#like accidentally? and why is he so so loyal to izuku? is it really just a way to atone his character when he is already loved by fans?
angy-grrr · 3 months
I really dont know what hori has planned for the next chapters n the evolution of the characters I talk about 99% -is himiko alive? if so, where is she? why the mystery surrounding her character? if she is dead, is that why ochako is acting like her old self?
Is ochako actually, genuinely doing good and happy? is her conclusion going to involve a love confession and end up with deku after all of that? did she lie to himiko? how is she copying with it all?
Is izuku thinking of leaving UA again? Will he get a new quirk? Will he get support as a quirkless hero? what is he thinking about? what about his feelings, why the mystery?
What about katsuki? why is he able to do so so much after dying? is his heart going to be okay? what will his future as a hero look like with heart problems and an explosive quirk? What does he feel for izuku, why does he get all the classic love interest tropes?
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makeste · 3 years
ok but fr the. fact that there's still so much stuff SUS about her. + the fact that she has now been the one to fetch deku and reveal the traitor, meaning she should now be someone that is Very Trusted. it puts her in a perfect place to (invisibly) backstab later (perhaps literally) so u know (puts on clown wig and nose) HERE'S HOW TRAITOR HAGAKURE CAN STILL WIN -
lol I received quite a few asks like this. I feel kinda bad because I caved so quickly after being such a vocal proponent of the Hagakure Traitor theory for so long. everyone else is fighting for it so passionately and meanwhile I'm just, "wow so it was Aoyama all along haha that's wild" and ready to move on just like that lol. I'm trying to avoid a sunk cost fallacy, but idk, maybe I'm trying a little too hard.
I really do think there's a 95% chance that Aoyama really is it, and all of the Hagakure stuff has just been a super-elaborate red herring this whole time. but that said, supposing we just say "fuck it" for a sec, and talk about that 5% possibility.
basically, as far as I can tell, it is still possible for Hagakure to be a traitor as well. basically it would mean things played out something like this:
AFO commissions Ujiko to create HighEndNoumu!Hagakure as a spy to plant among his enemies. (at this point, if Hagakure really is a traitor, I'm all in on Noumu!Hagakure because the theory hinges on Hagakure actually being loyal to AFO, unlike Aoyama.)
AFO learns that All Might is planning on taking up a teacher position at U.A., and immediately takes steps to get Hagakure accepted and enrolled at U.A. as a student.
at the same time, he "encourages" Aoyama's parents to have Yuuga apply to U.A. as well. always smart to have contingencies for your contingencies.
Yuuga does in fact get accepted into U.A., so AFO decides to hold Hagakure in reserve for now, and test Yuuga's usefulness by having him steal the teacher schedule for them.
at the same time, AFO puts Hagakure's spy expertise to good use by having her spy on Yuuga to ensure that he's holding up his end of the bargain. so Hagakure follows him to make sure he takes the schedule (hence why she's absent that day), and keeps tabs on him at USJ (hence why her location is unverified) and at Kamino -- but at Kamino she accidentally gets taken out by Mustard's poison gas. and consequently she never learns about Momo's tracker, or the heroes' rescue plan -- and she doesn't realize that Aoyama betrayed AFO by not telling him about either.
once AFO is imprisoned, both Aoyama and Hagakure are put in spy limbo since they both report to him and not to Tomura. Hagakure continues to maintain her cover, and assumes that Aoyama is doing the same.
HOWEVER, once AFO breaks out of Tartarus and Hagakure notices Aoyama's abrupt change in demeanor, she realizes his loyalty may be in doubt after all, and starts keeping closer tabs on him than ever, leading up to this scene where she just happens to stumble across him out in the woods.
now here's where things start to get interesting (and a little convoluted lol). up until this point, I think this theory is actually pretty plausible. however, once we get to the scene in 336 with her watching Aoyama's meltdown, we actually get to see her thoughts. so that means she must be innocent, right? she can't exactly be lying if she's not even saying any of this stuff out loud.
however there is precedent for Horikoshi misleading us with a character's thoughts before, and that's with Katsuki back in chapter 275. there was a deliberate attempt to mislead us into thinking that Katsuki was only following Izuku into battle for selfish reasons. we got to see Katsuki's thoughts about being determined to keep up with Deku, but Horikoshi sneakily placed them in the context of Katsuki not wanting to lose to Deku.
fast forward nine chapters later, and we get a flashback revealing Katsuki's actual motives -- he was following Deku to protect him. he was motivated to keep up with him because he needed to be able to watch his back and help him, because he was determined to atone for his past mistakes. the scene in 275 was a deliberate red herring to make us question how far he'd really come along with his character development. Horikoshi showed us just enough to make us doubt, while still keeping Katsuki in character, Obi-Wan Kenobi "from a certain point of view" style.
and so getting back now to chapter 336, here are all of Hagakure's thoughts, as translated by Viz:
ever since all the stuff in Gunga and Jakku, you've been down in the dumps. I mean, we all felt that way. but still...
I had to wonder why you haven't smiled once since Midoriya came back to us. I was just worried...
you gotta be kidding me! it can't be true!! [superimposed over flashbacks to USJ and Kamino] Aoyama...? all this time...
I've gotta find someone!! a teacher!* anyone!! [camera zooms in on Deku's wandering figure in the distance] ah!!
so obviously the way we're supposed to interpret all of this is that Hagakure was worried about Aoyama's gloomy behavior, and subsequently shocked to find out that he was the U.A. Traitor all along. she then panics, thinking she has to warn someone, and zeroes in on Deku who just happened to wander close by.
HOWEVER, while I maintain the chances of this are very slim, it IS possible to interpret all of these thoughts in a different context:
"we all felt that way" -- something that's very important to note here is that this is worded slightly differently in Japanese (where pronoun use is often optional). she doesn't actually say "watashi-tachi" (we); she says "minna" (everyone). so this could technically be interpreted as her talking about the rest of class 1-A -- "THEY all seemed pretty down" -- while excluding herself from that group.
"I have to wonder why you haven't smiled" -- "I have to wonder why you nearly blew your cover."
"you gotta be kidding me!" -- "he's been having second thoughts this whole time? he's hesitating now?"
"all this time..." -- "all this time he's been having doubts and was never fully loyal to AFO."
"I've gotta find someone! a teacher!*" -- okay so there are two things to note about this. the first is that as @hanashimas noted here, Tomura refers to AFO as "Sensei" (which is a fairly common title in Japan and applicable to a lot of things outside of academics). so there is a very small possibility that Hagakure's line here actually means "I have to warn AFO about Aoyama's hesitation/disloyalty," rather than "I have to find a teacher and let them know Aoyama is the traitor."
and the second thing to make note of is that this could all technically be an elaborate attempt at damage control. in fact, it may even be something AFO anticipated from the start -- hence why he had Hagakure keeping an eye on Aoyama this whole time. after all, Lady Nagant is proof that AFO isn't above crafting elaborate schemes that not only anticipate the possibility of his minions' betrayal, but actually HINGE on things playing out that way. he knew from the start that Nagant would waver, and planned ahead for it.
so let's assume, just for the sake of argument, that all of this wild speculation actually is true. in which case, I would expect the next couple of chapters to play out approximately like this:
Deku confronts Aoyama about his traitoring and learns that Aoyama had no choice, as AFO threatened his life (again, Nagant is a good example of how he might go about doing this; once AFO gives you a quirk, he can basically pull the trigger on you at any time) and that of his parents.
Deku, filled with teary-eyed Main Character Empathy and also thinking back to his conversation with Katsuki and Momo earlier, realizes that this actually might just the opportunity they need in order to shift the final battle odds in their favor. he convinces Aoyama to confess to Aizawa and the other U.A. faculty, and to feed false information to AFO in order to set a trap.
we then learn, in a bombshell THIRD U.A. traitor reveal, that Hagakure has been a back-up traitor all along. and having now been cleared of suspicion thanks to Aoyama outing himself, she is free to report to AFO about Aoyama's betrayal, and let him know what U.A. and the heroes are actually planning.
so yeah. plausible? yes, imo. probable, though? not very, lol. but still, for anyone who chooses to dwell in possibility, there you have it. the blueprint for how traitor Hagakure can still pull out a miracle save. and if not, let me be the first to express my congrats/condolences to poor Aoyama for winning the U.A. Traitor Sweepstakes. here's hoping you don't get yourself blown up for your trouble.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
You Like Me Not?
{ Final Part }
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Pairings : Takami Keigo ( Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing, Stalker Tendencies, Toxic Tendencies.
Word Count : 2947
Read; { Part 1 } , { Part 2 }
3rd Person's POV
A month has Passed. Yes a whole Month has passed and y/n was surprisingly doing well; in the surface at least.
Inside. Not so well but at least she's coping up a lot better than a few weeks ago where she'd often cry herself to sleep, even in the showers. The lingering pain was still haunting her like there's no tomorrow but now she's getting used to it.
After all, First love is usually the greatest and the most painful experience.
Instead of moping around and sulking, she began investing her time and effort into being a Hero. And the effort paid off greatly; her performance was improving and she's proud to say that she's on par with the top three of the class which mainly consists of Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugou.
She was finally getting the attention that she deserved, plus it takes her mind off of Keigo and his jerkass.
However, at the end of the day she felt so empty and devoid of something---someone she longs for. And she will never accept that it was Keigo she was looking for.
But she needs to stay strong and let go of those people who can't even appreciate the little things she does; she won't let them bring her down. No, not when she's finally seeing something big for her up ahead.
Unfortunate as the saying goes ; All good things will come to an end. And for y/n, that is today.
Their class was split in groups for an Activity. Y/n along with Kirishima and Mina and Izuku were paired up to patrol the busy part of the city where crimes are mostly committed.
And guess who their Hero guide is? Yup one of them is Hawks and the other one is Enchanting.
Y/n who had a smile on her face seemed calm on first approach but inside she was cussing her heart out for the terrible luck she's got.
It had to be two of her worst nightmare. How charming.
" You Kids doing fine back there? " Keigo asked, his eyes never leading the road and beside him was a bored looking enchantress.
The two were their Hero guides for today and everyone was ecstatic. Except for y/n.
" Yeah we're good! " Kirishima answered for everyone and y/n was thankful that she didn't have to exchange a few unnecessary words with Hawks.
Her attention was now caught by the Broccoli boy right next to her who was vigorously writing notes down on his notebook.
" Oh my gosh it's the Pro Hero Hawks " Izuku was becoming a mumbling mess as He continued to scribble. His pace was a beyond anyone y/n had ever seen and she was very much intrigued by Izuku's unwavering determination.
" You know Midoriya-san, you're actually really handsome up close" Y/n muttered and izuku froze on the spot; heat rising up his cheeks as he tensed. Slowly he turned to see the h/c haired girl who was smiling at him tenderly.
" I-I-I... Umm... T-Thank you Y/n-san... A-and... You're really handsome too.... W-wait I mean n-not handsome because you aren't a g-guy w-what I meant to say was... P-pretty.... You're really pretty" Izuku gushed out and as much as y/n tried to contain her laughter she couldn't keep a straight face and began laughing at Izuku's Adorable antics.
Izuku was going red due to his rising embarrassment as he began to stutter out another list of explanation why he accidentally said it.
But their little conversation didn't go unnoticed by Keigo and Enchanting.
" Wow, she moves Fast. Better try Harder Birdy. As far as I see it; she's sick of you and look she's a boy magnet. You're gonna lose if you keep this up " Enchantress casually gave her comment and Hawks gave her a narrowed look.
" Shut up miss ' I'm a hundred years old' you better hope she'll be mine by the end of the day, I've pulled a lot of strings to get her here and it ain't easy " Hawks kept a calm expression; his lips tugging up into a smirk as he continued " This was your fault to begin with. If I can't win her over today.... Well you're gonna get wrinkles starting tomorrow. I'm not a very forgiving fellow"
" We'll see Hawks... We'll see "
" Oh, we Will "
" Hey! You two lovebirds better stop flirting and Tell Kirishima here that Cats are better than Dogs! " Mina exclaimed and with how loud her voice was; she caught everyone's attention within her first attempt.
" I told you Mina, Dogs are Manly. And they earned the title of Man's Best friend. They're dedicated and Loyal but I wanna know who you guys will vote for" Kirishima replied as he glanced back at the still very flustered Izuku and A Smiling y/n.
" W-well.... I think I prefer Dogs than Cats... Sorry Mina " Izuku gave Mina an apologetic smile as Mina pouted before turning to y/n.
" Come on y/n you gotta be on my side on this one " Mina pleaded and Kirishima pulled her away.
" That's cheating Mina, don't pull the pity card on Y/n. That's so not Manly... But.. Well which do you prefer y/n? "
" Hmm... Well... I----"
" I vote for Birds. I heard Birds are very reliable companions miss y/n. I assume that you feel the same way? " Enchantress piped in and y/n gave her a raised brow but she managed to catch on to what enchantress was saying.
" Oh? Well I understand the reason why you Like Birds Enchantress; I do too... Well I used to anyways but to answer your question I prefer Dogs... Sorry Mina. I like how a Dog will be loyal to you till the very end"
" Hmm? So you're saying Birds aren't Loyal? " Enchantress chimed and y/n's chuckle made Kirishima, Mina and Izuku shudder.
Her laugh was cold and forced; her eyes landed on Enchantress and a teasing smirk was now displayed on her face.
" Well Enchantress, Upon Personal experiences... Then my Answer is No. Birds aren't Loyal at All" Everyone shivered at her response simply because y/n had took the risk of jumping straight onto a landmine. Because Hawks had a bird based Quirk.
The temperature dropped to negative and even enchantress seemed to be affected by the sudden change of the atmosphere.
" Really Now? You wound me Baby Bird " Keigo's smile was passive aggressive and y/n didn't hesitate to return it.
" Don't call me That Hawks. And stop acting like you know me"
" I'm very Hurt by your words... Especially about your opinion on Birds. I for one am very Loyal "
" Nah, I Love dogs but I also like Bunnies... Take izuku for example. He's cute, shy and smart like a Bunny. Not Cunning, Manipulative and Sly Like a... Hawk" Y/n countered as she placed her Hand on top of Izuku's Head petting him gently.
Her action made a growl rip itself from Keigo's Throat and everyone froze at his aggressive reaction.
" Sure, I may be Cunning, Manipulative and Sly... But you forgot one thing Baby Bird "
" And what is it Hawks? "
" Hawks are Birds of Prey... And They are Very Possessive " Keigo answered, his Fetagers began to Bristow and sharpen; eyes trained on y/n's figure as he slightly lowered his stance.
" Huh? Why would I need to know tha------ahhhhh! " A scream was heard as y/n disappeared from her place as well as Hawks.
Unfortunately she was brisked away by the said Hero at A speed far top fast for the human eyes to follow.
" What the!? " Kirishima , Izuku and Mina who were knocked down on the ground after the Aerial impact of the winged hero were stunned as they frantically looked around for their Female Classmate who had vanished into thin air.
" Let them Be kids " Enchantress muttered as she gestured for the teens to follow her.
" B-but--!".
" Let. Them. Be..... Seriously I don't want to have any wrinkles because of that damn Cocky Hawks .... So let them be or else "
" Hawks! Put me Down! " Y/n demanded, she was brisked away and slung onto his shoulders like a bag of potatoes and now Hawks was flying away and note that they are far from the ground.
" As you wish"
Y/n could practically feel the smirk in his voice and her heart dropped along with her body as she screamed for bloody murder because Hawks was being a Jerk and dropped her in Mid-air.
" Keiiiiigooooo! " Her scream was more of a threat and after 15 seconds of falling in Mid-air she was once again brisked away by the winged Hero who was smirking at her.
" God... I missed it so much when you used to call me by my name and not ' Hawks ' or ' Takami' " Keigo chuckled as he faced the girl who was holding onto him for dear life.
" Ah... Shit I almost died" Y/n hissed as she began shifting in her position, her legs were tightly wrapped around Keigo's Torso, her arms had snaked themselves around his neck and don't even get him started on how hard she was pushing her body against his.
" Easy baby Bird. Don't. Be too feisty with me... I might lose control " Keigo whispered bit he was met with a scowl.
" What is wrong with you? Can't you just leave me alone? If you think this is funny well it's not. I don't want to see or even hear you" Y/n spat out as her heart began pounding in her ribcage from both the adrenaline and embarrassment .
Hawks didn't answer and just gave her an intimidating glare that almost had her shrinking and burying her face on his chest.... Almost.
" Sure you don't want to see me... But really? Leeching yourself on every single boy who comes near you? You're driving me crazy Little Bird. I almost became a serial murderer because of you... Picture this... Pro hero Hawks; the first Hero to Murder a student because of Jealousy " Keigo bitterly laughed .
" Keigo... What the fuck are you saying? ---"
" I'm not done venting!, you think it's fun to mess with my head? Where the fuck were you over the past few weeks?! Seeing another man? While I stayed in my office drinking a huge load of bullshit? Driving myself crazy in that room anticipating when you'd show up again!? And now....now you have the guts to flirt with another man right in front of me " Keigo was pouring out all of his frustration right in front of her and he was far from being finished.
" For a moment there I almost considered the possibility of becoming a murderer... Just because he touched my Girl... He stole your attention away from me... I fucking waited and I resisted the urge to fucking drag you to the nearest alleyway y/n----"
" Cut to the fucking chase Keigo! "
" I Love you y/n! That's what I was trying to say Baby Bird. I Fucking Love you! " Keigo panted out and Y/n was more than speechless.
She didn't know what to feel, she didn't know how to react. After all that? And the effort she made to move on... Now... Now he's being so difficult and telling her he love her?!.
" Keigo, if you think a bullshit excuse like that is enough then you're wrong! Have you had any idea how hard and painful it was for me? How much I had to endure became I loved you? Damn well you don't and you don't have the right to slap this shit right in front of me you bastard! I cried myself to sleep and... And... You... ---" She couldn't finish her sentence when tears began to flood her eyes and was now cascading down her flushed cheeks.
She began sobbing and hitting Keigo's chest which has done absolutely zero no no damage at all.
Keigo's only response was to hold her in place and tighten his arms around her waist; letting her vent.
Of course he was awful to her. He was one hell of a fucking idiot to do this to the woman he loves.
He told her everything, it was true. He barely had any decent sleep and worked his ass off while waiting for her return. He didn't want to carry that habit of being an obsessive stalker. Of course he didn't tell her about how he had stalked her multiple times, he didn't want to scare her. But all of it was true. Including the jealousy part.
" I'm sorry Y/n....i really am--"
" Sorry ain't cutting shit you Jerk! Just when I'm moving on you stomp your way back in! "
" No y/n....don't ever move on. Stay here with me... I know this may sound toxic and shitty as fuck but hear me out... I know it hurts but bare with me... Don't move on.. Stay even if it hurts.. Don't leave me and give me every thing of who you are... No matter how painful it is "
" You selfish prick! Do you realize how greedy you sound! You fucking maniac! "
" I know! I know... But all my life I've been deprived of everything I actually wanted.. I was told to be this and not that... I never had the chance to actually have what I want so please y/n....allow me to be selfish when it comes to you... Let me be greedy and give me You. I don't care if I'm selfish because I'm only selfish when it comes to you.... So please. Beat me up, hit me, stab me... I don't care but just don't Leave me" Keigo growled; angry at his words and his selfish desires bit he couldn't help it.
Y/n who was still sobbing her heart out was listening to every word he had uttered. She fought back the idea of actually giving him a chance. She knew Keigo was sick to the bone but she's even worst knowing that this type of guy had attracted her and lured her to love him.
How... Why is she so soft when it comes to him? Is this how love really is? Because if it is... Then she doesn't give a shit. She wants him too. But she isn't going to make it any easier for him. If he wants her then he better earn her, No more miss nice y/n.
And He wanted her... He needed her and he isn't just about to let her go. He'll hunt her down even in hell.
" Keigo... You.... Ugh... I... Shit... "
" Is it working y/n...am I winning you over? "
" Only because I loved you Keigo you prick "
" Correction You still Love me...so be my girlfriend?"
" Whatever. Just so you know, I'm not saying yes to your proposal. You gotta earn me you fucking retard and it isn't going to be easy"
" I knew you were going to say something like that. And yes I'm ready to make those sacrifices for you, Just... No boys " Keigo smirked as he cradled the girl in his arms.
She still had her arms wrapped around his neck as he landed on one of the very few skyscrapers in the city.
" No can do Keigo... Your Baby Bird here is a Boy Magnet---" Upon seeing how fast Keigo's demeanor had shifted to something more gruesome she shut up immediately and nodded her head.
" You too Chicken wings... No girls for you"
" No can do, your Bird man here is a lady magnet " Keigo smirked returning her words at her.
Y/n rolled her eyes and reached her hand up to paw on his blonde hair; giving them a harsh yank but before she pulled him down, her lips meeting his in a rough and demanding kiss to avoid any form of kinky retort from Hawks.
Keigo immediately responded and took full control of dominance as his lips moved in sync with hers. Rough and passionate, but unfortunately Keigo was getting a little bit handsy; his hands made its way towards her thigh giving it a harsh squeeze but before he could do anything else she pulled away covering his mouth with her hands when he tried to catch her lips again.
" Nuh uh Keigo. We're Going slow "
" Ugh... Nice job being a Kill Joy Kid...tsk.."
" Fuck you Keigo"
" Why don't you do it yourself you Coward "
" Oh I will Keigo "
" Really? I don't mind breeding you right here if you wan---"
" Eww Keigo shut up. I was kidding. I want to be a Hero before becoming a Mom"
" Yeah, Good luck with that because I think you're gonna be a momma anytime soon because you said Yes to Me"
" I didn't say jack shit like that Keigo" Y/n snapped as she began squirming in his hold with Keigo chuckling and laughing at her poor attempt.
" Relax. I was Kidding-- "
" Thank Goodness for a moment there I actually thought you we---"
" Maybe "
" Keigo! "
End~? ♡...............
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pekuliar · 3 years
Okay. So, I’m a BNHA Hogwarts AU, where do you see Todoroki and Izuku? For their houses.
I’m thinking for Izuku either a Hufflepuff or Slytherin. Slytherin for his ambition to become a hero. On the other hand, Izuku works really hard to get where he is. He’s also super loyal to those he cares about.
As for Todoroki, I feel like he would be a Gryffindor? I mean, he is really courageous and daring for standing up to his father like that.
I just wanted to know your thoughts!! :D
Hi there !!! First of all MANY MANY apologies for the absolutely abysmal reply speed, I’m in my most hectic year of med school and it’s been HELLISH. But thank you so much for your asks!!! I’ve read them and even if I didn’t reply right away they definitely made me smile in the moment!!!
So I will admit that I am actually not the most invested in the HP universe — I absorbed most of the info I know via osmosis from my middle school friends lol. I do feel like a flaw of the house system is that each house represents positive traits that can very easily overlap or even feed into each other, as shown below:
Izuku — He’s always been a thinker, a strategist, and it’s not hard to see his unending thirst for knowledge. Just look at the way he lights up every time he encounters someone with a quirk he’s never seen before! He’s also extremely creative with his battle strategies and thinks outside the box very well.
Shoto — Probably expresses this less; he’s one of the most academically capable kids in class, but in fights he tends to rely more on raw power than strategy. He’s not not-smart; just that it’s not what he utilises most.
Izuku — See how he involves himself in all his friends’ problems, no matter what they are? He’s so loyal and kind, always looking out for those around him. His friendship with Bakugou is another example of his unending loyalty. No matter how much Bakugou tries to throw him away Izuku still keeps trying to reach out to him!
Shoto — He also cares about his friends a lot. Shoto seems to be very hard on himself whenever he accidentally harms (or comes close to accidentally harming) his friends during fights. And look how quickly he rushed to help Izuku as soon as Izuku sent out that SOS beacon (during the Stain arc), even if he had no idea why Izuku sent out the signal! He too has decided that no matter how much Bakugou snaps at him, he WILL insist that Bakugou is his friend. His motivation for being a hero is also quite telling — he wants to reassure people, not just the members of the public whom he helps, but his family too. He also carries around a first aid kit on his costume — which other hero does that? Most others simply aim to amplify the destructive nature of their quirks, but Shoto intentionally equips himself with the tools he needs to care for other human beings!!
Izuku — As you mentioned he is extremely ambitious, and has shown time and time again that he’ll do whatever it takes to achieve his dreams, even at the risk of hurting himself. But it is worth noting that he wants to be a hero specifically to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, not because he wants to be famous/rich/etc. His ambition is ultimately driven by his kindness and altruism.
Shoto — Hmm… again, I don’t seem to see much Slytherin in him. He isn’t too ambitious about being a hero, which is understandable given his tragic background.
Izuku — He is always one of the first to rush headlong into danger, pushing aside his own fear for the sake of others. He’s fought countless powerful villains with only his courage and a broken arm; he refuses to be intimidated by his opponents, especially when their are human lives on the line. But again, this comes from a place of altruism, his goal being to protect those who are unjustly victimised.
Shoto — You’re right in saying that his defiance of his father is an act of courage, but I don’t think Shoto intends it to be that way. I think his defiance of his father is moreso a natural result of the resentment and trauma built up over time. And the way in which he defies his father is interesting too — he turns his back on the prestige-obsession of hero society, refusing to see his friends as rivals.
So I suppose overall, both Izuku and Shoto have aspects of them that fit into all 4 houses, but they waver along the Hufflepuff spectrum. Both of them are written as being extremely humane and caring. They’d lay their lives on the line for their friends in a heartbeat, and above all care about protecting people because of how much they cherish human lives. Hope this answers your qn!
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 3.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word count: 2,076
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
“I have a plan that could probably fool everyone” he says slowly waiting for a sign from you to continue. You speak up, “Go on..”
He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “We could fake date.” As you open your mouth to speak he speaks up again, “I mean think about it. We would have to lie about how far along you are but it would fool everyone. I think. We can say we fell in love with each other but we are taking our time until one day I accidentally get you pregnant...” He looks at you while you think about his idea. He chews his lip waiting anxiously for your response.
“Let’s do it” You finally say and smile at home. He smiles brightly and says, “Hopefully it works.”
“How does it feel, Kiri, to be a dad?” You say jokingly. He freezes and realizes, “Oh snap you’re right- IMMA BE A WHOLE DAD- this is the happiest day of my life-“
You look at him in admiration. Come to think of it... he willingly accepted to raise a kid who wasn’t his and he never hesitated even if it was fake. You see his face beam with joy. ‘That joy doesn’t seem fake...’
You spend the rest of the day thinking of the story you’d have to tell others when you suddenly realize “KIRISHIMA-“ he looks at you frightened thinking something happened, “YOU MISSED YOUR PATROL-“
He looks at you for a while and laughs, “Oh yeaah- I forgot to mention I took the day off to stay with you”
You look at him with a wild look, “Why did you do that?”
“Like I said, so I could spend time with you and because I wanted to help you unpack. But you were done when me and Izuku came over.” He gives you a loopy grin.
You feel butterflies at his smile but ignore the feeling pretending its you appreciating his kindness. There is no way you’re falling again so soon right?
You get up and hug him, “Thank you so much Kirishima for being here for me. Thank you in advance for putting up with me when I get bigger and more annoying”
He hides his blush in the crook of your shoulder. And hold you near. “I promise to protect you and this baby, even if the baby isn’t mine.” He says softly. ‘I promise to protect you both because I love you more than life itself. And I know i will love you’re baby as my own.’ Kirishima knew this was the only way he could show his love for you and not worry about you rejecting him. He knew you didn’t love him like he did you but he settled for that.
As it nears dinner time you walk to the kitchen and begin preparing dinner. Kirishima wanders after you and watches as you seem content and thinks of what it would have been if he did live a life like this with you. Before he knew it dinner was ready and you serve him a plate and place it in front of him snapping him out of his daydream. He thanks you and waits for you to sit and eat with him.
After dinner he insists on washing the dishes and for you to relax because you’re pregnant. You almost argue that you were fully capable but as soon as you open your mouth he sweeps you off your feet and settles you on the couch as he runs off to do the dishes.
When he swept you off your feet your heart began to race furiously. You tried to push down the feeling but couldn’t help to think of why you felt that way. The only thing you could come up with was love but no that can’t be.
After Kirishima comes back he sits beside you and you both continue to talk about how your plan is going to work.
You spend the rest of your time off with Kirishima and Izuku whichever is off or has time. Other times you spend it alone or shopping for your baby because in your mind, it was never to early to start shopping. Heck, even Kirishima would come over after work and have something for the baby. He was as excited as you were. You notice how he took the role of being a dad seriously even if it wasn’t his child.
You finally return to work but after a couple of month of returning to work again, your pregnancy belly began to show causing you talk to your agency about having an indefinite leave from hero work until after your baby was born. They understand and let you go on maternity leave.
So again you find yourself at home. Tired of sitting around you decide to take a walk. You put on a loose dress that does a great job at hiding your belly and head out. As you take a stroll, you bump into someone and you mutter an apology as you look up and freeze. ‘Shit’ You dont know what to do or say so you stay quiet hoping he leaves you alone. “Y/N?” You hear him say and curse quietly, “Hey bakugo...”
He looks relieved and speaks again, “I’ve been trying to contact you and explain... but it says your number isn’t available. I also tried looking for you but I dont know where you live...”
“And I intend to keep it that way too, Bakugo” You walk off and feel him reach out and as he is about to grasp your arm you yank it back and you feel yourself fall and twist your ankle. Bakugo pales when he sees you fall and twist your ankle. “SHIT SHIT- IM SORRY Y/N- LET ME TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL-“
“No-“ you try to stand but cant so you relent, “Fine, but please call kirishima for me”
His face scrunches up and wonders why you want to call kirishima. As he sits you in his car he dials Kirishima’s number and when he picks up you calmly begin to speak, “Hey kiri, Bakugo is taking me to the hospital... I twisted my ankle”
“Y/N? WHAT HAPPENED- HOLD ON I HAVE TO FINISH MY PATROL AND ILL BE THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DONT GO ANYWHERE” and he hangs up. You sigh, ‘where the hell am I supposed to go with a twisted ankle’ and set the phone down and see that you’ve arrived to the hospital. You see bakugo head inside and comes out a couple of seconds later with a nurse pushing a wheel chair. You wait as they sit you on the wheel chair and roll you inside.
After an hour the doctor comes back, Bakugo who insisted to stay mutters out, “Finally.”
“Well Miss. l/n, its a good thing that its only a sprain. And Also, did you know you’re pregnant-“
You pale and watch as Bakugo stiffens. You softly respond “Yeah, is the baby okay?”
“Yes! The baby is okay perfectly healthy, the fall did not harm them.”
You sigh in relief and before you answer you hear a familiar but out of breath voice say, “Oh crap I’m sorry I’m late but its a good thing the baby is healthy.” You smile at Kirishima but that smile doesn’t last when you look over at Bakugo who is so furious it looks like he’s about to let out some explosions.
“Can we have some alone time doctor?” Bakugo asks coldly and the doctor nods and walks out not wanting to be stuck in that drama.
“What the hell does he mean by your pregnant?” He growls out.
Both you and Kirishima pale and look at each other. ‘Well shit.’ None of you say anything so Bakugo speaks again,
“Is it mine? Is the baby mine?” He says almost hoping its true. Hoping that it will be a way to win you back.
You hesitate before answering, “No, that baby is Kirishima’s”
You grow angry but before you can say anything, Kirishima speaks for you.
“Dont you dare accuse y/n of being a whore. She is the most loyal person I have ever met. We did not mean to fall in love with each other but we did and now we are expecting.” He says it so calmly almost like he isn’t mad but oh boy he is furious. But unlike Bakugo, he knows it isn’t manly to loose his temper.
You stare in shock as you watch Kirishima defend you and as Bakugo sadden at Kirishima’s words. Did you really fall in love with Kirishima he asks himself.
“Please leave Bakugo,” Kirishima demands, “You’re stressing Y/N out and she doesn’t need that stress right now.”
Your heart beats uncontrollably as you watch him worry about you and the baby.
The doctor walks in after Bakugo storms out and says you can be released after you sign some papers. After signing them you are about to getup but before you even touch the ground you’re being picked up by a pair of strong arms making you blush. Kirishima notices your blush and blushes as well. He takes you to his car that not even gonna lie is parked terribly in his attempt to rush in to see you. He sits you down and buckles you in, “I can still buckle myself in Kiri” You say giggling slightly, “I know, but I still like to do it for you, princess” he shuts the door and runs to the other side. He buckles in and sets of home. When you arrive he insist on carrying you in all the way into your apartment. You thank him and before he leaves he makes you promise you’ll call him if you need anything. You laugh and promise.
After a week of being cared for by Kirishima you finally convince him to let you go shopping for baby things. He reluctantly agrees but only if he goes too. You sigh and agree. As you finish getting ready you stand in the mirror and look at your belly. ‘You’re getting bigger and bigger everyday, my love’ you think as you rub your belly. Kirishima walks in to see if you were done and sees you looking at your belly. He smiles and approaches you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“Do you think I will be a good mother?” You ask him.
He is taken aback by the question but answers truthfully,
“I think you’ll be the best mom this little blessing could ever hope for.”
You smile and respond, “and you’ll be an amazing dad as well”
He smiles at that and says, “Y/n... I need to get something off of my chest...”
You look at him scared fearing the worst and answer, “What is it?”
“I think I’m in love with you...” He removes his arms from around you and looks at you waiting for rejection but it never comes, instead you say,
“I think I’m in love with you too” He smiles at that and gives you a small kiss on your lips. He feels so happy he could burst.
“I was so scared of telling you but I knew I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
“I’m glad you told me Kiri, I was scared to admit I had feelings for you because I was scared of being broken again but I know you’re not like that” You smile and speak again, “Now lets go because I want to go shopping for our baby” You pull him along and you leave your room and apartment.
You both decide to walk to the mall and enjoy each other’s company as you walk even with your twisted ankle you dont mind it because you have kirishima that was distracting you. As you arrive you head straight to the maternity stores not seeing a certain pink haired girl walk near you. Kirishima speeds up trailing after you not wanting to be apart from you.
As you browse the clothing you hear a familiar voice behind you,
“Y/N?! Is that you??? What are you doing in the maternity store-“ she trails off when you turn around to face her. She stares at your stomach, then at kirishima, and then at you and then back at the stomach.
“Holy shit- YOURE HUGE”
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A/N: this chapter is wack- sorry about that also sorry for it being so long I didnt realize it 🤧 also can you believe I wrote a chapter that was filled with very little angst? < I wrote that before I wrote the falling scene- Whew, anyways, if you’d like to be tagged you can send a dm, ask, or comment <3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Per the anons in my inbox’s requests, I give you my sad ‘Katsuki is a dog person headcanon. Fair warning, this is a sad headcanon about Katsuki having a childhood dog. You know where this is going.
Now if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you probably know about my Katsuki getting kidnapped headcanon. Basically, the story goes that Katsuki was kidnapped and/or had multiple groups try to kidnap him for his quirk throughout his childhood, he just managed to escape and then never told anyone, because he's Katsuki and the day he willingly volunteers information about himself and/or the problems he’s struggling with is never.
At some point, someone in class 1-A asks Izuku whether Katsuki is a cat person or a dog person, because a group of them had been arguing about it. By this point most people have learned that it's much easier to ask Izuku for information about Katsuki than it is to ask Katsuki for information about Katsuki.
Lucky them, Izuku knows the answer! Kacchan's a dog person. Or at least, he was when they were growing up. He's not so sure that Kacchan's still a dog person. Kacchan doesn't like to talk about his dog or any dogs these days. Everyone is intrigued by that and asks for details, but turns out that surprisingly, Izuku doesn't know what happened. Not the whole story anyways. He does remember some stuff though.
Kacchan's dog was a big Tibetan Mastiff named Mamoru. Izuku can only  remember three things about him.
First and foremost, Mamoru was mean as hell to almost everyone. He barely put up with Izuku, he didn't like either of Kacchan's parents, he hated strangers. If they were alive odds are this dog hated them. Mamoru wasn't afraid to show that he hated someone either. He would get bitey/growly the moment someone got in his space and given his size and appearance, most people would back off quick.
Second, Mamoru loved Kacchan with all his heart. Even if he was a jerk to almost everyone else, this dog adored Kacchan. Every time he was around Kacchan's his tail was wagging like he was a puppy. While he basically never listened to anyone else's commands, he'd follow Kacchan's in an instant and picked up new tricks like it was nothing. When they were little he would even let Kacchan ride on his back. Kacchan was why that Mamoru put up with Izuku (or anyone for that matter), and also probably the only reason Mamoru wasn't put down.
The last thing Izuku knew about Mamoru was that passed away very suddenly when Izuku was 10 years old. He never found out how the dog died. Kacchan didn't want to talk about it at all, and his parents dodged the subject when it was brought up. Not even Izuku’s mom could get the story out of them. Mamoru was an older dog when he passed away, but he'd been fairly healthy, so it must’ve been something bad.
After telling them this, Izuku warns his classmates not to bring it up. Whatever happened is a sore subject for Katsuki. All of them can understand pet's death being hard, particularly such a sudden one, so they leave it alone.
They think that's that... only at some point, there's someone with a weird quirk that the class meets while out on a field trip. The person can let you speak to a loved one that passed away for a short period, although it only works once for each person. You can't pick who you speak to/see, it's whoever you miss most.
Most of the class is excited and gets some heartfelt words from their dead relatives, but Katsuki wants nothing to do with it. The person accidentally activates their quirk on him anyways, and everyone is expecting a relative or someone similar to show up.
Instead, in bounds in a giant, overjoyed dog; tail wagging, eyes shining and tongue out. Katsuki is totally frozen up. Everyone expects him to be happy, but he's not. He stares at the dog for a solid 4-5 seconds as the dog wanders over to him, whining for attention and trying to play. Then Katsuki turns on his heel and runs.
None of them are supposed to be out on their own, so his classmates try to follow him only to lose Katsuki, who doesn't seem to be able to hear them in his upset state.The whole class is super freaked out, and the ghost dog is getting really aggressive and upset at the class as they search.
Aizawa is called over, and now he's panicking because his kid whose been kidnapped before is off on his own and not answering his cell phone. Lucky him, when he starts trying to figure out how to find Katsuki, Ghost Mamoru barks at him, runs off a little ways, then runs back. He's been hostile towards everyone else, but he seems okay with Aizawa. He also seems increasingly agitated about something.
Taking the hint, Aizawa tells the rest of the class to head back to their meeting point and follows Mamoru, who leads him to Katsuki. Katsuki's curled himself into a small hiding spot, which was why he was so hard to find. Mamoru obviously wants to go comfort his kid, everything about him is drooping and he lets out a whine, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he takes a long look at Katsuki, and then shoots a pleading look towards Aizawa before he lets out a quiet huff and fades away.
That leaves Aizawa alone with Katsuki, a kid whose hard to understand on the best of days, and who is currently having a panic attack.
There's not much else he can do, so Aizawa waits it out. He sits beside Katsuki's hiding place and keeps things calm and quiet, waving off the rest of the class, and letting the other teachers know Katsuki's been found.
It takes quite awhile, but finally Katsuki recovers enough to speak. He still doesn't want to come out of his hiding spot though, and Aizawa doesn't ask him to. At this point it's obvious something serious happened, he just wants to know what.
Katsuki takes several tries to start,  this story is hard for him to tell, but eventually he manages to force out a "It was my fault." and after that, everything comes tumbling out.
He'd been heading back to his house all alone in the early evening one day. He was 10 years old, and he hadn't been paying attention to the people around him. He should've been paying more attention. He should've known better. But he didn't, and some goons got the jump on him. There hadn't been time for him to do anything. The men had been on him too quickly and gotten his hands locked behind him. Katsuki had tried to fight, but he hadn't been strong enough.
It was only a block or two from his house and if he'd just walked faster or not stopped to look at things, everything would've been fine. But he hadn't, so the men caught him. He was pretty sure he'd been attacked by those guys before too, so he should've recognized them. They'd already gotten his hands restrained, and they'd stuck him with a needle.
There was nobody else around, and Katsuki thought that was it. This was the time that they got him.
The men thought so too, he couldn't remember their exact words, but they were gloating. Going slower than they probably should've. They hadn't been expecting anyone to come help Katsuki. They hadn't expected anyone to care enough to help him. And they were sort of right, there weren't any people coming to help Katsuki, but there was a very loyal dog who heard Katsuki's muffled cries.
Mamoru didn't hesitate for even one goddamn second; he was on the man holding Katsuki like in flash, dagger like teeth digging deep into the man's shoulder. He went for the goddamn throat of the other one, the one who had some of Katsuki's blood on him.
Despite his best efforts, the dog didn't manage to kill either man, but he drove both of them off. He fought like a goddamn hell hound, as if he was made of nothing but of fury and muscle. Maybe in that moment he was.
Mamoru was so vicious and strong, that Katsuki didn't even realize the dog was hurt in the fight. Not until he'd managed to wiggle his way out of the cuffs and thrown his arms around his dog, only to jerk back at the wet feeling of blood soaking through his shirt.
The injury was bad. One of the men had had a knife and must've caught the edge of it on Mamoru's throat. Katsuki was drugged out, but he knew he needed to do something. Mamoru was somehow still on his feet, so he helped Katsuki get home, his condition getting worse and worse as they pressed on.
When Katsuki got home, there was nobody there, but he was able to call his father and through his sobs communicate the important parts of what happened. That some guys had bothered him and they'd hurt Mamoru. His dad said he'd be home as soon as he could, and to put pressure on the wound until then.
And here's the thing. That's good advice. Stopping the blood loss is really important when you have an injured animal.
But Katsuki was a 10 year old, he was on drugs, he was completely panicked and distraught.
And he forgot what was always coming out of his hands.
Nitroglycerin is toxic under the best of circumstances, but when an animal is already bleeding out, it's a death sentence.
The veterinarian tried to tell him afterwards that it probably wouldn't have changed anything. Mamoru was heavily injured and he would've bled out no matter what. He hadn't known, he'd been trying his best to help. It wasn't his fault. But Katsuki knew better, and his mother reminded him of that much.
On the drive back from the vet's office, his mother told him they weren't getting another goddamn dog to replace Mamoru because he'd probably kill that one too.
Katsuki didn't want another dog. He was too scared that someone would try to kidnap him again, and the dog would die again. Or he'd forget himself and end up killing the dog more directly. After that, he didn't even let himself go near animals. He wouldn't be near them, and he wouldn't touch them at all. Hell, he hardly even let himself touch other people after that.
When Katsuki finishes up his story, he looks ashamed and Aizawa is silent out of pure shock for several long seconds. First and foremost, he cannot believe that this was just something that happened that he had no idea about. Katsuki mentioned getting attacked by strangers at least once before he was 10 years old?? What the hell had happened in his student's childhood??? All of the implications of all of this are concerning him.
But in that same moment, he's suddenly rethinking Katsuki with this new information. Awhile ago Mic had made a joke about how Izuku follows Katsuki around like a puppy and all the teachers had laughed about it. Katsuki had gotten strangely angry about it, and suddenly it seems a whole lot less funny. Not only that, but how Katsuki reacted to All-Might's downfall after his kidnapping has a whole new light to it now. As do so many other little things.
It's hard for him to get any words out, but he manages a strangled "Kid..." and gently coaxes Katsuki out of his hiding place so Aizawa can just give him a goddamn hug for once in his life. And Katsuki is confused by this because he was expecting Aizawa to agree that he fucked up, but instead he's getting hugged and he really doesn't want to cry again but he's not sure he has a choice.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 4 years
Some boys of the 1-A class with a cute S/O.
I had an idea.... 
The gifs are not mine, they belong to their owner/creator. 
You can find my masterlist here! 
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-Shoto is human
- And he thought you were cute, that’s the first thought he had of you.
-‘They’re cute...’
-I don’t make the rules.
-He will blush every time you compliment him
-Poor baby never had that much growing up.
-Give compliments to him!!
-And hugs, and kisses, but not in public too much
-PDA is not his forte. 
-Will oblige in public physical contact if you’re feeling down though... 
-Will buy you whatever you want
-Just ask for it
-But don’t abuse that power.
-He likes to spoil you, but be humble. 
-Shoto is weak for your eyes and very traditionally romantic
-But as his sister made him drink his feminist juice, he respects you
-Will fight you and give his all if you ask him too
-As a tendency to refrain doing so because he doesn’t want to hurt you
-Cue showers of flowers for you to please excuse him if he ever accidentaly hurts you!!!!!!!
-Had a hard time asking you out
-Feels kinda ashamed of his scar
-Please tell him that apparences don’t matter as much as possible
-Is not one for nicknames, but get blushy when you call him Sho-kun. 
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-Denki would be very vocal about how cute he thinks you are 
-And how much he loves you
-Every day, hours, minutes, seconds if he can. 
-Is not shy to give you love in public (kisses, hugs, etc.) 
-Get excited when you get excited about something because darn your just too cute with those shining eyes of yours... 
-He sometimes get shy about compliment, especially if you praise him about a plan he came up with or tell him he’s bright
 -He will give little shocks, nothing harmful, he just can’t really conceal his emotions when he’s surprised. 
-Please bear with it, he doesn’t get shy often. 
-Is not very romantic in a traditional way
-Will not buy you flowers often (they’re expensive), just for official things such as your birthday and your anniversary of dating. 
-Buys teddy bears that he thinks look like you a lot though. 
-If you play video games and have an excellent meme’s knowledge, you ARE his soulmate
-Will bring you to the Baku-squad even if Bakugo says that he thinks you are annoying because he says that about everybody and Denki likes you, so be friends with his friends too. 
-Is super sweet with you, goes on cute dates at that coffee shop you like if you ask
-Can’t say no(™) 
-Please please please, be patient with him, he can’t help but feel super happy each time he sees you
-Is really happy when you feel happy and do everything he can to keep that smile on your face. 
-Does not like seeing you cry and will make sure you don’t cry often. 
-Is very proud of you calling his first name, please call him that as often as you can. 
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-That boy is a Sweetheart (™). 
-Will do is best to make you comfortable.
-Will force you to meet his friend, but not to befriend them if you don’t want to. 
-Will go on a cute date with you, but more often than not you study with Bakugo as a thirdwheel. 
-Will take the most beautiful pictures of you
-Will proudly announce to anyone ever that you’re his
-Even if they didn’t ask. 
-Eijirou does not care about that. He loves you and everyone must know
-Doesn’t care that adults frown upon seeing you walk hand in hands in the streets
-Will not kiss without permission though.
-Is very respectfull of your bondaries and often ask if things are alright, especially when engaging any physical contact. 
-Just because you like giving hugs does not mean you want them all the time. 
-Is very protective, and if you’re shy, will try his best not to make you uncomfortable. 
-Will buy you things when he can because he loves you very much and wants you to know it. 
-Is not very good with words, but still way better than Bakugo so... 
-Will fight against you, but even if you tell him to give his all, he as a hard time doing so.
-Does not want to hurt you. He would feel very bad about himself if he did so. 
-He once cried with you when he accidentally broke your nose during a practice while the whole class was watching
-Will ask you to do homework with him as a date
-Thought you were cute but didn’t ask you out for that
-Does get the comment that your couple is weird, please tell him you don’t think so. 
-Doesn’t want to be called by his nickname in front of his friends, but likes Ei-kun so you can call him that when you two 
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-Had a hard time asking you out
-Felt like you didn’t go well with eachother, and it’s actually Mina that got you two together. 
-Will go on a cute date, but don’t tell anyone
-Will oblige into pictures with you but asks that you post only the one where he’s frowning
-If mocked, he will explose that person
-Please tell him that no, you are not exasperated at him when he looses patience. 
-Please understand that he has a very hard time voicing his emotions
-Will not fight against you (at first) when he finally does, don’t expect for him to go easy on you. 
-Will not let you win, but when you do win against him, will play it cool and won’t get angry because he’s lowkey very proud of you.  
-Will bark at his friends if they are too forward
-Is a cutie pie, basically
-Doesn’t say ‘’I Love You’’ but buy you roses when he has the time, and give you his hoodies when you’re cold. 
-His mom will scream at him for not talking sweetly to you.
-Will scream back that you’re with him, not her. 
-Will do homework on a date. 
-Will practice with you as a date. 
-If you kiss him in public, he will become mushy but will play it cool.
-He’s a cuddle bear behind closed door. 
-Don’t call him katsu-kun in front of his friends, but he really likes it.. 
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-Midoriya.exe as stopped working, please reboot and try again. 
-Will blush if you talk to him
-Will blush if you smile at him
-Will blush if you breathe in the same direction he is
-Had a tough time asking you out
-Is very sweet and loving
-Doesn’t really like PDA, but will hold your hand
-Is also shy so please be patient
-Will buy sweets and go on a date whenever you want
-Movie nights are a Thing
-Will do homework with you and your friends, but it’s really a date
-His mom loves you
-Toshinori loves you
-Will fight against you, but will let you win because you smiled
-Is a puppy
-Will be very shy about his relation with you, please be patient. 
-Understand that if you cry, he will either cry, or take revenge on whom ever hurted you
-The Protect-Izuku-Commitee approuved of you early on. 
-You can call him Deku, but he actually prefers when you call him Izuku-kun. 
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-Surprised himself asking you out on a date
-Went to see the fishes
-Ended up in a relationship with you, the cutie pie of the class
-Is very mature
-Maybe to much
-Please be mature too. 
-You can be cute and mature!! 
-Will have dinner dates and homework dates
-Like Todoroki, if you ask for something he will buy it. 
-He is very proud of his classmate.
-Please understand that school comes before you
-Please make school come before him
-Will fight against you and then have a reunion with you so you can discuss what both of you can improve. 
-Please, please, please, back his ideas up.
-Or his you disagree, explain clearly why so he’s not misunderstanding.
-He loves having you by his sides, either by sitting near him or on the same idea. 
-Please understand that Iida is very loyal to his friends and family and therefore you, so even if you’re cute, you will have to face the protect-Iida-committee, AKA Uraraka and Midoriya. 
-Is not at all comfortable with PDA, in general, but will hug you behind closed doors. 
-As many pictures of you and his friends and family that he cherishes. 
-Really likes when you call him Ten-kun... please call him that often.
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liberationzine · 4 years
We hope you’re excited for Liberation Zine! Pre-orders open June 21st, but until then, we hope you enjoy a villain-centric list of fanfic recommendations! All of the fics in this list are gen, SFW, and take place in the canon setting, although some canon divergence is included.
Fic: “Here” by ThrowYourChaosInNeutralAndDrive
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Canon
Length: 2.8k
Complete? Yes
Summary: How Kurogiri met Shigaraki.
The villain exited the doctor’s waiting room with his load only to dump it suddenly on Kurogiri. His loyal employee – servant really – grunted when his arms were burdened with an entire kid.
Fic: Sanctuary by DrAphra
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Divergence
Length: 7.1k
Complete? WIP
Summary: He doesn’t hear the rapid patter of bare feet until something small slams into the back of his knees.
Dabi staggers, curses, and pulls flames up into the pads of his fingers, searing the air as he grabs blindly for -- a child. A little white-haired girl who was digging her fingers into his jeans like they would keep her from drowning.
“Help me,” she whispers in the most cracked, terrified voice Dabi has heard in years. “Please don’t let him take me.”
Overhaul Arc AU in which Eri runs directly into Dabi, instead of Deku and Mirio.
Fic: No Such Thing As A Hopeless Case by Origamidragons
Genre: Family, Crack treated seriously, canon-divergence
Length: 14.3k
Complete? WIP
Summary: The story of how Toshinori Yagi (not All Might, Toshinori Yagi) singlehandedly defeated his archenemy's League of Villains by accidentally adopting them all.
Or: Toshinori's gonna redemption arc everybody, just watch him.
Fic: A Very John-chan Birthday by Ohmoka
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 1k
Complete? Yes
Summary: John-chan has somehow become Eri's pet, and he loves her very much.
Fic: Holidaze in BNHA series by ThrowYourChaosInNeutralAndDrive
Genre: Humor/Crack, Angst, Adventure
Length: 54k
Complete? Yes
Summary: A series of League-centric one-shots taking place on Holidays that connect to tell a wild and poignant story.
Fic: Field Test by Kendrick_Harlow
Genre: Horror, Angst
Length: 11.8k
Complete? Yes
Summary: "Working with Ujiko isn’t a choice, per se. Dabi wears the title of lab assistant and field tester like chains around his neck, all while Ujiko continues to slip sly comments to the rest of the League."
Ujiko has blackmail and isn't afraid to use it.
Fic: Way Out of Character by Eternalglitch
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Crack
Length: 22.8k
Complete? WIP
Summary: Neither Izuku nor Shigaraki is sure what exactly happened, but a few days after their encounter at Kiyashi-Ward Shopping Mall, both wake up only to find out that they have switched bodies. While Izuku races against time to escape from All for One and make it back home in time to warn his friends and family about Shigaraki's plans, Shigaraki tries to figure out who exactly this strange skeletal man is that keeps pestering him, not to mention who he should kill first... As the two become increasingly tangled in each other's secrets, can they return to their original bodies? Or are they trapped like this forever?
Fic: Oichi by Saccha
Genre: Drama, Daemon AU
Length: 1k
Complete? Yes
Summary: “What the hell,” the scarred man said. “You’re so gross but you have such a cutesy daemon. Is that a weasel?”
Oichi hissed. Shigaraki scratched his neck, but she batted his hand away.
“She’s a Japanese marten,” he gritted out. “Kurogiri, warp them away. I hate these types. A brat and a guy with no manners.”
Fic: Inescapable by Starship_Phoenix
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Divergence
Length: 5k
Complete? Yes
Summary: Over and over he replays the memories that resurfaced during his fight with Re-Destro. He doesn’t understand why they won’t just go back to the dark recesses of his mind where they came from. He doesn’t need them anymore. They served their purpose.
At first, they felt like a blessing. A sign he’s on the right track, doing what he was always meant to do. He is destruction incarnate, and he will bring the heroes to their knees.
But there is something about one memory that doesn’t fit with the rest. It’s like a splinter sticking out of a wooden table and his mind keeps getting caught on it. The more he tries to tug it out, the deeper it burrows, until it spreads like an infection that can’t be cut out, rotting him from the inside.
His grandmother was a hero.
Fic: And Another One Bites the Dust by Origamidragons
Genre: Humor, Action, Hurt/Comfort, mild Horror, Crossover (JJBA)
Length: 11.9k
Complete? Yes
Summary: In which quirks are mistaken for Stands, Stands are mistaken for quirks, and weird hand-related complexes are in abundance.
Or: Tomura Shigaraki and Yoshikage Kira switch places. They have fun. Nobody else does.
Fic: One Thing After Another by DrAphra
Genre: Humor, Drama, Canon-Divergence, Time Loop (Note: mildly shippy)
Length: 13.4k
Complete? Yes
Summary: Miruko was in the middle of a fight when she got the call that Hawks and Endeavor were in danger.
She leaves the fight, never knowing that she'd been hit with a time loop quirk - not realizing that she would pass it on to the next person she touched. It's something she finds out the hard way, when she kicks Dabi in the face... and then finds herself facing him again. And again. And again.
In between time loops, the heroine and villain reluctantly get to know each other.
Fic: You Have To Hand It To Him by ThrowYourChaosInNeutralAndDrive
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Length: 3.7k
Complete? Yes
Summary: Shigaraki's big showdown with Re-Destro goes different. Ugly different. He loses his quirk in the worst way possible.
Spinner endeavors to talk him out of his depression, but can he reach someone who's struggling to reach for anything, literally and figuratively?
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kewltie · 5 years
so i have been actively following this super rad manga series called, “Otome Kaijuu Caramelize”, which is about a girl who occasionally turns into a giant ass monster, a kaiju, in the presence of her crush. it’s quirky, weird, and so damn cute so ofc it’s right up my alley. and thanks to that godzilla!bakugou artwork we saw waaaaaay back I COULDN’T GET THIS IDEA OUT OF MY HEAD. 
katsuki is the (next) defender/protector of japan after his mother, the great queen of monsters, had decided she was going to save humanity instead of destroying bc she fell in love with a human call masaru (imagine a giant ass monster WOOING YOU lmao). he’s half kaiju and half human and all temperamental shit, but he gotten good at controlling his transformation which he can now call upon command at will. when he was younger, though, it easily get triggered by any kind of emotional stress/strained but he’s older now and he’s NO NOOB!!! most of the time, katsuki is just a normal high schooler, abit a highly competitive and talented one, but sometimes when there’s a kaiju attacking the coast of japan katsuki transform into his monster alter ego BAKUSHINCHI, a giant firebreathing lizard monster, that protect japan from other giant ass monster!!!!!!
he’s a national secret and is under intense scrutiny so katsuki never had a normal life either by the people who knows who he really is (fear, awe, and nerves are abound in his presence) or his peers who views him as peculiar and odd bc they don’t know how or why but there’s just something strange and inhuman about bakugou. the only exception is his childfriend deku who no matter how much katsuki tried to push him away, izuku always come BACK and is fiercely loyal to katsuki. also,  while most people spurn kaiju and think they’re a nuisance even though they have a KAIJU PROTECTOR IN THE FORM OF KATSUKI AND HIS MOM, izuku kind of um... a fanboy of these kaiju?? e doesn’t seem to fear them at all and even entertain the idea that humans and kaiju can coexist in peace :OOOOO. WHICH had made his childhood rough bc other kids call him the monster’s lover :((((((. it’s actually bc as a child, izuku’s life was save by a kaiju and ever since them he saw them very differently (that kaiju may or may not be katsuki), but also bc he’s a just a good boy at heart and doesn’t see them in all black and white. 
though katsuki and izuku grew up together, izuku was never let in on katsuki’s secret or the true nature of katsuki’s mother. his parents are both scientists who work on the super SECRET lab that study kaiju and as part of that program katsuki was exposed to izuku as a child bc they’re the same age and izuku’s parents thought katsuki needed someone of equal peer so he woudn’t be lonely and have someone to play. izuku had absolutely no clue that the boy he saw in the lab, HIS ONLY FRIEND when he was a child, is the the bakushinchi that fighting for japan against other kaiju right now. 
they got separated around the age of 8 or 10 when a kaiju accidental nearly killed izuku bc izuku and katsuki was allowed to go outside together but under strict surveillance. in this one occasion a kaiju appeared and attacked the place they were at and katsuki wanted to transformed and fight it BUT izuku is right next to him and if he transformed than he was afraid that he would lose izuku and izuku would be terrified of him. his human self couldn’t do much against another kaiju but izuku, who isn’t exactly fearless, with trembling legs stood up and tried to protect katsuki WITH HIS SMALL BODY SOBS. but with a single wave of its hand, the kaiju slapped izuku against a wall and izuku was knocked out. that all it took for katsuki to go berserk and transformed into his kaiju alter ego and fought. they leveled an entire city block with their fighting but he managed to save everyone and izuku. that day cemented his desire to protect everyone, but he couldn’t go through losing izuku again. 
ever since that day, katsuki disappeared from izuku’s life but izuku never stop looking and hoping katsuki would come back even though he fears that it was him that caused katsuki to go away bc he was weak and couldn’t save katsuki in the end. katsuki actually was training with his mom to control his kaiju power so that one day he can take her place as the defender of japan!!!!!! it won’t be until many years later when they’re both 16-17 years old that they meet again and katsuki got his powers locked down. he has been taking his mother’s place to fight other kaiju as the bakushinchi and in one of these battles he meet izuku again bc IZUKU ever since that day when he nearly died and he was saved by the bakushinchi, he has become enamored with kaijus and wanted to be close. He staked out every kaiju’s battles and put himself in the line to record every details and post it on his fansite--which has all the detail and info about a lot of kaiju... but most specifically the bakushinchi who he admits to favoring A LOT. 
katsuki in his kaiju form is fighting some kind of worm with a hundred eyes and he had been worked hard by his mother to get this point where can hold his own against many low-mid tier kaiju and HE HASN’T LOST A BATTLE YET, but the moment he recognized that small form (which is v v v hard bc katsuki is like the size of tokyo tower and everyone kind of look like an ant to him in this form) he got so distracted that he took a tail whipped from the other kaiju and flew into a building. katsuki manages to slap himself sober and put all his focus into the fight so he can yell at izuku later for, like, while everyone was RUNNING AWAY FROM TWO RAMPAGING MONSTERS izuku WAS RUNNING TOWARD THEM INSTEAD bc he’s a reckless idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that’s how they reunite, right after the battle when everything was cleared out and the SUPER SECRET ORG that in charged of kaiju (and occasionally katsuki when he is deem controllable lol) is there to make sure everything is okay, katsuki had turned back into his human self and kinda let izuku assume that he’s part of the org and not, like, IS THE ORG.
so yea, izuku and katsuki meet again upon the aftermath of the kaiju battle where katsuki yell at izuku a lot for what he did while izuku is just super happy to reunite with his childhood friend who disappeared over five years ago. katsuki worked so hard to finally get to this point where he can fully control his power and be near other ppl safely!! but the moment he meet izuku again, katsuki’s heart races and his cheek flush and he can feel the bones underneath his skin trying to break out of his human flesh!!!!!!!!! he thinks it’s fluke. katsuki battles giant ass monsters, HE IS A GIANT ASS MONSTER, and he even knocked his mom down (once!! before she kick his ass but w/e she’s the queen of the monsters so that’s pretty impressive on his part) so NO HUMAN IS GOING TO FUCK WITH HIM. except izuku does totally fuck with him lmao. 
now that they reunited katsuki got permission to join the human’s world as just another teen boy and enrolled himself into izuku school bc he worked soooo hard to prove himself to everyone that he’s SAFE and he can maintain control of his form!!!!! but the more he exposed to izuku the more he realizes these flash of uncontrolable urge and panic energy around izuku is him HAVING A CRUSH AND FREAKING OUT OVER IT. like, when he was younger it was his emotional outburst that triggered his transformation but he’s older and more mature and can handle his power, yet the moment izuku get too close to him he can himself losing control and scales apart on his arm ;AJSDF;ALSJDF lol. 
but it’s not like the crush just appear out of nowhere!! it was nurture since young bc kaiju mate for life. katsuki didn’t know it yet but all that biting izuku’s cheek when they were little (which izuku thought was kinda weird but just katsuki being katsuki) was katsuki laying claim to izuku as his mate. izuku is diff bc he is strong of heart, good nature, and he just loves people so fiercely and katsuki though has the burden to protect japan and humanity is performing his duty but doesn’t nececesary see the value in humanity in the end bc he protects them but they still treat him as a monster, something to be fear and use, bc he knows that the japanese gov’t does everything to keep him a secret and safe but they do it bc they NEED HIM TO FIGHT. but izuku doens’t need him for anything, he just want to be by katsuki’s side sobs!!!!!!! so how could katsuki ever resist that????
izuku isn’t in love with katsuki though. he loves KATSUKI but not in love so katsuki has to work to get izuku to see him in that light. not that he has to work THAT hard at all lol bc izuku was already kinda crazy in love katsuki’s kaiju form bc izuku never forgot the kaiju that saved him when he was a kid and HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW IT’S KATSUKI!!!! so that save a lot of trouble for katsuki in case he ever reveal his secret, not that katsuki had any idea that izuku is totally ok with A MONSTER BF bc most ppl aren’t lol :P. 
so katsuki takes to wooing his mate as awkwardly as possible bc his frame of ref is literally his mother (whose never let the fact that she’s a kaiju stop her from chasing after his father, HIS VERY TINY FATHER in comparison to her). but the wooing is kinda diffuclt and DANGEROUS, not bc of izuku who is wary of katsuki or anything but of katsuki himself bc everytime izuku touches him katsuki freaks out and his heart just GO DOKIDOKI AND HE CAN FEEL THE URGE TO DESTROY THINGS AND JUST READY TO BREAK SOMEONE FACE IN. everything about izuku is a trigger--the way he smile, his warm laughter, and how he look at izuku with total admiration and it’s all in the way he wears his feelings all over his face. he doesn’t hide how he feels at all and izuku is just full of love for humanity and even KAIJU that katsuki CAN’T HANDLE IT AND JUST WANT TO RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
so like, dating for them is such a dangerous concept that the japanese org have an entire TEAM full of people prepping and watching izuku and katsuki’s dates, trying to make sure katsuki DOESN’T GO BERSERK over some dumb things like handholding and it’s the most embarrasing, sweet, and hilarious THING EVER. their guardians don’t know whether to laugh or cry that this scary ass monster boy is like so terrified and nervous over this green eyes boy that he transformed into his monster form anytime they touch!!!!!!!!!!!! 
so here are these adults, badass adults themselves who work at a super secret org that deal with giant city destroying monsters, and they’re here surveillance two kids going on a date bc one of them just happen to be the monster boy that is defending their country and the other also happen to be the boy THAT HE IS IN LOVE WITH. it’s all hilarious and ridiculous and they aren’t pay ENOUGH OR THIS SHIT as they watch katsuki try not to freak out at izuku leaning in to close and blow up the entire city block in the process!!!!!!!!!! 
the world is constantly bombard with monsters trying to destroy humanity and here is katsuki one of the last lines of defense and is a BAD ASS MONSTER HIMSELF find himself can’t handle a simple human boy and that’s just a;ja;sjdf;alsjdf;alsdjf;alsdjf the greatest love story on earth.
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qobiin · 5 years
weekly fic rec hoard
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here's what i've been enjoying reading (and re-reading) this past week for different fandoms across the board! this week features: atla, bnha, good omens, harry potter, marvel, naruto and stranger things  ♡ means: all-time fave, (m) means: 18+ themes 
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avatar: the last airbender
♡ first rule of earth kingdom fight club... series by ohmygodwhy  zuko, his stubborn inability to die, and finding himself thru getting his ass kicked 
The Most Ragged Edges by twinfinite  In hindsight, Zuko really should have seen this conversation coming. He can almost hear Li and Lo chanting wickedly about the magic of Ember Island, about waves smoothing away rough edges… 
♡ ribs by ohmygodwhy  The first thing Zuko tells him during their first lesson after the whole Sun Warrior ruins ordeal, is “Fire comes from the breath.” a lesson in learning, and re-learning. 
♡ see your son rising at last by aloneintherain  When Zuko dashes into the sitting room, it is with the same wide-eyed panic that he ran from Azula’s smoking hands when he was a child. Iroh bites down on a smile. Zuko looks the same, even now, a decade later with a scar blossomed over one side of his face, green and brown robes replacing the solitary reds of his childhood. His hair is puffed up around his face. He looks like a very frightened, very windswept turtle-dove. Zuko dives behind Iroh just as Aang breezes to a stop in the doorway. Five times Zuko hid behind Iroh, plus one time Zuko stood proudly in front of him.
♡ the beginning of a new and brighter birth by aloneintherain  “I’m so proud of you, my nephew.” Uncle cups Zuko’s face in his lined hand. The gesture is so tender, his palm so warm, that Zuko has to take a fortifying breath against the sudden swell of emotion in his chest. “I want to be a good leader, Uncle,” Zuko says. “I want to look after my people.” “You will,” Uncle says. “You are, nephew.” In a new era of peace, Zuko works to be a very different Fire Lord than his forefathers.
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boku no hero academia 
the stars are floating and we are flying by lunalou  Aizawa starts walking towards the exit, obviously expecting Shouto to follow him, but Shouto's feet are frozen in place. His eyes flicker from the distorted reflection of himself in the ice to where All Might is giving him a long look, eyes kinder than anything Todoroki has ever been deserving of, and he feels sick.  “Todoroki-kun,” Midoriya says gently, squeezing his arm in what Shouto presumes is meant to be a reassuring gesture. “It’s going to be okay.” He doesn’t think Midoriya is in any place to tell him what okay is, all things considered, but he chooses to keep quiet on the matter. 
♡ I’ll share this with you, so leave it behind by yabakuboi  For the sake of the story, All Might is never in need of a successor, and, when Izuku saves Katsuki from the sludge monster, encourages young Midoriya down a different path. Thus, Katsuki and Izuku part ways after junior high, as Katsuki enters U.A. and the Midoriyas move overseas. It’s later that Katsuki realizes that there’s something missing, that he drove that something away. Years after, Katsuki finds him in the last place he looks, in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store of their childhood neighborhood. 
Loose lips Sail ships by Yousayhun  Bakugou is at war with his own fucking mouth and everyone else just seems to be having the time of their lives. 
♡ flare guns go off in my head saying not to call you this late by youreanovelidea  Midoriya beams at him and Tokoyami is suddenly hit with the urge to look away. “So bright,” he mutters under his breath, low enough that Midoriya can’t hear him.  (or, Midoriya is a problem child who just really loves his friends) 
(m) The Devil Blues by iknewaman  The 78th precinct's police captain, Toshinori Yagi, has volunteerd his squad to help implement the mayor's wish of increasing the successful cooperation between the city police and active Pro-Heroes. Each detective is to be assigned a Pro-Hero who will shadow them for two weeks, and the operation has been dubbed the 'Station Cooperation Operation'. Although it is not well-received by those involved, Izuku Midoriya, current detective at the 78th precinct and loyal follower of captain Toshinori's ideals, believes that the operation will be a success. If his captain says it will succeed, there isn't a doubt in Izuku's mind that it will. That is until he meets his assigned Pro-Hero. 
♡ someone is wrong on the internet by rhenna  It’s been a long day. By all rights, Izuku should be falling into bed, half dead. But instead of sleeping, he’s hunched over his laptop at 2 in the morning writing a dissertation about why exactly Ground Zero’s pecs are the best pecs to ever pec, and how dare anyone insinuate that he should lose some of that muscle because don’t you even understand what kind of physique a quirk like that requires? Amateurs.  (Izuku has two jobs in this world: pro-hero and anonymous president of the Ground Zero fan club. What could possibly go wrong?) 
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good omens
♡ Divine Intervention (aka God ships it) by TheLadyZepher  There’s a battle strategy devised by humans many millennia ago that's designed to overcome an adversary who is particularly well entrenched. Some walls are too tall and thick for a frontal assault, and must instead be bested through sheer dogged stubbornness. Crowley and Aziraphale didn’t know it, but they were about to be put under siege.  Fed up with an angel and a demon who are still avoiding any talk of Feelings, God starts to interfere. When it comes to the ineffable plan, sometimes things need a bit of a push. 
♡ Slow by write_away  It started like this: A boy with the ability to warp reality met an angel and a demon and he made assumptions.  You might say it started like this: An angel and a demon found a marriage contract hung on the wall of the angel's bookshop. They didn't question it. It also could have started like this: Once upon a time, the angel told the demon he went too fast. The demon took it to heart.  Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves somehow married. Crowley fears going too fast. Aziraphale forges ahead. Neither know how to ask questions of each other. 
♡ Eziraphael’s Gifts: A History of Queer Faith and Longing, by Natasha Marie Johnson (Beacon Press, 2019). by actualbat  "If Eziraphael has come to be known--in today's language--as the 'guardian angel of sad queers,' then it makes sense for him to have shown up more regularly in the past once that became a recognizable historical category." Natasha is really glad that she's given this talk enough times to be able to do it on autopilot, because those two funny-looking men in the back just made the most absurdly astonished faces. (Or: Not all historians ignore gay subtext, and not all immortal celestial beings have their shit together. Also, voodoo.) 
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harry potter 
♡ Apple Slices and Cocoa by FeathersMcStrange  Harry Potter is an abused kid with not an adult in the world on his side when Molly Weasley meets him.  She decides right then and there that if nobody else is going to try and take care of this boy, then dammit, she's going to. 
hello goodbye (’twas nice to know you) by tamerofdarkstars  Draco Malfoy thinks he might know whose thoughts are scrawling themselves on his skin, but that's crazy. Impossible, even. It has to be a mistake.  -  Self-indulgent soulmate AU where the thoughts of your soulmate inscribe themselves on your skin in a shifting magic tattoo 
♡ (m) Men Who Love Dragons Too Much by fencer_x, IDoodleForNoodles  ‘Kill Albus Dumbledore’ is less a challenging task and more a suicide mission, so when Draco Malfoy is presented with the option to either dispatch his Headmaster or suffer an excruciating and most ignominious death of his own, along with his parents, he reaches deep into his black little Slytherin heart and manages to scrape together enough courage to go with option C instead: Spend Sixth Year secretly studying Animagecraft in the hopes he’ll turn into something sufficiently imposing even the Dark Lord himself won’t be able to keep Draco under his thumb. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter. 
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♡ Hard to Love by Gruoch  If someone had told May that Iron Man himself would one day occasionally show up uninvited to her quiet little apartment and intrude into her quiet little life, she would have laughed them out of the room. But then her life seems chock-full of unpleasant surprises these days.  Or, Tony Stark wants a bigger piece of the pie. May Parker learns to accept help. Peter just wants to keep the peace. 
♡ Mr. Parker Declined to Comment by apisdn  The events leading up to the embarrassing moments during the Doomed Field trip, and how Peter Parker accidentally ended up in charge of things. All the while the political machine moves on, the Avengers do not kiss and make up, and the future draws ever closer. 
Another No-Good Field Trip by Muimor  Peter Parker is not having a good day. AKA, Where Peter's decathlon team take a field trip to the Avengers Compound, Vision's a menace, and Peter really doesn't want to go.
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(m) Resonance by flailinginlove  After being hit by a missing-nin's jutsu, Kakashi's chakra is never the same again. 
♡ (m) What Otter Nonsense by DarkAuroran  “Is that an otter?” Iruka asks as large, sable eyes blink at him and a little whiskered nose twitches curiously. “That’s an otter. Why do you have an otter?”  “I can’t tell you,” Kakashi says with a great amount of dignity for a man cradling a baby otter in armoured gloves. “Classified Jounin mission business.”
♡ Learning Curve by ishiryoku  This is the life she chose: the path of the shinobi. It's either roll with the punches or be left behind by her team—and Sakura's not about to let them go off on their own. 
♡ Roots and Wings by ideaoforder  When Naruto is kidnapped from his orphanage at age three, Kakashi is so done with this shit. He gets Naruto back, tells the Hokage where to go (politely, because he isn't suicidal), and raises the boy himself. Or, you know, tries and is proud when there aren't too many explosions. Then everybody starts to copy him and it's a whole thing. 
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stranger things
In Which Starcourt Is a Pun by asexual-fandom-queen (writeordietrying)  “Welcome to Scoops Ahoy. Do you know what you want?”  Nancy and Jonathan visit the Starcourt Mall and corner Steve at his place of work with their feelings, but in an awkward, this-is-still-the-1980s-so-we-can't-be-too-direct kind of way. 
♡ my father comes and he goes by mjolnirbreaker  So, for Max, he doesn’t punch Billy Fucking Hargrove. He just sits there in sweltering heat and listens to the C’s being announced, and when parents cheer for their kids he tries not to think about how his parents are currently in Colorado. 
♡ it’s a risk, it’s a gamble by nondz (pinkjook)  “I think we should pretend to date,” Robin says. "What?" Steve answers. 
one of those new wave boys by glorious_spoon  It probably should feel more awkward than it does. (Or: Steve and Robin go on a road-trip, drink, listen to music, and look after each other. And yeah, maybe there's some cuddling involved too.)
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wanna rec me something? head over to my ask or submission boxes! message me even, i don't really mind (: 
and to all my fellow authors who may feel a little down about not getting onto rec lists, this is for you:
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
The Split a Long Time Coming
Here’s @villainmonth​‘s 10th prompt, “Betrayal.” I had to edit this in a hurry, and am still not happy with how it turned out. Feel free to give me constructive criticism.
Read also on FF and AO3
“You want me to help you capture WHO????”
Tomura blinked. “I want you to come up with a plan to capture Katsuki Bakugo. Probably at the UA hero course’s summer training camp, since they won’t expect us then.”
Izuku stared at Tomura. “Why? What possible goal would it serve?”
“Recruitment,” Tomura explained. “You saw how he acted in the sports festival. He’s a kindred spirit, and his quirk would be useful to the league.”
Izuku still couldn’t couldn't comprehend Tomura's plan. “Throwing a tantrum for not winning a competition the way they wanted to doesn’t mean that person will join your League of Villains. Ka- Bakugo joined the hero course for a reason. He’s not going to willingly join people he knows are villains!”
“We’ll convince him once we have him. After all, Sensei and I have done it before.”
Izuku clenched his fist. He didn't need a reminder of how he joined the League. “That took 8 years, Tomura. There’s no way you’ll be able to keep Kachan that long. Even if he isn’t able to break out on his own, the heroes will be actively looking for him.” He was so angry, Izuku didn’t even notice he’d accidentally called Bakugo by his childhood nickname.
“We can handle any heroes that get close enough. And what does this Kachan person have to do with anything? Wasn’t that the name of your childhood bully?” Tomura said.
Izuku took a deep breath. He’d been terrified by the thought of Kachan coming after him when he was a kid, so of course Tomura had picked up on that. “Kachan is what I called Bakugo when we were kids. They’re one in the same. That's why I wanted to handle him myself during our USJ attack.”
Tomura gave Izuku a calculating look. They were both in the bar area, so several of the other members were watching their exchange. The whole room was silent, except for running water from Kurogiri cleaning dishes.
Tomura shrugged. “Well, whatever. You need to get over it anyway. I’m sure you’ll work it out once you start working together.”
Wow, you're a huge hypocrite. Tomura was still holding a grudge against the society that hadn’t helped him twelve years ago, and he was telling Izuku to just “get over it?” Then again, he rarely took Izuku’s feelings or needs into account.
Enough is enough.
“I won’t do it.”
Tomura narrowed his eyes. “What did you say?”
“I won’t help you capture Kachan. And if you do, I won’t work with him. If you intend to bring Katsuki Bakugo into the League of Villains, then I’ll leave.”
“You wouldn’t dare. You have nowhere else to go. Sensei has been providing for you all this time.”
“Doesn’t matter. I won’t be your puppet anymore.”
Tomura lunged at Izuku, hands ready to strike. “You little…”
On a normal day, Izuku would have flinched, backed away, and groveled. If Izuku hadn’t been able to get away in time, Kurogiri would have opened portals where Toura’s hands were to stop the fight. But today, Izuku realized he didn’t have to grovel. He’d spent years watching how Tomura fought and he knew the best way to stop Tomura’s quirk.
Izuku pulled out a pen from his notebook -- there were always two attached to it, in case one ran out of ink -- and held it firmly by one end. Careful to keep his body parts out of Tomura’s immediate reach, he threaded the tip of the pen through Tomura’s thumb and index finger. In the same motion, he threaded the pen tip out through the middle and ring fingers. This not only allowed Izuku to block Tomura’s hand, but also kept the index and middle fingers from wrapping around the same thing as the rest of his hand.
Someone gasped on the other side of the room.
Tomura was clearly angry at this, and continued to attack with his other hand. Izuku simply used his other pen to repeat the block.
For the first time, Izuku and Tomura were on equal footing in a fight. Izuku may not be able to do anything to attack, but neither could Tomura. He’d forced a deadlock.
Tomura grit his teeth. “You quirkless brat…”
“I’m not a brat anymore,” Izuku replied.
A scratchy voice interrupted from the TV. “Izuku Midoriya, you know that Tomura Shigaraki is meant to be the leader of the League of Villains. It’s your duty to do as he asks.”
“So, Sensei finally decides to intercede.” Izuku said with a slight laugh. “Always happy to remind me where my place is, but never willing to correct Tomura’s behaviour.”
“Izuku, if you continue to rebel like this, you’ll never recieve a quirk of your own.” All For One reminded him.
That made Izuku stop and think. Tomura took this opportunity to get out of Izuku’s block, but didn’t try to attack again. Clearly he thought Izuku had been cowed by All For One.
In reality, Izuku had been anything but cowed. Hearing All For One’s constant offer once again made him think about his reasons for staying. At first, it was because he had no choice. All For One was an all-powerful god-villain, and a quirless kid couldn’t do anything but follow him. As time went on, All For One continued to remind Izuku that he had the power to give Izuku a quirk, but that he wouldn’t do it until Izuku had fulfilled some arbitrary requirement.
But now, Izuku knew better. All For One isn’t all-powerful. He isn't even nearby. I'm not a kid anymore, and have proven himself more than capable of doing my own thing.
And he finally realized that he’d never do enough to deserve a quirk in All For One’s eyes.
Izuku grit his teeth. “Screw that! I don’t need a quirk. I’ve always wanted one, but after years of learning to fight with weapons and managing your criminal empire, I don’t need it. I don’t need you. And I definitely don’t need to continue living in Tomura’s shadow.”
Izuku grabbed his notebook and started walking out the door. “I’m going to make my own path. It may not be ‘good’ or ‘righteous’ by society’s standards, but at least it will be my own choice.”
And so, Izuku walked out the door without even looking back. He half expected to see a black portal blocking his way, but for some reason nobody - not even Kurogiri - made any effort to stop him.
Once Izuku was out of that bar, his thoughts cleared and he was able to think rationally. He didn’t have anything except for two pens, a notebook, and the clothes off his back. He may have made a show of leaving on the spot, but he really should have grabbed some of his supplies. Especially his gun and knife.
Izuku also realized that he was being followed.
He turned around. “If you’re here to make me come back, you can forget it.”
Dabi, one of the two who were following him, said, “Fuck no. I never liked handjob.”
Toga, Izuku’s other shadow, just giggled. “Silly Izuku! Can’t you tell we want to go with you?”
Izuku looked at them in confusion. “Go with me? But -- I mean -- Honestly, I don’t have a plan for what to do now.”
Dabi rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well your improv is probably a lot better than whatever Shigaraki comes up with. I may not have done anything with him yet, but I can already tell that.”
“Izukun, Dabi and I joined the league because we wanted to follow Stainy’s ideology.” Toga explained. “We heard from Uraraka that Stain liked you but didn’t get along with Shigy. So, it makes that we should stick by you!”
Izuku blinked. What Toga was saying made sense. He’d always felt like Shigaraki was a fraud for mooching off Stain’s reputation when he didn’t believe in the man’s ideals. Stain had wanted to fix society and their heroes. Shigaraki just wanted to destroy everything.
Izuku would much rather fix society than just mindly destroy it.
“Are you sure about this?” Izuku asked them. “I’m not trying to dissuade you, but right now we don’t have any resources. There’s only three of us, and I don’t even have my usual weapons.”
Toga looked up and smiled. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
Izuku turned around. It was Uraraka, a few feet above his head, slowly floating down to the ground, holding several backpacks filled to the brim.
“Hey Deku!” Uraraka said, smiling at Izuku.
“Uraraka!” Izuku gasped. “Wha-What are you doing here?”
“Obviously, I came to join you along with Toga and Dabi,” she explained as she touched down. “By the way, Spinner is coming too. He’s just grabbing some final things before crawling down the walls.”
“Bu-But what about your debt to Sensei? Your mom?” Izuku asked.
“Honestly, I’ve already done plenty for All For One.” Uraraka shrugged. “I gave up my future as a hero or ordinary citizen and have been working for him for about a year now. I told my mom to go into hiding as soon as I started working as a villain, so he won’t be able to touch her. I want to choose from now on, and I chose you Deku.”
Izuku could feel happy tears welling up in his eyes. “You guys…”
“Oh, and I grabbed as much of your stuff as I could. Same for Dabi and Toga.” Uraraka held out the backpacks for each of them to take. “I couldn't get your notebooks, but I did get your laptop and weapons.”
Izuku checked in his backpack. It was better than he’d hoped. Not only did Uraraka get his laptop and knife, but she got his gun and two boxes of bullets. The notebooks weren't a big deal; he knew them by heart.
“Yay! Bestie got my blood-sucking machine!” Toga cheered, tackling Uraraka with a hug.
Dabi didn’t comment on the contents of his backpack, but he didn’t really have much gear.
Spinner came crawling along the wall towards them. “Do you mind if I join?”
“Spinner!” Izuku said. “Of course, you’re welcome.”
Once he was close enough to the ground, Spinner jumped down from the wall and handed a piece of paper to Izuku. “I don’t know what this is or if it’s a trap, but Kurogiri told me to give this to you before he let me leave.”
Izuku frowned as he took the paper. Kurogiri was fiercely loyal to All For One. He may have given Izuku some of his attention, but Izuku was sure he’d always choose Tomura over Izuku. Still, he read the writing on the paper.
There’s an empty warehouse at the following address. The Master doesn’t use it anymore because he has no business in that area, but it may be a suitable place to stay until you get your feet on the ground. The key is hidden in the bushes next to the front door.
Underneath it was an address near Musutafu.
Izuku smirked. It wasn’t much, but it was something he could start with. If he got more successful he’d probably try to find another hideout, but at least now they had a place to stay.
“Come on guys. We have work to do.”
3 notes · View notes
Sorry this is so late! I wrote an 8000 word angst Bakudeku fan fiction for @otaku-1325  
Participating in @boku-no-secret-santa was so much fun!! I hope this writing is what you were looking for!
Words: 8184
Includes swearing 
Possible typos
No Quirks AU // This fic is slightly inspired by Your Lie in April. If you don’t know what that it, I suggest you watch it with tissues. If you do, well, you have an idea of what’s coming. Enjoy!! (This story is in Bakugou’s point of view)
Silence — A BakuDeku fanfic
-·- silence (n.) — the complete absence of sound | Origin — Middle English: from Old French, from Latin silentium, from silere ‘be silent.’ -·-
“Local piano competition on Wednesday, March 15,” I read to myself.
   Lately, I’ve have had nothing to do. All of my friends have plans and I’m either stuck at home (ugh) or trying to find some bullshit thing to do. I decided to look at the “Upcoming Events” bulletin board at the school as a last resort. The flyer for the piano competition was just the first thing I pulled off the board. I don’t give a shit about piano but anything is better than nothing.
   March 15th is tomorrow. I call my mom to tell her that I have plans.
   “Did you call to tell me that you’re moving out, Katsuki?” she answered. I know, she’s great.
   “No, I have plans for tomorrow so I’m not trapped in the house all fucking day,” I tell her.
   “Language! Also, good for you. You got a life. What is it?”
   “A piano competition…” I mumble, already knowing her response.
   “Katsuki! Oh my fucking God! You really have run out of ideas!” I heard her laughing hard in the background. “Hope you have a great time.” And with that, she hung up, but I swear I could still hear her.
   Well now I’m definitely going and I will have a fucking good time to prove that old hag wrong, I promised myself.
   I just hope that I have a good time or I risk my mother making fun of me further.
   -· We’re all strange and maybe we don’t wanna change ·-
   I decided to wear a black collared shirt with black jeans. They wear the least… death related clothing in my closet. My mother was smirking as I left the house.
   I arrived at the competition just as it began. I was handed a program with the name and order of the contestants. They were all going to play the same piece of music, Chopin something or other. While looking over the list, I recognized a couple of names. They were Kirishima Enjiro and Midoriya Izuku. Kirishima is one of my friends and he told me that he was going to some shitty party, not this. I would make sure to confront him about it later.
   Midoriya is a whole other damn story. We were childhood friends. At first, it was because my mom made me, but he was a really good friend. Midoriya Izuku was loyal, trustworthy, honest, and kind. It was like I won the fucking lottery with him. He’s played the piano for a long time and has always been very good. However, he was eventually considered “uncool”. My more popular friends pushed Izuku away. They gave him the nickname Deku and that stuck. I still call him that, if need be. I see that it hurts him but I have a reputation to uphold. It’s already rocky after coming out as a flaming homosexual. If I was thought to have more than negative feelings towards him, then I’d be ruined. It’s horrible, yes, but that’s the way my mind works.
   Anyway, the competition was starting and I made my way to the auditorium. The first person up was some damn rich kid. I’d never heard of him before. His playing was relatively dull and unoriginal. I nearly fell asleep.
By the second performance, I was asleep. I woke up when a more interesting version of the musical piece was being played. It had harder and louder tone to it. When I looked at who was playing, I was not surprised to see Kirishima at the piano. All eyes went to him. It was amazing, surprisingly, and I sat on the edge of my seat.
Next was the last performance and obviously the other fan favorite, Midoriya Izuku. When he walked on stage, he looked much different from the last time I saw him (two weeks ago). His green hair was a little longer and reflected the light from the ceiling. He wore a suit tailored specifically for him, which fit perfectly. His bright, green eyes glowed from the excitement. He fucking belonged on that stage and we all knew it.
When he sat down at the piano bench, the auditorium went dead silent. We held our breath waiting for Izuku to play the first note. When he did, it sounded so different from everyone else. It was the exact opposite of Kirishima’s performance. These notes were gentle. They were like walking through Japan in a place where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and you can have all the beauty to yourself.
The notes also told a story. Izuku transformed the song from something dull into a story of his life. They told of a happy, humble start in a simple but beautiful setting. They then moved onto a slightly more excited and nervous tone. There was also a bit of joy in there. It felt like the early school days or maybe a really good friend. They stayed here for a while. Some people were getting noticeably antsy as they awaited the next part of the story.
The next part of the story took a dark turn. They suddenly became the opposite of the earlier happy sounds. Something big and life-changing happened in the story. Maybe the main character lost someone they really cared about? The song was almost done before the tone shifted again. This time it felt like the story’s character was lost without anyone to really hold onto. When I took a look at the people around me, I saw tears in their eyes. I looked over at Izuku. He looked ready to bawl. Then I left something wet on my face. My first thought was rain. My second was that this is an enclosed room. My third was the realization that I, too, was crying.
And, finally, the story (or song, rather) ended. I craved more but could feel that there was none more. That was all of the story so far. Then, I thought back to Izuku’s face as he played the ending of the song. A sudden realization shocked me. This story is his.
Everyone went to their feet while applauding Izuku, as did I. He deserved it. He bowed and waved at the audience. We still clapped. I could see him blushing, even under the bright stage lights. He was proud to have made such an impact on so many people. Some threw flowers onto the stage for him. He picked them up and walked off the stage.
The person I went to see first after the competition was Kirishima. He had more explaining to do and didn’t seem horribly busy (well, he was but I scared them off).
“B-Bakugou! I didn’t know that you liked piano music!” he stuttered. I laughed and elbowed him in the ribs.
“I didn’t until today. You and Izuku left quite the impression,” I tell him.
“Midoriya was so amazing! The way he captivated the audience every step of the way is something I wish I could do. Did you know that he’s been playing since he was three?”
“Yeah. I have a question for you though. Why did you lie about a party, hair for brains?” I gave him my best evil eye.
“Um, well, you see… I wanted to sound cool?”
I rolled my eyes. “Your playing was goddamn manly enough. Now go talk to your fans. I have another fucking person to talk to.”
I left Kirishima to his fans and made my way through the sea of people surrounding Izuku. I tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention. When he saw me, I swear he jumped twenty feet. I chuckled slightly at his reaction.
“Kacchan! Wha-What are you doing here?” he stammers. I notice how he still calls me the name he’s called me since we were little. I find the thought fact comforting.
“Watching people play the piano. You did pretty fucking decent, Deku,” I say without realizing what I’ve called him. He winces but keeps smiling.
“Thank you…” he mumbles. He puts his head down.
“What the hell is wrong? Is everything alright with your mom?”
He looks back up at me. “Huh?” I don’t think he expected me to ask such a personal question after I had bullied him for years.
“Well? Are you ok?” I urge.
“Yes, if it makes you happy. Why do you care, Kacchan? You’ve tormented me for years and now you decide to be pleasant? I’m terrified to face you,” he admits. His words stung, but I deserved that.
“Look around, Izuku. Do you see those people that used to follow me around?” I asked. He looked around.
“No, you left them behind when you got accepted to the high school we attend. What’s the purpose of this?”
“I was cruel to you because those assholes made me. They were the ones that came up with that nickname of yours that I accidentally called you. I never wanted to stop being your friend and I chose popularity over you.” Next, I am going to say the hardest words for me to say, as I’d been raised differently. “I’m sorry.”
Izuku stared at me with a blank look on his face. We stood in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. “How do I know that you’re being truthful? I assume that you realized that the way I played the piano tonight described my life, but did you know that part of the dark and desolate section was about when I lost you?”
It was like a dagger through the heart with the way he said that. I knew that I caused him pain but not to the point where he felt so strongly that he could include in a piece of music.
“I didn’t know. Please meet me at the café a couple of blocks from here so I can try and prove myself to you,” I finally said.
He shook his head. “No, Kacchan. I can’t afford another loss. I’ve grown since then. Maybe if you can prove yourself around other people at school, then I might take another chance on you. If not, then you must learn to say goodbye. Oh, and one more thing. I won’t allow you to call me by my first name either until I can trust you again. Have a nice day.”
And then he went back to the people wanting to talk to him about his playing, acting like nothing had happened.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around ready to slap them when I saw that it was just Kirishima.
“Bad day?” he asks me.
“Shitty Hair, don’t sneak up on me!” I yell.
“Sorry! But honestly, how are you? Your conversation with Midoriya didn’t seem to go very well.”
“It was fucking  -f- fine! I don’t want to talk about it and if you’ll excuse me, I need to go home and have a nap or five. See you tomorrow.”
-· I’ll be a dreamer ‘till the day I die ·-
I had a nightmare that night. In it, I was a child again. Midoriya was there, too. He had scratches on his knees and hands from when I pushed him on the ground.
“Stupid Deku! You can’t do anything right! Why did I let you around me for so long? My friends are right; you’ll never be more than Deku,” I had said to the sniffling boy.
He looked up at me with the most broken expression. Tears filled his eyes as he spoke just one word to me: “Why?” Midoriya ran off somewhere after that.
I backed into the looming shadows of our elementary school. I looked down at my hands and saw a blood red color start to envelop my body. I screamed and tried to get rid of it, but it wouldn’t leave. I tried calling for the people I called friends, but they just started laughing at me. I tried calling for Midoriya in the end. When he came, the red shadow disappeared but one word was left etched into my skin: why.
My mom yelled at me when I woke up screaming. “It’s three am, Katsuki! Some of us still want to get some damn sleep!”
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cereal and watched reruns of old shows until it was time to get ready for school.
Before I left to go to school, I asked my mom something that has been in the back of my mind since talking to Midoriya yesterday.
“Is the Midoriya family doing ok?”
My mom looked at me with a quizzical expression. “What makes you ask that? You haven’t shown a shred of interest in their family since you started bullying Izuku.”
“I was just something he said that has me concerned. He was performing at the piano competition and I talked to him for a little while,” I replied.
“He’s still doing piano even after Inko’s death? Damn, the kid has balls. He still—” I cut her off.
“Excuse me? His mom died and you didn’t tell me?” I shouted. My mom’s face flushed red.
“Shit! I forgot that you didn’t know…” she mutters.
“When?” I demanded.
“It was not too long after I got the second report of you bullying, so around five years ago in September?”
The second report of bullying happened not long after the first. That means that Midoriya’s mom died around when I started bullying him. That just made me feel even worse and further encouraged me to prove myself to him. I ran to the school so I could I could think of ideas.
There weren’t very many people there when I arrived. The only person that I was close to was Kaminari, and he was busy doing late homework. The only people here that could help me with this Midoriya situation are Todoroki and Uraraka. I walked up to them, careful not to look threatening (not easy).
“Uh, hi, Bakugou. What are you doing here?” Uraraka asked me.
“I need advice,” I admitted flat out. “It’s about Midoriya. You see, I need to prove myself trustworthy to him, which will be difficult. It’ll be even harder seeing as how his mom died soon after I started bullying him. I watched him play piano in a competition yesterday, and he poured his heart and soul into the piece. He told a story that couldn’t be expressed through words. Do you understand what I mean by any of that?”
They look at each other with a confused expression and shrug.
Todoroki says, “That won’t be easy. I haven’t been close to Midoriya for a long time, but I’ve seen how he can get when he’s upset. Depending on what it is, it could be really easy or really hard to make him feel happy again. It also has a lot to do with what he wants. If Midoriya doesn’t want anything to do with you, then that’s that. If he secretly hopes for you to come back, it will be easier only by the slightest. What you did was beyond forgiving, in my opinion.”
It’s Uraraka who speaks next. “I agree with Todoroki. You’re not a great person by any means but I have high hopes for you. I also have something else to add and it’ll probably help you out the most. Midoriya really likes it when people have physical, face-to-face conversations. If you can’t manage one of those, then try to do small gestures. They don’t have to be to only him, too. Prove you’ve changed by helping out everyone. Well, maybe not Mineta, but you get my point. Good luck, Bakugou.”
I walked away from them and sat down angrily at my desk. I tried to dissolve into the background and forget that I am here. I listened to small conversations between friends, Iida yelling at someone, and grape head being a pervert become one sound in the back of my head. I closed my eyes and let sleep engulf my conscious.
A loud bang woke me up suddenly. I drowsily looked around to see where it came from and saw Aizawa standing before, a blank expression on his face.
“Would you care to explain why you’re sleeping in my class, Bakugou? I’m the only one allowed to do that,” he said, monotone as usual.
“I was spacing out and I must have dozed off. Oops,” I answered, acting like my old self. I looked around and saw Midoriya shaking his head.
“Uh…I mean, I’m sorry. I should’ve been paying attention. It’s my fault,” I correct myself.
The classroom goes silent and everyone has a shocked look on their face, even Aizawa. Midoriya looks slightly proud of me, I think. It’s hard to tell with that tone of face. He marks something down in one of his notebooks.
“That’s fine. Um,” Aizawa is at a loss for words, still shocked by my apology. “Just pay attention.”
After class is dismissed, I try to think of my next good deed of the day. Ok, those words do not fit me. ‘My next good deed’? Really? Is this what I’ve succumbed to? I’m trying so hard to get Midoriya back that I’m willing to risk all that I’ve worked to get. And why? Why do I care so much about him? I just shrug off the feeling and focus of the task at hand.
I decide to help Jirou, a person I’ve never talked to more than once, carry all of her things to lunch. She was really shocked and apprehensive at first, but when she saw that I meant well, she let it go. It’s kind of a relief when people stop being scared of you. You don’t have to work so hard 24/7 to keep up the appearance. Now, I’m just like the rest of the side characters.
After helping Jirou, I go sit at my usual table with Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. They joke around about Kirishima’s piano skills (I regrettably told them). Though Kirishima is laughing along with them, his eyes say that he doesn’t like it. I saw yesterday that he is truly passionate about the piano. It was his one escape and I spoiled it for him. I spoke up.
“Hey, dumbasses, how would you like if someone you considered a friend made fun of you for your one true passion? Like you, Mina. How would you feel if someone made fun of your love of aliens and conspiracy theories?”
She stops talking and looks at me. “Pretty shitty, not gonna lie. Aliens are my life!”
I wasn’t done yet. “And Sero? You love Spiderman and used to want to be just like him. I’ve seen your room and you still love him. What if you were bullied for that?”
It was his turn to look slightly confused. “Bad? Regret? I don’t know, but it wouldn’t be happy, I guess.”
Lastly, I turned to Kaminari. “You like Pokémon, specifically Pikachu, and have a fear of water. What if that was leaked?”
Kaminari, despite being a little slow, caught on to what I was doing. “Not good. I see what you mean.” He turns back to a confused Kirishima. “Sorry, bro. I didn’t think about what the piano might mean to you.”
Mina nods enthusiastically. The other had two finally caught on. “I’m really sorry, Kiri! I wasn’t thinking!”
“Me too. We all have our passions and yours is piano. That’s not a reason to joke. I’m sorry,” Sero finished. The three brought Kirishima into a bear hug.
Kirishima, being the emotionally unstable teenage boy he is, burst out into tears. He met my eyes and I just shrugged with a smirk on my face as if saying, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ I looked over and saw Midoriya writing more in his notebook. He glanced in my direction and smiled.
I met up with Midoriya after school. He wasn’t talking to any of his friends so I found the time appropriate.
“You did good today. They loved you,” he says. “Especially the whole thing with Kirishima. Now that was good. Who knew Bakugou Katsuki was such a great peacemaker, problem-solver, and just an all-around good person at heart?” Midoriya chuckles.
I looked around. “Don’t say stuff like that out loud!” I continued in a quieter voice, “I didn’t really try that hard with Kirishima. That was instinct. When one of my friends are hurting, I have to fix the problem immediately. He’s my best friend, as well,” I admitted. Midoriya smiled.
“That’s a good thing, Kacchan. You have a real capability of not being mean. You’ve impressed me today. I have to admit, when Aizawa woke you up, I was expecting a full-blown rage attack. Instead, you acted maturely. I took notes on all that you did and now I’m pleased to admit that I accept your café offer from yesterday! I’ll see you there in three hours.”
I actually smiled a bit. “I was going to ask you, actually,” I respond.
“I know. That why I did it.” Midoriya smirks and walks off to join Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka. They all looked happy together and I was jealous of such a put together friendship, compared to my mess. Don’t get me wrong, I love those little shits, but they can be a real nuisance. They’re like hyperactive puppies that you need to train or else. I don’t even know how I got with them. I guess it mostly has to do with the sports festival earlier this year. After that, we were like best friends.
Anyway, enough about them. I think I’m getting my next chance with Midoriya. That’s exciting, I hope. But also not too exciting. I don’t want to die.  
Later that day, he texted me saying that he was ready to go to the café. I told my mom that I was going out and took the bus there.
When I arrived, Midoriya was taking a few pills but I thought nothing of it. It was probably vitamins. He quickly put them away when he saw me, then waved me over with that dumb smile on his face.
“Hi, Kacchan. How are you?” he asked.
“Eh, fine, I guess. You?” I answered. At this point, we’re just stalling the real reason we’re here today.
“Could be better. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?”
“Sure. You believe that I proved myself to you.”
“Yeah. I’m willing to forget about the past if you are. We’ll reset, in other words. This time, however, it’ll be without the bullying, the name-calling, and the backstabbing, deal?” His face remained neutral but his eyes begged for this. He wanted me to be the person from the good parts of his childhood again. No, it’s more than want; he needs me. Though he may have Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki, they didn’t know him at his worst. I did, mainly because I added to it.
“I accept.”
And like magic, we started over right then and there.
“Hello, I’m Midoriya Izuku, but call me Izuku. Pleased to meet you,” he greets with a usually cheery smile. We really are starting all over then, huh? I agreed so I better go along.
“I’m Bakugou Katsuki. Call me whatever the fuck you want. Do like coffee or tea more?” I asked.
“A green tea, thanks. I drink coffee solely for the purpose of energy. It’s disgusting. It tastes like a fruit gone rotten to the point where the fruit is gone. That’s an exaggeration but you get it!” Izuku laughs softly. I buy him his green tea and get a black coffee for myself. He makes a face at me when I tell him what I got for myself. I truly laughed for the first time in a while.
“What do you like to do, Kac— Um, is it alright if I call you Kacchan? If you don’t, that’s ok,” Izuku mumbled.
“You could call me something weird like dandelion and I wouldn’t care,” I tell him.
“Ok! You’re Dandelion now!”
I spit out the coffee I was drinking. “I-I was joking! It was an example! Please don’t call me that near my friends…”
Izuku laughs at how nervous I am. “I’ll just call you Kacchan then. Or maybe Lion or Dandy. Oh, Dandy! I like that!” He throws a sugar packet at me. “You’re so serious, Dandelion.”
I opened up my coffee cup and poured a bit into Izuku’s tea. He gasps loudly. “Well shit. My bad,” I say with a smirk.
“That’s mean! I was thirsty!” he complains.
“Then drink it. Use sugar or cinnamon or creamer to tone down the coffee flavor, if you want,” I suggest.
While he pouts, I try to remove as much coffee taste as possible with only sugar packets, cinnamon sticks, and five different creamer flavors (hazelnut, French vanilla, milk, chocolate, and strawberry, for those who care). Eventually, I got a brown liquid that didn’t resemble coffee, tea, or anything anyone should consume. I showed it to Izuku and his eyes lit up.
“Finally! A drink to match my soul.” Then he took a large gulp only to spit it everywhere afterward. “That was awful! It tasted like milky, really watered down, chocolate strawberry coffee. In other words, like something you’d make.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, fuck you. Anyway, you were asking me a question before your tea rudely interrupted. What was it?”
“Oh, yeah! What do you like to do for fun?”
Fun? I know the meaning of the word but don’t remember having it. “That’s when you smile and laugh or just enjoy yourself, right?”
Izuku gasped. “Dandelion! Do you not know what fun is?” He said this like it was a crime.
I was a little scared to answer. “Uh…No? Being angry is kind of my thing. If I was seen smiling and having fun and shit like that, I would be fucking murdered.”
“Not by your new friends, you won’t. They respect you! I promise that it’ll be ok. Come on, I’m taking you to the arcade.” Izuku stood up and began cleaning up the table.
I joined him and said, “This is 2023, not 1980, Izuku.”
He looked me dead in the eyes. “Do I look like I give a damn, Dandy? My mom taught me to be open-minded about all eras so I went to the vintage arcade. It turned out to be really fun. My mom said that she loved to go to them when she was a kid. We used to go together before…”
“It’s ok. I’m sorry. We can just go somewhere else?” I offered so Izuku didn’t have to talk about his mom anymore that he just did.
“No, no. We’re going and you won’t regret this. I will crush you at Pac-Man and Galaga!” he looked so happy that I agreed.
Upon arrival, I noticed a surprising about of people our age. It’s like vintage was the new modern for some. I even noticed someone from school.
If possible, Izuku smiled even bigger. He turned to me and said, “This will be the best! Todoroki is an expert at arcade games!” Then he catches Todoroki’s eye and waves him over. Behind him is a woman who looks similar to him. “Todoroki! Kacchan doesn’t know what fun is so I’m going to show him. Do you want to help? Also, who’s that?”
“Hello, Midoriya and Bakugou. This is my sister Fuyami. We were visiting our mom earlier and decided to unwind and come here. I guess we’ll join you since we’re here.”
I swear you could kill a hundred people in front of him or even die and he wouldn’t change his emotion.
Izuku pumps his fist into the air and pulls me over to the game called Pac-Man. It was obviously one of his favorites. He hands me a couple of coins.
“What the hell is this for? Do you want a fucking snack?” I asked, completely serious. The others burst out laughing, exception Todoroki, who just smiled a little.
The one called Fuyami spoke. “So you have the coins, yes? Do you see the little slot on the front of the machine? Put the coins in there.”
I did as I was told. “Now what?”
“Do you see the yellow ‘start’ button? Press it then grab the joystick. Once you hear the music start, move the yellow pie and eat the white dots. Make sure to avoid the colorful ghosts because they cause you to lose a life. You only have three. The big white dots turn the ghosts blue and you’re able to eat them for extra points then. If you see a fruit, eat it. Does that make sense?”
I nodded and went over the instructions she gave me. I pressed the start button and began making the little yellow shit eat white dots. It was actually kind of fun. A cherry appeared on screen so I began moving the yellow thing to it, not really paying attention to the things around it. Then, Izuku and Fuyami began yelling at me to turn around. One of the little blobs was coming right for me. I didn’t move fast enough and lost a life.
“That’s ok. You have two more. You can do this, Kacchan!” Izuku yelled. I smiled to myself and began again.
After that first failure, I began to get the hang of it. I finished up the first level in no time. The second and third level went even quicker. Izuku cheered me on.
Before we knew it, I was on level 50. A small crowd had gathered around me at this point. They all cheered me on despite not knowing my name. It was exhilarating. It was…fun. I did my best for all of these strangers but mostly for this small, green-haired boy right next to me.
I had reached level 114 very quickly. I had only one life left at this point but it didn’t fucking slow me down. I wonder if this was how arcades were forty years ago?
Izuku was bouncing up and down as I progressed further. He was happier than I was. I found the thought comforting.
I was nearing the final level when something went terribly, horribly wrong. I don’t know if it was the excitement or something else entirely, but Izuku collapsed. The people gathered around me looked very concerned. I yelled for Todoroki to call an ambulance. The background dissolved into nothingness as I panicked and tried to find out what could’ve gone wrong. Maybe it was the pills from earlier. Did they do something to his insides? Or was it an existing condition? Whatever it was, I hated it and it needed to die.
I convinced the EMTs to let me go to the hospital with Izuku because his mom was dead and his dad had disappeared years ago. I couldn’t focus the whole way there. I was too busy worrying about Izuku and what might happen. I tried asking an EMT what was wrong with him but they wouldn’t listen to me. I decided to call my mother instead.
“What?” she answered with.
“It’s Izuku. He collapsed while we were at that old arcade. I’m in the ambulance going to the hospital with him now. I might not be home for awhile,” I explained.
There was silence for a while. “I’m joining you there. Izuku is like a second son to me and I haven’t seen him since Inko died. I’ll meet you there, Katsuki,” she said before hanging up. Well, I didn’t plan for her to come, but if she wants to, that’s fine. I don’t really care.
When we arrived, there was chaos. I remember being told to sit in the waiting room, so I did. At some point, my mom arrived. One of the teachers from the school did as well. He is like a hero to us so the school dubbed him ‘All Might’ (after a famous comic book character). I don’t think anyone knows his real name.
I felt the presence of someone near me so I looked up. It was All Might. He asked me, “Bakugou, was there anything that might have caused this? Even the smallest detail would help.”
I took a breath. “There was a lot of excitement before he passed out.” I hesitated on the next part. It wasn’t any of my business but this could mean more than I think. “I also saw him take some pills earlier today. I don’t know what kind or how many but they were in the orange prescription pill bottle. That’s all I can think of. Sorry…”
He pats me on my back. “Thank you. Midoriya is like a son to me and it would destroy me if he was to die. I’ll go tell the doctors what you told me.”
I’m left in silence after that. My mother sits near me but says nothing. What is there to say?
Hours pass with no information. I periodically ask for anything but they won’t say. They’re actually trying to find any of Izuku’s living relatives right now. I imagine it’s not easy. His mom’s dead, his dad’s gone, and he never mentioned any grandparents, aunts or uncles, cousins, or anyone else really. I expected that they would turn to either All Might or my mother next.
When night falls, there’s a glimmer of hope. A nurse approaches my mom and me and says, “We were unable to locate any remaining relatives of Midoriya Izuku. How close are the two of you to him?”
“Well, he came over to my home many times in his youth when his mom had to work. My son is a close friend of his from childhood to now,” my mom answers. The nurse nods in response and beckons for us to follow her.
She takes us to Izuku’s room and then tells us his condition. “He’s stable now. Midoriya collapsed from exhaustion. We’ve been running tests and found that he has a form of—” A buzzer sounded at this moment. “Excuse me,” she says before rushing into the room.
“Well, that fucking blows,” my mom states.
“That Izuku is waking up?” I questioned, looking at her, puzzled.
“What? No. That she didn’t get to tell what’s wrong with Izuku.”
“Actually, I don’t think that he wants anyone to know. When I saw him taking pills earlier, he hid them when he noticed me. I don’t think he wants anyone to worry about him.”
“The boy is so nice, I’ll believe that. Oh, yeah. Isn’t his next piano thingy in a couple of weeks?”
The thought had completely left me. Izuku loves the piano and I know that he’s hate to miss this. “I forgot. I’m sure he’ll be fine by then. The preliminary is over and he’s going directly to the semi-finals because of how he ranked.”
The nurse exits the room now. She looks at me. “Midoriya would like to talk to you.”
I enter the room not knowing what to expect. Would he be mad at me? Sad? Have tubes coming out of his body?
“Dandelion!” Izuku says as soon as I close the door behind me. He’s sitting up in bed with a wide grin on his face. Seeing him like this makes me happy and my heart dance.
“You fucking scared me, you piece of shit!” I half-yell while walking over to him.
Izuku laughs. “Whoops! Guess that was a bit too much excitement, huh?”
“Hey, I was winning and you decided to steal my spotlight, fucker,” I replied with a smirk.
“Eh, fair enough. So are you just gonna keep standing there or can I kiss you? I’m sure you feel the tension as much as I do.”
I wasn’t even thinking about it until he mentioned it. I could feel it. Ever since we were young, I had felt that I liked him a bit differently than I liked other people. I was young, so I didn’t think much of it. When I really turned against him in middle school, I partially did it because I found out why I felt so weird around him. I liked him. I hated myself for it. The people I was around condemned that sort of thing so I thought I was doing something bad. I repressed my feelings for Izuku for a few years. Then, all of a sudden, we were having drinks at a café and my feelings came back stronger than ever, yet I still repressed them. And now we’re here, in a hospital room, facing a huge decision.
Do I risk the awkward moments afterward or not agree and never mention this again? What does Izuku want? What do I want? What do we want?
Izuku patiently waits for my answer. It’s not like he’ll be leaving anytime today. I carefully think over the pros and cons of both choices. I decide that one has very little compared to the other. I approach him.
Now, before I do this, let me say that I have a lot to risk and a lot to gain from this. It could be either the best or worst moment in my life but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
I reach the side of Izuku’s bed and grab his hand. He knows my choice and smiles. I choose him. I lean closer and—
“Midoriya! Are you ok? We— Bakugou? What are you doing here?” It’s Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki, of-fucking-course. Can’t the universe let me have one moment without fucking it up?
I jump back and act like we were just having a nice discussion before they came barging in. “Hello, have you heard of, um, fucking knocking?” I yelled.
“I told you it would be rude to rush in, Uraraka!” Iida said.
She scratches the back of her neck. “Well, uh, I thought it’d be a fun surprise! And…um…surprise?” Todoroki throws confetti from God knows where.
“Thank you! I love this! My best friends are all here! But knock next time, ok?” Izuku smiles to show that he is unbothered. I immediately feel uncomfortable. These people aren’t my friends. I don’t know shit about them. I begin walking to the door to give the four privacy. Izuku is the only one who would want me there, anyway.
“Dandy? Where are you going? Do you have to be somewhere?”
“Sort of, but—” I start saying.
“Let him go, Midoriya. He’s an ass,” Iida announced.
I look back at Midoriya. His eyes plead for me to stay but I know I can’t. I’m no longer welcome. The only one of them who may have stood up for me alongside Izuku is Todoroki because he saw how I was earlier, but he stayed out of it.
“I’ll text you later,” I said before leaving and shutting the door behind me. There’s only silence as I walk home.
I don’t bother texting him later, either. I had my chance and I blew it. It wouldn’t be easy to explain what happened to Izuku. I don’t go to school Friday and stay home all throughout the weekend. I get many texts from my friends and a few from Midoriya but I don’t look at any of them.
My mom enters my room. “You can’t stay here forever, Katsuki.”
“Watch me,” I mumbled.
“It’s Sunday afternoon for Christ’s sake! You’ve been in here since Thursday evening and only left to use the toilet. You’re losing a bit of weight! I’m actually worried about you.”
“Thanks for caring, but can I please go back to isolating myself?”
“A few of your friends have come by asking for you. I told them that you were sick. You were even left a flower with a note.”
The flower part caught my attention. “Let me see,” I say. The only person who would give me a flower would be either Mina or Kaminari, both as a joke. She hands me the flower and note.
It’s the kind of flower, or weed, that catches my eye. It’s a dandelion. I unfold the note next. It reads as follows:
‘Dear Dandelion,
I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable at the hospital. Todoroki and I scolded Iida and Uraraka for their behavior. They apologized, but I know that it means very little to you.
I don’t know your mind as well as I would like to. You’ve changed since we were kids. We’ve both gone through a lot. I know you don’t do well around people and I should’ve made my friends realize that and given us our privacy. You left before I could go with you. I was discharged two hours after you left. I was mad at my friends for ruining what could have very well been the end of our beginning.
I’ve been texting you to try and go out on a date but you didn’t respond. Honestly, I got worried. I love my new friends and all but I’ve known you longer. If something were to happen to you, I might die. And I mean that in a literal sense.
Speaking of death, that nurse didn’t tell you about me, did she? I asked the hospital long ago not to tell my condition to anyone without my approval. I know that you know that something is wrong with me at this point. You saw me taking pills and saw me pass out. Those aren’t the actions of a healthy person. I would tell you but I hate to have people feel sorry for me. When my mom found out, she began spoiling me. Remember when I got a new game console? That’s why.
I’m writing a second letter to you that explains everything I’ve just told you in detail and other things. I hope you never have to read it.
Sincerely, Izuku Midoriya
P.S. I’ll be at the café at three pm on Sunday. If you don’t want to come, I won’t make you.
Three pm was thirty minutes ago! If I’m going to go, I better go now. I quickly change into a t-shirt and jeans and begin running to the café. If I’m lucky, I’ll make it before Izuku leaves. I’ll be there in about eight minutes at the rate I’m currently running at. I just hope that Izuku decided to wait an hour for me.
It’s nearly four when I arrive. I search the building for Izuku. When I don’t see him, I ask the barista if they’ve seen him and she said that he left ten minutes ago. I thank her and begin running to Izuku’s house (the only reason he still leaves there and not a foster home is because he lies about his dad).
When I get there, I frantically knock on the door. It wasn’t Izuku who answered, it was Uraraka.
“Oh! Hi. I thought you were Iida. We’re having a study session and… never mind. Um, come in!” she greets. I shove my way past her and run up to Izuku’s room. I swing open the door and he’s sitting on his bed. I let out a sigh of relief.
“Dandelion! You’re here!” he exclaims with a large grin. “I thought you died.”
I laugh nervously. “I’m fine now. I had just gotten really bad anxiety after the hospital. I got your note at 3:30.”
“I’m so sorry! Was it my fault? I should’ve been more considerate of your feelings before asking—”
I cut him off with a long overdue kiss and in that moment, everything was perfect. The world was made just for us. Izuku wasn’t sick, I never bullied him, and his mom never died. You know people always describe first kisses with someone is like fireworks? Yeah, fuck that. This was like the part on a roller coaster drops you: exhilarating, a little scary,.  but a lot of fun.
When I pulled away, I heard a familiar, commanding voice and a very feminine giggle. Izuku looked at the door and laughed. I turned to confirm my suspicions.
“It was Uraraka’s fault! She told me that we should check up on you but then she noticed your moment and watched! I apologize,” says Robot Nerd aka Iida.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I guess. But how could I not watch? You both looked so happy and peaceful and in love! I was going to take a picture to show your grandkids, but Iida said no,” Uraraka says with a pout.
This time, I don’t feel uncomfortable. Izuku can tell. He smiles at me and I smile back.
-· Oh, how the good die young ·-
It’s the day of Izuku’s next piano contest-recital-thingy. He’s going to play one of Bach’s musical things along with everyone else there. He told me that he wouldn’t play it as his story but instead, he would play for me. Nice things like this made me forget that Izuku would die one day.
Izuku put more emotion into this performance than his last one yet it was much more peaceful. The last one was the ocean but this one is a lake. This was tiring him out though. He was sweating and struggling to stay in tune but he managed. Watching was like magic.
When everything was done, I met with him in the foyer. Somehow, Izuku wasn’t as happy this time. He appeared scared. When I get near him, he hugs me tightly.
“I can’t do this, Dandelion! Toward the end, I thought I was going to pass out. The doctors gave me a brand new medication but it’s worse,” he says. When he looks up at me, tears are falling down his face.
“What? You were fine a few weeks ago!” I exclaim.
“That was before the collapse. Please, I... I don’t want to say anymore. I can’t have you feeling sorry for me as my mom had. It’s not good for you.”
“Ok. Alright. I just want us to be happy in the time we have.”
And we were.
Dear Bakugou Katsuki (aka Dandelion!!),
How are you? Probably not the best if you’re seeing this, I guess. I hope we had many good memories and I hope you keep them alive. I know that we had a rough history and that’s ok. We broke past that and into the future.
The best possibility is that you never read this and I’m cured. However, I know that can’t happen. The survival rate for what I have isn’t very high. I have (or had) terminal brain cancer. You probably wonder why I never had chemotherapy. Well, I did and was sick for days afterward. They didn’t do it again. I’ve passed out in the past, just never in front of a crowd. I know most of my nurses and doctors by name. That’s how often I go. There. That’s my sickness.
I wish I could’ve stayed with you longer. You’ve made me both the happiest and saddest person on Earth. Earth… This calls for a space analogy!
There are stars, galaxies, nebulas, planets, black holes, solar systems, and all kinds of things we don’t know about. I think of you as a nebula— beautiful, definitely dangerous, but a place for growing up and change. I consider myself a star— also beautiful but only from far away. Up close, you see that I’m dead. However, stars are “born” in nebulas. Before I met you, and I mean really met you, I was lost. I didn’t have a clue what to do with my life. Then, you changed that. You helped me feel normal again, if only for a short time. Remember the arcade? I hadn’t ever felt that alive.
Though we don’t have a future, we do have a past. We’ve laughed and cried together. I happen to find this nice. The future is a scary place full of many uncertainties; the past is forever. No one can ever take away our memories. Whenever you miss me or feel sad, think of those days. Don’t let them fade into nothingness. Keep them alive and I’ll never truly die. It’s like when people say that you’re never truly dead until you’re forgotten. I believe in that.
I don’t know what you’re going to do with your future. Maybe you’ll become someone who studies cancer or a father. Whatever you do, know that I support you all the way. I do ask one thing of you: live. I don’t mean “stay alive”, I mean live. Live each day as if it’s your last. Leave behind no regrets. Cause chaos, save people, party, enjoy yourself. Just live! That’s my one regret. I spent all my time in self-pity and the piano when I could have been just forgetting my sickness and living. You don’t have to do this!
Don’t let my legacy die and yours stop from existing.
Love, Izuku Midoriya  
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
A New Meaning for Deku
Technically for Villain Month, but doesn’t have much of a focus on the villains so I won’t be tagging it as such. It’s still part of my Villain!Izuku AU though.
Read also on FF and AO3.
This wasn’t how Ochaco Uraraka’s life was supposed to go. Until a few months ago she was on track to her ideal life: get into a good hero school, graduate and become a pro, then earn enough money to make her parents’ lives easier.
That future disappeared the day her father died.
His company was conducting repairs on a large l skyscraper when a local villain fight broke out. A new up-and-coming hero called Mount Lady resolved the issue, but during the fight hit one of the I-beams, causing it to fall and crush not only Ochaco’s father, but five of his employees as well. That was bad enough already, but the hero commision refused to accept responsibility for the accident and spun a story that placed the blame on the company's shoulders, so the insurance company got out of paying the life insurance for dad or the other employees. Since Ochaco’s family were the owners of the company and legally required to pay reparations to the families of the dead employees, that saddled her grieving mother with a large amount of debt.
Ochaco was freaking out about the debt when a kind stranger contacted her. He said he sympathized with her situation and was willing to pay off the debt, on the condition that Ochaco came to work for him. In hindsight, Ochaco should have realized it was too good to be true, but she was desperate. It wasn’t until after they’d struck a deal that she realized he didn’t want her waiting tables or getting coffee. He’d forced her to drop out of school and has now told her to meet with his allies in a seedy part of town.
When Ochaco reached the address her mysterious benefactor directed her too, she found a surprisingly elegant bar open during the day.
A blue-haired boy sitting at the bar looked up when she came in. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
Ochaco swallowed. “Um… I’m supposed to be meeting someone here. You wouldn’t happen to know anybody going by the name All For One?”
The blue-haired boy who’d spoken looked confused. “What do you need with Sensei?”
“Ah, Miss Uraraka. You were able to make it,” a familiar voice said.
“Sir?” Uraraka asked, looking around for the man she'd come to meet. She’d never met him in person, only speaking to him through the phone or email, so she had no idea what he looked like.
“The master isn’t present,” a misty bartender explained. “He prefers to provide instructions through the TV over there.”
“Uraraka, these will be your new coworkers. Tomura, try to make your new team member comfortable. You’ll be working together for a while."
The blue-haired boy -- the one Uraraka assumed was called Tomura -- turned on his bar stool to give her a critical look. “You don’t look like much. Are you sure you’re cut out for this kind of thing?”
Uraraka looked down at her feet. “I don’t know, but I need the money for my family.”
“Hm” Tomura started scratching his neck. “Hey Izuku! Get out here and meet the new girl.”
There was a series of thumps from somewhere upstairs and a plain-looking boy with green hair walked in through the back door. He couldn’t be much older than Uraraka, who was supposed to be in her last year of middle school, and seeing someone else her age made Uraraka relax a little.
“Tomura, who is….” The boy noticed Uraraka. “Oh, you’re… um…” his cheeks darkened. “You’re a girl.”
“Nice observation skills there, Izuku,” Tomura said.
The green-haired boy -- Izuku -- was quick to defend himself. “N-No it’s nothing like that! I just assumed that you’d be a boy when Sensei told us you’d be coming, though I realize now that was somewhat sexist of me. Half the people in the world are girls after all, but I’ve just been spending all my time with Tomura and Kurogiri and Sensei for the past few years so I’m not used to interacting with girls and as such don’t know what I’m supposed to do in this situation…”
“Oi, you’re mumbling again,” Tomura broke into Izuku’s long-winded explanation.
“Eh? Oh, I’m so sorry!” he rubbed the back of his head, looking sheepish. “This isn’t a great first impression…”
“No, it’s fine.” Uraraka walked up to him. “My name is Ochako Uraraka. And your name is Izuku, right?”
Izuku’s face lit up. “That’s right! Izuku Midoriya. I’ll also go by ‘Analyst,’ but that’s more of a codename. This guy,” Izuku pointed to the blue-haired guy, “is Tomura Shigaraki. He and I are practically brothers, so don’t be surprised if I accidentally call him Tomura-nii. That man over there,” he pointed to the misty bartender, “is Kurogiri. He’s the person to talk to if you ever need something or want to talk to Sensei.”
“Indeed,” Kurogiri said. “By the way Ms. Uraraka, the master mentioned that you might need a place to stay for the foreseeable future.”
“Oh! Well, yes, that would be appreciated,” Uraraka turned to speak to Kurogiri. “My mom’s house is too far away to commute, and I haven’t had the chance to go apartment hunting…”
“Don’t worry about it!” Izuku interrupted. “We’ve got several extra rooms upstairs. It’s okay if she stays here, right? Kurogiri? Tomura?”
“That would be foe the best,” Kurogiri said. “You and Tomura have to behave, now that there’s a lady in the house.”
Shigaraki gave Uraraka a hard look. “I guess she can stay.”
“Great!” Izuku was practically jumping with enthusiasm. “Come on Uraraka, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” He quickly turned and led her to the back door.
“Okay,” Uraraka started to follow Izuku but stopped. “By the way, what is this place? What kind of work do we do?”
Tomura broke into hysterical laughter. “You mean you came here without knowing that?”
Uraraka’s eyes migrated to the floor. He’s right, I should have figured out what I was doing before I came here.
Tomura spread his arms. “We are the League of Villains. We use our quirks and talents to destroy heroes!”
It finally occurred to Uraraka that she was in way over her head.
There was a light knock on her door. “Uraraka? Do you mind if I come in?”
“Don’t care,” Uraraka said, her voice muffled by the pillow she had over her head.
The door opened and a mop of green hair peeked in. “Are you alright?”
Uraraka moved the pillow down so she could glare at him. “What do you think?”
Izuku at least has the self-awareness to look uncomfortable. “Want to talk about it?”
“My dad is dead, I had to drop out of school, and I just found out I sold my soul to a villain organization to get my family out of debt. Does that sound like alright to you?”
Izuku winced, “Yikes. Okay, I didn’t know about all that.” He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. “You really don’t want Tomura hearing you complain like that. He wouldn’t react well.”
Urarak blinked. “What? Is he sensitive?”
“Sort of? Well, not the way you’re probably thinking…” Izuku scratched his cheek nervously. “Tomura… is ferociously loyal to All For One. He hates it when anyone speaks out against Sensei. Well, he hates a lot of things, but you’ll figure out what topics to avoid after a while."
“Sounds like you have some experience with that.”
Izuku shifted uncomfortably. “There’s… plenty of good times to excuse the bad. I’d rather not talk about it.”
Uraraka looked at Izuku. Really looked. She’d thought he was plain-looking when they first met and that was still true, but now she began to notice little things that told big stories. How his posture was slouched, making him appear smaller than he really was. How his freckles were fading from lack of sunlight. How his skin was paler than it should be. How his clothes were faded and old, worn down in some places. How he looked just… exhausted.
Maybe I’m not the only person who didn’t choose to be here, Uraraka wondered.
“Izuku, why did you join the League of Villains?”
“Wha-um…” Izuku started looking around the room, anywhere but Uraraka. He was rubbing his fingers together, likely a nervous habit.
“You… you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to,” Uraraka eventually conceded. She’d have plenty of time to get the story out of him.
Izuku looked at her again, but now his face was covered in guilt. “I… I wanted Sensei to give me a quirk.”
Izuku opened his mouth and the words came out in a wave, like he couldn’t stop it once he got started. “I was born quirkless. I still don’t have a quirk. When I was a kid all my friends got really powerful quirks and I didn’t, so I was devastated. They bullied me, calling me ‘useless, quirkless, Deku’ and I couldn’t stand it, so when All For One offered to give me a quirk, I jumped at the chance and am still determined to get it by proving to him I deserve one…”
“Whoa! Whoa! Hold up!” Uraraka interrupted. “So, All For One is able to give people quirks?”
“Oh, yes. It’s he quirk. He can take people’s quirks, use them for himself, or give them to other people. I’ve seen him do it for some low-key lackeys like Moonfish.”
“Wow. That’s…” Terrifying. “Interesting.”
Izuku gave her a look like he knew what she meant to say. “Well, it’s the truth. I’m sure that if I help Tomura and All For One with the League of Villains he’ll eventually give me a quirk.”
Something about Izuku’s explanation didn’t sound quite right. Uraraka was sure she wasn’t getting the whole story. “If you’re able to help the League of Villains, doesn’t that prove you don’t need a quirk.”
Izuku’s face fell. “I don’t want to be quirkless Deku anymore.”
“It’s another way to pronounce the last part of my name. It… well, apparently it means I'm useless.”
Uraraka frowned. “Actually, I don’t think so. It sounds like a hero name to me.”
Izuku looked at her in shock. “A hero name?”
“Yeah! Like, ‘you can do it!’ It would be really inspiring. If I had the chance to become a hero, I would have called myself ‘Uravity’ but Deku actually sounds way cooler.”
Izuku continued staring at her in shock for several seconds. When he finally turned away, it was to stand up and walk to the door. “I… I should probably leave you alone. Kurogiri will get on my case if I finds out I was alone with you and the door was closed.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Izuku gave her a small smile. “If you want to talk some more, my room is right across the hall. Tomura’s is at the end of the hallway and Kurogiri prefers to sleep in the basement.”
Uraraka nodded. “Thanks, Izuku. I’ll probably come to you if something comes up.”
Izuku turned away. “You know, if you mean what you said about the meaning of Deku, I wouldn't if you called me that. Only you, though.”
Uraraka smiled. “Alright, Deku.”
Maybe there’s a silver lining here.
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