#leticia fucking lewis
frecklesandpoverty · 2 years
I started watching Lovecraft Country last night finally. For like 95% of the first episode I was like “maybe it’ll be like ‘people are the real monsters’”, until suddenly, noooope. Nope that’s a real monster and it just ate a dude lmao. Starting episode 2 now.
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msjrichonne · 4 years
Lovecraft Country is done. I was so obsessed and it was a good run. The finale seemed really final. I no longer want a 2nd season because I feel that some things were rushed but the main character arcs were completed. Ruby deserved better, that's all I am gonna say on that.
I hope that Mischa Green and the awesome writers get another opportunity to bring more black sci fi, horror, and fantasy to our screens. They really did the damn thing with this series and I am thankful to have watched it live. RIP Tic.
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I need to know who else is watching Lovecraft Country. Because it is FUCKING INCREDIBLE and I need to discuss.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
I heard Lovecraft Country got cancelled for season 2 despite it being incredibly popular and I was angry at first but then I thought...
It's probably for the best. I want to see more of robot armed Dee and her black shoggoth, sci-fi superhero Hippolyta, fox spirit Ji-Ah, and baddest black witch Leticia Lewis kicking ass and taking names, but maybe that is asking too much of producers.
And while we're here in this limbo of what could have been, I want to state firmly that Ruby Batiste survived. Fuck you you don't have any solid evidence to suggest otherwise as she "died" off screen. My girl is alive and kicking and finally got that familial apology from Leticia that she deserved.
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anonil88 · 4 years
Pissed my entire lovecraft country episode 7 liveblog got deleted fuck. But imma try to summarize my thoughts.
My favorite episode of the season so far !
Dee is a badass just like her mom and dad and no matter what happens next episode that lil girl is amazing. She got snaps and claps from me for beating the jiggaboos ass and correcting those crooked ass cops.
"Hippolyta is greek assholes."
Christina and Tic are like Cain and Able. So it makes sense why Christina is so cold, if she cared about anyone but herself she would not be as motivated towards her goal of immortality or ascending magical heights. Because then she would have something/someone who she would have to consider in her decision. Tic is is similar in this way but its the reverse for him. Cousins not brothers but similar.
But lil miss Christina apparently got feeling strong as hell to subject herself to Emmet Tills exact death just so she can have some semblance of the pain it feels when black people look a member of the community so violently.
Ruby finally told Leti she is fucking her enemy. The pipe too good and honey pit too sweet to stop now lmfao.
Ruby had me wanting to cry though before and when that cop pulled up. William/Christina had to be like get off my woman. Which they are bold as hell being so publicly open in an interracial relationship.
That sex scene though:
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We finally have seen the transformation from black to white to black Ruby and I wanna say the effects team brava.
The conversation they had about Christina feeling nothing toward's Emmets death anf not caring about anyone else is so crazy good. Everything Ruby said is exactly what it feels like dating a white person as a black person. You want them to relate and be sympathetic but they never will fully understand unless they go through it together. Which as I pointed to she did that.
Ruby is selfish, glad Christina pointed that out so bluntly, cause Ruby did not need to go to Christina after that funeral but she did. Cause she wanted some passionate, some strings, dick to numb her feelings.
I love how everyone could tell Leti was pregnant on Tics side, like pregnancy smelling noses.
Leti and Jiah that table conversation was tense as fuck. Tic is a p.o.s for how he treated Ji-ah and is treating Leti. Learn how to fucking communicate sir. He threw Ji-Ah out of that house like it was his but he don't pay no bills. Thats Leticia fucking Lewis' house. Ji-Ah was trying to help him and he was too dense and dumb to see she loves him.
Wild, that Tic saw the future and his sons book also i appreciate them tying the source material to the show in that way.
Montrose is actually being a good dad which is strange for me, but he never cheated on Tics momma. Also he is helping Tic use magic and is willing to sacrifice himself, there is so much about him that Atticus obviously doesn't know. Which is so sad.
That protection spell on Tic mirrored with the one Christina put on Leti and the baby. Which probably means something.
As I said in my original liveblog the Bible is a book of magic, spells, and faith in ways that people fail to see.
I found it funny that they gave Christina all the pieces she needed and she didn't even force their hands or coerce them, she just left the door open for communication. Which is something they all could learn.
Fuck these cops, fuck all of them. That mark of Cain (which is clever) came in handy completely. I wonder how Christina would react if Ruby had died. Yaknow what no i don't she a lil too powerful and bold for that.
Entirely and completely fuck that chief or sheriff or whatever the fuck he was. Nasty add spit.
So glad shoggoth puppy ripped him and all his goons to fucking shreds.
Speaking of which shoggoth puppy!!! What should we name him, im thinking shogo or crafty.
Does anyone know the significance of the lights being turned off in their town that night?
Next episode preview thoughts: I fucking love this show and I need more like it. Next episode looks wild. Leti is being all protective of her big sister because Christina and Ruby said:
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And Montrose is playing captain save a legacy. I need more shows like this with black people ugh I feel so seen as a nerdy black person. Books are great but we shouldn't just be shoved into words without pictures and never seeing ourselves in realities we could only imagine.
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icecoldtea · 4 years
Lovecraft Country Ep 1 was terrific! Cheers to Misha Green 🍻
My heart really went through it though. The scene after the diner and those scenes with the sheriff? I don’t think I was breathing.
Nearly all the minor characters were soooo fucking punchable. And sundown towns? Horrifying.
But I love the Freemans (nerds, the lot of them), and my new hero Leticia Fucking Lewis. I’m excited to see where this goes.
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sonder-seoul · 4 years
Leticia fucking Lewis—put some respect on her name!
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nessa007 · 4 years
Leticia Fucking Lewis ™ with Atticus could be Leticus/Letticus?
Or Atticia 😂😊
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wakandamama · 4 years
Lol to the last Ask. Maddy can’t fuck with Leticia “Fucking” Lewis. What she gonna do scratch her?
Truly I think outta all the Euphoria girls that only who could scrap is Rue and possible BB too.
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krycek-asks · 7 years
Luis’ Storytime: Wanda’s Day Out
A Luis story I wrote to manage the rage and make @thelittleblackfox smile
Overheard at the next table during brunch last Sunday:
“Yo yo yo, so, like, you remember last week when I was all ‘why doesn’t Wanda come out with us anymore to Brunch Roulette?’ And you were like, ‘I dunno brah, but now that you mention it she didn’t hang on movie night neither’. And that was Tremors night yo! Kevin Fuckin’ Bacon - you remember the look on Little Stevie’s face when Rhonda tricked the worm into flying off a cliff to its explosive death? Pure victory, bro! You just know he’s saving that strategy up there in his eidetic memory banks. So’s, like, I solved the mystery dude, but you’re gonna like it about as much as I do, which is like, nada, nil, nyet as you say when you slip into your dark side. Fuck bro! Watch it where you throw that potato hash! Shit is hot! Anyways, so I’m wandering through the common room just back from that abstractionism exhibit at that chill gallery down on 3rd when I find our girl just staring at the news. ‘Course she heard me coming from a mile away but her sixth sense was distracted just enough to not change the channel until it was too late and I caught a glimpse of the reel at the bottom of the screen. Big, bold letters, yo: Wanda Maximoff -should the Scarlet Witch be allowed to walk the streets? Congress to decide on bill regarding inhumans. ‘Inhumans’. In-fuckin’-humans, can you believe that? Barely eighteen years old and the people running this so-called civilization you call home have already decided you’re not a human. They’re going to have a big ol’ chat about how none of the laws that are there to protect their citizens apply to you because they’ve already decided you’re not one of them. Perfect fuckin’ strangers have an opinion about whether you deserve to live your life or not. And that’s not even the worst part bro, not by a long shot. Internet trolls are one thing, just about everybody’s got a case of those sad fuckers, but guess who’s standing in the fucking kitchen making his triple-shot mocha latte? Tony My-girl-left-me-so-I’mma-take-everyone-down-with-me Stark. And you know what he says? Put down the knife, my man, he ain’t standin’ right behind me. Is he? Well, since Vision took his douche-filter out to be de-scaled or somethin’, he says to Wanda, ‘Better stay in the Tower until this blows over. And by ‘stay’ I mean that I’ve already altered security protocols, so, you know, stay. And try not to send someone to their own personal hellscape just because you’re bored, ‘K? We have x-box for that.’ And poof! He’s gone like a leprechaun.
I can see the murder in your eyes, amigo, I am right on that train to avenge-ville with you but it’s not gonna help and you know it. Just make all kinda things worse for that sweet little redhead, ya know? No, I don’t mean Nat! What’s wrong wichu? Don’t get me wrong, I love my girl, but last time I called her ‘sweet’, well, let’s just say that my Twitter followers will never recover. Yes, I have more than just Scott following me. Steve Fuckin’ Rogers, for one. Clint, too. Uh, Sam, Rhodey… Oh yes, he fuckin’ does! I beg to differ, brah. This may come as a surprise to you but your Golden Rod of Morning Wood is a killah on social media. You ain’t ever seen him go after some corrupt government official online? Duuuuude someday you will cave and get an iPhone and get learnt, I’m tellin you! He called himself that bro, don’t get mad at me! Your boy has all kinds of creativity, I’m sure. Sorry my man but ever since I got a taste of those lumber jacked arms around me I gotta bit of a homey-crush, know what I’m sayin’? That’s a fuckin’ secret asshole, don’t you go all giggle fit on me. What is in these mimosas, dawg? Super-trooper truth serum or some shit Bruce cooked up, no doubt.
But, like, as I was sayin’ Wanda looked down, bro, like already given up. Like, when you get told some bullshit so often you start to believe it, all doubting yourself n’shit. Nah, man, no way, that snapped me out of the frozen stupor caused by Tony’s douche-ray and I immediately put my arm around her and said, ‘Girl, I am taking you to see some fish.’
No, I am not talkin’ about my prima Leticia’s boyfriend’s little brother’s mariscos place down by Fulton’s, Bucky. Well, I guess ‘Cente makes a decent ceviche, you know, for this latitude, and yes I am a ‘fuckin food snob’ as you so eloquently put it, and who’s one to talk bro! You’re the one who sent back your poached eggs because the yolks were three-quarters dry. Pot, kettle, black, that’s all I’m sayin’. I was going for a little something more life affirming, and where do I go when I want to just escape and remind myself of some goodness in this world? The aquarium! Yeaahhhhh, now you’re gettin’ it. I know how you liked those octo-dudes in their camo hanging out on those rocks when I brought you the first time - the look on your face when they appeared from outta nowhere, duuuude, I’ve seen love and I’ve seen envy and those complicated emotions with all their little nuances blending together like a Norman Lewis, that was your face! But Wanda, she had a harder time letting go of the outside world and just, you know, experiencing these other-worldly creatures. There were a couple times when her eyes would light up at manta rays dancin’ like they’re flying all around you, or the jellyfish all glowing and ethereal. But always something would make the sadness in those big brown eyes of hers come back, you know, all pull the hood down around her, shrink away a bit deeper into herself. And like maayyyyybe I was talkin’ too much, you know me when I get onto a subject that I know just enough about to be dangerous. My cousin Frankie says that’s why they wouldn’t let me into no science clubs at juvie, ‘fraid I’d accidentally blow somethin’ up. I know, right! Like it’d be an ‘accident’. But Wanda just says in her soft voice that no, she likes it when I talk. Don’t have to tell me twice, homes! Probably the only time I was speechless was when we went to see the otters. Oh my gawd, bro, they are so cute. And smart! And there was this aqua-lady with a mic explaining how they can like float on their backs and use their bellies like a table. I know, I totally thought of Clint too when he’s all cozy on the edge of the sofa and settled in to watch Myth Busters. And otters, those little hedonists, will do shit just for the fun of it. Sometimes they’re like lone wolves of the sea, but mostly they live in groups. And here’s the cutest shit of all, homes, they hold hands when they’re sleeping so they don’t drift away from eachother. Wanda was so into it, these smart little creatures going about their business havin’ fun in this world and livin’ it up. Then she takes my hand, gives it a squeeze and says, ‘Thanks for not letting me float away.’
You know how sensitive I am, bro, I teared up for sure at that, eyes all red rimmed, snifflin’, the works. Just made Wanda smile, so it’s worth it, obvs. So I get her a soft little otter key ring at the gift shop and she cajoles me until I get that ‘AxoLOLtl’ t-shirt I’ve been hummin’ and hawin’ about. We sneak back across town, and she’s grippin’ that fuzzy little otter like it’s the only thing keepin’ her feet on the ground. But you know, she didn’t look down once the whole way back, sat there on that train just like everyone else. So, maybe she’s not ready for Brunch Roulette, but I don’t think she believes that shit people say about her, and she knows she ain’t gotta prove nothin’ to nobody.
‘Course, coulda been that emotional speech Little Stevie gave to her when we got back to the common room that really drove it home. All ‘we’re a family, we’re in this together’ and ‘who here can call themselves human if not a one of us has half the kindness and heart and bravery that you have’. Oh my gawd, bro, when Steve Fuckin’ Rogers gets goin’, I mean, not a dry eye in the house, fuck, I’m tearin’ up just thinkin’ about it. And Wanda just nods and accepts his words and like lets him hug her and kinda sags a bit into his teddy-bear embrace, I mean dude is all-encompassing, I guess I don’t have to tell you that, you dawg. And I have never seen Tony look so conTRITE! His face was so red, I am positive Cap had given him his own speech, not the huggy kind know what I mean, and dragged him by his ears to apologize, like literally, and I don’t gotta remind you the grip your boy has with them strong hands, dude’s like a vice with them muscles, but soft too. Oh shit, is it hot in here? Garçon! Another mimosa, and keep ‘em comin’ brah.”  
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Lovecraft Country Episode 1 Review: Sundown
This Lovecraft Country review contains spoilers.
Lovecraft Country Season 1, Episode 1
We’re introduced to Atticus “Tic” Freeman (Jonathan Majors) in a dream sequence. What begins as a straightforward black and white scene of Tic in the trenches morphs into a colorful panorama of the fantastical, a smorgasbord of sci-fi hors d’oeuvres. Overhead, flying saucers hover, while creatures of unknown origin fly about the sky. A red woman (Jamie Chung) descends from a spaceship, and alerts our hero to the imminent threat of a rising Cthulhu. Before the Elder God can raise hell, Jackie Robinson smashes it to shit with a single swing of his bat. Tic abruptly awakens.
In real life, Tic is on the back of a greyhound. As the bus crosses yet another bridge named after a dead racist, Tic flips the bridge the bird, a final fuck you to the Jim Crow South. Unfortunately, the bus breaks down. Tic reads A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs as they wait for help, which makes sense of some of his dream imagery. When help arrives and begins to load the stranded passengers, it becomes immediately clear to Tic and the only other Black passenger on board that there will be no aid for them. Tic helps the woman with her bags and they walk.
This scene works on multiple levels. First, the dream sequence gives us insight into who Tic is. He’s a war hero out of his depth, surrounded by things too big and unknowable to fight against. His dream is a manifestation of his hopes and fears, and explores both how he sees himself and how he wants to be seen. Second, the scene establishes the setting. Tic is out of the South but not away from its pervasive anti-Blackness. There isn’t a county line that racists stay behind, that once you cross, you’re safe. A fact that is reiterated later in the episode. In its first few minutes, “Sundown” tells us a lot about the world our characters occupy, and their place within it.
Tic finally makes it home to the Southside of Chicago, where he’s reunited with his Uncle George Freeman (Courtney B. Vance), aunt Hippolyta (Aunjanue Ellis), and cousin Diana (Jada Harris), before looking further into his father Montrose’s (Michael K. Williams) disappearance.  After some investigating, he decides to travel to Ardham, Massachusetts (aka “Lovecraft Country”) to find Montrose. Uncle George insists on coming along, take the opportunity to add more information to his atlas and the Negro Motorist Guidebook he publishes.
One of the jobs the pilot episode has is to introduce us to characters and make us care about them. We have to have a sense of who these people are and what their motivations might be and, crucially, we have to be invested in their journey. This is something “Sundown” does exceedingly well. In just a few lines of dialogue, a few minutes on-screen, we not only know who these characters are, we want them to win.
We meet Leticia “Leti” Lewis (Jurnee Smollet) for the first time, when she joins her sister Ruby (Wunmi Mosaku) on stage. Their dynamic is clear even before they have a conversation, and their dialogue together says so much about both of them. Ruby is the responsible one of the two, always looking for an opportunity to advance. Leti is a free-spirit who doesn’t plant roots, so it comes as no surprise that she would randomly decide to join Tic and Uncle George on their trip.
We don’t meet Montrose in this episode, but so much of who he is can be extrapolated from the conversations people have about him. We know he drinks heavily, that he was abused as a kid and abused Tic in turn. We know he, like Tic and George, is well-read. I care about and am invested in Montrose, even though he doesn’t appear on screen.
Another thing Lovecraft Country does well in its premiere is establish stakes. Once Tic, Leti, and Uncle George set off, we see them pass through town after town. Eerie string chords backdrop otherwise innocuous scenes of the trio driving down main streets, or filling up at local gas stations. Where traditionally those audio cues might be used to alert the audience a killer is nearby or an evil entity is wreaking havoc in sight of a nanny cam, music in “Sundown” clues the audience into the fact that the trio are constantly under threat. The ever-present enemy is racism.
Racism isn’t just insidious, though. Tic n’em narrowly avoid being gunned down by white townies after stopping at a diner Uncle George was misinformed about. If not for Leticia Fucking Lewis’ superb driving and an assist from a mysterious white woman (Abbey Lee) in a silver Bentley, they mightn’t have made it. They regroup at Leti’s brother’s and receive his intel on the town of Ardham, including a dossier on the county’s top kkkop.
The group spend all of the following day driving around, looking for a road to Ardham that can’t be found. While pulled over to reassess, they’re approached by the same sheriff they’d been warned about, and he immediately threatens to hang them if they’re caught after dark. With mere minutes until sundown, Tic n’em have to drive out of the county, fast enough to beat the setting sun but not so fast they get pulled over for speeding. They make it over the county line in a knick of time, and are allowed a moment of relief before they run into more deputies.
Tic, Leti, and Uncle George are taken into the woods and forced to the ground, with the deputies’ shotguns aimed directly at them. Before the monsters in uniform can pull the trigger, they’re beset upon by many-eyed, tentacled beasts who dismember a deputy in a single bite. Chaos and carnage ensue, and the sheriff— who was about to execute innocent folks in the forest and who is missing a good chunk of flesh from his person—says, without a hint of irony, “monsters aren’t real.” The cognitive dissonance. Freemans and Leti have God and anime on their side and outmaneuver both the monsters with guns and the ones with fangs. They survive the night and stumble bloody and exhausted into Ardham, and the large manor that fronts the estate. When they approach the front door, it opens and they’re greeted by a vision of Aryan perfection, who says to them: “We’ve been expecting you, Mr. Freeman. Welcome home.”
“Sundown” sets the tone for the season and answers the question of what the audience can expect. This episode tells us, plainly, that racism is a horror of its own, equal to and separate from the things that go bump in the night. But it also makes it clear that monsters are real. We know our heroes are walking into something strange and dangerous, and the fun comes from watching that weirdness unfold. Lovecraft Country holds nothing back in its premiere, and if this episode is anything to go on, the show will only get wilder and better.
The post Lovecraft Country Episode 1 Review: Sundown appeared first on Den of Geek.
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