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veinspookiebear · 3 days ago
Do you perhaps have any Link Click headcanons you'd like to share with the class??
Not immediately off the top of my head, but you've given me a great reason to sit down and think about it SO!! These may be wordy I like to yap when I think about things
(They did in fact get wordy putting them under a cut so it's not a wall of text /silly)
Big fan of the headcanon that LG cuts CXS's hair when it needs a trim <3 I think before they lived together he always got it done by a stylist, but they could never get it quite to his liking. QL did it for him sometimes and he much preferred that, but she couldn't do it all the time. Then LG offers one day when he's complaining about it and gets it perfect and that just becomes the normal (LG never complains because he secretly loves his hair. And CXS maybe loves the feel of his hands in his hair too)
They order takeout a lot cause it's more convenient and works better for them especially when in the middle of missions (no wonder they're broke) but LG and CXS can both cook pretty well with the time, effort, and resources. Sometimes they cook together!! It goes about as well as you'd expect but somehow the food still turns out delicious. CXS says it's because they made it with love
QL (basically canonically /hj) clocks shiguang so hard but I think it'd be funny if she like. not quite wingwomans but does subtle things to push them together that gradually get more unhinged/obvious. Neither of them piece together what she's trying to do and she refuses to explain it even as she slowly loses her mind
QL and CXS have video game nights on the weekends. Occasionally they can drag LG into playing, but mostly he watches and commentates where he sees fit. He's in charge of snacks though
Both CXS and LG have nightmares, especially frequently after the events of S2. Inevitably they wake each other up. They have a silent agreement not to talk about things they dream about, at least not in depth (they can kind of figure, anyway), but they know how to comfort each other even without that specific knowledge. If it's particularly bad they end up cuddling the rest of the night, a constant reminder that the other is there, and they're safe for now, and they're loved.
LG actually has a ton of pictures of cosplays he did before he and CXS met. CXS found them, and ever since he's been trying to convince LG to cosplay again. It's not that he doesn't want to, necessarily, he just doesn't have the time and resources that he used to. Once things settle down, he starts cosplaying every now and then, and a lot of times CXS joins him as the other half to a duo or just another character he likes. QL joins in sometimes too. (Turns out to be a great marketing strategy)
CXS in a dress. Need I say more
(Okay I'll say more. He doesn't wear dresses or similar clothing very often, but he does have a few and occasionally, when they don't have any business and he feels like it, he'll wear one. It's made entirely worth it by the way it utterly breaks LG, without fail. QL insists that's not a bro reaction. She also wholeheartedly encourages CXS)
LG isn't afraid to crossdress either if it means breaking CXS in return. This is exactly what happened the first time he cosplayed a female character.
CXS has a loose workout schedule that he can fit around their job and maybe takes a fighting class every now and then to keep his skills sharp. He says it's for his skills. It's mostly for his skills. Having some muscle definition with his sleeveless shirts and giving LG something to stare at is just a bonus!
Projecting here but I think both of them would love Epic: The Musical. CXS would vibe with the music and know all the words and LG would analyze it and reread the Odyssey and break down source to adaptation comparisons. They would love musical theater in general actually they just have that vibe to me
Also projection but giving LG a weighted blanket. He deserves it
Plushies too!! They don't have any in the show I can recall of the top of my head and I think they would both have at least a couple. A respective dog and cat that look like their shorts versions, for sure
CXS is grumpy about waking up until he's fully functioning, then he's got so much energy he has to get up and spend it. LG is not a morning person. If there's no urgent reason to get up, until CXS coaxes him out with coffee, he is not moving.
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goldenapplefortune · 14 days ago
aw shit, here we go again.
using my main cause i never do and nobody actually checks said main account
look, i'm autistic as shit and if someone says something even mildly reminiscent of how my "father" used to talk to me i'm gonna get defensive and loud. i'm not going to apologize for that and i'm not going to apologize for having my own opinions. do what you will with that, and yes, this is directed. i don't really care if i get banned from whatever server or chat i don't have the energy to fucking talk anywhere anyway and with the amount of people i feel uneasy around i wouldn't even complain
yeah that's it. tl;dr shit that reminds me of my dad makes me loud and scared. sorry not sorry
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puppppppppy · 4 months ago
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did it seriously take me this long to realize the back of shadows head is shaped like dooms eye
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reylosaurus · 11 months ago
remember when penelope fittes showed up at 35 portland row to put the fear of god into like five kids and failed miserably
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arisoups · 1 month ago
I've been seeing a lot of mcu quillock on ao3... don't do that
If I have to explain why it's bad I will because I want to and I'm bored and i love mcu Adam Warlock
Basically... Adam Warlock in the vol 3 was taken out of his cocoon too soon, which was mentioned at least twice, i think. This means Adam was far too immature and young, making him really just a kid. Of course, not being insanely young, like 5 or 8, he was most likely a teenager. And if you pay attention to when Peter Quill was born, you would know he's in his thirties. A teenager with a 30 year old man doesn't really sound very great. Does it
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now that the newest Protocol episode is out… here are some of my scattered and disorganised thoughts! I don’t remember the exact chronological order of these happenings so spoilers for the entire episode
okay so as horrifying as it is that Colin got eaten by Freddie… that error log was so heartless and I couldn’t stop giggling
When somebody mentioned “The Captain” and Georgie was already in the episode I just grumbled “It’s Georgie ain’t it” and went off to scribble ideas about separate designs for both worlds
Gwen just fucking REFUSING to call Lena is such a mood though? She’s a strong independent woman and doesn’t need Ms Horrible Ex Boss
Sam demanding a solicitor was so funny to me like. my dude you just fell into a different fucking dimension. I don’t think that should be at the top of your priority list
Freddie printing out Colin’s face??? What the fuck man give them a break??? But also the mental image is just hilarious to me despite the circumstances
Props to Heidi for giving us a great fucking monologue but man why did she have to just fall over dead. Like man that character motivation was sick I would have loved to see further
Alright that’s about it this episode left me internally dead I’m gonna go cry in the shower now
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jontaro-kun · 6 months ago
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Whoops I tripped and my hand slipped and all of a sudden this Sonamy art just kinda spawned outta nowhere haha that's crazy
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it this is almost entirely inspired by a specific Slowed & Reverbed rendition of Ariana Grande's "Into You" and 90% of it just came from the gif they used for the chorus vdsbfvjhkbfdv
I saw it and thought "Okay how can I make this about Sonic. Hm. This song feels Sonamy-coded, and Sonic feels like the type of guy to give a girl a motorcycle ride but like romantically. Oh but he doesn't have a motorcycle. That's, like, Shadow's thing. He has a hoverboard though. And letting someone else ride with him on a hoverboard would arguably be even more dangerous than on a motorcycle...so it's right up his alley." all in the span of like 2 seconds.
Of course this also meant I needed to finally design my own Amy, usually when other artists draw her they choose one of 3 options: they draw her normally, they give her long hair, or they give her Sonic's hair; as you can see I couldn't make that choice
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So why am I yapping so much about all this? Idk I just think it's neat hdbfsvjhbhvbd
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spadesncrows · 6 months ago
i love the idea of deuce dying his hair to blond highlights or smth like that bc think about it
The last time deuce had blonde hair from what the game recalls was back when he was a delinquent, a part of his past that he continues to regret, hate and hide for the sake of moving on. He gets frustrated when he falls back into his old habits and embarrassed when he becomes angered, hating the way his own mannerisms remind him of the things he did and people he hurt. To him, the bleach on his hair was as much of a stain as his own wrongdoings. To him, there was no one without the other because every person he punched, every kid he bullied, every victim of one rude remark after another, all of them learned to avoid the head of blonde they saw in crowds knowing that out of everyone in their town, it could’ve been Deuce.
I like the idea that hair holds memories bc to me, it means deuce could have a happy ending. If he ever decided to willingly dye some of his hair blonde, I take that as him making peace with himself. To me, it is him acknowledging that yes, what he did was wrong and his actions can’t be undone, but he doesn’t deserve to berate himself for something he is trying to correct. The first step is to acknowledge that what happened was wrong and take proper responsibility for it, and he did. He took that step a long time ago and he is still actively trying to keep going and better himself and do more.
Some people don’t make it past that first step. Deuce didn’t have to. He didn’t need to become an honors student, he did it for the people he loved, for his mother.
I feel like he got rid of his blonde hair because it was the last shred of who he was as a delinquent. A minuscule detail tied so greatly to a point in his life that he despised. So the idea of him willingly bringing it back—even just a little—fills me with absolute joy bc to me, it solidifies the idea that he is the same exact person who he was all that time ago. And that’s okay. Because that person changed and grew and found somewhere to flourish even if he continues to struggle day in and day out.
Tldr I would die for this man thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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swirlingstarrynight · 4 months ago
thank you jonny sims for “for sale: baby shoes, never worn…massive baby.”
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RIP Zolf Smith you would've loved Bridgerton
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sunllghtt · 4 months ago
Falling by Florence + the Machine and Guardians of The Galaxy
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Hi I'm here to prove I'm very normal with this very deranged thing (the song is "Falling" by Florence + the Machine)
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Frustration and hate are the threads that bind the Guardians together at first. Their resentment toward everything they used to have and then got taken from them is the force that moves them in the first movie. They've all wasted years of their lives doing what someone else demanded out of despair and the need to please their abusers or avenge their grief. They can never have and keep things for too long.
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Now this is where I lean a little harder into Rocket. He's reckless and destructive on purpose, he's always looking for a bad decision to make and the highest number of people to hurt. He's rude, he's defensive, he's scared and he steals things he doesn't need. He takes things away from himself before he can even have them. And it's good while it lasts, he can get a kick out of saying the wrong words and doing the wrong things and the adrenaline might make the weight of his grief and self-loathing a little lighter, but when he sobers up the consequences are still there and nothing's changed - maybe it's a little worse.
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Rocket is a shrine to all the people he's loved and lost (and loved and lost and loved and lost and loved and lost). His body is a casket full of his own scars and parts of those he can't reach anymore. Everything he does is a reflex of what's already happened. When he tries letting people in, it's because he knows what it felt to be close. When he tries to push them away, it's because he knows what it feels to lose and lose and lose. And still, no matter how hard he tries to be angry and impassive and keep his distance, he keeps slipping and accidentally letting them into his heart despite knowing where it ends. It keeps rewriting it again and again and again.
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Time doesn't stop. It doesn't forgive him and he won't forgive it either. But he's spending it with the Guardians now, and while he still has the same scars and dreams about death and the High Evolutionary and drinks himself down, he also learns to sometimes let his guard down and care about the people who love him and dance himself up. Trust is a leap of faith and friendship is something too pure and too frightening for him to have any control over, and he'll never know when it'll end and when he'll be the last one of his people again. He can't predict the landing. But despite the trail of corpses he seems to leave behind wherever he goes, he actually found people to love and he knows who will be there, wherever they land.
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veinspookiebear · 7 days ago
This is so niche but "Would You Fall in Love with Me Again" from Epic the musical except it's after LG breaks the death node and CXS finds out about all the loops
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playgroundeyes · 3 months ago
in class today we were talking about the genre of horror and my teacher was playing the magnus archives for a little part of the lesson and I started ascending and also shaking fuck I'm not normal about this podcast I love it so much
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starglitterz · 6 days ago
guys i saw a post abt how the xreader fandom is dying and i'm ngl it made me a little sad 😞 i don't think it's dying? not to me at least but i do agree that tumblr interaction culture has died DEAD and we need to revive it 💔
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quillibop · 8 months ago
oh so she has obscure knowledge on everything not just resurrection magic
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truth-over-solace · 9 months ago
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It is three in the goddamned morning I think the fuck not ya'll are not doing this to me
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