and it took me a while to realise that this the concept of the entire movie - but I loved it! I do not have the mental equipment to go to a concert since I get overwhelmed with crowds and such, so it was amazing getting to see a Ritual on the big screen. I love the character arcs. I love Copia standing up to Nihil, questioning what he has ever done for him. I love Sister's absolute SASS when congratulating Nihil for finally being a father at last. I love Nihil actually being a father, if for like... 10 combined minutes xD I love the characters in general. I can absolutely understand that C wants to stay and it's so interesting to see Seestor trying to let him down gently - as compared to... you know... stabbing the others when it was time? I love the relationship between Sis and Nihil. Clearly in love but still nagging (for good reason). I loved the whole cartoon-y clip. I think it conveyed their relationship perfectly and while I'm not usually a fan of i like you/Go away relationships, I absolutely ship them. They match each other's crazy for real. Also the coffin kiss is part of my Roman Empire now. I wish we could have seen how Sister and Nihil felt about Sister's death. I wish we could have seen Sister looking forward to being on the same plane as Nihil again - and I want to know if they can hug and kiss again now! I was kind of grateful that they didn't include this since it leaves more room for headcanons, but I do wish Sister had gotten an on-screen death. I loved all these small funny moments. "Do you think that's air you're smelling?" was fucking hilarious, as were the eye movements with Nihil crossing and... (what is the opposite of crossing here) his eyes - i bet the actor was very proud of that one xD I liked Ashley, and I'm glad to see Copia still has Mr. Saltarian by his side. I'm SUPER excited to see if we get more chapters, now with Copia as Frater Imperator. Also, the twin thing???? Very fucking excited for that! It was also very funny to see the ghouls so well-behaved on stage. Papa, too. 12/10. would watch a million times more. the audio for the concert portions was so clear, the jackets beautiful, and my babes were rockin'.
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dewinabsentia · 7 days
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rain’s big screen moment
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yeah i'm crying over the goofy satanic concert movie, what about it
at the beginning when we get told to stop worrying about what's to come and that this is a story about life, not death, and then tobias'/copia's talk about music lifting the burden of your worries for just a moment, and then papa nihil's talk about remembering who and what came before you, and then copia learning to be "right here right now" and then sister imperator telling him to go give the crowd a hell of an encore and then both papa nihil and sister imperator standing next to copia as ghosts even though they're dead-
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be-ny · 3 days
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the slayification of copia
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kabukiaku · 4 days
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guys im coping 🫠
This is just a silly little what-if scenario that I’ll see in my dreams only. I really enjoyed the Ghovie. That’s some core memory shit right there. I had an absolute blast and I’m so happy for Tobias. 🖤🥺
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skywarpie · 6 days
Imperator: you gotta retire
Nihil: listen to your mom
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can-of-pringles · 9 days
Me when I saw Copia jump from the stairs and do mid air splits
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despite everything, it's still you
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weensysunshine · 8 days
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free my ghoulie 😭😭
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vannpz · 2 days
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𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚜, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐!
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