#lighkoda writes
lighkoda · 7 years
YohaRiko Choose Your Own Adventure!
Merry Christmas to everyone! And a special Merry Christmas to the recipient of this fic, kami, @amuletangel on Instagram~ Her art is super cute!! I participated in the Love Live Secret Santa gift exchange this year, and I’m absolutely thrilled to present this to her! 
Hope you like it! It’s a little different as I made it a choose your own adventure. Instructions on how to play below keep reading!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2.6k (roughly)
Ship: YohaRiko (Tsushima Yoshiko x Sakurauchi Riko)
Spending a day with Riko-chan <3 Choose-Your-Own-Adventure with the fallen angel Yohane!
How to play:
1. Choose what Yoshiko says/does! You get three chances~ 2. At the end, count up your points for each category! 3. Read the ending that you got the most points for! Or you can just read all the options at once and all the endings afterward! Do whatever you feel is the most fun for you.
Spoiler alert: All endings will be happy, no matter what you choose~ So just have fun!
“Yoshiko-chan, you’re late! Did something happen?” Riko stands under the shade of a tree, wearing a white shirt tucked neatly into a pink skirt with sakura blossom patterns. A light pink, checkered bow pulls her fringe back, and on her petite feet are simple white sandals, trendy yet comfortable for walking. She holds a bag with piano keys down its side, and an orange mikan keychain hangs from the strap.
[1] “I was searched at the train station because I looked suspicious!” [2] “I overslept.” [3] “S-Sorry!”
[1] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “I was searched at the train station because I looked suspicious!” Riko smiles sympathetically–not that she could sympathize to begin with, though. “That’s troublesome… Well, you’re here now, so should we get going?” Yoshiko nods, a small smile finding its way onto her face in her excitement.
[2] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “I overslept.” Riko stared at Yoshiko, hard. “Didn’t you think to set an alarm clock?” “I did, but it didn’t ring!” When Riko glares more fervently, Yoshiko flinches. “It’s true! I just have bad luck. After all, I am a fallen angel.” Riko stops staring and turns away. “Well, anyways, let’s get going.” “O-Okay,” Yoshiko replies, slightly put off.
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “S-Sorry!” Riko chuckles quietly, and Yoshiko is struck by the femininity of Riko’s laugh, feeling a warmth bubble inside her. “That’s okay! As long as you’re safe, right? I worry when you’re late and don’t say anything.” She grabs Yoshiko’s hand firmly and pulls her forward, looking back at the lilac eyed girl with a gentle smile. “Shall we get going?” “Yeah, let’s!” Yoshiko grins.
“Yoshiko-chan? Earth to Yoshiko-chan…” Yoshiko becomes aware of a hand waving in front of her face and abruptly shakes her head, trying to come back to the world. The pair currently sat in a cat cafe, a white cat settled on Riko’s lap and purring happily. Riko peers at her, looking at her closely. “You okay?” Yoshiko nods, a little embarrassed.
[1] “Yeah, just zoned off for a moment.” [2] “I was just disappointed that I can’t pet the cats…” [3] “I was thinking about what we should do together next!”
[1] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “Yeah, just zoned off for a moment.” Riko purses her lips slightly, looking irritated. “If you didn’t want to come here, you could have said so…” Yoshiko waves her hands in front of herself quickly. “No, that’s not it at all! The ambiance here is just too relaxing. Besides, I’m happy to go wherever Lili wants to go.” Riko’s expression melts slightly and smiles serenely. “Is that so…”
[2] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “I was just disappointed that I can’t pet the cats…” Riko pauses for a moment and thinks. Confused, Yoshiko simply watches, and Riko then moves the white cat off her own lap and brushes her skirt off. She reaches towards Yoshiko, and before the fallen angel realizes it, she’s fallen into a soft lap and feels gentle caresses to her head. “Eh? Eh?! L-Lili, this is…” She tries to turn her head to look up at Riko but is held fast by Riko’s hands. “Don’t move. Does this feel good?” Her slim pianist fingers comb through Yoshiko’s dark tresses tenderly. “Y-yes,” Yoshiko blushes. “Why…?” Riko laughs. “Well, you said you couldn’t pet the cats, so I thought maybe I could pet you instead. Hm…rather, is that thinking a little backward? Should you be petting me instead?” Her eyes swirl, confused. “No, this is f-fine,” Yoshiko stutters slightly. “It feels really nice.” Riko smiles. “I’m glad. I don’t want it to only be me having fun, after all.”
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “I was thinking about what we should do together next!” Riko nods in comprehension. “Do you have any ideas?” “Well…” Yoshiko trails off and digs into her oversized bag only to pull out multiple guides and magazines. “I brought these for reference!” Riko stares for a moment before bursting into laughter. “No wonder the police thought you looked suspicious at the train station! You had a huge, heavy bag that was crammed full of all these books!” Yoshiko scratches her head sheepishly. “What’s wrong with that? I never know when I might need them,” she pouts.
The couple left the cat cafe and wandered around down the street, looking at the various merchandise. “Yoshiko-chan! Want to come inside this cafe? It has a deal for couples.” “Hm? N-No way, the fallen angel isn’t interested in paltry chocolate and strawberry parfaits or Belgian waffles with strawberry and chocolate syrup… Urk!” Yoshiko’s eyes met Riko’s, and Riko looked at her knowingly. “You actually really want to go in, don’t you? Why don’t you just say so? Come on, let’s go!” She wraps her arm around Yoshiko’s back and ushers her inside forcefully, sitting her down at a table. They order the large berry parfait for couples, which also includes kiwi, banana, and chocolate shavings on top of the mango ice cream and berries. They also order the Belgian waffles drizzled with decadent chocolate syrup and topped with fresh berries. Yoshiko’s thoroughly abashed inside the cafe, but also can’t help her eyes from wandering the cute decorations with pusheen cat plushies and pink wallpaper. Their food arrives, and Riko takes a couple pictures of the food and one picture of them with the food. “It’s rather cute, isn’t it? I’m sure it’ll be delicious, too.” Yoshiko nods slowly. Riko takes a big spoonful of ice cream with chocolate shavings and blueberries and directs it towards Yoshiko. “Here, say ‘ah’!” Yoshiko blinks, then opens her mouth with a half-hearted “ahhh.” The spoon flies in her mouth, and the tart mango ice cream melts on her tongue, harmonizing with the velvety bitter chocolate shavings and sweet blueberries. “Mmm…” Yoshiko sighs. “Is it good?” Riko asks. “It’s delicious,” Yoshiko smiles back innocently, a face of pure bliss that catches Riko off guard. Usually, Yoshiko is so guarded and only produces the exact reactions from the same formulas each time. But Riko feels rewarded, seeing such a cute face. She wonders if she’ll see more of those faces from now on, being together with Yoshiko more and more. They finish their food and sit for a moment, digesting. “Where should we go next?” Riko wonders.
[1] “Let’s keep walking around and shop here. There’s something I want to buy.” [2] “I’m a little tired. Can we hang out at your home?” [3] “Where do you want to go, Lili?”
[1] +2 Sympathy, +1 Exasperation “Let’s keep walking around and shop here. There’s something I want to buy.” Riko nods. “Sure, that’s fine with me. Shall we go?” As they walk out of the shop, Yoshiko shyly reaches out and hooks her arm around Riko’s arm, taking Riko by surprise. The usually composed, older girl blushes slightly and stutters. “W-Why…” Yoshiko looks up at Riko, being a bit shorter, and puffs up her cheeks sulkily. “Can’t I?” Riko quickly turns her head, fighting the warmth that threatens to envelop her face. But her ears are pink. “I-I guess there’s nothing wrong with it…”
[2] +2 Exasperation, +1 Affection “I’m a little tired. Can we hang out at your home?” “What, already? Are you an old man?” Riko jokes. Yoshiko huffs. “Well, whose idea was it to go out here? The sun is too bright. I suggested playing games at home or something, but you said it’d be a waste of a nice day.” Riko smirks. “But you got into it, didn’t you? Who was it that brought a whole bag of reference books and magazines just for this day?” Having no words, Yoshiko just huffs again. “Fine, fine. Anyways, I’ve never been to your house before, so it should be fine, right?” Riko sighs. “Okay, I get it. Let’s head to my house. But I’m warning you, my room is nothing special.”
[3] +2 Affection, +1 Sympathy “Where do you want to go, Lili?” Riko blushes. “Well… Is it really okay for me to pick? You won’t mind?” Yoshiko smiles smugly. “Well, it can’t be helped, right? The fallen angel Yohane will especially accompany you wherever your heart desires, little demon Lili!” … Riko stares at Yoshiko stoically. … “Hey, why are you making that disgusted face?!”
After a day of playing together, they start to set up Riko’s room for bedtime. “You got permission from your mother to stay here, right?” Riko asks. “Fallen angels don’t need to ask for permission–ouch! What was that for?” Riko had flicked Yoshiko on the forehead sternly, and a small red bump formed on her head. “Did you ask or not?” “Yes,” Yoshiko whimpers. “Good,” Riko smiles. “Appearances sure can be deceiving,” Yoshiko mutters to herself as she pulled out her shark. “What was that?” Riko turned towards the dark-haired girl. “Nothing, nothing!” She unrolled the shark. Since there wasn’t anywhere to hang it, she’d just have to lay it on the ground. They decided to change into their pajamas, and Riko went to the bathroom while Yoshiko occupied Riko’s room to change. When she throws her bag to the dark corner of the room, it hits something, and she turns towards the darkness. A black fabric cover hides the identity of the object from her, but it was rather large. Although Yoshiko knows she shouldn’t mess with the things in Riko’s room, she can’t help but slide the fabric off gently. Beneath lies a hidden gem–the sheen of black wood glints in the dark, and she recognizes it as a piano. Opening the keyboard cover, she runs her fingers across the ivory keys delicately, smooth and polished. Riko knocks on the door but doesn’t hear a response when she asks if Yoshiko’s done changing. She opens the door carefully. After all, they were both girls. “Yoshiko-chan?” Yoshiko’s dark hair shines in the moonlight filtering through the white, translucent curtains that billow softly as the night breeze rushes in. Her lilac purple eyes sparkle darkly, and her pink lips are slightly open, inviting. As Riko watches Yoshiko sitting at the piano bench, she thinks she sees wings behind the younger girl. But when she rubs her eyes, it’s not Yohane at the piano anymore. Just Yoshiko. A smile graces her lips. This moment was only for her eyes, and Yoshiko’s presence was only for her. She was overwhelmed with joy and a deep love, so boundless and strong it even scared herself.   She steps forward and embraces Yoshiko from behind, wrapping her arms around the girl warmly. Yoshiko startles and jumps slightly, words failing her. “Ah! Lili? Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” But she’s interrupted as Riko lets her hot breath fall upon Yoshiko’s ears, and her lips brush Yoshiko’s cheeks lightly. Yoshiko’s breath catches, and she turns her head slightly to face Riko only to have her lips caught by Riko’s in one fluid movement. Riko holds Yoshiko’s chin in her soft hand tenderly, as if Yoshiko were a fragile, blooming flower in a meadow. When she draws apart from Yoshiko, they stare at each other for a moment. Both girls blushed a dark shade of red, and Riko swiftly goes to the closet to pull out her futon. “Okay, should we go to bed now?” Yoshiko nods mutely and crawls inside her shark, feeling stiff. Riko lays her futon down right next to Yoshiko’s shark and turns toward Yoshiko.
Endings- add up your points and check which one you got! Or just read whatever you want.
Exasperated Ending
“Yoshiko-chan?” Riko speaks quietly. Yoshiko turns towards Riko, rolling over to face the gold-eyed girl. “Yeah?” To her surprise, Riko looks abashed, and her eyes are watering. “Did you have fun today?” she mumbles. Yoshiko reaches a hand out of her shark and touches Riko’s face gently. “Of course. Why do you look so unhappy?” Finally, a tear slips down her cheek, and she holds Yoshiko’s hand with both of hers warmly. “Well… It seemed like I was the only one having fun, after all. I felt like I was the only one getting all excited about today’s date. I felt embarrassed and frustrated.” Yoshiko blinks. “Why did you think that? I’m really happy we got to spend today together, you know…” Riko looks at Yoshiko defiantly, pouting. “You overslept today. If you were excited about today, wouldn’t you have woken up on time so we could have more time together?” Yoshiko chuckles, which only frustrates Riko more. “Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny at all,” she sulks. “Actually, I got searched at the train station because they thought I looked suspicious. I just didn’t want you to worry,” she smiles mildly. “Well,” Riko starts. “You couldn’t pet the cats at the cat cafe earlier and looked bored.” “I’m never bored when I’m with you. Even if I’m just sitting there,” Yoshiko replies sincerely. The purple-haired girl continues. “You just wanted to come to my house and sit around, not do anything special.” Yoshiko smiles again. “Didn’t I just say that I have fun even when we’re not doing much? It’s fun just being with you. Plus, I wanted to see what your room looked like.” Riko lets out a sigh of relief. “What, that was all? If you were curious, why didn’t you just say so?” “I was afraid you wouldn’t let me come in if you thought I wanted to look around your room,” Yoshiko says. “Anyways, you see now, right? I could never be bored spending time with you.” She reaches out her other hand from her shark, unzipping the shark slightly. “What, do you need to use the bathroom?” Riko lets go of Yoshiko’s hand. “No, that’s not it,” she replies. Yoshiko stretches out her arms and opens them wide. “Come here, Lili.” “C-come here? I’m not a dog, you know…” She mumbles, her face turning pink. But nonetheless, she scoots over and Yoshiko wraps her arms around the older girl. “Yosh, yosh… Good girl,” she says as she pets Riko’s head gently. Riko just melts into Yoshiko’s embrace, resting her head on Yoshiko’s arm and allowing herself to relax.
Sympathetic Ending
By the time Riko’s in the futon, Yoshiko is already unmoving, sound asleep. “Come on, we can’t cuddle together if you’re in the shark…” Riko poked the unconscious girl gently. “Yoshiko-chan?” She sighed, but the ends of her lips turned upwards fondly. “Who’d have thought you’d fall asleep so quickly… Well, it can’t be helped. I’ll just sleep beside you.” Riko moved her futon closer to Yoshiko and got under the bedcovers, snuggling close to the fallen angel. “Good night, Yoshiko-chan. I love you.”
Meanwhile, Yoshiko lay awake, immobile inside her shark. Red covered every inch of her face as she thought about those last two words Riko had uttered. The next day… “Yoshiko-chan, did you not sleep well? You look tired.” ‘All thanks to somebody!’ Yoshiko thought. But she bit her lip, remembering Riko’s words. “…I’m fine,” she answers with a blush on her cheeks.
Affectionate Ending
The pair lay silently for a couple moments. Then… “You’re awake, aren’t you, Yoshiko-chan?” Yoshiko turned to face Riko in response, yawning. “…Yeah. What is it?” Riko was already turned in the younger girl’s direction and gazed into Yoshiko’s eyes lovingly. “…Can we cuddle?” Yoshiko felt her cheeks warm and thanked the devil the room was dark. “Okay, sure.” She unzips the shark slightly and wiggles forward like a fish. “Ow! S-Sorry, Lili…” Yoshiko had accidentally head-bumped Riko. They rub their foreheads and then look at each other, eyes smarting. Riko bursts into laughter, and soon Yoshiko follows. When the funnies die down, Riko moves forward this time, and she pulls Yoshiko closer. Yoshiko’s head rests on Riko’s chest, and she listens to the steady pounding of her girlfriend’s heart. Safely in their own world, Riko draped her arm over Yoshiko affectionately. There was no other place they’d rather be.
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luxexhomines · 6 years
A fantastical yet lonely sight. Inspired by/a description of @qosic ‘s magical rendition of Rantaro’s adventures, christened Avocado Adventures. 
Rantaro gazed out at the landscape unfolding before his eyes, perched on a slab of rock in the mountains, clutching a cup of tea from his canteen.
Before him was a valley, and across him was a clear, trickling stream whose path was subject to the curves and ridges of the mountain that joined the river stretched out lazily in the ravine. Deep, flourishing green grass grew on the mountain’s rich earth like a second skin, and the mist hung low over the water, although rising and evaporating constantly, filling the spacious canyon with dampness and quality of wonder.
The image of pure water in both liquid and fog states combined with prolific, glorious sunlight made for colorful stretches of beams across the wild terrain, radiant and luxurious shades of vermilion, apricot, saffron, viridian, teal, navy, indigo, and violet. Trees wound their bodies of dark umber toward the magical glen, arching their branches of viridescent leaves outward.
A flock of white birds flew through the dale, giving their mellifluous voices to the echoing space, harmonizing with the steady run of the water.
He allowed himself a sigh as he brought the tea to his lips once more, sipping quietly.
Oh, how he wished she was here to see this with him.
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lesbianraggedyanne · 6 years
hello friend!! i'm very sorry to bother but i have a question ;;; is it okay for me to have not straight & cis OCs even though i think i'm straight & cis? or should i just be sticking to straight OCs? i hope this isn't a bother >~
aaahh ty!! ❤️ you’re no bother it’s fine ^v^ and that’s perfectly fine to have queer ocs if you’re cishet! i think it’s just an extra challenge of research and making sure you have characters that aren’t just a stereotype/are accurate. it’s a challenge any author has when they create a character that isn’t like them. and good rep is always appreciated!
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kirastrations · 6 years
Your Oumota villain-hero fic is a masterpiece. It's like a glorious finale for Kaito. I can very much imagine Kaito interacting with the others in the manner you described, having such conversations, and the way you narrate the hero aspect is so noble. I feel Kaito's principles through that hero montage, and having it at both the start and conclusion is such a poignant way to round out the story. I enjoy how you give minute, fleeting details like Angie's hair as shooting stars. Thank you, Kira.
Ohhhh!! I’m so flattered 😭 Thank you sooo much ~ 💖💗❤️💝💓
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schoolidolfestivals · 7 years
I’m one of the new mods, Mod Ruby! 
It’s a pleasure to meet everyone, and am I excited to be a part of this!! ♡
You can catch me @lighkoda; Love Live! is my main and time-withstanding love, so I write fanfics, sometimes doodle, rarely hold account giveaways, and once upon a time made edits! ♪( ´▽`) I like to sing, too~
Honk is my best girl in Muse, but in Aqours it’s a tie of sorts between Ruby and Hanamaru, heh~
Please treat me kindly~~~ I will do my best! Ganbaruby (๑>◡<๑)♡
Mod Ruby 
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lighkoda · 7 years
What Do You Like About Me?
(A/N: This idea would be much better if animated or as a comic, but I don’t have the skills to make that kind of art the way I envision it... If I get enough money, maybe someday I can commission this. 
Ship: DiaMari
Word Count: around 350 (yup, super short. It really is meant to be drawn)
Rating: PG)
3rd POV
“I don’t really get it, Mari. What exactly do you like about me?” Dia tilts her head, looking at Mari curiously.
The golden-haired girl looked back at Dia in surprise.
“Eh?? Nani do I like about you?” Her lips curled into a sly smile. “Why, that’s easy to answer!”
She pokes Dia’s cheek, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. “I love your little mole on the side of your face,” she sings. “Even when you’re being dishonest, I can’t help but find you charming.”
Dia folds her arms across her chest, looking cross.
“You know I was asking for a serious answer, right?” she purses her lips.
“Demo, I am being serious!” Mari copies Dia’s face and pose, looking almost equally cross. But within seconds, she’s smiling again. She prances around Dia, twirling like a ballerina in between. “I love the way you make all kinds of faces, no matter what they are,” she hums. Mari grabs Dia’s squishy cheeks and stretches them about, “whether you are serious, smiling, angry, or even frightened,” she ends on a vibrato.
Mari hugged Dia tightly, “You’re like a teddy bear, warm and soft, even when you’re vexed.” She lifts Dia off of the floor and swings her around like a doll. “Though you look like you’re losing patience all the time, you’re really quite complacent.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Dia puffs up her cheeks, irked as Mari sets her down.
When she lets go, she places a soft kiss on the stern girl’s cheek.
“There’s nothing about you I don’t like! ...in short.”
Dia feels all her blood rush to her face, and she freezes in place.
“And you?” Mari asks.
“What?” Dia furrowed her eyebrows.
“What do you like about me?” Mari smiles mischievously.
Dia turns her head, scratching her mole.
“Well...I can’t think of anything in particular right now…”
The golden-haired girl tackles Dia.
“You know, I’ll tickle you!”
Dia struggles briefly before giving up.
“All right, all right!” When her turquoise orbs meet those of Mari’s, she begins to feel shy. Averting her eyes, she replies. “...I guess I’m the same. There’s nothing about you I don’t like...in short,” she looks back at Mari.
For once, the playful girl is silent. She puts her hands up to cool her burning cheeks.
“So you can feel abashed,” Dia smiles. She reaches out and pulls Mari down for another kiss.
“I like that side of you just as much as the normal you, though.”
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lighkoda · 5 years
bro i literally forget to ask this every single day but do you post your fics on ao3? or do you post it just here, have a tag for it? nozorikos is making an idol masterlist and i wanted to send your blog as a fanfic writer but i always forget to ask where you post your fics;;;;
omg bro thank you for asking !!!! i haven’t been posting love live fics for some time now ;w; but i used to post them on this tumblr @ lighkoda until my interest waned a little... i actually decided to move all my content creating to a side blog, luxexhomines, but since i didn’t really write any love live stuff there, there’s only one love live fic on there so far.... so i’m not really sure what i would say now.... maybe i should make a separate ao3 for just my love live stuff! i probably will start writing more love live fic as the new anime comes out, heheh owo
i’ve been meaning to make a love live fic masterlist for all the little stuffies i write/wrote but for some reason it keeps getting thrown to the side.... honestly i never know what to do w blogs.... i’ve been thinking for some time if i should just make another blog for only reblogs or love live stuffies bc this blog has become really convoluted w all the reblogs i do and i haven’t written love live fanfiction in a while (i wrote a rinpana for a secret santa just the last christmas, but that’s it).... orz i wonder what i should do....i also feel a little bad to my followers who just get my reblogs all the time, especially the ones that aren’t fandom related...SORRY that was a total ramble!!!!! anyway-
tldr; i used to post my fics here on this tumblr, now i don’t write as much but i’ve decided to post all future fics on my creating (mostly writing) blog on luxexhomines... i’m considering making some other account or masterlist to keep track of my fics bc it’s so confusing LOL and thank you so much for thinking of me!!!!!!!! fsjdldkfj;sdlf
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lighkoda · 6 years
am i the only person here who takes like anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes polishing my asks until they fit all my praises & love (or at least as much as possible) perfectly into the character limit & leave no extra space
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lighkoda · 6 years
does anyone else like to just heart posts that pop up in your dashboard, even if you’re not in that fandom? or just heart posts from your favorite artists/editors/writers even if you’re not in that fandom?  because honestly I do that like all. the. time. 
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lighkoda · 6 years
welp, looks like i'm going to college after all! i got into the u of m so... we'll see if i get in anywhere else bc i'm not too keen on going there even though it is a great school if you’re applying to colleges too or got some decisions feel free to share with me haha!
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lighkoda · 7 years
For the prompt thingy, can you do 26 - i didn't intend to kiss you? Nozoeli, please? Thanks in advance ~ Also, I love your writing style. :3
Hey, thank you so much for requesting!! I hadn’t been writing much lately ;w; But I’m really thankful for your support despite that I’m like this. I’m on mobile, though, so I can’t do any formatting really… Hope the original formatting didn’t get screwed up from pasting it here. Everyone, feel free to request! I can’t put the link here because I am on mobile, though… I probably won’t mind if you make your own prompt either, though. After all, I think this is the first request I’ve gotten! Sadly, I realized that this is not as good as I thought… I think I’ll write another Nozoeli and see if I can make it up, but we’ll see. It probably won’t be from a prompt unless you’d like? Anyways, here it is. You’re always supporting me, so I tried my best more than usual (*´∀`)♪
Title: BloomShip: NozoEli (it kind of became EliNozo, though…)Prompt: “I didn’t intend to kiss you.”Rating: PGWord count: 1.1k (roughly)
3rd POV
“I didn’t intend to kiss you.”The usually serious, mature blonde began to blush like a young girl that’s been teased by the person she likes. She lifts her hand, putting her fingertips to her lips gently, wondering if that had really just occurred. The whole situation felt so surreal, she felt as though she were dreaming. She then realizes that she’s averted her eyes as she slowly became a blushing mess, reduced to such from a simple kiss from whom she’s always considered her best friend. She mutters quietly as she lifts her eyes to take a glance at the purple-haired girl in front of her.“N-Nozomi…?”Big mistake. In the shining, large eyes of her best friend, a turquoise that resembles the sea, Eli sees her own sky blue eyes reflected. But it’s not just that. Eli sees a desperate hastiness, a throbbing want—no, love. “I didn’t intend to kiss you,” Nozomi says subduedly, almost detachedly. But there is a hint of despair in her voice. Her eyes continue to overflow with emotion, and her voice quickly becomes evermore passionate. “I didn’t intend to kiss you! But,” she holds her hand to her chest tightly, shutting her eyes agonizingly, “when you’re always running off with our underclassmen, satiating their wishes, when you’ve always been as popular as you are, when I might not be the most important person to you anymore, do you know how that makes me feel?” Nozomi opens her eyes slowly, but avoids the gaze of the girl in front of her. The only girl she’s ever cared for. “I know these are just my own selfish feelings, but when I can’t always be by your side, I can only wonder where you are, who you’re with, and I can only think that I want to keep you all to myself.” She isn’t speaking loudly at all, but Eli feels every pang of Nozomi’s vulnerable, miserable words. Both of their faces are red, and the usually cheerful, flippant girl’s eyes are wet, seemingly on the verge of tears, her voice becoming nasal. “Elichi, you’re the most important person to me, and the person I love the most,” she says as she looks into the blonde’s eyes woefully, tilting her head slightly. “But it hurts, not knowing whether you feel the same or not.” She looks at the floor as she continues. “I always thought I could just bear it for the sake of being together. Just to be by your side was enough—I tried so hard to think that way. But I can’t control how I feel!” Tears starts to slip out and roll down Nozomi’s cheeks. Staring at Eli, she hiccups slightly, distressed. “I know…it isn’t fair to be crying when I say this. I know, but…I can’t stop myself, either.” She covers her face with her surprisingly delicate hands, fragilely, as if she were afraid she might break at any given moment.“D-Don’t look at me,” Nozomi’s voice cracks. “I feel so shameful right now,” she chuckles self-deprecatingly. “Forget I even said anything, we can just go back to normal, we can just be frien-”“Don’t say that!” Eli cries out, stopping the crying girl’s words in their tracks and embracing her tightly. “Don’t say that… Enough, don’t say anymore,” she nuzzles Nozomi warmly. “But-” “No buts!” Eli says fiercely. “I didn’t know you felt that way. I wish you’d told me earlier. I thought you didn’t care. I thought,” she gritted her teeth, “that whatever I did, going around with whoever I did, you were okay with it because you only saw us as friends, and that that was the way it’d always be.” Nozomi is surprised to feel spots of warm wetness seep through her sweater, and for a moment, there is a hard silence. Eli pulls back and holds Nozomi at arms-length, her eyes swirling, damp. “I’m sorry, Nozomi. I’m sorry, because I gave up on you.” She proceeds to go down one knee, taking Nozomi’s hands from her face and holding Nozomi’s hands with both of hers, kissing them as though they were the most precious things she’d ever held in her entire life. Because to Eli, they were. “I’ll never give up on you again,” her chest swells with love. “I love only you the most. To me, you are my world. You found me, you cared for me, and you understand me the most.” Her eyes glisten like the cool water of the lake on a hot summer day. “And I’d like to think that it’s mutual.”Eli declares her next words unbudgingly. “You don’t have to worry about being selfish. If anything, it’s always been me—asking you for more and more, and yet you’re always here for me.” Eli musters up her strength for her next words. “Nozomi, will you be with me?” The purple haired girl now looks like her usual self, cheery and mischievous. Her eyes no longer water, and she lets her eyelashes flutter slightly as she blinks sensuously.“You’re a little vague, Elichi. Can you say it more clearly?” she hums gently. Eli stops, speechless, and her cheeks turn from pink to red within an instant. “Ah, I should’ve remembered that you never change, always teasing me like this,” she says, narrowing her eyes in embarrassment. “Well?” Nozomi prompts, a small smile playing on her lips. Eli takes a deep breath, and proceeds to look Nozomi straight in the eyes once again. “Will you go out with me, Nozomi Toujou? Will you be my girlfriend? Will you stay with me forever, and past our mortal lives?”For a moment, Nozomi’s breath is swept away by Eli’s strength and fervor. “…Yes!” She pulls the blonde up to her feet, placing a small kiss on Eli’s forehead as Eli straightens up. “You had to think about it?” Eli half-smiles at Nozomi. “Elichi is like a prince.” Nozomi puts a finger to her pink lips, giggling. “Before I knew it, my breath was gone.” “If you say so, princess,” Eli grins, placing a gentle kiss on Nozomi’s nose. They share a light-hearted laugh, putting their foreheads together and holding each other’s hands warmly, firmly.“Just one thing to correct,” Nozomi pulls away for a moment, looking into Eli’s surprised face, whose plump lips parted slightly. “You never did give up on me, did you?” She smiled lightly, but the impact of her words hit Eli like a hammer, rendering her breathless. Eli smiles again, her heart skipping a beat as she attempts to mask her dancing emotions, unaware of how useless that valiant effort was. “I guess you’re right. I was probably just…restraining my feelings and watching from afar. I was pretending I already gave up, when really my feelings for you had just bloomed.”
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lighkoda · 7 years
Falling (2/?)
(A/N: So this is the (short) continuation of Falling! It’s been such a long time >~< Why am I so bad at continuing stories...and why must I have writer’s block for this story?? Anyways, here is the first part (and explanation) if you haven’t read it yet. Also, I changed my URL, so I’m now at xillumina. I’ll be changing all of the links on my stories and such so that they work again.
Status: Chapter 2
Pairing: Yohamaru/Yoshimaru
Rating: PG
Words: 664 words
Spoilers: Episode 5/6(?) of Love Live! Sunshine
Feel free to give constructive criticism. I kind of have writer’s block on this story, though, so that’s part of why it’s a little lackluster...)
3rd POV
“Ah!! Why didn’t you stop me, Zuramaru?!”
Hanamaru sighed and looked at Yoshiko, arching one brow.
“Well, for one, I didn’t think you brought all that stuff to school with you…”
Yoshiko sat on the folding chair and collapsed onto the table, spreading her arms out dramatically.
“It’s ruined...my plan to have a glorious, normal high school life,” she said darkly.
She started picking the feathers off a black scarf, depressed. Yoshiko doesn’t even understand it, how she can just lose her consciousness like that and act in such ways. It’s like waking from a spell whenever she realizes what she’s doing. Why is it so hard to kick this habit–or whatever it is?
“Maru is sorry,” Hanamaru says.
It’s only at this point that Yoshiko realizes that Hanamaru’s face is merely inches from hers, sitting across the table. Hanamaru’s lips are smooth and pink, feminine. “Are you okay, zura? Your face is a little red,” Hanamaru says curiously.
Realizing how she’s been staring, Yoshiko startles and hits her knee on the underside of the table, then tries to stand from and chair and run, only to trip and fall down.
She sits on the ground and examines her knees, which are bleeding slightly, scraped from her fall. “Ah… The bad luck of a fallen angel,” she says darkly.
But before she knows it, she’s back on her feet again. Hanamaru has pulled her up to her feet with strength Yoshiko never knew the petite girl had.
“Here, why don’t we go to the nurse’s office?” Hanamaru says kindly.
“Ah...okay…” Yoshiko stares at Hanamaru, who takes Yoshiko’s hand and pulls her along gently.
“Sit here,” Hanamaru says, patting the hospital bed gently. When Yoshiko doesn’t react, still a little out of it, Hanamaru pushes Yoshiko on the bed lightly, upon which Yoshiko falls, her dark hair spreading across the white blankets.
As Yoshiko stares at the ceiling, she’s confused on why Hanamaru startled her so easily earlier. She knows that she herself can be clumsy, but she’s only reacted this way when Hanamaru is the one to surprise her into consciousness. She knows she doesn’t have any many friends. That’s when a light bulb goes off in her head. ‘It must be because we’re friends, right?’ Yoshiko wondered. But she doesn’t know if Hanamaru feels the same.
“Are we friends?” Yoshiko asks aloud.
The rustling from the other side of the room stops, and footsteps slowly approach. She sees a face peering at her, smiling a little.
“Of course, zura. What’d you think?”
For some reason, Yoshiko’s cheeks feel warm, and she looks away from the round face above her for a moment.
“I… I-I just wanted to know what you thought,” she replies, embarrassed.
“I’m going to clean your scrapes with alcohol now, okay? Then I’ll put a band-aid on them. Stay still,” Hanamaru says matter-of-a-factly.
Yoshiko sits up as a bout of stinging ensues.
“Ou-Ou-Ouch! Does it really need to be cleaned with alcohol?” she grits her teeth.
A pair of sharp eyes meet hers, yet again. She can feel Hanamaru’s gaze piercing her.
“Of course. What would you do if your cuts got infected?” Hanamaru’s response is cut and dry. “Okay, all done. I’ll just put a band-aid on now.”
A cute Hello Kitty sticker goes on each knee, and Yoshiko looks at them, her eyebrows coming together in confusion.
“Why’d you put one on both knees? The other one isn’t really scraped as much.”
Hanamaru chuckled, and Yoshiko feels blessed to see her laugh.
“I just thought it’d be nice if they were matching.”
Yoshiko runs over to the boxes of bandages and rummages through them before coming back to Hanamaru, squatting down and also slapping a bandage on Hanamaru’s knee.
“T-Then, we can be matching t-too,” she says with a red face.
“That’s fine with me,” Hanamaru laughs, her long eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly. “We’re friends, right?”
Yoshiko feels her heart twinge, but she grins toothily.
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lighkoda · 7 years
The Masks We Wear (1/?)
(A/N: Heyyyy, this is your resident LL fanfic writer (that is mostly unnoticed), Lighkoda! Here’s the lay down:
This is a Muse super power AU. Actually, I’m not sure if it’s really an AU, but their universe will be changed as it goes/as they discover things, so it kind of is? This should be around PG at first, but it might escalate to T or T+. It’s a bit early to tell, but it may have some angst. The ships will vary. At this point, I’m still thinking about how this will go. Here is the link to the post I made about information concerning this AU, which will be tidied up a bit as the story goes on.   Warning: May be cringy. And I probably will update very rarely... In fact I haven’t written for very long.
Status: Chapter 1
Rating: PG
Word Count: 
But here, have the first chapter <3 Superpowers won’t appear much at first. Thanks to everyone supporting me, especially the brave followers I have that aren’t...those blogs. I read the tags you guys reblog with, and I’m always so happy to see them <3)
3rd POV
“Eh? We...we are?”
Rin smiled happily at Hanayo, closing her eyes blissfully. 
“Mhm! We’ll be outside in tents. I’m so excited!!” She grabs Hanayo’s hands tightly and playfully leads Hanayo to spin in circles with her. “I hope we can share a tent together, Kayo-chin!” 
Hanayo, flustered, blushes a bright pink as she considers the possibility of countless situations resulting in sharing a tent with Rin. But then she contemplates the situation, a shiver running down her back
“A-Ano, we’ll be outside?” 
Rin stops spinning then and peers at Hanayo’s face closely. 
“You don’t seem very happy about it, nya... Is there something wrong with being outside?” 
Hanayo’s purple eyes widen for a moment before she closes them and waves her hands in front of her face frantically. 
“No...no, not at all! You’ve got it wrong, ahahaha...” She laughs sheepishly.
Rin isn’t quite convinced, but she pulls back her face and her eyes settle on something else quickly. 
“Ahhh, Maki-chan! You’re here!” She grabs Maki’s hand and leads her over to Hanayo, smiling warmly. “I was just talking to Kayo-chin about how fun it’ll be to go camping together, American-style, nya~!” 
Maki struggles a little as she walks over. 
“Let me go, Rin...!” 
Rin pouts and looks into Maki’s eyes. 
“Jeez, you’re such a spoilsport, Maki-chan!”
At this, Maki hesitates before replying heatedly. 
“I-I am not! You’re just too riled up all the time for no good reason,” she says as she looks away from Rin’s liquid gold orbs, twirling her red hair around her finger. 
All of a sudden, Maki feels a hand–no, a pair of hands–grasp her breasts from over her uniform. 
“No need to be shy, Maki-chan,” Nozomi says as she smiles mischievously. “Or I’ll washi-washi you!” 
Maki almost screeches like the first time Nozomi had done it to her. But she manages to keep her cool, and the only signs that she was surprised by the devilish tanuki is the widening of her purple orbs, the sudden intake of breath, the red coloring of her cheeks, and her shift in her heartbeat.
She scowls a bit before pursing her lips, slightly irritated by the third year’s antics. 
“I wasn’t being s-shy...! You can let me go now...” 
When Nozomi steps aways from Maki, she noticeably moves slightly away from her. 
“Alright, if you say so,” the purple haired girl replies knowingly, casting a quick look at the seemingly affronted girl.
Maki crosses her arms, ruffled. 
“So, where’s Eli? Aren’t you always with her?” 
“Right!” Rin meows. 
The three 1st years lean forward, waiting for the answer from Nozomi, who chuckles.
“The answer probably isn’t as interesting as you imagine. She’s in the bathroom, but she’ll be out soon. I suppose it’s much more interesting for me than for the three of you,” she mutters the last sentence distractedly as she shuffles her tarot card deck. 
The trio cringes slightly. 
“Do you think she meant to say that?” Rin whispers to Maki, who happens to be standing in the middle. 
“I-I don’t think so, Rin-chan,” Hanayo whispers back timidly. 
The corner of Maki’s lips twitch sporadically. 
“I don’t think I can handle this,” Maki says quietly before she swoons slightly. 
Rin and Hanayo place their hands against Maki’s back swiftly. 
“No, Maki-chan! You musn’t, nya~!” Rin practically shouts in her ear while making sure Maki’s eyes are still open. It looks like Maki’s soul is about to leave her body, and Hanayo whisper-shouts to her. 
“Maki-chan! W-We’re going to toast marshmallows by the campfire, you have to stay!” 
At this, Maki’s soul suddenly is pulled back inside her and she stands upright again. She coughs a little, and blushes. 
“W-Why did you say that. Hanayo-chan? It’s not like I’m not looking forward to toasting marshmallows or anything–only kids do that...” 
Rin gives Maki a sharp look. 
“Then why did you only come back once Kayo-chin mentioned marshmallows?” 
Maki turned her face away, huffing. 
“How should I-I know! It was probably just by chance.” 
Rin nods, unconvinced. 
“Sure, nya.” 
Maki moves to face Rin and argue with her, but before she can do so, a voice calls them from down the hallway. 
“Hanayo-chan! Rin-chan! Maki-chan! Oh, and Nozo-” 
Umi interrupted as she chased after her orange haired friend, barely breaking a sweat. 
“We get it, Honoka. Come on, we need to discuss plans! Stop running away.” 
Honoka ran faster as she ran down the hallway and past the four girls, who swiveled their heads to watch Umi after Honoka faded out of sight. 
“No, Umi-chan! Not unless you promise that we can bring marshmallows and crackers and chocolate to make s’mores, the American way! I’m always eating Japanese sweets, I want to try some American ones for once!”
Umi sighed as she ran right down after Honoka as she called to her. 
“I told you, you’ll get fat! We’re school idols now, you have to take care of...” 
“And there she goes,” Nozomi smiles placatingly with the air of a mother accustomed to her children’s antics. “Well, then, I suppose it can’t be helped...” 
“Go, Honoka-chan!” Rin shouted after the pair excitedly, whose footsteps could be heard echoing down the halls of the school. 
Hanayo and Maki sweatdropped as they stared after the duo running down the hallway. 
“D-Do you think they’ll be alright?” Hanayo asked. 
Maki chuckled quietly, “There’s no need to worry. I’m sure Umi-chan will work things out with Honoka-chan.” 
“Eh... But I somehow get a nervous feeling. It’s like our senpai are really our kouhai,” Hanayo said. 
“I guess we’ll just have to believe in them, won’t we~nya?” Rin responded cheerfully. 
Maki thoughtfully continues to twirl her hair around her finger. 
“Well, I guess that’s sometimes harder said than done. Ne, Hanayo-chan?”
Rin’s eyes flashed with a battle-like emotion as she stared at Maki, who stared right back. 
Rin suddenly threw her arms around Hanayo, showing an innocent smile. 
“Let’s go find Kotori-chan! I heard she’s making the rooming arrangements. Let’s ask to share a tent!” 
She grabs Hanayo’s hand and practically drags her out of the room, zooming out. Maki watches them, astounded, before getting up and chasing after them. 
“Mou, Rin-chan! You can’t just abduct Hanayo-chan like that,” she pouts. 
From outside the classroom, a warbly “dareka tasukete!” can be heard echoing down the hallways. 
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lighkoda · 7 years
(A/N: I haven’t written any love live fics for so long... I feel shameful ;^; Anyways, to be honest, this was actually a France x Reader oneshot...until I changed the names and edited some parts! I feel even more shameful now... U3U But it’s already been done... For some reason Mari reminds me of France (from Hetalia)! Anyone else? If the love live girls were countries, who would they be? I should work on other fics but... Whatever, here you go! It’s super short. I’m just a thirsty writer... I hope someone will read this.
So here’s the info:
Status: KananMari AU (big city stranger setting)
Rating: PG 
Words: 766 words
Hope it’s okay <3)
Kanan’s POV
As I was walking back from work one day, I felt the hard soreness of my shoulders and my arm cramping slightly from all the typing I had to do today. I still felt stiff despite having left my workplace. I partly suspected that my dress suit was to blame. 
However, it was still just another day in the rough, in the too large city I’ve always felt lost in. While I walked, I found my mind wandering and evidently my feet as well, as I found myself sitting on an old wooden bench, my cramped toes aching for release from inside my black high heels. 
Looking around, I was inside a peaceful, quiet park with fields of lush green and lovely flowers. The skies seemed bluer than normal as the clouds of cotton floated gently across the earth. 
There was an open area I was sitting in, paved with light stones that must have been decades old, some so smooth from being walked over that I could have slipped on them. Four paths opened up to the center of the round area, which had a small fountain that blissfully gurgled water in the background. It was so serene that I almost found myself dozing off in the stillness of the world. 
However, despite all this, one particular thing caught my eye. 
An artist was standing in front of a white canvas, a wet paintbrush in hand, and she dipped the tip into the paints, gently mixing them and dabbing at the sides to get the right amount of paint on her brush. 
Then, a swift motion. 
And more followed, each as lovely as the next as her paintbrush simply giggled with excitement and wonder.
The strokes blended and stood out next to each other, complementing and contrasting as much as an orchid and a daffodil would. 
All of a sudden, seeing such brilliant colors fly across the canvas, I felt something pooling up within me, some kind of emotion I could not identify. When I came back from the painting and to the world, I saw an equally beautiful face in front of mine, with light gold eyes like shimmering sands and pale skin.
“Ah... Miss, why are you crying?” Her fingers, light as the petals of a flower and calloused from holding pencils and brushes, brushes away the water that had begun to fall from my cheeks. When I realize that tears had been coming from my eyes, I hurriedly start wiping them away and avert my eyes. I stammer slightly with my reply.
“I...I just thought that it’s somewhat vexing, seeing such beautiful shades in your painting when I can’t even find them in my own life.”
Her eyes widen slightly, and she looks surprised as a piece of her glimmering gold hair falls untucked from behind her ear. I put my hands over my mouth quickly.
“What...um, sorry… I shouldn’t be… I didn’t mean to. Please, forget that I said anything!”
I stood and turned to leave, but a delicate hand no larger than my own caught my wrist gently but firmly.
“No, don’t be sorry.” When I turn back to look at the lovely stranger, she’s smiling, and tears are budding from her eyes like pearls. She takes the paint brush that’s tucked behind her ear and readies it in front of my hand, turning my hand over as if she’s about to kiss it. My cheeks start feeling warm as she looks up at me. 
“May I?”
I nod slightly, hesitant and slightly confused. 
She takes her palette and starts mixing together the most glorious colors I’ve ever seen, and she dips her paintbrush into them gently, as if letting a fish into a pool of water. 
The colors are warm like the gold liquid of a sunrise and yet cool like the moonlight reflected on the ocean at night. They shimmer and glow like the yellow sand on the beach at sunset, and shine like freshly picked fruit. 
She grips my hand firmly and with the other hand begins painting on the back of my outstretched hand. The colors burst and seem to be alive as they glow on my skin. When she finishes, she gives me the warmest smile I’ve ever seen and the skin near the sides of her eyes seem to crinkle in happiness.
“This is what I see from you. These are the colors that flourish in your life. All you have to do,” she kisses the fingertips of my hand, “is take a good look and you’ll see them where they’ve always been.”
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lighkoda · 6 years
god i live a little more every time someone reads my writing. thank. i am in bliss right now like wow people actually read what i wrote! this is just such a good feeling i could get used to this!!!!!
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