#liam ;; threads
axtolatry · 2 years
open to: m/f/nb plot: your muse shares a house with Liam, and has been on a string of terrible dates - he’s made it a habit to be waiting for them to come home from every one of them. connections: roommates, siblings, friends, etc He’s wearing nothing but his sweatpants, slung low on his hips as he scrolls through his phone, some movie playing at a barely audible volume on the TV - they’ve been gone for longer than some of the other dates, but Liam still has a feeling he knows how the night is going to end. Sure enough, after a few more minutes, the door swings open, and he glances up - smirk rising to his lips as he catches the look on his face. “I know that face - let me guess, you had him blocked before you even left?” The brunette teases as he stands, arching his back in a stretch. “Well, if you ask nicely, I suppose I could make sure your night still ends with some excellent sex to make up for it.”
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oacest · 19 days
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a selection of noel certified dilf pics from twxtter user noelcakes23
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anywayxstarchild · 14 days
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the fact that i just realised these two pictures aren't edits of the same shot... liam's lips are slightly more parted in the second one and his face is slightly closer to noel too... wow
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iiitsnotbase · 1 month
chat HYPERTHETICALLY if i wrote a Candela Obscura stage show and it was HYPERTHETICALLY done would that be something we're HYPERTHETICALLY interested in? (Sarcasm. It's done. It follows all four major circles. (T&B, V&V, CM, N&T)).
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erstwhles · 1 month
hi hi i hope you're having a good weekend!
so, what if we (hear me out) started new things because work has predictably taken over my life and i don't feel like rereading drafts, which have piled up and are old, to reply when i could be writing
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elemental-plane · 9 months
cosmo watching as he almost dies and dealing with his circle arguing
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radicalrascals · 7 months
@riiese liked for a starter from Liam ...for Ingvar
Days added up to weeks and weeks turned into months. In the end, Liam couldn't tell anymore how long he'd been gone. He saw the landscape changed, autumnal shades of yellows and reds yielded a hopeful palette of spring colours; the trees were just at the cusp of bearing leaves again, the first flowers lined the pathways and the grass was lush and green.
Despite the city child's innate disdain for the great outdoors, he could appreciate the setting, but more so because it meant he was about to meet an old friend. He found Ingvar by the apple trees, and he listened to the gentle giant making music for a while before the mage made his present known, adding percussion to the song by clapping his hands and snapping his fingers.
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"You got a vacant spot in your band I can fill?," he asked with a grin.
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liamxadair · 8 days
starter for @marleyxmadden
location: downtown kismet harbor
When Liam was told that he was signing his lease the weekend before Founder's Festival, he didn't think anything of it. It had been years since he had been in Kismet Harbor. Many years. Leaving right after high school graduation had not been a decision he thought he'd ever make but the heartbreak had been too much and he had not been back since. He really didn't think there was anything left for him in Kismet Harbor until he spent the last year trying to get over the last woman he was in love with. So far he was zero for two on getting over women that he was in love with. Luckily, with the number of years that had passed, Liam did not seem to gather much hatred from most people and found himself greeting another as he walked into the area where all the food trucks were. "Hell yeah, man," he grinned, giving him a hug, "I'm back for good."
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angelsofsmalld3ath · 8 months
closed starter; @lungsandlips
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matt had been looking forward to a nice relaxing evening at home, but his boyfriend had other plans, when matt had gotten out of the shower liam had instructed him to get dressed nicely, and when matt asked why liam just told him to do as he asked. so as much as matt really didn’t want to, he put on a pair of boxers and a nice pair of slacks, matt pulled out a white button up, that he wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure was his and put it on while matt was doing the buttons matt looked over his shoulder. “so am i getting ‘i need to wear a tie’ fancy, or just not a t-shirt and jeans fancy?” matt called out to liam over his shoulder while doing the last few buttons on his shirt.
it had been a few weeks since matt and liam had the conversation about engagement-well more so liam talked and matt just blushed profusely-and matt had forgotten all about it.
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bittcrsuite · 1 month
@heavenstrck liked this post for a closed starter ♡ plot: in source ! muse: liam brady. 25-29. bartender. 
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"you're wasting your time." liam laughed as he worked around the bar. he loved opening shifts for a few reasons. opening never started before eleven a.m., he got to listen to his own music, and he got to see her. the one who was relentless about liam's dating life. "and i'd be wasting her time if i went along with it. she's sweet. just... not my type."
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liamnews · 1 year
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Liam followed Niall and Zayn on Threads - 06/07
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prerodinu · 2 months
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"Do not walk away from me." He reaches out, almost grasping at her wrist but he pauses. "I can't breathe without you, do not leave."
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dahliayoung · 3 months
closed starter @liamalexanderr WHERE: earthwave, produce section
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Dahlia had always believed that grocery shopping was a mundane task, a simple routine that allowed her to zone out and focus on the familiar. She didn't normally make a habit of shopping at Earthwave, finding it ridiculous to pay so much for food, but sometimes you simply had to pay for the convenience. She stood in the produce aisle trying to decide between avocados when she felt someone bump into her. She turned to apologize, but froze. There, inspecting a head of lettuce, was Liam—her ex-boyfriend. The same Liam who had left her heart in pieces with over a Facetime call and disappeared from her life as if their time together had meant nothing. She froze for a moment, her grip tightening around the handle of her shopping cart. The sight of him brought back a flood of emotions: hurt, anger, betrayal. She had spent so long trying to forget him, to move on. And now, here he was, acting like he hadn't shattered her world. "W-what the hell are you doing here?" she managed to spit out.
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utahbastards · 3 months
Maya wasn't the type to skip out on her share of the work. Since Della let her in, she'd done her part without complaint or real conversation. But for three days now, she'd laid in a heap under her makeshift blanket ignoring the world. People tried to speak to her on occasion, just to be polite but received no response. She'd even rolled the other way to make it known they were heard but unwanted. She could feel the irritation, she wasn't pulling her share and she was sure complaints had been made. Della could only defend her bad attitude for so long. The cramping and bleeding had been intense, like a period she'd never experienced before that made you consider throwing yourself off of somewhere high just to end it. But pain was something she knew how to work through. Grief was not. Guilt was not. She'd done the right thing, this was an ugly, ugly fucking place before it had become infested with zombies. Now? It would be the most selfish thing Maya had ever done to bring a little thing that couldn't protect itself here. It was a mercy, she told herself. But when she slept, she saw her little baby. Smelt her, held her. She'd stopped sleeping the better part of two days ago to avoid her. Liam approached as he had for the last three days with her rations in hand, setting them down beside her. He'd tried to speak to her like the others and gotten about as far, but it hadn't stopped his attempts at kindness. He'd eaten beside her in silence when his prompts elicited no response. Until this morning, she had barely acknowledged him, or the food for that matter. But today, lying down had begun to chafe both physically and metaphorically. Her back hurt from the position, the overheard snide remarks about her laziness had crawled into her eardrum and began living there like a hostile insect and the hunger pains she'd been driving down were becoming too difficult to ignore. So finally she sat up, earning a surprised raise of his brows but nothing more. She reached for the food with timid hands, certain a barb was coming about her attitude but he only smiled, causing her stomach to twist uncomfortably. A few days ago, they'd almost been friends. Now she was not so sure. "Thank you." It tumbled from her lips like it had been extracted but she meant it.
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ask-elland-n-will · 3 months
[Continuation of this]
There have been quite a few Halloween costume nominations this evening, and to Will's frustration, Cassandra's triumph, and Liam's indifference — not all of them were presented by Villiam the Vampire alone. Will fought tooth and nail for the very last nomination of the night to be hisss as he was scanning the crowd for a certain someone, hoping they won't leave or change their outfit until the big reveal.
The Ravenclaw prefect, dressed as a Cheshire Cat with an opposite of a permanent grin on his whiskered face, prepares the rosettes stating "Best Thematic Duo" while Villiam takes the centre-stage once again.
"Please, velcome ze last thematic couple of ze night! The award for the best thematic collaboration goes to—!" Will pauses on purpose and just so happens to spot the people he needs. The vampire gets his wand out and shots a charm which pops harmless soundless fireworks above @ask-andrew-montrose and @theodoradevlin's heads.
"Theodora Devlin as The Straw Man and Andrew Montrose as Dorothy Gale!" he finally announces. "The unofficial jury is unsure whether Montrose's recent cat transformation counts as part of the costume but we are happy to see that he kept the bow afterall!"
Villiam and the others start clapping loudly along with music as they wait for the winners to come up on the stage. The little snake wasn't sure if Andrew would try to escape, so attracting everyone's attention with a little charm earlier was a must in his eyes.
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erstwhles · 3 months
what to expect when you're expecting / @musicallyiinclined
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With a few weeks having passed since their surrogate contacted them about her positive pregnancy test, Liam expected himself to grow more sure about the idea of parenthood. While his initial excitement has not wavered, the nerves that have settled beside it have only been exacerbated by the end of the season and his increase in free time. He has had a chance to ruminate on the fact that they are becoming parents, and the months they have left to prepare simultaneously feel like too much and not enough time.
It doesn't help that they haven't shared the news with friends and family yet because while the excitement is obvious in Zander's eyes, Liam wants nothing more than to be right there with him. He is right there with him, but alongside that excitement is a pile of questions. A pile of questions that he doesn't want to unload on Zander's aforementioned excitement.
"If you want," he says, his back to Zander as he tugs at the curtain rod above the window, "You can keep working here and I can go pick up the order." Of course, it is still early, just the end of Sally's first trimester, but with the summer at his disposal, it made sense to get a jump on their to-do list--including clearing out the room they agreed would be the nursery and putting together the crib, which is apparently ready to be picked up. "Or you can go pick it up and I can make sure everything is ready to start putting it together where we want." Either option gives him more time to think. "Whichever you'd rather. I just mean we don't both have to go."
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