#life is strange is like a disgusting meal that I keep a picture of in a locket. to me
jettreno · 3 months
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my excitement about being disappointed by another max caulfield adventure was immediately tempered by seeing what she looks like
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
How star and max reacted to you having a boyfriend
This is after this fic on the timeline
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At first she felt betrayed by you
She spends all her time looking for escape plans and getting spare cash for you to leave this life behind and your keeping secrets from her?
She has to find out from Dwayne that you were seeing a local boy, did you not know how embarrassing that is for her?
She has you explain who it was and after you tell her she’s slightly disgusted
Your both working to escape the boys and your type is exactly like them
She at first thinks it’s just a fling so she’s angry that you got yourself confined to the cave over something so stupid
This would put her plans back for months and she was scared that months would turn to years and before she knows it you’d be a vampire
She gives you the silent treatment for a few weeks out of spite and anger
She wasn’t trying to be manipulative but sometimes she thinks the boys rubbed off of her more than she first thought
She only stopped when she saw what state you were in
The loneliness of being trapped in the cave had effected you massively as well as your constant worry for James’s life
You hardly slept so you had dark circles under your eyes
Your eyes were constantly puffy and red because you spent a good chunk of your time crying
Your lips were swollen and cut from your constant anxious lip biting and your nails constantly bled from your increased need to bite them
You were getting skinner by the day because you hardly ate
Her baby was depressed and instead of soothing you she spent her time ignoring you
You were a wreck and only she could help you
While the boys were worried, they had no idea of how to handle the situation
Dwayne brought you constant meals that you would throw away and he did his best to comfort you by letting you cry while he hugged you but it wasn’t enough
Paul wouldn’t acknowledge your existence out of anger and guilt
Marko tried to fuss over you but you refused to let him touch you
David wasn’t allowed close to you without you beginning to anxiously bite your nails and lips to the point of bleeding
Star knew it was time to help, only a mother could understand a child who’s in pain
Thats what she told herself anyway
She made sure you ate everyday
She would swat away your hand if you bit your nails or lips
And she would force you to sleep in her bed to make sure you got enough sleep
Physically she healed you but emotionally you were still in pain
She would fix it all for her baby, don’t you worry
She’ll get you out of this hellhole so it can be the two of you ���
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Once James entered max’s house he instantly noticed the mass amounts of pictures of you
He also noticed the strange people in the photo with you
Uncles? Brothers? Family friends?
James couldn’t wrap his head around it
Max sat James down across from him and firmly questioned him about your relationship
Max was certainly curious about the boy
He comes knocking on his door and admits to a secret relationship, how was he meant to question him
Max asked various questions like
“When did you meet?” “How long did you date for?” “What are your intentions?”
James answered each of them while his eyes studied the photos of you in the background
He only brought his attention to max when he asked the question
“Do you love them?”
James looked into the calculating eyes and answered
“More than anything in the world”
Max just smirked and eyed him up and down
Max hadn’t heard from his beloved grandchild in weeks and the reason why was sitting in front of him
Yet strangely he didn’t feel anger
He saw potential
He explained to James your complicated family dynamics
He explained that your fathers planned to turn you when you turned 21
He told James that you would never age while he would rot into old age and die while you would remain youthful
He then asked
“Do you still want to love them and love this life?”
James answered instantly without hesitation
“I don’t care about ageing, or the blood drinking. I’d let them drink from me directly as long as they stayed with me, I love them and can’t lose them. I won’t lose them”
An idea popped into max’s head, one that would assure your safety and a way to get you out of your difficult home situation
“Well then, let’s strike a deal”
It wouldn’t be too long until you and James would be reunited, max would make sure of that
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tamakissimp · 3 years
B.K/I.M- save the bunny
𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: What are you supposed to do when you’re dead friend is suddenly standing before you?  𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: cursing, someone getting hit, mention of murder? 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2008 𝕒/𝕟: not my best work but o well....yeah also there’ll probably be part 2 to this
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This wasn't how Bakugou wanted his Friday night to turn out. He was supposed to come how to a quiet place. Silence and tranquillity enveloping him as he let himself fall onto the plush cushions of his couch. Maybe there would be a warm meal waiting for him if he was lucky. He could finally let his worn-out muscles take a break from the constant stress they're under.
Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Or else he wouldn't be here, standing before a mocking bunny mask. Floppy fabric ears and blood-stained cheeks staring back at him. The sewn-on grin seems to scream 'punch me'.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" he snarls. He grits his teeth while trying to keep his explosions at bay.
The bunny simply tilts their head as they stay silent. Their long limbs seem to move spiderlike as their body turns. Bakugou's eyes following their movement.
No. Shit. Fuck. The bunny tilts his head towards the other side as they snag a photo frame from the coffee table. Pointy fingers glide over the glass, lingering on a specific person in the picture.
Bile starts to rise in Bakugou's throat. Its acidic bitterness only seems to light the fire to his aggression even more.
"Who the fuck are you?". It's useless, he knows. Like hell, a villain like 'The Bunny' will just give up their identity. The silence is killing Bakugou. His nerves on edge and his muscles rippling as he struggles to constrain himself.
He lifts his hands, an explosion already blooming out of his palm. He is ready to blast whoever this might be into bits.
"That's no way to treat your friends," a distorted voice says. Great, so this bastard can speak. Bakugou opens his mouth, about to yell their ears of but a simple word shuts him up.
"Kacchan.". His hand drops to his side his mouth hangs agape. He had dreamed of this moment. Fantasised about the moment he could apologize and hug his friend. He had planned out exactly what he would say. What he'd do, how he'd act. But this wasn't in the plan.
The bunny's pointy fingers come up to its face before ripping the mask off. A mop of green hair springs out from underneath. "Cat caught your tongue?" he asks mockingly before running those same fingers through his hair.
"How..". Bakugou's throat fails on him. His voice stops working. Is he crying? He wants to tell himself he's not but he's honestly not sure anymore. Knees buckling underneath him yet he still manages to keep himself standing up.
"How am I still alive?" Izuku finishes for him. He casts the mask aside, throwing it on the floor before letting his body fall onto the couch, the same couch Bakugou planned to rest on. He lazily drapes his arms over the top of it.
The casualness of his movements mocks Bakugou. As if he isn't Japan's most wanted criminal sitting on Japan's number one hero's couch.
"Everyone always asks that, you know?" he says he glances down at the picture frames he's still holding. "It's getting old.". He lazily runs his finger over the glass.
"You died. I buried you. Inko fucking mourned you, she still does," Bakugou says. His voice wavers and he hates himself for it. He's showing weakness.
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to fake a death," Izuku says.
Bakugou's red eyes bore into his green ones. A silence hangs between them. It feels almost surreal to Bakugou. His mind hasn't caught up to the fact that his friend, or rather ex-friend, is sitting before him and isn't six feet underground.
While Bakugou's movements are ragged and forced, Izuku almost seems comical. His body has seemed to adapt to his villainous life. A theatrical elegance laced into his movements.
"I don't see you as a friend anymore," he breaks out. Izuku's eyes grow for a second and so does his smile. He straightens his back as he silently urges Bakugou on to speak.
"I buried my friend," he says. "You're not him. You might think you're him but you're not. He isn't this pathetic." He grits his teeth before lifting his hands again, getting ready to swing at him. Izuku quickly jumps up from the couch.
His eyes glint in mischief as he takes in the sight before him. "Oh, looks like you still haven't dealt with your anger, Kacchan.".
The nickname sets him off. He storms towards the green-haired man, fists raised and palms crackling from explosions. That is until he hears a familiar sound.
Both of them look towards the front door. Bakugou's face slacks with shock while Izuku's lights up with excitement. This isn't supposed to happen. Why is this happening?
Izuku quickly moves the kick his mask underneath the couch before he places the picture frame back. Bakugou eyes linger on the picture for a second. It's one of the three of you. Bakugou squished in between you and Izuku, his fingers raised behind both of your head to give you bunny ears. Oh, if he could just turn back time.
"'Suki?" you call out. Bakugou fears for his life, or rather, yours. Who knows what the crazed psychopath standing before him will do. "I thought I'd swing by and-".
Your words stop as you walk into the living room. The bags in your hands drop. Soup spills out of the containers you so meticulous packed. Bright orange curry stains the spotless carpet beneath it. The hot liquid splashes up against your leg, most likely burning your skin though you don't care.
You try to speak, mouthing opening and closing like a fish. This must be a dream, one of those horrible nightmares Kirishima often gets. That is until a familiar wobbly voice reaches your ears.
"Hi, bunny," Izuku says. Within a second, he has closed the space between you. Your arms wrap around him instinctively. It's an awkward hold. You used to be able to rest your chin on his head. Now, his muscled body towers over yours.
"Y-You're...You're dead," you whisper against his chest while nuzzling your cheek into him. His body heat seems to bring you a type of peace you haven't known of in years.
"I know, I know," he says while running his hands over your back. Sobs break out of your chest as your emotions seem to flow over. Salty rivers running past your burning cheeks and dripping into Izuku's musky hoodie.
Your body shakes as you grab onto Izuku, painfully so. You're sure you're going to leave bruises on his sickly pale skin yet you can't bring yourself to care. The aching in your chest that you've suppressed for years finally seems to boil over.
Hot and heavy emotions spill into your mind. You aren't sure if the salty taste in your mouth is from biting your lip until blood gushes out of it or the tears streaming down uncontrollably. You're sure that you look like a mess. Tears and snot dripping down your chin.
Instead of trying to see through your tear-blurred vision, you burry your face further into your friend's chest.
He's dead or at least supposed to be. You buried him, cried at his funeral and went through grief for him.
Yet here he is, in the flesh. His voice still sounds the same. He still smells the same. But he is not the same boy you knew years ago. His smile isn't the same. And his scarred hands sure aren't the same. Everything about him is the same, yet slightly different, giving you a mental whiplash.
"You have some fucking explaining to do," Bakugou says. His voice breaks you out of your trance. You pull away from Izuku, your body immediately screaming in protest. You look up at him. It feels strange, you used to be at least a head taller than him
"How the fuck are you still alive?". Bakugou doesn't have time for nicknames or formality. Not when he knows that the man standing before him has the blood of at least a hundred on his hands.
Izuku steps away from you, unwinding his arms from your body. Bakugou quickly strides over and pulls you away from the offending man. He pushes you behind him while one hand still grips onto your arm. You want to ask him what the fuck he's doing but Izuku starts talking before you can.
"It's a long story," he says. "Can't tell you everything but, long story short, I had to fake my death. Some guys were after me but it's all fixed now!". The vagueness mixed with his eerie smile only makes him look more like a psychopath.
"All fixed? All-fucking-fixed?". Boiling anger rising to Bakugou's head, clouding his thinking. He taking quick steps up to his ex-friend. Izuku doesn't even flinch when Bakugou grabs onto his neck tightly. "You left. Fucking made us think you're dead and you think you can just come in and say that everything is fixed?".
Spit flies out of his mouth and lands on Izuku's cheek, a shiver of disgust running over his spine at the feeling. Yet the green-haired man can't stop the excitement from bubbling up at seeing his friend so rilled up.
"Bakugou, Jesus fuck, calm down," you say. This situation should probably feel more serious than it is. Yet the shock still evident in your body and the adrenaline clouding your mind makes you unable to properly process it all.
"Like hell, I'll calm down!". Bakugou finally lets go of Izuku's throat. A set of cough falls out of the green-haired man's throat. He smirks as he glances down at the aggressive blond.
"Come on, Kacchan, we shouldn't do this in front of our little bunny," Izuku says with a smirk. The gears finally seem to click in his mind. Suddenly, the bunny mask, the name, the costume, it all makes sense.
"You sick fuck!" Bakugou yells before landing a hit square on Izuku's jaw. He stumbles back a bit, taken aback at Bakugou's sudden outburst. The blond takes the opportunity to land another punch right on his nose.
A wet crunch sounds through the room. You cringe as you feel bile rise in your throat from the sound. "Izuku!" you yell out as you try to get to your friend or ex-friend, you're not sure.
Bakugou stops you thought, his arms wrapping around your body and spinning you away from the green-haired freak. You pound your hand on his arms pleading with him to let you go but your ministrations do nothing to the number one hero.
Izuku laughs as he wipes away the blood dripping from his nose, tainting the grimy grey of his hoodie with it. "You're gonna regret that, Kacchan," he says. Bakugou doesn't even give him the light of day as he makes his way out of his apartment with light speed
Your throat grows dry and painful as you plead Bakugou to let you. To let you go to him. "It's okay, he's gone," Bakugou says.
You shake your head violently as you claw at his back, trying to get his arms to loosen their hold. "I need to see him. I gotta-I gotta see him. Suki, please!". The hoarseness of your voice shoots painful stabs into Bakugou's heart.
But he doesn't let his mind linger too long, running down the stairs two steps at a time. All he can focus on is getting you away from that creep before he can touch you again.
"Please, I can't leave him again," you sob out. Bakugou simply lays on hand on the back of your head, pulling you even closer to him. Thankfully he doesn't see Izuku following behind him.
"Please, not again," you say before your voice bursts out in sobs again. Fuck, how much Bakugou wants to blast that fuckers skull in. He's sure his friends at the police force wouldn't mind turning a blind eye for him. But that'll have to wait until later. Now he needs to focus on keeping you safe, safe from him.
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blueknightdg · 3 years
Consideration and Generosity
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noire, DCU
Characters: Marinette, Damian
She sat on a park bench that day; the weather was hot yet, cloudy.
Despite the uncomfortable sweat clinging to her being and the buzzing noise of her surroundings, she smiled happily. She would do anything for inspiration, even endure the blistering feeling of the sun.
Soon enough it has been hours since she began to sketch and draw designs for clothing she wishes to make true.
She feels her head is off, so she takes a break to answer a text from her mother.
(Mom) Marinette, are you still at the park? It's been five hours.
(Me) Yep! Just taking a break.
(Mom) Just now? It's really hot outside, have you eaten? What about water?
(Me) Don't worry! I'm fine! I stayed in the shade the whole time.
(Mom) Okay, but I want a picture of you eating.
(Me) Okay, I will. I love you!
(Mom) I love you too.
Marinette, packs her sketch books and other materials a way in her bag. She stands up, only to tip over onto someone walking past her.
"Hey, you-"
The person stops to keep her from falling all the way down.
"Uh... I'm sorry, I guess I should have taken a break earlier."
She tries to break a way from the strangers grip. They let her go easily. They began to walk a little further a way with a eye in her direction. She sits down again to collect herself. She takes a few breaths and thinks about how to get up without falling and embarrassing herself.
"I wish I packed a water bottle or something, I knew it was hot but I thought I would be fine....", she thought to herself.
She checked her bag in case she just forgot. Lo and behold there was a water bottle in one of the outside pockets.
"Huh....? That's strange, I was sure I......oh well.", she shrugged it off as her forgetting.
Feeling a little better, she carefully stood up. Having not fallen, she smiled and picked up her full bag. She walks in the direction of a small restaurant to eat, since she wouldn't make it home before hunger got to her.
She walked like she wasn't being followed. Casual and slow, she took in the buildings a round her. The same as her memories told her, but still just as beautiful.
Once she got to an empty table, she sat her bag down in front of her. The waitress walks up to her with a smile.
"Hello! Here is the menu, please take your time. Though I do suggest today's special! Mushroom soup with broccoli, carrots, and rice."
"Thank you."
"No problem!"
The waitress leaves her be and she focuses on the menu. It seems that this restaurant is all about healthy living.
She hums to herself as she thinks of her order. However, everything sounded wonderful and she couldn't decide. Then she heard a waitress bring someone's order of a tofu and veggie stuffed bell peppers with a side salad. So she looked over to see the meal and found that it looked delicious. She also saw they ordered tomato juice.
Looking at the menu one more time, she located the meal, drink and picked out a dessert on her own.
As soon as she put her menu down, the waitress came up to her with her pen and notepad out.
"Ready to order?"
"Yes, I would like the Tofu and Veggie stuffed Bell peppers with a side salad, tomato juice, and the vanilla, soy bean ice cream."
"Would you like a topping?"
"Yes, let's see....oh! The coconut sprinkles and strawberry drizzle."
"To repeat: Tofu, veggie stuff bell peppers, side salad, tomato juice, vanilla soy bean ice cream with coconut sprinkles and strawberry drizzle?"
"Okay, we will right on it!"
Marinette took out her phone as she waited. She texted her mom, that she was at a restaurant nearby. Her mom reminded her to send a picture of her eating.
A few minutes later and her food was brought to her.
"Thank you so much!"
"It's no problem, dear, tell me if you need anything!"
The waitress leaves to let her eat. She sends a picture of her food to her mom, who responded with the words 'smile and heart'.
Change perspective
His day was normal. He woke up and dealt with the hooligans that plagued his life. He was currently in Paris as a part of a stake out group. His family dispersed during day to do individual actives. His father wanted him near by, but he argued that he didn't need to be monitored.
His father conceded by saying he must practice being considerate of other people and to update him on how it is going and if he needs help. He was more than reluctant to agree. Regardless, he did.
He didn't like the loose nature of his apparel for the day, but had no chouce due to the heat.
Though by no means is his clothing loose in comparison to others definition. He prefers to be dignified at all times.
Most of the day, he had nothing report to his father that was particularly considerate until he notice the ragged look of a girl a round his age. She looked dehydrated and ill. He scoffs at her lack of self preservation until he notice she was immersed in some kind of sketching. He also remembered his has to be 'considerate' today so he will say she was lost to passion. After all, this is Paris, the city known for passion.
He watches her as she unconsciously squints and makes a grim expression at times. She sways ever so slightly.
In his observations, she stopped her work to look at her phone. Her condition is not well. He walks a little closer with a water bottle he bought. The moment he walked next to her and she stood, he stabilized her and slipped the water bottle in her bag as she spoke, trying to clear her head. She was drenched in sweat.
"Father better be grateful, I am being more than generous with being 'considerate', disgusting.", he thought with distain.
He hurried a way from her only to stop a short distance a way to watch her more and to sanitize his hands; to rid himself of the horrid feeling of her sweat.
The girl swayed less than before, but after updating his father of what happened, he was ordered to tail her. What if she collapsed? His efforts would have been in vain if that was so.
He was slightly frustrated and her slow pace did nothing to help. He only felt a bit better at her choice of eatery. He saw that she was heading for a Healthy Living Restaurant and went a head of her to sit down. He typed to his father that the girl was trying to decide what to eat. He was instructed to do what he thought best if he were to interfere at all. So he picked the most sensible option for her condition, in return, she followed and added something to her order.
He ate quietly and finished before her. He then left a large tip; the service was quick, the food palatable, atmosphere was pleasant and he doubted the girl had much on her. Enough to pay perhaps, but she would then be left with nothing else.
She seemed to be middle class, and the middle class does not make much little wealth, to him at least. Sure, her clothing was quite good with quality, but her manners weren't all that remarkable and nothing else about her was either.
Polite, is what she was. Quiet, unnoticeable, and polite.
To him, she was a foolish girl that dreamed too much and did little for her own well-being. Truly the epitome of moronic whelps.
After he left the restaurant, he watched from a distance. Through the window, he saw her tempt to pay, only to be denied. He smirked, perhaps he should visit this particular restaurant again and maybe even invest a bit?
He felt his phone buzz, his father typed, wanting to be updating on the status of the girl. It became apparent that some of the hooligans are now aware of his sudden punish- mission. Yes, this is a mission.
Protecting such weak plebeians is the duty of his father and him, also the unsightly hooligans- not well in his opinion- but he shall add them this once.
"Father is surely proud of how 'considerate' and 'generous' I am.", he believes, "Excessively so."
The day ends with Marinette safely returning home and the still mysterious young man facing his mismatched family.
The young man remained considerate as he ignored the jeers of the hooligans until he realized, he didn't have to any more and retorted as though his words came from the high heavens.
The next time he checked in on the young lady, he had some knowledge of her background he shouldn't and decided to continue to see to it that she is well taken care.
"It's called being an arrogant, egotistical xsshxle with a God complex. She doesn't need your 'consideration', she is not a charity case!"
One loud problem claimed as he tuned him out.
The young man did visit the restaurant once more and she was there. She would visit often and order the same thing as he had the first time. There were times she ordered something else and he would try things she experimented with, minus the meat.
She ordered meat less and less the more she came to the restaurant, he noticed. He had no clue why, since she obviously had no problem eating it.
He didn't order sweets as often as she did, but he would on occasion, get something with a little bit of sweetness to it; like the dried fruit sandwich with any type of sauce it can come with. The sandwich had fresh, and air dried fruit. There would be other ingredients and such to change the flavor of the sandwich, making it a popular item on the menu.
Change Perspective
She felt like she has seen the same guy a lot over the past two months and is slightly worried. After some thought to it and the more she believed she was over thinking it and that it was pure coincidence. She did know, however, he had good taste in food and art. Plus that animals are so cute!! He couldn't be all bad if animals liked him.
She would walk a little closer and sometimes walk a little farther from him and since he never moved, she felt better. It really was a coincidence to her knowledge.
Eventually, she would would stop seeing him. He was a tourist, so of course he would leave at some point. Still, she was a little sad.
Oh well, school is starting soon, maybe she'll make friends to fill the loneliness her pretend friend left her.
She liked to pretend this stranger was her friends and that they hung out, since she saw him in most places that she was. She saw him at the restaurant and sometimes the park and rarely he would be at the museum. Technically he wasn't everywhere and not as frequent as she made it seem like he was, but if was often enough to remember him.
"You should have talked to him, get his number."
"But then he might have thought I was hitting on him! I just wanted a friend..."
"Sweetie, look on bright side! Either you can cherish memories that made you happy or you can forget him and move on. You don't know what life has in-store for you, it could be fun!"
"Thank you, mom. You too dad, I will see what happens."
"On that note, want help me frost some cakes?"
The end.
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
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Recollections - Chapter 3
Recollections is a collection of interconnected OneShots that span Jasper's life with Alice. They are in the same continuity, but can be read as stand-alones.
You can also find this fanfiction AO3 or FF.net.
Summary: After meeting Alice in a half-empty diner and waiting out the storm in her apartment, Jasper leaves Philadelphia with her and has his first experience with animal blood [aka Jasper's first time hunting animals].
Timeline for this chapter: This takes place just after Alice and Jasper's first meeting in 1948.
Word Count for this chapter: 1'630
Trigger Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Chapter 3: October 29, 1948 - Wharton State Forest, NJ.
We had left the apartment just a few hours after nightfall, heading east. Alice was carrying a leather travel bag which had already been packed and ready to go when she pulled it out of her closet. I had offered to take it from her twice, but she declined, stubbornly carrying the pouch that looked enormous next to her tiny frame.
I was glad for the rain that still kept most humans inside. What would they have thought, seeing a tall man like me letting his delicate companion carry the heavy suitcase? What a horribly dull thought to be someone’s last. And there was no doubt it would be. Despite the blood of the drunkard still coursing through my system, I was past letting a suitable victim walk if they were unlucky enough to cross my path. And with Alice’s positivity close by, the emotional turmoil may even be bearable.
I shoved the thought aside, disgusted by the murderous musings my mind followed while she was lively chatting about how she’d seen Emmett pursue a polar bear earlier today.
“He’ll be very disappointed to find out that the poor thing is too starved to put up a good fight. But then, Esme always says he shouldn’t play with his meal.”
It was strange listening to her talk about something that hadn’t even happened yet as if it were a fact. As if the people in her visions were her best friends, her close family. I probably would have thought her crazy—even crazier than I already did—if I couldn’t feel it.
Just like the affection she had blinded me with earlier, her adoration for this family was certain. Absolute. Those people weren’t just pictures in her mind, they were her family. Just like I was her mate, even though I didn’t feel—
Well, I didn’t feel anything specific at all. I was still hovering somewhere between the unfathomable draw of her emotions, the remnants of my previous kill, and the distracting mundane sentiments of the area’s inhabitants. If it were up to me, we couldn’t leave the city behind us fast enough. But Alice was determined to keep up a human appearance. At least when we were crossing streets in the dim light of the streetlamps.
She knew exactly when it was safe to speed up and when the next dark alley held another unfortunate homeless man. They never knew how close they came to an untimely death. Alice always reached her hand out just in time, interlacing her fingers with mine and stunning me with another wave of her intoxicating blend of positive emotions.
Still, I was glad when we finally left the outskirts of the city and its human scents behind. And even though she hadn’t let it simmer through her carefully curated emotional climate before, I sensed that Alice shared my relief. I wondered if she’d suppressed it knowingly or if it was just a lucky coincidence, realising once more how alarmingly little I knew about her. About how much she knew about me and my talent.
She had said, she’d seen me since 1920. Almost two decades before I left Maria. Before Charlotte joined our ranks. Before she and Peter left. Before I arrived at my lowest point. And judging by the frequency she had received visions since we met, she’d probably seen most of it.
She’s seen me die. I hadn’t been able to fully comprehend the significance of that revelation before, too occupied by the sudden change in her disposition and desperate to return her to her previous cheery self. But now…
I had sometimes wondered how close I’d come to my demise after particularly violent battles, guessed how often I’d cheated death in the last second. There had even been times, though few and only in the later years, where I wished the grim reaper’s hold on me was stronger. These thoughts had grown more powerful and more frequent during the last decade. I’d lost all hope. And Alice had returned it to me within a fraction of a second.
I looked at her from the side. She’d gone silent after we left the city, but an abundance of determination and joy still lingered in her smile. She was remarkable. How much strength had to lie in that tiny body of hers to be able to withstand decades of loneliness without growing grim, despondent?
As if she had felt my gaze on her, she turned her head and looked at me, before accelerating and suddenly changing the direction. She was hunting now.
I followed her, pushing away the dazing side-effects of my talent as good as I could, focusing on the hunt as well. But despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hear or smell anything that was remotely appetising.
“Have you caught something?” I asked.
“Not yet. But I’ve seen us coming upon a pack of wolves just a few miles north of here,” she explained.
“Yes. I’ve found that predators are slightly more enjoyable. Their blood is more like human’s.”
I nodded. She was the expert. I, on the other hand, was still grappling with the idea that any animal blood could be enough to sustain our immortal bodies.
Just as she had predicted, the wind soon blew the sound of shuffling paws on damp ground in our direction. But despite closing in on the animals quickly, I still couldn’t smell anything that got my venom flowing.
This hadn’t changed by the time Alice stopped and turned to look at me, an expectant glimmer in her eyes. “They’re just up ahead. I’ll stay here. Good Luck!”
I threw her a last doubtful look, before dashing forward. What could be the worst thing to happen? Me, coughing up wolf pelt for a few days. Probably.
The animals sensed me the moment I spotted them. One howled, then they all took off. Their fur blended well with the undergrowth, and they were significantly faster than humans. Still, no match for a predator like me. I leapt at the slowest one, my arms instinctively wrapping around its torso, one hand reaching for the snout. The animal growled and snapped violently, but its teeth weren’t built to penetrate vampire skin. The poor thing was helpless. A quick flick of my wrist and its suffering was over.
Getting back up on my feet, I viewed the carcass doubtfully. A small trickle of blood flowed from its mouth while mine stayed uncharacteristically dry. Alice is waiting. Better get it over with, I reminded myself and buried my teeth in the animal’s neck.
The first thing I noticed was the unappetising sensation of fur in my mouth. Nothing compared to the smoothness of human skin. Still, it alone would have been tolerable, had it not been accompanied by the abhorrently bitter taste of the wolf’s blood. I spit it back out immediately, discarding the carcass with more force than necessary. It landed right at Alice’s feet.
I hadn’t even noticed her approaching. I was too occupied with gagging and picking hair from my teeth. “This is repulsing,” I cursed.
She chuckled. “I never said it would be pleasant.”
“Pleasant? This is not just unpleasant, it’s… nauseating.”
“You’ll get used to the taste.”
“I doubt that,” I replied, spitting out again. I just couldn’t get the bitter taste to go away. And there was fur stuck between my teeth.
Alice set her bag down and picked up the dead animal. In her arms, it instantly appeared much larger than it actually was. “Please, try it again. It’s not as bad once you get over the initial taste. For me?”
There was so much hope in her words. And as her emotions gently nudged me, I just couldn’t say no. Hesitantly, I held my hands out towards her.
A smile lit up her face and she handed me the carcass. “You should hurry. It’s better when it’s warm.”
Her comment didn’t really help but I also didn’t want to disappoint her. And so, I sunk my teeth into the animal again.
The initial reaction wasn’t as bad as the first time since I now knew what to expect. Still, I had to force myself to swallow the bitter fluid. The constant burning in my throat was barely affected. At least, the usual wave of my victim’s pain and despair remained absent, even after I dropped the body to the ground. It was nice, not to feel the crushing weight of death. But regardless, I wasn’t convinced.
Wiping the blood off my lips with the back of my hand, my eyes returned to Alice. She was incredibly proud, smiling from ear to ear as if she had just observed me best the mightiest of creatures instead of almost retching from animal blood.
“How do you feel?” she asked.
“Horrible. And still thirsty.”
She nodded, picking up her bag again. “It will get easier with time.”
“I can’t believe you’ve been doing this for 28 years.”
“You get used to it. And the taste isn’t as bad as ending someone’s life, wouldn’t you agree?”
I wasn’t sure. Wasn’t this just trading one torment for another? No longer feeling the torture of death but instead constantly forcing myself to down this abomination she considered to be blood? I didn’t dare to imagine how much would be needed to satisfy one’s thirst.
My head jerked towards Alice again as I felt uncertainty soar inside of her. Still, her hope remained strong. She was looking at me expectantly, obviously waiting for me to agree. To go with her. But could I do that?
I didn’t know. But her incomparable affection and the promise of a brighter future were worth figuring it out.
“I’m not sure,“ I replied, “but I’m willing to find out.”
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the-silentium · 4 years
Lost Future Pt. 3
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Pairing: soulmate!Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Soulmate AU where the soulmates share their wounds. || Along with your brother, you are transported into the 1960's with a bunch of kids you don't know. Turns out they are trying to stop the 2019 apocalypse and you are playing a key part of it.
Words: 6600 words
Warnings: Violence, swears, angst, fluff, mention of death, mention of illness, blood. 
A/N: I finally finished it! I hope you like this last part of our two little soulmates story! Don’t forget to leave your reactions in the comments!
Every Hargreeves and Beauchamps were gathered around the bunker’s table, reviewing the last details of the plan that would preserve humanity after April 1st, 2019 came around. Everything was perfect, you were at your best, Vanya was ready for her part to come, Five had successfully located a team of operations agents and had abducted one of the duo, teleporting him to the woods to beat the shit out of him and remove its tracker. After his messy handy work, he teleported the Commission assassin to the bunker, where you would take possession of the man and play his role. 
“See ya soon.” You smiled confidently at your friends and brother. If you were unsure of your capacity to bring this mission to success, now you were pumped and ready to kick asses. You approached your target but were intercepted on your way by lips colliding with yours. The shock froze you on the spot, ironic considering that your body temperature was rising at an incredible speed. To your disappointment, you didn’t have the time to recover and reciprocate the affection that said lips parted from yours. 
“Be careful.” You admired how his exterior was a flawless portrait of calm despite how agitated you could see his soul. Five’s soul was a dark charcoal grey traveled by black thin and irregular stripes, no doubt because of his time as an assassin. Its jagged edges added to the menacing picture that was your soulmate's soul, but despite it being one of the darkest you've ever seen, you never feared it. 
During your first training on Five, you were intrigued by the strange soul. In your life, you've never seen one react as Five's did. When you approached, its sharp edges were clearly trying to intimidate you and keep you away at all costs. It all changed when you tenderly touched the dark flame, its form creeping around your fingers, tugging you closer. Everywhere your own soul would touch his, the nearby dark strings regressed until disappearing completely and creating little white spots here and there. You could feel the change into Five's body, the relaxation, the lightness and the feeling of belonging. 
Usually, you would keep the soul to soul contact to a minimum, the intimacy of the thing being too intrusive, but with Five, his need mixed with your desire made your hands wander. You stroked his soul like you would his cheek, enveloped your arms around the defenseless flame who crashed against your form and kissed the remaining dark spots away. Five's mind has never been as peaceful as it was in this moment, the feeling of being home was so warming and appeasing that he followed you like a moth followed a light whenever you tried to separate yourself from him. 
“Will you still love me at the end of all this?” His insecurities were out only for you to see.
“Forever. I promise.” You didn’t know what he thought would scare you away, you just knew that nothing could change your feelings for him. 
It was a good thing that the first sessions were one on one. It allowed you to pass time with him without worrying about the others snooping around and mocking how their brother became tender. 
"Always." You smiled and turned to your target. Andrew positioned himself right behind you, ready to catch your falling body while you concentrated on the agent's soul. 
You pushed the light grey flame to the back of… Zachary's body and took control. With your new training, the usual nausea was now a slight dizziness and you were up and walking in seconds. Zachary's efforts to regain control of his body were totally vain. The Hargreeves had an advantage while fighting your soul: they knew what you were. The agent had no clue, making it infinitely easier to block his attempt to take control. 
The pain radiating from Five's beating was omnipresent. You were sure that some ribs were broken along with other major injuries. Oh and the abdominal pain you felt? Clearly not normal. Every detail of the mission was thought through, meaning that if you returned to Zachary's partner unarmed, there would be suspicions so you had to play the game and act as hurt. The easiest play of your life, really. The pain was pretty real so that wouldn't be a big deal. You weren’t even sure you could walk. 
Five’s face showed his concern when he saw you struggle to sit up. His hand reached out to help you, only to be batted away by your own.
"It’s fine. I can do it." You saw his hands closing into fists at your pained grunts. 
You lost your footing when you got off the table and fell to the ground in a yelp. 
"I’m fine." You tried to get up again but the white pain in your abdomen was too much.
"No you’re not. Stop trying to get up." Your soulmate positioned himself behind you. "Can you still do it?" You knew he was concerned about your well being, but pain had a tendency to make you impatient.
"Yes and the sooner we start the sooner it ends. So let’s go." Your fogged mind almost didn’t register Five’s surprise at your outburst. "Sorry."
"No you’re right." He shook his head before grabbing a bloody pocket knife from his shorts. "Ready?" You answered with a nod, the knife went to your throat and you both teleported away, in the motel room Diego and Andrew found out to be rented by the Commissioners. Zachary's partner… Brendan lifted his gun as soon as he noticed the newcomers. 
"Tell the Handler that my patience is getting thin." A groan fell from your mouth as Five tugged on your hair and exposed your throat. "And make sure to tell her that the next time I see one of her little puppets, she won't see me coming." The tension keeping your head up disappeared in a blue light, causing you to tumble to fall forward in a groan. Brendan was quick to kneel next to you to assess your wounds.
"Shit! He got you freakin' good that asshole." 
"Damn midget was quick." You grunted in response, hands gripping your abdomen.
"The hell did he do to you?" Brendan helped you get on a bed and you recited the story Five gave you. "Dammit! We have to report that to the Handler." Brendan’s nervous back and forth walking was intriguing.
Curious about why reporting to the woman seemed so troublesome, you turned back to Zachary's soul and probed his memory. Five had warned you that the woman was special, but you didn't think it was that bad. The woman was mad, that was a fact. But when it came to your soulmate? Holy shit. She was a psychopath devil wearing Prada. 
"You do it. I have to go to the infirmary." Gripping your ribs, you didn’t even have to force your sentence to sound out of breath. From what you've gathered on Brendan, he wasn't the bravest one, meaning that he would insist for you to come with him to face the wolf that is the Handler. 
"You were the one kidnapped. You tell the story." Bingo. 
Breathing in sharply, you gestured for the blonde to come over. He grabbed the briefcase sitting on his bed to fix the proper date and location before walking over to your bloody form. He assured that your grip on him was secured and pressed the buttons to activate the teleportation. As it was your first briefcase travel, you weren’t prepared for the twist your stomach graciously executed, forcing Zachary’s last meal to hurry up your esophagus and fall on the floor in a brownish puddle. 
Brendan jumped away fairly quickly, scrunching up his nose in disgust. "Could’ve warned me man."
You barely had time to shoot him an annoyed glance that medical staff took you away to treat your injuries and test you in case of a concussion, letting you time to analyze your surroundings between each test and identify potential exits if it ever came to that. From time to time you had to turn to Zachary, who was still clueless of what was happening to him, shown by his incessant attempts to order his body to move, and push him farther. His pleas for someone to help him were loud and clear, disrupting your attempts to concentrate and answer the nurses questions. 
The nurses left you alone in your private room now that every wound on your new male body was disinfected and patched to their liking. You refused every painkiller that was offered to you in fear of losing control over Zachary’s body and also to keep your mind focussed on the task at hand. One of the doctors came back with what you assumed was your file, explaining how lucky you were to be alive blablabla. You weren’t lucky. You just had the best assassin of the whole timeline as soulmate and he happened to know where to strike to cause maximum damage without killing its prey. 
"The nurses will prep you for your surgery. Your spleen has been damaged and is now bleeding into your abdomen."
You raised your hand to interrupt him. "No, I have to talk to the Handler first. It’s urgent." Your heartbeat accelerated as your nervosity increased. The surgery would eat up too much of your precious time and who knew what would happen of you when under anesthesia. 
"Sir. We have to bring you into surgery as soon as-"
"I said no! If you want me to have this surgery, you’ll have to get the Handler here first!" You cut him off. 
"We don’t have ti-" The poor doctor was cut off about, but by a feminine cough this time. His fear clearly showed on his face at the vision of the extravagant lady in the doorframe. 
"Good thing that I’m already here then. I’m sure we can have a little five minutes. Go get yourself a coffee." Her tone seemed sweet despite her hard commanding eyes, their intensity raising the hairs on your arms. 
The argument was clearly over. The doctor hurried out of the room, allowing the blonde woman to take her time to talk to you. As you took in her sweet exterior, her radiant smile and her interesting clothes, you were thankful for your ability to see everyone's true self, because if you had crossed her path without being able to see her jet black soul, you feared that you would have trusted her without a second thought. 
"I see Number Five hasn't lost his touch." She gestured vaguely at your numerous injuries with her perfectly manicured hand, which you couldn't help but notice, the vibrant red looking like blood on the top of her fingers. "But I guess he did lose some efficiency in his adorable little shorts, you are still breathing after all."
"He charged me to deliver a message to you ma'am." A gurgling sound punctuated your words, causing you to cough as soon as you finished your sentence. 
"You will have to do it quickly darling, we don't want you to run out of time before you tell me." She moved closer to hear your words better. Her lack of empathy hit you right in the gut, you, no, Zachary was dying and she couldn't find it in herself to at least fake some kindness. 
"Karma is a bitch." You chuckled at her confusion before quickly leaving Zachary's body behind and entering hers. The slight vertigo that you were now used to wasn’t as bad as when you trained with the Hargreeves. Despite what you thought, she hasn’t seen you coming and offered no resistance. You let yourself the time to adjust while she still hasn’t detected you yet, her confusion overwhelming your mind and senses. Soon though, she started to feel wrong and tried to walk away from the weak form of the injured agent. Panic flooded through her mind when she realized that her body wouldn’t do as asked. What is happening? 
"Oh. You just got hijacked.” You snickered. Make sure that the Handler was in the building, check! You walked out of the room just as the doctor came back to take the dying man to surgery. Not knowing that this agency was full of murderers, you would have felt bad for what was coming, but you knew. 
You ventured into endless corridors, your destination in mind. You had to make it there without having to search her mind for the directions if possible. You tried to block out her murderous thoughts, her rage sounding like thunder under your skull gave you a really bad headache. Fortunately for you, you had had your fair share of headaches in your life meaning that you had a good tolerance for them. 
Unfortunately for you was that you couldn’t make your way out of these damns corridors and find the briefcase room. Five had formally forbidden you to peek into her mind, saying that her mind was too dangerous to adventure yourself into. You hated to admit that he was right. 
Five's soul was definitely nothing compared to the one right in front of you. The craziness that was boiling into its depth was licking at yours in an attempt to corrupt you or scare you away, you weren't sure which. 
“Ma’am? Are you alright?” You almost didn’t register the concerned voice into all the chaos of your head. A sweet-looking woman was 
“Y-Yes.” You pinched your nose at the waver in your voice. “I’m just feeling out of it today.” Andrew would have been proud of your acting talent, he always told you that you were terrible. “Could you please show me the way to the briefcase room?” 
Her brown eyes widened as if you had insulted her whole family, stressing you out. What did you say wrong? I never say please, you little shit. You mentally facepalmed at that.
“Em. Sure, ma’am. This way.” 
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stay silent when the Handler didn’t stop screaming in your head. You focussed on placing one foot in front of the other without face-planting in your high-heels while massaging your temple with your fingers. The headache was slowly morphing into a migraine, it wasn’t good. 
As soon as you saw the desired room, you made your way in it, caught the first one, and quickly inserted the right time coordinates. 
The numbness creeping slowly into your mind scared you to no end. Tiny strings of her soul tried to reach yours, sometimes succeeding and making your heart rate skyrocket. Every barrier you tried to put between you, she would destroy them or find a way to pass through the cracks. At first, she tried to take control again but when she realized that it wouldn’t work, she then passed to stab your mind with her own. Images of dead bodies would then flash before your eyes at her fortunate stabs, some bloodier than others, some had severed limbs, others were disfigured. It disgusted you how these people were butchered like they were animals. Then why are you helping their killer? You froze in place, the severity of her words hitting you like a train. 
It… couldn’t be. You knew he was a killer, Five never lied about doing atrocities in the past, but hearing it and seeing it were two different things. 
“You forced him to do it…” As much as you wanted to believe your own words, you knew that it couldn’t erase the fact that he did it nonetheless. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?” Your body was suddenly shaked back and forth, making you blink a couple of times to regain your senses. You were back at the bunker, in Andrew's arms, the Hargreeves concerned gazes fixed on you. As much as it hurt to do so, you couldn't find it in yourself to meet Five's gaze, the memories of lifeless corpses lingering at the back of your mind. 
"I'm okay." Your voice was small, tired, just like how you felt. 
"You don't look okay." You shrugged it off, entering your previous location's coordinates as the next destination in the briefcase and made your way toward Vanya, holding your hand out to her. You fled your problems as soon as you could. 
Helping Vanya to stay on her wobbly feet was more difficult than you thought with the deadly high-heels you were wearing. You ditched them after having once again entered the bunker as your terminus. 
A metallic sound caught your attention, the handcuffs in Vanya's hand shone under the neon light of the empty office. With a single nod, Vanya caught your wrist in one of the loops and closed the other around one of the many metal bars blocking the window. Everything was in place. Now, the last thing for you to do was get into Vanya's body and stay on the backseat while she used her ability to destroy the complex. 
You visualized the bright white soul that was Vanya's and made a move to get out of the Handler's body when a sharp stab into your essence pulled you back into it. I wonder how Five will take that his soulmate doesn't make it back. 
Cold sweat covers your body instantly, panic surging through your every nerves. Her soul found an opening into your fragilized wall and took advantage of it. Black threads emerging from her soul had wrapped themselves around yours, keeping you prisoner of her physical form. You let your guard down and it would now cost you your life. 
"Y/N, everything alright?" 
You slowly shook your head, tears forming into your eyes. You choked on your air, the Handler fighting you for control. The hours spent into Zachary's body, the pain you had to endure, all the time travelling, the body jumping added to the images of your soulmate's victims rendered you tired, allowing the mad woman to push you back to second. 
"Five should have known better than to send a little" Her soul gripped yours as tightly as it could, her wrath flowing around in a psychotic manner making you almost pass out. "weakling to control me." 
"Leave her alone." You haven't heard Vanya's voice much during the time you passed with her family under the yellow house. She was always shy, keeping her thoughts to herself. It surprised you that she managed to express herself in such a stern manner, an excited shudder ran through you. Maybe you had a chance. 
"If you uncuff me." The grip on you tightened at Vanya's hesitation. "Or I'll crush her." 
Oh. Bad idea. Once brown eyes suddenly became as white as snow, her soul and body glowing in the dimly lit room. The Handler's grip on you slipped when a blue stream hit her square in the chest, her body falling to the ground with her hand still tied to the bars. 
Seeing an opening, you swiftly threw yourself out, seeking refuge into Vanya's mind. The silence that reigned there was welcome, you let yourself fall limply somewhere into the depth of Vanya's form, totally drained from the last interference. She must have felt your forced entry because the next thing you knew, her soul was shining like a thousand suns followed by the sound of destruction. 
Vanya's power wave exploded the walls and ceiling surrounding you along with the entirety of the Commission's complex. You blacked out when Vanya made her way into the air, a bubble protecting her from the debris with the briefcase in hand. 
11 days. The 11 best days of your life. Even though you passed them fighting to prevent the apocalypse, you would never change them for anything. You had the opportunity to meet your soulmate, fall in love with him and get to know him along with his family. 
Back in your very own body, you were delighted when you learned that the apocalypse wouldn't happen in 2019 now that the Commission's base was reduced to ashes. The happiness you felt from Five's kisses and the loud cheers resonating around you was short lived, Andrew's sad gaze met yours, causing your eyes to tear up. He forced himself to smile, but you saw right through his facade. This same smile was forcing his handsome features back then and it hurt just the same to see him trying to be positive for your sake when he was himself drowning in his sorrow. 
You leaved a confused Five behind and rushed into your brother's arms, your hands closing on his shirt in tight fists. His arms wrapped around your form just as tightly as yours were around his, the thought of leaving him behind again filling you with dread. 
"I love you so much." The sob breaking your brother's whisper torned your heart apart. 
"What's going on?" Unbeknownst to you, the room had stopped celebrating, instead focussing their attention on the odd scene happening before them. Allison was the first to ask what everyone was secretly thinking. 
You took a deep breath, mentaly preparing yourself for Five's reaction at your next words. Releasing the fabric, you separated yourself from Andrew's shirt and joined your hands in front of you in an attempt to stop them from shaking. As soon as your soulmate noticed them, he space-jumped next to you in hope of giving you comfort, instead you cower back into Andrew's chest, but this time facing the rest of the group. You avoided his hurt gaze by watching your fingers. 
"I-" The lump closing your throat made it difficult to speak your mind. A reassuring hand fell on your shoulder hoping to give you the strength needed. "I won't be there when you go back to 2019." 
"It's fine, I can space-jump to Canada without a problem." Five frowned, concerned about why you being in another country was an issue. 
"That's not what I mean." You shook your head and closed your eyes tightly in hope to keep the tears at bay. "What I mean is, when you go back in 2019 I won't be there 'cause I'll be dead. I died in 2009 of a brain tumor."
There, finally it was out! Minus the sharp breaths here and there, the room was utterly silenced. That is until Five kicked the nearby coffee table. The sudden sound made you jump and open your eyes to meet the image of your angry soulmate. You almost regretted telling him, but you knew that he deserved to know.
"That's impossible. You wouldn't be here if you were. Ben isn't." You had to fight yourself to not avoid his angry gaze. He was in denial and you would help him through it. You had accepted your death long ago, your eternal slumber along with your last moments still engraved into your memory.
You could feel yourself floating in comfortable darkness. Your senses were numb, no sounds bouncing around, nothing to taste, nothing to see, nothing to touch, nothing to smell. You couldn’t tell why, but being this senseless made you panic slightly. How long had you been there? An hour? A day? A year? You had no memories of how you ended in this isolated place. However, something in you, hidden deep inside, said that this was better. This was safe. The appeasing thought cleared your mind and allowed your muscles to slowly loosen. 
A flash of color appears in front of you. No. Not in front of you. In your mind. Light green orbs watched you closely. Their magnificent color was tainted by tears. Why is he crying? Light brown strands fall in front of his eyes, hiding his tears from your view. His hair was chaotic like he had passed countless times combing his hand through his strands. A chuckle rose in your throat, aiming to be set free and be heard. Only silence resonated in your ears. 
His form is now shaking slightly. His untamed locks moved in quick succession and sobs reached you. His distress felt like a punch to the gut, stealing all of your air and squeezing your heart. You desperately wanted to reassure him, but at this point in time, all you could manage to do was stay still and wait for your fast-approaching end. Right, I was- You never got to relieve him of his pain, forming the second biggest regret of your life. You felt a pressure on your right hand, warmth spreading from the contact. 
“You’ll get better soon Panda. I promise,” His sobs stopped and a tear-stained face forced a smile at you. Despite seeing the most hurtful smile on his lips, you believed him. The pain already started to fade away. “You’ll be alright.”
The day I died. Your brother was right, you were alright. You weren’t suffering anymore. No more dizziness, no more vomiting, no more seizures and no more explosive migraines. You were free. Only… Your biggest regret would continuously haunt you. I never got to meet him. 
In the background, you could faintly hear the flatline of the EKG along with the last cry of your precious brother and parents calling your name.
"I got diagnosed with a brain tumor in Spring 2003. The tumor appeared out of nowhere, but I remember feeling it developing in me. It felt like  every cells of my body were vibrating."
Five remembered the first time he time-traveled. It was in Spring 2003 and he remembers the exhilarating feeling of the power vibrating within his body. 
"Then I felt warm, even with the cold wind outside. That's when I knew something was wrong."
Five's first attempt to time travel was small. He aimed to the next season: Summer. 
"After that, there was a weird nagging feeling that made me nauseous. Then again, I felt the vibrations and suddenly felt cold."
Five, in the excitation of the moment decided to travel further into the future, in the next Winther. 
"And again, I felt the vibrations followed by the warmth. But then I don't know. It felt like something inside me broke."
Five decided to aim higher; many years later, landing in the apocalypse. Despite his best efforts to go back, he was stuck there. 
"So I survived for 6 years before I died in 2009."
You didn't register Andrew's grasp tightening on your shoulder, but you did register Five falling to his knees in defeat. You hurried to his side, concern guiding your movements. Your hands found their home on his cheeks, wipping away the tears falling from his sad blue eyes. 
"I caused this. I'm so sorry." He engulfed your form into a desperate hug, hiding his sobs into the crook of your neck. The sound of his whimpers hurt you the most.
"Well, maybe we can go back and find a way to cure you." Luther said while comforting a crying Allison. 
You shook your head, you knew it was pointless. "My parents tried everything. My tumor couldn't be removed, it was too close to a vital area and because of my ability, my tumorous cells were mutated. So chemotherapy and radiation therapy had no effect." You tenderly stroke Five's cheek to get his attention. "This wasn't your fault."
"Yes it was!" His yell made you jump. "When I time-traveled it put your cells under the same pressure than mine and because yours were not made for it, it formed a tumor!" The tears wouldn't stop falling down his face, dampening the hem of his shirt and breaking the last pieces of your heart. You had fucked up by allowing him to fall in love with you. 
"I can make you forget me." The mere idea of doing it made you sick however, if it could appease his pain, you were willing to do it. 
Five's eyes widened before his hands gripped both your shoulders harshly. A yelp escaped your lips at the movement, alerting your brother who jumped into action. Too late. Five had teleported the both of you at the opposed side of the room, his distressed state only allowing him that much. 
"Don't you dare do that! You really think that I'd give up the only thing that made me survive the apocalypse without saying shit? I was alone for forty-five years and the possibility of meeting my soulmate one day was the only thing that gave me the strength to continue to fight! Everything I did during those forty-five years was to save our future Y/N!"
"Hey listen-" Andrew was cut off by a furious Five. 
"No you listen, asshole. For once I thought I would be able to be happy! My life on the run was finally over and I could start fresh! But I'll never get to live that because she will be dead when we get back!" His breathing was getting erratic, his eyes were wide and his soul was getting more and more agitated. You noticed the once thin black strings were now not only thicker but longer too. Worry made you take his hands in yours. 
"And whose fault is this, genius?" 
"Andrew!" Your scream made everyone stop, even Five whose fists started flowing a soft blue, definitely planning on teleporting to your brother and beat him with all of his cumulated rage. Instead, you turned to him and asked him to teleport you both away. His eyes met yours for a second before your wish came true. 
You were now at the brim of a forrest with no one around to hear what you had to say. 
"Five," You took his cheek in your hands and met his angry orbs with your teary ones. "I can't thank you enough for loving me. The moments I passed with you were the best of my life and I am so, so sorry for not telling you earlier about my condition. I love you and believe me, I would do anything to be able to live alongside you." You started crying at one point and burried your face in the crook of his neck. 
His arms circled your waist, pulling you further into him to register every detail of your body. Your loud sobs almost covered Five's small whisper.
"Can you do it again?"
"What?" You pulled away slightly, confused about his intentions. 
"Like in training."
Ah that. You were puzzled as to why he would want you to do that right now but if it could help him get better, there's no way you would deny him. So you focussed your mind into transfering your soul into his body, lovingly tracing his soul with your fingers to appease his suffering. 
You felt the shudder running up Five's spine, along with the blush warming his cheeks, earning a chuckle from you. It made you sad to think that this was the last time you would be able to tease him that way. 
"Now stay in there while I get us back home."
"This doesn't have to be the end of us." Your body was leaned down with the utmost care on the feet of a birch tree. 
"Are you sure it's gonna work?" 
"I have to try." He coughed to get himself together and teleported back to the bunker where he met an angry brunette. 
"Where the hell is my sister?" Luther and Diego tried to intercept the angry teenager before he got to their brother, forgetting that it was pretty simple for him to dematerialize himself and pass through them. You would have laughed at Diego's horrified face if Andrew's fist wasn't coming swiftly towards Five's face. What a drag. Five thought. 
He dodged the hit by teleporting away, near the briefcase where he entered the coordinated leading to 2019. 
"She's with me." 
You would have rolled your eyes at Five's condescending tone if you had a physical body. 
"He's worried, Five. You weren't better."
He scoffed and made his way in the center of the room. He would never admit that you had such an effect on him, even though he knew it has been pretty clear in the last minutes. 
"Why?" Andrew was now less angry and more confused. Quite frankly, so were you. 
"If her mind travels within another body, maybe her soul will stay alive." You hummed in approval. It could work. On his side, Andrew nodded and hurriedly flicked Five’s forehead, a groan erupting from the Hargreeve’s throat. You laughed at the gesture, making sure to restrain your soulmate’s movement so he wouldn’t hurt Roo for something that was destined to you.
“You better visit me when you get back.” 
“It’s a promise!” You said after quickly gaining control of Five’s body to smile at your brother, one last time. As funny that the irritation radiating from Five was, you had something to do, so you gave him back the charge of his own body and got comfortable in some quiet corner of his mind. 
The time travel to 2019 was a success. All 6 Hargreeves now back in their adult bodies, cheered at their accomplishment, some jumping into their siblings arms while others proposed to go get a drink. Five was delighted that finally, everything would be okay, his family was safe and he could live a life as normal as possible. 
“Wait wait!” Klaus stopped the group from leaving the lobby of the Umbrella Academy manor and turned to his blue-eyed sibling. “Did it work? Is she still with you?” 
Five took a moment to concentrate and search his mind for your presence. Usually his soul would easily find yours and interlace itself until both nearly merged together. This time, though, the desired reaction never came. With each passing second without finding you, Five’s eyes would widden more and more alerting his siblings of the problem. 
Five desperately yelled your name in hope that maybe your soul had just fallen asleep or something and that you would suddenly reach out to him and soothe his worries. Seconds passed without any movement from you part, bringing Five to his knees once again. His plan didn’t work and you were lost to him forever. 
“Five, let us help.” 
Just as a comforting hand reached for his shoulder, Five teleported himself away to hide the new wave of tears that were falling down his cheeks. “There’s nothing any of you can do.” His voice broke just like the last string of his heart that was keeping it together. A scream broke the silence of the house, all of his pain expressing itself and bouncing around in the empty corridors, reaching his shooked siblings. It was the scream of someone who’d lost everything he had and they were scared of the lengths his desperation would push him to make himself feel better. 
Even after 2 months, Five couldn’t stop himself and plan a way to get back to you. He elaborated multiple scenarios and outcomes to find a secure way to be able to go back and restore what he destroyed, meaning your brain. His bedroom walls were worse than the time he had to write his equations to find who to kill to prevent the apocalypse. Every day one of his siblings would come and see how he was doing and maybe share some words that were never answered, trying to see if their brother was lost to them too. 
On the 67th day, Vanya received a text from Andrew, asking Five to meet at an address. When the news got to him, Five’s hand froze in the middle of his writing. You had promised to see him when you got back. The thought made Five’s anger boil in his veins. You made 2 promises that you didn’t keep. You had promised to love him forever, yet you were gone and now Andrew was expecting you somewhere in your country. Taking it upon himself, Five made multiple jumps to finally reach the desired destination.
“Vanya told me you had a hard time to accept that she was gone.” Immediately, Five’s hand curled into a fist, ready to lash out at the man who was proclaiming to be your brother but let you down without a fight. He wasn’t there for a whole second that Andrew was already poking into the wounds of his heart.
Five’s fist shot through the cold air of the Canadian autumn, aiming at Andrew’s face full force. Five prepared himself for the pain that usually comes when bones hit bones, yet he felt no pain, instead losing his balance when his fist passed right through the brunette. Unable to regain his balance in time, the man fell to his knees right in front of a stone. No, not a stone. 
Y/N Beauchamps
October 1st, 1989
March 14th, 2009
Your grave. The sight of it made it even more real. You weren’t coming back. His anger along with his need to fight disappeared, letting place to his grief. He cries silently, his form still kneeling before the stone marking your last home. Andrew stayed close behind for a while, eyes fixed to your grave before finally touching its corner softly and walking away. 
Time passed and Five couldn’t take his eyes away from your name engraved into the stone. 
“I’m scared that I will lose it for good. That I'll return to be the monster that I was back at the Commission.” His puffy eyes had no more tears to share after a whole 2 months of crying your death. “I miss you so much.” He gently reached for your grave, touching the letters with care like they were a part of you. 
“Took you long enough, soulmate.” Your voice echoed through his head, hurting Five even more. He was hallucinating your voice again. “Oh, no. It’s really me.” The feeling of your soul enveloping his made him gasp and fall on his behind. He could hear your voice in his dreams, your laugh in the wind, see your form in a crowd but never, never could he recreate the feeling of your souls mending. 
“I missed you too, Five.” The feeling of a kiss fell on his cheek despite anyone being around, filling him in utter joy. You were back.
“H-How-” He couldn’t form a tangible sentence, making you chuckle in the back of his mind. Its sound melted his insides and would have brought tears to his eyes if only his body wasn’t dehydrated from his last crying session. 
“You were right. My mind time-travelled with your body, but the jump ate the last of my energy which forced me out of you and back at my grave.” You traced his soul with yours, eliciting a delighted sigh from Fives’s lips. “I couldn’t go and find you, so I had to wait for you to come to me.” 
“Sorry for taking so long. I should have known.” 
“Don’t. We are together now.” You soul snuggled into his before separating yourself and making Five panic. “Relax, I’m just incredibly tired.” 
“Will you be there when you wake up?” A part of his soul reached for you, enveloping itself around a part of yours like you two were holding hands. The fear radiating from him made you dizzy.
“Yes.” You settled again into a corner of his mind, his soul still connected to yours. “Oh and Five?” He hummed in acknowledgement. “I never break a promise. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
Your presence into Five’s mind kept him sane, while your appearance in his dreams made him whole. 
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carolmaximoffs · 4 years
cherry wine
summary: he should end it, you both know it. you wonder what’s so magnetic about her that bucky can’t stay away, even when he’s always crawling back to you, beaten in more ways than one.
pairings: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: angst. mentions of sex. reference to domestic abuse. 18+ please.
a/n: i’ve been listening to this song a lot and i knew i wanted to write something to it so here’s a lil something while i avoid work. also - the bucky fandom rlly hates on dot but i didn’t feel like coming up w a name
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“She...she slept with him again,” Bucky moans from the other end of the line. He’s beside himself again, all over a bitch who calls herself Dot and can’t keep her legs closed to save her life. You sigh, phone squeezed precariously between your shoulder and ear as you grab your keys. “I don’t...I don’t know what to do. She promised, Y/N, she promised and...and-“
You shush him as soothingly as possible. Driving to his place is almost something you can do in your sleep, now. Dot had gone out with her girlfriends, and apparently wasn’t planning on coming back tonight. “I know, Buck, I know. I’m sorry.”
You’d given up a long time ago trying to convince him to leave her. First he’d made excuses. Then he’d claimed he would. Eventually, he started getting pissed every time he even though you were going to suggest it, so you didn’t. You felt like the worst friend in the whole world. At the same time, you felt like there was nothing else to do but be there for him. Even as you let yourself into his apartment, even as you let him collapse into your chest, you felt guilt eating away at you.
“Bucky...” You murmur as he pulls away and stands suddenly, swaying on his feet. Reaching for the water bottle on the coffee table, you say his name again, but he waves you off. His body is trembling with poorly disguised anger, footsteps heavy as he walks away. 
“Help me pack my things, will you?” Bucky calls over his shoulder as he disappears down the hall. You hear drawers slamming in the other room and sigh. After screaming as quietly as possible through gritted teeth, you make your way to his and Dot’s bedroom. 
Bucky has barely been crashing on your couch for a week when she stops by. Her perfect hair is tugged into a ponytail so high and tight it looks almost painful, blush too bright and eyeliner too thick around her small eyes. She does this strange thing with her chin when it’s you that opens the door - half-lifting it, half-moving her head side to side. Like she needs that last little bit of confidence, even though you don’t know how intimidating you can be in your sweats and sports bra.
“I’m looking for James,” Dot announces, eyeing your outfit without bothering to hide your disgust. She pops up onto the balls of her feet in her clunky heels, looking over your shoulder as if you’ve hidden him behind the vase in the entryway. “He should have come home by now.” 
“James is out right now. I’ll let him know you were here, bye!” You chirp with forced sweetness, tilting your head and smiling brightly. You make to close the door on her but those damned wedges stop you. Her itty-bitty nose twitches, and she retracts her foot. She exhales pointedly slow before raising her brows expectantly.
“And where might he be?” She inquires, the same sugar laced through her venomous words. You have to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from positively smacking the snark right out of her. It takes some convincing to get her to leave - you both know that you’re perfectly aware of where he is, but both of you also know there’s no way in hell you’ll tell her. Dot finally huffs, stomping her foot petulantly. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a thick, baby-pink envelope, shoving it towards you.
“Whatever. When you see him, give him this. And don’t tell me he isn’t here - I’ve already been to Steve’s.” She’s gone in a swirl of Chanel No. 5 and faux fur, and you fake-gag at her retreating figure. You slip back into the apartment and head towards the kitchen where you’d been halfway through dinner. The envelope glares at you from the counter, until you give in and pick it up to study in a moment of weakness.
In her strange, loopy handwriting, James is scrawled across the front. You study the packaging for only a moment before you’re tearing into it - your curiosity overrides your better judgement, like it always does. You’ve just gotten to the second page (of four, long pages in tiny handwriting) and are resisting the urge to retch at her manipulative pleading when the front door opens and shuts.
“Smells good in here,” Calls Bucky as he makes his way through the apartment. You scramble to gather all the pages and the envelope in hand, frantically searching for a hiding spot. He’s standing on the other side of the island from you all too soon, and you shove your hands behind you back. “It’s crazy, I could’ve sworn I saw - what are you hiding?” 
You curse in your head, swallowing thickly. You never hide anything from Bucky, haven’t been nervous around him since you first started trying to broach the wicked subject that was Dot. You fidget under his gaze, unable to speak as he creeps around the counter towards you. Bucky has never seemed quite so big until now, or maybe you just hadn’t noticed because he’s always shown you his goofy, teddy-bear side. Now though, you’re very aware of the way he towers above you as he reaches around to snatch the offending objects from your grip.
The kitchen is deafeningly silent. You wish the tile would swallow you. To distract yourself from the stupidly endearing way his lips move whilst he reads, you focus back on dinner, setting your small dining table and getting the meal on the table. Your hands shake as he still says nothing. opting instead to shove the letter into the garbage. As far as you could tell, he hadn’t even finished reading it, but he drops so heavily into his chair and looks so close to tears you don’t even ask.
Dinner, too, is quiet. Bucky eats more than enough for both of you; leftovers don’t exist for meals you share with him. You clean up without second thought as soon as both of you finish. You expect Bucky to putz about the apartment, maybe shower or watch TV, but he stays leaning on his forearms on the island whilst you load the dishwasher. A quick glance back reveals him chewing his lips and staring holes into the counter top. You know Bucky, and you know he’s trying to find the words to tell you something, so you patiently mirror his stance once you’re done. Abruptly, he straightens, pulling off his shirt.
“Bucky-” You gasp, but any questions die in your throat as he turns around. Painted across his rib-cage are yellowing bruises, and the length of his back is run with scratches, newer than you care to think about.
“She pushed me. Into the fucking-the dresser.” His voice is low, and the way it shakes makes your heart crack. “She’s never...I didn’t think...You were right. I’m sorry.”
You’re in front of him in an instant, catching him as he shrinks before your eyes. The pair of you sink to the kitchen floor; you’re sure you present an interesting picture. Your beefy, giggly best friend, curled into your body as his own is wracked with sobs. You card your fingers through his hair, shushing him as soothing as you can as he continues to apologize. Your heart breaks, and despite your competitive streak and love of winning, you’d never wished more to be wrong. 
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thecagedsong · 3 years
Forgotten Light: Chapter 4: History
A/N: Hey guys! Afternoon update since I was busy with pancake breakfasts this morning. Another Kendra chapter. Ronodin gets a little pushy, but it’s still G rated and won’t ever get worse than this, you’ll see what I mean. Remember, you are supposed to hate him. Still playing around with the chapter title for this one, and some of you who caught my analysis post a few months ago might recognize some themes.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Chapter 4: History
Kendra picked another book off the shelf, noticed it was in a language she couldn’t read, and put it back. Over half the books in this library she couldn’t read, which seems like poor planning on her part.
She wasn’t even sure she wanted to read. It had sounded like a good way to get her mind off her apparently outrageous life story, but there was really no hope of thinking about anything else.
Kendra was the seventeen-year-old daughter of a noble family, very old fashioned, that obtained their status through years of keeping the undead enslaved and trapping dragons and other magical creatures considered dangerous to mortals. Kendra, as the eldest, was expected to follow in her family’s footsteps as jailors, but had grown doubtful that their way of life was right.
Kendra had met Ronodin at the engagement party for her arranged marriage with his cousin, Bracken. Ronodin teased her that his cousin was such an ugly bore, she had fled from Bracken right into Ronodin’s arms. (Kendra had rolled her eyes when he said that). He had been invited, as family, but Ronodin was far from welcome.
He wouldn’t tell her why just yet, but promised to soon, when they trusted each other a little more. Having nearly killed him, she agreed that that explanation could wait.
Ronodin and Kendra started meeting in secret, and talking. They fell in love strolling through the dragon prison her family kept. To throw suspicion off their meetings secret, they told her family that she was fine going through with her engagement with Bracken.
Her wedding was approaching in a couple of months, and they cared for each other more than ever. Kendra knew that not even her family’s love was worth marrying anyone but Ronodin. He had sounded so amazed when he quoted her, awed that someone so amazing could ever feel that way about him.
Kendra had blushed at her own boldness, and simultaneously felt heartbroken over that fact that she had given that feeling up. She was attracted to Ronodin, certainly, but when she tried to summon the life changing love he talked about, she had nothing. Just attraction and the feeling that he was speaking to someone else.
She had apologized, and he said she would just have to let him court her again. He’d do it as many times as it took to stick, he had laughed. He would understand if she wanted to break off their engagement, but he hoped she would still give him a chance.
Kendra promised to think about it.
They devised a plan, to take place just after she and her brother participated in a coming of age trial specific for their family against the dragons of sanctuary. It was a disgusting spectacle, offering the dragons their freedom once a generation, if they can claim the wizenstone first. It would be the last thing her parents ever forced her to do, she had vowed, and arranged for it to look like her servant had kidnapped her in the immediate aftermath.
For, despite everything, Kendra loved her family. They tried to follow the traditions of their ancestors without cruelty, and they had faced hundreds of trials together. By staging her own kidnapping, she would be breaking their hearts, but in a way they would understand. She would preserve their reputation, and be utterly free.
And that was apparently who she was. Kendra hadn’t counted on losing her memory, but maybe she had felt okay doing it for her brother when she knew about her fake kidnapping going to occur. She must have trusted herself to fall in love with Ronodin again, and Ronodin to take care of her. It was a lot of trust to place in someone.
Kendra did wish she had a family picture. If she went to such great lengths to protect them, then she must have wonderful memories of them, locked under the enchantment. She picked up another book, this one in English, The Forgotten Crown.
The library kept with the crimson and black theme, and she picked a black leather armchair by a fireplace. Normal fire, this time, not blue. It was strange, when things were lit by blue fire, it washed out the red and made the black look like a void. Ronodin must have handled the design choices, she couldn’t imagine picking this out herself under any circumstances.
She wanted to warm her feet, but didn’t think she could move the heavy chair, so sat on it sideways. Her black dress rode up her thighs, but the exposed skin felt the warmth from the fire, so she didn’t bother with modesty while alone. Mendigo was standing guard, he’d knock if someone was going to come in.
Kendra curled up with her book, and started reading about what the author called the six great crowns. They were the pillars of immortality that moved the natural world through its extremes: The crowns of the Giants, the Dragons, the Underking, and the Demons, the Fairies, and the Fair Folk. Humans were the interlopers, and the author took a three whole pages to describe why humans were the absolute worst.
Their sins included but were not limited to:
-Having the audacity to not always want immortality
-Ignoring boundaries like disrespectful heathens
-Killing immortals
-Assuming they have purpose
-Not tasting good
And their greatest sin of all: daring to change. Their ability to change affected even perfectly happy immortals, how dare they! After the rant on humans, Kendra got absorbed in the discussion on the powers and functionality of each crown, and there was a diagram of how they related to each other.
It started with an upside-down triangle. Fairies on the top left corner, Demons on the top right, and the Fair Folk at the bottom point. These three crowns were defined by their morality. The Fairy Crown on light, innocence, and creation. The Demon crown on darkness, pain, destruction, and cruelty. The Fair Folk were the forgotten crown, the main topic of the book, after the background was set. They were entirely neutral, and refused to take part in wars, and only ever offered to broker peace. Their power came from their neutrality, and the author recorded rumors of the horrible fall that came from the one time they broke their neutrality.
Kendra was tempted to skip ahead, but the background came first for a reason. The second triangle overlaid the first to create a six-pointed star. They were creatures based on space. Giants were the lower left corner, and took the sky, the Underking on the lower right took the places below ground, and Dragons stood at the top able to dwell high in the air and a ways underground. Their morality mapped the first triangle. Dragons had the capacity to create and destroy, love goodness or love evil, and came in every space on that morality line. Sky Giants tended between creation and neutrality, while the undead and the underking worked between destruction and neutrality.
The first triangle also worked within the second. The fairies tended between the air and the land, Demons below and on the land, while the fair folk, in the opposite of dragons, could only dwell on the land.
The opposites were also important. Dragons were many things, but it was extremely difficult for them to be neutral. Demons and Sky Giants avoided each other’s domains, so it was most difficult to understand their relationship. The Fairy Realm and the Under Realm however, were the most combative pair of opposites. Neither could tolerate the other. Darkness would swallow light, or light banish darkness, it came down to strength, and there was very little middle ground.
What middle ground there was came from the rare case where beings abandoned their magical alignment for the opposite, spiritual alignment. There were rumors of a demon sworn to pacifism, that occasionally helped naiads, and —
There was a single booming knock, the door flinging open with a bang. Kendra spazzed, fumbling her book and sinking into the armchair. The book fell, and Kendra glared at her “fiancé”, who was chuckling at her again.
“You look lovely,” Ronodin said, pausing to take in her disheveled state.
“Your whole ‘let’s make Kendra jump’ deal makes me think yesterday wasn’t the first time I’ve attempted to kill you,” she said. Well, one sleep ago. Time was hard without clocks or the sun.
That made him laugh once more, and Kendra couldn’t help but smile in return.
“No, not the first time, and probably not the last,” he said with a grin, “But you’ve never regretted holding back.” His eyes flicked to her pale legs.
Pale, bare legs. Kendra squeaked, and tried to pull her dress down, but only managed to flip herself onto the floor. She stood up with burning cheeks and a huff.
“I’m sorry, you’re just so easy to rile up. I love that look in your eye,” Ronodin said.
“Mendigo! Come here,” Kendra called, and the puppet came into the room. “Mendigo, next time, please do some gentle knocking yourself instead of letting the guest attempt to destroy the door before entering.”
Mendigo nodded.
Kendra turned and was about to say something when Ronodin squinted at her.
“Oh, right, sorry,” she said, and with a couple of deep breaths managed to dim her own light. It was an odd sensation, like walking around with her fist clenched. She would get into the habit again eventually.
Ronodin led her into another room down the little hallway of their living space, where Chinese takeout was set up for the meal.
“I’m going to take a guess and say my suave fiancé can’t cook?” she said, noticing the cartons.
“If you’re going to be rude, you don’t have to eat,” Ronodin said, pulling out her chair for her.
“Do I know how to cook?” she asked.
Ronodin shrugged, “I don’t think so, you usually had servants for that, and you lost any memory of experiences that would help you cook. We’ll just stick to take out for now.”
“You have any trouble out there?”
“If you mean your family, no,” he said. “You seemed to have pulled it off, and no one knows where you went. It won’t be long, I think, before we can find somewhere else, if that’s what you still want.”
“Yes please,” Kendra said, serving herself some friend rice. It smelled good, even if she couldn’t remember if she liked it or not, “Look, maybe its part of the fairy thing, but I can’t live in hiding forever. This place is really nice, even if it could use some color, but if you’re going to make me fall in love with you again, its not going to be here. Sorry.”
“I’m working on it, I promise,” he said, pulling her free hand into his and giving it a kiss. He pressed it to his heart, like he had done when Seth had made her touch him with the glove, and it made her blush again.
“I need that hand for eating,” she complained, lightly twitching her hand to reclaim it. It wasn’t like she was repulsed by Ronodin, but his overly physical affection got tiresome.
“You can have it back if you promise to hold your chopsticks right,” he said.
Kendra huffed, “Not all of us grew up using these. And even if I had, I lost my memory. You should be giving me a lot more breaks than you are for that.”
He simply waited, smiling, still holding her hand tightly. Kendra sighed, “Fine, show me how?”
Ronodin grinned and helped position her fingers. Kendra ordered the variety that Ronodin had brought in order from most favorite to least, and Ronodin commented on what his favorites were.
“Careful, you’re going to want the left overs,” Ronodin said, when Kendra eyed the remainder of her favorite. “I met with our host on my way back in.”
“Oh? I thought you said I arranged this myself before I came down here.”
Ronodin sighed dramatically, “Yes, and part of your ‘oh so brilliant’ arrangement was to loan your wonderful and talented fiancé out to our host for errands. I have to go out tonight. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but tomorrow night is probably the soonest we can hope for.”
“Oh,” Kendra said. Sure, he was often annoying, but he cared for her and was the only company she had besides Mendigo. “I guess I’ll explore the library some more.” She stood up to throw her dishes in the sink.
“You could do that,” he said, coming up behind her. “Or you can ask nicely for your other present.”
“I have the feeling asking nicely doesn’t actually go very far with you,” she put her hands on her hips and faced him, “And presents are meant to be given, not asked for.”
Ronodin’s arm snaked forward, pulling her into a kiss. She had a moment to flail, then he released her, and it was over. “You’re right, my favors have costs. Lucky for you, you just paid in full,” he teased.
“Ronodin!” she said, flushing and shoving him away. “Don’t do that.”
He just grinned cheekily and held a shopping bag towards her.
Kendra snatched it from his hands. “I mean it. I’ve known you two very stressful days, no kissing yet.”
Ronodin bowed his head in mock humility, “My lady, I didn’t mean to irritate you. I had to try the old fairy tale cure somehow. Alas, it appears true love’s kiss wasn’t the cure to this curse.”
She wanted to protest that of course it didn’t work, she didn’t love him. But she’d pulled that line once before to get him to back off and he always looked haunted when she did that. Haunted and sad, she didn’t have the heart to keep throwing that in his face, no matter how rude he was. This was at least as difficult for him as it was for her. And a small kiss didn’t hurt her, not really.
Instead she changed the subject by looking in the bag. “Wood blocks, books, fabric, and paint?”
“Your hobbies were another reason your family was suffocating,” Ronodin explained, “You liked carving, painting, and sewing more than dragon slaying and ‘monster’ hunting. Each of these materials comes from a magic source. The wood comes from different enchanted trees, the fabric is made from the hair of a goat the size of a house or lotus fibers, and the paints are mixed with tears and blood of various magical creatures.”
“Why is that important?”
“Because you are one of the select few beings that can craft magic items,” Ronodin said, “Part of you is that everfull wellspring of magic. You’ve done amazing at dimming it by the way, your control after just a day is astounding. But you can also recharge magical items that have run out of power, and when using the right materials, you can create new ones.”
Kendra’s eyebrows raise, “I thought…” she chased the elusive fact down, “I thought only wizards can create magical items.”
“They create it by crafting a vessel, using the same materials, and then binding their own magic into the object through an enchantment. You can skip that part, with the unlimited magic source you have at your disposal. You are more limited in what you can create, especially when starting out, you generally have to stick to reinforcing and enhancing the properties of the materials you’re using. When you do it right, the item will retain its magic long after you’ve put it down.”
“Wow,” she said, “And I could paint, sew, and carve?”
He nodded, “Enchanting items wasn’t at all in your family’s plans for you, so you tended to craft in secret. It will probably take you a while to pick up the skills again, but at least you’ll have something to occupy yourself if the library fails. The books in there provide some basic theories that will help.”
“Thank you,” she said, smiling and holding the bag close. “This was really thoughtful. I know that since I gave up my memory and my family in one swoop, I don’t have a chance at getting them back. But little connections like this help me feel…a little less lost.”
“I love you, Kendra,” he said, simply, “I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
Kendra smiled back uncertainly, unable to reply in kind. He seemed disappointed when she didn’t respond, but moved on to helping her set up a crafting room.
What kind of person led the life that she did? What would it take for old Kendra to not be a stranger anymore? Ronodin was a lot of things, but he deserved so much more than to have her break his heart at every turn.
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What Kind of Man
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, children, gore, threats, possessive behaviour 
AO3  <<<Previous
Chapter 13: Affliction 
“What do you know about him my dear girl?” asked Myrtle, bringing you out of the constant daze you were in. “Hmm? Oh, nothing,” you responded, telling her the truth. “We began to do some observation and research after Madison disappeared,” she started. “There had always been rumours that the Langdon family had been involved in devil worship since time immemorial. It would explain their power and wealth. Count Lucien’s father promised the souls of his decedents in exchange for more. He wanted immortality.” “Immortality? What a strange thing to ask for” you perked up. “Yes. But the irony is, they all died anyway. But he had passed it onto his children. Caesar Langdon was killed by his wife. Lucien Langdon was killed by vampire hunters. You see, these beasts of the night have existed for centuries. There is always someone there to stop them. It’s a curse, to have to feed off the living to keep yourself going. They thought the Langdon line would end with Lucien, but no one was counting on Vivienne on being with child,” she explained. “What about Tate?” “He was far too unagreeable for anyone to willingly give him a child. The hunters would have killed him anyway if Michael hadn’t.” “Michael? Michael killed his own uncle?” “Of course, he did! Well, we can’t prove it, but it was probably revenge for what had been done to his mother,” Myrtle said casually, while stirring her tea. “He was born with this affliction dear, chosen by the devil to do his bidding.” “H- he said he had to feed his clan. What did he mean by that?” you questioned. “Creatures of the night have a complex society. They stick together in ‘Clans’ for protection and sustenance. Michael oversees the Cooperative, which is the name of his clan. They’re the reason we can’t keep you in France for too long, the Cooperative have their claws everywhere. They have been around for far longer than I have dear girl.” You looked at her confused, “Why didn’t we know, no, I know any of this before?” It was Cordelia’s turn to speak. “we only pieced it all together recently, we wished we could have gotten to you sooner. It seems that opium can convince lawyers and accountants to spill their secrets” She was talking about Jeff and Mutt “Did my brother know all this?” “He knew enough to have his tongue cut out.” You looked at her wide eyed, unable to speak after hearing the news. “Why? Why did he choose me?” you began to cry again, what had you done to deserve this. These were only answers Michael had. //// Michael was born with his affliction. His lust for blood was uncontrollable as a child. Maid after maid was drained dry. His own mothers’ wrists and neck scarred from when he would feed of her. His grandmother would look at him with disgust after a feeding frenzy; his little round cheeks glossy with blood. He was always a messy eater. With the bloodlust came rage. So much rage. He almost killed Constance after she commented on his feeding habits. He had killed the dog when Tate had killed his mother, he was biding his time for a longer revenge plan. Mrs Mead had come to work for them when he was 15. She was one of the only staff members Michael hadn’t got his teeth into. Encouraging him to give into his desires, just as his grandfather would have wanted him to. She encouraged him to kill Tate, helping him devise his plan to slowly and painfully kill him. He took great joy in his killings. Hawthorne had let him meet more boys like him. Xavier was like him, a creature of bloodlust. Duncan was a wolf of a great American dynasty. Richard came from a family of hybrids, unstable and unable to survive in either society. But Michael offered him and his siblings a chance, taking them in as staff and the eyes and ears of his projects. No matter how much blood he had consumed, Michael’s cravings were still not satisfied. He craved one thing above anything else. He craved companionship. Someone to share the rest of his eternity with. If cousin Elizabeth could find someone, why couldn’t he? But things were never easy for Michael, they never were. Turning women just seemed to be harder than turning men. All his attempts at turning had been unsuccessful. They were often dragged away by deaths cold hands. The ones that didn’t die were left in a constant state of comatose. Laying between the veil of the living and the dead. There was one benefit to these failures. They became a permanent and constant blood source. They couldn’t move, they couldn’t speak, but they could hear and feel everything. It brought Michael a great sadistic joy that they could feel all the pain he inflicted on them. He had spent his free time looking for the perfect match. The unsuccessful ones usually became a source for him and the clan. He thought that might have changed with Madison. When he first laid eyes on her, the hunger he felt was one he had never felt before. The intense need to have her right there and then overwhelmed him. He went to all extremes to have her. Even promising marriage if she came to him. And she did. She left it all behind for him. So easily willing just like the rest. So, when she was another failure, Michael was shocked. The grief of it all sent him on a killing spree on his grand tour. A bad day and his night visitors never made it home. The feeling he felt after seeing your picture was indescribable. This was more intense than the one he had with Madison. Your image had devoured all logical thought there and then. Looking for girls that looked like you just to satiate him. When he finally had you, he thought he’d kill you. Your scent overwhelmed him, he felt like a wild, ravenous dog in front of a piece of meat. He watched you eat on your first night. He watched you undress, licking his lips with every piece of skin that slowly revealed itself. His fangs ached as he watched you bathe. He feared that if he had gotten too close, he would have ended you. He had almost killed you the night you had consummated your marriage, leaving painful bruises around your neck and breasts. After seeing the bruising, he knew had to control himself if he wanted to spend an eternity with you. Patience was something he never had. His lack of patience made him sloppy. Sloppy enough for him to have his brains shot out. //// You had seen more of the world than you ever thought you’d see. More than you wanted to see. You spent no more than a week in one place, before the paranoia of being watched or followed took over you. You couldn’t trust anyone now. The cooperative always made themselves known when they were around. Places you had stayed would be burned down, or the people that you spoke to would turn up dead. They wanted revenge for what you did to their patriarch. You had become a living omen, forced to wander for eternity, leaving a trail of fire and blood behind you. Eternity. Blood. The smell of your verbenas repulsed you now, but you carried then just incase. Your teeth ached. You couldn’t help yourself. You got hungry sometimes, uncontrollably so. You tried not to take too much, but sometimes you’d go weeks without feeding. Your next meal ending up dead before your teeth let go. Your hearing got sharper too. You heard the Cooperative before they could get too close. You heard about your parents’ death. The carriage accident left no survivors. You wondered what excuses had been given for your absence. You wondered if your family line would end there. Would anyone marry your brother? A man with no tongue? Cordelia and Company refused to kill you. Michael had cursed you in more ways than one. His words rang though your head, when he mentioned a portrait in spring, to represent new life. You understood now what he meant. You understood the other secret everyone hid from you. The Langdon family curse carried on, on Easter Sunday. The cries of a baby boy rang through your secluded cottage at 3 AM. The irony of the event wasn’t lost on you. He looked just like his father, blond curls and blue eyes. A cherubic little thing. Adriel had dimples when he giggled, it made your heart soar. He was your priority now, choosing to settle just for a little bit. The cooperative hadn’t reached the Caucasus mountains yet. You sent news of your son and your decision to settle to Cordelia; the same way you sent every other message, in an intricately embroidered piece of cloth. The sun was bright and warm in the sky and the flowers were vibrant the day you got your reply. The envelope had smelled of smoke and burned flesh. Inside was your ‘letter’ that you had sent, the fabric returned to you singed. Your hands shook as you looked for any other clues. You looked at the envelope again and noticed the seal. Cordelia’s seal was white. This was black; the Langdon coat of arms. The unique form of the seal that was on Michael’s signet ring. He must have been alive. He knew where you were. You had to leave; you were no longer safe here. You ran to grab your son. As you brought him to your chest, you felt the air shift around. The birds had stopped chirping. The breeze had stilled. Storm clouds had quickly engulfed the sun. He was already here, nearby in the forest. You could feel it in every cell of your body, the pull towards your ‘creator’. He wasn’t close enough yet, so you ran in the opposite direction to the pull you felt. But the further you went, the fussier Adriel got. His cries ringing through the silent forest, giving away your location. A flash of brown stopped you in your tracks. A great wolf had landed in front of you. His teeth were sharp, and his eyes were red. You hadn’t felt fear like this in a while. You slowly stepped back, looking around you for a way out. But with each step you took, he took one forward, glaring at you. You thought you’d hit a tree with your next step, but a familiar pair of arms wrapped around you. “Did you have fun enjoying the sights and terrorising innocent villagers my love?” his honey like voice broke through the silence. Adriel had stopped fussing as soon as he heard his father’s voice, as soon as the babe had felt his presence. To you it brought dread and fear, to the child it brought the greatest of comfort, to be held by both parents. You tried to look around for an exit, but you were surrounded. Xavier and Richard to either side. The wolf was Duncan, you could small him. Behind you was Michael. His nose was on your neck, deeply inhaling your scent, “Oh how I’ve missed you so little dove.” There was no way out this time. You weren’t armed. You weren’t as experienced as these creatures. You couldn’t fight without risking Adriel. “Our little game of hide and seek is over little rabbit. I’ve won and now its time for you to come home,” he whispered to you. He had taken Adriel from your arms while you were distracted. You finally got a look at him, expecting to see the empty eyes that haunted your dreams every night. Instead you were met with the same face you saw on your wedding day. His eyes seemed bluer than ever before. His hair was glossier, shining despite the lack of sun. His skin was unblemished, like marble. Not a scar or any discolouration around his eyes. His lips looked softer too. You had missed them so, missed the words that came out of them, the way they felt on your skin. Adriel began to coo at Michael, reaching his tiny hands for his hair. You heard Richard gag at the sight. Michael paid you no mind as he began to walk again. “Where are you going?” you called out, following him like a lost puppy; you didn’t want to be separated from your son. “Your doctor prescribed trip to the French riviera is over. Your fever is gone and oh, how wonderful, the countess has given birth to nice and healthy baby boy. An heir. As I said before we are going home.” You had walked past your cottage and down the pathway. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” “Oh? And is Adriel supposed to have a wet nurse then?” “He’s staying with me Michael.” He stopped in his tracks and looked at you. He began to laugh hard enough to bring tears to his eyes, Adriel giggling with him. His face turned stony again. “The child stays with me. You come now and I might be merciful when we get back. I’m sure you understand the concept of ‘an eye for an eye’. However, if you don’t come with me, I’ll let Shepherd and Mason tear you apart limb from limb. And when you get back to me, well … you’d wish that they had killed you. An eternity is a long time my dear, but my vendetta will last even longer if you don’t get in that carriage right now.” You wished the ground would swallow you up, or that God would strike you down there and then. Your eyes began to well up. Michael walked towards you and shushed you, wiping away your tears. “The world is a scary place for people like us dear Y/N. We must stay together,” he held out his hand to you. The blood in your veins had yearned for him. It wanted to quench his thirst. His blood wanted to do the same to you. You realised then, that you were like two magnets. Always destined to find each other. What would you do without him anyway? Without his protection? His guidance? His ability to satiate all your hunger, no matter what kind or what the cost? You began to laugh to yourself, looking like you had truly, finally gone mad. The conniving bastard. He had planned this all along. Your dependency on him. No matter how far, and for how long you ran, you would always have to go back to him. Child or not. Affliction or not. You would always return to him. There was no place for you to be alone in this world. You finally stopped laughing, wiping the tears of your face. You took Michael’s hand with a bone crushing grip. You’d get revenge for those cracked and bruised ribs eventually. You sat in the carriage in a comfortable silence. The road was long, and you were tired, oh so very tired. You no longer cared about his ‘punishment’, knowing he would have stop eventually. You looked at the scenery from the window, Adriel at your breast. You slapped Michael’s hand away, “Stop distracting him, he’s trying to feed,” you chided. You looked down at Adriel, “And you, don’t go so fast, you’re just as greedy as your father,” you giggled. “I’d like a turn later on,” Michael whispered to you. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “You’re disgusting. It seems that some of you brain is still splattered across the moor.” He ‘hmphed’ and turned to face away from you. //// What Kind of Man was Michael Langdon? He wasn’t a man, he never was.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
HOSTIS, Chapter XVI: Adsumo, Claim
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Previous Chapter (XV: Vetus Flamma)
Member: Lee Hyunjae (tbz) ft younghoon and eric
Genre (by chapter): drama, angst
Category: Short Novel/Long Series
“i knew i wasn’t the person you needed”
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kim young hoon.
you remember the way he always offered to carry your bag or books, though you were well aware he’d rather not. 
younghoon was always known for his cold, aloof demeanor. 
that is, until you start talking to him. 
the first time you met younghoon, this strange feeling of queasiness and anxiety wrapped itself around your stomach, and it really wasn’t great timing when it was right after a full meal you decided to stuff yourself before extra class. 
being at a buffet just a few days earlier had literally poisoned your blood and your system; it was just hidden for this period of time.
so when the food you had for lunch poured out through your lips because of the food poisoning you were yet to be made aware of, only to land on younghoon’s shoe in school, it would’ve been the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you.
if you hurled on lee hyunjae, you would’ve been happy to be be diagnosed with food poisoning. 
but this was kim younghoon. 
his popularity was matched with lee hyunjae though he was nowhere near as intelligent -- or scheming.
girls around him started shooting you looks of disgust and low whispers of you being inappropriate or inconsiderate began to drown your senses out.
the regurgitation also forced out a lot of your energy, and your legs were slowly turning into jelly with every passing second. 
but before you could make a second stumble that would’ve allowed gravity to pull you into the concrete floor, younghoon holds your arm and keeps you upright. 
watching him crane his neck down and lower his back to see your vomit painted chin was both reassuring but terribly harsh on your pride. 
“are you alright?”
the loss of ego keeps your head hung low, and he takes it as a sign that you really weren’t feeling well.
ignoring all the girls staring at him dragging the smartest girl in school across campus to the medical bay was such a sight to behold, even for lee hyunjae. 
you wish you could’ve seen it for yourself from a third person perspective. 
not many people were aware of your little crush on younghoon, but you were always too busy trying to outdo lee hyunjae to even spare a second to day dream about him. 
sometimes you felt shallow and materialistic for choosing younghoon to wear your emotions on, since you haven’t really spoken to him. 
but if he didn’t know, it didn’t matter. 
there was an expectation for younghoon to stay clear of you, especially when you were already known as one of two areses in school. yet younghoon found reassurance in that, in the way you stood out from the crowd against your will.
younghoon’s face and personality did it for him. 
your competitiveness and ability to be the only person who could stand up against lee hyunjae did it for you.
lucifer had the best of both worlds, which made him all the more hate-worthy.
younghoon’s choice to invest in your friendship with him came as a surprise, but it felt like sunrise after a long night. 
for six years you’ve been wasting your energy on proving yourself better than lee hyunjae, so having younghoon becoming both a source and and outlet for your energy to channel to and from... 
it was nothing short of magical.
there was absolutely no way you could’ve forgotten the satisfaction that filled your lungs and your heart when the school found out you were dating the kim younghoon. 
you never really figured out why it was such a shocker, though you were pretty sure the school was just surprised you chose kim younghoon, a not-so-smart student, in comparison to your must-top-the-class persona.
most of the time spent with younghoon was either spent tutoring him or having nonsensical conversations with him before you slept. those were the times you felt relaxed, you felt loose, you felt like you didn’t really need to win.
there was nothing to win anyway, not with younghoon at least.
you had convinced yourself that younghoon was sick and tired of your never-ending battle with lee hyunjae, one that drove a scandalous picture of you and the lab teacher all over the internet like it was a freeway. 
younghoon must’ve known that the picture was just edited, for the teacher never got into trouble for it, only mild investigation.
but at least he was smart enough to save himself from the walking fire of fury, that was you, and he used this chance to run.
love was never really a priority in your life until younghoon came along, so even when that beautiful, flowery garden part of your life had gone, your priority naturally fell back on beating lucifer at his own game.
or a game that the both of you thought was a great idea to start. 
love was just a fickle thing, and all it did was to make you weak.
and if you were fighting ares himself, you had to be your best ares.
ares is not weak. 
ares is brutal and cruel and you had to be just that in order to beat another. 
sitting across younghoon, five years later, in your favourite cafe with the evening sun disappearing behind the buildings of the city, felt like a fever dream.
a dream you yearned had happened five years ago, not now. 
two bowls of soup and a bowl of truffle fries get served to your table, and younghoon thanks the waitress with a slight nod. the waiter recognises you, so she just gives you a small smile.
younghoon being the gorgeous man he is, catches her attention again, and you smile at your food when you felt her reluctance to leave the table.
“i must say,” he hands you a soup spoon after checking it for shitty cleaning. “i have high expectations for this chowder.”
“i just had this yesterday,” the pepper bottle shakes in your hold. “surely that must mean something?”
the slightly amber lamp dangles above your table, and the heat from the lightbulb was making the skin on your nose and forehead feel warm despite the early autumn wind gushing about outside. 
the pillars inside the cafe make it feel like you were in a warehouse, so every time someone appears behind a pillar and walks somewhere in your sight, younghoon would always look up to see if you were looking at anybody you knew. 
there was a bell hung on the door of the cafe near the cashier’s counter; which was located behind the wall you were sitting against. 
the sound makes you wait for someone new to show up in your span of vision, and if nobody appeared, you’d know that they ordered takeaway. 
“how’s working at the hospital? i heard you say you’ve been working with uncle for about a month?”
“i think it’s about five weeks or so, yeah,” the tiny circles of oil on the soup gets pushed around while you stir it, and younghoon adds pepper to his serving after tasting the truffle fries. “it’s alright... i mean, it’s just everything i expected.”
“so, no surprises?”
“oh,” a snort runs through your throat as you take one mouth of your soup. “there was one big surprise--”
“lee hyunjae?”
the name strikes a chord in you, and you weren’t too sure why. 
“god must hate me to put me in the same room as him... we started working for the hospital on the same day, and his office is right next to mine.”
“huh,” younghoon hums, blowing on his spoon of soup before having it. “you must’ve been really upset when he showed up.”
“‘upset’ isn’t a strong enough word to describe how much i wanted to shove a pen down his throat. consider disgusted, angry, furious, disappointed, resentful, hateful--”
“should i be worried you work in an environment where those feelings should not be involved in--”
generous laughter escape your lungs and younghoon’s smile encourages you to return to your food.
“but otherwise, it’s a blast. i love my patients, i love my mentors and the nurses and the colleagues-- they are all so endearing and patient.”
he nods while chewing on the ingredients in the chowder.
“what about you? what are you doing now? i mean, we haven’t spoken in five years.”
“i’m a salesman, guess i figured out a way to use my face to the best of my ability.”
“oh, god,” a chuckle rings in the air between you as you dip your spoon into the bowl again. “that must’ve worked in some magical ways. has anybody tried to get your number?”
“do i really want to answer that when you already know?”
a cheeky smile greets you when you look up from your food, and you shake your head when you realise you could still read his eyes the same. 
“i don’t suppose you’re romantically involved in anybody now?” he asks. there was an absence of... care and concern he used to have back then. 
he wasn’t nonchalant about it, but you could tell that five years was adequate for your relationship with younghoon to turn completely stagnant. 
there was no longer any hint of love in it, even if he did still care for you.
he could still love you, but if he was, he was doing a damn good job at hiding it. 
but that question. 
what does ‘romantically involved’ really mean to you?
on one hand, you believed your heart belonged to the lovable, enthusiastic intern who was going to leave in about three weeks. 
yet your body resigns itself to another man, one whom you’ve hated nearly half your life, the same man who took younghoon away from you, even if it wasn’t completely his doing. 
“uh... define ‘romantically involved’.”
younghoon looks at you with slightly furrowed brows and confused eyes, sending one piece of truffle fry into his mouth.
“...it worries me that you had to ask that. i’ll rephrase it; do you have anybody you’re interested in?”
“well, there’s this really cute intern working at the neuro-research department.”
“intern? he’s younger?”
“age is just a number.”
“fair play.”
the jingle of the bell hanging on the entrance door rings gently, and your eyes travel down to the soup.
“he’s super enthusiastic and there’s just something about him that’s so... comforting. i see him and i think about nothing but sunshine and warmth and laughter. he’s just... so cheerful, compared to whatever i’ve been used to.”
a pause, and you look up at younghoon, your peripheral vision not seeing anybody walk out from the wall you were sitting against.
“he sounds like someone you really want in your life. i’ve known you long enough to know what kind of person you’d might be attracted to. i guess the man’s lucky enough to have attracted someone with a complete opposite personality.”
eric’s face comes to mind, and your heart starts to do tiny flips when you recall the way his eyes fold when he smiles. the warm rumble of his voice when he speaks. the harmony that he sings when he laughs.
“that sounds strange, doesn’t it? we kissed at a party once and--”
“you kissed the intern?”
“it was at a party and we were all slightly drunk--”
“i don’t recall the last time you had enough to be drunk--”
“let me live, younghoon!” you feign a hit across the table, and he chuckles softly, dodging your little attack. 
the bell rings again, and a teenage couple walks in this time. 
“frankly, i am surprised about one thing,” half his bowl was empty now, and you reach over to jab at some fries with a fork.
“what is it?”
he pushes his air out from his eyes and presses his fingers into his cheek, leaning one elbow on the edge of the table. 
“that you didn’t end up with lee hyunjae.”
the scoff that came out garnered the attention of that young couple, but you couldn’t care less.
“lee hyunjae? of all people, why would you think--”
“because he’s the only one who was ever able to be on the same... pedestal as you.”
pedestal. potential. day one. 
“without him, i don’t know if you would’ve pushed yourself so hard. i know you always had a thing against your parents not spending enough time with you, i thought you’d break the tradition of becoming a doctor because of that.”
“yeah, well...” the chowder calls out to you. “hyunjae or not, i would’ve become a doctor anyway.”
it drags on long enough for younghoon to finish nearly the rest of his soup, and there was a weighted feeling of... fear in your chest.
your heart was thumping, though not at a fast pace.
eric’s smile was floating around in your head, but the way younghoon looked at you when he said that name planted a seed inside you. 
you worry for awhile if that seed meant anything at all.
“y/n, i have to be honest with you about something...”
the truffle bits melt in your mouth as you sit back.
“i didn’t dump you because i believed you were with the teacher.”
“oh,” a gentle giggle exits through your lips as you lean forward to get another fry. “i know that. you dumped me because you were sick of me always at lee hyunjae’s throat and we were always fighting--”
“no, i dumped you because i knew i wasn’t the person you needed.”
the muscles and nerves in your body halt, and your eyes slowly travel up from the fries to his. 
“and i highly doubt this intern is going to be it either.”
the words come together in your head, but they felt so alien on your tongue.
“but you just said that he’s someone i want--”
“i was not what you needed, and he isn’t either. you want him, but you need someone else.”
a gulp pushes itself down your throat and your temples tighten as you pull away from the bowl of fries, and your eyes return to the bowl to finish whatever was left in it.
“i’ve got no clue how neither of you saw it, but there’s literally nobody else better for the two of you than each other.”
your lips either remain entertaining the spoon that was travelling in and out of your mouth, or pursed so tight, you cut off the blood circulation to them.
“the only reason why the two of you could do so well in school was because you had each other to push both ends. i had my fair share of interactions with lee hyunjae, i’m well-aware of the kind of person he is when he’s not trying to get one score higher than you, even when you’ve already scored full marks.”
“do you still want the rest of the fries? i--”
“y/n,” he pulls the leftover fries away from you, and you hiss childishly at his move.
“so don’t listen to me, but you’ve been avoiding talking about lee hyunjae for the last twenty four hours and believe me when i say this, if this was five years ago or any time before that, you wouldn’t have missed a second trying to convince me that he’s the shittiest person on earth.”
“maybe i just decided he’s not worth my time--”
“so why were you wearing a male’s dress shirt yesterday?” 
oh, fuck.
“it could’ve been someone el--”
“and the foundation on your neck doesn’t do much under this lighting, especially since it’s been a long day for you.”
your face was heating up not because of the lamp above the table, but the fact that younghoon was able to see right through you.
even you couldn’t see through yourself.
“but whoever said it was him who di--”
“there’s literally nobody who would have the damn guts to do things like that to you besides him. i’m pretty sure not even your sunshine intern would do it if he’s as cheerful as you make him to be.”
“if it’s anything i learnt about you, it’s that you wouldn’t let a man do anything to show that he claims you.”
please stop talking.
“but someone’s gone ahead and did just that... and when i heard uncle talk about a doctor lee yesterday, it just... hit me.”
stop. talking.
he finally stops and returns you the fries that you no longer had the appetite of finishing. 
“so, it wasn’t hyunjae. you haven’t said one bad thing about him since i saw you yesterday. tell me that if this was you five years ago, you would’ve done the same.”
i wouldn’t. because i hated him.
the silence starts to eat you out when the confusion sinks in even further. 
why must he say all those things to mess you up even more?
there was nothing he said that wasn’t true, though you wished you could flat out deny everything.
but he’s seen it all without even telling him anything, and you start to wonder if it’s been there all along, but you chose to ignore it.
all you wanted was an aphrodite, but why does she seem like she’s drifting further and further away?
by the time younghoon returns you back to the safety of your house, he was well-aware that the conversation from before had some effect on you, for he pulls you into a tight hug after walking you to your door. 
his scent wafts through your nose and you shut your eyes to take it all in. 
what would it have been like had hyunjae not torn him away from you?
then again, younghoon was the one who tore himself away from you on his own accord.
“call me if you need anything. anything at all.”
he releases you, hands still on your shoulders. 
“i’ll still love you the way i always did, but i know for a fact that i’m not the one you need in your life.”
Chapter XVII: Et Universum Parallel
A/N; welcome to hell guys this is where shit starts to roll i hope you guys are ready cause my ass isn’t LMAO. 
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themorp · 4 years
Writing Prompts
A lot of these are Au related! And some of them hint at violence/gore, so please be aware of that.
“Don’t move. They rely on sight.”
“I knew it was you!”
“Please tell me that’s not my soulmate.”
“Did you seriously get yourself stuck in a chair?”
“I am so sorry that the words on your arm are so stupid.”
“Prepare for canon fire!”
“Look out!”
“That’s gross... Cool! But still gross.”
“That was my kill!”
“Are you from the Northern Empire?”
“Well I’m not sure weather to be offended or relieved- my wanted posture looks nothing like me.”
“That is NOT how you hold (weapon).”
“Well... this is awkward...”
“Can I kick his ass?”
“Be quiet! They’ll hear you!”
“Did you steal from that couple?”
“That thing has a curse on it. I’d be careful.”
“I didn’t realize it was a shrinking potion, I swear!”
“I knew (mythical creature/cryptid) were real!”
“Can you get me out of this thing?”
“I have never met you, but I know someone who needs help when I see one.”
“I left you guys alone for FIVE MINUTES!!!”
“That looks painful.”
“Yikes... Glad that’s not me.”
“We’re gonna have to cut it off before it spreads to other parts of their body.”
“And where, exactly, have you been?”
“I said distract them, not knock them out!”
“For the last time!!! That is not edible!”
“That man is crazy.”
“They’re going to burn them at the stake!”
“Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting.”
“You’re rescuing me?”
“I never knew the outside world so... big.”
“Put the fire out before we’re noticed!”
“This rescue mission is gonna kick my ass.”
“I... I think they’re still alive...”
“Are you sure they aren’t infected?”
“That’s a brutal looking scar.”
“How did you manage to pull that off?”
“Put down the (weapon)... I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Well that isn’t normal.”
“What are you?!”
“Dragon bonding isn’t for everyone.”
“Who the hell thought this was a good idea.”
“I am no longer giving a fuck.”
“I want to give up, but I have someone worth pushing onwards for.”
“This storm came out of nowhere!”
“That was dangerous and reckless! But... it was impressive...”
“Who the hell is stupid enough to do that?”
“Can you see anything?”
“Is that what I think it is?”
“I haven’t had meat in years.”
“Was that a gunshot?”
“Can we keep it?”
“Well. This is unexpected.”
“Why are you covered in mud?”
“I have never been held like this...”
“Don’t touch me! You stink! What the hell was in that swamp?!”
“What is... kissing?”
“That’s disgusting. Don’t stop.”
“Aww... what a cute dog...! Wait... THAT IS NOT A DOG ABORT ABORT ABORT-”
“Can I have a hug?”
“How do you live like this?!”
“You’ve never been in a real battle, have you?”
“The Chief will decide your fate.”
“You know I was expecting you to be bigger.”
“Barricade the doors!”
“This is a strange ritual.”
“I don’t think this is a regular maze...”
“Is that blood?”
“There’s a hole in the floor.”
“What the hell was that? Did you hear that?”
“Zombies aren’t supposed to be smart!”
“Is that a ship?”
“Get the hell out of my way.”
“Did you just (physical attack such as punch or kick) me?!’
“They’re weakened by silver.”
“I really wish I had my holy water right now.”
“Well that backfired.”
“I’m so hungry... Can I feed off you a little?”
“Please help me, this man has been following me and I don’t want him to know where I live.”
“Is that really you?!”
“Has it really been three centuries?”
“Are you sure you’re human?”
“That was an alien- That was an alien- THAT WAS AN ALIEN-”
Is it just me or is the floor moving?”
“How the hell did someone get in here?”
“Well, this is awkward... Can I have my payment now?”
“Since when were you so smart?”
“They’re right above us.”
“It’s almost like it can see into my soul.”
“I hear growling...”
“Is that a threat or an offer?”
“I have so many pictures of them being an idiot.”
“The clock has less than hour left.”
“Was that you?”
“I think I’m going crazy.”
“We have to go- a scout discovered our shelter, the hive is coming.”
“It’s so damn hot.”
“I... I can’t remember...”
“Aww that’s so cute how much is i-... nevermind.”
“Did you just eat an alien egg?”
“You do realize they’re siblings right?”
“How are you so cute?”
“I am in debt to you, and until that debt is paid I will be you loyal servant.”
“Are you... Are you riding a dragon?”
“You’re under arrest.”
“Here, drink this.”
“Potion making is sensitive, so please be quiet whilst I work.”
“Has thee never seen a Vampire?”
“That was not rad at all.”
“I think it’s dead.”
“You go first.”
“You treat me as if I’m not a litterall demon from hell.”
“I will protect until my dying breath.”
“Don’t worry, you’re safe now.”
“It’s an honor to meet you.”
“You’re not from around here, re you?”
“What? Never seen a hybrid before?”
“That is not how you use that.”
“Did you know different flowers have different meanings...? The ones I gave you are quite unique in meaning.”
“Your family is... interesting...”
“If you’re not gonna eat grubs then you’re gonna starve. It’s all that’s out here.”
“That’s not human.”
“Stop standing there staring and help me!”
“I’m too short...”
“Was that an insult?”
“Keep up!”
“Don’t look behind you.”
“You have to jump! You have to trust me!”
“Is this it?”
“I can’t believe my soulmate is a human-”
“Well that was weird.”
“Have you ever exercised?”
“Don’t test my patience, pet.”
“How am I going to tell [Name] about this...?”
“It’s a match made in heaven!”
“Be careful, they’re sensitive!”
“So this is a fruit...”
“When I feel bad I go beat the shit out of someone. It works.”
“In DnD we call that rolling a one.”
“[Name] is gonna kill me!”
“Rest in pieces.”
“Hurt them and I make your life hell on Earth.”
“So he’s a dumbass-”
“Someone shoot me-”
“Give it back! That’s private!”
“It was so obvious! I’m such an idiot!”
“Is that all you have?”
“The expedition was successful.”
“There were no survivors.”
“I thought I lost you.”
“Stop! Stop! There’s a cat!”
“Why am I here again?”
“Having detachable body parts is actually a convenience when you’re a cyborg.”
That’s a big ass [Animal]”
“Do you know what you’re doing?!”
“Did you seriously have to pick the lock? When I have the keys?”
“They’re dangerous.”
“And that’s my que to leave.”
“You are my greatest treasure.”
“I seriously hope you’re not thinking of doing what I think you are thinking of doing.”
“Is... is that a dwarf?”
“You’re as odd as your friends said.”
“There is no need for violence!”
“All I wanted was a doughnut-”
“Why are the barn lights on?”
“They got into ANOTHER fight?!”
“You’d think living with a family of sorcerers would teach them something.”
“Thank goodness most dragons aren’t venomous.”
“Nagas are quite fickle creatures.”
“Satyrs are not to be trusted.”
“You walked into the faery ring, you belong to the fae now. I can’y help you.”
“Go ask them out! They look cute!”
“Angels aren’t supposed to fall in love... but how was I supposed resist you?”
“I thought humans were bigger.”
“Your highness is a royal pain in the ass.”
“That hurt.”
“I am not looking forward to this at all.”
“I do not like caves. I don’t like cavbes at all.”
“This town seems abandoned.”
“The radiation levels aren’t too high here.”
“Put your masks on.”
“You know you shouldn’t give your name to strangers, especially a fae in the forest.”
“I never realized how big the ocean was.”
“I have an idea- it’s dangerous, crazy, and reckless, but it might just work.”
“Is this your child?”
“I’m surprised Cerberus likes you.”
“Hellhounds aren’t usually friendly.”
“That’s a big meal for one person...”
“Werewolves aren’t fans of silver.”
“The dumbest myth about us vampires is that we hate garlic.”
“What brings you to my territory, little human?”
“Don’t bare your fangs at guests! It’s rude!”
“I’m only protecting you because I made a promise.”
“That was a terrible attempt at a prank. Let me show you how it’s done.”
“You do realize demons can sense emotions right?”
“You foolish human! You could have gotten hurt!”
“Watch your step.”
“It’s called a secret entrance for a reason.”
“Did you just... kiss me...?”
“My soulmate is a dumbass but I love them.”
“This jackassery will not stand!”
“Unless you have a death wish I’d leave those sirens alone.”
“Swim with me?”
“Have you never frolicked before?”
“You’re fired!”
“Does this armor make me look fat?”
“Your soulmate is a Naga?”
“Gargoyles are cranky in the morning.”
“That little fucker is at it again-”
“I don’t remember the last time I laughed like that.”
“Elves are usually attractive... but them... they’re ethereal..”
“I think I’m in love with a snake man.”
“Are orcs usually this big?”
“Confess? And risk ruining what i have with them? I’d rather drink bog water that a Satyr bathed in!”
“Are all humans this attractive or is it just you?”
“Guns are so odd... They only do their job after they’re fired...”
“Are you usually this full of yourself?”
Do you have any idea what you just did?”
“I wasn’t expecting to meet my soulmate when I snuck into Area 51.”
“Turn off the lights!”
“I won’t let you go, not again.”
“That’s so dangerous...! When are we doing it?”
“You humans are so fragile, yet you are the apex species of your planet.”
“Don’t look back!”
“They’re attracted by (heat, sound, etc.).”
“It looks dangerous.”
“Don’t touch it-”
“Careful it’s soup.”
“Did... did that thing just speak?”
“It’s a boat! Oh my god it’s a boat- we’re saved-”
“Keep your distance.”
“I will not hesitate to leave you behind.”
‘I am slightly worried... never mind I am very worried.”
“It’s too damn hot to do anything.”
“Stop singing!”
“Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid.”
“That is one ugly ass [Animal/baby/clothing item].”
“Please shut your trap before I stuff it- shit that sounds sexual-”
“Is that- Is that a fucking cat?”
“That is not what the mean when they say; ‘smash that like button’“
“Where did you learn to drive?” 
“I’m know I’m stupid but I’m not THAT stupid.”
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vaguelyrotten · 3 years
Like a Lily in a Flood
Title: Like a Lily in a Flood Artist: @myulalie Beta: @another-random-stranger​​ Pairings: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, mentions of Jimon and Reyhill Word Count: 70k Warnings: Mild Gore, Beheading, Nearly being eaten alive and burned at the stake, Discrimination, Sickness Summary:  Alec returns home to find his town plagued by a mysterious illness. Unable to find a cure, he ventures into the woods to seek help from an unlikely source. We must not look at goblin men... This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2021: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
Chapter 6
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Alec had chosen to approach on foot. He wasn’t sure how the people in this unknown town would react to a stranger but slow, steady, and with great care seemed to be the ideal way to go. He’d draw less attention on foot and could easily blend in with a crowd if needed. Observe first, his father’s voice repeated in his head. Observe your target and then come up with a plan of attack.
The town was far too quiet as he approached. This time of day, children should be running home for dinner and shops should be closing. Alec frowned, his senses instantly on high alert.
Something was wrong here. It was very, very, very wrong.
The silence had him reaching for the knife that he’d slipped into his belt as he slowly made his way through the apparently deserted town. He kept to the edge, slowly moving against the row of shops in the center of town and keeping his back against the wall. There was nothing here. No sign of people, no sign of life.
It was like the entire town mysteriously...vanished.
A creak from his right startled him and he sent up a silent prayer that he’d managed not to make a sound in his surprise. It had only been a door, swinging open on abused hinges as it caught the wind that had been blowing gently through the street. It was odd that it hadn’t been locked — appearing to be the entrance to someone’s home — but thus far everything about this town had been odd.
He pushed the door open and poked his head inside. “Hello?” He called quietly, straining his eyes to focus in the darkened room. “Is anyone home?”
No response came, but Alec hadn’t really been expecting one. He stepped inside and let the door click quietly behind him. “Hello?” He tried again, this time a little bit louder, as he took his first tentative steps into the foyer. “Your door was open...are you alright?”
Still no response. Alec stepped into the sitting room and tugged a curtain open, giving himself a little more light as he investigated further. He really should go back and get Magnus. Who knew what dangers were lurking in a strangely deserted town?
Just a quick look at the first floor for any sign of what happened. After that, he’d go get Magnus.
The sitting room was dusty and empty. There was no sign of an apparent struggle though it did look like the house had been picked over by thieves. Artwork was missing from the walls where the discoloration in the wallpaper showed where paintings had once been hanging. A few books were tossed carelessly to the floor like someone had been moving them aside to look for far more valuable trinkets.
Finding nothing else of interest, Alec continued to move through the first floor of the house, room by room, until he reached the kitchen. There was a horrid stench coming from behind the door and he pulled his shirt up over his nose to try and block some of the strongest odors. Afraid to find out what he would find behind the heavy oaken door, he pushed.
The smell hit him first, nearly making him gag and bringing tears to his eyes. It wasn’t a corpse, by some small miracle, but a long-forgotten meal that had been abandoned halfway through the cooking process. There were side-dishes on the table that no longer resembled anything close to edible and the carcass of some sort of bird, perhaps a goose, that appeared to have been picked clean by mice and other small scavengers.
So whoever had lived in this house hadn’t planned to disappear without a trace. Why go to all the trouble to prepare a meal if you weren’t going to eat it? He coughed, trying to keep the smell out of the back of his throat and made his way further into the room. In a darkened corner of the room was a small table and…
Alec felt ice cross his heart.
There was someone at the table.
“Hello? Are you okay?” He asked, knowing that with the state (and smell) of the rest of the room, there was no way that whoever it was was okay. There was a very good chance that the body at the table was nothing more than a corpse.
The figure was hunched over the table, her head resting on her hand and her eyes closed as if she’d just briefly taken a seat to rest in the middle of cooking dinner. Unlike the food, the woman — the housekeeper or the cook, most likely — seemed to be frozen in time. She wasn’t decaying or mummified. Her skin looked pristine if not a little grey…
Oh no.
He bent down to get a closer look. Her skin wasn’t just grey… it was stone. “Fuck,” he muttered, gently brushing the back of the woman’s hand with shaking fingers to confirm his suspicions.
He needed to get Magnus. He needed to get Magnus now.
He dashed back through the house and out the front door, no longer worried about disturbing someone or getting caught. The strange quietness of the town, the state that house had been in… the illness that had taken over Idris had hit here too...and it seemed it hadn’t left a single person unaffected.
He hadn’t even known there was a town on this side of the woods, let alone one affected by the illness that had been plaguing his town over the last few months. It was a very real look at what the future of Idris was if they didn’t find a cure.
And soon.
“Magnus!” He shouted, once he was close enough to see the purple ribbons hanging from the trees that signified the outer edge of the half-goblin’s wards. “Magnus!”
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, turning with wide eyes as Alec skidded to a stop next to the crackling blue fire that had been started. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” he huffed, bending to put his hands on his knees as he fought to catch his breath. “But — you need to come quick. The town —“
“Alec, calm down. I told you, I can’t go to town. What’s the matter?”
“Magnus, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. There’s no one there. It’s nearly a ghost town. I found a house where the door was left open. Inside was a disaster...almost like it had been looted? But that’s not the point. The kitchen was a nightmare. There was rotten and decaying food like someone had left in the middle of cooking the meal, and Angel did it reek but there was a woman sitting at the table and her skin was stone. I think the illness has taken over the entire town...like it’s doing to Idris.” He panted, trying to get the words out in between gasping breaths. Angel, why was he so tired?
Magnus blinked, his eyes growing even wider at Alec’s statement. “The entire town?”
Alec nodded, standing and grabbing the half-goblin’s hand to lead him back in the direction he’d come. “I saw no one outside of the one woman in the house I’d poked around in. This time of day the shops should have been closing up, kids should have been outside playing...there was nothing but silence. I thought it was odd so I wanted to take a closer look before I came and found you. I never expected to find that.”
“This town is by the river too…” Magnus replied, letting Alec quickly pull him back towards the brick houses. “In fact, it’s probably their main source of water...this close to the spring, whatever was poisoning the water would have been stronger and more potent. Who knows how long they would have been stuck like this…”
“The good news is that they aren’t dead. Like the people back in Idris, they’re… in stasis almost. However, it paints a grim picture if we can’t figure out what’s going on and stop it...and then find a cure.”
Magnus didn’t reply. Instead, following Alec into the house on the main street, hesitating only briefly in the doorway before stepping inside. He wandered through the maze of rooms as the rancid smell from the kitchen grew closer and closer. “Come on, this way.”
Once inside, Magnus flicked his wrist and two glowing balls of light emerged from his fingers and hovered in front of us.”It’ll give us more light — especially as the sun is now setting.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “You certainly weren’t kidding about the smell.”
“Who knows how long this stuff has been rotting,” Alec replied, steering them around the large table to the small one in the back corner of the room. “Come on, she’s over here.” He knelt down so he could get a better look at the woman’s peaceful face as Magnus cast his diagnostic spells.
“Well,” The half-goblin said after a few moments, withdrawing the familiar blue aura of his magic and glancing around the room. “It definitely is the same as whatever is tainting the river. Is she the only one or have you found others?”
Alec shook his head. “I haven’t gone farther than the first floor and I came to get you as soon as I found her. We can take a quick peek upstairs to see if there’s anyone there...but I’m guessing we would certainly find others who have fallen ill if we opened the door of any house in this town. It’s… empty.”
Magnus didn’t wait for Alec to lead the way, following the twisting hallways back to the foyer and the staircase at the front of the house. He took the stairs two at a time and jogged down the hallway to the larger room at the end, skidding to a stop right before the door. If, by some miracle, there was an alive and conscious human in what he was assuming was the master bedroom, then letting himself into the room, especially after essentially breaking into the house, could be incredibly dangerous.
Here he was, once again, possibly risking his life for this sweet human boy that stumbled into the forest looking for hope.
Magnus really wanted to give him hope. Hope and happiness and love...oh, the things Alexander was doing to him. He didn’t know the effect he was having on the four hundred year-old half-goblin. One day, when this was all said and done, Magnus would really like to show him.
Alec stepped up beside him, twisting the knob and letting the door swing open with a creak. The room was dark, but Magnus’ magic orbs of light were still following them so they took a step inside. Once they were close enough, Magnus could clearly see that there were two figures lying prone on the bed.
“I’m guessing we found the owners of the house,” Alec muttered under his breath, stepping close enough to illuminate the sleeping figures. Much like the woman downstairs, their skin was hard and ashen. They were both lying on top of the quilt fully dressed in their Sunday best like they had just sat down for a few minutes before they succumbed to the illness.
With the exception of the rancid food that had been left out, it was nearly like this entire house, and, Magnus was willing to guess, the entire town had been frozen in time. He waved his fingers, a steady stream of blue spilling from his fingers once more, and let his magic take a closer look.
Like with the woman downstairs, he felt the same wrongness that he’d felt first in the river and then in his quick diagnosis of Alec the night before. Whatever was in the river was too diluted to really get a good grasp on what exactly the poison was but what he felt in Alec had been a seed — young, dangerous, and eager to take root. What Magnus found in these people was more like an ancient tree whose taproots extended so deep into the earth it would take a force of nature to end it.
He opened his mouth to reply but the heavy front door downstairs swung open with a forceful thump, causing them both to jump. Magnus held his breath, trying to push the fear and negativity out of his mind until they had more information. There was nothing but silence for a few tense moments before the sound of boots echoed on the floorboards downstairs.
Alec held up a finger, taking a few cautious steps closer to the bedroom door and peaking through the crack that he’d left. “This place has been mostly picked over already. I don’t know why he’s got us coming back. I doubt we’re gonna find any more gold and gems in a place like this.”
“It’s not just about gold and gems, you moron.” A second voice answered, though it was muffled by the door and the distance between them. “Anything that could be useful to his campaign...weapons, old family heirlooms that might be magical, land deeds, military intelligence...we’ve found all sorts of shit in these trashy little towns.”
“Yeah but we’ve already been here twice this month. If we were gonna find any of that stuff, we would have done so by now. This is just a waste of our time.”
“Quit your whining, Victor. It’s not like you have anything better to do anyway...and it’s better to be safe than sorry. I, for one, don’t want to be on the other side of Valentine’s temper. Go check the cellar again.I’m going to take a poke around upstairs.”
They heard the thump thump thump of a man trudging his way upstairs and Magnus glanced at Alec with real fear in his eyes. He had his magic, of course. He could defend himself if need be, but they still didn’t know who these men were or how they were armed...not to mention, Magnus was still a half-breed monster in a very human town where he was not supposed to be.
Alec glanced between the door and the window before pulling Magnus to the other side of the room and pushing open the glass. A quick glance outside had Alec hissing as he watched another small group of men stroll down the street, pushing in doors or peeking in windows. This situation had just gotten very dangerous very quickly and they didn’t have time to dwell on it.
They needed to get out.
Beside the window was a drainpipe and Alec reached around and gave it a good shake as the boots on the stairs came closer and closer. “I assume you can climb considering I first met you while you were halfway up a tree,” Alec asked, already shoving the half-goblin in the direction of the window. Magnus merely nodded, bracing himself on Alec’s shoulder as he climbed on the windowsill and reached for the drainpipe. “Good, then go up. Stay low on the rooftops.”
“What about you?”
“I’m going to buy us a little extra time and then I’m going to follow you,” Alec replied, already glancing around the room for what he could use to put his plan into motion. Magnus hesitated and Alec tried to give him a reassuring smile. “Go, Magnus. I’ll be fine, I promise. Like I said, I’ll be right behind you. I wouldn’t lie about that.” He left Magnus to his climb and disappeared back into the room.
The stepswere louder now, echoing in the hallway instead of on the stairs, pausing every once in a while to open the doors that Alec and Magnus had walked right past earlier. He’d noticed a wooden dresser across from the bed when they walked in and he was planning on using that to help stall the men. He knew that he barely had a minute before the bedroom door would open and he would be caught. He needed to act quickly.
Biting back a grunt of effort, he managed to get the dresser to slide a few inches, but he needed it to move at least a few feet. The man in the hallway paused, the sound of the wood grinding against wood having caught his attention, and Alec knew that his time was up. It was now or never. He leaned all of his weight against the dresser and pushed.
The dresser slid across the floor, protesting every bit of the way, but thankfully it didn’t have to go far. When it was finally in place in front of the door, Alec paused for only half a second to make sure it was truly where it needed to be before bolting towards the window.
The man in the hallway had finally realized that he wasn’t alone and had bolted to the end of the hallway. The bedroom door rattled as he tried to push it open, stopped entirely by the dresser that Alec had just pushed in its way. The man shouted — screaming at whoever was in the room to open the door and for his partner who had gone to the cellar — as Alec reached out the window for the drainpipe and began to climb.
The roof wasn’t far; it was only a two story house with an attic, but the drainpipe was smooth with very few foot- or handholds. Alec had never been the best climber in his family — that had been his sister who somehow always to find a way to be exactly where she was never meant to be — but he did have the benefit of pretty decent upper body strength thanks, mostly, to the archery training he’d had when he was younger and had kept up with after he had moved to Alicante.
Magnus was laying on his stomach at the top, having listened to Alec’s order to stay low. The half-goblin grabbed the back of Alec’s jacket and helped pull him the rest of the way up. He lay panting on the terracotta tiles, listening to the shouts of the two men still in the house. They’d give up, eventually, and would call for back-up. Once that happened, Magnus’ magic or not, they would be outnumbered.
They still needed to get out of here.
Out of this town; out of the woods. They needed to put some distance between themselves and Valentine’s men.
Valentine, he recalled, shuddering at the name. He’d have to dwell more on that when they were out of danger. That was a problem for much later in their evening.
“Come on,” he replied tiredly, pushing himself to his feet but remaining in a crouch. “We need to get moving. The dresser in front of the door trick will only work so long before the men get smart. We need to be long gone by the time that happens.” He hadn’t really planned farther than ‘get out of the room and onto the roof’ nor had he been paying too much attention to what was above him when he’d first entered the town but he was praying that the architecture of this town was similar to what it was in Idris.
Close, slanted roofs to help hide them as they moved from housetop to housetop, chimneys to hide them if they suspected they were about to be seen, and a few well placed balconies to help them get down far more gracefully than they’d gotten up...that was what Alec was hoping to see.
He crawled to the edge of the roof, paying particular attention to any tiles that looked loose so that they didn’t draw the attention of the other men that he’d seen below, and let out a sigh of relief when the next roof over appeared to be no more than six feet from where they were currently sitting. Six feet...that was laughably doable almost.
“How do you feel about jumping?” He asked, even though Magnus’ response didn’t really matter. They had one way off of this roof without going back in through the house and that was getting across to the other’s roof.
“I don’t terribly mind the jumping, it’s the falling that I don’t think too highly of.” Magnus replied, glancing down at the cobblestones below with wide eyes.
“You’ve got magic if you fall at least,” Alec replied, taking a few steps to the left where the tiles on the other side looked a bit more secure. “I just have to rely on the fact that I’ve done this a time or two before. One rooftop is just like all the others.” Except the last time he’d done this he’d been twelve and mostly fearless; and he and Jace had been running from a woman in the market because Jace had stolen a pomegranate from her stall. Alec had been innocent but if Jace ran, Alec didn’t want to be left taking the fall for his brother’s messes. Miraculously, they had managed not to kill themselves even though it had taken them an extra half an hour to get home that way. Unfortunately, the woman had beat them to their house and his mother had been waiting for them when they got home.
“Are you telling me that your particularly cautious self has taken an alternate route through the city just for the hell of it? I find that hard to believe.”
Alec laughed softly and took two steps back to give himself a bit of a running start, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Something like that — maybe if you catch me, I’ll even tell you the tale.” He took two long steps and leaped, landing gracefully on the other side of the gap. Magnus gaped, looking between the two rooftops. Alec stood with a smirk, raising an eyebrow in jest.
Magnus finally seemed to get over his nerves and joined the game as he took a running leap and landed not quite as gracefully on the other side, sending a tile crashing to the ground. Alec grabbed his arm to keep him from meeting the same fate, and they both listened as one of the men looting the town raised the alarm. “Well, come on then. We best be getting a move on if we hope to outrun them. Catch me if you can.”
From that point on, it was a game. Alec nearly forgot that they were trying to outrun Valentine’s men, get to their horses, and get the hell out of dodge before they got caught. Magnus’ movements got more fluid when he stopped worrying about being not-so-human caught in a very human town and when he forgot that one misstep could send him hurtling to the ground below.
It was fun.
Alec slid to a stop at the end of the last roof, having long since stopped worrying about giving their position away. Once the first tile had fallen, all attempts at stealth had gone out the window. The slanted roofs, the chimneys, everything had gone according to plan. Except this. He’d been counting on another drainpipe or a balcony or a tiered roof...something at the edge of the very last house to help them get down. He hadn’t been counting on there being nothing.
Magnus glanced behind them as the men got closer to the location and looked back at the trees surrounding the town. “Do you trust me?” He asked, his golden eyes brighter than normal in the setting sun and his hand already outstretched towards the treeline.
“Of course I do,” Alec replied, wondering to himself what kind of question was that? Of course, he trusted Magnus...just as much as he’d trust Jace or Izzy.
The half-goblin grinned and twisted his hand, a steady stream of magic leaving his fingers and disappearing into the woods. The nearest tree creaked, it’s branches twisting and growing rapidly until they were mere inches from the edge of the roof. “Let’s go.” Magnus stepped onto the branch and walked down it as quickly as he could manage without losing balance. Alec heard the men turn onto the nearest street and followed suit.
Once into the woods, they were in Magnus’ playground now. This might not be Edom Forest, but Magnus’ magic was made of the very heart and soul of the forest. From every flower and tree to every bird and bee, they all carried the same spark. Magnus could pull on that now to keep them out of the situation they currently found themselves in.
They jumped off of the tree once they were safely in the forest and darted to where the horses were waiting. There was a shout from behind them as the first of the men reached the trees. Alec nearly threw himself onto Flame’s back, and he watched as Magnus did the same to Elias. Once they had both safely mounted, they took off deeper into the woods. The half-goblin thrust his hand out behind them and Alec twisted in his saddle to watch as thorny vines emerged from the ground to twist themselves around the feet of their pursuers.
“Do you have a plan?” He shouted, trying to make himself heard over the sound of the horses crashing through the undergrowth.
“Not really! I figure if we can get away from the river and put some distance between us and them, that’s a pretty good place to start. We’ll have to set up camp in the dark, but it’s better than the alternative.” Magnus replied, glancing back in the direction that they’d come from to make sure the vines were doing their job and slowing the men down.
The rest of their ride was silent. Alec followed Magnus’ lead, trusting that half-goblin’s sense of direction since he himself had never been in this part of the forest. Magnus brought Elias to a slow walk as a dark shape loomed ahead of them. “It’s an old hunting cabin,” He replied, sending out a wave of blue at the house and letting his magic investigate without either of them risking detection. “Abandoned too, by the looks of it,” he added with a frown, trying to translate exactly what his magic was telling him.
Alec brought Flame to a stop and slid out of the saddle to get a closer look. The door opened with a groan of protest and he strained his eyes against the darkness of the room. It was simple — a bed, a table, some chairs, and a fireplace — but it would be a good place to stay for the night as long as Magnus thought they were safe.
“Did we lose Valentine’s men?” He asked, stepping back outside to find that Magnus had untacked Flame and had tied the gelding on a long lead around the side of the house. He carried Alec’s saddle into the house so it wouldn’t be exposed to the elements and dropped it gently by the front door.
“Between the vines and the horses, they’d need a miracle to catch up with us. We’ll be safe here for the night. We’ll leave at first light to make up for having to go so far out of our way.” He collapsed into one of the chairs and blinked wearily.
Alec frowned, crossing the room and tipping Magnus’ face up. “Are you alright? You look…”
“I’m fine, Alexander, or I will be, but I’m afraid I’m not going to be much help with dinner and the wards tonight,” Magnus replied with a sigh. He folded his arms across the table and rested his head on them. “My power is strongest in Edom. I’m afraid I used too much magic too quickly. I just need to rest.”
“Rest, Magnus. I think we can manage without magic tonight. Why don’t you lie down? I’ll see if I can find some game and we’ll cook dinner tonight the human way.” Magnus didn’t appear to be moving anytime soon, so Alec reached down and scooped him up. The half-goblin let out a squeak of annoyance, but his eyes were already closing as he cuddled up to Alec’s chest. “The bed has seen better days, but I’m sure it’ll be more comfortable than falling asleep at the table.” Alec explained softly as he deposited Magus on the old bed. “Rest. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Magnus mumbled incoherently and rolled onto his side, already losing himself to the realm of sleep. Alec watched him for a moment, wishing that there was more he could do to help Magnus recover his magic. The half-goblin opened one eye and wearily rummaged around in his pocket. “Here,” he muttered, holding out a handful of the purple ribbons. “Just… put these up. It’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing.”
Alec took the offered ribbons and placed them in his own pocket. When he turned his attention back to Magnus, the half-goblin had already fallen asleep. Alec bent down and placed a gentle kiss on Magnus’ forehead before he realized what he was doing. “Sleep, Magnus. Let me take care of us tonight.”
He grabbed his bow from where he’d placed it by the front door and disappeared into the night.
Two hours later, he’d managed to hang Magnus’ ribbons around the edge of the property and had managed to catch three rabbits for their dinner. Magnus had woken from his nap at some point, though he hadn’t moved from the bed. He had pushed himself into the corner and had his knees against his chest and his arms wrapped around them. “You came back,” He whispered in shock as he bolted from the bed and pulled Alec into a tight hug.
“Of course I came back; I told you that I would. I just needed to catch our dinner first.” He replied, confusion written in every line of his face. “Did you really think that I wouldn’t come back?”
Magnus tensed at the question, burying his face in Alec’s chest. “Most people would,” he replied softly, his voice muffled. “I’m only as good as my magic. Right now I’m no good to anyone like this. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had.”
“Magnus, look at me,” Alec said, pulling away just enough so that he could tilt Magnus’ face up towards him. Wide golden eyes stared back at him and Alec noticed that the half-goblin’s face was red and puffy. He’d cried while Alec had been gone, truly terrified that Alec would leave him in his weakened state. “I will never leave you, alright? We’re in this together...and even after we find a cure for this thing, I intend to stay. I love you, Magnus Bane.”
Magnus blinked, trying to process Alec’s words. “I...love you too, Alexander.”
Alec smiled and pulled Magnus into a passionate kiss. When they parted, Alec forced his attention elsewhere, knowing that if he didn’t, he’d lose himself in Magnus once more. “Not that I wouldn’t like to continue, but I’m starving. We should eat before it gets too late, and you should probably rest some more afterwards. I’ll keep watch tonight.”
“If you want to get them skinned and gutted, I’ll get a fire started,” Magnus replied, pulling on the jacket that Alec had draped over the chair when he’d first entered. “I do know how to start a fire without magic, Alec.” He replied, noticing the baffled expression on Alec’s face. “I’m not entirely useless without my magic — you don’t get to be as old as I am without learning a thing or two. I’ll go collect some firewood.”
Once they’d eaten and cleaned up, Alec steered Magnus back towards the bed. “Come on, we’ve got an early start and you still need to rest. I’ll keep watch tonight,” he stated gently, guiding the half-goblin back into a sleeping position. Magnus’ eyes were already half-closed as his head hit the pillow. Alec smiled and stepped back, intending to spend the night at the kitchen table repairing his arrows.
“Alec?” Magnus muttered even though his eyes remained close. “Stay?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Magnus. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“No,” The half-goblin whispered, opening his eyes just enough to glance up at Alec. “I mean stay here next to me?”
Alec found himself moving before he even had a chance to think it through. The bed creaked and dipped under him as he climbed in next to Magnus. He leaned against the headboard as the half-goblin cuddled close, a relieved smile on his face. “Sleep, Magnus. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday Reissue: The Heart Attack
Note: This is a repost of an older Stay Golden Sunday that had to be redone for housekeeping reasons.
Sophia becomes very ill one night and is convinced she’s going to die. The Girls confront the idea of mortality.
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Picture It…
The Girls bid farewell to their guests as a storm rages outside. They praise Sophia for the meal she cooked for everyone, and Blanche says it was even better than the food she ate in Italy. The Girls tell Sophia to take a load off in the living room. They start the dishes in the kitchen, while Rose talks about her family’s Scandinavian cooking.
Back in the living room, Sophia says she’s got a “bubble” of pressure in her chest. Rose thinks it might be gas, but Dorothy says her mother isn’t looking so good. Blanche goes to call the doctor. Sophia clutches her chest as the bubble turns to pain. Dorothy lays her down, while Sophia worries she could be having a heart attack. Blanche says the doctor was out, so she called the paramedics.
DOROTHY: Ma, you know, you don’t look good. SOPHIA: I’m short and I’m old. What did you expect, Princess Di?
The two discuss their family’s deaths – which include a fall from a donkey and misfiring a gun while taking out the garbage – to rule out the possibility of heart disease. Blanche and Rose talk about how death should come without pain or illness, getting sidetracked until Dorothy shuts them up. They go to make coffee, while Sophia begins to worry she’ll die. She starts giving Dorothy instructions on what to do after she’s dead, and says Dorothy was always her favorite, even if she never showed it.
In the kitchen, Rose and Blanche discuss death. Rose says her family members live to their 90s and 100s, which Blanche attributes to the Minnesota cold slowing down the aging process. They also discuss cremation vs burial: Rose wants to be buried with all her sentimental items, while Blanche wants to be buried in Arlington Cemetery because it’s full of men. Sophia tells Dorothy she loves her. When Rose and Blanche return with the coffee, she thanks them for keeping her company. She decides to rest while Blanche goes to call the paramedics again.
BLANCHE: Do you want to be buried or cremated? ROSE: Neither! BLANCHE: What do you want to be, flushed down the toilet like a goldfish?
Rose tells Dorothy it’s probably not a heart attack, as she’s seen one and they’re bigger. She recounts Charlie’s heart attack to Dorothy, which happened while they were making love (she told Arnie this back in Episode 3, but this is the first time she’s told one of the other Girls). She dressed him before emergency services arrived, and his last words were that he loved her. Blanche returns and says the paramedics are held up by the storm, and they’ll just have to wait… and pray, as Rose adds.
The Girls crowd Sophia, who wakes up and tells them she had a near-death experience and saw Heaven. She describes seeing her husband and asks Dorothy to get her rosary. Blanche’s main interest is if there are lots of men in Heaven (which… why wouldn’t there be?), and eventually goes to help Dorothy. Left alone with Sophia, Rose bugs the crap out of her by recounting farm stories.
BLANCHE: What about men? Are there lots of men in Heaven? ROSE: Oh Blanche, come on! BLANCHE: Well you asked her about God and Jesus!
In Sophia’s room, Dorothy’s going through Sophia’s things, looking for the rosary. She tells Blanche that she’s not ready for Sophia to die, and that she’ll still feel like an orphan at her age. She breaks down in tears at the thought, and Blanche comforts her by saying Blanche and Rose are her family too, and they’re there for her.
In comes Dr. Harris, presumably Elliott’s replacement as their house-call doctor. He inspects Sophia and finds her side is sensitive, so he asks her what she ate recently. The girls list a truly disgusting amount of food, including scungilli, fried mozzarella, and two boxes of Milk Duds. Dr. Harris says it’s not a heart attack, but more likely a gallbladder attack from overeating. Sophia is instantly relieved, but takes back what she said about Dorothy being her favorite now that she’s not dying.
Later that evening, the Girls minus Sophia (who’s presumably resting) talk about mortality in the kitchen. They question the reason they worry about things like dieting when they’re going to die eventually – a thinly veiled excuse to eat some chocolate cake and ice cream. They do eventually get turned off of the dessert when they realize that, while they are going to die eventually, they’ll feel the negative effects of overeating immediately, like Sophia did. They decide to go out for a walk (one hopes the storm is not still raging), and Blanche brings it back around to her favorite topic:
BLANCHE: Let’s go for a walk. ROSE: Right, burn it off! DOROTHY: Are you kidding? After what we ate, we’d have to walk to Canada. BLANCHE: Oh, Mounties! I love Canadian men!
“You couldn’t say ‘belch?’ What is it, a Viking curse?”
This is the first episode that centers around Sophia, and given the multiple references to her age and health in the preceding nine episodes, it’s fitting that it’s about a health scare. Estelle Getty, who has mostly played comic relief up to this point in the series, gets her shot at carrying the dramatic half of an episode – and she definitely delivers.
To be a little real with you, this episode has been hard for me to watch the last few years, ever since my mother died. She was the one who introduced me to Golden Girls, and episodes like this hurt both because I know now she and I will never have that Dorothy-and-Sophia rapport in old age like I always assumed – my mom was not even 60 when she died – and because I was basically in Dorothy’s position at the time. If I could have chosen a quote to describe the months of my life after my mother died, it’d probably be this one:
DOROTHY: It doesn’t matter. You lose a parent, you might as well be six. It’s scary. And it pushes you right up to the head of the line.
I appreciate that, when confronted with the possibility that she might die, Sophia’s not accepting or serene even though she’s very old. I think there’s a perception that, when you get old, you just have to accept that you might die soon and be okay with it because you’ve “lived a full life” or some such nonsense. Instead, Sophia outright says “I’m not ready” and that she’d take even one more day of life.
I leave it to other shows to try and teach people to accept death with grace. I prefer Golden Girls’s way, which is to say “Screw that,” and portray the octogenarian matriarch as not wanting to die. There’s something very real in Sophia saying she never really thought she would die.
SOPHIA: 80 years old, and it would come as a complete surprise.
There’s quite a bit of real-world backstory to this one, too. Originally, it was intended to be broadcast live, which is why it’s the first episode since the pilot to take place entirely within the confines of the Girls’ home. According to Golden Girls Forever (quite a treasure trove), NBC had done a live episode of Gimme a Break and attempted to replicate its success with a night of live shows, ostensibly to promote Saturday Night Live. Golden Girls would have been one of about five shows to air its episodes live.
At first all the other shows were onboard, but then showrunners protested the final offering of the night, a detective show called Hunter, couldn’t be filmed live. So the live plan was scrapped. Director Jim Drake remembered it as being for the best, since the actresses weren’t really equipped to do the show in a single live, continuous taping. While their shows were filmed in front of a live studio audience, they still had the option of doing multiple takes. Somewhat relevant, but here’s a video of Golden Girls bloopers:
The other real-world issue that influenced the filming of this episode was one that also cast a pall over the previous episode – the death of Bea Arthur’s and Betty White’s mothers. But while it seemed to throw off the chemistry of the previous episode to a certain extent, if anything it helps this one. There are differing accounts as to whether Rose’s monologue about Charlie’s death was drawn from the deaths of White’s mother or her husband, Allen Ludden. I suspect it’s a combination of both, but you can see she’s genuinely crying while talking about it.
My only real criticism of this episode is that the final scene doesn’t really seem like it’s attached the rest of the story. The Girls talk about their own mortality, and how the fact of dying makes things seem trivial. They don’t even mention Sophia, despite the rest of the episode revolving around her. It feels like a discussion they might have after a friend died – or, more accurately, a scene inserted by a writer who wanted to opine about death for five minutes.
That’s not even mentioning the fact that the way the Girls behave in this scene is very at odds with the rest of the episode. It’s just strange to me that they’d come to the conclusion that, since they’re going to die, they might as well gorge themselves on rich food, when doing so is the exact reason Sophia had a gallbladder attack – and they just heard a doctor tell her that.
Regardless, this is another great Susan Harris episode, and the first episode that puts Sophia front and center. While it’s a bit melancholy there are enough jokes interspersed throughout to keep it from being a downer.
Episode rating: ��🍰🍰🍰 (four cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
The Girls crowd around a sleeping Sophia (see the image at the top of the article), and she wakes with a shout, scaring them all. When Dorothy asks her what’s wrong, she says:
SOPHIA: What? You’re sitting on top of me. I open my eyes, I see pores like that, I think I’m on the moon!
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nuptia · 4 years
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SUBJECT  LINE  ONE   :       on  the  importance  of  talia  hopton  and  her  involvement  in  wren  jones’  life       [       featuring  an  exploration  of  young  female  friendships,     growing  up  with  distinct  feelings  of  inadequacy,     and  the  burden  of  trying  to  save  a  girl  not  meant  to  be  saved       ---       as  loving  expressed  via  a  headcanon  dump       ].
ACT  ONE   :       your  lives  begin  in  parallel. 
she is the fourth child of d - lister superheroes (heroes are tiered based on their powers + given a commission that roughly amounts to your tier added to how many people you’ve saved that year --- d is the second lowest rank). her parents swam at the higher end of working class, with each child an attempt to make something SPECTACULAR. talia is the only one of her siblings to have powers, which is why it comes as such a disappointment that her powers are so weak.
while wren is a blast of quick humour and soft smiles, talia is quiet. her classmates would describe her as mousy, if they were to describe her at all. she blended happily into the background, all tender and raw at being seen, while wren drew her out and showed her off. she didn’t do so well in school, mostly because her father’s strict training meant she couldn’t devote herself to much else; however, she did like art class, especially when they were given cameras and allowed to take photos over the weekend. her bedroom was decorated with pictures of anything and everything. 
talia can use her telekensis to draw objects towards her, as long as said objects are no more than feet away, and weigh no more than ten pounds. very handy for pulling the remote towards her, much less handy for stopping villains. 
THEORETICALLY, she knows she can draw together dust particles from the surrounding air and use it to slowly damange someone’s lungs, but she’s never tried this --- she did used to make small balls of swimming dust to amuse wren, though. 
utterly sure that his daughter’s powers would manifest into something stronger, her father made her keep up a pretty strict training regime from the ages four to sixteen. she is phsyically very fit and able from this, but her powers have not grown any stronger. 
she resents her father deeply for this, every inch of her life under demanding control from him; her sleep schedule was tightly monitered, her meals were kept in constant check, and her free time was limited to an hour each day (which she often used to sneak out and chill with wren).
and so god loved all his children equally, but my father is no god --- he is a man split with dreams bigger than me, unable to see that i’m but a child. 
at sixteen, talia goes through a bit of a breakdown. she’s at a party with wren, her first high school party, and she’s downing shots like she won’t ever have this chance again --- she might not, after all. wren drives her home to their dingy little place, and talia stumbles inside to find her father waiting for her. 
the two argue loudly, brutally, with talia bursting into tears; her little sister, mallory hopton, wanders downstairs in the midst of this. brimming with anger, talia goes to attack her father, and mallory wanders into the crossfire. the fourteen year old is pushed about ten feet back at an intense force, causing her to hit her head and pass out for a few seconds.
there’s no lasting damage to mallory --- and later, mall will crawl into talia’s bed and holding her close, murmuring that it’s okay, it didn’t really hurt, it’s alright.
talia’s father doesn’t wake her the next morning for training.
ACT  TWO   :       wren  jones.
it’s easy to pretend their meeting was inveitable. they were both the useless children of great heroes, they were both searching for someone to look out for them, they were both desperate to be seen; the truth, however, is that they liked each other for far less interesting reasons --- wren was the first person to smile at talia when she entered the CHILDREN OF SUPES weekend group and the two fell together quickly after that. that’s all it was, really: one smile. 
any time the other is free, they’re together. wren and talia are joined at the hip, calling each other every night, talia’s one hour of free time devoted to her best friend. it’s a cliche sort of friendship: they wear friendship braclets that they promise they’ll never take off, they tell each other every secret, they share a diary between them.
wren [whispering loudly]: i met a boy. talia [a pause is felt, long and drawn out, as sticky as the soft bubblegum still staining her tongue]: oh? wren [quick to notice, embarrassed at her revelation]: you’ll like him. i swear you will. he’s so (...) he’s so nice. ---- and talia already knows she’ll hate him, because that sigh-touched voice was once meant just for her.
the answer is simple: yes. but i’ve never been in love with wren --- it wasn’t ever like that (we did kiss once at new years, both nervous that no one else would want us --- i think we were always nervous about that). i wasn’t jealous because some great love of mine was being stolen away; it’s just that....wren was the first thing that was ever truly mine. and i was hers. and then, suddenly, very suddenly, it’s like we barely knew each other. how do you even prepare for that? HOW DO YOU EVEN PREPARE FOR ---
elijah is everything that talia isn’t. he has an easy charm about him, he blends in well with everyone he meets, and he’s powerful. it radiates from him, this disgusting potential, and soon enough wren’s friendship necklace is replaced by one that elijah bought for her. 
it doesn’t hurt. or, talia never says that it hurts, which is basically the same thing. right? wren still loves her, she just --- doesn’t spend as much time with her, or pick up her calls. one night, wren leaves without even saying anything to talia, whisked right out of their small town. 
talia gets accepted into community college on a photography course. there’s pictures of wren in a scrapbook below her bed, but she doesn’t look at it anymore. 
she has an easier time in college than she does high school. she falls in with a group of friends, big enough that she doesn’t feel destroyed if one or two of them leave her.
the last one is the only person who works out because, in her second year, she has a big fat ‘oh god i’m a lesbian aren’t i’ ephinany at a bathroom in a frat house after kissing maria. 
wren [her voice is shaky, weak, the same broken tone it had the night she left]: can you -- can you hear me? it’s (...) wren, do you remember me? i never knew if he...he said that he made the people forget me, and that’s why....i wouldn’t call unless --- please. i can’t do this anymore, talia, please, please, if there’s any part of you that still knows who i am --- please.
at 3am, you receive a strange voicemail from wren. it’s the first time she’s contacted you in three years. at 4am, you’re in the car with maria and you’re driving over the elijah’s huge fuck-off apartment building. 
maria waits outside in the car, but talia goes into the building -- bullshitting her way through the guards, kicking open elijah’s door with impressive force (all that training paid off, huh?). talia grabs an unresisting wren, tugging her free from the house. elijah tries to intercept with a quick word, but talia pushes a knife to his neck: try it. fucking try it. 
the two leave -- and, for a time, wren’s free (perhaps it’s important to note that talia still wears the necklace that wren bought for her, perhaps it’s important to note that wren cries softly into talia’s arms all night, perhaps it’s important to note that maria makes them both warm tea and strokes wren’s back --- this is love in its purest form).
the apartment is cramped, but they make it work. maria studies to be an engineer, talia finishes up her photography degree, and wren starts waitressing. 
ACT  THREE   :       the  aftermath  of  loving  a  lit  flame.
maria and talia have a mutual, amicable break-up. maria moves away to california and talia throws herself into her work.
at twenty five, maria is arrested for a crime she absolutely did not commit, but the police and jury were apparently convinced she’d done it. maria is sentenced and wren is (...) all alone. 
as of right now, talia is still in prison. 
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Survey #465
“the old man then prepares to die regretfully  /  that old man here is me”
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No, but I had a guy who wouldn't leave me alone since pre-k. Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? OMG I forgot about those!! I loved them!!! Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? AHHHHHHHHH yes!!! :') Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Stickers. My dresser was COMPLETELY covered in them. Who did you look up to most as a child? Steve Irwin, 100%. He was my hero. Did your parents let you drink soda when you were little? Some, yes. I wish they hadn't, with the dependency I have now. Did you ever watch The Powerpuff Girls or Dexter’s Laboratory? Of course! I strongly preferred the former, though. Did you watch Blue's Clues? HOW TIMELY. :'''') I did! My little sister and I loved it. What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? Just gimme a good 'ole double chocolate cake and I was one happy kiddo, ha ha. Did you ever want to grow up? Sure didn't. I was smart. How often do you listen to classic rock? It varies, really. Sometimes I'm in the mood for it and binge it, other times I want newer music. What about country? Just about never. What is the most amount of money you have ever lost? Not a whole lot. I'm very careful with money. Have you ever hurt yourself just to get attention? No. Whenever I did it in the past, it was always to relocate the pain I was experiencing, and because I felt like I deserved it. Last person to get on your nerves? I'd rather not give it the time of day. Are you in any pain right now? No. Last thing you ate? It was one of those chocolate chip Clif Thins things. I HATE every Clif product I've ever tried until these, so they're a good option if I really want something sweet that's actually decently healthy and doesn't taste like I'm eating pure fiber, like most of their products. Name three things apart from trust and loyalty that you need in a relationship. Open, honest communication, similar interests as well as morals, and pro-LGBTQ+, if I'm just naming three. How far away are you from the place that you were born? Like... not even ten minutes. Do you live near anybody who creeps you out? Nah. Then again though I know pretty much nobody in my neighborhood. Is there anywhere that you are too afraid to go to alone? Where? Hm. If for whatever strange reason I had to, I would absolutely not want to go into a men's restroom alone. Would you be upset if you had a child who decided to make “adult films?” Despite the fact I don't negatively judge porn stars if they are smart, cautious, an informed about what they do and how to stay safe... I think I'd be very, very scared if my child wanted that, especially if it was my daughter, because she can actually get pregnant. Yes, abortion's an option, but... still. I don't want her to have to be faced with that decision. I also would be terrified of my hypothetical son getting someone pregnant, especially because he's then not the one with say on what happens to that child. So ultimately, if I was ever in this situation, I feel like I'd need to be alone with my partner to just cry for a while and then talk with them and look at the situation factually and with regard for my child's happiness. What pizza topping would you never, ever, EVER eat? Sardines. /gag What annoys you most about your computer? The microphone is broken. Do you prefer to read blogs or watch vlogs? I'm not huge on either, but watch vlogs. Do you know anyone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas? No. Do you own a snowglobe? I wish I did, they cute. What was the last thing that upset you? It was more disappointing than upsetting, but I was nevertheless super bummed that my bf had to scoot us hanging out a day back today when I was v excited for it. What is something you are behind on? It sounds unbelievable, I know, but I am IMMENSELY behind with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Like, I'm somewhere around four episodes in. It's so hard to explain: like, I want to watch it badly, but I don't want to set aside time to sit in front of the TV to actually do it? It makes very little sense. I'll catch up eventually, I just... haven't yet. Who DO you go to for advice when you need it? Mom, Sara, my therapist... Will you go caroling this year? God no. Never have, never will. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? Bro what the fuck, of course I would. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? Daughter. Did you get bullied more as a child, a teenager, or an adult? I'm very grateful that I was never truly bullied. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? FUCK YES. Are you allergic to your favorite animal? I wouldn't know; I've never been near one. :( What’s your favorite country besides the USA? Lol what a presumptuous question. Probably Africa. Did you get senior pictures taken? No, even though I wanted them. :/ I don't remember why I didn't? How often do you like to have sex? I don't care. Whenever it feels right. Are you any good at math? OH MY GOD NO Do you like Dairy Queen? I fucking love Dairy Queen. Ever had their Oreo Cupfection? *chef's kiss* If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? Girt. Or my psychiatrist. Really depends. Does talking about sex make you feel uncomfortable? GODDAMN RIGHT IT DOES. Few things make me MORE uncomfortable. Are you more scared of going to the doctors or dentists? Doctors. Dentists are ezpz for me. At the doctor, meanwhile, I'm scared of them finding something seriously wrong. Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? I've only met one, and that was YEEEEAAARRRRSSS ago. He was chill, though. Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? omfg YES Do you enjoy board games? Not really. Do you need a haircut? I actually just got one the other day. It's shorter than I would've liked, but it's whatever. Hair grows back, and mine does fast. Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Yes. They've got the same right to be here as we do. What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A week or two when my mom and sis went to the beach (I think?) for a dance competition. Have you ever been in a situation where you needed a lawyer? Yes, when I presented my disability case. Do you know anyone who has been evicted? My mom, sister, and me because we couldn't keep up with rent. What’s your favorite macaron flavor? Never tried one. How often do you have friends over to your house? The only "friend" that comes over to my house is my boyfriend. Have you ever done a flip on a trampoline? Front flips, yes; never back flips, because I was scared of breaking my neck. What about a flip off of a diving board? No. Does your country have free healthcare? No, but it fucking should. What is your sexuality? Bro I don't even know anymore lmao. I just say pansexual. "Queer" might fit me best, though. I really don't know, but it doesn't really matter. What’s the last show you watched? Attack on Titan w/ Girt! I'm actually keen to see more of it. The darkness and heartbreak of it is right up my alley. How is your road rage? I don't really experience road rage because I'm too engulfed by terror to focus on anything else, honestly. Do you have any facial piercings? Yeah; I have a vertical labret in my lip. Have you ever been to a rehab center? So this is dumb as shit, but all the psych hospitals I've been to doubled as rehab centers. Which made NO goddamn sense because those who are suffering with mental illnesses leading to suicidal thoughts/tendencies are unique from those dealing with addiction; both require individual treatments and should not be grouped, imo. How long did your shortest relationship last? Not even a day. What would your life be like if you had married your first love? That's... scary to imagine. Sometimes, that was all I wanted. But seeing as he left because of my depression... it probably would have been catastrophic. He was the only person I ever wanted kids with, so there probably would have been children involved in all that madness, which no little one deserves. Him leaving ultimately led to my healing, too, so I don't know where I would've been mental health-wise if he stayed. What is the most difficult or time-consuming thing you’ve ever cooked? Would you make it again? I don’t cook. I need to learn, though... Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? He's my boyfriend now, ha ha ha. Is there anything about a person’s sexual past that might stop you from wanting to date them? Yes. I'm too lazy to get into that stuff rn, though. If someone asked your closest friends/family members what career path might suit you best, what do you think they would say? I'm almost certain they would all say veterinarian. How did you and your significant other celebrate your last anniversary? Slow down buddy, we haven't even been together a month lmao. Who was the last person to make you a home-cooked meal? What did they make? Mom, but I don't recall the last thing she made from scratch. Girt is doing that tomorrow, though! :') He's making grilled chicken stuffed with jalapenos and spinach and something else I can't remember and it sounds BANGIN'. What’s the weirdest, rudest, or most ridiculous thing a guest has ever done in your home? Hmmm... I'll have to get back to ya on that. Has anyone ever told you you’re manipulative? I think someone has, yes. Do you know anyone who owns their own business? Yep. Who was the recipient of your very first kiss? Jason. Do you prefer shrimp or crab? SHRIMP. Crab is mushy and disgusting. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books/movies? I strongly prefer fiction. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Plenty of lunar eclipses, yes. Who is your favourite video game character? Pyramid Head, Spyro, Cynder... I have a lot, those three are just panning out as strong contenders. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? lol Do you have commitment issues? Not at all. What was the last thing you felt nostalgic about? uhhh Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? OMG one time in his prime, Teddy got loose on a snowy night and went on a full-blown adventure. I was SOBBING. My dad had to chase him down. Do any of your exes know each other? Juan knows Jason, Jason knows Juan and Girt, and Sara knows Girt. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? "Vaccines cause autism." Fuck out my face. What was the very first election you voted in? This most recent presidential one.
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smittenswithmittens · 4 years
Eating disorder doesn't automatically equal skinny.
I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder. But I have always had a strange love/hate relationship with food. With BPD, it's all or nothing. Love/hate. Fat/thin.
As I child, I was healthy. I was very athletic and had a six pack at the age of eight. As a teenager, I was average; around a UK size 10. Before I was diagnosed with BPD and Bipolar Disorder, I was a size 8.
Now I am thirty-one, and a UK size 14. I have been on medication for several years that can cause weight gain. Many people have made statements like 'you've let yourself go' or 'you looked better before'. People have been so offended by my weight, that they have told me to stop taking my medication (which basically keeps me sane) so that I can once again be a fit, skinny girl. I'd like to address this.
Why does weight have to be an issue? Yeah, fair enough, nobody wants to be the girl who needs a crane to get out of bed in the morning. Nobody wants to be called 'the fat girl'. But, since when did weight equal worth?
I always thought I was above the media's attempts to put my body to shame. I thought 'I really don't care if I weigh seven stone and do 1000 situps a day'. But in hindsight, I realised I was worrying about my weight and looks as far back as I can remember. My dad would often call my mother fat, and it was instilled into my mind that fat=lazy. Fat=unhealthy. Fat=monster. Fat=ugly.
A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight. I wasn't eating, and would feel sick at the thought of food. I would dread family meals, thinking that they would judge me if I ate too much. I would lie about eating. I would weigh myself every time I went to the bathroom, and would cry if I hadn't lost weight. When I looked in the mirror, I saw fat and ugliness. I saw disgust. I saw hate. I weighed just under eight stone and was passing out whenever I went anywhere, but everyone said I looked great. Skinny=attractive. Skinny=fit. Skinny=worthy. Everything I did or said revolved around being thin.
When I started a new medication and began to feel better, I gained weight. I started eating better and focussing on improving myself. I felt better, but other people around me would comment on the fact that I had gained weight. They would laugh and point at my stomach, saying 'someone's been eating more!'.
It turned into a vicious cycle. One month I would starve myself, then the following month I would eat crisps constantly and cry as I ate bread from the bag. And as my mental health got worse, the more my medication was increased, and the more my weight fluctuated. People would love to give their opinions on my body, whether I wanted them to or not. It's easy to assume that somebody is doing fine if they look thin and attractive as opposed to chubby and tired.
But skinny doesn't equal fine. Skinny doesn't equal positive. Skinny is an idea.
Last year, I was still struggling with my mental health but also battling my weight gain. I went up to twelve stone and would cry whenever I saw a picture of myself. People would say things like 'you look well', which obviously seemed to me a nice way of telling me I look like a massive, fat, monster. I would constantly search for images online of attractive, 'bigger' women; hoping that it would somehow encourage me to embrace my new curves. But I never felt like I could compare to them, because my curves weren't sexy or unique; I just looked fat and unhealthy.
Towards the end of last year, I went back down to ten stone by giving up eating. It was a form of self-harm, I suppose. I would go days without eating and felt sick anytime I did eat. I would look in the fridge, and feel ashamed for feeling hungry. I am still struggling...
Whenever I have spoken to a doctor about my problems with food and body-image, they have told me I'm not thin enough to worry about it. One doctor said to me, 'it's good for you to worry about food; you're not exactly skinny.' He was right, but it felt like a kick in the stomach. I desperately wished I had the drive to become a 'proper' anorexic. I envied those skeletal models in magazines and would fantasize about starving myself to death. I yearned for somebody to notice me and say 'you have a problem'. Because it was literally eating me up from the inside. All I thought about was food and weight and how everyone would perceive me if I lost or gained a few pounds. I would cancel plans because I felt like I was too unattractive to leave the house. It made me so upset that everyone seemingly thought I was eating a lot and pigging out, when I barely ate one meal a day.
I feel guilty for posting this. Maybe because I know that my weight isn't a serious problem, like the doctor said. Maybe because people have tried to help; saying 'if it makes you so unhappy, why don't you come off the medication and get thin again?'. 'Why don't you join the gym with me?!'.
But, no. I don't want to join the gym with you. My anxiety is bad enough as it is without feeling on parade in a big room full of thinner, fitter people than myself. I have been a gym-goer in the past and everyone thought I was SO attractive, but was I happy? No. I felt exactly the same at eight stone as I do at ten stone. I have ALWAYS felt overweight and unworthy. I have always felt unattractive.
My aim this year, I've decided, isn't to reach a goal weight. It isn't to get fit and healthy. It's to be kinder to myself. That doesn't mean 'eat all the fucking doughnuts and watch TV'. But it also doesn't mean 'starve yourself and run 10k every morning'. It's all about balance and moderation. Maybe in a couple of months, I will receive a giant serotonin boost and will gleefully skip to the gym and feel like a fucking princess. Maybe I won't. But the fact is; I can do whatever I want. It's nobody else's business if I'm a size 14 or a size 10. The medication I take does increase chances of weight gain; but I want to accept that instead of constantly blaming myself and feeling worthless every time I look in the mirror.
I guess the direction I'm trying to take with this post, is that low self-esteem and self-worth will affect many aspects of your life. And not everyone will approve. But you need to consider what is best for you, personally; not them. Who gives a fuck if you eat all the doughnuts? If you're struggling as much as I do with my mental health, a doughnut is the least of your worries. If you swing the other way and would rather go to the gym and get fit; them that's also fine. But please, be kind to yourself, in whatever you do. I think we all need a reminder sometimes that our short lives on this earth are a somewhat gift, and that, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter how other people perceive you.
Weight doesn't equal worth. Looks don't equal worth. Worth comes from self-respect, and respect for others around you. Worth comes from eating the fucking doughnuts if you're hungry. Worth is gained by not going round killing kittens and stealing babies from their cribs; not by fitting into that size 6 Topshop playsuit that you saw in last week's Cosmo. You are not a dress-up Barbie doll; you are a human being. And you are beautiful. And even if you are overweight, or slightly fat or generally unattractive physically, at least you don't kill kittens; you're better than that. And there's worth there.
I'm drunk and it's 3:30am. I'm going to go and eat a doughnut and not worry about how I look for the next few hours. I suggest you do the same.
Much love, Samantha.
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