#letters to ashley
hollyhumbrstone · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
bestie i literally have no idea when you sent this im so sorry i havent been ignoring you i promise!!! i'll do the songs i'm currently obsessed with
sugar by chris james
paint my bedroom black by holly humberstone
tough subject by tristan
the last one by maisie peters
what are we doing? by egoism
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marvelousbelladonna · 1 month
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My goodness 🫣☺️
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These dorks, before they even started dating 😂
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yashley · 6 months
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ashley in c3e24
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roseglazedlens · 11 months
I lieu of October coming up, how would some of the resident evil characters spend Halloween with the reader? ♡♡♡
┇LEON S. KENNEDY┇CARLOS OLIVEIRA┇ETHAN WINTERS┇ ┇CLAIRE REDFIELD┇ASHLEY GRAHAM┇ADA WONG┇ content: SFW! Ada's part is slightly suggestive! a/n: thank you for the request! I had problem with some of these for a while, but with halloween around the corner i found the festive vibes for this!! hope you enjoy, dear! thank you for requesting again!! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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Leon doesn't usually dress up. It's out of the way for him to do so usually. But he can be bribed with a good meal and hug.
Old man thinks he's too cool to enjoy Halloween. But he actually really enjoyed dressing up in his low budget vampire suit from the discounted section of a Halloween store.
This is the only time in the year he would slick back his hair with gel in spite of how you think it looks really good on him, framing his features and accentuating his blue eyes. He is very stubborn and likes his hair down.
Now he wears the same costume every year. So much that you're getting really sick of it. He insists that it makes him look good (and it does)
He tries to act cool, but he hates horror movies. When you are watching it together, his hand will be clasping your arm tight, shaking a little.
"Are you sure you don't want to watch something else?" You would ask, and he would respond with: "Pfft. Me? I'm not scared at all."
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Halloween is Claire's favourite holiday! She LOVES it.
And so does the kids in her neighbourhood. She always has a huge smile on her face with trick or treaters, will compliment everyone's costumes and give away extra treats.
I see her going all out for Halloween parties. She learnt SFX makeup and a bit of sewing so that her costumes and make-up are really scary.
Which is a stark contrast with her brother, Chris. He thinks dressing up is a chore and a waste of time. When he does dress-up, it's always in uniform (e.g. firefighter, cop). He thinks it makes him look cool. (He's not wrong but, what is up with Chris and uniforms?)
Already planned out her costumes for the next five years (Ideas keep changing too). She definitely wishes there are more days in Halloween because she has so many ideas.
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Carlos is a menace during Halloween.
In no way is Carlos the best at making costumes or doing scary make-up, but Carlos is very creative.
Years ago, Carlos disguised himself as a stuffed doll sitting on the porch. Gave all the kids the fright of their life. He will watch them scram away in fear, and bellows a laugh. (traumatising kids is his favourite pasttime)
Another year, he devised a mechanism that springs up a shadowed figure anytime someone rings his doorbell.
He became infamous in his neighbourhood for his antics, and it's now an attraction for both kids and grown-ups every Halloween.
I also see him and Claire becoming really good friends from their united love for Halloween!
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I headcanon Ashley to crochet, so with Halloween coming, I see her crocheting a spooky themed sweater top, or a granny square bag to embrace the season.
I think Ashley loves to host Halloween parties. With the size of her dad's house, she can accomodate a lot of friends. Often going over the top with themes and decorations.
This year's theme is Harry Potter. She custom ordered a 3 metre (10 feet) tall animatronic of a Dementor in her party and everyone loved it!
She also loves bingeing spooky movies during Halloween. Ashley loves horror movies so much! I don't see her screaming at horror movies, she has grown an immunity to them from watching too many.
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We already know Ethan has meticulously planned for Halloween almost a month in advance just for Rose.
He is determined to make Rose experience the best childhood, and that includes Halloween too.
Ethan loves matching costumes (would never admit it though), especially with Rose and you too.
When he finishes dressing up Rose, he snaps a million pictures of her, claiming he will show it to Rose when she's all grown up. And Rose will say "Dad, I don't want to take any more photos. The treats are gonna run out!"
Very protective. If anyone has a scary costume, he will steer Rose away from the scary man. Same for people who are underdressed, or is just generally creepy. Not on his watch.
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Halloween is not Ada's cup of tea. She goes out of her way to avoid going out during these days.
For trick or treaters, she leaves a candy bowl on her porch for kids to help themselves. Ada enjoys seeing the silly costumes the kids wear, but she despises interacting with them.
If you are special to Ada, she will put on a sexy Halloween outfit in the privacy of your quarters just for you. She won't take responsibility for whatever you guys might do afterwards. But those are just for your eyes only.
Ada watches horror movies with a blank face. At this point, nothing phases her anymore. I think she'll find them boring and slightly frustrating, with the stupid things the protagonists do to get themselves in danger. She rather watch true crime instead.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @kennedyswhore @emilzke @daydreamrot @j3llyd0nut @ovaryacted @obsolescent © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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dudeyjench · 1 year
“It’s a UNION. It’s a UNION.”
this whole… whole moment. i’m SCREAMING. TRAVIS!?! it takes either total precision or spontaneity to take sam off guard and FUCK HIM UP. he and fcg shared a voice body and soul for that WHOLE MOMENT. and from the GET: ashley and sam’s f a c e s, their /reactions/, when they both go *click* about the furniture. they both TWITCH. it is miraculous. bonne nuit.
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saintfrancesworld · 9 months
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Who’s doing it with me?!
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erraticdementiac · 3 months
listen. No please just listen. the hitachiin twins walked so Andy and leyley could simply defy societal convention . (**i'm in grave danger heehee)
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redlettermediathings · 8 months
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wandered-rose · 29 days
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𐙚 I finally found some new bedsheets, I'm going to put these on when it gets more colder | Instagram
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aaronapollo · 1 year
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hollyhumbrstone · 8 months
💌 Love letters for beloved mutuals! Hi Ashley! We haven’t spoken in far too long omg but I always love to see you on my dash. I hope you have the best time at the shows coming up (SO SOON ITS CRAZY) and get your dream surprise songs <3333 Happy Valentines Day! (@/thisultraviolet)
LIV!! this is so sweet you're such a cutie, thank you so much for sending me a little love letter <33 omg how crazy, which night are you going to?? (i'm melb n2!!) also manifesting your dream surprise songs for your show ✨✨
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marvelousbelladonna · 6 months
FCG’s heroic sacrifice
“I am alive. I am alive for the first time. And I am alive, not because I was made by D or Dancer or even the Changebringer. I’m alive because they made me alive. And it’s the connections that I made with all of them. And it’s a feeling of joy. And I’m happy to do this, because they saved my life and I’ll save theirs.” - Fresh Cut Grass
Part 1/2
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sol-consort · 2 months
Ahhh! You're back!!! I'm so happy!!! I'm your biggest fan!!! 💕💕💕
thank you! you're so nice <3
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
Hi Rose 🤍 My baby fever is off the charts rn!!! So can I get a hc of any of the RE characters as a baby/toddler in a daycare pls?
Ps: Ik I said any but Chris fs was a FAT baby and Leon was a mama’s boy (thinking about that one audio rn and im sobbing 🥹)
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⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 ⦒
characters: leon s. kennedy, ashley graham, ethan winters, ada wong, chris redfield, claire redfield, carlos oliveira a/n: thank you maya for requesting bby!! my queen!!! also look at me getting too into this, i love these characters so so much! check out re character's reaction & their s/o's dog ! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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You are right! He is a mama's boy!!
On his first few weeks of daycare, Leon would cry the longest every time he's been dropped off.
Has a hard time adjusting to daycare, but gets used to it after making a few friends (notably chris & luis)!
He is always telling his friends and teachers in daycare about how his mama did this... mama did that... Leon is super proud of her.
Also Leon's the kind of kid who plays with cars, crashes them together and starts clapping (Not much different from the present)
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Teacher's pet just because she's always respectful, and sharing toys with her classmates.
Oftentimes, kids take advantage of that and take her toys.
Because of that, I think she's often neglected by her teachers since the other troublemaker kids need more attention, so to speak.
She would be friends with Claire as Claire would not hesitate to snitch on other kid's bad behaviour to the teacher.
Ashley loves little Sylvanian Families and play-doh - I see this developing into a slime making hobby as an adult!
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I'm getting the quiet, nerdy kid vibe for Ethan.
Toddler Ethan loves to collect trading cards, he doesn't necessarily know how to play the game, he just likes the glossy look of them.
I feel like he'll have trouble making friends in class because they don't understand what the cards mean to him.
Poor kid just wants someone to talk about Pokemon with.
Gets very excited about dinosaurs and will play the game "Who can name the most dinosaurs?" knowing he'll always win.
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Don't mess with Ada, or she'll have you regret it.
Even as a toddler, she would always get her way. Always be the first on swings.
Ada, even as a kid, enjoys her solitude and hates for that to be broken. She enjoys playing LEGO uninterrupted.
I can see her hating loud kids like Chris (And that's totally not because Chris trampled her LEGO town one time and she'd held that grudge for life)
Younger Ada teaches the other kids bad words, but somehow she is never caught, and never gotten in trouble.
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Fat baby (he's just built this way)
'Accidentally' steals Claire's NERF guns, and feigns ignorance when he's confronted.
Big troublemaker at daycare. Teachers are always chasing him down but toddler Chris runs really fast.
100% Captain America enthusiast. He admires the act of serving his country, and that lead him to choose a career in military.
NERFs guns for life - I see him messing around and shooting the dart at other kids (especially Claire, usually to get back at her for snitching on him to mum)
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Younger Claire, who also inherited the Redfield attitude, takes no shit from anyone.
If Chris shoves her, Claire would shove back. And that may have resulted in a lot of sibling fights.
Strong believer of justice - Will pick fights with anyone, even big kids and adults, if she sees injustice.
Brutally honest kid - when someone asks for a compliment, she would say "That shirt makes you look fat" without batting an eye.
Alike Chris, she loves NERF guns (they often like the same guns, so it almost always turns into a brawl at the toy section)
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Carlos, is the number one reason of all teacher's migraines in his daycare.
He is the class clown, so anything he says gets a reaction from the other kids in class (often disrupting them)
So the moment Carlos speaks (he is still focusing on whatever he's doing), the class erupts in laughter.
Toddler Carlos is the kid who mashes the music button on a toy repeatedly. A cheeky smile on his face, very entertained by it.
Also I see toddler Carlos on the trampoline a lot, often trying to jump as high as he can. Even though he is most definitely too young to be on the trampoline.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @sporeghost @httpsuguru @emilzke @daydreamrot @navstuffs @custard0nut @ovaryacted © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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rellasnowheenim · 2 months
Because he was right: sometimes people came into your life for brief moments, and changed you forever. I think he was my person.
And he didn't even exist. He came from the mind of an author I'd admired so much—who had changed my life with her books, so of course I would fall for a man she created. His backstory, his witty banter, his minty eyes, even the way he smelled.
—Ashley Poston, from A Novel Love Story
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lottiies · 2 months
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