#like a chinchilla in dust
gingermaple · 8 months
Can you give Sphynx!Grian a chinchilla? I mean draw him with a chinchilla
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little guy befriends an even littler guy
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purple-goo-writes · 1 year
Okay..here me out-
The JL finding out about Phantom due to him being trapped in his eldritch primal form (four arms, lots of wings, eyes, spacey and basically biblically accurate angel).
But it's not because of a fight or anything.
It's because happy fluffy feathered eldritch decided to take a dust bath on the Fucking Moon. Just confused JL watching this eldritch creatures wiggling and flapping up moondust cause his wings are itchy and HE IS SO HAPPY TO BE IN SPACE.
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mjrtaurus · 4 months
Obviously, Crocodile's not a big fan of water now, but was that always the case? Was he a good swimmer before he ate his Devil Fruit? Does he miss baths?
When he first started sailing with Whitebeard when he was eight, he already didn't like being wet. Living most of his life below decks on Xebec's ship had been a damp experience to say the least. Getting soaked with water meant you were going to be cold for the rest of the day and well into the night. He hated being cold, too.
He hated bathing when he was young, but he hated smelling awful even more. Of the two sensory issues, he would take bathing.
His giant reptile fixation came soon after he got his name, because why not learn about the animal you were named after? He actually destroyed his hatred for water by reassociating it with the beasts for a time. He would swim in small bodies of water whenever the Whitebeard pirates dropped anchor
Then his devil fruit happened and he reassociated water with Bad™️.
Clawing his way to the Warlord title post Whitebeard was a difficult venture as far as hygiene was concerned, ESPECIALLY when he was pre top surgery. Had to wait until he was totally alone before he could wash up, and that was very difficult when you were miles out to sea in a wooden box with a dozen or so people in there with you. Most of which being men, which was an entirely different kind of concern.
Once he got set up in Alabasta and the paranoia was in full swing, he had multiple locks on the master bathroom door so he could clean himself in relative peace of mind.
So, in essence. He hated water. Then he loved it. But then he hated it again. He still bathes regularly despite this.
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sufferingrelapsed · 4 months
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dust bath
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abarbaricyalp · 2 months
I’m obsessed with how you write sambucky and I’m currently reading everything you’ve written for them thank you for feeding the fandom😭😭😭
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I'm so glad you like my silly stories! Thank you for such a kind message! I've been enjoying seeing your comments come in 😅 Happy reading!
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somegrumpynerd · 8 months
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Me every time somebody says something nice in the tags or replies of something I drew
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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do you ever wonder if your coworkers might be anteaters?
[today's foolery is brought to you, as is often the case, as a collaboration with @dxppercxdxver!]
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pyxscythe · 1 year
Y'know how there's no water in the end? WELL Enderians take dust baths like chinchillas or birds
UEUEUEUEUEURUEURHGHSJGNS that would actually be so silly and funny .
Overworld people take baths/showers Netherians take lava baths and Enderians take dust baths
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
They should invent a lotion that isn't Gross.
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dragonsarereall · 1 year
I have a sweet, little gross, smelly, dare I even say stinky cat. He won't stop rolling in his litter box. This is me publicly shaming him in hopes he stops.
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saintnicotine · 1 year
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
If Tango (as some people headcanon) can't touch water, does he bathe in dust. Like a chinchilla
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You know how chinchillas take dust baths. Tango takes Redstone baths like that. :3
Keeps his hair all nice and fluffy! It does take a lot of redstone dust though....
-Mod Mleem
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hybbart · 2 years
if tango is a blazeling and fire turns blue on soul soul does that mean he takes dust baths in soul soil for when he wants the icy look? like a chinchilla
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Styled and everything!
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Fluffy holiday headcanons? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, any holiday you’d like ❤️🎞️
Oh I got you! I’ll do as many holidays as I can think of (including birthdays-this is gonna be an uber long post but i’ll organize it by months
Darry’s birthday
Those two will wake Darry up by jumping on his bed because there just SO damn excited (they used to do this as kids more so than now because they realize Darry needs to sleep-
They convinced Dally and Two Bit to dig up info on Darry’s boss so they could blackmail him into giving Darry the day off with pay 💀
They purposefully turn his alarm off in the middle of the night and then he freaks out because he overslept and Pony/Soda has to calm him down by telling him what they did (he was a mix of concerned, a bit angry and lowkey impressed
They don’t let Darry do anything on his birthday like the will straight up shove him into his chair and push a newspaper at him while they do all the chores that day
They deep cleaned the house while he was sleeping (they even snuck into his room and dusted everything and polished all his trophies (They were so super careful with those)
Speaking of trophies, side headcanon that Darry pawned away his football trophies and uniform to make more money because money was uber tight around this time and Soda/Pony made Dally break in and get (steal) them back (Dally went to jail and he was very mad)
Darry bawled and didn’t even care at that point he was so grateful
Soda and Pony have to buy a cake because they almost burned the house down trying to make one (Soda got distracted and left the cake in the oven for so long it caught fire and Pony forgot about it-
They don’t let Darry leave the house tho (they also don’t tell him Soda got a speeding ticket)
They literally tried to make like a five course meal but at that point they just ended up making a bunch of random appetizers and some tacos or something-Darry didn’t care tho he was honored
Pony in the future takes up two jobs (he waits tables with Johnny and works at the library) and him and Soda save up to buy him whatever they can that they think he’d like
Its mostly a bunch of stuff from his favorite football team and they buy him new work boots
They also bought him a chinchilla once (Darry loves chinchillas tell me otherwise) and Darry was just so happy
They insist on cuddling with him that night and at that point he feels so spoiled but he can’t even say no 😭
They all end up snuggled in his bed with Darry in the middle-he’s genuinely so happy and it’s one of the only days he looks forward to
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is not just for romance! It’s about spreading love to everyone you love including friends and family
The three Curtises definitely leave little things in each others rooms like they’ll scatter those chocolate hearts in each others rooms-Pony does it when Darry and Soda are at work, Soda does it at night when Darry and Pony are sleeping and Darry does it right before he leaves in the morning for work
They all end up buying one gift for each other-it’s never really a “big” gift but it’s something to show they love each other
Soda and Darry both get Pony books-Darry even saved up to buy Pony a little polaroid camera and Pony’s side of the room is littered with pictures of him and Johnny and him with the gang and just sunset pictures. It makes Soda and Darry so happy to see
Pony and Darry get Soda those giant chocolate things 😭 They know bro is absolutely food motivated but then he ends up eating the whole thing in one sitting and getting sick-they also get him stupid little toys they find. Soda would love those stretchy guys the dentist gives you as a kid He also likes fidgeting so they get him little fidget toys (him and Steve goof off at work with them and have gotten them confiscated 😔)They get him a lot of horse themed things too!
Pony and Soda get Darry little football figurines and stuff-one time they actually managed to scrape together the cash to get him tickets to go see a game-they could only buy one tho but Darry had the time of his life and actually looked his age for once when he came back.
Soda makes cringy little “roses are red violets are blue i think you’re great and I love you” type poems and writes them on hearts and hides them around the house for his brothers
Pony writes both of his brothers a very personalized poem-it’s so complex and honestly Soda and Darry are both uber impressed with his writing skills
Darry leaves little doodles around the house of things he laments on them doing as kids-he sketches one picture before bed every night (not even just on Valentine’s Day but as a coping mechanism as well) and the whole month of February he straight up draws the most beautiful pictures of them hugging and them as kids-Soda and Pony keep them in a drawer. Darry found said drawer and almost cried because he didn’t think anyone saw them or kept them
Every year they do a little tribute to their parents because they loved them-they’ll put a heart shaped piece of paper on their bed and a few roses and daffodils in their bedroom
They all eat little candy hearts in Darry’s bed before falling asleep
St. Patrick’s Day
Okay so this is more so when they were younger because I feel like St. Patrick’s Day is more so a holiday for kids but still-
Soda makes green pancakes. He makes a bunch of green food and even dyes their milk green (he also dyes the toilet water green)
Dont let him have any food dye
I feel like the three boys used to set up Leprechaun traps a lot and Mr/Mrs Curtis would buy those little gold chocolate coins and scatter them around to make it look like a Leprechaun was actually in the house lol-they also wrote some note like “better luck next year!” In shitty green marker and Pony used to get so mad-he literally guarded the traps all night because he was determined to catch one but he fell asleep and had to be carried to bed 😭
Even when Darry grew out of believing in Leprechauns he never told Soda and Pony and always helped them make traps
I feel like the first one after their parents death was really sad so Darry just coerced Pony into making more Leprechauns traps (which he begrudgingly does because “I’m thirteen now I know it was just mom and dad” but Darry spent all night doing what his parents did just to make Pony smile. He never tells Pony (Pony probably knows it’s Darry but it still made him cry)
I feel like Soda helped out but he insisted on making it ‘more mischievous’ so he put green handprints and footprints on the ground and Darry FREAKED OUT when he saw 😭 literally took Soda outside and was like “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS” (he didn’t care much he just didn’t want the floors and sinks to be ruined 💀)
They definitely but those little chocolate coins and just spend the whole day eating them. Soda and Darry sneak some into Pony’s lunch and Soda and Pony do the same with Darry and Pony and Darry do the same with Soda <3
I don’t have much since St. Patrick’s day isn’t very like….popular? But I feel like Soda would wear a Leprechaun hat (he pulls it off somehow. Fuck him fr)
Darry lets Soda dye the food green but half the time it just turns the food diarrhea colored because he tried to dye meat
similarly to St. Patrick’s Day I feel like this is also a holiday more for kids (I mean without the religious aspect of course) but the Curtis boys (Soda mainly) LOVE dyeing and decorating eggs
Pony cannot stand the smell of vinegar tho so it’s hard for him (he uses a clothespin to keep his nose shut, dumbass) but he loves doing it too
I feel like Darry would be super simplistic. He dyes his eggs one or two colors and lets it dry before doing the most articulate sharpie art on the eggs. Like it’s this mosaic type shit in Sharpie and Pony and Soda are so impressed
Soda’s are always like-every color they can be and then some because he uses colorful markers on them. If a rainbow threw up on an egg that’s what Soda’s would look like. He also loves putting googly eyes on them and he even makes little paper hats for his and uses pipe cleaners to make arms and legs 😭
Pony’s actually look so beautiful. He loves the warm colors and likes to make his look like scenery. Like he’ll dye his eggs sunset colors and then use markers to paint mountains and trees and whatever else. Darry and Pony are super artistic-Soda just likes making his look like what he enjoys and his brothers have no problem with it
They line the eggs up around the house so that it feels more holiday like
All three Curtis brothers are suckers for candy and chocolate (obviously) so they spend their grocery budget that week on chocolate bunnies and peeps (Soda is the only one who likes them but they buy them for him)
Pony and Soda have both given themselves stomachaches and Darry has to take care of them 😭
I feel like the Curtis parents used to buy like fake bunny feet prints and would put them around the house when they were kids
They definitely have Easter egg hunts. They do these with the whole gang (Dally never finds any, he just sneaks behind people and takes theirs from their baskets)
Theres never a prize or anything because Darry’s the one who hides them so he doesn’t really participate but they combine all the candy from the eggs and they just sit on the floor and devour the candy
Darry buys a ham. All three Curtises LOVE ham but they never really have enough money to buy one often so you better believe these three boys are eating the whole entire thing and not leaving leftovers
Darry makes mac and cheese too (someone said he was a mac and cheese guy. I love that) and it’s a fun night for all of them
Theyre all like way too full in the end but nobody really minds much. They enjoy nights where they can pig out a bit lol
July 4th
ohhhhh boy
These boys LOVE July 4th (Especially Soda)
The whole gang goes down to a lake for the day to just chill out for a bit
Darry brings hot dogs and hamburgers and the gang fucks with them so hard, they all love barbecue
They also love Sparklers (especially Pony because Ponyboy is a wee bit of a pyromaniac
Soda always gets scared by them when they light up because it takes a minute and he always throws it right over Darry’s head. He almost made him catch fire like more than once
“Sorry Dar I got scared 😨” “It’s fine” he says while patting the small fire out of his hair
Pony likes writing on trees with the burnt ends of the sparkler. He thinks it makes him tuff (loser)
I feel like they either bring down hot dogs and hamburgers or they just buy like five pounds of steak
Likley the latter because they are pure carnivores
Dally buys illegal fireworks but Darry actually does have a license so he shoots them off by the lake (they all go diving for the pieces of the fireworks after-they make it a game)
I feel like Soda would buy those obnoxious Uncle Sam hats but I’m not sure if he’d pull that one off (sorry Soda)
They spend most of the day in the lake-all three brothers love swimming. Soda loves doing those weird dolphin dives into the water but whenever he comes up from the water he’s like…glistening. Darry likes anything that can show off his strength so he loves to swim. Pony gets tired kinda easily in the water because he goes HARD in the water and then like fifteem minutes later he’s clinging to Darry’s back
Swimming definitely makes them all hungry as fuck too so they end up somehow devouring all five pounds of steak
Soda goes into the water again but ends up crawling back because he got cramps
The lake is also right by the west side so they like to just sit back with each other and watch the fireworks from the lake
They throw the scraps back on the west side tho because they hate that they just leave their litter there
One of them definitely gets bit by like a snapping turtle or something
I feel like 4th of July isn’t really a holiday to them, more so a day they can go to the lake and pig out on steaks lol
Pony’s birthday
I feel like Pony doesn’t really like his birthday because his fourteenth and fifteenth birthdays must have been super hard for him (plus it’s around the time the book events happen and it just makes him depressed)
But Darry and Soda do anything they can to make him happy-Darry skips work for the day and Soda does too
Darry lets him sleep in (usually he has Pint wake up at 8 or 9 on weekends so he’s on some sort of sleep schedule but he’ll cut him slack on his birthday)
I feel like the two of them stay up super late decorating the house for him too-they tie balloons to his seat and they have little homemade banners (they do this for all the Curtises birthdays) and Pony gets so surprised every time because he thinks he’s too old for it-
Soda even made cupcakes (i headcanon Soda as a good baker-I know in the book Pony said he liked Darry’s cakes better because Soda puts too much sugar in the icing but I feel like that’s just because Soda likes it super sweet) but he knows Pony doesn’t like it too sweet so he’s careful with how much sugar he puts in
Darry brings Pony a cupcake when he wakes up (after Soda starts calling for Darry like “can you get him a cupcake I don’t wanna get up :(“ but they both sit with him as he sleepily eats the cupcake and is like “thanks guys” while snuggling into them as a thank you 😭 they better not say anything tho because if they do he stops immediately and is like “I ain’t a baby quit babying me i’m fifteen now not four 😡😡”
They seriously just let him do what he wants all day-if he wants to read with them they do that. If he wants to show them a movie or go to the drive in, they do that (and if he wants to bring Johnny or Two Bit they pick them up if they’re up for going. If he wants to just lay down for a bit they’re snuggling him together
Darry definitely brings them all to Dairy Queen for lunch and spoils the hell out of Pony-he gets him one of those ice cream things (Blizzards? Is that what they’re called?) and makes sure he gets the biggest one there and he lets Pony get jowever much food he wants-Pony has eyes bigger than his stomach tho and ends up needing to lay down for a bit lmao
But in the end they take him to the pool at the Y to help work his appetite back because Darry always makes Pony’s favorite meal for dinner (he had a feeling Ponybwould end up feeling like shit so they take him out early in the morning so he has time to digest it all lmao) but anyway, he loves swimming SO much and gets so excited whenever they go to the pool
He likes laying on his back and just floating for a bit until he bumps into Darry who just stares down at him and laughs-Soda also pushes on his stomach/chest and shoves him under and Pony’s just like “hey 😡😡” he doesn’t actually care though he just jumps on Soda’s back and they start wrestling while Darry just watches
They’re there for basically the whole day and they’re all hungry in the end so while Pony and Soda are washing off Darry is making steaks for Pony’s birthday (Pony LOVES barbecue)
After dinner they let him open his gifts and he’s so grateful for all of them-he actually gets really nice gifts-he got a bunch of camera film for his polaroid (polaroids were invented in 1948 so i’m safe), they get him a bunch of books from his favorite authors (which Pony stays up all night reading) and they get him some art supplies because it’s a healthy way he copes with his trauma and they’re more than happy to support him!
They then go in Darry’s pickup truck and Dary lets Soda/Pong sit in the back (like in th cart the truck drags along) and he just goes for a long drive while the sun sets and Ponybid SO happy-he gets happier when Darry tells him he looks tuff with his wind blown hair too
They end the night with chocolate cake with sprinkles inside and by cuddling, Pony in the middle and Soda/Darry just holding him 💜
Soda’s birthday
Soda LOVES his birthday because he loves the attention 😭 He’s so happy when he realizes the day is all about him-
Pony and Darry go CRAZY decorating because Soda literally walks downstairs and acts like he’s witnessing the greatest thing ever-he looks like a kid in a candy shop and he literally puts his brothers in a BONE crushing hug and he flat out starts crying 😭😭
Steve takes Soda’s shift for him because he’s nice like that on occasion (but Soda you owe me in April when it’s my birthday 😡😡”) so Soda can just stay home all day
Darry stays home from work too and depending on what Pony is doing in school he’ll let him kiss the day if he doesn’t have tests or anything (Pony lies a lot unless it’s a class he doesn’t wanna make the test up for)
Soda is just so happy and he makes Pony cuddle him for a few extra moments and Pony doesn’t mind until he’s like “Soda I need to pee” “Just go here I don’t wanna let go :(“ “NO”
Pony goes back because Soda starts fake crying lmao
They get him out of bed and they prepare themselves to match Soda’s energy for the day because he just really loves that his birthday is in fall and he loves doing all the fall things on his birthday (apple/pumpkin picking, playing around in the leaves, that sort of thing
Soda loves apple picking evacuee he can climb up the trees and just get the apples from the top-plus they’re his favorite fruit but Darry has to keep being like “Soda save room for dinner” but Soda doesn’t care lol
He loves going on hay rides at the pumpkin patches, he doesn’t care he’s turning 17 or 18, he’ll be giggling like a kid and like “LOOK AT THE HORSES!” (the horses wee pulling the hay barrel)
They take him to the petting zoo too but it backfires when he got emotionally attached to one of the lambs :(
They let him stay however long he wants and he’s just so happy because one of the lambs curled on his lap and fell asleep and he was just like “😮🥹” like bro was so close to crying-
He got a bit distracted by the horses too and Darry bought food for him to feed them-Soda has a way with animals and probably accidentally made several kids cry because they wouldn’t leave Soda alone and kept ignoring the kids/Darry didn’t have the heart to pull him away tho
When they get home Darry makes beef stew because Soda LOVES beef stew-Soda loves hearty fall foods.
He’s learned to make two pots because Soda straight up will eat all of it and leave nothing for anyone else lol
After they eat they give Soda gifts-he insists he doesn’t want anything but he also doesn’t protest being spoiled a bit lol
They get him a bunch of things he can build-he’s super good at what he does with cars and he really loves building things and taking things apart, so they get him like…3d puzzles and figurines he can build and he absolutely loves it and is so so happy <3
They know Soda loves his snuggles so Ponyboy will lay on top of him and Darry just envelopes him in this tight bone crushing hug-many happy tears are shed
The Curtises honestly don’t do much for Halloween (except Soda, Soda LOVES Halloween and dressing up
Him and Steve dress up to go to work-Soda usually goes fully dressed as a zombie and Steve a werewolf (he even has a mask and a tail)-Soda’s able to charm his bosses into not being mad though and they actually manage to pull it off and they have good sales because people think it’s funny
I feel like Pony and Darry aren’t as into it-Pony doesn’t go trick or treating because “it’s for kids” so he usually hangs out with Dally and Johnny for the night and dresses like Paul Newman (of course he does-he actually pulls it off tho) Johnny probably just wears all black and Dally buys a scream mask and waits in bushes for kids to come out and they just steal the kids candy after they drop it because Dally is a dick and scares them 😭
Darry hands out candy and actually kinda gets into it because he’s super good with kids-he puts on a flannel and is just like “fine I’m Paul Bunyan”-he loves handing out candy tho and he’ll be super swwwgblike “oh wow that’s a scary ghost costume, you almost scared the life outta me!” like he just plays into it and he really does enjoy
Steve, Soda and Two Bit go trick or treating and of course Soda has his natural charm and girls bring him candy at work that day lol-Darry deals with similar stuff but he roofs this super sweet old lady’s home and she’s like “oh we don’t get kids often…do you want some candy young man?” and he’s like…trying to refuse but she keeps insisting and he eventually gives in 😭
So that night Darry comes home from work with a bag of candy and the leftover candy from handing it out, Pony comes beck with candy Dally gave him after he jumped kids for it and Soda brings back the mother load of candy
The three of them just eat candy together and watch scary movies (not really scary-think like Lifetime horror movies)
Pony likes chocolates, Sosa loves sour stuff and Darey enjoys just about anything, but he’s a sucker for chocolates with stuff inside (like Reese’s cups/Milky Ways)
One of them (all three of them) end up with stomachaches but it’s all good and they have a good night
The whole gang LOVES Thanksgiving
They used to do things before the holiday-every day in November they have the whole gang write something they’re thankful for and they put it in a jar to read at the table
Pony makes it heartfelt like “I’m grateful for my brothers and all they do for me”-Darry is the same way but after the book he gets really specific like “I’m thankful that Ponyboy is here with me and supports me after work” “I’m thankful for Sodapop and his endless snuggles even if it seems like I don’t want it”-Soda is kinda hit or miss, sometimes he’ll put something in but sometimes it’ll be like “I’m thankful for cheese puffs” and they’re like “Soda really 😒”
Everyone thinks Darry would cook everything by himself but I think that only happens after Pony insists on making the turkey and Darry’s like “Okay but you have to gut it” and Pony’s like “fine” but he takes one look inside and throws up and Soda kept sneaking food and then got sick because he ate raw turkey
Soda got banned and Pony refused to go back in
They all make the stuffing together tho and it turns into a bit of a food fight lol-they’re all laughing and having fun
They invite the gang over and Dally gets so mad that Darry makes them do the whole “what are you thankful for” ritual and eventually just literally reaches over the table and grabs a drumstick and eats it and Darry’s so done
They have to kinda coax Johnny into eating sometimes because he doesn’t wanna be seen as greedy but a few bites later and it’s so good he can’t resist anymore and just devours half a turkey by himself
Pony stocks up on rolls and mashed potatoes-he loves turkey too but he will eat an entire pound of mashed potatoes by himself and he has
They’re all lowkey gross at the table like Dally literally just burps so fucking loud because he has to announce to everyone that he’s finished and Darry is just so done with him lmao
In the end they all just drag themselves to the couch-there’s literally no leftovers either that’s how much they eat. They’re seven teenage boys lol
Darry likes watching football but even then he’s so sluggish and full he can’t even focus on it lol
They all have a gigantic cuddle pile and they’re all whining about how full they are, it’s so sad
Johnny is not used to being full at all and he’s so embarrassed because he ate SO much and everyone is teasing him and Pony specifically because they’re so small but they packed away the most and Johnny ends up with super bad hiccups and that just leads to more teasing and he’s just like “shut up guys”
Theyre gross so they probably end up having annual burping contests. Johnny is of course undefeated and Dally storms off to god knows where after
When everyone leaves the Curtises are so full they can’t even go upstairs so they just lay on the couch and it’s so bad that it takes the next day to fully digest it all too 😭
This is probably their favorite or second favorite holiday.
Their favorite holiday is Christmas honestly
They absolutely LOVE the preparation beforehand of baking Christmas cookies and putting up a little tree with decorations
They can’t really buy a tree but they have this fake tree that they have put up every year since Darry was a baby-it’s still somehow in tact
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis didn’t have a lot of money so they made a star out of cinnamon sticks that they used instead
The Curtises cherish that star and put two angels right next to it too to symbolize they haven’t forgotten their parents or their traditions
Additionally I feel like Mr. Curtis was the one who made the cookies with the boys while Mrs. Curtis would decorate
As kids they would take turns making a cookie, like Darry would help make oatmeal raisin or something, Soda would make snickerdoodles and Pony would make sugar cookies, they would just alternate like that
But now that their parent are dead they all just do it together
Soda gets banned because he keeps stealing dough (They’re all guilty of this tho, even Darry)
They all end up eating too much and Pony and Soda are SO whiny- “Darryyyyy why did you let us eat that much..?” “You’re the one who kept sneaking it!”
They actually end up pretty good in the end and give them out to the gang
Darry’s an oatmeal raisin kind of guy-Soda likes snickerdoodles, Pony likes sugar cookies, Johnny likes chocolate chip, Dally likes those cookies with jelly in the middle, Teo Bit is the kind of menace to love those frosted ones and Steve likes those half chocolate half vanilla ones with the hershey kiss in the middle so they make a lot of those and the whole gang is there on Christmas day just eating the cookies and watching shitty movies 💜
Christmas Eve the Curtises don’t really like meeting up with the gang because they feel it’s a day for them and them alone-it’s the only day Darry actually makes them go to church and Soda HATES it-he just cannot sit still that long, and he gets bored during prayer sermons-Darry actually enjoys going but he usually doesn’t like-seek out going and Pony finds it serene and it gives him closure honestly
They also do that thing where they open one gift the night before-I feel like the year their parents died and money was super tight it ended up being like the Gift of the Magi-they all bought each other something but Darry sold his football uniform to get Soda and Pony something, Pony sold an exclusive book collection his parents bought him and Soda sold the horse saddle he used to ride Mickey Mouse-Darry bought Pony a little bookshelf, Soda bought Pony some pretty fancy figurines of the book characters, Darry bought Soda a mantle to put the saddle on and Pony bought him a horse statue to build and put the saddle on, Pony bought Darry some cleats and Soda bought him a helmet embroidered with his father’s words to him and all three of them sold their most valuable things to buy those for each other and they just cry for a bit
On a lighter note they all but each other joke gifts-at Pony’s school they have a sale where they just sell old junk nobody wants and Pony gathers the most random shit. Darry has a tiki statue in his room and Soda got a lamp with a mysterious brown stain on it (based off actual events)
They have turkey and ham because the gang comes over on Christmas and all of them are actually like-very food invested lmao
athey all cuddle by the fireplace and pass around secret santa gifts (they do Secret Santa Im calling it)
New Year’s Eve
They have their own little traditions! Darry makes appetizers (like jalapeño poppers and nachos) and they make 24, every hour they eat one together as a way to count down
I feel like they don’t do much during the day besides just go about their normal activities. Darry and Soda both get off early (Pong brings them bits of appetizers each hour to keep the tradition going because they did this with the Curtis parents and little bro hates change-
Darry and Soda get off at like…2 or 3 and that’s when things get fun
Theybhave game nights! Game nights usually don’t end well and this is no exception-
Teh first game they try to play is monopoly but Soda gets impulsive and that makes it easy to swindle him out of stuff so he’s the first one to go bankrupt and lose-it’s Pony and Darry that butt heads lmao
Darry is really good at swindling Ponyboy out of money and whatnot and Pony gets SO pissed- “Darry I want a refund 😡” like I know someone (Pony) walks away crying-
Pony has learned Darry’s tactics over the year and is VERY good at lying so he manages to swindle Darry this time and Darry is actually proud until he realizes he lost and then he flips the board lmao
They have other games they love to play too-they play cards as well but Soda is banned from playing War because he always peeks at his cards
Theh stop playing games after a while to watch the ball drop
They do a little reflection thing yearly-like “my name is ____ I’m ____ years old, I’m in the _____ grade, my favorite color is ____ my favorite food is _____ my favorite toy/game is _____ my favorite color is _____”-Mrs. Curtis made them do this but they agreed to keep the tradition going evacsue they thought it was cool to look back at their younger selves and see how they’ve changed
They read out past ones to each other and they get to the ones like “My favorite memory is _____, the funniest thing that’s happened this year was _____, I love _____ about my brothers” and the three of them are HOWLING because reading back on them they just love remembering and such-it’s bittersweet.
New Year’s eve is the one night Soda can stay up later than like-9:30 (Bro has a bed time-it’s not Darry that gave it to him, Soda just appointed himself a bed time and if he isn’t in bed by then he becomes a bitch) but New Years Eve is the one time a year he’s okay with staying up
Darry lets Pony and Soda have a champagne glass too and they all hug when the ball drops and then they just pas sour on the couch lol
Hope these are good!! I did a lot-
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occudo · 7 months
Just had the funny mental image of Fiona taking a dust bath like a chinchilla instead of bathing normally, so I thought I'd share the silliness
I have to look up chinchillas taking dust baths to make a decision.
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I was delighted by what I found, this silliness is now in the AU, thank you.
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