#level 10 red alert
ladybugsimblr · 3 months
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The Squad™️ girlies are fighting and the boys are over it. Send help.
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thesunoficarus1 · 2 months
911 has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible this election season
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
thinking about putting bart in a time loop...
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genji-khushbu · 2 months
A brief history of Bangladesh and why it is relevant to the current situation
The Indian subcontinent liberated itself from the British in 1947. Two new countries were born, India and Pakistan. The Bangladesh we know today was a part of Pakistan.
In 1952, the students of Dhaka University, along with my other, marched on the streets, protesting that "Urdu"-the national language of Pakistan- would not be the national language of East Pakistan, now known as Bangladesh.
The reason behind this was that 52% of the people in the entire Pakistan spoke Bangla. There was no logic behind declaring Urdu as the national language of Pakistan as a whole. Much like India, there was no need to have a national language.
Students marched on 21st February, ignoring the red alerts. 7 students were martyred, shot by the police. But we protected our mother tongue, we established our rights, and their bloodshed was worth it.
Now, why is it relevant now? Because the history is repeating itself. Only Bangladesh's own government is playing the role of the autocratic Pakistani government. Worse, our prime minister is the daughter of the man who was the prime force behind the liberation of our country.
Bangladesh is the only country in the world that has 256 kinds of quotas reserved for various kinds of people. Even 10% for women. All are applicable at various levels, starting from primary school admissions to government jobs. 56% are reserved for quota holders altogether. 44% are for normal people.
Now, if it had been the other way around, no one would've been that angry. Bangladesh is a country of 200 million people. let's just say 1/4th of them are students. 50 million. The population of quota holders is 200 thousand. Is it not laughable? The 200 thousand students have the right to study, and get jobs and the remaining 49+ million have to fight for 44%? What kind of joke is this?
See the similarities? Trying to give everything to the minority?
The quota most applicable is the "freedom fighter" quota. The people who fought during the liberation war in 1971. Utmost respect and love towards them. But why should their grandchildren benefit from their participation? What is the guarantee that these grandchildren won't harm the country, the same country that was liberated by their grandparents' blood?
The freedom fighters who are still alive, they are ashamed. The population during the war was 70 million. 3 million were martyred. But more than half of the population fought, and the women gave shelter, food, and help in any way they could. Not every one of them collected their certificates. Most of them were illiterate, they didn't even know what a certificate was. And those who knew but didn't collect, and are alive, are saying that they didn't fight so their grandchildren could take advantage, they fought to save the country, they didn't fight for glory.
Our Prime Minister fled the country during the war. There are no records of her brothers fighting in the war either. Her father gave speeches in his white clothes but never picked up a rock to throw.
That aside, now students from almost every university in Bangladesh are protesting against the quota system. So many students cannot be wrong. And the government cannot again be right. It's the minority vs majority all over again.
Another uncanny similarity, 7 were martyred today. 16th July 2024, 7 were given their lives again, for the right study and do jobs and serve their country. What a downfall it is when our friends, seniors, and juniors are giving their lives, just for such simple rights. Where is democracy? Where is liberation? Is this what our grandfathers fought the war for?
The situation is worsening every hour. On 25th March 1971, Pakistani military forces raided homes. Not universities, not halls, HOMES. Of the general public. This was called "Operation Searchlight". No electricity, no light, no warning. Only breaking into homes and massacring men, women, children, and old, children without discrimination or thoughts. Again, something similar is happening.
There is this group called "Student League", they are students of various universities as well, but they are basically bootlickers of the prime minister. They follow whatever she says without any sense of morals.
The minister for education paid them to attack students in halls- confessed by a member of the Student League.
They entered the halls, and hospitals, beat up injured students, locked the hall rooms, and harassed the female students. The video clips that were shared, the screams of the girls, the way they were saying "Brothers save us", it's giving me goosebumps while I am typing it.
They stabbed many students who were returning home. They beat up many many girls who were silently standing by the roads. They harassed the general public.
Both sides are students. Only their teachings are different.
What's about to happen? How many more are dying? The internet connection is off. We can only access through VPN and Wifi. There is a red alert around the areas where most universities are situated. They are cutting off electricity where the protests happened and raiding houses. Again, the similarities. They are checking the homes of the general public if they are housing student protestors. If yes, the students are being dragged out on the roads. Where is freedom?
There is much more happening, which I am not even writing about right now. Much more to come.
Is this what Liberation is? Then I do not want it. If this is what freedom is, I would rather be in a cage.
My account isn't very big, but I am still posting about it. If yours is or if your friends' is, if you come across this post, spread it. Let the world know what an autocrat that woman is. What a tyrant she is.
PS: About a month ago Bangladesh was deemed "The most Peaceful Country in Asia" which is a blatant joke.
I have never been so ashamed and proud of my country at the same time.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 10
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
A shorter but very important update. Finally heading closer to the meat of the story hehe
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access! 
wc: 6.6k
warnings: violence, rage, reaper on the edge of it all
“Good fuckin’ riddance.” Harry spit onto the body, life slowly draining from his veins as he bled out on the floor. “Piece of shit.” 
Since the guy thought it was ok to sell people, to own and control their lives, Harry thought it was fitting that he had no control over what happened to him in the end. Cutting off each finger and toe, beating him, a few levels of torture. It wouldn’t make up for the lives he had stolen, the innocents that he had killed in the process, but it was some sort of revenge.
“Clean this shit up.” He barked at one of his brothers, giving another disgusted glance at the soon to be corpse before stalking out the door. His hands were bloody and bruised but he felt a tiny hint of relief. Getting rid of scum always did feel good in a weird way. One less person who would harm people who didn’t deserve it off of the earth. He liked to think of himself as an exterminator of sorts. 
“Where’s Bunny?” He grunted as he kicked the basement door shut, seeing Viper at the bar playing cards with Wiz. Cigarettes hung from their mouths as they turned to look at him. 
“Kitchen. May want to wash the blood off your hands before you see her. Look like a horror villain.”
Harry was too far gone just fresh off a kill, any consideration he had for his look at the minute was non existent. All he knew was he needed to see his Bunny if he wanted to get out of this headspace anytime soon. 
The past week and a half had been busy to say the least. With no signs of the stalker, he and his brothers buckled down on finding the last of the scum involved in Mia’s case. It took lots of convincing, but Bunny was safe and protected by his brothers. They were all afraid of what would happen to them had she not come home in one piece. 
The Reaper had been all the more violent and impulsive ever since the stalker appeared. His brothers had all noticed. Viper’s solution was to keep him on killing duty, hoping it would take the edge off like it usually did. It seemed that his feelings for Bunny went much deeper than any of them could imagine. 
Harry pushed open the door to the kitchen with his elbow, immediately feeling his muscles relax at the sight of his girl. 
“Okay so, we just want to make sure we gently tap them— so when they lift in the oven they have that little foot.” Bunny was teaching Mia how to make macaroons. Strawberry and cream ones.
His back relaxed slightly when he heard her soft spoken instructions, his body tuning into her voice. He didn’t say anything yet, going to the sink as he felt her eyes on him. 
She didn’t deserve bloody hands on her. She needed clean and soft hands with tender touches right now. His exhale was slow, trying to shift himself out of the rage induced fog. 
There was a reason people called him the Reaper. It wasn’t unknown. He turned off. He turned into someone else when he was there. The red brain space. He turned off a lot of his emotions besides the ones needed to get him through, the ones usually consisting of anger, rage, bitterness, aggression.
Shaking the water off his hands, he grabbed a paper towel and began to wipe his hands free of water, the jerky movements alerting Y/N to his mood. 
“One second, Mia.” She said quietly, patting her back. Mia knew how the score went, nodding as she turned to mind her business. She knew better than to get involved with Reaper’s business. Everyone should.
Approaching with caution, Bunny placed her hand on his lower back first not wanting to startle him in this state. It always seemed off, his energy changed completely and radiated off of him like a thunder cloud looming over his head. 
“Hi Baby,” She turned on her charm, resting her head against his back a little bit to ground him. It was better for her not to look at the blood that was being washed off into the sink, it was hard not to notice the smell though.  
“Mia and I are making macaroons, we already made a batch if you wanna taste one, I can bring it to you.” She wanted to go along with things as normal, try and remind him of how things were when he wasn’t in this headspace. 
“Or if you want we can go to our room and snuggle.”
She was always gentle with him in this headspace. It was a little scary at first but Harry wouldn’t hurt her. That was something she knew without a shadow of a doubt. Especially when she felt him relax a little bit with her hand rubbing over his back. 
Her eyes looked over his shirt and noticed it was fairly clean, except for a few specks of blood on the hem. It was a weird feeling, to think that the man who was so damn tender with her had just moments ago, been violently ending a life. And that his first instinct was to go back to her. 
“Room.” He grumbled, turning around once he was sure his hands were clean and taking her face into his palms. Y/N felt the damp, cool fingers on her skin and gave him a pretty smile, searching his eyes. 
They were dark. Different. It always seemed to happen like this. 3 times this past week and some days, he has sought her out after she pretended to not know what he was doing and found her doing something mundane, peeling her away from the friends she had made here to keep her close and breathe in her scent. 
He ignored Mia’s presence, leaning down to capture her lips in a hard kiss. He wasn’t shy about it, turning her around and tucking her into the corner of the room while he kissed her roughly. Fully. Bunny knew he wasn’t fully out of the weird, almost animalistic face and she was ok with that. She just wanted him to calm down eventually, and she enjoyed that she was the person that had that power. 
He pulled back and kissed her again, sliding his hands under her shirt and caressed the hot skin of her lower back. It was grounding to him, feeling her smooth flesh and the softness of her curves, the sweetness of her mouth and taste testing prior batches. She smelled like the baked good and hints of her shampoo. He wanted to bathe in it. “M’so angry.” He admitted against her lips. “Want to fucking…” He huffed, resting his head against hers. “I don’t regret it, Bunny. I’ll keep killing those fuckers. I’m going to keep doing it and I’m going to keep coming back upstairs to wash my hands and find you after.”
He warned her. “I should terrify you.”
“You don’t.” She wasn’t lying. He didn’t scare her, maybe a little, but only because she could tell it wasn’t him. Was it dangerous for her to believe that she was the only one to get him to calm down? Would her luck run out one day? It was something she tried not to think about too much. She preferred to believe him and their feelings for one another. 
“It’s just what you do… I understand, you aren’t like that with me. Why would I be afraid?” She asked the question that was never really meant to be answered. Instead she moved to press another kiss to his lips, her hands wrapping around his wrists to hold them comfortably. 
“Come on, let’s go. We can watch a documentary about sea lions.” After their little trip to Vegas they’d been watching a lot of animal planet. Something about the animals also calmed him down. 
“Let me just tell Mia.” She would have to fend for herself with the macaroons. She only had to let them bake off and cool off now. The filling was the easy part.
Harry leaned against the doorway as he watched her go to inform Mia when he heard his name being called from the front room. It was Kid, he knew, but he wasn’t sure what the fuck he wanted. 
“What?” He snapped, stalking through the kitchen with irritation obvious on his face until he saw the red envelope he held in his hand. “What the fuck is that?” 
Though in his stomach, he had a sick feeling. He already knew. 
“It’s addressed to you.” He said quietly. “To Reaper. It was stuck in the gate, someone shoved it up between the bars. I saw it on my way in.” The envelope was snatched over quickly, Harry’s anger boiled again heavily in his stomach. 
What the actual fuck?
“Funny, you think you can keep her hidden from me. I see her everyday.”
Harry was just about to snap when he noticed the back of the note felt a lot like a photograph. To his own horror, there were photos of her in the parking lot on a few desperate occasions this week. His Bunny, oblivious and stunning as ever, on her way back to this place this fucker has now made his way to. 
Any ounce of solace he’d found in Y/N’s touch a few moments ago had drained from his body, replaced by a new, much more sinister rage.  Without much thought, Harry slammed his fist against the nearest flat surface which just so happened to be the kitchen door. 
Kid took a step back immediately, trying not to flinch at the flying pieces of wood now scattered across the floor. 
The room went silent, nothing but Harry’s heavy breathing and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. 
“That’s it!” Reaper was here in full force, not even noticing the blood gushing from his knuckles. “I’m going to butcher this rat. I swear to fuck no one better stop me, I will end his entire blood line so help me god.” His breathing was heavy, teeth grinding against one another. 
Bunny stood speechless, not really sure what to do in this situation. She wasn’t even sure what he was yelling about until she noticed the envelope. 
He’d found them?
“Reaper.” Viper barked as he watched Harry go towards the door. “He isn’t out there. He wouldn’t be. Don’t go shooting into the road.” He had watched as Harry took the gun from his back holster and held it in his hand, the rage shaking through him. 
This place wasn’t easy to find. But obviously, whoever the creep was, didn’t just fuck around. It was making Harry angry. Yes- it had been their idea to poke the bull, but it only made him more upset now knowing the lengths he would go. The disregard he had for his life meant that was the same for his thoughts on Bunny’s- he didn’t care. He was insane.
If he had any clue what Harry belonged to, what his name meant, the rumors and whispers, he would know better. Obviously he lacked sanity for the fact he was stalking someone to begin with but after all the warnings, after all the attempted scare offs… he was still at it. 
“He’s watching her. He’s at her school. He’s insane.” He shook his hand in the air, the gun waving around. The safety was on- Bunny was in the room. “I’m going to lose it.”
“I know, brother. I know.” 
“No! None of you caught someone taking photos?” He hissed, looking around the room as he raised the weapon. “None of you saw a fucking camera?”
“Obviously not. Put down the gun.” Viper ordered. “Your girl is in the room. Put it down.” He said it lowly, the twitch in his hand and the reminder making him listen. 
“I’m taking her away from here for a while. We’re fucking leaving. Make sure someone is at her mom’s place. Nowhere is fucking safe around here.” He hissed, turning to Bunny. “Go get your stuff. We’re going somewhere away from here. Wiz- get us on a fucking plane and someone go get me fakes to get out of here. I just-” He ran his bloodied hand through his hair, not even feeling the pain with the anger that made him burn. “How the fuck did he find us here? There’s a gate inside a gate.”
Bunny took this time to approach him once again, setting her hand on his back as she always did and tried her best to stay calm. She needed to be calm for him. All she wanted was for him to come with her, but it seemed like Viper wasn’t going to let that happen. 
“Let me clean up your hand and I’ll go pack.” She spoke in a gentle and level tone, reaching for his bloodied hand without hesitation. It hurt her to see him like this, so angry and distraught because he couldn’t do anything about it. He was trying his hardest, she could see it. She wished she was able to help more. 
Viper looked at her in warning, obviously worried about her safety. He didn’t know how they were in private, she felt like he had no right to command her. She knew what she was getting herself into. Bunny looked from Harry’s hand to Viper with a small pout, hoping he would let her do this. 
“Follow me.” Viper let out a sigh, leading Bunny towards their in house infirmary. She made sure to keep an eye on Harry, rubbing his skin to soothe him the best that she could. He was still heaving, she could see the cogs turning in his head.
He was like a live wire. 
Bunny watched his face carefully, not afraid of him but afraid of what he may do. It felt like the last few days he had been like a dog pacing in its cage, but this was a whole other level.
His jaw was clenched and his breathing was heavy, but his face had turned stone cold. His eyes? They were dark. Hot. Livid. She was treading with caution. 
He was on another planet right now. He was in protector and killer mode at the same time and it was killing him. Reaper wasn’t one to run away from conflict in any capacity. Harry, however? He just wanted to keep Bunny safe. That was his goal, always. Her safety. 
“You okay to be alone?” Viper asked Bunny. He didn’t want to offend Reaper but he also took her safety seriously.
“Yes, I’m okay. He won’t hurt me.” Bunny repeated once again, knowing it would only be worse if they were to separate the two of them. If they wanted Harry to calm down in any capacity, removing her was the worst they could do. 
Viper eyed the two of them for a moment, facing an internal battle. He couldn’t live with himself if he let Reaper hurt her, but for some reason, he trusted her. 
“I’m going to help Wiz sort out your trip. When you’re done here just meet me in my office.” Viper spoke calmly, giving her a look as if to say ‘be careful’. The metal door made a quiet crashing sound as he left, leaving the two of them alone. 
The bright overhead lighting of the infirmary wasn't creating the most soothing atmosphere, but Bunny tried her best to be the softness Harry needed as she guided him to sit on the bed. 
Her hands delicately pushed his hair away from his face and behind his ears, watching his snarling expression carefully. 
“Can I get the first aid kit?” Her words were gentle, not wanting to leave her stop from between his legs if he wasn’t ready. She knew her body was something that kept him grounded and she didn’t want to irritate him.
He simply nodded. 
It felt better in the quiet. No music, no nothing but the gentle touch of Bunny.
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny. 
He had to keep her safe. The rage bubbled again before it ebbed, her hand stroking over his arm as she returned with the kit. He wasn’t worried about the split knuckles or the throbbing he felt in his hand. He had a high pain tolerance for as long as he could remember, but he felt a bit bad under all the anger about her life being disrupted. That he couldn’t just be… a normal protector. That he had to worry about snapping. 
He’d always had a bad temper, but this sort of anger was new. He hadn’t cared too much about anything else for a long time. Now that he cared so much for her that it felt like she was injected into his damn blood, he felt out of control. Not having control over finding this guy was making him  feel certifiably crazy. He’d never been sane, mind you, but he even knew it was bad now. 
His thoughts lingered on how he had never wanted to take someone out more. The person who caused all of this shit, who made it unsafe for her to even be alone in the places she had grown and loved. The places she learned.
“Baby?” She whispered softly in an attempt to get his attention, gently starting to wipe off the dried blood as she disinfected the open wound. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna,” Bunny cooed, “just come back to me.” 
She let the hand holding his caress his skin in a form of comfort, using tweezers to get the splinters out from under his skin.
“You’re very angry, I know… I can imagine how frustrating it is— you are doing everything you can.” She wasn’t sure if her words would be of any help, but she wanted to say them anyway. “You’ll get him, I know you will. But for now, we are here.” 
A small hiss came from her as she watched the peroxide bubbling over the wound. He didn’t even blink. It made her heartache seeing him so empty and drained. 
Harry watched as she began to wrap his hand with gauze, turning it a bit to make things easier for her. He’d never had someone handle him with such care in this state. It baffled him to think she wasn’t afraid. How could she be so brave? To trust him when he didn’t trust himself. 
“All done.” Bunny smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the bandaged hand. She didn’t expect him to speak, she was waiting patiently till he was ready.
He sighed, looking over her face. She was so fucking good. A little damn angel plopped into hell and he had to be the one to protect her. He’s never experienced such a panic in his life. Self doubt that he would be able to keep her safe. 
It fucked him up considering this was supposed to be the safest place.  That someone could get by without being noticed was a tell to some sort of skill. Wiz was an incredible guy when it came to security and electronics. He had either blocked the alarms or there was some sort of rat. 
He couldn’t trust most of these people right now. While he definitely felt guilt for that considering he knew 99% of them were on his side, there was a possibility someone wasn’t. And he wouldn’t chance that.
“Damn it.” He snarled. “You… I should be taking care of you.” His face showed irritation and instead of backing up, she repeated the soft action of brushing his long hair back out of his face that had fallen out of his low bun. “I’m supposed to take care of you and you’re here… fucking bandaging me up. Being so fucking sweet. “
“Is that so wrong?” She asked confused, “Think I wouldn’t be taking care of you if this wasn’t happening?” Of course she would be. Bunny enjoyed caring for him and providing a little bit of peace in his very rough and heavy lifestyle. 
To think he’d ever imagine it as a burden, as if life wouldn’t have thrown something else wretched and horrid her way had it not been this. 
“You are taking care of me. I’m here and I’m safe.” Bunny tried her shot at getting him to see things from her perspective. “You need me right now, that’s okay… I’m right here.” It had almost become natural for her to tend to his anger before she began to process her own feelings. She didn’t think it would help to dwell on the idea of someone watching her, she was already paranoid enough as it was. 
“I want to help this feeling, I know I can’t, but please… you have to let me.”
He growled in frustration. It was almost infuriating how sweet and understanding she was because it was his problem. He felt like he was making shit even harder.
“I just… I feel like all I fucking do is drag you down. This was supposed to scare him away.” He stood up, walking away from her. He needed to breathe, to pace for a minute. “This shit was supposed to protect you. And I made it worse.” 
He tugged at his hair, his bad hand throbbing at the action. He really was wanting to pull his hair out. A woman like Bunny didn’t belong in this decrepit, dangerous place and yet he had dragged her down. There was no  way out of it either, not without the guy being dead.
All he knew was that he had access to the school area, was good at technology, was lanky and tall and was a little bitch. A creep. He hated him more than he had hated anyone else because he had no regard for Bunny. It was obvious at this point. 
“I need to take you away; like a fucking coward. I’m running away but I don’t give a fuck. We need a break. You need to be somewhere you feel safe. You think I don’t see it?” He asked, approaching her again. 
“You think I don’t see when you disappear inside your head and you try your best to just pretend like you’re fine? I see right through it. You’re not processing any of this shit of whatever it is you’re supposed to do. And I’m worried. I’m worried about you, mentally, physically, emotionally.”
He was right. 
She hadn’t been processing it properly, but she was in distress and though he was blaming himself for making it worse, who knows what would have happened if he continued? It was just like Bunny to divert the conversation though. It seems Harry wasn’t having it today. He stopped her before she could speak. 
“You know I’m right about that. Bun, listen, I’m not in a good fucking space right now. I don’t even know how I’m talking to you cause I’m my head I just want to tear this place to shreds. I need you to tell me if I’m stepping over the line, cause you’re being so fucking sweet— I don’t deserve that!” He shook his head, the last line coming out a bit louder than he’d anticipated. She could only shake her head at him. 
“Harry— I’m trying to deal with it how I can. We both are. It hasn’t really hit me these past few times, I haven’t been letting it. I just know I won’t be able to keep going on with my life if I think about it too much. You know I’m in my head because I’m trying to self soothe… there is no answer to these feelings, they fucking suck. I know. This guy is fucking crazy. He could have done worse if you didn’t get involved. Who knows? The what ifs are killing me. Please don’t blame yourself for any of this. It’s not your fault.”
He swallowed thickly, his heavy breathing the only sound in the room before he dropped his hands, letting them smack against his sides. 
He didn’t mean to explode on her. It’s the last thing she needed. She didn’t need his shit on top of everything else but he was so… so fucking scared. He didn’t like the idea of her getting hurt. He didn’t like that she wasn’t communicating it with him. 
“Can you please just tell me… tell me about it when it does come up? When you feel like it’s too much?” Harry was well fucking aware he wasn’t the easiest to talk to. He wasn’t. He was  intimidating and easily irritated and he had tried to build a wall between them in the past. It would be understandable why she would be hesitant before but now? Now he was doting on her. 
He wished she trusted him. 
“It is my fault. You shouldn’t even be in this position. I wish you had been able to fucking trust me enough when it first started happening so you could have told me. I know that it’s my fault you didn’t. It isn’t your fault at all.” He huffed, walking back to her. “I don’t deserve your sweetness . I was supposed to look out for you when Sterling left and now look at this shit.” 
He felt like he had failed. He had failed her.
She was trying her best to stay level headed, trying not to blame things on herself for not telling him sooner. Seeing him like this was making her emotional, she didn’t want him to be so stressed. 
“I’ll try, I promise.” Bunny said with a small sigh, “It’s hard for me in general. It's not that I don’t want to tell you these things, it’s just hard for me.” Y/N swallowed thickly, looking up at him with glossy eyes. “I didn’t think not telling you would come to this… I would have told you right away.” 
Bunny snaked her arms around him in a hug, squeezing his body to hers, listening closely to his heart beat. She kept her head there for a few moments, relaxing as she felt the weight on his hand cradling the back of her head.
They were a mess. The both of them. Harry knew that this wasn’t exactly healthy- nothing with him probably would be- but he didn’t have it in him to stop his indulgence for her comfort.
He couldn’t keep himself from pulling her as tightly as he could to her body, exhaling heavily as he pressed a few kisses to her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m fucking sorry for all of this shit.” 
The hoarseness of his voice caught her off guard. His anger was still there but he was still being soft with her. That was the difference. He never lifted a hand meant to harm her. Never. He never would. 
“It’s okay. We’re going on a trip and we can just… we can try and forget about this for a little bit.” She whispered against his shirt. “Just pretend to be normal for a bit. I don’t even know where we’re going but I’m going to be safe with you. Maybe we can feel ok when we get away.” Her choice was muffled against the fabric but he heard it. 
“I will do my best, baby.” He mumbled against her hair. “Don’t think it’ll ever be normal with us again.”
“Okay everything you need is here. For the time being, you are Ryder and Kitty Davidson.” Wiz spoke as he placed the documents on the table. “I got you rings as well, congratulations.” He winked trying to make light of the situation. 
“You’re flying First class to London. Your flight is in about 4 hours so you should get heading to the airport as soon as possible.” He continued, looking up at Viper to confirm the details. The two of them thoroughly planned this trip to ensure their safety. 
“I’ve booked you in indefinitely at the Londoner hotel. It’s very central with high security. They know you want your privacy and for their reputations sake they won’t fuck up. If you want to change locations, I trust Reaper knows his way around better than me.” Wiz let himself trail off as he tried to remember anything else he might be missing. 
“I’ve arranged to have a car pick you up under the name Davidson. It’s one of our own so no need to worry. He’s returning a small favor.” Viper added, checking his phone for any other updates before looking at the two of them. 
“We’re going to have some decoy cars leave first. One is going to Reaper’s place, one will be going to your Mom’s, and the third out of town.” Viper explained the plan, “We’re leaving through the underground exit in a completely different vehicle. All you have to do is finish up with packing and we’ll be on our way.”
Bunny was still amazed at some of the things the club was able to do. There were a lot of whispers about the things they were a part of from the normal people, the people around the town. But based on their assumptions, no one would have realized they had this sort of money. 
Harry had explained they had eggs in a bunch of baskets, some legal and some… not so much. That meant an influx of cash and places to launder it through.
She knew if this was any other time,she would be asking tons of questions. Why? How? What? But right now she was putting her trust in Harry and the guys of the Devil’s Keepers. Viper and Wiz had always shown up for her since she met them and it was a welcome thing to have. 
“Thanks for putting this together.” He nodded at Wiz, taking the folder from him. “We will call you when we land with the burners.” 
“I’ll be prepared for a thick cockney accent.” Wiz joked, making him snort. Yeah, right. He was more of a Manchester and London hybrid but that wouldn’t make sense to him. Harry’s accent had thinned since being here as a teenager but he knew that it would thicken the moment he stepped back there. It usually got stronger when he talked to his mum on the phone, so he could imagine how easily he was going to fall into it later.
Bunny had never been out of the country before, this was something completely new. The thought of it was actually exciting if she ignored the whole point of the trip. The running away from a stalker bit. 
Harry had always talked about his life in London, with a fondness she really saw in him elsewhere. It was as if he wondered what his life could have been had he been dealt a different hand. It seemed like his life there wasn’t that fruitful, but his returns to the country had always been pleasant.
“You packed warm, yeah baby?” He asked quietly, his Reaper persona taking a step back now that they had a plan. In all honesty, he was relaxed because he knew his way around London better than any man. He swore it. No one would want to willingly go to his ends. That he was sure of. 
“We’ll get you more clothes.” He spoke without even listening to her response, he had a feeling there was nothing warm in her duffle here in Vegas. Poor girl was in for wind and rain and clouds.
“We will?” She quirked her brow. “And just how will I do that?” 
“M’gonna buy you some. You need jumpers and jackets. The only one you packed was one of mine.” He gave her a slight look but it was in jest. He liked her in his clothes. The black jumper with slightly frayed sleeves tended to be her favorite and he wasn’t going to tell her no. Thankfully he had been able to grab some warmer clothes but not too much. He’d need to shop as well. 
“Well, I did want to buy some stuff.” She admitted, leaning her head against his arm while she looked into his duffel bag. “You know the cool shopping places in London? Not the designer ones but hole in the wall shops?” She liked to buy stuff that was unique, but she didn’t have the chance too often here. Her slip dresses were a staple but she did want to get some good jeans in London. 
It was definitely a way of coping. Y/N knew that eventually she wouldn’t be able to push the fact that this trip was to evade danger from the back of her mind anymore. She would have to accept it at some point. But god damn, did she want to pretend it was just a trip with her… boyfriend? Lover? Whatever they actually were. 
“I think so.” It’s been a few years since I’ve been there.” The last time he had traveled back was 3 years ago, briefly. Only 2 weeks to get some things settled. He hadn’t been back since. “We’ll have to see. Things change rather quickly, but I found a place last time when I ruined my trousers.” He replied, zipping up the duffle bag.
“All right, Sniper say we are all set to go. If you have everything, let’s get to the car. No time to waste.” Viper was a bit on edge himself, not having expected someone to find the clubhouse. Nonetheless, he had no intention of letting Harry know he was worried. He needed Reaper to have a break. As much as they needed him, for all of their sakes, it was better he went. 
The sound of their footsteps against wet cement echoed as the four of them descended down to the tunnels. They had a few for safety reasons. They had a bunker, a few rooms where most of their dodgy business took place. Killing and disposal and what not. Towards the end though was a garage full of three cars with the exact same plates. One was red, one was black, and one was white. 
“Take your pick bun.” Viper decided to make light of the situation. These cars were all clean. For the most part. They were mostly used for situations like these, getaways for safety. The plates changed after every use so they couldn’t be tracked. They cycled through wrapping them in different colors. It was all to keep things as anonymous as possible.
Bunny went for the white one. The red would get attention, the black was an obvious inconspicuous choice, but the white was a medium level. Harry was quiet for the most part now, helping her in and waving to Mia. She was playing decoy. Her hood was up and it was obvious she was a woman but the tinted windows would hide some of her features, making it easy to confuse the both of them. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly to her. Despite not talking to her much he appreciated even the slightly risk she put herself in for Y/N’s sake.
He got into the car with her, placing his hand on her thigh immediately. Y/N noticed this was something he did subconsciously. He didn’t even really seem to think about it. Every time he sat down next to her or drove with her, his hand would rest on her leg. Squeeze or rub or just rest still, he liked having a hand on her.
Her hand rested on top of his with a sigh, fiddling with his anatomical heart ring. He had a few he switched around but he rarely took this one off lately. It was chunky and large but it suited his hand, bruised knuckles and all. Her cheek rested against his arm, trying to let go of her nerves. 
“S’okay.” He comforted quietly. “We’re getting a break from this. Maybe the guy will get tired of it. If he doesn’t… we’ll come back rested enough to finally get him.”
Harry was exceedingly exhausted. His eyes were heavy all day but he couldn’t sleep. Nervous about her, about the freak breaking in somehow, someway, and hurting her. It plagued him like a nasty sore that wouldn’t heal.
Wanting to keep the stalker off their trail meant that Viper and Wiz had to stay low profile. The guy would recognize the two of them and they didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he had other members who had not been seen with Bunny to drive all three cars. 
“Be safe, yeah?” Viper nodded at the two of them from outside the window. “Have fun, little rabbit. Enjoy it.” The words were tender as they fell from his mouth. He wanted nothing more than for her to enjoy her time away from all of this. To have a bit of freedom again. 
Bunny gave him a small smile and nod, watching as he gave Harry a small fist bump before their window was rolled back up. The sound of roaring engines soon filled the space, each car making their way out. They had a few come out the front as well, this creepy wouldn’t know what was coming.
She didn’t dare to speak up as they traveled down through the long, narrow, and dark tunnel. It seemed like it kept going and going. She wasn’t sure how it got there, but she was starting to think she shouldn’t ask. 
Instead she snuggled further against Harry in the back seat, continuing to dig her face fully into him. It seemed his scent was able to do something to keep her calm since she couldn’t exactly wrap herself in his bedsheets anymore.
Harry didn’t like not being the one driving but he has to make that sort of sacrifice today. It wasn’t too big of a deal though, considering Bunny was nearly burrowed into him.
Harry, before her, wasn’t a fan of physical touch at all. He took his partners from behind, making them hold whatever was in front of them so they didn’t touch him. He barely kissed, barely allowed them to do a thing besides suck him off or spread their legs for him. It was very willing people, too, but still. He wasn’t a warm and fuzzy person. He would peels hands off of him and step back to avoid hugs or touches, keeping it hand handshakes for most, or a back pat or two. 
That’s partially why it was so weird for him that he felt so grounded when Bunny touched him. The comfort that he felt when she would brush his fingers with her own or press a tiny kiss to his hand, leaning against him. His own body seeking her out for it. That had shocked him and made him feel incredibly out of place once he stepped back from it. The good thing though, was he didn’t hate it. 
If anything he fell into it more and more each day. Initiating more and more like a nosy little puppy, chaste and gentle touches like fingers under shirts playing with her bracelets or adjusting the hair in her face . It felt a bit pathetic he wanted to touch her every day, if he was being honest. He’d also never felt so good with it. Her fingers tangled with his own little kisses that didn’t lead to anything other than a smile. 
He was fucked. A goner. He had become well and truly soft, obsessed, possessive, enamored with the girl he definitely shouldn’t. Sterling is still going to beat his ass, and Harry is going to let him. 
It was worth it.
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jinnify · 5 months
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irreplaceable pt. 2 — park sunghoon
pairing: sunghoon x idol!reader and a little bit of jay x reader genre: idk tbh LOL warnings: none word count: one thousand four hundred fourteen now playing: killing me by ikon extended note at the bottom. part one.
It had been a little over a month since you had broken up with Sunghoon when he received news of you being in a dating scandal with one of your seniors. If he were honest, he’d say he hadn’t ever expected you to move on from him that quickly, but maybe it had just been him overestimating how much he mattered to you - instead, he sent you a congratulations message that you never even opened.
Sunghoon, of course, had immediately started talking to his crush as soon as you’d broken up with him, trying to distract from the strange string of emotions you had stirred up within him that night. It was never more than a couple of dates before he lost interest in her.
Sooner or later, Sunghoon deleted your number from his phone, seeing how you had been caught with your presumed boyfriend more than once. It had been a mystery as to who you were dating as celebrity media outlets had only released your name, but Sunghoon felt bothered by it nonetheless.
Months passed with no news about you, which led him to quietly pass the time without thinking about you until end-of-the-year practices started ramping up for the entire industry. Suddenly, Jay would arrive at practices with a warm meal in hand, much too familiar with the way you once did for him. 
He tried to push away the many thoughts of one of his members and best friends dating his ex-girlfriend until he noticed a notification with your name on his lock screen. 
Sunghoon swore he died a little inside. How could his friend do this to him? To not even speak to him before trying to pursue you. Sunghoon was heartbroken for more than one reason that day. 
It took everything in him not to drag Jay out into the middle of the room and confront him for what he was doing behind his back. Instead, he went home without a glance back at the room filled with people. Sunghoon calmed himself down after an hour of pacing back and forth throughout his dorm room. He hadn’t been rationally thinking. 
Would Jay really do this to him?
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The breakup had taken a toll on you. You hadn’t been able to eat or sleep well, which led to a lack of energy when you had practices that resulted in poor performance on music shows. You were more than aware of how dramatically you were reacting to this ordeal given that Sunghoon hadn’t even liked you, but that didn’t stop your heart from breaking every time a random memory of him doing something nice for you popped up in your head.
You tried to convince yourself that you hadn’t ever felt anything for Sunghoon yourself - that your infatuation had come from how handsome he was and you would get over this little slump in no time. 
You flopped around in bed, leaning over to look at your member’s alarm clock. 4:00 AM shown in red letters blinked back at you, taunting you with its horrendously bright lights.
This had been the third night in a row that you had been unable to sleep.
You felt your phone vibrate from under your pillow, alerting you of a text message. It took you a second to completely register who had sent you a message before you replied. Jay had asked if you were awake, wondering if you wanted to meet by a local convenience store. It only took you 10 minutes before you snuck out of your dorm, and were on your way to meet up with him.
You had never expected the level of true amity that would bloom between the both of you, but you were grateful to have had Jay there for you through one of the worst times in your life yet.
Neither you nor Jay was aware of the stirrup it would cause the next day when it had leaked that the two of you had met up late at night and after a stern interrogation from both of your managers, the situation had been cleared up without a problem.
The nightly outings with Jay continued whenever you couldn’t catch a full night’s rest, too preoccupied with your thoughts to give out. More and more of your fans had begun to speculate online, but your shared company never commented.
You had only recently started making Jay meals and dropping them off once you had started feeling better to repay him for all the money he had spent on your ice cream. Little thank-you notes littered the tops of the lids, cheering him on as you were both about to get very busy. 
It wasn’t until Jay asked you to stop that you realized there was a problem with what you had been doing. Of course, Jay had kept the reason for his hesitation to himself but it didn’t take a genius to understand what was going on.
In a fit of anger, you messaged Sunghoon’s number, still having his contact saved in your phone. It was a wordy message, filled with obscenities you wouldn’t have ever repeated to his face, but you were rightly upset that Sunghoon had the gall to be angry at his friend for comforting you as any normal person would have.
Who did he think he was to dictate his friend's actions?
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If Sunghoon were honest with himself, he’d admit that he knew Jay dating you shouldn’t have bothered him as much as it did. He hadn’t even actually dated you - his friend was more than validated in his right to pursue you. 
He didn’t completely understand what bothered him more, the fact that it was Jay who was dating you or that you had moved on. He knew he should be happy for you, especially since he knew how hurt you had been when you broke up, but he couldn’t find it in himself.
He often caught himself daydreaming now, imagining how it must be for you and Jay on your dates. The glimmer in your eyes that had once been only for him to see was now shining for someone else. There was a sickly feeling in Sunghoon’s stomach, one he knew he shouldn’t be feeling.
After a while, he started avoiding Jay as much as he could. Sunghoon hadn’t expected the misery that would accompany him after your breakup. There had been an intense guilt that had started eating Sunghoon from the inside out. Couldn’t he just be happy for his friend?
Awards shows came quicker than he would have wanted. Sunghoon had managed to suppress his feelings long enough to get through practices, but he had no idea how well he’d hold up if he came across you with Jay. On top of that, you were upset with him over his reaction to your relationship.
It was only the beginning of award season, but Sunghoon had already seen too much. The smiles shared between you and Jay did not go unnoticed, and he hated it.
He hated just how much he wished your smiles were directed at him.
Sunghoon’s intense stares didn’t go unnoticed by you either. They were difficult to miss when you could feel his eyes burning into you whenever you stood to applaud his group. It was an intense feeling to know that you were being watched with such disdain, but there wasn’t much you could do. Jay tried to comfort you as much as he could through text messages whenever he was in his green room. 
After one particular performance by your group, you ran into Jay and his members, excitedly congratulating them all with hugs as Sunghoon distanced himself as much as he could. Again, you felt his stern stare, hesitantly turning to him you gave him a thumbs up and a smile.
You figured keeping things civil wouldn’t hurt, despite being annoyed with how he was acting lately. Unsurprisingly, Sunghoon didn’t return the small gesture instead he looked away from you almost entirely.
Yes, you hadn’t expected much from him but it still hurt. You didn’t understand where this hostility came from. The last time you had physically seen Sunghoon he looked like he was on the verge of tears, yet now he stood looking miserable at the thought of your presence. 
The thought hadn’t even been processed in your mind before you were walking toward him, escaping your member's hold on your hand. 
“Sunghoon, can I speak with you?”
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EXTENDED NOTE. ok she's not done but I really really struggled with her so I just cut it off here 😔 I promise the next part will be nicer and probably fluffy <3 also jiji I thought I was gonna post this yesterday but I didn't ansorrriiiiii
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writing-whump · 2 months
Waking up
Isaiah wakes up after the operation. Mention of open chest wound, though not too detailed. Emeto down below.
Matthew sat down on the chair. Then got up just as quickly, barely stopping himself from pacing.
Seline sat straight on the other side, hands next to Isaiah's. She knew he had the operation, she was wrapping her head around the heart problems...but seeing it, seeing him like this, pale, unresponsive, with sterile thin gauze covering the long opening wound in the center of his chest...a gaping long line, like a bloody chasm-
Matthew gulped down audibly, gaze jumping from one corner of the room to the other.
Seline gave him an angry look. "You can't throw up here. If you can't stand it, go away."
Matthew flinched. He flinched almost everytime she spoke to him since the first talk with the doctor.
"No. I-I can take it." The red-haired man set his jaw resolutely, glaring at the opposite wall. After a minute he dared to flick his gaze towards Isaiah again. Like he was building up a tolerance to that sight.
Seline let out a tiny sigh. On some level she relized she was pretty hard on him. Espcially now, when they had bigger problems. But something about her seething resentment towards Matthew held her together. It was an easier emotion to focus on than the breath-taking sense of betrayal or stomach-clenching fear for Isaiah.
Or the horrible guilt in the back of her neck, like pressure gathering that told her this was all her damn fault for not noticing on her own.
For not being close enough, present enough to witness this, to help, to be someone they wanted help from.
Matthew was back on the chair, squirming on it. He braced his elbows on the matrass next to Isaiah taking slow measured breaths through his mouth.
Shouldn't blood be an easier sight for wolves?
Seline didn't know why it didn't bother her that much. There was more of a fascinated distant mortification that was a hole to Isaiah's inner organs, only with a bit of sterile gauze to protect it. She had to actively force herself to look away, cause it kept dragging her eyes towards it like a magnet.
Time lost all its meaning. Bodily functions didn't have any effect on them. There was no way either of them could eat or sleep or leave, and ignoring any tiredness in face of the tension in her back or Matthew's gritted teeth was easy.
This was the most alert emergency mode and it would probably crush them later. But right now the adrenaline was like 10 coffees in their veins.
So Seline had no idea how much time actually passed—it could have been a few minutes or two hours—when Isaiah started shifting around on the bed.
A soft groan escaped him and his eyes fluttered for a minute as he fought the grogginess.
Seline and Matt were both standing by that point, each from one side, breaths held back.
"Isaiah?" Seline called out softly.
Isaiah's face scrunched up, but his eyes finally opened. "Hmm? Where..." He looked to her, then to Matthew, scanning the room in confusion.
His eyes drifted downwards to his chest, the hospital gown, the blanket draped over him, several tubes and IVs sticking out of his hands.
The machine he was hooked to started beeping immediately as Isaiah's breath caught in shock.
Seline's put her hand against his cheek, coaxing him to look up at her. "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, alright? At me, not there. You are fine, you are safe, everything’s gonna be okay."
Matthew's hand was on his shoulder, applying the gentlest pressure.
"You had a surgery after a heart attack," Seline settled on the truth. "But everything worked out. It was successful. You are okay and gonna be completely okay."
"Why-why is that-" His green eyes were wide and his breathing was hitching from how fast it came.
Matthew grabbed Isaiah's forearm, palm wrapped around his elbow. Isaiah's fingers curled into Matthew's shirt in a vice grip.
Seline mirrored the movement, taking Isaiah's other hand into hers, the other still on his face, stroking gently up and down his cheek. "Shhhhh. We are here. We are here. You will be alright in no time. They are just letting some pressure and swelling up. It will go down and they will stich you up in a few hours. Your shadow will heal everything and you'll be all good in no time."
Isaiah's head twitched in her hand towards Matthew, like he wanted to check it added up.
Seline knew, she knew how close they were, all three together. That this was good, having them both by his side. She had never felt threatened by the closeness Matthew and Isaiah shared. All the experiences and commonalities, the quiet understanding, the open affection.
Now it made her feel like an outsider, disgusting bitter taste in her mouth.
"It burns..." Isaiah said, mouth twisting, looking at Matthew. He was gripping his hand like he was about to break it. "Like silver."
"Yeah, I know, buddy," Matthew said gently, his face drawn in pained lines. "They had to use silver cause your shadow was healing up all they did, even sedated."
Isaiah looked ready to cry at that admission.
"But not the opening wound," Seline interjected. The doctor's explanation ran through her mind nonstop. "Just around the blocked artery. Once they sew up your chest, the anesthesia wears off and you will be able to heal it up with your shadow. It will be just around the heart that will take a bit. But patients after these operations get home quickly, in just a few days after."
Isaiah nodded shakily, his breathing still fast, but not rising anymore. His hold on her hand tightened.
Seline brushed some of the black curls out of his face, then kissed his forehead. "Everything's alright. You are safe. We're right here and not leaving."
Isaiah looked towards the ceiling. "I don't like hospitals," he said, lips twitching in an attempted smile that couldn't hold.
"Nobody does, man," Matt said quietly.
Isaiah swallowed heavily, lips chapped and dry. He squirmed in their hold like he was testing how much he could move.
His body jerked suddenly and he looked down and up again, breathing in deeply.
"Shhhhhh. What is it?" Seline said, trying to catch his attention with her hand still pressed against the side of his face, thumb rubbing up his temple.
"My mom." Isaiah forced his eyes closed than opened them to little slits like the light was too much. "She-she was in a hospital with her heart...send her home and she died of it." The jittery twitchy quality to his movements was persisting, his head flinching towards Matthew. "Am I going to die?"
Matthew paled more than Isaiah's hospital sheets. "No! Of course not. No way we are letting you die, right, Sel?"
Isaiah's eyes went to hers in such fearful hope her heart squeezed, eyes burning. "You are not dying, baby. You are very strong, very resilient. They are taking good care of you."
"We wouldn't let them hurt you," Matthew said in a gruff voice. "Promise."
Isaiah looked towards the ceiling, straining in their hold with involuntary movements. "I want to go home," he said in a small voice.
"We will go home soon," Seline reassured him, leaned down to kiss his forehead. "It won't take long. You'll go to sleep for a minute, your shadow will come back and them you will heal up completely at home. All good."
"We won't leave your side for a second," Matthew added. He was focusing on Isaiah's face intentely to not mind the covered wound. He held Isaiah's forearm still up in the air with one hand, rubbing his shoulder with the other steadily.
"Hurts..." Isaiah whined. A single tear slid down his cheek on the side she was stroking it. "I don't feel good."
Seline thumbed the tear away, pressing her forehead gently to his. "Just keep looking at us, okay? None of this is important. You are okay."
"Want to go home," Isaiah repeated. The coherence was waning, his voice growing weaker. He blinked in exhaustion, another tear coming up.
Seline fought tears of her own with all she had, heart beating painfully against his ribs. She let go of Isaiah's hand in order to push the call button on the side.
It felt horrible, cause knowing he was awake, they would sedate him and check him if they could close the wounds...which was good, but it scared her that he would be closing his eyes again so soon.
Isaiah shuddered as the doors opened, people rushing in. "I don't-I don't want-"
"Just for a bit, buddy," Matthew said softly, cupping the side of Isaiah's face for a second before letting go. "We'll be here, when you wake up. First thing you see, I swear."
When the whole team of people came fussing over, Seline was forced to let go of Isaiah's hand. She never wanted to be a doctor more than in that moment to just know what was happening, what they were doing with the IVs, what they were checking him for.
A nurse ushered them out, saying they were about to roll him away to close the chest.
Seline stood in the hallway a little lost how quickly everything was happening.
A muffled groan interrupted her thoughts.
Matthew was leaning against the wall with an arm, pressing his palm against his lips with a nauseous expression.
He really held out that long for Isaiah, hadn't he?
Seline's heart wrenched at the realisation. She stepped closer, putting her hand on his elbow. "Come on. I saw a bathroom on the way."
Matthew let her steer him away from the wall to the small one-stall bathroom around the corner. She shut the door behind them to give them privacy, glad she could follow him in.
Matthew gagged against his hand, lowered himself down to the toilet in haste and burped emptily over it. "Ugh."
Seline hesitated, but then crouched down next to him as Matt shivered, gagging again. "That was a horrible sight," she agreed.
Matthew hiccuped, burying his head inside the bowl. His shoulders rolled with another empty gag. Then another muffled noise that sounded dangerously close to a sob.
Seline winced, risking to put her hand in the middle of his back. Her eyes were burning and her throat was all closed up. "Just get it up. You'll feel better in a minute. Deep breaths."
Matthew's shoulders hitched, wrapping both hands around his stomach as he heaved and heaved.
It made her suddenly wonder how much of this was Matthew's shadow reacting badly to stress, to having so many strangers around. How much did the pack behaviour play into this? Stressing him about the fact that was their pack leader too?
Shadow wolves weren't good with strained situations, emotions running amok easily. And Matthew's shadow was a hassle on good days.
She rubbed his back up and down gently, then added more pressure, thumping at his shoulder blades.
The motion ushered up a sickly burp and finally a gush of vomit spilled out.
"There you go," Seline said, stroking wide circles on his back.
Matthew let out a whine. His stomach was gurgling so loudly it echoed through the tiny bathroom. His whole back arched into her hand as another wave of sick splattered into the toilet, liquid against liquid.
He coughed against a choking noise before straightening up, nose and lips dripping with saliva.
Seline tore a bunch of toilet paper and handed it over. When he didn't take it, she gently dabbed at his face on her own, then threw it into the toilet and flushed.
"A bit better now?"
Matthew swayed dizzily, grabbing onto the porcelain rim for support. His eyes were glazed over and shimmering with moisture.
Seline made a move to stand. "I'll get you some water."
His hand on her wrist stopped her. Matthew didn't tug at it, just held it weakly. "Wait."
She lowered herself back to her knees with a sigh. "What is it?"
"Just-just stay." He looked away in shame, sniffling. "Please."
Even her anger didn't reach that far. And after seeing Isaiah rolled away with that gaping hole in his chest...
She pulled her hand out of his grasp only to take it properly. A tiny squeeze.
Matthew hang his head, not looking up, his elbow braced against the toilet seat. His breathing was evening out and he didn't seem so nauseous anymore.
Seline couldn't stand that look no longer, reaching over impulsively to wrap her arms around him.
Matthew gasped in suprise before letting himself sink into her embrace. His hands came around her waist, pressing tightly like that was all that he wanted the whole time.
"It's okay. We're gonna be okay," she said into his hair, burying her nose into it. She hadn't realized how much she craved this, how much more complete she felt with Matt pressed against her like this.
They held onto each other in that tiny bathroom, Isaiah's tears fresh in their minds.
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spiderispunk · 2 years
📱 phone sex with tasm!peter?
Dial Tones [p.p.]
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Phone Sex. Mutual Masturbation. Dirty Talk.
Summary: Peter gets a much-needed distraction after studying all night.
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It starts innocently enough.
Peter’s studying in his room when he gets the text. Just two words, but the invitation in them really speaks a thousand. 
You up?
A grin flits over his face. He’s grateful for the distraction, more than happy to turn his attention away from the list of equations on the page in front of him. In the last hour, they’ve begun swimming off the page at an alarming rate.  A swirl of numbers, letters, symbols, each more confusing and infuriating than the last. Peter was just beginning to think he was going to chuck his book out the window if he didn’t take a break soon. An extreme reaction, maybe, but such was the effect of a 300 level biochemistry class.  
So, he gladly takes the life raft you offer him. 
Peter swipes the message open, and types out a one-handed reply: Yeah. Studying for Richard’s exam. 
Gross. Comes the response, not 10 seconds later. And then. Need a distraction?
He chuckles. You’ve managed to read his mind from miles away.
Peter shifts in his chair, hunching over his phone. He’s not quite sure why he’s trying to hide. He lives in a single dorm, a lucky find for a freshman. Maybe old habits die hard. 
Depends. What do you have in mind?
Why don’t you come over and find out?
His lips twist into a frown. It was twenty minutes past midnight, which normally wouldn’t stop him, but he had a test in less than 8 hours, and a 40 minute commute on top of that probably wouldn’t be the smartest decision. 
Can’t. It’s too late. 
Your loss. The message has a photo attached to it. Peter sucks in a breath when he opens it. 
It’s poorly lit, almost secretive. The image of you angling the photo in the dark of your dorm room sends a bolt of electricity down his spine. A teasing shot of your shirt bunched around your hips, with your hand down the front of your sleep shorts. In the corner of the photo, the barest flash of lavender panties. 
Peter’s tongue swipes over his lower lip. 
Change your mind?
I really can’t. My exam’s at 8 AM. I’d never get back on time. 
My roommate’s out.
You’re really pulling out all the stops tonight, huh?
I just really miss you. Can you blame me?
Another photo. This one a clear shot of your panties hanging low on your hips.  
Peter’s face warms. He scrubs a hand down his face.  
Don’t you miss me? He can almost hear the seductive lilt in your voice. 
The next image he receives nearly has him tugging on his shoes and hauling ass to the nearest subway station right then and there. Your panties off screen, fingers buried between your bare thighs. 
Peter fumbles out a reply, grateful you can’t see how red his face is. Course I miss you honey. And after a beat. Are you touching yourself? 
And thinking of me? 
“Fuck.” Peter exhales. His shorts grow uncomfortably tight. He fidgets in his seat, subconsciously palming his aching dick.  
Good girl.
Wanna see? 
Hell yeah.
The FaceTime alert shatters the quiet of his room, and startles Peter into action. 
He answers the call, mouth dry. The phone’s camera is pointed at your pussy, giving him a perfect vantage point to watch two of your fingers swirl around your clit. 
“P-Pete,�� you whimper quietly. 
“Ah shit, baby,” Peter whispers. His dick throbs almost painfully. “Look at you.” 
You moan at his encouragement. “Couldn’t stop thinking about you. I want you so bad.” 
“I see that.” Peter shoves his shorts down and spits into his palm. He wraps his fist around his dick and groans breathily. 
“I’m so wet.” 
And fuck he can hear it. The slick of your fingers slipping as you pleasure yourself. The little breathy whines low in his ear. 
“You’re killing me, baby.” He murmurs. “I wish I could feel you.” 
“Wish you were fucking me.” You reply, voice ragged. “Show me. I wanna see you jerk off.” 
“Wanna see your face.” 
“Count of three?” You ask, and Peter chuckles. 
“Sure. One.” 
The cameras flip in unison. Peter’s breath catches at the needy look in your heavy-lidded eyes. The curve of your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. You whimper, yes audibly whimper, at the curve of his dick. The pink head weeps with precum; the translucent pearls dribbling down the shaft.
“Fuck yourself with your fingers.” Peter swallows thickly. “Pretend they’re mine.” 
You do what he says. He can tell because your eyes close slightly and your breath hitches. “They don’t feel as good as yours.” 
“I know, baby. My hand doesn’t feel as good as you either.” It’s a poor replacement for the real thing. “I’ll make it up to you.” 
God, he wanted to be with you so badly. Curse Richards and this stupid exam. He wanted to be the cause of your growing moans. Wanted to hear you pant his name in his ear. Wanted to feel you wrapped tight around him, the slide of your skin on his. 
“Tomorrow, as soon as I finish my exam I’m coming over,” he promises. 
“Yeah?” Your voice is barely a whisper. “To do what?” 
“Gonna get my mouth on you. Make you come with my tongue.” He bites his lower lip. Just the thought makes his stomach tighten. “Then with my fingers.” 
“I love your fingers.” 
“I know you do, honey.” Peter smirks. “That sound good to you?” 
“As long as I get to blow you after.” 
Peter tightens his jaw. “Baby, you can do whatever you want.” 
“Can I ride you?”
It was one of your favorite positions, so that made it one of Peter’s as well. He liked to watch you. See the way your body rolled forward with each trust. Watch the furrow of your eyebrows when you got into a rhythm that really worked for you. Watch your breasts bounce, and your body shudder as you crested that blissful peak.  
“Fuck, yeah.” He tilts his head back. “Shit, I’m close.” 
“Me too.” 
“Gonna come for me, sweetheart?” Peter asks, a heady rasp in his voice. 
“Uh huh. God.” You curse, eyes rolling back into your skull. 
Peter’s hand moves a bit faster. “Nope, just me, baby. Want you to come all over your fingers, and I’ll come all over mine.” 
He can barely keep hanging on anymore. The coil of warmth within him threatens to unravel. 
“Ah.” You whimper as you fall apart. The sound strikes his ears like glass on stone. A beautiful tinkling. 
Peter’s answering groan is broken. Guttural. The phone clatters to the floor, but he’s too far gone to care. He spills onto his hand, his thighs, his stomach. When he’s finally spent, he slumps back on the chair boneless. His hand searches aimlessly for his cellphone, fingers wrapping around it. 
He’s greeted by your smiling face. “How’s that for a distraction?” 
“Perfect.” He pulls his shirt off and cleans himself up. 
“How much longer do you think you’ll stay up studying?” 
“Another hour maybe.” He tosses the balled shirt towards his laundry basket. It lands on the floor a few inches away. 
You yawn, stretching out on your bed. “Don’t stay up too late. You don’t want to oversleep and miss your exam.” 
Peter knocks on the wood of his desk. “I’ll set two alarms.” 
“Let me know how it goes, okay?”
“I will.” He rests his chin on his hand and grins at you. “Thanks for the photos.” 
You wipe a hand over your tired eyes. “Anytime. Night, Peter.” 
“G’night.” Peter ends the call, reluctant to begin studying again. 
This time, the equations manage to stay on the page for much longer, and by the time Peter finally shuts his textbook for the night, he's feeling much more confident.
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ouiouibaguettt · 1 year
Bienvenido De Nuevo
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Aitana Bonmati x Savannah Sonnet (oc)
request from @liverpoolfan96
—> For the aitana bonmati one say oc and aitana are together and oc comes back after a long term injury and comes on for aitana and she kisses her and wishes her luck
warnings: no one
words: 1.2k
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I hadn't set a foot on a pitch for 10 months because of my injury, if you don't count the training sessions I had to do to get back up to level.
It was the 46th minute of the match and the Colombians had the ball in midfield. Fortunately for us, Liana Salazar pushed the ball too hard with her dribbling.
"What a mistake by Salazar, who pushed the ball into Savannah Sonnett's feet," said the commentator. "Wow, the American player has just fallen to the ground because of her knee, which reacted very badly," he added. "I hope it's not too serious for her," added the other commentator.
Unfortunately, I was still on the ground, my knee in my hands, when I heard Rose and Sofia shouting my name. "Are you all right?" asked Rose as Sofia quickly alerted the medics. "My knee, it's hurting too much, Rose," I cried as the medical staff arrived.
Once on the stretcher, they took me to a room to do a few tests before confirming at the hospital. "Do you want someone to go with you Savannah?" one of the medics asked me, "Yes my sister please." I replied, my eyes still red. "All right, I'll get her," he said, before leaving to find Emily.
When he came back 10 minutes later with my sister, I already felt a little safer with her by my side. "Do you want your phone while we wait for the results?" she asked, "Yes please" I said, holding out my hand towards her.
I was scrolling through the stories on Instagram when I saw her name appear on the screen, and a little smile came over my face despite the pain and sadness of the moment.
My 'Tana
I hope it's not too serious, and even if it is, I'll be by your side every day despite the Euro! I love you, don't forget that and be strong!
Call me when you know what you've got!❤️
Luckily she was there, even though she's over 8000 km away. It had been over 2 years since Aitana and I started dating in secret, as we were still young and worried about people looking at us, so we preferred to tell only our closest family and friends. I was very lucky to be able to play for the same club as her, despite our different nationalities. During the season, I still get to see her asleep on my chest with my arm around her, while during international camps I wake up to Kelley or my sister snoring. Very charming, you might say.
When the results came back I was devastated. I'd ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament. Not being able to set foot on a pitch again for at least 10 months? It's worse than pregnancy! Luckily I had my sister, my girlfriend and my team-mates by my side, otherwise I don't think I'd have had the strength to fight to play again one day. If only I'd known that my comeback would be in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final against Chelsea, I'd have prepared myself mentally beforehand, because stressing out before a match is anything but good.
Waking up before a match is always complicated, especially when you know you're going to have to make your comeback in front of a full Camp Nou. Despite the mounting stress, I know I've been waiting for this moment for the last 10 months and I absolutely don't want to spoil it - I've been waiting too long for this moment, the moment when I'll see my number in green on the board so I can make my comeback.
As we arrived at the stadium for the inspection, the fear of hurting myself again started to appear before I'd even put on the shirt and touched a ball. Having sensed my distress, Alexia came to my side to reassure me that she too would soon be back on the pitch and that the team would soon be complete.
"You're scared, aren't you?" she asked. "I'm terrified to be honest, I'm afraid of hurting myself again at any moment, but I know I need that fear to motivate me now, because the match has already started," I said as I started to go into the changing room to put on my kit and warm up. "Don't worry, we're all behind you if you need us, you know that, we believe in you" she said, "Thank you Alexia, really, I can't wait for you to get back out on the pitch too" I said before letting her leave with the other players not selected for the match.
"Good luck mi amor", I said, whispering into Aitana's ear as I walked behind her, leaving my hand on her back. "Good luck to you too, baby, I can't wait to see you on the pitch with me," she said, leaning on my hand. "Try and score for me when you get sub in," she whispered before kissing me on the cheek. And then she left me like an idiot, with a little smile and my fingers on the cheek where she'd kissed me.
We were in the 84th minutes into the match when Jonatan decided to bring me on for Aitana. After the mini-warm-up, I went next to the scoreboard where I finally saw my number on it. I see Aitana come forward to clap my hands, but not before taking me in her arms and kissing me: "Bienvenido de nuevo, mi amor," she says. "Gracias mi Tana," I tell her before running off to take my place to the sounds of applause by the fans.
The final whistle: we were in the Women's Champions League final! I couldn't believe it. Despite the excitement spreading through my body, I first went to congratulate the Chelsea players before feeling a small body jump onto my back. When the person dropped, I knew immediately who it was. "Mi Tana," I said, taking her by the waist and twirling her around me. "I'm very proud of you, especially after everything you've been through in the last 10 months," she said, kissing me in front of a crazy Camp Nou. "Thank you for always supporting me and staying by my side," I said, resting my forehead against hers. "I'll always be there, you know that," she promises me, before taking my hand and heading off in the direction of the others to cheer the crowd. "I was sure you were together," Patri admitted, putting her arms around our shoulders, "You're adorable," Alexia said, and soon the whole team and staff were complimenting us. "Would you rather talk about our relationship or celebrate our place in the final?" asked Aitana half-heartedly. "THE FINAL" replied the whole team, sprinting into the changing rooms, singing and dancing.
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sorry I couldn’t post because of the classes!!
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macgyvermedical · 6 months
Hi! I am working on a fic in which the main character (superhero in the MCU) gets hit by a villain's unknown gas that causes extreme and irritational fear/paranoia/anxiety (sort of similar to the DCU's fear toxin, I guess). I'm just wondering how this would work medically, as the character will obviously see a doctor after the fact. I'd like the conclusion to essentially be "you'll just have to let the toxin/drugs run their course," but what kind of tests would be run, and would they be able to determine what exactly is in the character's system? (Since it's a reality-flexible universe, there can be elements of the toxin that aren't actually real or familiar/recognizable to make it cause some of the reactions I'm wanting.) Is there any sort of meds they might give the character? Any insights you might have to make the conversation with the doctor at least a little realistic would be very helpful, thank you! :)
Sounds like a pretty standard day on my observation unit haha.
There are lots of drugs, particularly stimulants, club drugs, and THC, that can cause paranoia and anxiety. The thing is, none of them do it consistently enough that you could easily make them into a chemical weapon like you're describing.
The closest IRL chemical weapon to a fear toxin is called QNB (aka BZ). QNB is a deliriant/incapacitant, meaning that it causes incapacitating confusion, hallucinations, and probably paranoia and anxiety as well without causing death. There is no antidote that has been identified, and the drug really does just need to run it's course.
Let's say your character went to the emergency room. They'd probably draw some blood and take a urine sample. The blood would mostly be used to see how the person was doing physically (what their electrolyte levels were, how many red and white blood cells they have, what their blood glucose is, etc...) and maybe get an alcohol level. The urine would be used to do a urinalysis (basic test to determine whether someone has a UTI or has things in their urine that shouldn't be there, like blood or mucous) and a urine tox screen.
Unlike what most people think, a urine tox screen won't identify everything. It will just identify the top 10 commonly abused drugs. It's the same test that they run when people start a new job. If the fear toxin is a common problem in-universe, though, they might have a specific test for that that could also be run on the blood or urine. We don't have a specific test for QNB.
Once they got all the tests back and they were normal, they would know this was probably either a drug they couldn't identify or a psych problem. They might gets seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency department, but if intoxication was suspected (as in, the patient reported that their symptoms started when they were exposed to a drug), psych would probably want to wait until the person was sober.
For this they may be admitted to an observation unit to let the drug run its course. They might also be given an antipsychotic medication like olanzepine or haloperidol, or a benzodiazepine like lorazepam to decrease agitation/paranoia/anxiety.
If the person was a flight risk due to their paranoia and it was deemed that they couldn't make good decisions for themselves, they might also have a 1:1 sitter or a video sitter to stay with them and stop them from leaving (or in the case of a video sitter, alert nursing staff to them trying to leave).
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tili-tili-bom · 1 year
Natalia looked at Fury with a bemused expression. “This is above my pay grade. I’m pretty sure that this needs at least a level 10 clearance.”
The SHIELD Director did not look at least amused but he handed her what basically amounted to a pay raise and new clearance badges. “Why not use Rogers? He’s already chummy with him.” “We do not need somebody chummy with Bucky Barnes. We need somebody who could handle him if worst came to worst and that person is you.” Well, she had been a little bored so she found herself accepting the position as the Winter Soldier’s handler. The man just broke out of years of brainwashing. Volatile and unstable. Deadly. Natalia remembered hearing about him in the Red Room all those years ago and remembered being at the wrong end of his gun just a decade back. Zimniy Soldat. She stood up when he entered the room, her body language lax when she was on high alert. “Sergeant Barnes,’ she greeted. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Agent Romanova. I will be your handler.”
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laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 51 Translation (Part 1)
⚠️  SPOILER ALERT  ⚠️ This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Pushing open the door in front of him, he immediately saw the girl he had been searching for. 
She's all alone, confined within a glass container secured by layers of locks and cables.
The blinking red lights from the instruments cast an eerie crimson color on her. In that instant, he even felt like she might not be breathing anymore.
It's as if the last thread holding onto something in his mind had snapped.
Previous Lucien’s chapter -> [Here]
[Background Info]
VERY recommended to read [R&S Threshold] first for more pain
Anyway so- recently this phenomenon called space rift suddenly appeared in every corner of Loveland City. Many organizations including NW and STF have been keeping an eye on it. Lucien's chapter in this batch will be focusing on the 'the rifts'
Note that I won't delve deep into the "Odyssey" plot because it'll be the focus of Kiro's chapter. So, I will only write important plot points when the story touches that plot.
[Chapter 51-1]
There's a gaming company called Infinite that recently launched a new game called "Odyssey" and this game has managed to maintain its high level of popularity for several consecutive days. Things that's been happening like space "rifts", or discussions about the conference can't even dampen the enthusiasm about the game.
MC receives an unexpected collaboration invitation from Infinite. As she reviews the proposal, they discover that Infinite plans to use their latest virtual reality device, the Golden Apple3, for the game's promotion.
She remembers that she had experienced the previous version of that virtual reality device, Golden Apple 2 (1st Lucien's company story). In the end, her company quickly agrees to the collaboration because it's such a significant contract.
When MC returns home, it's already close to 10 p.m. And something strange happens after she steps out of the elevator.
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It is almost ten o'clock when I return home from work. Just as I step out of the elevator, a sudden sense of deja vu runs through my body.
I hesitate and stop my steps for a moment, but that feeling has already disappeared without a trace.
I notice several packages piled up at my doorstep. As far as I remember, I haven't ordered anything recently.
I puzzledly try to pick up one of them, but my fingertip goes straight through the box!
MC: …!
I blink in disbelief, and the cardboard box lies perfectly intact at my doorstep as if what happened just now was just my imagination.
Am I so tired that my vision is playing tricks on me...?
I cautiously reach out and wave my hand, but the cardboard box in front of me remains untouchable as if it were a mere projection.
MC: (confused) ...What is going on?
The delivery boxes clearly have my name and address on them, but the shipping dates for all of these packages are... ten days later?
Feeling puzzled, a shadow falls beside me. I turn around, and a familiar person is standing behind me, seemingly out of nowhere.
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MC: Lucien?
The strands of his bangs obscure the light, casting his already emotionless eyes into deeper shadows. The bandages wrapped around his wrist are soaked with oozing blood, the vivid dark red strikingly catches my eye.
MC: What happened to you!!
My heart tightens, and I hurriedly rush toward him, but my body "passes through" him just like it did with the delivery boxes.
In the next moment, Lucien disappears, leaving only a tightly closed door standing in front of me.
I touch the door in bewilderment; it feels cold and solid.
When I lower my head, the pile of packages at the doorstep has completely vanished without a trace just like Lucien.
MC: What on earth is happening…
??: MC?
I turn around in surprise and see Lucien walking out of the elevator with a smile on his face.
MC: Lucien-?!
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I quickly walk over and, to his surprised expression, I push back his bangs.
His smooth forehead shows no signs of injury, and his deep eyes carry a slight hint of confusion, but he cooperates with my actions.
After confirming that there are no wounds on Lucien's body, I finally breathe a sigh of relief and meet his inquisitive gaze.
Lucien: Did this classmate here find something on my face?
I retract my hand from his waist, feeling somewhat embarrassed as I avert my gaze.
MC: It's nothing, I was just... I...
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Seeing me a bit tongue-tied, Lucien smiles and soothingly takes my hand.
Lucien: Although I don't know what you were looking for, the hallway lighting isn't great. Come inside, and we can talk slowly.
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(Lucien's 5th birthday bgm playing)
I sit on the sofa, cradling the perfectly warm hot chocolate, and take a sip. The sweet, aromatic flavor relaxes my entire body.
MC: I didn't expect Professor Lucien to start drinking this sweet beverage as well.
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Lucien: While shopping at the supermarket, I remembered how you couldn't stop praising the taste of this chocolate, so I bought it.
Lucien: After all, if I invite you for tea at this hour, the Great Producer who works hard all day might have trouble falling asleep tonight.
Lucien sets his cup down and gently takes my hand.
Lucien: (getting closer) Now, can you tell me why you wanted to give me a "body checkup" as soon as we met?
I purse my lips and explain the "strange event" I just witnessed to Lucien in detail, my brow furrowing in puzzlement.
MC: Could what I saw just now be one of those "space rifts" that have been appearing sporadically in Loveland City lately?
MC: I got a little panicked earlier and didn't think about it at the moment.
Lucien: I understand. After all, concern can lead to panic.
I hear a low, deep chuckle beside me. I tilt my head slightly and am met with a deep smile, causing my ears to flush.
Lucien: But you're right; it should be one of those "space rifts," so there's no need to worry too much.
Lucien: It's not reality, at least not something happening right now.
Seeing my continued confusion, Lucien continues to speak.
Lucien: Recently, various organizations have been observing it, and I've also gathered some relevant information.
Lucien: It's caused by an unknown energy fluctuation, which tears open a "rift" in the present space and projects a "phantom" from the future.
Lucien: They can't be touched, and they don't affect reality.
Lucien: A more straightforward explanation would be some form of "foresight”.
I nod thoughtfully, grasping a certain point.
MC: So, these images from the future, are they bound to happen later?
Recalling him with bandages earlier, my heart tightens once again. As if he noticed my anxiety, Lucien clasps my fingertips and gently strokes them.
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Lucien: (softly) I think the so-called doomed fate has long been shattered by you.
Lucien: Otherwise, the "doomed" comet destined for Earth should also follow its predetermined course.
His voice carries a reassuring certainty that can calm anyone as if nothing that happens can deviate from the path he holds in his hands.
Lucien: So there's no need to worry too much. Since I already know about this "future," I'll be even more careful.
MC: (worriedly) I'm just concerned if there might be any accidents... Professor Lucien, you won't be doing anything dangerous recently, will you?
Lucien: Hmm... (chuckle) Some of the experiments I'm currently working on do involve chemicals that aren't entirely safe.
MC: ... Are they toxic substances? Or the kind that could cause explosions?
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Lucien: (chuckle then teasingly says)  Both, actually. But in my case, the likelihood of them occurring is almost zero.
His playful tone eases my concerns to some extent, but I still have a lingering unease. After some thought, I take out a few colorful ropes from my bag.
MC: Just in case, I want to add a "safety net."
MC: Yesterday, I had an interview right next to Grandma Wen's* shop, so I stopped by for a while afterward.
MC: She taught me a new knot, which she said could bring good luck.
Lucien leans quietly against my side, his fingertip lazily twirling the other end of the thread.
Lucien: Today, Pete was showing off the protective amulet he got from the temple at the research institute, claiming it's very effective and recommending it to everyone.
Lucien: But now it seems that I can get a more effective "amulet" without going to the temple.
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MC: How could something I make be as good as something blessed at the temple?
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Lucien: In Buddhism, the blessings of the Buddha are for all living beings. But what you make, all the intentions and feelings behind it belong to me alone.**
The subtle rise in his deep tone has an intoxicating effect and makes me feel entranced. In that momentary lapse of attention, the threads in my hand have become tangled.
The soft laughter in my ears carries a husky undertone as if he sees through all the restlessness in my heart.
MC: Please don't "cause trouble" Professor.
Lucien: Hmm? (chuckle) I'm just here to observe and learn.
He leans in beside me, watching attentively. After a while, a somewhat decent knot appears in my hands.
MC: (smiles softly) Although a bit superstitious, I hope it can help you ward off disasters.
Lucien: I heard that carrying these lucky charms close to your body enhances their effectiveness.
His fingertip gently traces the lucky charm, and he winks at me.
Lucien: (whispers charmingly) Would you be willing to help me put on this token of luck yourself?
*: Grandma Wen is the same grandma that taught MC to make a peace knot back in S1 chapter 9, she also appeared in Bound by Love SP (Chinese Wedding SP)~
**: This small bit is a nod to his 2023 Qixi Karma Date! 🥺. For him, her blessing and protection far outweigh any blessing that ‘god/gods’ can give him, and he is her most devout ‘believer’.
[Chapter 51-3]
After confirming cooperation with Infinite, MC is invited to experience the game device Golden Apple3 by them at the weekend.
On Saturday, I wake up early, and as soon as I push open the door, I notice that someone is already waiting for the elevator in the hallway.
MC: Good morning.
Lucien is wearing a casual but modest windbreaker. Upon hearing my voice, he turns around and there's a hint of surprise in his smiling eyes.
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Lucien: You're up so early on a Saturday. Is there something going on?
MC: (smiles) I signed a collaboration with Infinite for their new game, and today, I'm going to try out their gaming equipment.
Lucien: Is it the game called "Odyssey"?
MC: Oh, you know about it too?
Lucien: Since the first-generation products of GA, they've been using a lot of technology related to brainwaves and data conversion.
Lucien: Today, they invited me to attend an internal neuroscience conference.
I recall the testing of their first-generation product with a little smile.*
MC: It's a shame I won't have another chance to be your “examiner”.
Lucien: So, you really like that role?
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MC: Well, it's not every day I can get Professor Lucien to call me "Examiner".
The elevator doors also open as he speaks.
Lucien: Since our destination is the same, how about catching a ride with me, Miss Examiner?
They arrive quickly at the futuristic place. Once they're here, they part ways, and MC shakes her phone to Lucien to indicate that she'll contact him later.
MC is welcomed by the game producer, Bi Fang, who was rescued at the GR auction.
Because the game closed its first beta last week, she can't experience the game yet, however, she still can experience other things with the Golden Apple 3 device. With the accompaniment of a swan AI assistant called "Swan Lake" she experiences "Loveland City" in Golden Apple 3 VR. The technology is pretty great, "Loveland City" in the VR is identical to real-life Loveland City and her experience feels very real.
Guided by the swan, I stroll through the virtual Central Park. The refreshing air fills my senses as I gently run my fingers over the roadside flowers, their soft petals still carrying a cool morning dew, sticking to my fingertips.
I walk all the way from Central Park to my own home. Gazing at the apartment building in front of me, I'm unable to hold back my emotions.
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MC: It's truly identical. It's just a bit quiet, a little more liveliness would be great.
Swan Lake: Received the request, I have polished the scene for you.
I haven't reacted yet when suddenly my vision blurs for a moment. When it clears again, there are many pedestrians in front of me.
Someone walks by talking on the phone, and people are playing with children downstairs. I ask the little black bird next to me in a daze.
MC: Are these also data?
Swan Lake: Yes, these scenes are simulated based on the environmental data we have collected.
As I speak, I even see the familiar security guard at the entrance nodding at me.**
The familiarity of the scene made me think that in the next moment, someone should come out of the apartment building, smiling and calling my name.
In the blink of an eye, it seems like there's a blurry figure gradually becoming clear behind the glass door.
I was about to speak when I suddenly heard a somewhat urgent "beep-beep" sound in my ears.
Swan Lake: Administrator permissions detected, experience will be terminated shortly.
The scene in front of me gradually dims, and the surrounding white noise disappears. The helmet is removed by someone, and the glaring light makes me squint.
Bi Fang mentions that the company is facing some issues and they need to evacuate. He doesn't explain more and looks a little anxious. Though MC is a bit puzzled, she quickly sends a message to Lucien and follows the crowds towards the escape corridor.
??: MC.
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My wrist is enveloped by a warm palm, and when I turn around, I see that familiar figure.
MC: I just messaged you, did you also receive the notification?
Lucien: It's not clear what's happening yet. Let's follow the staff's instructions and leave this place for now.
??: AH– what's that?
An unknown commotion up ahead makes the orderly crowd move faster. Just as we turn the corner, I freeze in place at the scene in front of me—
An irregular, semi-transparent shadow hovers in the middle of the corridor. A faint mist emanates from it and slowly spreads to the side.
Lucien's brows furrow slightly as he tightens his grip on my hand.
Lucien: It's a rift.
I haven't had a chance to digest his words when the spreading mist gradually creates some kind of shadowy figures of nearby people, the shadowy figures slowly lining up in a long row.
MC: Isn't this rift a bit strange…
Lucien: If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be affecting reality.
*: She’s recalling Lucien’s first company cooperation story - [Simulation Project]
**: That security guard is actually Lucien's spy that often appears in some R&S, especially in [An Elusive Man] and [The Eyes That Witnesses] 😂
[Chapter 51-5]
The sudden appearance of the eerie phenomenon plunged the crowd into chaos. The black edges of the rift in the corridor also slowly expanded outward.
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Lucien raises his hand a little towards the rift, and I suddenly feel a slight heaviness in my body. The air around me seems to distort for a moment.
I immediately realize he's exerting gravity, but the rift remains unresponsive.
At that moment, another powerful energy fluctuation sweeps through, elongating those eerie rows of shadows even further.
??: Ahh-!
Amidst the chaotic noise, a scream erupts as someone is pushed to the edge of the rift. In an instant, his body begins to turn transparent.
Lucien reaches out towards him but passes directly through the semi-transparent figure. Seeing this, I instinctively pulled him too.
At the moment of contact, a familiar power within me seems to resonate strangely with the surrounding energy.
A burst noise echoes through my eardrums as if a signal is being disrupted, and a blurry scene flickers before my eyes.
A muffled and heavy roar reverberates in my ears as if many cold metal pieces are grinding and rotating.
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In the blurry picture, I faintly see some huge, heavy gears surrounding me, slowly turning.
MC: ...Gears?
Lucien: MC!
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I hear Lucien’s voice and snap back to reality.
The gears and sounds have all vanished, and in that instant, I feel a tangible sensation in my palm— I’ve caught that person.
Lucien grips my wrist and we pull that person out together. Then, we retreat to a more distant place with the crowd.
Lucien: Are you okay?
I shake my head in disbelief, subconsciously recalling the scene from just now. What were those rotating gears?
I lift my head and meet Lucien's concerned gaze, noticing that his expression hasn't changed. The people around us are still in the same state of panic.
I instinctively ask.
MC: Lucien, did you see anything just now?
He shakes his head, his gaze conveying a mixture of confusion and inquiry, indirectly confirming my conjecture.
I'm the only one who sees those mysterious gears.
At this moment, a resounding and powerful sound echoes down the corridor as a team dressed in Special Task Force uniforms marches through, taking control of the chaotic scene.
STF Member: An Evolver with an uncontrollable ability has appeared inside the building. The Special Task Force has already taken control. Please do not panic and evacuate orderly through the stairs.
After receiving clear instructions, the crowd that was previously in disarray slowly regains order.
As they move further away from the rift, the distortion gradually fades.
STF Member A: The situation here is dangerous. Please cooperate with the evacuation.
The special forces officer stands between us and the rift, not allowing anyone to get closer. Lucien calmly glances at the rift that almost swallows the corridor.
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Lucien: This rift is different from what we've encountered before. It just exhibited characteristics of reality interference a moment ago, and it's still expanding its scope.
Lucien: Apart from simply evacuating the civilians and controlling the scene, you might need to prepare additional measures.
The STF officer hesitates for a moment, and it seems that he hears something through his earpiece. After listening, he nods in agreement with Lucien.
STF Member A: Thank you for the information. Please leave this area for now.
I look back at that dark silhouette again before I am led away from the building by Lucien.
Back in the car, I fasten my seatbelt and still feel a bit anxious.
MC: Lucien, what will happen after that rift?
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Lucien: I'm not entirely sure, but the Special Task Force should have a plan in place to prevent any major repercussions.
Listening to this, I feel relieved and lean back in the car seat, recalling the sensations I felt when I caught that person.
Like an unspoken connection, Lucien also thinks of the same thing, and he slightly glances at me.
Lucien: How did you manage to catch that person just now?
MC: I'm not entirely sure, but I felt a surge of power resonating with the CORE, and then I can hold that person.
Lucien remains silent for a moment, as if contemplating something.
Lucien: My Evol can't interfere with it, but yours can. Perhaps it's because of the unique nature of your power.
MC: Are you talking about... CORE?
Lucien: This is just my speculation, after all, CORE possesses many powers that we have yet to fully understand.
I look at my palm in silence, carefully recalling the resonance of power I felt when I caught that person.
Lucien's guess is probably correct. But why can the power of the CORE interfere with the rift?
And also, the spinning gears I saw for that brief moment…
In the rearview mirror, Infinite's building gradually fades into the distance, but there's always an indescribable unease lingering in my heart.
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The car comes to a slow stop at a red light, and a hand gently covers my cold hand.
Lucien: Everything happens for a reason.
Lucien: Don't worry too much, every problem has its corresponding solution. It may just take more or less time to find it.
The sunlight casts long diagonal shadows through the window, spreading across the papers strewn on the floor.
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The young man with green hair sits on the floor, scribbling furiously. Messy equations occasionally fly off the edge of the paper, getting written halfway on the floor.
"The results will vary based on the change in C, but each time, it only gets infinitely closer to the threshold..."
Suddenly, a shadow appears on the windowsill. Joker doesn't pay it any mind, he just moves his papers to where there's more light and continues writing rapidly.
Along the windowsill, a young boy swings his legs and pouts.
Uno: Joker, how long do you plan to stay cooped up in here? Something interesting happened outside today.
[Chapter 51-7]
After close monitoring by the Special Task Force, the rift that had taken hold in the Infinite building completely disappeared after one day.
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MC: "According to the investigation, the rift inside the Infinite building was caused by intense Evol fluctuations."
MC: "If any citizens witness similar phenomena, please don't hesitate to contact the Special Task Force at any time..."
After dinner, I lean back on Lucien's sofa, scrolling through today's news.
MC: ... I didn't expect this rift to last so long.
MC: The official explanation in the reports also matches what the Special Task Force explained on the scene yesterday.
Lucien: Until we have gathered enough information, this explanation is the least likely to cause a commotion.
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The sofa next to me sinks slightly, and his familiar clean scent lingers around me. I relax and lean back, letting out a yawn.
From yesterday until now, that indescribable sense of worry in my heart has grown stronger.
I keep finding myself thinking about the rotating gears I saw when I got close to the rift and the constantly stretching shadows in front of it.
These scenes are remarkably similar to what I witnessed before at the ruins.*
Could there be a connection between the two? Is it related to the CORE?
Unconsciously, I let out another sigh, and Lucien gently ruffled my hair.
Lucien: (gently) Is it the rift from yesterday that's making you feel so uneasy?
MC: Sigh, it seems like I can never hide any little secrets from you.
Lucien: (smiles) This classmate has practically written her little secrets all over her face. Besides, you seemed a bit distracted during dinner just now.
MC: It seems like I've been a bit overly worried...
Lucien: In most cases, people don't feel uneasy about things they are certain of.
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Lucien: So, turning the unknown into the known, and the out-of-control into in-control will alleviate those worries.
Listening to his words, I hesitate for a moment but still decide to tell him about the gears I saw yesterday and the "prophecy" I once witnessed in the ruin.
Lucien listens quietly, his expression shifting from a brief surprise to deep contemplation.
Lucien: Are you saying that yesterday, when you came into contact with the rift, you briefly saw a scene with many gears?
Lucien: And not long ago, you also saw a similar scene through the power of the CORE in a ruin.
MC: It seems a bit different... What I saw in that ruin, in addition to gears, there were also many human….
MC: Uh, something like "worms"?
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Lucien: …'Human worms'?
MC: Yes, and then those gears eventually devoured them all…
Lucien ponders for a moment, and his eyes light up.
Lucien: Are these "worms" you mentioned similar to the shadowy figures we saw in front of the crack yesterday?
MC: If I must say, there is indeed a resemblance, but the worms I saw in the ruins were much longer than those shadowy figures.
Seeing me gesturing enthusiastically, Lucien takes out paper and a pen from a nearby cabinet and begins to write and draw on it.
Lucien: MC, have you ever heard of "four-dimensional worms"?
MC: Four-dimensional worms?
Faced with unfamiliar terminology, I shake my head.
Lucien: In the current dimension, we can only see ourselves in the present moment.
I glance sideways— Lucien is focused on the diagrams drawn on the paper, with a faint upward curve at the corner of his lips.
Lucien: But suppose we step into a higher dimension, the abstract concept of time, which is originally intangible, becomes a visible "axis."
As he sketches, a person's form from birth to old age is stretched out along a long line.
Lucien: And this shape might look like a "worm"... perhaps you've seen similar concepts in many movies.
Lucien: So I speculate that within the area where the rift appeared, there may have been a momentary phenomenon of "transitioning into the fourth dimension."
A simple sketch falls onto the paper, the slender, worm-like shape making the scenes from the ruin become even clearer in my mind.
MC: Yes... it looks just like this! Like a person stretched infinitely!
MC: So, what I saw in the ruin was actually people transforming into a four-dimensional form?
Lucien: That's right, those shadows near the rift could also be part of the "four-dimensional worm".
MC: But what could this signify?
The air falls silent once more, and Lucien speaks after a moment of contemplation.
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Lucien: Some phenomena may only be visible to you as CORE, and they each have their own significance.
Lucien: Can you try to recall where else you've seen similar situations? Perhaps that could be part of the answer.
His question makes me feel anxious.
Of course, I've seen them—behind the gate known as the truth of the world.
But why did the scenes that should have appeared behind the gate show up when I touched the rift?
Complex thoughts are continuously welling up as if some subtle and unnoticed change has already begun.
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Lucien: (tenderly) Are you thinking of some difficult questions?
MC: I'm just thinking... why did it appear?
Lucien: That's a very straightforward question indeed.
MC: Lucien, perhaps you know something?
He pauses for a moment, his fingers gently twirling around my hair as he plays with it.
Lucien: Because of the lack of evidence, I currently only have speculations... My guess is that these various phenomena might be related to that comet.
MC: ….!
Lucien: The earliest energy fluctuations that appeared within Loveland City coincided with the conclusion of the strange celestial phenomena brought by the comet.
Lucien: So my speculation is that perhaps it's a little "surprise" left for us by the comet. Of course, it could also be an entirely new phenomenon.
MC: I can’t believe it was so long ago…!
The timing seems too coincidental. Could the rift truly be connected to the gears or that door?
My mind is in chaos, and I sigh tiredly. In the next moment, I feel tightness around my waist as Lucien pulls my whole body into his embrace.
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Lucien: In most cases, solving problems is the best way to dispel uneasiness.
Lucien: But if the problem can't be solved immediately, there are other little tricks to temporarily ease your mind.
Feeling his arm holding me tighten slightly, I bury my head into his chest and speak in a muffled voice.
MC: Then… Please help me, Professor Lucien.
Lucien: (in an almost whisper) Now, slow down your breathing rhythmically.
I begin to breathe slowly as he instructed. Soon, the faint scent of tea submerges my entire body.
Lucien: (whispers softly) Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself entering a place that makes you feel relaxed...
*BG changes to camphor tree*
As he speaks, a lush camphor tree appears in my mind. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and there seems to be a faint, earthy freshness brushing against my face.
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Lucien: Everything that made you uncomfortable seems to have turned into specks of dust in your hands, and you are scattering them into the world.
A deep and slow voice by my ear is carrying a persuasive and gentle inducement.
I subconsciously raise my hand as he instructed, and that inexplicable feeling of unease that had been lingering in my heart seems to have truly diminished.
*BG changes back to Lucien's home*
MC: Lucien, did you perform some kind of magic trick?
Lucien: (chuckles and then whispers softly) It is a 'magic' that already exists in your body, I'm just giving it a little push."
Lucien: When people hug, their bodies produce serotonin and endorphins, which temporarily override negative emotions.
I nuzzle against his neck and shoulder lingeringly, hoping that this hug can last a little longer.
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MC: I feel that it was Professor Lucien's presence that made all the negative emotions in my body disappear.
Accompanied by the low murmur by my ear, the arms holding me are squeezing tighter, deepening this hug even more.
Lucien: (whispers) So, are you feeling better now?
MC: Mm..
I take a deep breath.
Many things don't simply disappear by avoiding them, and I'm not alone right now.
Because the person who can help me uncover the secrets of the rift is right in front of me.
MC: Lucien-
Lucien: MC-
The simultaneous sound makes both of us stunned, but then we exchange smiles.
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[Option 1: You speak first]
MC: You speak first.
Lucien: MC, have you ever considered... personally investigating what the rift really is?
Lucien: For you right now, this might be the quickest way to alleviate your uneasiness.
Words that felt like a meeting of our hearts and minds* left me momentarily astonished. I tilt my head to look at him.
[T/N: always love it when they use the word 灵犀 🥹. There’s no exact english word for it, I usually translate it as ‘tacit understanding’; but even that doesn't do it justice. It conveys the idea that two people understand each other's thoughts and feelings as if they share a special, almost psychic and soul-deep connection]
MC: (smiles softly) Is that also written on my face?
Lucien: (chuckles) No, this is a direction I've speculated about based on my understanding of you, perhaps one that you might find interesting.
Lucien: And for me, it's also what I need right now.
Lucien: Actually, I've been wanting to speak up today to formally invite you to help me with this favor, but I haven't found the right moment.
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Lucien: MC, I need your power to continue exploring the secrets of this rift.
MC: Is it because CORE's power can interfere with it?
Lucien: Yes. I've tried before but never succeeded.
Lucien: But you might be the turning point.
Lucien: Of course, exploring the unknown comes with certain risks. So it's not an obligation, you have the right to refuse.
I tilt my head slightly and wink at him.
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MC: Professor Lucien took the initiative to ask for my help, how could I refuse?
Once, when I was lost and hesitant, it was the person in front of me who gave me the answer - that only by always moving forward can you stay ahead of the world.
And now, it seems I have finally reached a point where I can move forward side by side with him.
I smile and extend my hand to him.
MC: Happy cooperation, Lucien!
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Lucien: I look forward to working with you.
[Option 2: So... should I go first?]
MC: So… should I go first?
Lucien: (chuckles softly) Of course.
His lips curl up slightly, waiting for my next words.
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MC: If I'm very interested in this rift, would you help me?
His gentle fingertips lightly pinched my ear, the sensation felt like a delicate and soft kiss.
Lucien: How could a teacher refuse to provide extra guidance to a diligent student? Moreover, this happens to align with my wishes as well.
MC: Your wishes?
Lucien:  Actually, I've been wanting to speak up today to formally invite you to help me with this favor, but I haven't found the right moment.
[T/N: the convo stays the same as the other choice after this]
[Chapter 51-8]
"Authentication successful, identity: visitor."
I swipe the visitor card to open the gate and follow Lucien into the grayish-white-toned corridor of the Bioultima Research Institute.
He leads me to an unfamiliar room and makes a welcoming "please come in" gesture.
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Lucien: Please come in, little researcher. This is our "classroom" for today.
I look around this clean and simple small research room, noticing some equipment that's different from what's usually found in normal research institutes. There's also a door on one side of the room.
MC: Is there another room inside?
Lucien: Yes, inside is today's "practice" area.
Lucien then walks over to me, and using fingerprint verification, he opens the hidden door. The moment the door opens, I can feel a faint but very familiar power.
The small room is empty, but in the corner, there appears a cabinet with only one corner.
The cabinet is "torn" by highly irregular lines, as if someone tore a piece of paper in half, and I can faintly see a border that's softly shimmering.
MC: Is this... a rift?!
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Lucien: That's right, it's a rift that appeared five days ago, and I've managed to keep it here using some special methods.
MC: Can I take a closer look?
Lucien: (chuckles) Just in case, put this on first.
Lucien fastens an electronic bracelet onto my wrist.
Lucien: This bracelet will suppress your Evol. Once it detects an overload of CORE's power, it will activate a protective mechanism.
Lucien: This is to prevent your power from resonating excessively with the rift's power, avoiding any accidents.
I reach out to the rift and pass through it as I did last time, bumping into the cold wall.
Lucien: I've tried various ways to "communicate" with it, but all have failed.
Lucien: However, based on past experiences, I suspect that under the influence of CORE, the rift will establish some connection with reality.
Lucien: So that's why I hope you can help me verify this idea today.
MC: What do you need me to do?
Seeing my eager anticipation, Lucien smiles.
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Lucien: I need you to use the power of CORE on the rift.
Lucien: If we successfully link the rift to reality, we can observe the other side of it.
MC: Make observations?
As soon as I finish speaking, a small robot drives in from the next room and stops in front of us.
Lucien: Mm. If it works, it will record what's on the other side of the rift for us.
Lucien: We can begin when you’re ready.
I nod, thinking that using my ability shouldn't be too difficult. So, I take a deep breath and concentrate on gathering that familiar power within me.
Soon, I feel a faint vibration coming from the other side of the rift.
At the same time, the instrument's screen starts displaying a large amount of data.
Lucien observes the ever changing data with a clear smile in his eyes.
Lucien: We've successfully influenced the rift.
After Lucien adjusts the parameters of the small robot, I nervously watch it slowly move forward. When it reaches the rift, its figure shimmers and merges with the scene on the other side.
Lucien: It has arrived on the other side of the rift.
MC: That's great!
I excitedly take Lucien's hand and shake it, and a small smile spreads across his lips.
Through the camera on the robot, we obtain some data.
MC: On the other side of the rift is the Bioultima Research Center 37 days from now. The passage of time there is the same as it is now...
The constant use of power has left me a little sleepy and I rub my temples.
MC: Lucien, what should we do next?
Lucien:  I want to try to see if I can get my Evol to affect the rift through the power of CORE, but….
He winks and gently taps the edge of my eyebrow.
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Lucien: This diligent little researcher, why don't you take a rest for a while?
MC: I'm fine, I can continue.
I take a moment to collect myself, and see Lucien pause for a moment before turning around and leaving. When he comes back, he puts something white and fluffy in my hand.
The plush and soft texture wraps around my palm, and I lower my head to see a cute white round mochi-shaped keychain lying in my hand, with a pair of bright, lively eyes embroidered on it.
MC: This is... from KIWI's new little mochi series!
Lucien: I remember you mentioned passing by this shop before and how it always gets sold out.
Lucien: I happened to see a shop assistant restocking them on my way to work earlier, so I got one. Originally, I intended it as a gift for the lucky charm, but it has been sitting here all this time.
Lucien: Let it be your cheerleader, and boost the spirits of this hardworking little researcher.
Lucien picks up the little keychain and gives it a couple of shakes while saying this. The fluffy and bouncy little ball truly seems to be cheering me on.
I giggle and hold the soft toy in my hand.
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MC: With this "cheerleader" cheering me on, and the great Professor Lucien keeping watch, I feel a lot more energized, so let's continue.
Lucien smiles and holds my hands in return.
Lucien: Don't be nervous. What you're about to do is similar to what you just did, and you can do it very well.
I close my eyes and awaken the power within me once again.
At the same time, Lucien also extends his hand – a sense of oppression emanates from all around, and the shimmering edge of the rift seems to be suddenly suppressed by an invisible force.
Unlike the situation during the interference at Infinite earlier, the rift clearly starts to contract under the influence of CORE.
As the power is released, I feel myself increasingly in conflict with a massive force.
This sensation presses down on me so hard that I can't catch my breath, and my breathing becomes increasingly rapid.
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Lucien seems to sense it too. He squeezes my hand and asks if I want to stop. But when I look at the rift that has already compressed to a small size, I grit my teeth and shake my head.
The sudden contrast was so great that for a moment I was in daze. I gasp for breath, and the soothing pats on my back bring my restless heart back to its place.
The wall in front of us is clean, and the rift that had shown a corner of the cabinet has disappeared.
MC: Do we... succeed?
I look at Lucien uncertainly, and he nods slightly.
Lucien: (smiles and says in a proud tone, hint of astonishment in his voice) Yes, the first experiment to artificially close a rift is a success. Congratulations to this little researcher.
The sunlight gradually slants westward, casting a warm glow on his hair and softening the profile of his face.
I look at his eyes that still shining brightly in the gradually darkening twilight and find it hard to take my eyes off him.
Perhaps due to the exhaustion of my power, my brain feels a bit dull. I obediently let Lucien lead me to the sofa in the outer room and sit down.
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— The next moment, a hand covers my eyes.
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Lucien: Take a good rest.
His body heat, carried by his dry fingertips, adds a layer of warmth to the part of our skin that's pressed against each other.
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MC: Professor Lucien, what do you usually think about when you're tired?
Lucien: Most of the time, I have many research projects at hand. If I get tired of one, I switch to thinking about another.
MC: ….
Lucien: Of course, there's one subject that never tires my brain no matter how long I think about them.
Not hearing another response, I curiously open my eyes, and through the gaps between his fingers, I catch a glimpse of his slightly upturned lips.
The last rays of the setting sun hide within his gaze as he looks at me.
[Chapter 51-9]
Subtitled Video
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MC: Do you want to replace the robot and personally go into the rift?
After successfully closing the rift in the small room, we discovered a new rift in the alley near the research institute.
Lucien used a device that utilizes space-fold to "transport" this rift into the small room for further study.
On the second day, right after the successful completion of the research, he suddenly said he wanted to go inside the rift himself.
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Lucien: The robot's range of movement and recorded data are both very limited. To obtain more information, seeing it with one's own eyes is the most effective way.
Lucien: We can now stabilize the rift's intervention time at 4 hours and 25 minutes using CORE's energy.
Lucien: Although it's not a long time, it should be enough to gather some information.
The rift experiments of these past two days haven't caused any danger, but I still have some inexplicable worries.
The image of Lucien with injuries and bandages in the rift that I saw back then resurfaces at an untimely time, intensifying my worries.
Based on the delivery at my doorstep around that time, it's roughly about a week from now.
MC: So when do you plan to enter the rift?
Lucien: One week from now, next Sunday.
Perhaps noticing my somewhat stiff expression, he sets down the report he was holding and walks over to me.
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Lucien: What's wrong?
MC: …Lucien, do you still remember when I saw bandaged "you" at my doorstep before?
Lucien nods with an understanding look.
Lucien: According to that timing, next Sunday happens to be the day I got injured in the rift that you saw.
MC: (worriedly) Although I don't know if your injury is related to entering the rift...
MC: But just to be safe, it's probably best not to attempt anything risky on that day.
Lucien: (chuckles) Alright, I promise you. If we make it through that day safely, that "future" will also take care of itself.
Lucien: I'll postpone the planned time by one week and make some more thorough preparations.
I sigh in relief and nod. Lucien won't stop exploring because of such a thing, but for now, it's enough to give me some peace of mind.
MC: Then I'm going with you in two weeks!
His eyes flicker with a hint of surprise, then his eyebrows arch, and a soft smile spreads across his lips.
Lucien: Okay.
The night before “Lucien” got injured in the rift, I was still so nervous that I couldn't sleep much even though we postponed entering the rift.
The next morning, I arrived at the company tiredly with dark circles under my eyes.
Every half an hour, I send him a text message. I have lost count of how many times I have checked my phone screen by now.
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MC: ...It's been a minute, why hasn't he replied yet?
Not even a single word of the lengthy document in front of me enters my eyes, and I anxiously tap with my fingertips.
Buzz, buzz – my phone finally vibrates, and I quickly unlock it. Lucien seems to have sensed my anxiety, and he replies promptly to each of my messages.
Under my constant "supervision", the day passes without incident.
Finally, I can heave a sigh of relief and fully immerse myself in the promotion work for "Odyssey".
I didn't send out the first batch of promotional advertisements until the end of this week. I walk into the residential area under a sky full of stars and let out a yawn.
Lucien has also become very busy these days, and I can only hear his voice in a few hurried phone calls.
The chat page has been stuck at noon more than a day ago.
MC: I wonder how the preparations are going…
The elevator door opens, and just as I'm about to press the floor button, a figure rushes in before the doors close.
I instinctively turn my head, falling defenselessly into a pair of smiling and dark eyes.
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Lucien: Good evening, it seems that I got lucky today and ran into someone I wanted to see before going to bed.
MC: Are you done with your work?
Lucien: Mm, there was a project at the institute that needed to be rushed recently, so I was quite busy, but it's over now.
The elevator's light makes the dark circles under his eyes more pronounced, and I hold his hand with a hint of concern and distress.
MC: Are you feeling tired? Is tomorrow's plan still the same?
Lucien: Of course, it remains the same.
Lucien: Don't worry, I've set aside some time for rest, which is why I could rush back now.
Although he can't conceal his fatigue, there is a bright glint in his eyes, as if he eagerly anticipates tomorrow.
As the elevator arrives, he holds my hand and walks me to the doorstep of my home.
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At my slightly confused gaze, he leans down and gently approaches me. A hint of white tea's scent fleetingly tickles my nose, and I feel a warm sensation pressing on my forehead.
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In the quiet hallway, only his gentle voice resonates in my ears, accompanied by the pounding of my heart in my chest.
Lucien: (gently) Good night. I hope we both have a good dream tonight.
Even though I have already made up my mind, I’m still feeling nervous the next day when I put on the bracelet at the Bioultima Research center.
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Lucien straightens out my sleeves and takes hold of my hand.
Lucien: The device to maintain CORE energy is ready. We can depart at any time.
Lucien: Let me confirm one last time, are you really going with me to visit 37 days in the future?
The warmth in the palm of my hand is gentle, carrying a soothing touch. I take a deep breath and nod.
The warm sunlight filters through the window glass, casting a glow on the corners of his upturned lips. It feels as if we're not heading to the unknown land, but towards paradise.
The tightly clasped hands convey his longing into me, and I know that I only need to move forward without hesitation now.
The moment I step into the rift, a tremendous surge of energy comes crashing in—
I barely have time to react before I'm thrown into the chaos. I attempt to reach for Lucien's hand but find that my body seems to be out of control.
I want to scream, but I realize I can't even open my mouth. Amid the chaotic dizziness, I faintly hear some voices.
??: Energy transfer... 132%, detecting... consciousness retained.
??: Increase... output.
The words sound like fragmented whispers, as if there's a thick barrier between me and them. But soon, the voices around me begin to fade away.
In its place, there's a heavy and distant roar that’s not unfamiliar to me.
My body seems to be floating, and I struggle to open my heavy eyelids—
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In the void, massive and worn gears surround me. My body is so tiny that I feel like nothing more than a speck of dust that has drifted in, instantly swallowed by the rotating air currents.
With a discordant shattering sound, a massive gear comes crashing down, and its colossal debris hurtles past me.
The familiar noise flashes through my mind again, and I'm dragged down into the abyss of consciousness by that great force.
In the midst of excruciating pain that feels like it's about to tear me apart, I regain some control over my body, and I struggle to open my eyes—
The scene before me is like being submerged in water, and I can only vaguely see many white figures moving about.
Cold seeps into my body through every crevice of my skin, and at the edge of my slightly distorted field of vision, I catch a glimpse of a black cable floating by.
Am I in... water?
The moment I realize it, a wave of suffocation rapidly spreads throughout my body. I instinctively open my mouth to breathe, and the icy water rushes into my nostrils and throat—
Who will come to... save me?
There's a white figure that seems to have noticed me, approaching and then stops nearby.
Shortly after, a stronger surge of energy rushes into my body accompanied by pain—
Just when I thought I might be torn apart, the door in front of me is pulled open forcefully. In a daze, I seem to I catch a glimpse of a familiar silhouette—
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At the moment he passed through the rift, Lucien felt a surge of electricity tearing through his brain. Before he could even think about what it was, his palm suddenly no longer held her.
When he turned around, he found that the person next to him had disappeared.
The place in front of him was not unfamiliar, it was the narrow alley near the Bioultima Research Institute where the rift had appeared.
He undoubtedly had successfully reached the time and space beyond the rift, but there was no sign of her anywhere.
Lucien's face darkened, and an inexplicable anxiety that he couldn't suppress spread throughout his body along his veins.
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His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest, but he suppressed this restlessness and quickly walked towards Bioultima Research center.
The researchers occasionally passing by in the corridor displayed expressions of surprise, but he paid them no mind. He simply quickly located the room where they had been researching the rift.
Here, he was most likely to find the information that could explain the current situation. However, when he opened the computer and saw the time, his eyes widened in surprise.
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The time displayed on the computer screen was 74 days later.
Confusion and anxiety twisting into a knot in Lucien's heart. He furrowed his brows and opened the folder on the device.
Dozens of files were spread out densely in front of him, and he quickly moved the cursor, scanning over each title.
With sharp eyes, he caught sight of the letters "NW," and his hand paused before clicking on that file.
《Four-Dimensional Rift Stabilization Using CORE Utilization Plan》
Text laden with a wealth of information flowed rapidly before his eyes, and an abundance of data surged into his mind. He could feel the rushing blood in his brain intensifying with each passing moment.
"As a higher-dimensional entity, CORE exists in one and only one timeline across all temporal axes..."
As he continued to advance through the information before him, his gaze gradually turned colder and sharper.
-As it turns out, the world was already changing as a result of the shift in trajectory.
He knew where she would be.
The information in front of him undoubtedly can answer many of his curiosities. However, at this moment, these important pieces of information hold no appeal in his eyes.
He closed the document, preparing to leave, but then he noticed that the notebook on his desk was open. There’s only two scribbled numbers that seem like coordinates on it.
The handwriting belonged to him.
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Lucien: ….
The fragile paper was covered with thin ice, shattering on the floor, and the shattered ice shards reflected the darkness in his eyes.
In the blink of an eye, the scene before him shifted, and the next moment, he found himself in a cold and desolate corridor of NW.
Perhaps he should have made a more thorough plan before taking action, but he didn't want to wait any longer.
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Pushing open the door in front of him, he immediately saw the girl he had been searching for. She's all alone, confined within a glass container secured by layers of locks and cables.
The blinking red lights from the instruments cast an eerie crimson color on her. In that instant, he even felt like she might not be breathing anymore.
It's as if the last thread holding onto something in his mind had snapped.
Everything in front of Lucien's eyes was dyed with a layer of crimson red.
Before even more frightening thoughts came to his mind, he saw that the girl in the glass container seemed to blink, and a little light slowly gathered in her slowly focused pupils.
And then, her lips moved imperceptibly.
For a moment, Lucien only felt as if all the sounds around him had turned into sharp buzzing, and the blood in his body went straight to his head.
Some researchers noticed his arrival and showed surprised expressions.
Researcher A: Professor Lucien? What brings you here?
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Lucien: (in a cold and commanding tone) Open this.
Lucien pointed at the glass chamber calmly.
Researcher A: CORE is a crucial energy source for preventing dimensional destruction. She can’t leave this place.
Researcher B: Professor Lucien, you also agreed to this plan at the beginning...
Lucien: Move over.
Lucien interrupted the explanation and walked straight towards the nearby control panel. The researchers immediately stepped forward to stop him—
Researcher B: Professor-
Sharp ice spikes shot up from the ground. Crimson blood splattered in the air and then slowly trickled down the frosty ice spikes.
After half a second of dead silence, screams suddenly erupted.
Next Part-> [Here]
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roxynani9292 · 2 months
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yay~ day 1️⃣5️⃣ level 5️⃣0️⃣
too bad I missed NDZ 🥹
. pulling cards: most ppl pulling 10 by gold tickets, I always pull 1 by 1 using red diamonds 😹 not sure anyone does it like me but I got more 5☆ cards thanks to dat
. free to play: I can't top up anything coz da game not purchasable in 🇻🇳
. add friends: I renew friendlist everyday by removing bottom 20 levels 🤣🤣🤣 & I add higher level only 🤔
. ultra HD: Samsung A54 5G doing fine
. F4 boyz: actually I only aim for Sylus but da other 3 just randomly level up very fast 🫨 especially Rafayel
. news alert: from LADS IG FB + global/local fan groups
P.S. I'll never change da title now 🙂‍↕️ nothing can beat "Sylus's Boss" 🤣🤣🤣
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Day 10: Twilight
The city is smoking. Lena can smell it even here, inside her closed office. The acrid scent of char sticks to everything. It makes her already throbbing head pound. The Daxamites are gone now, but the mess they’d left behind would last years if not decades. The mess Lena had helped create.
The papers she’s sorting through are her penance. Reconstruction contracts and donations for hospital bills, funerals. Too little too late. Just plastering over the bodies with cash. That’s the Luthor way, isn’t it?
Lena’s computer beeps suddenly, echoing in the silence. It’s an alert for the roof of all places. L-Corp’s security had been dismissed— the few who had stayed at their posts when fire started raining from the sky. If someone’s come to seek revenge, well, they won’t have too difficult a time of it. For a moment, Lena considers ignoring the alert. If it’s multiple assailants, she doesn’t have much chance anyway, and the pistol in her desk will be more effective if she knows where to aim it. There’s only one route from the roof to her office— one door. But, in the end, Lena’s curiosity wins out. That’s what got them into this mess in the first place, right?
She clicks open the camera and blinks in surprise. There’s no armed intruder creeping across her roof, but rather Supergirl, sitting on the ledge, her cape draped out behind her. She isn’t looking at the camera. She shows no sign of having realized Lena knows she’s there.
Well, Lena might as well figure out what this is about.
Supergirl glances around when Lena opens the door but jerks her head back to the skyline almost immediately. She doesn’t stand. It’s dark on the roof, this late in the night. It’s dark on the roof, this late in the night (this early?). The only light comes from the stars above them and a faint band of light on the horizon where the sun is just starting to crest… and the city burning around them.m.
“Ms. Luthor,” Supergirl says, her voice as measured and in control as ever. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Well, it is my roof,” Lena replies. Supergirl laughs, a short, forced bark. It sounds unnatural.
“Yes. Well, most of the humans I’ve met avoid roofs this high.” Supergirl’s legs swing casually over the yawning abyss. Lena tries to stifle the tingling in her feet looking over the edge, and forces herself to take another step forward.
“You haven’t told me what you’re doing up here.” She says.
“It’s quiet, up this high. It’s a good place to sit.” Supergirl pauses for a moment, then says, “I’m sorry if I’ve bothered you. I don’t normally come to your roof. The one I normally go to is… otherwise occupied.” Lena can hear the grimace, even if she can’t see it. There’s something hard under those words. Maybe her usual roof was one of the ones Rhea leveled.
“What about you?” Supergirl asks, “What are you doing here this late?”
“The city needs rebuilding, and somebody needs to sign the check,” Lena says it as casually as she can, but the bitter edge still slips into her voice.
“And you think it has to be you,” Supergirl says. It isn’t a question.
“I let them in. Who better?” Supergirl looks up at her sharply, and Lena takes a step back. Supergirl’s cheeks are still stained with hurriedly wiped tears, and her eyes are red and puffy. There’s ash smeared on her face and hands and something dark under her nails. Lena hopes it's only more dirt. She hopes, but it's tinged red under the faint light. Lena’s seen her periodically, on the news, flying back and forth, pulling survivors out of the rubble.
“Don’t.” Supergirl says it with such force that Lena almost takes another step. “Don’t talk like that.” Supergirl’s voice softens somewhat as she says, “You should be resting, Ms. Luthor. I doubt your doctor recommended you to stay up late writing reports after what happened to you today.” Something must show on Lena’s face because Supergirl squints at her and then asks, “You did see a doctor, right?”
“I’m perfectly fine, and anyone who even knows how to wrap a bandage has better things to do right now than confirm I have a minor concussion,” Lena says. Supergirl does not agree. Even in the low light, Lena can see her mouth pinch into a thin line. Her eyebrows have nearly fused together. Her expression is almost familiar.
“I don’t think I need to tell you about how fragile human brains are. At the very least, you should be with friends. Why don’t you call Kara Danvers? I know you two are close, I’m sure she would be happy to look after you right now.”
Lena is the one to laugh now. It sounds cruel and hollow in her own ears.
“Sure, I’ll call Kara. What a fantastic idea! I’m sure she’d love to talk to the woman who got her boyfriend shipped halfway across the galaxy.” A flash of pain crosses Supergirl’s face, and a new guilt replaces Lena’s old one. Stupid. Why did she have to bring him up? Why does she have to stick her own foot in her mouth with every single sentence?
“She doesn’t blame you for that,” Supergirl says, and Lena is taken aback by how soft it is. Supergirl is looking at her like a wounded deer in the woods— one a single loud sound away from fleeing. “She could never.” She sounds so sure. So pleading.
“Well, maybe she should,” Lena says. The unspoken second half hangs in the air between them. Maybe you should.
Supergirl turns back to the skyline, then directs her gaze up, eyes on the stars. “You only met him a few times, right?” She asks. Lena nods before she realizes that Supergirl isn’t looking at her and says,
“That’s probably good,” Supergirl says, laughing softly, “He was a…. oh, what’s the word— acquired taste. Transitioning to Earth is difficult for the best of us, but Mon-El, well. You met his mom.” Lena grimaces at the memory.
“I don’t imagine it was easy for him, coming from that and getting stuck here.”
“No, no, it wasn’t. But he was getting better. He was learning. A few more months and maybe…” Supergirl trails off. “There’s never enough time. Not for anything.”
“I know you two were… close,” Lena says carefully. How do you ask someone about the relationship they’d had with your friend’s cheating boyfriend? Supergirl glances at her, and Lena knows she’s caught what Lena is trying not to say.
“We were. Kara knew that. It wasn’t— We weren’t— Mmmm.” Supergirl cuts off. Finally, she settles on, “We were close, but Mon-El wasn’t cheating. And I was not the other woman.” Her voice is firm, and her face seems earnest. Lena isn’t sure what to believe, but it isn’t really worth arguing the point. Not now, anyway.
Supergirl seems to take her silence for agreement and continues, “It was just— He was so easy,” Supergirl says, “It had been so long since I could just talk with someone. Daxam was very different to Krypton, don’t get me wrong, but Mon-El… He understood me. He knew my language, he knew my people.” Supergirl sighs, staring off into the stars. “There’s never enough time.”
“For what it’s worth,” Lena says, “I’m very sorry. For everything.”
Supergirl's feet continue to swing over the edge, and she stares up at the stars. Her eyes search for something, but Lena doesn’t know what.
“Sometimes, we do what we have to do.” Supergirl begins, her words slow and careful. “It isn’t nice. It isn’t pretty. It hurts. But we’re only people, Lena. We’re just people, and so were they. Mon-El and Rhea and all of her soldiers and all of the people in this city. And people die.” Supergirl is looking at her now. Her eyes burrow into Lena’s. “What Rhea did to you, that wasn’t fair. No one who knows what happened with that portal blames you for it. No one. And I know it doesn’t matter how much I tell you that because I know you will blame yourself enough to make up for the rest of us.” Lena looks away, but Supergirl leans with her, following her eyes. “But people are going to say a lot of awful things in the next year, cruel things about you that are not true. And believe me or not, I want you to hear me say this. It wasn’t any more your fault than it was mine— Than it was Mon-El’s. A terrible thing has happened, and we all played some part. But Rhea did the awful thing. Not us. And certainly not just you.” There’s silence when Supergirl finishes. Lena avoids her gaze, fiddling with her nails. Supergirl stands and brushes the dust from her cape.
“You should call your friend, Ms. Luthor. I don’t think she wants to be alone any more than you do.”
In a breath, Supergirl is gone, and Lena is left alone in the dark.
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Hello! I'd love to join in on the spidersona fun, but I'm a bit hesitant about it being publically viewable. Is there any sort of Discord server?
I've been holding out answering this, because I've been searching around - but I'd just like to say:
I'd love to make and work on a Spidersona RP discord. [if anyone was interested in that]
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I haven't really mentioned it before, but I'm an rper with nearly 10 years experience - and after a break I'd love to get back into it!
With all the amazing spidersonas I see - I would love to make a spidersona rp discord, and I have a lot of ideas I'd like to bring to it.
but sadly - I have no idea how discord works!
But I have a lot of ideas of things that could make an amazing rp community.
Join the discord server (with or without art of course!), and meet up with other Spidersonas on Spider Society Campus
Pitch or answer prompts, and go on missions with other Spidersonas all over the spiderverse
RP your canon events, and RP in other spidersonas' events, with your sona getting to jump into cool new universes
RP as canon characters (if you want), or roleplay with them! Make friendships with your favorite characters. (I'd be down to rp Hobie or Gwen or either of the Miles)
RP going to the Spider-Band shows - complete with backstage passes and afterparties thrown by Disco-Spider, living in dorms on campus, and other cool things
Join clubs you can tag yourself with in discord - like the Hobie Brown Fanclub, The Welcome Committee, or a Spider-band of your own
Send in stuff to the 'Canon Event Advice Column' channel and get funny advice from other spider people
Take turns babysitting Mayday all around campus (- she can be a handful)
Link up and meet spidersonas from the same era, or with similar powers
Meet others around campus - like in Sensory Soothing rooms or the Food Court
Get your watch hacked and jump into other spidersonas universes - to chill, party, or fight normal ol' crime together
Having a hard time in your universe? Crash with another spidersona in theirs - or invite someone else's spidersona into your universe
Or move into dorms
Develop your spidersona and watch them (figuratively) level up as you complete missions - and make super cool spider-friends
And a lot of other stuff!
I'd be down to make art, drop daily scenarios and prompts, and roleplay daily myself! As well as roleplaying canon characters, being on the Welcome Committee, whatever!
It'd love it to be low-skill and accessible. Replies would NOT need to be fancy and you wouldn't need fancy art or anything. Prompts would be simple as well. Something like (in this case Lyla could be me or you if you have an idea and wanna start one)
!! Attention: ANOMALY ALERT !! Lyla: Heeeree, we go - Another one on the web. Looks like we've got an anomaly over in [Disco-Spider]'s universe. Green Goblin looks like he's going crazy over at the Alchemax Factory. [Earth - 1294A is a dystopia from the 70's, where cops are lethal and it's nighttime, all-the-time. Would you like to respond? - Meet Jess in the briefing room.]
Or and even simpler prompt could be like
** Weekly Prompt!! ** It's Saturday night and the Spider-band has just finished their 8pm show! The night is young and Disco-Spider is down to boogie. She's having an afterparty with the Spider-crew over in Mumbattan. Wanna come?
Replies and jumping in can be as simple or complex as you want, and there's no permissioned need or anything - just go with the flow, even in battle (if you wanna rp that - no biggie if you just wanna hang on campus).
Responding to a prompt could be like
RPer1: [Spider-Jane] Mary-Jane Watson of Earth-42069 has arrived in Mumbattan! She's wearing a tie dye t-shirt and jean shorts. Her curly red hair in a ponytail. She heard about the party from Margo [ or some made up scenario you want] and wanted to come.
And a reply could be
Disco-Spider: [Disco-Spider] Diane is hanging outside the warehouse in Mumbattan, out of uniform and wearing a sparkly blue dress. Her eyes light up when she sees Jane's portal open in front of her. "Hey, Jane! I heard you were coming! What's up? How'd your last mission go?"
and it can go from there or whatever it doesn't have to be fancy at all. These are just examples , honestly just me rambling.
IDK if that's basic but I'd love it to be basic and open to beginners. Because someone invited me into a super chill rp years ago and I fell in love with it!! And it can go into deep rp if theres some people more experienced because I'd love to do that too.
I just love ATSV and when I saw it I was like 'omg this has SO much RP potential and with so many spidersonas yoooooooo' Like Spider Society seems so interesting that even a fic can't even do it just yknow what I mean like i wanna hang out in the food court and spar with other spidersonas in the training rooms or talk about canon events in support groups or see other universes or whatever
But I have NO idea if enough people would be into this or if anyone would be. Or how to work discord. But I'd be willing to go all in if some people (like even 4 or 10 is enough) and make it like a super cool chill community of developed spidersonas and stuff
maybe its a pipedream but I figured I'd put it out there
If you'd be interested reply or something if u'd like and if you'd be interested in like helping on the discord side or being on welcome committtee let me know
or even if you just have a good amount of discord rp experience hit me up
This post is for me to guage interest in something like this, I'm hoping this asks indicates some kind of interest.
If you read this far, thank you!!! Bye :) Please let me know or tell me your thoughts if you have any
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d00dlebug4 · 11 months
Ray of Sunshine Not So Strong (Sundrop x Reader)
(Angst and Comfort)
Y/n was a type of person who always had a smile on her face. She would always laugh, smile, joke, and was always optimistic in life. Even during negative occurrences, she was never put down.
Sun had always admired that type of positivity. The kids loved playing with her and she was a great influence in their early childhood growth. The Daycare needed people like her. Everybody loved her. Employees seemed to respect her. Parents adored her. Even Sundrop had adored her. Let's just say he considered his Y/n to be his 'Ray of Sunshine'.
But today, however, Sundrop's Ray of Sunshine wasn't so bright. Low energy, forced smile, fake humor. She seemed, dare he think, depressed. Through the day, Sun kept an eye on her st a distance, waiting the right time to approach and make sure she was ok.
But the time was never right.
While playing with the kids, he heard some raised and hostile voices. Looking over to see what was going on, his mechanical heart stopped, and his vision focused on Y/n's face. Her eyes glassy, cheeks stained with fresh tears, lips trembling. Her anxiety levels were in the red, and her heartbeat has increased to the state where she should be hyperventilating.
Y/n has always been happy, always been a delight. She always looked into positives. So seeing her in this state just made something click into Sun.
Y/n was being yelled at by an ugly human being. Unfortunately, he bullied and abused her when she was a child, and he was at the PizzaPlex to celebrate his little daughter's birthday. But seeing how she worked here, he obviously had to make her life miserable, and degrade her self worth. Y/n was trying everything to keep it together but failed, past traumas resurfacing and making her feel like a small 10 year old child all over again. She couldn't even mutter a single word to him. Even if she could, how? What if she lost her job by turning him away and him complaining to her superiors, lying through his teeth just to get his way.
"-on't get anywhere in life. I'm surprised you're still a live." The man downgraded Y/n more. But then a shadow hovered behind Y/n, and a metal arm pulled the young woman against his body, his hand in her hair and pressing her face against his comfort.
"Excuse me. But you are at the Daycare. Kindly take your nasty language up your buttocks and leave. The children don't need your NeGaTiViTe influence around." Sun's blue eyes glowed, his smile forced and threatening in his own way.
The man grimaced and scowled. But then smirked. "Your life got so sad, your friend is a scrap of children entertainment metal?"
Sun felt Moon began to growl inside, and knew he would try to scratch his way out. The Daycare Attendant had set Y/n to the side, his finger beans gentle on her form, before turning to the man. "Safety Protocol Actived. Removing dangerous man from premises." He grabbed the man's arms and lifted him up, leading her to the entrance of the DayCare.
"Hey! This is assault! Put me down! I will call the police!" The man wiggled and tried to get away, but was powerless against Sun, who now had a grimace. Once outside the Daycare, Sun rose his voice. "Security Alert! Dangerous man within Premises! Security Alert!"
While Sun was dealing with Y/n step father, she was trying to fix her composure. Another employee finally came to the scene, brows furrowed. "Hey. Are you.. o..k?" The employee saw Y/n's state, and knew she wasn't. "Go take a break. Come back when you're ready."
Y/n nodded, but then was lifted up by Sundrop, his face nuzzling Y/n's wet cheek. Without a word, he headed straight to his room, climbing and jumping effortlessly. Once in his room, he sat her on his bed. "Are you ok?" His voice was so sad, his mechanical facial features looking so worried.
Feeling her heart clench, Y/n hugged Sun, and began to cry loudly, letting all her feelings out. Sun was stunned, but held his little Ray of Sunshine to his body, running his fingers through her hair. He realized she was a fragile being who must be protected. She puts up her positive attitude because she was raised in abuse and neglect. He will make sure that Y/n will never feel that way again. He never agrees with Moon's tactics.. But he swears. If he sees that man WITHIN the Pizzaplex... An accident could very well perhaps happen.
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