#like a weird free so I can later make cash thing. no. I do not make cash. that's fine
crow-caller · 1 year
As somebody who currently cannot afford books, thank you SO much for making yours free, even for a little while. I don't think I've ever come across another author who has done that (at most, I've seen maybe one author who explicitly said pirating their books was okay), and it means so so much that I have a chance to read it. <3
I guess I haven't seen it much myself but I think I must have- it must be more common in indie spaces, because obviously Good Angel/Bad End is self published and I own the rights. My other published book, Angel Radio, was with a small press so I technically couldn't.
With indie books*, you gotta realize you just can't like ever make any money off them either. Not enough to live off. It is nice when it can pay for food but often you're self pubbing on your own cash and can only hope to pay it back to even. (*note: a bunch of self and indie books do sell crazy well. not typically lgbt weird not-romance ones like mine)
So, the best and main way to get anything done as a self pub'd author is to hope people bother to talk about your book- put it in recc lists, mention it to friends, care about it at all. To do that they have to read it, and to do that they have to buy it, and suddenly it is extremely hard to get anyone to give a rat's ass. removing the price makes it more accessible and also clears some of the steps for it actually ever get read. I kinda just want people to read it some time if it seems like their fancy and hopefully have a good time, and word of mouth and making it free is the only avenues I got
thank you also, this was just me autistically rambling on-ish subject
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What would happen if fast food reader tried to quit?
"I quit!"
Fourty minutes in - that's a new record. You're in the middle of a transition with a customer when the newest in a line of new hires comes storming from the back, apron and badge on hand.
"In the single hour I've worked here I've been yelled at till my ears bled, pelted with plastic balls, saw my reflection drown itself in the toilets, and had my wallet and keys stolen."
"I'd say you had an okay start...." You pause for a moment, centered on the task at hand. ".....So will that be cash or card?"
Your coworker stares at you like you've grown antlers which probably wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've seen, but still up there in rankings.
"You're staying?!"
"I can't quit."
Pity flashes briefly in their eyes. "Being jobless is better than whatever this is, but I'm sure there's something else out there."
"You don't understand. I literally can't quit."
Your ex-coworker scoffs. "I know the job market is pretty rough these days, but come on..."
Sighing heavily, you carefully remove your apron- folding and setting at atop the counter along with your hat and badge. Glancing apologetically at the customer, you mutter.
"I quit."
Really, it only took the first syllable for what happened next, but it felt weird not to finish the sentence.
The entrace doors swing to a loud shut. Music playing over the speakers descends into static. Caution tape peals and tears from the walls as management's door pries it from position. Darkness oozes from the cracks as a body presses against the frame. A hand reaches out - pointing behind you.
Your ex-coworker and the customer scream. You look over your shoulder at your manager's grinning face as they grip your shoulders.
"Please don't touch me."
Your manager laughs. "Oh, you and your silly jokes. So, I hear someone isn't having the best time. Your little friend is free to go, but you are a valued member of our team, Y/n. Anything we can do to make you stay?"
Your manager hands their head in sadness, immediately perking back up as they remove their touch from your shoulders. "I see..... Well! We'll all miss you dearly, but we respect your decision. Allow us to give you a portion of your severance in hand as thanks for your service."
"Please don't."
The lights flicker as the freezer door slams into the adjacent wall. They continue to flicker with every heavy click of hooves on titled floors. The hulking figure ducks beneath menu signs, narrowly missing its curving horns getting stuck as it rises to full high. The reds of it beady eyes cast you in eerie glow as it stares - pupils shrunk as it turns. It seems to blink away tears as it snorts.
In a flash, the store mascot picks your ex-coworker by the throat and slams them to down on the counter. It reaches for its belt, sorting the sharpest cleaver of its artillery and sporting it against its prey's neck. Your coworker shrieks and flails, ceasing all movement as warm blood runs down their neck. As your eyes meet, you remain perfectly calm - brows raised in a sort of "I told you so look".
They pathetically beat at the goat demon's arm. "What the fuck.... what the fuck?!"
Your manager clicks their tongue. "I do apologize, but it's in their contract. Money is important, but we value something more here. As payment for self-termination from our team, Y/n here is to receive the beating hearts of everyone in the building in loo of breaking our own unless... they've changed their mind."
You shrug. "Long as you're still cool with my taking cash from the registers."
"Wonderful! Lambchop, could you please let the spoiled meat go? I'm afraid they won't be any good trying to posion our dear Y/n like that and I doubt they'll even make it out of the parking lot."
Your coworker scrambles for the door as soon as they're freed. Their blood, which you refuse to clean, paints the front door seconds later. Your manager sighs.
"Now that that's out of the way, please see to comforting Lambchop. You know how they get when you threaten to leave."
You look over at the mascot would bleats softly as they knock their head gently against the side of yours. You pet their horns as you throw your hat back on.
"Come on, Choppy. You can feed me fries in the breakroom."
Lambchop throws you over their shoulder and heads for the back as your manager takes their leave as well - leaving the customer alone in the main lobby.
"They... never gave back my card."
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savnofilter · 1 year
Reaction to FEM!Reader W/ Tongue Piercings
-> Bakugo Katsuki & Kirishima Eijiro
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   Bakugo Katsuki | Kirishima Eijiro x [FEM]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): suggestive content, mentions of kissing, implied mentions of seggs.
WORD COUNT: .4k words.
READ MORE: masterlist + [student masterlist].
A/N: i wish i could work more with these but we'll see later on!! ofc the other choice would be kiri <33 n i wasnt sure if the implications of the ask so they stayed (mostly) sfw lol. as for student reqs, i will take them with a grain of salt. no guarantee they will be done or finished. thank you, anon!
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oh he thinks you're fucking cool.
at first i was thinking he'd question you, but does he gaf like that??
[+] the answer yes and no.
Bakugo honestly has never thought about piercings in his own free time, so when you pop out with him he just starts thinking.
asks to see it and analyzes it like when dads stare at a TV screen with their hands on their hips.
Bakugo was sure of two things:
1) it was cool as fuck.
2) it was hot as fuck.
he loves your tongue piercing.
once your piercing is all healed he wants to experience everything (physical) he had with you.
when he kisses you with added tongue for the first time in awhile, the kiss is slow and sensual. he likes feeling your piercing but is in no rush to avoid hurting you.
so much more hums of approval and low moans as he finds himself getting lost in your kiss.
dont even get him started feeling your tongue on his skin and how the little change in texture can easily make him shiver.
he thinks your tongue is honestly so rad that he hopes you get more.
[+] he doesnt even care what you get next, he just wants to see you in more!!! 🤭
unlike contrary belief, i don't think Bakugo is the type to get piercings and tats so he leaves that category up to you lol.
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Kirishima asks all the questions lmao.
"Did it hurt?" "How long did it take?" "How many piercings are you gonna get?"
gives you so many kisses as soon as you are healed LOL.
likes to toy and play with you, even gifts you rings (or whatever tf the jewelry is called for tongue piercings) cuz he knows you'll look good in them.
almost has a weird obsession with it if we're being honest.
your choice might also influence him?!$($(
thinks it's fuckin' rad and honestly it might just influence him to get one of his own.
but that's a decision for later since he knows he will be lazy about the recovery process.
youre his punk gf in training and he will NOT miss this opportunity to cash in on it
[+] and of course if you don't want more that's totally fine. he just can't help himself but start to fantasize lol. he's a dreamer!!
he loves playing with your tongue and feeling it on him.
it's like an extra stimulant and the little texture it adds just makes him shiver in all the good ways.
11/10 he loves it. would not complain if you got more.
and if he does get a tongue piercing himself, he'll make sure to be an expert in tongue technique okay—
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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AITA for lying to my friend about where her gift came from?
So I (20m) have been friends with "Sara" (20f) since we were Freshman in high school. Her family doesn't have a lot of money, I've always been kind of aware of it but it embarrasses her so I try not to make her uncomfortable and she never accepts any of my help so tend to not offer unless it's an emergency and I also do my best not to come off like I want to solve all her problems. (To be clear. I do not outright offer her money that would be weird. I just offer to do things to help her out once in a blue moon so she knows I'm there if she changes her mind. That's how my whole family is. I can only think of once when I offered her actual cash and it was when her car broke down and needed a toe truck immediately.)
Sara has this essential item that's totally wrecked and it's basically not useable but she won't let me fix ( I tried to offer to fix something else of hers recently and she said no because she would feel bad, said thing is still broken). With this blorbo though I am worried about her safety if she continued to use this broken one.
So I built her a new one from scratch and told her a white lie about getting it free from a family member who needed it gone. Which wasn't suspicious because this thing she has has been going downhill for a while so its not as if thing thing broke and I had a replacement a few weeks later.
She now has the new safe replacement. But I have a problem. She kinda just trusted me without any fuss and that's making me feel unbelievably guilty. She also told me I could repair the old one and sell it but I haven't.
Am I the asshole? If I come clean she might reject the item and like I said her old one is actually dangerous now? Also if I don't tell her it's not awkward for her? But also she trusted me so easily I wonder if I'm a bad person for betraying her. I also think I'd be a bigger asshole if I repaired the old one before telling the truth if I told her.
What are these acronyms?
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kissesinelevators · 1 year
After Dark Pt. 1
Synopsis: What do you do when there’s a man with fangs lurking in the shadows, swearing he can keep you safe but ever since he’s popped up in your life things just get worse? Change is weird and very permanent.
Pairing: Spider-Man 2099 x female reader
Word Count: 5,761
Genre and Warnings: Romance, Angst, Smut (eventually), Obsession, Violence, Stalking, Slow Burn (kind of)
18 + Part 2 3
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Changes happen every day here. New York was called the Big Apple, you wasn’t sure why. You had never really seen an apple tree here. Things just don’t make sense. They never do.
“That will be $75.35.” You hand the invoice over the the shorter balding gentleman who had a mustache so great it looked like he was a bounty hunter.
“No, I was told over the phone it would be $20.” You turn around and grab his hung up coat that was neatly pressed and washed. You behind to unwrapped it from the plastic bag and presented it to him.
“Sir, there were a lot of bodily fluids along with other things.” A hint of disdain was clear in your voice. “We charge extra for that. Usually I can give you an accurate quote over the phone but sometimes I’m not told exactly what the issue is unto it gets here.” The older man shook his head and angrily took his card out of his wallet.
“Fine, but don’t charge me the card fee.” You take his card.
“I’m sorry sir but you know it’s .50 cents.” He grumbled under his breath as he gets charged out. You put the coat back in the plastic bag and hand it to him along with his card and receipt. “Have a wonderful day.” He takes the items from your hands and walked out.
You sigh and sit down at the counter of your store. You look around, and start thinking about how maybe you should really clean out the cobwebs in the upper corners of the store. Not that it was difficult but it was much higher up than you could reach even with the broom. You wonder if the spider living there would ever come by and say hi, or at least help you scare away the people who come by to hit up your store for free cash.
Your dry cleaners store wasn’t successful so to say, you couldn’t hire anyone else to help you. You practically lived here, might as well since there wasn’t enough to afford rent in New York as it was. The shop was passed down to you through generations of family members. Your parents decided to migrate back to their home country as the sentiment towards immigrants wasn’t exactly kind and they realised just how much they missed home. You had only ever known New York so that was your only sense of home so despite missing your parents terribly, you stayed behind. And now here you were, 7 years later. You swivel around in the chair of your countertop waiting for new customers. Not that there ever was any.
However, someone did come in after 45 minutes.
“Hello.” You look up from your phone and see a younger man. He looked like he was a teenager.
“Hello.” You reply, putting your phone away back into your pocket. “How can I help you?” The boy grabs his backpack and opens it, pulling out what appears to be a soccer jersey.
“My sibling accidentally spilled wine on my jersey and I have a scrimmage this weekend. I was hoping you were able to help me? I only have $40, will that be enough?” He nervously shifts under your eyes. You smile.
“$20 is more than okay.” He proceeds to hands you his jersey. “It will be finished by Thursday, tomorrow. Is that okay? Like around 11 am?” You take the jersey and hand him a number back as he gives you the crumpled up $20 bill.
“I get off school at like 3, can I pick it up afterwards?” You nod and put the cash in the register. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow after school!”
“You’re welcome.” You smile warmly at him as he walks out. You start to hang up the jersey behind you, putting on gloves to inspect the stain. Sure enough, it was a bright purple red maybe a few days old. It wasn’t going to easy as it had time to seep and stay there but you would try your best. As you started to make your way further to the back to grab some items to help facilitate the cleaning process, you hear a ring up to the front of your store. “I’ll be right there!” You call out and you grab your white vinegar.
No one responds.
Panic quickly enters your body like cold water shocking the system. You know who it might be.
Recently there had been an influx of robberies around the neighbourhood, armed. Usually though Spider-Man always seemed to be there right in time, conveniently you thought but he was never there when you would get hit. It made you feel uneasy about him. Like something was clearly wrong. The police was basically nonexistent in the part of New York. After all, he was here to protect, why didn’t he protect you?
You hear something heavy fall and you run out towards the front of your store. Sure enough, there was two guys in black baklavas who had knocked over your cash register.
“Hey stranger,” the taller one said with a smile in his voice. “Lou sends his regards. Also, he wants to know what’s going on with this week’s payment? It’s a bit late.” You walk over to the counter and look over, seeing the banged up register.
“I don’t understand why I’m paying weekly if I still get hit. Plus, this place doesn’t make much money, I’m going to lose the place soon.” You plead with the two men, tears clouding up your vision. You try your best to keep it in and stay calm but this wasn’t the first time they do this.
“You know the rules.” The other man speaks softly, more kindly. He kneels down and begins to pry open the register with a screwdriver.
You watch helplessly, allowing the tears to slip out. They don’t look at you while the register is opened forcefully and start counting the cash.
“There’s only like $120 in here.” The taller man points out angrily.
“I told you I don’t make much and you didn’t listen.” Thank god they were always after cash because otherwise you would truly be out on the streets.
“Boss won’t like it.”
You angrily wipe your face clean from the hot tears. “Well I don’t like it either so what can we do?” The other nicer man places your register back on the counter and puts the cash in his pockets.
“You have until Saturday.” He turns away to leave and pulls the taller guy away with him. As they exit the shop you see a shadow on the side of the buildings as it swims by.
But surprise surprise, the men who just robbed you don’t even flinch and walk out like nothing is wrong and you know that the tall bulky man cosplaying as some spider hero didn’t even bother to look. What else was new? You roll your eyes as you head to the door behind them and start locking the doors.
You begin to make your way towards the back again when you hear an aggressively loud knocking back in the front of your store against the glass windows. It honestly scares you.
You look back and see an older older, the same one from earlier that didn’t want to pay for his dry cleaning. The choice was to open the door and see what was wrong or walk away.
Why didn’t you just walk away?
You quickly run to the door and unlock it as he quickly slides himself in and shuts the door.
“Lock it please, LOCK IT!” The panic in his voice sends your heart in a frenzy and causes you to fumble with the locks.
“W-what’s wrong?” You almost scream at him in terror. He looks white, lacking of any colour and it’s almost scary because you can see the green and purple hues of his veins through his delicate aging skin of his face. You start to pull the curtains around the windows of the front of your store, your back turned to him when suddenly you hear a clicking sound behind your head.
Time stops, your hands feel numb as they stay in place, twisted in the curtains trying to pull them to the other side of the store to shield the view from within. Your breath hitches in your throat before it makes its way to your lungs. Your brain goes blank.
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Things just don’t make sense.
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You open your eyes, unaware of how or when you closed them. Something feels wet, your hair is the first thing you see as it is covering your face. But your vision blurs. There’s this pressure in your ears, a muffled like sound. But it starts to irritate you, as if a fly was stuck in there buzzing. You open your mouth and feel your jaw sore, extremely sore as you try to flex it. You suddenly feel liquid on your hands but you can’t yet see what it is. It feels warm but thick. Your knees then start to come into the picture of senses, you feel them raw almost, they’re against something that feels hard as if you were stuck in a box and couldn’t get up from it. Your back is rolled, almost like you’re a rollie pollie. What did you do this morning? What about later during the day? Wasn’t it almost 1 pm? The little boy’s jersey. You have to clean it. It was due tomorrow morning. No, he said he would be there by 3 pm tomorrow. Good, it gives you time to start it.
Ow, what was that?
The awful buzzing in your ears starts to get sharper and the pressure in your head starts to almost seep out through them. Suddenly you hear clearly, the pressure is gone and your eyes roll back into your head from the crash of it.
“Okay, pretty girl. Okay.” A male voice soothes you as a warm large hand makes its way up and down your back, caressing you. You instinctively push up against the hand, you didn’t know whether it was because you were trying to throw them off or leaning into it.
“Ow,” you inaudible gasp out, choking. You start to cough violently, the hand starts to rub circles into your back as you feel the roughness of the cough almost rip through your chest.
“Breathe.” The voice orders, firmly now. You try your best to breathe but your head is pounding more and more intensely.
You let out a pained whimper.
“Please.” The voice leaving you sounds almost inhumane.
“I know. I’m here.” The male voice gets closer to you. “I need to take you somewhere safe. May I?” You nod ever so slowly, fearing that even that movement will rip your brain out through your eyes. “Okay, I need you to hold onto me. You’re bleeding a lot.” The man puts his arms now under you, starts to carry you and puts you over his shoulder. The angle makes your brain scream. “Please knock out, please knock out.” You hear him pleas desperately under his voice. The screaming worsens and you sound realise it’s actually you, your mouth screaming. Eventually everything fades to black as you look at red and blue colours.
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“Hey.” The male voice is back. You see darkness. Did you close your eyes again? When did you do that? “Shh, it’s okay.” A large warm hand comes into contact with your skin. “You’re okay.” Part of you wishes that was true. “Can you open your eyes for me, pretty girl?”
You suddenly remember that you can in fact just tell your brain to open your eyes and you do. You see a tall figure in the dimness of wherever it is that you are. Your eyes adjust to the lack of brightness and see a masked figure towering over you. Red and blue.
“You’re Spider-Man.” You manage to cough out.
“Yes I am. Okay so you’re kind of okay.”
“What happened to me?” You then realise you’re in a hospital bed. Why had you not noticed the beeping of the machine next to you?
“A man came into the store you were working at and decided to rob you at gun point. It seems like this was his first time ever because he attacked you first before anything.” Your hands quickly make their way to your head. “No, he didn’t shot you.” You feel bandages on the back of your head, feeling your stomach sink. “It seems like he first cocked his gun and then pistol whipped you but the idiot shot up into the building and scared himself. Your injuries are light despite how much blood appeared. Head wounds bleed more as you have many more vessels there.” He explains as you finger into the bandages terrified that the hospital staff had to shave your head to put these bandages on you. You couldn’t have bald spots! Not now! “You’ll be okay.”
You scoff.
“Wait so when did you get there?” You feel skin and immediately feel nauseous.
“I got there a few seconds afterwards, I heard the gunshot from a few miles away and got there as fast as I could.” You feel light as you pull your fingers out of the bandages around your head. Thank god he didn’t crack your skull.
“That’s a first.” You reply bothered.
He look down at you, a quick squint of his eyes takes place and disappears almost immediately causing you to wonder if you just made that up. Probably did since your brain wasn’t okay at the moment.
“What makes you say that?” You look out of the corner of your eye and see that the curtains are slightly drawn messily but it’s pretty dark outside. The kid’s jersey needed to be done.
“I’ve gotten robbed at my store more times than I can count. I have to pay someone else to supposedly protect my store but he steals from me too. I see you constantly helping everyone but you don’t help me.” You quickly look back at him and sign. “Didn’t. You didn’t help me. Thank you.” You push your hair out of your eyes. “I really appreciate it.” You try your best to sound genuine but you’re angry with him. It’s not his fault, he has a whole city to help, like over millions of people and you’re throwing a tantrum? “Hey I gotta go.” You start trying to get up from the hospital bed, the spill of the moonlight emitting from the poorly drawn curtains make the soft cream colour of the hospital sheets glow as you try your best to swing your legs out to the side of the bed. Spider-Man suddenly leans down and holds your nude legs in his hands, keeping you in place gently. The texture of his suit is almost silicone like, sticky. But the body heat emitting from his hands that engulf your claves feels good.
“No,” he whispers as he leans down closer to you, his towering figure now almost on top of you. With his other free hand he puts his fingers under your chin and directs you to look at him. “You need to stay here.” His breath smells of blueberries and honey for some reason. You close your eyes, inhaling. This was the first time a man had touched you in so long. How could you have forgotten how good it felt?
“But there’s a child’s soccer jersey that I need to fix. He needs it for his um-“ You rattle your brain, flustered and tripping over your words trying your best to concentrate but it’s proving to be difficult because this muscular man who smelled of musk, sweat, blood, and a hint of a certain cologne that induced butterflies in your stomach made it difficult for you to prioritise. “-his un, soccer thing.” The last words come out breathy.
Get a grip! You didn’t even know what he looked like!
The man’s glowing navy blue eye like part of his mask seemed to be staring deeply into your eyes. You felt strangely naked, all your expressions were out for him to see and you couldn’t even tell what he was thinking or feeling. You had to guess off his body language.
“I’ll get it for you if you truly want it that badly.” He almost hisses at you. You’re confused. Why was he angry all of a sudden?
“Oh, oh okay.” You meekly reply. He gently pushes your legs back onto the bed and lets go of you entirely, making you feel heavy on the bed.
“What does it look like?” He calls out as he starts to walk towards the window of your hospital. You doubt it opens.
“It’s red and white, it belongs to a teenager so it’s teenager sized?” You watch as he opens the window with ease. The realisation suddenly hits you.
Why was the curtain of the hospital room so messily closed? Did he bring you to the hospital and then sneak back in through the window to stay with you? The thought sent the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. But that couldn’t be it. Why would Spider-Man do that? That made no sense at all.
He swung out without saying a word, leaving you there in a now darker room with the window open, fresh air filled the room in his absence.
You stayed up, waiting for him to come back. The minutes turned to hours. A nurse came by to check on you and saw the window opened. She looked at the tablet in her hands and made an o shape with her mouth. She went over the window and closed it only slightly.
“We don’t want your friend to not be able to come back.” She says to you, who’s halfway between asleep and awake. She holds the tablet close to her chest and sighs. “You should have seen the way he fought to be with you through everything. But it was difficult since he is Spider-Man. Everyone wanted to come by and say hi.” She shook her head and made her way over to the machine next to you. “How do you feel, love?” You nod, unable to talk. “Do you feel any pain? Just give me a thumbs up if you do.” You don’t and she puts the tablet down by your legs. “Okay, that’s good. I’m going to just quickly run a few tests and then I’ll be out of here.” She takes a pen out of her pockets and clicks it causing it to shine. “I’m going to point it towards your eyes and I need you to follow it, I know you’re sleepy waiting for your friend to come back but I want to make sure there’s no concussion. Is it okay if I touch your face a bit?” You nod and she proceeds to put a hand under your chin and with her other hand, brings the pen flashlight up to each eye. “Okay, follow the light.” You do as she says, almost enjoying the soft touch from her, the whispers, the light of the pen dilating your eyes making them even more tired. After she’s done with the eye exam she moves onto another test. “I’m going to move you a bit so I can check your breathing. Is that o-“ suddenly the window is opened from outside.
You both look towards the window and in comes in your knight in shining armour with a jersey in his hand. The nurse looks back at you, ignoring him as he closes the window shut and messily half shuts the curtains allowing the moonlight to be the only light source in the room besides the soft glow of the beeping machine next to you. It’s not dark though, it’s just oddly comforting.
“Okay, is it okay if I place my hands on your back and chest?” The nurse goes right back to her professional self as if the most famous hero didn’t just come in through the window. You like her.
“Yes.” You manage to say. She listens for your breathing and your heart beat.
“I think we can do more later on, I’ll let you sleep.” She turns to your guest who’s now made his way to the foot of your bed. “Reminder that we don’t allow family members or guests in the hospital floors after 8 pm. Sir, it is almost 1 am.”
Spider-Man shrugs.
“I just want to make sure she’s fine.”
She looks at him, then at you.
“Do you want him here?”
You nod.
“I won’t cause any problems.” He says as she picks up the tablet and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her quickly. “I like her.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Did you get it?” He walks up to you and holds up the jersey proudly.
“I did better than that, I got the stain out myself.” His voice is dry but it’s clear he was proud to show his work. Your eyes soften and you are taken aback by his action.
“Wow, thank you. I don’t know what to say.” He noticed you starting to reach your hands out so he places the shirt by you for you to inspect.
“Yeah well, thank you was more than enough.” He clears his throat as you grab the shirt and touch it, looking at it to see any imperfections left behind. “I know a bit about chemicals and whatnot so I did my best.” He sounded pretty cocky to you but he was genuinely trying to make it seem like it wasn’t anything to him which okay, maybe was pretty cocky of him.
“Wow, maybe I should hire you.” Your voice is flat.
“Hey so I never got your name and unfortunately the doctors and nurses didn’t want to tell me much about you or your condition since we aren’t related or married. Your nurse was kind enough to look the other way when I came by afterwards looking for you and even now she’s being kind.”
“My name is (Y/N). What’s yours?” Spider-Man starts to sit down next to you in your hospital bed. Your cheeks start to burn. Here you were, technically in bed with a superhero but you were wearing what appeared to be a medical gown which meant that your ass was probably out. You cringe mentally at the thought.
“Spider-Man or you can call me friend as the nurse keeps receding to me. YOUR friend that is.” He chuckles as he tries to not take up much space next to you but fails. You didn’t know what he was thinking by trying to squeeze his big hunky self into this tiny hospital bed with you. He quickly got off and instead sat by your feet. “I should probably let you sleep though. It’s really late and I wouldn’t feel okay with myself if I left you here alone awake anyways. I’ll be back tomorrow before you wake up.” Why was he allowing himself to get involved with you? Was it the fact that you basically insulted his ego earlier about how he didn’t actually help people like he thought since you went by unhelped and alone for so long before he took notice? It had actually weighed down on him heavily. Usually he wasn’t one to let things get to him personally because he wasn’t a teenager anymore much less a 20 something year old doing this for a few years. He has been at the superhero business for a long time now actually but it still bothered him that you thought so lowly of him. Yes, he did deserve it but why was he trying to go above and beyond to make you believe otherwise?
“Oh, you’re leaving?” He puts a hand on your shin and nods. “But you’ll be back? Why?” He feels annoyed now. Did you not want him to come back? Should he just fuck off and never return? But he kept his composure.
“Yeah, I doubt you have family members here who will pick you up from the hospital. It looked like you’re living at the dry cleaners so I want to make sure you’re good. You know, to make up for my lack of protection for all of New York’s citizens.” The last part came out a bit sarcastic but he didn’t care anymore.
“Oh.” You quietly say as you look away. “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Spider-Man.” He nods and gets up. He starts to make his way to the window when he decides to look back at you for a moment. A ghost like tear makes its way down the side of your cheek, translucent to the human eye but not to his. He wants to stay and comfort you strangely enough but he decides it’s better not. Just because he couldn’t save you before doesn’t mean he had to make it up to you. He had other responsibilities, many!
He opens the window quietly and swings out again.
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Miguel feels lost in his head as he webs his way through the night between buildings. You had reopened a very old wound for him. When he first started off as Spider-Man, there was no one there for him. It felt like that city hated him at first for being such a nusciance to it. He messed up a lot. Like a lot. He would not help right the people at first, he didn’t know exactly how to train himself or limit himself with his new found strength. It was quite difficult. With time, he found himself doing better but again, it took time. And he overcame that part of his ice so many years ago, so why was he feeling like the lost dumb teenager he once was?
Miguel snarled almost in frustration and before webbing onto another building, he reach out with his claws and started to climb up further up. He clawed his way all the way to the top of the brick building, pieces coming off. He had to stop doing that, the city was bound to invoice him for the damages at some point. He shook his head as he quickly scaled further up. He finally stopped at the top and sat there.
A hand came up and ripped his mask off him, he angrily sighed as he crumpled up the mask in his hands. He leaned his head down and closed his eyes. There was no need for her to be so, so ungrateful! He felt the emotional turmoil in his chest, he could see behind his eyelids the electricity of his suit getting stronger.
“Calm down.” He lowly says to himself as he tries to take deeper breaths in. This wasn’t even his original dimension, he only came to the one because there was no Spider-Man in it. No one else wanted to do it because they were too busy which was his fault. He didn’t give any time to spare to the other Spider-Men in his group. Why would he? There was a teenager causing issues through the multiverse, how was he suppose to let anyone relax and take time off?
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You woke up with a start. Anxiety filled you quickly, your breathing became labores, the machines around you started going off like crazy and the incessant buzzing triggered you worse.
A nurse came running in and immediately came over you.
“What’s wrong? You can’t breathe?” He quickly adjusts the bed to lay down as you look at him with panic eyes, your hands make their way to his and you hold his wrists, begging him to look at you. Where were you? What happened? He stops what he’s doing and the look in his eyes melts into understanding. “Oh, you’re here in the hospital.” He holds your hands in his and lifts them to his chest and gives you a squeeze. “You’re safe.” You start to relax, he starts to loudly breathe and you follow suite.
“I’m-im sorry,” your voice a mere whisper. He smiles softly at you and shakes his head.
“It’s okay. You’re safe here.” He turns around slightly to look around the room as if he were looking for someone. “Your friend left?”
“Who?” You close your eyes and shake your head slightly.
“Mr. Spider-Man?” You open your eyes and remember. He in fact did come back last night after you had cried. He didn’t make a noise but the window made a creek which woke you up but you didn’t move. But when did he leave? Had you fallen asleep again afterwards?
“I don’t know.” The nurse gave your hands a final squeeze and set them down onto your lap. He began to adjust your bed into a sitting position.
“You know, he’s like a runaway right now.” He quietly tells you, almost like he’s gossiping. “He is not allowed to be here at all, goes against all laws and hospital policies but he saved my dad when he suffered a heart attack, he brought him here just in time and it saved him. He’s a good friend to us all.” He smiles. You look at him and see just how happy he seems telling that story, as if it were the best thing in the world which it is, his dad is alive and well. But you can’t help but feel a bit of a childish envy crack in you. You couldn’t even look at the police because it was their job first to help and they never did. But Spider-Man? Whatever. You give him a small smile.
“I’m glad your dad is here with us still. But he’s not my friend. When can I go home?” The nurse raises his eyes brows.
“Today, later on in the afternoon. We just need to make sure you’re okay. It was a bit of a nasty hit to the back of your head.” He motions for you to lean forward and starts to remove the bandages. “It looks fine, no more bleeding. I’m going to apply new bandages okay? I’ll be back.” You nod as he walks out and closes the door behind him. However as he closes the door, you see your familiar so called friend standing there.
“Were you there behind the door this whole time?” He give a nod. “Okay, why did you hide?” Spider-Man starts to slowly make his way towards you, his tall built figure makes you almost shrink back into bed, he looks almost animal like the way he stalks over to you with his massive size.
“I didn’t hide.” He states coldly. “I merely let your nurse give you the attention you deserve.” His eye lenses on the mask slightly close as if he were squinting at you and crosses his arms. “Can’t be taking all the attention away from you, princess.” He lets out a deep chuckle.
“I guess not. You’re so kind.” The sarcasm in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by him as his fingers slightly twitch from your tone. Keep it together, he thinks to himself. “Look, can you just swing me out of here so I can go home and do what I need to do? I have a business to run, it’s my only livelihood and I promise a boy his jersey.” You starts to pull yourself up and move to get out of the bed. Within seconds with what seems to be inhumane speeds, Spider-Man is right next to you holding your legs in his hands. He turns his head to you.
“I can have my friend give it to him.” Why would you say that?! He thinks to himself angrily. “You take the day off, I’ll have him open shop for you so your clients can at least pick up their stuff.” Now who was he suppose to assign to this? It’s not like he could tell anyone to do it because then they would know he was doing something he wasn’t suppose to, the only person who knew was his assistant, Layla. And she was forbidden to come through when he was in this dimension.
Seems like his friend was going to have to be him.
“Why would you do that?” You pull your legs from out of his hands and move away to come off the bed on the other side. You finally stand up and immediately stretch. He watches you from behind, admiring how catlike you were during your stretches. Suddenly he sees a bit of skin peeking though from behind. “Like what you see?” He immediately looks away and you smile. You knew he was watching, not that it mattered.
“Because I’m your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, that’s why I would do that. Plus he kind of owes me.” He did in fact own himself this, he didn’t want to destroy yet another dimension but he quickly began to talk to occupy himself from thinking of the other one. “You know, if you really want to leave, you can right? No one is holding you here against your will.” It came out a bit harsher than he intended. You turn back to look at him over your shoulder and roll your eyes. What a dumb boy.
“Look, Spider-Man,” you turn to face him now. “You need to realise that it’s not usual for a man, idk who you are because I don’t know you, a strange man to be in another woman’s hospital room. I’m basically naked.” You start to tie the cords of the hospital gown tighter. However he doesn’t move or make any indication of it bothering him.
“If that’s how you feel, that’s your right. I’ll leave you alone and have my friend at your place soon. I still have your keys, but your clothes and other personal items are over there.” He jerks his head towards the direction of a table in the room where there’s a bag. “I’ll be on my way now. I’ll catch you around.”
“Do you even know my name?” He was in mid turn away from you when you asked which stopped him. He thinks for a second. “It’s (Y/N). Thank you for everything. I truly mean it.” He nods once and turns to the window, opening it. He begins to slid out when he stops again.
“The name of the guy who will be at your store is Miguel. He’s a friend.” And with that, Spider-Man leaps out.
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(A.N., so my boyfriend is our beta reader, lmk if he caught all the grammar problems lol and this is my first fanfic so please be gentle with me. I just couldn’t find any fanfics that were story based off Miguel and I couldn’t help but make one, I just love that man and I love being hurt by love lol)
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princesscolumbia · 26 days
Was originally going to DM but I saw those were closed, I have a sister/sibling who uses she/they and femme/neutral terms interchangeably. She's been unable to transition where we live because she's a minor but she's turning 17 in a few months so her 18th birthday is coming up. I want to start saving up information and advice and help for her so when she turns 18 I can pass it along: I already plan to take her on a shopping spree trip and I know she's planning on starting hormones, are there any tips or advice you have for her? She doesn't have social media for mental health reasons but they stay inside a lot too (they're a hardcore gamer, like, entering competitions to win cash and winning gamer) so I'm not sure that they're hearing much from trans elders (which is why I'm trying to form an information stash)
I'll offer the same advice I'd give myself if I had a chance to go back and tell this to my then-17 year old self. It'll get a little dark, but it's the single most valuable bit of advice I'd be able to offer that poor, abused transgirl in my own past, and may be the best thing your sibling could hear:
Safety is good, but never sacrifice your mental health for the "safety" of your situation. I made the mistake of "waiting" for everything to be "ready" and everyone to be "okay" with my transition because it was "safe," all the while ignoring my own mental health, which in the long term turned out to be a greater threat to my safety than anything else.
Living your true, honest self for yourself is your greatest safety. You can have a roof over your head, warm and comfortable clothes to wear, and food on your plate, but if the cost of all those is denying who you are, that isn't "safe."
And you'll know it, too. Whether it's a parent you have to keep happy, a spouse you have to convince "it's not actually that big a deal," or an employer that refuses to make the workplace a safe environment for trans and queerfolk, the second they even suspect you're not cis-het like them, they'll have the power to control you and make your life miserable. It will be a slow, creeping control that will have you gaslighting yourself just to try and keep yourself from facing the horrible reality that you were complicit in your own oppression.
If there's a component of your safety that is merely a convenient facade that you know could be the crack in the dam, change it. Sooner than later. 18 years old will mean you're no longer subject to parents who might control you. It means the government can't default back to your parents if someone tries to force something on you.
It means you are now free to do what you need to do for you!
It's big, it's scary, and you will not be prepared. You'll be leaving behind a comfort zone for something so nebulous it will legitimately be your personal Undiscovered Country. But you'll find people there who will gladly mom(affectionate) you to death if you have a cough. You'll find folks who'll dad-joke you into the ground while they help you fix your car. You'll encounter people who will tell you weird-sounding advice like, "Always put your silverware in the dishwasher handle down," and you'll realize it makes sense only after you bite the bullet and try it.
(And things like "the vibe" and "cringe" will sound really stupid the older you get.)
You'll need to learn new ways to ask for help, and you'll need to relearn how to accept it. You'll need to figure out things nobody taught you growing up and it'll make you (possibly unreasonably) angry at your folks for not teaching it to you.
But the single best step of securing your safety for your transition is to transition. Don't wait for permission. Don't wait for people to tell you it's okay. Don't wait for the medical technology to be right or the perfect outfit to come along or the mentor who will make it all easier for you, because it's never easy.
Because here's the secret nobody has told you; nobody ever gets permission to be themselves. It's never okay for you to change the status quo that other people are happily leaving in place. Not only is the "perfect" transition the enemy of just doing the damn transition, but what you think you know about transitioning socially/medically/etc. is barely a drop in the bucket of what is actually known and just done that you'll swear it's some grand conspiracy to keep the knowledge from you. (It is and it isn't. It's called 'comp-het' and 'toxic masculinity' and 'unreasonable societal standards of femininity' and 'the patriarchy' and a whole bunch of other stuff that you don't actually know what it means until you've lived outside of the box that society placed you in, but nobody is 'doing it to you,' any more than they're doing it to everyone around you including themselves.) And the perfect outfit is out of season in a month, and the perfect mentor is also only human and WILL fuck things up.
Whatever it is, whether it's popping the question or transitioning or getting a new job or a new place to live or even just switching from cereal to smoothies for breakfast, just do it. If you know it's going to be good for you and you want to do it "eventually," do it now. Don't wait.
If you need permission, congratulations, you have it. If you need everything to be 'perfect,' congratulations, the most perfect moment is now. Shit's gonna happen anyway, might as well pick the shit that happens instead of letting life pick it for you.
Post-script: You're being incredibly brave. Accept the compliment and one day you'll understand how brave you're being and it will humble you how strong you really are.
(And wear sunscreen. That sounds dumb but you'll thank me later.)
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tmnt-doomsday-au · 28 days
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This stupid green thing is my fursona, Skrill, ignore him-
Anyways I figured that since I have posted all the main characters refsheets that I might as well introduce myself and my au!
Hi my name is Rodrick, but feel free to call me Ronnie or Skrill. I'm the main creator of the TMNT Dooms Day au, my brother @xxandyleedoomsdayxx is my co-writer! He helped me with the character designs and ofc he is helping me with writing as well since I'm not the best at it
I'm a guy so refer to me with He/Him and I'm Aroace, I'm 19 and I've been a part of the TMNT12 fandom since I was about 11(I think) but obviously I have been watching the tmnt series since I was like 6
I also have a meet the artist up on my non-tmnt account here!
Here are just some things about my au and the links to all the refsheets!
The Dooms Day au was originally supposed to be another 2012 re-write, but I decided against that since I really just wanted to do my own thing with the au. So the designs and the story layout is now just really inspired by the 2012 series since that's unfortunately the one I'm most familiar with😅
The au will contain ocs and Oc X Canon stuff, along with a whole lot of other stuff.
Turtles extra info
Turtle tots
Human Raph & Donnie
Human Mikey & Leo
April O'Neil
Casey Jones
CJ & Raph (This is here because this drawing shows what CJ looks like wearing his mask XD)
Mona Lisa
Mondo Gecko
Venus De Milo
Irma & Vernon
My oc/Lucius
Lucius mutant design (not finished yet)
Brother's oc/Andy
Andy's main refsheets
The foot clan
I'll add more links later since I'm still adding more characters but that's it for refsheets right now.
Dni list, my boundaries, and commission info down below-
Proshippers/Toxic shippers, Zoophiles,
Homophobes, Transphobes, Ableists,
Fujoshis,Racists, Really any kind of bigotry,
Dreamsmp & Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fans,
Fetish artists, 2012 Leo X Karai shippers and lastly Ai Supporters.
If I notice that you have any of this shit on your Tumblr I'll block you
Do not repost my art without my permission or without credit(reblogs are fine obviously)
Do not spam like my posts, seriously it's annoying and I'll probably block you
No random criticism please it's rude and if I want criticism I'll ask for it(this goes for my art and my writing)
Please don't randomly make sexual comments towards me or my art, just because I'm over 18 does not mean I'm comfortable with it. I'm aroace and it genuinely weirds me out especially if I don't know you
And don't randomly vent in my comments or on my posts
Art requests and questions are always open as long as they are related to my au(unless I specify otherwise) so go wild! Just don't be weird
Now the last thing I want to put here are my commission sheets!
I can only take payment through Cash App, since that's all I have right now.
My main art style!
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Simple/Comic style!
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I like to keep my prices pretty low since I don't do really detailed art, but all my other commission info is on my pinned posts on my Instagram !
But yeah that's it XD
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c-h-stevens · 3 months
For your consideration as this fine Pride month winds down, a long-ass gay-ass web serial by a trans writer who could really use some extra cash (see below).
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Start reading it right now (did I mention it's free? It's totally free)
You may enjoy Radiant Imperium if you like:
Kinky MLM couples trying not to be cockblocked by the plot
Plotty stories with fantasy politics and court intrigue
Stories about trauma and abuse and eventual recovery
Abuse survivors dealing with their shit in complicated, messy ways
Food porn
Under-powered MCs getting by with their wits
LIs cheerfully waltzing up and down the line between protective and possessive
Forced proximity feat. weird psychic connections
Strange creatures from Beyond
New chapters (around 5k on average) every week. Unless I'm evicted (again, see below)
If you do check my story out and like it, though, please consider supporting me on Patreon. I'm disabled and don't earn enough to eat and pay rent at the same time; in fact, I'm about to be evicted.
Being able to make an income from my writing would be an incredible help to me. If things go well enough, I'll stop stressing over whether I'll be able to survive past this month, and not only that! I will be able to grow my business, and have more to give back to my supporters--Early Access chapters three weeks early, brand-new bonus chapters, audiobooks, and so on.
By the way, Patreon now bills you again 30 days later, not at the beginning of the next month. That means I can keep reminding you to sign up all month round. Neat, isn't it?
Blurb and content notes 👇
Azul Mamani is just a young mixed-race farmer who also happens to be a great-grandson of the Megarchon, the tyrant ruling the entire world. And secretly plotting her downfall. Before his plans go too far, however, he’s hastily summoned to the capital. For the first time, there's no successor who can wield the Imperium, the mysterious source of the Megarchon's terrifying power. Civil war looms in the horizon. Azul has no power and no allies—only a dangerous man known as Vanth Umbra, King of the Dying Sun, born to protect the living from the creatures of the Underworld. Sex is the one bargaining chip Azul has, so it's a good thing Vanth wants him—except he can’t be trusted, especially not when he appoints himself as Azul's protector. However, as Azul is caught between a murderous necromancer, an elite guard sworn to the Megarchon, and a dissenter faction with its own plans, binding himself to Vanth might be his only chance to survive.
Some things you might want to know before reading: This story is intended for an adult audience. Trauma and abuse are central parts of the story, especially (past) child abuse. Poor coping mechanisms are featured prominently. Under-negotiated BDSM is common. Suicidal ideations come up too. There's also violence, gore, and horror elements, particularly in later arcs.
But I can promise there's a happy ending. Eventually.
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stiricidewrites · 4 months
The Damage You Do: ch 25, pt 4
Enjoy your weekends~
Well, there was no reason to think about that now. Later, when he had a bit more stability in his life and he could spend some of lwj’s cash to get some new stuff? Use his newfound free time to make people who deserved it hurt?
Later, he would dig himself back into freelancing, maybe even offer his services to nhs. He’d never join the Nies officially, but he could offer his friend some external support. Maybe he could even have his friend put him in touch with lwj—anonymously, of course. Things with his dom were already complicated enough for him, knowing his connections could be blown at any moment. He didn’t want to put the other man into the position of choosing between him and avoiding the annoyance of his tenuous mob connections.
Or, well… maybe it wasn’t so much that he didn’t want to put lwj into that position. It was obvious that his dom would choose the safety of his family over wwx. No, it was that he didn’t want to lose this, not before he had to—before the circumstances of his past forced them apart. It was going to happen eventually, but until then…
If he could offer the Lans a little support, maybe he would. Later. Once things had settled a bit.
“I can relax,” he told lwj, biting into his lower lip as he tried to think of the best way to phrase things. “I… think I can? Will… will I get in trouble if I can’t? But!” he squeaked, rising slightly towards the other man, trying his best to look beseeching. He wasn’t sure he’d ever tried to look beseeching before and had no idea if he was succeeding at it or looking like a complete doorknob “But, I can try? I don’t want to have wasted your time today…”
lwj watched him closely, those golden brown eyes shifting between his own as he searched for something. “wy is never a waste of my time.”
The words were like an arrow straight through wwx’s heart, and he had to use years of training at controlling himself not to burst into tears because he was pretty sure that would completely derail the scene. He doubted lwj would be into fucking him if he was a sobbing mess—not unless it was in the good my dom’s dick is so good it’s reduced me to a blubbering mess way.
wwx… wasn’t even sure what to say to that sentiment—to the idea that he wasn’t a waste of time. He didn’t really think his dom would appreciate being told he shouldn’t lie, but it felt like a lie. His company wasn’t worth so much—he wasn’t worth so much.
Another part of him wanted to kiss the man in front of him, still watching him with that careful, blank and impossibly kind face of his. That, however, would probably count as sexually harassing his fake-ass yoga instructor and definitely break the scene.
“If you say so, Lan-laoshi…” he said instead, unable to stop himself from throwing a note of disbelief into his voice.
lwj didn’t say anything about it, but the same look passed over his features as had the day before, when he had spoken badly about himself in the bathroom—when he had called his dom a liar for telling him he was beautiful. That moment had been… odd. Out of place even. He knew he was attractive—or, he would be, if he bothered taking care of himself, anyways. Something about the sincerity with which lwj had said had triggered him to deny it, though. Not just deny it, but deny it so viscerally that he could still feel that denial inside him, like lwj had accidentally shaken up the bottle of shitty beliefs he had internalized as a ward of the Jiangs, and it was just about ready to pop.
This, though? This wasn’t a weird moment of overly intense self-deprecation. wwx knew he wasn’t worth this much of this man’s time. lwj was important. He had things to do, people to see—although, hopefully not that asshole from the day before. wwx was only getting his attention because… because who knew. Because it was new and exciting. Because maybe lwj had gone without a sub for a while.
Because he had tripped and hurt himself and needed help.
Because he had shown up at lwj’s door at 6:35am.
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ew-slackoffs-au · 1 day
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About my au
Like it's stated this is an au, so if you're looking for Canon story art this is not the place :/ There will be things included in the au that happened in the episodes/videos but overall I'm just kinda doing my own thing for now lmao.
So to sum up the au, it takes place a few years after they got out of highschool, so they are all in their early 20's! Matt and Tom are staying with Edd just like in Canon but Tord moves in later on- I plan on doing comics and shit that explains the story a bit so if you'd like then stick around!
I also want to put a couple of disclaimers-
I use hella references for the Eddsworld art styles, like screenshots from the episodes/videos(I think the main one I draw in is Paul's art style, but correct me if I'm wrong)
There will be ships included in the au so if you don't like that either again my blog isn't for you.
I will put warnings on my posts and tag them! Just in case some people don't want to see gore art or anything like that!
If I think of more then I'll add them here but for now that's all I got :/
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Cover art
Character Refsheets
Main characters
Background Characters
The neighbors
Oc's in the au
My ocs/Millie & Lance
Brother's oc/Rory
Friend's oc/Nixie
The oc's that are linked here are just gonna be characters that you'll see in the background dw they aren't a big part of the au
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Comic links
Au introduction
Chapter 1
Part 1
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DNI list, my boundaries, and commission info down below-
Dni list!
Proshippers/Toxic shippers, Zoophiles,
Homophobes, Transphobes, Ableists,
Fujoshis, Racists, Really any kind of bigotry,
Dreamsmp & Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fans,
Fetish artists, and lastly Ai supporters.
My boundaries-
Do not repost my art without my permission or without credit(reblogs are fine obviously)
Do not spam like my posts, seriously it's annoying and I'll probably block you
No random criticism please it's rude and if I want criticism then I'll ask for it(this goes for my art and my writing)
Please don't randomly make sexual comments towards me or my art, just because I'm over 18 does not mean I'm comfortable with it. I'm aroace and it generally weirds me out especially if I don't know you
Don't randomly vent in my comments or anything
Art requests and questions are always open as long as they are related to my au! (Unless I specify otherwise) So go wild! Just don't be weird
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For commissions I can only take payments through Cash App at the moment
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irlguppy · 2 years
Slime Rancher Guide
Slime Rancher is a really important game to me since the OST used to help me fall asleep when I had a bad day or just trouble sleeping at all. This game just makes me really happy so I thought it'd be fun to share a silly lil guide!
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Slime Rancher Achievements (57/57)
A lot of these achievements will just be collection based so I'll list them out with how much you need + what you need then get to the rest of the achievements! (Location tips will be this color)
All of these you should earn easily just by playing the game casually!
Plort Peddler - Sell 100 plorts
Transplorter - Sell 500 plorts
Plort Authority - Sell 1,000 plorts
Plort Powerhouse - Sell 2,500 plorts
Plort Tycoon - Sell 5,000 plorts
Collect 50 plorts in a single day
Earn over 5,000 newbucks
Earn over 25,000 newbucks
Earn over 100,000 newbucks
Earn 5,000 newbucks in a single day
Buck Buck Bagu-
Feed 100 chickens to slimes on the Ranch. This one is easy as you come across chickens a lot and will need a corral for them anyways!
Fruit Cocktail
As you play you'll find lots of fruits and veggies around the place. Plant three different fruit trees at your ranch.
Salad Bar
As you play you'll find lots of fruits and veggies around the place. Plant three different veggie gardens at your ranch.
Up All Night
Stay awake from 6 AM to 6 AM the next day, just don't sleep! This will be easy to get if you explore for long periods of time.
Not My Morning
Get knocked out before 10 AM, just jump off one of the cliffs after storing your items to get this one.
While You Were Away
Spend a full day (24 hours) away from the ranch.
Feed an airborne slime. This is one I got by accident, you can do this a bit easier if the slime is a flying one though.
Feed pink slimes 10 different types of food. This one is easy but you'll probably get it later since it takes some time to get around different areas and bring food back
Feed 50 slimes on the Ranch their favorite food. To make this easier I'll put an image of slimes + their favorite foods.
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Credit for Image: https://www.reddit.com/r/slimerancher/comments/8kiyr7/favorite_food_chart_super_quick_thing_i_made_for/
Mine, All Mine
Discover the Quarry in this location. Not difficult since the map is pretty easy to read !!
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On the Other Side
Discover the Moss Blanket, again will just post a picture of the maps location.
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Smoke, Fire, and Mirrors
Discover the Glass Desert.This one might be a bit tricky as it requires a few things before you can access it. First you have to find the Ancient Ruins. Go through the Indigo Quarry until you find a door (you need a Slime Key) and unlock it. Go left from there and you'll be in the Moss Blanket with a huge gate surrounded by slime statues. You will need to bring one of each : Boom, Honey, Rock, Rad, Tabby, and Phosphor plorts then insert them into the matching statues.
Once you enter the Ancient Ruins you need to pass through the weird doorways until you get to the end of the zone. There is a temple you need to enter (don't go in the portal it will send you home) and you will need another Slime Key. You will need five Quantum plorts to activate the portal in the newly unlocked room. Once you've unlocked it you're able to go to the Glass Desert! Congrats!
Jelly Belly Burst
Burst a Gordo Slime! They look like this and you should find the pink one first since it's around the starting area. You need to feed it until it explodes, so cruel.
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Open Says Me
Open a Slime Gate! (This is where you use the Slime Keys earned after murdering Gordos).
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Carousel & You... Monser!
Toss an elder chicken & baby chick into an incinerator... thats messed up bro.
Fully Loaded
Max out at least one of each : Corral , Coop, and Silo on your Ranch. Fairly easy just save up cash!
Hasty Exchange
Complete a request between noon and 2 PM. These are easier to complete the further you get into the game as you have an easier access to more items.
Free Rangin'
Collect 50 plorts on the Range in one day. After upgrading your corrals and getting a lot of slimes this should be super easy.
That Only Works in Comic Books
Stand in a rad slimes aura for 15 seconds (If you don't know what they look like here you go).
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Once Bitten, Twice... Bitten
This seems like a bad idea but hold onto a tarr slime for 15 seconds.
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Let a tabby slime headbutt you on the nose! Super cute I love the tabby slimes a lot. Just stand near one (or a lot) and they'll eventually jump at you lovingly!
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Shoot a boom slime largo into the air and let it explode before landing. Just grab one and shoot it straight up into the sky as it starts looking bright!
Six Pack
Have 6 different types of slimes in the same corral. Super easy! Just make sure you don't feed them while they're in there.
Risky Business
Have 3 largos in one corral (again don't feed them unless you want some tarrs).
Have at least 10 types of largos on the Ranch (you'll do this overtime super easily!).
Ball Pit
Jump into a corral with 40 slimes+ ! Make sure you get a large corral with a roof to make it easier.
Into the Past
Discover the Ancient Ruins! Go back to the "Smoke, Fire, and Mirrors" achievement to figure out how to open the gate.
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Onward... to SCIENCE!
Make your first Slime Science gadget ! Collect plorts to toss in the machine in the back, then use the other buttons in the room to learn blueprints and other things.
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One Person at a Time
Keep going into your hut / house and you should notice that you've been getting mail! Keep checking until you get invited to the club! Welcome!
Color Me Impressed
Use chroma packs earned from the 7Zee Rewards Club to change the color of your house , tech, and vacpack.
Mint in Box
Purchase 10 different types of slime toys. Upgrade your Ranch to get a shop for slime toys.
Bring life back to the Glass Desert. This one is a bit tricky, you need to find all four fountains (they aren't active yet) and reactivate them using plorts like when you opened the Ancient Ruins. Use the water from the fountains to water the red buds on the ground.
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Doors Like These
Discover where Hobson's journey ended, and started once again.
Use this video guide to get this achievement, itll be easier than explaining I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un6g-A229x4
Burstin' at the Seams
Store 50 items in a fully upgraded silo. You'll probably need to store food for slimes so just fill it up!
Hat Trick
Get 3 plorts from a single gold slime. Golden slimes will spawn randomly and will ONLY eat Gilded Ginger
Controlling the Chaos
Constrain more than 15 slimes in your vac stream at once while on the range. Just pile them all up on the ranch and suck them up again.
Pool Party
Put 5 different types of slimes in a pond on the ranch.
Bea the Builder
Similar to the "Onward... to SCIENCE!" achievement you need to make gadgets, this time you have to make at least 35 of them!
Never Stop Creating
Make up to 100 slime science gadgets !! so many omg!
Best of the Worst
Put a tarr on the #1 slime pedestal ! For some reason!
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She's on Fire!
Score 50 points in a game of slimeball. You have to craft the slimeball gadget for this one.
The Hunter Has Become... The Other Thing
Put the slimes favorite food down on a master snare to capture a gordo !
Pro Style
Fill out the ENTIRE Slimepedia. All the treasure crackers, all the foods , slimes , ALL OF IT BABYYY.
The Adventure Continues!
Complete Adventure Mode! Congrats !! You did it!
Rush Challenger : Reach 10,000 newbucks in Rush Mode
Rush Champion : Reach 35,000 newbucks in Rush Mode
Rush Plortmaster : Reach 75,000 newbucks in Rush Mode
Congrats on beating Slime Rancher !! YIPPIEE!!! Thank you for reading and sharing my guides!
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ernmark · 1 year
Didja miss me? I got caught up on the Juno Steel episodes a few weeks ago (still working on Second Citadel, more on that later), and now that I’m vaguely getting my life back on track, I’m sticking my toe back in this fandom, just in time for the beginning of the final season! 
So here we go:
Juno Steel and the Vanishing Act (Pt 1) Reaction
First off, it’s so nice to see Cas Kanagawa again. She sounds so much calmer, so much steadier. Which makes sense, given that the last time we saw her she had just accidentally killed her father and had spent years under the thumb of a hyper-controlling stepmother, and she’s finally free. 
So this exchange here is really striking:
JUNO: I'm glad you get to do what you always wanted, Cass. Honestly.
CASS: You... what?
JUNO: I said I'm glad. That's weird, now
CASS: No, I mean... no sarcasm? No bad jokes? No insults?
JUNO: Reading's not all I learned how to do over the past few years.
CASS: Yeah. Yeah, I think I can tell. Okay, I'll admit it. I do owe you. I don't have any money to give you, but I think I can help you out. (Vanishing Act)
It’s two ladies who have survived some real hard shit, who used to bring out a lot of the worst in each other, after they’ve gotten help, escaped from a toxic situation, and taken charge of their lives. Holy shit, that feels nice.
That said, I kinda want her to keep a bit role here. When the plot focuses on a character, it’s usually not because good things are coming to them, so I’m just fine keeping her in the director’s chair of her documentary series.
But that brings us to the actual mystery. 
We’ve got Carrie Gold (As in Kerry Gold, the canned tomato brand… cuz you throw tomatoes at a bad actor, get it?), the really terrible actress who bought her way onto a show, and owner of the Prismacrystal Chimes, who’s about to humiliate herself at her big debut. 
“Taking out my Chimes would be sabotage! And if my acting career doesn't take off after, why... ehm. Never mind.”
It may be that she’s actually out of money, and she was hoping for a glamorous career as an actor might save her from it. Notably, there’s no mention of her donating actual cash, just the Chimes. And the Chimes are an heirloom, so they may be the last thing of value she’s got, and this kind of publicity would be a good boost in its value– and having it ‘stolen’ would be a great way for them to disappear out of her possession without her losing face. Possibly the pawn ticket is hers, and she’s been selling off her other valuables?
(The Chimes, by the way– the scene where they were brought out, with the music and Juno’s narration and all? That was gorgeous. And I’ll talk more about the lighting part elsewhere.)
We’ve got Warner Jayne (my mind kept going back to German film director Werner Herzog? Or Warner Bros.?), the producer who’s bankrolling the show, arranged for Carrie’s involvement, procured the Chimes and the sound/lighting design, and notably doesn’t think the show can stand on its own without a lot of glitz and glamor.
“God, this show needs it. It's unwatchable, I...Oh. Don't tell Billie I said any of that.”
We’ve got Billie Dalton (as in the Dalton Gang?), the director whose grand project is about to be butchered onstage by Carrie’s acting, but maybe rescued by the special effects, but generally resents the interference. She’s the only one with the key to the Chimes’ lock, and the only person aside from Carrie who actually handles it. She’d have the opportunity to walk off with it while everybody’s eyes are on the stage. 
“Having those Chimes stolen in front of everyone, having Carrie Gold scupper the show... It would all almost be worth it for Warner Jayne to get what he deserves.”
We’ve got Clotilda Fairborough, actual actor whose big break is about to be shattered by her incompetent costar. 
“I'm going to drag this show kicking and screaming into something like artistic credibility, and you owe me for that, so act like it... or you'll see what happens when I'm not feeling so cooperative.”
These three have, in my opinion, the same motive: they’ve got a lot riding on a play that’s about to be ruined, which he didn’t believe in in the first place. Warner has a lot of money invested in this. Billie and Clotilda have their reputation on the line, and they might not get another chance. So it behooves all of them to get everybody’s eyes on Lono on their show, but not actually be paying too close attention to the play itself– so putting a priceless work of art on stage and then declaring it’s gonna be stolen at a very specific time during opening night? That’s perfect publicity.
USAmericans might be familiar with a grim joke: “Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” Alternatively, nobody thinks too hard about what was going on in Don Juan Triumphant right before the Phantom of the Opera dropped a chandelier on the audience. Any shortfalls in the play itself will be barely a footnote, but everybody will be talking about the event.
So everybody’s got a motive to throw a wench (hee hee) into the works, but the presence of the pawn shop ticket at the end has me putting my money on Carrie.
(There’s the obvious option, of course, that Nureyev is actually on the crew as a stage hand and he’s just being overlooked because nobody ever notices techies, but if that was the case, I feel like the stage crew would have been at least mentioned before now. A passing line, or something, but we’ve got nothing. )
(Also the transcripts on the official website are an actual godsend)
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nowoyas · 5 days
I just don't understand the urge to be mean, man. There's a couple of homeless people that live in the woods behind my work. They don't cause trouble, they aren't panhandling or anything, they just sit back there. I think they stay there because there's some work being done nearby and they have access to a port-a-potty so they can use the restroom without being hassled.
A customer asked about them yesterday. I was personally immediately a little defensive—I said I don't know who she's talking about, etc. because I expected her to complain, ask if we were trying to get rid of them, etc. but a coworker said yeah, they live back there and the police come back all the time to tall to them.
While we were making the customer's order, one of them came in, politely bought a Gatorade, paid in cash. (I tried to just let them take it, but my coworkers were right there and they've complained about them in the past so I had a weird feeling I'd end up being punished if I did, and if I lose this job I won't be far behind them.) The woman threw two more subs onto her order, bought them to take out to them. I quietly engineered the order a little to knock a couple bucks off—rang two small subs up as one cheaper, larger one, threw on a discount I didn't need a manager code for and could later argue she did actually get if for some reason it came back to me. Slid a 3 pack of cookies into the bag for free because I know it's generally preferred to just give homeless people money so they can get food they trust and enjoy, but at least the cookies are sealed so they had something nice that they could trust hadn't been messed with.
Why did, the second that woman left to give them the food, my coworkers immediately start going off about how she was so much nicer than them and they would NEVER give a homeless person ANYTHING. They talked about it for like, half an hour. My coworker and I watched her give the food to them—me because part of me didn't trust that the woman was actually giving them the bag after I discounted her order for her and threw in free stuff, and apparently my coworker to glare at the entire exchange before he went on a tirade about it.
I just... don't get it. I don't understand why I'm supposed to have been mad about this exchange, about this random woman doing nice things for two random people who are just trying to live. Especially after we just had a massive storm, where everything's fucked up, there's lots of standing water so the mosquitos are massive, and, you know, these people just had to be outside for all of it and cold and soaked through whatever clothes they have. They were probably in this location because it's close to a lot of things, and now they can't get to most of it because the storm knocked out several of our bridges and they have to be repaired. Why can we not approach that with compassion?
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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We just got back from Paul and Sam's third wedding. And it was a good time. A little bit more low-key than the others. Took place on a plantation though which was very interesting as a choice. But it was beautiful and I understand. We were joking that was reclaiming. And while we were all incredibly overheated and sweaty I still had fun.
I do wish I had a little bit more time to just do nothing today but I made the most of my half day off. I didn't go to the market. Instead I slept an extra hour and got up around 8:15. I wanted to leave until 9:00 but I couldn't fall back asleep. I would get up eventually though and clean myself up and got dressed and I felt pretty good.
I wasn't really interested in eating. My stomach was hurting today. I don't know what's wrong but it just hurts a lot. And I would pour myself a soda and pretty quickly I was out of the house. I had things to do.
Big things I need to do today work at James awake long sleeve button down shirt. And get the materials to make a larger indoor enclosure for crab cake. I want to see about using a big box. That storage bill. And that ends up working out really well. It wasn't as large as I was picture but I still think I did a good job.
I went to Target first and went and found a shirt for James. Slim Pickens for sure. Especially because there's just skinny. But I think that the one I chose worked out really well in the end. And then I had an idea about mini non with garlic spread and butter and cucumber. I thought it would just He's a nicest lunch. And I got myself a person pizza and then I went and measured the boxes. I had measured my table and I figured it had to be around 24x44 which is. I ended up getting one that was about 19 or 38 in which is not exactly the right size but it's close and it was only $16 so I can make that work for now. He's still little. In the future I'll have to do something a little bit bigger I'm sure but for now.
I still need a dirt though. And I wanted to get some more coconut fiber so I went to the pet store and I did not know I had $18 in coupons on my account so I use those and got a big bag of coconut fiber, and some terrarium materials, and some more moss. I ended up not needing the extra ball so I'm going to keep that for later But I think I did a really good job and I had a really nice conversation with the girls at the cash register without crab cakes full name. Crabcake Franklin Lentzwiler, first of his name.
I drove over to Ace hardware next and is able to get two bags of fertilizer free topsoil. I also talk to a couple about their brand new puppy his name was Marnie. And I was like have you ever seen the Chicago model and they have not So they said they promise to watch it. I told him it was one of the weirdest movies I've seen. Because it was very weird.
Went home and I decided that my plan would be get inside get sweepy into the basement for everything and go and preheat the area start working on the tank. Then when the oven was preheated I would make my pizza and we'll pizza here I would make my little naan flatbread thing. I have my little snack for the pizza was cooking I was building my employer and it didn't take very long. And Crabcake loves it. He was digging and climbing. I still want to get him another log but they didn't have a big enough one so I'm going to check a different pet store at some point this week. But I was just so pleased. And it fits really nicely on the table still. I was not sure how I'm going to fix the lid because I need to make sure the heating element is not melting the plastic. And I tried to cut the lid and then we're cutting my fingers and I was very upset because then I broke the scissors in the process which is how I cut my hand. Ouch.
I was getting really overheated and very tired so. And it was still early but I needed to eat and my food was cooled down enough so I would cut the pizza and bring it to the couch with my other snack. Then just hang out in front of the fan for a while. Eventually I would decide to go and shower and get changed for the wedding. It's not really a wedding. It was a another reception because not everyone in Baltimore could make it to the actual wedding obviously. And I had already picked out my dress months ago so I didn't have to think much it was more just me getting myself together. The hair was a little wild. But that was mostly from humidity. I would take a shower and clean myself up and make myself feel pretty. I originally was going to be wearing a shirt with this dress but it was so hot out today that I nixed that and wore it as a tube top dress. I was a little nervous about that because a little self-conscious about my arms but only a little bit. It just feels like a lot of open skin but I would feel very pretty. I went through a couple different belts before I decided which one I liked the best. But I was very happy with my outfit in the end.
I would sit outside for a while on our swing. I had crab cake walking around the backyard and then in his enclosure out there and sweet pea was chilling with us. It was the Harry Potter. I was enjoying swinging but I was not enjoying how sweaty I was getting. I had just taking a shower so I wasn't thrilled. But I eventually went head inside and pulled down pretty fine and then I was just chill on the couch and eventually brought everyone back inside. I gave crab cake some food and made sure sweetp was good. And I just started making sure I was ready for the event.
I got James's suit in the car toiletry bag for them in case they need to clean up. And texted them asking what time I should come get them.
They said that basically I could leave now and as long as I got them before 2:00 we were good. Merrill would end up stuck in traffic so we wouldn't leave until a little after 2:00 anyway but it was still really nice to get over there early especially because I also ran into traffic because there was an event happening down in the harbor. Or I got there at 1:37 we were not in a rush at all.
I want to sit with James for a bit and they made me feel very pretty. And I would walk around the museum and collect some of the donations of materials that they have put aside for me. And I did not expect to have to take home the 20 lb box have gotten but I have that app so I have plenty of material to make more stuffed animals and actually a few this week but I'm not sure when I will have time to cut the bear so that will probably be something I am working on all the kids are making their projects. We will see.
Soon Merrill was there though and we would head out into the world. I knew that today was going to be kind of all over the place timeline wise but I wasn't that worried.
We'll get out to the mansion. And that's when we realized that it was a plantation. And so I read the Wikipedia page for it so that I would know what the history was. And this place was originally gifted from the king of England and then bought my guy named Dorsey and he had 97 slaves in the 1700s on those property. They were doing cash crops and pig iron. So I found her. And it was beautiful but very sad history. We were joking about we hooked up the couple gotten BED, A black Advent discount. And honestly I'm only partially joking. I think that is plantations are going to do weddings if a black couple or event wants to have them at their space they should be giving them a discount because of the atrocities that happened on their location. I don't think that that's an outrageous thing to say. I might be saying in just in the name but I truly believe that would be appropriate.
And it was a lovely time. We got there and I would go into the big house with James and we went to find the boys. We were in the billiards room. So hello to everyone and then went to wander around the house to look to see what it was and how it looked. It was beautiful. I loved all the details and I liked some of the signage but that wasn't a ton of historical signs around because it's not treated as like a museum space. Which is expected I guess. Thank you really only are there if you're there for an event or I guess maybe a tour? I'm not very sure about that though.
Eventually though I would hear the girls and I would join them up in the bridal suite. And Sam went beautiful. Not shocked and she always looks beautiful. And it was so good to see everyone. They were also cute and they're getting ready jammies and I would hang out with them for a few hours while they got ready and I talked about history with them and art and dentistry and tortoises and what we've all been up to over the last couple months and it was just so much fun being with girls. Like I don't get to do girly conversation and talk stuff because that's not the type of people I tend to gravitate towards. I'm kind of a dirty gremlin girl. Not like they are. They're girly girls. And I love being able to experience that too. It's great.
I had a great time talking to them too and Sam's app was there and while the girls were getting photos we sat and talked about education and a state of the world and parents and art and she's just such a lovely person to talk to. I'm really glad that we got to sit down and talk like that because we would get separated later on and things were very busy.
There were a lot of photos being taken so James was indisposed for a lot of the day. But we got to spend time together. I would go back down to the billiard's room eventually. But first I went and found Paul's mom Dawn. And her mom. I did not catch her mom's name. But I would hang out with them outside for a while and we talked about life and my new tortoise and animals and Paul and James and the event. And eventually I went to do some investigating for them to figure out where he was supposed to go because there was the big tent out side but they were saying that there was a garden on the other side we were supposed to go to the first and I couldn't figure out how to get to. Eventually I would lead them around and drop them inside the pool for a bit and get some water and use the bathroom. And then I stood and talked with Sam's dad and Paul's dad. I went downstairs to get water and Sam's dad was standing there and I said something about getting water and he was like I don't work here as you know I just need like you're not going to accuse me of crimes when I go into this part of the staff only. And then he came and got water as well.
I would go outside and went to our car to find my charger and could not find it so I texted James cuz I was getting very hot and sweaty and I was not thrilled about that but they had the charger so they would make me later on. And it ended up being a really nice time. I went and found Ann and Tucker And we eat hors d'oeuvres. The keys that I put a fancy dip on that they had put out for the crab cakes. And it was excellent. Made it a little bit spicy. But we are all kind of melting in the sun so I suggested we move to the shade. And then James joined us. The wedding party came out it was so nice to see everybody all dressed up and pretty. Everyone honestly was beautiful. The whole party. Someone had beautiful dresses on and I'm so lovely and I was having a great time even though I was hot.
I think that was kind of the vibe though everyone was kind of melting. And it caused some people too I think leave a little early or go and find shady or cool spots to just escape the heat. Having an outdoor event this time of year was a little bit of a wild choice but it's their third wedding if that's what they want.
I had some really nice conversations and me and James took pictures and I would speak to the girl doing social media about Baltimore and doing social media and life and the city. It was nice just to connect with people. I was having a really good time even if I was overheated and sweaty and gross.
My feet was really hurt. They are still split on the bottom It's really uncomfortable but even if when I try to put Band-Aids on them they just fall off immediately so I'm just trying to baby them. But it does not comfortable. And I'm doing my best. My new sandals are nice and they're not bothering them as much but still becomes painful pretty quickly.
Eventually it was time for dinner. There wasn't a lot I can eat but I wasn't really hungry anyway. It was mostly just so hot and dehydrated. So I am really glad I brought my water cup and I would just keep drinking as much as I could. We ate dinner though and I went to find James because they have been pulled away for pictures. I made up two plates for them so that they wouldn't miss out on food. And then I went and sat on one of the velvet couches that they had put out on the lawn. Where Ann came and joined me and we talked for a little bit about camp and how crazy this week has been. Hopefully next week won't be as wild.
I would dance with James for a bit and we took a photo with photo and we talked to our friends and we danced some more and it was just really fun. eventually we were told that there was an ice cream truck so me and James would walk down there and the photographer took pictures of us which I thought was very sweet she called us for ice cream couple. And we would later on feed each other ice cream for her to take pictures but James put way too much in my mouth and him gave me a media brain freeze and I was like no no and it was very laughing silly giggling pictures. I hope that I get to see them soon.
James and me would have to leave though. James has work in the morning and I have a full day with Jess. So we would do our round saying goodbye to everyone. Stephanie had some questions about fireflies and I told her the stuff that I knew but then it turns out that fireflies are not just in America like I thought they are everywhere? Now I got to do research into fireflies because that's crazy to me. And I am excited to have a new thing to look into.
We will take a bite to everyone now and gave lots of hugs even though we were all sweaty. And then I drove us home.
I would play music on the way home and we were just singing together and having so much fun and even though James hates how that I have the music I was just having such a nice time being silly with them. And then we were home and there was lightning and there's a storm rolling in and tomorrow's supposed to be thunderstorms all day. And while that is not the best for me and just going to the beach I am still looking forward to it. I think it will be interesting. And I love an interesting time even if it's not the time that you expected.
I just got out of the shower and James did too. And I am very much ready to go to bed. I hope that you all have a great night tonight did you have fun tomorrow. Until next time.
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wannaseewhatshangin · 2 years
Dallas x Bartender! Reader (pt3)
You got everything else ready for the party.
Buck left to stock up on supplies.
So until the party started.
It was just you, Dallas, and Mark.
Your dress looked beautiful on you.
Especially since it hugged you in all the right places.
Dallas couldn’t help but stare.
Trust me.
He wanted to be respectful of course.
And he wasn’t trying to be dirty.
But the way you looked tonight made him feel some type of way.
Not in that way!-well, maybe a little.
But you made him have this weird feeling in his stomach.
“You’re starin again.” Mark said, chuckling with a knowing smile.
Dallas ignored him, pointing his pool stick to the table, letting him know it was his turn.
“I mean, she looks real nice. She got a nice booty too.” Mark said, trying to get Dallas going.
Dallas snapped his head towards him, giving him a warning look.
“Cut that out.” He said sharply.
Mark laughed and held his hands up in defense.
“Just messin with you, man.”
“Hey dally! Can you help me lift these lights up? The stool won’t reach high enough. Give me a lift?” You asked sweetly.
Of course he wasn’t gonna pass an opportunity to be close to you.
He would do anything and everything just to be next to you.
“Sure, doll.” He said, acting like he isn’t bouncing off the walls on the inside.
You took your heels off.
Which Dallas really liked on you.
They went great with your mini dress.
You stood on the stool.
And got on his shoulders.
It was nice to have you this close to him.
Even if it was a bit out of his comfort.
Of course he would rather cuddle.
But he knows that this was the closest he was gonna get.
Especially since the night you two cuddled, you just needed company as you were scared of the storm.
Before he knew it, you had the lights up.
Which was too quick for his liking.
He wanted to be close to you longer.
He set you on your feet.
He stood awkwardly as you fixed your dress.
As it slid up your thighs when you were on his shoulders.
“Anything else you need help with?”
You smiled at him.
“Nah. Go play your game.” You said
He smiled at you as he walked to the pool table.
Later on the party started.
“Yay! More assholes! Can’t wait.” You said sarcastically, making Dallas and Mark laugh at your smart comment.
As people came through the door, you grew more nervous, but you were excited.
Dallas sat at the bar.
He didn’t drink anything.
He just wanted to keep an eye on you.
“You want anything?” You asked Dallas.
He thought for a minute.
He wasn’t bad when he was drunk.
Shit. He was all laughs and giggles when he had a lot to drink.
But he didn’t want to have too much.
And then tell you how he feels about you.
“Maybe just one- ooh! Can you make that drink that you made earlier? I really liked that.” He said, his voice soft.
You smiled at him.
“Sure thing, boo.” You said, starting to make his drink.
His face heated up as he heard the nickname.
More people came through the door and you gave Dallas his drink.
He tried to pay for it.
He was actually more trying to tip you.
“Oh no, sweetie. Don’t worry about it.” You said, pushing his hand that held the money.
He pushed it further to you.
“Please? You’ve let too many things slide with me. I’ve had too many free drinks and you created this one yourself. Let me pay for it.”
You stood there for a minute.
You didn’t know if you should decline or just take it to make him happy.
You decided to take it.
“Thanks dally. You’re sweet.” You smiled as you put the money under the cash register, separating your tip from the business money.
“Only for you, doll.” He smirked.
You laughed.
“Well aren’t you a little smooth talker.” You chuckled.
He smiled shyly, letting his guard down in front of you.
Which he has done many times.
Your conversation was interrupted when a good looking teen walked up to the bar.
She was hella pretty though, in your opinion.
“I like your shirt.” She said, rubbing dally’s arm, making him a bit uncomfortable.
This made your blood boil, making you slam the cash register open as the other customer paid for his drinks.
You stared holes into her skull as you put the money in the cash register.
“Thanks, please don’t touch me.”
She giggled, not taking him seriously.
“Why? You gotta crazy girlfriend?” She said, continuing to caress his bicep.
He shifted uncomfortably.
“No. I have a crazy best friend. She kills people.” He said, laughing at his own remark.
He was right.
You were definitely one to take up for your friends.
Especially if they did the same for you.
“Oh yeah? Where is she? I’d like to meet her.” She mocked.
You slammed your hand on the bar, scaring her out of her skin.
“You gonna buy anything or are you gonna keep bothering this customer?”you snapped.
Dallas smirked.
“Oh yeah. Let me get a sparkling water.” She said, batting her eyes at Dallas.
You smiled sarcastically.
“Don’t have that, tuts. Try again.”
She scoffed.
“Ugh, fine. Let me get a water.”
You laughed.
“Babes, you do realize this is a BAR, right? You know, the sign with the BIG letters that spell B.A.R?” You were a centimeter closer to rocking her shit.
“Don’t talk to me like that! Who do you think you are?” She snapped.
You giggled uncontrollably, trying to catch your breath.
“You know that girl you wanted to meet earlier?”
She nodded.
You stuck your hand out to her.
“Nice to meet you, hun.” You said, staring her right in the eyes.
Dallas was almost loosing it. He had to look away so he wouldn’t burst out laughing.
She scoffed and walked away sassily.
You let out a aggravated sigh.
“Oh my god! Haha! I literally love you! That was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen!” He said, losing his shit.
He just said he loves you.
“Shut up.” You said, trying not to smile.
“Well aren’t you a little aggressive short person.” He said, mocking you from earlier.
You glared at him playfully.
“She was bothering you. Just helpin a friend out.”
He smirked.
“Oh really? It seemed to me like you were a tad bit jealous.”
You scoffed.
“Wait? Hell no. Never. I don’t get jealous. Especially over bitches like her.”
He smiled.
“You sure, doll?” He said, putting his hand on yours, making you get immediate butterflies in your stomach.
You pulled your hand away quickly.
“Y-yes I’m sure.” You said, looking away from his eyes.
He smirked.
“Don’t worry, doll face. I could never replace you.” He said
His eyes lingered on your lips for a little longer than necessary.
You two talked all night as you made drinks for customers.
Soon, the party was over and the bar closed for the night.
It was currently 3 in the morning.
You had time to take a shower and get dressed into your pajamas.
Which was a bralette and a pair of sleep shorts that hugged you a nicely.
You later on your bed thinking about Dallas.
But you turned to your book that you were reading.
You heard a knock at your door.
“Come in.” You yelled.
The door opened and you saw Dallas with blankets and snacks and drinks and a couple of movies.
“Sleepover?” He asked sweetly.
You smiled and nodded.
You got off of your bed and got all of your blankets and pillows and started making a fort.
Dallas was a little confused.
“Well? Are you gonna sit there or are you gonna help me start this fort?” You said sassily.
He helped you make the fort.
He put the pillows in the fort and all the snacks as you put on a movie.
It was a scary movie.
You both got in the fort and covered up under the sheets that y’all put in there.
Y’all laughed all night, mocking that girl at the bar.
“She for real said sparkling water! I fucking can’t! Bitch this is a bar!” You said at the edge of tears
You haven’t laughed this hard in a while.
He looked at you.
But not normally how you would see him looking at you.
There was something deep in his eyes.
It was luring you in.
It made you wanna hug him.
You snapped out of it.
He paused.
“If I tell you something. I-..just promise me no matter how badly you think of this..you will still be my friend. Right?..”
You were starting to get a bit scared.
“You didn’t kill anyone did you?”
He chuckled.
“No, doll. Just promise you won’t leave me.”
You nodded your head, a way of saying you promise.
“I-I think…I think I love you.” He said hesitantly.
You smiled
“Bruh. You gave me a scare just to tell me that? Of course you love me. I mean. Who wouldn’t want a friend like me?!” You said, doing a silly pose.
He laughed.
“No. That’s not what I mean. I’m tryna say that I’m in love with you..”
You paused.
He nodded, looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with you.
You grabbed his face and kissed him, catching him off guard.
He jumped slightly, but slowly melted into the kiss.
The door opened to a very drunk Buck, interrupting the kiss.
“This is not the bathroom.” He said as he shut the door.
A few second went by until the door opened again.
“Also congratulations, Dallas.” He said shutting the door again.
You two laughed at this for a while.
“I love you.” Dallas said out of no where.
You smiled
“I love you too, stupid.”
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Timeless Wells (Flash) Soldier- Chapter 10
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“We have a lead.”
That’s what you wanted to hear.
When Iris dropped in for a visit later that afternoon, it truly was a welcomed distraction.
The fact that she came with information was just a plus.
“I’m sorry that we had to excuse your assistant, but this is strictly needed to know.” Harrison nods.
“I understand Detective. Please feel free to speak in front of my security detail. Ms. Yale.”
“We know each other.” Iris explains.
“Oh! Well isn’t that a coincidence.” You send him a blank look.
“Iris is the friend I have working at CCPD. “
“Ooooh! Well that makes more sense. What a small world.”
She laughs.
“Are you sure he’s a genius?”
“I’m starting to believe he bought his Phd.”
Iris continues to smile.
“It’s cute the little dynamic you both have going on here.”
“I think so too.” Harrison says proudly.
“You’re just a means for me to receive a wealthy pay check.”
“I’m starting to think her love language is hurtful jabs.” He says playfully, placing his hand over his heart.
“Carry on Iris.”
So she does.
“Justin Hainley worked here three months ago. “
Harrison rises from his seated position when Iris pulls out the file.
“Hainley..he stole my technology. He was using it to sell on the black market. I caught him one night copying the codes for the higher floors. He was reprimanded accordingly."
Iris nods.
“After he lost his job his life fell apart. The tabloids blew up and he lost his house and his girlfriend. Two weeks ago it was like he disappeared. No kind of activity. I checked with some of my contacts out of state. Flagged some of his old cards. He cashed out the last of his savings according to his bank statements.”
Iris passes you the file.
You sift through.
“He’s been planning for a while. His paychecks were pretty hefty. He could have hired an army if he wanted to.”
“Which is why I was a little thrown with the method actor stunt. It felt like a taunt. He’s after something bigger. "
Your body becomes tense.
“We need to get everyone out of the building right now.."
Iris is concerned by the urgency in your voice.
She jolts, nodding vigorously as she pulls out her cell phone. She goes rushing out the door, calling probably all the reinforcements she can.
“Harrison, we need to go. He planned this whole thing. That little method actor stunt was a ploy. He was trying to get back into the building. I’m positive that wherever he worked, he memorized the process of getting in without being caught. If his target was to get even, then destroying everything you built would be his first step. It’s clear that he doesn’t care who he takes down with it. A mass casualty disaster like this, it would ruin your reputation. We need to leave.”
You begin rushing to the door, but when he doesn’t follow, you’re puzzled.
“Did you hear me, this guy is trying to kill you in whatever way he can. We have to go!!”
When Harrison turns to you, he’s wearing a sad smile.
That’s all he says, and you’re stunned when the shimmering of a body materializes right in front of you. On instinct you reach for your gun.
You must be delusional. This man, whatever he was, appeared right out of thin air. He’s wearing a weird red suit.
It’s not the spandex that catches your attention, but that lightning bolt.
“I’ll be seeing you again”
You open fire, aimed right for his head and Harrison yells. It’s pointless. None of your bullets land, and Harrison rushes to your side. You’re freaking out. You’ve emptied your entire barrel.
“W-We have to go he’s evil h-he’s going to kill us we need to leave!!”
Barry lifts his hand.
“I’m here to help. " He sounds reassuring, but you can’t trust it.
“Go Barry. “ He looks over Harrison.
“Are you sure?”
He nods.
“I’ll look after her, go and be a hero.”
Barry nods, and he’s gone in a flash of orange torrents. Your breathing is staggered, and Harrison takes your shoulders, doing his best to help you calm down.
“I-I saw him Harrison all those years. He was there, it wasn't a dream or PTSD. H-His suit looked just like that. I'll never forget the yellow and those red eyes..” You’re sobbing.
“It wasn’t him. Barry was not the speedster that you saw.” You’re still clutching onto him.
Harrison nods. Your breathing is still very shaky, but he guides you to the floor. You needed to gather your breath. Collect your thoughts.
“When everyone is safe I promise I’ll explain everything to you. All the secrets, I’ll tell you all of it. But right now I just need you to look at me and breathe. Barry is going to get rid of that bomb and we’ll get this guy I promise. “ As he looks at you, there’s nothing you can truly do but place your trust in him. The man who’d been standing there hadn’t tried to kill the both of you, so that was a good sign. You nod slowly.
It’s been a while since you've been this vulnerable.
All you can do is hope that on the other side of that door, the answers you seek won’t bring you more panic.
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