#life as a student in Denmark
mynameisaudrey · 1 year
Autumn is here!
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edugoabroad · 3 months
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mauve-moonbeam · 1 year
i'm starting my MSc. at Aarhus University this autumn! this is the first time I move abroad 🤓 here's to my coming-of-age story. it's been long overdue 😝
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qhimberly · 8 months
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I work in healthcare, of course I’m gonna make a Nordic Healthcare AU.
Norway = ER Nurse
Sweden = Pediatric Cardiologist
Denmark = EMT
Finland = Child-Life Specialist
Iceland = Exhausted Nursing Student
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sadclowncentral · 4 months
I'm new here but very curious about your upbringing being spent more on the sea than on land!! how did that come about?
my dad is a captain and my grandfather owned a sailing school, so my first sailing trip was when i was one month old! my dad just used to hang me from the ceiling while steering the ship while i slept, rocked by the waves. this has given me the superpower of never having been motion sick in my life - you have to start early, i guess.
when my brother and me were little, we spent almost all our summers and autumns sailing on the baltic sea with my grandfather's students. these summers are some of my most treasured memories, sitting on the jib with my cousins and watching the baltic islands pass by. i always loved numbers and graphs so my dad taught me traditional navigation, and i have been yelling at grown men telling them to go where i want them to while waving a compass at them since i was eight, which i think really shines some light on adult me's authority issues.
we still go sailing every summer, but on a smaller boat, and it's very often just my immediate family or my brother and me sailing up to denmark or sweden for a few days. my brother is studying to be a captain and uses our excursions for navigation practice, so i have now become the grown man steering the ship getting yelled at and threatened with a sextant, so it all comes back around.
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snowbunnywatching · 6 months
How would Danish highschools and unis change after the influx of Black students? How would policies and attitudes and curricula evolve to be respectful of the new arrivals' culture? What expectations would a Danish girl face, from her friends, parents, and authorities? What would the average Danish girl's social life be like?
How would life look like in the Africanized Denmark I described here?
Education Curricula would evolve to be more respectful of Black culture, as you say.
For example, history classes would take on a more comparative perspective. Instead of just studying Danish history, students would learn that while their ancestors were burying their kings in mounds of dirt, Egyptians were building the Great Pyramid of Giza.
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Physical education would also change. The focus would shift from seeing physical activity as a component of well-being to seeing it as a requirement for sexual attractiveness.
Danish gymn classes of today are big on communal activities, teaching students how to be part of a team without the competitive focus of American phys ed. The purpose of the exercises aren't to "get in shape" as much as to give students the sensation of using their bodies, resulting in little more than a pair of healthy blushing cheeks.
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This would all change in Africanized Denmark. Now the focus would be on being the most attractive version of yourself that you can be.
For the guys, this would consist of muscle-building exercises, like weight-lifting and push-ups. Mostly for the Black men, of course, with white guys being encouraged to take on the role of spotter.
The atmosphere would be very masculine, and (Black) students would be allowed to decorate the locker room with their favorite pin-ups.
For the girls, gym class would start with an individual weighing in front of the entire class. Weight losses would be commended, and girls would be warned not to become "chubby".
This would be followed by strenuous exercises designed to make your tummy tighter and your butt bigger. The only cheeks blushing would be those on your backside as you went through your twerking exercises.
Critical Race Theory would also play a central role in the curriculum. Students would be encouraged to explore the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of racism. This would include exploring and apologizing for subconcious racism among the Danish students themselves. I've written more about this here.
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Expectations faced by Danish girls Danish girls in particular would be expected to extend their hospitality to the new arrivals.
Posting pro-BLM material on your social media profile would be expected and considered the bare minimum. Likewise attending anti-racist rallies. As our dark-skinned guests are greeted at the border, Danish teens would be marching and chanting in protest of police brutality against Blacks.
There would also be an expectation of dating the new arrivals. As a single Danish girl you would be expected to be on at least one dating or hookup app, advertising your desire to welcome a Black man into your bed.
This pressure would especially be felt by those girls blessed with a big booty. A bona fide PAWG in a relationship with a Danish guy would be accused of "wasting" her body on a white guy when a Black man would enjoy it so much more.
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining characters in hetalia badly: family member archtype edition
an incomplete list for funsies
just imagine they're all at a big family reunion lol
Germany: The closeted cousin who still hasn't figured it out.
Prussia: The cool older cousin who's jacked up on the remnants of the energy drinks he chugged during finals week trying to study for his med school exams. Probably specialized in kids medicine, but he's too jittery to confirm.
Italy V: The cousin who's a cousin because someone married someone a couple months ago and has no idea about all the ettiquette rules ye and what not to discuss in front of Great Aunt Sarah.
China: Great Aunt Sarah
Italy R: The cousin who's just hit his highschool years, and has decided MHA and Valorant is his whole personality.
England: The one manning the grill.
France: The one actually manning the grill.
America: The guy who's young enough to be your older brother but old enough that he's a dad. Don't worry, he's cool- he won't make you babysit, but he's gonna show up with those kids in biker jackets and they'll do a fun dance to entertain everyone halfway through dinner.
Russia: The uncle that apparently is a war vet. Definitely saw things he shouldn't have seen and you don't leave your kids with him. Tells the wildest stories over dinner though.
Canada: The cousin who you forget exists because he's actually normal. Actuality has probably spiked something.
Japan: The one hiding in a room playing video games. He might share if you ask nicely.
Lithuania: Someone's spouse. Not sure whose, but he made a nice caserole.
Sweden: That one distant relative who you almost forgot to invite.
Finland: The guy who showed up and you're not sure where he came from, but he's kinda fun so no one questions it.
Norway: The one who was forced to tag along with the rest of the family.
Iceland: The one who pretends he doesn't want to be there but he'd show up even if he wasn't invited because the food is kinda good.
Denmark: The one bringing the alcohol and manning the bar you didn't kow you had.
Latvia: The one trying to sneak underage drinks.
Estonia: The one pretending to be a normal person with his "honor student" and "full ride scholarship next year" but is secretly helping Latvia sneak a drink.
Spain: The uncle who's been married ten times.
Switzerland: The one who only showed up because he was begged to. Either ends up in the corner watching the game or in the middle of the table retelling some grand tale.
Liechtenstein: The one bringing all the delicious deserts and a fruit tray and forced Switzerland to socialize.
Austria: The one insisting on putting on the radio the moment the "go ahead" for the food is said. Might have even called up everyone to remind them to bring their instruments.
Hungary: The one who gets everyone dancing the moment Austria whips out the fiddle tunes.
Seychelles: The one who innocently suggested a board game after the dance-off winds down.
Hong Kong: The cousin who sticks around long enough to say hello to the aunts and uncles and grandparents and get some food before hiding in the room with Japan.
Belarus: The cousin who's a movie-cutter highschool "popular girl" and spends the whole time on her phone texting her boyfriend.
Ukraine: The aunt that break up the board game fights and bans it from future events.
Luxenberg: You don't know what he does for a living, but he brings cool stuff for everyone.
Netherlands: The globetrotting uncle who you're pretty sure knows everyone and everything.
Belgium: The cool aunt who's single and living life.
Phillipines and Thailand: The fresh-out-of-collegers cousin who keeps taking photos of everything.
Malaysia: The fresh-out-of-colleger cousin also taking photos but only aesthetic ones.
Taiwan: The aunt that starts making smoothies unprompted.
Monaco: The cousin who brings a book to read in the corenr.
Cameron: The uncle you don't want to get into an argument about sports with. Switzerland does not head this warning.
Greece: The uncle who drove all day and night to get here with a full car, and is now knocked out on the couch.
Turkey: The funny wine grandpa.
Cyprus: The college dropout who now works at a seven-eleven.
Egypt: The cousin who's studying history and is pretty average except you have photographic evidence that he sat next to a pond and talked to ducks for half an hour and was very serious about it.
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sadesluvr · 4 months
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DILF! Kook! Pope thoughts… (SFW)
DILF! Kook! Pope who starts off as a guest speaker at your university, speaking about his family connections to Denmark Tanny -
DILF! Kook! Pope whose eye catches yours from across the lecture hall, all too proud of himself as he catches the gleam in your eye as he speaks. He’s used to it, but you’re a pretty young thing in a room full of bored students and he can’t help but pay attention to you.
DILF! Kook! Pope who’s all too happy when you find him after the fact, a smirk on his face as he watches you avert your gaze to the floor - “ ’Scuse me Mr Heyward, I-I was wondering if we could get a coffee? I’m really interested in your family’s history, and you could really help with my paper...”
He rubs his chin, giving you a once over.
“Ah, I’d love to, but I have to pick up my daughter from daycare. Let me give you my email --”
DILF! Kook! Pope who meets you that next week for coffee, all too happy to buy you a drink and a pastry. Unlike the other girls who fawn over him, you actually seem to care, and he gets a weird sense of pride from seeing you take notes, nodding enthusiastically at everything he says.
DILF!Kook! Pope who’s transfixed on the way your lips gloss over the edge of your pen as you chew on it absentmindedly.
DILF! Kook! Pope who gushes non-stop about his daughter, showing you the pictures of them together in his wallet. He’s the ultimate girl dad.
DILF!Kook! Pope who selfishly takes up on your offer to become his babysitter. He teaches at another college, and often works late. He could really use the help around the house....
DILF! Kook! Pope who watches you from his study, door slightly ajar as you play with her, fascinated by the way you take to each other so quickly. You’d be a great mother.
DILF!Kook!Pope who always makes you dinner, sometimes casual, sometimes Southern recipes he inherited from his mother.
DILF!Kook! Pope who always lends you his clothes, and gets turned on by seeing you in his designer shirts or oversized sweatshirts from his old college days. It makes him imagine domestic life with you, with a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly...
DILF! Kook! Pope who keeps you on the low, but he doesn’t hide. He’s not your teacher and he doesn’t need to.
DILF!Kook! Pope who takes you to university fundraisers, just so he has the excuse of buying you something nice; a dress, shoes, all the works. He never takes you home during those days, instead spending the evening peeling your clothes off you before he fucks you in the shower.
DILF! Kook! Pope who’s a passionate lover; always making sure you’re taken care of before he does. His favourite position is with you on your back, draped in his sweaters or a dress, legs wrapped around his head as he eats you out.
DILF! Kook! Pope who takes advantage of your ‘studying’ at his house. He lets you use his desk, but you always seem to end up on his lap, his thick fingers in your pussy as he ‘tries’ to get you to focus on your studies - “That’s it, princess. Read that last line back out to me, I couldn’t understand you...You know you’ll fail if you don’t get this right...”
DILF!Kook! Pope who’s sweet but can make your head spin. It’s always on the days where work or divorce drama gets to him, and it’s those times when he fucks you the hardest, watching your ass bounce on his thighs as he drills you from behind - “You’re not like those other girls, are you? No, you’re always a good girl f’me...That’s why you’re taking this cock, huh? Pretty girl, lie there and take it...”
Credits to @gardengirl222 for the original idea!! 🫶🏼
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
Milestone Monday
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The King's Hares, from Norway
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The Princess with the Twelve Pair of Golden Shoes, from Denmark
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Queen Crane, from Sweden
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The Rooster, the Hand Mill and the Swarm of Hornets, from Sweden
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Ti-Tirit-Ti, from Italy
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The Adventures of Bona and Nello, from Italy
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The Hedgehog Who Became a Prince, from Poland
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The Flight, from Poland
April 1st is the birthday of American librarian and storyteller Augusta Braxton Baker (1911-1998). Born to two schoolteachers in Baltimore, Baker was a voracious student who read at a young age and careened through elementary and high school. With advocacy support from Eleanor Roosevelt, Baker was admitted to the Albany Teacher’s College and in 1934 earned a B. A. in Education and a B. S. in Library Science making her the first African American to earn a librarianship degree from the college.  
In 1939, Baker went on to work as the children’s librarian at New York Public Library’s Harlem branch, founding the James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection of Children’s Books to showcase representation of Black children and life in books, and beginning a lifelong career with children’s literature and the New York Public Library (NYPL). In 1953, she was appointed Storytelling Specialist and Assistant Coordinator of Children’s Services, quickly moving into the Coordinator of Children’s Services position years later and becoming the first African American to hold an administrative position with NYPL. Throughout her career, Baker was active with the American Library Association, and chaired committees for the Newbery Medal and Caldecott Medal recognizing excellence in children’s literature. 
In celebration of Baker’s birthday, we’re sharing The Golden Lynx and Other Tales, a collection of international folk tales compiled by Baker and illustrated by Austrian artist Johannes Troyer (1902-1969). This is the first edition of the book published in 1960 by J. B. Lippincott and is signed by Baker, who writes in the introduction, “No story has been included in this collection that has not stood the supreme test of the children’s interest and approval”. 
Read other Milestone Monday posts here! 
View more posts on children's books here.
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Hetalia characters but it’s what kind of kid in Highschool they would have been. (I’m going off American/Canadian high school types because I am American)((Midwest to be more specific))
America- the jock who took dodge ball way too seriously. Would throw the ball way to hard. He really took all of Gym class way too seriously.
Canada- was the Hockey Meathead. Also took Gym way too seriously. And always had a huge dip in his bottom lip and carried around a clear spit bottle.
England- the “um actually” kid. Would correct the teachers with usually wrong information they learned off of the internet or TV, The teachers hate him.
France- class hottie who always skips class but the teachers have like a weird crush on him so they let him do whatever…
Russia- quiet photography kid spends too much time in the red room some think he’s a serial killer but he just is awkward and shy and doesn’t know how to socialize
China- the kid who draws all day every day. Draws dragons and wolves specifically. Will not pay attention in class. Gets in trouble for drawing all the time. People like him a lot though. He will draw you a sick dragon if you ask nicely.
Italy- similar to France. But he does get in trouble for things because he cannot stop talking to save his life.
Romano- is always in detention for his mouth. Has a reputation as a ‘bad kid’ but it’s actually because he just has no filter. At least twice a week if you are in a class with him you will hear the teacher say “Lovino, go to the principals office” and he’ll be like “the fuck did I do?”
Japan- the foreign exchange student everybody loves. Gets invited to all the parties and has dated most of the popular girls in school.
Prussia- the foreign exchange student nobody likes. Gets no bitches. But does not mind.
Germany- Teachers pet. He is the one who will yell at the class to “stfu! The teacher is talking!” Will remind the teachers there was an assignment due.
Spain- The senior foreign exchange student. One of the most well liked kids in school. New S.O every week. Will most likely be Prom King
Austria- sexual active band kid. (If you know you know)
Norway- the kid who always has his headphones in. Doesn’t want to talk to anyone. will just ignore you if you try.
Finland- major frat boy energy. Goes to every house party and gets trashed. He seems to always know where they are happening even if he wasn’t invited he’s still going to show up.
Sweden- the shy/quiet kid who is friends with the party boy he always gets drug along because Finland says he needs to “socialize more” but he always just sits in the corner and waits for someone he knows who is leaving to take him home.
Denmark- another jock. But he is friends with everybody. Will talk to everyone. Floats around the lunch room and does not have a specific clique.
Iceland- the kid who is always asleep in class. Somehow he is passing everything with straight As but he is never awake. Sometimes he’ll not show up to school for like a week. Straight just vapes in class and somehow never gets caught.
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okay so apparently the shiny new thing is much shinier and newer than I thought, here’s a rundown of what info I can find
The protagonist has no official name yet, as is typical. He’ll probably get an unofficial and official one later, much like Akira/Ren and the previous protagonists. His codename is Wonder.
His Persona is Janosik, presumably based off the Slovak highwayman Juraj Jánošík. Though the real Jánošík was understandably Just Some Guy (of the robber variety), his name has been attached to the concept of a folk hero comparable to Robin Hood – someone who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
His design seems to be directly based off of Joker’s, to the point I’d wager that they probably share (or at least have extremely similar) model rigs. He wields a knife.
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Our little animal dude this time around appears to be an owl named Lufiel / Luffy. His codename is Cattle for some reason??
His Persona is Rob Roy, who takes on a distinctly mecha appearance for being based off a Scottish outlaw. Rob Roy, real name Robert MacGregor, became a folk hero within his own lifetime after a dramatized account of his life (The Highland Rogue) was published in 1723; MacGregor was 52 years old at the time.
Like Morgana, Lufiel’s appearance switches between “fairly normal animal” and “just a little guy” depending on which world he’s in. Also like Morgana, he can transform into a vehicle and transport the other main characters. He appears to wield tonfa.
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The third and final identified member of the main cast at the moment is Motoha Arai, codename Closer.
Her Persona appears to be Arveda, though don’t take that spelling to heart. Given the nautical-themed appearance, I THINK it’s based off Alfhild, Viking pirate and daughter of Geatish king Siward. When her father arranged for her to marry Prince Alf of Denmark, Alfhild ran and became a pirate instead, captaining crews of other female pirates and raiding along the Baltic coasts.
Ngl I’m pretty sure she’s the final form of that one untextured model found in P5′s data. God help me but I don’t know what to call her weapon, it’s a chain with a weight on the end?
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Other stuff of note:
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A female student at Kiba Kokatsu Academy, which is the featured high school this time around. It’s unclear if this character will join the main team.
The design of a strange new app which, like the MetaNav, appears abruptly on phones, can’t be deleted, and allows access to a separate world.
New Velvet Room attendant! Her name appears to be Merope, breaking from the Frankenstein character naming convention the other Velvet Room attendants have followed.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 8 months
I'm ace too, but I'm also a phd student and I'm sick of people misconstruing science. No normal study should be saying sex is imperative for a high quality of life". You're either making shit up or read a really bad study. Talking about absolutes in humanities is insane and you're explicitly told to not do it at any decent university.
Looking up "sex quality of life" on google scholar, you get the study Sex and Quality of Life in Denmark first. It's available for free. Anyone reading this ask is free to look it up and think about whether "Sexual problems … show some measure of covariation with quality of life" is saying what anon thinks it does. This paper is from 1998, so it's not about asexuality awareness! It's about how studies should be written! We have so many problems to deal with already, stop making up new ones.
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sad-lutin · 1 year
Like I promsied I got more in depth of a couple of figures and tried to apply them to our boys. Here is an interpetation:
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I will start by saying that there are some similarities between Mo and Ophelia, but differences as well: for example Ophelia, like Hamlet, is part of the royal court, and her father, Polonius, is a lord, so although she isn’t royalty like Hamlet, she would be a suitable match for him in Danish society; meanwhile Mo, even if is father was a buisnessman probably involved with the Mafia, is from one of the lowest rank in society, therefore is not a suitable partner for He Tian , and above all he is even a "male partner". He is totally inadeguate for this role, but that's a difference that's not important since Ophelia shares this oddity with all the other pre-raphaelite women in general.
Therefore what makes Ophelia a pre-raphaelite woman? The answer is: her madness. She drowns herself; wich is a self-harm action that recalls Mo selfless personality, because Mo is the first to hurt himself, by isolating himself and getting blamed as the evil one in moments of difficulties, his first reaction to uncertainty is self-distruct for others (ex. getting the blame for the rapist boy for his mother sake, being used and molested by She Li for his father sake or getting away from He Tian to not him intrude his chaotic life). Ophelia goes mad for the death of his father and drowns herself. Like Mo, she have a strong attachment to the father figure and both of them suffer from their lost. Ophelia thus became one of Shakespeare’s most famous female tragic figures, along with Cleopatra, Cordelia, Desdemona, and, of course, Juliet (wich can all be analysed in the future if you want ;) )
Yet another similarity Ophelia shares with Mo is that, at some point, they get "turned away" by their partners: Hamlet says that Ophelia has a problem, wich lies not in herself but in what Danish society will encourage her to do: marry and give birth to ‘sinners’ like him (wich, for Hamlet, all men are). Just like He Tian tried to shoo Mo away with all his "aren't you scared of darkness?" speech.
But the biggest similitude between Ophelia and Mo is that they both get used by men. Ophelia is used by two men, her father and Hamlet, as a pawn for them to enact their deceptions. And Mo is used by He Tian and She Li in the same way. They both try to use him to go against eachother. Unfortunally Mo is easily toyed with and used as a pawn. Even He Chen uses him to lure He Tian in doing what he wants, everyone in 19 days at some point deceived Mo to gain something, that's because (like Ophelia) he is the purest character of them all, he has a candid soul which tries to hide under a scowl, but it can be found with ease because he is not made to fool anyone, he IS the fool (say yes for a tarot cards analysis?). Luckily we can say that He Tian uses him in another way tho: to free himself from his shadows. (See the end my previous post) Because if He Tian is this dark figure, Mo is the candid light that can cleanse him. And like the Yin and Yang, light cannot shine without the dark. (But with this I will stop here or the analysis will be 2 days long)
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He Tian seems so different from Hamlet, but lets dig into it: Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark, although he is still a student, he is going to take an important role soon. Just like He Tian, but I don't even have to say it out loud, everyobody knows.
Hamlet is often characterised as ‘a man who cannot make up his mind’. The words that tend to come up when people try to analyse the character or personality of Hamlet are indecisive, delaying, and uncertain, with ‘inaction’ being the key defining feature of what Hamlet actually does during the play. Wich can seem like the total opposite of the active and energetic He Tian. BUT HEAR ME OUT: He Tian is exactly that. He knows he is going to take his brother role, he knows he is going to study abroad, he knows he have to leave Mo behind. But what does he do? NOTHING. He keeps delaying everything. He is indecisive about his future with his brother, trying to run away from it without actively doing nothing, he is uncertain of how Mo will feel once he is gone ("will he miss me" note), he keeps delaying telling Mo everything because he is hoping that this solution will solve itself. And at the last She Li action, when he asked his brother for help, he knew he couldn't delay his destiny any longer. But right now what he is trying to do? NOTHING. He keeps running away from his duties, trying to live in the perfect and utopistic bubble that he built around Mo, and he will do this until it pops. But this pop is going to be fucking demaging. How will Mo take the lost of the only other male figure in his life? Will he succumb to madness like Ophelia?
Because like Hamlet contemplated suicide (to be or not to be monologue) but didn't take action, Ophelia drawned herself, the water (a super feminine energy symbol) took her life, and maybe Mo will walk the same path, but unfortunally, we have to wait to know it...
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La Belle Damme sans Merci is a short poem by Keats whom describes the encounter between an unnamed knight and a mysterious fairy; who, in this analysis, are obviusly He Tian and Mo Guan Shan (duh).
The poem opens with a description of the kight in a barren landscape, "haggard" and "woe-begone", wich can represent the solitude of He Tian life before meeting Mo. He was alone surrounded by hypocrisy, sterility and fakeness (his cold and anaffective family, his fake frienships, all the attention-seeking girls... ecc).
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The knight tells the reader how he met a beautiful lady whose "eyes were wild" (this should be the perfect moment to analyze the expressions of Mo eyes but, again, you know what I'm talking about), how he set her on his horse (analogy of how He Tian "set" Mo on his wealth) and how they went together to her "elfin grot", where they began to make love. Falling asleep, the knight had a vision of "pale kings and princes", who warn him that the pity-less lady "has you in her charms". He awoke to find himself on the same "cold hill's side" where he is now "palely loitering".
A straightforward reading suggests that the Dame entraps him and punish him because he raped her, so this is a well deserved punishment. In the same way, He Tian, forcing Mo like he did in the beginning of their relationship, violated him, hence Mo decided to "kill him". Mo actively inquired into their relationship and they formed a profound bond. Mo destroyed his aspectation and accidentally seducted He Tian whom, falling for him, escaped the boring and barren life he lived before. Mo murdered He Tian meaningless self and punished his careless ass by letting him care for something (Mo himself and their other 2 friends). And with a further interpretation we could infer that, with falling for Mo, He Tian has now a weakness that could kill him for real if the wrong people get to know it. Like She Li almost killed him, in the future his love for Mo could be even more dangerous.
In this poem the knight is associated with images of death (again a symbol of how He Tian is the darkness): a lily ( a symbol of death in the Western culture), paleness, "fading", "witering",... hence he may well be dead himself at the time of the story. Meaning that He Tian, was already doomed from the start. His life had never been easy, and his fate was already decided. Mo encounter just gave him a last adventure, a reason to die eralier then expected. Because, just like the knight, who is clearly doomed to remain on the hillside, but the cause of this fate is unknown. We don't know what will actually happen to He Tian or Mo. We are just seeing a glimps of what happens and what is going to happen in the future.
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I hope that this is of your liking, I'm sorry if there are grammar error, english is not my native language.
If you have any other opinion, please, feel free to comment them, and the same thing apply if you want me to analyze something more specific, something else or something I quoted up here!
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deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
Margaret Dolliswood Headcanons? (Thanks for doing the elizabeth one)
That's perfectly ok anon!!! Thankyou for sending it in!!!
Also I know this looks like just. a massive essay but I SWEAR it all relates and is relevant and the hcs are at the bottom!!!
Ok so her motive to kill Elizabeth was that she was a lesbian in love with Astrid Frith and Elizabeth knew this. Which I think is very interesting, considering the the stigma around lesbianism at the time, and also as seen explicitly in the books where Clementine says something along the lines of "something goes wrong in their brains" (I can't quite remember the line) when Margaret's secret comes out.
We of course don't know what was canonically happening between the Five and Elizabeth, if she was abusing them about their secrets, or simply holding them as leverage, but I do often wonder why in Margaret's case, Elizabeth wasn't afraid or disgusted of her, on page at least, because she was a lesbian - as again Clementine says "it's all the same to them" referencing how being hit or being affectionately touched is the same to a lesbian. Obviously they're all so close knit because if 1 secret gets out they all do, but I think a throwaway line in JFP like "none of the Five went near Margaret much" would have cemented the stigma.
BUT. There isn't a line like that!!! And I personally think it would have been fairly easy for the most of the Five to just ostracise Margaret, without fear of their secrets coming out as any credibility she might have had in revealing other people's secrets would have been lost completely because she was a lesbian AND THE fact that most of the Five's secrets don't much have real life consequences, if that makes sense? For example, if Florence's secret got out (which it did, but I'm referring to before E.H was killed) it would have been devastating for her and her family but not put perhaps their lives at risk. HOWEVER note I say most of the Five, because of course Una Dichmann was trying to get her Jewish grandparents out from nazi Germany which very much is a real life consequence that could put lives at risk. So imo Una and Margaret would have bonded out of sheer necessity because if Margaret was ostracised (as previously mentioned I think she'd be the most easy to) and revealed everyone's secrets, then Una's would be the one with actual danger of harm. So Una goes out of her way to cement a friendship or at the very least an alliance with Margaret to avoid this liklihood.
Ok so onto ACTUAL hcs now sorry anon
- I can't find a description of her on the wiki and I don't have my book on me so I think she has pin straight auburn hair with freckles that she hates (Astrid ADORES them tho)
- she used to be the prankster of her year, always pulling tricks on the teachers and during assemblies and creating mischief on exeat weekends
- she is always trying to put the attention away from her with all her tricks, but also desperately wants the attention
- she is the Eldest Daughter, with 3 sisters aged 3, 4, and 5 so there is an age gap
- her parents aren't cruel, not in any way, and do love her to bits, but with 4 other children they have grown a bit fatigued of parenting and so it lands on her a lot to be like 'oh I love your drawing!' 'i can take you to the loo! 'come here, your ribbon is all messed up'
- and of course as Eldest Daughter, she is expected to pave the way for her sisters, securing herself a decent husband etc etc.
- and she's actually happy with this!!! She's stuck in comphet but she thinks she's happy! Of course ALL girls stare at each other's legs in their gym kits!!!
- but then. She meets Astrid, a new student from Denmark who arrives in the last term of fourth form, and everything turns on its head
- Margaret honest to god genuinely thinks she's allergic to Astrid, or at least her perfume or detergent or something
- why does she keep having hot flushes? And butterflies in her stomach? And why does she lean forward every time Astrid goes to say something?
- Margaret realises she's a lesbian after several dreams about her and Astrid
- and her whole prankster thing changes. She becomes a model student, perfectly presentable, hw handed perfectly because she doesn't want the attention anymore. Attention means people look closer.
- one step out of line and she fears everything she has will fall to pieces because of Astrid
- they are friends at this point and through several tense moments during the summer hols before sixth form, they end up together
- and then the events of Jolly Foul Play happen and her secret comes out
- and that happens in like Sept - Nov so she still has a whole year of ridicule to go
- her parents are essentially embarrassed and ashamed of her but don't pull her out of school as they feel it's the one thing that could change her back to 'normal', and really push her into school work. And anyway
- Astrid's parents immediately pull her back to Denmark and ban any contact
- and that's almost that.
- 17 years later they find each other and buy a house by the sea. It's only ever been them for each other, anyway.
- as for the war, I'd imagine Margaret joins the WRNS (Woman's Royal Naval Service) and Astrid does something in communications (???)
- Margaret and Una, after everything, become actually close friends, and they'd both give their lives for each other given the need. I like to think their friendship becomes DaisyandHazel-esque in nature
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Can we talk for a second about how much Horatio sacrifices for Hamlet? He either takes a semester off from or completely drops out of college, risks his life and freedom by remaining at Hamlet’s side after his return to Denmark by which point he has literally committed murder, and after completely throwing away his own life for this man, Hamlet dies and leaves Horatio completely alone in a country he doesn’t seem to be from (evidenced by his unawareness of royal customs at the beginning of the play.)
Horatio is *clearly* a dedicated student if Hamlet’s comments that he wouldn’t hear Horatio called a truant by his enemy are anything to go by. One of the earliest bits of characterization we get for Horatio is that he’s a scholar and a dedicated one at that. He leaves Wittenberg sometime just before the beginning of the play and it ends over two months later (based on Ophelia’s and Hamlet’s comments throughout- Hamlet says his dad died two months ago at the start of the play and Ophelia, at *The Murder of Gonzago* tells him it’s been twice two months- four. Factor in Hamlet’s time spent sailing halfway to England and back and it’s been at least two and a half months since Horatio’s arrival.) Maybe he doesn’t start the play as a truant but by the end, it’s safe to assume that his career as a student is either over or severely hindered. How is he supposed to go back alone?
After all this, Hamlet dies. Whether he was completely aware that the duel was rigged (Horatio warns him to listen to his gut!) or not, he’s at least partially to blame for Horatio’s fate. Horatio also dies that day. He can’t go back to school without constant reminders of Hamlet, he doesn’t seem to have anywhere else to go, Denmark probably isn’t his native country (or at very least he doesn’t live near Elsinore), and as the last surviving witness to the tragedy, he’s absolutely going to be the one trying to explain this incredibly painful story to Fortinbras (on top of Hamlet’s dying wish to have his story told!) Horatio’s life is over and any prospects he had pre-play are thrown out the window. And if that isn’t a tragedy in and of itself…
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russell-crowe · 10 months
i would like to give y'all an update considering i have been bothering many of you with this in the past weeks/months.
on monday i had my studieprøve, which is the official C1 language test by the ministry for immigration and integration in denmark. i need this test to continue studying in denmark because i want to do a masters degree with danish and the uni has this test as their minimal requirement for foreign students.
but, as a result of that, this test had morphed into a terrifying monster & something that has occupied my brain like a program hogging space in some corner of task manager. it has influenced my physical and mental health, affected my personal and academic life and generally been a huge pain in the arse. it also amplified the feeling i have re: integrating in denmark that there is such an unequal type of relationship, and that there are so many hoops i have to jump through & that there are people in power who can decide my future based on how 'well' i do.
i have a somewhat good feeling about the test and particularly the reading element. the biggest question is whether i passed the writing segment, which has always been my weakest point in danish (as stated by my danish prof at my home uni in amsterdam, who says "you are much better at speaking danish than writing it".
so i will be a bit stressed for a month or so until i get the results - as well for my oral exam someplace in december, but the biggest stress factor is at least (temporarily) gone.
so if i have been absent or a bit weird or snappy or anything in that area - it is because i was and am really high strung at the moment. i hope to find myself back now that this thing is not clouding my brain anymore. :^)
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