#threads || w. max diaz
margaretxhawthorne · 1 month
starter for @maxdiaz
location: bellevue assembly hall
"I appreciate you keeping her late for my husband to pick Taylor up," she told Max as she set down the dinner she had offered to bring for keeping him there so late. Though her husband had picked up Taylor, the fees due for the acting class had yet to be paid because Margaret accidentally took the envelope to work. "I know you said I could have just paid late," she shook her head over the memory, "but I wouldn't have been able to sleep if I didn't drop this off to you tonight," she then reached into her bag for the money for her daughter's acting class.
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emrexerbay · 5 months
starter for @maxdiaz
location: kismet harbor downtown
Emre and Seyda were have a day together, at least until she saw one of her friends and begged him to go and hang out. She was eight years old and not close to being a teenager - but close enough that sometimes her dad was not cool enough to be around. Though, she always made up for ditching him when she got back by playing a game or two of chess with him. As he bid his daughter goodbye, he spotted someone he had grown close with over the last few months. "It's lucky she's too young to want to leave you," he teased, "Seyda's in her 'ditch her father' stage."
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aarinxduskin · 8 months
starter for @maxdiaz
location: the human bean
Aarin spotted a familiar face sitting at one of the tables and she grabbed one of his favorite treats from behind the counter and a refill for his coffee as she approached, "I hear congratulations are in order," she had heard that Max was now the Director and Producer at Clark Center of Performing Arts, "That's a really exciting new job to take, how are you feeling about it?" She had picked up a few shifts at The Human Bean with Patty's Cafe being down, Aarin poured into his coffee cup before sitting down and handed over the pastry on the small plate, "For you, on the house."
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elianxbrowne · 1 year
starter for @maxdiaz
location: zen sushi
"You got any travel plans?" Eli questioned Max after their order was placed. "I've been meaning to get back to Europe but a few projects here have me tied up so I won't be able to travel for a few more months." It made the man antsy, but it was something that he knew he had to live with. He simply didn't get as much time to travel as he did when he was in college and growing up.
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hazalxalpman · 2 years
starter for @maxdiaz​ location: patty’s cafe 
Patty’s Cafe was a place Hazal should have had frequent flyer miles at. She was off from the jewelry store and was in desperate need of coffee. Though, that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. It was far from spring weather but forty degrees was a welcome change from the blizzard that swept up the town only a week ago. As she finished getting her coffee, there were no tables open. A grimace pulled down the corner of her lips as she looked around, spotting an empty seat at a table. Moving toward the stranger, she smiled at him, “You mind? I’m not really up for walking and drinking this coffee and there are no open seats.” 
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johnnyxwagner · 2 days
starter for @maxdiaz
location: archery, founder's festival
"I really don't know if this something I will be any good at." Sure, Johnny was in the army and handled weapons that most people couldn't fathom, but archery? There was a delicacy to the sport that Johnny Wagner was not certain that he had. "But I'm willing to give it a shot. I always say, especially to the kids," he chuckled, picturing their eye rolls, "you have to try something once before deciding you don't like it, at least once. Sometimes I encourage a few more tries depending on what it is."
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aarinxduskin · 1 year
starter for @maxdiaz
location: patty's cafe
"I have your usual," she smiled at Max as she sat down in the chair across from him with his drink and usual pastry item from the front. He had been coming into Patty's often enough that Aarin had found herself befriending him. "Do you want anything else?" She should have asked that before she sat down but she offered anyway, unable to help herself as she reached for her own coffee and brought it to her lips.
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