#lights by tena
randomfoggytiger · 3 months
Do you happen to have a fic list of AU stories where Mulder and Scully meet / know each other / are friends as children?
Or ones where adult Mulder or Scully meets their partner or themselves as a child?
Got a few selections for yeh. :DD
Loose chronological order below~
Mulder, Scully, and Childhood AUs
Canon (Loosely)
Shelba's The Man of her Dreams
Time passed; in dreams she ran with him through dark streets, strove for the light when he searched through shadows, flinched as his gun spat fire; shed tears as he was hit with loss after loss.
Melissa dreamt of Mulder for years before he and Scully met.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum’s The Boy on the Beach (1/16) (Ao3)
“At 38, I’ll be married to someone who looks like Raquel Welch and we’ll be very happy and rich and have good-looking and smart kids and live in a nice house in the suburbs, so I don’t think whatever you just said will apply to me,” he said, a note of unease.
Somberly, Scully picked up a piece of seashell sitting on the street. She tried not to think about how similar that boyish daydream was to Mulder’s brain surgery vision of suburban life. How Diana Fowley had an unmistakable 1990s Raquel Welch look. So consistent, she thought. He’s consistent. I’m the inconsistency.
Post Amor Fati Scully is shot back to the groovin' 70s. While Mulder scrambles to locate her, she travels the continent to prevent Samantha's fate, battling feelings of rejection as she prepares to sacrifice her future for his happiness.
@tofuttim/tofuttiM's The Meeting (Ao3)
“So six months? Do you think it's a boy or a girl?” Teena asked.
“At this point, we already have one of each, of course I want a healthy baby, but I wouldn’t mind another girl.”  Both the women watched Fox close the book and toss it on the floor.
AU-- A pregnant Maggie Scully meets Tena Mulder's precocious little toddler.
@atths--twice/ATTHS_TWICE/Atths2/ATTHS's Building Blocks
Six months ago, Dana thought, touching his face in the picture. And two years since I’ve heard from him. 
But… he still had the ability to make her stomach flip and her heart race. Even more so now as she could recognize the feelings for what they were and what they had always been. 
AU-- Mulder and Scully share a brief childhood of Ding Dongs, Doritos, and treehouse building before his dad transfers bases.
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justicefanged · 6 months
"They got you too, huh?" Altena tilts her head slightly as she notices Linus has also been forced to retreat off the battlefield. She can't imagine him leaving a fight like this behind willingly.
"I took two of them down with me." She takes a step closer to him and tries to look up at him but she finds her cheek growing hotter. "I was thinking about you. Um, when we threw those axes together. I remembered your advice is what I mean. I guess I should thank you, shouldn't I, Mad Dog?"
Linus didn't really...recall how he ended up in the medical tents.
He remembered being excited for the fight to finally start, and getting fucking frustrated that he wasn't actually able to do too much. He landed a decent hit on...someone. That felt good after feeling like he was floundering like a fucking jackass for most of the fight.
Then...bright light? Somethin', somethin'? WHACK!
That's all he got, really. Vague impressions of whatever had happened. Regardless, he was out of it. First round. Again! What the hell?!
By the time Altena found him among the other injured or resting combatants, Linus had been sulking and seething on a cot for a while. He'd tried to keep it to himself, but he knew he was getting snappy at some folks that were helping out or otherwise checking in.
"Somethin' like that," he growled, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to physically shake off his bad mood. Linus was happy to see Altena, and he didn't want her to think otherwise just because he was pissed off at himself.
He smirks as Altena recounts a bit of her own fight, getting up in a rush --bad idea, still kinda dizzy but who the fuck cared about that anyways -- to holler and pump his fist. "Fuck yeah, that's my 'Tena!" Linus is a bit caught up in making sure everyone in the tent is extremely aware of how proud he was, but he does catch on and shut up after a bit to catch what else she was saying.
Linus grins, face warming a bit as he slings an arm around her shoulders, "Oh, were ya? So I was, uh, inspirational, ya might say?" His tone is teasing, but he is fired up that something he taught her -- a special moment that they shared -- had actually helped her out.
Made him feel like he'd done something right, finally.
"Well, hey! Who gives a fuck if we're in here, let's celebrate your kills-- wins-- whatever! C'mon!" Linus bursts out laughing, pressing an excited kiss to the corner of Altena's mouth before he grabs her hand and pulls her through the maze of cots back out into fresh air.
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shrimplymoray · 8 months
HEHEHE HI TENA <333 If it’s okay, i wanna request RiddleNene / Needle fluff !!! either headcanon or fanfic is up to you~
something wholesome between the two, could be a private tea party for the two of them or a rose maze date !!!
I was just waiting for u to see that my requests were open for ya to burst with Needle or EpelPan >:))
Hope u enjoy the cuties!
Cw: tooth rotting fluffiness!
Riddle Rosehearts x Nene Damseletta - Tea for Two
It wasn't unusual to see the Prefect of Ramshackle dorm, Miss Nene, walking together with the Housewarden of Heartslabyul, Mr. Rosehearts. At first, it was purely for duties. Much like Jamil with Kalim, or Sebek and Silver with Malleus, Riddle was assigned to protect Nene during her stay at Night Raven College, considering she IS a girl in an all boys school besides being a magicless human.
He didn't really intend on getting attached, he had far more important matters to take in his hands after all, but something in the way Nene clinged on his arm when students were arguing, or the way she smiled so softly when invited for an unbirthday party... Riddle couldn't tell what this bubbly feeling in his stomach was, or why Cater seemed to tease him so much when he would lose his words around her.
It took long hours of research on behavior, and maybe some comments and advice from Trey and Cater, for him to realize that he actually, really, just fell for her. His strictness was compared to that of the Queen of Hearts between Heartslabyul students, but he noticed how Nene's sweetness and understanding for him resembled so much the King of Hearts.
But he didn't have the time for romance! He is a Housewarden, he has many, many duties to fulfill! His studies, club activities, Housewarden duties, study sessions with Cater, Ace and Deuce to make sure the Heartslabyul reputation stays in check...
But two certain Juniors and certain Cat-like monster decided to take matters into their own hands.
Nene arrived in the Maze of Roses, as asked by Cater, to take some 'cammable pics for his Magicam account, since from what he told her "they were looking super adorbs with his new hair accessories he got online". She didn't expect to find Riddle sitting calmly at a tea table, drinking his tea.
That seemed to put the crimson haired boy on edge. He looked confused at the Prefect. Just what was she doing here? Oh wait... Riddle sighed, pinching his nose bridge.
"I should've known Grim didn't want to have an emergency study session for exams..."
They both stood there awkwardly, before Riddle stood up and politely took the chair in front of his.
"Since I already cleaned my schedule, we might as well enjoy a bit of tea together, shall we not?"
"O-oh! Sure." Nene fidgeted with her pigtails while sitting at the chair. She couldn't help but blush at Riddle's Rosy cheeks, which she assumed were from frustration, but nonetheless cute.
They took their time making small talk, although a bit awkwardly and never really looking into eachothers eyes, while drinking their tea. As time passed, magical little lights appeared around them, none really sure of what they were, until Riddle noticed Cater hiding in a bush, controlling said lights with his magic pen. Oh that cheeky little-
"Riddle? I... If you don't mind, uhm... Could I... Tell you something?"
"You are always welcome to tell me anything, I thought I have told you so."
"I-I know! It's... It's just that... Uhm..." The girl took her hands out of her mug, and took both of Riddle's in them. Riddle instinctively flushed a bright red, almost as red as his hair. " It's just that I really, really, really enjoy being around you! Like... More than normal? And I... I know, I'm just some random girl you have to take care of but... But I really like you. Truly. I have told Grim about it but he kept only teasing me and making me embarrassed... But he said something that was true. I need to take my chance before someone else takes theirs, so... Yeah..."
Nene's hands were shaking. Her face down and pure red, while her eyes stay tightly shut. She didn't knew what the outcome was going to be, but at least she opened up. That's progress... Right?
"Nene... I... Aham. As the Housewarden of the Heartslabyul dorm, I must say that I applaud your courage for confessing such deep feelings. But as Riddle Rosehearts... I must say that... That your feelings are not being taken lightly. It is against the rules of the Queen of Hearts to lie in front of the royalty, and... If everyone thinks I'm the Queen of Hearts of this dorm, then... I believe you are my King of Hearts. Always by my side, always accepting of my words, always trusting your ever being in me."
"your... King of Hearts?"
"I-I mean, if you so accept to be, it would feel like an honour for... For you to... Be my king?"
Nene, with a burst of unusual confidence, nodded furiously her head.
"Yes! I accept it and- huh? Where did the fireflies go?"
Both looked to a certain bush shaking, and a bit of whispered shouts coming from it.
"excuse me one second, my king."
Riddle made his way to the bushes and spread them apart to reveal 4 certain Heartslabyul students all around each other
"Heyy, Housewarden! Uhm... So-"
Hope you enjoyed this Eri!! I love them so much omg... Next u better request Treynene/j
Have a great day/night!
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Anthem of the Savannah (Swahili/English)
Shujaa / Hero Unasafirini kwa matakwa ya watu wako / You embark on a pilgrimage, for the wishes of the people Mnachagueni vita kwa majina ya shujaa / You choose to battle, to earn a glorious name Mwishowe mnaunguweni tena majivuni / In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream Mwishowe mnaunguweni tena majivuni / In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream Ukuu ukuu / Glory, oh glory Kwa wanao ona yajayo / To those who look into the future Tutaimba wimbo wa mwanga moto, usiku wa gize (Mwanga na moto wetu) / Song of the light, fire of the night (Light and fire, the light and fire bestowed to us) Matakwa ya watu wako / For the wishes of the people Unachagya vita kwa jina la / For the name of a great hero Shujaa Mwishowe unaunguwa kwaajili ya ndoto / In the end, you burn to cinders for a dream Mwishowe unaunguwa tena majivuni / In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream Unasafirini kwa matakwa ya watu wako / You embark on a pilgrimage, for the wishes of the people Mnachagueni vita kwa majina ya shujaa / You choose to battle, to earn a glorious name Mwishowe unaunguwa kwaajili ya ndoto / In the end, you burn to cinders for a dream Mwishowe unaunguwa tena majivuni / In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream Unasafirini kwa matakwa ya watu wako / You embark on a pilgrimage, for the wishes of the people Mnachagueni vita kwa majina ya shujaa / You choose to battle, to earn a glorious name Mwishowe unaunguwa kwaajili ya ndoto / In the end, you burn to cinders for a dream Mwishowe unaunguwa tena majivuni / In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream Utukufu / Glorious A shujaa / Ah, hero Geuka kama alfajiri / Rise like the dawn!
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obsidianphotog · 3 months
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I hiked Amanda's trail recently and wanted to share the history of the trail. I think it is a good lesson/reminder on why we have reservations for the native peoples in the US and part of the history behind creating the reservations. (Image text below cut)
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Amanda's Trail of Sorrow
Indians ran away from the Coast Reservation on a regular basis, longing for their home and fleeing starvation and abuse by Indian Agents. The military was called upon to round up these run-away Indians and return them to the reservation. Lieutenant Louis Herzer of Company D, Fourth California Infantry, led a detachment to Coos Bay in the spring of 1864 to retrieve runaways.
Sub-Agent Amos Harvey accompanied the Lieutenant and his men in order to "arrest the Indians" that for a long time had been "infesting the settlement of Coos Bay." Stealth was a required element for successfully catching their "game- squaws, bucks, and half breeds born out of wedlock.'
Corporal Royal Bensell was on that mission. He kept a detailed journal relating the story of Amanda De-Cuys, a blind Coos woman living with a white settler. Excerpts from his journal tell a compelling story.
May 1, 1864
Up Coos River 25 miles to-day after some Indians. Find at the head of tide water a small ranch owned by one De-Cuys. He had a pretty little girl, some 8 years old. We got two Squaws and a Buck. After getting in the boat I was surprised to hear one of the Squaws (old and blind) ask me, "Nika ika nanage nika tenas Julia [Let me see my little Julia]." I complied with this parental demand and was shocked to see this little girl throw her arms about old Amanda De-Cuys neck and cry "clihime Ma Ma [dear mama]." De-Cuys refused to marry Amanda, which would have saved her from internment. He promised Bensell to school Julia.
May 3, 1864
We have taken among the rest several infirm Squaws which the Agent proposes leaving behind to die because he says, "it will cost so far to transportation." Lieutenant Herzer informed the Agent if the Squaws were left he [Herzer] would report him.
[Painting of a Native elder and a younger adult walking with two male soldiers on the coastline towards and soldier on horseback as two other native people, one with a child, lie in the sand.]
May 5, 1864
Lower Umpqua Artist Pam Stoehsler's portrayal of Amanda and other Indians being forcibly marched back to the sub-reservation north of Yachats
[End inserted image]
Break camp and strike directly across the sand hills. One Squaw, (Polly) carries all her "icktus [belongings]" and two children. Harvey furnishes one horse when we need four. This horse packs t[w]o old Squaws. By 4 o'clock the advance reached Winchester Bay and from that time 'till dark they came in by twos & threes, the rear guard bringing in Old Fatty and Amanda.
May 7, 1864
Only made ten miles today. The whole days travel reminded me of a funeral procession, so slow and solemn did we go. First one old "Lama [old woman]" would curl up in the sand, then another, then a general halt, during which the mothers would suckle their children.... Finally out of patience, I would cry "Hyac, clatwa [hurry, go]." It generally took twenty minutes to get started. Some of the Guard, more irritable than me, swore terrifically.
May 10, 1864
This coast along our route today seems volcanic, rough ragged, burnt rock, here and there a light rock which I called pumice-stone. Amanda, who is blind, tore her feet horribly over these ragged rock, leaving blood sufficient to track her by. One of the Boys led her around the dangerous places. I cursed Indian Agents generally, Harvey particularly. By 12 we reached the Agency. The great gate swung open, and I counted the Indians as they filed in, turned them over to the Agent, and, God Knows, we all left relieved.
During the first twelve years of the fifteen years of the Alsea Sub- Agency's existence half of the native population died of starvation, exposure, disease, and abuse. The Alsea Sub- Agency was closed in 1875.
No further information is known about Amanda or if she ever was able to be with her daughter, Julia, again.
[Inserted image of carved Amanda statue, with beads and adornments.]
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.yachatstrails.org
The first statue at the grotto was washed away in a landslide. The current statue, created at the same time by artist Sy Meadow, was generously donated
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Broken Promises; Forced Internment
The story of Amanda is part of a larger saga of stolen lands, broken promises, inhumane treatment, and forced internment under severe conditions.
In 1855 Central and Southern Oregon Coast tribes signed a treaty ceding their lands in exchange for what they thought would be a peaceful life on a reservation if the treaty was ratified.
In April of 1855, General Joel Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs for the Oregon Territory, wrote a letter urging the creation of a reservation on the coast of the Oregon Territory to inter Native Americans. In November of 1855 President Franklin Pierce created, by executive order, the Coast Reservation. The new reservation was 1.1 million acres bounded by Siltcoos in the south, Cape Lookout in the north, and the Pacific Ocean to a ridge 20 miles to the east. This rugged land was considered of no value to settlers.
[Inserted image showing Oregon Coast from Lincoln City to Yachats]
Original Coast Reservation
Pacific Ocean
Legend Blue Outliner Original Coast Reservation Red Lines: Highways
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[Inserted image showing native Alsea people near the water, with canoes, baskets, bags, and carrying items towards canoes]
Alsea Indians on Alsea Bay
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Three agencies were created to manage the Indians who were held there: the Siletz and Grand Ronde agencies (1856) in the north and the Alsea Sub-Agency (1859) in the south located in present-day Yachats near the Adobe Resort. The reservations prevented the Indians from re-establishing their villages on that land.
Coos and Lower Umpqua Tribes were forcibly marched to the Alsea Sub-agency in 1860, and the Alsea Tribe from the immediate north was forced from their homeland in 1865 when the reservation land was cut in half to allow for non- Indian homesteading.
The treaty was never ratified by Congress, which meant that the lands were never legally ceded, and funds for supplies and resources promised for this displaced population were not appropriated. Genocidal policies* were carried out resulting in the death of many from the imposed harsh treatment and conditions. Since the tribes were denied the weapons needed to hunt, they were forced to survive by farming the wind-swept salty coastal environment. Crops failed, and tribal members starved.
[Inserted images showing a middle aged Coos woman named Lottie Evanoff from the early 20th century and an unknown Umpqua man from possibly the late 19th century:]
Lottie Evanoff (1), Coos, born in 1868; Umpqua man's reservation photo (r)
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In 1872, tribal members were able to return to their more traditional hunting and gathering practices and successfully farm several miles up the Yachats River. When the U.S.
Government found that the Yachats area was fertile for farming, it violated federal law, forcibly removing tribal members to remaining, agencies. Many Coos and Lower Umpqua travelled south staying with their Siuslaw cousins or back to the Coos Bay area where they found their villages gone and became refugees in their own homeland.
*GENOCIDE: a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups
THANK YOU TO: Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians; Three Rivers Foundation; City of Yachats; View the Future; family and friends of Ben Christensen; Angell Job Corps
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The conservation group in charge of the private land around the trail:
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leonieanderson · 3 months
After all I miss you in an unfinished kind of way- like a tale that knows no end- like rose buds yearn for that subtle light in the morning , when the heavens are parting-and the world is not yet busy seeking its own way.
From The way of longing by Leonie Anderson
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ikram1909 · 5 months
I think Ter Stegen is a good goalkeeper, but I think the fact that he’s played so many years without any competition has affected his mentality. Beyond the horrific losses he’s had to face, there hasn't been a good enough back goalkeeper to make him think, “I’ve got to keep fit and not make any mistakes, or else I could lose my starting position.” I think he’s grown complacent over the years, and if Barça doesn’t want to sell him then they should at least get a better backup that actually might challenge Ter Stegen over Iñaki Peña. Yet another reason why they never should have sold Tenas.
His mentality is the worst thing about him, even worse than some of his performances. When everything goes to shit in game, it's very rare for him to step up and turn it around by saving us and giving the momentum back to us. He just crumbles with the rest of the team and they saw that and handed him the captain's armband 😒 we are in desperate need of a backup that could light some fire under because we really can't win shit if we can't even trust our goalkeeper
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foxgirl95 · 6 months
Back Into the Fray CH.2: Killjoy
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Chapter Description: No one said babysitting was this dangerous.
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Hangar three-five had become an unwilling home to Anai these past few days as she was stranded on this forsaken planet. At least she wasn’t alone though, the perks of being a pilot she supposed. As she returned to the main chamber with her new little companion in hand as the beeping of a droid could be heard behind some big empty oil drums. The young woman laughed, shaking her head lightly “Tena ja, sulatuka o!”  She comfortably spoke in her native tongue now that the bounty hunters had left. The frustum head of a yellow, silver, and white astromech cautiously poked out “Stop hiding and come say hello to our new little friend here.” The young mechanic kneeled as the droid slowly rolled out of its hiding place letting the child down to stand. “Bachsu, this is R6-K5 we call him Racket.” She gestured to the droid while introducing him and hoping the little one would understand as she continued “He’s a very good friend of mine, we’ve been traveling together for a long time.” Racket beeped several times in greeting, his processor cycling through a series of warm colors. The young one giggled with glee clapping his little three-fingered hands, happy to meet another new friend.
“How cute.” Peli’s voice sounded from behind the small group now leaning over them “If you’re done with your touchy-feely moment we got work to do!” She grumbled as she pulled a pouch of tools over her shoulder “C’mon! Chop, chop, we don’t have much time until that bucket head comes back!” Anai couldn’t help but laugh as she watched her friend climb on board The Razorcrest “Even if we don’t finish in time, what’s he gonna do?” The younger mechanic replied as she peeled off her leather jacket tossing it to one of the pit droids “Fix it himself?” Peli’s cackling laughter echoed through the open hull shouting back “Yeah I’d love to see him try to repair this mess!”
The two women spent the rest of the day working on the many issues of the old ship. It was a wonder the damn thing hadn’t fallen apart mid-flight, luckily it had landed in the hangar with the best mechanics Mos Eisley had to offer. The work slowly came to a halt as the two suns began to set. Now near dark Anai sat atop the old ship as she just finished welding back together one of the engines. Very carefully the young woman began her descent but was unable to keep her footing upon the rungs of the ladder “Peli!” She called out “Turn on some kriffing lights before I fall off this hunk of junk!” The light of day fading more and more taking her sight with it. “Hold on, don't curse at me!” Peli yelled back holding the child on her hip as she flipped some switches bringing on the hangar lights “Sorry, the little womp-rat was getting into the tools” Anai climbed down the rest of the way, dropping to the ground as the dusty sand puffed up around her boots “It’s fine just…you know not being able to see freaks me out.”
“Right, the night blindness…” Peli sighed “You still haven’t fixed that visor of yours?” The pink haired mechanic shook her head disheartened “I’m close though, just need to figure out the wiring.” She sighed “Wish I would’ve thought to take it apart myself before it was smashed.”
Peli shook her head as well “Damn thieves.” She sneered before making her way to the living quarters “Still don’t know how they broke into my hangar and took off with your ship without anyone noticing.” The green-eyed woman followed behind wiping sweat from her forehead “Who knows.” She looked down as Racket rolled up next to her beeping in a disapproving way “Hey I wasn’t the one who nearly lost the hangar playing Sabacc with the shifty-looking bug.”
“I wasn’t losing!” The older woman called out, stepping into the bunk room and setting the child on one of the hard mattresses “I was just letting him build up confidence so that he’d add more to the pot” Anai nodded skeptically “Yeah sure and that handful of credits you got was worth it?” Peli picked up a pillow and threw it at her friend who only giggled in response as she dodged out of the way “Oh hush! I'm gonna get junior here something to eat.” She turned on her heels heading to a small kitchen area as Anai shook her head “I’m getting in the ‘fresher!” She called out grabbing some sleep clothes and treading over to a tiled room letting the door slide closed behind her.
After some time enjoying a sonic shower Anai stood in her pajamas using a washcloth to clean the makeup from her face. As she finished, she caught sight of herself in the mirror and sighed, she looked nothing like herself anymore after all these years in the outer rim. Her body had changed from the rougher lifestyle; her arms and legs in particular had gained more muscle simply from the amount of work she had to take to earn credits for herself and Racket. The rest of her though showed more of her age, she was at least thirty or just about to be by her calculations, her face now rounded and stomach no longer flat but a soft muffin top. It almost made her feel like a fool with her wavy chin-length hair dyed a bubblegum pink, even worse that her eyebrows were dyed the same. Peli had asked if she was going through a crisis of some sort of crisis when Anai had arrived only a few days earlier. What had she been thinking letting that uppity hairdresser talk her into it? Suddenly the refresher door opened, and the young woman spun around ready for a fight only to find no assailant but the cooing little green baby staring up at her curiously “Bachsu?” She let out a relieved sigh before bending down to scoop him up into her arms “Did you get some food in your little belly?” She lightly poked his bulging stomach, earning a cute little laugh. Looking up she spotted Peli fast asleep slumped over the edge of her bunk with an empty bowl hanging limply from her hand. Anai covered her mouth to keep from laughing “Poor Peli.” She placed the little one at the foot of her bunk as she rearranged the older woman into her mattress, taking the bowl, and pulling the shoes from her feet. After putting everything away she flicked some switches on the wall turning off the ceiling lights but keeping the low lights in the floor active for her own sake “Alright little one, time for bed.” She gathered the baby up in her arms again as she crawled onto her mattress laying him against her chest, Racket rolled up to the wall next to them putting himself in sleep mode. It took a short while as the tiny green boy fussed to fight against sleep but was soon lulled as his babysitter who lightly patted his back and hummed a calming tune. Before long Anai found herself cuddled up to the little heat pack into blissful sleep, completely unaware of the danger heading their way.
Hours later the mechanic awoke to the grumblings of the child as he pushed against her chest in an attempt to get up “Bachsu?” Anai called out to the little one “What’s wrong?” She sat up holding him close to her as he continued to whine, his ears cast down staring up at her with those big pleading eyes. The noise was enough to bring Racket out of sleep mode, coming to life and beeping curiously. The woman sighed using her free hand to rub her eyes of sleep “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” She watched the way his ears immediately perked up confirming her suspicions “Alright, let’s see if I can find you something.” Anai sighed stepping down from her bunk only to pull back a moment stunned at how cold the floor was before quickly tiptoeing past a still sleeping Peli into the kitchen. With the child in hand the mechanic rifled through some storage containers eventually coming across packets of powdered stew and bread “This’ll have to do.” She grabbed a small pot and bowl, setting them both and the little one on a counter as she prepared the meal, cooking the stew on a small burner and adding water to the bread making it rise instantly. Now done she pulled the bread apart and dipped a piece in the stew letting it soak up the juices before handing it to the child “Here you go, try that.” He took the bread in his clawed hand and took his first little bite, his big pointy ears practically jumping up and down with joy. Anai couldn't help but smile as she pulled off a piece for herself, continuing to share their breakfast until a very groggy Peli dragged herself around the corner and made a b-line for her caf maker. “Navila.” The younger woman greeted only to be nonchalantly waved off, she turned her attention back to the kiddo who having finished his breakfast now watched them curiously “Why don’t you come with me Bachsu, we gotta lot of work to get to today before Mando gets back.” She scooped him up again, taking him back to the main room to get ready for the day.
Back to work once again Anai had a better plan to handle the child this go around. Digging through some other storage containers she found long scraps of fabric and tied them around her upper body as a makeshift carrier. She secured the little one making sure he was facing forward so he could watch everything she was doing without interfering. Luckily all they had left was to work on the landing gear, recalibrate the entire system, and do a final run-through. The work was tedious especially without the help of the droids as Anai grabbed her datapad to start checking the connectivity of the system to the landing gear. As she stood there the child began to fuss yet again pulling at the fabric and holding him to her “Oh?” She looked down at him curiously “What’s wrong Bachsu?” He kept pushing the fabric kicking his little feet as he whined “Woah okay, I’ll let you down” She pulled him out of the carrier kneeling into the sand while setting him in front of her “That was pretty big fuss there, do you need something? Are you hungry again?” The little one continued to whine as he grabbed her hand and tried pulling her towards the ramp of the ship “Hey! Bachsu, what’s gotten into you?” The little one’s behavior had her alarm bells ringing when suddenly a shadow fell over her. Slowly turning her head, the mechanic now came face to face with the barrel of a blaster, a gasp escaped her tinted lips and Anai shot up to her feet “Pel-!” There was a sharp blow to the back of her head that sent her careening to the ground. The last thing she heard before blacking out being the panicked cries of the child.
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There was no way of telling how long she had been out but when Anai opened her eyes again all she could see was darkness, It must be night. She rationalized while trying to move but quickly found she could not, her hands were tied over her head and she was hanging in the air, Where am I? Suddenly the clinking of boots against metal came to her ears “Finally awake I see.” A familiar voice spoke, “I saw the dog tag I thought you’d put up more of a fight.” It was that boy from the cantina, Toro, if she remembered right. Anai tried to speak as she struggled against her bonds but quickly became aware of the fact that she had also been gagged. A gloved hand pulled the gag down from her lips “Sorry, what was that?” He asked in a mocking tone.
“Karillja! What the hell are you doing?!” She yelled, “Where’s the Mandalorian?!”
“Oh, he’ll be along shortly.” He walked a small distance away from her as he spoke “Heard there was a bigger prize of glory if I brought him and the little green guy back to the guild, so I thought I’d just cash in them instead.”
The kid…, of course now it all made sense, that was why Mando was specifically not looking for guild work. He was running from them for not turning over a bounty, “You don’t have to do this.” Anai tried reasoning with him “There’s still time, just walk away. You can’t tell me entry into the guild is worth your life.”
“You have no idea how much I need this.” Next thing she felt the leather of his gloved fingers as the gag was pulled back over her mouth “Keep quiet.” Toro warned ‘“And when this is over you ladies can go back to your little lives as if nothing happened.” He walked further into what she assumed to be the hull of the Razorcrest leaving her to hang there.
Moments later she heard the shuffling of one of the pit droids across the hangar, something had startled it. Turning in the direction of the noise she could only see the faintest outline of a figure as the dim light bounced off his shiny armor Mando! She struggled against the restraints again grumbling through the gag. “Took you long enough, Mando.” She heard Toro’s voice call from behind her and the padding of hid boots slowly getting closer “Looks like I’m calling the shots now. Huh, partner?” Anai heard two sets of boots walk past her onto the ships ramp she assumed he had Peli at the end of his blaster and possibly holding the child in his other arm. Unfortunately, their shadowed forms blocked what little of Mando the younger mechanic could see. “Drop your blaster and raise ‘em.” She heard the small thud of a blaster hitting the sandy floor. Kriff. This was bad, Anai may have just met the man a literal day ago, but she didn’t want to think of what would happen to the kid if he wasn’t around. Toro’s shadowy arm pushed Peli forward with the barrel end of his blaster “Cuff him.” Listening to what was about to play out the former rebel quickly made up her mind, This guy needs to go. While the boy started his speech about how legendary he’d be she reached up to the ceiling grates of the ship, slipping her slender fingers into the holes for stability as she started pulling her knees up into her stomach. Suddenly there was a flash of light and Anai could finally see the scene in front of her as Mando and Peli ducked behind some crates. Toro shot blindly and using all her strength Anai kicked her feet forward throwing him off balance as Mando appeared and with one shot from his blaster the now dead man fell from the ramp. She was left there swinging lightly as the light from the flare faded taking her sight with it.
After everything settled the shine of metal armor appeared again and approached her “Hold still.” Was all the Mandalorian gruffly spoke as he reached up to cut Anai’s hands free and quickly grabbing her waist in the same motion to stop her from falling. She pulled the gag from her mouth as she turned down to Mando but not fully meeting his gaze “I guess that’s what I get for laughing at you, huh?” He tilted his domed head to the side in a nod “Should’ve told you to watch your back.” They both shared a small chuckle as he let her down on the ramp, she could hear Peli consoling the child somewhere below “Thank you.” She heard the Mandalorian softly speak next to her “For all your help, I wish to repay you.” Anai just smiled lightly and intended to tell him she didn’t need anything before Peli spoke up for her “She needs off planet; you could do that.”
“Peli…” Anai followed the older women’s voice giving her a look. “What? You do!” Peli called back defensively “The only reason you’re still here is that your ship got jacked! Didn’t you say someone was asking for you on Ukio?” Anai hesitated, there was a client who had been practically begging her to come to his shop. “I can ferry you there.” Mando interjected, “It’ll only take a couple of hours.” Anai opened her mouth to speak but the words were refusing to form before she sighed looking in the general direction of Mando. “It’s not that I don’t want to, it's just…I’m kind of a package deal.” She saw the shine on his helmet move, probably looking at her quizzically now. He’s not gonna like it. “Racket!” Anai turned back to the hangar as she called out for her droid. The astromech appeared from the living quarters rolling up next to Peli as Anai continued “I…can’t go anywhere without him, and I know you don’t like droids…” Suddenly Racket interrupted with a series of serious beeps that had Anai turned to him with shocked confusion “Are you sure Racket...?” She listened to another few beeps before turning back to Mando “He said he’s willing to travel in off mode with a restraining bolt, you can even chain him to the wall if that’s acceptable.” It wasn’t like the astromech to offer something, so she really hoped an opportunity like this didn’t go to waste. The Mandalorian seemed to think it over for a moment before sighing heavily “Alright, I can work with that. Get your things, we’re leaving.” Anai nodded and she smiled as relief flooded over her. Putting her hand out for balance she made her way down the ramp towards the small amount of light her droid emitted, placing her hand on his head he guided her back to the bunk room.
It took only a few minutes to shove everything the mechanic had left to her name into a backpack and grab her discarded data pad that one of the pit droids thankfully retrieved. Opening the door again she walked into a now illuminated hangar where Mando stood at the top of the ramp now holding the child as he waited for her and Racket to come aboard. She patted the droids little metal head “Go on, I gotta say my goodbyes.” Racket beeped lightly before heading up the ramp. The younger mechanic turned to her friend who stood with her arms crossed in front of her “Well I guess this is goodbye for now.” Anai shrugged her leather-clad shoulders. Peli scoffed “About time I was starting to get sick of ya.” Anai couldn’t help the light giggle that escaped her tinted lips “I’ll let you know when we get settled in, thank you again for taking us in.” Her friend simply waved her off “Go on, get out of here before you make an old woman cry.” Anai reached out placing a tender hand on her shoulder as she softly whispered “Peli Moto, Vidu.”
She let her go climbing up the ramp into the hull just as the Mandalorian secured the restraining bolt onto Racket and pressed a button on his vambrace to power the droid down. Mando starred at Anai for a short moment before turning on his heels and heading up the ladder to the cockpit, the ramp now closing behind her. She took in a breath as she walked past her droid patting him on the head before scrambling up the ladder herself. The mechanic soon joined her ferryman and his little companion taking the only other empty seat and setting her bag on the floor as they began to lift off. Anai turned to the little one watching him play with a little silver ball and recognizing it immediately Ah! So that’s where that went!
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Tena ja, sulatuka o!: He’s gone, it’s safe!
Bachsu: Child
Navila: Morning.
Karillja!: Bastard!
Vidu: Goodbye
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Header & Footer: @samspenandsword
Mudhorn divider: @dreamland-gallery
Diamond & Din Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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unofficial-aragon · 2 years
The 'sustainable' megaproject of Aragon: 4.3 km of cable car in a mountain valley on its way to protection
A great sustainable project for some. An environmental disaster and investment destined for failure for others. The already old desire for Aragon to have the biggest skiable domain in Spain, and one of the biggest in the world, entails the construction of a cable car of 4.3 km (2.6 miles) through a mountain valley on its way to being a protected natural space. That, alongside the non-stop warnings on the progressive reduction in the amount of snowfall, awakens many environmental doubts around the project.
The obstacles, however, don't stop the determination of the government (centre-left and right wing), who are clinging to the hope of internationalizing snow tourism in Aragon and compete with the big alpine stations. They also base this on the fact that this sector makes up 7% of Aragon's GDP and employs arounds 14000 people.
On this basis, on the 25th of January, the Aragonese Consejo de Gobierno gave the green light to the colaboration agreement ratified by the autonomic executive, the Diputación Provincial de Huesca (DPH), Aramón (group collectively owned by the Aragonese Government and Ibercaja by 50% each, and who controls most of the ski stations in the region), Formigal, and the Valle de Astún ski station. The final agreement will be signed on the 14th of February, and the DPH will be the one to develop the investment.
Podemos and Chunta Aragonesista (who form part of the 4 governing parties of Aragon, alongside PSOE and Partido Aragonés- PAR) have shown opposition to this agreement.
More than 26 million euros of the European funds to build the biggest skiable domain in Spain
The project consists of the union between the Tena and Aragón valleys, which entails, on one side, the union between the Astún and Formigal ski stations, and on the other, the union between Astún and Candanchú. In total, around 300 km of snow, the total amount of the current capacity, since in theory, they assure that no new ski stations will be built. It would become the 10th biggest skiable domain in the world and would lead the ranking in Spain
It's not a novel objective. In 2013, with PP ["Popular Party", the right-wing party] and PAR in the government coalition, the administrative process for the Declaración de Interés General [General Interest Declaration] project was started.
After years of slumber, it's now under way thanks to the concession of 33.7 millions of euros to the Aragonese government for the development of five Sustainable Touristic Plans. They are wholly financed by the Next Generation EU funds of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience. The help requisites require that the project be finished by 2025.
From the total amount, the biggest cut will be given to this union of ski stations (26.4 million euros). And it's calculated that 8 million more will be given from the autonimical government's pockets.
The protection of Canal Roya
Certainly, the biggest controversy around the project is the 4.3 km cable car which will cross the Canal Roya valley to join Astún and Formigal. It will take 14 minutes to cross and it will transport 2400 people each hour.
The controversy arose because in 2006 (with PSOE [socialist centre-left] and PAR in the government) decreed the start of the approval procedure for a Natural Resources Order Plan in the Aragon and Tena valleys, which would entail, among others, Canal Roya.
This planning [...] textually states: "During the processing of this plan, no acts that supose an appreciable transformation of the biological and physical reality will be allowed to be carried out, that could make it impossible or significantly hinder the achievements of its objectives."
Furthermore, it adds that "until the final approval of the Natural Resources Order Plan, no authorizations, licenses or concessions will be able to be carried out, without a favorable report from the Environmental Department"
The development of the Natural Resources Order Plan requires the creation of a consultive council. And that was what happened. In that same legislature and the next (2007-2011, with PSOE and PAR once again), the project (slowly) continued, with public involvement.
Ecologist groups think that the Government will have to return the funds and will ask Brussels for help accelerating its protection.
The five national ecologist organizations (Amigos de la Tierra, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, SEO/BirdLife and WWF) have positioned themselves completely against the station union. In the coming months they will try to put pressure in Brussels so the development of the Natural Resources Order Plan is sped up, and that way avoid that the creation of this skiable domain.
They uphold that "it's disguised as sustainable tourism, but it doesn't comply with the principle of 'Do No Significant Harm'. This is a condition established by the EU for European fund allocation, that makes people justify that the financed projects won't negatively impact any of the six environmental objectives defined by the EU"
Is there anything left for the snow business?
Apart from the six already mentioned, which includes the creation of the bigger skiable domain, Aragon will manage a few other Sustainable Tourism Plans from 2021. In total, around ten touristic projects which entail over 63 million euros. Of those, 53 million (over 84%) will go to snow tourism.
A complete bet on this sector, which seems to clash with the scientific warnings of the increasing snow scarcity.
This is what ecologist organizations are clinging to. In the statement already mentioned they also state that the union of stations "should not be carried out due to its negative environmental impact. But also because it would continue an unsustainable development model. A bet that doesn't generate quality work positions and that is destined to dissapear due to meteorological conditions caused by climate change"
In this same line, Paco Iturbe, representative of the Plataforma en Defensa de las Montañas de Aragón [Platform for the Defense of the Mountains of Aragon], explains that the Pyreenean valley of Canal Roya is "a sanctuary" because of its flora and fauna: "It's onoe of the only places in the Pyrenees which is unspoiled. Destroying it is like losing one of the identity marks of Aragon. On top of that, for nothing, just for an activity which will be unsustainable in 10 or 20 years tops.
Please consider signing the petition to oppose the construction.
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msgallo · 2 years
January 2022 The Collective's Vanguard Starfleet ship Tenax Propositi landed on Sotiris, a large island on your home planet of Leora. Where were you when the ship landed? Did you see the ship enter the atmosphere or hear about it through your implant?How did you feel when you found out there were other races in the galaxy? Did you agree with the Sotiris Council's decision to join the Collective, even if the alternative was war?
always quite focused on her own life, celia’s thoughts never really travelled far enough to think about other species in the universe existing, and even if she did, she shushed them away quickly. it wasn’t that she hated the thought of meeting new species, quite the opposite, she would feel enlightened about all the new languages, traditions and fighting techniques she could learn - it simply was a tiny part of her heart that feared destruction of her home planet.
when tenax propositi entered the atmosphere, she laid in bet. as usual, her blinds were only down halfway. for mere seconds, her whole room was shiningly bright, before it went back to normal again. the sound arrived a minute later, accompanied by a silent rumble. 
“tena?”, she called for her house robot, while she slowly tried to move her legs out of the bed. within the last three months her progress had been small. the woman ignored the pain rushing through her back and her left leg, checking her bandages for wet patches. little buzzing noises came closer and closer before her bedroom door opened and the small robot made and appearance, staring at her all googly eyed. “hey honey. just..get me one of my crutches and i’ll balance my other hand on your head, kay?” 
while she had to spend the complete first month after her accident in a hospital bed, the oldest weapons manufacturer had visited her. they had always been on good terms. after celia had moved out and gloria had little time to meditate with her, she did so with him, never really liking the feeling of sitting all alone in silence. she occasionally brought him things she found during her hunt, purchased materials and received weapons in favor for that. “celita, dear.”, kazeem had said to her after their first meditation session in a while, “it’s time for me to leave sotiris. i am here to tell you that you should not be afraid to face the truth - hunting again soon is utopian. it will take years for you to be able to walk properly again. it’s tough for your soul, that i know, but i will make your suffering easier.” the man had taken her hand, squeezed it and smiled. “i will not leave you with empty hands. take my workshop and do whatever your heart desires. i know you were going to ask for help with something for your leg, but i want you to do it yourself. i’m sure you’ll make yourself a name.” leaving her no time to decline, he raised from the edge of her bed. “and while you’re at it, i taught tena some extra features that might come in handy. make sure to take good care of her.”
and she did take good care of tena, as well as of herself. the light blue robot had more than just a few handy new features. while she had to dig through the workshop and everything kazeem left behind on her own, the robot brought her the clutter, screws and tools she asked for. it wasn’t medically trained, but could hold a bandage, cleaned her apartment while she wasn’t capable and watered all her plants. bonus points were the cute noises it made - and it helped her feel less alone in a time where she wasn’t able to go out much.
today the robot had to function as he second crutch, making movement easier for her as soon as she was out of bed. tapping over to the largest window of her apartment, she looked up into the sky to see nothing. it had taken her so long to get out of bed that the starship had already landed, leaving her with assumptions to make until the implant announced what she had thought of.
why now, she had thought, why now out of all times when i’m left injured like this. what celia hadn’t considered at that time was all the inventions the collective members brought with them and how much more progress she made in the first few months of them being there. thankful for the medical help, new weapons and inventions, she considers the council’s decision to join the collective good - and even if she didn’t, she wouldn’t mention it in front of anyone except tena anyways.
“maybe better times are coming.”, she had murmured towards the robot as she watched the sky for another sign and it went to check on some plants, “we will be okay, sweetie.”
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Tour Diary; Sixties Gold Tour 2022 Part 6
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Day 18, 8.11.22; Basingstoke
A nice and local show which meant a lot of people we knew were coming along. Always great to see familiar faces and we were completely spoilt at this gig.
There was one slightly awkward incident; when we went out in the interval my drink was put on a table by Jodie and we moved to a different space to stand and talk to people. It was pointed out where my drink was so I walked over, smiled at the woman sat at the table, picked up my drink and walked off.
Once the area had cleared, there was a solitary drink left on another table. Turns out I had picked up the wrong one. Apologies to whoever’s drink it was I took!
The Anvil is a great theatre and it being full with a very enthusiastic crowd was just great. I feel like we’ve hit our stride as a band and it’s feeling great onstage. Onto Ipswich tomorrow.
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Day 19, 9.11.22; Ipswich
It’s always fun battling the M25 but even more so when there are protesters and roadworks. Despite this, we made it safely and in time for the brothers to watch the football. We paid a quick visit to the local Tesco for dinner and Al and I went to the venue bar whilst the football was on.
Jodie’s son Marti was with us today and yesterday filming for a documentary about the tour so looking forward to seeing his footage when it’s all done.
Really good crowd; we appreciated their enthusiasm on a wet Wednesday evening!
There was a slightly tense moment when the amp cut out but Top Jimi the monitor engineer sorted it and no one was any the wiser!
Drive home was slow as more roadworks but worth it for another great night.
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Day 20, 11.11.22; Darlington
A busy day; 4 hour drive to the venue then pretty much on stage for the first show. There was a somewhat amusing incident before we went on; it was deemed a good idea to do our pre gig picture in the dressing room shower. The other 3 squeezed in whilst I was setting up the camera; ‘imagine if it came on?’ says Jodie, at which point the sensor activated shower locks in and the 3 of them come rushing out squealing! Hilarious. Bare in mind this was 10mins before showtime so a quick change of shirt and a towel dry ensued before we made our way to the stage.
Great afternoon show; excitable crowd including the best heckle of all when asked if there would be any knickers thrown on stage, one woman replied ‘more like Tena’s!’. Brilliant.
Post show and we headed back to the hotel and had something to eat before going back for the evening show.
Another brilliant crowd in an amazing theatre; a proper Muppet show type and it was great to see the crowd when they brought the house lights up.
Al’s friend Greg (from the Illegal Eagles) met us back in the hotel bar for a nightcap and to show us his Burns tele; very nice. Day off in Chesterfield tomorrow; let’s see how that ends up.
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months
X-Files Collector's Edition: Mulder, To Jew or Not to Jew
While there is no canonical confirmation about fans' (and David Duchovny's and Vince Gilligan's) theories concerning Mulder's Jewish heritage, these fics say "who cares?" and explore the topic, anyway.
Loose chronolgical order below~
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls’s november 27, 1973
AU-- Different outcomes of that fateful day in the Mulder family household.
David Hearne's As Long As It's Not Patrick Swayze
Post Shadows Mulder and Scully watch a movie and bat religious ideas back and forth.
@leiascully's (Ao3) 
OctoberFicFest Day 2: Eat
Post One Breath Mulder is surprised that Maggie wants to take care of him.
Post IWTB Mulder is in Biblical times with sandals and disciples... or is he?
@writingwell/RocketMan's (Alt. Gossamer, Xanadu) Elsewhere
Mulder and Scully's car slides off the road; and the two hole up in a Lutheran church, discussing how they're never safe but never bored.
Summer's These Dreams
Mulder and Scully share a dream: saving Jewish aliens from Nazis.
Not Alone (Ao3)
Mulder reflects on religion, faith, and his lack thereof.
i_gaze_at_scully's Unnamed
Mulder is hit hard after a case involving the death of children at the hands of a pedophile.
Thalia D'Muse's Different Religion
Post Never Again Mulder ponders on the ouroboros of it all, and how much the truth has replaced his childhood beliefs.
Part 1: Post Memento Mori Scully is furious that Mulder ghosts her for the weekend... then finds out he's turned to a neglected part of his identity out of sheer desperation to save her life.
Part 2: AU-- Emily lives, grows up with Mulder and Scully, and becomes interested in Mulder's Jewish heritage.
Part 3 (a prequel to Lights): AU-- 13 year old Emily expresses interest in Mulder's heritage; and is reassured that she is his daughter no matter what.
A Devil's Office 
AU-- Mulder does not leave in S9, staying home with William while Scully and Doggett and Reyes get caught up in a demon case. He later confesses to Reyes how much his son reminds him of his sister.
Beshter's Seasons: Fourth
Small mentions of Mulder's Jewish lineage slowly peek through, then spill over in a deluge of family history during the Kaddish case.
Meredith's (Alt. Tumblr)
Catching the Train
Kaddish Mulder wants to wrap up the case as fast as possible to get he and Scully back on the curing-her-cancer track.
The Sin of Submission
Sein und Zeit Mulder thinks his actions might have hurt Scully like Bill Mulder's had Tena. She swiftly reassures him.
bcfan's Hanukkah
Post Kaddish Scully buys Mulder a menorah. He assures her he's a multicultural guy.
@mollybecameanengineer/Sareki’s My Beloved (Tumblr)
AU-- Post Kaddish Mulder, shaken by Nazis and Hasidic Jews and Ariel, rushes into Scully's motel room and tells her his feelings.
incidental's (Alt. Tumblr) Into the Red Sea
Post Redux II Maggie finds Mulder in her church; and they have a conversation about his similarity to Moses's extended family.
Laura Blaurosen's In the Valley of Sorek
Post The Red and the Black Scully is scared to sleep. Mulder keeps her company, and later changes their flights so she can rest.
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower’s
Reconciliation (Tumblr, Ao3)
Post All Souls Mulder picks Scully up from her church; and opens up about his religious past and current agnostic position.
denynothing1/Barbara D.'s Illuminations (Gossamer)
Post Drive Scully finds Mulder stumbling through his mother's Sabbatical routine. Tena had cut her son from the rituals, painting him with the same brush as her Nazi-sympathizing husband.
@mchalowitz's (Ao3) un-mulder
Pre-How the Ghosts Stole Christmas Scully is surprised by Mulder's storage wreath.
@90stvqueen/thesexfiles's Carol of the Narcissist and the Naysayer
AU-- Post How the Ghosts Stole Christmas Scully drops in with gifts, and opens a conversation that leads to more.
@aloysiavirgata’s (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ)
The Waters of Babylon (Ao3)
Mulder spends his time in Arcadia recalling on the one time he saw his parents in-love and happy and comparing it to his own failed marriage and relationships.
Gifts/Corundum and Ourania
Post The Goldberg Variation Mulder buys Scully wicked expensive earrings, curtesy of a local jeweler named Herschel.
Post S9 Mulder and Scully, out-of-practice Jew and lapsed Catholic, spend a weekend ribbing each other over ham, lamb, and The Ten Commandments.
By Falling In And In - 3/5
AU-- William grows up with his parents... but that doesn't mean he's safe from the many misadventures and dangers of being a Mulder-Scully.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum’s The Gentle Art of Dream Interpretation (Ao3)
Mulder dreams of himself, his friends, and his enemies as French Jews during the persecution in Paris. He finds Scully outside; and the two of them finally discuss the topic-- and turn a new page.
DaynaFoxe's The Return of Samantha Mulder
AU-- Post Sein und Zeit Samantha is returned, alive and unaged. Mulder becomes her guardian; and Scully takes them both under her wing as they all readjust (Hanukkah and Christmas included.)
Beduini/beduini's Hurricane Season
AU-- S9 Mulder and Scully and William are trapped with the other disgruntled Scullys during a hurricane.
@sigritandtheelves/DarlaBlack’s Advent (Tumblr)
Mulder and Scully's Christmases develop over the years, mixing in elements of their partnership and family life as they do their best to stop Colonization and save (most of) the world.
Susan Proto's
Barbecue Series 10
AU-- S7 Maggie celebrates Mulder's Jewish holiday with he and Scully and Charlie... and Charlie is not happy.
Barbecue Series 17
AU-- S7 Tena sends her son, fresh from the hospital after a recent round of torture, a special gift.
Life Cycles 15 - The Grand Entrance
AU-- S9 Mulder joins a Jewish church; and Scully's pain tolerance is, once again, proven to be higher than expected (hint: their second child is born very fast and, one could say, very inconveniently.)
IShouldBeWriting's Together We Believe
Post IWTB Mulder's cousin draws he and Scully into a Jewish lore case. Scully sighs, resigned, and gets down to work.
@mangokiwitropicalswirl's (Ao3) The Seventh Time He Asked
IWTB (or Revival) Scully is ready, finally, to get married after listening to years of Mulder's various creative proposals.
@cock-holliday/biggayyeehaw’s Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Reyes, Doggett, and good old Cigarette Smoking Man himself were in a room with a tied-up Chris Carter
It's crack time; and CC has a lot of questions to (not) answer.
Thank you for reading~
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justicefanged · 1 year
She missed him. A lot. Maybe she could have written it off as being around his brother but, even before then, even when they were still on the boat doing soapy pushups, her mind still kept returning to thoughts of Linus.
She's excited to find him too, when things have finally returned to normal. It had just been hard at first to find an excuse to approach him without coming off as too desperate. She's never been particularly great at the whole making friends thing but she's never really needed more than the little handful she had. Now that she's in Fódlan and they are not, Altena finds herself wishing she had more.
And then Lloyd finds her with a box that absolutely has some sort of creature inside and tells her to give it to Linus and she knows this is her chance. She can approach him with a reason other than the fact that she's lonely and likes him.
She wastes no time in seeking him out. On top of wanting to see him, she is quite curious about what's inside. And she said she wouldn't open it without Linus and she has always been a woman of her word. Linus is easily tracked down--he's not exactly the type of person that can fly under the radar--and her face lights up when she sees him.
"This is for you. For us, maybe? Your brother asked me to deliver it."
Supposedly, everyone that had left on that mission was back now, but fuck if Linus could find any of them! No Altena, no Lloyd, no Raven. Not a single one of them! And, boy, did he have a bone to pick with his brother once he decided to show his face! He'd been in a piss poor mood for the last month, and not being able to find the handful of people he actually got on with here was just grinding his gears even more.
He's stomping down one of the halls, coming back from some Saints forsaken lesson, and doesn't see one of the stray cats that linger around the monastery sunning itself on the pathway. His boot comes down on its tail, and the bright orange thing yowls like a demon before clawing and biting its way up his leg and then kicking off in a whirl of teeth, claws and puffed up fur.
"Well, don' fuckin' lay your mangy ass out in the walkway, ya overgrown weasel!" Linus barks down the hall, swearing up a storm as he kneels down to check out his leg. Nothing too bad, but man, those claws could really dig in when they wanted to, fuck!
It's as he's in this awkward position of fiddling with his trousers that he hears a familiar voice, his head jerking up to see Altena approaching him. Linus fumbles for a moment, trying to straighten up and fix his somewhat ripped up pant leg that absolutely had a couple of cat claws stuck in at the same time.
"Hey! What, uh--" The box was for him? Them? H u h? "Been lookin' 'round for ya, but this place is a fuckin' maze that changes layouts every day, I swear--" Wow, he was really tripping over his words here. Embarrassing as hell, but now that she's right here, in front of him -- with roses in her cheeks and this look on her face -- Linus can't really be bothered to care that he looks like a bumbling idiot right now.
"What I mean is, I fuckin' missed ya, 'Tena," he eventually blabbers out after a bit of an incoherent and overly loud ramble. "Next time you're goin' off on some excitin' adventure or whatever, ya can't leave me behind, ya got that?!"
But...the box wiggles and makes a noise, and Linus' curiosity starts to get the better of him.
"So, my brother rope you in to try an' smooth things over?" he asks, rolling his eyes but reaching for the lid of the box anyways. To his surprise, it wasn't bolted down or anything and came off easily to reveal--
"No fuckin' way...," Linus chuckles, low and breathy, sticking a hand in to pull the contents of the box out. A roly-poly, brown and black puppy squirms in his grip; sharp little puppy teeth biting into his fingers, high pitched but fierce growls joining the action. He clicks his tongue at the pup, getting its attention and freeing his fingers from its mouth.
"...Bet you weren't expectin' that," he says, tone all soft and playful as he shifts the puppy in his hands, getting a good look at him. And, yeah -- definitely a him. The pup didn't care for the inspection, making an outrageously shrill, almost honking squeal as he was handled.
"Wait, wait, fuck. I have the perfect name! 'Tena, what'cha think about--?"
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kaurharleen · 1 month
Choosing the Right Pant Style Diapers for Maximum Comfort
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The Ultimate Guide to Adult Diapers: Choosing the Right Pant Style Diapers for Maximum Comfort
Adult incontinence, a condition affecting millions worldwide, can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Fortunately, advancements in incontinence products have led to the development of comfortable and discreet solutions like adult diapers. Among these, pant style diapers have gained immense popularity due to their resemblance to regular underwear, offering ease of use and a sense of normalcy.
This comprehensive guide aims to provide in-depth information about adult diapers, with a particular focus on pant style diapers. It will help you understand the different types, factors to consider when choosing, and tips for optimal use.
Understanding Adult Diapers
Adult diapers, often referred to as incontinence products, are designed to manage urinary and fecal incontinence. While the condition can affect people of all ages, it is more prevalent in the elderly due to age-related physiological changes. Various factors, including medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle, can contribute to incontinence.
Incontinence products come in several styles, each with its own advantages:
Briefs: Traditional diaper style with tapes for fastening.
Pull-ups: Similar to briefs but with elastic waist and leg openings for easier donning.
Pant style diapers: Designed like regular underwear with a stretchy waistband.
Pant style diapers have emerged as a preferred choice due to their ease of use, comfort, and discreet nature.
Why Choose Pant Style Diapers?
Ease of Use: Resembling regular underwear, pant style diapers are simple to put on and remove, offering independence and dignity.
Comfort: Crafted from soft, breathable materials, they provide all-day comfort without irritation.
Discreetness: The design ensures a snug fit, making them virtually invisible under clothing.
Secure Fit: Elastic waistbands and leg openings offer a reliable fit, minimizing leakage concerns.
Versatility: Available in various sizes and absorbency levels to cater to individual needs.
How to Choose the Right Adult Diaper
Selecting the appropriate adult diapers requires careful consideration of several factors:
Absorbency Level: Determine the level of protection needed based on incontinence severity. Light absorbency is suitable for occasional leaks, while heavy absorbency is ideal for frequent or heavy incontinence.
Size and Fit: Accurate sizing is essential for comfort and preventing leaks. Most brands provide size charts based on waist and hip measurements.
Material and Comfort: Prioritize soft, breathable fabrics to minimize skin irritation.
Ease of Use: Consider personal preference for tape-on or pull-up styles. Pant style diapers often offer greater ease of use.
Brand and Quality: Research reputable brands known for their quality and reliability.
Tips for Using Pant Style Diapers
Regular Changes: Consistent diaper changes help maintain hygiene and prevent skin irritation.
Skin Care: Use barrier creams or wipes to protect the skin from moisture-related issues.
Hydration: Maintain adequate fluid intake to support overall health and urinary function.
Proper Disposal: Seal used diapers in plastic bags before discarding them in the trash.
Popular Brands of Pant Style Adult Diapers
Several reputable brands offer high-quality pant style diapers:
Depend: Renowned for comfort and protection, offering a wide range of options.
TENA: Provides highly absorbent and comfortable diapers with advanced features.
Attends: Offers affordable yet reliable pant style diapers.
Prevail: Known for odor control and secure fit.
Adult incontinence can be a challenging experience, but the availability of effective products like pant style diapers can significantly improve quality of life. By understanding the different options, considering individual needs, and following proper usage guidelines, individuals can confidently choose the right product and maintain their independence and dignity.
Remember, finding the perfect adult diaper may involve trying different brands and styles. Consulting with healthcare professionals or incontinence specialists can also provide valuable guidance.
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rwizakakiza · 2 months
Fuatilia YouTube.
Sehemu 3:
‭""Kwa KILA JAMBO kuna MAJIRA yake, Na WAKATI kwa KILA KUSUDI chini ya mbingu""
.....Mhubiri 3:1.....
Baada ya kujifunza maana ya majira, Tuanze kuchunguza.
Je, majira haya manne kwa mwanadamu kiroho yana maana gani?
.....Haya ni majira yenye joto, jua kali, na mwangaza. Kipindi hiki kiroho kwako cha raha na Furaha, lakini ni kipindi cha kuwa MAKINI zaidi pia.
Haya ni majira ya kuangaza, kujulikana, kutambulika na kwa sababu ya Mwanga wako watu wengi watavutiwa na wewe, na kupitia wewe nao watafanikiwa, kama ilivyo majira ya kiangazi.
......Ondoka, UANGAZE; kwa kuwa NURU YAKO imekuja, Na UTUKUFU wa BWANA UMEKUZUKIA. Maana, tazama, GIZA LITAIFUNIKA dunia, Na GIZA KUU LITAZIFUNIKA kabila za watu; Bali BWANA ATAKUZUKIA WEWE, Na utukufu wake utaonekana juu yako.
Utaoona na kutiwa nuru, Na moyo wako utatetemeka na kukunjuka; Kwa kuwa wingi wa bahari utageuzwa KUKUJIA, UTAJIRI wa mataifa UTAKUWASILIA.
Na FEDHA yao na DHAHABU yao pamoja NAO, Kwa ajili ya jina la BWANA, MUNGU wako, Kwa kuwa amekutukuza wewe.
Na WAGENI WATAJENGA KUTA zako, Na WAFALME wao WATAKUHUDUMU; MALANGO yako nayo YATAKUWA WAZI daima; HAYATAFUNGWA mchana wala usiku; Ili WATU wapate KUKULETEA UTAJIRI wa mataifa, Na WAFALME wao wakiongozwa pamoja nao. Kwa maana kila taifa na ufalme wa watu WASIOTAKA KUKUTUMIKIA WATAANGAMIA; Naam, mataifa hayo wataharibiwa kabisa.
Na wana wa watu wale WALIOKUTESA Watakuja kwako na KUKUINAMIA; Nao wote WALIOKUDHARAU WATAJIINAMISHA hata nyayo za miguu yako; Nao watakuita, Mji wa BWANA,
Na Badala ya shaba nitaleta dhahabu, Na badala; ya chuma nitaleta fedha, Na badala ya mti, shaba, Na badala ya mawe, chuma;
Tena nitawafanya wasimamizi wako wawe amani, Na hao WAKUTOZAO fedha kuwa HAKI. Jeuri haitasikiwa tena katika nchi yako, UKIWA na UHARIBIFU hazitakuwa mipakani mwako; Bali utaziita kuta zako, Wokovu, Na malango yako, Sifa.
.....Isaya 60:1-22....
Pamoja na furaha ya kutoa Mwanga, majira haya uwe na tahadhari kwa sababu tunaambiwa, MWANGAZA WAKO, UNAWEZA KUWA FIMBO KWAKO, kwa sababu unaangaza kwenye giza, kuna watu wanafanya mambo yao katika giza hawatapenda kuangaza kwako. Kipindi hiki watu wanaweza kukusema kama ilivyo kipindi cha jua kali watu hulalamika, wanaweza kukusema ili kuzuia mwanga wako. Kumbuka andiko hili MWANGA UNAWEZA KUKUPIGA USIPOKUWA NA TAHADHARI MAJIRA YA KIANGAZI.
.....Jua HALITAKUPIGA mchana, WALA mwezi wakati wa usiku.
.....Zaburi 121:6....
“NATIONS will come to your LIGHT, And KINGS to the BRIGHTNESS of your RISING"
.....Isaiah 60:3....
Ev. Erasmus Pascrates Kakiza
+255 782 546 914
@2024 The year of my shining.
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jsbminc01 · 3 months
Build Bright: Building Maintenance Arizona
Building maintenance services are essential for preserving the functionality, safety, and aesthetics of commercial properties. In Arizona, where the climate can present unique challenges, such as dust accumulation and intense sunlight, reliable maintenance becomes even more crucial. This article explores the importance of building maintenance in Arizona and how specialized services like cosmetic janitorial cleaning and commercial property maintenance contribute to maintaining pristine and efficient commercial spaces.
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The Importance of Building Maintenance in Arizona
Arizona's diverse climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters, poses specific challenges for building maintenance. The intense sunlight can lead to accelerated wear and tear on exterior surfaces, while dust and debris accumulate quickly, necessitating regular cleaning and upkeep. Building maintenance not only addresses these environmental challenges but also plays a critical role in ensuring the longevity of structural components and systems within commercial properties.
Cosmetic Janitorial Cleaning Services
Cosmetic janitorial cleaning services are focused on maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of commercial spaces. In Arizona, where first impressions matter greatly in the competitive business environment, having a clean and well-maintained facility is essential for attracting customers and clients. These services typically include regular cleaning of floors, windows, restrooms, and common areas, as well as specialized treatments for different types of surfaces to ensure they remain spotless and presentable.
Professional janitorial services employ trained staff equipped with the right cleaning agents and equipment suited for Arizona's climate. For instance, dust control measures are crucial in Arizona due to the prevalence of desert dust, which can easily find its way into buildings. Using HEPA filters in vacuums and microfiber cloths helps minimize dust circulation, improving indoor air quality and reducing allergens that can affect occupants.
Commercial Property Maintenance Services
Beyond cleaning, commercial property maintenance services encompass a broader spectrum of tasks aimed at preserving the functionality and value of commercial buildings. This includes regular inspections and preventive maintenance of HVAC systems, plumbing, electrical systems, and building exteriors. In Arizona, where HVAC systems work harder during summer months, proactive maintenance ensures they operate efficiently, reducing energy costs and preventing breakdowns that could disrupt business operations.
Roof maintenance is also critical in Arizona, where intense sunlight can cause roof materials to degrade faster. Routine inspections and repairs help identify and address issues like leaks or damaged shingles promptly, preventing costly water damage and preserving the integrity of the building's structure.
Building Maintenance Arizona: Tailored Solutions
Building maintenance services in Arizona must be tailored to address the region's specific environmental conditions and regulatory requirements. Contractors specializing in Arizona's commercial property maintenance understand the importance of compliance with local building codes and environmental standards. They also have the expertise to recommend and implement energy-efficient solutions that align with Arizona's sustainability goals, such as installing solar panels or upgrading to energy-efficient lighting systems.
Benefits of Professional Building Maintenance
Investing in professional building maintenance offers numerous benefits to property owners and managers in Arizona:
Extended Lifespan of Assets: Regular maintenance helps extend the lifespan of building systems and components, reducing the need for costly replacements.
Enhanced Property Value: Well-maintained properties retain higher market value and appeal to potential tenants or buyers.
Improved Tenant Satisfaction: Clean, well-maintained spaces contribute to tenant satisfaction and retention.
Operational Efficiency: Efficient HVAC systems and lighting contribute to lower utility costs and improved operational efficiency.
In conclusion, building maintenance services in Arizona, such as cosmetic janitorial cleaning and commercial property maintenance, are indispensable for ensuring the longevity, functionality, and appeal of commercial properties. By addressing the unique challenges posed by Arizona's climate and regulatory environment, professional maintenance services help property owners protect their investments and create optimal environments for tenants and visitors alike. Whether it's regular cleaning to maintain cleanliness or proactive maintenance to prevent costly repairs, investing in professional building maintenance is essential for sustainable property management in Arizona's competitive business landscape.
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