artificialvoyage · 2 years
👻 ( @lethalwound​ ) 🤖 MAEVE MILLAY & ANAKIN SKYWALKER
🤖 ( location ) moneybrood, night market
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🤖 - the scene of the nightclub was, to her, nothing spectacular. sure it had its expensive detailing and gaudy appearances but, well you see one then you’ve seen them all. holding her head high and having a noticeable lack of protective neck ware (she couldn’t get turned or killed anyway), maeve approached the first patron who doubled as a cambria member with a smile. “you look as if you were coerced into here against your will,” maeve mused as she slid up to the table beside him, eyeing him with curiosity. “were you?” she asked, tilting her head to the side as her lips formed a smirk. “you should be careful, i heard the sprinklers were about to go off soon.”
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astrofolly · 2 years
@lethalwound​​ | market row | the doctor & anakin
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the enipul-p’mav system had always fascinated them. it wasn’t their first time there, yet every time still felt new. the smell of interplanetary foods transcended the sense, some of them evoking sights or even tingles in your brain. some of the fabrics around felt like the stars themselves. it was hard to hear yourself think with all the overbearing voices. “pardon, do you know what this... spice is used for?” to be honest, they weren’t entirely sure what it was, though it was almost as though its smell was tickling her nose hairs.
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
      Anakin had been fairly quiet on the ride back to Naboo, to escort Senator Amidala home.  Why he was even referring to her as Senator Amidala in his head was beyond him. She was Padme. ​She had been Padme, since he was a boy, when she was letting her decoy be Queen, and she was playing the role of handmaiden. But, that was so long ago.  They had been through so much together, recently.  He had been tasked to protect her from being killed.  She had been there for him, when his mother died, and they had faced death together in that arena in Geonosis.  He would never forget her words, before they went into that arena.  “I truly, deeply love you.”   After that, everything had turned to chaos.  There was the arena, the battle, the fight with Dooku, which cost him his arm.  He sat here now, slightly flexing it, able to feel some sensations, but they had said he’d feel more, over time
     Once they arrived back at the lake house in Varykino, he saw her start to grab her luggage and he stopped her.  “I can still carry luggage, milady.”  He didn’t know why he was being so formal, again. Maybe it was because, he was worried that it had all been a dream, that she didn’t really love him.  She had fallen asleep on the ride back here, and this was the first time they were actually alone, other then Threepio and R2, of course.  Taking them up to her room, he was about to put his own in the guest room, when he saw her, a vision of beauty always.
      “You are so beautiful. I’m just going to put my bag in the other room and you’d like to be alone, just tell me. I don’t know where we stand after the other day. My missing arm kind of derailed us.”  
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adveanture · 2 years
    *    @lethalwound​​​​    —    NOW  BEFORE  I  SAY  ANYTHING,  PROMISE  ME  YOU’LL  STAY  CALM    (   leia  &  anakin   ) 
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THAT’S   NEVER   A   GOOD   WAY   TO   START.         leia   is   more   like   anakin   than   padmé,   but   she   has   her   moments   when   all   anakin   sees   and   hears   is   her   mother.      now   is   certainly   one   of   those   moments,   when   she   is   all   diplomacy   and   hedging   her   bets   and   careful   treading   and   speaking.   
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anakin   takes   a   deep   breath   in,   then   out,   gripping   his   soldering   iron   so   tightly   in   his   mechanical   hand   that   there’s   a   possibility   he’ll   break   it.            “      i   promise,      ”            he   replies   finally,   looking   down   into   his   daughter’s   brown   eyes.            “      what’s   wrong?      ”            if   anyone   has   hurt   her   .   .   .
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hopefulsun · 2 years
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#starter   call
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“You   know   I   don’t   like   politics.”   A   mild   reminder   with   a   faint   incline   of   the   head,   but   Luke   really   wanted   to   whine.   It   was   only   @lethalwound​   in   the   room   with   him,   Leia   who   knew   him   better   than   perhaps   anyone   living   in   the   galaxy   at   this   point,   and   she’d   born   witness   to   more   embarrassing   and   un-Jedi   like   behavior   than   Luke   whining.  
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Instead   he   drew   in   a   breath   and   laced   his   hands   together,   the   perfect   image   of   a   reasonable   and   unflappable   Jedi   and   not   at   all   a   man   that   was   bordering   on   accusing   his   sibling   of   being   unfair   like   a   child.   “Besides,   one   of   the   failures   of   the   Order   before   was   they   failed   to   keep   neutral.   I   don’t   want   to   rebuild   something   only   to   immediately   make   the   same   mistakes.”
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petitsdieuarchive · 2 years
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𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆’𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘.  ( from ahsoka )
She’s away on a humanitarian mission that was supposed to last one night and two days. It’s been four nights now. Which would have been zero if she listened to the Jedis’ suggestion. But she couldn’t back out of something that was planned before her kidnapping and the attempt on her life. The conditions of this planet were far worse than she had been briefed. Providing them with a few meals worth of food and some clothing didn’t seem to be enough. 
Many people know she’s here. To the most general of people to the more wicked. So, when a figure temporarily blocks out the moonlight by coming through her window, the worse is assumed. She has no time to rub the sleep out of her eyes or throw on a robe for modesty’s sake. She’s on her feet with the tableside lamp in her hands.
Relief washes over her seeing the unexpected, familiar face. “What are you doing?” She’s no longer white-knuckling the lamp but it’s still in her hands. The twist in her stomach and her quickened heartbeat took its time to calm down. “You could have used the door?” A knock in the middle of the night would have been alarming but less so than someone crawling through her window. She greets the other with a one-armed hug. She parts, keeping one palm on Ahsoka’s shoulder. She looks her over to see if the other is alright. It really hadn’t been too long since they last saw each other but even the shortest of times felt like a terribly long time when it’s people she likes or cares for. 
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𝒇𝒕. @lethalwound​
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ofthestcrs · 2 years
@lethalwound​  liked this for lyric starter  
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“You’ll live forever as a local god.”
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neversith · 2 years
❝ you’re not protective, you’re overbearing. ❞ ( from leia, pls )
sibling starters | accepting | @lethalwound
"I'm not being overbearing. I did not make this decision."
He is rubbing at his temples, fighting off an impending migraine the best he can. It isn't him that isn't allowing her to go on this mission. He may be a general for the Rebel Alliance, but he wasn't the one running things. He cannot believe he is the one about to tell her what he says next.
"Princess, our actions have consequences. And your consequence is being barred from missions. This isn't my doing. I am just carrying out an order. Trust me, I don't think you went too far." He would have gone farther if it were him. Leia was so similar to him in some ways, but her mother always shown through.
"And...so what if I am overbearing? I'm your father, Leia. I'm going to be."
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ahliits · 2 years
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FILE : // starter_call :  @lethalwound​
there was such a precious few that escaped that subjugation of the inhibitor chip . omega could count the amount she knew on her hands . so when captured by clone troopers , thrown into a cold and wide brig awaiting transport to kamino , she can’t bring herself to hold it against them . this cell is nothing like the one she once found herself similarly trapped in on her home planet ; no , this one was BUILT for prisoners . built for FUGITIVES and TRAITORS . all of which they believed her to be . 
this time there is no weak wall for wrecker to break , as well as no wrecker to break it . brown eyes had scoured the walls and bars more than twenty times in search of some escape . once failing to find any for the twenty - first time , omega’s resolve gives . tears prick at the corners of her eyes and finally she lets herself crumple in the corner of the cell , curling around herself for her only warmth and protection . she doesn’t blame them for any of this . she really DOESN’T . but stars , it was hard  for her to not take it PERSONALLY . all her years yearning to be among the other clones led up to this . 
❝ it’s not  their fault , ❞ omega mutters more to herself than to the clone stationed to guard her , hands roughly rubbing at her eyes , ❝ it’s your fault . ❞
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dxrthvxdr · 2 years
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@lethalwound​ asked: “sir, the pony rides are for children only.” ( from ct8467 )
The 501st was on leave, or at least as well as they could be this far away from Coruscant. Anakin had stumbled upon what looked to be a local festival, complete with rides and games and stalls selling all kinds of things. He had gleefully charged forward to investigate, followed by several squads of his men.
Towards one edge of the festival, there were several pins containing livestock, most just for petting or for show, but there was one with several pony's tied in a circle around a pole. He almost vibrated with excitement, running towards them, acting just like the other kids that were doing the same, only with parents following them instead of various clones, most of which had broken off to go exploring.
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He blinked, turning his head to look over at the one standing next to him. He smiled sheepishly, glancing around to make sure a specific someone wasn't within earshot. "I won't tell Rex if you don't."
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frcebalanced-moved · 2 years
@lethalwound​ liked for ahsoka
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becoming one with the force had allowed him to revisit those with the force who needed guidance.  but even after death he still didn’t quite fall in line with what he’s supposed to do.  he was able to locate her quite easily considering their connection many years ago.
the connection between master and padawan.  the connection of those who became as close as siblings.  he watched over her for a little while, admittedly proud of her.  proud of who she’s grown into, what she’s done.  
he finally appears before her, ghostly figure looking almost the same as the last she saw him as himself and not the monster he’d become.  but that curl of his lips hadn’t changed at all.         ❝  hey, snips.  ❞
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sorryobiwan · 2 years
Ever since he had turned his back on Padme and stepped into that hydrolift on Coruscant to ready the escort craft for the Senator's cruiser, Anakin had been completely distracted. He could feel that Obi-Wan knew it, but was electing not to voice the issue, and as irritating as that was… he was begrudgingly grateful. It had been so strange between them - he had sounded like such a fool when he talked to her, and there was nothing he could do to stop it; it was as if he'd turned into a youngling Gungan. As he sat in the cockpit checking the instruments (the ground-proximity sensor was broken, but he couldn’t remember the last time he had ever listened to one anyway) he tried desperately to distract himself from blushing, even in here completely alone, at the image of Padme’s smile of amusement when she called him Ani in front of the whole room. But after a while, he realised that it didn’t even matter that she still seemed to think of him as a boy: the simple and unfortunate fact was, that there was no discomfort he would not endure just to be in Padme’s presence for any length of time. He would certainly be flying much faster than Obi-Wan dictated to get to Naboo and see her again.
By the time the dignitaries gathered again in the Theed Royal Palace, Anakin had managed to settle his mind somewhat - but it had taken all his most excruciating meditation training to be able to pilot the Delta 7 perfectly and think about Padme for almost the entire journey. Now, as the meeting disbanded, his eyes strayed across the room to where Padme was slipping away between two tall, sandy pillars. Anakin found himself instantly stepping forwards to follow her; and as he strode through the little crowd he saw Captain Typho up ahead, calling after Padme to arrange security measures in a voice strained with frustration. At almost precisely the same time, Master Kenobi called after Anakin himself. Anakin, like Padme, pretended not to hear and ducked behind the pillars to disappear onto the shadowy colonnade behind.
‘Padme,’ he said, pausing halfway along as she continued to walk away. He felt his heartbeat stammer at the sudden suspense of not knowing whether or not she would turn around. ‘It’s Anakin now.’ The words sounded stupid the second after they had left his lips. He swallowed. ‘I mean… I would appreciate it if you called me Anakin in company.’
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gonegalactic · 2 years
           @lethalwound​​​​   asked:   “   we’re   a   good   team,   you   know.   “   (   from   leia,   to   han   !   )
        Eyebrows   raising,   the   nearly   unprecedented   act   of   the   princess   saying   something   nice   to   him   was   enough   to   make   Han   wonder   what   she   catch   was,   what   sharp   back-up   comment   she   might   have.   Her   mind   and   tongue   seemed   like   they   could   move   just   as   fast   as   the   Falcon   doing   the   Kessel   Run,   which   was   about   the   highest   compliment   that   Han   could   pay   her   as   anyone   who   knew   Han   knew   how   much   he   loved   that   ship.   Just   because   he   couldn't   immediately   figure   out   her   angle   didn't   mean   Han   had   less   than   full   faith   that   she   had   one.
        Truthfully,   the   guessing   made   things   fun   and   a   lazy   smile   pulled   at   Han's   lips   as   he   watched   her.   "Oh,   yeah?"   Leaning   against   a   nearby   control   panel,   Han's   words   were   a   smug   drawl   as   he   was   content   to   take   advantage   of   her   good   mood   for   as   long   as   it   lasted   -   or   see   how   long   it   would   take   before   he   managed   to   piss   her   off.   "Finally   admitting   to   it,   huh,   princess?   And   it   only   took...   how   many   attacks?"
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        Overheard,   sirens   began   blaring,   lights   flashing,   and   the   looseness   of   Han's   posture   immediately   disappeared   as   he   straightened   up,   one   hand   going   to   his   blaster   while   the   other   hand   went   to   Leia.   "Looks   like   we're   not   finished   with   that   teamwork   yet!"
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adveanture · 2 years
    *    @lethalwound​​    —    I  KNOW  I  LIED  TO  YOU.   YOU  CAN  HATE  ME,  AND  IT’S  ALRIGHT    (   padmé  &  anakin   ) 
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ANAKIN   IS   ANGRY,   BUT   HE   COULD   NEVER   HATE   HER.         sometimes   he   thinks   it   would   kill   him   not   to   love   her   anymore.      he   knows   that   he   would   not   survive   losing   her,   and   he   cannot   imagine   a   moment   where   he   doesn’t   love   padmé   anymore.      but   that   only   makes   this   hurt   worse.   
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“      why   didn’t   you   just   talk   to   me   first?      ”            they   are   only   a   few   feet   apart,   but   the   distance   feels   like   miles.            “      i’m   right   here,   padmé.      i’m   your   husband      —      why   didn’t   you   talk   to   me?!      ”
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regnatior · 2 years
─ @lethalwound ⟋ senator padmé amidala naberrie .
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neon   light   filtering   in   through   the   slats   in   the   windows,   illuminating   the   room   in   a   flickering   mottled   array   of   purple,   red,   and   blue,   contrasting   with   warm   hue   within      ⸺   steady   thrum   of   life   outside   glass   panels,   quiet   stillness   inside   ornamented   walls,   politics   unfurling   and   affairs   discussed.   there   was   a   subtle   taste   of   déjà   vu,   iron   -   like   in   the   mouth   when   tongue   is   bitten   (   a   distant   mission,   burning   memories   ).   and   there   he   was,   draped   in   ebony   ﹠.   mahogany,   edges   blurring   into   the   shadows.   but   everything   was   different.   everything   had   meaning   it   never   did   before,   a   charged   emotion   like   the   static   before   a   storm;   it   tasted   of   danger   and   sat   on   the   back   of   his   tongue.   palm   wanted   to   meet   arch   of   her   back,   annihilate   space   in   between   and   let   boundaries   SWIRL   ﹠.   BLEED.   but   today,   he   was   nothing   but   her   phantom,   the   man   standing   behind   her,   sharp   gaze   (   *   and   yet   honey   -   like,   flickering   flame   to   a   moth   )   watchful   ﹠.   vigilant.   
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petitsdieuarchive · 2 years
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒. ; “ you need to get out of here! go! i’ll buy you some more time! “
It was supposed to be a little innocent fun. They sneak up, find a cozy little bar, sip away on sweet bubbly. The night had a good start. But had been rudely interrupted. At first she thought them to be nameless hired hands of her family. Or perhaps someone else they knew who she was and figured to take advantage of the lack of protection. But then she sees him. Dark hair, darker eyes, an annoyed expression on his face that only those with her blood could wear. Hara grabs onto Ahsoka’s arm. 
“The tall one in the middle. That’s my brother. I think I can reason with him.” She’s half certain. Or more accurately, quarter way certain. Because the turned over table they’re hiding behind currently isn’t doing anything but working against her favor. Despite her trying to run away from him, all this violence and brut force seemed unnecessary. 
“Emerton, please! Stop this.” She’s yet to stand. Or move her hand off of Ahsoka. Her tremble most be felt, completely dissolving the illusion of her confidence. When she stands, she’s surprised to see Emerton pointing a gun in her direction. It was Emerton that she thought loved her the most of her siblings, or her family for that matter. Second oldest, with a sense of doubt for what this family stood for. But at the end of the day, he’d never turn his back completely on the family name. It was too engrained in him. “Let us go.” 
“You know I can’t do that.” Emerton takes a few steps forward. His men lingering behind him.
“And you know I can’t go back.” Never mind how upset her family is with her. This isn’t the first time she’s disgraced them in some matter that interred with alliances or plans. She fears what punishment awaits her — and if she’d even have a head on her shoulders by the end of it. “She’s just a girl, Emerton. She has nothing to do with this. She was just out with me tonight for some fun. She doesn’t even know who I am.” She refers to Ahsoka, who she’s grown some affection for in the short span she’s known her. She’d hate for her to die over this and hopes Ahsoka doesn’t reveal herself to be who she really is. 
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𝒇𝒕. @lethalwound​
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