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thalthanmadanus · 2 months ago
Draco is THE antagonist of the story and I'm lowkey sick of people diminishing his character's importance in the story and to Harry's character development. so I'm writing an essay about how Draco as a character is fucking important especially his antagonistic arc
1. The crumbs:
First of all, and this doesn't get mentioned often, Draco is the first magical kid Harry meets his age.
Not only that, he is our first glimpse at two major upcoming conflicts in the series: Blood Supremacy, and Hogwarts houses.
Draco plays the important role of the narrative foil to Harry. (even wikipedia references them in the "foil" page)
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Draco's main function as a character is to showcase Harry's best traits, through being his most worst. Unlike, Snape and Voldemort, Draco is more concerned with creating internal conflicts for Harry than external ones.
He is the character that says mudblood the most, with the frequency decreasing every book. He is the character that plays with/teases/bullies the psychological vulnerabilities of the trio (specifically Ron and Harry). He is one of the few characters that give rational criticism (against Hagrid, calling out the trio dynamic..) that, taken outside the keyframe imposed by the author, can showcase the flaws in Harry's views and his bias. He is also the only character that shows moral self-reflection that isn't motivated by either a reward or "love", which not only serves as character development for Draco but for Harry too who grows to sympathize with Draco, a small breakup from his fixed binary morality.
Draco is also a very active character. His actions and choices affect the plot. The majority of the first book literally happens because of his dumbass. In the second book, he is our first introduction to the word mudblood, he's also the main suspect to the two main mysteries. If Draco wasn't such a bitchass, would buckbeak gave been in said place for Harry to use him to save Sirius?
He is important narratively but what interests me is his importance to Harry's arc.
What separates Draco from other antagonists is that he creates internal conflicts that stem from his personal conflicts with Harry, because of Harry as a person. Not because Harry's the chosen one standing in his way, not because Harry's lily or James's son. Because Harry's Harry. and this exchange is mutual.
Their personal dynamic is set up in their first meeting. Harry, upon hearing two sentences from Draco, reacts negatively because of deeply personal issues (Dudley). I don't think Harry reacts personally to any other characters the way he did with Draco? Considering that Draco wasn't even hostile in his first sentences.
While Draco targets both Harry and Ron, there's a clear difference in how Draco bullies them both but also how Harry and Ron perceive Draco.
Draco is crueler on Ron. And his bullying doesn't feel personal, just apathetic, humiliating and mean. It feels like Draco is more cruel on Ron because Harry chose Ron over him and it shows by Draco coming back every now and then searching for Harry's compartment, trying to egg him, to look for a way that will make Harry regret rejecting Draco.
About Harry & Ron perception about Draco, it's showcased in the second book by the two main major events Draco was suspected in
1. Opening CoS. It was Ron who suspected Draco for this, not Harry. Ron suspects Draco for an action that affects everyone in the school.
2. Sending Dobby. Harry suspects that it was Draco that sent Dobby to prevent Harry from coming to school. Harry suspects Draco of an action that targets him specifically, and his reason of suspect? "because Malfoy hates me". It's personal.
Another instance of Harry making every issue personal with Draco: In the fifth book, after the sorting hat's song about houses unity
'And it wants all the houses to be friends?' said Harry, looking over at the Slytherin table,where Draco Malfoy was holding court. 'Fat chance. '
I'm also pretty sure the reason why Harry chooses not to be in Slytherin was 50% because Draco got sorted into Slytherin. the other 50% being Hagrid telling him that Slythering are eviiil. Btw a conversation that wouldn't have happened if Draco hadn't brought up houses in their first meeting.
Like I said, most of the plot in the first book goes back to Draco.
My main point is that the relationship between Harry and Draco as characters is beyond goals, motives, obstacles, moral causes bla bal bla, and is on the spectrum of "I took that personally".
2. the main plate:
Draco transitioned in the sixth book from an antagonist to a "side character" with a life. His role as character no longer functioned by his connection to Harry.
and this is where a flip of dynamic happened, where Harry became the antagonist to Draco's arc.
He's the one following him. He's the one egging him on (in the first 5 books,it was always Draco starting conversations with Harry, but in the sixth book, it's mostly Harry who started conversations with Draco) He's the one hurting him (Sectumsempra) (even on accident). He's the one trying to create obstacles to Draco's goal.
and why is that? why was Harry so obsessed with Draco?
If it were because of a moral righteousness, then why not focusing on Snape who's probably more suspicious? like who cares about Draco.. yeah he's sus but Dumbledore says it's not important..
This line of thought is more Ron and Hermione because they don't share the kind of deep personal issues towards Draco like Harry does.
so why is harry so obsessed?
"Harry, knowing and loathing Malfoy, was sure the reason could not be innocent."
This line in the sixth book explains it. Harry knows and loathes Draco with more emphasis on *knowing*.
Harry admits that he knows Malfoy, of course the fruit of labor of staring at Draco for five years, but why does he even stare in the first place? Because Harry is curious about Draco.
In comparison with Snape and Voldemort, our other antagonists,  Harry doesn't show the same enthusiastic curiosity for them. At least not the same way he does with Draco. Most of what we know about Snape and Voldemort are shown through external ways. Either their memories of memories of other people about them. Their character arcs happen outside Harry's vision,  either in the past or in a memory. It's not Harry who seeks those information. They come to him.
Draco, on the hand, most if not all of his character development happens in front of Harry. From his bullshit in the five years to him crying in the bathroom, him lowering his wand, him lying in the Manor. even the visions that Harry sees through Voldemort about Draco torturing Rowle, are happening in the present. Draco's character development is laid bare in front of Harry. 
but back to his obsession in the sixth book, it's because Harry knows Draco so well that not only he's right about him being a DE, but "Malfoy being up to something" is not something new to Harry, it's actually a normal thing that kept happening for 5 years of his life. Malfoy was always up to smtg. It's this idea of a normality that fuels like a new purpose in life for Harry after being wrecked by Sirius' death. Not only the mystery tingles his detective neurons, he knows he's right about Draco which only fuels his persistence. Draco being a person he hates also downplays the guilt/shame Harry could feel while stalking him. like I'm sorry but Harry was shameless and embarassing the whole year. The way Hermione and Ron looked at him sometimes so funny, also Hermione distancing herself from Harry when he talked to McG about Draco like "idk this person". Harry was kinda giving pre-HBP Draco vibes lowkey.
This shows that Harry himself is motivated by personal feelings (though negative) as an antagonist to Draco's arc himself.
And the important point here is the flip of dynamics. Draco is not just a mere side character in Harry's life. If anything, the moment he tries to become a side character with his is own arc, Harry is forcing himself in it. Because they're both foils to each other. It doesn't work on just one side.
The dessert:
The dynamic completely evolves again with the end of HBP as Draco gains a moral sense and Harry watching Draco's character development unfolding gains a more nuanced view than his old black/white one.
In DH, Draco and Harry are not antagonists anymore to each other. Draco and Harry are kind of heroes to each other?? as they both try to save each other like two times.
A lot of people downplay Draco's lie in the Manor, comparing it to Dudley's "You're not a waste of space" as "character development" moment.
Dudley said that after Harry saved him. Draco literally was the one who took the initiative to lie, expecting no reward, literally had more to lose by lying, he was literally acting against his own interests, his family's life was in danger!!! Harry saved Draco after Draco saved him.
also Draco's character development started with him lowering his wand.
but back to being each other heroes. Our other comparison is Ron who is in both situations where Harry saves Draco but he's the one reacting negatively and complainig about them saving Draco, not Harry. Which is funny because Ron says "we saved you" but in both cases it's Harry who's doing the saving and Ron is  just there witnessing, and again I don't think he still realizes what was happening since the sixth year. He thinks his hostile feelings towards Draco are the same ones Harry has. That they're similar. Ron.. Harry literally almost risked your life to save Draco.
It also speaks of character development from Harry that he's not reacting negatively anymore towards Draco. He grew out of it. Like Draco also was starting to grow out of his toxic ideologies.
They're both growing up simultaneously.
And Draco was The first wizard kid Harry talked to (with no precognition or insidious motive)
Draco was the first character who he flew with
Draco was the first character who he dueled with
and so in DH,
Draco was the first character who tried to help Harry with no selfish motive
Draco was the first character that flew with Harry on the same broom (at least I think so?)
Draco was the first and only character whose wand Harry dueled with against Voldemort and won.
I wish I could write more. About Sectumsempra. About wand connection. but I'm tired.
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cosmicwhoreo · 8 months ago
apparently somebody on Artfight stole my oc Nox, renamed him "Axar" and claims he's from"qsmp"
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Firstly, I'd like to ask why even steal other people's characters for ARTFIGHT?
I mean, good job! You're getting free art of literally SOMEBODY ELSE'S oc. How's that even remotely give you anything?
Too much pressure.
Im gonna assume they're a kid, so please just report them for me... no harassing them.
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qprpbj · 13 days ago
why’d they do this. btw. ????
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jeysbaby · 1 year ago
I really need to talk to somebody about this
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i-write-things · 2 years ago
Ok, I have something to say. This may be controversial to some writers, but whatever.
I don't think Chrollo, Yandere or not, would ever get the troupe to watch after or steal something for his s/o. If his s/o was maybe in like a life or death situation, he would probably, but not much other than that. Chrollo loves his troupe very much. They're his family, friends, his people. The spider is his dream, and the members in it are so, so important to him. Chrollo and Yan! Chrollo alike wouldn't just boss around and abuse his powers as the Phantom Troupe leader. He only really commands them when it's troupe related, like for a mission. Other than that, they can do what they want, and he and the entire troupe knows this.
Now, even if he DID tell/ask them to, would they keep an eye on his s/o, or steal something for them? yes, they would. The troupe loves chrollo just as much as he loves them. But the thing is, from the very formation of the troupe, he was chosen to be the leader because they all knew he would be a good leader. And part of being a good leader is not abusing your power for your own personal life.
I feel like another exception I could see is if his s/o is friends with a troupe member.
I know, I love the idea of Yan! Chrollo constantly keeping tabs and an extra pair of eyes his s/o, but I don't think he'd get them to do it. First off, I think he'd like to keep his romantic life seperate from his work life until he has had his s/o for a little, then he'll introduce them. Secondly, I don't think he would want an extra pair of eyes on his darling. Because that's his territory.
Anyways, moral of the story, regular Chrollo and Yan!Chrollo wouldn't send the troupe to do tasks like spy on his s/o or steal something for them. You guys can think otherwise, but I won't. I will stand and die on this hill.
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catharsim · 1 month ago
What mental illness is it that makes me desperately crave going in game and doing cute shit only when I know I physically can’t?
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vinyls-corner · 1 year ago
I'm still baffled why Laila didn't consider killing Vinter even though she remembered everything that had happened in the past.
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I need answers
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lyxchen · 2 months ago
I wouldn't be so upset about Kitty/Min Ho if they hadn't completely destroyed everything Yuri has. They took away her girlfriend, her friendship with Kitty and they gave her financial problems now too. What is the point of that? That Juliana breakup, especially because she kissed Kitty could have been a setup to have her get with Kitty. But they didn't do that. They put Kitty with Min Ho, which could be a very cute relationship but still took away Yuri's chance of getting back with Juliana. I just don't get it
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hybrid-animator · 2 months ago
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WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME @shortmomma1993
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discoveredreality · 8 months ago
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flurry-bace · 8 months ago
love the implication that part of Riley's identity is French
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soupyloopyx · 5 months ago
not replying to a text because you were in the shower is so embarrassing for no reason
it should be: oh yay you're so clean you had a shower now you're clean and fresh and amazing
but instead its: oh.... you were naked.... in water.... and singing badly.... that's kind of gross
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 1 year ago
Tumblr: you have 12 new notifications
Me: nice, so I can see who they are from now?
Tumblr: no
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heystephen · 9 months ago
my brain is so badly on autopilot rn i just finished brushing my teeth and immediately turned and threw my toothbrush in the toilet
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captainchilly · 1 year ago
how hard is it to credit someone's gif........
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