julietaxalvarez · 2 days
Julieta's eyes grazed over the menu, though she hadn't planned on getting anything until one of the flavors caught her attention. A honey lavender was just what the brunette needed on the warm day. "It does all look good," while not usually one for sweets, unless she were devouring Quentin, she did have the craving once in a while. "I am getting honey lavender," she told the other, "something light and airy." @maxdiaz
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"Still very sweet of you, what do you say, Esme?" he asked as he looked at his little girl, who almost yelled thank you since she was excited, causing Max to laugh. "I think so too," he said as he looked around at their current location. Once they arrived, he picked Esme up so she could look at the photos of what they had. "You can only have one... and something small," he said as he looked over the menu himself. "It all looks so good" he grinned "What looks good to you?" he asked Julieta. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 2 days
She was really happy. That was all that Julieta had ever wanted to hear out of her best friend. Seeing her unhappy was something that physically pained her. Even in the times that Julieta feigned to have a lack of emotions, she had never stopped feeling for Liliana. Their friendship met everything to her and she would never let a day pass her by without acknowledging that in some way. "Bella May," Julieta's hand lifted to her heart in a feeling of warmth over the name of Liliana's daughter. "Consider me here to spoil both of my favorite women in life, there will be no debate about that. And Travis will just have to deal with it." She teased, "Lili, really, I'm over the moon for you." @lilianaxjackson
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"I'm really happy." She had cursed her life for the last few months. She'd finally allowed herself to be happy again only for it all to fall apart. She was certain that she had ruined it all, but she should've known better that Travis wasn't the kind of man to not to leave that door on a crack. She would make up for the heartache she caused him for the rest of her life, but giving him a child was a good start. "A girl." She nodded enthusiastically. "Bella May, after our mothers." She was certain Travis didn't mind her telling her best friend -- her sister. She wouldn't mind if his brothers knew either. Keeping it in the family. "I am counting on that, actually." Liliana let out a laugh, wiping away a tear that had fallen on her cheek while hugging the other. She let out a breath when she sat up straight again, cradling the bump she'd always wanted. "As her Godmother, it's a requirement, it's not up for debate. Just like how you have to come over to brush my hair after the birth. Mama needs pampering." @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 2 days
Julieta's lips curled into a wicked smile as he said that she drove him crazy. It wasn't always the intent, but Julieta certainly wasn't going to complain about the idea, either. With his hands moving up her back, dragging the fabric of her clothes along, she felt a groan leaving her lips as he caught her bottom lip between his teeth. Talk about driving her crazy. Julieta's eyes close came to a close, rolling her hips against him to further insinuate what she was in it for. @quentinxjames
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Quentin watched as he landed on the bed, his head resting against the covers. His hands found their way to her hips, holding her there as she straddled him. "Hi, gorgeous." He whispered back, eyes closing as she leaned in, focusing on the kisses she pressed against the corner of his lips. He let out a pleased breath, knowing that right now he didn't want to be anywhere else but there. "You drive me crazy." He spoke in a single breath, his hands brushing from her hips higher up towards her back, dragging whatever fabric he could with him. His face turned slightly so he could capture more of her lips, capturing her bottom lip between his teeth. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 12 days
Julieta had never imagined that she would fall in love again. Not after the divorce from her ex-husband. She had closed herself off from falling in love after that and only found herself letting people in long enough to get them between the sheets and send them on their way before the morning light trickled in through the window curtains. Even in Kismet Harbor, Julieta was no stranger to the one night stand and the occasional friends with benefits situation. Even after Quentin had gone back to his ex-wife, Julieta was certain she'd never be able to give a man like that a second chance but the caveat was that it had been one date. He owed her nothing at that time and every morning she woke up, she was grateful that she had given him a second chance. "You don't have to tell me twice," Julieta bit down on her bottom lip as she made her way over to him, gently guiding the two of them onto the bed where she crawled atop of him to straddle him. "Hi, handsome," she whispered, leaning in to press soft kisses against the corners of his lips. @quentinxjames
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"I love this particular thought myself." He smiled, lightly slapping her on the behind as she stood up from his lap. He watched as she gestured at him, letting out an almost silent chuckle before he obeyed and stood, sauntering after her though his eyes were on her, never leaving. At her words, his smile just grew deeper, taking the stairs step by step as he followed her all the way to the bedroom. Give it a couple more weeks, and he'd have thrown her over his shoulder to get her there. "Come here." He was the one with the gesturing finger this time. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 12 days
Julieta gave the man a small smile, the corners of her lips tugged upward. "Of course," since she offered the ice cream to the other two, she wouldn't have guessed that he was trying to talk advantage of her. It merely would have made any sense. "Right," Julieta laughed softly, looking out to the sidewalks of Kismet Harbor. "I think the ice cream truck is actually just up at the corner," she had seen it a few times during her laps, quite frankly. @maxdiaz
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Max smiled "I just wanted you to know" he said that he wasn't just here to take something from her. He had no problem with money so it wasn't a big deal for him to pay for things. "I thought that it slip by you and you say okay the second time" he teased he just was wanting to joke with her. "But Esme will be so excited." She loved ice cream for sure. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 17 days
"It's all turning out amazing for you, Lili, really," her best friend deserved that much and more if she had anything to say about it. After everything that the woman had been through, this was the least the world could give back to her. Liliana's words took a moment to sink in, "Wait," she gasped, scooting back to take in the woman's face as she realized that she was not being messed with. "A girl?!" Julieta squealed in happiness for her best friend, leaning in to tightly hug her, "God, I am so happy for you. I hope you know she's going to be my best friend, too." Julieta teased, giving her a gentle squeeze before pulling away. "And be prepared for me to spoil her." @lilianaxsantos
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"I finally feel like everything is falling into place. The baby, Travis, a new house." She sighed, cradling her bump as she folded her feet underneath her legs. Travis was still hard at work with the house, but once it was done they could get everything ready. She was happier than she had been in a long while, and though she held no spite or anger towards Anthony, it had made life difficult for a while. "Thank you." Liliana smiled, having shared her hardship with her first pregnancy and how she lost it that she knew that Julieta was aware how badly she wanted this. Who else could she ask for Godmother but her best friend? Her sister? And her response didn't surprise her. Her smile grew wider at her acceptance, moving to take her hands in hers. "You'll be her godmother." She spoiled the surprise. Not that she was able to keep it secret from Julieta for long anyway. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 17 days
A shortened laugh left Julieta's lips with Cameron's teasing words. She had rarely been known to be soft, to be gentle. She was a lawyer after all and was all too familiar with commanding the court room when she was in New York. Something about Kismet Harbor had made the woman soften over the years. No, it was something about Quentin James that had brought down the tall walls that Julieta had built around herself. "I know, the world must be ending, too," she teased right back to Cameron with a sly smile slipping upon her lips. "Well, shoot," she laughed again, "I think I may have to come to your house, I mean, you make it sound so perfect and all," though Julieta was far from musically inclined. "I've been good," she smiled at him still, "still a boss babe at work, of course," Julieta winked at Cameron, "been staying with Quentin a lot since his surgery, he's doing a lot better." She continued to smile, "What about you? Writing any new songs?" @cameronhatcher
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Cameron had always been a very gentle and sweet person, so if he'd been the one to bump into another he would've absolutely begun with apologizing. But he was a little bit surprised to hear that reaction from Julieta. It wasn't negative in any way, she was a fierce person and he liked it about her, "Was that a gentle apology? From you?" he teased, feigning shock before letting out a small laugh, "Pigs must be flying, I cannot believe it" he continued to jest and shook his head. "You know me, I like to spend all my time hiding away by myself in my house, it's peaceful in there" he said, only half joking. He really did spend a lot of time at home, but mainly because he had his own studio room there that he could work from. "I got a coffee machine in the kitchen and all my instruments there, why would I ever need to leave?" he smiled back at her, "How're you, what've you been up to?" @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 17 days
Julieta shrugged her shoulders the first time that the other man said that she didn't have to treat them, "I don't mind," she commented back in return. A smile grew on her lips as the young girl grew seemingly thrilled about getting ice cream. She hadn't ever really wanted her own kids and while Quentin had them, they were much older than this man's daughter. "I know," she gave a nod of her head, "saying it twice won't make me change my mind." Julieta smiled at him. @maxdiaz
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Esme was shy and just waved and nodded at the hello. "We hope they will like it" he smiled at Julita. He grinned, hearing what she said, it was very sweet of her to do this sort of thing. "I mean, you don't have to treat, but we can't say no to ice cream," he tickled Esme, who was excited to hear about it and was asking to go get it. "Sure, but really, you don't have to pay. " he wanted to make sure she knew all they did was point at the photo they liked. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 17 days
"I think so," she tipped her head to the side as he patted her hip. "Hm," Julieta leaned forwards Quentin, pressing her lips against his own. She let them linger, slowly pulling back, "I love the way you think," she gently nipped at his bottom lip before she pushed the chair she was sitting in and stood up. "Come and ravish me," she gestured him closer with her finger, slowly backing up so that he would follow her upstairs. Her eyes didn't leave his own, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she thought of what he might do to her upstairs in the very comfortable bed. @julietaxalvarez
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It was a matter of counting his blessings every day that she had decided to stick around with him, especially with how he had blown it after their first date by going back to his ex. Luckily for him she had given him a second chance. It was safe to say he had grabbed it with both hands and hadn't let go. He wondered that if she had plans for Christmas, they would've found their way back to each other some other way. "What's that called, a shared secret?" Quentin asked, brow arched before he lightly patted her hip. "I'm thinking a very comfortable bed upstairs." @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 26 days
"Thank you," Julieta offered the kind words with a smile to the other, "and thank you," she looked down at the man's daughter, "you were very helpful. It sounds like you need a sweet treat for being such a good helper." She teased, looking back up at the man's father, "there's ice cream right at the corner, I could treat," she stood up from her slightly bent position of talking to the young girl, "it's the least I could do." Quentin had made her soft. @maxdiaz
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He smiled with a nodd. It was art that would suit most themes but fit a baby of any gender so it worked out well. Art wasn't something Max liked a lot, but he knew what he liked and didn't. But it didn't mean it was good art to others. "I think so too" glad they could help her out and find something good. Babies where something else even more if they were for your family or a best friend. It was nice to be able to buy what you needed yourself but when someone you cared for bought sometime it was even better. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 27 days
"As you should," Julieta was prompt to tease Quentin back, though she thoroughly enjoyed being hit on by Quentin. The woman appreciated how he made a continuous effort for their relationship, as it inspired her to do the same. After the end of her marriage back in New York, Julieta had never imagined being with someone long term again and even in the beginning with Quentin, she hadn't expected it to go somewhere and now she didn't want to see the end of them. Julieta's stomach fluttered as his hand was placed against the back of her head to draw her closer. The kiss always seemed too short as he drew away, asking if she wanted to hear a secret. "I was beginning to think the same thing," Julieta's teeth captured her bottom lip as she did so. "I think that can be arranged, Mr. James." @quentinxjames
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"That's good, because I love hitting on you." Quentin uttered, finding her worth the pursuit. He did always try to keep the relationship interesting, rather than having the passion and attention die out as soon as you were locked in a relationship -- as long as the other returned the favour, at least. At her question on if he'd show her instead, Quentin pursed his lips, making a 'hmmm' sound as if he was considering it. It made the small peck on the corner of his lips all the more humorous in his eyes. Pursed lips thinned and pressed into a smile at her words, lifting his hand from her back to instead place against the back of her head and draw her near again, instead sealing a proper kiss against her lips. "One step closer to securing it then." He uttered afterwards, moving her hair out of her face. "Want to hear a secret?" He asked, placing another quick peck on her lips. "I'm craving something different for breakfast now." @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
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FRIENDS (1994–2004) 9.22 The One with the Donor
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | (4.16) & (5.04)
-- Faith Lehane, pretending she's Buffy Summers -- Actual Buffy Summers
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
"That's a good sign," Julietta commented in return as the other mentioned he had it in his daughter's room. "I think it is all nice, too," she had a sort of taste that wasn't really expressed in the artwork but it wasn't for her. "I wanted something that was rather timeless," she told the other, "And I think that this might be it." Whether Liliana used it or Julieta ended up keeping it herself for a bedroom for the soon to be born baby, she figured the gesture was there. It wasn't the only thing Julieta was spending her money on either. The woman had practically bought most of what was on Liliana's registry for her and Travis. She had been unable to help herself. @maxdiaz
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Max smiled, glad that Esme could point out what art she liked. She was only three, but she knew what she liked at the moment for sure. "She has good taste," he chuckled. "But I do like what she picked, and " he pointed to some others, "Are almost like what was in her room before," but he changed it last year when Esme turned two. "But I also think all of what's around here is nice" he smiled. @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
"I love that you still hit on me," Julieta meant that honestly. Despite the two of them being in a relationship, he still pursued her. It made the woman feel wanted and desired. As his hand ran along her back, Julieta tipped her head to the side as he trailed off, squeezing her thigh. "So you're willing to show me, instead?" She whispered, leaning in to press her lips to the corner of his own, only giving him a taste of what could be. "You're truly a man after my own heart," she pulled back only slightly to softly speak the words. @quentinxjames
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"I'd rather be hitting on you." He prolonged the joke, long glad that she was getting this side of him, and not the tempered version he spent so long taking care of. His ex-wife had always been so easy in luring out his bad side, playing on his anger issues. Not Julieta. Even when they had a small argument, she was the calm he so desired -- craved and needed. "Sparkling wine, okay." He uttered, his eyes moving all over her face, taking in her beauty. "Oh there's a lot I want to do to you." Quentin took the bait, running his hand over her back again, not having noticed he had stopped while he was caught in her trance. "I could tell you, however..." He trailed off, his hand squeezing her thigh. "Where would be the fun in that." @julietaxalvarez
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julietaxalvarez · 1 month
Julieta's lips parted in yet another laugh with Quentin's joke. "You're really hitting on these dad jokes today, huh?" She teased with him. There was something about them, though, that made her laugh, at least when they were coming from Quentin. She never thought that dad jokes would be up her alley, but here she was. Julieta watched as she had completely caught his attention as she slid his hand up her thigh, "Yes, crackers, cheese and sparkling wine," she wasn't entirely sure if he had caught the other pieces of what she said and if he hadn't, how could she blame him when she had been the one teasing him? "You want to get ready for that or do something else first?" Her brow slowly raised. @quentinxjames
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"Call the newspapers." Quentin joked on, knowing fully well he had now crossed the border to full on dad jokes. Julieta seemed to appreciate them however, mostly at least. He didn't claim all of them were good. He was grinning ear to ear at her warning, yet it was wiped clean the moment she took his hand and applied light pressure to slide it up. He was a man after all, left completely to her mercy. He found himself staring up at her, lips lightly ajar from one another. "Uhuh." He hummed when she started talking, eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips and back up again. "Crackers, right." Quentin uttered, then cleared his throat as he was well aware he was staring at her like she was an oasis in the desert. "I can do cheese." @julietaxalvarez
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