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berensreverie · 2 months ago
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I started taking pictures of food. At first I kinda wanna be like cool twitter Asian artist who post aesthetic food pictures but I realized mine is not going to be aesthetic all the time. So I just post my normal meal, my cafeteria foos, dinner I made at home, just everyday thing. Maybe providing a look into what an average lower middle class Thai person's meal look like.
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qtplatypus · 17 days ago
There is nothing that creates the same mix of joy and sadness as finding something you lost; just after you bought a replacement for it.
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twogolddoubloons89 · 6 months ago
Moved into my uni dorm today and I’m feeling feelings 🙃 I’m definitely not grown up enough for this
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yarnreader · 1 year ago
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multiplydifficult · 1 year ago
well, it's just occurred to us that two of our 3 closest friends / favourite people, the two that we talk to by far the most are in very shitty situations, and the third i got out of the habit of texting after she stopped texting due to a mild depressive episode.
One of those two friends is often telling me about how he feels so texting him isn't fun (though he tends to be a more interesting friend than a funtime friend) and with the other, while i do have a lot of fun with him, i often feel i need to be a bit careful about what i say as there is a high risk the topic will manage to lead back to bad lifestuff.
And like, i love them and am happy to support them, but damn i would like a friend who i can have more fun and less misery with, yunno? Where i don't have these constant reminders that my friends are in shitty situations.
I don't want to tell my two friends not to tell me what's going on with them & their moods. But i want less misery.
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daniilpilled · 8 months ago
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its so hot atm but me and my bf got boba !!!! yippeeee!!!!!
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kaithixn · 9 months ago
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So I Painted in The Park. . .
I don't often go outside as a closet dweller but hey I had a goal to paint at least once outside. I repainted an old canvas that originally had me experimenting with how I would want to my abstract work to look. It was essentially a board of small patches of my exploration. Though I quickly lost interest and has been collecting dust for quite some time.
So after graduating, I felt far more confident in my skills or at the very least had an idea of what I wanted it to look. I didn't really like how the patches looked together. Each would've been better on their own canvas'. So I took out my paints and tape and this is the result. Below is what it was before I started.
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As you can see, this was... A hot mess. But I do recall loving it back when I made it. Which is fair considering It felt cohesive in a strange way. That and I liked the idea of a 'abstract art board' kind of inspired by something like pinterest. Or perhaps more like a moodboard of sorts?
Thankfully the day was perfect. I woke up nice and early before the sun had even had a chance to start rising over the horizon. Packed with just about everything I could possibly need. Two, two liter bottles of tap water, an old fitted sheet sort of tarp/cover, soap and a rag for cleaning any messes I may make, my briefcase of paints and tools, two spray bottles to keep me cool or use on my canvas, a portfolio type bag to hold everything, the canvas, my headphones, my phone, a water bottle for drinking, and my feet.
It was fairly windy which was perfect because it would help drying the paint much easier or faster than nothing while also keeping me mostly cool. And just my luck the sky was covered in clouds that hid the sun from me. Anyway I walked from my home to the park with everything in hand. Heading down until I reached my destination of one of those picnic type shelters. The ones with picnic tables and a roof with concrete floors.
Weirdly, I encountered a strange occurance walking up to the shelter. Footprints and splatters of colors. The foot prints were clearly of bare feet specifically, and the splatters looked to be of some kind of paint. These were certainly not here the day before because I had walked my normal route and they were not there. But maybe I didn't notice them?
Regardless I took pictures as proof that it wasn't me who made these marks. it did not seem intentional either. So I could only assume someone armed with paint.. or something just kind of went wild.
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Starting after I documented that I pulled off my headphones and decided to just listen to my phone speaker to keep my ears from overheating. Placing everything in place with the canvas in the center. I first attempted to spray down the canvas in water. My theory was that if I sprayed it back to wet I would be able to take a brush or sponge and wipe the old paint across the canvas to sort of mix all the colors and have a base coat of paint to work from or simply use.
Unfortunately that didn't exactly work out.. So I simply started messing with the right side of the canvas. Dancing a poly brush which was basically a foam piece attached to a stick. I was simply playing with the last of the purple that I had and covered the canvas in my random but focused strokes.
I was attempting to more or less learn the capabilities of the poly brush as it was one of the only tools I really used in this particular piece. I really liked the sponge like use of it. Then I started using cyan and simply continued to play.
I watched a truck pull up on the shelter. It was one of the city's park.. people I'm not really sure what to call them. But I was worried I was in trouble for something. The shelter had stated that it was reserved. But no one was present so I took that as permission to use the space. I obviously asked if I was in trouble and of course I wasn't. Seemed they were just putting up the person that had reserved it for the day then simply drove off. They even complimented me on the work I had barely started which was nice.
It's worth mentioning that the only rules I was able to pull up was not to make money or have some kind of for-profit organization or event. I also learned that it was one hundred dollars to reserve a shelter for a day. Which was honestly hilarious. It just seemed so expensive for something that was essentially free all things considered.
It was then that I decided to coat the whole canvas in white. Using the last bit as more or less warm-up. Though I didn't do too much so not much was lost. In any case, I was able to achieve a sort of tinted white color over the whole canvas that wasn't perfectly white but more or less perfectly covered.
In the meantime I then decided to check the time as well as travel down to the other shelters available to see if they were reserved as well. Waiting for the paint to dry to continue or I guess more accurately, start with a fresh slate. Every shelter I went to said it was reserved for the same time as the one I was in. 9am to 9pm. I then decided to just stay in the shelter I was in. I of course wasn't going to be staying for that long. I had other plans that day.
I then created my own purple due to fully running out by this point. I obviously really love purple okay. That and blues and shades. Anyway I got to work with my poly brush and had it dance across the canvas once again. I loved the texture it left when it was running out of paint. Then waiting for it to dry and continuing on.
Soon enough I noticed that there was still the smallest amount of black acrylic paint that I had. It was not much not even enough to push out of the bottle. Thus I started slinging the bottle itself. Using force and gravity to do most of the work. leaving drops of black across the canvas. Then using the bottle itself to to make the marks you now see on the final product. Smearing with the nozzle of a tiny two fluid ounce bottle.
Then I was finally finished. All I had to do now was wait for it to dry. Which took quite some time. But I held the canvas to the wind to try and help until I was able to grab it and head home. In that time I briefly met the person who had reserved the space ensuring that I was just packing up. But they were just counting the tables it seems and left me back to my devices. They said their event was a bit later so I was good.
Anyway I leaned the canvas towards the wind and started to pack up. Realizing a left quite a mess through my tarp. So I simply got to work using soap and my rag to try my best to clean it off. But it didn't really seem to work. But I did the best I could. Then I continued to listen to my music and eagerly wait for the paint to dry. and soon enough I made my way back.
My mother obviously loved it and so did I. It ended up being a lovely piece. My interpretation was that it was a painting of a poluted ocean or something being tainted by man. But it's of course open to all interpretations. That was just mine.
I then enjoyed showering myself clean and heading out to hang out at applebee's alongside my family. I must say that it was a lovely day. And this painting will forever remind me of it.
Though out of curiousity.. How much would you pay for this painting? it's.. I think around 20x30'' but I forgot since it has been so long.
| 7 - 2 - 2024 | [Originally done 6 - 29 - 2024] |
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tigernightstar · 1 year ago
Oh to be a cat. No responsibilities. No taxes. Just cat.
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someplace-that-is-else · 2 years ago
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! How is the week treating you? For me, it was looking like #another rough week. Hope, at least, appears to still spring eternal. So...fingers crossed.
Meanwhile, I was afraid that all of my life issues had kicked off my writing momentum. The fact that so far this week, my workout routine had returned, I hoped to get that writing #momentum back.
So...a good time to see how writing was shaping up for me.
So...it's time for EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING!!!!
EDITING. It had started #simple enough.
I was finishing up my latest teasers for my forthcoming Darkenverse story. But in the process of doing that (and doing some typing on HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES), I found my mind taking a turn...
It had been sitting around for a while. Just waiting for #research. Waiting for editing. Waiting to be seen.
So...if you missed it...I dropped a little #taste on it. On my wall. You can go and take a peek. ;)
I might do a little bit of editing on it here and there to keep my mood sane. I also feel that I should be leaning back toward my blog which was long overdue. Last, but not least...I was going to start on the synopsis for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES.
So...it'ssssss happpennning!!!! :)
TYPING. It had fallen by the wayside again.
And that was not #okay with me.
To be so close to being ready for rewrites with HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. I still had some typing to do. But #life stuff had been getting in the way.
And I managed to get back to it somewhat. And thankfully, it has really been helping me cope. And I could use a LOT of coping this week so I'll be getting back to typing.
I believe I have...70 + pages to go.
WRITING. Again, it has been a light week so far for that. Outside of me journaling to clear my head. You know...life stuff.
And that has been making me extremely restless. So I hoped to start getting back to finding some writing time this week. If I'm #really lucky, I'll be doing it in the nice #sunny park.
Can't wait.
So...that's how this week has been going. It was time to get seriously #focused.
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berensreverie · 1 year ago
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I watched The Fellowship of the Ring with live orchestra today!!!
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 1 year ago
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Last year, at almost every refill I've had some random stupid issue pop up to prevent me from getting my medication on time, and during this mismanaged Adderall shortage getting them one or two days later can make a big difference in what tomorrow looks like and how scared I have to be at the next refill if things get complicated again.
So I've been anxious leading up to today, but everything went smoothly, and I felt like making art to celebrate.
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artbyblastweave · 8 months ago
Okay, I have to ask: is Ward good? Should I read Ward? Is it good??
I have attempted to start it like three times now, and it always feels like a slog from minute one. I haven't even gotten past the siege on the rally-thing or whatever the first fight was. Is it worth it to push through? You seem like the person to ask about these matters.
Thank you!
I mean, you've kind of answered this for yourself- you bounced off it three times. I read it as It was coming out, I enjoyed it, I wasn't paying for it and I didn't have a full-time job at the time. If you aren't in the eye of the perfect storm of factors to get you through it, it is what it is.
As to whether it's good, I do agree with what I understand to be the broad consensus that parts of the back half suffered from a combination of Wildbow's inadvisable proximity to his readerbase and burnout from some lifestuff he mentions having been going through at the time, and more broadly from the weight of having to be Worm 2 when that meant a million different things to different people, and all of that is basically inevitable when you're writing through literally everything else that happens to you in real life. And you can easily tell which of the two books had ten years of pre-writing to tighten up the themes and shit. After a certain point he visibly wanted to be done.
I'll also say that in terms of having a distinct project related to analyzing the superhero space as a whole, Worm is as good a use of your time as Watchmen, but Ward isn't as laser focused on that kind of thing even when it's being a very enjoyable story in other ways. You've got most of the pick-apart-the-bones-of-the-beast material under your belt if you've read Worm.
But to dispel any ambiguity, and to pre-emptively bat away any accusations of being a rancid fence-sitter, I will say that I enjoyed it. I'm a Wardliker. I like Ward
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yarnreader · 1 year ago
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tee-hee-heidi · 7 months ago
I really do want Mythical Lovers to progress as a project eventually. Even if I have to give up the idea of the comic and turn it into something else (a light novel, an illustrated story or something, anything) I just really want to tell these characters' story.
Which means I'll eventually have to sit my ass down (when all my other projects and university and other lifestuff allows it) and get to at least *write* something.
Anyway unrelated but I'm working on a better, more fleshed out storyline that I intend on posting here HOLD ME TO IT
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rubyghoul · 4 months ago
"so what are your plans for the day/night?"
talk to my bf, make out with my bf, marry my bf, think about my bf, be forever with my bf, live with my bf, hang out with my bf
"Jesus Christ, HOBBIES."
me: my bf's hobbies are my hobbies
"give up, ur brain is broken"
me: but, my brain is my bf's
"get a life"
me: my life is my bf. my bf is my life.
me: i can get hobbies later. but my time with my bf is so precious and i never wanna lose or give it up.
#dating #relationships #lifestuff #ilovehimsomuch
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daniilpilled · 9 months ago
i saw a sheeps !!!!!!!
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