whatudottu · 5 days
OP I hope you know your banger headcanons have got me to start wondering if there’s memes on the extranet about stuff like “introducing your Galvan friend to your Tetramand friend vs introducing your Cerebrocrustacean friend to your Appoplexian friend”
Anon I also hope you know that my first thought after I saw this ask had kinda ‘Introducing our bass player to things he’s never seen before’ vibes I guess especially for the galvan friend, who in the world of Whatudottu (and all the influences I have) headcanons is the stereotypically socially isolated intelligent species between them and cerebrocrustaceans lmao-
…hmm I wonder if I should add the names of Ben 10 aliens into my dictionary :P
Hehe, I’ll admit that while I have headcanons on the fly for galvans and cerebrocrustaceans to guess at how they’ll react interacting with a friend’s friend (ccs being more obvious and welcoming in the friend group, potentially galvans having jealousy issues or even just fascination someone can have more than one friend and ones with such differences), but I have no idea how tetramands and appoplexians would react lmao, at least not beyond your appoplexian friend being confounded by how nice your cerebrocrustacean friend is (potentially versus any bias they might’ve learnt) met with a mutual confusion when your cerebrocrustacean friend sees you and your appoplexian friend verbally and or physically roughhousing :P
#ask#anonymous#galvan#cerebrocrustacean#tetramand#appoplexian#ben 10#i’ll admit the galvan and tetramand tags are probably overkill but :p#maybe eventually i’ll think of some headcanons for the os duo as opposed to the af duo#which technically i’ve only extensively mentioned cerebrocrustaceans so it’s barely even appoplexian headcanons :P#re the bass player: it’ll be so much easier to carry someone along that isn’t your own height#but carrying a galvan is not something you can just do casually- even if it would be convenient to use longer legs as a vehicle to travel#one does not instigate carrying a galvan if you are not the galvan hitching a ride yourseld#it’s more a close friend situation if they let you carry them and even then a lot of them are particular to keeping their dignity#stereotypes of course maybe you run into an absolute jester of a galvan who’s down for making a fool of themselves#but like still- carrying anything living needs to be done carefully and that’s one of the smartest beings in the galaxy do. not. drop. them.#anyways- weren’t tetramands like apparently the best at making engines and other car accessories?#or at least have a pretty big mechanic community with the environment to specialise their vehicles?#it is khoros that holds an interplanetary car show and kevin did fight looma some odd years back for some car upgrades#if you can look fancy and drive fast on khoros where assuming the interplanetary capital sits (not to be confused for country capital cities#where just outside there’s literally like sand sharks under the ground where driving takes place? the make good cars for a reason#obviously not everyone’s a supergenius your galvan friend and your tetramand friend can be of any level of intelligence#same for your cerebrocrustacean friend and your appoplexian friend though they seem to differ in the emotional spectrum of sociology#from uber friendships to supplex friendships :P#appoplexians; so angry they constantly fight gravity :P or they snag an alliance with the lewodans thanks to ben tennyson#these tags are more rambly than usual lmao
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kariachi · 8 months
Fic! A zoo will soon be opening a handful of new exhibits...
Rolling his shoulders, Ross straightened his back and took a steadying breath as they waited for the signal. It wasn’t that he didn’t like giving interviews, he wouldn’t have his job if that wasn’t something he could do with pleasure, but damned if big changes like this last one didn’t make him nervous. There had been mostly positive responses from the public, but he couldn’t help but be firmly aware that this was something new and untested from an accredited establishment, and this interview meant there was only so much time before everything was put out for all comers to see. In time to words he couldn’t hear, he watched the man behind the camera- Cian, liked ocelots, got to pet one when they still had one as an ambassador when he was a kid- silently count down.
“Everything’s great here, Trina,” the newscaster- Keshawn, had a cockatiel at home, swore up, down, and sideways the best animal was the gila monster- crowed as soon as the count was done, flashing a massive grin. Ross didn’t even try to match it, contagious though it was. “Hi folks, it’s Keshawn Marshall here live at the Rosewood Grand Zoo to talk with Affairs Director Ross Martinez about the new area everybody is talking about. How’s it going, Ross, is everybody excited?”
“It’s great, Keshawn,” Ross said with a smile, slipping properly into interview mode, “we’re really looking forward to the opening of our new Galaxy of Life area this weekend.” They’d been planning it before they even had the space available. If nothing else it would nice to be able to call it all done and public. “We’re certain visitors will find the animals as delightful as we do, some of them are real characters.” Keshawn laughed, honest and real.
“Seeing the new friend you’ve got just over there, I don’t doubt it,” he said, glancing over Ross’s shoulder, “but I get the feeling we’ll be meeting him in a minute.”
“He’s looking forward to it.” He wasn’t sure that he was, but he trusted that if that wasn’t the case he’d have gotten word and they’d have adjusted the setting to showcase another animal.
“Until then, Ross, why don’t you tell us a little bit about this new showcase?”
“Gladly.” Ross couldn’t help smiling wider, shoe scuffing against the ground so he could focus. “Our new Galaxy of Life area has been built to showcase a collection of animals from various other planets with the hope of improving education about and empathy with our galactic neighbors through our shared love of the natural world. We also will be presenting information on conservation groups and projects throughout the galaxy, and how we all work and learn together to improve how we each take care of our planets, and help to take care of each other’s.” Somehow that had hit the worldwide conservation community like the greatest wrecking ball, the realization that not only did the entire galaxy have groups dedicated to these causes, but that so many were willing to work together across species lines. Were willing to help and accept help from Earth in turn.
He still got warm and fuzzy when he thought about it.
“That sounds amazing,” Keshawn said, “an entire galactic community coming together in hopes of preserving all the unique life there must be out there.”
“And one Earth’s conservationists are happy to be a part of. In fact, visitors will be able to see an endangered alien species we’ve already agreed keep a small breeding colony of, while learning more about conservation and conservation success stories across the Milky Way in our Cave of Wonder.” Ross had known that one would get a laugh, and wasn’t disappointed.
“You couldn’t help yourselves, could you?”
“Nope. The staffs’ kids picked it out.” They’d given an early tour to all the families, and had the children vote from a list of options. ‘Rainbowrama’ had come second place, and he was kind of sad about it. Leaning back on his heel, Keshawn just barely tilted his head to one side.
“Just how many animals can guests expect to see when they come through?”
“We have thirty-eight animals across seven species from seven planets,” Ross recited off the top of his head. “Including two species from as far off as the Osmosian and Erinaen Empires-” And hadn’t that been a shocker, when Secretary Levin had gotten wind of their plans and put them in touch with people working with those far-flung planets. “-but personally, I think the biggest attractions will be the ones from our nearest neighbors, Hasiel and Kinet.”
“And is one of those where our new friend comes from?” There was the cue.
“Yes, it is,” he said, stepping aside so that is coworker could get comfortably in front of the camera with her charge, “as Poltiff can tell you.”
“This,” she immediately started off, relatively new to her position working with their animal ambassadors but already taking to it like a duck to water, “is Spot, he’s a renkol from our nearest inhabited neighbor, Kinet.” And he was taking to the camera as well as anyone could hope, or at least Ross hoped he was. It was hard to tell, really. Stacy had described them as ‘what would happen if you told someone to draw a falcon given a few key traits and a picture of a dragonfly as an example of an Earth aerial predator’. They were easily among the strangest creatures in their collection now, and Keshawn and Cian stared appropriately.
“He’s beautiful,” Keshawn said with awe, throwing glances at Cian like he thought he might be missing this- he was not. “I thought zoos liked to give their animals names from their homeland though?”
“We do prefer that,” Poltiff said, “and all of the animals in the Galaxy of Life area came to us named appropriately, but unfortunately there’s some names that only a handful of members of staff can pronounce due to biological differences. In those cases we either give the animal a nickname or, in this case, use the translation into English.” Somehow, the news crew managed to perk up further, finally getting a grin out of Ross. Spot, meanwhile, calmly eyed them from his perch on Poltiff’s arm.
“So even in the depths of space, people are naming animals things like ‘spot’,” Keshawn asked with a joyful laugh in his voice, and Poltiff grinned back at him.
“It turns out people are people wherever you go,” she said. “Spot here is in training to join our team of animal ambassadors. He’s not ready for the job just yet, but in his downtime he’ll be on display with our other three renkol, so visitors will still have a chance to see him when they come to the zoo.”
“My kids are going to flip.” Shaking his head and visibly resisting the urge to ask if he could pet him- it showed clear as day in the flexing of his hand- Keshawn took a quarter step back. “When can I bring them over?”
“Everything will be made available to the public when the zoo opens Friday morning,” Ross said, cutting back in as Poltiff stepped back, cooing at Spot as she turned to take him back inside. The camera followed the pair of them rather than focusing on himself and Keshawn. “From which point we have every intention to keep it open for regular zoo hours indefinitely. Everyone will have plenty of time to come out and see what the Milky Way has to offer.”
“Well, you can expect me to be the first person in the door, and the last one out of it,” Keshawn said, subtly waving to Cian that they were ending the segment. He came to the realization with a jolt, driving Ross to laughter as he spun back around to focus on Keshawn as he turned to the camera. “There you have it- Ross, Poltiff, Spot, and everyone else here at the Rosewood Grand Zoo has been working hard, and we here at Heartwood News are looking forward to getting a good look at just what they have to teach us. Isn’t that right, Trina?” The air hung empty after those words for the seconds it took for the feed to switch back over, a transfer marked with a thumbs-up from Cian. Ross and Keshawn both dropped the tension of being on air immediately.
“Hey,” Cian asked, fiddling with the camera and not quite meeting Ross’s eyes, “I know we probably can’t pet those things-”
“Yeah! Renkol! I know we probably can’t touch them, but, you know I’d love to get a shot of a feeding or something. You know, a snippet to go before commercials.” Still smiling, Ross nodded, heart warming at the way they both rose just slightly on the balls of their feet.
“Lucky you, it’s just another hour before their scheduled feeding,” he said, mentally going through the routes around the new area, “if you’ve got the time to kill, I can give you a sneak peak at their enclosure while we wait. It’s actually quite the show.” And having them there, with a camera, would be a good early test for if they could advertise feedings for public viewing. The pair grinned back at him, nodding like they were testing the attachment between head and neck.
“We can make time-”
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deezerthewise · 29 days
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another bunch of aliens. this playlists a weird mix of species from multiple series, but in my AU this is supposed to be the set that ben unlocked at the end of War of the Worlds. I headcanon that it originally contained a Lewodan sample, but Rath wasn't fuckin having it and booted it out, which made room for Nanomech. Also both of Eatle's designs are now two subspecies, I like both of them... even if this means he's now even MORE similar to upchuck lmao
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omniglitch-au · 5 months
For Ben and Rath, what would happen if the omnitrix glitched out a Lewodan? I bet Rath would teach them wrestling techniques and do video chats with the grown up Tiffin
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"Heck yeah! I bet Lewodan powers rule! ...Huh, what even are their powers?"
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
What would be some funny Reddit stories based on your Befriending Ben 10 aliens post?
AITA for putting my Galvan friend in 'air jail'?
How to tell my teacher the Vulpimancer ate my homework?
Things I wish I knew before I got a Necrofriggian roommate.
Is it offensive to eat artificial tiffin in front of a Lewodan?
Why do my Sonorosian friend copy me?
My Appoplexian friend purred when we hugged and it made me cry
I have scopophobia but my best friend is a Opticoid.
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redisloser · 6 months
i would like to know more about lacto pls. seems EXTREMELY silly to me /pos
He's a fusion I made about 2 years ago of the Appoplexian and lewodan guys from that omniverse episode :] I forgot there names (sorry) but it's the guys closes sitting to Ben.
He's so silly :]
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my-alien-academia · 14 days
Eijiro Kirishima
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Ejiro Kirishma is a Lewodan quirk user. Lives on earth being his family admire Ben 10,000 for his hand for the peace treaty between there people and Pantophage.
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zimcard-artblog · 3 years
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I read about this post here and It made me think of what if the Kineceleran kids were just various types because apparently Kinecelerans would get sick on Earth within a few days due to the slow rotations. It made sense due to the planet they were born in.
I only kept ML-E as a Kineceleran because she’s epic.
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
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@coconfetti​ did this wonderful crew photo of the Null Void crew from my fan fic “Smash the Shell”. 
...and I loved it so much I just had to color it! 
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(( I missed the day in kindergarten when they taught us how to color and stay inside the lines.)) 
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plumbersnullvoid · 5 years
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Our dedicated team!  Keeping the Null Void Safe for YOU
(( lineart by @coconfetti , colors by @emperorsfoot ))
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nozominoyami · 6 years
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Just finished up a set of Ben 10 Ref Sheets for @emperorsfoot
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I’ve been rewatching Ben 10 lately, and I may be reaching, but I think I caught some subtle foreshadowing in "Con of Rath", specifically foreshadowing of Rath himself.
After Ben and the gang accept the Lewodan Ambassador’s request to deliver the Tiffin to the Pantophage, this exchange happens.
“Don't worry, ambassador. We'll get the Tiffin to his destination. You have the word of Ben Tennyson.”
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“You're talking about yourself in the third person now?”
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“Sure. After all, Ben Tennyson did save the whole --”
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“You know what? Stop.”
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Ben refers to himself in third person, just like Rath does.
Yes, this can dismissed as Ben just letting his ego go to his head a little, but consider the fact that this exchange happens after the Tiffin being in close proximity to the Omnitrix first causes it to spark.
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So, it could’ve been Ben just being cocky… or maybe, it was the tiniest sliver of Rath’s personality leaking through.
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midnightbasilisk99 · 2 years
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What if the Lyoko Warriors were Omnitrix users in other universes?
The following are the aliens I feel would be their go-to/most frequent transformations.
Jérémie: his starter aliens include Grey Matter, Brainstorm, Upgrade, Gutrot, Feedback, Nanomech, XLR8, Eye Guy, Big Chill, & Rath. His secondary list includes Perceptor from Transformers, Ripjaws, Humungousaur, Antigravitesla, Inspector 13’s species, Mewtwo, Alien Warrior from Yugioh, classic Wildvine, a Naljian, & a dragon.
Aelita: her starters include Chromastone, Echo Echo, Bloxx, Gravattack, Surge, a Revonnahgander, Synaptak’s species, reboot Upgrade, an Uxorite, & Alien X. Her secondaries are Pesky Dust, Ball Weevil, XLR8, Ophanimon X from Digimon, Heatblast, a Chimera Sui Generis, Armodrillo, Sheelane’s species, a Lewodan, & a Lenopan.
Ulrich: playlist 1 includes Fasttrack, Way Big, Diamondhead, Kickin Hawk, the Worst, Walkatrout, Pesky Dust, Unitaurus, Argit’s species, & Excalibur from Warframe. Playlist 2 includes Slapback, Astrodactyl, Rad Dudesman’s species, Snare-oh, Bullfrag, Benwolf, Swampfire, Shocksquatch, a Zaroffian, & a Karkarodon from Star Wars.
Yumi: her first list includes Lodestar, Artiguana, AmpFibian, Terraspin, Toepick, Shock Rock, Benwolf, Atomix, reboot Stinkfly, & Whampire. Her second list consists of Ingram from Bakugan, Squidstrictor, Fourarms, Ghostfreak, Frankenstrike, Snare-oh, an Acrosian, Kickin Hawk, a Sotoraggian, & Swampfire.
Odd: his starters consist of Eatle, Spidermonkey, Buzzshock, Wildmutt, Jetray, Ditto, Molestache, Crashhopper, Clockwork, & Cannonbolt. His secondary aliens are classic Stinkfly, a dolphin (Dwayne McDuffie said they were viable for transformations), a Wookie, Cham-Alien, Fasttrack, Jury Rigg, Overflow, a Maxatomar, reboot Wildvine, & Portaler.
William (normal): he starts with Frankenstrike, Goop, Gax, Ghostfreak, Bashmouth, Waterhazard, Bullfrag, Ultimos’ species, a Highbreed, & Thunder Pig’s species. He eventually unlocks Heatblast, Rocks, a Sotoraggian, Cannonbolt, Spitter, Armodrillo, Murk Upchuck, NRG, Fourarms, & Diamondhead.
XANA William: his first playlist includes Wreckingbolt, Thornblade, Undertow, Skunk Moth, Quad Smack, Rush, Hot Shot, Crystal Fist, Dark Matter, & Bootleg. Eventually he unlocks Bashmouth, Humungoraptor, Mad NRG, a Way Bad, Frankenstrike, Negative Goop, Negative Armodrillo, Mad Upchuck, Ghostfreak (in full form), & Alien V (half Chimera, half Celestialsapien).
Hope y’all like it!
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Feraska is a Lewodan from Lewoda. Inside of the Dragoon, he’s known as one to keep an eye on some of the younger members.
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kariachi · 3 years
Some quick fic to go with that au
One can only hope people are being paid enough to raise Kev
“Oh Zennith…” The chiming tone was enough to get her to sigh as she turned from her latest project. Imien was in the doorway surrounded by a cloud made of the lab’s fair, each and every ‘lizard radiating pride like little suns. In his arms he strained to carry Culmina, bright eyed and with a fidauk nearly as large as they were hanging from their jaws. She bit back a maternal urge to panic at the sight.
“How,” she managed as she moved her platform that way, checking Culmina over for damage. There didn’t seem to be any, just plenty of blood in their feathers. Imien just shrugged.
“Heard a commotion in their yard and when I got there the ‘lizards were singing like it was a holiday and your child had apparently killed a fidauk.” And so he’d immediately brought both to her. There was a reason she’d hired the Lewodan.
“Is there a particular reason for this,” she asked, directing the question directly to the source of the issue. Culmina attempted to respond, but was muffled by the animal in their mouth. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, dear.” They huffed, eyeing up the room and their prize before carefully laying the fidauk on Zennith’s platform, causing it to list forward before recalibrating for the added weight. She eyed the pest warily.
It was moments like this that really drove home how large they were in comparison to her, only three years of age and already cresting sixty pounds. If they were a Galvan they would still be decades off from having legs, and had outweighed her within days of hatching. They weren’t even sure if they were getting the right nutrition.
“It’s tasty,” Culmina said by way of explanation for their behavior and she resisted the urge to heave a sigh. Case in point, she supposed.
“You could’ve gotten hurt.” Immediately Comet projected indignance into the back of her mind, and an image of the entire fair diving in to defend ‘their’ baby. Zennith threw a mental ‘that’s not the point’ back. “No more outside play for three days.” Culmina’s eyes went wide and they keened like someone’d died.
“You heard me.” As her baby went limp, still keening, Imien nodded.
“The new fencing should be done by then,” he asked and Zennith nodded confirmation. They’d started work on a new yard as soon as Culmina had started digging, one whose foundations went deep enough to hopefully keep them contained, and with luck would keep anymore wildlife from getting in with them.
“Come on,” she said, directing her platform around them and out into the hall, “I’ll handle them for a while so you can have a break.” Tension left his shoulders as he followed.
“Thank you. I honestly thought some predator might have gone for them.”
“Well,” she replied, watching as some of the smaller firelizards perched on the baby and began trying to soothe them with their crooning, “I think we can begin worrying for the predators now.”
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at7outof10 · 4 years
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Finally got some plot written out for my B10 fan characters, now with a ship’s worth of aliens!
The Ad’Astra is a cargo delivery ship that flies from planet to planet trading goods like a perpetual fetch-quest. It’s an honest living. Its passengers are 6 individuals with one in particular filling all the additional roles with his duplicating powers. (Fiss) -The Captain- An Uxorite who’s a bit of a slave-driver when things are going bad, and they almost always are! But when all’s good they are calm and cool. -Chief Assistant- Nosey and Naggy, they’re literally and figuratively a micro-manager! But that’s just because they’re a hard worker who thinks everyone else should love their job too. -Engineer- Has the miracle touch to turn junk into useful tools, They’d be lost without his skills with machines. -Tracker- When he signed on as a ‘fast worker’ he thought they’d make use of his Kineceleran running speed, but were actually looking for a heavy lifter. Still got the job, much to his chagrin. -Navigator- A quiet Lewodan that studies all the time, using the job as a way to learn about planets and cultures as they travel abroad. The also double as a translator.
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Fiss was hired by the Ad’Astra to do all the middle-man work to fully run ship operations; sadly the other crew members don’t really treat Fiss and his copies as people, just a workforce. He doesn’t say anything about it, and continues to be content as the ‘cogs in the machine’ until one day they get a stowaway included in their cargo...
Symon loved hopping on star cruisers, having free vacations one after the other; but got mixed up when at a docking station, getting onboard the Ad’Astra instead! Lucky for everyone that he did though, cuz while in transit the ship was caught by Incurseans; ready to take the ship, cargo, and crew. The nomadic conquerors were capable of subduing one multiplying alien, but not TWO! Symon surprised and outnumbered the invaders, but in the scuffle the Ad’Astra used its warp-drive while tractor-beamed by the Incurseans, damaging their ship and flinging it to an unknown corner of space...
Now they have to find someplace safe to land and repair, before cabin fever catches on!
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As punishment for sneaking on board, Symon is relegated to a second crew-maker next to Fiss; they would have ejected him into the vacuum of space, but he DID save their skin, so it was a compromise. On the bright side, Fiss has someone who talks to him now.
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