#uranohoshi gakuen
lighkoda · 7 years
Falling (2/?)
(A/N: So this is the (short) continuation of Falling! It’s been such a long time >~< Why am I so bad at continuing stories...and why must I have writer’s block for this story?? Anyways, here is the first part (and explanation) if you haven’t read it yet. Also, I changed my URL, so I’m now at xillumina. I’ll be changing all of the links on my stories and such so that they work again.
Status: Chapter 2
Pairing: Yohamaru/Yoshimaru
Rating: PG
Words: 664 words
Spoilers: Episode 5/6(?) of Love Live! Sunshine
Feel free to give constructive criticism. I kind of have writer’s block on this story, though, so that’s part of why it’s a little lackluster...)
3rd POV
“Ah!! Why didn’t you stop me, Zuramaru?!”
Hanamaru sighed and looked at Yoshiko, arching one brow.
“Well, for one, I didn’t think you brought all that stuff to school with you…”
Yoshiko sat on the folding chair and collapsed onto the table, spreading her arms out dramatically.
“It’s ruined...my plan to have a glorious, normal high school life,” she said darkly.
She started picking the feathers off a black scarf, depressed. Yoshiko doesn’t even understand it, how she can just lose her consciousness like that and act in such ways. It’s like waking from a spell whenever she realizes what she’s doing. Why is it so hard to kick this habit–or whatever it is?
“Maru is sorry,” Hanamaru says.
It’s only at this point that Yoshiko realizes that Hanamaru’s face is merely inches from hers, sitting across the table. Hanamaru’s lips are smooth and pink, feminine. “Are you okay, zura? Your face is a little red,” Hanamaru says curiously.
Realizing how she’s been staring, Yoshiko startles and hits her knee on the underside of the table, then tries to stand from and chair and run, only to trip and fall down.
She sits on the ground and examines her knees, which are bleeding slightly, scraped from her fall. “Ah… The bad luck of a fallen angel,” she says darkly.
But before she knows it, she’s back on her feet again. Hanamaru has pulled her up to her feet with strength Yoshiko never knew the petite girl had.
“Here, why don’t we go to the nurse’s office?” Hanamaru says kindly.
“Ah...okay…” Yoshiko stares at Hanamaru, who takes Yoshiko’s hand and pulls her along gently.
“Sit here,” Hanamaru says, patting the hospital bed gently. When Yoshiko doesn’t react, still a little out of it, Hanamaru pushes Yoshiko on the bed lightly, upon which Yoshiko falls, her dark hair spreading across the white blankets.
As Yoshiko stares at the ceiling, she’s confused on why Hanamaru startled her so easily earlier. She knows that she herself can be clumsy, but she’s only reacted this way when Hanamaru is the one to surprise her into consciousness. She knows she doesn’t have any many friends. That’s when a light bulb goes off in her head. ‘It must be because we’re friends, right?’ Yoshiko wondered. But she doesn’t know if Hanamaru feels the same.
“Are we friends?” Yoshiko asks aloud.
The rustling from the other side of the room stops, and footsteps slowly approach. She sees a face peering at her, smiling a little.
“Of course, zura. What’d you think?”
For some reason, Yoshiko’s cheeks feel warm, and she looks away from the round face above her for a moment.
“I… I-I just wanted to know what you thought,” she replies, embarrassed.
“I’m going to clean your scrapes with alcohol now, okay? Then I’ll put a band-aid on them. Stay still,” Hanamaru says matter-of-a-factly.
Yoshiko sits up as a bout of stinging ensues.
“Ou-Ou-Ouch! Does it really need to be cleaned with alcohol?” she grits her teeth.
A pair of sharp eyes meet hers, yet again. She can feel Hanamaru’s gaze piercing her.
“Of course. What would you do if your cuts got infected?” Hanamaru’s response is cut and dry. “Okay, all done. I’ll just put a band-aid on now.”
A cute Hello Kitty sticker goes on each knee, and Yoshiko looks at them, her eyebrows coming together in confusion.
“Why’d you put one on both knees? The other one isn’t really scraped as much.”
Hanamaru chuckled, and Yoshiko feels blessed to see her laugh.
“I just thought it’d be nice if they were matching.”
Yoshiko runs over to the boxes of bandages and rummages through them before coming back to Hanamaru, squatting down and also slapping a bandage on Hanamaru’s knee.
“T-Then, we can be matching t-too,” she says with a red face.
“That’s fine with me,” Hanamaru laughs, her long eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly. “We’re friends, right?”
Yoshiko feels her heart twinge, but she grins toothily.
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