#as sad it is that there will only be 22 more riverdale episodes it could have made me scream when i read that they where ending it.
wecanstealthiscar · 2 years
The most insane thing a long running story can do is to end. It gets me so fuckings horny. When the whole story is very clear that the end is comming. Sometimes the characters seems aware that their story is over. That is the sexiest thing a story can do. Of course End is slang for ass. And ass is sexy.
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highly-flammable · 4 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
Riverdale S5, the collaborative “It’s Going To Be Fine” post.
Okay. So I’ve seen a lot of worries in the fandom about Season 5. I’ve had lots of conversations with lots of really insightful people, and I’ve always been a pretty good predictor. So, by my (and others) educated guess, here is what’s going to happen in S5. 
(For this, we are operating under the assumption that this is a full, 22 episode season. 
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5x01 - The prom episode. Likely, Veronica finds out about the kiss in this episode. We also know Archie sings his...song again in this episode, so there is very likely some Barchie content, whether that be happy content or sad. 
5x02 and 5x03 - These episode are the original penultimate episode and finale, and they will likely reflect that in their content. I do not see them continuing the Mr. Honey plot past this point, and if they haven’t forgotten about the Charles/Chic plot, it will come to a conclusion here. This will also be where we will see Barchie “exploring their feelings”. Additionally, this will be the episode where Jughead and Veronica will DEFINITELY find out about the Barchie kiss. We can expect them both to break up, and all 4 to go their separate ways. I have stated this before and I will state it again: I will gobsmacked if they continue Barchie past this point. The very POINT of all this was to get them all going their separate ways, and they needed something big to make sure not only the relationships imploded, but the friendships did too. We end on them all going their separate ways. It’s possible that this will end with us getting a glimpse of where they are in 7 years at the end. I could definitely see that happening. If so, we will catch a glimpse of Jessica, Jughead’s new girlfriend, as a hook to lure people into watching the next few episodes. 
5x04 - This episode will likely be all exposition. We see where they are in 7 years. Casting spoilers tell us Veronica is married, somewhat unhappily, with a busy career. Betty is single and works for the FBI. Archie is returning from the army. Jughead has a live-in girlfriend and is writing a book. I’d think that they’d all be given a section of time for them to exposition the last seven years. Then we’d end on them getting called back to Riverdale for the Big Mystery of the season. Jughead and Veronica will leave their significant others behind. I think in the case of Jughead, he is assuming it’s over, without actually saying the words (and we are to remember that, because it will come up again.) 
5x05~5x07 - This is the episode that brings them back together. My guess would be that this introduces us to the season’s big mystery and tells us how they interact now. It’s Riverdale, and as @go-ldy​ says, Riverdale sucks at slow burn. But in these episodes, we will likely have the awkwardness. They’ll be latently angry, unsure of where they fit in each other’s lives anymore, and very standoffish. That’ll start to thaw around episode 7. 
5x08~5x11 - Here we’ll start to see the couples come back together. For Bughead, you know the mystery will bond them, and because it will inevitably involve Veronica’s father since Riverdale has 0 other stories for Veronica, Varchie will come back together over that. They’ll start to talk, laugh and bond again. It’ll look like they’re starting to come back together, you may even see some kissing (this would fit with covid stuff too, since until here, they’ll be fairly standoffish. When they finally start to work it out, boom! Time for more contrived drama. I said this to @heartunsettledsoul​ and I’m almost sure it’ll happen. When our core four start to work their way back, it’s time to throw the plot devices back in. I highly predict Jug’s girlfriend and Veronica’s husband will come back here. 
Now don’t go thinking they’ll be made into sympathetic, humanized characters. Please. Of course not. It’s Riverdale. They’re meant to be the shrews. They’re there to screw up the relationships again, and for that reason only. And then we got to....
5x12~5x15 -The pining episodes! The plot device significant others do their plot device thing. The mystery (which is apparently moth men. Please kill me.) will begin to ramp up and throw down what emotional stakes they’ll be ending the season on. The plot devices will likely not stick around much past this because writing them is too much effort for the terminally lazy writing staff, but the emotional damage is done. 
5x15~5x22 - Recovery to finale. Historically, Riverdale doesn’t end on cliffhangers. I’ve actually always appreciated that. Season end cliffhangers are cliched and played out, imo. But this is when the relationships will be repaired. They’ll likely be back together before the end. Again, too much time and effort to keep them apart. Much like Varchie in S3, they COULD only resolve this in the finale, but I would be shocked if they could wait that long. Likely it’ll be before then. 
I think if we look back, yes, Riverdale is bonkers, but that really is mostly the overarching mystery plotlines. It’s hard to predict those because the writers can make shit up as they go along. But because they are fundamentally lazy and bad at their jobs, it’s fairly easy to predict the relationships. 
I would really like to hear what @earthlaughsinflowersblog​ thinks, I love her very insightful thoughts from someone with knowledge of the industry, and now that this is done I can finally go back to reminding @latenightcoffeetalks​ how wrong she is about winter. 
Apologies for the length. Be well, my lovelies!
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dawninlatin · 4 years
Queen of Peace, chapter 9
A Manorian High School AU
Words: 2780
AO3 Link
Summary: Manon Blackbeak is flawless, untouchable. From the outside at least. Her grandmother pushes her to achieve greatness, and she doesn’t let anyone get too close in fear of being hurt. How can anyone love her when not even her parents could?
Dorian Havilliard has always felt safe and confident around his friends. He might not have the greatest of families, but with Aelin and Chaol by his side, nothing can go wrong. That is until he tries keeping his greatest secret from them.
What will happen when Dorian and Manon gets to know one another? Can two lost souls find their way back together?
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Sometimes I wish for falling
Wish for the release
Wish for falling through the air
To give me some relief
-Florence + The Machine, Falling
«So what did you do yesterday? Since you’re doing your homework last minute.» Dorian looked up from his math homework to find Manon taking him in with an amused expression.
They were sitting in the busy coffee shop a few blocks from school, spending their shared free period eating lunch together. Or, Manon was eating lunch while Dorian tried his very best to finish the homework he’d forgotten to do last night.
A few weeks had passed since the two of them had agreed to be friends, and almost immediately they’d fallen into a rhythm. They got coffee after school, they hung out during free periods, they met up at the library to do homework together. Manon still claimed she only did this so Dorian would stop bugging her, but she’d been the one suggesting they go out for lunch today.
«Erhm-,» Dorian begun, debating whether the truth would make her laugh or make him lose his last shred of dignity or both, even. Fuck it, he decided and confidently stated, «I was up watching Riverdale.» If you’re losing your dignity, better do it with swagger.
It took Manon a while to actually register what he’d said, but when she did, she set down her coffee and let out a snort. A snort that quickly turned into her lilting cackle. One thing Dorian had learned over these past few weeks was that nothing made her laugh harder than his suffering, and to be honest, Dorian didn’t mind. Not at all. She was adorable when she laughed.
«You didn’t mean that? Right?» Manon asked, suddenly all serious. «Please tell me you’re joking.» Dorian shot her a confused look.
«That show is literal trash,» she kept going once she realized Dorian had in fact not been kidding. «Sorry I changed my mind we’re not friends anymore, sorry, bye.» Manon even went as far as to start gathering up her things, but the barely-there smile playing on her lips told Dorian she was very much enjoying this.
«You just have to give it a try, it’s not that bad,» Dorian said, Manon sitting back down across from him. As he noticed a faint blush spreading on her cheeks, something in his head clicked into place. «You’ve watched it, haven’t you?»
Rolling her eyes, Manon answered, «Yes, but it was years ago. I watched a few episodes with Asterin.» Upon seeing Dorian’s smug expression, she quickly added, «Unwillingly.»
If it had been years ago…This time, Dorian was the one to break out into uncontrollable laughter. Oh my god, he thought, clutching his stomach. «You thought the first season was bad??» he managed to choke out. Manon only looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, having no idea what was so funny.
«I would give anything to see you watch season three and four. That’s when it really gets ridiculous,» Dorian explained, his laughter finally dying down. Manon chuckled and shook her head, returning to her half-full cup of coffee.
She stared out the window, and Dorian allowed himself to take her in, if only for a moment. There had been more and more of these moments over the past few weeks. Moments where she was looking a different way, moments where Dorian couldn’t stop his eyes from landing on her, moments where he found it impossible to look away. Dorian hadn’t let himself think about what it meant. Manon had been very clear from the beginning that they were only friends, and they would never be more than that.
Manon was like the sun, Dorian had decided. You knew you shouldn’t stare at it, but that was the exact reason why you did, why it was so hard to look away.
«Okay, but apart from Riverdale, have you watched anything good? I don’t watch much TV, but…» She never finished the sentence, seemingly lost in her own mind. Manon did that sometimes, trailing off to gods knew where. Dorian was certain it was a beautiful place.
Taking some time to think, Dorian tried to come up with a good show, sorting through the catalogue in his mind for something it was likely she had watched. Suddenly he thought of how she had loved reading a fantasy series, how eager she got whenever they discussed history or mythology. Hesitantly, he suggested, «Game of Thrones?» Manon’s eyes lit up.
«Yes!» She put down her empty cup. «Oh that was so good-»
«-apart from the final season,» Dorian finished.
A sigh. «Jon Snow deserved better.»
«I know. His storyline was a tragedy.»
Manon bit her lip, sinking further into her chair. «You know, I only started watching it because I thought he was hot.» She blushed, and Dorian couldn’t help but chuckle. «I stayed for the plot though. I swear!»
Same, Dorian nearly blurted out, before a voice in his head reminded him, Manon doesn’t know you’re bi. He wasn’t going to think about this now, so he shook his head and forced his signature smirk to appear, ignoring the sinking feeling in his gut.
«I still can’t get over the fact that you drink chocolate Frappuccinos with extra cream.» Smooth, Dorian, it definitely does not seem like you’re avoiding the subject of your shared fictional crush.
«Why?» she chuckled. «You expect me to order my coffee extra bitter so it matches my soul? While we’re at it, let me just gather up my things and head home to my cottage in the woods where I fly around on broomsticks and brew weird shit in cauldrons. My black cat must be tired of waiting.»
They were both laughing now, Manon’s dark, wicked sense of humor still taking him by surprise. «For real though, what do you do when you’re not at school or at dance practice?»
«Uhm,» Manon looked down at her shoes, suddenly uncomfortable. They hardly talked about serious stuff, private stuff. Dorian was ready to change the subject once more, but then she spoke: «I listen to music a lot, I guess.» A shrug.
«Anything good?»
«Doubt it, you seem like the type to listen to mainstream shit.»
«Please. And I bet your music isn’t as special as you think.»
«I bet you don’t know half of the stuff I listen to.»
«Why don’t you give me some examples?»
«Why don’t I send you a playlist when I get home?»
«Can’t wait,» Dorian smiled.
Gods, how difficult could it be to make a playlist?
Manon had been sitting with her laptop for an hour now, scrolling through her endless Spotify library to find the perfect songs. Nothing too mainstream, nothing too personal, nothing too impersonal. This was one hell of a challenge, she decided.
After narrowing it down to twenty songs she loved, after finding the perfect balance between upbeat and slow, between sad and happy, after meticulously arranging the order, making it not only a playlist, but a musical experience, Manon decided this would have to do.
Why do you care so much? She didn’t dare answer the question, too afraid of what the answer might mean. This was just her sending a friend a casual playlist.
Except it wasn’t. Nothing about her music was casual. It meant everything to her. Manon listened to music when she was happy, when she was sad, angry, whenever she felt lost and needed to be pointed back in the right direction. She listened to music when she was dancing, dreaming, disappearing. If one listened closely, her music revealed all her secrets, all her feelings, and for Manon, who was used to keeping it hidden away, locked in a box deep inside herself, sharing that with someone was terrifying.
But what terrified her the most right now, was that she actually wanted to share her music with Dorian. Being with him always left her feeling light and happy, she had started craving that feeling like a drug. And today…today when he had made her laugh so hard she’d had to set down her half-empty cup so as to not drop it, for a moment, Manon had imagined what it would be like to just lean in and kiss him. It would have been so easy, would have felt so good.
She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that moment, about what it meant. Was she falling for him? Was she actually that stupid?
The only solution, really, was to stop hanging out with him, to ignore her feelings until they went away. So why haven’t you done it yet? Why do you keep going back?
Besides, even if she wanted to be more than friends, there was no way he felt the same way. Sure, he kept joking about how their meet-ups were dates, but that’s all it was, a joke. Being in a relationship with Dorian also meant letting him see who she was up-close, and as soon as he saw the broken, messed up truth, he surely would want nothing to do with her. Better to spare herself the heartbreak.
Ugh, feelings.
Manon decided it was too late to brood over such complex questions. Instead, she typed a quick message to Dorian, linked the playlist and hit send before she could change her mind.
Manon: Here’s the playlist. It’s best enjoyed if you listen to it in the right order. 22:03
And just like that it was done. Manon waited a few minutes for a reply and when none came, she quietly said to herself, «Girl, get your shit together.»
She stood up, stretched, and stepped out of her room to turn of all the lights, ready to just go to sleep. Asterin still hadn’t come home, but it was late, so she probably wouldn’t show up at all. What a surprise, Manon thought to herself.
When she reached the living room, she spied Abraxos staring at her from one of the couches. Manon turned of the lights and the creature immediately leapt to where she was standing in the hallway. «What kind of cat is afraid of the dark?» Manon asked her companion, sighing at his antics. Abraxos only stared up at her as if she was the stupid one.
It was true that the cat was afraid of the dark. Ever since he was a kitten, Abraxos simply refused to be alone in a room if the lights were off. Manon found it equally confusing and adorable.
She walked back to her bedroom, Abraxos trailing her like a shadow the entire time. Laying back down on the bed, Manon picked up her phone to see if Dorian had texted back yet. She couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when there was no new messages.
«Calm down, it’s not as if he’s looking at his phone at all hours, just waiting for you to text him, you creep,» she said to herself.
Instead of waiting, she opened Spotify, plugged in her earphones, and pressed play on the list she’d just sent Dorian, contempt to shut out the world for a little while.
That afternoon, when he’d gotten home from school, Dorian had waited, and waited, and waited, for a text from Manon, including a certain playlist she had promised him. He’d stared at his phone for hours, like some creep, hoping her name would pop up.
Around 10pm he’d given up and opted for spending some electronics-free quality time with his family. His mom’s suggestion, not his. Dorian had lasted about 20 minutes, before he once again fled to his room.
Leaving his phone alone had worked it’s magic though, because when he reunited with it, there was a text from Manon waiting to be opened. He was so eager he typed the wrong passcode. Twice.
Manon: Here’s the playlist. It’s best enjoyed if you listen to it in the right order. 22:03
The text was written in typical Manon-style. No spelling errors, perfect language, no emojis, only periods. What kind of teen only used periods when they texted? Manon never seized to surprise him.
Dorian opened the link, finding a playlist full of songs and artists he’d never heard of before. Told you. He could almost hear Manon’s voice say it, a smug smile playing on her lips.
Plugging his earphones in, Dorian leaned back and pressed play. In the right order, obviously.
About an hour later, as the final song died out into nothing, Dorian let out a long exhale, giving himself a moment to just be.
He didn’t know what he was thinking, what he was feeling. It was all so personal, so full of emotion and passion. The complete opposite of what he would have expected from Manon.
Dorian knew this was important. He had been shown a vital part of her, a part he suspected she hadn’t shown anyone before.
Who are you?
It was a question he had asked himself over and over again over the past few weeks. Manon was a mystery, a puzzle, and all that music, all that insight, felt like the most important piece of them all.
Who are you?
Yet he wasn’t sure if this had given him answers, or more questions.
Manon listened through the entire playlist without being able to fall a sleep. She had too much on her mind, too many thoughts churning in her head.
Her phone buzzed from the nightstand, and Manon sat up abruptly, knocking over a stack of books as she fumbled around for her phone. They landed on the floor with a bang, waking Abraxos from his carefree slumber in the process. The cat jumped and glared at Manon, then turned his back towards her, settling down once more. Manon did the mature thing and stuck out her tongue at him.
She’d nearly forgotten about the phone in her hand, but glancing down at the screen, she saw Dorian’s name, her heartbeat quickening in response.
Dorian: Sorry for not replying til now but I heard through the entire thing and fine you were right I hadn’t heard any of it before and yes you do have fantastic taste in music pls send me more!!!!! 23:41
Manon chuckled at his enthusiasm, pleased at having been right. She was about to type a response when she heard the front door open, then the sound of someone trying to stay quiet as they made their way through the house. Asterin.
She expected her cousin to go straight to her own room, but instead, Asterin stopped in front of Manon’s door, slowly pushing it open. She must’ve thought Manon was asleep, because she jumped slightly when she found Manon sitting upright, taking her in with curiosity and annoyance.
«I’m s-sorry, I thought you were sleeping,» Asterin whispered, her voice cracking. The sound of shuffling feet. A sniffle. Was Asterin crying?
Asterin walked over to Manon’s bed, and Manon made room for her, sliding under the covers. Asterin soon joined her, and neither said a word, Asterin’s soft crying filling the room.
«Did something happen?» Manon asked at last, unable to handle her cousin’s crying for much longer.
«You can’t tell her,» Asterin sobbed, burying her head in the mountain of pillows.
«Can’t tell her what?» Manon knew Asterin meant their grandmother, the heavy feeling in her stomach told her so. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear the answer. It couldn’t be anything good. Had she and Hunter broken up? Had someone hurt her?
Asterin furiously shook her head. «You have to promise, Manon. She c-can’t find out!»
«I promise,» Manon sighed, clearly uncomfortable. She’d never been good at dealing with crying people.
Still, Manon let Asterin creep closer, let her bury her face in the space between Manon’s neck and shoulder. Putting her arms around her shaking, crying cousin, Manon asked once more, «What’s wrong, Asterin?»
Asterin went completely still, not saying anything. Manon waited, waited to the point where she was sure her cousin had fallen asleep.
As Manon closed her own eyes, Asterin whispered something that made Manon go rigid, the words so quiet you could barely make them out.
«I’m pregnant.»
«Shit,» was all Manon could answer. She tried her hardest not to think about what their grandmother would do if she found out, panic spreading throughout her body.
Asterin started sobbing once more, so Manon began stroking her back, telling her to breathe, telling her to calm down, pushing aside her own worry and fear, for now. «It’s going to be okay,» she whispered to Asterin, not believing her own words one bit.
A/N: Wow I haven't updated this in forever. Sorry....
But as an apology I do come bearing gifts. Not only is this chapter the longest yet, I also made a fic playlist if you wanna vibe<3 In the wise words of Manon Blackbeak, it is best enjoyed in the right order;)
Also while I'm at it, a couple disclaimers:
- I have earlier made a lot of references to Harry Potter, but I will no longer do so, as I am not comfortable with referencing the work of an author who do not respect trans people. I hope you all understand this.
- Yes I mock Riverdale in this chapter and if you feel offended know that I will never understand how someone can actually enjoy that show but I DO respect you:)
As always, thank you sooooo much to everyone who takes the time to read, give kudos, like, reblog, write comments etc. For real I love you<3<3
Peace&Love<3 -Dawninlatin
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pennypeabody · 4 years
Mädchen Amick teases Riverdale directorial debut, and what she learned from David Lynch
Mädchen Amick wasn't planning to direct the Riverdale season 4 finale. But when the coronavirus pandemic halted production across the world, her directorial debut on the CW series moved into the coveted spot.
"You want it to be exciting and climactic and really building its energy, so I wanted to honor that," the actress tells EW of her fateful episode. "There was a little extra pressure."
Amick has been directing since 2015, beginning with one of her daughter Mina Tobias' music videos. And while Riverdale has kept her busy playing Alice Cooper, the uptight, haunted mother of Betty (Lili Reinhart), since 2017, she has long dreamed of stepping behind the camera as well.
She finally got her shot for "Killing Mr. Honey," which was originally intended as the 19th installment of the 22-episode season. Now it will have to stand as the conclusion — and Amick warns that it ends on a cliffhanger.
In the photos above and below, EW has an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Amick's directing days on Riverdale. And ahead of the episode's May 6 airing, we called up Amick to discuss her experiences calling the shots, what it was like pulling double duty, and how working with David Lynch early in her career inspired her as an auteur.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How long have you had an itch to direct, and how did this episode come about?
MÄDCHEN AMICK: I moved to L.A. at 16, and got Twin Peaks at 17. I would say around my mid-20s, I had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to be more than just an actress and be a storyteller, but so many things in my career made me busy and made me feel like, "Oh, I don’t have time to step behind the camera. I have to keep busy and focused on staying in front of the camera." This was in the mid-'90s, and there were a few female directors — one in particular was Diane Keaton on the original Twin Peaks — that showed me there are women doing this, but [now] there’s a little bit of this movement to get more diversity behind the camera that I benefitted from. I have to give credit to my husband and my daughter. She asked me to direct her music video, and I was honored and jumped right in. I’ve done a few music videos. I’ve directed and produced a docuseries pilot. At the beginning of Riverdale when I did that first thing, I’d started asking around and asking [creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa] and [producers] Sarah Schechter and Greg Berlanti. I said, "Hey, guys, I really would love to direct an episode." They were super-supportive and excited. So it was this season that Roberto said, "You want to direct this season?" And I was like, "Yes!"
Riverdale has a very specific, highly stylized aesthetic. Did that make directing easier or harder, especially when it comes to putting your own stamp on the episode?
It was easy for me. I know the show so well, inside and out. I really enjoy the storytelling and the filmmaking part of it. So I know what Roberto likes, as far as the way he likes the story to be told and unfold. That was a great template that was already in place, and I wanted to honor that. Then, I just wanted to elevate it as much as I could and get as strong as performances out of all my fellow actors, which they were great and supportive. And just push the visual boundaries as much as possible. Presenting new ways to shoot scenes, but still staying within the world and the visual look to it, and just hoping that Roberto loved it.
I remember Roberto and I had a conversation: It might’ve been season 2 or season 3, but there was an episode and he said it didn’t feel very inspired. That really gave me an insight into [that] he really wants directors to come on board and love the show and be excited about the show, and then bring an inspirational take to it. That made me feel I had a little bit of freedom to run with it, and he didn’t want a cookie cutter, just make everything the same. It was nice to hear he wanted something that was inspired.
When you directed the episode, it wasn’t meant to be the season finale, but now it is. Is that exciting? Nerve-racking?
Since it's [episode] 19 of 22, you are getting to the end, so there’s usually a lot of climactic things happening. That’s a lot of responsibility, just because I want to get it right. I know we’re getting toward the end, and those last few are really important to start tying up loose ends or building to a cliffhanger. You want it to be exciting and climactic and really building its energy, so I wanted to honor that. There was a little extra pressure.
Did it lead to any last-minute adjustments or changes in the storytelling?
The episode that I shot was the last episode that we completed as far as filming. We were halfway through 20 when production stopped, so I was editing when production stopped. At that point, we didn’t really know that the season would be done. It was a little bit of a holding pattern of, "Are we just pausing and we’ll get back to it, or will our season end a little short?" Now knowing my episode will serve as the finale for this season, obviously we’ll pick up back up next season. They’ll have to adjust some storytelling with what they had planned at the end of this season. As far as my episode, it pretty much stayed intact the way it was written. There was a new layer that came into the story that now serves as an interesting cliffhanger.
You also appear as Alice throughout the episode. What was it like having to pull double duty?
I’m not gonna lie, it was a huge challenge. My brain was so much behind the camera that it was hard for me to switch over to being in character. I could easily slip into Alice, but I could not remember my lines, and I’m usually really good at that. I was really struggling. In one scene in particular, there’s a big confrontation that Alice has with Mr. Honey and she drives the whole scene with all of the parents, and I could not remember it, to the point where my fellow actors were whispering the lines to me to try to help me get through it. Man, it was rough. I know I’ll continue to get better with that with practice, but my brain was not in that space at all. I was full-on thinking of shots and directing my other actors, so it was a big challenge.
This episode is going to have to hold us over for a while; what can you tease about it? Would you say it’s a satisfactory end to the season?
The whole theme of the episode is the big confrontation between the kids and their awful Principal Honey, who’s just been tormenting them the whole season. So lots of really, really fun stuff. There’s a mixture of some fantasy of what they want to do to Mr. Honey and some reality of what ends up happening to Mr. Honey. So that’s the big tease.
The back half of the season angered so many Varchie and Bughead fans, and it doesn’t seem like the same instant regret Archie and Betty have had over previous kisses. What can you say about where those relationships and feelings are headed? Might Riverdale be exploding some of its most beloved relationships?
[Laughs] Why? Why were they upset? No, but don’t they always teeter on that? I think Roberto loves to torture the fans, quite frankly. That’s the fun dynamic, and that is what’s classic to the Archie Comics, is you have this love triangle that’s always been between Archie, Betty, Veronica, and now we’ve thrown in Jughead into the mix. It’s complicated, but we’ll see what ends up happening at the end of senior year and where relationships really go. I know the plan for the next season is we were going to jump forward in time and see where everybody had landed, but I don’t know if that’s gonna adjust now that our season changed a bit.
Both Skeet Ulrich and Marisol Nichols had announced they were leaving at the end of this season, leaving you as the only original Riverdale parent left standing. Now that filming has ended early, does that alter their plans? Will we get any hint of where F.P. and Hermione were originally headed?
As far as the episode I directed, there wasn’t really anything different happening for their characters. It was the same story line going on. But with technically three more episodes they had planned, I’m assuming they had plans. I also know Roberto really loves Skeet and Marisol, and he told me he hopes their characters can come and go from the show depending on everyone’s availability. It’s always funny whenever some of our characters die on the show, it’s like, "Oh, well that guarantees you’ll be on more often." Nobody’s ever really gone on Riverdale.
Does it feel weird to know Alice was going to be the last one left? And what might that mean for her going forward? She seems so happy with FP, it’s really sad to imagine that ending.
I know! They were finally doing good. I don’t know what Roberto has planned, but yeah, poor Alice. She’s really going to be alone now. Maybe she’ll just be ruling the town, who knows? Maybe we need to start a new campaign, Mayor Alice. Obviously not until next year, but just even thinking about coming back next season and having all my O.G. homies not around on a consistent basis, it’s definitely going to be really sad. I’m absolutely going to miss them, but I know that won’t end our friendship.
Earlier in the season, we had evidence Chic and Charles are working together. Will we see any answers there, and what might it mean for Alice to discover her long-lost son has betrayed her once again?
We hadn’t gotten into that for my episode. I think that was in the next few, so she hasn’t experienced the betrayal yet. I know she’s really resilient, but there’s been a lot of betrayal in this woman’s life. I think Alice is going to need some therapy next season.
And not of the Farm variety.
Real, good old-fashioned traditional therapy.
We were setting up for high school graduation to round out this season, and the characters going off to college or other futures. Will we ever get some taste of graduation, and have you any hint of where the kids will end up next year?
No, I don’t. I know the idea was we were going to jump forward in time a little bit to see what they had done. I’m assuming something brings them back to the town of Riverdale.
Can you point to moment or visual choice that you felt defined your identity or artistic choices?
Jughead and Betty have a fantasy going about what they would do to Mr. Honey, and so Betty’s revenge fantasy inspires Jughead to write an essay for college submissions. We get to go into and reenact Jughead’s fantasies and his writing. I wanted to push the envelope in those scenes. You don’t want to go too far out of the way where you’re totally getting rid of reality, but I wanted to visually have some fun with breaking the rules of what you’re supposed to do with shots and how you edit them together. Jughead is all about classic storytelling, so my inspiration was Alfred Hitchcock and Citizen Kane and that kind of stuff. We did a lot of twisted shots and shots that moved in weird [ways], very Vertigo- or Citizen Kane-inspired.
How much were you influenced by the visual artistry of working with David Lynch so early in your career?
He was my mentor from the very beginning. I didn’t really know too much about filmmaking until I worked on Twin Peaks with him. He showed me you think outside the box and do things that feel and look right to you. It wasn’t until I went into the business after Twin Peaks that I realized how different and what an innovator he was. That’s always been in there as my base, to just not be afraid of taking risks. He sent me a really beautiful email my first day of directing, and just reminding me to make sure I did every single thing I want in every single shot, and to have fun.
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sunnydhyuk · 5 years
♡ my favourite writings ♡
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i got this inspiration from an anon for my one-year anniversary! thank you so much for the suggestion, i literally wouldn’t be able to think of this lol ♡
the order in which i record these are from the 25th of feb 2019 until the most recent one ♡
haechan ♡ [15:54] • this was my first blurb and i think it’s really cute! haechan would totally do this; bet
kun ♡ [13:48] • i write lots of my blurbs based on my life, and this one happens to be it. it rained that day for the first time in a long time and this scene totally suits kun imo
johnny ♡ [23:22] • i would love to do this with someone on my life!! it’s super romantic and i had to write it for mr romantic man johnny seo
jisung ♡ [11:07] • me writing about my life once again……i would love for someone to encourage me to start driving like (y/n) for jisung
renjun ♡ [16:07] • me after failing my learner’s permit wanting to feel happy and stupid because of renjun (just so you know, i have my learner’s permit rn)
chanyeol ♡ [21:07] • writing this while chanyeol was at the event really put me through it
yangyang ♡ [15:22] • i love yangyang so much. i guarantee you he would do this, very cheeky boy
taeil ♡ [16:34] • some of my shorter, to-the-point blurbs. i really love this one just because of the idea that taeil misses me more than i miss him
hendery ♡ [18:53] • being hendery’s ‘home’ makes me so soft inside
jungkook ♡ [06:33] • this was written directly after i saw ed sheeran and i was on the city bus and i thought this scenario really suited jungkook + i changed it from concert to airport because i wanted hoseok to have the concert one, as you can see down there
hoseok ♡ [23:32] • as i said above, this was written after i saw ed sheeran, in the crowd i ended up holding my sister’s friend’s hand like this and it was really cute
chen ♡ [23:17] • this was written right after i read the lyrics of chen’s solo debut which i love, it’s one of my favourite songs ever and to think he has a pregnant wife-to-be and he was singing these sad songs for no reason because he was as happy as a clam
baekhyun ♡ [23:56] • just this thought. of doing this with anyone, let alone baekhyun, while i drift off to sleep.
ten ♡ [19:46] • i really love this blurb, dancing with ten, that’s it lol
yuta ♡ [09:05] • yuta, my king. making me breakfast and then breaking my kitchen? love that
sehun ♡ [20:43] • when i was organising my room, this blurb happened and i love it
jaehyun ♡ [16:55] • jaehyun playing with my hair when all he wants to do is m@ke 0ut with me *swoon*
taeyong ♡ [19:44] | mb • this blurb is so soft and then the mb i made on my shared mb account is so hawt i love my duality in content
jeno ♡ [15:23] • i love milkshakes and i love jeno and i love the fact that jeno would offer me the last sip of a shared milkshake
renjun ♡ [09:09] • a memory from 2013 lol……..walking to art class with my then crush in the rain..and i wrote about my ‘current’ crush, love that
chenle ♡ [19:42] • basketball player!chenle scoring a point in my honour i really enjoy that
hendery ♡ [01:22] • i suck at video games so this would totally happen and i wouldn’t mind if hendery beat me at video game
hendery ♡ [23:23] | requested mb • this is college bf!hendery at its finest
mark lee ♡ [01:27] | requested mb • this mb really makes me soft and it’s so cute
jisung ♡ [10:32] • another shy!jisung blurb, this is really cute, the fact that i could hypothetically make him blush makes me blush uwu
winwin ♡ [16:32] • i gave my friend a framed picture of us and our friend group so i love this angst
johnny ♡ [23:07] • this is my first long blurb and the fact that it’s about serpent!johnny and just riverdale in general makes me live
lucas ♡ [18:49] • this was based on zach’s episode of 13rw and i’ve always thought of lucas as zach, you can see on my main/writing blog;)
jisung ♡ [22:07] | main blog • i enjoy all of my werewolf!nct content, and new beta!jisung and old beta!(y/n) is terribly cute
jaemin ♡ [18:58] | main blog • vampire!jaemin only being in love with (y/n) is sooooooo soft and suuuuuuuuuuuch a jaemin thing i swear
jaehyun ♡ [05:56] | main blog • werewolf!jaehyun coming to my house after a rough full moon? yes please jung jaehyun
haechan ♡ [11:31] | adobe’s 1000 • high school!haechan not letting me hold his hands in the hallway because he wants to tease me, another scenario that haechan would totally do
hendery ♡ [01:03] | adobe’s 1000 • i would give hendery all of my hoodies if he wanted to + i’ve put all of my hendery blurbs in this list wow i might love him
jisung ♡ [19:06] | adobe’s 1000 • i would totally play with jisung’s hair to calm him down, he’s big baby
haechan ♡ [23:11] | adobe’s 1000 • haechan losing to me - a person that can’t bowl? i really love that for me
taeyong ♡ [02:07] • baking christmas cookies with one of nct’s cooks is just so amazing and the fact that it’s taeyong is even better
mark lee ♡ [07:43] • written on nye, i feel like i woke up at this time as well and thought of this cute scenario!
haechan ♡ [02:12] • i took one of my prompts that i never got to use for my adobe’s 1000 and i absolutely love this
jungwoo ♡ [13:33] • my baby jungwoo is back so you know i had to write about him
here are my absolute favourites from this year, i hope that you enjoy these ones too (as well as my other ones lol, no offense to me but some don’t hit right for me, you feel).
thank you so much for spending this year with me, i love you all so much that enjoy the content that i post ♡
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leavemealonetoread · 4 years
mind sharing your riverdale top 5 ships and top 5 characters?
Ok this was hard! Sorry for the delay, anonymous friend. Also, I haven't seen season 4 though I'm aware of spoilers. So:
Ships, in no particular order:
Jughead x Sweet Pea - unsure if this is just a rarepair or what people used to call a crackship, idk. Anyway after they got off on the wrong foot in early s2, I was hoping to see them get closer, at least become better friends, but this show forgets about my son Sweet Pea!!! I also enjoyed their clashes over Serpent stuff and was hoping to see more of them (+ Toni) making decisions together
FP x Alice early on in the show, when it was hinted that they had a history and season 1 kept using FP's appearances to surprise us (first he's Jughead's dad, now he's a figure from Alice's past? Alice???). I loved the mystery there! Everyone in this town has secrets!
Reggie × Veronica in season 3, I was rooting for them even though I knew the show wouldn't make it long term because Reggie isn't a ~core four~
Toni x Jughead because I liked their dynamic when they first met, and because if Serpent leadership HAS to be a monarchy, wtf? Toni is right there? Yes it's weird that Jughead the new kid got named leader at the end of the season, but someone young and brand new won't be stubborn when co-leader Toni wants to get rid of ingrained traditions like that silly dance. 2x11 also shows that Jughead can screw up but listen to Toni's criticism eventually
Betty x Veronica because Veronica was SO COMMITTED to Betty immediately. In episode 1, I kind of hoped when Betty moved on from Archie she might be into Veronica. She was so hurt and angry when Archie and Veronica kissed! Veronica was so desperate to fix their friendship which was 5 minutes old! This could have been such a great slow-ish burn!
(Speaking of slow burns, is it just me or should Toni and Cheryl have gotten more time to have that? S2 had 22 episodes, they could have spent a few more scenes on the getting-together part. Right?)
Honorable mention to Sweet Pea & Josie because I thought they were cute and hoped their fling would stick, but I respect a girl who knows her priorities + a boy who knows his emotional needs and sets boundaries. Also to Joaquín & Kevin because they were cute and my heart broke for Joaquín during his conversation with FP (another FP surprise, at least for me, because I didn't suspect Joaquín of being a spy when he seemed so genuinely into Kevin). Finally, Betty & Jughead because I found their getting-together arc in s1 sweet even though I kind of? Wasn't expecting it? I thought you guys were bros? Oh well. The show spent a lot of time on them and I ended up caring a lot.
Toni: loved her immediately and was kind of disappointed that she and Jughead weren't able to restart the Red & Black because the teacher got arrested then their school got shut down. That would have been great for college applications lol but I also would have liked to see the paper come back as season 2 unfolded (how would their stories compare with Blue & Gold articles?).
Her being into true crime is something that I wish had come up more, instead of a thing she and Jughead bonded over for 5 minutes while it was relevant to the Black Hood plot and then???? Then what?
This show makes me worry about Toni so much! In s3 when she was living with Cheryl and they argued? And Cheryl threatened to kick her out? No!
Sweet Pea: a couple of times in s2 it was implied he was a hothead who always wanted to fight, but these are kids. Most of them are ready to fight someone. And I wouldn't have minded in season 2. Sweet Pea can stab a Northsider, as a treat.
Anyway, he was interesting as one of the main teen Serpents, bc he had enough influence to confidently say things like, "you're not getting the Serpent vote." Despite how inconvenient his anger was for the lead characters, he was looking out for his friends and tbh, he was right. (He was also kind of right about Jughead using them for information but holding himself separately. Jughead wasn't obligated to hang out with and like everyone, but he made friends quickly w Toni and this was her main friend group; he was going to be required to meet them sooner or later.)
Despite being the first person to WANT to fight, he mostly listens when his friends try to stop him. His friend-telepathy with Fangs is the best.
I LOVED his conversation with Josie, when he said he liked her and couldn't be casual with her anymore. That's so healthy and honest! I love him
I'm sad he disappeared, but at least I can't complain about how people treat him.
Jughead: his narration is occasionally a but much for me but that's the show, right? I loved his little aside/daydream in 1x04 about how maybe the town would rebuild the old drive-in in 100 years and wonder about them. And his narration about there being only 3 teens sitting in the booth at Pop's, the first time the main 4 all sit together.
I ID'ed so hard with him being technically part of a larger friend group even though he really only considers 2 of them his friends, also that bit early on in s1 where he's sitting in the bleachers w his laptop, alone in a crowd and unimpressed? Lol
He seems like a kid who holds a lot back to protect himself, but he keeps forgiving his dad and he was initially happy that his mom and JB came back to Riverdale. Like, he's so cynical but he just wants to belong somewhere and be accepted!
Anyway once he decides you're his people this kid does shit like: Have meals with Alice. Help set up baby showers and school dances. Get blackmailed into delivering a mysterious box for a shady lawyer. Meet with a rival gang so they can beat him to death
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Northside Serpent: Part 20
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Word count:  4591
Warnings: Anything in Season 2 episode 22
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Summary: You’re Kevin Keller’s little sister when you’re mom left to go to war and your dad started cheating (I’m making it so he’s been cheating since season 1) You started rebelling; dying your hair, getting a nose piercing, tattoo, and hanging out on the southside.
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I gasped for air and sat up. A pain went through my body and I groaned. I laid back down and groaned again in pain.
“Dad!” I heard my brother’s voice say. He moved into my field of view and had a relieved smile on his face.
“You’re okay!” He said happily and hugged me.
“Kev!” I groaned and he pulled away.
“Sorry Y/N/N…” He said and I just smiled.
“Y/N?” I heard my dad say and he had a relieved smile on his face too.
“Dad!” I said happily and he got up. He hugged me but was more careful than my brother.
“You’re alive…” He said pulling back and a tear fell down his face.
“I’m alive dad.” I said and he grabbed my hand.
“We thought you were gone…” Kevin said.
“Hey, you think I would leave? Then who the hell would annoy you?” I asked lightening the mood. He gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand.
“Same old Y/N.” He chuckled.
“Honey, you were shot. How could you joke when you almost died?” My dad asked and I sighed.
“Because I’m alive dad. You guys are alive and my friends are alive.” I answered with a smile, he shook his head.
“You took a bullet for one of those Serpents…” He said and I looked down.
“Please, can we not do this?” I asked.
“You could have died and for what? A criminal?” He asked loudly.
“They’re not criminals! They are my friends and they helped me when you were off cheating on mom!” I said annoyed.
“Come on guys, Y/N’s alive can’t we just be happy about that?” Kevin asked trying to stop the fight that was sure to break out.
“Um… are we interrupting something?” I heard Jughead say. I looked over and smiled at him and Betty.
“No, you’re not. Come on in.” I said happy to see my friends.
“Jug, what happened to you?” I asked when they walked closer.
“Long story, but pretty much I made a deal with Hiram, me for the Serpents safety.” He said and my eyes widened.
“I’m fine, how are you though? My dad told us you died…” He said and I stared at him shocked.
“What?” I asked confused.
“I told him to tell them you were dead.” My dad spoke up.
“You what?” I asked shocked.
“I thought if they thought you were dead they’d forget about you and everything would be fine.” He said and I narrowed my eyes are him.
“So Swee-”
“Where is she!?” I was cut off by the only voice I really wanted to hear.
“Sir you can’t go in there!” A nurse called.
“Fuck that! Where is my girlfriend?” He shouted and I smiled. Same old Sweet Pea.
“Juggie, could you maybe go get him and make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone?” I asked and Jughead laughed.
“You got it Quinny.” He said and walked out. He returned a minute later with Fangs, Toni, and Sweet Pea.
“Y/N!” He said and ran up to me. He engulfed me in a hug, it hurt but I honestly didn’t care. Sweet Pea was in my arms and I couldn’t be happier.
“You’re alive.” He said pulling back and he had tears in his eyes.
“I’m alive.” I said placing my hand on his cheek.
“I thought I lost you…” He said and a tear fell down his cheek.
“It’ll take a lot more to get rid of me baby.” I said with a smile and I wiped his tears away. He shook his head and smiled.
“Don’t you ever do something stupid like that again.” He said seriously.
“I wasn’t just gonna let Fangs get shot!” I defended myself.
“Next time you better! Because if I have to listen to Sweet Pea wanting to die because he lost his world again I might just shoot myself.” Fangs joke and I couldn’t help but giggle a little. His words then registered in my head.
“Wait… You were talking about not wanting to live?” I asked him. He scratched the back of his neck and nodded.
“Without you there’s no reason to live…” He said and as sad as that was, it warmed my heart.
“Pea…” I said pulling him closer to me.
“I love you, but if anything like this ever happens again and I find out you were talking about wanting to die I will beat your ass.” I said which made Toni and Fangs laugh.
“I’m never letting anything like this happen again.” He said and I smiled.
“I love you too.” He added and kissed me. I forgot my brother and dad were in the room and our kiss was definitely more passionate than normal.
“Mmmh.” My dad cleared his throat. We pulled apart and Sweet Pea stood up but still had his arm around me.
“Dad… Can you please not do-”
“You were that worried about my daughter?” He asked and I was shocked.
“Yes sir.” Sweet Pea answered. My dad looked at us for a few moments and sighed.
“You really love each other don’t you?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yes sir.” Sweet Pea answered.
“Dad, I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time that I love him more than anything.” I said and he sighed again. He walked over to us and placed a hand on Sweet Pea’s shoulder.
“You’ll take care of her?” He asked Sweets.
“I’d give my life for her.” Sweets answered.
“Okay, I give you two permission…” My dad said and I smiled.
“Wait really?” I asked happily.
“Really honey, if you truly love him then I won’t stand in your way.” He said and I smiled like crazy.
“Thank you dad!” I said happily and pulled him in for a hug. He chuckled and pulled back.
“Just make sure she’s okay.” My dad said to Sweets and he nodded.
“I promise, she’ll be safe.” He said and I smiled up at him.
I had to spend a few days in the hospital, but after that I was cleared to go back to school. I just needed to take it easy. My dad didn’t want me going back so soon, but I convinced him that I should and after a while of convincing he let me go back. I got dressed in a black crop top, a red plaid skirt, black boots, and a cute denim jacket. For makeup, I put on a red lip, a mix of purple, gray, and red eyeshadow, and I left my hair down and natural.
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I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. My brother and dad looked at me and shook their head.
“Honey, don’t you think you should put something else on?” My dad asked.
“Why? My skirt covers my stitches.” I said confused and took a bit of the apple.
“But don’t you think something a little more modest would be good for you right now?” He asked and I sighed.
“Dad, I don’t want to go back to school as ‘the girl that just got shot and almost died’, I want to go back to school and make sure people know that I’m not some girl that won’t go down without a fight.” I said. My brother smirked at me and my dad just sighed.
“Honey I don’t think that’s a good idea…” He said.
“Come one dad, I think it’s fine! Besides, she had the Serpents watching her.” Kevin said and I smiled at him.
“And I’ll watch out for her too.” He added. My dad looked at us and sighed, but smiled.
“Alright, well you two better get to school.” He said and Kevin got up. He grabbed both our bags and walked outside. I hugged my dad and then ran out to meet Kevin. We got to school and went our separate ways. I went to my locker and put my stuff away. I went to my classes and didn’t get to see Sweet all day, it sucked. After school I went to my locker to get my stuff, when Sweet Pea walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
“Hey baby.” I said smiling up at him.
“Hey, you look amazing. But don’t you think you should have worn something a little less sexy?” He asked.
“Ya know, my dad asked me the same thing.” I smirked.
“And what’d you say to him?” He asked.
“I told him that I didn’t want people seeing me as the girl that almost died and that I’m a bad bitch.” I said and he smirked.
“And you used those exact words?” He asked.
“Maybe not that exact words but pretty much.” I said and he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed me, but Toni just had to come and ruin it.
“Hey lovebirds!” He called and Sweet groaned.
“Topaz really?” He said annoyed.
“Yes really, we need to go talk to Jughead.” She said and I looked at her confused.
“Oh right…” He said.
“What about?” I asked and they looked at me.
“Why don’t you come with us?” He asked and I nodded.
“Okay.” I said and closed my locker. The three of us walked into the Serpents club room. I took a seat on one of the desk and Sweet Pea stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me. Toni came and stood next to us, Jughead was leaning against the desk.
“So this is how it ends, huh? Not with a whimper, but with a memo from Weatherbee.” Jug said and tossed the piece of paper to the side.
“Huh?” I asked confused and looked up at Sweet Pea, he avoided my gaze.
“Riverdale High is now suddenly overcrowded. So, starting next week, all former Southside High students will be bussed to Seaside High, which is two hours away.” Toni said and my eyes widened.
“Meaning, he blames us for trashing the school during riot night.” Sweet Pea said annoyed.
“Well, to be fair, Sweet Pea, you did.” Jughead said and I looked up at him again.
“You trashed the school?” I asked and he sighed.
“Maybe a little…” He sighed.
“A little? You went on a rampage because as you said, a Northsider put Y/N in the hospital clinging to life.” Toni said.
“You trashed the school because of me?” I asked and he sighed.
“What’s our play, Jones? Do we have one?” He asked ignoring the question.
“I don’t know anymore, guys. I can’t keep fighting for a gang that doesn’t exist.” He said with a sigh.
“Well, what about us? Or any of the other Serpents at the Wyrm?” Toni asked.
“What Serpents at the Wyrm?” Jug asked. Instead of answering him Toni got up and walked out.
“Are we supposed to follow her or…?” Jughead asked and I rolled my eyes.
“Yes you idiot.” I said and hopped off the desk. Toni hopped on her bike, Jughead on his and Sweet Pea on his. I got on the back of Sweet’s and held on tight. He didn’t go as fast as he normally did, which was shocking. We were the last ones there. When we got there they lead Jughead and I inside, we saw a good amount of Serpents basically living there.
“What happened?” I whispered to Sweet Pea.
“Most of Sunnyside trailer park got burnt down…” He whispered back and my eyes widened.
“So you’re living here?” I asked shocked and he nodded.
“I don’t understand.” Jughead said before I could say anything more to my boyfriend.
“You saw what the Ghoulies did to most of Sunnyside.” Toni said.
“A lot of Serpents couldn’t afford to leave Riverdale. So we came here.” Sweets said.
“Does my dad know about this?” Jug asked. Toni and Sweet Pea just looked at each other. Jughead stormed home and I just stayed with Toni and Sweets. I looked and saw Fangs and ran to hug him.
“There’s my savior.” He said with a chuckle.
“You can pay me back over time.” I smirked.
“I owe you so much Quinny.” He said with a smile.
“You trying to steal my girl Fangs?” Sweets asked walking over with Toni.
“Hey, if she wants to be with the better man, who am I to stop her?” Fangs joked and put his arm around me.
“Yeah, why do you think I save his life Pea?” I asked playing along, his face dropped.
“What?” He asked not getting the joke. I shot up and walked over to him.
“Sweets, we’re joking! I would never leave you!” I said and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and pulled me closer.
“I know you are babe.” He said and I glared up at him.
“That’s not fair!” I said and they all laughed. Toni’s phone rang and she walked off to take it.
“Who do you think it is?” Fangs asked.
“Cheryl, did you see the smile she got?” I said with a smirk.
“Yeah she’s totally head over heels for her.” Fangs said with a smirk.
“We gotta go.” Toni said before anyone could say anything back to Fangs.
“What? Why?” Cheryl just called me, there’s gonna be a raid here.” She said and everyone’s eyes widened.
“How much time do we have?” Sweets asked.
“I don’t know, her and Jughead are on their way.” She said and we nodded. We started gathering things. Everyone stopped when Jughead, Cheryl, and Archie walked through the doors.
“Take only what you absolutely need, and what you can carry with you. We need to move quickly and quietly. Sheriff Minetta’s forces are all over the Southside and they’re looking for our blood. If we want our skulls to remain uncracked, we have to go undetected.” Jughead said.
“Go where? There’s nowhere safe.” Sweet Pea said.
“We’ve been offered asylum on the Northside.” He answered and everyone moved to finish getting their things. Sweet Pea pulled me to the side and he had worry written all over his face.
“Babe, I think you should go home…” He said, but I shook my head.
“No way, I’m going with you guys. My dad knows I’m here and he knows what’s going on. He said as long as I stay safe I can be with you and the Serpents whenever.” I said and he sighed.
“But I don’t know if it’s going to be safe Y/N, I can’t lose you again…” He said and a tear escaped his eye. I moved my hand to his cheek and wiped it away.
“Sweets, you’ll never lose me. But I am doing this with you because I can’t lose you.” I said and he sighed again.
“Okay, but stay close to me this time, please?” He said and I nodded with a smile.
“I’ll stick to you like glue.” I said and he smiled.
“Come on lovebirds, we have to go!” Toni called with a smirk. Sweet Pea grabbed my hand and his bag and we left to sneak to the Northside. The cops were everywhere and we were walking down a street when we heard a car behind us. Everyone paused for a second but then ran when we heard the sirens growing closer. Sweets pulled me with him and wrapped his arm around me to get me closer to him. He was worried, I could tell. Even if he wasn’t showing it, I knew he was. We finally made it to the bridge that leads to the Northside when Jughead paused and looked back. All the Serpents did.  They were losing their home all because of where they grew up, it’s not like they had a choice in the matter. I wanted to fix this for them, but there was nothing I could do. Jughead turned back and we all continued walking. We walked all the way to Archie’s house where the Serpents were hiding out for the time being. I wanted to stay with Sweet Pea and everyone, but they told me to go home. So I did. I went home and my brother and dad were already asleep. I quietly walked up to my room and set an alarm to get up way earlier than normal so I could go to Archie’s and see how everyone was.
I got up bright and early and threw open my closet to see what I should wear. I put on a cute gray crop top, some black jeans with the knees cut out, and some cute chunky heeled boots. For makeup, I just did a dark smokey eye and my favorite red lip.
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I walked downstairs and looked through my phone, I saw I had a few text from my Serpent friends. I opened Toni’s first and saw her telling me everyone was okay and that Sweet Pea ended up cuddling with Fangs. I immediately texted her back asking if she got a picture of it, She said she did and said she’ll show me them later. Then I looked at Fang’s texts and they said that he and Sweets didn’t cuddle and Toni is lying. I laughed as I made my tea. I texted him back saying sure with a smiley face. Then I saw Sweet Pea texted me.
I smiled at the texts and finished making my tea. I grabbed an orange and quickly ate it. Right as I finished Sweet Pea pulled up in front of my house. I smiled and ran outside. He was getting off his bike and took off his helmet. He smiled at me and I hugged him. He pulled me close to him and leaned down and kissed me. It was perfect, until we heard someone clear their throat from behind us. We pulled apart and saw my dad standing there.
“Morning dad.” I said with a smile.
“Where are you going so early?” He asked with his arms crossed.
“I’m going with Sweet Pea to see the other Serpents, they were pretty much run out of the Southside…” I said nervously.
“So where are you staying?” He asked Sweets.
“Uh, Andrews’ let us stay at his.” Sweets said scratching the back of his neck.
“All of you?” He asked and Sweets nodded. My dad looked at me and I bit my lip.
“Well… if you ever need a place to stay for a few days, you’re welcome to stay here.” He said and I looked at him shocked.
“Are you serious dad?” I asked and he smiled.
“Yes honey.” He answered.
“So what is he gonna stay in my room?” I asked and my dad shook his head.
“No, he can stay with Kevin.” He said and I shook my head.
“So my brother can steal my boyfriend? No way!” I said.
“He’s not my type!” I heard Kevin shout from inside, which made everyone laugh.
“Then your type sucks!” I shouted back and Sweets chuckled.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Dad said.
“Fineee…” I said and he smiled.
“Go, but you better not skip school.” He said and I smiled.
“We won’t!” I said and Sweet Pea got on his bike. He handed me his helmet and I put it on. I got on the back and held him tight. I waved goodbye to my dad and we were off. We got to Archie’s place and it was packed. Archie’s dad was making breakfast for everyone and he looked happy.
“Hey Y/N, can I get you anything?” He asked.
“No thank you Mr. Andrews.” I smiled and he nodded.
“Do you want some help?” I asked him and He smiled.
“No thanks Y/N, but thank you for the offer.” He said and I nodded.
“Hey finally you guys got here!” Fangs said walking up with Toni, Jughead, and Archie.
“Sorry, my dad wanted to talk to us.” I said.
“Everything good?” Archie asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, he actually offered to let Sweet Pea stay over.” I smiled
“What? Really?” Fangs asked shocked.
“Yeah, I guess he’s pretty cool with Sweets now.” I said.
“Anyway, we have a plan to keep Southsiders at Riverdale High.” Jughead said.
“ What is it?” I asked. Jughead and Archie just smirked at each other.
When we got to school and gathered everyone up. Jughead and the Serpents, with the help of Archie and I, handed some people a Serpent jacket. We all stood in the hall just outside of Weatherbee’s office. He walked out and was shocked, but also annoyed.
“What’s the meaning of this?” He asked.
“It’s a show of support, sir. For the Southsiders who are being wrongly transferred out of our school.” Archie said.
“We’re all prepared to walk out.” I added and Sweet Pea placed his hand on my shoulder.
“Any student who walks out better keep walking, because they’ll be expelled.” Weatherbee said.
“Then you’ll have an empty school.” I said with a bit of sass and Jughead covered my mouth.
“You’re a good man, Principal Weatherbee. You’re not the kind of person who discriminates. And if you are, then expel me. Because I don’t want to be apart of that.” Archie said saving it. Weatherbee looked at all of us.
“Everyone, get to class.” He said then walked back into his office. Everyone walked away and Sweet Pea pulled me to him.
“You know, you look very hot in a Serpent jacket.” He said with a smirk.
“It is a really nice jacket.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
“How about we make it official?” He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Wait, are you asking me to join the Serpents?” I asked and he smiled.
“Would that be so bad?” He asked.
“No, but my dad…” I said.
“We can work it out, but I really want you to be my Serpent gal.” He said and I smirked.
“I would love that Sweets.” I answered and he smiled. He pulled me in for a kiss and I giggled at how happy he was. Later that day we were all voting for class President. All of us were voting for Archie. The next day everyone was in the student lounge waiting for the results. I was sitting in Sweet Pea’s lap and he was sneakily kissing my neck, he was in a very touchy mood today.
“Attention, Riverdale High students.” Weatherbee said over the PA.
“The results of your student council election are in.” He said and everyone stood up.
“And your new student body President is…” He paused.
“Archie Andrews!” He said and everyone cheered.
“In unrelated news, for the foreseeable future, all former Southside High students will remain at Riverdale High. That is all.” He said and everyone cheered. I got off Sweet Pea, which made him stand up and I pulled him down for a kiss. I heard someone take pictures, but I really didn’t care. My love wasn’t leaving me and I couldn’t be happier.
After school the Serpents were going to Sweetwater River to celebrate them still being alive and well. Jughead invited us and I of course was going, and Cheryl was going for Toni. I was hanging out with Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Jughead when FP whistled to get everyone attention.
“Listen up now! Hey, listen up!” He shouted, the music turned off and everyone looked at him.
“Some 60 years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same Riverbanks. And it makes sense that this is where we gather now, Where I…” He paused and we all stared at him.
“Where I say my goodbye. Jughead, would you step up here, son?” He said. We all looked at him confused, but Jughead got up and stood next to his dad.
“I’m retiring from the Serpents. For real this time.” He said and everyone started talking, no one was happy about this.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa… But my boy, my boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it. That’s why I’m giving you the mantle.” He said to Jughead and everyone cheered.
“And now, as your first official duty as Serpent King…” He said and and motioned to Toin. She walked up to him with a bag and pulled out a red Serpent Jacket. FP handed it to Jughead and everyone cheered as he walked off the little stage.
“Alright, alright.” Jughead said quieting everyone.
“All I can say is, I love you dad.” He said and I smiled, I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I blinked them away… what can I say, I’m a bit of a sap.
“And the Serpents will not die out. No on my watch.” He said and everyone cheered. I watched as Cheryl took off her jacket and handed it to Toni. She walked up to Jughead and he helped her put on her new Serpent Jacket. Cheryl walked back over to Toni and they kissed.
“Awww, they’re so cute.” I said looking at my friends.
“That’s not all!” Jughead said and everyone quieted down again.
“I wasn’t the only one that almost died for the Serpents! Y/N Keller took a bullet for Fangs and we all thought she died! She took a bullet for him and she’s not even one of us!” He said and everyone cheered. I looked at him confused and then up at Sweet Pea and Fangs. They just smiled at me.
“Toni.” Jughead said and I looked over to see Toni pulling out another red Serpent Jacket. She handed it to Jughead and he smiled at me.
“Y/N, come on up.” He said and I looked at him shocked. Sweet Pea pushed me to get up and I looked back at him. Sweet Pea and Fangs nodded at me to go and I smiled. I walked up to him and he helped me same as he did with Cheryl. He smiled at me and everyone cheered once again. I hugged him and then ran back to Sweet Pea. He hugged me and lifted me up, being careful of my stitches. He gave me the biggest kiss and when it was over he pulled back, he had the biggest smile on his face.
“I love you Y/N.” He said and I smiled at him.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea.” I said.
We were in the school gym watching Archie officially become class President. The Vixens had just got done and Weatherbee was about to speak.
“Students, faculty and staff, before we inaugurate Archie Andrews in as our new student council President, please rise for our national anthem.” He said and everyone stood up. We put our hands over our hearts and Josie got up to sing. Archie was smiling at us and we smiled back, he was so happy. Suddenly the door opened and we watched as Sheriff Minetta walked in with some other cops and arrested Archie.
“Sheriff Minetta, what are you doing?” Archie asked.
“Archie Andrews, you’re under arrest for the murder of Shadow Lake resident, Cassidy Bullick.” He said.
“What? I didn’t kill him-”
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. Yout have the right to an attorney…” He continued to list off the rights and we all watched in shock.
“Hey! Let him go!” I shouted and went to go run, but Sweet Pea held me back. We watched as our friend was lead out of the school in handcuffs…
Tag list: @54fangirl @southsidehufflepuff @xrosesareredx @cvvlxx @skeletalwolfcat @demigodofthesun @depressed-octopods-art @nalayrene @yourfavouritefuckup @staygoldsquatchling02 @sataninsatin @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke @dark-night-sky-99 @aframeofbones @jojokoko0717 @nixdunbarhale @wanderlust-and-poetry @theyouthfulmoon @seasiren96 @nixdunbarhale2 @misskarynie @emo-godess-loves-you @a--smallgirlinabigworld @ohlookmybed @everheart12 @sailorsolar12 @screamxqueenx94 @sweetpeas-serpent-princess @genius2050 @dylpickles1267 @notreallyamundi @xdsockmonkey @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @marveloverdcsstuff @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @camiconfessions @thecaptainsgingersnap @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @mysticrebelwerewolf @tht1wrdo @thegirlallthebadguyswant @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 
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perfectly-twisted · 7 years
2017 TV Show Thoughts - Not Including Stranger Things Season 2
**Waiting until finals are over to watch season 2 of Stranger Things but I have a feeling it would’ve been/will be in my favorite category anyway because I LOVE the show
***THESE ARE MY OPINIONS FEEL FREE TO DISAGREE! Even if a show disappointed me this past season doesn’t mean I won’t still give it a chance in the future!
****For TV Show that aired over the Fall- I have not watched ANY of the new episodes/season with the exception of my #1 favorite tv show of 2017
Disappointing Tv Seasons/Series:
5.  The 100 - Season 4
It was sad because we lost so many amazing characters in season 3, but season 4 for the most part things didn’t heat up (pun intended) until last 3-4 episodes, which was the best part of the season. The season as whole wasn’t that great and we did lose one of my favorite characters (again) but it wasn’t the worst, it was still somewhat entertaining.....    
4. Girl Meets World - Season 3 & Series Finale
WARNING SPOILERS: The once funny/goofy show fell hard on season 3, with stupid plot twists and being super cliché when it came to the “ships” of the show it just wasn’t that great. Very disappointing. They dumbed down Riley and here I thought they were going to do a whole deep storyline about how she was acting more childish because she was scared of the idea of growing up after high school, but nope, even when the writers talked about what they were planning if they got another season, it wasn’t there! And don’t get me started on the whole Maya becoming Riley “twist” which made NO sense to me. I think I can count the amount of good episodes of this season on 1 hand. Since this show was based on Boy Meets World I was expecting SO much more, but then again maybe it shouldn’t have been on Disney to start with.
 3. Supergirl - Season 2 
It was honestly just bland, but the show needed to get it’s footing now that it’s on the CW, but I was just barreling through the episodes waiting for the good part and that didn’t really happen. I also didn’t care for/about Kara & Mon El (Even though I loved Chris Wood since I first saw him on TVD back in season 6) which was a huge part of the season. The only good additions to the season was Tyler Hoechlin (loved him from Teen Wolf) , Katie McGrath (LOVED her since Merlin) and giving James SOMETHING to do, aside from being a once love interest. 
 2. The Flash - Season 3
It felt like a “been there, done that” season, yet ANOTHER speedster villain as the big bad… The reveal took too long and was disappointing. Flashpoint was a waste but it’s great as a loophole for the writers to explain something that doesn’t make sense, just blame it on Flashpoint…  The two parts of the season don’t seem to flow together and the season finale was very disappointing due to the fact that it was basically a combination of the season 1 & 2 finale. Iris West was basically just a plot device this season, so disappointing. HR, Cisco, Joe and Wally were the best characters this season. 
1. Pretty Little Liars - Season 7 & Series Finale
WOW. JUST WOW. I have loved this show since the first season and read most of the books, so I was ready for an epic and well deserved ending….But I was horribly wrong. This season and the finale was just SO DISSAPPOINTING. We got a half assed ending, which we only got because the original A.D. actor couldn't stay long for the finale (seriously that’s why they didn’t go another route) and they pulled a plot twist THAT THEY USED BEFORE ON OTHER CHARACTERS in the show and was one of the major plot twists from the books. The fanbase is VERY VOCAL when the writers do something they don’t like, so it felt like everything became fanservice to please fans and everything just didn’t make sense anymore. If you thought the Gossip Girl ending was bad, just don’t watch this. To quote Emily “I WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON YOU”   
Overhyped TV Shows:
5. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Season 1
As a fan of the books I just didn’t enjoy the show as much as other people, I mostly had to power through the episodes to finish it. I was mostly cringing when I watched it. With the show coming out on Netflix in January with only 8 episodes, it took me about 4-5 months to finish them. I just didn’t enjoy it. I was expecting something different, and I have an open mind if I don’t like a show at first but I couldn’t get over this. If there’s another season I may watch it due to curiosity, but I’ll try to go into a new season with different perspective. 
4.  Young & Hungry - Season 5
They recycle the “will they, won’t they” storyline too much and makes the chase for the couple that you’re supposed to want to get together just unbearable to watch. The only good parts of this show is when Sofia and/or Yolanda are on the screen. Still sad Young & Sofia didn’t get picked up; Gabi is much better and more interesting as a side character. I mostly watch this show now when I’m bored or need to laugh. 
3. The Fosters - Season 5
CAN THIS SHOW JUST END?! I do admit I watch the new seasons when it comes on Netflix and loved this show when it first started but now it’s just another show where they’re recycling storylines between characters. Between replacing actors, boring storylines, no character development for most of the “kids or teens”, and just reaching for more or wildly odd drama is just too much for me. Stef and Lena are the only characters I like now. 
2. Riverdale - Season 1
It’s a good show, I like most of the cast and the actors are good. I do like  and very much enjoy Riverdale, but it’s becoming larger than life and the hype has just been too much for me, personally. I do still recommend it, but it’s not the best thing since sliced bread, you know what I mean? I will probably watch season 2 after finals when they go on hiatus. 
1. 13 Reasons Why - Season 1
Okay, you knew this was probably coming with the overhype title. I really loved this show, it’s just with all the hype around it and it getting renewed for an unnecessary season 2 is the final nail in the coffin for me. (pun not intended) Hannah’s story has been told and they could’ve easily made a 2 hour movie to end the cliff hangers from season 1 instead of milking the show that was supposed to raise awareness. I don’t think I will be watching season 2, but who knows. 
Favorite TV Seasons/Series:
9. Baby Daddy - Season 6 & Series Finale
I enjoyed this season, it was just as funny and entertaining as others. Everything was just tied up in a little bow as the “perfect” ending. I would’ve liked to see just one more season from this show to feel fully satisfied. I am sad that this show didn’t get renewed because it’s “competitor” Young & Hungry just recycles the same relationship storyline and gets renewed.
8. Switched at Birth - Season 5 & Series Finale
Let me just say that I’m biased towards Bay, she is by far my favorite character on this show and I have loved (almost) all of her storylines and this season was no different, we really got to see her and Daphne mature. It was a great ending to the series, I just wish they would’ve been able to get 20-22 episodes for the season to finish up some other characters storylines in more than just 5 minutes. But hey, at least they made sure everything and everyone had an ending. I also appreciate how they tackle more serious subjects with racism this season, it was so different that subjects that they have discussed in the past.
7. Legends of Tomorrow - Season 2
This season just got wacky and random but I really loved it. Nate and Amaya were great additions to the team and it was great to see Sara as captain. She did do a much better job than Rip. I also liked the character development for Mick, one of the best developments from the Arrowverse. They also brought in some great villains this season as well. Only complaint: USE FIRESTORM MORE THE HE’S AWESOME AND MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYONE ON THAT SHOW. I will be catching up on all the DCTV shows after finals as well. 
6. The Originals - Season 4
I just enjoy this show so much, there was A LOT less romance this season which was great! We really got to dive more into Vincent’s (who is one of the best characters) past as well as learn more about the werewolves. I loved that they brought back some characters this season. I also like how they sorta tribute horcruxes from Harry Potter in the finale with the main cast. (The solution very much reminded me personally, of horcruxes). I’m just not ready for this show to be over because season 5 will be the last season. 
5. Arrow - Season 5
After the DISASTER that was season 4 this season finally restored my faith in Arrow, the villain this season was not the most powerful, but was the most effective and really made Oliver come to his breaking point. On top of that they revealed the big bad identity to the audience first and I personally love seeing the villain unmasked playing our heroes in the daylight without them knowing it. 
4. Prison Break - Seasons 1-5
Just an amazing show, I finished it so fast. There’s great character development and great actors. I still think the first season is the best, there’s a few plot twists that I don’t really understand, but it might be because I didn’t get a chance to watch the revival this year. But I’m ready to binge the original series again! (I was unable to watch the season/revival that aired this year)
3. The Vampire Diaries - Season 8 & Series Finale
WARNING SPOILERS: They brought out all the stops they could think of for this season, between shocking and sometimes unfair deaths to bringing back characters for one last victory lap this season didn’t disappoint. To be nitpicky I would’ve loved to see Nina Dobrev for more than just 1 episode, have Stelena be endgame due to Nina and Ian’s lack of chemistry, and Bonnie get something a little bit better than traveling the world. In the end though I really liked how all of my favorite characters ended up being happy and that Bonnie didn’t die, plus I’m ready for Klaroline on The Originals.
2. Reign - Season 4 & Series Finale
 If you’re looking for a historically accurate, to the books tv show then this isn’t for you. I had to get over that when I decided to pick this show back up this year. I binged it from start to end when season 4 arrived on Netflix and my opinions completely changed. I watch shows and movies to check out of my reality for a little while and this show just really grabbed me, plus when events don’t go historically accurate, I have the need to look up how they really went. I think this show needed one more season, but due to the lower ratings they couldn’t pull it off. Considering that they were told only a few weeks before filming their season 4 finale that it was actually going to be their series finale they pulled it off way better than other shows that ended this year. I have to give props to the writers on this one for actually KNOWING where they wanted their characters to end up at the end of the series in advance. 
1. The Good Place - Season 1
I CAN’T STOP WATCHING IT. It’s forking hilarious! (If you watch the show you’ll get it) I love all of the actors and their characters are all so different and funny. Each character has their own unique sense of humor. Also when they tell you things that can people sent to the bad place is hilarious! I hope to get so many more seasons of this show. Such an underdog on tv right now, I can see this show going to the same level of HIMYM or Friends. Because of the twist I can’t give away too many details, but you won’t regret watching it! 
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I was really into RIVERDALE in the first season and i still love bughead and sprouseheart really a lot but this season was disappointed, a lot of scenarios and dialogue seems made of just to satisfy the fans but in a cringe way for me, and my love for the show is kinda not the same... Maybe is just me that is not enjoying it that much anymore or seeing it in that way? I’m curious how you see the way the producers are directing the show know (?) Love your tumblr btw ^^
I share a lot of your thoughts and I can assure you're not the only one having problems with season 2. I myself have tried to understand what the producers/ directors are doing to the show, and it was only after thinking A LOT that I managed to find an answer that comforted me.
You see, Season 1 was just perfect. It was a new show with that noir vibe we all fell in love with, and it was all too virginal. When season 1 aired, all the eps were already filmed and there was absolutely no fan influence. It was theirs before it was ours, and in my opinion, that's why the first season was so beautiful and so perfect.
Nothing was forced and nothing was rushed. They had all the time to follow that one idea and all the mystery surrounding Jason's death, and that certain simplicity and freshness made everything fit into its own place. Bughead happened in that beautiful, truthful and even simple way, and I believe that's one of the biggest reasons why the ship became so popular.
Season 1 had it all, and all those pools and awards showed everyone that what they had in hands was a mine of success that could and would be explored in a second season.
The renovation of the series came with a lot of expectations, and even if the cast and the staff said the audience would have no influence in the future of the series, it's impossible not to be affected by what we say around here and on twitter. Riverdale, apart from all the love and dedication from the entire cast and crew, is still a something that makes money because of its audience. They have to keep us interested so we keep watching and keep the numbers up for as long as it's possible. They will follow their story, of course, but they will also take every chance to explore the things we, fans, love. And don't take it as something bad, no. It's just the way it is.
So, with all that said, we now have Season 2, with 22 episodes and basically with the recipe for success already tested and approved in season 1. They just needed to find a new mystery- which they easily did, with the Black Hood- and follow from where things left out. Theoretically speaking, it should be a piece of cake for such a talented staff. They had another crime for the kids, the most popular ships were together, and they could simply left things like that while they all focused on the whole angel of death thing.
It would've been simpler and it would've probably worked out just as fine as season 1. However, that was where they kinda screwed up. Because unlike season 1, where everything ended up surrounding Jason's death, season 2 started with a bunch of plots that had no connection and that proved themselves to be way too much for a bunch of high school kids.
All those plots had a lot of potential. Jughead as a serpent, North Vs South, the Red circle, Hiram in town, Betty's fight, Toni Topaz and the list goes on... All those stories could've been tied together, but instead of focusing on the small additions to the new season, they kept adding and adding until there was just TOO MUCH for them to handle. They forgot a bunch of stuff, changed the characters they created in season 1 and it was as if a bomb was dropped in Riverdale. And still, to add up even more, we had all that unnecessary drama between the ships that, unlike season 1, now play an essential role to the main story, whatever the hell that main story is.
There's nothing tying the knots anymore. Nothing that acts like a center to all the madness around the show, and it's as if they're all just writing a bunch of plot bunnies and trying to make it work. Sometimes, it does. Sometimes, it's just a chaotic mess that pisses the fans that fell in love with Season 1 and only creates more problems for them to solve in the future ( Cam Girl Betty being the best example for this).
But now, after I basically said all those stuff that pissed me off in season 2, you would say I'm about to give up on Riverdale and go flood RAS' twitter account because of that, right? Wrong. 
2A was really a mess and no one will ever disagree with me. It was a mess and it was too rushed (even for Riverdale). There was a bunch of unnecessary drama (yes, I'm talking about the J*paz and B*rchie kisses) and a lot of other stuff I won't be listing right now. Still, I think they've finally realized their mistakes. 
I think that all that was broken in 2A can (and hopefully) will be rebuilt in 2B. We've already had some really nice eps that brought back the old Riverdale feeling, with communicative Bughead, and stuff that made the characters walk forward instead of going back to where they all started. The staff realized the mess they've made, and if anything, last episode was their way of admitting it to us, the audience (They literally took the core 4 out of Riverdale so they could just get over that whole crap between the ships, so... yeah, It felt like a way to make a new start).
I was personally having a lot of issues with season 2. I was having anxiety attacks every Wednesday and it made me feel really sad when I actually got relieved that my favorite show would be on a break for so long back in December. But now, I'm feeling more confident about the whole thing. I feel like things will go back to how they were supposed to be from the start, and we will all be able to enjoy Riverdale again. So don't quit. We have a job as supportive fans here :)
And even if I'm wrong, well, at least we can always stick around just for our beloved Bughead and our tumblr family.
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stayupnaddie · 7 years
TV Series I’ve Seen Since January 2017
o   Riverdale Season 1 – I’ve planned on watching this series since the first time I heard they we’re making it. I love the Archie Comics and it’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with reading, plus I started liking my name because of the character Veronica (yes, I’m a 22 year old named Veronica. It was harder to accept having an old person’s name when I was younger but 22 year old me loves it because I love a lot of retro things.) I love the cast; I was really having second thoughts if they can pull off the characters I love so much specially KJ Apa as Archie but they are amazing. Obviously a lot of things are changed from the comics but I’m okay with that. At the first couple of episode I was really technical about it because I was constantly comparing the series from the comics but once I stopped doing that, I really enjoyed it. I was really weird out with Miss Grundy and dark Betty and Cherryl’s parents and basically Archie being a fuck boy, but I love everything else. Specially Bughead!!! I was kind of sad that they removed aro-ace Juggy but him and Betty together is a phenomenon! I love them, and Cole is perfect for Jughead. Totally going to watch season two this October!
o   A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1 – I love this series! I’ve seen the movie back in 2014 and it’s still one of my favorite movies until today, but I’ve never really read the books. (I’m actually in the middle of reading The Bad Beginning but I’ also reading three other books lmao.) I think the series is more faithful with the book than the movie was but I don’t really want to compare the movie with the series because I love them both so much. The casting is great and don’t even get me started with Violet’s clothes! I love Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf but most of the time I feel like I’m just watching Barney Stinson. (I love him in HIMYM and I can’t unsee Barney.) The part with the Mother and Father really kind of confused me because I was fairly sure that the Baudelaire’s parents were dead and the series actually made me think that maybe they were going with that story line? Like maybe the parents are really alive? But lol the show trolled me. Loved season 1 so much, I can’t wait for season 2!
o   13 Reasons Why Season 1 – I’ve read the book the year it came out and I remember liking it a lot. I read it in a day because it was a really fast paced book and because of that I was kind of skeptical with how they’re gonna turn it into a series. I think they did an amazing job. I watched the series in a day. Of course I was comparing everything from the book but I like the changes they made. I know they had to drag it out so it can be made into 13 episodes but I was also kind of pissed at Clay because he’s going through it soooo sowly. And book Clay really just stayed out of the way while tv series Clay was all over the place. I’m okay with it though, because I think that was the right thing do. I really loved it and I told all of my friends to watch it. I hated the “Hannah is overly sensitive” comments because they obviously don’t understand what Hannah was going through and it’s just sad that they had to judge her like that. I loved season 1, but I’m not sure if I’m going to watch season 2 because I kind of think that it doesn’t need a season 2….. But still, never say never!
o   Shannara Chronicles Season 1 – I really like this series, I think it’s underrated and I wish a lot more people (that I know) would watch it (I actually asked them to, but no one ever did. Lol.) so I can talk about it with them. I wanted to read the book but the writing style is hard for me to go through. I don’t really know what else to say except that I loved it and I’m still waiting for season 2 news because I’m totally going to watch it!
o   Game of Thrones Season 1-7 – I know, I know. I’m super late for this. My friends from work had been bugging me for a year before I finally gave in and watched it and oh my god did I love it hard core. I finished 6 seasons within two weeks, exactly the day before the first episode of season 7 came out and it was a fantastic experience. I also lowkey hate my friends because they spoiled me with all the major deaths. =)) Tyrion is my favorite character, I love him and he’s my son. I will protect him with everything I have. I love the Starks and of course Sansa pissed me off big time but I’m cool with her now. (Season 7 episode 7 Sansa rules!!) I obviously ship Dany and Jon even before the Dany x Jon S07E07 happened. I love and hate Cersei, she’s just such a good evil b*tch that I really admire her and respect her for it and I love to hate her. Talking about GoT with my friends is also amazing, all of us are just crazies and it is fun to be crazy about something together. (Which I actually hope I could do with them about books too but they don’t like reading. Well, I’m kind of influencing a friend of mine but so far he’s only reading contemporary books.) Definitely going to watch season 8 so I feel with/for everyone who’s dying because of the long wait for winter!!!!
o   Shadowhunters Season 2 – I don’t know what to say about this series. I hate it, it’s just so bad but I also cannot stop watching it because The Mortal Instruments are my favorite series of all time. I just can’t believe everything they’re doing with the show. Although I like the actors/actresses, they just aren’t the characters and I’ll never get pass that. I have a lot of hard feelings and rants about this show (I’m really sorry if you like it!!!) and maybe I’ll just do another post about it. Am I going to watch the next season? I’m not really sure.
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