thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Gremlin, Lethargarian
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Image © Jules Pfieffer, accessed at Wordpress here
[Commissioned by @menaceomysterio, from The Phantom Tollbooth. I figure that the lethargarians are evil because they actively encourage other people to do nothing, and to set them up among gremlins as passive hazards. But I can absolutely see an argument for them to be True Neutral instead. They’re not motivated enough to make moral or ethical decisions.]
Gremlin, Lethargarian CR ¼ NE Fey This tiny humanoid figure looks lumpy and half-formed, its body covered in folds as if wearing heavy clothing. It is the color of its surroundings.
Lethargarians, or sloth gremlins, are dull and lazy little creatures that spend their time eating, sleeping or merely shirking. Their skin blends in with their environments, but at a leisurely pace. A lethargarian’s color shifts over the course of a few minutes to precisely match its background without it doing anything at all. They are slow, so they often try to ride larger creatures, or simply allow themselves to fall from heights if they need to get somewhere lower.
A lethargarian in combat is not exactly fearsome—they carry knives, but use these mostly for cutting food on the rare occasions they can be bothered to eat anything but mush. The real danger comes from their touch, which slows the reactions of other creatures. Lethargarians themselves are too lazy to attack people in general, but they can be roused occasionally by other gremlins; after all, it’s easier to go along with their more ambitious kin for a short while and then be left alone, rather than have to muster up an argument as to why to not do anything. Crueler gremlins such as jinkins and vexgits use lethargarians to set up traps or allow for easier hit and run strikes.
A lethargarian is about a foot tall and weighs 10 pounds or so. They simply cannot be bothered to go through the trouble of aging, and so can survive for surprisingly long times if undisturbed.
Lethargarian        CR ¼ XP 100 NE Tiny fey Init +0; Senses low-light vision, Perception +3 Defense AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 size) hp 3 (1d6) Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1 Weakness vulnerable to mental attacks Offense Speed 10 ft. Melee dagger +2 (1d3-3/19-20) or touch +2 (lethargy) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Spell-like Abilities CL 1st, concentration +3 At will—feather fall 1/day—touch of idiocy Statistics Str 5, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB -5; CMD 5 Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +6, Climb +1, Knowledge (local) +3, Perception +3, Stealth +20; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Common, Sylvan Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary, squad (2-8) or colony (9-40) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Lethargy Touch (Su) A creature touched by a lethargarian must succeed a DC 12 Will save or be slowed, as per the spell, for a number of rounds equal to the lethargarian’s Charisma modifier (2 rounds for the average specimen). A creature that successfully saves is immune to the lethargy touch of that lethargarian for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Vulnerable to Mental Attacks (Ex) Mind-influencing spells or effects that deal damage, such as a mind thrust, deal 150% damage to a lethargarian.
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aleddalan-blog · 5 years
The need for a faster and better processing of work and information has led us to one word- technology. And as creative as our minds can be, we seem to find more innovative ways to achieve our utopian dreams. Some took the path less travelled, while some took the path trekked by most people to obtain various goals. But as people go their own ways, it seems to me that success wasn't really our main destiny- it was plain lethargy.
One aim of technology is to provide comfort while producing optimal outcome of work. Robots have done the job so much better than humans to the point that all the things we do always involve machines. Desk jobs involve desktops, and almost all jobs involve laptops. The latest product of the modern era even lets you see a whole new world to explore through some weird-looking glasses.
When technology attempts to solve problems relating to science, mathematics, energy, time, and even space, it seems to work quite well, but when it comes to problems relating to the mind, communication, and cognitive ability, it fails or backfires unexpectedly.
We may not notice it, but try to ask yourselves. Have you ever put down your phone when you're on a date with someone? I believe not. Have you tried doing your homeworks without surfing through the internet? Truly not.
Yes, it gave us the ability to grasp humongous amounts of information within the reach of our fingers. It gave us oyr long-awaited comfort- but too much of that comfort
This current era may say that "anything boys can do, girls can do better" but here's a hard fact: "whatever humans can do better, machines can do the best."
As time passes by, technology seems to engulf us. It had taken most of the jobs available, and when automated machines had fully taken over, what are we suppised to do? Just loiter around and dilly-dally?
If this goes on, maybe time will come that we won't be called humans anymore, but just a bunch of LETHARGARIANS.
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ageloire · 6 years
59 Female Marketing and Growth Experts You Should be Following
Last week, one of my colleagues stumbled across a list of marketing influencers and shared it in our team's Slack channel. It didn't take long for someone to comment that barely one-fourth of the experts featured in the article were women.
These types of influencer round-ups are all over the web, but very few of them highlight more than a small handful of female leaders. This lack of inclusion is nothing new, but it got us thinking: Why not put together a list of awesome female influencers to inspire future, more inclusive round-up posts?
So here it is: a list of powerful influencers in the growth and marketing space who just so happen to be women. We hope this inspires you to recognize more women in your influencer posts, and expand your social networks beyond the expected sphere of male founders.
Before we jump in, it's important to note that this list is by no means exhaustive. These influencers were suggested by members of our team, and we encourage you to keep the conversation going on Twitter. Tweet at us to share a female leader -- big or small -- who inspires you.
59 Female Marketing & Growth Influencers To Follow
1. Tiffany Da Silva @Bellastone
Tiffany is a growth marketing consultant, international speaker, and founder of Flowjo.co.
2. Christina Rice @CRicePR
Christina is the founder of LuxeLife Media Inc., and was the Director of Public Relations for global fashion brand, Akademiks.
3. Joanna Wiebe @Copyhackers
Joanna is co-founder of Airstory, the creator of Copy Hackers, and and has optimized copy for companies like Intuit, BT, Tesco, Crazy Egg, and MetaLab.
4. Majora Carter @majoracarter
Majora is CEO of Majora Carter Group, and CEO of Startup Box. In 2010, Fast Company named Majora one of the 100 most creative people in business.
5. Crystal Washington @Cryswashington
Crystal is a technology marketing strategist, professional speaker, and author of two books, One Tech Action and The Social Media Why. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, and General Electric. 
6. Claire Suellentrop @ClaireSuellen
Claire is a co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Userlist.io, the founder of Love Your Customers, and co-host of Forget the Funnel. She was also the Director of Marketing at Calendly.
7. Joanna Lord @JoannaLord
Joanna is Chief Marketing Officer of ClassPass, a tech advisor, and blogger at Entrepreneur.com, MarketingLand.com, and JoannaLord.com.
8. Bozoma Saint John @Badassboz
Bozoma is the Chief Brand Officer at Uber. She was also Head of Global Consumer Marketing for Apple Music and iTunes.
9. Annie Cushing @AnnieCushing
Annie is the founder of Annielytics, a boutique marketing agency that specializes in web analytics, data visualization, and SEO.
10. Janet Choi @Lethargarian
Janet is the Director of Marketing at Customer.io, a curator at A Song A Day, and has written for publications including 99U, Fast Company, The Next Web, Business Insider, and Lifehacker.
11. Jes Kirkwood @Jeskirkwood
Jes is the founder and Managing Director at marketHER.org, and helps drive organic growth for B2B tech companies, including InVision and Contently.
12. Val Geisler @Lovevalgeisler
Val is a email strategist and copywriter, and helps B2C businesses focused on MRR increase conversions through email. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, Fast Company, and Teachable.
13. Eliana Murillo @Eliana_Murillo
Eliana is the founder and Head of Multicultural Marketing at Google. She is also a member of Nielsen's Multicultural External Advisory Council and co-chair of the Hispanic/Latino Advisory Council. 
14. Nichole Elizabeth @NikkiElizDemere
Nichole is in charge of Community Growth at Zest.is, and is also co-founder and Community Manager at SaaS.community.
15. Alex Hisaka @Alexhisaka
Alex is the Senior Manager, Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn. IBM named her one of seven women who are reshaping digital marketing, and TopRank Marketing included her on its 2017 list of “50 Influential Women in Digital Marketing.”
16. Purna Virji @Purnavirji
Purna is the Senior Manager of Global Engagement at Microsoft, a keynote speaker, and a columnist for Search Engine Land and Moz. She was ranked by PPC Hero in 2016 as the #1 Most Influential PPC expert in the world. 
17. Jessica Meher @Jessicameher
Jessica is the VP of Marketing at Notarize, Inc., a startup advisor and mentor, speaker, author, and founder of Girl Capital.
18. Kimberly Bryant @6Gems
Kimberly is the founder and Executive Director of Black Girls Code.
19. Henneke Duistermaat @HennekeD
Henneke is the founder of Enchanting Marketing, the author of two books about writing and blogging, and a regular contributor to marketing blogs like KISSmetrics and Copyblogger. 
20. Keesa Schreane @KeesaCamille
Keesa is the executive producer and host of the You’ve Been Served podcast, and manages global content marketing for Thomson Reuters.
21. Jade Phillips @Lifeofaworkgirl
Jade is the blogger behind The Life of a Working Girl, a contributing writer for We are Social Media, and the founder of #BizGalz. 
22. Rita Cidre @Ritacidre
Rita is the founder of Anda Pa'l and a marketer, author, and designer. She was also the Marketing Director at Zillow. 
23. Hila Qu @HilaQu
Hila is VP Retention and Experiments at Acorns. She was also a PM Growth professional at Growthhackers, and won the 2017 Hero Award and the 2016 Einstein Award.
24. Ginny Mineo @Ginnymineo
Ginny is the Director of Platform at NextView Ventures.
25. Anum Hussain @Anum
Anum is the co-founder of Acciyo, co-authored the book, Twitter for Dummies, and represents Rough Draft Venture’s presence at MIT Sloan. She won BetaBoston’s 25 Under 25 in 2015.
26. Laura Weidman Powers @Laurawp
Laura is the co-founder and CEO of Code2040. She was also a Senior Policy Advisor for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
27. Ellie Mirman @Ellieeille
Ellie is the Chief Marketing Officer at Crayon. She was also the VP of Marketing at Toast.
28. Meghan Keaney Anderson @Meghkeaney
Meghan is the VP of Marketing at HubSpot, and the host of The Growth Show. Meghan is also an advisor at Evertrue, Help Scout and United Way.
29. Amrita Gurney @AmritaGurney
Amrita is the VP of Marketing at CrowdRiff.
30. Stella Garber @Startupstella
Stella is a Product Marketing Lead for Trello, and was previously VP of Marketing at Trello.
31. Gigi Rodgers @RodgersGigi
Gigi is a Marketing Content Manager at Strikingly, a weekly Inbound.org contributor, and a Social Media Content Creator.
32. Mathilde Collin @Collinmathilde
Mathilde is co-founder and CEO of Front App, which is currently used by Tesla, Cisco, Dropbox, and Inside.com, as well as thousands of other customers.
33. Andrea Hill @Afhill
Andrea is the founder of Frameplay Consulting LLC, and an Innovation Consultant at Frameplay.
34. Yael Kochman @Yaelkochman
Yael is the partner and CEO of Re:Tech, a speaker, and a blogger. She was also Head of Content and Inbound Marketing at Mapp Digital. 
35. Beverly Jackson @BevJack
Beverly is the VP of Social Strategy at MGM Resorts International. She was also the Head of Social Marketing at Yahoo, and delivered record-breaking digital and social engagement results for the 54th Grammy Awards.
36. Dyan Khor @DyanKhor
Dyan is a Growth Marketing Manager at LevelUp, as well as a Venture Coach at IDEA: Northeastern University’s Venture Accelerator.
37. Luvvie Ajayi @iLuvvit
Luvvie wrote the New York Time's bestseller, I'm Judging You. She has also spoken at Google and curated Essence's Woke 100 list.
38. Michelle Kim @Michellejeank
Michelle is Vice President of Marketing at Amplitude Analytics. She was also the Director of Demand Generation at Okta.
39. Alicia Shiu @AliciaShiu
Alicia is the Growth Marketing Manager at Amplitude Analytics.
40. Sheryl Schultz @Sherylschultz
Sheryl is the founder of CabinetM, and a career startup marketer. She’s also the Board Director for The Capital Network.
41. LaSandra Brill @LaSandraBrill
LaSandra is the Head of Integrated Digital Marketing at NVIDIA. She's been named top 50 Influential Digital Marketers by Top Rank Marketing Blog, and Top 40 Digital Strategists by Online Marketing Institute. 
42. Shama Hyder @Shama
Shama is the founder and CEO of Zen Media, a keynote speaker, a bestselling author, and a media correspondent. She was voted Top 30 Under 30 by Inc. Magazine and Forbes.
43. Kathryn Finney @KathrynFinney
Kathryn is the founder and Managing Director of digitalundivided (DID). She received the Champion of Change Award from the White House and was featured in Marie Claire’s 10 Women to Watch.
44. Veronica Byrnes @Veronicabyrnes
Veronica is the Manager of Consumer Experience, Digital Marketing at The J.M. Smucker Company. She was also the Account Director at Brand Networks.
45. Pam Didner @PamDidner
Pam is a marketing consultant, keynote speaker, and author. Her work has appeared in publications including the Guardian, the Huffington Post, Content Marketing Institute, and others, and she wrote the book Global Content Marketing.
46. Marie Haynes @Marie_Haynes
Marie owns Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. She’s also a contributor to Search Engine Watch and Moz, and a regular speaker at Pubcon, SMX, and other conferences.
47. Joy Hawkins @JoyanneHawkins
Joy Hawkins is the owner of Sterling Sky, a Google Top Contributor, and often speaks at various search engine marketing conferences such as SMX & LocalU.
48. Melissa James
Melissa is the President and CEO of The Tech Connection, founder of Black Tech Boston Meetup, and founder of the Inclusive Innovation Leadership Conference.
49. Aleyda Solis @Aleyda
Aleyda is an international SEO consultant, speaker, and author. She has written for Search Engine Land, State of Digital, and Moz, and is the author of the SEO book, SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.
50. Laura Lippay @Lauralippay
Laura is an SEO consultant, and has worked with brands including Red Bull, several Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL entertainment and lifestyle properties, Netflix, Icelandair, Nylon Magazine and others.
51. Ann Smarty @Seosmarty
Ann is the founder of MyBlogU.com, and is a freelance SEO consultant.
52. Emily Grossman @Goutaste
Emily Grossman is the Director of App Strategy at MobileMoxie, and has spoken about mobile application marketing at national and international conferences.
53. Julie Joyce @JulieJoyce
Julie is the owner and Director of Operations at Link Fish Media, and one of the founding members of the SEO Chicks blog.
54. Rhea Drysdale @Rhea
Rhea Drysdale is the Chief Executive Officer of Outspoken Media. She has also worked in-house with a startup, Fortune 1000, and multi-channel retailer.
55. Amanda Spann @Amandaspann
Amanda is the founder of Happii, and a marketing consultant who specializes in product launch campaigns for new and emerging brands. She was voted Business Insider's 30 under 30 Women in Technology.
56. Ada Chen Rekhi @Adachen ‏
Ada is the founder and COO at Notejoy, as well as a startup advisor.
57. Adelyn Zhou @Adelynzhou
Adelyn is co-founder and Head of Marketing at TOPBOTS, a growth advisor, and a contributor at Forbes.
58. Mari Smith @MariSmith
Mari Smith is a social media consultant, keynote speaker, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day, author of The New Relationship Marketing, and contributor at Social Media Examiner. Forbes named her one of the Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers four years in a row.
59. Gina Gotthilf @Ginag
Gina is VP of Growth and Marketing at Duolingo, and founder of Global Ginga.
from Marketing https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/female-marketing-and-growth-influencers
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ios-goodies · 8 years
Week 168
Chrome for iOS was open sourced
AirBnB just launched a cool tool to improve your animations in iOS
Apple inexplicably removes iCloud Activation Lock status page, which helped people avoid buying stolen iPhones 🤔
Faster Mix-and-Match Builds with Precompiled Bridging Headers, by @graydon_pub
Smooth Scrolling in UITableView and UICollectionView, by @andrea_prearo
Using Firebase to Integrate Facebook Login in iOS Apps, by @simonng
Classes That Conform To Protocols, by @chriseidhof
The Yin and Yang of Unit Testing in iOS, by @lucianomarisi
A Guide to Interacting with iBeacons in iOS using Swift, by @MattNedrich
ResponseDetective, by @netguru
IBAnalyzer, by @arekholko
CalendarKit, by @richardtop
CodeEditor, by @KuyawaKata
JustTrack, by @justeat_tech
Scaling open source communities, by @KrauseFx
Lessons from Analysis of 50 Welcome Emails, by @lethargarian
How do you say no to customers? by @sharooon88
How to use colors in UI Design, by @acreno_
Is Your Software Wearing Too Much Makeup? by @SamuelHulick
Apple’s Icons Have That Shape for a Very Good Reason, by @Markomatic
The UX of Voice: The Invisible Interface, by @king_jaffy
The End Of User-Friendly Design, by @kelseydollaghan
Operators and Strong Opinions, by @ericasadun
Testing an Untested App, by @codermay
LisaDziuba, naeemshaikh90, mariusc, richardtop, ramshandilya, rbarbosa, lucianomarisi, federicocappelli
4 notes · View notes
lindyhunt · 6 years
59 Female Marketing and Growth Experts You Should be Following
Last week, one of my colleagues stumbled across a list of marketing influencers and shared it in our team's Slack channel. It didn't take long for someone to comment that barely one-fourth of the experts featured in the article were women.
These types of influencer round-ups are all over the web, but very few of them highlight more than a small handful of female leaders. This lack of inclusion is nothing new, but it got us thinking: Why not put together a list of awesome female influencers to inspire future, more inclusive round-up posts?
So here it is: a list of powerful influencers in the growth and marketing space who just so happen to be women. We hope this inspires you to recognize more women in your influencer posts, and expand your social networks beyond the expected sphere of male founders.
Before we jump in, it's important to note that this list is by no means exhaustive. These influencers were suggested by members of our team, and we encourage you to keep the conversation going on Twitter. Tweet at us to share a female leader -- big or small -- who inspires you.
59 Female Marketing & Growth Influencers To Follow
1. Tiffany Da Silva @Bellastone
Tiffany is a growth marketing consultant, international speaker, and founder of Flowjo.co.
2. Christina Rice @CRicePR
Christina is the founder of LuxeLife Media Inc., and was the Director of Public Relations for global fashion brand, Akademiks.
3. Joanna Wiebe @Copyhackers
Joanna is co-founder of Airstory, the creator of Copy Hackers, and and has optimized copy for companies like Intuit, BT, Tesco, Crazy Egg, and MetaLab.
4. Majora Carter @majoracarter
Majora is CEO of Majora Carter Group, and CEO of Startup Box. In 2010, Fast Company named Majora one of the 100 most creative people in business.
5. Crystal Washington @Cryswashington
Crystal is a technology marketing strategist, professional speaker, and author of two books, One Tech Action and The Social Media Why. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, and General Electric. 
6. Claire Suellentrop @ClaireSuellen
Claire is a co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Userlist.io, the founder of Love Your Customers, and co-host of Forget the Funnel. She was also the Director of Marketing at Calendly.
7. Joanna Lord @JoannaLord
Joanna is Chief Marketing Officer of ClassPass, a tech advisor, and blogger at Entrepreneur.com, MarketingLand.com, and JoannaLord.com.
8. Bozoma Saint John @Badassboz
Bozoma is the Chief Brand Officer at Uber. She was also Head of Global Consumer Marketing for Apple Music and iTunes.
9. Annie Cushing @AnnieCushing
Annie is the founder of Annielytics, a boutique marketing agency that specializes in web analytics, data visualization, and SEO.
10. Janet Choi @Lethargarian
Janet is the Director of Marketing at Customer.io, a curator at A Song A Day, and has written for publications including 99U, Fast Company, The Next Web, Business Insider, and Lifehacker.
11. Jes Kirkwood @Jeskirkwood
Jes is the founder and Managing Director at marketHER.org, and helps drive organic growth for B2B tech companies, including InVision and Contently.
12. Val Geisler @Lovevalgeisler
Val is a email strategist and copywriter, and helps B2C businesses focused on MRR increase conversions through email. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, Fast Company, and Teachable.
13. Eliana Murillo @Eliana_Murillo
Eliana is the founder and Head of Multicultural Marketing at Google. She is also a member of Nielsen's Multicultural External Advisory Council and co-chair of the Hispanic/Latino Advisory Council. 
14. Nichole Elizabeth @NikkiElizDemere
Nichole is in charge of Community Growth at Zest.is, is a SaaS consultant, and is author of Playbook to Grow Your SaaS.
15. Alex Hisaka @Alexhisaka
Alex is the Senior Manager, Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn. IBM named her one of seven women who are reshaping digital marketing, and TopRank Marketing included her on its 2017 list of “50 Influential Women in Digital Marketing.”
16. Purna Virji @Purnavirji
Purna is the Senior Manager of Global Engagement at Microsoft, a keynote speaker, and a columnist for Search Engine Land and Moz. She was ranked by PPC Hero in 2016 as the #1 Most Influential PPC expert in the world. 
17. Jessica Meher @Jessicameher
Jessica is the VP of Marketing at Notarize, Inc., a startup advisor and mentor, speaker, author, and founder of Girl Capital.
18. Kimberly Bryant @6Gems
Kimberly is the founder and Executive Director of Black Girls Code.
19. Henneke Duistermaat @HennekeD
Henneke is the founder of Enchanting Marketing, the author of two books about writing and blogging, and a regular contributor to marketing blogs like KISSmetrics and Copyblogger. 
20. Keesa Schreane @KeesaCamille
Keesa is the executive producer and host of the You’ve Been Served podcast, and manages global content marketing for Thomson Reuters.
21. Jade Phillips @Lifeofaworkgirl
Jade is the blogger behind The Life of a Working Girl, a contributing writer for We are Social Media, and the founder of #BizGalz. 
22. Rita Cidre @Ritacidre
Rita is the founder of Anda Pa'l and a marketer, author, and designer. She was also the Marketing Director at Zillow. 
23. Hila Qu @HilaQu
Hila is VP Retention and Experiments at Acorns. She was also a PM Growth professional at Growthhackers, and won the 2017 Hero Award and the 2016 Einstein Award.
24. Ginny Mineo @Ginnymineo
Ginny is the Director of Platform at NextView Ventures.
25. Anum Hussain @Anum
Anum is the co-founder of Acciyo, co-authored the book, Twitter for Dummies, and represents Rough Draft Venture’s presence at MIT Sloan. She won BetaBoston’s 25 Under 25 in 2015.
26. Laura Weidman Powers @Laurawp
Laura is the co-founder and CEO of Code2040. She was also a Senior Policy Advisor for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
27. Ellie Mirman @Ellieeille
Ellie is the Chief Marketing Officer at Crayon. She was also the VP of Marketing at Toast.
28. Meghan Keaney Anderson @Meghkeaney
Meghan is the VP of Marketing at HubSpot, and the host of The Growth Show. Meghan is also an advisor at Evertrue, Help Scout and United Way.
29. Amrita Gurney @AmritaGurney
Amrita is the VP of Marketing at CrowdRiff.
30. Stella Garber @Startupstella
Stella is a Product Marketing Lead for Trello, and was previously VP of Marketing at Trello.
31. Gigi Rodgers @RodgersGigi
Gigi is a Marketing Content Manager at Strikingly, a weekly Inbound.org contributor, and a Social Media Content Creator.
32. Mathilde Collin @Collinmathilde
Mathilde is co-founder and CEO of Front App, which is currently used by Tesla, Cisco, Dropbox, and Inside.com, as well as thousands of other customers.
33. Andrea Hill @Afhill
Andrea is the founder of Frameplay Consulting LLC, and an Innovation Consultant at Frameplay.
34. Yael Kochman @Yaelkochman
Yael is the partner and CEO of Re:Tech, a speaker, and a blogger. She was also Head of Content and Inbound Marketing at Mapp Digital. 
35. Beverly Jackson @BevJack
Beverly is the VP of Social Strategy at MGM Resorts International. She was also the Head of Social Marketing at Yahoo, and delivered record-breaking digital and social engagement results for the 54th Grammy Awards.
36. Dyan Khor @DyanKhor
Dyan is a Growth Marketing Manager at LevelUp, as well as a Venture Coach at IDEA: Northeastern University’s Venture Accelerator.
37. Luvvie Ajayi @iLuvvit
Luvvie wrote the New York Time's bestseller, I'm Judging You. She has also spoken at Google and curated Essence's Woke 100 list.
38. Michelle Kim @Michellejeank
Michelle is Vice President of Marketing at Amplitude Analytics. She was also the Director of Demand Generation at Okta.
39. Alicia Shiu @AliciaShiu
Alicia is the Growth Marketing Manager at Amplitude Analytics.
40. Sheryl Schultz @Sherylschultz
Sheryl is the founder of CabinetM, and a career startup marketer. She’s also the Board Director for The Capital Network.
41. LaSandra Brill @LaSandraBrill
LaSandra is the Head of Integrated Digital Marketing at NVIDIA. She's been named top 50 Influential Digital Marketers by Top Rank Marketing Blog, and Top 40 Digital Strategists by Online Marketing Institute. 
42. Shama Hyder @Shama
Shama is the founder and CEO of Zen Media, a keynote speaker, a bestselling author, and a media correspondent. She was voted Top 30 Under 30 by Inc. Magazine and Forbes.
43. Kathryn Finney @KathrynFinney
Kathryn is the founder and Managing Director of digitalundivided (DID). She received the Champion of Change Award from the White House and was featured in Marie Claire’s 10 Women to Watch.
44. Veronica Byrnes @Veronicabyrnes
Veronica is the Manager of Consumer Experience, Digital Marketing at The J.M. Smucker Company. She was also the Account Director at Brand Networks.
45. Pam Didner @PamDidner
Pam is a marketing consultant, keynote speaker, and author. Her work has appeared in publications including the Guardian, the Huffington Post, Content Marketing Institute, and others, and she wrote the book Global Content Marketing.
46. Marie Haynes @Marie_Haynes
Marie owns Marie Haynes Consulting Inc. She’s also a contributor to Search Engine Watch and Moz, and a regular speaker at Pubcon, SMX, and other conferences.
47. Joy Hawkins @JoyanneHawkins
Joy Hawkins is the owner of Sterling Sky, a Google Top Contributor, and often speaks at various search engine marketing conferences such as SMX & LocalU.
48. Melissa James
Melissa is the President and CEO of The Tech Connection, founder of Black Tech Boston Meetup, and founder of the Inclusive Innovation Leadership Conference.
49. Aleyda Solis @Aleyda
Aleyda is an international SEO consultant, speaker, and author. She has written for Search Engine Land, State of Digital, and Moz, and is the author of the SEO book, SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.
50. Laura Lippay @Lauralippay
Laura is an SEO consultant, and has worked with brands including Red Bull, several Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL entertainment and lifestyle properties, Netflix, Icelandair, Nylon Magazine and others.
51. Ann Smarty @Seosmarty
Ann is the founder of MyBlogU.com, and is a freelance SEO consultant.
52. Emily Grossman @Goutaste
Emily Grossman is the Director of App Strategy at MobileMoxie, and has spoken about mobile application marketing at national and international conferences.
53. Julie Joyce @JulieJoyce
Julie is the owner and Director of Operations at Link Fish Media, and one of the founding members of the SEO Chicks blog.
54. Rhea Drysdale @Rhea
Rhea Drysdale is the Chief Executive Officer of Outspoken Media. She has also worked in-house with a startup, Fortune 1000, and multi-channel retailer.
55. Amanda Spann @Amandaspann
Amanda is the founder of Happii, and a marketing consultant who specializes in product launch campaigns for new and emerging brands. She was voted Business Insider's 30 under 30 Women in Technology.
56. Ada Chen Rekhi @Adachen ‏
Ada is the founder and COO at Notejoy, as well as a startup advisor.
57. Adelyn Zhou @Adelynzhou
Adelyn is co-founder and Head of Marketing at TOPBOTS, a growth advisor, and a contributor at Forbes.
58. Mari Smith @MariSmith
Mari Smith is a social media consultant, keynote speaker, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day, author of The New Relationship Marketing, and contributor at Social Media Examiner. Forbes named her one of the Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers four years in a row.
59. Gina Gotthilf @Ginag
Gina is VP of Growth and Marketing at Duolingo, and founder of Global Ginga.
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thankyoumskobayashi · 7 years
the phantom tollbooth was another good book i read as a kid.. i wanted to be the protag so badly bc if milo was treated as a hero i would've been like. a god or somethig (i liked to learn abt just abt anything and everything i could read abt).
the lethargarians are Depression. 
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absolutest · 10 years
light eyes or dark eyes?
I think both are very unique. But I really like dark eyes. When guys have like.. near black eyes.. It’s so mysterious.. So attractive! 
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