lgcmanager · 1 year
you can find the document for the drama page over HERE ! currently only episodes 1-6 are available and the next batch will be added on JULY 30 !
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lgcminjxe · 1 year
It had been a few months now since Bullet Inquiry had ended and Minjae missed being in a drama. Of course, he was enjoying the extra time he had, really he was, but he was missing acting. So when the casting results for Martine Corporation were announced, Minjae was ecstatic to get back into the flow of things. Plus, the drama sounded like a lot of fun and it was a complete 180 to what he’d last appeared in.
When they were informed about the introduction videos, Minjae was excited to see them. Not only did he want to see everyone’s hard work pay off, but his scenario sounded like fun. Drawing was something that Minjae wasn’t very good at and so anyone who could draw were like idols to him. Even if his co-star wasn’t the one who drew the picture, Minjae would treat him as if he was.
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Arriving on set, Minjae was bouncing with excitement. He wasn’t sure how everyone else’s scenarios were going, but he felt confident that he and @hyunsoolgc​ would have fun. Even if he didn’t know the other male, Minjae was happy to meet him. Spotting his co-star, Minjae bounced over to him and smiled brightly. ❛ Hi there! Hyunsoo-ssi, right? I’m Minjae. I’m excited to be working with you today. It’s nice to meet you! ❜
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lgcyein · 1 year
♡ ┊ invitation
         with @lgchanbyul​ ♡
     the thing with ahn yein, is that she always seems to think she’s invincible. negative happenings are a part of life, and they roll off her back and she forgets about it soon enough. she thinks that it’s partly this sort of thinking that makes her successful — she’s fearless and direct, goes for what she wants without thinking of whether she’ll fail, has confidence no matter the situation.
     that’s why she was so casually shaking her americano, listening to the sounds of the ice as she drank it before going on set when all of a sudden she sees it splashing out of the cup and onto her shirt. if it isn’t the consequences of her carelessness and her caffeine addiction!
     her eyes are widened in shock when she sees someone walking toward her. “hanbyul! thank goodness you’re here!” what could hanbyul do in this situation? she’s not entirely sure because it’s not like the other girl is a wardrobe stylist, not like she has an arsenal of extra white button downs in her purse, but yein felt like some moral support would be appreciated at a time like this. “i got coffee on my shirt! ugh, i had a bad feeling about that americano today.” she didn’t, but hindsight is 20/20. “i’m supposed to be a fashion girl! i can’t have a coffee stain! do you have tide to go, by any chance? or anything that would get this out?”
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
-ˋˏ ◡  LIFE IS A BI...TE / @lgcaeri
How can Hyunsoo put it into words? This sort of experience did not come easily to many rookie actors — receiving back to back roles in some showing of good fortune. Albeit both within genres he held no significant interest in.
Life ( and more importantly: luck ) finally seemed to be smiling on him like the sun outside— Well, the weather had actually been rather inclement that day, grey clouds and a small drizzle that pummeled against the top of his head. However, the bright-eyed young actor would not allow such a thing to put a damper on his day. In fact, he asserts, he quite likes rainy mornings. Mostly.
He arrived to the location for the first day of shooting, script secured in his messenger bag. Of course, the moment he steps from his car he squeezes his plastic cup of iced americano a tad too tight, speckling the white paper with amber splats.
Hyunsoo often heard the old adage as a child that bad things happen in three and that the rule of Murphy's Law is 'anything that can go wrong, will go wrong'. Among the superstitions his mother drilled into him, he could think of several others across cultures that must have enjoyed attaching to him in the worst of ways.
What forgiving deities would allow him to embarrass himself in front of a co-star the first day? He pictures a tiny dancing dokkaebi bouncing toward the door, giggling happily.
There is no other explanation as to why else he would be allowed to stuff his face with catering table food and be greeted by a senior actor mid-bite into a rather messy egg sandwich. Bits of the white bread tumbled down his chin, his reflexes too delayed to catch them.
He mumbles the honorific of 'sunbaenim' through the bite, realizing quickly his mouth is still full. How embarrassing. "Hello." He finally spits out, clearing his throat. "Nice— Lovely day to begin filming, is it not?"
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leolgc · 1 year
lately, leo had become somewhat of a social butterfly? he had developed an urge to get to know most of the people that he worked with. why not right? the more people in the business you know, the better the outcome? but it never hurt. "@lgcxminji. do you need anyone to work with you on your lines?" he hoped his question didn't make it seem that he thought that her talent was any less than his. but he knew how better he felt when he ran lines with his costars.
you couldn't practice too much?
"how do you feel about your character? she seems pretty cool to me" leo was still trying to learn the 'art' of small talk. getting to know people without bringing up gaming, or some other possible shared interests.
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lgcxnoeul · 1 year
cautionary tale
He mumbles underneath his breath, eyes rounding in surprise. He glances around the room, double checking if anyone had seen him messing with the door. He had attempted to open one of the doors on set, wanting to hide for a moment to practice his lines, but here he stood holding onto the doorknob. He wasn't a novice when it came to sets. He knew that there were fake props and real items on set. Usually, there were signs, or were obvious from close proximity. However, a fake door was new for him since the last drama that he had participated had been mostly outdoors, which meant that he hadn't needed to think much of his surroundings.
He mentally compares the situation to those online videos where people have to guess whether the item is made out of chocolate, or if it's the real item before the person bites into it. He figures the wall had been added to make it seem like that there were other rooms in the hallway, but he feels like laughing at himself, and the situation in front of him. He could feel his body temperature rising, cheeks coloring slightly from the sudden embarrassment when he hears footsteps nearing his location. He jiggles with the door out of frustration, trying to insert the components of the door knob back into the circular hole.
"I-It's not what it looks like!" He exclaims a bit too defensively, leaning against the wall and hiding the door knob behind his back when Hayoung appears. He feels a bit relieved that it's her and not anyone from the undiscerning staff, who had yet to know of his infamous troublemaker history. He scrunches his nose, unable to to stop the sheepish smile from spreading across his face. He lifts the knob, offering it to her and practically making her an accomplice if she accepted it. "Can you please hold onto this for me? I lost the screw somewhere..."
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lgcxminji · 1 year
martine mischeif
starter for @lgchayoung
while the fabula members participating in martine corporation weren’t necessarily appearing as a unit this time, minji was still more than happy for the opportunity for the three to be on one of legacy’s big acting projects once again. however, beyond just the acting part of things, there was another great reason to be on set, even if it was only for a day or two.
“they’ve gotta be here somewhere...” minji called in a whisper. while minji’s own filming was done, she’d stuck around for hayoung’s filming as well, under the (mostly accurate) guise of wanting to observe some more comedy acting to develop her variety skills. while they were waiting for hayoung’s turn to film, the pair had been scoping out the scene.
minji walked around the set, checking as many of the alcoves and corners a pair could possibly hide in as possible. they had to be somewhere. “unnie, let’s look over here,” minji finally whispered, ducking behind a collection of cafe style chairs. “do you see them?” she crawled as quietly as possible, moving her head from side to side to prevent her view from being obscured by the metal legs. 
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lgcminkyu · 1 year
let's play.
The promotions for Martine Corporation were just as exciting as Minkyu had anticipated: from the promotional teaser clip showcasing the characters of everyone involved to the advertising of the sitcom on television through engaging little games, it was precisely how he had envisioned his life as an up-and-coming actor to be.
While the production crew started preparing and setting up the charades setting, Minkyu shifted his focus from the makeup staff fixing his hair to @lgcleo, his acting partner and teammate for the game. "Isn't it funny? Us three were in Nova Iuventa together, and now we're on the same team, too." He grinned and nodded towards Jinhyuk, who was nearby and occupied. "It feels as if destiny is determined to bring us together! And emerge victorious. Because we're going to win this, of course."
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lgcpoints · 1 year
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lgcmanager · 1 year
the remaining episodes have been updated, so you can check out the rest of the storyline over HERE !
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lgcyein · 1 year
♡ ┊ dive with you
         with @lgcjieun​ ♡
     in all honesty, yein isn’t thrilled about the idea of having a comedy drama. when she became an actress, this wasn’t really what she was imagining. she wanted to go into this field because yein herself was always dramatic, and everyone from her parents to her friends made sure to tell her this all the time, but a sitcom wasn’t exactly the drama that she liked to see from her life or her career.
     not that there’s anything wrong with comedies — many actors make a lot of money and gain a lot of fame with their sitcoms, and she can appreciate the genre as something lighthearted and enjoyable for the general public. but it’s just that they were never her thing in particular, and even if she’s sure there are many popular sitcoms, yein isn’t exactly sure that she can name more than a handful, or tell you the plot for any of them.
     and the problem is that she’s already pretty and talented, and now the company wants her to be funny on top of it?? she thinks legacy needs to pick their battles and not ask for too much, but obviously she’s not going to be the one to tell them that so she does what she’s told and tries her best, because at the end of the day an opportunity is still an opportunity.
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     “jieun, be honest do you think i’m funny?” apparently the casting staff didn’t think so, since they only gave her a supporting role, but she supposes if there was ever a time for her to have a smaller role, this one wasn’t so bad if she didn’t like comedies anyways. “i mean i’m trying to be funny but like...” yein makes a face. “how.”
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hyunsoolgc · 1 year
-ˋˏ ◡  COLLISION / @lgcyein
The habit of being superstitious was an oddly prevalent trait in Lee Hyunsoo's family — in particular in his mother. He did not think a streak of bad luck would follow him so closely. On the contrary, he had plenty of deterrents to ward off anything malicious, including the charm he still swears was bestowed onto him by a ghost. However, as he steps onto the set once again, he swears there is a presence he can't shake. ( Beyond the knowledge that he would have to put on a mascot costume later. )
He uncharacteristically spaces out when he hears two staff members speaking in the break room, one of them whispering rather enthusiastically about a certain senior celebrity making an appearance in several scenes and her arrival to the set soon. "Nam Sarang...? No way..." He whispers to himself through a gasp — but perhaps he is a bit too loud when he sees them briefly glance his way. He scurries around the corner, blindly glancing over his shoulder.
Of course, he should know better than to expect for something unfortunate to not occur. Hyunsoo jolts and stops as quickly as he is trying to walk, causing him to nearly collide with another actor; only his foot knocking against hers. The papers from his script soon go flying in his brief bit of shock. He reaches out, frantically trying to catch a few before they hit the floor.
"S—Sorry, sorry!" He folds himself over in an apologetic bow, his ears turning red. "I wasn't paying attention."
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leolgc · 1 year
finally working together!
it wasn't long ago when they sat down and talked over his previous role. and how his performance was. but now. now he finally got to work with his mentor. "did you just speak this into existence?" leo teased as he approached @lgcjieun. it was an honor to be able to work with her. someone he genuinely looked up to.
"so i see that we have a seen where you have to find me?" this show was going to be a funny type show. he was excited, but yet again it was a genre that he hadn't thought of trying. but he would be damned if he was going to be type casted.
on top of that, his current character was very different than his past one as well.
in one of his scenes where he gets angry, he can already understand that anger. why would someone buy from a competitor and have it delivered to said job.
"i think this is going to be fun!"
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lgcminkyu · 1 year
hype boy.
Minkyu was filled with immense excitement about the new role he had been assigned for the upcoming sitcom drama. He delighted in the contrast between his initial role as a suave and seductive playboy and his current embodiment as Junhwan, the mischievous jester who personified mirth within the workplace. With unwavering self-assurance, he sat confidently beside his shooting partner for the upcoming scene, the teaser clip for his and @lgcseona's characters. 
He flipped through the pages of the script with an amused grin. "How do you feel about your role, Seonassi?" Honorifics were expected, as he had only recently begun to truly get to know her. "I was wondering if you listen to heavy metal music in your free time, too."
This was Minkyu's way of getting to know people: he would inquire about their interests, hobbies, or anything else they might have had in common, aside from their shared passion for acting and scenes in the drama; he would wholeheartedly focus his undivided attention on one person at a time, attentively listening, keenly observing with a twinkle in his eyes and genuine interest radiating through his warm smile. "I think filming the scene will be fun."
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lgcpoints · 1 year
2 REPLIES: +2 acting, +2 variety, +2 notoriety ( ♡ ) ( ♡ ) 
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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all of the cast members of MARTINE CORPORATION are gathered together along with KIM DONGSUN, PARK EUNSOOK, and SEO HEEJUNG.
each of them will take turns telling all of the information that is mentioned below.
MBC has set in motion production of its new sitcom drama; MARTINE CORPORATION. broadcast is set to begin on SEPTEMBER 18, 2023, while filming will begin on AUGUST 14. the first script reading will be made with the main, lead, and supporting cast on AUGUST 4.
starting from AUGUST 4, MAIN and LEAD cast members are fully liberated from their usual schedules to prepare full time for the drama, except for prior engagements. SUPPORT cast members are given 10 hours a week to prepare for the drama and will not have any evaluation until the drama is done filming. naturally, since the drama will be keeping some busy, please keep an eye on restrictions on this term's missions.
visit the MARTINE CORPORATION PAGE ( which will be revealed next sunday! ) for details about the characters and episodes. we would like to emphasize that the episode summaries are only the basic/important points related to the characters involved. in actuality, the drama itself is a lot more detailed and covers extra scenes and character development! if you have any specific questions regarding your character that wasn’t mentioned in the summary ( this is targeted towards the main, leading, and supporting roles ) please message us and i ( admin a ) will try my best to answer those questions!
from AUGUST 4 to AUGUST 14, all of the cast members ( including guests ) will be partaking in VARIETY workshops to help improve their variety skills for the show. in the case of NOEUL, MINJI, HAYOUNG, and EUNHYE, this is voluntary and they will be encouraged to attend whenever they have free schedules available.
before the first episode is aired, MBC will be releasing short teaser clips on their youtube channel that conveys some of the characters and their day to day life.
VIDEO #1: OH EUNJEONG ( played by HANBYUL ) is seen having difficulty reaching the top of the cabinet due to her height. she’s tried everything she could from grabbing a broomstick to making her own makeshift stool to open the cabinet and get the stack of printer paper, but none of her methods much to her dismay. CHENG LINGSHAN ( played by LEO ) passes by the hallway and EUNJEONG calls for him. with her sweet personality, she tries to persuade him to help her get the printer paper but even luck is against her as LINGSHAN declines the offer to help and leaves her.
VIDEO #2: CHOI JIHOON ( played by HYUNSOO ) and PARK SAMUEL ( played by MINJAE ) are in the men’s restroom washing their hands. both of them are about to head to the waiting room where they will be interviewed. with JIHOON leaving first, SAMUEL notices a paper slip out of JIHOON’s pocket containing a drawing of a monkey. SAMUEL takes the paper to examine it and catches up to JIHOON. SAMUEL hands the paper to JIHOON and compliments the other’s drawing abilities and hopes that other people will see his talent.
VIDEO #3: AHN MINYOUNG ( played by SEONA ) is seen with her headphones on and listening to death metal. as she arrives at her workspace, she turns on the computer and as she types her login password, she begins to question why she can’t login even after multiple attempts. a flashback scene shows KIM JUNHWAN ( played by MINKYU ) playing a prank on MINYOUNG as he switches the keys on her keyboard as fast as he can before MINYOUNG returns back from her lunch. in the end, he’s seen writing a quick letter teasing her ( with a face sticking out its tongue ) and places it underneath the keyboard, to which MINYOUNG sees later on by the end of the video.
VIDEO #4: LEE HYERIN ( played by YEIN ) and NA DAHEE ( played by JIEUN ) are in pilates class. while HYERIN is seen doing the pilates exercises with ease, DAHEE is seen struggling a bit especially when HYERIN reveals that she heard some information about who DAHEE was on a ( blind ) date with recently. as DAHEE attempts to lie and say that she has no idea what HYERIN is talking about, the more she feels pressured to tell the truth. eventually DAHEE escapes from this moment as she pretends that her boss is calling her and packs up her belongings.
VIDEO #5: CHA JINHEE ( played by AERI ) is seen talking to someone on the phone. attempting to communicate with a client in japanese with her abysmal speaking skills, she begins to feel frustrated as she drinks her tea frequently to the point where she ran out of tea from her tumbler. luckily ( or unluckily ), LEE MINSEO ( played by JINHYUK ) hands her some of the documents he had accidentally dropped on the wet floor. trying to hide her frustration, JINHEE turns on the speaker as she fixes the stack of papers. MINSEO instantly picks up on the fact that JINHEE is on the call with a japanese client and when the japanese client asks where the files are located, MINSEO responds back in japanese, leaving JINHEE in a state of shock.
to promote the show, the MAIN and LEAD cast ( HANBYUL, SEONA, JIEUN ) will be filming a video called “JENGA”, where they play jenga and for every piece they remove and place on top of the tower, they will be given a dare or a question that they have to do ( example of this can be found over HERE ).
for the supporting cast ( YEIN, MINKYU, JINHYUK, HYUNSOO, AERI, MINJAE, and LEO ) they will be playing “CHARADES” ( example of this can be found over HERE ), where they will be split up into two teams and guess what the keyword ( in this case, it’s animals ) is based on the person’s actions. YEIN will serve as the host of this segment.
minus the guests, the staff has suggested hairstyles that the actors will have during the filming of the show. listed below are the hairstyles for each of the actors ( if the muse has that hairstyle currently, they will still go to the salon for maintenance ).
in regards to MONTHLY SNS, just like in the past you are not obligated in any way to post photos of your muse’s faceclaim with the exact hairstyle selected for them. this is merely to give you some visualization of how the cast would look like in terms of hairstyles.
the success of the drama depends on its script but also on its cast members. you have until SEPTEMBER 23 to fulfill the following requirements depending on your type of role:
MAIN: a set of either two replies (8 lines) OR one solo (300 words) and one reply for 6 WEEKS. of the total 12 posts, 6 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, filming the introduction videos or the games, etc). each set will give you 4 ACTING, 4 VARIETY, and 4 NOTORIETY POINTS.
LEADS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) OR one solo (300 words) and one reply for 4 WEEKS. of the total 8 posts, 4 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, filming the introduction videos or the games, etc). each set will give you 3 ACTING, 3 VARIETY, and 3 NOTORIETY POINTS.
SUPPORTS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) OR one solo (300 words) and one reply for 2 WEEKS. of the total 4 posts, 2 have to be about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, filming the introduction videos or the games, etc). each set will give you 2 ACTING, 2 VARIETY, and 2 NOTORIETY POINTS.
GUESTS: a set of either two replies (8 lines) OR one solo (300 words) and one reply ONCE. BOTH have to about the drama (either on set, during rehearsal, filming the introduction videos or the games, etc). the set will give you 1 ACTING and 1 VARIETY 2 NOTORIETY POINTS.
for the MAINS, LEADS, and SUPPORT, please keep in mind that we base the weeks similar to how we do activity checks. this means that if you post on JANUARY 24 and JANUARY 28, that will count as 2 posts for the week of JANUARY 22 ( after the activity check/7PM EST ) through JANUARY 29, 2022 at 6:59PM EST. however, if you posted on JANUARY 29 after the activity check ( ex. at 10PM EST ), that will count for the following week ( JANUARY 29 - FEBRUARY 5 ). ideally, the best way to keep track of this is to assume that you have 2 REPLIES to do for each week instead of one! you can also skip certain weeks so they do NOT need to be consecutive ( ex. meeting the reqs in weeks 1, 3, 6 for support ).
use the hashtag lgc:martinecorp. make sure to submit your points before SEPTEMBER 23, 2023 11:59 EST to the lgcpoints blog, you may send the points WEEKLY:
MUSE NAME · MARTINE CORPORATION (SET #) - 2 REPLIES or 1 SOLO/REPLY : +1-4 acting, +1-4 variety, +2-4 notoriety [ LINK 1 ] [ LINK 2 ]
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