#licht is so so adorable what the hell
neerons · 4 months
Some of Leon Dompteur's best quotes
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"Leon Dompteur. My favorite food is meat and alcohol. Hmm? Alcohol isn't food? Haha, that's true."
"You can imagine I'm some fictional character you like if that works better."
"Never mind the roses—it feels like I'm the one wilting without you in my arms. What then? What if I shrivel up and die while you're gone?"
"(...) Well, I'd rather be liked by you than a bunch of random women."
"Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Hey, I just meant sleeping! What were you thinking?"
"I swear, you're the bravest woman I've ever met. (...) I promise, we'll bring you home. That's the one thing I'm not backing down on. And... Don't do anything reckless." (—Leon telling Emma he'll save her along with his brothers from Obsidian)
"If you're struggling, it's okay to show me. I'm not gonna think less of you for it. So don't force yourself to smile."
"No running, no hiding, no looking away. If you need to cry, look at me and cry."
"When I opened my eyes again, I gazed at the woman before me in awe. She was so stunning that I regretted closing my eyes and even blinking." (—Leon's thoughts)
"I've always wanted to see you in a dress that I picked out... then strip you."
"(...) I'll come duel with you as soon as I'm done here." (—Leon keeping his promise to Licht)
"Good girl."
"But... I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you... for so long."
"A special skill of mine, huh...? Oh, there's one I can think of right away. I bet I could beat anyone at competitive eating."
"I don't blame him for being charmed, though. She's just that amazing. Emma, you have no idea how much your presence means to me." (—Leon's thoughts about Jin and Emma)
"Good work. Even if no one else is watching you work hard, I will. Okay?"
"You must have taken quite a liking to her to go warning her like that. It was nice of you." (—Leon talking about Emma to Chevalier)
"Why don't I save everyone a lot of trouble and cut the lot of you down right now?" (—Leon to drunken men)
"Ever since I met you... the me I thought I'd killed... the me I thought was gone... he can't stop shouting to the heavens how happy he is."
"Owwww! What the hell? (...) you could at least wake me up some other way." (—Leon being woken up by Chevalier)
"I think it's actually kind of cute. It's meant to look like a rabbit, right?" (—Leon talking about Clavis' food to Clavis, Emma and Nokto)
"I can finally tell you what I've always wanted to tell you. Emma... I love you."
"What matters is that you haven't become a victim for the kingdom. Just knowing that is enough to reassure me. (...) She knew none of you would welcome her, yet she came here as the emperor's representative, to find peace for us all. Is there any of you with more resolve than that?" (—Leon defending Emma during an official meeting)
"Accepting who you are, and being able to open your heart to the people you love—that's what makes us strong."
"(...) I want to flirt with you. Please?"
"I can't be the only one left with a one-track mind. I need you to be as crazy for me as I am for you." (—Leon's thoughts)
"Sorry, I know I sound like a broken record, but you look so fine in that beautiful dress. I wish I had a picture of you to frame."
"She's the silver lining in my clouds, my sun who makes my future bright. When I think about her, I'm filled with the courage to face whatever may come my way. She's truly an amazing woman and the light of my life." (—Leon talking about Emma)
"Maybe instead of the one doing the savoring, you'd prefer to be savored?"
"I adore you. Even if I were to make the entire world my enemy, I'll never let go of you."
"I want to melt you with my touch until you're left crying my name into the night." (—Leon's thoughts)
"I want you to be at my side just as you are, I want you to be my queen just as you are."
"There's only one thing that I can think of that would help stop me being so reckless. (...) Mmm... I don't know, it seems a bit too easy to just go ahead and tell you. Why don't you guess? (...) And every time you get it wrong, I get to kiss or touch you. How does that sound? (...) Can you even think coherently when you're this wet and needy?"
"Honestly, you can call for me even if nothing happens. I don't mind. I'd still gladly come running."
"Every time we touch, every time we kiss, every time we say we love each other, my feelings for you grow stronger."
"If we continue, you're going to see me possibly the horniest I've ever been in my life."
"Sorry, kid, but you were born way too late. Plus, she's already spoken for. But at least he has good taste." (—Leon's thoughts about a boy asking Emma to marry him)
"You're so beautiful that I don't know what to do with myself."
"I'm so harsh on you first thing in the morning, aren't I? (...) I ate my fill, but now I already want you again."
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
I just- think it would be so fucking funny that- a Bell(ikepri) who went to NRC(twisted wonderland), now has to deal with the princes and is like: well- atleast they aren't actively trying to kill me-
Bell has grim by them and also is in contact with the best btiches of NRC and adoptive dads (plus the shop owner now!)
Sarel: hello- were takeing you to the palace now, your pets are already there
Bell: ah shit- here we go again-
Rio, Grim and whoever Bell's lover is fighting for their attention-
Sarel: will you tame these beasts and make atleast one if them into a good king?
Bell: did it before, I can do it again-
Sarel: what-
Bell sending letters to Kalim, Malleus, and Leona for bakup when it comes to the goodwill gala-
Gotta be prepared with your rich bitches-
They being the whole squad with them for extra help
Silvio trying to bribe them but they all (Ruggie is outbid) say no- Leona does a little threatening. Malleus does too after Silvio touches Bell.
Bell and Grimm being easy to place menaces for any prince
Aduce 'kindly' telling Gilbert to fuck off
Trey trying to get Bell with Yeves because bakeing bros gotta stick together
Riddle perfers Chaliver
Ace kinda got some respect for Clavis
Deuce quickly understanding the situation (yo go boy, use it against Ace :>) and perfers Leon
Cater kinda is curious what would happen if Licht is king but says Leon or Chalavier
Heartsbuyl bois and the Princes haveing a bakeing contest between Yeves and Trey because each party says their baker is better
It's a tie- both sides passed out from all the bakeing, the boys sell it then donate it to a local group
Azul and Silvio imedeately becoming buisness partners
Lilia adoreing Keith and Alter, and semi adopting him too-
Sarel: I see you have an interesting reputouraior of allies
Bell: *shugs* gotta be diverse when you don't know what the hell is happening
Leon kinda likeing the way that the king is chosen, and also scares off people who would be sexisf towards Bell
Kalim shareing the wealth with no expectation and getting more wealth in return shocking Silvio
Just Kalims existence shocking Silvio and Jamil I'd kinda like "yeah- you get used to it-" with an insult towards Sivio or two hidden in there
Jamil being allowed to talk crap if he sees crap and this shocks the princes
Floyd, Lilia, and Clavis being a danger to the world
The doorm heads giveing good leadership advice to the princes and getting some in turn
Bell just never locking the door because princes and people brake in on the regular, also makes sure Silvio pays for the door
Bell being able to defend themself during the war and being able to be a good healer. Absolutely shocking everyone
Vil kind of adorning Yeves and wishes for him to be the next king
Rook choses Chalavier due to the potential he sees in him
Epel chiseling Chalavier because mmmmm masculine man who can protect the country
Bell being insightful to differnt issues and able to take differnt perspectives easily, ending g up being Sarels understudy
Lilia ans Sarel telling story's of their children when they were younger
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nkn0va · 7 months
Some headcanons for Orie and wagner with an s/o who loves to flustered them? Please and thank you.
Hell yeah, some good ass waifus right here, and from Under Night.
Orie Ballardiae
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-Orie is surprisingly well put together in a relationship (emphasis on surprisingly if you're a guy considering how few of them she's interacted with), however just like anyone else she has a weakness or two.
-One of the best ways for an S/O to fluster the fifth Executor is to cater to her love language, acts of service. Surprise her with breakfast in bed one day completely unannounced, help her wind down after a long night of hunting Voids with some scented candles and a blanket, you name it.
-Orie's not gonna really know how to respond. She's truly flattered that someone would care about so much to go this far and beyond for her. She'll probably feel the need to return the favor, you'll have to shut that thought down yourself and insist on doing this kind of thing for her which will only make her flustered situation worse.
-You could also get her friends in on it. Kaguya and Mika in particular would probably inevitably find out about you and start asking questions about your relationship with Orie, and the more you answer, the more ammunition you give them to use against your girlfriend to make her stutter profusely as her face turns red as a cherry.
-Another fun thing to get her hot and bothered is unannounced cuddles. Wrap yourself and a blanket around her out of nowhere and she instantly turns red, as long as you don't do it when she's trying to work. Sit back and watch her get embarrassed before she slowly but surely eases into it.
-If you're feeling particularly "cruel" that day press a soft kiss to her neck and she instantly becomes putty.
Miyashiro Erika Wagner
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-Wagner is a high class woman hailing from a noble, powerful family. The Sword of Licht Kreis has no weaknesses, nothing will ever phase her.
-At least, that's what she wants people to believe, however you know better.
-A free easy way to see Wagner blush is to compliment her. On what you might be asking? Basically anything. Her hair, her eyes, her battle prowess, when she does something well, whatever you can think of. She's not going to know how to respond. Should she thank you? Compliment you back? What is she meant to do?
-She's a very...stubborn woman, to put it politely. In the end she's going to have a mini-outburst and reprimand you if you do this in public. If you're alone with her, she's probably going to ask if you really mean it. She's new to this whole romance thing, she has no idea on if this is normal or not and if you really mean it. You'll have to reassure her it's genuine which will only make her face go as red as her cape.
-The other main way to fluster her is with a kiss, anywhere on her face. Forehead, cheeks, nose, lips, just about anywhere. She'll freeze up as she tries to process what the hell just happened with a look of pure shock. Anyone who may be in the vicinity is probably going to be tempted to run in case the immediate area in Wagner's vicinity spontaneously goes up in flames.
-Meanwhile you just look at your adorably flustered girlfriend with a smirk on your face, knowing damn well you're the only one who can get away with this. If anyone else tried to do what you do, they'd quickly find themselves being turned into roast beef.
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jejecchi · 3 years
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as someone who will abandon yves for licht this hurts twice as bad
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katzkinder · 3 years
Can a Servamp and their Eve’s bond become practically eternal?
Like, it’s been stated several times that a contract only truly ends once the Eve has died and the Servamp in question can no long remember or recognize the name that Eve gave them…
But imagining just how much it would destroy (most of them really, but especially) Kuro if Mahiru were to die…
Could Kuro make their contract eternal if he made Mahiru a subclass before he could die?
Can an Eve become a subclass and still maintain the contract?
Part of me thinks that if this is possible - Kuro especially may not hesitate in do it.
What are your thoughts?
My answer is YES it’s possible, but that is because I am a leetle bitch baby and I don’t want my darlings to be separated from each other when so many of the Servamps so obviously adore their Eves.
--But I’m also an awful, horrible little goose so they don’t get there without a hell of a lot of pain lmaooo.
Which brings me to slaps a metal container which jangles ominously another scenario from my Eves Anew AU!
Now, in this au, it is completely unknown if an Eve can be made into a subclass and maintain the contract. In fact, the way they discover this is a complete accident. An act of desperation. (under the cut for minor gore!)
They were in the car together, Lawless, Licht, and Krantz, driving to their next destination, another concert hall in busy, bustling, crowded America, with its terrible public transport and need for rental vehicles if they ever wanted to get anywhere.
It was only supposed to be a cursory check of the place. Maybe let Licht get a feel for the venue, if he wanted to, bringing out his Lead to play and see how it all sounded.
Laughing in the backseat, and joking, Licht... In a good mood. Having fun.
And then Lawless. hears a familiar sound.
The Servamp of Greed turns, brows furrowed to ask was that a gun?, only for glass to shatter and blood to splatter across his face onto the lens of his glasses,
Licht drops forward, eyes dull and unseeing
His body moved on its own after that he refused to let Licht die in such a meaningless, pointless way
There's nothing elegant nor beautiful about the way Lawless desperately shoves his bleeding wrist into Licht's mouth, nothing refined about the way Licht's newly revived body immediately seeks to feed even more from Lawless to restore itself to a more natural state. Nothing to be admired in senseless tragedy.
It's all so very, very human.
Licht really, truly, has no idea what happened to him at first.
Lawless begs him to say his name. To call him ‘Hyde’
And Licht does. He’s immediately enveloped in an almost bone brushing hug.
“I can still answer.“ Squeezing him even tighter, ignoring the way Licht struggles, ignoring Krantz in the front seat who shakes, white knuckled on the steering wheel, and breaking quite a few laws as he speeds away from the scene. “You died, you stupid angel! Stupid, stupid angel-chan who never knows how to give up!” Sobbing with relief against Licht’s shoulder and mumbling to himself, words shaking and breath he doesn’t need threatening to choke him. “Y-you stupid... Angel... I-I’m so glad. So, so glad. You’re not allowed to die. Never, ever, e-ever...”
Lawless of Greed won’t let anything slip through his fingers any longer.
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
Blurb #2 (T.H.)
a/n: so, i don’t know what or how this happened but *throws fic* here ya go!! *runs and hides in a hole* *peeks back out* enjoy!!
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pairing: tom holland x female!reader summary: Tom jet skiing is just too hot for you to handle and it's making you feel certain emotions. So, you take matters into your own hands... somewhat literally. warnings: written fairly quick (so might be shitty), alludes to smut (make out in the bathroom and then some...kinda lol), typos I might have missed (slightly proofread) and oh, the pictures. word count: 1.1k+ (it’s a short one! a miracle! alsklaks)
masterlist in bio & pinned post
You knew from the moment he picked those shorts to wear that this was going to be dangerous. Then again, you didn't do much to prevent him from wearing it either because your man looks good in them, how can you complain?
But then, he got into the wetsuit. That was when it took all your strength to try and be calm about it, to seem unaffected as you got on the jet ski right behind him. And as you rode into the stretch of the ocean, it became much harder to take control of this fiery feeling inside you. There was just something so attractive with the way he took absolute control of the roaring engine, somewhat taming the beast in the way he maneuvered his way across the waves. Not to mention the feeling of his muscles flexing underneath the tight fabric, your fingers unable to escape them given that you have no choice but to hold onto him.
You do take pride in your sense of control, so you've managed to get off the jet ski and smile sweetly, innocently at your boyfriend, expression a stark contrast to the absolute filth that's swimming in your mind.
It was when he took the wetsuit off did you finally decide that the agony was enough. Your patience has been stretched too thin as you watched him walk under the sun, his wet hair shining, making his curls look even more gorgeous. And with the way the ocean water coated his body, he was glowing underneath the rays, his muscles more defined from his arms, to his broad shoulders, his toned chest, and then those abs, gosh those abs that you could never get enough of. Plus, with how those evil shorts were hanging too low at his hips, his v-line was showing just enough that it had you wanting more of what was hidden in between. Put all of those together and my goodness did he look like an absolute Greek god, one who you wanted to get a taste of.
"Tom? Can you help me with the zip for a sec? I think it's stuck," you called out after your boyfriend who was waiting for you just on the other side of the bathroom door. Your words were a huge lie given that you were already out of your wetsuit, you just needed him inside without raising much suspicion.
Once you unlocked the door, Tom slipped inside, confusion covering his face when he saw you already in your swimwear. Though you didn't give him much time to think as you swiftly pushed him back against the nearby wall, your lips on his in a split second, Tom kissing back not long after as he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly.
Your fingers were touching him all over, deliberately feeling his muscles, running them down from his broad shoulders to his biceps, giving them a squeeze making Tom chuckle softly. Then you went further down, playing with the garter of his shorts for a couple teasing seconds before you went slowly back up, warm palms flat against his abs to his toned chest, fingers snaking up his neck and then tangling them in his damp curls. You earned a gasp from him when you tugged on them hotly, your tongue slipping inside his mouth without further hesitation. Albeit a familiar one, both your heads were spinning at the taste, soft moans filling the air as your tongues meet.
"Very sneaky," Tom chuckled lowly against the kiss, wide smirk in full play, his hands going to squeeze at the swell of your bum as he tries to keep up with the absolute fervour in your kiss. He would be lying if he said he didn't notice the way you looked at him. Other than the fact that Tom knows you, he's always focused on you, so of course he noticed and yes, he loved it. "Could've just told me you wanted to—oh," Tom cuts himself off with a gasp at the sudden feeling of your palm pressed up against the tent on his shorts, his hands that were rested on your bum tightening around the flesh in the process.
"Fuck," he breathed out, head thrown back to give your more access as you now moved your kisses down to his neck, sucking on his sweet spots just lightly, careful not to leave any marks. You pulled away for a second to meet his eyes, Tom giving you a nod of consent before you hooked your fingers on his shorts and pulled them down just as you slowly lowered yourself down his body, littering hungry kisses on his chest, his abs and then that luscious v-line.
"Fucking hell," Tom hissed as your nimble fingers wrapped around the base, his eyes screwing shut for a second, lavishing the feeling before he slowly looked down at you to meet your lust-filled gaze.
Tom shook his head in pure awe, brown orbs coated with admiration but also glowing with lust at the sight of you gorgeous on your knees. Then you looked up at him with a sweet, adorable smile, head tilted to the side innocently, but then your eyes, the absolute mischief and devilish look in your beautiful eyes, Tom felt like he was about to bust right then and there. And then you spoke,
"Now, you're going to have to be quiet for me pretty boy."
Tom nodded frantically with a shaky breath, bottom lip quick to get caught between his teeth as he tried to suppress a low, guttural moan once he felt the slickness and warmth of your tongue.
"What took you guys so long?" Harry asked as you and Tom walked towards the group hand in hand and wide smiles on both your faces.
With his cheeks turning more flushed, Tom cleared his throat. "The tie of her swimsuit got stuck in the zip," he said, shrugging nonchalantly while you tried your best to bit back a grin, laying your head on his shoulder innocently.
The group only nodded without care, now slowly making their way back to the cars. "You guys want to get some food?" Harry spoke towards everyone.
"I don't know, I think I'm already full," you hummed against Tom's ear only, a shiver running down his spine at the soft purr in your voice. When he met your gaze, you only shot him a playful wink, your smile too mischievous that it was hard for him to seem unaffected since that certain smile was quick to remind him what happened just minutes prior. Which wouldn't exactly be ideal for he can't really hide it in the shorts.
With a squeeze of your hand and a discreet warning glare, Tom silently urged you to behave. At least, until you get back to the hotel. Then he'll let you be as devilish as you want to be.
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thewitchofbooks · 4 years
Konnichiwa~ How about...family headcanons for ikepri suitors???? You can chose whoever you want~ thank you! 🤝🤝
Hello there~You didn't ask for someone specific, but I didn't want to come to conclusions, so I wrote for everyone, haha. I hope you like it! Also, thank you for the request! 
Game: Ikemen Prince 
Type: Headcanons 
Characters : All the characters
Warnings : Kind of spoilery, I hope it is okay, lol,my English,the characters might be ooc. 
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~Chevalier Michel 
🔹Chevalier becomes a bit more gentle when you two start your own family.
🔹Sometimes, you catch him smiling at your children and playing with their chubby cheeks. They always giggle and hug him. 
🔹He tries to tell them how much he loves them, more with his actions and not so much with words. But they know he absolutely loves them. 
🔹"I love you too." You heard him once say. You peeked inside the library and saw your handsome husband kneeling in front of the youngest, who was crying. The moment your kid heard that, he/she was grinning as he/she threw himself/herself at Chevalier. 
🔹Then Cheva walked out (after a lot of awkward but comfortable cuddles on a small chair. 
"Chevalier?" You said his name. 
"What?" You smiled and asked. 
"What did you say before?" Chevalier frowned. 
"Nothing that concerns you, dummy." You laughed as he walked away. 
🔹Once, you went to wake Chevalier in your shared bedroom, only to see a large lump and a lot of smaller ones, covered with the fluffy blankets. 
🔹Now you have to wake them all up, but you gave up a few hours later and slept with them. 
🔹Chevalier is very clever and very strong so, sometimes, he teaches his children. 
🔹Every night, he reads them to sleep. 
~Clavis Lelouch 
🔹You were in for it when you agreed to start a family with Clavis. 
🔹If your children didn't look like him, they surely took his character. 
🔹Clavis will be coming back after work and instead of being greeted with deep bows from the maids, he gets greeted with buckets full of sparkly confetti and glitter. 
🔹He is very proud of them but he doesn't want you to have a lot of headaches. 
🔹Clavis always makes time to play with his children. He is being sweet and he helps them however he can. 
🔹He teaches them to not be too open with suspicious people and if they get in trouble, he shows them how to get out of it. 
🔹He let's them keep pets. And if you're allergic to furr, it's okay! None of these pets have furr at all! They can be from small, little snakes to big birds and fishes. 
🔹He is trying his best. 
🔹Your children love him and they show it all the time. 
🔹Clavis is getting attacked with love, which he wasn't used to. He was completely shocked. In the end, he got used to it and he adores it. 
🔹There will be days where you'll wake up with sketches on your face and your husband laughing with your children. 
🔹They are very adorable when they're sleeping together, Clavis arm wrapped protectively around them (and you, of course).
~Leon Dompteur 
🔹Leon is a very loving man. You and the family you both made are his oxygen. You're the most important reason to keep loving and enjoying life at the fullest. 
🔹There are days where Leon has finished with training his army, so he takes you and your children for rides with his horse. 
🔹You ride in the city and go straight to the food section. 
🔹He spoils his children very much, you have to stop him. Do they like sweets? He'll walk through hell to buy cakes, chocolates and everything else. (or ask Yves to bake fresh cakes, lolol). Do they not like sweets? What are those? He never heard of them. (He still eats them.) 
🔹Leon always tries to find new activities, just to make sure his children are having fun in the palace, or outside. 
🔹Everytime they do something troublesome, like breaking glasses and plates with their father, they try to play innocent. 
🔹If they have nightmares, Leon will help them through them. 
🔹He always tells them that they don't have to 'stop seeing nightmares' to be brave. Braveness is when they search for someone they trust, because opening up is harder than keeping it inside.
"But dad, when I'm sad and I don't tell anyone... am I weak?" Leon wiped his kid's tears away. 
"No. You are strong. But if it is something too hard to keep to yourself, you can share it with anyone you trust." 
~Yves Kloss 
🔹Yves is a big tsundere and he is shy. So, when you asked for a family, he blushed and tried to deny it. It wasn't working. 
🔹His eyes light up everytime he looks at his children. They're the most adorable children in the world. And his world is made with you and them. You are all the matters. 
🔹After his royal duties, he bakes cakes, the children are decorating and you have to watch the chaos. 
🔹Before having a family of his own, he found it bothersome and annoying to have things all over the place, but he got used to it. 
🔹He is sneaking kittens in the palace for them to feed and pet. Where did those stray kittens you show on the street when you were shopping? Yves doesn't have any idea what are you talking about, but you now have to sleep in your shared bed with foolur freshly bathed kittens. 
"Are you sure you don't know them? They look comfortable around you." You said, your brow raised. The kittens were sleeping on him. He blushed and glared at you. 
"Hmph, I don't know them! No, lay down Snowflake, we aren't fighting with your mom." He stroked the white furr and the small animal fell asleep again. 
🔹He gives to the children gorgeous clothes and he brushed their hair, putting it in the best hairstyles. 
🔹At night, he praises them for being kind. 
~Luke Randolph 
🔹Luke grew up in a bad environment, so he makes sure that his children won't ever have to grow up like that. He could give his life in a blink of the eye to do that. 
🔹He doesn't spoil his children too much, because he wants them to be down to earth. For him, his role as a prince is not important, but his family is. 
🔹The children are tripping on his long legs while they're playing outside and he sleeps. 
🔹Luke is a Disney Prince. That means all the animals love him. He gently cradles small fragile butterflies, or cute little birds to show them. 
🔹Luke is taking them for walks in the forest. As the time goes on, more and more animals are attached to their gentleness. 
🔹If anyone dares mess with his children, they are in for a big surprise. Luke will take them down and fight them until he is sure that they won't bother them again. He won't kill someone though, only hurt them enough for his family's safety. 
~Sariel Noir 
🔹Sariel is a very busy man and you know that. So when he asked you if you wanted a family, you were super exited. 
🔹By the time your children are born, their bedrooms and everything inside is already ready to use. 
🔹Sariel seems pretty strict, but he has a soft spot for your family. 
🔹He helps them study all their lessons. If they don't understand something, he'll go out of his way to search it up and give them all the information he gathered. 
🔹After babysitting the Princes, he takes a few books filled with fairytales and reads to them in his soothing voice. 
🔹Sariel loves his kids dearly and he protects them from harm, even if it means being in the shadows. 
🔹The children love to hug him and cling on him, while he is giving lectures to the Princes. (translation = scolding Clavis.) 
🔹Sariel was lonely before, so he won't let anyone hurt his family. He'll let his people "clean up the dirt". 
🔹Sariel kind of spoils his children, and you, because he is weak for your eyes and pouts. 
~Licht Klein 
🔹Licht seems distant from afar, but his family gets to see his true colours. 
🔹Whenever his children are playing or doing something else (that isn't harmful), he smiles softly, his red eyes fill with love and adoration. 
🔹He is scared that someday, they'll have the same bad luck his brother and he had. 
🔹That's why he always keeps an eye on them. 
🔹Licht was never troubled if he died, until one of his children told him he/she loved him so much, that he/she will make him the proudest dad in the world. 
🔹Licht's eyes are wide open and he thinks about his choices again. He'll have to live in order to help them grow up. 
🔹He is very supportive with their choices, unless it's something bad for them. 
🔹At nights, he sings to put them to sleep, his smooth voice calming the down completely. 
🔹You can find the m all sleeping together on a chair. 
🔹He won't admit it, but he loves sweet food and his children are no better. 
~Nokto Klein 
🔹Nokto became a whole new person when you had your children. 
🔹He still stayed playful for them. 
🔹Nokto is happy when they are happy, he is sad when they're sad... 
🔹He despises it when they hurt themselves, physically or not. 
🔹He is also scared like Licht. He doesn't want then away from each other. He wants for them to be happy. 
🔹Before they were born, he was scared that he wouldn't turn out to be a good father. He was scared of rejection. 
🔹He lived with the same fear, until his children run up to him and hugged his legs. 
"Dad! Thank you for taking us with you! We love you so much!" They said happily. 
🔹Nokto.exe has stopped working. 
"I love you too." He quickly hugs them to his chest, trying to keep the tears in. 
🔹He is teasing them (in a good way) till there's no tomorrow. (with uncle Clavis). 
🔹The children, with your help are making presents for him. He gets so happy! 
🔹His past self still haunts him, but he doesn't let himself fall. He is strong. 
🔹Nokto doesn't take risky jobs anymore. He takes better care of himself for the sake of his family. 
🔹When stormy nights fall, his strong arms are ready to close you and the kids to his heart. It's his promise of never letting go, even in the scariest times. 
~Rio Ortiz
🔹Rion is as exited as a puppy! 
🔹Right after they are born, they are in his arms, cuddled up to him. 
🔹Rio travels with them in other places (for personal reasons). He shows them all around and does anything they ask. 
🔹Are they hungry? A whole buffet is made for them. 
🔹They have his heart and mind. Sometimes, he is scared they'll think he is annoying, but they always tell him how much they love him. 
🔹He takes time off his work and plays with them in the garden or in their Rooms. 
🔹He always hear their problems. If he can help it, he'll tskr care of them. 
🔹Rio won't let others hurt his children. If someone tries and he is in front of the scene, his hand might slip and he the other guys might get hurt. 
🔹At night, he cuddle with them and they all wait for you to read them to sleep. 
~Jin Grandet 
🔹Jin was feeling bashful. He really wanted a family with the most beautiful person in the world (you). 
🔹Like almost everyone else, his character changed a bit. He spends more time with his family. 
🔹His children like to climb on his back and go fit walks. His back hurts, but are they happy? They it's worth it. End of the conversation. 
🔹There are days where he is too tired so he takes food and drinks (not alcohol) and sets them on the king sized bed with you and the kids. 
🔹He is manipulating Yves to cook (lol), but Yves does it for his nephew(s) /niece(s). 
🔹If the children are terrified from the nightmares or other scary things outside of the windows, they'll run to him, crushing him on your bed. 
🔹When morning comes, they are all over the bed, sleeping soundly. 
AN: I'm writing from my phone now, but I'll fix it when I'll get my laptop! 
Also, fun fact: When I first started the game, I fell asleep while reading/listening the prologue, because Sariel and Chevalier were speaking! I love their voices and I want them to put me to sleep every night, lololol.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Before anything, I want you to know that your stories are amazing and unique. I've read all of them and love each one so, so much! Would you write a Soulmate AU with either Tom or Peter? Maybe like same tattoo in the same place, and they only found out because one of them accidentally saw the others naked 😂
Pairing: Soulmate!AU Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: a mixup in the bathroom leads you to accidentally seeing Toms soulmate tattoo
Warnings: nudity? Nothing is described but the word “butt” is used so
Authors note: thank you @clara-licht ! This inspired me so much that I wrote it all in one sitting and I’m really proud of it. I hope you like it and thank you for reading my work!
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Dating didn’t really exist in a world where soulmates were born with matching tattoos. It was seen as taboo to date anyone else before you found your soulmate. You always respected the rules and kept as eye out for the tattoo that matched yours, but even the impracticality of it all couldn’t stop you from developing a crush on your best friend, Tom Holland.
You never asked where his tattoo was or what it looked like, partially out of respect and partially out of fear that it wouldn’t match yours. The fear didn’t keep you from wondering what his was. You’d seen him shirtless plenty of times, so you knew it wasn’t anywhere on his top half. You’d seen him in shorts as well, so it couldn’t be in his legs. You’d been friends with Tom long enough to feel like you would’ve at least caught a glimpse of it, but you never did.
Until one day.
You and Tom had gone swimming in your pool and he told you he was gonna shower before you grabbed something to eat. Assuming he’d be in your bathroom for a while, you picked up your copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and sat on the couch to read it. After around twenty minutes, the lemonade you’d been drinking hit you and you really had to pee. You put your book down and went to the nearest bathroom.
As soon as you opened the door, your eyes landed on your naked best friend facing away from you. More importantly, they landed on the small tattoo of a bird on his left, uh, cheek.
“Ah! Naked!” You screamed, completely forgetting that Tom said he was gonna be in the shower.
“Ah! Y/n!” Tom whipped around with his hands covering himself.
“Ah! Leaving!” You shut the door in a haste and pressed your back against it. You clamped a hand over your mouth as you slid down the door, hot tears spilling onto your cheeks. You never put much thought into what or where Toms soulmate tattoo was, but the jarring and unexpected discovery of it made your heart shatter for one reason:
It didn’t match yours.
He had a bird, and you didn’t. That meant there was some girl out there with the exact same tattoo that was going to end up with the man you loved. You buried your face in your hands as silent sobs left your body. It caught you so off guard that you couldn’t move from in front of the door. After a while, you heard the shower turn off and you scrambled to your feet. You ran back into the living room and picked up your book, pretending to read as you waiting for Tom to come in. You ended up staring at the same page for seven minutes until Tom walked into the room with an awkward clearing of his throat.
“Hey, champ.” He addressed you.
“Hi, sport.” You said without looking up from the book. He sat down on the opposite side of the couch and the room went silent.
“How are you?” He said to break the silence.
“A little traumatized, but otherwise I’m doing all right.” You replied, never looking at him. You held the book up a little higher so he couldn’t see the tears threatening to fall.
“You didn’t see the old web shooter, right?” He blurted after another beat of silence and you shut the book with a hard thud.
“No.” You stared straight ahead.
“Or my jat?” He asked. This time, you looked at him. His curls were damp and his face was red, two things you’d normally find adorable. But Tom didn’t look the same to you. He went from being someone who could potentially be your soulmate to someone who you knew wasn’t your soulmate, and that changed how you viewed him. Unable to look at him any longer without crying, you looked away.
“Your what?” You asked quietly.
“My jat.” He repeated.
“What’s a jat?” You asked as you pretended to look at your nails.
“It’s slang.” He shrugged.
“For?” You asked.
“Fat ass.” He mumbled as if he were ashamed. You would normally laugh, but you felt numb at that point.
“No. I didn’t see that either. Most likely because you don’t have one.” You tried to act normal. Tom cracked a smile, having noticed your indifference.
“Tumblr would disagree.” He said a little too proudly.
“Well they haven’t seen you like I have.” You practically snapped at him. You felt bad, especially since he had no idea why you were upset.
“Are you okay?” He finally asked and you wanted to scream.
“Fine.” You said coldly, picking the book back up.
“Are you hungry?” He tried to change the subject.
“No.” You muttered.
“Now I know something’s wrong.” He half heartedly laughed.
“Nothing wrong, Tom.” Your anger began to rise.
“You’re not even looking at me.” He said, a little hurt.
“I’ve seen enough of you today.” You replied.
“Y/n.” He said, leaning forward and placing a hand on your knee.
“Tom.” You stared him right in the eye as you pushed his hand off.
“You’re acting off. Are you sure you‘re okay?” He looked you up and down, wishing you’d tell him what was upsetting you so he could fix it.
“I’m fine.” You repeated, flipping to the next page dramatically even though you didn’t read anything.
“And you didn’t see anything?” He inquired.
“No.” You said firmly as your throat tightened. “I didn’t see anything.”
You avoided Tom for the next few weeks. You gave him lame excuses that you had work or school to get out of seeing him. You knew it wasn’t fair just as much as you knew it wasn’t his fault, but you couldn’t bear to face him. You could not bear the reality that he wasn’t your soulmate. If he wasn’t, then what was the point? Why give him all your time and energy if he was destined to be with another girl? You spent the four weeks apart crying and trying to fall out of love with him. He was never yours to lose, but it still hurt like hell. Your beating heart was replaced by a dull ache. You didn’t want a different soulmate. You didn’t want to someday attend the wedding of Tom and his. Even if the universe intended for you two to end up with different people, you still yearned for him. It was unfathomable to you that your heart was made to beat for someone other than Tom. You didn’t want it too.
Maybe the universe was wrong.
After four weeks of not seeing each other, he pulled up to your house, unannounced. When he didn’t get out of the car, you went outside to see him. With your heart in your throat, you knocked on his window. He rolled it down and stared at you stone faced.
“Hey.” You said awkwardly.
“I wasn’t even sure if you still lived here.” He replied in a flat tone.
“I do.” You offered weakly.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He stated as he looked at you sadly in the eyes.
“I’ve been busy.” You lied.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He repeated in a more final tone. You didn’t say anything for a while and he sighed.
“Get in the car.” He nodded towards the passenger seat.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“I don’t know.” He said sincerely. “Please, just get in.”
You got in and drove silently to an empty park. Tom parked the car in an open area where you could see the stars. He didn’t ask you why you were avoiding him. He instead began to tell you about how he’d been the past four weeks and about his next project. The conversation was normal, and you slowly warned up to him and spoke like everything was normal. You sat in the car and just talked for hours, until the sun started to rise.
“Truth or dare?” He continued your ongoing game.
“Lets go dare.” You shrugged sleepily.
“I dare you to wear my jacket for the rest of our time together.” He said as if it’d been something he had been thinking about for a while.
“What? Why?” You asked at the absurd request.
“Because I dared you too.” He replied as he handed you his jacket.
“Okay.” You said skeptically as you slid his jacket on over your tank top. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” He nodded.
“Whats your biggest secret?” You asked as you took a sip of his water bottle.
“Oof. I don’t know if I can tell you.” He laughed to himself.
“You can’t tell me? We tell each other everything.” You shoved him a little.
“But this is embarrassing.” He told you.
“Please?” You tilted your head to the side. He stared at you for a moment, as if decided what he should do, then shook his head.
“No, I can’t. No one can ever know. Only Haz knows right now and I plan on keeping it that way.” He said definitely.
“What? That makes me want to know even more.” You whined.
“No, because if I tell you, then I have to show you. And I’m not showing you. No way.” Tom shook his head.
“Show me what?” You inquired.
“My tattoo.” He said.
“I already know about the one on your foot.” You answered, disappointed that the secret was something you already knew about.
“No. It’s a different one.” He said to your surprise.
“You have another secret tattoo?” You sat up in your seat. “Now you have to show me.”
“I can’t. I physically can’t.” He stressed.
“Why not?” Now you were really curious.
“Because it’s on my asscheek!” Tom shouted. “There! Are you happy? I have a tattoo on my butt. That’s it. That’s the secret.”
“You have a tattoo on your butt.” You repeated as the gears in your head began to turn.
“Yes, we’ve established that.” Tom said, a little annoyed.
“Of a bird.” You continued.
“Yes, we’ve established th-“ Tom cut himself off and looked at you incredulously. “How did you know that?”
“Remember that one time I walked in on you in the bathroom and said I didn’t see you naked?” You asked as your heart began to race, the fire of hope returning.
“Yeah.” Tom remembered.
“I saw you naked.” You admitted. Tom was silent for a moment as the shock of your confession went through him.
“Should I apologize? I feel like I should apologize.” He broke the silence.
“You don’t have too. It was my fault.” You told him.
“Is that why you’ve been acting different? Because you saw my juicy dumper- ah I mean, butt?” He tried to lighten the mood and you laughed a little.
“Yeah. I mean, no. It’s not that I saw your butt.” You sighed, not ready for the impending conversation. “It’s that I saw your tattoo.”
“And that made you distance yourself from me?” Tom asked in confusion.
“Yes.” You nodded, feeling guilty that he noticed your purposeful avoidance.
“Why?” He asked sadly.
“Because I don’t have the same one.” You choked out as you looked him tearfully in the eyes. “I can’t imagine loving someone else the way I love you. Since the beginning, I thought it’d be us. I thought it would be you and I in the long run. But when I saw your soulmate tattoo and realized I didn’t have the same one, I couldn’t face you anymore. I couldn’t act like it didn’t kill me that my soulmate is someone other than you. Or that there’s a girl out there with a bird on her butt, and she gets to end up with you. I couldn’t do that.”
“Darling.” Tom said softly and put a hand on your knee.
“Don’t. There’s nothing you can say right now.” You pushed his hand off and stared out the window.
“It kills me too.” He said after a few minutes of silence. You looked back at him and saw that he was crying.
“What?” You asked.
“It kills me too. Why do you think I made you put on my jacket? Do you know how hard it is to be around you when you wear things like that? Sleeveless shirts that show off that lotus tattoo on your arm?” He said in a quivering voice. “I despise that tattoo. It kills me to see it.”
“Why?” You inquired.
“Because I don’t have it.” Toms voice broke as he yelled. “And it’s a painful reminder that I will never be with you every time I see it.”
The car went silent for a while as Tom let out a fear tears.
“It’s a mockingbird, by the way.” He said between sniffles.
“What?” You asked.
“My tattoo. We were hanging out one night a few years ago and you took your jacket off, you just had a tank top on underneath. I got sick to my stomach when I saw that tattoo for the first time.” Tom shook his head with disdain. “I left your house and got drunk at some bar because I couldn’t handle the fact that you were gonna end up with somebody that wasn’t me. The upstairs doubled as a tattoo parlor and Haz dared me to get one and I agreed. I couldn’t think of anything to get, but then I thought of you and your smell and your smile and your favorite book-“
“-To Kill a Mockingbird.” You interjected.
“Yeah. So I got that. A mockingbird. I didn’t want it to affect my career so I got it in a place no one could see. I just needed to feel a different kind of pain that night than the one I was already feeling.” He said in the most heartbreaking tome you’d ever heard him use.
“That’s not your soulmate tattoo?” You whispered in disbelief. You’d been torn apart over it for weeks just to find out he’d gotten the tattoo done himself.
“No. It’s not.” Tom said as he stared out the window. You could see tears rolled down his eyes in the reflection.
“That’s not mine either.” You said, suddenly desperate for him to know the truth.
“What?” He turned around to face you, a flicking gleam of hope in his eyes.
“I got the lotus for my eighteenth birthday because it’s my moms favorite flower. I forget it’s there so I never talk about it.” You told him. “And you never asked.”
“I tried my hardest to forget about it. I couldn’t be around you otherwise.” Tom admitted as he subconsciously examined all your exposed skin for your actual soulmate tattoo.
“That’s exactly why I haven’t been able to be around you recently.” You told him the truth and he looked at you with a distinct sadness.
“I had no idea.” He said apologetically.
“Me either.” You said, half relieved and half dreading the next question. “Then what is your soulmate tattoo?”
“What if it doesn’t match yours?” Tom knew what you were really looking for. Now that your feelings for each other were admitted, there was so much more at stake.
“What if it does?” You touched his face with light fingertips.
“Are you still gonna love me if I’m promised to someone else?” He practically begged.
“I’m always gonna love you.” You leaned in closer and said with determination. Tom cracked a smile that quickly faded.
“It could be written in the stars that I belong with another girl.” He feared.
“Then we make our own constellation.” You promised him. That was enough to convince him as he gave you a swift nod.
“Are you sure?” He asked one last time.
“Just tell me.” You said, ready to accept whatever your fate was.
“It’s a little tree on my inner thigh.” He said slowly.
“An olive tree?” You asked.
“Yea, how did you…” Tom trailed off as you lifted your skirt to reveal a delicate olive tree on your inner thigh. Tom stared at the tattoo for a minute before looking up at you. Your chest heaved with nervous breaths as you met his tear filled eyes. Without another word, you lunged for each other and kissed with sweet devotion.
After you fell sleep that night, Tom snuck into the bathroom with a sharpie. He skillfully drew a little olive tree on his inner thigh and made a mental note to get it tattooed there for real. The day you’d gone swimming, also known as the day you saw Toms tattoo, Tom had seen the little olive tree on your inner thigh. Even though it crushed him that his soulmate tattoo was a mockingbird and didn’t match yours, he wasn’t going to let it stop him from being with you.
Maybe the universe got it wrong.
He was so sure his soulmate was you, why else would his tattoo be a reference to your favorite book? So he decided to lie. He’d tell you the mockingbird tattoo was a drunk mistake. He’d tell you he also had an olive tree. He’d tell you you were his soulmate. He’d tell you anything to make sure you never found out the truth. And most of all, he’d hope and pray he never came across a girl with a mockingbird tattoo.
Part two
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @loveat2am @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @mjspxrker @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @kii-mii @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2 @vgiselle @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow
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Hope you love this one. Dad!Tom with his newborn (a girl pls) being shirtless skin on skin and the baby latches on to his nipple.
I love this prompt so much thank you for giving me such a crackhead idea this is giving me LIFE 😂😂😂
Tom loves skin-to-skin contact with his newborn Paxton. Any chance he gets, the baby would be laying on his naked chest. You joke that he’s had more skin-to-skin contact than you, to which he just replies with, “Good,” and sticks out his tongue at you.
Today’s no difference. He’s just chilling with you, Harry and Harrison, who helped him set up a swing bench (A stupid decision on Tom’s part to build that from scratch so close to your due date, but hey, what was he supposed to do when he's not working?).
“Fatherhood seems to suit you well, mate,” Harry remarks, for once seeing his brother look so calm, so fatherly, so wise as he holds his son to his chest --even with his shirt off in the middle of the day. “Has Y/N been doing all the work?”
“Wow, fuck you,” he laughs in response.
“It’s true, he’s all like, ‘Take care of my baby and make me a sandwich, woman!’” you tease him, putting on a dumb voice.
“Naw, that’s not true…” he coos, but to the baby. “Paxton’s been hangin’ out with Daddy a lot, too, haven’t you, Pax-Man?”
The baby blinks at him, and the smiles. And all of you lose your shit over his adorableness.
“So how are you guys holding up?” Harrison takes a sip of his beer.
“I think we’re holding up alright? I’m letting Y/N rest as much as I can, taking on more chores…” he shifts a bit as Paxton stretches around in his embrace, “Adjusting to the new sleep schedule --you’d think years of odd working hours would help me get used to it, but-- ow!”
He feels a sharp sting on his chest, and it takes him an extra second to register that Paxton has latched onto his nipple.
Apparently it takes the rest of you guys an extra moment, too, because there’s confused laughter for a bit there, that grows into full-on guffaws.
Tom begins to shift around uncomfortably in panic. “Paxt-- ow. Honey? Help!”
You scramble to your feet to help unlatch Paxton from him. “Okay, calm down, baby. I got you,” you try to be comforting, but you can’t help but break down into a fit of giggles.
“Stop laughing, I’m in pain!” he scolds, but he’s laughing, too. “Ow-ow-ow, come on, Pax Man--”
“You’re so dramatic, jeez.” you roll your eyes as you gently break the suction with your finger.
He lets out a dramatic sigh of relief the moment he is freed from Paxton’s little mouth.
“How the hell does it hurt? You don’t even have any teeth yet.” he lifts Paxton over his chest and eyes him curiously, and then turns to you. “Why is he toothless and sharp at the same time? Did you ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ me, Y/N?!”
“That is so not the plot of ‘Rosemary’s Baby’, and you would’ve known that if you hadn’t been such a scaredy cat and watched it. Come on, I think Pax-Man is hungry,” you hold your hands out while your husband hands him over. “And go put a shirt on.”
You settle back down on the couch and get ready to breastfeed him.
Harry and Harrison are still laughing.
“Yeah, alright, knock it off.” he tries to brush them off, to no avail, of course.
“I know you said you’ve been taking on more chores and that’s great,” Harrison manages to wheeze out. “But it’s best to leave the breastfeeding to her, mate.”
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@halfblood-princess-505 @rebekkah4766 @galaxystern08 @the-panwitch @spiderbibby @angel-holland @averyfosterthoughts @u-rrose @clara-licht @oh-whatabeautiful-parker @tommysparker @bi-sk8er
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The 14th Department (AFTERL!FE) Meets the Demon Brothers and Undateables (Obey Me!)
Noah heard he has a dog.  He is staying far away from the pretentious eldest. 
Oldest big brother?  You better believe Youssef finds a kindred spirit, even if they differ wildly in personalities.  
Louis lives for the almost regal aesthetic Lucifer has got going on.  Lucifer, in turn, lives for the day Louis will stop talking.
Quincy finds this whole trip preposterous (“What the heck is the Devildom?  What happened to the Underworld?”) and does not like Lucifer’s condescending attitude (it conflicts with his own!).  
Ethan doesn’t like Lucifer—proud and arrogant people with no reason to be so are not to be respected.  Lucifer despises Ethan for the same reason.
Day!  Will!  Not!  Go!  Near!  Lucifer!  He’s so scary!  But Cerberus is his best friend now (Nine-Nine who?).
Nine and Theo together find out that the eldest demon is into classical music and spend hours discussing early compositions with him.
Ell cannot be around this demon!  He is a fallen angel!  He tries to be nice (and because Ell is kind, so is Lucifer, even if the sickly sweetness of the angel drives him up the wall), but every good wish is punctuated with a sneeze.
Lucifer is so overworked, so by way of his calm disposition and love for meditation, Jamie helps him find ways to relax.
The eldest demon’s general demeanor astonishes June.  How manly he is!
Likewise, Sian can’t go near Lucifer without feeling nervous.  The man drips dominating energy!
Verine can’t understand the eldest’s love for classical music.  Rock is infinitely better.
Um, Mori and him are best friends.  They together cause trouble in the House of Lamentation and in the 14th Department with their many get-rich-quick schemes.
Gaudy and expensive taste?  Sign Louis up.
Ethan says ‘no’ to the demon’s general pomposity (it reeks of low self-esteem) and by God, doesn’t he own anything that depicts an iota of class?
Mammon is one speedy demon—how can Kirr not appreciate his fleetfootedness when it would bring him so much use whilst hunting?  Apart from that, Kirr has no respect for that reprehensible thief, for the very idea of stealing brings back terrible memories.
Always belittled by their peers, Day and Mammon find a kindred spirit in each other, and Day is always reminded of his past life when he sees all the gold that Mammon professes to possess possesses. 
Kati bit him twelve times because no dumb tsundere was going to steal his (cough Aitachi’s) spot as cutest in the Department!
Licht is eclipsed by Mammon’s demon form because how is he able to pull off wearing so little clothing so well?  He must take notes.  When he learns that Mammon is a model, too, he goes berserk with delight.
Cyrille finds the secondborn exceedingly stupid, although he begrudgingly gives him credit for being pretty decent at math.
Sian spots a fellow tsundere and runs away, because oh my God, it’s so obvious that Mammon likes this MC person!
Games?  Social awkwardness?  Extreme interest in things that no one else seems to care for?  Cyrille has found his soulmate!
Aitachi and Kirr cringe at how Leviathan spends his leisure time, but are intrigued because they have never seen such methods of gaming and media consumption before.
Leviathan is forever at Quincy’s mercy, for the fellow demon has no qualms of absolutely crushing Levi’s already non-existent self-esteem. 
Even though he loathes to admit it, Sian really likes the rhythm games Leviathan plays, and the thousands of idol posters in his room make him strangely nostalgic of his past life.
June wonders how Levi can go so long without feeling the overwhelming need to burst into a sprint now and again.
Theo almost kills the thirdborn because how is his room filled with so many Demonrito and Hell Mountain Dew containers?  What filth!
Speaking of filth, Licht finds some of Levi’s dating sims and oh my darling, some of them are quite … lewd.
Ghilley and Leviathan together construct an elaborate Lego model of a castle from the anime My Sister Is A Fairy Princess, And Her Suitor Is Secretly An Ogre From a Land Far Away And Wants to Eat Us All, And It’s Up to Me to Save My Sister’s Kingdom.
Ethan can’t even walk past Leviathan’s room without a disapproving “tut.”  Has the demon no discipline, despite being rumored to be the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy?
Kati spends all day poking at the cute monster and waifu figurines situated in Levi’s bedroom.  He thinks Azuki-tan is cute, but not as cute as him, and anyone who says otherwise will get bitten!
Aitachi likes to rifle through Leviathan’s anime sword replica collection and giggle because in combat, they would be of no more use than a toothpick.
Finally!  Someone with sense! thinks Ethan.  Boy, do these two get along, right down to their educated and proper mannerisms to their mutual hatred of Lucifer.
Verine can’t go near Satan without coughing violently because the forthborn always has some manner of cat hair on him, no matter how diligently he preens.
Cats are infinitely better than dogs, so Noah sticks close to Satan.
Cyrille thought he had found a friend in Satan, who always has his nose in a book, but it turns out, Satan is more philosophically-and-intellectually-versed, while Cyrille is more scientific.
Nine likes Satan, for he is as calm as himself.  Strangely enough, they both seem to have hidden wrathful feelings and bond over this.
Kitties! :D is all Day can think when he sees the fourthborn.
Youssef enjoys Satan’s company, too, for they both are anthropological in nature—always watching, but never interfering until there is a need.
Blond and princelike are the two of them, but Louis is sorely disappointed when Satan’s royal appearance is merely a façade of darker emotions to come, where Louis enjoys life in its every aspect.  “How disappointing art thou, Satan!”  Louis throws rose petals in distress.
Kirr and Aitachi try to hunt one of Satan’s cats, thinking it was some kind of Devildom’s finest prey.  Satan does not forgive them for the attempt.
Theo sneezes the moment he enters Satan’s room.  Although everything is in its place and not truly messy by any means, he refuses to let the stacks and stacks of books sit idly by when they are begging to be put in shelves!
Quincy and Satan each add to their respective repertoire of curses in their time together.  It does not bode well for anyone in the House of Lamentation or 14th Department.
They are … essentially the same person, so you can bet your ass that Licht and Asmo absolutely live for each other’s company.  They literally spend hours modeling clothes together, discussing fashion, gossiping about their romantic exploits, and praising their overall appearance.  
Louis joins in too, although he mostly stays for the latter, and the three vanquish away many nights complimenting their own and the others’ looks.
Sometimes Asmo likes to sew patches and sequins onto his clothes and mend them to his own design, and Aitachi, who likes to sew, learns many different ways of stitching from the fifthborn, although he hates the fact that Asmo, like Licht, never shuts up about what an “adorable and cute warrior” he is!
Asmo has to know Kirr’s hair care routine, which Kirr gives in one, succinct sentence: “I wash it.  Sometimes.”
Nine has to constantly flee Asmodeus’ presence because it is in his nature to compliment the Soul Reaper on how absolutely beautiful he looks.
Kati expects makeovers, all of which should emphasize his cuteness, every other day.
Don’t ask how long Mori spent calculating how much money Asmo spends on beauty products, because he wept at the end of it.
Verine refuses to step a foot into Asmodeus’ room because do you know how much his sinuses are going to bother him when he spends even a second into a room so deeply entrenched in the fragrance of flowers and perfume?
Ghilley is used to a personality so akin to his roommate, Licht, so he has no qualms in dealing with Asmo and quite likes the gossip he is quietly able to distill from the fifthborn.
Brothers in their flaming orange hair, June gloms onto Beel with astounding loyalty (Theo refuses to admit jealousy, but ...), especially when he hears of his dedication to his twin.
Cyrille has to interrogate Beel on the structural integrity of his wings in his demon form because there is no way that such a flimsy apparatus could lift a demon of Beel’s stature even an inch into the air!  Also, how much does Beel exercise if he expects to gain muscle and burn off the infinite calories that he consumes?  It is a scientific mystery.
Day likes snacks, Beel likes snacks!  Everything is right in the world (even if the demon accidentally mistook Day’s hair for a mint ice cream cone).
Jamie is constantly offering fresh fruits and vegetables to the sixthborn, but even though he eats them willingly, Beel much prefers foods that will actually fill him up for a short amount of time.
Again, Ethan is appalled by the lack of discipline Beelzebub shows.  The demon is simply a slave to his appetite and deserves nothing less than scorn.
Theo cannot decide if he likes or hates the fact that Beel leaves a trail of crumbs wherever he goes.  On one hand, he gets to clean, but on the other hand, it’s so messy ... 
Even though he has many misgivings of fallen angels, even Ell cannot help but like Beel!  As long as he is fed, the demon is very sweet and kind.  
Noah likes Beel, too.  Something about his easygoing and generally cheerful personality pleases him to no end. 
Beel tried to eat Kati’s hair, thinking it was a yummy bun.  Sadly, he got bit more times than Mammon.
Youssef is a good cook and is thereby followed by Beel wherever he goes.  The kind Soul Reaper doesn’t mind, though.
Noah likes how Belphie takes things easily and calmly, although it probably wouldn’t hurt for him to get more exercise.
Belphegor is even more of a conundrum to June than Leviathan was.  He decides that next time he goes to the Devildom, he’s going to bring an extra pair of running shoes because the demon most certainly was wanting of physical exertion! 
Kirr is absolutely astonished at the unguarded and completely lax way Belphie sprawls out in the House of Lamentation, sleeping.  If he was an enemy tribesman, he would have no trouble in taking the demon down as he slept.
“This kind of laziness is not fit for a warrior at all!” cries Aitachi any time he seems Belphie dozing off.
Jamie likes Belphegor’s way of thinking.  Sometimes, sitting under an apple tree in the sweltering summer heat after a hard day of work just causes one to be overcome with the desire to take a nap. 
Youssef tries to brew Belphie a cup of espresso, but the caffeine just doesn’t seem to have an effect on the Avatar of Sloth. 
Although he is slightly disheartened by the fact that his quiet footsteps seem to have no effect on the seventhborn, as he is always asleep, Ghilley revels in the prospect of drawing unsavory graffiti on the demon’s face when he slumbers.
Day sometimes tries to rouse Belphie, and Belphie, in turn, tries to kill Day.
Like his observations on his twin, Cyrille cannot fathom how the demon could sleep so much.  How could one body need so much rest?
Ell loves him.  How can he not?  He is the perfect angel!  He is also very curious as to how the Celestial Realm of Obey Me!’s world works compared to the one in AFTERL!FE.
His whole aesthetic mesmerizes Louis.  There’s something so tranquil but regal about it.  
Licht wants to know where he can get an exact copy of Simeon’s outfit because darling, it's gorgeous.
Youssef probably spends more time around Simeon than he should, but his calm demeanor is so refreshing compared to the chaos in the 14th Department and the House of Lamentation. 
Kirr and Aitachi together lament with Simeon on the struggles of working with technology.  Why is it so difficult?
Something about the angel’s holy air makes Mori very much not inclined to ask him how much the gold clasp on his cape is worth.
Quincy hates the “pretentious” and “stuck up” angel and bickers with him almost as much as he bickers with Ell.  Simeon never responds to his goading, although ... he does get a bit prickly when Quincy criticizes Luke or the Celestial Realm too harshly.
Encouraged by the prospect that he can actually breathe in the (fresh-smelling) presence of Simeon, Verine enjoys his company, but is perpetually annoyed by the fact that the angel seems to pity him for his condition.
Ethan can’t hate Simeon, either.  He is the sole honorable character he can find in the entire Devildom, even though he has to admit that it seems that the angel is hiding something.
Day really likes Simeon!  He’s so nice and is always ready to play with him.
As a man of science, Cyrille scoffs at Simeon (and Luke’s) unfaltering belief in religion. 
Kati bites him on sight.  Luke just seems irritating and how dare he think himself cuter than him!
Aitachi sympathizes with Luke, for they both lament on not being taken seriously because of their age.  
Luke reminds him a bit too much of a chihuahua for Noah to be too fond of him, but the little angel means well, so Noah suffers his incessant barking out of (Kind)ness.
Day is a human puppy ... and Luke is an angel chihuahua.  They get along great, although Luke makes it his most important goal to Christianize Day, who seems to believe in other things!
Quincy wonders when Luke will stop talking and is constantly entertaining thoughts of hastening the day when he will.  Likewise, Luke wishes the “horrible demon” would go away forever.
As a fellow angel, Ell finds Luke to be great fun.  It’s strange though, Luke seems to always be expressing the opposite of what he’s feeling in typical tsundere fashion, but he never sneezes.
Sian finds Luke to be of the utmost annoyance.  He’s so short (heh) and yappy and annoying!  
Kirr wonders if the little angel will make a good hunting dog, but after he realizes that Luke has a lot of trouble keeping his mouth closed, he thinks  better of it.
His dealings with Day cause Nine to be an excellent caretaker of Luke when Simeon is away.  You just have to deal with exuberant personalities like his carefully, is all.
Ghilley and Licht give Luke “five stars” in terms of cuteness.  The young angel does not approve!
Theo stays far away from Luke.  Children are walking crumb-and-stain-factories and he is not going to get dirty.
Quincy and Solomon exchange many spell incantations and curses and keep the rest of the Soul Reapers, angels, and demons in an uproar with their constant shenanigans. 
When he notices that Solomon has many fortune-telling artifacts in his room, Kati rifles through them all (without permission), much to the sorcerer’s amusement, especially when Kati discovers many supposedly unpleasant things about his future.
Although Quincy and Solomon are the true troublemaking duo in terms of pranks (Satan helps, sometimes), Day and Solomon are almost equal in measure, although much of Day’s rogurey is an accident, and he never means to cause any harm!
Licht is instantly enamored by Solomon’s cape—what style!  You can see the entire Milky Way embroidered on it (Cyrille instantly assures him that that is not actually the case)!
Ghilley can’t help but wonder why anyone thinks Solomon is shady.  He seems to be a pretty upstanding, if chaotic, guy?
Youssef admires the humanity of Solomon.  In a land of angels and demons and even Soul Reapers, it’s good to have someone so normal.
Unlike Ghilley, Ethan definitely notices that something shady is afoot when Solomon is around.  Because of this, he tails the sorcerer wherever he goes, for he’d rather not a ruckus be caused.
Sian has many questions for Solomon on the status of idols in the Human World since he left it.  What are the newest trends?  The most popular groups?  The most admired dance moves?  He wants to know it all.
Cyrille finds the whole time-travel aspect of Barbatos’ powers intriguing and derails the butler from his duties for hours in attempts to understand the nuances of this overpowering concept.
Ethan privately thinks that he looked much better in a butler suit than the demon.  What is even going on with the front of his outfit?  A diligent and uncomplaining demon is Barbatos, and Ethan has to respect him for that, even if he is a position so beneath his own.
He’s so scary! D: thinks Day, even though Barbatos is nothing but kind to him.
Kirr likes the fine fare that Barbatos cooks, although he laments not being able to win “the mind game” against the butler, who he spends many hours staring coolly at.
Theo and Barbatos spend many an evening chatting about the best way to maintain the most perfect state of cleanliness.
The strong smell of detergent follows Barbatos sometimes, and Verine can never bring himself too close to the demon.  However, he has to begrudgingly admit that if it weren’t for the overwhelming stench of chemicals, he would be breathing in a suffocating cloud of dust particles, so he has to thank the butler for that.
Jamie gives Barbatos many good recipes for fruit pies and Youssef can’t wait to try all the (possibly) delicious recipes that Barbatos recites to him.  
Ghilley, unfortunately, finds it very difficult to sneak up on the butler, for Barbatos has seen all Ghilley’s attempts to scare him in all the timelines he has observed. 
This bumbling idiot is the ruler of the Devildom? thinks Ethan with great distaste.  However dignified Diavolo might be, Ethan cannot see past the blindingly cheerful mask he puts on and finds it most undignified.
A fellow royal!  How is Louis supposed to resist striking a long-winded conversation?  Diavolo entertains Louis’ pompous and overbearing self and they find each other most delightful.
Licht positively drools over Diavolo’s demon form outfit.  Just how he is pulling off that much style?
Quincy finds much enjoyment in disrespecting the Prince of the Devildom to no end and is always disappointed when Diavolo responds to his insults with a tolerating smile.
The Prince of Demons and the son of the Demon Lord are titles that are essentially the bane of Ell’s existence, but he manages to be most respectful toward him, even though he is shaking in his shoes and wondering when all their interactions will come to and end.
Day lived like a king in his past life and is not even remotely fazed by the enormous amount of finery found in the Demon Lord’s Castle.  He is, however, enamored with the Little D’s, who, when not insulting him, are great fun!
Diavolo’s lifestyle of luxury is basically Mori’s dream, so he takes every opportunity to make notes of the expensive furniture and ancient pieces.
Noah and Youssef like how down-to-Earth Diavolo is, despite his high position.  They feel as if he has something to hide, but for the most part, he is a jolly fellow and they enjoy his company.
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worldoftom · 4 years
Riding My ☆ promo
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pairing: actor ! Tom x female reader
warnings: fluff and smut; dom/sub dynamic
One day, Tom finds a notebook on his living room couch. It’s just sitting there, casually opened to a random page, but when he reads it, he realizes exactly what he’s found. It’s your journal. Your personal journal, one that he knew existed, but had no idea what it looked like or what it contained. Until now. Two of the words that he reads trigger in his mind the question of what you might possibly be hiding from him — or trying to tell him. Will you ever come out and say it? Or will he have to coax it out of you?
→ series masterpost    → Two - Scarf (Y)    → Teaser iii
☆ * . New chapter this Thursday, June 18th! . * ☆
Thank you everyone who supported the previous chapter and the latest teaser! Here are a few shoutouts :) 💙
@mymoontom: hope your question was answered in the teaser i posted ;) thank you!
@peterprint: aw thank you for your kind words, i'm so flattered 🤗
@clara-licht: i'm glad you appreciated the tease about nose booping using genitalia 😂 let me know if it inspires you for something else ;) thank you!
@cherry-holland: "written like a movie" ??! 🥺🥺🥺 you're too kind. thank you so much
@howdyho-holland​: ajshgdagsd you know i absolutely adore your tags every single time. your reactions, your enthusiasm, your use of caps lock is always on point, i love it 🤗 (pssst. at this point, who doesn't want reader to get the d? tom certainly does 😏) thank you sooooo much
@averyfosterthoughts: i'd say it's pretty hard not to take a hint when the person literally says "this was a hint, how come you didn't see it? -pouts-" 😁 but of course we're glad he reacted! let's see what happens next ;) thank you!
@hollandcreep​ @rebekkah4766​ @scarlet-mind​: seeing Tom try to deny his sugar daddy kink is hilarious, don't you think? 🙄
other reblogs 💙 @hihiweezing, @farfromparker, @moonshineholland, @allvria, @wowthatsbrazy, @awesomelupe, @dahliaspidey, @doesshawnmendesknowiexistyet, @edenficstuff, @one-hell-ofa-reblogger, @bobo-bush,
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Well-a Well-a Well-a Tell us More Tell us More! About this twink you adore! You know, mister Viktor Licht~ Its gush pass time babyyyyy [Soft-Citrus-Central]
@soft-citrus-central​ your fate shall be ended swiftly from the cold blade of my knife. the floor will be painted with your citrusy blood. 
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he’s also cute whens he’s scared for his life and I will admit thats kinda fucked up of me
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OkAY buT LIke
soMeTiMEs He’S mORe ThEN CuTE To Me iF I’M alLoWeD To Go PaSt CuTE
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also when hes a bit grumpy and tired thats always high quality stuff
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He’s got a goofy ass run and I love it, I just can’t find the gif of it right now so take my next piece of evidence:
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I will never forgive the anime for cutting “Aw Meanie” out
So in my defense honor;
How do you expect me not to simp him? He’s perfect in my eyes.
I rest my case, 
Thanks for coming to my TEDyell
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 years
For my first trick on tumblr, I present to you...this. Don’t ask. Just take it.
I wanted to do something with Champ ok he doesn’t get enough love-
Oh, Champion is DS Dream’s dog. In case you were wondering.
How To Get Lord Dream to Platonically Hang Out (and maybe dog-sit Champion once in a while)
It wasn’t entirely an accident you ended up with Champion at your house.
You were heading to the animal shelter to adopt a second dog; Charlie was lonely when you were out and about.
On your way there, you found a beautiful husky digging through trash from a can he or someone else had tipped over.
His fur was nice and clean-except for his muzzle and paws, of course!-so you knew he wasn’t a stray.
Since you were walking with Charlie, you couldn’t get close. You didn’t know if this dog was friendly. But Charlie bowed down on his front paws like he wanted to play, and barked at him.
The husky stopped its foraging and turned to us, his ears pricked.
You were afraid he was going to get aggressive, but he just started wagging his tail and padded over. He stopped very near Charlie and, after sniffing him for a moment, got into the same play bow.
Well, you thought, that’s much better than a dog fight.
But, of course, you could now see the husky’s collar. Your initial assumption was right; he’s wasn’t a stray. So who’s was he? Where did he come form?
“Hey, buddy,” you called. “Come here. I want to look at your tag.”
The husky tilted his head at you. He must’ve been a full-grown dog, but he was adorable.
“Come!” You tried again.
This time, the dog got up and padded over to you. Charlie jumped and tried to play with him, but the husky nosed him away.
“Charlie, no.” You tugged on his leash, not hard.
The husky sat down in front of you and patiently waited. He’d obviously been well-trained.
Thankfully, he had his tags on him. Some owners don’t put the tags on their dog’s collar. That never made sense to you; those tags were how people contacted you about your lost pooch. Why wouldn’t you put them on?
“Champion,” you read. “Is that your name?”
Champion wagged his tail.
“Aw, you’re so cute.” You flipped the tag over.
If lost, please call this number:
Below that was a number.
You scratched Champion behind his ears and pulled out you phone.
You dialed the number. After a few rings, it went to voicemail.
“Hello. You have reached the personal phone of Dream von Licht. If you have business with Justice Reigns, please call our business phone. If your reason for calling was personal, please leave a message.”
The beep sounded, signaling you were now recording.
What the hell were you supposed to say? The last person on any earth you had expected to be Campion’s owner was the CEO of the largest crime-fighting organization in existence.
You cleared your throat. “I, um, found Champion without his person. If you get a chance, call me back and...yeah.” You laughed nervously. “Sorry; I wasn’t expecting it to be you, Lord Dream. I’m, er, awkward. B-bye.”
You hung up and groaned in frustration. Why did you have to be so awkward? You could’ve done that so much better!
Ugh. Whatever.
You guessed you should take Champion home.
“Let’s go, Champion,” you said. “I’ll get you some food, alright?”
Champion obediently stood and walked home with you.
Charlie kept trying to get him to play, but Champion knew how to behave on a leash. Even though there was no leash.
“You’re a very good boy,” you told him. He gave you a doggy grin and wagged his tail.
He knows he’s a good boy. Adorable.
Your house was only a block away from where you’d found him, so you got there quickly.
You opened the door and Charlie, the proud little boxer he is, pranced right inside. Champion hesitated, but you reached into my pocket and pulled out the bag of treats you brought.
“Come on, bud!” you said. “It’s alright.”
Champion carefully sniffed the treat. Then, he snapped it up and came inside.
“That was easy,” you muttered to myself.
Your house wasn’t very big, but you lived alone so it felt like a mansion. It’s a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a guest room that you used to do all your important stuff.
Once you took Charlie’s leash off and gave him his goodie, he hung around to see if you’d give him anymore. You didn’t. At least, not right away.
Champion watched for a minute, then came up and sat nicely.
“No more,” you said. “That’s it!”
Champion gave a little whine. He really wanted a goodie.
Charlie did his go-to trick for a treat; he sneezed.
“Oh good god-“
You gave them both another goodie. Champion snapped it up greedily and eagerly waited for more.
He was one of those dogs that tried to convince you that no one ever loved them at home, which was proof that he was well-loved.
Lord Dream must miss him a lot.
Once they’d realized you weren’t going to stand there and give them treats all day, Charlie trotted over to one of his toys.
It was one of those stuffed animals with a squeaker, made specifically for dogs who are power chewers.
He grabbed it and bounded over to Champion, going into his play bow again.
Champion sniffed at it. In a matter of seconds, they were happily playing tug.
You watched for a few minutes.
Charlie was a super friendly dog, so you weren’t really surprised he’d gotten Champion, a strange dog, to play with him.
But you were surprised how easily Champion had trusted you. Even the friendliest dogs are usually more trouble.
You wondered when Lord Dream would get your message.
Ink flinched. “I know! I’m sorry!”
Dream didn’t often get angry, but when his dog was concerned, he could get very emotional.
His golden eyes, usually so calm and welcoming, were hard and piercing.
“Why did you let him go?!?”
Ink looked down. “I- I didn’t mean to! The damn squirrel came out of nowhere and surprised me, I didn’t think he’d run after it-“
“He’s a dog, Ink, of course he’d run after a squirrel!” Dream sighed in exasperation, rubbing his forehead. “Go back to where you last saw him. Take someone with you. Don’t come back until you’ve either found him, or the sun starts to set. Understand?”
Ink nodded quickly and left.
Dream put his face in his hands.
On top of everything else, Ink just had to loose control of Champ. Great. Just perfect.
He didn’t notice his phone buzzing on his desk.
Several hours later, Ink and his companion came back without Champion.
“I’m so sorry,” the other human said. He truly was; although Dream didn’t miss the accusing glare the man sent at Ink.
Ink looked ashamed, but Dream knew that he was more scared of being in trouble.
“It’s alright,” Dream muttered. “I’m sure you both did your best.”
They both nodded. Dream sent them off, but Ink lingered.
“Do you need something?” Dream asked him. “I advise you to speak quickly; I’m not your biggest fan at the moment.”
“R-right,” Ink said. “I just thought...if you put your number on his name tag, maybe someone found him and tried to contact you? I know you always have your ringer off, so...maybe you didn’t notice?”
Dream stared at him.
Why the heck didn’t he think of that?!?
He reached for his phone, and indeed, he had a voicemail from an unknown number.
He let it play, Ink still in the office.
It was like a weight had been lifted off Dream’s shoulders.
Now hopefully, this person wasn’t the kind of human who would use his fur baby to blackmail him.
He dialed the person back, signaling Ink to leave.
You were stirred out of your light snooze to hear a phone buzzing. Whomst…?
You blinked and realized that there was more that one furry creature lying next to you.
Oh, right. You had Champion now.
Oh shit was that Lord Dream calling-
You fell out of bed in your haste to answer the steady ringing.
“H-hello, this is Y/N?”
“Good evening,” Said a very calm voice. “I believe I received a voicemail from you about my dog, Champion?”
“Ah, right. Big husky, likes affection and treats?”
The man on the other end chuckled. “Yes, that’s him. Thank you so much for finding him.”
You scratched the back of your head. You never really knew what to do with gratitude.
“I-it’s not a big deal,” you said. “I was taking Charlie for a walk and saw Champion digging through some trash.”
“Either way,” Dream said, “I was anxious.”

You chuckle. “I understand. I’d be frantic if I lost Charlie. He’s smart, for a dog, but he doesn’t have the best sense of self-preservation.”
Dream laughed. “Say, how have Champ and Charlie been getting along? Champ isn’t always the most sociable.”
You looked over where Champion and Charlie had taken over your bed and were snuggled in the most comfortable dog pile you’d ever seen.
“They’re currently asleep, and Charlie has his head on Champion’s belly. Take a guess.”
Dream sighed in what sounded like relief. “That’s good. Can I meet you in the morning to pick him up?”
“Sure!” You say. “Uh, do you know where the dog park is?”
“I do not,” Dream admitted, “But I can certainly find it. What’s it called?”
“Doggo’s,” You said. “One of the dog monsters started it up since he saw there weren’t any already in town. He just named it after himself.” You laughed, remembering the blind monster you’d become friends with. He and his fellow canines Dogamy, Dogaresa, Lesser Dog, and Greater Dog often mooched treats off of you. Occasionally, a smaller dog would come and absorb a tennis ball, then run off.
“Alright,” Dream said. You heard a scribbling sound, and you assumed he was writing that down. “Thank you again.”
“Don’t mention it,” You said. “What time would be good for you?”
“How does nine sound?” He asked.

“That’s fine,” You agreed. “See you then, I guess?”
You heard the tell-tale sounds of someone unwelcome entering the room and saying very loudly, “Hi, Dream! What are you doing?” on the other end. Dream muted the line, but not before you heard him say, in a very sharp tone, “Blue, what in god’s name-“
After sixty seconds, he unmuted it and said, “I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll be looking forward to see you and Champ tomorrow morning.”
You were tempted to ask who the heck had the balls to break into his house or wherever he was, but decided that that was a terrible idea. Instead you simply said, “Goodnight.” and let him return the farewell before hanging up.
Dream set down his phone. He turned to Blue, who had tried to take his phone and ask who was on the other end. Probably to ask if it was a date. Ugh, Blue.
“Do you have any respect for anyone?” Dream asked through gritted teeth.
Blue, currently hiding under Dream’s desk, grinned. “Why on earth would I?”
Dream sighed in annoyance. “I’m not sure why I asked. Get out, before I kick you out.”
Dream let Blue out from under his desk and glared at him.
“May I ask who that was?” Blue said.
“You can,” Dream replied. “That doesn’t mean I will tell you.”

Blue’s grin grew. “Ooh, secrets, ‘my lord’? How suspicious! Well then, it must be a date, and I’m double curious.”
Dream resisted the urge to groaned.
“Out,” He growled. “Now.”
Blue shrugged. “Alright, alright. But I’ll figure out who it is eventually~”
“And you’ll be sorely disappointed,” Dream muttered. God; why did he have to make every little thing difficult? “Why are you here again?”
“I got bored,” Blue admitted. “Your brother and his friends are avoiding me, if you can imagine.” Blue pretended to be shocked and offended.
Dream rolled his eye lights. “I’m sure I can’t.”
Blue gave him a little wave as he left through the door.”
Welp. There went that problem, and surprisingly easily.
Knowing Blue, he’d probably follow him to Doggo’s and see who he was ‘dating’.
You checked your phone for the time. It was only 8:58, but it felt like it should’ve been later.
You’d only come like five minutes early, jeez.
Charlie and Champion were off on the other side of the dog park, playing with another dog, a big brown wall of fur named Brutus. A small bear would probably describe him better.
Brutus’s owner, a nice man whom you sort of knew, was sitting on a bench, watching the three of the be idiots.
“Charlie getting lonely?” The man asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, Champion. Sort of? I didn’t adopt him; I found him. He got lost. His owner should be coming around nine.”
The man nodded in understanding. “They must’ve been worried,” he said.
You thought back to the conversation you’d had with the CEO. He’d spoken calmly, but you could hear the relief in his voice.
“Yeah…he was.”
You suddenly spotted something in the corner of your eye.
…Holy crap the rumors were true.
You honestly didn’t believe that Lord Dream had giant glowy bird wings, but that couldn’t possibly anyone else.
And he was opening the gate to the dog park.
The man looked over, and his eye’s just about popped out of their sockets.
“Holy Moses- is that-“
“I think so,” you said. The three dogs stopped. Champion immediately ran over as fast as his little dog legs could carry him. The guy you assumed to be Lord Dream crouched down and greeted the husky enthusiastically.
“Yeah, definitely.”
The man stared at you but you walked over.
“Good morning!” You called. Lord Dream looked up. His golden eyes were full of relief. Champion just about knocked him over with his big husky paws.
“Good morning,” he replied. “Champ, down!” But he was laughing.
Even the most stoic and impassive business man has to have some good in them, if they have a dog.
...Unless they’re one of those horrible people who abuse their dog, but we don’t talk about them.
“Lord Dream, I assume?” You asked, trying not to laugh as the man failed to stop his excited pooch from licking his face.
“Yes,” he managed to say. “And I presume you’re Y/N?”
“That’s me,” you said. Champion was trying very hard to knock over his dad.
Charlie came trotting over, his tail and ears up, and wagged his tail at Lord Dream.
“Charlie,” you laughed, “leave him alone!”
But Charlie wasn’t as well trained as Champ, and tried to get in on the affection Dream was giving.
“Thank you so much,” Lord Dream said again. There was visible relief on his face. You got the feeling that he rarely showed this to anyone.
“It’s no problem,” you assured him again. “Really.”
Dream finally started petting Charlie. Charlie was very happy about this. He gave a little doggy grin and his tail wagged faster.
Then, he and Champ ran off again. Charlie preceded running to playing tug, so Champion ended up chasing him around and around. It was dizzying to watch, but at least they were having fun.
“Eight legs,” you said, “One brain cell.”
Lord Dream laughed. He watched Champ and Charlie almost plow into Brutus, who’d tiredly plopped himself down, but now he was up and running too. He was fast for a small bear. Champion, only slightly smaller, was still faster.
“They’re certainly having fun,” Lord Dream noted.
You shrug. “Dogs will be dogs. And Charlie gets along with almost everyone he meets. I’m not really surprised.”
“Almost?” Dream asked.
You snickered at the memory. “There was this guy. He was an asshole. He was hitting on me, but talking shit about the kind of dog Charlie was, which you really shouldn’t do to someone if your trying to take them in a date, and Charlie may or may not have goosed him. In the rudest way I’ve ever seen a dog goose anyone.”
Lord Dream chuckled. “Dogs are amazing creatures,” he said. “They have ways of knowing when you’re upset, or when someone is bothering you.”
You two lingered for a while longer, until your dogs were so tired they laid down in the grass and panted, tails still wagging.
“I should probably get home,” you said. “It was nice meeting you!”
“As should I,” Lord Dream said. “Champion, come!”
“Charlie! Come on, let’s go for a ride!”
Charlie looked up at you like, ‘what, you want me to get up?’
Champion hauled himself up and tiredly padded over to Lord Dream, plopped his rear end down on his foot, and leaned on his leg.
Lord Dream chuckled and scratched his ears.
“I missed you too,” Lord Dream told him, pulling his leash from his jacket pocket. “Let’s go home.”
Charlie, upon seeing Champion start to leave, jumped up and ran over. Champion stopped at the gate to tell Charlie goodbye, but Charlie whined and cried.
Champion, in turn, nosed Charlie like, ‘ah, come on! It’ll be alright!’
You and Lord Dream looked at each other.
“Um...you know, Charlie and I usually come here around five in the afternoon,” you said. “If you and Champ wanted to come back and play with Charlie.”
Lord Dream smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good day, and thank you again!”
It’s a thing now; going to the dog park and chilling with Dream while your idiot dogs run around. It’s great. A lot of the other dog owners are friends with him now, too.
After all, it is a well-known fact that dog owners are friendly. If Dream has a dog, he can’t be as imposing as he looks in press conferences.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years
Gentle beast, ds dreammare. Please
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Fandom: Dreamswap by @onebizarrekai
Set in the same verse as this
Characters and pairing: DS Dream, DS Nightmare, DS Dreammare
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1,658
Summary: No one has seen Dream in a week. Naturally Nightmare, as his mate, is the one enlisted to find him.
Nightmare has been staying in the headquarters of justice Reigns for a little over six months now. It’s very strange to see what Dream has done to their home timeline in the fifty years he’d been running from the other… At first he was very worried that the other would try to do something awful to him… But, Dream so far has been completely genuine about his desire to apologize for being a giant dick when he’d first consumed almost all of the apples after turning all but one of them positive. The other hadn’t asked where the single negative apple has gone - and hasn’t tried to do anything weird or awful to him…
The negative spirit is cautiously optimistic that Dream really does mean it. That he wants to help those less fortunate in the multiverse and while negativity should be minimized - as people don’t deserve to suffer - complete eradication is pointless and… Dream doesn’t want him dead. He never did, but had lost control of himself and the magic that he’d consumed had taken control of his mind temporarily. He’s been working at the orphanage for the past week - there’ve been quite a few new admits and most of them are from fell or other rough AUs, and he’s been gently pulling some of the aggression and bitterness that the poor kids have been suffering under for most of their lives, while also encouraging them to open up.
It’s a difficult process but… Nightmare finds it to be rewarding. And it’s really adorable how they all light up whenever he plays his violin for them. Some of them even sing alongside and it’s super, super cute. He can see a lot of the good that his other half has done, and hopes that what he’s been doing will help the other. It’ll take a while before he fully trusts Dream again, but… The positive spirit has been proving himself so far.
He’s smiling a little as he makes his way over to the main portion of Justice Reigns - intent on poking Dream out of his office in the tower - guessing that the other had decided that he didn’t need to sleep and work on paperwork and other really boring things (as Dream would have come to tell him he was going to go fight someone if he left their home to go bashing heads) for the week that he’d been working with the new kids.
A Random Minion (who’s name Nightmare cannot for the life of him remember) comes rushing up to him, their aura filled to the brim with worry “Lord Von Licht! I… Please come with me quickly…”
“Huh? No. Lord Von Licht has wings. I’m Nightmare, his spouse.” The negative spirit responded, a small smirk appearing on his face as he followed the other “What is it that you need?”
“I… I… I will answer your questions as soon as we are in a private location, sir.” The Minion answered back, their emotional aura spiking further with fear and anxiety.
Was this where everything went to hell? Should he try to make a break for it, or leave the AU entirely? No… Nightmare guessed that he should at least see what was going on before either running off or smacking Dream’s head on straight. As soon as they came to an empty room the minion actually dragged him into the room, shaking a little. “I… This needs to be kept quiet but… N-No one knows where L-Lord Dream is. No one’s seen him in a week, just after you left for the orphanage sir… I-It’s not common for him to vanish for a couple of days but… It’s been a week and none of us have any idea where he might be.”
“Great. Was he acting weird before he vanished?” Nightmare asked, frowning a little. Dream had seemed perfectly fine as they’d kissed goodbye, but… The other could be a cagey and unpredictable bastard.
“N-Not to anyone’s knowledge, sir… As far as any of us can tell, he’s still in this timeline, we just… We can’t find him. We were hoping since the two of you have… You two are mates, that you might know him well enough to find him?” The Minion explained in a rush “This has been kept quiet - only the highest ranked in Justice Reigns are aware that Lord Dream cannot be found.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t want to cause a panic. And yeah, I can track his feathery butt when we’re in the same timeline.” Outside of it too, if he really tried. Not that Nightmare was going to tell them that. Best not to spook the mortals after all. “My phone’s fully charged and I’ll call Champion when I find Dream.”
“I-If you would please check in every couple of hours with a text to… T-To make sure that we know that you at least, are able to be contacted, sir?” The Minion suggested timidly.
“Yeah, yeah, I will. Dream’s probably just gone off somewhere to brood. He does that sometimes. Or read. A week’s not a very long time to either one of us, though he’s a lot more responsible than I am in regards to time management than I am. Normally at least.” Nightmare responded, waving a hand dismissively as he turned off his eye lights and reached out with his senses… “Oh… I… I think I know where he is. Uhm. I’ll just - double check to be sure.”  
With that he teleported off, ignoring the frantic shouts from the minion for him to wait, or at least explain where it was he was going. There were only a couple of reasons why Dream would be there of all places, and none of them Nightmare thought were good ones. Certainly none that his other half would want his mortal minions to see him in a… Not so great mental state.
Sure enough, Dream was there. He was sitting in the top of the remains of the tree, his wings curled around him and leaning against the dead, withered trunk of the tree. Nightmare sighed a little before carefully climbing his way up to the other, and calling out “Dream…? Why are you here? How long have you been here?”
The other jerked a little before turning to look at him, his eye lights pale and somewhat fractured. Dream growled low in his throat before tackling him, causing Nightmare to overbalance and the both of them to fall out of the tree “Dream, what the fuck!” He flailed as he tried to grab onto the tree - but they were carried too far for him to save them from a fall.
Dream’s wings flared open and they landed safely on the yellowed grass of the meadow that both of them had long ago called home. The taller skeleton gently nuzzled one side of Nightmare’s neck and purred happily, his wings wrapping around the both of them as the other peppered his neck and face with little kisses, occasionally letting out some rather ridiculously endearing chirping noises.
“I… H-Hey! That tickles! Hahahaha… D-Dream stop that!” Nightmare flailed - the light kisses tickled and the other was acting very strangely. The other’s kisses were much warmer than normal. The negative spirit frowned a little and Checked his other half, sighing a little and frowning. “Okay… How the actual fuck did you get cursed?”
Dream just purred and chirped at him again, nuzzling into him more, unable to respond to anything other than what his basic instincts told him to do… And it was… Kind of endearing to see just how sweet his other half could be.
“I… Okay, I’m just going to teleport the two of us home, and then get you to the healers so they can break the curse… I wonder if you’ll remember anything like this…” Nightmare mused, gently petting the top of the other’s skull, as well as one of the other’s wings a little.
Dream just purred louder, clearly happy to be as close as possible to him. Nightmare snickered a little, unable to stop himself from taking a couple of pictures before calling Champion “Hey - I found Dream…” The other batted lightly at the phone before hugging Nightmare tightly, grumbling wordlessly.
“You did? Is he okay? What’s going on?” The dog monster prompted, concern in every syllable.
“He got cursed somehow.. Mgh! Dream stop it… Mph!” Nightmare tried to explain. Dream had started to kiss him, in an attempt to stop him from talking, as well as trying to grab the phone from him “He’s running on base instinct… Which was to go home and to kiss me apparently. I can try to bring him to the medical wing, but… It’ll probably be easier if you can bring a curse breaker to that giant dead tree in the middle of this timeline. That’s where we are.”
“I… Uhm… Okay. I will be right over with a doctor and a curse breaker immediately. Just try to keep him there, sir.” Champion asked “If you two move, please try to text me?”
“Yeah, I’ll try.. Ahaha! Dream stop tickling me! Oh… I… Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you… Please stop whimpering…” Nightmare murmured in low, soothing tones, wincing a little as the other stared down at him with large golden eye lights, tears gathering in the corners, distressed. He nuzzled into the other’s side, purring a little “See… I’m sorry…” He was glad that he ended the call, as that would be super embarrassing if anyone else heard that for the both of them.  
Dream carried him over to the base of the tree, before sitting down and cuddling him, purring loudly and occasionally giving him kisses. Nightmare leaned into the other’s touch, refusing to be lulled to sleep. Eventually Champion and the medics arrived. Thankfully Dream had fallen asleep before then, and they were able to undo the curse before the CEO did anything embarrassing.
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katzkinder · 4 years
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Halloween is my favorite holiday so you have. No idea. How much I have thought about this. Coming at this from a “Costume Party” viewpoint, cuz... Well, why not, laughs
Under the cut cuz this got LOOOONG
First up is my OT3. These three dumbasses thought it would be cute to go as classic slashers. Mahiru is dress as Ghostface and has a prop knife he got from Lawless. You know, one of those ones that retract into the sheath when you “stab” someone.
Kuro, with the help of Mahiru and Sakuya for the makeup (Mahiru has experience helping out the theatre club at school, and Sakuya is experienced with makeup for... Reasons relating to his life as a human. 8′D) dresses up as Freddy Krueger.
“Where are-? ... Huh. Creative use of your claws.”
Sakuya... Is Leatherface. Misono’s eying him, trying to figure out what his costume is, and eventually gives up and asks point blank.
“The hell are you supposed to be?”
“Oh, I am. So glad. You asked.”
Why is my son like this.
Speaking of Misono~
He’s just so damn excited about being able to attend a Halloween party, but he also has no idea what to make his costume. Eventually he settles on Mad Doctor, which is just some x-small size scrubs and a face mask with some watered down red acrylic all down the front.
Lily wanted to be his “assistant” but Misono was very adamant he not lol. He kind of regrets not letting him because--
“.... Lily. Why are you dressed like a butler?”
“It’s my costume~”
“Okay... Then why is there a bunny tail attached to the back of your pants?”
“I’m going as the white rabbit, obviously.”
Pride pair... Gosh, Hugh’s adorable little pumpkin costume in canon is way way way too cute. I can’t picture him in anything else. Tetsu is a very poorly wrapped mummy. He keeps having to readjust his “bandages.”
Greed pair, as cliche as it sounds, are an Angel and Demon pair. Licht refuses to be anything BUT an Angel for Halloween, and Lawless does so love needling him... At the least, they change up the appearance every year.
Mikuni always goes over the top on whatever he chooses, even if no one invites him. A super grotesque looking zombie with full body paint, fake blood, and viscera? Exactly the kind of thing the extra bastard would go with. Poor Jeje has to wear a pumpkin on his head. Mikuni can’t even looks at him without crying from laughter. Gunshots ensue.
Wrath pair are another matching set, and a super cute one to boot. Freya as Jack Skellington and Iduna as Sally was one possible set of costumes I considered, but I’m also very fond of Freya as Jessica Rabbit, Iduna as Roger Rabbit, Gil and Ray as two of those Weasel bros, and Shuuhei being dragged along as a longsuffering Eddie. Another one Mikuni almost ruins his makeup because of.
Final group I just have to include is the Three Idiots and Takuto, who go as the Three (not so) Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf, respectively. Happy family?? Yes please.
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osrule · 6 years
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    LIKE  this post for me to slide in your dms and discuss your chosen fighter !
ROOMMATE  (  1  ).     Surprise ,  he’s out here looking for a roommate because he wants to know what it’s like to actually share his room with someone.  Also ,  his pay from the uni sideline isn’t enough and he hates being alone ,  help. 
COLLEGE MENTORS (  3 max.  ).     Someone Harry really looks up to ,  which is once in a blue moon because his approval is really difficult to obtain.  Preferably someone he can see working with in the future.  Or you know what ,  just give him a Mom or Dad Friend to keep his easygoing ass in check.
FELLOW ASSOCIATES AND DEALERS (  unlimited  ).    He calls his friends as his fellow associates because calling them friends is too mainstream and full of commitment.  He is very much afraid of commitment much like his canon counterpart ,  oops.  Dealers are people who usually come to him for help ,  be it their disastrous fashion taste to dating advice in getting your game waifu ,  he works for you as long as it works and you pay him of something equivalent in exchange.
WORST ENEMIES  (  unlimited ).   Are you that annoying paparazzi who kept stalking him around ?  Are you that old geezer who kept shit talking him at Oscorp meetings ?  Are you that guy who tripped him once in class because you think you’re cooler than him ?  Harry Osborn will hunt you down.  
BOYFRIEND:  @betrayou .   Stayed with Shouichi Irie for long because he’s fun to be with ... except the times Harry brings hell because damn boyfriend won’t answer his texts and calls ,  and he can actually believe that Sho loves his guitar more than him.
COLLEGE BUDDY:  @riicinus .     Unspoken agreements and games nights comprise their friendly deals.  Won’t hesitate to sell Byakuran to Satan for one corn chip in a heartbeat because he knows Byakuran will do the same ,  but Shouichi will be upset so he doesn’t.  He’s often tempted to empty Bya’s mini fridge if the guy keeps telling him to eat sweets every five minutes or so ,  probably.
BEST FRIEND:   @limonadaquimica .     The first person that really pushed past his barriers and complex upbringing ,  Honey Lemon also taught him life lessons that partly made him what he is today.  He’s still trying because of her ,  and he genuinely loves her company that he won’t admit that he enjoys going on shopping dates and slumber parties with her.
BEST BOY:   @lightoball .     Fell in love with Pikachu at first sight.  Attempted to adopt the cat ,  but the cat adopts him.  
ADOPTIVE BABY BRO FRIEND:   @derflugeldesengels .     Licht earned a special place in Harry’s life after learning he’s good with animals ,  gets along with Harry’s cat , and plays music in his boyfriend’s band.  He gives discount to free services for Licht’s needs in exchange for his dating advice music lessons and other favours completed from Harry. 
ADOPTIVE DAUGHTER FRIEND:   @risingquirk .   Uraraka Ochako is supposedly only his student for a part - time tutoring ,  but apparently ,  he has to look after her out of doing something for his good conscience after getting to know her better.  He adores her as much as he adores his cat  (  she might or might not have surpassed Pikachu’s level already ) ,  so that’s pretty much a high level to his difficult - to - acquire affection.  
                               GENERAL INFO.   |   RELATION CALL.
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