#like 10000 shades of everything
greatshell-rider · 2 years
my favorite parts of nona. under a read more cuz long and i do some yelling
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[image id: Nona had never seen anyone so sad in her whole short life. It made her nearly afraid to die. “Nobody locks me up anywhere,” said Kiriona. /end id]
@ everyone calling gideon a bitch/jerk/”oh no she’s mean now”/”apparently reading her through her own/harrow’s eyes made her look better” YEAH NO SHIT SHE’S MEAN. EVERYTHING THAT IS HER SELF HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM HER. NOT EVEN HER BODY IS HER OWN. FUCK OFF LET HER BE ANGRY SHE HAS BEEN IN HELL FOR 3-4 MONTHS SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HOW LONG. SHUT UP ! you bitches and your romanticzied mental illnesses don’t know what depression does to a bitch gAH
she is the saddest girl in the whole entire world let her have a MOMENT (while i writhe on the ground in throes of agony over my girl)
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[image id: She reached out—she touched the side of the Prince’s face — they both recoiled. Kiriona Gaia recovered first. “You always said I’d come back in a box, Aiglamene,” she said lightly. “They killed you,” said Aiglamene. “Crime of opportunity,” said the corpse prince. And: “Don’t tell Crux — I absolutely, positively cannot give him the fucking satisfaction.” Aiglamene shoved her square in the chest, with the palm of one gloved hand; Kiriona tottered a little and wheezed, “Don’t — that’s where my heart used to be,” but the old soldier’s gaze had already fallen upon Nona. Nona cringed back in Pyrrha’s arms, because the expression was as bad as every single time Camilla had caught her putting a mouthful of chewed-up food in the potted plant or elsewhere. She could read this very old, very furious soldier like a book: the woman was angry, and blamed her. Kiriona Gaia could read her too, because she insinuated herself between them, and said coolly — “It’s not her, Captain — it’s only her body.” Over the Prince’s shoulder, Aiglamene looked at Nona, long and suspiciously, then she sighed, and wheeled around, and said: “Get inside. Now. Complete the gate,” she told a few of the other robed people. /end id]
THEY KILLED YOU. THAT’S WHERE MY HEART USED TO BE. (ianthe’s slap (a full lyctor’s slap) didn’t make gideon even flinch but aiglamene’s shove makes her wheeze) aiglamene knowing who to blame. her FURY. gideon putting her body between aiglamene and nona. THEY BOTH RECOILED (aiglamene from her cold corpse skin, gideon unable to bear her touch when she didn’t react even to nona kissing her)
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[image id: ��But maybe we shouldn’t,” she said, holding the eyelids to that little slit — watching the onscreen scribbles flash urgently on the truck glass, watching the widening white crack, watching the river water pound itself back into the place where it wanted to be even if the River itself didn’t. “If we end here, it’ll be just like . . . a bad dream, won’t it? And maybe we’ll wake up somewhere else. I know we won’t,” she explained, “but we don’t have to know that . . . maybe if we all go, it’ll be quick.” Paul looked at her, with those dark grey-brown pupils widening, slightly. “Nona,” they said, “Noodle’s in the back.” The middle thoughts surged. The slit widened all the way. “Oh my God,” she said, in a panic. “I forgot about Noodle.” The windshield cracked all the way across the middle. Paul leant their full weight on the accelerator. Nona drove the truck home. /end id]
what you can’t do for your people, friends and family, you can do for your little beast. yeah muir gets it
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[image id: “Camilla, we did it right, didn’t we?” Palamedes said, and now Nona knew he wasn’t speaking to anyone else in the universe. “We had something very nearly perfect . . . the perfect friendship, the perfect love. I cannot imagine reaching the end of this life and having any regrets, so long as I had been allowed to experience being your adept.” [/end id]
burst into fucking tears at this part so it’s a good thing none of my roommates were home lmao. THEY DID IT RIGHT. the sheer care and utter devotion. no regrets, as long as he got to be her adept. WEEPING
#fun fact i will simply never stop thinking about no one being as sad as nona saw gideon the line fucking gutted me#the desolation of her grief. the emptiness of it. the inability to mourn everything that has been taken from her. just hollow#[beats john with a lead pipe]#and yeah that first paragraph from palamedes is what got me. not the return of 'go loud' that was cute but damn that first paragraph#'we did it right' they sure did. they really did /sobs#the respect and honor palamedes shows camilla for all that she does for him im just- WEEPS#a romance could fucking never and THAT is facts#locked tomb#nona the ninth#nona the ninth spoilers#lmao my opinion of kiriona has shifted dramatically#at first i was just horrified at what john had done to gideon's body and thought kiriona wasn't really gideon? just a puppet yknow#fucking HATED her in first house attire the white is a fucking insult. disgusting#was not sure how i felt about whatever the fuck she and ianthe has going on sldkfjsl#but saw her reaction to returning to ninth house and reuniting with aiglamene and was like. ah. okay there's a piece of her soul in harrow's#body but yeah no kiriona's gideon. this is just her new self damaged and hurt as it may be#and THEN i finish the book and hop on tumblr and find out people have been throwing shade at her now that her snarky comments suddenly aren'#aren't so fun anymore and im. WELL. well NOW i support evil fucked up angsty mean bitch gideon 10000% yall can go to hell#i hope she spits in harrow's face fuck you#sure let her autonomy and dignity and fucking body be stolen and degraded and used as a tool but gods forbid she be upset about it#:p#heaven forbid she SHOW her upset dear fucking gods that's intolerable#symptoms????? of mental illness??????? that isn't????? palatable and consumable to the audience?????? >:OOOOO OUTRAGE#gideon is the character of all time yall don't deserve to fuckin look at her#not for you
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soulreapin · 6 months
folks here are the lip products i think voltron wear + allura
lance: my boy is a laniege lip mask KING. he owns seven flavors and bought strawberry and pink lemonade separately so he wouldnt have to mess up the swirl. also i think hes very fond of lip oils because theyre lighter than lip gloss and not as sticky but still give him a nice color and shine
keith: chapstick user ONLY. i think specifically he uses the burts bees w pomegranate oil it just smells medicinal and he thought that would cure the sahara desert called his mouth
pidge: SAYS she doesnt use anything frilly or even chapstick but secretly there is a drawer in her lab with a tube of carmex strawberry and when shes feeling fancy the glittery lipsmackers lipgloss (real thing and i LOVE them)
hunk: this guy strikes me as a guy that grew up in a house were everything they COULD make they would so his lip care consists of a balm his mama made and that shit works WONDERS. like it could cure the grand canyon. but if i had to assign him a lip product he seems like a standard carmex king
shiro: shiro will deny it until the day he dies but hes got like high end skincare and makeup. says he uses carmex but really i think he has a single laniege lip mask and every so often wears an inconspicuous shade of fenty gloss bomb because its pretty and no ones gonna say shit to dad
allura: alteans Obviously had their own skin and lip care but 10000 years later that shit is dust in the wind. i think allura is a lover of the tarte maracuja lip gloss specifically in the shade passion fruit its a nice deep purple-red. but she also steals shiro’s fenty lipgloss because “voltron is a communist society” (pidge told her that one and now its her reasoning for all theft on the castle)
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pinksobg · 1 year
What are you improving at, right now? A love message from your Higher Self 💌
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[ID: pile 1: a pot/bowl of lavender petals. pile 2: three cute mugs. pile 3: flowers, in shades of pink and white, scientifically called digitalis/digitalis purpurea. pile 4: a table with teapots and mugs, various objects on the table with a pink tablecloth. End of ID.]
pile 1 > pile 2
pile 3 > pile 4
pile 1: empress, new beginnings.
hi dear pile one, pile of the lavender. 💞 it seems here that you have been working on your personal energy, this is very good. especially working your feminine side, it seems; considered to be the part of receiving blessings (the feminine). you are very close to allowing yourself or you are allowing yourself to do the things you want, achieving the necessary changes in a beautiful metamorphosis. channeled phrase: thank you for your energy. 💞
pile 2: high priestess.
hi high priestess pile, welcome to your reading. I didn't draw any more cards because it seems that your message is pretty straightforward. 💞 you are getting better in your spirituality. maybe you are learning about new habits, healthier for you, also recognizing your intuition, your surroundings. thank you, high priestess pile, that's so cool of u and nice. 💞 channeled message: cause dance is who i am. shining just as bright as a star.
pile 3: the star, hierophant, page of swords rx.
you are allowing yourself or are very close to allowing yourself to feel hope again. 💞 you're seeing or will see something that's not good for you, but that's positive, because that means you don't want to accept what's bad for you anymore, right? look, it seems like freedom, pile of the flowers. you are allowing yourself to do things calmly, or as you wish, that is positive too. oh, pile 3, I only wish you all the best. 💞 channeled song: Who Says - Selena Gomez and The Scene. channeled message: celebrate, celebrate from your small victories. dance your dances.
pile 4: king of wands reversed, the tower.
pile 4, you are overcoming. 💞 pile 4, you're really turning something around. what else to say? 💞 thank you for that, your victory is our victory too. <3 channeled messages: if you want, I'll give you a hug. you grew up so well. give yourself more credit for the good stuff. beloved, beloved. "oh, want the good and the bad and everything in between" from the song 10000 Hours.
peace and love,
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eepernation · 1 year
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Hyrule is a moray eel! I am showing clear fish favoritism because I am about to infodump a LOT. about moray eels while explaining Hyrule's design. Everything is under the cut so that this post isn't 10000 pages long ASHDHASD
Hyrule is specifically based on Gymnothorax monochrous, the Drab moray eel (I added a picture at the very bottom of this post)! He tends to blend in very easily with the group, and not draw a lot of attention from strangers. He is very plain-looking, but being a humble traveler, he doesn't mind it at all. He actually rather prefers not being the center of attention.
Yesterday I hinted at Hyrule's fish species having some special quality to his blood. Congratulations! It's poison! Moray eels carry ichthyotoxins in their blood, which is a substance that can be rather dangerous and potentially lethal in large enough quantities. Case in point, Hyrule is still very much terrified of bleeding! The angst potential continues!/lh
He still has his healing magic, of course! This creates a nice juxtaposition. Hyrule is the resident medic, but also someone who could easily accidentally poison someone if he isn't careful.
Yes, Hyrule has two sets of jaws. Moray eels have an entire second set of jaws. These are called pharyngeal jaws! They sit in the back of the throat and can extend forwards to grab at things. You know, if you wanna be extra-bitey! Hyrule uses them to freak the rest of the chain out LMAO
The little dots on Hyrule's face, right on the bridge of his nose? Those are not piercings. Those are his nares (aka fish nostrils)! If you look at any picture of a moray eel, you will see that it has little horn-looking protrusions on its snout. Since fish have gills, they don't need noses to breathe, so they need an alternative way to pick up chemical sensory information. All fish have nares, but since moray eels have particularly bad eyesight, they have to rely more on their sense of smell to catch prey, so their nares are more pronounced. I wanted to carry that aspect over to Hyrule's design!
Hyrule has bad eyesight and depends more on his sense of smell than the rest of the chain. He might not be as good at navigating the open ocean, but put him in a cave or somewhere with low visibility and he is a WHIZ at getting around while the rest of the chain fumbles around in the darkness. Hyrule is also exceptionally perceptive of danger and is usually among the first people to notify the group when any sort of enemy is nearby.
He's one of the only members of the chain who actually wears clothing. He likes the color green because not only is it pretty, but it helps him blend in even more with the seaweed and rocks. Also, since I took Legend's hat away from him, I gave it to Hyrule instead! Hyrule and Minish bond over having cool green hats.
FINALLY!!! Here is a picture of the fish I based him on- the Drab moray eel! AKA brown moray, monochrome moray, or plain moray eel. Contrary to its name, I think this fish is actually very pretty. What beautiful shades of brown! I will be taking NO moray eel slander in this household/lh
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cvlutos · 1 year
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Origins: The Isle of Woe, Research Facility S.T.Y.X. - Project: Ignihyde
Disease X-2579, or Gene X. Feasts on those with weak magic and immune systems, sucking them dry and using their corpse as a vessel. Not natural born disease, man-made. By Dr. Shroud and his team of researchers so obsessed with the dead.
After the outbreak, Dr. Shroud went completely missing, and no one can find where he is, much less end the rising of those with Gene X Parasite, also known as Zombies or Shades, which S.T.Y.X referred to them as.
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You consider yourself put together, even after the world went to hell. You lived alone, secluded, far, far away from anyone and everyone. With no one but you and your beloved cat friend that you saved a year ago. You live in a small house, with a garden and a well-made fence, and an old pickup truck that amazingly still worked.
You haven’t had interaction with another human in months, and you would like to keep it that way. Yet fate has other plans.
The SavannaClaw Raiders, a group of mercenaries that are constantly on the move and hunt for anything and everything, to raid and pillage. A pack of wild animals that you had the very unfortunate fate of running into. Jack Howl, a lone wolf that stumbled across your home, and in exchange for food and water, the mercenaries would never know about you. So you agreed, yet it wasn’t mercenaries you had to worry about. Jack had unknowingly led a group of shades to your home. Forcing you on the run, with very little to survive.
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Gene X ~ A parasite that finds its victims with low levels of magic and feasts on their magic power, before eating at their flesh from the inside out, before using them as a puppet to find more victims. They’re asexual reproductive parasites and can grow in the 10000s in one singular body. The higher one’s magic power and skill, the harder it is for the parasite to take over.
Zombies or Shades ~ The undead, it feasts on human flesh as a way of transferring the parasite. They have a hive-like mind, and unlike that singular, once-in-a-group, Gene X parasites grow in intelligence.
NRC ~ Night Raven City, a slum city on a remote island, once a school, but now a place of dangerous activities. Sickness and Gene X outbreaks are common, with a strong anti-shade force, known as the Octavinelle.
RSA ~ Royal Sword Association, a group of high-standing officials, in charge of finding a cure and attempting to restore what once was. They have had little to no success.
NBC ~ Noble Bell City, a highly gated city, that’s extremely protected and one of the safest places within the world, yet few can get in, and most die on the journey there.
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~ Territory: Queendom of Roses
Heavily militaristic location. One built on heavy order and control. As well as being extremely isolated, they rarely leave their large island, and have a total of one ever major outbreak, but as has been completely dealt with and have not had one since.
~ Territory: Sunset Savanna
Mercenaries. Due to the large size of the Sunset Savanna, it was by far too late to create proper order and the outbreak went quickly, taking several lives and creating large pockets.
~ Territory: NRC
Anti-Shade force located within NRC. They’re a shady business and often create chaos, to simply control the chaos. It’s unsafe within their care. Some say they do experiments on the innocent to find a cure.
~ Territory: Scalding Sands
Hot deserts. Which is heavily overrun, due to its remote location, many people fled and run there for safety. It’s unsafe, yet an extremely kind place.
~ Territory: Shaftlands
A large town, surrounded by gigantic stone walls, it is almost beautiful in a scary way. There is no room for error and those who mess up will be immediately killed. Rumors say that the leader of Pomefiore has a Gene X parasite. Nothing is confirmed.
~ Territory: Isle of Woe
Some say that you’ll see glimpses of them and that they aren’t truly dead. Many believed that Dr. Shroud is simply running a horrible experiment and truly has a cure. Does he?
~ Territory: Briar Valley
Secluded and Dark. Nothing is known about Briar Valley or Diasomnia.
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The engine roars loudly, and you hate it. Despise the loudness that drew your attention within the dead of night. The road collapsed and crumbled, causing your old pickup truck to bounce and jolt, shaking you around carelessly as you drove through the dark. Your window rolled down just slightly to hear anything. The shades weren’t good in the dark, but sound, they excelled at it well. They couldn’t smell human flesh, but they could easily camouflage with your very surroundings until you were completely trapped.
You hear a familiar set of groans, and you slam the brakes, lurching forward, your chest slamming into the wheel. You move quickly, turning off the engine and falling completely silent, counting your very breaths. It is silent. You can hear the rush of wind, and the sounds of crickets chirping. It’s loud.
As long as you remained calm, you’ll be alright. You shift in your seat, hand grabbing a longer blade, climbing till your back was to the wheel and your feet on the old seat cushions. They come from the back, never the front. You hear the groans grow closer, there’s only one, and you shudder at the soft wind. You can hardly see. Your tongue licks your dry lips, fluttering your eyes closed, trying to stop the pounding of your heart.
You hear the sound of something hitting the back of your truck, and your eyes fly open. Were your doors locked? If there’s more than one, they can open your doors, they could get inside. You’ll die.
Your car door side was, you know it was, yet the door on the passenger side wasn’t. You squint and you can see the gray notch upward, showing that it was indeed unlocked. Who unlocked your door? You hear a breathy inhale, like someone with their mouth permanently open and like they had several holes punched in their lungs.
The sound came from that side.
Lowering yourself, your crawl slowly along the old seats, feeling sweat gather on your brow. Another groan, louder, attentive. Like it knew you were there.
Another bang, harder than before that shook the truck. You want to cry. To beg it to leave, but if it hears you…. You’ll die. But as long as you remain quiet, you’ll be fine. Your fingers slide against the leathery plastic side of the door, feeling blindly for the lock. With another bang, nearly pushing the truck up on its side, you slid back, in your panic your feet hit the driver's side door to keep yourself from falling back. Your feet hit the inside of the with a loud thud, and your heart drops.
A shrill scream echoes, one that hurts your ears and you grunt, flying to lock the passenger side door. Caring not to remain quiet. A loud thunk follows as the stick slips into the door, locking it.
This shriek sets off a chain reaction. You had been surrounded. You hear bodies slam and push at your truck, ripping at the metal, trying to yank the heavy truck over. Your body tumbles, as your grip the seats to keep balance, looking out the seat windows and seeing deformed, grotesque faces, some missing teeth and eyes, dried blood and mucus covering their grey faces, as they shriek, dirty hands pounding and clawing at your window.
They know you're inside.
You can hear them climb onto your truck, hitting the back windows, screaming and screaming. You desperately look for an exit, desperately looking for a way out. They come from the back, never the front. You lunge forward, ramming your body into the windshield, which shatters in a matter of seconds, and you tumble over the hood in a matter of seconds. Ignoring the glass that cut your skin and ripped your clothing, you land on your stomach, knocking the wind from your lungs, but they don’t seem and notice you. Still determined to break into your truck. You can’t outrun a Shade, so your slip underneath the truck, ignoring the rocking swaying motions that seemed to shake the very ground. You cover your mouth, stifling your panting and tears that threatened to fall and lying still on your stomach.
They would get bored eventually….
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
PT. 2 from here (clickable)
Trafalgar law x reader
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"Is everything going according to plan?" Law asked Bepo as he nodded excitedly
"We'll leave you tonight, captain!" Bepo gave him a thumbs up with a cute wink making law chuckle
"I hope nothing goes wrong..." He sighed and he placed a hand on his pocket to feel the velvety texture of a small box.
"Don't worry captain! We will keep an eye on the sub"
Law scoffed with a faint blush dusting his cheeks, "that's not what I meant... Idiot... I just hope I don't stutter out my words..."
"Calm down captain!" Bepo huffed with a cute face, "it's just (y/n)-chan! She'd definitely say yes!"
"Worst case scenario is she'd say no..."
"Don't dwell on that captain" Bepo pouted, "you should be preparing! Go. Go back to your room and prep yourself!"
"Don't order me around" law rolled his eyes but complied anyway.
Timeskip later that evening ....
The crew left to give them some space just in case they want to... DO the thing and might be embarrassing if the whole crew knows....
Law breathed in sharply before exhaling a small sigh, "(y/n)-ya? Are you ready...?" He knocked as he fixed his tie.
He wore a white dress shirt, tucked it into some black slacks and a red tie.
"Almost done... Just a minute" she called.
Despite the room technically theirs, law still wanted to give her some privacy while he goes over the words and gathering the courage to say those lines.
"I'm done!" She cheerfully exclaimed snapping law out of his own daydreaming
She opened the door to show him the dress she chose to wear
It was a red sleeveless dress that clearly hugged her upper body but had a free flow at the bottom as the skirt stopped above her knees. A black jacket draped over her shoulders and he recognized it to be that jacket he bought her.
He smiled softly at the outfit only to feel his jaw open agape at her entirely.
Her hair was fixed into what he'd call "10000/10" hairstyle and her eyes were sparkly as ever, her lips looked juicy and plush with a soft fade of pink.
"Law? What's wrong, dear?" She asked as law snapped back to reality and swallowed
"I... Uh... Uhm-" he swallowed again, he was internally cursing himself for stammering over his own words.
(Y/n) softly laughed and reached out a hand to grab his tatted ones, "calm down... You're stammering again..." She smiled and caressed his hand sweetly
He breathes in and out before smiling at her, "my apologies... You looked like a goddess on earth... I couldn't help myself"
She giggled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, "apology accepted"
Law swore he could feel his energy levels immediately spike before leading her to the gallery which was now a pretty dating place.
The chairs and tables were on the sides of the room with only a table covered in clothe and two chairs facing each other in the middle.
It was dimly lit by the moon and various candles, too.
"Let me help you sir" he offered, pulling out a chair for her and pushing it in when she sat down,
"Thank you" she hummed as he chuckled
(After the sweet date)
"The food is delicious...! I love it honey...!" She praised making law blush bright red.
He, indeed, was the one who cooked all the food they just ate. He was glad it wasn't mediocre and followed the instructions on the recipe book very closely.
"Thank you..." He muttered making her hum and hold his hand
He looked at her as she softly smiled, "I love this side of you... So caring and honest..."
If bright red could be brighter, that would be the shade Law's face is in.
She just laughed heavenly before he calmed down and swallowed thickly
"(Y/n)..." He muttered as she hummed and looked at him
His grip on her hand was slowly tightening before releasing a heavy sigh
"Remember the first day we met?" He smiled sheepishly
"Mhmm... How could I forget? I saved your ass"
"Yeah... And I'm glad you did...! Then I wouldn't have met you" he grinned softly, "ever since that day... I couldn't stop thinking about you, missing you.... It's like I couldn't bare the thought of letting you go. So...."
"You kidnapped me" she rolled her eyes, "it's alright though... I needed to get away from that island anyway"
"I'm sorry about that though..."
"It's alright"
"Where was I...?" He pondered before smiling, "oh that's right" standing up, he walked around the table as (y/n) watched him intently before he held both her hands and pulled her up to her feet as she gladly did so; "and from the day I confessed to now... Roughly two and a half..." He hummed, "you are the best thing that ever happened to me and the best decision I have ever made... You made me the happiest and the luckiest man in the world..."
Stepping away for a bit to kneel down on one knee, (y/n) just watched with slow realization as he pulled out the velvety box
"(Y/n)... Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?" He asked as he watched (y/n) bring her hands to her face, her eyes fill up with water and she desperately tried not to let them fall and ruin her makeup but it did anyways.
If words can describe how you feel right now, the whole dictionary wouldn't be enough.
"Yes... Yes!" She gasped as soon as she can take hold of her own emotions
Law basically jumped up and rushed to place the ring on her finger as it shined in the blue light.
"It looks beautiful on you..." He smiled sweetly, "I'm glad you accepted"
"Why wouldn't I? I love you so much... Law" she answered while wiping away her tears and thankfully not ringing her make up THAT much. She still looked presentable.
"I love you too..." He sighs out and leaned in to kiss her in which she eagerly reciprocated as she threw her arms around his neck while his were wrapped around her waist.
One hand trailing up her back and behind her head pulling her deeper into the kiss.
Pulling away due to loss of breath, law placed his head on her shoulder
As soon as they regained their breaths, they stared at each other's eyes lovingly before slowly swaying unnoticeably.
Softly dancing to the beats of their now conjoined hearts, law could see his future in her eyes.
The wedding, the honeymoon, the children... Hell, even possibly the type of house they'd live in.
How he'd make Bepo the right hand man, a priest announcing their hearts being one to another... But he thinks the strawhat would be the ring bearer.
"I thought you'd never ask, baby" she smiled happily as he chuckled and kissed her again
"I'm sorry it took so long, I swear I was supposed to ask you last month but I kind of chickened out..." He chuckled to himself
"It's alright... The important thing is that... Everything is perfect." She smiled brightly
"Just like you..." He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear making her giggle
"How about we seal the deal, hmm?" He grinned with eyes shining with lust, "I may or may not have prepared a specific room for the both of us just for tonight" he playfully winked making her blush
"Oh you..."
This time it was his turn to giggle.
"God, I love you so much"
"I love you more, Trafalgar (y/n)..."
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shadedempsey · 6 months
There was procrastination and then there was Shade doing the things he had to do followed by Shade following through on the things he said he'd do that had some kind of difficult circumstance he didn't really want to deal with. It had been April of the previous year he'd told Arnon they'd get together and have a movie night and now it was January a year later. In his defense a lot of shit went down, mainly a fuckwad named Tiernan. Now Shade had no real beef with Tiernan other than the fact he had fangs, which meant the likelihood of the two getting along was going to be low, even lower considering he was a councilman.
The cambion hopped from one foot to the other rocking his head from side to side shaking his arms out. "You got this." He hyped himself up. Probably couldn't make it worse, though he had a habit of making everything worse for everyone. This was different though. He could play nice. Was why he didn't tell Seth he was coming here cause he knew the witch would talk him out of it, like that idiot didn't have 10000 bad ideas a day. Fucker was dying for his, least Shade...well yeah okay, he died for his bad ideas once already. Beside the point. Just had to play nice. Plus he was a demon. Could use his persuasion on Tiernan. Right.
Not that he had any clue how to use it since he'd yet to figure out any of his powers too busy getting fucked up and dicking around, but stupider people than him were demons, so how hard could it be. "You got this." He said again knocking on the Irish councilman's door doing a quick run through of what he was going to say because he had zero fucking plan and as soon as the door opened Shade's mouth was doing its things without his brain.
"Hey, hi. Damn....better lookin than I expected...not what I'm here for. But so you know, that's on the table." He winked. "But for real. So you don't know me, but I know you. Well, I don't know you. I mean I know you cause yer a councilman and everyone knows coucilmen. Whatever. Stay on point, man. What I'm sayin is you got that halfling right. Mouthy shit. I get it. But, and just hear me out here. What if, and just listen to me man. But what if? You listening? I watched him for a night? Free of charge. It's like right. Do me a solid and you a solid. Everyone wins, yeah?" Did it make sense in Shade's drug addled mind. Absofuckinglutely. "You feeling me, T-money?" He asked trying to throw some persuasion in there for good measure, forgetting he was dealing with a much more powerful demon than himself. "Cause I'm feelin me."
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bisluthq · 26 days
So Charli XCX new song Sympathy is a knife is pretty obviously shading Taylor when she was dating Matty lol
I was 10000% ready to say "no it's not" because 99% of the time when people say someone is shading Taylor they seem to legit just be living their little lives lol and not everything is about Taylor AND I will say like when I started listening to this I was even more convinced because it sounded like a girl in their friend group who's after George that she's jealous of because she makes her feel insecure and... is after George... and THEN I hit the "I hope they break up quick" and my jaw DROPPED lol.
This is so unhinged lol who writes like a Jolene level rant about a girl who's dating your bf's bestie WHILE ACKNOWLEDGING SHE DOES NOT WANT YOUR BF!?!??! Did Taylor like run over Charli's cat lol what the fuck?!?!?!?
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Hi! First of all, congrats on hitting 200 followers!! <3 You are such a kind and sweet person in this fandom and I always love seeing your posts come across my dash :)
I do have a few fics I would like to recommend:
Doc's Febuwhump series by @staycalmandhugaclone
I literally cannot say enough about this series. It's got slow-burn. It's got banter. It's got angst. It's got soft moments with all the bad batchers. It's literally everything. If you are interested in a beautifully written slow-burn (eventual polybatch as she has hinted), I cannot recommend this fic enough!! I have actually cried over this fic and am completely hooked on every new chapter that emerges. https://www.tumblr.com/staycalmandhugaclone/708356564132790272/febuwhump-day-1-touch-starved-echo-warnings
Nightsky by @rain-on-kamino
So I originally discovered Caro with her Shades of Dates fic (another absolute banger!) but I really want to bring a little extra love to this fic because it is so tender and involves both Rex and Echo in a wonderful situation with reader <3 https://rain-on-kamino.tumblr.com/post/669171901795598336/nightsky
In Need by @wanderer-six
This one comes from a beloved mutual of ours and I think she deserves wayyyyyy more love for this absolutely unhinged and feral hunter x reader fic. Literally caused me to self-combust, 10000/10. https://wanderer-six.tumblr.com/post/715865174415917056/in-need
And that's all for now! I think this is such a fun idea and I can't wait to see what your other followers recommend :) Congrats again on 200! <3
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Thank you much for your sweet words! 🥹💕
These recs are EXCELLENT!
@staycalmandhugaclone ‘s series is so good, tender and sweet. Please check it out!
@rain-on-kamino ‘s Nightsky made me blush and kick my feet…and damn is it hot! 😚🤌
@wanderer-six YOUUUU AND THIS FIC it keeps me up at night! (In the best way possible) if you’re a Hunter slüt then please read this…….it’ll melt your brain and you might die 🥵 like cmon it’s not fair 💀
Starry’s Spread the Love Event
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reptilia2003 · 1 year
cannot get enough of the Los Angeles bus stop “sombrita” like what an encapsulation of everything wrong with american infrastructure. $10000 for each one plus at least $200000 to consultants who took 4 years and multiple international trips to “study” how best to improve women’s experiences waiting for public transit and came up with this thing to provide shade and lighting. mostly because this you can construct it without getting permits from 8 different departments. and of course homeless people can’t use it to sleep on. bro look at my bus shelter we are never getting high speed rail in this country
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swiftzeldas · 10 months
truly choosing violence so 25 about swifties?
25. common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
oh my god lmaooooo, i am sick of every fandom complaint as a swiftie. i have been here since 2006 and i have heard EVERYTHING approximately 10000 times. i am tired of hearing that tree is a bad publicist (she isn't), i'm tired of hearing that taylor's personal style is bad (it's not, she's just not the instagram baddie people thought she was when they joined the fandom in rep era), i'm tired of the narrative that jack is a bad producer, i'm sick of people saying she doesn't know how to pick singles, i'm sick of people saying lover is bad, that she gives credit too readily when it isn't deserved
but most of all i am tired of people complaining that when she does features with women they don't always have a whole verse to themselves. this bothers me especially with NBNC because it downplays the fact that haim are talented instrumentalists and makes it seem like their contributions are less worthy bc they aren't singing lead vocals on the track - even though their instrumentations make the song. also generally speaking i don't love when taylor has features anyway bc i'd rather hear taylor sing her own lyrics instead of some other lady whose music i don't really like (oops that's LDR shade i guess). taylor features and uplifts a lot of women in her work across the board (laura sisk, beth garrabrant, the starlights, ice spice, dita von teese, plus all the people she shouts out on instagram or features on tour like gayle, gracie, sabrina, phoebe, griff, kelsea, SO many more) so i don't get people pitching a fit about maren morris doing background vocals
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
Chapters: 10/15 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Éowyn/Faramir (Son of Denethor II) Characters: Éowyn (Tolkien), Faramir (Son of Denethor II) Additional Tags: Lots of Sex, no beta we die like Boromir, Gender Angst, everybody's a little bit gay sometimes, making a mockery of LaCE, mentions of assault, kind of a faramir-goes-to-rivendell-AU but that's mostly peripheral, Post-Ring War
willow cabin ch 10 is up!
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slasherlouvre · 2 years
If this is tmi or weird I totally understand but uh: slashers with an afab fem s/o who gets extremely horny 24/7 like a whole week before her period?? I feel like a bitch in heat or smth & it drives me crazy every single month 🙃 (ty!)
Not at all, nonnie! Idk how common this is, but I 10000% relate, so I know exactly how it can be! 😭 Hope these help you to feel better, sweetheart 💓
Slashers with a fem! AFAB s/o who gets extremely horny before her period (18+)
Included: Thomas Hewitt, Michael Myers, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt 🌻
- lord have mercy, this man can peel a person's face off without feeling a thing, but as soon as you tell him about how your body makes you feel before your period (AND FOR AT LEAST A FULL WEEK???), he is turning 13 different shades of red
- this man is so selfless for you in every way though, so when you warn him beforehand he's already unselfishly deciding to help you through it any way you'd like him to without expecting you to 'return the favor'
- is worried about 'taking advantage' of you in this state even when you assure him you completely want him without a single doubt
- Thomas just feels SO GUILTY about feeling good when he thinks you should be the only one feeling good during this time
- 2 words: body. worship.
- you're his everything, and there's never a time he'll have you doubting how much he adores every part of you, but he is especially adamant about worshipping your body on these weeks
- needs to make sure you know just how overwhelmingly thankful he is you allow someone like him to touch you in the first place
- he's going to eat you out every morning like a man devout to make sure you start the day in bliss
- not really a fan of quickies just because he wants to take his time with you and make you feel special and loved
- however, if you seek him out throughout the day when everyone else is busy/away for a while (and you clearly want him very badly), he could never dream of denying you
- has the patience of a saint with you, so if you like to be a tease when you're in the mood it's pretty amusing to see him try to keep calm if you're around the family
- if you tease him throughout the entire day or playfully refuse to let him touch you until the day's over and you both settle for the night, be prepared for the fuck of your life
- will muffle your moans by either swallowing them with deep kisses, slipping a finger or two past your lips to have you suck, or just completely place one of his large hands over your mouth
- wants to be discreet when having sex, mostly out of respect to you, but he'd also be extremely angry if Hoyt ever heard and made vulgar remarks in your direction the next day
- (even if at that point you're going to feel too drunk on the pleasure coursing through you to even care)
- he knows you rile him up on purpose, and he loves that you find him that desirable to do so in the first place, but he still feels awful the next morning thinking he was too rough with you
- he really only ever wants to treat you tenderly with slow sensual sex, but when you give him that lazy blissed out expression of satisfaction, and tell him you want him all over again he feels his heart swell uncontrollably
- you have this man tied around your little finger and he's not ashamed about it in the slightest
- if you thought his need to perform acts of service for you was immense before, it's triple that once you do get your period
- if he can help it, he's not letting you move a single muscle
- will huff at you to stay in bed and sleep off the pain and exhaustion
- he still feels the weeks prior to your periods are far too favorable for him despite you wanting him to fuck you until he's shooting blanks, so he really wants to take care of you after it all (as if he wasn't already)
- will literally never understand how wonderfully he takes care of you
- overall, he's everything you could want and need, but finding opportunities to be intimate may prove difficult with the other Hewitt's around
OG Michael Myers 🎃
- i'm sorry (y/n), he's completely using it against you
- if you give him special permission during this time to take you whenever and wherever he wants, he's definitely taking advantage of it
- will suddenly bend you over whatever's closest and roughly remove the clothes covering your pussy before he's shoving his cock inside
- likes supporting your weight to fuck you against walls while you cling to him completely at his mercy
- oh, but don't think he's going to make it easy on you either, this is Mikey after all
- Michael's a wild card in the sense that you'll never be sure whether he's going to fuck you stupid or torment you by denying his touch
- he gets this sick thrill at seeing how badly you want and need him and he takes full advantage of that
- will literally watch you desperately finger fuck yourself or hump a pillow for any sort of relief until you're in tears and still not have mercy on you
- completely gets off on knowing he's the only one able to provide you with the deliverance you need so desperately that it has you writhing like a bitch in heat for him
- power plays turn him on like nothing else and you've willingly given him all the power the weeks before your periods
- if he's feeling 'nice' he'll let you cockwarm him on the couch while you watch tv or something, but he's going to have a firm grip on your hips which serves as a warning that if you so much as fidget or roll your hips once he's pulling out
- either makes you ache half the week until he finally fucks you proper, or edges you for several days before he lets you have your first thorough release that week
- when he's being especially heinous he won't let you touch yourself at all because he wants to be the only one able to give you relief (you swear he's jealous of your own hand)
- his methods are cruel to you in the moment of course, but your most pleasure inducing orgasms will be on these weeks after he finally has mercy on you
- don't worry, he riled himself up in the edging process quite a bit too, so he'll make it all up to you in the following days
- you'll be placed in several mating presses as he jackhammers into you like a wild animal to be as deep as physically possible before he's finally cumming inside you
- don't be surprised when you orgasm from feeling him ejaculate alone after all the time he spent making you work for it
- his new committment will be to overstimulate you as much as he can, but considering days prior, it's the opposite of a problem
- he expects you to give him lots of soft affection like kisses and cuddling once you get your period to show your 'gratitude' for all the 'work' he did, but really he just wants an excuse to be softer with you without having to admit it
- plus, your poor pussy is going to need the break after everything Michael put you through
- for the most part, an absolute menace; he may just make the week worse, but it's all worth it in the end
Bo Sinclair 🧢
- immediately has a wolfish grin plastered across his face when you tell him
- having you desperately horny for him for an entire week before your period inflates his ego SO MUCH
- he's a teasing bastard, but not nearly as bad as Michael
- he actually ends up keeping track of your cycle better than you do which is kind of funny
- likes to tease you verbally the most because of how heated his southern drawl gets you
- he’ll lowly say things like, “Does m’pretty doll need t’be filled with my cum again already?” and, “Now darlin’, if I didn’t know better, I’d say y’looked downright flustered right now” against your ear while his brothers are nearby and you have to try to remain unfazed
- if your neck and ears are sensitive, he'll randomly nip at your skin when you least expect it, to try and pull a moan out of you
- gets off to feigning ignorance and making you say exactly what you want from him (especially if it embarrasses you)
- but while he adores riling you up, he can’t hold back from giving you what you so sweetly plead for for very long (especially when it’s exactly what he wants too)
- he loves feeling needed and being the only one able to help you find relief, so begging and shamefully pressing yourself against him has his dick swelling almost immediately
- Bo is extremely turned on by quickies, especially when there’s a potential risk of the two of you being caught by one of his brothers, so he’ll keep you more than satisfied throughout the week
- he doesn’t actually want his brothers seeing what’s so obviously his and his alone, but it still admittedly excites him
- he’s quite talkative during sex too, telling you things like, “When’d such a sweet thing like you turn into such a whore for me, hm?” and “Doin’ so good, gonna give ya exactly what good girls deserve- just a bit more, (y/n)” while you’re nothing but a twitching whiny mess, too fucked dumb to make coherent moans under him anymore
- he makes up for the teasing by overstimulating you every time
- there's just something about having your arms and legs violently tremble as they're tightly wrapped around him that turns him wild
- LOVES seeing your teary blissed out expression and hearing you choke back sobs from feeling so good
- will gently coo at you in a teasing manner as he kisses away the tears, and continues to relentlessly pound into you
- even if the two of you don't want kids, he has a massive breeding kink, and will sleep for the night entirely bottomed out in you if you let him
- there's a 50/50 chance your still fluttering walls are going to make him hard again, though
- once you do get your period, Bo can be pretty easily persuaded to sleep in with you most mornings
- you’re definitely going to need the well deserved rest after fucking like rabbits the entire week
- he spends most of the time you’re taking it slow on your period to catch up on the work you distracted him from all those days, but he does check in on you now and again
- overall, deciding which of the two of you is horniest during the week before your period is highly debatable, but you're guaranteed to be sated
Vincent Sinclair🕯
- when you first told him, he was very glad to be wearing the mask on account of his flushed expression, but he still accidentally dropped one of his tools at the revelation causing him to drop his composure momentarily
- before this point you'd been intimate, but he'd always made love to you
- he still hadn't quite worked up the nerve to take you roughly despite how he may have thought about it,,
- you'll have to ease him into this new side of you, but he's only nervous about disappointing you somehow
- he comes around quite quickly after the first few times, especially with how beautiful you moan and beg for him to manhandle you a bit more
- your sex drive is certainly fervent during the weeks before your periods, but he's always awestruck that he's the one making you feel that way
- no matter how many times you press yourself flush against him and gently bite his neck or reach down to squeeze his dick to signal you need him, his breath hitches at the feeling
- he feels as though he doesn't deserve such a divine privilege bestowed upon him by you, being who he is, so he entirely dedicates himself to your pleasure
- will eat you out for hours and sensually massage your body with his large hands as he does until you practically black out
- cockwarming is one of his favorite ways to delve into both physical touch and quality time together during this time
- he obviously spends quite a while in the basement, so when he finds himself sitting for a long period of time he's more than happy to sink you onto his lap and let you wrap yourself around him/rest your head on his shoulder as he works
- fortunately, Bo doesn't really come down to this part of the house, so you both have plenty of time to give into each other without the added risk
- as you spur his confidence, he becomes increasingly bewitched with this side of you, worshipping every part of your body and intensely memorizing the way your face contorts in pleasure for him
- the artist in him can't help but want to permanently immortalize you this way through wax sculptings, paintings, and sketches
- if you consent, he takes out the camcorder to record you under him in these moments, writhing and panting, taking him so beautifully to the point of tears
- he rewatches these videos often, both for artistic reference, and to shamelessly relive the moments
- despite the fierce sex sessions that leave you with his mark carnally left behind on your skin in intense shades, he's still a complete romantic, and he's adamant about not letting you forget it (as if you could)
- once you get your period, this man is constantly fretting over your comfort, and refusing to let you do a thing until you get after him
- cramps? he's already leaving to get you water and a pain pill. want to get up to take care of something? too late, he's already on it. sad? you're immediately wrapped up in his arms.
- enjoys coaxing you into the bathroom for candlelit baths to soothe your aching body and wash your hair
- he's not put off by the blood in the slightest, so he's more than willing to have period sex if you'd like him to relieve your cramps that way
- Bo gets annoyed with him for 'babying' you so much, but he couldn't care less; why wouldn't he treasure the love of his life who cares for him just as much??
- all in all, he'll have you wishing you got your period more than just once a month
Lester Sinclair 🦝
- Lester is in a perpetual state of bliss
- sure he's a man and has desires, but he never actually thought someone could yearn for him to such an aching extent
- he's turned on of course, but more than anything, he's in awe
- having you come onto him so shamelessly at all hours of the day is something he'll never be able to get used to on these particular weeks; it never fails to catch him off guard, and leave him breathless no matter how many times you do it
- he'll be casually telling you about his day as he fiddles with a task when you suddenly slip your hands under his shirt from behind and languidly run them up his middle to grope at him
- if he's distracted watching tv, his entire face turns red when you swiftly straddle his lap and begin needily rolling your hips against him
- he's dropping everything in seconds after his mind finally catches up to his erratically racing heart
- this man just wants to please you, and he's not looking for you to give him anything in return either
- so when you make a point by spoiling him back for being so good to you, he becomes putty in your hands
- seriously, he's so eager to please you in any way you'd like; he feels good when he makes you feel good
- it's times like these he appreciates not sharing a home with his twin brothers the most, and he loves the fact that you can both be as loud and as unabashed as you want without worrying about others being around
- he'll sometimes still mid thrust within you because he becomes so entranced with your heavenly image sprawled beneath him; your face heated, your skin glistening with a layer of sweat, the desperate way you whine and pant and cry for him. He can't help it, you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and you're his
- he knows you're not completely in control of your libido on these weeks, that it must be frustrating for you at times to be so riled up for so long, but he can't deny how much he loves this side of you
- it's a pleasure for him of course, but most of all, having you in his life and being the one you trust and love enough to be able to take you this way is a privilege he never takes for granted
- he may not have a breeding kink per se, but he can't deny the overwhelming need to stuff you full of his cum to satiate his needy 'sweet pea'
- the type of man to thoroughly eat you out and kiss you full on the lips right after; things like that could never bother him
- unless you specifically request it of him, he will always default to making passionate love to you during this time; he knows you'll be burning for him for at least a week, and he doesn't want to end up overexerting your body that will feel worse once you get your period
- when you do get your period, this man is constantly by your side; he has a stash of your favorite snacks and treats that he always makes sure to prepare beforehand
- he also makes sure to stock up on pain pills and your preferred sanitary products when he goes on a food run so you don't have to worry about it
- he'll let you get up to move around and take care of tasks, but if he thinks he should be doing it instead he's distracting you with a kiss and steering you straight back to bed to relax
- the BIGGEST cuddler; he's seriously perfect if you get cold from losing so much blood because he'll wrap himself entirely around you and keep you warm
- you'll never feel sad with him around either, he has plenty of funny stories and jokes to keep you smiling and laughing
- in conclusion, you cannot go wrong with this man; top tier sex and top tier period care
Jason Voorhees 🪓
- this new side of you terrifies him at the beginning
- he had been very reluctant to touch you at all during this time because he was afraid it was just a feeling you couldn't control, and therefore he didn't want to 'take advantage' of you
- he just isn't used to such sensual desire directed so intensely at him, so you'll have to try to take it slow and understand where he's coming from
- as your relationship progresses, he becomes more comfortable, but don't expect him to fuck you with wild abandon during these particular weeks because he won't
- if you're going to want him inside of you constantly for at least seven whole days, he's making sure he doesn't end up seriously hurting you by the time your period comes around, and you've calmed down enough to start feeling any unnecessary pain that resulted from so many fiercely intimate sessions
- that being said, he's more than happy to indulge you tenderly, but if you begin to get ahead of yourself while riding him or start to uncontrollably whine and beg for him to manhandle you, he'll deny you and maybe even pull out of you altogether in favor of taking you to the lake to cool off and distract you
- you'll be surprised by how good you end up feeling when you're laying down, and he begins to massage your shoulders and back until all of your tension is turned into delightful bliss
- he's not opposed to heavy make out sessions or groping, he's just worried about himself getting carried away when he's actually inside you and you're adamantly working away at his resolve with your overly eager hips
- he just feels like if he gives in to you during this time, he won't be able to control himself the rest of the week you pounce on him
- he'll engulf you with his weight during sex at this time so you have less control of the situation, and he can maintain the deep languid pace he wants to give you
- not enough to hurt you of course, but you'll be satisfyingly trapped beneath him as his cock continuously kisses your cervix with deep, patient thrusts despite your frenzied mewls and thrashing for more
- he makes it up to you after you fully recover from your period, don't worry
- if cockwarming is something you like to do when you settle down to sleep, he'll wrap you up in his arms and bottom out in you; comfortingly running his hands through your hair and across your back in a soothing manner
- once you do get your period, he's fretting over you like a mother hen; don't even bother fighting him on it
- he's not the best with period care, it's all pretty new to him, so he cares for you mostly through acts of service and quality time
- taking care of tasks you normally do, insisting you sleep in on mornings, being extra attentive and protective of you during this time
- even if you explain it helps to ease your cramps, he won't have sex with you on your period
- it's not because he thinks it's gross, he's just genuinely shaken up at the sight of you bloodied; it makes him think of losing you, and his mind isn't kind with the possibilities given his background
- if you become downcast, he'll feel just as crestfallen, he can't help it
- he doesn't know what more to do to help you in this case besides hold you affectionately, but his bear hugs comfort you more than he realizes
- overall, he's a bit inexperienced with period care, and you'll have to forgo rough sex till after your period, but he genuinely cares about you
Bubba Sawyer 🔆
- oh god, you're going to cause his poor heart to give out entirely from how easily flustered he becomes at the sudden lustful intensity directed at him
- he may never get used to the fact that someone genuinely desires him
- unfortunately, he won't be able to indulge you much during the day; he feels badly about it, but he's very committed to his responsibilities and he'd rather not be at the receiving end of Drayton's wrath
- does privacy even exist in the Sawyer household??
- he does, however, let you drag him away in order to take much needed breaks now and then; usually setting you on his lap while you both relax on the swinging bench out front and drink sweet tea in between plenty of kisses
- if you wear dresses long enough to cover your laps, he likes to bounce you on his cock discretely while you pretend to be partaking in nothing more than innocent cuddling
- he can easily tell the difference between your usual kisses and the kisses you press against him on the weeks before your periods because they're much needier, and he swears the heat behind them linger on his skin more noticeably than the Texas sun
- it's easy to rile him up with kisses alone; his libido is normally quite high, and he frequently finds himself wanting to whisk you off your feet to find a secluded area for a while
- so against his better judgement, you can manage to seduce him into a couple of quickies throughout the day
- there's certainly a thrilling aspect that comes with sneaking off, but he's still filled with nervous energy at the prospect of his brothers stumbling upon the both of you
- more than anything, he doesn't want to shame you; he'd never forgive himself if they were to taunt you for being so keen to have him in you, that it coudn't wait till you got to the privacy of your shared room
- he's just not strong enough to resist the alluring way your eyes peak out from beneath your lashes; a look he's learned very well over the course of your relationship, especially when paired with teasing rolls of your hips or playful nips at his neck and ears
- come nightfall, once you're both free to indulge in each other personally, he's all yours
- more than anything, he wants to please you, especially after explaining how frustrating it can be to feel the way you do before your period
- he tries to be gentle, to focus on you receiving rather than him, but it's not uncommon for him to begin powerfully chasing his high once it feels too good (not that you mind of course, it feels amazing for you too)
- when you get your period, he's a bit of a mess in all honesty
- squawking and whining nervously at seeing you in pain, especially if your cramps tend to be on the stronger side
- you'll have to comfort him most likely; assuring him you'll be okay, and coaxing him to settle down and just cuddle you if nothing else
- in these cases, Drayton could be threatening your poor Bubba with a broom to get up and work while his other brothers laugh at him, but he refuses to let go of you until you're at least sound asleep
- will not agree to period sex
- he's not fazed at all by blood and gore of course, but seeing you bloody makes him very upset, even if he knows it's unreasonable because you're not actually injured
- very overprotective of you during this time, and will fuss at you to let him take care of all the things you try to get up for
- and if you cry due to your hormones?? He's crying with you; desperately cupping your face to give you comforting kisses and rocking you back and forth against his chest until you settle and feel better
- in short, he may not be much help while caring for you during your period, but he certainly indulges you when you need it most
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joylessorbit · 2 years
Monster Doodles (*σ´∀`)σ
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Decided to redraw some of my older designs. I'm honestly having fun drawing some of my bois that I havent touched in a bit (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)
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False Prophets (the 3 creatures on the left) are a Fae-Harpy species that take on the forms of pygmy angels in order to lure in unsuspecting beings. Possessing a corrupting, siren-like voice, and mild hypnotic capabilities, thses beings are highly intelligent and malicious. Their diet is currently unknown, because observed behavior suggests that they kill for sport rather than sustenance.
Voidrips (upper right, whose design I may tweak) are shade creatures that are attracted to high concentrations of fear. They feed on the negative energy, which appears to act as a fuel source for the void-like substance that they secrete. The substance itself is akin to that of a viscous gas of sorts. It can cause a variety of harmful affects, that specifically targets the psyche (Psychosis, delusions, nightmares, insanity, etc.,). Unlike most similar beings, Voidrips prefer to draw out their meals rather than consume them all at once, as to "make the most" of each feeding; how long a feeding can last, depends solely on ones mental fortitude. They latch onto the shadows of their prey, and slowly eat away at the psyche until all that is left is an empty husk. The body itself is untouched in this process, but the mind is completely destroyed, and the soul corrupted.
Filopri (bottom right, might also tweak this design) are Converter entities that filters anything consumed, into a both a sludge-like, and purely energy-like substances. Both substances are highly useful for alchemy and potion making, as it retains the properties of the object broken down, but more malleable to utilize.
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Coinpurse (upper left) is type of greed fairy that enjoys hoarding any and all types of currency that it can get a hold of. A MASSIVE gossiper, Coinpurse is an incredibly extroverted individual that never misses any type of social gathering. While very easy to get along with, and greatly enjoys the company of others, it doesn't understand that stealing ones money is considered "rude" or "a crime"
Pins (upper middle) is a rather, for lack of better words, volatile being. Not necessarily negative, nir just very sensitive to the intents and emotions of those around nem. Being around a lot of people, can cause some major sensory overload, which makes it so much harder for nem to control or regulate nir emotions. Pretty much the smallest hint of someones intent or emotions is felt by nem by, like, 10000%
If Pins feels everything super STRONGLY, Needles (upper right) is basically the opposite, with a more muted disposition. While Needles does absorbs the energy around zem, zie dont personally feel it like Pins does. Instead, the energy is sorta turned into a neutral state, which zie use as a fuel source for zir magic. Most of zir being uses the energy produced by zir core to simply function, so zie typically cant utilize zir magic alone.
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Gelofin (left) is a shy boi who mostly keeps company with lower sentient beings (think animals, insects, etc.,) Agrophobic to fault, he mostly spends his time swimming around with schools of various sea dwellers, or scavenging the ocean floors for cool finds. He does wanna make a friend some day, but for now, he's fine with his day-to-day life.
Akiti (middle) is highly territorial of his jungle, and doesnt take kindly to those who try to interact with it or any of its inhabitants. A hunter a heart and a prideful individual, he cant resist a worthy adversary, and if you happen to not only catch his eye, BUT ALSO match, if not, exceed his energy, he's willing to make some exceptions to who can enter his donain.
Miasters (right) are entities, that are walking generators of a miasma gas. Bringing disease and death wherever they go, it is advised to take extreme precaution when interacting with them. They're somewhat solitary, and mostly wander aimlessly by themselves; tho there are some reports of them ambling in small groups.
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bellamaxlabs · 3 years
I was thinking of getting into the Zelda series, and I know you've played a lot of them, have any recs on which I should play first? Or maybe rank which ones were the best? Like I said I really don't know what I'm doing here, thanks for the help!
Ranking my favorite zelda games because absolutely no one asked! Except for this anon!
* I’m gonna be ranking these on a scale of 1-10 on story, gameplay, and dungeons so 1 is pretty much ass and 10 is like the holy fucking grail of game design alright
* Also remember this is entirely opinion, but I do hope I'm able to help!
* Skyward sword:
* 9 in story, 5 in gameplay, 7 in dungeons, the story is so so so good man and it kills me to know that some people avoid this one because of the controls, yes they’re frustrating sometimes but for the absolutely amazing story it’s so so worth it this game made me cry like 3 times
* Twilight Princess
* 7 in story, 8 in gameplay, 7 in dungeons, Twilight princess is one of those games that people generally regard as an off-brand ocarina of time, but the double clawshots and whole city in the sky stuff combined with Midna and the twili and Zant makes this game so worth playing like,,, its probably in my top three Zelda games of all time ok take the ocarina of time thing with a grain of salt
* Windwaker
* 6 in story, 7 in gameplay, 9 in dungeons, this one really stands out to me because even though the dungeons are so much easier than other games I’ve played they just flow so much better, I don’t know how to explain it but going through them is so much smoother than other games and I can’t pinpoint why. The cell shaded style is adorable too and Link actually has a family in this one so automatic +10000 points in every category alr
* Ocarina of Time
* 8 in story, 6 in gameplay, 6 in dungeons, obviously Ocarina of time is a classic for a whole bunch of people, and I may just be saying this because the wii virtual console controls sucked ass, but for me this game is probably the hardest out of all the major 3D’s, the dungeons were hard (especially the water temple, what a surprise) but challenge is never bad, and the reward factor once you finally get past all the puzzles and bosses and whatnot is so fun to see. I will say though the shell blades in the water temple kicked my ass so watch out for that
* Majoras mask
* 7 in story, 5 in gameplay, 7 in dungeons. Now,,, Majoras mask is a good game, but as someone who gets very stressed around time mechanics in general I can say that this game is one big never ending feeling of dread, which is great for building atmosphere and everything,,, but I got so stressed out in the last dungeon that I havent finished the game yet. So take that however you want, but if you get stressed out easily with games like this you may wanna take a step back
* Now last but not least, Breath of the Wild!
* 10 in story, 8 in gameplay, 2 in dungeons. Now you might say hold on a second, there are dungeons in breath of the wild! The divine beasts certainly count, don’t they? I say meh, they’re too short and the blights are pushovers, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t a blast to play through, they just don’t count as dungeons to me. But what Breath if the wild may lack in dungeons, it certainly makes up for it in story, gameplay, and just plain atmosphere. The exploration we see is more than anyone had ever hoped, and there’s just so much to grow on with the plot of 100 years prior, this one is a 10/10 for me 100% a must play for the switch
* And thats the end of my very long winded review of all the major 3d Zelda games! Hope I helped anon, feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
A New Way Of Life
Life In Lockdown Series Masterlist
Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Summary - As the reality of working from home sets in, you and your friends have to learn to work around one another, whilst also finding things to relax you to make evenings with your friends a lot of fun.
Warnings - Mentions of covid
Word Count - 2090
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Week 1 – March 2020
The first few days of lockdown were a challenge. Trying to get in touch with people from work was proving more difficult than you’d first thought. You were getting easily distracted as well. BeeBee spent his time going between Poe in the dining room and you in the living room, the open plan nature basically making it a massive room for him to wander around in. Anytime he came near you, you couldn’t resist picking him up for snuggles. Poe was a distraction too, he liked to sing to himself as he worked and the sound of his voice was distracting you from whatever work you were doing. After reading the same line of an email 4 times you decided to take a break, you headed to the kitchen and started up the coffee machine. BeeBee followed you, deciding to have his own drink break with his bowl of water. Rose appeared in the kitchen whilst you were waiting for your coffee to be done.
“How’s it going?” she asked
“It’s a lot more challenging than I thought. Everything is distracting me!”
“Me too” she replied “And most people aren’t picking up calls today because they’ve all obviously had to close their offices as well”
“I can’t get hold of management” you replied “And BeeBee keeps wanting attention and he’s so cute I always give in! We should put a smart watch on him. He’s probably done 10000 steps walking between Poe and I”
“How’s Poe as a colleague?”
“Distracting, he keeps singing”
“He’s a good singer, could be worse” Rose chuckled
“Yeah he’s great but my mind just hears singing and thinks it’s done with work” you replied “Have you heard anything from Finn?”
“No, the doors been closed all morning. I don’t think he even came out for a break”
“Hopefully it’s going alright for him”
“Why don’t we do something tonight” Rose said “We’re all having weird days so maybe we could plan fun things in the evenings”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Movie night tonight” she replied “We can make dinner then watch a bunch of movies. We can plan other things for other evenings”
“I’m in” you replied “It’ll be nice to have something to look forward to”
“What are we looking forward to?” Poe asked as he joined you in the kitchen
“Oh, Rose was just saying we should plan fun things to do in the evenings, starting with movie night tonight”
“Sounds great. This working remotely thing is really not fun”
“BeeBee likes it” you smiled “He’s enjoying going between us”
“Well as long as the best boy is happy then we all are” Poe chuckled, leaning down to scoop the dog into his arms “You’re the best little buddy aren’t you”
“So cute!” Rose whispered
Rose’s idea for a movie night was just what everyone needed after the first day of the strange new reality the world found itself in. The 4 of you picked a movie each, the genres ranged from musicals, to Disney, to action and finally horror. You didn’t hate horror movies but they would never be your first choice. BeeBee who had taken residence in your lap for movie night suddenly found himself being hugged a lot tighter than previously. Rose and Finn were sat on one sofa all cuddled up, Rose had a blanket over her head and Finn was chuckling at her anytime she jumped at the scares from the movie. Poe and you were sat on the opposite side of the room. A blanket covered your legs, which were crossed underneath you. Poe was stretched out, his feet hanging off the end of the sofa and his head rested on a pillow a few inches away from you. He sat up when you jumped at one particularly bad jump scare.
“Hey, you alright?” he whispered
“Just not really my kind of movie” you replied
“Me neither, but Finn loves them so I’ve got used to them! I can hold your hand if you want”
“Thank you, but I’ll be fine. It’s just a stupid movie right?”
“Right” Poe smiled, he sat up and moved closer to you “Just incase anyone tries to grab you, I’ll not let them”
The sun decided to make an appearance on the 3rd and 4th days of lockdown. It wasn't tropical temperatures or anything but you could get away with being in the garden as long as you had a hoodie on. Rose was completely snowed under at work and you rarely saw Finn apart from lunch. Poe’s boss had taken pity on them all after a stressful few days and given them the Friday as a day off. You could see him sat in the garden with BeeBee whilst you worked. It was approaching 12.00 and you were slowly losing the will to live. You managed to push through until 1pm when you were ready for lunch. Your boss emailed to give everyone the afternoon off so you made your lunch, pulled a hoodie on and headed out to the garden to join Poe. As soon as the sun hit your skin, you instantly felt relaxed. It had been a strange week and you were grateful to be able to start your weekend a few hours early. You grabbed one of the garden chairs and moved it over next to Poe.
“Happy weekend” he said as you sat down
“It’s been the weirdest week in the entire world. I’m so glad we made it to the weekend”
“Me too, and I’m really glad you got an early finish. Bee isn’t the best conversation holder” he winked
“He’s cute though, he gets points for that at least!”
“That goes without saying”
The dog must’ve known he was being spoken about. He got up from his place in the shade to come and get some attention.
“Wanna take him a walk with me later?” Poe asked “The ice cream kiosk in the park is open, we could get something there, and it would be nice to have some company”
“Yeah, that sounds good”
Finn and Rose were still upstairs working when it came time for BeeBee’s walk. You texted Rose to tell her you’d gone with Poe. The park was beautiful in the sun, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d actually visited it. It was only a 10 minute walk away from the house but you didn't really have a reason to go to it. There were families out on walks, people on their own, people with dogs. Everyone was out enjoying the weather and taking their one form of daily outdoor exercise. You chuckled as BeeBee tried to make friends with every other dog and human he came across, his little tail wagging the entire time. Poe led you over to the ice cream kiosk he had mentioned; there was a long socially distanced queue.
“You keep an eye on Bee and I’ll get us some ice cream” he smiled “There’s a bench just round the back of this kiosk, nobody ever sits at it but it’s at a really good bit for Bee to run around. I’ll come and get you once I get the ice cream”
You nodded and made your way round to the bench Poe had mentioned. Like he said, the area was quiet; there was one woman with a dog that you’d seen earlier on, BeeBee and her dog had sniffed one another when you'd walked passed her just after walking into the park. You took the ball you’d lifted before leaving the house out of your pocket and threw it for the little dog. He happily chased after it, always bringing it back. He set it down for a second to talk to the woman who was stood at the other side of the grass, her dog spotted it’s opportunity and grabbed it. The woman chased after her dog and eventually got the ball back. She walked over to the bench and stood far enough away from where you were, but close enough to lay the ball down.
“Sorry about that, he’s terrible for stealing from other dogs”
You chuckled “It’s not a problem, it’s this ones fault for trying to be too sociable”
She smiled “Your dog is so cute!”
“He is cute, but sadly he’s not mine. I have to give him back”
“Ah, he’s your boyfriends. The guy you were walking with earlier”
You could feel yourself blushing “Em, yeah he belongs to him, but he’s not my boyfriend. Just a friend and lockdown house mate”
“Oh, I’m sorry I just assumed” she replied “You guys looked liked a super cute couple  when I spotted you earlier”
“It’s fine” you replied with a shrug.
You wished he was your boyfriend, you’d had a crush on the man since the first day you met him. The two of you had clicked right away when Ben had introduced you. Him and Poe had been classmates that didn’t keep in touch, you vaguely remembered seeing Poe at your brothers birthday parties when you were kids but nobody paid you much attention back then because they were all older and you were the annoying little sister of their friend. Poe and Ben had met back up again when Ben became a client of Poe’s work. You were introduced to Poe when Ben and Rey got engaged and had a party. You’d later found out you had a mutual friend in Finn and the 3 of you started to hang out. You’d known Finn since high school, you never went to the same school but you both had a part time job at a local café. Finding out Poe was Finn’s best friend and roommate made you re-connect with Finn. You’d kept in touch on social media for years but didn’t really spend a lot of time together so through Poe that all changed. When you’d introduced Finn and Rose it had been love at first sight. The 4 of you could be found hanging out on a regular basis; everyone always assumed it was a double date because of how close you and Poe were. He was a touchy, feely guy. He would often be found with his arm round your shoulders, his hand on your back when you were walking anywhere with him. You loved it but also hated it because you always wanted more. The reason you had never mentioned anything was because you were scared he wouldn’t feel the same and you didn’t want such a good friendship to fall apart if you told him and made things awkward. Rose knew, but she promised she wouldn't tell Poe.
BeeBee and the other dog went back to playing together and the woman wandered back to where she had originally been stood. You took a few photos on your phone and uploaded them to social media. Everyone needed a boost during the weird times you were in and you thought there was no better way to cheer people up than photos of cute dogs. After what felt like hours, Poe finally came to join you. He handed you a small tub of ice cream and a slushie.
“Man are they busy” he said, flopping down next to you on the bench “Did Bee behave?”
“He did, that dog he’s playing with stole his ball but they’re on friendly terms now”
“That’s good news” Poe chuckled
The two of you sat and enjoyed your ice creams, the weather and one another’s company. When you were ready to head back home Poe phoned Finn, the local takeaways were open for delivery and Poe decided it was too nice a night for anyone to be cooking. The evening was spent eating as much pizza as you could and watching videos on YouTube. Finn was really into the ones exploring abandoned places and you all fell down a rabbit hole of watching video after video. Rose fell asleep first, and you soon followed. Eventually leaning over and falling onto Poe’s shoulder. Poe and Finn smiled at one another. You had all survived a crazy week, you’d had to adapt to an all new way of life and there had been some hiccups but overall you’d all coped. You were thankfully all healthy, and you had good company and were surrounded by your best friends. Life was far from perfect but both of them knew that things could be a lot worse, and that worldwide things would get worse before they improved.
So once again please let me know what you thought, I want to get better as a writer and I can only do that with your help. Thank you for all of the kind comments one the last part, they really made me smile! <3
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