#like I don't need to plug into technology to get inside your head
You have been more chattery as of late.
This could only be the next phase of mind fucking me though.
#in a way your use of tools shows you are weaker than me#like I don't need to plug into technology to get inside your head#I really don't know how much my consciousness uses technology as well#probably since I was babbling as a baby onto the air waves#*key on* baaaa baaaaaaaaaa#*key off* “laugh* *tries to chew on mic*#I can still remember how it tastes#like a piece of metal#ita like dreaming about something I can't remember and ding ding#like four or five I don't know which it is this time....#then it's like four#and then the fifth one she holds that bitch#I probabt twitch in my seat and pass back out#eyes closed without a sense of direction#sound hmm yes what yes over there where am I ah yes off we go#even if I had 999 realms where everything is perfect this one would drive me into contempt for myself#.....I know they're pierced#and thank God there's no ink#if you want me to write things on your face with make-up well I can blame the makeup for your makeup#bro owned hole#yanno if down the line I am a huge dragon it would be nice to have a dragon to bone in mid air#like oral sex for them is like putting their face on the genitals and breathing fire because they are primal and don't really get injured#at that level it is merely ah yes some of this which we are made of is rubbing against us#ahe will be like it is of infrared plasma#I will like scoop it up with my hand and be like needs more hell fire#the metaphor of you discharging plasma or two plasma dischargers does seem the way to create well though
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weebsinstash · 29 days
I’m sending this again because it might’ve been eaten by tumblr. (this is meant for hazbin but if you wanna write about a different fandom go wild!)
I like the idea of a Reader who is obsessed with not being humanoid. Maybe they purposely get themselves hurt by angelic weapons so they have to replace body parts. They’re so infatuated with being ‘upgraded’ that they don’t even realize someone is in love with them.
idk i just like the idea of it :p
I think I might've briefly covered this idea before but I keep thinking about a computer Reader who is in a relationship with... Jesus I can't decide anymore, any of the applemedia boys individually or just all three lol, where you're a computer/bot person and one day the boys come home and you're just. Completely different
You're all happy and excited to show them how you've changed your body, or maybe you discovered you have new powers all of your own, and the change in your appearance, at least to them, is... significant. Your head might be a completely different shape. Your voice may even sound differently. You might even be taller than before.
Just the idea of you all but racing to the door because you're so happy to show them this thing you think is so cool, or maybe it's a surgery you've saved up money for and worked REALLY hard for, and just... picture their smiles literally falling off of their faces (except Alastor but, it's as close to a grimace as he can manage). They're looking at you with clear shock, and it breaks your heart instantly. This is you, and your body, and who you are, and they... they don't like it? Even if they come around and apologize to you, your trust has been broken, and maybe even for extra drama, they catch you cheating on them, because since you no longer feel comfortable with any of them, you need the approval and touch of someone who DOES find you desirable
I've actually also mostly had the inverse of your idea a lot tbh, where Reader has a very tech-y box-like computer head and is a lot like Vox, but you hate your Sinner body so so so much that you find a way to make a new one. Alastor and the rest meet Fake You which is basically just a significantly more humanoid robot that you got looking shockingly like the old human you via some magical technological knowhow, and your real body is just, intentionally hidden away in your closet, plugged into an outlet or something, and you occasionally have to let your fake body recharge and cool down, which is 'sleeping' in your bed
Like I know I'm mentioning different ideas at once, but can you even imagine it. You're dead and you're getting massive body dysmorphia because you have this giant fucking weird head and all the parts of you that made you YOU are no longer flesh and bone but something else, something entirely different, and you're so incredibly disgusted and disdainful of this change that you can't even look at reflections of yourself? Then you find out how to make this, fake secondary body you can basically just transfer your consciousness into, and it's basically like a game avatar you can customize however you want, and you make it look basically exactly how your human body used to look, maybe with some slight Hell based alterations so you don't draw too much attention like horns and a different skin color, and while all of that is kind of a form of denial, it helps you cope with the trauma of being dead
Now imagine you're now basically living every single second inside of that fake body. It's not designed to eat. It's not designed to sweat. It's not designed to cry. But you're so extremely disgusted by your true form that you do basically everything but the absolute essentials in your new body, being in it basically 18/7 (cause God knows you're not letting yourself sleep and fully recharge either; can't risk anyone finding your secret while you're asleep)
I'm serious. Just imagine what would happen if you were awkwardly forced into this situation where your 3 very pushy soulmates are constantly basically forcing their way into your apartment, and you never want to eat in front of them, you forbid them from entering your bedroom, you don't cry in front of them, and one of them eventually basically completely ignores your boundaries and wanders into your bedroom, which is not only a complete depression cave but then they find the actual you, sleeping in the closet, on the floor, not even on a bed. There's little bags of trash laying around you like this, this living device you have become never leaves this small, cramped room. Maybe you've even cut a hole in the door and installed a slot where you just pass food and trash back and forth and you hate your true body so much you don't even let it leave the closet, even have it locked from the outside or you're pushing a piece of furniture in front of the door or something
Like literally, all three men awkwardly cramming themselves in your small walk in closet to crowd around "your real body" in awe while the fake you is getting upset and telling them they need to leave, you hate them, you don't want to be with them, whatever you think might make them leave, and they're just, looking down at your body that you've been keeping in the closet, sleeping on just some laid out blankets like some kind of shitty futon, and you show signs of being damaged, almost like something has been hitting and kicking your body in fits of rage, even showing outright signs like self harm like scratches or scrapes or cuts on your body with a box cutter from your job still on the floor nearby. This closet is so cramped, with no light sources inside of it besides maybe some candles, and you've moved all your actual clothing into boxes or drawers outside the closet to completely commit the small space to being a depressing, dark prison
and then your tummy growls and, that does it, they're instantly demanding you tell them how to "transfer you" back into your original body so you can get something to eat, and quickly making it pretty clear that they're not very receptive to the fake vessel you now inhabit. You did all of this because you hated being this, this weird fucking robot, going through all these lengths to get this body that made you feel mildly human again, but then your actual soulmates just, want the body you cast aside, and yes while they are technically objectively correct that you shouldnt be coping like this, in your eyes you see them rejecting "the real you", which is the artifical you you've constructed that looks like your old human self, and are instead choosing this, monstrosity you absolutely hate that borderline disgusts you to be, and you're also feeling like they aren't being considerate to your feelings. They're SO UPSET that you treat yourself like this that once they forcibly disconnect you and force your soul and energy back into your true body, they confiscate if not outright DESTROY your little decoy, which ALSO completely breaks your heart, and they're all, weirdly fetishistic and sappy and doe eyed as you sit there on your closet floor crying tears of frustration and grief and anger from your stupid boxy head because 1. They've never seen you cry before and 2. This is the first time they're basically officially truly meeting "their real soulmate" and seeing and hearing you completely unfiltered (hostile cussing and all)
I just really like how Hazbin has a lot of fantasy and magic in it which really expands the possibility for the kinds of stories we can think about and have fun with and all of you are clearly having fun too, sending me asks way more quickly than I can answer them. We're all having fun here for sure
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Solomon: Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router, so I'm borrowing your guys' router for a bit. Hope you don't mind.
How do bros react?
I'm not gonna lie, I laughed when this came in. I took this as Solomon hanging around the HOL but as I was writing I realized you might have meant Solomon taking the router so I put that in Levi’s part.
He probably wouldn’t notice at first.
Rudely awakened, in his opinion, by an explosion below his room in the attic.
He was going to go back to sleep but when he smelled the lingering smoke, he figured he should check it out.
Yawning, he opens the door and finds Solomon fanning a cauldron while reading through his tablet.
“Belphegor! Did I wake you? I’m sorry, there was an unexpected reaction.”
Always one to get right to the point, Belphie asks, “Why are you here?”
“MC said I could come over. Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall’s router, so I’m borrowing your guys’ for a bit. Hope you don’t mind.”
Belphie furrowed his brow and answered, “No, just keep it down or move somewhere else.” Ultimately he didn’t care as long as his naps wouldn’t be interrupted.
Beel was on the way out of the kitchen and passed Solomon sitting on the couch in the common room.
He was a few steps from passing the room completely when the sight of Solomon finally registered. He took a few steps back.
Solomon giggled as Beel came back into view. “Hello~”
Beel popped a chip in his mouth as he replied, “Hi Solomon, no offense but what are you doing here?”
“No offense taken, Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall’s router, so I’m borrowing your internet for a bit. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Ah. I don’t mind.” Then a thought popped up, “Does Lucifer know you’re here?”
“MC invited me so I assumed they asked permission.”
Beel nodded, “Probably. See you.” He then headed towards his room to get ready for a run. He also doesn’t really care.
“Solomon!?” Asmo gasps, “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming over!?”
Solomon sighed, “If I told you then I wouldn’t get any work done.”
“Work?” Asmo walked over and rubbed Solomon’s shoulders. Asmo scanned the papers spread over the dining room table and the website pulled up on Solomon’s laptop.
“Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router, so I'm borrowing your guys' router for a bit. Hope you don't mind.”
“Of course not! You’re always welcome!” Asmo smiled warmly at his pact partner.
Solomon couldn’t help smiling back, “Do you want to join us? MC should be back shortly with some snacks.”
“How can I say no to my two favorite humans?” Asmo giggled, “I’ll go grab my school bag.”
Irritation flared as he came across someone sitting in his favorite chair in the HOL’s library.
The flash of white hair had him seeing red, he was ready to rip Mammon out of the chair with force if needed.
When he stomped around to be face to face with the wrongdoer, he was taken back, “S-Solomon?”
“Oh hi Satan! Doing some reading?” Solomon gestured to the book in the blond’s hand.
“Mhm,” he hummed as he wrangled in his wrath but he couldn’t stop his next statement’s bite, “What are you doing in our library?”
“Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router, so I'm borrowing your guys' router a bit for research on this project. Hope you don't mind.”
Satan nodded, “That’s fine.” He resigned himself to his second favorite chair, “Simeon sure does have a penchant for breaking technology in unexplainable ways.”
“Right?” Solomon laughed and the two settled into an amiable silence.
30 minutes to release, Levi reminded himself. One of his favorite animes was premiering their season and series finale and he was binge watching the show to be ready. He had it timed perfectly, he’d wrap up 5 minutes before, get some water and snacks and settle in.
At 20 minutes, his TV and computer both went black. He freaked out and when they both booted up with an interrupted connection error he stormed from his room.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Levi yelled with a pointed finger as he found Solomon packing up the router.
“Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router, so I'm borrowing your guys' router for a bit. Hope you don't mind.”
“I absolutely do mind!” Levi ripped the router from the bag and started plugging it back in. As it reestablished the connection, he looked at the time, 10 minutes!
“Well what am I supposed to do, MC said I could use it for a bit?” Solomon looked to Levi for answers.
Hating to cross MC and also running out of time Levi said, “I don’t know, just work on the project here? I need the internet for the release of the season finale that’s dropping…” another glance at the time, “in 5 minutes! Whatever you do, don’t unplug that router or I’ll come hunt you down.” Levi made a gesture that he was watching the sorcerer and then bolted from the room.
He wasn’t doing anything important, just scrolling through Devilgram when the video wouldn’t load. Weird, he thought, refreshed and now his whole timeline wouldn’t load. His D.D.D. was still connected to the internet so he figured Levi was playing around with too many devices.
He pushed himself up out of bed to give the third born a piece of his mind.
On his way to Levi’s room, he found Solomon posted up in the common room. He had his laptop and tablet on the table with paperwork scattered around. It looked like he was taking a break by looking at his D.D.D. just as Mammon had been.
“So it was you, sucking up all the internet,” Mammon accosted.
Solomon jumped, he looked embarrassed to have been caught on his phone, “Hello Mammon. Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router, MC said I could borrow your guys' router for a bit. Hope you don't mind.”
Mammon wanted to tell Solomon to get lost but if MC had given the ok... Mammon felt conflicted and when Solomon smiled, he knew he was right where the wizard wanted him.
“Whatever! I’m heading out anyway,” Mammon grumbled and decided to head to a casino, he deserved to blow off some steam.
Lucifer sighed, how did I end up like this? He looked up from his office chair at Solomon typing away on his laptop.
Originally MC asked if Solomon could come over to finish his essay. He hadn’t minded as long as MC was with him, not totally trusting the sorcerer to keep his nose out of the secrets of the House of Lamentation.
Solomon had come over earlier than MC had mentioned, “Simeon broke the Purgatory Hall's router. I hope you don't mind that I’m early but I have other assignments that I need to get done.”
MC wasn’t back yet so Lucifer led him inside and to his office, offering it was a good quiet spot to focus until MC returned. The unsaid added benefit that he could keep Solomon under his watchful eye.
The next time Lucifer looked up, he caught Solomon’s gaze. He narrowed his eyes, “Were you watching me?”
“Maybe,” Solomon shrugged, “Were you watching me?”
Lucifer sighed again as he thought, when was MC going to be back?
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(Hints of citrus. More technical & discussions around consent. No action beyond pg-13)
Forgot an overnight bag.
I can bring my shoreleave bag to your place?
K. Have a drawer for you.
Meet me by the lockers?
Shiro heads in, exultant. The Holts scold him, and Iverson just shakes his head and gives him dirty looks over Colleen's shoulder. Shiro technically isn't his to scold anymore.
When the Holts are done, Shiro gives Iverson a rueful look. "Sir?"
"You're retired, Shirogane. I don't yell at civilians."
Shiro tilts his head a bit and raises an eyebrow.
"Leastaways not the ones that have earned my respect."
"Well. Thank you then, sir. For not taking the piss out of me, sir."
"Shirogane, you were my commanding officer on the Altas. You can dispense with the sir nonsense."
Grinning, "thank you sir."
"Get out of here. Your boyfriend is waiting."
Shiro does a little mocking salute, and heads inside. Matt joins him on the way.
"You gonna push Curt up against a wall and take him, or will it be safe for me to get in a shower? I'm dusty and sweaty."
"It's safe," Shiro says dryly. "We would never do that in there anyway."
"You and Adam did plenty of things in plenty of places, and half the cadets knew."
"Not the locker room," Shiro protests. He doesn't want to explain to Matt why they'd done whatever whenever. With the degenerative disease, and the medicine messing him up... He hadn't been able to get an erection with any reliability. So they'd taken advantage of it whenever it happened. Which meant they had visited several broom closets and on one notable occasion, the roof. Just like he's sick of people wanting to know how sleeping with Curtis goes. They're not. So far Shiro is pretty sure he has gotten it up maybe twice since he was first captured by the Galra.
It had certainly been impossible in captivity. Not that he'd tried. And then after, he'd been busy. And had almost no alone time. No time to try. And no interest, if he's being honest. He'd never felt like it. And now with Curtis, his body still isn't working. It had once, maybe he's pretty sure. Maybe twice.
"Not the locker room... But the roof? Most broom closets... An empty classroom. One of the teacher's offices...and apparently some bleachers?"
"The bleachers was rumor and hearsay. And the office... Was Adam's."
"That doesn't make it better," Matt makes a face. "You guys were disgusting."
"Well. I suppose Curtis and I have a low bar to step over in terms of not upsetting you."
"Sorry. I didn't think about it. Are you okay to even talk about Adam?"
"Yeah. I can handle it."
"Oh. Quiznak. Shiro is... Is Curtis okay with it?"
"Yeah," Shiro grins a little. "Curtis kinda knew him. It's not like we compare our exes to each other. It's just nice sometimes to be able to talk about the good stuff. And we've talked about why Adam and I broke up."
Matt nods a little. He knows Curtis and his previous partner had been very serious. And knows how he died, too. So there's less negative notes to compare on Curtis' side. He wonders how Shiro feels about it. "You guys were good until you weren't," he shrugs.
Shiro shrugs back. He doesn't want to talk about it with Matt. He's told Curtis that he'd put himself first. Adam had been supportive until he'd wanted to come first once in a while. Shiro doesn't regret going to Kerberos. For all he wishes they hadn't been caught by the Galra. Voltron... Doesn't make the torture and blood and death worth it, not really. But it was amazing. The Atlas was amazing. The Coalition. So much good coming out of so much bad.
So many amazing experiences. The views from the bridge of the Castle of Lions. Sitting with Allura just watching the stars. He's seen entire galaxies they didn't even know existed. Met aliens. Seen planets with names he can barely pronounce. Beautiful flora and fauna...
But it was good to feel the wind in his hair. The grit and sand scrape across his skin. It's nice to be home.
Choosing to focus on that, he pushes the door open to the locker room, nose wrinkling at the familiar stench of sweaty bodies. rank flight suits, old socks, and swamp crotch.
Curtis is half changed into civvies and his bag is on the bench ready to grab and go.
"That's a face," Curtis teases, finishing pulling on his pants and fastening them. Stuffing some things into his bag and zipping it shut, he goes over to Takashi and kisses him. "You smell like you belong in here anyway," he teases gently.
"How can you tell?" He points out.
Matt makes a face at both of them, and heads to his locker. "I'll catch you guys later, I need to wash up."
"Yeah, see you soon?" Shiro suggests.
"Definitely. Don't be a stranger."
Curtis kisses Takashi's cheek. "You okay if I shower at your place? I hate the showers here."
"You're welcome to treat my place like your own," he points out. Leaning into Curtis he feels warm when Curtis puts an arm around his shoulders. It's nice to be openly loved.
They walk out. It takes a bit, some people wanting to greet Shiro. Some people happily ribbing Curtis about what he's going home to.
When they get to Curtis' car he squeezes Takashi's hand. "Does it bug you when they tease us about sex?" He's noticed his partner get more withdrawn as it went on.
"It seems good natured," he shrugs. He doesn't want to talk about the embarassing reason it makes him uncomfortable. For all Curtis kind of already knows. He hasn't just said right out that he can't get it up. They talked about how he feels like his body maybe doesn't work right and he's uncomfortable in it. For all that's far less true now. Between Curtis, the 'family' reunion the day before, pulling off the cliff stunt on a whole new piece of technology. He feels pretty good. He feels more like himself.
When they get back to his place, Shiro makes a face at Curtis when he plugs his nose. "I can smell you in here, now, for sure. In the locker room it was hard to tell."
"I pulled off the impossible today," he counters, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I think a little smell can be forgiven." He leans in to kiss Curtis, who kisses him back.
Curtis kisses him back, wrapping his arms around Takashi. He's never seen him seem so alive and thrilled. Nuzzling his neck, Curtis smiles. It's not that he hasn't seen Captain Shirogane electrified and in charge. He's seen him flush with a succesful military manouever, seen him cheer after winning a pitched battle. But there was always something behind it. Some darkness, or guilt... Pain. Not this. Not this time. This is different. The victory is open and innocent. Takashi is obviously pleased with himself.
"Hm. Reminds me," he pulls away and swats Takashi upside the head. "Don't you dare just drive off a cliff with no warning ever again, you jackass."
"I knew what I was doing."
"I knew you'd have no problems driving that thing. I just didn't expect you to do that. No one did!"
"It was kind of hot though, right?" He starts kissing Curtis again. They end up against a wall. He's pushed Curtis into it, not thinking.
"You're always hot," Curtis reminds him. He kisses along the other man's jaw.
Shiro's breath catches and he pulls Curtis in closer. Kissing harder, he wishes Curtis would let him move in closer. Their hips aren't close together and he wants them to be. Wanting to tug up Curtis' shirt, take things further, he's barely thinking.
Curtis reaches down to tug Takashi forward by his belt loops, bringing their bodies flush. He moans a little, pushing into his partner a little harder.
Shiro whimpers a little, needing more. It sort of pops into his brain that he's rock hard and trying to figure out how to grind on Curtis without really being able to move. Curtis has him trapped, fingers still hooked tightly in his pants.
"Takashi," Curtis pulls back. "Hey, slow down." He knows a big part of his reluctance to go past kissing with Takashi is how uncomfortable and miserable he's been. Curtis doesn't want sex to become a coping mechanism or crutch in their relationship.
"Curtis," he protests, confused.
"I will kiss you all you want," Curtis promises. "I just don't know if we're ready for the next step."
"Curtis," he turns red. Taking his hand and tugging it close to his groin, he looks down. He doesn't bring their hands to even touch. Just. Close. "I might... I might not be able to, when we're ready."
Pulling his fingers free of Takashi's belt loops, he gently slips them under his chin and lifts. Gives him a wicked grin, "oh trust me. That won't be an issue."
"This... The...I haven't...I haven't since...you don't understand," he stumbles.
It takes a few more seconds of incoherent rambling before Curtis understands what Takashi is trying to tell him. "That long?" He asks, almost concerned. "Oh wow."
"I don't... It just doesn't happen anymore. I... I want... I want to be with you," he says almost plaintively.
"You can't....?" Curtis makes an obscene gesture.
"No..." He turns a darker red, and can feel the heat rising off his face. "Maybe now? Without the arm, and my shoulder healing? I don't..." He shrugs. "Too late now," he points out, glancing down.
"Well we both need to shower," Curtis shrugs. "Maybe I could help you out a little?" He suggests, kissing Takashi's neck and catching his earlobe for a second.
Shiro feels like his whole body is electrified. "You won't be disappointed when it doesn't work?"
Giving him a wry look, "I want to have sex with you. I just think we need to have several conversations before we do any of it. There's some stuff I hate and there might be things you don't like. And for both of us, one wrong move could be a serious trigger. So. Do I want you? Yes. Gods yes. When it happens will I rock your world so hard you forget your own name? Hell yes," he grins when Takashi turns red again. He'd just almost faded to a light pink. "But, I want to wait until we've both talked extensively."
"I'm gonna hold you to that," he mumbles. "Do you wanna order take out or should we cook something?" He resigns himself to nothing happening.
"Let's see how we feel once we're both clean?"
"You're a pain."
"I'll help you through it, you just have to do the work yourself," Curtis says patiently, and watches understanding dawn on the other man's face.
"Won't that be some kind of torture? I don't think I'd have the willpower if I was in your place," he points out, for all he has butterflies in his stomach.
"It'll be fine. Who said I was just gonna watch and not handle myself?"
Swallowing hard, he feels a few minutes of panic. "Curtis... What if I just can't?"
Curtis' first instinct is just to dismiss it. But he can see it's genuinely stressing his partner out. "Let me worry about that. That's my job," he kisses Takashi gently. "And if it doesn't work, we'll try a bunch of different stuff until it does." He kisses over his neck, catches his earlobe, and gently starts to tug his shirt off. His hands wander up and over Shiro's scarred chest, before slipping around to his back to pull him closer. His shirt slides back down, covering Curtis' hands.
Kissing him slowly, and gently, he holds him close. It's not about how hard and fast they can kiss. It's about how much they love each other.
Eventually, Curtis pulls back. Takashi's eyes are lidded heavily as he looks at Curtis with a mix of affection, lust, and contentment. He's completely out of it. Leaning back in for more kisses, his lips feel swollen and they were being gentle. He vaguely wonders how long they've been at it.
He's trapped in some limbo between utter peace and desperate lust. "I need you to kiss me like that more often," he says against Curtis' lips.
"Of course," Curtis promises. Gently pulling Takashi's shirt off, he kisses along his collar bone. Soft. No demands. Just enjoying the feel of his partner's skin under his lips and tongue. Hooking his fingerips into the front of his waistband, Curtis starts moving slowly backwards towards the bathroom, tugging Takashi with him.
(I might just delete it all? I dunno.)
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xprojectrpg · 3 years
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Moment of Awesome - Sue Storm/Invisible Woman: In the aftermath of a failed mission against the Brotherhood, Sue, along with Laurie Collins, Molly Hayes and Doug Ramsey, are trying to determine if Sooraya Qadir is still alive after being discorporated into a pile of sand.
Doug took in the tableau in front of him, perhaps taking a brief pause to look at Laurie to see if anything dramatic was in the offing. But she was all business, thankfully. "All right, walk me through this, Sue," he asked the young lady as he looked at the carefully contained sand.
The young woman perched herself on the edge of her stool, one foot curled back to rest against the back of the pole as she glanced down at the table in front of her, the shiny metallic surface obscured by the sea of grains that seemed to shift back and forth as she pursed her lips carefully, taking her time to arrange her thoughts. "So, we were trying to figure out what happened to Sooraya, if she's even alive at the moment and Laurie had the idea to check for an electric current, and we found one." The statuesque blonde leaned forward, passing a tablet over to Doug, showing their results, "but it's faint, really really faint and we're not sure how to get in touch with here. The electric current is too weak to try manipulating it directly, not if we don't want to cause more damage so...we figured it was time to ask the master of technology for some help."
“And since we have yet to meet Forge in this reality, that left us with you, of course.”
Laurie moved as she spoke, heading over to the table that currently held what remained of Sooraya’s body.
“Given your abilities, and that you currently house sentient nanobots, you may be able to speak to her where we cannot.”
"You think that-" Doug raised his right arm out in front of him. He'd been reluctant to let people see it, keeping it under wraps longer than he likely needed to, and wearing long baggy sleeves even after. "You think these can somehow find whatever is left of Sooraya?" It wasn't that he doubted the brainpower in the room, but he was still curious how they had reached that conclusion. "I mean, Laurie and I already talked about-" He cut himself off abruptly, not knowing if Laurie would want her secrets aired like that. "-the fact that they're integrated into my system."
“Yes, Douglas, we think they can be used to find what is left of Sooraya and bring her back. You merely have to convince them to try.”
Laurie, if she felt anything about the conversation they’d previously had did not show it. Instead, she handed him the files and the results they’d already gathered from their test.
“We would not have asked you here had we felt the effort was useless.”
Doug skimmed the file, trusting that the methodology was sound - he knew these three well, they would have been rigorous. Mostly he wanted to better understand the conclusion. "A sympathetic connection due to both her form and the nanites being silicon-based..." He made a thoughtful noise. "That does make sense. Let me..." His eyes got unfocused for a few moments as he considered that, and consulted with the collective sentience in his body. "They're willing to at least give it a shot," he answered once his reverie faded. "I am guessing it will likely require something a bit more than just sticking my hand inside her discorporate form?" he asked.
Molly was still peering curiously at Laurie's pod personness before she glanced back at Doug. "Yeah, most likely. Otherwise, it'd be like...just sticking a plug next to the plugin, y'know?" she said. She folded her arms.
"We were thinking maybe you could uh...." she trailed off, biting her lip and curling her nose. "Let them meet her directly."
"We don't know how concentrated the nanites are in your system but...maybe a drop of blood or two might do it? Some medium by which they can interact with the sand, if we had time and a better understanding of the nanites I'd prefer to titrate them into a pure form and hold them in an oil-based suspension for maximum efficiency but, well Sooraya's signature is weak and getting weaker. My dad would kill me for saying this but sometimes we have to make do."
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