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SIAVS 2024: Trouw Nutrition inova com tecnologias para bem-estar e controle de bactérias na avicultura e suinocultura
. Companhia anuncia soluções para leitões recém-nascidos e qualidade da água para aves e suínos . Programa LifeStart também tem práticas voltadas para o desenvolvimento inicial de suínos . Estande da Trouw Nutrition apresenta NutriOpt On-Site Adiviser (NOA) para análise de matérias-primas e rações Ter granjas mais produtivas e com baixo índice de mortalidade é o objetivo central dos produtores de…
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Elevia Advancing Shrimp Hatcheries with Sustainable Feed Technology
Formulated to mimic the natural feeding approach of shrimp larvae, Elevia is a next-generation solution that surpasses conventional feeding methods and traditional aquafeed ingredients, setting a new standard for hatchery performance. Incorporating new sustainable raw materials such as essential long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, algae-derived DHA and hydrolysed marine proteins, enables shrimp to develop into strong and healthy post larvae with increased capacity to thrive in nursery environments.
Advance Formulation
Elevia improves the ability of shrimp to handle challenges by providing them with nutrients that improve their immune system and overall resilience. This enables the shrimp to cope more effectively with stressful environmental changes. As a result, shrimp production becomes more reliable and successful, reducing the risks associated with variations in water conditions and other factors.
Elevia's advanced formulation, physical properties and colour significantly reduce the need for multiple diets and flakes, resulting in simplified operations and feed management. Another key feature contributing to streamlining operations is the diet's ability to maintain water stability. Thanks to its unique composition and encapsulation of omega-3 fatty acids, the leaching of lipids into the production system is prevented, ensuring cleaner and uncompromised water quality. Consequently, intact feed particles remain stable for extended periods, minimising the necessity for frequent replacements. This not only promotes optimal water conditions but also facilitates essential system maintenance, all while alleviating the strain on bio- and mechanical filters.
Elevia is produced in Skretting’s state-of-the-art LifeStart facility in France, and is currently available in Ecuador, with other markets to follow.
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“Os cuidados recebidos pelos animais nas primeiras semanas de vida têm um efeito profundo e duradouro em sua saúde e capacidade de atingir o máximo potencial produtivo no futuro. Durante os períodos críticos de transição – como o desmame, os períodos reprodutivos e a mudança para outros ambientes –, as novilhas são especialmente sensíveis às condições que as rodeiam. Por isso, investir no período de pré-parto ajuda a maximizar o potencial das bezerras desde o pré-nascimento, além de permitir aos produtores a otimização nos resultados financeiros da fazenda”, explica Marília Ribeiro, a Dra. Sprayfo, consultora técnica da Trouw Nutrition. Nutrir bem os bezerros é o foco da participação da empresa no Simpósio Alta Cria, nos dias 25 e 26 de outubro, no Centro de Eventos da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ), em Uberaba (MG). Patrocinadora do evento desde sua primeira edição, a Trouw Nutrition reafirma o compromisso com a atenção à criação de bezerras e a promoção da sustentabilidade na pecuária por meio do conceito LifeStart – programa voltado à saúde e ao desempenho das bezerras. “Sprayfo é uma eficaz solução para a alimentação de bezerras, que faz parte desse conceito, pois se trata de um produto moderno, que substitui o leite, garante qualidade nutricional e colabora com o bom desenvolvimento animal. Tudo para que, no futuro, sejam excelentes produtoras de leite. A atenção à fase inicial é fundamental”, ressalta a consultora. Os benefícios do Sprayfo incluem maior ganho de peso diário durante a fase de criação, redução da mortalidade, bezerras mais fortes, aumento da produção de leite, aproveitamento do potencial genético das fêmeas jovens, precocidade de primeiro parto e maior longevidade. Além das tecnologias disponíveis, o Simpósio Alta Cria da Alta Genetics reúne dados de mais de 80 fazendas, coletados ao longo do ano e apresentados aos produtores responsáveis pelo negócio. "Essa compilação de dados é essencial para nosso trabalho, uma vez que profissionais renomados avaliam e discutem os resultados relacionados à fase mais crítica da vida dos animais e, assim, podemos colaborar para o futuro da pecuária”, finaliza a Dra. Sprayfo. Serviço Trouw Nutrition no Simpósio Alta Cria 2023 Data: 25 e 26 de outubro Local: Centro de Eventos da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ), em Uberaba (MG)
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#LifeStarts https://www.instagram.com/p/CDL5FTaFwic/?igshid=14dwb0gi421gd
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Goa with my family! #Wedding #Goa #Church #dance #drink #chill #fun #family #friend #tour #beach #bmw #beer #food #eggs #fun #Happy #lifestarts (at Cortalim, Goa, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LgjDWj60B/?igshid=azqzbvbcqjum
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Workshops all weekend! @hyperice came in and lead us through an entire body restore with a few of their products. Leave it to us to use them as stability tools. @lifestart #HyperIce #LifeStart #Stability #PushUps #Restore #Playtime #Workshops (at Chicago, Illinois)
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#life #liferuns #lifestart #startinglife #nothing #nothingness #havingnothing #goingon #alwaysgoinon #wolf #wolfsoul #wolfinme #neverstop #neverstopping #neverstopping💯 #nomattertheprice https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7pHghHKUr/?igshid=iwesr12xp80l
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My boys!! . . . . #lifeinapandemic #unlock #newnormal #newfashion #family #familyphotos #familypic #familylove #familyphotography #familytime #familylife #familypack #mybabies #mycuties #letthembelittle #mask #staysafe #lifegoeson #lifestarted #manishashrivastava #Somaansh #Avyaansh #thisisus #goingout #safe #safetyfirst #staysafeeveryone #2020 #doomedyear #183rdday (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLg0S0J_Yf/?igshid=cwufcl4m2b1i
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W-wonderful O-out standing M-marvellous A-amazing N-nice “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1 This LIFE has no existence without a strong ally in WOMAN in every stage of lifestarting from Motherhood to Wife, Sister &finally a Daughter. Happy Women’s Day !! God bless you Abundantly #JesusChrist #happywomensday #womensday #hope #faithoverfear #womeninspiringwomen #womenstyle #next #biblewomen #love #church https://www.instagram.com/p/CphnuksPqwA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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LifeStart Welcomes 120 N LaSalle
LifeStart is pleased to announce 120 N LaSalle, a 40-story office building located in the Central Loop of Chicago, as the newest location to join the LifeStart family. 120 N LaSalle, owned by Ascentris, a Denver-based real estate private equity firm, introduced its new concept “Thrive on 8,” an amenity space that will feature a fitness center, lounge, and outdoor roof deck for tenants to enjoy. Managed by Lincoln Property Company, the spaces will be a destination for fitness activity, relaxation, and social engagements. The fitness center features Life Fitness cardio and strength equipment, MyZone heart rate technology, Peloton bikes, and modern locker rooms with complimentary towels and spa-quality locker room products. The centerpiece of the fitness center is a Gym Rax unit positioned on turf which creates a high-energy, functional training zone where master trainers will lead group sessions focusing on TRX, HIIT, and Boxing techniques. 120 N LaSalle is the 4th LifeStart-managed space in partnership with Lincoln Property Company. “With its expertise in the industry, the LifeStart team has made the process from fitness center conception to reality and management a much smoother process than had we tried to do this on our own.” -Sherri Green, Senior General Manager at 120 N LaSalle The opening of the fitness center was celebrated with a variety of specialty group training sessions and complimentary spa treatments. A very special thanks to our partners, CryoEffect and Lisa App, for their help in providing a first-class event!

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oh yeah i forgot to say til now, i made a reblog sideblog, it’s @lifestarts-now if y’all are interested lol, i have like over 50 things in drafts so i’ve got it queue’d up for the time being
#idk i've always been weird about having my pages filled with more content than my own; my twitter's like that too#idk why exactly i just like having mine be mostly my own content; but there's lots of cool stuff that deserves more eyes on it so yeah#star rambles#there's plenty more of my rambly tags if that's your thing lol#i try not to ramble too much on other people's posts tho cause i don't wanna be a dick and flood their notifs
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Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall... #lifestart #alloveragain #crispinthefall #behindthescenes #lenses #placestogo #inthecity #havingfun #lovelyscenery #wanderlust #mondayvibes #nature #greenislife #somewhereonlyweknow #inthemiddleofnowhere #oneofthosedays #justlikethat #notlikethis #be #like #create #inspire #motivate #dream #believe #imagine #live (en Hacienda Panoaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7JQwxD780/?igshid=1bu9l24u8569q
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Overhead Suspension Pull Up | Life Fitness Group Training Stabilize and control your pull up with the Overhead Suspension Pull Up. #LifeFitnessGroupTraining source
#Corporate Wellness#Group Training#Life Fitness#Life Fitness Group Training#LifeStart#Primal Movement#Primal Training#Pull Up#SYNRGY
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Let me tell you a story...Loki x Reader ?

Enjoy the chapters !
Part 1 - The beginning of you and Loki meeting...
Your POV...
It was a cold night in Asgard and I walked through the village. Hello I am Destiny Andrea Dust and I have a twisted lifestory to tell... I was 5 years old, as I walked in the cold night through the village of Asgard. Better said...I just turned 5 that day... I needed a walk outside to clear my mind a little... My new home, from today on, with my new family, almost broke me down. Today...everything went just...too...fast...! I stopped at the castle of the Allfather...Odin... Before I knew, why I was there, I already turned around and started to walk away again. Unaware that someone spotted me.
"Hey ! You ! Stop right there, little girl !"
Someone screamed at me. I started to panic and ran away. The person, however, followed me.
"Stop ! I don't want to hurt you ! I swear !"
'Of course ! As if !'
I didn't stop running, until I stumbled over something and fell into the dirt.
"Oh my...! Are you hurt, little one ?!"
I sat up sobbing, I had a scratch on my arm now.
"Why should you fucking care ?!", I screamed.
"Because I am Odin, the Allfather and King of Asgard."
I froze in place, not daring to move, talk or even turn around. The person touched my shoulder, I jerked back.
"Don't hurt me ! Please !"
I cried now. I was afraid of going to die, right here, right now...
"Why should I hurt you, little one ?"
I am being honest...my new parents punch me and my friend, who's now my adoptive brother, sometimes...mostly in training, but sometimes even just for fun...I guess...they hate my friend Michael (own character) very much...much more than me... They said that I am a Monster and all they told me was that. Why they said that...I will never know... I knew I have powers...but never knew why I was like this and what or who I am...
"My parents hit me sometimes... I thought you would do that too...", now he laughed at me.
"No ! I would never do that ! If I may say that...You need new clothes...miss...?"
I needed to act fast ! Think ! Think ! Got it !
"Luciella, Luciella Dusk."
"Luciella Dusk. Should I walk you home ?"
I didn't like the idea, but I accepted, to not make him suspicious at something. He walked me home, said Goodbye and went away. After I didn't saw him anymore, I climbed up to my window and inside Michael's and my room, got inside my bed and talked with him a little, because he was still awake. He always was awake until I come back from my night walkings.
"You won't believe me Michael..."
"What is it ?"
"Odin, the Allfather, walked me home."
He almost fell from his bed as he sat up very quickly, like someone just poured ice water all over him.
"What ?! The Allfather ?!"
"Yeah !"
"Omg ! How was he ?!"
"He was very kind."
"Cool ! Apropos the Allfather...did I ever tell you that he has 2 sons ?"
"No...do you know the names ?"
"One I know...it's Prince Thor Odinson. The other I forgot..."
"Thor ?"
"Sounds like the god of thunder and lightning...like the other dimensions I visit..."
"Really ?!"
"Did you already choose a new name for yourself to cover the other one, so no one finds you ?"
"Yes. It's Luciella Dusk."
"Cool name !"
"We should sleep now... I wanna go shopping with you tomorrow for new clothes...Goodnight."
"Okay. Goodnight, my friend..."
And with that we didn't talk anymore and slept.
The next day...
I went with my friend and adoptive brother, Michael, to the market very early. Our parents were gone for work and we stole a little bit of money from them to buy some clothes. Michael always ran to some stalls, who sold some clothes. He showed me some, but I didn't like them. He always huffed and started to search again. Suddenly he was out of sight. I was worried, I was all alone...
"Loki ! Come back here !", a familiar voice screamed.
Someone ran into my back, I stood completely still, but the person didn't. I heard a loud thud and groaning shortly after. I turned around and saw a boy. Maybe at my age with raven black hair, he was a little bit smaller then me... Maybe 2 centimetres. Suddenly green eyes looked at me. The boy stood quickly up, took my hand and kissed it.
"I am sorry that I ran into you, my lady. I didn't look where I was going."
He then let my hand go and bowed, I bowed too.
"It's okay.", I said, "It happens. Don't worry about it."
I turned around, ready to go away.
"If I may ask...", I froze and turned around to look at him again.
"Yes ?"
"Why is such a young and beautiful girl, like you, out here all alone ?"
I was a little touched at his careing, I snapped out of it again.
"O-Oh ! I am not alone actually ! I am out here with my...brother ! He is just looking with me for some clothes and went too far away. I am searching him. Don't worry about it !"
"I insist to help, find your brother."
"Luciella ! I found some cool clothes for - !"
He saw me with the boy, he stared at us and then something glowed in his eyes for a second. I looked at Loki again.
"Found him..."
I looked back at my brother, he suddenly bowed. I tilted my head to my right side, I didn't understand, why he bowed to this boy...
"Prince Loki..."
WHOA WHOA WHOA !! My eyes shot wide open, my jaw dropped open too. Prince Loki ?! That was the other prince ! The boy, who ran into me, is the second prince ?! I turned back around to look at the boy, I realized just then, how well - clothed he was, I bowed.
"I am sorry, I didn't recognized you, prince Loki !"
He giggled and reached his hand out to me.
"It's okay. I deserved it. I just ran into you, my lady."
I took his hand to stand up again.
"Luciella. My name is Luciella Dusk."
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
"HE DID WHAT ?!", Michael screamed.
We looked at him.
"Loki Odinson !"
"Brother !"
I saw Odin again, who looked really pissed off and a boy with blond hair, who mimicked Odin. Loki looked at them and bowed, then stood up again.
"Don't you ever- !", Odin started, but he stopped as he spotted me.
"Luciella ?", he looked surprised, I bowed.
"King Odin."
"Stand up, child."
I did as I got told.
"What are you doing here, my child ?"
I looked at him, nervously.
"I am looking for some new clothes, King Odin."
"Ah... so you took my advise."
"Yes, I did, my king."
We all looked at Michael. I turned back around to face the king and the boys.
"I am sorry, for my brothers behaviour..."
"I am used to it.", Loki said with a soft smile.
"It's okay.", Odin and the blond haired boy said at the same time.
I smiled at them.
"What did my brother, Loki, do ?", the blond haired boy asked.
"Thor ! You didn't even introduced yourself to her !", Loki shouted at him angrily.
"Oh ! I am sorry ! My name is Thor Odinson."
"It's a pleasure to meet you...prince Thor.", I bowed.
"Did something bad happen with you and Loki ?"
"No ! He was very nice to me."
I turned to my brother, who had the money in his hands.
"What is it Michael ?"
"I counted the money again...we don't have enough...Not even for one pair of socks..."
WHAT NOW ?!", I was in shock, fear and anger.
I started to fall on my knees, but before I could hit the ground, someone catched me, Loki.
"Maybe we can help you out, right father ?", Loki asked his father.
"That won't be for free...", Odin said after he thought about it.
I froze. What will he do or want from us ?!
"We don't need your money ! I mean it's our bad luck, if we don't have enough ! You surely need it all yourself ! We just go buy more in a few months...", my friend said, in a sad voice. Loki heard that.
"Nonsense. Father what do you have in mind ? What do you want ?"
"Well...If we go buy for both of them clothes and all that, then somebody of them, needs to come with us and live with us."
I froze. Michael made a move with his finger, I should come to him and discuss this with him. I struggled a little and Loki realized that I wanted to talk this out, he let me go. We whispered to eachother.
"You go, Dest...I am already too broken, for a new lifestart."
"But...he killed my REAL parents..."
"He won't know it. Now go and tell them our choice, you need clothes. We can't afford them, but they can. My family is shit, the money is shit and your life in my family is shit. You need a real family."
"But -"
"No but's. Take this second chance, to stay whole and you. Don't go or run back into your past and fear. Go in the future and dream, plan your happy ending. He won't recognise you, you changed a lot. Now...go..."
I looked at him, then back at Odin and his sons...Michael's words moved me and I finally agreed to it. We went back to them.
"I will live with you, I just need to get my stuff until after 2 days.", I said.
"I almost thought so...it's a deal then.", Odin said to us.
With that we went shopping. Thor got a armor not a real one but still, Michael two new swords and clothes, then he went home, we decided that I go get my stuff tomorrow morning, I got new clothes, some swords, paper, feders to write, daggers and ink bottles Thor and Loki even fought of which colour I should choose on clothes, I chose: black, green and red, if it was a good shade of it. And Loki somehow got...nothing...I felt bad.
"Father ? Can we go t- ?", Loki got interrupted by Odin.
"We go home now."
Loki looked disappointed to the ground. He wanted to go to the library. He told me, that he reads much and needs some new books, because he is already through all of them. I got an idea.
"King Odin ?"
"Luciella, just call me Odin. What is it ?"
"I need to go to the library...", he looked at me in disbelief.
"Hmm... Okay, but then we go home, got it ?", I smiled.
"Okay !"
I took Loki's hand and ran with him to the library. Before we ran together I called to Odin...
"See you there !"
In the library...
"What do you need ?", Loki asked sad.
"Nothing. I did it for you, so you can pick some new books to read, I can't even read... never learned it."
Loki stares at me. Then he started to smile softly and took my hand, he walks with me through some apartments with book kinds.
"You know...I can teach you reading and stuff, you just need to ask me.", he offered after we stopped at a few shelves of books.
"In which apartment are we ?"
"In the part of magic spells and Asgards history books. After that we look for some books in big writing, for you to learn reading. Okay ?"
He smiled at me. After 5 minutes he found everything, what he wanted, all big, fat books, and we went more forwards again, we didn't go deeper inside. He found some books, which I can start to learn reading. In the end it were 15 books, Loki needed to drag to the counter and Odin paid for it. Tomorrow I can start to learn reading. I am so happy.
"Oh ! Loki, you need to share your room with Luciella, until we have a room just for herself. Is this okay ?"
"Of course !", we both said at the same time.
We giggled after that a little. We went home. After 10 minutes we were there.
In the castle...
"Well, Goodnight father, Loki and Juliet.", Thor said.
"Her name is Luciella, Thor. But Goodnight you too. Goodnight father.", Loki said.
"Goodnight my sons. Goodnight Luciella.", said Odin and they made their way to their rooms.
Loki took my hand, gently.
"Follow me, Luciella.", Loki said to me.
"Okay !",I answered and followed him.
In 1 or 2 minutes we were there. He opened the door to his room and HOLY SHIT it was big as hell ! And that's where I begin my story.
Part 2
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !
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When you are born into a world where you don’t fit in, it’s because you were born to help create a new one........ #care #babyborn #lifestarts #artwork #sketchwork #artlover #love #relationship #memoriesforlife #parents #smiles #daywewereborn #beunique #miraj #childhooddays😍 #sweetandbittermoments (at Miraj, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6g-O3nVFy/?igshid=1k1ej9955q2cc
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So, after a while of suffering in silence, a lot of paperwork and a big pile of books... I thought it was time to finally come clean. Sebastian Smythe is back to college once again. But don’t be fooled, even between work and classes it’s still not that easy to get rid of me.
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