#lg taking care of cxs >>>>>
doublxpresso · 4 months
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『So... This guy's been clingy』
page 11 - 12
beginning << page 9 - 10 < . > page 13 - 14
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pastorfutureletthembe · 3 months
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Here we go again--
First thing worth mentioning is that the prime color in this artwork is pale blue. I feel like it's quite rare, most of INPLICK arts for Link Click have the same palette: burgundy red, shades of gray and black (except for the whole Surprise Beat thing which is splashed with flashy pink). All but this one:
(probably when they were 17 or sth)
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For the sake of the argument, let's say it is a significant distinction to make. The reason is simple: the teaser of the airport scene and the trailer prove that shit started three years ago, when CXS and LG made a trip after graduation. If this chronology is correct, then blue probably symbolizes Lu Guang's innocence or happiness. Blue used to paint Lu Guang but now he only sees the world in black, white and red. In the birthday official arts, blue is associated with his character. His flower is freaking Forget-Me-Not; Myosotis.
So yes, that's why I think the color palette here is relevant to the time period we're going to explore in the Yingdu Chapter.
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The couch itself is blue when we're so used to the pair sitting on a brick sofa. The cakes and the flowers are the usual shade of red, though.
On the table: red roses in a vase. Petals are all over the place. Ominous.
On the trolley: 1 bottle of wine, 2 CXS's feet, 3 glasses, 4 cakes, 5 individual desserts. The glass half full is Liu Xiao's, since it isn't on the trolley in the original artwork he is absent from. I said it in another post but the plate counts 4 portions, as in 4 antagonists, while the pudding might be Lu Guang's. The cakes are probably metaphors for timelines/curves, clocks dressed as desserts with a red fruit representing a dead Cheng Xiaoshi. V and VI are the only missing parts, just like Qiao Ling's one. CXS put his feet on the trail and I think it's both funny and tragic. I believe the correct saying is "put his foot in his mouth" but in french we say "mettre les pieds dans le plat", which literally translates "to put his feet in the plate" (to say something brutal with no tact or to do something stupid without thinking it through). He has both feet nearing timeline cakes and his head is five inches away from doomed flowers.
On the floor: 1 vintage phone. 1 camera. 2 envelopes, 3 pages of letters. 4 polaroids. Probably: 2 magazines and 3 pages of newspapers. The vintage phone could be relevant to THE TIDES, era-wise. The camera is taking polaroids and two of them are still dark, meaning they just took a shot and are yet to be revealed. The rest must be related to this chapter's plot. So much for holidays, guys (are they investigating CXS' missing parents?)
If you look closely, you'll see four different mentions of time:
Lu Guang's watch (hold this thought)
The polaroid: Big Ben
What looks like newspapers
The hourglass
We also have four mentions of information/communication
The polaroid: a public telephone box
Vintage phone (I was wondering why the phone had twelve numbers but after some research, I realized that some of them had # and *)
On another note, I don't know if their hands--
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I mean, there's something definitely happening here but let's say for the sake of my sanity that what is supposed to be noticed are the sunglasses. If I'm being honest, this is the real oddity here and the teaser weirdly showed them off?? They're standing out because everything else is so blue for one thing.
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They're pink-ish, which is close enough to magenta, so one of Lu Guang's colors (cf. Dive Back In Time). The color itself is weird for sunglasses. Lu Guang doesn't care about fashion, he wants practical. As a girl who loves pink sunglasses, I'll tell you: pink is shit at doing sunglasses' job. CXS told him to wear a cat hat, okay, but did he choose every other accessory?? My guess is that the pink served a purpose in connection with light.
And why is Lu Guang's watch on the other wrist in the artwork? I checked and LG wears it on his right wrist in the donghua and manhua. It can be the opposite for some artworks though... Or blocked from view for some reasons. It's almost as if we're not supposed to know which side is the actual reflection. 👀
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Something else is reversed here, actually: the colors AND the pocket of Lu Guang's shirt. It could be a mistake, though.
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>>>>> Basically, I think the artwork is telling us that the Yingdu Chapter is going to hurt and make us cry. If we're indeed about to see Lu Guang lose his humanity to try and save Cheng Xiaoshi for the first time therefore destroying worlds, I have no doubt it would be after Infinite Sadness™.
The real question this teaser isn't answering is either we'll go through the original timeline or a rewind. The last episode of season 2 makes me frown. How to be sure that the Lu Guang who dives exists before and not after the events we see unfold for two seasons? Is Yingdu Chapter a flash black or an actual dive itself? Lu Guang seems to be determinate and in a bad mood in the PV after all, could directly happen after one of CXS's deaths.
EDIT: someone mentioned that LG wears his watch on the left wrist when we get images of CXS getting stabbed. (It hurts right here in my meow meow)
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mykingdomforapen · 2 months
LC's Link Click fics that she holds close to her heart
So, during the SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza campaign that took place several months ago, I was so lucky to be gifted some INCREDIBLE fics. Like, INCREDIBLE. These generous writers took my silly little prompts and created masterpieces out of them and I want to shove them in the fandom's face and go LOOOK LOOOOOK they're just! So great! And I am on my hands and knees begging you to read and comment and kudos them because they deserve so much love.
Ling-jie by @bleppities
"One second, she's a sister without a brother, and the next, he's smiling at her through the lens, little fingers forming a V and reaching towards the sky." Or Qiao Ling has to make a difficult choice between the little brother forever gone, and the one left behind.
I reread this fic ENDLESSLY, especially when I need a good cry. Wowowow. This story is so moving, so tender in its raw and unflinching take on Qiao Ling's grief. This writer is so kind, so faithful, so loving of Qiao Ling and of her boys. It's so moving, and every time I think about it I get tight in the chest and throat. Oh, it is beautiful.
Porridge and Chicken Soup by kkomaism
Cheng Xiaoshi is sick. When he's sick, he's delirious, and when he's delirious, he thinks of his parents.
I am SUCH a sucker for sick fics for my blorbo, and this hit the spot so wonderfully. Cheng Xiaoshi wishing for his parents just gets me in the HEART, but I'm so so happy and touched by the way Lu Guang and Qiao Ling are at his side, showering him with tender and loving care. It's such a feel-good fic that scratches my itches, and I love it so!
hairball by Evyisevyl (00_EVY_00)
It didn't start with a hairball his cat coughed up nor did it start with his promise to buy cats. No, it started when Cheng Xiaoshi decided to get himself into an accident.
GAHHH THIS FIC IS SO GOOD!! It's such a quietly intimate portrayal of depression and post-trauma and grief as Lu Guang struggles to take care of cats while Cheng Xiaoshi is in a coma, and it is just so so gentle and tender. This fic feels like it gently picks Lu Guang and the reader up and cradles it and nuzzles it like a kitten. I want to cuddle this story.
His to Believe by @saelterlude
Lu Guang happens to visit the studio the one day Cheng Xiaoshi isn't around, thus what greeted him is Qiao Ling manning the counter. It naturally sparked a question in him.
“So where are his parents?”
Written by sael who likes to destroy me emotionally on a regular basis!!! I love this take on what was a rather vague prompt, which was simply, how did LG learn about CXS' parents, and they stayed so true to the characters and their natures. QL loves her brother so much and it exudes a deep closeness and dedication to him, which is such a moving portrayal of their relationship.
a bright sky, a place to stay by aaskew
The words ring in his mind nonstop, bringing together the need to puke. Cheng Xiaoshi’s inside curls into itself, something shy and wounded. Over the years, he’s fought trials against time and persevered amongst the most depressing circumstances ━ that moment, though? Nothing compares to how he was feeling right there.
Cheng Xiaoshi attends a party with a smile, but leaves with his heart aching.
Sometimes we gotta beat up Cheng Xiaoshi's emotions with a bat before we can shower him with love!!! This fic so firmly and intimately understands the value and strength of love and friendship, as it follows Cheng Xiaoshi navigating some deeply hurt feelings. It's so lovely and showers Cheng Xiaoshi with the love that he deserves (even if we gotta go through some heartache to get there!) and I feel like this fic is a big group hug.
swear you'll stay by Occasional Artist
Cheng Xiaoshi wants to make sure he can keep Lu Guang forever. What better way to do that than to swear brotherhood.
AUGHUGHGUHG THE DEDICATION THAT WENT INTO THIS FIC!! It delves into the culture, the history that I am so longing for, and portrays this beautiful and intimate relationship that is such a crux of ancient Chinese culture with our boys. Sworn brotherhood truly is the best way to describe CXS and LG, and this story honors that so, so much. It is earnest, it is joyful, it is so tender and sweet. AAHHHH!
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 year
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The final shot of Link Click's season 2 ending theme feels veeerrry reminiscent of the prop used in the 1960 movie The Time Machine (especially that red seat!) but interestingly enough, the actual plot being animated before us—screenshots below—seems to borrow elements from the 2002 release of The Time Machine, which is quite different from its predecessor.
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In the 2002 movie, the main protagonist's motivation for building his time machine actually wasn't in the original story (both movies are based on an H. G. Wells novel published in 1895). Care to take a guess at what that motivation was?
His fiancée was murdered, so he travels back in time to find a way to save her.
While the motivations behind the character in Link Click's ED aren't really clear, it sure does imply that this man's (implied) wife is dead.
Now, if you haven't yet and really really want to see the 20+ year old movie I'm referencing entirely unspoiled, you should probably stop reading here. For everyone else...
In the 2002 movie, the time machine inventor travels back in time over and over again to try and save his wife, but no matter what he does...something always kills her in the end. She was destined to die. Hmm, sound familiar?
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These are lines spoken by Lu Guang to Cheng Xiaoshi during the earthquake episode (s1 e5), while Cheng Xiaoshi was still in Chen Xiao's body.
SO. What does the fact that Link Click chose to reference this specific movie and this specific plot point from the movie mean for season 2??? I'm terrified excited to find out—all I know is that the implications here are making me lose my goddamn mind.
(Also the fact that this time machine is only revealed by making the figurines of the couple touch palms which directly mirrors how CXS and LG clap in order to time travel DOn'T tALk tO ME)
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chubphoe-linkclick · 6 months
People like to point to a lot of random scenes in Link Click to justify why ShiGuang being romantic is canon. Now, I'm not the creator of Link Click, I have no authority on the subject. So most the time, it's a "lets agree to disagree" situation.
However, there is one scene from Episode 1 that I find down-right offensive for people to point to as evidence of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang being an item:
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There is no doubt that this scene is incredibly beautiful and loving, but romance isn't what makes this scene beautiful, nor is it what makes the bond they share so touching and engaging to watch. The fact that they honest-to-God love and care about each other is.
What makes this particular scene really lovely is information we're given later in the show. Its full tenderness only clicks in hindsight once we know more about the characters and Cheng Xiaoshi's past. Specifically, when we understand more about how their powers work and the tragic fact that Xiaoshi is (effectively) an orphan.
So we need to back up a few steps.
The scene begins with us seeing Emma dreaming about her parents, and we eventually see a visual representation of how Cheng Xiaoshi is also experiencing this dream as her, taking on her feelings.
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Then there's her parents leaving, metaphorical for how out of her life they are now and how much Emma misses her parents (duh).
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The fun part comes from the fact that it's not Emma we see as a child at this point, but Xiaoshi. He is being left behind by his parents.
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Look at this face. IT'S THE FACE OF PAIN, and for me it honestly didn't make sense why this dream was as emotionally impactful for him as it was (on my first watchthrough).
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Afterwards Cheng Xiaoshi wakes up, and Lu Guang notices this. At times like this, I really appreciate the dub for localising what's being said better than the more literal subtitles (even though the dub definitely says some shit that just ain't true). The dub's word choices are:
LG: "You're up?" CXS: "I dreamt that I had spring rolls with my parents." LG: "Folks on your mind?" CXS: "Yeah, and they're on hers as well."
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LG: "When you became her, you took on some of her feelings and her memories. It must be tough." CXS: "... I wonder if they'll come back."
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and then Cheng Xiaoshi rolls over and starts hugging himself tightly because of the unbearable pain
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It takes a hot second for Lu Guang to realise what Cheng Xiaoshi actually means by his statement, that the 'they' in question is his own parents rather than anyone in Emma's life. Naturally, Lu Guang understands that Cheng Xiaoshi is suffering immensely right now because Xiaoshi's being forced to feel the agonising hole is his life that came from the worst thing that ever happened to him.
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And so, he reaches through time and space (metaphorically?) to comfort him, his all-time best friend and, yes, potential romantic partner, telling him that "It will work out, just rest." Because SWEET JESUS, WHO WOULDN'T TRY COMFORTING THEIR FRIEND IN THAT MOMENT!? WHO??
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It's beautiful. It's sweet. It's loving. It shows how in-tune they are to each other and that they care about each other's well being. No macho shit here, only a wholesome connection that we are all jealous of and celebrate.
Bonus analysis: knowing Cheng Xiaoshi's emotional state at this point, his re-suffering of the pain from being separated from his parents, then makes the message from Emma's mother and his reaction to it all the more emotionally touching.
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Maybe the reason he sent the reply "I miss you" wasn't even for Emma's sake in that moment, but a result of the line between his own loneliness and hers having become so blurred in that sleepy moment.
I'd just like to clarify again, if you think they're gay together: cool. If you think this scene is the reason why: not cool.
Romance isn't the highest form of love, and it's not gay or weird to love your friends. What Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have is really beautiful, and I honestly don't think I've ever seen such a great depiction of two men who are so comfortably close to each other.
Whether their relationship is platonic or otherwise doesn't really matter here. What upsets me is the unhealthy elevation of romantic love as the most true and purest form of love over all other kinds -- that you can only care about someone this much and want them in your life ONLY if you want to marry them or something -- an idea that ends up hurting a lot of people.
Romance isn't what makes this scene beautiful, nor is it what makes the bond they share so touching and engaging to watch. The fact that they honest-to-God love and care about each other is.
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good-vs-evo · 1 month
controversial and/or rare take on cheng xiaoshi GOOOO
ooh omg i’ve been in this fandom for like 3 minutes HAUSHDJDJ idk what’s controversial and/or rare BUT. have three random thoughts. i’m so sorry if this is not what u asked for
- i think cxs is bi with a preference for girls (lg didn’t know, saw cxs date two girls and was like i’m cooked)
- cxs would be the best driver of the trio. he’s level headed and chill and go with the flow and careful. lg gets road rage but in a quiet, seething way and ql just Doesn’t Want To Drive Unless She Has To
- cxs had a phase in life (like right after his parents disappeared) when, if pissed off, he would bark at people. like a dog. only ql has known him for long enough to remember. she very wisely refrains from bringing it up
yeah i’m very certain that this didn’t answer the ask IM SORRY LMFAOOO here’s another one just for fun. i don’t believe it but i’m putting it here for the amusement of the person who said it just in case they see it LMAO:
- cxs would look better as a ginger
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shimmeringweeds · 1 year
"Past or Future, Let Them Be." vs. "Even without seeing hope, it doesn't mean there is no hope."
In talking about theme, motivation, and growth.
Almost every photograph in season one conveyed a love story. Romantic, platonic, familial, it didn't really matter the form. Season one was about bonds, connections, helping one another, and fighting for a future with no regrets.
It was human. It was relatable. We all loved it.
Season two covered one photograph (two if you count Chen Bin) and a horror story, wherein "love" only brought pain. Bonds held you back, and secrets were kept before connections made. A struggle, full of regrets.
Completely different, weren't they?
I'm sure we all notice how, on the official character profiles, the stickers of the antagonists hide the "future" of "past or future, let them be"?
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Interesting. The word "future" implies hope, something season two deliberately lacked. What we witnessed wasn't a fight for the future. It was a fight for survival of the present. In that tunnel? No one was thinking about their future. The game played was a cruel one. Mercy really wasn't in the cards. Who cares about the future when you are barely surviving the present?
Let's talk a little bit about the theming of "hope."
Pt 1: Cheng Xiaoshi . Even without seeing hope, it doesn't mean there is no hope.
Hope always exists, but it's so easily lost.
The first photograph where hope is explicitly themed is DouDou's, and the timing couldn't have been better. After the earthquake, Cheng Xiaoshi is teetering on the edge of hopelessness. He's hard on himself and hard on others. "Take care of yourself now and look forward"; "Live your life, be present, move on," he says. That's not bad advice but..... it's harsh. I wouldn't say these words lack all hope, but they ask you to give up the fight for a future you dream of.
In that moment, Cheng Xiaoshi is trying to cope. He can't save them. Not all futures are possible, and it's foolish to want something you can never have. It's heartbreaking for everyone to watch.
Qiao Ling is the mediator who brings him back. She communicates and is vulnerable and honest with him about her regret.
"I thought I could escape the past... but... he still didn't give up." Haunted by the past, struggling into the present, and fighting for a future you want.
The strongest Three Star Warrior is the star of Justice, rekindling hope. As long as we have hope, we will not be defeated easily.
(also, can we just... as an aside.... their roles????? LG courage-obliterating fear, QL wisdom - light the way, CXS justice - rekindling hope. Because, if that's not blatant theming then I don't know what is.)
DouDou's case heals Cheng Xiaoshi. He helped create a future... and that is BIG. He created a future. From the past. Actively. There is hope!
But doubt still remains like a double edged sword. It surfaces again with Xu Shanshan and culminates with Emma.
Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't wait for Lu Guang before he dives. The puzzle is linking. This is his fault. He has to make it right. Immediately. Alone. There is no time.
"Why is my kindness repaid with such consequences?"
In the trunk of the car, upon the discovery that the victim is Emma, the puzzle clicks with devastating swiftness. No one is there to talk him down. It's all his fault. Emma, Xu Shanshan, Qiao Ling, his parents. Who else has he hurt? He's caught in a decision. How does he make this right? Does he follow his heart, or does he follow logic - the rules driven into his head?
It's his fault and so.... Cheng Xiaoshi does not trust his heart. But what does he trust? He trusts Lu Guang. Rules it is.
Pt 2: Lu Guang: Past or Future, Let Them Be.
There are three rules, and the third is most important. In fact, you might argue that the first two rules are simply supplemental to the third.
I'm pretty big on rules myself. They exist for a reason and keep us safe. We trust that those who make the rules know what is best for us.... but, it's not really a one size fits all kind of deal, is it?
That third, important rule, that rule that exists to protect time and everyone in it, that very rule is what is destroying Cheng Xiaoshi's heart. We know Lu Guang sees that, and we know (now more than ever) how much he cares.
His character is still an enigma that is very hard to read, so this is just speculation but -- after the Earthquake, Lu Guang's perspective on the future seems to shift. He was always working to help others, but now he's more proactive about it. He keeps DouDou's flier, he immediately contacts Xiao Li about Xu Shanshan, he tells them what he saw in the photo, he trusts Cheng Xiaoshi to act.
Emma(1) and Lin Zhen/Yu Xia (2) were jobs taken to gather information. Chen Xiao's (3-5) job was taken to give closure. These three jobs helped a person in the present. Did they change the future? Oh, yes. But that wasn't the intent. And that's why you don't ask about the future, because the future will definitely be changed because of them.
Episode 5.5. When Qiao Lings asks them to take a job for Liu Siwen, they don't know the specifics. They don't know that Liu Siwen is now an old man. Upon failure, Cheng Xiaoshi asks Qiao Ling where in the world she found such a task? Lu Guang immediately scolds and reminds him not to ask about the future. Qiao Ling interrupts him (bless her, she was really like "stop, you're being an idiot too") She spills all the details.
In the end, Lu Guang breaks his own rule (as CXS points out, though he says he's just there to keep them in line. yeah, right. ). He actively helps Liu Siwen create a future. A future he literally spent decades fighting for. And that's where the tables turn.
Both DouDou and Xu Shanshan's cases twist two out of the three rules. They actively question the future and they actively change the future. They don't let the past be. And Cheng Xiaoshi is permitted to act outside of Lu Guang's direction. He receives that blessing.
Because Lu Guang saw how much his rules hurt Cheng Xiaoshi. He saw what over protection does to a person. Cheng Xiaoshi wasn't the only one deep in thought after the earthquake.
Episode 11: Pinnacle of Light "But Emma's fate changed because of me. That's why I'll try again, no matter what happens." ------- (BIG side eyes at that wording. Yeah, no wonder Lu Guang agreed to let Cheng Xiaoshi dive into blind surveillance footage.)
Cheng Xiaoshi dives into Emma's past. As himself. He talks directly to Emma. And Lu Guang doesn't stop him. This action is the exact opposite of "Past or Future, Let Them Be." Cheng Xiaoshi couldn't get farther from that phrase if he tried! And oh, he tried. He tried to save Emma. And Lu Guang just let's him. Knowing that death node cannot be crossed. He stays silent. Because he's guided Cheng Xiaoshi as far as he can.
At this point, he can only accept the aftermath of his guidance. Let him be.
Pt. 3: Past and Future vs. Past and Present vs. Present and Future
If season one was about fighting for a future, for hope, then season two was its antithesis. No matter what anyone did, the future was set in stone. It was all they could do to keep up. Qian Jin warping the narrative, disillusioned by the past. Li Tianchen controlling the tempo, always staying one step ahead, firmly in his present hell. Li Tianxi dying in order to reach a "future" (but she's not dead until there's a funeral, we've been through this).
Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang barely communicate the whole season. There's no time to. The present moment is that merciless. The start of Li Tianxi's photograph was refreshing because it was like old times, a comfortable place. The banter, the directions, the casualness of it all.
But the past did not give way to a future of hope, and the present came crashing down hard and merciless. And it never let up. The abductions, the deaths, the tunnel. The only reason any of them make it out of that tunnel alive is, ironically, because Xiao Li showed up. (or is it ironic. He's a whole other post I'll never write. )
Season one shaped the past for a brighter future. Season two displayed firmly that the present is fixed and the past cannot be changed.
So season three?
Present into Future. Season two left us with a question to ponder.
Do you accept the fate given to you as inevitability, or do you actively try and shape it?
We see both our "protagonists" and "antagonists" (it's more grey than that, really) moving forward but they're displayed as opposites. Liu Xiao pulls Li Tianchen up, active from the present, out into a future. Does he have a choice but to move forward? Is there anything he can change about his past regrets? No. Maybe not. Present, being directed by one Future.
But Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang? They actively drag us back down to the past. And on top of that it's a choice. A desperate, active choice made to do away with the rules. Past, reshaping potential Futures.
Because even without seeing hope. It doesn't mean there is no hope.
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dreamsarebutterflies · 3 months
Are you watching the live action Link Click? Thoughts?
Hi Anon! Glad you asked. This review will be spoilers free✨
Link Click is a particular show, very different from everthing I've ever seen. I got warped into the rabbit hole in the matter of 5episodes. The fifth episode being about the earthquake.
As for the live action, the narrative choices (/changes) are so weird to me and the pace is not engaging at all. The acting isn't too bad, but I don't see any chemistry between the actors, which is a shame. To be perfectly honest, I think the scenes are too long and only half of the dialog is useful. As a writer, I don't like the show on its own. It is kinda badly written. Sorry. In my opinion, the most annoying part is Qiao Ling (the acting is off, her job barely brings anything to the story and outside of it, she has no purpose - I only watched 8 episodes though).
There are still interesting plotlines! The whole psychological aspect was surprising. The show literally broke me with CXS's PTSD after the earthquake episode. I didn't realize I needed this. It felt like the fanfictions I read everyday 😂🤌✨ I'm curious about the shrink who took an interest in CXS, and I believe he's played by the most charismatic actor in the show. The second good point is that we don't revisit the same photograph as in the doungha, except for the earthquake arc. Sadly, the "cases" aren't as interesting but it is still worth mentioning. We also get more of LG's background! And finally, the way CXS and LG dive is different. The set where they communicate is a good way to show their shared mindspace.
CXS and LG's relationship is slowly evolving into a caring one and I'm here for it. LG is an asshole and CXS is dumb, though. I don't mean it is a bad thing, but it is still disturbing that they are so out of character? The manhua made LG too sweet but it could easily be explained by his desire to make CXS happy. The doungha and the chibisodes gave them more complex personalities as well while the live action struggles to show them as flesh out characters.
That being said-
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Dear anon, you must know about my headcanon: EVERY DIFFERENT FORMAT/SUPPORT IS A DIFFERENT TIMELINE. Hear me out: the donghua, the manhua, the live action, the musical are all different timelines. The live action being release right before the yingdu chapter is not innocent at all, and it is the rawest version of the story so far.
Take Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's relationship for example. After so long, we have an understanding of Lu Guang's motivations. He knows more than he lets on, and the main reason for that is that he already lived through most of the events we, as viewers, are following. In the live action though, he doesn't understand, nor "like" Cheng Xiaoshi. He wants to test him. It could be the first or the second time Lu Guang is going through the storyline.
If this theory is revealed to be correct, the live action itself could serve as ORIGIN STORY, which would be so cool!
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renthefox · 1 year
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What makes Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi canon even though there's no vocal confirmation or a kiss on the mouth?
First of all, for whoever doesn't know, it's illegal to show gay "sexual practices" in China. As a result, the creators, even if they wanted, they are restrained by laws. It has to be expressed as strong subtext.
First of all, we have the name of the series itself, where "shiguang" means time and is created by taking our boys' names and compounding them into one: Cheng XiaoSHI + Lu GUANG. It's obviously also related to their front shop cover business as photographers, but this is what one would also call this pairing ship.
Secondly, as I've noted in previous post, the posters show them with yin & yang colours. But even the clothes used in the doghua imply their relationship is something more; CXS's bomber jacket combines both yellow/orange (his signature colours from the promos) and blue (LG's signature colour). Doesn't it have the same vibes like a girlfriend wearing her boyfriend's shirt?
Thirdly, in the chibi show, LG is a cat and CXS is a dog. I'm not Chinese, so I'm not 100% sure on this one, but many cultures will associate cats with femme fatales or with female characteristics, while dogs with masculinity as guards. In Japan, that's an actual gay lingo, with neko being the "bottom" partner, not to mention similar manga depictions in BL manga and doujinshi.
Fourthly, we are granted a short where our two protagonists are entangled in red string, while playing string ladder. Red string is a very prominent symbol for fated lovers in East Asia.
Last but not least, can we all acknowledge the "irony" of them being roommates? This has become such a meme, especially withing historical context, that I doubt it's not intended. As for the bunk beds, they're a matter of lack ofspace and money, not to mention the concept of "saving face".
Anything else comes directly from the dialogue or parallel scenes and the characters' interactions. See below.
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In ep2, s1, the scene is most likely a reference to Lady and the Trump, where the couple shares a plate of pasta and somehow end up being connected by a single noodle. We don't really see the boys eating, but the arrangement is the same, and CXS even names the dish the "male dormitory's bowl" much like the women had named theirs the "female dormitory's bowl". And the ladies, not married until their early 40s, starting a business together, using ingredients of emotional significance to each other... they are definitely together as an item.
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I think this one is pretty straightforward. They almost had a fur baby together.
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In another chibi episode, LG and CXS are meant to fight one another as training, and both are unwilling to badmouth each other as a fight starter. Even the immature CXS, who one would guess could be the guy to make a laundry list of complaints, uses his own flaws and secrets to provoke LG. And by the way, two things are revealed: a) CXS basically confessed through a fake account, and b) LG protected CXS, putting the blame for breaking the cups on himself.
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I don't know about you, but this sounds so very gay flirting to me.
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The personal space these two share is very tight many times, beyond just friends who care for each other or shy people who feel embarrassed by admitting what they like in their "friend".
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I don't know that many male friends who would rub against each other in an effort to charm the other into persuassion...
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izartn · 8 months
Since ep 1 season 1 when Lu Guang decided to not tell or confront Cheng Xiaoshi about Emma's death I immediately realised he cared more about protecting CXS, from consecuences or harm, than his own rules. And later on (earthquake arc even) that's always how his behaviour read to me.
So learning that when CXS died, Lu Guang immediately went back in time again? Yup, expected behaviour. LG is extremely soft on Cheng Xiaoshi, of course he wouldn't be able to stand a timeline where Xiaoshi died.
...speaking of Cheng Xiaoshi, I know at the start of season 2 it seems like he would let LG death go, but I think it was the mix of wrong photograph (what would he have been able to realistically do to save Lu Guang on Chen Bin body from two years ago?) and early shocked grief that made him hold on to LG rules. The second the funeral ended (or even just at seeing the corpse and understanding he's without Lu Guang forever forever) he would have been looking for a suitable photo.
He does want to change the past to avoid putting Lu Guang life in risk by kidnapping, but ends up acting anyways when he realises the possible paradox (and bc diving in LG body I'm betting all the emotions were telling him to save CXS himself. that moment of cursing past him impulsive self? very LG influenced lol) but he was very ready to change the past for living Lu Guang. He would totally risk it all if it was true that Lu Guang ended up dying for real after season 1.
Luckily(?) for us, it was Lu Guang who had to take the risk. I'm really wondering about his powers; we really need to know if he can access present-future 12 hours from one like Cheng Xiaoshi can basically teleport with the camaras on the present.
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doublxpresso · 4 months
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『So... This guy's been clingy』
page 9 - 10
beginning << page 7 - 8 < . > page 11 - 12
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spilledstars1234 · 5 months
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from Link Click? What do you think are Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Also, can I ask your top fav characters and fav moments from the series (Link Click), if you don't mind me asking (again)....? Thanks so much....
Hey there!
And of course I don't mind, i'm thrilled, actually! :D This is one of the first questions i've received so I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability!
For your first question, what i think is one of Cheng Xiaoshi's greatest personality strengths is that he cares. He cares so much, and I consider that to be both a strength and a weakness for him.
Like, for example, in the show, he often helps clients on a dive even when he's not supposed to. But no matter what Lu Guang says to not change anything, he still does so anyway, because by becoming the person, he gains their thoughts and feelings. Even if his actions aren't always right, his decisions mostly stem from his mental state at the time, and because he is such an empathetic person, his actions are a result of his emotional state. This is why I consider it a strength and a weakness.
As for Lu Guang... he's also very flawed, which I love. He's a liar, and has been lying to protect CXS ever since the beginning of the show, actually! He hid Emma's death from CXS, and in the earthquake arc, we see that he told CXS that he could save the people involved in the earthquake even though CXS actually couldn't...but, in that part of the show, we learn that he wasn't actually intentionally trying to hurt CXS, but he was just trying to protect him because he knows that CXS wouldn't be able to handle it if he actually knew that they would all still die regardless of what he tried to do to save them (because CXS' actions VERY much depend on his mental state).
As for what I love about their dynamic, I love how LG is stoic yet cares inside, whereas CXS cares and shows it openly. Like, CXS makes descisons on his mental/emotional state, while LG's descions are more rational/ logical, and LG often thinks things through before acting on something. They are such polar opposites, which i love so much!
The fact that Lu Guang is the one that chooses which cases they take based on what he sees, because Cheng Xiaoshi can be very unpredictable and his actions very much depend on his mental state, and because LG is the more level-headed one he helps him make decisions/ guides him so he doesn’t screw up the timeline… ughhh i just love their dynamic soo muchhhhh! (i ship shiguang lol)
My top favorite characters are, naturally, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi. Though I do love Qiao Ling too!
My favorite moment from the series...wow, that's hard, haha!
I have two favorite moments, actually. The first one is the scene back in season 1, the fight between Cheng Xiaoshi and Liu Min when they were in the darkroom.
My second favorite scene is the last episode of season 2, where we discover the truth of what Lu Guang did. Like we find out that LG isn't the stoic guy we all expected him to be, and that in actuality, he really, really cares. If he didn't, then why would he break all his rules and even risk breaking the timeline just to save Cheng Xiaoshi?
Hopefully all my answers were okay, and my apologies if this got long! I love Link Click so sometimes i end up ranting for a while, haha! But thank you sm, i really appreciate your questions!!!
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mykingdomforapen · 10 months
Man, the AU you mentioned about LTC possessing LG and causing damage with his voice and hands that he'll wake up to has not left my brain. I do have some questions, if you would maybe expand on it a bit!
Do you think this is a bit of a role swap, in a way? Of LG being the one possessed instead of QL after what happens with Liu Min and Emma? In that case, what could happen? LTC would have access to his memories, to CXS's vulnerabilities and fears that LG is well aware of, and coming back right after Emma's death might have CXS in a position where only words could do immense damage, without even mentioning the knife he might or might not have access to.
I feel CXS might recognize it's not LG even if LTC tried to act like him, right? But it would not make what he says sting any less, or would not make a sudden stab any less surprising as he comes back from a dive with his guard down, I guess. Ah!!
He might be possessing LG in a completely different context, too, I guess! Although he would need LTX to be around for it to be done remotely, right?
Please forgive my rambling, even just as a concept, I'm very very curious to know what you considered for that idea. Thank you for your time!
Thank you for giving me an excuse to expound on an indulgent au that I dream of whenever I have trouble staying awake during my jet lag aksjsksksk.
I admit that when I have my sleep-affected stories in my head, it is effectively Whump Without Plot so I didn't really have a logical reason of why Lu Guang would be possessed. However, if we were to make a rhyme or reason for it, it would likely be to make Qian Jin's capturing of Cheng Xiaoshi quicker. Since CXS was targeted by the antagonists because they wanted to take advantage of his abilities, after all.
(Which of course is what happens vaguely in the canon, but shhh)
But in an AU where CXS doesn't recognize LG is being possessed (or, even if he does find something odd, isn't in a position to question it), he would easily follow Lu Guang anywhere no question. So he would be an easy mark as long as the baddies can use LG to take him somewhere else.
As for my indulgent AU in which it's a completely different context, maybe baddies want to separate CXS from LG for whatever reason, make him run away from LG and make him more vulnerable to the baddies' attacks, whether to capture him or something else. In which case, they can use LG and force him to push CXS away even if it's just for one vulnerable night. And since LTX's abilities are such that she can see all the memories of a person, it would be at least enough to glean what LG's usual personality and talking style is like to make his possession seem at least believable. And as you say, if it's on such a night that CXS is perhaps already vulnerable--maybe a bad dive, or a hard reminder about his parents--really, it's about saying something hurtful to CXS that he already kind of believes about himself that would make him less likely to question whether or not LG actually means it.
Like, if a possessed LG were to say that CXS is cruel and dishonest, I think CXS would be a bit ? about that. But if LG were to call CXS, idk, clingy and burdensome, which arguably (at least in my headcanon) CXS has wrestled with in his own self-image already, that would make him a bit more likely to believe those are LG's words. Because CXS is already struggling with those worries that he is so, and hearing it from his best friend who knows him most deeply would feel like confirmation ...
(and if he doesn't believe it's LG, then possessed!LG would just knife him and drag him to the baddies we get the best of both worlds lol)
Of course, in the way that Chen Bin was able to sort of gain some sense of self when he was possessed because he was being forced to walk off the edge of a building but the love for his unborn daughter gave him some consciousness to, while unable to resist, have sentience, I can imagine that Lu Guang's love and care for his best friend and seeing the way that he was being used to hurt him would give him some ability to try to resist, or at least be conscious about what he was being forced to do...which is perhaps even worse....
Witnessing his own body and mouth hurting his best friend but unable to stop it...
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izzfr · 1 year
Was it LG or CXS the first time with the boat and what's with the photo?
Spoilers for Season 2 Epi 9
Below the Cut
It's not just me who thinks that it was actually LG the first time right? What happened at the end of episode 9 kind of supports that because of if was CXS the first time wouldn't he had known that LG would get taken? And if he knows then he wouldn't have done it in the first place the first time right? Knowing that LG would be taken in the first place wouldn't CXS not try to stop LTC in the first place?
I'm not sure what the deal is with the photo LG left behind but I honestly don't think it was for CXS to do all of that.
But also LG wouldn't have left it in order for CXS to find out information through his body because LG knows CXS. He knows CXS cares about him and QL so I don't think LG would have expected CXS to go along with the plan because LG would be in danger.
Please take this with a grain of salt because even I was confused when I was writing this, just thought I would through some ideas out there.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
actually I reblogged the ask game from you yesterday but I totally forgot to ask you some questions! I’m just gonna go with LC too but let’s go with Qiao Ling for this one: 7,16,21,22 :)
Ah, no worries! Thanks for asking ^^
7. A quote of them that you remember
Was torn between two for this, both in season two, but decided on this in the end:
"Cheng Xiaoshi, you're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it, but what I need more right now is your trust!"
Qiao Ling is usually framed as the "strong" one so it was nice to see this moment of weakness from her and the acknowledgement that Cheng Xiaoshi has been locking her out to some extent in an attempt to protect her. It's a recurring theme in the series and thus far, this is the only relationship where they've actually addressed and fixed it as an issue.
16. A childhood headcanon
I think she was always the kid who was well-liked by everyone in class, even if they're not all super close to her nowadays. Her phone's messaging screen nowadays seems plenty full and that doesn't just come from nowhere. And she's plenty sociable and empathetic in general, as we saw with her managing to get Li Tianxi to open up after the police had tried repeatedly and failed.
I do think though that she was very protective over Cheng Xiaoshi and if her friends didn't like him then she'd take them to task on that. I just can't see the comfortableness between Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao Ling existing as it does now if she let herself be befriended with those who'd insult/bully him. They may play fight, but when it comes down to it, they protect each other.
I think adults were a different matter though, as we saw in the earthquake flashback, where they both had to sit and listen to it because they were younger and not in the position to say anything without backlash.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
I think her early childhood as with most people is probably somewhat a blank, then there was the period where Cheng Xiaoshi's parents disappeared, and it was implied that CXS was lowkey ostracised for this for years. I think Cheng Xiaoshi making friends with Lu Guang probably eased some of Qiao Ling's worries about him, but a clean break like uni allowed her to properly branch out without those worries hovering over her and make new friends who didn't know or didn't care about Cheng Xiaoshi's past.
I think uni was her happiest period because after this, you get CXS and LG opening the studio and to some extent shutting her out rather than letting her in on the powers. She acts mostly like it doesn't bother her, but her outburst in early s2 about wanting to be trusted makes me think it bothered her more than she let on. Then, of course, you get s2 and I just really struggle to see those as being happy times for her, for obvious reasons.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
I think the period when Cheng Xiaoshi had just lost his parents had to be pretty tough on her. She was really young herself, but she didn't know any more than him, and she had to try and comfort him. We don't know much about the situation with her own parents aside from her dad still being around in some capacity, but I don't really get the impression that her parent/s helped much around that time from their complete absence in childhood flashbacks. So she had to be there for someone, and obviously, it's good that she *was*, but I think she ends up in the position as a result where she does prioritise *doing* things to help others over herself. Just look at her guilt over Doudou and how she held that in for years and then leapt at the chance to potentially help when it came around.
It's interesting to read her entire "maybe I'm overthinking" bit about Lu Guang's memories through that lens, at least. Because she's more of a doer than a thinker and if the memory is real, then what even *can* she do.
(I'm tangenting. Okay. Post over.)
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snorlaxlovesme · 8 months
hi, just here to say that I got around to reading your fic last night and really enjoyed it. It was such a neat framing device to have the focus of the fic to be the same event as a before:after and it was so fun how lg would keep saying/doing the same things as his past self without noticing because he may have changed with the loops and the added trauma but he's still the same person ultimately. (although speaking of the trauma, the constant handwashing worked so well. the part where cxs notices and comments on it lightly because he doesn't know the full reasons was just oof)
thank you so much for this message!! (aforementioned fic)
when i originally started writing this fic it was a just a tropey sickfic where Lu Guang takes care of Cheng Xiaoshi when he's under the weather. it wasn't until i was halfway through the first iteration of this day that i realized i didn't know if it should take place before or after Lu Guang's dive, and my greedy brain went BOTH BOTH BOTH lol
it was incredibly fun to write the same identical day twice but with Lu Guang in drastically different headspaces about it
and who doesn't love a Lady Macbeth moment, right? having Cheng Xiaoshi notice Lu Guang's handwashing wasn't important to the plot but it was important to me he noticed 😈
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