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Today's eBay spotlight (Seller ID: RadioIndy)! G.O.T.H. #3 from 1996! Classic horror by Glenn Danzig & Liam Sharp from Verotik Comics! #comics #goth #glenndanzig #liamsharp #verotikcomics #1996 #VintageComics #ComicCollector #comicdealer #auctions #ebay #RadioIndy #DownsizingMyCollection #EverythingMustGo #BuyMyStuff
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Peter Parker Spider-Man Annual 1999 J.G. Jones Man-Thing Cover / Liam Sharp & Al Rio Pencils / J.M. DeMatteis Story / 1st Appearance of Outrider (Martin Zantz)
#PeterParker #SpiderMan Annual 1999 #JGJones #ManThing Cover / #LiamSharp & #AlRio Pencils / #JMDeMatteis Story / 1st Appearance of #Outrider (#MartinZantz) "Song of the Man-Thing" A giant-sized spectacular with your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man against the menacing MAN-THING! https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Peter%20Parker%20Spider-Man%20Annual%201999.html#1 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MCU #MarvelComics #MarvelUniverse #KeyComic #ComicBooks

#Rare Comic Books#Key Comic Books#DC Comics#DCU#DC#Marvel Comics#MCU#Marvel#Marvel Universe#DC Universe#Dynamite Entertainment#Dark Horse Comic Books#Boom#IDW Publishing#Image Comics#Now Comics
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La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta
La Cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta (Serie 2023) #JuanManuelBernal #AlejandroSpeitzer #LiamSharpe #AndrewLelandRogers #EmilianoZurita #MichaelWilsonMorgan Mehr auf;
Serie Jahr: 2023- (Februar) Genre: Action / Western Hauptrollen: Juan Manuel Bernal, Alejandro Speitzer, Liam Sharpe, Andrew Leland Rogers, Emiliano Zurita, Michael Wilson Morgan, Steve Wilcox, Yoshira Escárrega, Chiara Parravicini, Manuel Villegas, Marc Dennis, Leonard Kelly-Young, Dale Carley … Serienbeschreibung: Der zwölfjährige Edward Adler (Colin O’Brien) überlebt als Einziger einen…

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#PREVIEW: X-O MANOWAR UNCONQUERED #3 by #BECKYCLOONAN #MICHAELWCONRAD #LIAMSHARP & more... from @ValiantComics #comics http://ow.ly/ufSg50Oswkm
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Adam Strange vs Green Lantern [Hal Jordan], by Liam Sharp
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Death's Head 2 vol 1 2 (1992) . The Wild Hunt part 2 . Reed Richards Dies Tonight! . Written by Dan Abnett Penciled by Liam Sharp Inked by Andy Lanning Colors by Helen Stone Lettered by Caroline Steeden and Peri Godbold Edited by John Freeman . Death's Head 2 was in a mission to kill Mr Fantastic, but with the help of Dr. Evelyn Necker, Reed managed to defeat Death's Head 2 and reprogram him so that the original Death's Head's personality came forth... . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901deathshead2 #marvelman901mrfantastic #marvelman901thing #marvelman901fantasticfour #marvelman901invisiblewoman #marvelman901humantorch . #deathshead #marveluk #liamsharp #mrfantastic #fantasticfour #thing #invisiblewoman #humantorch https://www.instagram.com/p/CmyGAfItl9f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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212° Resenha do dia 2021 Universo DC Lanterna Verde - Edição 12 Segunda Temporada 3 de 4 . . Minissérie com roteiros principais de Grant Morrison e Artes por Liam Sharp, contém 96 páginas e compila os capítulos originalmente publicados em Green Lantern Season Two 7-9 de 2020 e Materials of Misteries of Love in Space 1 de 2019 e Secrets of Sinister House 1 de 2019 e pela Panini Comics em 2021. . . Histórias desta edição: Ultraguerreiro Guerra com o Antimundo O Casamento de Trilênio Cicatrizes antigas, feridas novas Introdução ao Medo (Jessica Cruz) . . A fase e estado em em Hal Jordan se encontra nesta edição eno mínimo peculiar e de ordem sobrenatural a vez que após sua morte ao enfrentar o Hiper-Homem (Vide edição anterior) é recrutado mediante um acordo pelo guardiões como lanterna da morte a fim de deter às tropas antimatéria Mas nem tudo está perdido para Hal Jordan e isso será ensinado aos guardiões que tudo pode mudar, a narrativa traz muita ação e ótimos desenhos na guerra com o antimundo onde até mesmo a intervenção de Sinestro pode fazer a diferença . . Ainda há uma incursão que envolve a estrela safira e introdução a conclusão em Multicrise nas íntimas terras! Ainda temos duas curtas histórias com Killwog e a tropa dos Lanternas em memórias e legados, Jéssica Cruz enfrentará seus medos no último curta desta edição que tem ótimos desenhos e um desfecho bem interessante! Lanterna verde caminha para o final dessa segunda temporada se mantendo muito bem e trazendo narrativas sci-fi bem malucas é verdade, coisa do Morrison porém sempre bem atrativas! . . #Coleção #Colecionador #Hqs #Quadrinhos #LanternaVerde #HalJordan #GrantMorrison #LiamSharp #Miniserie #UniversoDc #DcComics #Dc #PaniniComics #GreenLantern #Comic #Resenha #Review (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTpCG_Urbe3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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A few days ago a friend posted an awesome picture of #deathshead2 and it inspired me to play around with the character myself. I loved this guy back in the early 90s. His design was just so cool. Doesnt hurt also being a BIG fan of @liammccormacksharp art too. So here is a quick #homage to issue one's cover~ #jasonflowersart #comicart #marveluniverse #marvelcomics #90scomics #deathshead #liamsharp ##marvel #90smarvel #superhero #cosplay #robots https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgLlJyF7bU/?igshid=cpu4475d018w
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Brave and the bold #4 cover Lineart: @liammccormacksharp Colors: me #dccomics #braveandthebold #batman #darkknight #wonderwoman #liamsharp #romulofajardojr https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TE6kPh50J/?igshid=6ufl8g9vgu2n
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#freecomicbookday #scorch #liamsharp #chrisweston #eastbourne https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7jp7ZhWuO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jf29f2jlanzs
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I was a fan of Al Ewing’s writing from Judge Dredd and 2000 AD long before he became a (deservedly) acclaimed superstar Marvel writer. His voice comes through clearly, even in these earlier stories. #thismakesmehappy #books #2022reading #bookstagram #comics #graphicnovel #alewing #judgedredd #2000ad #zombo #simonfraser #benwilsher #liamsharp #johnhiggins #paulmarshall #britishcomics #rebellionpublishing https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyPXIqJI0I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Green Lantern #1, with a World Market French Roast. . . . #readingdrinking #thegreenlantern #comics #comicbooks #grantmorrison #liamsharp #steveoliff #tomorzechowski #greenlantern #intergalacticlawman #guardiansofoa #coffee #frenchroast #tintin #comicbookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAJRkiBFKT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=izehigybs59l
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Future State Catwoman #1 (2021) Liam Sharp Cover & Otto Schmidt Pencils, Ramon Villalobos (RAM V) Story, 1st Appearance of Future State Catwoman
#FutureStateCatwoman #1 (2021) #LiamSharp Cover & #OttoSchmidt Pencils, #RamonVillalobos (#RAMV) Story, 1st Appearance of Future State #Catwoman "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, PART ONE" Masked vigilantes have been deemed illegal, and the Magistrate has commandeered a bullet train to take those they’ve captured to a reformation facility—and filled the rest of the train with innocent children! Catwoman is hellbent on ensuring it never reaches its destination. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Future%20State%20Catwoman.html#1 #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue #NerdyGifts

#Future State Catwoman#rare comic books#dc comics#key comics#batman#marvel comics#key comic books#dc universe
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Green lantern's oath never grew old. From green lantern season two issue 1 by our lord and savior @grant.Morrison and the talented @liamsharpofficial #greenlantern #haljordan #greenlanternoath #greenlanternseasontwo #grantmorrison #liamsharp #inthecompanyofbooks #2021reading #dccomics #comicbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKtbIBjJUC/?igshid=wm4zkab2rkc5
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Mys-Tech Wars 2 (1993) . Ignorant Armies . Written by Dan Abnett Penciled by Bryan Hitch Inked by Jeff Anderson and Steve Whitaker Colors by Helen Nally and Helen Stone Lettered by Peri Godbold Edited by John Freeman Cover by Liam Sharp . The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Hulk and Doctor Strange joined Dark Angel and the X-Men in the fight against Mys-Tech... . This takes place in an alternate reality. . #marvel #90s #mystech #mystechwars #hulk #liamsharp #xmen #wolverine #fantasticfour #captainamerica #avengers #hulk #drstrange #deathshead #darkangel #rogue #storm #cyclops #gambit #psylocke #beast #thor #blackwidow https://www.instagram.com/p/CcPD2Tgqlbe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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