#letter charms
aquapede · 6 months
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thinking about gardevoir and gengar being pen pals after everything. she'll always have time for her favorite insane little guy
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giddlygoat · 7 months
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mister kingdom - electric light orchestra
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this took quite a while to finish. i think just over 7 hours. i keep trying to express how much these three mean to me and i never quite feel satisfied with it, but just the act of creating things to show my love for these characters is therapeutic to me. also, everyone go read all chips in. beautiful and life changing hr x chip [or as i like to call it, High Revver] fic!
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weirdasshomo · 2 months
the moment i got Charons keepsake n saw this my delulu ass went straight back to charmes train
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
May i request Yandere love letter of Prince Kit (part 2), where reader ran away from him after midnight at the ball
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As the last chime echoed through the empty hall, my heart was filled with sadness as I saw you disappear into the shadows of the night. The radiant beauty that lit my path all night has now been lost, leaving only the memory of your enchanting presence.
Your escape has left an emptiness in my chest, a feeling of loss that I can't bear. Every moment with you was like a fairy tale, and now, in the solitude of this empty hall, I realize how deeply I fell in love with you.
If only I could find words to express how I feel, maybe I could bring you back into my arms. I promise to search for you tirelessly, riding through dark forests and deep valleys, until our destinies intertwine again.
The night was just beginning for us, but cruel fate separated us. Since then, I have been counting the minutes, hours and days, waiting for the moment when we can meet again. Every second away from you is an eternity of pain and longing. If only I could go back in time and prolong that magical moment we were together, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Please believe in my sincere love and my determination to win your heart once again. You are my lost princess, my light in the darkness, and I will do everything in my power to have you back by my side. Just wait for me because I am coming for you.
With all my love and longing,
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foursaints · 1 month
saints do you ever think about Barty’s time in Azkaban
i think it’s objectively hilarious that he was only there for “about a year” before his parents busted him out. and then he started bragging about surviving azkaban like. love of my life. that was basically just an interesting gap semester that you had 😭
but generally i think it’s pretty straightforward in there? i think the way dementors alienate you from yourself was already pretty familiar to him because of his childhood, and that’s why he bounced back so quickly. his post-azkaban “kept under imperius & under an invisibility cloak” imprisonment is much sadder to me than his actual prison stay
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
Yet another Childe post, inspired by a reddit discussion this time.
In the Chinese voiceover he switches to a flat PTSD voice after he declares you a friend. Early Liyue interactions are warmer and more cordial.
He puts a lot of effort into pretending he's a normal person in front of strangers and most people never get to see anything even resembling the real him.
This is why I don't really agree with headcanons about him making friends everywhere he goes (people often use it as a proof that he's Normal and Sweet and only does morally questionable things because of the Fatui). He's superficially friendly and charming because he wants something from people or as a precaution measure, but that's all there is to it. It's a skill. 
I don't think he cares about making friends.
(I actually wonder if Yoimiya and Xinyan friendly reactions to him is being able to see his real somewhat decent self or just giving our boy the benefit of the doubt.
I don't think these two can be fooled by superficial things so it's probably just them being kind and him not being actively malicious)
When he actually considers someone a friend he becomes... rather unpleasant. Like in that line about rain and fishing.
For a similar reason I don't really buy the idea of three guys in Meropide being Childe's friends. The story they tell heavily implies that they tried to bully him until he snapped, wiped the floor with them and returned to whatever he was doing at the moment. Then they suddenly began to adore him. It's not friendship, it's fawning and it's not worth much. I'm sure Childe knows it.
So he got himself a bunch of henchmen, shrugged and used them for his goals (I'm sure he was nice about it, the guy is generous when someone helps him). He then probably forgot they ever existed.
It's not what you normally call "making friends". He just makes sure he's liked while he still needs it.
The boy has manners though, I'll give him that.
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thoodleoo · 4 months
not me taking old latin V national latin exams to make sure i still know how this language works
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In words laden with affection and warmth, Prince Philip told the then Princess Elizabeth how he had fallen in love with her 'unreservedly.'
The letter, written in 1946 — a year before their wedding — was among several revealed in Philip Eade's 2011 book Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early Life.
The Duke of Edinburgh, who has died aged 99, told the Princess how falling in love with her so 'completely' had made his personal troubles and even those of the world 'seem small and petty.'
He also found it difficult to put his feelings into words, describing in another message after they had spent time together how he felt incapable of 'showing you the gratitude that I feel.'
And he told the Queen Mother in the year of her daughter's wedding to him how 'Lilibet was the only thing in this world, which is absolutely real to me.'
Love letters
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Philip served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War and saw active service against German, Italian, and Japanese forces.
The Greek prince's early life was also marked by upheaval — he escaped his home country as a baby by being hidden in a makeshift cot made from an orange box.
So his words were filled with meaning when he told Princess Elizabeth in 1946 how his love for her made all his past struggle — and the horrors the world had just been through — seem trivial by comparison.
He wrote:
'To have been spared in the war and seen victory, to have been given the chance to rest and to re-adjust myself, to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly, makes all one's personal and even the world's troubles seem small and petty.'
Three years earlier, Philip had spent Christmas at Windsor Castle.
Princess Elizabeth was said to be animated in a way 'none of us had ever seen before,' her governess, Marion Crawford, wrote.
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Writing to her after seeing her again in July, Philip wrote of the 'simple enjoyment of family pleasures and amusements and the feeling that I am welcome to share them.'
'I am afraid I am not capable of putting all this into the right words and I am certainly incapable of showing you the gratitude that I feel.'
The same year, he apologised for the 'monumental cheek' of turning up to Buckingham Palace uninvited.
'Yet however contrite I feel, there is always a small voice that keeps saying "Nothing ventured, nothing gained,"' he wrote.
'Well did I venture, and I gained a wonderful time.'
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And in a letter to the Queen Mother two weeks after his wedding to Princess Elizabeth in November 1947, Philip expressed his vision for their time together.
He said:
'Lilibet is the only thing in this world, which is absolutely real to me, and my ambition is to wield the two of us into a new combined existence that will not only be able to withstand the shocks directed at us but will also have a positive existence for the good... Cherish Lilibet?'
'I wonder if that word is enough to express what is in me. Does one cherish one's sense of humour or one's musical ear or one's eyes?
'I am not sure, but I know that I thank God for them and so, very humbly, I thank God for Lilibet and us.'
Public speeches
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The pair's wedding, attended by an array of foreign kings and queens, captured the public imagination in the austere post-war days of November 1947.
The newly-weds were called the Fairy Princess and Prince Charming.
After honeymooning at Broadlands, Hampshire, home of Lord Mountbatten, and at Birkhall on the Balmoral estate in Scotland, Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh stayed at Buckingham Palace until renovation of their new home, nearby Clarence House, was completed in 1949.
And in the years since then, both Philip and the Queen have spoken of each other with affection in public.
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In a 1997 toast during the couple's 50th wedding anniversary, he said:
'I think the main lesson that we have learned is that tolerance is the one essential ingredient of any happy marriage.
It may not be quite so important when things are going well, but it is absolutely vital when the going gets difficult.
You can take it from me that the Queen has the quality of tolerance in abundance.'
She said on the same evening that Philip had been her 'strength and stay all these years.'
'I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know,' she added.
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In 2002, at her Golden Jubilee Speech, the monarch said of her consort:
'The Duke of Edinburgh has made an invaluable contribution to my life over these past fifty years, as he has to so many charities and organisations with which he has been involved.'
And, during her Diamond Jubilee address to Parliament in 2012, the Queen said to her husband:
'During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure.
Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide.'
Private moments
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Philip was there for the Queen when her father, King George VI, died in February 1952.
Only six days before her father's death, the then Princess and Philip had embarked on their tour of Australia via Kenya.
According to Eade in his book, Philip said of the days following the King's death that 'there were plenty of people telling me what not to do.'
He added:
'I had to try to support the Queen as best I could without getting in the way. The difficulty was to find things that might be useful.'
And according to an anecdote told by Queen Alexandra of Yugoslavia, Philip is said to have told the Queen when recalling their first meeting in 1934 that — 'you were so shy. I could not get a word out of you.'
Mischievous Philip is also said to have joked to his wife on the day of her coronation in 1953 — when she was wearing the 17th-century St Edward's Crown — 'where did you get that hat.'
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Elizabeth II (21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (10 June 1921 – 9 April 2021)
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ataleofcrowns · 7 months
i love the difference between a blunt and a charming crown’s letter to d! it just shows how much effort you put in the game, thank you! 💕
Thanks so much, I appreciate you noticing that!! 💖💖
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sullenseptember · 4 months
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I have something to say
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devils-yui · 1 year
Listen, all the characters in Vox Machina are hot,
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stimboardboy · 1 year
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blue leftovers
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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My Man Jeeves vs. Carry On, Jeeves: A Choice On the Basis of Charm
So as I was having a go at putting the letters together with Mr. Wooster, I realized that the versions of the early New York saga on Standard eBooks, where I sourced the text, were taken from the 1919 collection My Man Jeeves, rather than Carry On, Jeeves - the latter being how I presume the majority of fans read the stories. Naturally, I figured that I really ought to get the most recent public domain versions of the stories, to best represent the current nature of the series. So I had a look at Carry On, Jeeves, curious about the differences therein. And the ones I found were... kind of disappointing.
So, if you haven't read the stories, or just aren't bally interested, then I'll just say that I think the versions present in My Man Jeeves are an awful lot more fun than their rewrites, and am making the executive decision as Woosterian Substack Secretary to use the old instead of the new. For those who are bally interested, I'll chat a bit more under the cut.
All in all, the differences aren't extreme. None of the plot elements have changed, most of the lines haven't changed, and really, if you know one version of the story, you won't have trouble conversing with someone who knows the other. But I find the changes made in the nature of baffling. Some are very tiny changes, but odd nonetheless. Here's Bicky in "Hard-Boiled Egg", talking about why he doesn't want to go in for ranching, in the original My Man Jeeves.
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And here's the same passage in Carry On, Jeeves.
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Why cut the line about Bicky hating horses because they bite? It gives a more interesting context to why he doesn't want to ranch than the one in Carry On, Jeeves. He doesn't just not want to do the work out of laziness - he's afraid of horses! It's an unexpected and interesting thing for him to say, and it builds a sort of unique speech pattern of short, snappy sentences that fire one after another. It's such a tiny thing that I'm not even sure why it was deemed necessary to cut, unless there were length requirements, but it sands Bicky down a bit.
However, some of the other changes are much more considerable. Take the intro to "The Aunt and the Sluggard" in My Man Jeeves...
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...and compare it to the intro in Carry On, Jeeves.
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Not even close! What possessed anyone - Wodehouse or editors - to make this sort of cut? On some level I suppose I could understand it if it were purely for the sake of not needing to introduce the character partway through a book, when you'd certainly need to in a magazine, but clearly My Man Jeeves didn't see a problem with having Bertie repeatedly introduce Jeeves this way - and as a reader, neither did I! It's a very charming paragraph full of Bertieisms, and the nervous sort of hesitation upon wishing to call him a friend is even more endearing. Sure, the "guide, philosopher, and friend" quote is later used in the first chapter of 1923's The Inimitable Jeeves, so I can see why Wodehouse and/or editors might have thought the sentiment too repetitive to stick in a collection published afterwards, but the two are subtly different. Here, Bertie is unsure that he can call Jeeves a friend, but in The Inimitable Jeeves below, he says it with surety.
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It's especially sweet with the knowledge that My Man Jeeves was published before The Inimitable Jeeves, because that shows this as growth! He's more willing to let himself acknowledge their friendship, and that's a wonderful thing! And even without that linearity, it's just so much weaker of a start. You aren't as drawn in by the significant blander intro as you are by the acquainted birds of poet Johnnies, or the "guide, don't you know" that Bertie relies on at every turn. It's more conversational, engaging, and just plain fun.
But that's not even really the most egregious removal. No, the biggest difference is the excising of the entire intro to "Leave It to Jeeves".
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This whole section, which later segues into a sum-up of the events of "Extricating Young Gussie" and a description of New York, is just plain gone in "The Artistic Career of Corky", which this story has been renamed in Carry On, Jeeves. No "Melonsquashville, Tennesee", no horses named Banana Fritter, no Bertie trying to give Jeeves racing tips because he's fond of him. It's peak Bertie silliness, and I remember that I really loved reading it. And yes, again, maybe it was cut just because it follows "Jeeves Takes Charge", which already introduces the character, but I certainly don't see a reason why none of it could be kept - especially since the conceit of the series tends to read as if being told aloud to someone else, and thus it makes sense to repeatedly introduce the character in such a way to new listeners and audiences. Instead, we are given this by way of introduction.
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This goes straight into the "Gussie" sum-up and the description of New York, as well as the subsequent description of Corky. All that fun before, reduced to a paltry bit of introductory exposition before the exposition that already happened in the original. Was it cut merely for length? Why else could this possibly have happened? Why remove all that delightful humor and prose in favor of something so much weaker and less interesting? It boggles the mind - boggles it.
In short, I've decided to keep the My Man Jeeves versions of these stories as they are. While some of the changes I saw weren't bad - saying that Rocky's poem went on for "three more verses" got a chuckle out of me, I will say, and the connective tissue with the other stories wasn't bad, either - it was not enough to sacrifice all this. Bertie's narration is always a delight, and I think that delight should be preserved. But if anyone has rebuttals as to why they think the Carry On, Jeeves versions should be used instead, I'd honestly love to hear them!
Thank you for reading!
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puppyeared · 5 months
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valentines day pkmn wip ^_^
#im gonna put them on their own canvases and write a little abt their design insp and ideas#i had a lot of ideas but decided to go with the ones i felt worked strongest. although id love to go back to the ones that#didnt make the cut and see if i can rework them.. its a little hard to remember things that correspond to valentines day...!!!!#i wanted to do wedding dress gardevoir.. pearl necklace onix... romantic candle chandelure... heart balloon drifloon....#cherubird was supposed to be delibird but i found it hard to work around the santa theme without making it hard to recognize#so i decided to make it a new pokemon (fakemon?) entirely ^_^ based on seraphim doves and love letters#klefki is based on the pont de arcs bridge in france known for its lovelocks!! it collects charms like halves of best friend necklaces#lockets and lost wedding rings.. sawsbuck is based on tree carvings with lovers names and sakura branches#roserade is based on flower bouquets. i like how its design came out!! the body is supposed to look like a waistcoat#lopunny based on playboy bunnies. the fur on its wrists is supposed to resemble the cuffs. torso has the one piece suit#and their legs have the thigh high stockings. frogadier is based on romantic bubble baths with flower petals#tangela is based on curly old telephone wires that you twirl between your fingers when calling your lover kicking your feet in the air#decidueye has to be my fav though with the cupid theme. also used barn owls bc of the heart shaped face#i cant wait to finish these!!!! i can see these going on my portfolio for sure#my art#myart#pokemon#pokemon design#valentines day#wip#doodles
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Please, dear, can you write a love letter of Prince Kit from Cinderella? Pretty please
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Dear (Y/N),
From the moment our eyes met for the first time, my heart knew that you were mine, the owner of my deepest dreams. Every time our fingers touch, I feel a connection that transcends any rational explanation. Your smile brightens not only my day but also my entire world.
You are the reason I believe in fairy tales, happy endings and true love. Your kindness, your sweetness and your strength inspire me to be a better man every day. In your eyes, I find a home where I want to spend the rest of my days, protecting and loving you with all my being.
I love you in a way I never thought possible. My love for you is intense, burning, and sometimes even frightening. I would do anything for you, my love. Anything to protect you, to keep you safe by my side.
I can't get you out of my mind, not even for a second. Every thought, every breath, is dedicated to you. My love for you is eternal, unwavering and unconditional. Please never doubt that. I love you more than words can express.
I promise to walk alongside you, facing the challenges that life brings us, and celebrating the joys we will share together. You are my everything, my beloved, my reason for living. And I, Prince Kit, am deeply in love with you.
With all my love,
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un-pearable · 1 year
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i want tails and omega to be just the WEIRDEST friends after he rebuilt him in idw. murder robot with the funniest ego imaginable trying so hard to befriend the world’s tiniest genius for free only mostly violence-related upgrades (does NOT know how this works and overcorrected into being vaguely rude)
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