#liberty’s kids headcanon
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call-me-casual · 1 year ago
I saw a post by @icarusbetide saying that they love the idea of George Washington being a gossiper and I am behind this 100%, but I would like to add for consideration him constantly shipping the people around him. Someone on his staff courting someone? He’s silently praying it works because he thinks it’s cute. If it’s someone he disapproves of, he’s all “oh honey no you can do so much better”. He’s the one subtly trying to “encourage” along certain relationships. His aides are begging him to stop. He will not yield.
He accidentally witnesses James and Sarah kissing or being otherwise lovey and he’s just
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disaster-magician · 4 months ago
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Imagine this takes place at the end of step 2 so they're close enough to joke around with each other lol
(Fake screenshots! These are fan made based on incorrect quotes and not in the game)
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call-me-casual · 9 months ago
Okay but this has made me consider something
In LK Washington’s teeth appear fine. Logically this is just because they probably didn’t want to draw his teeth being manky but it does make me wonder if in this universe he doesn’t have teeth problems or if he does have dentures still. Do they cause him pain? Do his staff know about them? Do the kids know about them?
Can’t remember how many teeth he had left during the revolution but it definitely wasn’t most of them, so it would’ve been interesting to see how the show would handle the topic (probably dispelling the wood myth) because who knows it could have made for a great excuse to teach more about 18th century dental and medical practices
Imagine George Washington taking a FAT ass bong rip and coughing so hard his nasty ass teeth fall out hahaha
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sheena-is-a-punk-rocker · 10 days ago
Trick HCs because I can't stop thinking about this
He was a punk kid in middle and high school
He's hiding a mohawk under the baseball cap and full tattoo sleeves
He doesn't spike the mohawk up anymore because he's lazy
He takes Bridgey to her first real rock concert and keeps her safe in the pit
He's a cat person even though everyone thinks he'd be a dog person
His cat is floofy as hell and he babies her and spoils her rotten
His cat hates everyone except him until she meets Bridgey
His birthday is on St Paddy's Day
He was sick of everyone calling him Patty which is why he started insisting on everyone calling him Trick
He owed Nico 100 bucks because he bet that he could do a skateboard trick and ate shit which is why he was so embarrassed about it
The one good thing he got from Joey was introduction to some classic punk bands
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sleepybamboo · 2 months ago
Thinking back to Henri’s backstory…
Remember the episode where we learn about Henri’s backstory? We saw the flashback scenes of James and Moses finding Henri on the ship, sneaking him in the crate that was originally meant for the printing press parts, and sneaking him off the ship under the captain’s nose. I think an extra flashback should have been added, showing Dr. Franklin’s surprise at what is inside the crate instead of printing press parts.
I imagine it playing out like this:
Dr. Franklin: Ah, have you come back with the parts for the printing press?
Moses: Well…sir, no.
Dr. Franklin: (confused look) Hmm?
James: We actually came with something…no…someone unexpected.
Moses gently lifts up the crate lid, revealing Henri, who is snoring quietly.
Dr. Franklin(eyes slightly widened, chuckles): Oh my!
Henri wakes up a few moments later. He is given some food, which he gobbles up every half second.
Dr. Franklin, Moses, and James all exchange concerned glances, wondering how little this boy got to eat while he was still on that ship.
Moses: Come on, James. Let’s run the boy a bath and stoke the fire, hmm?
James nods and follows Moses out of the dining room.
Dr. Franklin(extending his hand to pat Henri on the shoulder): My boy, you don’t need to rush-
Henri flinched when he saw Dr. Franklin reach for his shoulder.
Dr. Franklin(eyes slightly widened): ….!
Henri: …Je suis désolé…don’t hurt me, please!
Dr. Franklin, his face a mix of devastation and slight shock, instantly pulled his hand away from Henri’s shoulder.
Dr. Franklin puts on a small smile.
Dr. Franklin: …No one will hurt you here, my boy.
Henri slightly loosens up and slowly continued to eat.
After finishing his meal, Henri taken a bath upstairs. He had stepped into warm water for the first time…probably ever. The temperature reminded him of being with his parents, their joyful laughter, silly jokes, and caring moments.
After Henri got out, he changed into a new pair of clothes that James gave him because he couldn’t fit them anymore. Henri was given a reddish-brown shirt and some brown pants. Henri came downstairs, where everyone else was waiting for him by the fire.
He took a seat on the floor and stared at the bright flames, flickering around.
James: …So, what’s your name?
Henri: Henri. Henri LeFevbre.
Moses(hesitates for a moment): So, Henri. Why were you caged up on that ship?
Henri slightly curled up at the memory of that horrid ship. That horrible captain. That disgusting rat-filled cell he was put in for even the smallest slip up.
Henri: …If I were to make a mistake, the captain would throw me in that hold for hours. I make a mistake. I dropped some plates. Henri: I was the captain’s cabin boy. He made me work for him to pay off my parents’ debt for being passengers on his ship. A disease had spread around the ship. It killed my parents. So I was left alone.
Dr. Franklin, Moses, and James had exchanged worried glances.
Moses: …Well, thank goodness you’re here now.
Henri gave Moses a soft smile.
The Next Day
Henri, sprawled out on the bed, woke up and looked at James, noticing that he was on the edge of the bed.
Henri slowly got out of bed and made his way downstairs. Dr. Franklin was sitting by the fire and reading a book.
Henri(hoarsely): Good morning, sir.
Dr. Franklin: Good morning. How did you rest?
Henri(lightly chuckles, stretches): Très bien.
Dr. Franklin: That’s good, but there is something we need to discuss, Henri.
Henri(one eyebrow raised, comes downstairs and takes a seat by the fireplace): What’s that, sir…?
Dr. Franklin: While we are extremely happy to have you here, you’ll have to start helping around the printshop as well.
Henri: And how will I do that?
Dr. Franklin: I assume you can speak French very well, is that right?
Henri: Oui! C’est exact!
Dr. Franklin: Are you just as good in speaking English?
Henri: Well, I know some things from being around the captain for so long, but-
Dr. Franklin: We’ll need to work on that. Can you read and write in English or French?
Henri: Non.
Dr. Franklin(chuckles): Well, that’s more we have to work on. Starting today.
Henri: Aww! Could we do that some other time?
Dr. Franklin(smiles): ….
Henri: (groans)
Dr. Franklin: (chuckles softly, ruffling Henri’s hair.)
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salmonthecat · 9 months ago
Here's my headcanon: If Connor existed in Liberty's kids
Henri definitely learned how to climb, hide, and eavesdrop from Connor Kenway
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Henri would see connor as his hero like Marquis de Lafayette
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call-me-casual · 1 year ago
Aight let’s go:
-If they didn’t end up getting married at some point during the Washington administration, James and Sarah would definitely team back up to cover events like the war of 1812
-Henri’s family had at least some form of social standing before they died lmao which would maybe explain why he has at least some knowledge of French aristocracy
-James and Sarah each keep up correspondence with Henri to make sure he’s okay. During the French revolution James probably had half the mind to go over there and get him but was stopped by goddess of reason Sarah
-Sarah totally has a column or something in James’ paper even if they aren’t married
-Moses got his school and also offers tutoring for the kids that may be a little behind (there will be NO illiteracy on his watch SLAY KING)
-Washington is absolutely terrified of Sarah (the reason is up to you lol) and has had to be physically restrained from trying to adopt James and Henri before
-Sarah does, on occasion, write back and forth with Thomas Paine to bounce ideas
-If they aren’t already in a relationship, almost everyone they know and interact with frequently is trying to subtly make it happen (they’re tired of the will-they-won’t-they)
-less headcanon more me being a budding genetics nerd: if Sarah and James had kids, they would probably be blonde or strawberry blonde because blonde is more dominant than ginger (despite them both being recessive genes but anyone who knows more about this please I want to know)
bored, half asleep, trying to be free of covid-insomnia insanity. fellow LK gremlin creatures, share some headcanons,
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marokra · 1 year ago
i like to think that torchy is just like. actually sentient. acts like a child. tango just straight up accidentally adopted a living torch as per his task
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discocandles · 1 year ago
Sarah Phillips will fiddle/fidget when she's deep in thought, and if she's thinking about certain people, she'll fidget with certain things in particular.
Most obviously, she'll fiddle with her necklace when she's thinking about James. Flipping it around the chain when she is worried about him, like if he's not back home when he said he'd be. If Sarah is twisting it back and forth between her fingers, she's annoyed because of something he did. If she's gently rubbing the pendant with her thumb in middle finger, she misses him. When Sarah was in England, her mother saw her messing with her locket like that most when her daughter was by herself.
When Sarah taps her feet in a little rhythm, she wishes Henri was there. She can imagine how he would react, and how he'd lighten the mood, make everyone laugh a bit. Or she's hungry, which hunger is something she's grown to relate to Henri, as he's almost always hungry.
If Sarah is thinking of her mother, she'll often twirl the hair around her face, especially when she wishes her mother were there to make sense of the situation or to just sweep her hair from her face and put it where it belongs. Or Sarah will spin her quill between her fingers, trying to commit whatever is going on around her to memory as her mother would love to hear it.
When thinking of Moses, Sarah will mess with her skirt. She'll wrap a bit of the fabric around her finger when she misses him, or wishes he was there to talk her down and help things make sense. If she's bunching her skirt in her fists, something is reminding her of Moses and Cato, and how Moses looked at his brother with so much heartbreak in his eyes. How he'd stay calm in the face of atrocities when he has every right to be enraged, how he doesn't want her to be enraged on his behalf("It won't change anything they do, Sarah.")
She could be thinking about anything or anyone if she's messing with her ponytail or the end of her braid(Sarah had to have braided her hair a lot. I know dic animation never changed character models unless they had to, but still). Sometimes it's her dad, cousin Tom, Abigail Adams, Udney, Arnold before his betrayal, Dr. Franklin, Molly from the women's camp. It could be anyone she grew close to in the war, honestly.
Very few people know that Sarah's thinking about certain people based on what she's messing with. The person who'd know most of them would be Henri, as he's the person that she spends most time with in the liberty's kids timeline. He mostly picks up on the big ones, like when Sarah misses her mom, or how she memorized the rhythm he played when getting the sheep to New York, which if Sarah wasn't one of the best people he had met before, she is now. The day he picked up on Sarah messing with her necklace = Sarah is thinking about James was rough. For her(I should just write that as a story). Sarah had to promise she would make Henri his favorite dinner for a week if he didn't tell James.
Speaking of whom, James would probably notice the different tells if the sight of his crush best friend and colleague staring softly into the distance while tenderly fiddling with the necklace he helped make for her that he'd never seen her part with since didn't make his brain shut down for a solid minute. At least.
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connectingconstellations · 4 months ago
Saratoga I know you are militarily important but what if I just want to talk about how cool math is instead
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call-me-casual · 1 year ago
I sometimes think about this scene because it just comes across as Washington being totally reckless.
He - the head guy of his entire army, a guy who many a person would’ve gladly attacked or captured - has (probably) rushed down to a random secluded pier to shout (giving away his location smh) to his ally. No soldiers or guards in sight. I don’t see any horses around either. Did he run there on foot??? He’s literally just with James, a civilian!
He could’ve been snatched at any point on the way down there, but instead of considering that, he bolts like an excited puppy ffs
Retreats Georg, a straight twink is NOT adequate security!!
The fic potential is pretty good though. like did he drag James with him or did he just follow? Did he actually run on foot what was probably a few miles just to find somewhere to shout at Rochambeau from?? What if he had gotten captured???
@salmonthecat @sarahhillips @tricornonthecob @that-gal-kay @binch-i-might-be
(Sorry for the tag I just wanted to hear y’all’s opinions)
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pettyshippen · 1 year ago
Sarah passed out at the sight of Hales hanging. As he was making his farewell speech, James and Henri noticed she was breathing fast and she grasped to James like a koala. James didn’t shrug her off in fear that she was going to pass out and when Hales neck snapped, that’s exactly what happened.
He was able to safely lay her on the grass but was panicking while trying to wake her up. Henri thought putting a piece of cheese under her nose would help. It was the sound of James’ voice that called Sarah back to consciousness eventually.
One of the guys witnessing the execution as well offered to take them to a nearby inn where he stayed at frequently. James had to hold back his anger when one of the redcoats rolled his eyes and commented, “This is why women shouldn’t be allowed at hangings.”
James and the other grown fellow, Robert, helped Sarah get to the inn so she could rest but she would have a hard time not thinking about the sound Nathans neck made when he was dropped from the gallows.
“The poor dear. Fainted from shock, he said,” Sarah would hear one of the bar ladies comment.
Sarah got up later that day to help James write his article about Hales bravery.
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tricornonthecob · 1 year ago
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I apologize to all y'all and to OP for inflicting Liberty's Kids headcanons, but this is Mrs Radcliffe/Mr Radcliffe energy.
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tricornonthecob · 1 month ago
the headcanon is that sarah and henri would be burning down the city in a victory riot, while james and moses try to half-heartedly wrangle them back.
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sleepybamboo · 2 months ago
Random Liberty’s Kids Ship: Benedict Arnold X His Lieutenant(I’ve named him Oliver)
I don’t know, but these two give strong Villain and Loyal Assistant energy. Like Radcliffe and Wiggins from Pocahontas(I don’t ship them, though.)
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salmonthecat · 10 months ago
Does anyone want a George Washington headcanon
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Sexuality: biromantic
Pronouns: he/him
Disability: autism and Dislexia
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