lgcyein · 7 days
whether or not she was meant for it, she would make it fit her, yein thinks. she doesn't like it when people think she's not good at something, and even if she isn't good at this action stuff, it's no exception to the rule. so she's confident that she can figure it out, even if it does take some effort. at the very least she has to make sure she doesn't look stupid in front of the staff, and show that she's at least trying.
and plus, it wouldn't be fun if she always did the same thing when she got cast in dramas. it seems like actors always want to do something different from their last work, so she tries to see this as an opportunity.
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"i know!" yein laughs as she looks at her friend. "i won't go easy on you either so we both have to be prepared." hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but even if it did, yein feels like they would have fun doing it. even when she's doing something annoying, it always feels better when her friend is doing it with her. "but i think we would be much better off teaming up."
"yeah, maybe..." jieun says quietly, nodding her head. when she watched dramas and movies, she never pictured herself as someone who was taking down criminals, nor being one herself. "—but we have to at least fake it if we want cool scenes." she concludes, because after all the work she was putting into the stunt lessons, she better get some good action scenes and get praised for this.
there would be many chances to play roles more like herself, but for this still secret project, the crazier she could get the better. or at least that's what she was going for.
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"you think so?" jieun lets out a laugh. "just know i won't go easy on you in front of the cameras, so we need to learn this hapkido thing properly." a joke, of course. as much as they had chemistry to play scenes together, it would be hard ( and fun ) if they had to play enemies or something. "let's hope we are partners and we can fight some weird man together."
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lgcyein · 7 days
☽༓・    ››    ACTING MISSION 019 //  aka audition
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before this, yein would have balked at the thought of having to audition with an improvised fight scene. the idea would have sat in her brain like an ill fitting shirt, wrinkled at the corner, loose on the sleeve. but if there's anything about yein, it's that when she sets her mind to something, she makes sure to see it through no matter what. and the acting school classes had helped, it had ironed out the wrinkles and cuffed the sleeves, molding her into a somewhat believable action hero somehow.
at least, that's what she hopes. but she supposes she can gauge how successful it was based on how this audition goes.
her breathing is steady as she holds the heavy briefcase tightly, standing in the center of the room before the judges. she knows she has only seconds before the he would make his move.
the stunt coordinator lunges forward, aiming for the briefcase in her hand, making yein spin to the side, flipping the briefcase in her grip to strike his arm away. she uses whatever movements she had learned in the class, on television with all the crime shows she watched, jumping high and ducking low, her movements smooth.
she ducks again and lands a light elbow to his ribs, making him step back. yein looks at him, eyes bright with determination as she shifts her weight and readies herself for another attack. "i told you, this is mine." she taunts, holding the suitcase. when the stunt coordinator rushes at her again, she spins lower this time, kicking his legs out from under him.
just as soon as she did, she stands back up, dusting herself off and walking away. yein takes one look back at him over her shoulder with a smug expression. "better luck next time."
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lgcyein · 13 days
yein, being the type of person who doesn't like to look dumb in front of others, has an aversion to anything that she feels like she wouldn't be good at. and usually this would be included, so she's not thrilled about messing up the gun, even if it's to be expected considering she's never done this before. but she tells herself that at least it's with seona, who she's friends with so it's not as embarrassing.
"thanks." she says with a laugh, looking at the weapon she had just assembled with a sort of slightly embarrassed, slightly exasperated sigh. "at least we're getting some training now, so we don't actually mess up on set when it matters."
yein nods, putting one hand on the stopwatch while watching seona. "ready? ok and....go!"
she watches yein closely as she dissembles then re-assembles her gun. perhaps seona's expressions are a bit too focused, her gaze a tad too critical. she can feel that yein feels a, non-existent, pressure to do this quickly and she wonders if it's her fault that the actress fumbles.
seona lets out a laugh, stopping the timer when the other yells 'done.' "not too shabby," she gives yein a smile, picking up the gun from the table, admiring her work. "it's our first time handling these, so it's bound to be difficult."
"now it's my turn to be embarrassed," she laughs, shaking her head. seona puts the gun down, ensuring that they both have a fair start. "alright," she sucks in a deep breath. "tell me when to start."
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lgcyein · 29 days
if yein had to make a list of her languages ( and she has — she's even taken those little online quizzes ), physical touch would be dead last. but the only made sense, considering how averse she's always been to touching other people, or even worse, them initiation contact with her. which is why she's more or less happy about the other workshops they took ( other than parkour because she definitely wasn't a fan of that one ), but this was the part she was least excited about.
but she supposes at least the wires were fun, and she's already learned that she can't have everything so maybe she should be grateful that she had a good time at all.
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yein does try, but her movements come out a little awkward before she decides to give it a rest. "maybe we're just not meant for fighting like this." she laughs, because the two of them definitely don't look like the type. "but you're right, i think i could really do something if it were a man. i bet it'll just be our luck and we'll be paired together during the drama somehow though."
♡.· SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT ( ft. @lgcyein )
it comes to jieun's attention that she does a lot better in the classes that don't involve physical contact with other people. there's still work to do, but she's improving her wire stunts, free running, and weapon usage quickly. however, when it comes to learning fighting styles and practicing with a partner, things change.
joint locks, throws, and striking—the coach said it would provide her with a well-rounded skill set for fight choreography, but she has started to have nightmares about hapkido.
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ready to practice with her friend, jieun begins the sequence, but her moves are a bit hesitant. "ugh, i can't get the timing right," she sighs before actually doing anything, then lets out a small laugh. "maybe i don't want to throw you on the ground. i hope my scene involves some guy I don't like."
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lgcyein · 1 month
at the very least, she's glad that gyuri seems lost as well, so she's not the only one standing here foolishly holding a sword and hoping she doesn't look too stupid. even though she did say that she was enjoying the workshop ( maybe a little less now that she's actually holding this weapon and trying to do something with it ), she has to admit that it's a bit out of her comfort zone. but maybe it's good that she's branching out and doing different things, so she's able to add it to her list of things that she's able to do beyond reading scripts and emoting through her face. and if she keeps practicing only that, then she'll never grow as an actress, and stagnation will only hurt her career.
"i think so?" she says, but her words come out unsure and hesitant. but she swears she was listening during the workshop, it's just that there was too much information at once, and on top of that it was all things she had never heard of before. but she feels like if she combines forces with gyuri, then wouldn't they be able to piece everything together?
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"maybe i shouldn't have skipped arm day..." she suddenly says as she drops the sword down next to her body. she knows these aren't even as heavy as the real thing, but why is she already tired? "if we end up doing an action movie, we're going to have to go to the gym."
gyuri hasn't ever needed to fight for a role, physically speaking— while an audition, in and of itself, consists of throwing yourselves into the metaphorical ring of fire, posing yourself against others in an indirect manner, the auditions gyuri has faced over the years normally entailed simple line reads. now, being faced with the reality of needing to actually perform an action scene? that was certainly different, a prospect the young actress hadn't been expecting, but she was no less intrigued to try her hand at whatever either of these new potential projects might offer.
aside from stunt work, weapons safety was also a class being offered. hardly a fighter, gyuri had been a bit hesitant once she'd seen the array of weapons laid out to learn of regardless of them being props, but at least she wouldn't be attending class alone. that helped put her at ease, even prompting a newfound eagerness to learn.
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gyuri is just as lost as yein seems to be, their previous instructions a bit hazy now that the two are actually attempting to put what they've learned into practice, and the younger feels a bit embarrassed with how tight her hold on the hilt is. "i think that's how you're meant to slice— real swordsmasters do it that way for a cleaner cut, right?" brows furrowing, gyuri follows a similar motion to yeins. "all this swinging is going to tire our arms out."
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lgcyein · 1 month
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if given a chance, would you be interested in being a part of a musical?
probably not
3 genres that you would enjoy the most?
thriller, romance, workplace
3 genres that you wouldn’t enjoy as much?
sci-fi, comedy, fantasy
3 character tropes that you would be interested in portraying?
fake relationship, aspirational plans, enemies to lovers
3 character tropes that you would dislike portraying?
illness, demons and ghosts, love triangle
list 3 of your favorite fictional characters from any work ( eg. movie, drama, animation, musical, play, games, etc. )
hong haein (queen of tears), na heedo (twenty five twenty one), kim myunghee (youth of may)
out of the four options, rank them in order based on 1 being the most important part to 4 being the least important part in deciding whether to take a specific acting project; character, storyline, staff ( eg. if the director/writer is someone famous ), money.
storyline, character, staff, money
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lgcyein · 2 months
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@/yeinstagram just posted a photo!
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lgcyein · 2 months
to her surprise, yein found that she liked these action classes a lot more than she thought she would. she wasn't a huge fan of physical activity in general ( which would probably explain why the parkour class was her least favorite ), but the others ended up being more fun and interesting than she imagined. plus, with all the crime drama auditions that she's been going on recently, it's probably a good idea to have some of these skills.
but doing all this assembling and disassembling is difficult when she's put until pressure, especially when she just learned how to do all of this. and everything goes semi smoothly until one part of her gun gets stuck while she's trying to set it up. "what am i doing wrong!" she says as she turns it around, realizing after that she had it upside down.
"done!" she says, putting the weapon back on the table and raising her arms. "the thing at the end was hard! and it's not just because i had it upside down."
━━ casting call 017 ◞ badvillain.· ( @lgcyein )
action school, as her manager called it, turned out to be less like a traditional school and more like an intensive training course. indeed, seona was left feeling a bit ragged after some of their classes, especially the ones that focused on parkour. she makes a mental note to hit the gym more often, to start lifting weights and focusing a lot more on cardio than she typically does.
thankfully, their next class focuses less on their endurance and more on their technical abilities. after being shown how to assemble, and disassemble, various weapons, the actors are left alone for some free practice. seona is paired up with yein, and the two start to practice their speed and accuracy.
"okay. three ... two ... one ... go," the actress counts down, starting the stopwatch provided to the pair. on set they won't have time to fumble with their weapons, so it's crucial that they get this part down.
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lgcyein · 2 months
♡ ┊bulletproof
         with @lgcgyuri ♡
out of all the classes that they were going to take in the action school, yein was the most interested in the weapon class. but surprisingly, she's looking forward to all of them, because she thinks it'll be good for the future. who knows when an opportunity will arise where she might have to do some stunt work? now she can say that she at least has a little bit of experience in it and maybe it'll open things up for her.
still, the others have a bit too much physical activity for yein's liking. she's just now started to go to pilates regularly, but even that doesn't seem like it's enough for all the jumping and climbing that she's doing. her reformer classes and stretches are obviously not parkour.
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but she has to admit that the image of her and gyuri standing there with their big swords is just a little funny. or maybe not funny, but it's a bit of a mismatch. "ok, the instructor said that when we do a swordfight we have to slice it like..." she lifts her weapon up, then moves it down in a diagonal line. "this? right?" yein looks at the other girl. "did that look dumb?"
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lgcyein · 2 months
she breathes a sigh of relief when she gets it, glad that she didn't get this one wrong. how embarrassing would it be if she screamed out pride and prejudice and it ended up being the wrong movie?? there are a lot of movies that look something like this, like jane eyre and little women, and she can't help but get confused between them. but she can imagine the edits if she said a different similar movie, the way they would repeat it and add in clips of reactions from others. even though any screentime is technically good, she wouldn't want to be humiliated like that.
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"yay! finally!" she high fives her friend, glad that she finally got an answer right, even if she did have to get some help to do it. it just all goes to show that her and jieun make a great team, which she already knew but it's good to have a reminder. "that movie is the foundation of our friendship, honestly."
not being able to get the answer for one of the few foreign movies in the game left her outraged. it feels like the more she pictures it and knows every detail of the scene, the farther away the title becomes. it's so clear in her mind, yet it gets lost between her brain and tongue much to her frustration, but here is one of the perks of living and working with her best friend: they share a lot of these memories and two think better than one.
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so she can't help but scream when yein says it and they score another point, clapping her hands gently. "gosh. it was on the tip of my tongue but i couldn't remember the title!" she watched so many movies based on jane austen's books that sometimes it was hard to tell them apart. "that scene was so funny for some reason. we kept laughing about it hours later." she laughs, knowing only she and yein would agree to call it 'funny'.
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lgcyein · 3 months
"i think that's pretty admirable." yein admits, shrugging a little. "a lot of times when people get busy, i feel like their hobbies are the first things they sacrifice. i know i'm like that." she always used her free time to catch up with friends, or to just lay in bed and rest, so sometimes the things she liked to do outside of work got left to the wayside. "but i think it's best to try and make time for it, so it's pretty impressive that you do that. but..." she pauses, then looks at him. "if you have a lot of other hobbies, then what are some of your other ones? maybe give me a list." yein laughs. "your top three in order."
she pauses, a bit taken aback by his question, even if it's not really uncommon. "oh, yeah sure. but only because you've been nice so far." another laugh, then she takes a look at the menu. "i'll get whatever you get, and if i end up hating it then i'll invoice you for it later." she says seriously, but she can only hold the facade for a second before she breaks out into a smile. "just kidding, but an iced tea sounds good to me too."
yein nods as she listens to him, but a point suddenly piques her interest. "when do you get time to paint?" she asks. she always thought that idols were as busy as actors, maybe even more so sometimes, and she feels like she never has time to do her hobbies, especially when she's filming a drama. she barely even has time to go to pilates or eat food or hang out with friends, but she feels like painting takes a lot of time. "i heard that idols are always really busy, and i have no time for my hobbies so it's kind of cool of you to be able to still do things you like. i feel like when i have breaks i just lay in bed and sleep." she feels like maybe she shouldn't be doing that though. maybe when she doesn't have work she can drag herself out of bed to go do pilates or something. it's just that she gets so tired, and her bed is so comfortable. but she nods her head, thanking him as she goes through the door. "oh, thanks." she says, laughing a little at the sudden compliment because she's taken aback. yein had tried her best to look nice, since she not only a person but also an entire audience to impress. "you look nice too."
“ah, i prioritize my hobbies highly, so if i’m not in the practice room or out doing a gig, i try to fit in my hobbies… i have too many hobbies though, so it’s difficult to find time for it all” he hums “as for painting though, i often paint while i’m eating dinner or when i can’t sleep” he shrugs “painting calms me down, i need it in my life” he shows the other a smile. he gives a nod “you’re an actress, so i guess you know all about being busy, i know i’ve been an idol for more than half a year now, but it still feels so new to me”.
he shows a smile to the other “thank you”, “ah yein-ssi, would you mind if i call you noona?” he tilts his head a bit. 
“okay, so, we need to figure out what we want to drink, and then we can pick a piece of pottery we want to paint” he looks down at the other, “i was thinking iced tea, and you, what would you like?” he pouts a little, switches between looking at yein and the menu. though they haven’t spoken much together yet, hyoseop feels like this won’t be an awkward date, or at least he hopes so.
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lgcyein · 3 months
☽༓・    ››    ACTING MISSION 018 //  new faces awards
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normally, yein would have thought these kinds of awards were silly, especially getting dressed up for something as nonsensical as this. but surprisingly, as she was putting on her gown and getting her hair curled, she thought this was all kind of funny. never did she imagine she would be getting ready so seriously for an event like this, and she feels like the viewers would like it. at least, she would be entertained if she were the one watching the show, so she thinks others would feel the same.
she watches as her fellow actors get their awards one by one, laughing as she remembers certain little things that happen here or there, clapping as they go up to receive their accolades and waiting for her own name to be called.
"the awards for best straight face goes to...ahn yein!"
she smiles as she walks up to the award, receiving it with a bow as she holds it up next to her. "thank you! i would like to express my gratitude for this..." yein pauses, reading the plaque on the trophy. "best straight face award." she laughs a little, then regains her composure. "i would especially like to thank my parents for giving me bitter tea when i was younger, they said it was for my health but little did they know all these other benefits that would come with it. i was curious what everyone was saying about me, and if i had to drink the tea without the training i had back then, i wouldn't have been able to receive this award today." she thinks back to all the little games they did and all the episodes they filmed. "in dodgeball and in the timestamp game too, i made sure to have my game face on at all times and never let the other team know my moves."
"in the future, i will keep drinking my bitter tea, and having even less of a reaction to hardship, thank you again!"
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lgcyein · 3 months
yein sighs, pouting her lips slightly. "yeah, they did. there were just too many things coming at me at once." she had tried her best to avoid everything, but what was she supposed to do in her situation? especially considering she had never been the type who was good at games like these. it was only a matter of time before she got out, and she's actually surprisingly glad that she had lasted this long — she wouldn't have wanted to be the first one out, because even though that might have given her a little extra screentime it wasn't worth the embarrassment.
"oh! i love that one." she says slyly, patting gyuri on the arm because the other girl mentioned a drama that she herself was in. even if she didn't mean to, yein is still happy about the fact that she can act out something that she knows, and something that would be easy for her. "does it count if i was in it? well ok, how about you be namra and i'll be nayeon, that should work right?"
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yein clears her throat, then stands in front of her with a sudden serious expression. "who did what?" she says loudly and defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. "i didn't do anything to gyeongsu!"
gyuri hasn't ever been one for physically demanding games like this, personal sportsmanship often left to the wayside in favor of simply being an avid observer. so, when it comes time for a good old-fashioned game of dodgeball, gyuri can't say she doesn't feel somewhat nervous. she's excited, of course, knowing today's activity wouldn't get too out of hand ( what actor amongst their large group would risk going all out for a game that could possibly end with a ball to the face? friendly fire, gyuri optimistically believes, will be the theme of the day ).
everything begins rather smoothly, everyone finding their rhythm. gyuri herself opts to keep to the rear of the court, looking to act as backup rather than putting herself on the front lines. despite her best efforts, however, she can only last so long— she's reaching down for a stray ball when she feels a sudden thump against her side, a gasp leaving her. at least i wasn't the first to get hit, she thinks, already moving off the court with a flushed grin.
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mind already working overtime as she tried to narrow down what she'll do for her penalty, yeins appearance is one that pleasantly catches her off guard. "oh, unnie— they got you, too?" they were on different teams, but that matters little now that they're both out. smiling as she nods, gyuri continues. "doing it together would be fun! i've been on a bit of a horror kick lately, so i started rewatching all of us are dead. maybe we can try characters from that— do you have any other ideas?"
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lgcyein · 3 months
it's true that she feels like she can remember a lot of different movie scenes and lines, but when they're suddenly put in front of her for her to guess, somehow they all slip away immediately, and her mind is a complete blank. sometimes, a line feels so familiar that she knows she just watched it or saw a clip recently, like she can almost see the character's face and it's on the tip of her tongue but she just can't come up with the name or the plot.
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like right now, because when jieun says something about a lot of sisters the only movie she can think of is frozen ( which has only two sisters, but maybe they could count the snowman and the reindeer? ). but when she mentions the weird confession, it's like a lightbulb goes off in her head. "oh! with that guy and we were on the couch laughing about it! it's um..." she smacks her head with her hand trying to remember the name. "pride and prejudice!"
it's hard. way harder than she expected. and maybe her overconfidence is the one to blame for underestimating the game despite knowing she hasn't watched as many korean movies as the other actors born and raised in the country probably had. "i know... suddenly i can't remember anything." she throws her hand in the air gently, letting out a small laugh. it's ironic to say that considering she has to memorize whole scenes and does it well, but it looks like it's limited to it.
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but when the next snippet is played, jieun's reaction contrasts with her friend's. foreign movies were the ones she knew best. "oh! oh!" she exclaims, tapping her legs as she tries to link the familiar part with the movie title. "we watched this one together! the one with all the sisters and the rude guy." the attempt to lower her voice is unsuccessful as the adrenaline runs in her system. turning to yein in despair, she whispers, "it's the weird confession!"
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lgcyein · 3 months
♡ ┊double take
         with @lgcgyuri ♡
she might not be the biggest fan of physical activities like dodgeball, but yein has decided that she would be a good sport and try to keep a more positive attitude. mostly because she complains so much that it can't be conducive to a happy, healthy life, so she decided that she would keep a more open mind, and try to look on the bright side before she decided to complain about it.
but it was a lot easier said than done, and it doesn't help that now she has balls being pelted at her from all directions.
despite her best efforts, she feels a ball hit her on the leg. yein supposes that athletics really aren't her strong suit, especially when the most she does is pilates, which is a far cry from what she's doing with now. she goes over to the penalty area, catching sight of someone else running there the same time as her. if she's going to get hit by the ball, then she supposes it's good that someone else from the other team is there as well, because doesn't that mean her penalty is cancelled out?
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"gyuri!" she calls out, jogging over. "let's act out something together for our penalty." yein smiles, because she thinks this would be more fun and it would probably make for better television. "what dramas do you know?"
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lgcyein · 3 months
♡ ┊hot mess
         with @lgcjieun ♡
"ugh, i suck at games like this!" yein complains as she tries to listen to the movie snippet that they're giving them. actually, she's never been good at games period, which doesn't bode well for the fact that she's strangely competitive sometimes. but so far she's gotten only one single snippet correct, and she only got it because everyone knew it, and she was just the fastest to answer ( she blames it on the dormant competitive streak — who knew she could raise her hand that fast ). she wonders if it makes her look bad that she's an actress but can't guess these movie lines, but in her defense she's watched a lot more dramas than films.
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she listens intently again as they play another audio clip, immediately giving up as soon as she hears the first line. "this is english! i can't get this." is it even fair that they have to get foreign films as well? although if she's going to be honest with herself, it's not like she's been doing too great with the korean ones either. but even if she doesn't know the language herself, she knows someone who does, and that someone just happens to be on the same team as her. "you know english! jieun please save us!"
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lgcyein · 3 months
☽༓・    ››    LGC DATE LOTTERY 004 //  decision
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"it's not that i don't want to go on another date!" she feels like she has to preface with this first when she responds to whether or not she wants to continue the dates. she feels like this is a somewhat awkward question to ask, especially because there wasn't really anything wrong with it. "he was nice, and i had a good time, honestly. i couldn't really ask for anything else."
she wants to make sure this is clear, that it's not that she had a bad time, in case this gets back to him in the wrong way, and yein isn't in the mood to be making enemies. "but you know when you're with someone and you just know? like you just instantly click with them." yein looks at one of the staff members and laughs. "don't look at me like that! you have a boyfriend, right? you know what it's like."
her point made, she goes back to what she was talking about. "i guess i didn't feel that, but maybe it's because we had just met." not to mention all the cameras, but she doesn't voice that fact. "or maybe i'm expecting too much! but i want to meet someone that i'm sure of from the beginning and plus," she says carefully. "i think it's important to meet a lot of people in the beginning, because that's the only way you'll really know." even though she knows that the point of this show isn't to date anyways, it doesn't hurt to meet more people, right?
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