#like agents of shield Daisy knows that the ending is comming
wecanstealthiscar · 2 years
The most insane thing a long running story can do is to end. It gets me so fuckings horny. When the whole story is very clear that the end is comming. Sometimes the characters seems aware that their story is over. That is the sexiest thing a story can do. Of course End is slang for ass. And ass is sexy.
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The Irresistible Force Paradox - Chapter Four
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Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Characters: Skye (Daisy Johnson) x Grant Ward (Skyeward)
Rating: T
Summary: Skye’s feelings about Ward are complicated. Ward’s feelings for Skye are very simple. Immovable object meet unstoppable force. Set somewhere in the first half of Season Two.
Word Count: 2k | 4/5
ao3 || ff.net || wattpad
Ward is already there when Skye arrives. He stands up from the bed and Skye closes the door behind her. They’re both frozen in place for a moment, Skye with her hands braced behind her on the door, Ward leaning forward slightly like he’s only just holding himself back.
Skye takes one step toward him and then Ward has cut through the distance between them in an instant. He takes her face in both hands, gently, and then he’s kissing her. There’s no grace to it – and a lot of teeth – and Skye pulls him closer by his belt loops.
“I was worried,” Ward manages to get out between kisses. “You might be mad at me.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I should be, but I’m not.”
He pulls back for a moment, to see her face, and she takes that opportunity to step back because she asked him here so they could talk about this, not just to fuck.
“I knew you wouldn’t actually do it,” she says. “That’s why I’m not mad at you.”
“But you should be?” he asks.
Skye runs a hand through her hair. “Look, this is 1000% a bad idea, and it could – and probably will – end very badly for both of us. And I’m not even sure what this is yet. But I can’t stop thinking about it, about you, about what you said.” She takes a breath. “That we have a shot.”
He nods, slowly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she says. “And I think we should take it.”
Ward’s smile is cautious at first but blooms into something that maybe does make Skye feel something. He’s still smiling when she kisses him and something about that has Skye smiling too. They’ve never kissed like this. It’s always been at a vulnerable moment or a we’re-about-to-die moment or an I’m-playing-you-because-I-know-you’re-Hydra moment. But now they can kiss the way regular people who like each other kiss – happily.
Skye jumps up and wraps her legs around his waist. He holds her tight, one hand under her ass, and he’s kissing her and he’s smiling and for once it really is like the world outside doesn’t exist. It’s just them.
He walks over to the bed, and she drops onto it on her back. She bounces twice on the mattress and lets out an honest-to-god giggle. And Ward laughs and pulls off his shirt and climbs on top of her and it’s the lightest Skye has felt in ages.
They let themselves be goofy and embarrassing – a whole different type of vulnerability.
Ward fumbles with Skye’s bra clasp and she looks at him with a straight face, undoes it herself, and says, “You seem nervous, Agent Ward.”
He watches her toss it aside and says, “I’m just calling to mind my training,” before latching his lips to the newly-exposed skin.
“Training?” She grins. “Damn, I missed some fun times at the SHIELD Academy, huh?”
And when Skye lets out a small fart about halfway through and Ward just about dies laughing and she threatens to kill him if he doesn’t shut up right now, she doesn’t mean it. Not even a little bit.
Because Ward has a small freckle on his left collar bone and he smiles like the wholesome boy-next-door football player from every teen rom-com, and he knows more about her and her past than any guy she’s even been with and he still looks at her like she’s everything he’s ever wanted. Even though he knows she’s not quite there yet.
Because if she thinks about it, really digs down and is honest with herself, she’s been falling for him for months. Basically, since she met him. And sure, he fell faster and harder, but she really isn’t that far behind. She’s just better at hiding. Or, needs to hide it more.
So when the doubts come, after they’re done, the disapproving faces in her mind, she curls up against Ward and pushes everything else away. He wraps his arm around her pulls her closer and she focuses on his breathing. The steady sound and feeling as his chest moves, up and down. His heartbeat, too, slows to a steady rhythm.
And he doesn’t say anything. He just holds her and waits for her to break the silence.
But she doesn’t really want to. This silence between them is so comfortable, she can’t imagine interrupting it.
So, for the second time, Skye falls asleep in bed with Ward.
In the days and weeks that follow, Skye learns to balance things. The giddiness of sneaking out like a teenager to meet up with Ward. The inevitable guilt that comes unexpectedly when she interacts with anyone on the team, but especially Fitzsimmons.
She finds it surprisingly easy to lie to everyone and isn’t sure how she feels about that. She and Hunter are shooting at the range, and he tells her he’s glad she has more self-control than he does because he can – apparently – never resist doing something so scandalous. She asks him if he considers getting back together with an ex-wife scandalous and he shuts up immediately.
Ward smiles more than Skye has ever seen. He tells her stories from his SHIELD training and past missions. She learns that he can be sweet – romantic, even. That doesn’t mean that it’s always perfect and wonderful. They both have issues and while Skye knows he would never hurt her, she doesn’t exactly trust him either.
Skye is careful when she goes out. If she takes a car, she’ll usually park it somewhere and take a bus, and then cut through a crowded area and then take another bus or a taxi, both on the way there and back – a looping and disconcerting route to make sure she isn’t followed. She tells herself it’s mostly so no one from the team finds her, or to make sure anyone who might be watching Ward doesn’t follow her back to the base, but it’s really for Ward.
As much as he claims not to want to hurt anyone in SHIELD, or take SHIELD down anymore, knowledge of the new base might be too good to pass up. And Coulson was the one who had Ward put into the custody of his brother, which Skye doesn’t think he has quite forgiven him for.
So they don’t talk about the present, for obvious reasons, or the recent past. Skye doesn’t ask what Ward is up to and he doesn’t ask her either. It’s easier this way; they don’t have to lie to each other.
One morning, Skye is humming to herself in the kitchen of the base, and she turns around to find Simons standing in the doorway with a slight smile on her face.
“What?” Skye asks.
Simmons shrugged. “You’ve been in a very good mood lately.”
“Is that a crime?” Skye asks with a grin. “Coffee?”
“Yes, please.” She comes in and sits at the table. “It’s nice to see you happy.”
Skye pours them both a coffee and sits across from Simmons. “It’s weird, with everything going on, but I am happy.”
“It is nice to live within four walls that just stay securely on the ground.”
“Yeah.” Skye suddenly sees that containment pod fall from the Bus again while Ward just stands there – she’s seen the footage often enough – and then Fitz’s reaction to Ward in the vault. She almost drops her mug.
“Skye?” Simmons asks. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry,” she says, pulling herself back to the present. “Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
Simmons smiles again. “Does your good mood have anything to do with the reason you sneak out all the time?”
“What? No.” She had thought she was being subtle. “And I don’t sneak out, I just go out sometimes. Stable foundations are great and all but they’re a bit constricting.”
Simmons raises her eyebrows but says nothing more about it.
“How’s Fitz doing?” Skye asks.
“Better every day,” Simmons says. “I’m so glad he and Mack became friends. Mack is so much better with him than I am.”
“I’m sure you guys will sync up again.”
Yet another casualty of Ward: Fitzsimmons’s relationship.
They rarely go anywhere public. Skye has her reasons – not wanting to get caught by the team, which Ward knows – and Ward has his – which she does not ask about. But today, he says he has a surprise and tells her to meet him at the local park.
Ward is waiting for her near the entrance of the park when she steps off the bus.
“You look nice,” he says.
“Thanks,” she says. She’s wearing a summery blue dress; she decided that if they’re going out – as much as going to a park is going out – she might as well dress up a bit. “You don’t look bad yourself.”
They’re a regular-looking couple, walking through the park, hand in hand. Ward guides them through some trees into a clearing. In the center, there’s a picnic blanket and a basket.
Skye smiles at him, surprised. “Did you–?”
He grins. “Mm-hm.”
She kisses his cheek and pulls him toward the picnic. He’s packed tiny sandwiches and strawberries and a bottle of sangria. They sprawl out on the blanket, tossing strawberries at each other and laughing through full mouths. Skye starts to get tipsy by her third glass, and they both get a bit handsy with each other. They make out lazily until they knock over the bottle, leaving a big wet spot on the blanket that they try to avoid, laughing at their clumsiness.
“Do you enjoy riding buses?” Ward asks.
“Mm?” Skye hums, feeling warm and sleepy in the sun. She’s laying with her head on his lap, his fingers absentmindedly playing with her hair. She opens her eyes slightly; his tense jaw belies his relaxed demeanour.
“I noticed you always come to the motel on foot, which I thought was weird, since I’m sure SHIELD has at least one vehicle they can spare, so I followed you –”
“What?” Skye is suddenly wide awake, sitting up to look at Ward.
“You were doing the classic manoeuvres to lose anyone following you, switching buses, cutting through stores and malls. You even managed to lose me once you were driving. Why?”
Skye stares at him.
“What? Don’t you trust me?” His mouth is trying to quirk up into a smile like he’s hoping this will turn out to be a misunderstanding or a joke.
Skye blinks. “I –”
His face falls. “You don’t fucking trust me,” he says, quiet and disbelieving.
“I do,” Skye says quickly, moving forward to grab his hands. “I do trust you, with me.”
“But not with them, with the knowledge of where the new SHIELD base is.”
“And I’m clearly right since you tried to follow me there. That doesn’t breed a lot of trust.”
Ward just looks at her.
“Can you blame me? You’ve tried to kill almost all of them,” Skye says. “Yes, I trust you with me, but I know you, you always have something cooking and I don’t want to be used as a tool against SHIELD.”
“When have I ever–”
Skye pulls away. “The drive?” She says it more harshly than she means, and she takes a deep breath. “I know we never talk about what happened between us before, and we don’t have to,” she continues more gently. “But I need you to understand that my trust only goes so far.”
He sighs. “Look, I get it, I do,” he says finally. “I just wish things were different.”
Skye puts a hand on his knee. “Me too. And maybe we can get there, someday.”
He smiles softly and squeezes her hand. The look in his eyes is almost overwhelmingly tender and Skye knows what he’s about to say before he says it.
“I love you,” he says. “You don’t have to say it back,” he adds quickly, at the way her lips tighten and her eyes flit away. “I know you’re not there yet; I just need you to know that I’m in this for the long run.”
When he leans in and kisses her, sweetly and gently, she feels something she doesn’t usually with Ward – gratefulness. His patience and understanding would make him, under different circumstances, pretty much the perfect guy. Under different circumstances, they could live a happy, wonderful life.
Under different circumstances.
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imaginingmyloki · 3 years
A Shift in Reality
Fandom/universe: Marvel
Pairing: LokixReader
Timeline: AU marvel where its after Ragnarok so Loki keeps his character development and no one dies because infinity war/end game never happened :)
Word Count: 2140
A/N: So this is the first non-requested fic I have written in a long time. Reader’s powers are essentially Daisy Johnson’s powers (earthquake/vibrations for those who haven’t seen agents of shield- if you havent seen it I HIGHLY recommend it!  If any part of reader’s powers being used for certain things get confusing I’ll try to link a youtube video of Daisy using her powers doing the same thing to see a visual of it! But here’s an overview video of her using her powers to do a lot of really cool stuff if you’re interested :) not at all relevant to the story but I have a MAJOR crush on daisy haha). I’m already working on part 2 and it should be posted early next week! Anyways, I hope you guys like it :) and requests are open so if you have any let me know!
“Kid, where are you?” Stark came over coms sounding like a frantic father. “I’m fine, Tony. I’m 26 and I don’t need a babysitter.” I had only been with the team for a couple months. Tony had found me in rough shape, running after escaping from Hydra. After a few weeks healing and training, I had been allowed to go on a few easy missions with the team but always had to stay with someone since I was still learning to control my abilities. Hydra didn’t teach me control, they only taught me to use anger as the driving force behind my power and with powers like mine, that could get dangerous quickly. This was my first mission where I wasn’t instructed to stay with someone the entire time. I still ended up walking with Loki for the first few minutes after everyone splitting up. He and I had become friends since I had moved to the compound. He was the only one who didn’t look at me like he was waiting for me to break or pestering me to talk about what I had been through before joining them. It was supposed to be a simple mission just to gather some intel from an old shut down Hydra base. I turned down a hallway that had a door at the end as Loki turned down one on the opposite side of the corridor. He gave me a nod before we went our separate ways as if to reassure me that I could handle this. I made my way towards the door and realized that it was slightly open and I could hear low talking inside. I paused just outside the door to listen, “There’s at least 6 of them here and probably more outside for backup. We need to hurry up and wipe the server and blow the rest of it.” 
I tried to warn Loki over coms but didn’t get an answer so slowly made my way into the room, staying out of sight of the two men sitting at the bank of computers. As I snuck around a large shelf, something came into view. A bomb that had a timer on it and was counting down. It was hooked to multiple, smaller impact bombs that would go off after the initial explosion disturbed them.This would cause catastrophic damage to the building. We had 2 minutes until it would bring the building down on top of everyone inside. Giving up on staying hidden, I stepped out, hands at the ready, and said “Stop the bomb. Now.” The man at work on the computer continued what he was doing and the man who had an air of authority about him slowly turned to face me and the air in my lungs suddenly went cold. His name was Nelson and he was the man that had been in charge of me when Hydra had me captive. It took everything in me to remind myself that I was in control of myself and I didn’t need to tell him that I was ready to comply with whatever orders he would give me. I was free now and there would be no punishments for disobeying. “Well now if it isn’t my most promising weapon of mass destruction. We’ve been looking for you. The boss is not happy with me for losing you. You took out quite a few high value assets on your way out.” He was smirking and the look on his face made me feel like I was missing a piece of the puzzle. With coms still silent and no sign of anyone coming to help me, the fear started to sink in and the room around us started trembling as I began to lose control of my powers. Nelson chuckled, “Still having trouble controlling the fear, I see. Guess we didn’t quite beat that out of you yet, huh?” I glanced quickly at the timer, a minute and 15 seconds left. Loki suddenly came running into the room, a knife in both hands. Before I could say anything to him, the knives left his hands with a swift flick of his wrist. One took out the man at the computer and the other landed in Nelson’s shoulder. “Go, Loki. Get everyone else out of here.” He ignored me and sent a warning out to the others over coms. Mine was apparently the only one not working. I heard Nelson let out a short laugh at my confusion. “Of course we knew you were here, 9213. We may not be able to hack all of Stark’s tech but we can manage to fry a single com unit.”  Hydra didn’t refer to any of their assets by names. It was either “soldier” for those that they tried to replicate the winter soldier on or by your file number. I was file number 9213. Just as I was about to respond, the bomb went off. Without thinking, I dove towards it and used my powers to contain the explosion. Loki punched Nelson, knocking him out. The exertion of trying to hold the explosion in place was starting to get to me. “Loki, I need to let this go. Is everyone out?” he nodded and I told him to go as well. He didn’t move but I couldn’t hold it anymore so I pushed it as far as I could in the opposite direction of Loki. The force of the explosion threw me into the shelves and just before everything went black I realized that Nelson was nowhere to be seen.
                                              --2 weeks later--
I sighed in frustration as I rolled over and adjusted the pillow for what felt like the hundredth time. Every single time I lay down and close my eyes to sleep since we got back from the mission, I can hear a rhythmic humming noise but when I open my eyes to try and find the source of the noise, it disappears. Giving up on sleep, I made my way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. “Oh for fucks sake, why does Thor keep putting the Oreos on the top shelf?” I grumbled to myself as I climbed up on the counter to reach my favorite cookies and heard a low chuckle behind me. “Need some help with that, Love?” I turned around with my arms crossed and looked down at Loki from where I was standing on the counter. “You could have offered before I climbed up here...” I pouted. After grabbing the Oreos and Loki helping me down from the counter, we sat on the couch together. Loki was almost always awake late at night so we had developed a sort of routine. We sat and talked for a few hours about everything or we sat and read together. Tonight was a reading kind of night but after a few minutes of comfortable silence he said “So what’s been keeping you up this late, Darling? Sleepless nights are my forte but before recently, I rarely saw you up and about after midnight.” I didn’t know how to explain the nonexistent noise that was plaguing me and keeping me awake without sounding crazy. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation I sighed and said “Ever since we got back from the mission a couple weeks ago, I hear this humming noise whenever I am trying to sleep but its almost like I’m hearing it through a wall. It’s muted but loud at the same time.” He gave me a look of concern “You hit your head pretty hard on that mission.. you were knocked out until we got back home to the compound. You should talk to Banner and make sure you’re ok.” I told him I would talk to Banner when he came down from his room. The sun was just starting to rise and I wanted to go up to the roof to enjoy the peace that always comes with the way the sun slowly chases the darkness away. 
I had been up on the roof for an hour, enjoying the quiet with my eyes closed and my face turned towards the sun. This was my favorite place to meditate and destress. After relaxing and getting my mind to go blank, I started to hear the noise again. Instead of immediately opening my eyes like I had been at night, I tried to focus on the noise to see if I could tell what it was. The humming noise started to die down some and I started hearing a slight beeping in its place. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a familiar voice say “(Y/n)? Can you hear me?” but when I opened my eyes there was no one on the roof with me. With the addition of hearing voices added to my list of problems I decided to give up on meditating and head down to the clinic to see Bruce. When I got to the clinic and told him what was going on he gave me a concerned look. After he ran a few tests, Banner came back into the clinic and I could tell by the look on his face that he was just as confused as I was. “Nothing in the tests suggests that there is any residual damage from the hit you took and you passed the hearing tests with flying colors so I don’t think that it affected your auditory cortex.” he said as he sat back in the chair across from me, rubbing his chin in deep thought. I could tell it was truly bothering him that something was wrong and he couldn’t figure out what it was or how to fix it. There was a knock on the door and Loki peeked his head in, “Are you alright, (Y/N)?”  I smiled at him and gestured to the seat next to me, inviting him to come sit. As he sat down Bruce said “So you said you only hear it when trying to sleep or when you let your mind go blank while meditating?” I nodded and he said “OK so I have an idea. What if we try giving you something to help you sleep? You can sleep here in the clinic so we can monitor everything and maybe get some answers on what’s going on with you.” He must have seen the hesitancy on my face because he was immediately reassuring me that I would be 100% safe and looked after at all time. Loki grabbed my hand and said “I will sit by your side while you rest and look after you myself.” This calmed my nerves a bit and I reluctantly agreed. After Bruce administered the meds and I got comfortable, I was beginning to feel pretty drowsy. Loki and Banner had pulled the comfortable couch from the library into the clinic and put nice cozy blankets on it for me. Loki had set up a chair next to me and was quietly reading out loud because he knew it helped to calm my nerves. As I drifted off to sleep the sound of his voice slowly faded and in its place was the humming. I started to notice more noises added to the humming. A steady beeping noise, hushed voices that I couldn’t quite make out, and I swear I could hear someone snoring. I reached up to scratch my nose and heard a gasp. “She moved. (Y/n)? Are you awake? Can you hear me?” I knew that voice. Why did I know that voice? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. “What the hell is this?” I asked. My hand immediately went to my throat, surprised by how raspy and dry my voice sounded and the harsh feeling in my throat as if I hadn’t used my voice in a very long time. I was surrounded by strangers in white coats. “Who are you? Where am I?” I tried to move but realized I was hooked up to machines. Wires and IV lines getting tangled as I moved. The beeping was coming from a heart monitor next to my bed. I was in a hospital. Did Nelson find a way to take me away from the compound? I raised my hand in an attempt to use my powers and make a run for it but nothing happened. I looked at my hand in confusion and then searched the room for any kind of clue as to what the hell was happening. There was a small tv on in the corner that caught my attention. The team was on the tv. It was in New York and they were fighting aliens. “Is that the news? What happened?” everyone was looking at me. A small woman slowly sat on the end of the hospital bed and put a hand on my foot. The familiar voice from earlier came from her and said “(Y/n), honey, thats just a movie. Its your favorite movie. Remember? The Avengers?”
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hallowedmuses · 3 years
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑡: 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
SUMMARY: Our ragtag team of heroes including Natasha Romanoff, Daniel Sousa, Clint Barton, Loki Laufeyson, Veronica Stevens, and Deke come together to rescue Director Daisy Johnson from the clutches of Lucia von Bardas. TRIGGERS: Torture, Violence, PTSD, Trauma WRITTEN WITH: @ofbartons, @oflokismischief, @ofdcniels, @daisyljohnson, @ronniestvns, @oflemcns
CLINT: when loki woke him up for the rescue mission, clint wasted no time. he threw on the first shirt he could find, which luckily was clean, and his shoes before literally tumbling out the door with his bow in hand. his fuzzy pizza-sliced patterned pajama pants wasn't the most tactical choice, but then again neither was his bright purple t-shirt and converse. once they'd arrived at the hellicarrier, clint took out the guards on a section of the deck before firing a bomb arrow at the wall to create a point of entry for 'tasha and the dude in the blue shirt. "i will admit, being subtle might have been the smarter play here." he chuckled over the comms while firing a trio of arrows. the explosion had two purposes in his head- one, the point of entry, and two, draw attention away from daisy's rescue duo. the second purpose was just working a little better than he'd thought it would. he slid across the deck, firing off a couple more arrows before standing up and kicking one of the guards in the chest. using the controls on the handle of his bow, he switched to a smoke arrow before aiming at a group of the guards "hey lo, i'm really glad you have the cape still." keeping the arrow drawn back, clint turned his head to look at his boyfriend "otherwise i'd be too distracted by that ass of yours." he winked and let the arrow loose, still looking in loki's direction "not to mention all these schmucks would be staring at it." he switched back to regular arrows before firing into the smoke.
LOKI: Loki should've known Clint would be far from ready when it was time to lead the mission, it had been quite awhile since he'd gone into battle but then again he did quite love the hunt when it came down too it. His mission was simply and if anything he could easily take out anything humans could throw at him. "Possibly but then again we have quite the army of people who have been missing out dear Director and I'd burn the place down if she wasn't in there." He mused throwing iced daggers at all who dared come near. For those who got to close they were met with his quick stabs and his illusions. when he heard his boyfriend speak chuckling softly "Its all about fashion darling, Those little SHIELD outfits do nothing for my figure" He mused back looking at Clint he always found his Archery skills rather attractive before he rolled his eyes "as for my ass I'm sure I can other wise to distract you, maybe flirt with a villain or two and see how much of your spy skills come out to play, after all Green is quite your color my hawk"
NATASHA: "Subtilty was never your strong suit, but I do appreciate the flare. The pajamas make it easier to find you too," she laughed as Clint shot a few explosive arrows to give herself and Daniel an entry point into the helicarrier. As Clint, Loki, and Ronnie guided Lucia's guards away from the entry point, Natasha and Daniel made their way in. Natasha fired off a few taser disks, hitting the oncoming guards squarely in the chest. She watched them fall to the floor, convulsing as electric shocks ran through their body. As the guards fought to peel the taser disks off of themselves, Natasha made her way through the hallway. She ducked as a few rounds of bullets came flying at her and Daniel. She grabbed him and pulled him toward the wall for cover. Natasha used the wall to shield herself as she fired at the oncoming guards. "Ronnie, have you located the room where Daisy's being held captive?" They could aimlessly fire rounds all day, but they needed to know what direction to go. She made a face as she heard bits and pieces of Clint and Loki's conversation over coms. "Honestly," she frowned and looked over at Daniel. "I can't even be mad. I did this to myself inviting those two along."
RONNIE: “Yea... I’m working.. on it.” Veronica breathlessly remarked over the coms. A few grunts could be heard as she flipped the guard she’d been tangled up with and stabbed him with one of poison daggers.  “Now where were we.. a yess.. here we go.” Ronnie grabbed her data pad, ducking down behind a bolder as she took control of the building. “I’m in, I’ve got eyes on Daisy.. She’s alive..” Ronnie neglected to add how bad she looked from the live feed she was getting on their shitty surveillance system. “She’s on the fourth floor, third door to the right. Give me thirty seconds, I’m disabling the alarms and lock mechanisms now. I’m about to fry the fuck out of their systems and equipment. Can’t promise I won’t blow the lights.. hope you brought flares.” Ronnie playfully teased, falling forward as a couple of guards began to fire at her out of no where. “Hey lover boys! As uncute as it is listening to you flirt endlessly while taking out guards, I could use some help over here! Cover me while I shut down their main line.” She made a mental note to switch them over to their own channel when she was finished here.
DANIEL: while this wasn't the strangest mission he'd ever been on, that title probably had to go to the whitney frost case, this had to be the most chaotic and strange team daniel had been apart of. you had not one but two super spies (one of which was in pajamas and using a bow and arrow of all things), a tech genius, a god (or were they an alien? daniel was a little fuzzy on that particular detail), and deke... at least most of them seemed to know what they were doing. daniel ducked down when agent romanoff pulled him out of the line of fire "thanks." he waited for the shooting to stop, meaning the men were reloading, and once they did he leaned out at shot the men. keeping low he moved towards the door to the stairwell one he heard daisy's location. daniel couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him at the couple's banter "compared to the things i've heard howard utter, this is nothing."
DEKE: In the past, when Deke had thought about his 'next cool mission' this had hardly been the thing in his mind. Not Arrow-Guy in his pajamas, not working with someone who practically a God, Black Widow herself or well, any of them. Certainly not Daisy being in danger like this... But still, he was nothing if not adaptable. So adapt he did. Rescue Daisy now, rankle his mind about all these events later. There was something pretty calming about the group of them being so casual and prepared (though he still felt a spike of fear at every loud noise, the many of them). He was working with the best, Deke reminded himself. He'd gotten the Hyperbaric Chamber ready to go for Daisy upon their return, nervously awaiting. In one of his more anxious moments  he'd thought about preparing food for Daisy before remembering he wouldn't know how long she'd be in there for. So, with the chamber up and waiting, Deke listened on the comms and waited. "How's it looking? It sounds pretty crowded." Crowded, being the word for all the many enemies they seemed to be facing (and taking down). "You guys doing okay?" He was fairly sure they were but it didn't hurt to ask.
DAISY: Daisy had been living in a fantasy world, but it could only last so long before she eventually had to wake up. Wake up was a relative term. It didn't mean she was entirely awake and aware, more so that she had to wake to the reality of her situation, that there were no happy endings, that she couldn't get what she wanted, that actions had consequences, and even when you thought you won, it could come back to bite you in the ass. In the time that it had taken everyone to track down her kidnappers, Daisy had been put through several different forms of torture. Lucia had even been so kind as to grace her with her presence, reminding Daisy of what she'd done to the woman and how everything she was going through now was her own fault. Daisy could give her that much. Daisy had done her fair share of awful things, even if she hadn't been entirely in control of her own actions at the time. Nick Fury Sr. had made sure of that. It seemed that even after she'd taken things over from him, he still managed to screw up her life, but in the end she wasn't really surprised by any of this.
Currently, she didn't know where Lucia was, and she was just surrounded by guards who had all made sure not to listen to a word she said. Still, that didn't mean she wouldn't try. Her ears were ringing, but she could still feel some kind of activity on the ship. She spat out blood. "Sounds like . . . you've got company," she taunted, her voice raspy and barely carrying out to them. Her breathing was shaky and uneven. "You might . . . wanna go deal with that." They ignored her, saying nothing.
CLINT: clint had been in a lot of sticky situations before, but this wasn't one of them... if anything he was like a greased up hog running from the farmers trying to catch him, which might be a little dangerous for him. bad things tended to happen to him when he got too confident, but at least both loki and 'tasha were here to keep him from dying. he was about to fire off an arrow when a guard came up on his left, so he turned and stabbed the arrow into the guy's eye "oooh... i hope your insurance includes vision." clint quipped as he fired another set of arrows into the group. "aww, don't be like that lady. you know that my husband and i are cute as fuck." he winked at her as he ran by, headed towards loki... not because he needed the back up but purely because clint wanted to get another look at loki. his look was different from the last time clint had seen him in his battle gear and the blonde had to admit it was a damn fine look. "hey handsome! you come here often?"
LOKI: Loki had enjoyed the thrill of field work, it had been such a long time since he'd been able to use his daggers and magic against an actual threat. The best part was having Clint fight side by side him, before they'd been on opposite sides of a war, never sharing more the small glances. He fought with a passion ensuring they would clear a spot to bring Daisy home, there was no way he was leaving without her even if it cost every single on of these humans lives. "Did you really just say that Clint?" He questioned chuckling softy as he quickly disarmed three more guys pinning them down with a couple of his daggers. "We actually are, plus you are the driving force that brought us together in life and on this mission. The blame is fully on your shoulders Nat darling." He teased the other as he noticed his lover coming towards him. He could easily see that glint in his eye whenever Clint saw Loki in his more regal clothes, though now he'd donned on his Asgardian wear leaving that as his go too field work outfit. He turned to reply to Clint before throwing a dagger right into the bad guy who'd tried to take Clint by surprise. "Depends on who's asking, and if they are going to buy me dinner first," He mused winking at Clint.
NATASHA: Natasha had learned long ago to tune out the chatter of the coms. She kept her volume low so she could focus on their current situation. If shit hit the fan outside, she trusted her team to be able to handle it. "Ah, Howard Stark. If working with him is anything like working with his son, I'd pass on the opportunity," she joked. Tony wasn't so bad...in small dosages anyway. The lights on their side of the helicarrier flickered before going out completely. In the next moment, Natasha and Daniel were bathed in an eerie red light. Ronnie must've knocked out the security system. Only the emergency lights were operational now. "Fourth floor, third door," Natasha nodded as they slipped into the stairwell. She heard heavy boots above them. Reinforcements were coming through. "Five pairs of boots," she whispered to Daniel as she ducked behind one of the spirals. As the sound of boots came closer, Natasha shot a taser disk at the first guard. He convulsed and fell forward, tumbling down the stairs. He was wearing the same mask Natasha saw in her memories. The widow jumped out from behind one of the spirals and landed a kick square in the chest of one of the guards. He fell forward and took a third guard down with him. Three out of five. Not bad. She turned to take down the other two, but it appeared Blue Shirt was already disengaging them. She would have to share the body cam footage from her stealth suit with Daisy later. That was sure to lift her spirits.
RONNIE: “Nice one Nat.” Ronnie mused as she watched Nat take out three guards at once, followed by Daniel knocking out a couple more. “You kids make a good team. Daisy’s gonna be so proud.” She snickered into her earpiece. She’d muted Loki and Clint’s come but kept an eyes on everyone’s body cams in case the lover boys got into trouble. She loved them dearly, but their banter was brining her lunch back up.  “They’ve got her surrounded.. ten.. maybe fifteen guys.. the footage is shit.. but I’m trying.. ” Ronnie relayed, watching the room she was being held in like a hawk. “She’s saying something to them but no ones budging... hold on..” a few clips to enhance the audio and suddenly Ronnie was sporting a shit eating grin. “I knows we’re here. Hang on, Director.. we’re coming for you.”  
DANIEL: hearing that they had eyes on daisy made him feel a little better but he wouldn't feel settled until she was out of here completely. after kicking the fifth guard in the chest, with his bionic leg for good measure, he turned towards natasha to see if she needed help "ten to fifteen? i think we can handle that." daniel smirked before reloading his guns "so how do you want to do this?" he peeked around the corner seeing that there were no guards outside the room but daniel knew all hell would break loose once they went in.
DEKE: He listened intently to the communications, hoping to hear word of Daisy's safety and prepare the Hyperbaric Chamber for her. Well, it was mostly prepared. It'd really be him opening the thing, then everything was smooth sailing. That is, if her injuries could be healed by it... Which they should. Unless she literally lost a limb or died she should be fine. She would be fine. He heard the ruckus over the comms and felt his heart swell with fear. "Any eyes on Daisy yet?" He asked desperately. Then he heard it. They found Daisy. "Is she okay?!" He asked over the coms, without much hope of getting an answer. They had other things keeping them busy, after all. So he continued waiting anxiously.
DAISY: As the fighting outside continued, the guards around Daisy got more anxious. They could hear on their comms that they weren't exactly winning this fight. "Let's just get rid of the dead weight," said one of the guards. "I doubt Lucia wants this one alive anyways."
"Did you hear her say that or are you just assuming shit again?" asked the other guard. "You know what she'll do if we go against her orders."
"Screw her orders. That's the fucking Avengers out there. If Lucia wants her alive, we can just blame her death on the Avengers, say they didn't give us any choice. Hell, we can say she attacked us." He pulled the tubes that had been connected to Daisy out, but there were still drugs in her system. She couldn't do much. She could barely move. He pulled her up by her hair, shoving a gun against her skull. "You're going to get them to stand down, or you're going to die.
"Guess. . ." Daisy choked on her words. It was hard to focus on her words, when she was focused on something else. "Guess I'll die then." Her shoulders moved up slightly in a shrug. She wasn't actually expecting to die now. She imagined Natasha was probably leading this charge, and these guards didn't stand a chance against her. If Daisy could just move her fingers a little more, she could help Natasha too. There. A small tremor shot out from her fingertips, and the door to the room slammed open. The guard still had a gun to Daisy's head, but Natasha would be here in 5...4...3...2...1... //
NATASHA: "Thanks, Ronnie," she replied when Ronnie relayed the message about what was waiting for them up ahead. "I dunno, Danny Boy," she smirked up at him. "I seem to be carrying all the weight here," she elbowed him gently. "Pick up the slack or I'm gonna leave you behind and save your girl myself. Maybe I'll steal the kiss right from under you too." Natasha glanced down at her utility belt to see what supplies she still had left. "I still have a few taser disks left. That should be enough to shock the oncoming guards. The rest we can take down the good old fashion way." And with that she heard the door to the room where Daisy was being held slam open. "Good girl," Nat grinned. Daisy was a fighter till the end. "Come on, Daniel. Let's work for a living." Natasha sprinted into the room full force. It didn't take long to make an assessment of the danger. She threw the first taser disk at the man who'd had a gun to Daisy's head. He dropped the weapon and began to convulse on the floor. Natasha threw the remaining disks that she had at the next few guards that tried to come at her. She used the momentum of their falling bodies to take down a couple more men. She was really hoping this would be the last of them.
DANIEL: the male let out a quiet huff at the update from ronnie "quack right?" he raised a brow before rolling his shoulders "to be fair, you are enhanced." daniel joked. he looked calm on the outside but internally he was worried about his girl... if that's still what she was. plenty of time had passed for her and daisy was probably given many opportunities to move on from some square she only knew for a short time... he wouldn't blame her in the slightest. nodding he followed after natasha, downing guards with his guns before exchanging blows with a couple. he dropped to the ground and knocked the legs out from under one before moving towards daisy his heart nearly breaking at the state she was in.
his hands were shaking slightly as he knelt down by her “hey... what did i tell you huh? i thought you were supposed to take care of yourself.” he was so relieved to see her again, although this wasn’t the reunion he had been hoping for after he had to stay behind to make sure that the team was able to escape back to their timeline with the chronicoms in tow. he worked as quickly as he could, removing any leftover wires and nodes from her body, while talking to her about... well, anything really. if anyone asked him later what he’d said, danny boy wouldn’t be able to tell you. his focus was getting daisy out of there and making sure she was safe. after he pulled the helmet off her head, he started brushing the hair out of her face “keep fighting okay? you stay awake for me daisy and i’m gonna get you home.” memories flashed in his mind of their time in the barn with malick, his heart breaking at the fact people kept hurting the amazing woman in front of him. he’d kick himself later for not trying to find a way back to her sooner, could he have prevented this from happening if he had? or perhaps he’d have been taken too, used against her in some way... he’d never really know, but daniel had to focus now. get her home, get her safe, make sure she’s okay three easy goals he could focus on. as gently as he could, daniel gathered daisy up in his arms and lifted her from the ground. “i got you sweetheart, it’s okay.”
DAISY: As the man who had been holding Daisy fell after being tased by Natasha, Daisy crumpled too, her body unable to hold herself up after constant torture. She was glad to have been right about Natasha coming in, but after her head hit the floor, her awareness of what was around her was fading again. She vaguely heard the sound of fighting, and then there was a familiar voice that she hadn't heard in a long time. Her eyes, covered in her own blood, wouldn't open anymore, but she recognized Daniel. She must've been slipping. It was a result of being so close to death. An auditory hallucination. It wasn't real. "Daniel?" she whispered, allowing herself to ask even when she knew this wasn't real.  
NATASHA: Natasha was tired as she took out the last of the guards. Parts of her tactical suit were torn and her lip was bloody from where one of them managed to hit her, but she was thankfully in one piece. She pushed her coms button to give the team a status update. "We have Daisy," she informed them. "We're en route out through the north bay entrance. Take the carrier, find Lucia," her voice took on a darker tone. "I have some questions for her myself." Lucia von Bardas was the one that ordered this torture. Natasha was about to return the favor. She turned to see Daniel pick up Daisy. The woman was barely conscious at this point. Natasha approached them and gave Daisy a reckless smile before quacking obnoxiously. "I didn't give you permission to die. This is so unprofessional. I'm sure you'll make it up to me though."
Her coms buzzed. "Romanoff, we're in."
"Welcome to the party, boys," she grinned. Moments later she heard boots on the ground and the sound of rooms being checked and cleared. It was the back up unit that she'd called. "Come on, let's get her to the Hyperbaric Chamber."
DANIEL: "yeah sweetheart, it's me." he spoke softly as he adjusted his hold to keep a feel of her pulse like he had when he pulled her out of that barn all those years ago. watching the small interaction between natasha and daisy made him smile, seeing her have family like this made him so happy... it was everything she deserved. seeing the agents filing in daniel started moving out of the room, daisy didn't look too good and she needed to get back to hq to start recovering. he turned and looked over his shoulder, smirking slightly "you coming romanoff? thought you said you were gonna steal the kiss from me?"
DAISY: She still heard his voice speaking to her, and she felt like it was just a sign that she was going to slip away again soon. The sound of Natasha's voice was something she knew to be real. She could focus on it, though that was getting harder to do. She heard Lucia's name, and the hellicarrier started shaking violently. It wasn't intentional on Daisy's part. She was hardly in control of her body right now, but as Natasha came over to her and started quacking at her, Daisy calmed enough for the shaking to stop. She tried to return the greeting, but it only came out as choked gurgling. Apparently, blood in your throat didn't allow for very articulated speech, even in the instance of duck calls. She managed at least a small smile as Natasha criticized her for not getting permission to die. "n't dead yet," she wheezed out.
She felt herself being lifted up and moved through the halls. Her eyes weren't open, but she could hear and feel just well enough to know she was being moved quickly. Daniel's voice spoke again, and she had to remind herself again that this wasn't real. It was easier to believe that it was a hallucination from what he said. Even if it was her Daniel, she was sure Natasha would kick his ass for implying she was falling behind. Daisy hadn't been able to see much before, but she'd heard the fighting. Plus, she knew Natasha well enough too to know that she must've done almost all of the fighting here. From the sound of Natasha's orders, she was leading this thing. Whoever suggested she of all people was falling behind was going to regret the words coming out of their mouth. Daisy almost felt sorry for whoever it was, but at least it wasn't actually Daniel.
Whoever was carrying her, certainly not Daniel, got her off of the hellicarrier fairly quickly, or maybe Daisy was just losing her concept of time passing. She heard S.H.I.E.L.D. agents directing the person carrying her back to the zephyr, telling them to get her to the hyperbaric chamber as quickly as possible because she didn't look good. She fell back into unconsciousness before she found out if she made it into that chamber or not. Maybe she was dead. She hoped not. Natasha hadn't given her permission to die yet. How would she make it up to her?
DEKE: Deke was nervous. Not his usual 'state of being' kind of nervous but the more dastardly 'holy shit is my friend alive' kind of nervous. Also the 'she got tortured and it's my fault' kind of guilt laid in pretty thick too. But... he couldn't let that take away his focus right now. He needed to be an agent. Turn off the nerves and the guilt, he was a pro at it in the past he could for sure do it now. He would, if nothing else than for Daisy's sake. The moment Daisy was in, all hurt and bruised and broken but still Daisy, still strong. Well, Deke did what he did best. Move. As soon as it was possible with Daisy situated and safety in there the machination turned on and began it's process.
That was his part. Small. In the end, it was Daisy who would have the toughest job. And that was surviving. Deke inhaled deeply, wishing he could do more and knowing he could not. He ran a hand through his hair. "She'll be okay." He spoke, not even knowing if the words were for himself or the others. "She will..."
NATASHA: She rolled her eyes at Sousa's joke. "My pacing's fine. Yours though..." she frowned. She'd carried most of the operation from the investigation to the rescue mission itself so she wasn't even mildly amused. "We'll have to work on that if you wanna keep up with me and Daisy," she winked. She'd already stolen a kiss from Daisy...more than that actually. But she wasn't gonna tell the old man that. Bless his heart. Now that her team had moved in on the helicarrier, getting to the zephyr wasn't all to hard. Natasha's shoulders eased once Daisy was in the chamber. She would be okay.
"Romanoff, we have Lucia," one of her agents reported through the coms.
"I'm on my way." Natasha looked up at Deke, Daniel, and the others. "They have Lucia and I have questions." She also had a penchant for violence. And based on the way Daisy looked right now, Natasha had no plans to go easy on Lucia. "I think you guys can manage from here. Get Daisy home safe or the next body I bury will be yours," she informed the team. It was very clear she had the means to carry out on that threat. With that, Natasha left Daisy's side and made her way back to the helicarrier to interrogate Lucia. / END
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daisylincs · 4 years
Updated 12/04/2021
The hearts system I had on the previous version of this just... wasn't working anymore as I added more and more ships, so I decided to redo it, and as easily understandably as I could: numerically. Pairings will be denoted in brackets at the end of each WIP title/working title. An asterisk * means it's a series. 
With this new system, if you want to yell at me to write a WIP/are intrigued and want to hear what it's about/or just want to let me know how utterly insane I am, you can just drop it's number into my inbox with whatever you want to say and, bingo. (By the way, you are always welcome to do any of the listed activities, anytime. This is your open invitation 🥰💜)
1x06 AU [Zoey/Max]
5 Times The Avengers Played Matchmaker, and 1 Time It Worked (Sort Of) [Clintasha, Avengers Team Dynamic] 
A Hero's Reward [Staticquake] 
Academy Era Rom-Com [Fitzsimmons]
Affectionate Arguments/Take Care Of Yourself Fic [Dousy]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v1 [Fitzsimmons]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v2 [Staticquake]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v3 [Spideychelle] 
Al Birthday Fic [Huntingbird]
all my loves [FitzSimmonsStaticQuake] 
all the stars in the skye [Daisy-centric, plat!Philindaisy] 
always the same pattern, love [Huntingbird] 
Alya Fluff and First Words Fic [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam] 
and i and i risk it all for this life we share [Staticquake]
and i held your hand through all of these years [Maggie/Mitch, Zoey & Maggie]
Angsty Hair Ficlet [Fitzsimmons] spotlighted here 
Angsty Post-Hive Recovery Fic [Staticquake] spotlighted here 
AoS Frozen AU [plat!Skimmons, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons]
AoS Harry Potter AU [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, plat!Philindaisy, minor Philinda] 
AoS Merlin AU [plat!FitzDaisy, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, plat!Philindaisy, brief Staticquake, implied Daisy/Raina]
Arguing About Whether Or Not Skye Likes Disney Movies [Fitzsimmons]
Arranged Marriage AU [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
august sipped away like a bottle of wine [Zoey/Max]
auld lang syne [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam]
barcelona, baby [TripDaisy] 
Beach Flangst [Dekesy]
Best Friends But She's In A Bad Relationship AU [Staticquake]
Best Friends' Wedding AU [Huntingbird, background Fitzsimmons] 
Bittersweet Framework What-If Fic [Staticquake]
Birdie Birthday Fic [Simmorse, Jemma & Bobbi & May]
blonde [Huntingbird] 
Blow Us All Away* [Staticquake]
blue-eyed [plat!Skimmons, minor Fitzsimmons, minor Staticquake]
Bobbi Birthday Fic #1 [Clintasha]
Bobbi Birthday Fic #2 [Dousy]
Bodyguard AU [Simmorse]
Brogrammers + Truth or Dare [Zoey/Max, Leif/Tobin]
'cause you're out of this world [Pipsy] 
Carnival/Friends AU [FitzStaticQuake]
Childhood Friends AU [Staticquake]
Childhood Best Friends, v1 [BioStaticQuake]
Childhood Best Friends, v2 [Mackelena]
Church Camp AU [Mackelena] 
Coffee Shop AU [Dekesy]
Coffee Shop/Baristas AU [Pipsy]
Coming Out Fic [Skimmons] spotlighted here
Concert Canon Divergence Fic [Dekesy]
cute clueless moron [Spideychelle]
Cute, Dorky Friendship Idea [Spideychelle]
Cute Family Zoo Prompt [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam] 
darling just dive right in [Staticquake]
darling just kiss me slow [Staticquake]
Dating Confuzzlement [FitzSimmonsStaticQuake] 
day's eye [Daisy-centric, Dousy, Staticquake, Pipsy, Dekesy, Skimmons, TripDaisy, MorseCode, FitzDaisy, Daisy & Jiaying & Cal, Daisy & Team] 
don’t ask me where i’ve been, or what i’m gonna do (just know that i’m here with you) [Staticquake]
dot dash dot dot [StaticMorseCode] 
Danny Boy & Quake* [Dousy, Astro Ambassadors, Daisy & Team] 
Deke Angst/Introspection Fic [one-sided Dekesy, plat!Dekesy, Dousy, Deke & Team] 
Drunk Kiss Fic [Dekesy]
Emma AU [Staticquake] 
every day in between [Staticquake]
Fairytale (Sleeping Beauty) AU [Staticquake]
Fake Dating Friends To Lovers [Spideychelle] 
Fake Dating For Crushes’ Attention [Zoey/Max]
Fake Dating Partyfic [Staticquake]
Fight Fight Kiss [Joan/Ava]
Flower Shop AU [Staticquake]
Fluff and Teasing Fic [Dekesy, Fitzsimmons] 
Fluffy Best Friends Idea [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons]
Fluff Bingo: Affectionate Teasing [plat!Diper, implied Pipsy]
Fluff Bingo: Back Rubs [Dousy] 
Fluff Bingo: Baking Cookies [Mayrobin] 
Fluff Bingo: Friends to Lovers [Mackelena]
Fluff Bingo: Falling Asleep On Your Shoulder [Simmorse] 
Fluff Bingo: First Kiss [Fitzsimmons]
Fluff Bingo: Forehead Kisses [Karaina]
Fluff Bingo: Dancing [TripDaisy] 
Fluff Bingo: Holding Hands [Fitztripskimmons]
Fluff Bingo: It's Cold, Have My Jacket [Philinda]
Fluff Bingo: Meet-Cute [Fitzhunter]
Fluff Bingo: Pet Names [Vicizzy]
Fluff Bingo: Snuggling [MorseCode]
Fluff Bingo: Stargazing [Pipsy]
Fluff Bingo: Tickling [Philindaisy] spotlighted here
FitzDaisy Recovery Fic [plat!FitzDaisy, background Fitzsimmons, background FS Fam] teased here 
FitzsimmonsSparks Fic [Fitz & Jemma & Lincoln, Fitzsimmons, background Staticquake] 
Gloria Birthday/Thank-You Ficlet [Spideychelle] 
good old shake 'n bake [Staticquake, Daisy & Team, Lincoln & Team]
getting to know you, getting to know all about you [Dousy] spotlighted here
Grace Birthday Fic [Staticquake]
Grieving Fic [Past Staticquake]
Happy Family Holiday Fic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Mackelena]
heads on a science apart [Spideychelle, Fitzsimmons, Peter & MJ & Fitz & Jemma] spotlighted here
High School AU Idea [Staticquake]
High School AU/Dreamy Sleepover Fic [Pipsy]
Hive Toilet Fic [Staticquake, Daisy & Team]
Hospital Fluff & Flirting AU [Staticquake]
Hotel Room AU [Staticquake] 
i live for you (soulmates AU) [Staticquake]
i never knew you were the someone waiting for me [Staticquake]
i’ll find my way through night and day [Staticquake]
it’s a better place since you came along [Quakerider]
Jade Arrow [Clintasha] spotlighted here
Jemma & Lincoln Post-Maveth [plat!Bioshock, background Staticquake, background Fitzsimmons]
Julia Birthday Fic [plat!Maydaisy, plat!Morsecode]
just let your heart be free (you’ve got a friend in me) [Staticquake]
Kate Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
Laura Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
lights will guide you home [Staticquake, Lincoln & Team]
like an old married couple [Philinda, background Vicizzy] 
Lincoln & The Team Bonding Fic [Lincoln & Team, background Staticquake] 
lunch break [Fitzsimmons]
Maggie Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons, plat!FitzDaisy]
marleyward01 Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
marvelthismarvelthat Birthday Fic [Staticquake]
MayLincoln Friendship Fic [plat!Mayshock, background Staticquake]
Media Nonsense Fic [Spideychelle] 
meet me half-way [Huntingbird]
Michelle Jones, Agent of SHIELD [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
Michelle Jones, Inhuman [Spideychelle] 
Mission Kiss Canon Divergence Fic [Dekesy] 
Mission/Partners Fic
Modern Royalty Fic, v1 [Staticquake] 
Modern Royalty Fic, v2 [Staticquake]
Modern Royalty Fic, v3 [Fitzsimmons, Dekesy] 
Musical (West Side Story) AU [Staticquake]
my heart will go on [Staticquake]
Natalia [Clintasha]
Ness Birthday Fic [Philinda, plat!Philindaisy]
(Not A) Double Date [Dekesy, Fitzsimmons]
No Hive AU [Daisy & Team, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Mackelena] 
No Chill, Nowhere (Biohunter for Libby and Al) [Biohunter] 
Not That Girl Anymore [Staticquake, past Skyeward]
ooh, la la la* [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons]
Oh God Not You [Joan/Ava]
oh, when you kiss me [Spideychelle]
on the train to Glasgow [Huntingfitzskimmons] 
PDA [Staticquake, Daisy & Team] 
Pitch Perfect AU [Staticquake, background Simmorse] 
Post-Hive Pregnancy Fic [Staticquake] spotlighted here
Potential Al Birthday Fic, Still TBD [Scis & Spies]
Potential T Birthday Fic, Still TBD [Pipsy, plat!Diper, Huntingbird]
put that body on me [Staticquake]
Post-3x10 Who Owes Who Fic [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Daisy & Team]
quakeout [Daisy-centric, past Staticquake] 
Rain Fic [Staticquake]
Red Thread [Staticquake] 
Regency AU: Marriage of Convenience [Staticquake] 
Regency AU: Arranged Marriage [Staticquake]
reluctantly perfect [Quakerider] 
remember that with every piece of you [Staticquake]
rollercoaster [Huntingbird] 
Rom-Com AU [Staticquake]
Rom-Dram To Co-Write With Kat [LemonStaticQuake] 
Royalty Shenanigans Fic [Staticquake]
Roommates AU [Clintasha, Avengers Team Dynamic] 
S1 Crush Fic [Skimmons] 
Roommates/Best Friends AU [Simmorse]
S3 AU - Daisy, Inhuman Leader [Daisy & Team, Daisy & Afterlife Inhumans, Staticquake] 
S3 AU - Lincoln With SHIELD All Along [Staticquake, Lincoln & Team]
Scarlet Birthday Fic [Quakerider]
Serena Birthday Fic [Pipsy, Simmorse, Philinda, plat!Philindaisy]
Shake ‘n Bake: A YouTube Romance [Staticquake]
Second Child Fluff and First Words Fic [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam]
Shippy Team Mistletoe Fic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
Shippy SPRQPoint Partyfic [Zoey/Max, Joan/Ava, Leif/Tobin]
Shippy Team Snowfic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
Singers AU [Dekesy] 
Sky’s the Limit* [Staticquake, Daisy & Team, Lincoln & Team]
Skaters AU [Staticquake]
Snowed In Fic [Staticquake] 
so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight [Staticquake]
Soft Family Fic from Chloe Interview [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
some dreams do come true [Staticquake] 
Soul Realm [Staticquake] 
Soulmark AU, v1 [BioStaticQuake]
Soulmark AU, v2 [Fitzsimmons] 
Soulmark AU, v3 [Huntingbird]
Soulmark AU, v4 [Staticquake] 
Soulmate AU, v1 [Fitzsimmons]
Soulmate AU, v2 [Huntingbird]
Soulmate AU, v3 [LegacyStaticQuake] 
Soulmate AU, v4 [Mackelena] 
Soulmate AU, v5 [Philinda] 
Soulmate AU, v6 [Skimmons]
Stardust AU [Staticquake] 
Stranded-Somewhere-Cold Ficlet [Staticquake]
T Birthday Fic [Dousy, background Huntingbird]
Teach Me To Fight, Parker [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
Teasing/Introspection Fic [Dousy, Fitzsimmons] 
The Blue Door (Notting Hill AU) [Huntingbird] 
the daughter of thunder and lightning [Staticquake] 
the earth shook and the sky flashed [Staticquake]
The Holiday AU [Huntingbird, Fitzsimmons] spotlighted here
The Hospital Meet-Cute #1 [Bioshock] 
The Hospital Meet-Cute #2 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #3 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #4 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #5 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #6 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #7 [Bioshock]
 the ride [Huntingbird] 
The Secret Warriors [Daisy & Lincoln & Elena & Joey, Staticquake, Mackelena, Kevey] The Perfect Fairytale* [Fitzsimmons] 
the she to my 'nanigans [plat!Skimmons]
the stunning adventures of shake, bake and quake [Philinda, plat!Philindaisy] 
The Team Ships It [Fitzsimmons]
then through the shadows, your light appears [Mackelena]
this little light of mine [Mackelena] 
took my heart upon a one-way trip [Staticquake] 
Time Travel Thingy [LemonStaticQuake]
time, wondrous time [Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzdaisy, background Philinda, background Dekesy]
'tis the damn season [Skimmons, plat!Philindaisy, background Mackelena, background Huntingbird] Chapter 1-3 out now
TV Show AU [Staticquake, background Fitzsimmons, background Huntingbird, background Philinda]
Us Against The World [plat!Skimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, Fitzsimmons]
Walls Come Down Fic [Pipsy]
V Birthday Fic [Huntingbird]
Watching Hamilton AU [Staticquake]
Wedding Bets [Fitzsimmons, Daisy & Team]
well that works [Quakerider, Fitzsimmons] 
What-Ifs* [Staticquake]
when did it all fall to pieces (can’t we build it back) [Huntingbird]
you are the best thing that's ever been mine [Staticquake] 
you’d be the one i was meant to find [Staticquake]
you’ll be my lady [Skimmons] 
you're just my cup of tea [Simmorse] 
you're the two [LegacyStaticQuake]
Z Birthday Fic [Philinda, Vicizzy, Huntingbird]
ZoeyJess Idea [Zoey/Jessica]
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
Yours, Mine and Ours
Day 1 of Dousy Week! Crazy how a drabble I intended to be short and sweet turned out to be nearly 2,000 words but when I go to write my multi chapter fic I can't crank out 3 coherent sentences. Anyways please enjoy another variation on Daniel gets hurt and Daisy doesn't handle it well. Hopefully with a little twist. :) 
*Story has nothing to do with the movie of the same name
Summary: After spending the day in recovery with no sign of Daisy, Daniel goes in search of her in their room, only to find that its her room now and he lives next door. Dousy Week 2020 Prompt Close Calls (and New Horizons - Kinda).
Its cold. That’s the first thing he really notices. The second is that he can barely pry his eyes open and that lifting his hands to his face to clear them isn’t going to happen. Its drugs again. What an awful feeling. But he’s not on a battlefield or on the floor of some dingy barn. There is something soft beneath him and something warm holding his wrist.
As his senses slowly return, he manages to turn towards the source of that warmth. There is blurry dark hair and dark eyes staring back at him. He blinks a few times, excited to see her face but realizes soon something’s not right.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m not the sister you were hoping to see.”
Kora is standing next to his bed, there is a chair across the room she likely jumped up from when he started to stir.
“What happened?”
“Attacked on a supply run.”
“I thought we were on a non-hostile planet.”
“We were but getting a whole planet to agree on whether the giant ship full of humans with their extremely powerful inhuman director is not a threat is never going to happen.”
“So it was rebels?”
“They hit you with some sort of toxin, its out of your system now but it sent your vitals crazy, people in charge gave us an antidote to try to smooth things over but they didn’t know how effective it would be on a human.”
“Was anyone else hurt?”
“We’re all fine.”
He relaxes back onto the bed. He’s still groggy but if the poison is out of his system than its probably just a side effect of being asleep and stationary so long.
“That’s odd they didn’t try to take out more of us, we were unarmed.”
“Daisy and I are never unarmed and when you didn’t answer your coms, well needless to say they scattered when she came to find you.” That probably didn’t help tensions, but he was thankful. The reason their team was as safe as it was traveling through space was because no one really wanted to risk crossing Daisy and Kora and that gave them time to prove they were only there to make peace. “She was here, the whole time you were out, medics couldn’t get her to wait outside, she only just left a few hours ago, asked me to be here so you wouldn’t be alone when you woke up.”
“Where is she now?”
“Her room.” Kora answers. “She put us back on track for earth, no more stops now that we’re refueled, you’ve got an appointment with Simmons when we get there by the way.”
That was a given. Simmons was the expert on alien biology, whether she was officially working for SHIELD or not. “Did she say when she was coming back?”
Kora looked uncomfortable. “She didn’t say, I’m sure soon though.”
When the day passes with no sign of her he can’t take it anymore. Its late in the evening and most of the crew is turned in for the night. He knows he shouldn’t be out of medical yet, but he thinks if he gets caught, he can just say he’s gone to get a change of clothes or a sweater from their room.
He slides open the door, relieved to see a light on. She wasn’t asleep yet.
Daisy is just sitting up when he steps inside. She’s clearly startled to see him, her eyes are wide and worried. “What are you doing here, you shouldn’t be up yet!”
She looks a mess and that’s saying something seeing as he’d spent time with her shortly after she had literally died. She obviously hasn’t slept but that wasn’t unusual. Her eyes are red, her hair looks unwashed and she dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. She may have been trying to sleep or at least lying down because there is no work spilled across their bed like it often was.
“I wanted to – “ He wanted to see her. Her tone is full of worry though and he thinks she probably wants to hear a better excuse. “I needed a sweater, its freezing in those recovery rooms.”
“Oh.” She shifts uncomfortably. This was not at all the reaction he had expected. As the number one rule breaker on the ship he thought he'd get a earful of teasing for leaving without doctor approval or maybe at least she'd look happy to see him. “You should have just asked for an extra blanket.”
He steps over to their dresser thinking he might as well grab one for when she hauls him back down there. “I wanted to stretch my legs too and wanted to see you of course.” She stays quiet. He pulls open the top drawer of the dresser to find it empty. He opens the next one down. Also empty.
“Daisy where are all of my things.”
“They’re next door, in your room.”
This stops him.
He does in fact have a room next door, though it’s never been used. It’s really just for show; they are an official branch of SHIELD and every agent was required a bunk. Just the same, Daisy’s bunk was bigger simply because she was in charge. Not because it had been designed to accommodate two people.
He had thought the room had felt different when he walked in and a second glance around tells him his things have vanished. He’s not a messy person but his belongings that are always out, his books from the nightstand and his typewriter Daisy had given him that sat on their desk, were gone.
It hits him quickly what’s happening. He’d been warned, not once, not twice but three times that this would happen. That if he got hurt, she was going to pull away. Mack had warned him, Simmons had elaborated on why and May, thank god, had advised him on how to handle it.
She’s stubborn and the only way to get through to her is to be even more stubborn.
“So this is your solution, to put a wall between us, literally.” He asks but she doesn’t answer, just sits cross legged in the middle of their bed looking thoroughly unsure what to do or say. “Daisy, what happened wasn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it was, they attacked you because they don’t trust me.”
“That’s not your fault, you didn’t give them any reason not to trust you.”
This he realizes doesn’t make her feel any better.
“Please go.” She lays back down. Turns her back to him and faces the wall. He needs to get closer to her and make her look at him. It's the only way to get through to her. He crosses the room to the bed and lowers himself carefully to the edge.
“Please just go.” She whispers and curls farther in on herself.
“I’m going, but you want me and all my stuff out.”
“I already moved all your things.”
He reaches out to tug on her sleeve. Though she probably wore the old t-shirt more, it was technically his. It was the first thing the team had given him to change into and ever since he had kept it to sleep in. “This is mine.”
She sits up and glares at him and maybe it’s the resemblance but May’s word ring through his head again. How was anyone supposed to be more stubborn than she was? He tugs at her sleeve again and she jerks away. Whatever anger she has built up she can’t maintain and it leaves her with a heavy sigh. She pulls the shirt off but rather than hand it over she inspects the thread bare fabric and the faded SHIELD logo. Goose bumps run up her arms and back as the chill hits her, now dressed only in her sports bra and shorts. His instinct is to reach out and warm her up, pull the t-shirt back over her and wrap her in the thick quilt at the end of the bed. 
But he has to be stubborn, he reminds himself again. So instead he reaches out to take the t-shirt and it does the trick. He pulls at it but she refuses to let go, her fingers gripping it like a lifeline. He uses it to pull her to him and she comes willingly. It’s an overwhelming relief as she sinks into his arms but her sniffling and the wet tears soaking into his shirt doesn’t let him enjoy the victory long.
“It was different this time.” She mumbles.
“What do you mean?”
“It hurt so much, but you’re still here.” Not like Lincoln or Trip or even her parents. “All those times before I lost what I had, I’ve always lived in the moment, day to day, too much going on to think ahead, but now, with you, I was – I was losing a future too.”
He'll admit that takes him by surprise. “You think about our future?”
She nods. “I’ve never really done that before, not far into the future anyways.”
He supposes that’s where they differ most; maybe it’s the generational thing but he’s been thinking about their future practically since the day they met. “What do you think about?”
“I don’t know,” she starts to sit back up, embarrassed or scared to say. He lets her rearrange herself but doesn’t let her move too far away. She’s leaning into him but her face its still turned away. “Just us being older together, after our space adventures or whatever, maybe working at SHIELD to help Inhumans together, I think you’d like to work at the academy, maybe getting married, maybe a family.”
As she speaks, she gets quieter and quieter until he can only barely hear her, but he does. He holds her tighter trying to express how much he would like that to be their future without saying it out loud. He knows Daisy well enough that actions are sometimes better than words. And sometimes the necessary words were for breaking the tension. “Well I’m flattered that I’m apart of it, but I think sticking me in a different room might be a step back.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“We’ve had this conversation before, we’re both prone to running head first into danger, I thought we agreed that that was going to be a regular thing and that staying together was just our selfish reward for being so damn self-sacrificing 99% of the time.”
She laughs and sits up again, finally, really looking at him. “We did agree to that.”
“Good, so I can move my stuff back in?”
“No.” She says climbing out of the bed. “But you can march yourself back down to medical and just as soon as we’re back on earth you are getting an earful from Simmons on proper bed rest and wandering around after literally be pois – “ He cuts her off with a kiss and he feels her smiling against his lips.
“And after all that?”
“After that you can move back in.”
"Good." He kisses her again and in her distracted state he manages to steal back the t-shirt. He pulls away enough to slip it back over her head. "This can be yours until then." 
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cuteforathief · 4 years
2020 Year in Review
Rules: answer some questions about 2020 and tag some people!
Tagged by: @queenemori 💕 thank you lovely! 
Top Five Films you watched in 2020:
I am struggling to think of what was actually released this year and as much as I love them aren’t just netflix rom com originals.
Wonder Woman 1984
Birds of Prey
Palm Springs
Top Five TV Shows in 2020:
I picked shows that were totally new to me in 2020 and that I really loved.��
Normal People
The Queen’s Gambit
The Umbrella Academy
The Wilds
Never Have I Ever
Not a new show but I have to also mention Agents of SHIELD because it’s been a huge part of my life and that is how you end a show after 7 seasons *cough* JRoth *cough*. I also started Bridgerton yesterday which I am a little obsessed with atm.
Top Five Songs/Albums of 2020:
What would I do without Spotify telling me what I actually listen to??
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
Exile by Taylor Swift (ft Bon Iver)
Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy
The Key to Life on Earth by Declan McKenna
About Love by Marina
Top Five Books of 2020:
In the year we had nothing but time... I embarrassingly only read 6 books last year. I can’t even look at my goodreads challenge butttt here are my 5 favourites of those.
Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reed
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Circe by Madeline Miller
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen
Dear Edward by Ann Naplolitano
Top Five Fanfictions of 2020:
I’ll stay on brand for this blog and stick to t100 or more accurately lets be honest Memori fics. Also there are sooo many more I could add to this list, so I just picked 5 of my favourites by 5 different authors - check out the rest of their works too because they’re all just as good! Also do not @ me about the amount of baby fics in this list!!
We Don’t Need To Say It 
Fall Into Your Blue
Our Hands Shall Be Your Cradle
The Secret To Life Is Timing
Five good/positive things that happened to you in 2020:
I started 2020 in Amsterdam with my friends. Looking back if I had known, I obviously would have appreciated my last trip out of the country more BUT it was great to start the year in such a positive way, even if the only way was down from there.
The fact that I have a job that has allowed me to keep working throughout the pandemic. Also I am so grateful that it is one that has allowed me to actually go into work (rather than work from home) and maintain that human interaction! I genuinely love a lot of the people I work with and when we’re allowed, we do tend to socialise, have regular work nights out etc so being able to see them on the daily, really lifted my mood at times when the rest of life has been so shit. 
Such a first world issue I know but I love to travel so much, so it’s been a huge bummer not being able to go abroad this last year. BUT it has made me explore England a lot more than I normally would. It’s such a beautiful  icountry that I do not take advantage of. The peak district is like 15/20 mins away from where I live so I’ve spent a lot of time there walking. I also went up to Northumberland where I enjoyed a lovely spa, some amazing beaches, went to the Harry Potter castle and other things I probably normally wouldn’t have done. 
My friends and family have all managed to stay healthy and safe! Probably one of the biggest positives in a year like this.
Saving the most applicable till last.... FANDOM! I am a huge ass nerd obviously and the past couple of years (once I got past my anxieties) have been filled with cons/meeting up with fandom friends. So whilst that side of things has been disappointing (though thank you London Comic Con Spring for letting me squish one in). The online side? 😙👌 Ahh what would I have done without it and you guys. It’s always so lovely getting to meet new people to talk/rant/squeal/roast with! So to the various people I’ve connected with, the GC’s I’m in, to anyone who has created or liked something I have created THANK YOU and ILY!  💕
Tagging/hoping 2021 brings all the best to: @unremarkablegirl @gellarsummers @the-most-beautiful-broom @murphystartedthefire @mobi-on-a-mission​ @doortotomorrow​ & anyone else who would like to do this!
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Truth Pt. 5
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Request: What’s up sug! sorry you’re struggling right now but I’ve come to help you If you could bring this to light for me I’d absolutely love for YOU TO DO JT So basically Bucky X Enhanced reader who are fuckin enemies. Hate each other to every last fiber of their beings bc Bucky is rude and she calls him out on it. AnywHs, they get drunk, truth or dare (go crZy baby) and LOTS LF dirty talk if u wanna do smut but if u don’t then buck taking care of her while she’s drunk cause she admitted her feelings
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (Enhanced)
Summary: Since The Avengers gave you a home the only blight has been Bucky Barnes, a ghost from your past that you can’t seem to shake. It makes you hate him. The feeling, it seems, is mutual. But… a simple game reveals that maybe things aren’t quite so simple. (Post Winter Soldier AU)
Warnings: Physical violence, (non-major) character death, blood
A/N: First fic of 2019!!! WOO! And it’s a fucking doozy... I’ve never written a battle like this before so it was certainly an adventure. I hope it reads well. 
This damn fucking story. How did I get here?! I feel like I’ve been hijacked and held for ransom. But... I like it...? I’m also enjoying really working some of the other Avengers into this. 
Anyway I hope you’re enjoying the ride this enemies to lovers thing is taking us all on!
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf @disagreetoagree @peachthatdrinkslemonade @breezy1415  @wonderlandmind4 @handplucked @piensa-bonito @midnightdream83  @buckysstar
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Four days later Tony’s voice pipes up while you’re making your first cup of coffee.
“Hey Sparky,” his somewhat endearing nickname for you, “we got a job to do. Meet in the briefing room in an hour.”
“You got it, boss.”
Perfect. A mission was exactly what you needed to get your mind off of everything. Sure he’d be there but your focus would be on the task at hand not what happened between you. Plus it would feel good to fuck some Hydra agents up.
Sam barrels into you on your way to the briefing room, “Where the hell you been, girl?”
You shrug, “Around.”
He huffs, “We need to work on that move soon. Stark thinks he’s got the wings just right so they can deflect your energy and not freak out.”
“Oh, nice! So you can be my own personal jetpack!”
“I was thinking you’d be my laser gun, but to each their own.”
“I should really get my finger gun skills up to par then.” You hold your hands up in the quintessential finger gun style and make points of light glow at the tips of your middle and index fingers.
“If you could get on that immediately it would be great,” Sam laughs, “and be sure to make the ‘pew pew’ noise as you shoot those assholes down.” Continuing down the hall you both proceed to make shooting noises at the other laughing at your ridiculousness.
Before getting to the door you pause and enact a dramatic battle ending. Someone sighs audibly behind you. Bucky, er Barnes, whatever, stands, hands shoved in his pockets looking truly put upon by your display.
“Man, how is it you can ruin a good time without saying a damn word?” Sam grumbles at him.
“It’s a gift,” Bucky responds dryly.
You put a hand on Sam’s arm, “Come on, we’ll finish our battle when the geriatric isn’t around.” Casting Bucky a sidelong glance you head inside and take your usual spot.
Hovering above the table is an image of a low non-nondescript building in an industrial area, a live feed from one of Tony’s stealth drones, schematics, and personnel info. On the table, are pastries. You grab a cronut and pass another down to Nat who sits to your right.
Tony sighs before beginning, that was never a particularly good sign. “So this place,” he makes the static image fill the viewing area, “came on our radar a couple of months ago. Natasha and Clint tried to do some recon but came up pretty cold.”
“Yeah,” Nat pipes up, “there’s obviously set personnel there, shipments coming in of what seem to be medical supplies, but other than that it seems pretty neutral.”
“Where is it?” Sam asks.
“Just outside of Chicago,” Steve replies. “Mainly an industrial region but there are suburbs not far away.” Suburbs meant civilians. Sam runs a hand over his face.
“Either of you, know anything about this one?” Tony points to you and Bucky. For a second you hold one another’s stare, a tingle inches up your spine.
“I don’t,” you answer tearing your eyes away. “The medical shipments could mean something but it could also just be a way station for them. They had plenty of those.”
“Are we sure it’s Hydra?” Bucky asks not directly answering Tony’s question.
“I’m assuming you don’t know anything about this one either, Manchurian Candidate?” Bucky nods.
“We’re sure,” Clint says. “We found reference to it in the Hydra files from S.H.I.E.L.D. but no information other than the location.” That was pretty standard.
You sigh, “Schematics?” There had been some kind of blueprint on the screen a minute ago.
Tony flicks his hand bringing it up, “Barely. I have the actual blueprint of the building but the draw on the power grid here implies there’s more than what we’re seeing.” He pushes the map to the side and brings up the live feed, “I’ve been scanning it for 24 hours to see if I can get a read but there’s something blocking it that I can’t get past.”
He moves his hands to bring everything up in equal measure for you all to study. Once Tony thinks enough time has passed he speaks, “So, what do we think? Go in with what we have or sit on it?” He’s asking the room but looking at Steve, the two of them being the unofficial leaders here.
“If we sit on it there is a chance people could get hurt and if we go in there’s the same chance. I don’t like going in practically blind but I don’t know that we can risk letting any Hydra base we find fester for long.” Steve says, nods of agreement from around the table from everyone but Bucky. “Maybe we take a small team, ground ops.” That meant you, him, Bucky, and Natasha. Great.  
“I’m ok with that, it’s too close to residences for my comfort,” Bruce says, relief visible. He would have gone if asked but he’s so happy to not have to.
“I’m happy to hang back for backup if needed,” Sam says. Steve nods.
“If you think that’s the best call. We will all be close by in case. Except for you Banner,” Tony gives him a reassuring nod.
“Let’s suit up then,” Steve says and with that, you all disperse.
The jet lands a few miles away from the targeted location and you all load up into an armored van. In the close quarters, he swears he can smell your shampoo, something with vanilla. It makes him think of burying his face in your neck. Not the time, Buck. He thinks to himself.
Other than the exchange this morning he hadn’t seen you save for that glimpse in the gym. Neither of you had exchanged a word still and were actively avoiding the other. However, as Sam drives over a particularly rough patch of road, sending the four of you jostling a bit your eyes meet and he swears they sparkle just a touch in the near black of the van.
He doesn’t like this mission. Not one bit. Steve told him he was being paranoid. This would likely be like most of the others, a partially deserted base with a handful of people, easy enough to take out. Something ate at him though. He just wished he knew what it was or that he had a few days to work it out…
The van stops. If everything was going according to plan Sam was walking around to open the doors from inside a deserted warehouse a couple of blocks away. As they open Bucky braces himself, already prepared for things to go south. It’s just Sam though, exactly where they were supposed to be.
Steve senses his tension and gives his shoulder a squeeze.
“Come on Ms. Daisy, we don’t have all fuckin’ day,” Sam jabs. Bucky hops out, on alert and the three of you follow. Sam gets in the back where you all were, hitting a button that makes the cabin come to life with Stark tech. “I’ll be your eye in the sky. Go get ‘em.”
Outside the building, you all pause, waiting for the all clear from Sam, once given you stalk inside. It’s quiet, very quiet. A generic two-story industrial workspace opens before you, housing some kind of metalworking machinery, and offices toward the back.
Sam’s voice comes in quietly over the coms, “I’m not reading any life signs besides y’all in the building right now.” That wasn’t right because they knew five men had come in earlier and you hadn’t seen them leave.
You crouch down and lay your hands on the ground, light pulsing around your fingers. Nodding you say, “There’s something under us. I can feel the heat.”
“Think you can blow the power?” Steve asks you.
“Not without blowing the whole block out,” you respond.
Bucky can’t shut up, “That’s a bad call.” He gives Steve a steady stare. “It’ll immediately alert them of our presence.”
“Got a better plan?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, we leave.”
“No dice,” Nat says as she whips out a gun and shoots two guards heading down the stairs by the offices. Shit.
“Blow it,” Steve says looking at you. Bucky shakes his head but you ignore him. Laying your hands on the ground they start to glow, pulling in kinetic energy before you send a low pulse that blasts every electrical circuit in range.
A siren can be heard from underground, “What the hell did I say?” Bucky growls running and taking out the few others coming down.
Steve barrels ahead toward the offices, you hot on his heels, no doubt assuming an access point is somewhere back there. A minute later him and Natasha catch up to you. Things are quiet again, save for the low wail of the siren.
Natasha ducks into an office, “Here,” she hisses. As she hits a button the desk moves to reveal stair access. This had to be an old facility, Bucky hadn’t seen something so rudimentary in decades.
Slowly you all descend. Steve at the front, shield up. Bucky right behind him, as always. Then Nat and you bringing up the rear. At the bottom of the stairs, there’s no one, no rushing guards or panicked drones. Just a long hallway extending to the left and right flooded with red light and that maddening sound. As if to say told you so Steve glances back at Bucky a small smile on his lips.
As soon as four agents come barreling toward them Bucky makes a mental note to slap Steve upside the head, with his left hand, the next time the opportunity presents itself.
When you see the agents shooting down the hallway you groan internally. Something told you this was going to be a shit show and these guys were just the opening act.
“Get down!” you say loud enough for your team to hear and shoot a concentrated bar of energy toward the assailants. It was… gruesome. You were used to it. But hopefully, the sight of their comrades mangled smoking bodies would deter anyone from coming from that direction.
“Split,” Steve orders. Automatically you and Natasha head the direction of the agents you took out, effortlessly avoiding the gore.
There’s a lot of electricity being used here. What you had knocked out was only a fraction. You can feel the whirring of maybe a hundred or more heavy duty generators under the building, and it’s hot, oven hot. This is great for you because it gives you plenty of ammo, knowing this she lets you take the lead.
The slightest sound of footsteps greet your ears and a small grunt comes from Nat. You spin on your heels. There’s a woman with her arms around Natasha’s neck. She’s… muzzled. Shit. An asset, not an agent. Nat and you have a system though. Spinning around, acting as though she’s trying to free herself she puts the asset in your line. Laying your hand on her head you put her down, quickly, painlessly.
When she falls Natasha notices the muzzle. Her eyes find yours, the silent, You good, passing between you. You nod and keep going. Hoping this was a one-off.
Silence, still, save for the siren. The presence of the generators is bothering you. Everything is lit by that red emergency light. But those things were running something.
The floor plan seems to be a loop because you hear the boys scuffling just to your right as the hallway opens to a large open space. Papers are scattered, drawers tumped over, desks on their side people left here fast.
“Sam,” you ask into the com. Nothing but static. Fuck. There was definitely something here blocking the signal.
Steve and Bucky round the corner. Immediately you seek out Bucky’s eyes but you don’t have to see them to get the answer to your question. In his left hand is a muzzle, blood dripping from it to the floor.
Goddamnit. These were the worst kind of fights, taking out your own. And there was never any way to tell without prior intel who was a Hydra devotee and who had been taken against their will. The only reason Steve pulled you instead of killing you was the intel they had on you from Bucky and a bit from the Hydra files to corroborate. 
You swallow the bile in your throat, fighting the phantom feeling on the muzzle over your face, and keep going. Focus on the mission. Clear the facility. That was your job.
“I don’t think there’s anyone left,” Natasha says behind you. Desperately you want her to be right but you know she’s not. Those generators.
“Let’s be sure,” Steve says slowly stalking forward as Bucky tosses the muzzle to the ground. When your eyes meet he doesn’t really see you. That’s fine.
There’s a glass partition after the empty open office space. Doors leading further underground. Power licks up your arms, hot and throbbing. This is where the generators are pumping uninterrupted electricity you realize as you enter what appears to be a medical site. A memory tickles the back of your brain.
Bucky and Steve are at the front, methodically swiveling into each small room, opening each curtain, you and Natasha poised to take out anything or anyone that may emerge. Another open space is ahead. Your mouth goes dry. You hiss in a sound and something like a whining growl comes from Bucky.  
A chair.
Every muscle in your body tenses. A hot burning throb lashes up your spine. You can see the plates in Bucky’s arm shift up and down again and again in response to the panic.
This was an Asset Facility. This was a place where they tore people apart and stitched them back together in Hydra’s image. It was in places like this you and Bucky had been made or rather... unmade… You just didn’t think there were any in the states… Stupid assumption. So far, though, all the team had found were R&D facilities, way stations, and holding sites. Not hell mouths like this.
Steve approaches the chair, he knows what it is even if he hadn’t seen one in person. “Don’t,” Bucky grinds out. You’re thankful for it. Seeing someone approach it fills you with a dread you can’t name. Steve looks back at his best friend and you can see the horror, anger, and worry blend on his face.
The sound of a large metal lock echoes over the now distant wail of the siren. Everyone is frozen for a second… And that second is everything.
A strangely familiar bolt of heat shoots your direction. It’s not accurate buzzing and pulsing random bits of energy rather than a knife blade like yours. Bucky pulls Steve down and you grab Natasha. It slams into the steel wall behind you and a groaning sound resonates.
Looking up you see someone, head shorn, muzzled but in a hospital gown. They’re bone thin, dirty, head twitching, chair marks fresh on their face. All across their body are white tendrils of light glowing. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
You can’t think, can’t move, can only see this person and know they feel like they’re inside of a lightning storm, you know they feel like their atoms are being torn apart bit by bit and they can’t stop it or contain it. They can’t even scream out in pain for fucks sake.
Natasha takes a shot but the asset dodges. You come back to yourself then and hurl Nat away as you catch a ball of energy thrown at her. It throbs then snakes its way into your body, burning, through you as you absorb it. 
You scream in pain but raise to your feet. Steve attempts to throw his shield at them and instead takes a messy lash of hot energy across the chest. This asset is fast, even if their release is crude.
“Steve!” Bucky bellows and catches him. You look back to the asset keeping their distance and see them pulse bright and hot all over. Fuck. Bucky sees it too and literally throws Steve at you while rushing for the shield.
You catch him, he’s conscious, though he’s going to be feeling this for at least a week. “Get them the fuck out of here, Y/N!” Roaring Bucky charges the asset and you realize he is just trying to hold them off, give you all enough time before they blow. Shit.
“No!” Steve yells as you drag him along. You do as Bucky says and get them to the entrance of the med ward when you hear a loud crackle. Bucky roars. Steve looks at you, not Captain America at this moment but a scared kid horrified he’s going to lose the only family he has left.
“Take him,” you say. Natasha nods holding Steve’s arm over her shoulder. “Do not stop. Get to the van. Get as far away as you can. Don’t wait for us. Go!” You spin on your heels and bolt back the way you came.
They’re too close to one another for you to take a shot. The asset is on Bucky, an inhuman noise coming from behind the muzzle. God, this was you at some point. Some wraith with only one goal in mind. Kill the target.
You let loose a blast of energy next to them and the asset’s focus shoots to you. Now that you’re a little closer you can see them more clearly, a woman, her skin bubbling and burned, body unable to contain this force that lived within you both.
Bucky moves under her and her focus shoots back to the easier of the two targets present. Another sound comes from her and he throws her back, using the shield for leverage. She slams against the wall. Bucky looks at you, his expression murderous.
There isn’t any time to waste. You see the pulse of light before he does. In an instant you’re in front of him, catching more of that undisciplined energy. It sears its way into you as you try to wrangle it but you hold in your scream, not wanting Steve or Nat to somehow hear and come back.
She’s suffering, this woman before you. A part of you wishes you could save her, help her, but you know the only way to ease her pain is release. With that thought, you direct her own energy back at her blasting a neat five-inch hole straight through her heart. The energy in her body pulses but dissipates as she collapses to the ground eyes seeing nothing, body feeling no more pain. Something in you goes dark when she does.
You know Bucky is ok enough to not need immediate attention if any, so you run the direction the asset came needing to know that there wasn’t another. He calls your name but you ignore him. No one was going to suffer like that anymore on your watch. There are only two cells, sensibly most Asset Facilities only worked on one or two projects at a time.
One cell is open, clearly, the one the woman had come from. The other is locked but you fry the old lock and pry it open. The sight inside is gruesome, a body, charred beyond recognition. They had burned out in here alone. You slam the door shut and stride back the way you came.
He’s kneeling over the woman, taking her muzzle off. Slowly, almost delicately he closes her eyes.
“We’re clear,” you bark and keep heading out. You pause, turn, and send a burning bolt of power, hot enough to melt some of the metal and render it useless straight to the chair.
“What the fuck!” He was far enough from it to not be hurt, not far enough to not be startled. You say nothing.
As soon as you emerge in the above ground space you hear the com signal open. “We’re clear,” you say again.
“Thank god,” Tony’s voice responds. They’ve pulled up outside the building. Exactly what you told them not to do. You burn a bit with annoyance.
As you exit Bucky spins you around. “What the fuck did I say?!” He’s in your face screaming, feeling so much more emotion than you right now you almost envy him. “I said get them out,” he gestures to Steve and Natasha.
“We’re out Bucky don’t-“
“I wasn’t talking to you Rodgers,” Bucky’s tone is icy as he cuts him off.
Rather than respond you let the heat build up under his hands. Hotter and hotter until he hisses pulling the flesh one away, the metal staying put for a moment until it’s glowing red. No one moves and he finally let's go.
You grab him by the neck, spinning him a bit and forcing him down on the ground, straddling him the way she had. It takes an instant. There’s the rustle of bodies around you but you hold up your left arm, lashing tendrils of light curl around it in warning.
“Next time,” you hiss your breath making clouds in the cooling air around you, “I’ll just fucking let you die.” You release him.
When you stand everyone is staring at you. Unsure, afraid. Good. He was right. They needed to remember what kind of monsters were among them.
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shieldsfitzsimmons · 7 years
Fanfic I don’t have a name for right now but here it is.
Fandom: Agents of Shield. Summary: Fitz-Simmons get kidnapped on a mission and Deke finally tells them the truth. Word Count: 2038 POV: Deke Shaw [Will be posted to my ao3 account soon] 
Deke bounced his leg up and down while leaning against the banisters in the Lighthouse’s make-shift control room. Mack and Yo-yo had been working on her arms, Coulson hadn’t come back and May had taken Fitz-Simmons on a mission, leaving him in the control room with Daisy, was was running backup.
He half payed attention to Daisy speaking to them over coms, He heard May and Simmons, but never Fitz. Now that he thought about it, he had barely heard him since… it happened. And by it he meant watching his own grandfather, a man his mother had loved and admired, basically torture someone who was his friend. Then learn there was so much more to it and it was one whole messy area of grey he never thought he had to deal with.
And that was saying something, considering he spent his life in the grey area, doing terrible things for profit or to play ‘the long game’.
But that didn’t stop him from being any less worried about them. He and Simmons where his grandparents and yes, he did want to ensure his existence, but in the short time he knew them, he had grown to love them because they were family. And it was nice having family again.
He sure as hell didn’t want to loose them.
Daisy had been silent for over five minutes. So he filled it. “They’re going to be okay, right?”
“I told you, have faith. Or a xanax. They’ll be fine.” She had been quieter since it happened. She was constantly uneasy around Fitz and it was understandable. But if he was being honest, he didn’t know what to think. It was obviously a grey area and it hurt anybody's head when they thought too long about it.
He nodded. “Yeah, I know. Just no one’s spoken in like, ages. So…”
“It’s called radio-silence, Deke.”
He decided to bite back the ‘Sorry for being from the future’ comments and just continued to bounce his leg and half listen to the conversation over coms. Eventually, Daisy told him to go to the kitchen and calm down, which he had no problems with doing. He still had some Zima left over.
He lost track of time while ignoring his own worries. It wasn’t until he made his way back to the control room, sipping on his fourth bottle of Zima, that he found out they were back. Since they were discussing the mission, they had to have just come back.
Mack and Yo-yo were there, Yo-yo finally being able to wear her arms for extended periods of time, it seemed. Coulson was back and standing next to May, who was explaining the intel they had gotten. Daisy was still where she was when he left, but had gotten and snack and made herself more comfortable. Which left…
He waited until they had finished covering the intel to ask his question; “Where are Fitz and Simmons?”
Everyone glanced around at each other before Coulson stepped forward to speak. From the look on his face, he suspected it was bad news. He took one last sip from his bottle before placing it on the table and going closer to Coulson and the others.
“They were taken. By Hale and her people.”
He swallowed and muttered. “And you let it?”
“Pardon?” He hadn’t heard.
“And you guys let it happen!?” He yelled, pushing Coulson backwards.
Everyone simultaneously yelled for him to calm down as he pushed Coulson a second time. He took a deep breath and steadied his balance before beginning to speak again. “Do not tell me to calm down.” He spun and moved to a point in the room where he could see everyone. “Any of you.”
“You may not want to, but you need to.” He looked to who was speaking. Mack. “How many of those have you had anyways?” He asked when he spotted the Zima on the table.
“3 and a half. I’m not drunk. Just pissed that you would let my- them get kidnapped!” He hoped that no one pointed out his slip-up. How would he dig himself out of that one without telling the truth?
Thankfully, no one did.
“Well, we needed to get this intel here. And besides, it’ll be easier to track them from here.” May said, keeping expressions off her face. That made the anger boil over.
“Well you need to hurry up!” He snapped, banging his hand on the table next to him. “You know the thing that I hate most about this? Is that I bet you guys actually understand how I feel and you would still tell me to calm down and be cold and calculating!”
Nobody said a word. “Scratch that. I hate that Fitz-Simmons got kidnapped more.” He banged his hand on the table again before pushing a box off. His mum always said her father would do whenever he was angry. Fitz would do that whenever he got angry.
“Why do you care about them so much anyways?”
Luckily he was able to come up with an… alright lie. “Because I’m, human? You know, humans that aren’t superspies usually actually express how much they care for people.”
“For starters,” Daisy began, moving her chair so she was facing him. “You may not be a superspy, but a few weeks in that future told me that you would’ve had to make the hard call time and time again. You learn to compartmentalize your emotions to get the job done, right?”
He didn’t say anything.
“And second, you barely know them. Yeah, you probably care about them. It’s clear you’ve gotten close to them, especially Simmons, but we’ve known them for longer so being human? I’m not buying it.”
He sighed and grabbed his bottle of Zima, drinking the rest in one go. He didn’t plan to tell them this way. Hell, he hadn’t even told Fitz yet. But, he figured he had to now. He sighed and crossed his arms, keeping the bottle in his hand. “I know at least one person in here has lost their parents at a young age yeah?”
He looked down at the ground before continuing. “I’ve said my mum was killed when I was nine. My dad a few years later. I had to survive myself in that future for years without a family and barely any friends. I had Tess and Virgil and that’s it.”
“Imagine finding out you have family that’s still alive and right…” He trailed off.
“That happened to me. They both turned out to be murderers so…” Daisy shrugged as she trailed off as well.
“But before you knew that. How did you feel when you found out they were alive and well and you could be with them, even just for a little bit?” He was standing tall now, looking at Daisy.
Everyone turned to look at Daisy. “I was happy. I felt like a part of me that was missing had been filled. I ended up choosing them over SHIELD. Only for a while, but I did. Because I had missed out on so much in my childhood and I felt I had an opportunity to… catch up.”
“Yeah.” Everyone turned to him, but he kept his eyes on Daisy. “I felt that way when I realised.”
Everyone looked around. “What does this have to do with Fitz-Si-” Daisy cut herself off as realisation, mixed with confusion, dawned on everyone's faces.
“Is that even possible?”
“I mean, the time seems right if my maths is right.”
“It may not be.”
“Deke?” Yo-yo was looking at him now. “What does this have to do with Fitz-Simmons?” She was moving the fingers on her arm, probably trying to get used to them. He swallowed.
He really didn’t plan for this.
“They’re family. My mum used to tell me about them all the time. How her dad never gave up. How he was a baby when he’s sick, and how he would always carry the world on his shoulders… And she would tell me how her mother was always there for him. How he took care of him when he was sick and help carry the world when he refused to give up. She would always tell me how much she wished I could taste that special little sandwich that she used to make for her father and her when she was a kid. The-”
“Prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella sandwich with a hint of homemade pesto aioli.” Daisy finished with a smile on her face.
May chuckled, a small smile on her face too. “I remember listening to Fitz tell you how Ward threw it out when he got it out on a mission. And him making you swear to never tell Simmons.”
Daisy’s laugh sounded close to a sob, but she cleared throat and continued to speak. “And I never did.”
Deke began to speak again as everyone let the bittersweetness settle into the room. “My mum used to tell me about him. Grant Ward. She said he turned out to be an asshole, but they had both had some good times with him before he turned on them. Now that I know you guys and I’ve realised who Fitz and Simmons are, I remember more stories my mum told me about you guys.”
They all looked to him, waiting for him to continue.
He chuckled. “She would tell me different stories about you guys she had gotten from her parents when I was falling asleep, or having breakfast, or…” He chuckled again. He remembered all the times he had nightmares, all the times he was so terrified of the Kree he couldn’t stop shaking. How she would tell him stories about “the Team” because she knew those stories where his favourite.
“She told me about their friend who had a shotgun axe and wasn’t afraid of anything. How he looked like he could kill anyone but was really a soft teddy bear, and another friend who had robotic arms and had a nickname because of her powers, who never gave up her faith even through the darkest times. She would tell me about how much admiration her mum had for the man who led their team from the beginning. And how that man became a father-figure to her dad.”
Coulson had a soft smile on his face.
“She would tell me about the women who lead alongside him. How she was a complete badass and had plenty of stories to prove it. How she understood nearly every emotion and situation they experienced even though she would never show it.”
He hesitated, looking towards Daisy.
“And she would always tell me about you. Not as Quake, or the Destroyer of Worlds. But as Daisy. Their best friend and sister, who was as strong as they come. Who had been through so much hardships but always came back from it. One time, when I was nearly asleep, she said something that only came back to me recently. She said; ‘He would tell me the one thing he regretted most in his life was letting himself hurt her.’. She had no idea what he meant by that. But I think we do.”
Daisy wiped a tear from her eye. “Yeah,” her voice was barely above a whisper.
“They’re my grandparents. And I grew up with their stories. I don’t think I would’ve survived the Lighthouse without them.”
The bittersweetness still sat in the room.
“I have no idea how I didn’t figure it out sooner. I mean, you were all right under my noses and I feel so stupid.” He shrugged. “But that’s that. And now I need to find them. Because I have a chance to be with family and I don’t want to lose that.”
“I get it. I wanted to be with my parents forever but…” She swallowed before continuing. “If I can help you get what I couldn’t, then that’s good enough for me.”
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Story of The Ice Wolf
PART 4.1
PART 1      PART 2    PART 3    PART 4.2
WARNINGS: mentions of blood, major character death (reader), mentions of suicide (kind of).
By the way this chapter is +5K words.
Hey fellas! now I know that by the warnings I spoiled a little what is to come in the story, but I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Now regarding the chapter this is NOT THE LAST CHAPTER, we have a couple of twists ahead, so buckle up, grab onto something and twist your undies this is getting wild.
Almost everyone in the room nods their head in approval. The only ones that don't are Wanda, Pietro, Bucky and I. Fury turns his head towards us waiting for an answer "Wolf, I rather have you choosing before I have to command you to go". (assholes). I lock gazes with Bucky, he sets his jaw and faintly nods, stiffly I answer "We are going".  I give Tony some lasts words, my voice a low hiss of rage "Stark” he locks gazes with me, we stay like that for brief moment before I sneer at him “Don't cry like a bitch if this turns out to be a trap". I stroll past Fury. Wanda, Pietro and Bucky following behind, the latter lingers in the back briefly, without turning around he adds "Suit up with extra ammo. We won't waste bullets saving your stupid asses". ----  [Two days later S.H.I.E.L.D base in Russia] I lift the lid of a 30-inch-long metal suitcase. Inside is all the gear we used during our days as Hydra's top assassins. "You don't have to wear that. You are an avenger, not Hydra". Wanda says while collecting her weapons, consisting in twin daggers and twin pistols. He taught us well. Every weapon of mine has a white howling wolf head, I start putting on my gear. Everything is matt black, bullet proof vest, cargo pants, gear belt, gloves, the left shoulder pauldron has a wolf head but I choose not to wear it. I strap on my chest harness with my matt black twin katanas on my back, twin baretta pistols are holstered to my thighs. Lastly a matt black uzi is clicked on over the katanas. "I know, but this will be our clue is someone tries to shift into me and gets in the building. You are the only one who knows where I keep it. If something feels off, never doubt in using our conditioning". I give her one of the gas masks. The same model as Bucky's except Wanda's is deep red. Mine is a wolf muzzle. Lastly our leather hooded long trench coats. "Something is indeed off" Wanda states, her voice and eyes showing her worry. "Be careful little one, you and Pietro are targets just as Bucky and me, watch each other backs". She locks gazes with me "Don't do anything stupid Y/N/N". "I can't promise you I won't, I miss playing with this toys". I say while point to my back. "I'm serious Y/N" she says while crossing her arms. I stand in front of her, my hands run up her arms before taking her face in my still bare hands "I know my love, I will be careful". I caress her face with my thumbs I lean in kissing her slowly, her hands travel behind my neck pulling me closer, we keep kissing until I feel our need of air intake, I slowly untangle our lips putting a last kiss on her forehead lastly I engulf her in my arms. I choose our mother language to tell her a last "I love you Wanda". "I love you too Y/N". ---- “Y/N!” I rush of air pass me by to reveal Pietro, “why didn’t you tell me you are going all Ice Wolf mode?” he says groaning a little “We could have gone full Hydra mode to kick their asses”.“So, you didn’t see that coming?” I state raising my eyebrow in mockery.“I expect my copyright money by tomorrow sistra” he says with a smirk.“Don’t whine silver devil, I got this for you” I hand him his grey long trench coat and gas mask, Wanda hands him his weapons twin handguns and a set of daggers.“Have I ever told you how much I love you sistra?” he says full smirk in his face, he rushes to put the items on.“The deadly four back together? Hydra won’t see that coming” Bucky says walking towards us.“Copyright dude!” Pietro exclaims groaning. We only laugh at his exasperation.---Everyone is already on the hangar, all suit up and ready. Thor Is leaning against the aisle wall to the hangar. "Thor! Is good to see you my friend, are you coming with us?". "Wolf! Lady Wanda, sir Pietro is good to see you my friends" he says while he engulfs Wanda on a bear hug we lock our forearms as greeting. "Bucky is good to see you too". "Where's Loki?" I ask looking around for the god of mischief. "One of us had to stay in Asgard, he sends his regards and this" He gives me a small liquor flask. "Thank you Thor" The five of us walk to the main platform, 3 quinjets are ready. Tony wastes no time to be full sass ass mode "looking like that I'd think you are truly going back to mother Hydra". We only give him a mighty eyeroll. "Don't you dare to start tin can" I glare at him. Clapping her hands agent Hill calls for our attention. "We have three quinjets. Two for attacking and one more for backup. The first one will be led by agent May, and her striking team Morse, Daisy, Mack, Fitz and Hunter, Y/N you are joining them. You are alfa team” the five of you nod in understanding.The Second quinjet is for the avengers, Beta team. And lastly the backup team is Simmons and Dr. Banner leading the medical team, a squad and myself. Let's go". --- --- [Alfa team quinjet] The ride has been comfortably in silence, since hunter is not in the plane there’s no one throwing nonsense around, however you can feel the gaze youngest one of the group set on you, which is amusingly fun to you “Daisy you either have a question or you are stalking me”  Her eyes widen comically in realization of her mistake, but she can’t hold back her questions "What's that gear?" curiosity written all over her face. "This was the gear I used back when I was Hydra". Bobbi twist het body towards us "You are pretty lucky Daisy, they are a few that can say that they have seen the "Ice Wolf' face and gear and live to tell the tale" she winks at Mack. Mack’s eyes widen in realization "You are the 'Ice Wolf’?". "Yes" my voice has a hint of arrogance. "Bobbi, May you knew?!" his eyes bounces between the two woman piloting the quinjet, he is having a hard time believing the mockingbird, "You have to be kidding me, I worked undercover to kill you".Poor Fitz and Daisy only look at us a little lost about the exchange. "I have the scar to prove it" I say winking at him. He looks a little sheepish "You let me live". My only answer is a nod and a lopsided smile. ---- We land a few miles away from the meeting point. We grab our weaponry and get down. "Alfa team ready to move on”. May says through the comm. "Fitz stay back, we need someone watching for interferences". If you detect any hacking running, blow off the channel". His eyes widen in surprise "Wolf tha-that was not the plan, May?" his gaze shifts between both of us. "She is right Fitz, do as she say" May orders before putting up her balaclava and eye gear. ---  --- The cold is indeed a bitch, and having almost half of my body made of steel doesn't help my cause. We see a tag laser flicking three times. I return the signal "I'm taking the lead". We creep towards the source point me in the front, behind me is May and Bobbi lastly Daisy and Mack are guarding the back. We get to the place, Hunter is crunching hands behind his neck. "what the fuck are you doing Hunter?" I enquire with annoyance. "Well you hesitated, besides you are dressed up like Hydra. I didn't want to get shot". "Pick up your gun. Everything is set up". I give him one of the coms, “put this on”. I nod towards May. *All clear, Alfa team moving towards the target*. *Beta team moving on* Steve says. --- --- The more we move into the base, the more I fell something is wrong. Hunter is never this serious. We reach an intersection. Hunter starts moving to the right hallway. That is the wrong path to the cages. I can hear some banging and thuds on the far end of the left hallway. It doesn't take me long to realize that is a morse code. -Trap, get out-. (I look towards Bobbi and May, silently telling them to play along) "Hunter there was a change of plans". We alfa team are collecting intel instead. I stroll to the left, Hunter catches up to my right. But I see that he starts to get nervous. The banging starts increasing, I can hear two guards hidden at the end of the corridor. When we are closing in there's a scream "GET OUT IS A TRAP!". Without hesitation and before the impostor can react, I slam my elbow on his left side crashing him against the right wall, having no time to lose, I smash my steel fist on his ribcage breaking the sternum, stopping his heart. I take off the com from his ear. The guards show up and start shooting at us, I use the shifter body as shield and then throw the dead body towards them, knocking them off, Bobbi moves over and makes the final two shots. "Bobbi, Mack go for Hunter". Y/N, Daisy stay sharp" May orders. Daisy raises up her assault rifle. I take my twin guns; the corridor is too narrow to weld my twin katanas. *Agent Hill. Hunter was a shifter, enhanced and two guards down*. *Avengers currently fighting off a group of enhanced. Natasha, Clint and Bucky are deeper in, on the archive, bombs in place* Steve calls through the coms. *Alpha team there's a unit marching up to you*. Fitz says while searching for an exit route. *Hill speaking. Widow take what you can and hurry back to regroup*. *All the teams securing the base is priority* Fury sternly orders. *Roger that, Alpha out*. *Roger that, Beta out*. *Roger that, Widow out*. Shuffling can be hear in the back. We turn around as them get close. "Seems like you are no longer the pretty face Hunter". "Fuck you Wolf" his voice is raspy and tired, but his usual smirk is in place. "With that face? Ha you wish, Morse he is all yours" Bobbi only rolls her eyes. Hunter indeed took a beat down, he has several gashes on his face and has a mild limp. "Anything to be worried about?" I sternly ask.  "You aren't the only one that can take a private dance with Hydra Bitches Ice Wolf, I said nothing". I took off the uzi from my back "A treat for your silence" I hand him the machine gun and three extra mags. His eyes light up like a kid in a candy store, he lets out a low whistle. "Can I keep it?" "Is all yours If I die, which is not happening" I say spinning the hand guns a little. *Are you done playing? Move* Hill says through the com. May takes the lead, Daisy at her left, myself on her right. We engage a couple of guards, nothing big. When we reach the main hall, we are met with a rush of bullets. We dodge them diving back to the corridor. "Everyone ok?" May asks. "Yeah". I try to peak behind the wall, but more bullets are fired. "Damn it! Daisy how many?" "20 and two enhanced" She says looking towards May for instructions. I chose to holster my twin guns. Pressing a bottom in the jawline the muzzle transforms into a full wolf head. Slowly I draw out my twin swords. Daisy is staring at me part speechless and confused. "Eyes on the enemy kid, don't blink. Bobbi, May with me. Mack, Hunter watch our backs, Daisy rip off as many guns as you can". May and Bobbi roll two sets of smoke bombs towards the enemies, as soon as the cover sets the hunt begins. Agony screams, and clash of metal fill the space, like a switch you let yourself dive in the thrill of the fight, instincts taking over. The six of you work like a team taking down every single one of the agents, a couple of minutes later when the smoke vanishes, the only ones standing are the enhanced soldiers. One has inhuman strength, the other one shifted into a weredog. That damn dog is fast, it takes me a little more time to figure out her attack pattern, this time when she leaps towards my face let her bite my left forearm as I bury my right katana through her heart. Mack is holding on place the strong one but not for longer, Hunter puts a bullet on his head. Daisy gets close to me gun down. "Are you ok?". "Yeah, I didn't give her chance to bite deep", with a swift move I remove the blood from the steel of the sword, leaving a streak blood line. “Let's move on, the fight has just started". --- --- *deep breath in* *breath out* The thundering of my heartbeat is almost deafening. This was indeed a well-planned trap. We fell like moths into buzzers. Someway Hydra now has iron man like suits, luckily not as strong as Tony's, but still too many, to make it funnier they have more enhanced on their ranks. My ribs are hurting like hell, my spine feels like it's on fire. No doubt I saved Tony's stupid ass shoving him off the way of falling debris, but I end up in the path of a blast from the suits, it hit me in the lower back, the force pushed me forward to an awaiting suit it's round kick took a toll. Tony blew it up, but there's no wonder why I'm currently trying to catch my breath. The teams have merged and even Maria joined us with twelve more agents as backup, we are fighting side by side. *Wolf?* *Wolf?! Where the hell are you?!* A very angry Captain America was shouting through the coms. More bullets ricochet in the debris close to my location. *Wolf?!* *No need to shout Cap, not deaf. Had to dive behind the debris south to your location. I have ten Hydra goons shooting non-stop*. A body slides beside me. "Wolf, do you have more ammo?" Bucky says leaning on my left ear, between the thundering of my heart, instructions through the coms and the sounds of the battle is actually a surprise we can hear each other. "I just said I'm hiding, does it looks I have ammo?". "No hurt in asking" Bucky says, with a hint of humor. *Hill we need a plan to get the hell out of here* Tony says clearly out of breath. *Says the one who is bullet proof* I grumble. *Don't be Smartass (Y/N) besides you are half bullet proof robowolf*. *Key word ‘half’ Asshole, my ribs are killing me* *That's enough!* Fury shouts through the coms. Maria takes over to order around *Vision, Scarlett, Daisy go ahead and keep the quinjets doors free from enemies they are getting close**Silver take Daisy first, then come back for Hunter, start retrieving whoever is hurt* Hill orders. *We need a distraction team* May says. I Turn off my com, and press the bottom of the muzzle to retract it "Hey Bucky what if we make Hydra remember why they should miss us? Pass a mag". "What makes you think I have a mag?". “If you didn't you wouldn't be smirking”. You look up searching for the Asgardian “Thor! Can you clear the middle of the battle field?!". *Bucky! What is Y/N up to? her com is off, but I can hear her* Steve screams. *Wolf! don't make anything stupid* Hill chastises you. "Sure Wolf, on your mark!" Thor shouts back a big smile on his face no doubt he is enjoying the thrill of the battle. I take out the liquor flask from my trench coat to take a good gulp, I pass it to Bucky, he briefly takes off his mask to end the other half as I take off the bulletproof vest, it’s weight make it harder for me to breath with the broken ribs, after roll around and crawl in snow the damn thing is heavy. I turn on the com again *Guys three count. I'll give you a distraction* I set on the muzzle again *Three, (Y/N!), two, (Don't), one*. *Fuck!* Hill and Steve shout through the com.*Language cap* Tony calls out. Thor lands shocking at least thirty of the soldiers. Bucky and I jump out of our shelter to start clearing a path towards him. As we get close to the middle I see a soldier aiming at Wanda’s back, I didn’t think twice to leap in the bullet path, making it clash against the right side of my chest while throw a knife burying it in the middle of his forehead “Scarlett go I’ll cover your back”.Vision flies close to lift Wanda, the briefly lock gazes (“Be careful puppy”). ("Stay sharp little one"). Hunter and Mack cover Pietro while he takes Daisy. "Everyone back off!" I yell. Steve features are set on a deep scowl even his helmet can’t hide it "Wolf! Bucky! Don't make anything stupid!” he glares at both of us.When I ran out bullets I unsheathe my katanas, Bucky rises his uzi and hand gun, we start a lethal dance his bullets barely missing my body as we take down the agents around us. "For fucks sake Wolf!" Steve shouts again through the coms, exasperation clear in his voice, the rest of us only laugh at him.*Language capsicle* Tony sass through the coms. *Don’t sweat it cap. Thor raise a storm as cover* I say. Pietro rushes back and retrieves Hunter, Maria and her unit cover him. In the distance I see Nat getting hit by a round of bullets, she takes down the soldiers that aimed at her before diving for shelter. "Wolf! Widow is down!” Bucky is now full panic mode, his voice can’t hide his worry. *Everyone listen up run to the quinjets, Bucky I’ll back you up. Pietro meet me halfway to retrieve Widow she is down*. I slash down three more goons, using the last one’s body as shield when a rush of bullets comes at me before Bucky shot them down *Nat we are going for you!*. We reach her just in time to shield her with our bodies from an explosion". Clint and May shoot down the ones close to us and run up to us to cover our backs "Guys you alright?" We lift off from Nat.  "Guys you are bleeding" May points out, blood is slipping from our ears, my head is pounding with a buzz. "I'm fine” I try to shake off the dizziness “Nat hang on". Bucky lifts her off the ground, the red head refrains from showing any pain, barely grunting, we start running to meet Pietro, May, Clint and me covering them. Clint lists Natasha’s injuries through the coms *Banner Widow has three bullets on the right leg and burns*. We see a blue blur, Pietro skids a little bit before coming to full halt.  "Today is your lucky day Piet, you get to have Nat in your arms" I say as Bucky carefully puts her on his arms. "See ya at home honey, Wanda and I will start the party by ourselves" Nat says seductively at him, Bucky briefly takes off his muzzle to kiss her in the forehead. "Battered and bloodied and still an asshole Nat” I say while shoot down the agents around us. I squeeze Pietro’s shoulder "Go Piet".  "Hurry up Y/N your wife is a wrecking mess" Pietro says before running off. "May, Clint go ahead we will cover your back". A deafening sound races over our heads we follow them with our heads *Stark, thirty suits are getting close to the quinjets. Take them down*. May and Clint are unaware. But more suits are coming. Before I can warn them, we start move on to the quinjets, a blast knocks them.  May took the worst and I ran up to her, as we run another blast lands near us too. Leaving us even more dizzy and buzzed. We try to shake off the dizziness and keep going, but we end up falling like a new born fawn, Thor comes to our help. We push through the wounds, Bucky, Thor and I fight around May and Clint to keep them safe while the silver devil returns "Guys!" Pietro's face appears before my eyes, Thor lands close "Come on, we have to go". "Piet, take May. Thor take Clint go ahead. Go don't look back. Buck and I will hold them off". "Damn it sistra! Hurry your fucking ass" reluctantly both men head back to the planes.We go back to intercept and incoming group.--- Pietro and Thor enter de Med Quinjet, laying down May and Clint on stretchers.  *Thor! I could use some help, I have quite the number of suits smashing me up*. Tony says. *Y/N, Barnes get your asses back to the quinjet. More suits and soldiers are heading towards the jets* Fury says. Pietro is back in the Avengers quinjet trying to catch his breath, when he realizes something. -Don't look back Piet- "Fury! Block the bombs, Y/N will..." too late several bombs go off, the force of the waves shut close the doors. Tony and Thor are slammed against the planes.--- [before the explosion] Barked orders in Russian can be heard alongside screams of pain. The Ice Wolf and the Winter Soldier are making a carnage out of the Hydra soldiers. *Angel retrieve them on my mark. Snipers set the guns* ---  [Before the bombs go off. Quinjets] *Avengers, is everyone in the quinjet? Hill asks* *Pietro where is Y/N?! Wanda ask with a trace of worry in her voice* she is still outside keeping the quinjets guarded. *She is not with me, I lost her in the middle of the battle field after she handed me agent May*. *Alpha team we have agent May with us, is Wolf and Buck with you?* Banner inquires as he tends stabilizes the Russian wounds. *Negative* Bobbi answers as shoots down some soldiers. *Damn it!! I should have known better than leave them behind!* Tony starts panicking, He and Thor are fighting suits outside above the jets. Tony starts shouting *Wolf?! Buck?! Are you there?*. *Y/N! James! You have to get your asses back here now!* Hill orders. *heavy breathing, clashes and gun shots* ---- [before the explosion battle field]. The clashing of metal is the only thing that can be heard, blood stain and becomes one with the snow. Something hits me in the head, metal against metal, sparks fly. "Fuckers!" That blow broke my com, damn it. (Too much for an abandoned shelter. These fuckers keep coming at us, seems like everyone is in the quinjets now). I feel the sting but no pain, several bullets have grazed my body, I know where I need to head to. I start running again slicing everything that feels close, I ran out of ammo, long ago, I’ve taken and used some Hydra guns but I still have my two 27-inch katanas. I see a shadow running towards me, "Bucky! Why are you still here?!".  "Fury is calling us back, everyone is back in the quinjets". "There's a wave of suits racing to pass through here to the quinjets. Stark suit is damaged, Thor can't strike them with the quinjets that close". We stand in the middle of the battle field, there’s smoke and blood around us, my swords are pointing downwards. "Turn off your com Buck". *Barnes don't...*. I sheath my swords. "I hacked the bombs". I show him my phone screen. "Let's try to outrun them". He laughs drily “Too much for not saving their asses” a bittersweet smile takes over his features. I flash him a lopsided smile “At least we go down as heroes Buck”. I take the lead sprinting ahead, I didn't see Bucky turning on the com again before he sprint off with me. We run as fast as we can to put as much distance as we can before I set the bombs off. --- "Sir, we have them in sight".  "Shoot them down. Angel go for the bodies".  --- We were too focused on ignoring the pain and running, our already damaged eardrums barely register faint whistle. Little spider drones get attached to our steel limbs, we try to shake them off, but an awful electrical shock takes us down, the snow crunches under our weight, we scream in agony, like panicked animals set to scape we try to stand up to run again, another whistle, this time the little spiders pierce the skin. Before the charge hits us. I press the button. Our lasts screams are deafened by the bombs going off. --- [Fury's quinjet above the battle field] "The quinjet is stabilized sir, no damage" the co-pilot calls. *Agent Hill, what the fuck was that? I ordered you to hold off the bombs* Fury angrily says through the coms. Maria’s voice can’t hide her shock *Y/N hacked the bombs sir and set them off. The bombs took down the suits and soldiers heading here*. "Sir, there's no more activity in the area" the co-pilot calls again. --- [Avengers quinjet] The energy wave rattles the boarded quinjets that are still on ground. Wanda shackily gets off the metal floor her voice trembles under the wave of emotions trying to overcome her “No… no… this has to be a sick joke”. *Steve please tell me that Bucky and Y/N are with you* Nat says through the com. *They are not here Nat* Steve sternly says in his attempt to keep his emotions in check. The quinjet gate opens, Thor and Tony walk in, the billionaire his suit starts to crumble. Wanda tries to run off to the explosion site, but Pietro stops her hugging her. "Sis... is not safe to go". "They could be alive..." Her voice starts to tremble "the-they have to be alive" she tries to look into Steve's eyes, but his gaze in downcast. "Steven, we have to go back". *Negative Scarlett we scanned the area, there's...nothing there* Hill stern voice gone, sounding more sad that commanding. *Everyone get ready to take off* Fury orders. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, run a scan". *Already done Mr. Stark, negative*. Wanda breaks into heart wrenching sobs and starts fighting against Pietro’s hold. Steve gets up and hurries to hold her in place, he tries to stay strong but silent tears run down his face too "I'm so sorry Wanda".  The billionaire tries to stay calm his mind racing in possibilities "Thor seems like you forgot Mjolnir there". Tony motions Vision to go too. The Asgardian his shocked but he gets the hint, he Vision hurry back. *Captain, Stark. We need to…*  *Not now Fury* both of them angrily say. [Med Quinjet] Clint limps to Nat’s stretcher to engulf her in his arms "I'm sorry Nat". She starts to silently cry on his shoulder.Jemma and Bruce keep tending them and setting the equipment but their silence is their attempt to not crumble down.
As the title says this chapter is divided in two, the second part will be up right after this.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.
PART 4.2
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daisylincs · 4 years
Author Interview Tag
Tagged By: so, long story short... these tags happened right as I was getting super busy with end-of-the-year-craziness, and I completely didn't see them until I was re-scrolling through all my mentions on Tumblr recently. So the people who initially tagged me have probably forgotten they even did (🤣😬🤦‍♀️) but my my count, they would be: @loved-the-stars-too-fondly, @libbyweasley, @aleksandrachaev, and @everythingirl44. Thank you very much indeed, all of you!! This looks like an absolutely amazing challenge, late as I may be to it.
Name: Lily
Fandom(s): Agents of SHIELD (TV) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Where You Post: AO3, and the occasional drabble/prompt fill to Tumblr - which, upon consideration, I should probably collect on AO3 🤔
Most Popular Oneshot: for Spideychelle, and overall too, apparently it's my, my, just how much I missed you, my surprisingly angsty (but with a hopeful ending) ten-years-post-FFH fic for Day 4 of Spideychelle Week.
For AoS, it's time can break your heart, have you begging please which, to be entirely 100% honest with you, I completely forgot I wrote in the first place 🤣🙈 It's post-7x10 angst on... that 7x10 and very spoilery death, with some Dousy hurt/comfort. Apparently, Dousy hurt/comfort is the rage, so... that's cool, I suppose.
Most Popular Multichapter Fic: just a few weeks ago, I would have responded with something like, "multichap? Me? As if 😳😅" But now... well, I'm actually posting my first multi-chapter fic later today, so we'll see how that goes!!
Favourite Story You've Written So Far: oh, gosh, that's a really, really hard one!! I've really, really enjoyed almost everything I've written, so picking is going to be very tough cookies xD
For AoS, I think I'm going to go for take my hand, take my whole life too, which is one of the first few things I wrote, but still holds a very special place in my heart, because I felt that it was a fic I could really be proud of, you know? Plus, it made me feel ridiculously soft and shippy-happy throughout the writing process. Plus plus, it has an absolutely stunning banner created by the amazing @ughfitz, which still touches me a lot, because I'd never had such a beautiful banner made before and askjgddfshhdhh it's just perfect.
I'm also very partial to july second, the birthday fic I wrote for @doctorofaos - because Hunter's point of view, it turns out, is ridiculously fun to write, and I had an absolute ball. The whole arc - a surprise birthday party for Daisy, and some team bonding/family fluff - just really works for me, too.
Another one that has to go on this list is hold out your hand, 'cause friends will be friends, my DaisyMack Soulmates BroTP, because that one is my amazing wife @aleksandrachaev's favourite, and it melts my heart so much to hear how much she likes it. 💜
Then lastly, for Spideychelle, my favourite thing I've written is quintessential spideychelle, no contest - it's a Roommates AU and my birthday gift for @eowima, and all the bonding those two dorks do over Lucifer and fandom in general brings me endless delight.
My Aladdin AU, now when did you last let your heart decide, will also always hold a special place in my heart, because it's the first really long thing I wrote. I put a ton of effort into it, and, well, I still think it's kinda fab.
(also I'm so sorry for the relentless self-plug that turned into, oh my God, apparently I'm just that indecisive and love talking that much. I apologise once again)
Fic You Were Nervous To Post: Aubrey, high-five! Because one of the things I was definitely the most freaked out for was that is good, my first-ever Quakerider fic and birthday gift for @acerobbiereyes. The response to that turned out to be overwhelmingly positive, though, and I have even made promises to venture into Quakerider-land again 🥰
I was also a little stressed for we love you, we love you, and we hope you love we too, which was my first-ever polyship fic - Fitzskimmons and cute notes for the fluff bingo - and something I also dedicated to the amazing @bobbimorseisbisexual. Also the formatting for this thing was HELL, and computers and I do not get along, so I was in cold sweats that it wouldn't work and fail on me completely... but, no, it worked, and the wonderful response to it too, very much melted my heart 🥺💖
How You Choose Your Titles: song lyrics. Almost always song lyrics. And if it's not song lyrics, it's a quote of some kind - it just works for me, and I actually find it fun to go hunt for something that works. Maybe I'm weird, but I actually do love it xD
Do You Outline? absolutely, yes - in fact, a great many of the things in my WIPs folder are solely outlines, or even just the beginnings of outlines. I find that outlines are a really good way to save your ideas if you don't have time to write them out properly, so you can come back months later and be all, "what the hell I'm actually so clever." (or, y'know, occasionally, "what the hell can the earth come swallow me up." But let's go with the cleverness 🤣👌)
In Progress:
... I think it's better that we don't talk about my WIPs folder, which, as most people who know anything about me can tell you, is an utter mess, and more than a little insane. (If you don't believe me, check it out here - I bet you do now, right?)
Out of that monstrosity, I'm currently working on numbers 20, 64, 192 and 174, which would be my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, and fics for my three Secret Santas - Spideychelle, Fitzsimmons, and then one for the AoS Secret Santa whose pairing is, in delightfully SHIELD style, classified until the 24th of December.
Then in the very background, I'm also writing some Pipsy, Fitzsimmons and plat!Diper for the fluff bingo yes which I have still not finished I'm awful I know, and I'm going to make my lateness a liiiitle better by passing them of as gifts for my friends. I do love my friends very much, though, so that's more than fair I think 🥺💜
My Complete AO3: ta!
Do You Accept Prompts? yes, always! I have this plan in the back of my mind of gathering up all the prompt lists I've got saved to my drafts and doing like a masterpost/mass prompt request thing, but I'll leave that for a little later yet, because goodness knows I have enough to finish 🙈 In the meantime, though, if there's anything you'd really like to see me write, I'd be just thrilled to do it for you! It'll definitely take me a couple of months to actually get to it, but if you don't mind the wait, then yes, absolutely, I'm your girl! 💖
Upcoming Work That You're Most Excited About: oooooof, another tough one, but I'm very much looking forward to posting the first chapter of my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, which I'm going to do later today!!
Then there's also my three Secret Santas - though I'm not particularly religious, the idea of a gift fic exchange brings me endless glee and I cannot wait to see what my giftees think! I also can't wait to get my own gifts, too, of course... ;) Oh, it's just going to be so much FUN!!
Tagging: well, everyone did this a couple of weeks months ago, so I'm not actually going to tag anyone - but if you see this and think it's cool, by all means go ahead and say I tagged you! 😍 Also, have a very big virtual hug, all of you, and thank you so much for reading through all my blathering!! 💜💖
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