#๐ฏ:๐“๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐–๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐…๐ฎ๐ง ๐๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ (Anakin Main Verse)
dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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@lethalwoundโ€‹ asked:ย โ€œsir, the pony rides are for children only.โ€ ( from ct8467 )
The 501st was on leave, or at least as well as they could be this far away from Coruscant. Anakin had stumbled upon what looked to be a local festival, complete with rides and games and stalls selling all kinds of things. He had gleefully charged forward to investigate, followed by several squads of his men.
Towards one edge of the festival, there were several pins containing livestock, most just for petting or for show, but there was one with several pony's tied in a circle around a pole. He almost vibrated with excitement, running towards them, acting just like the other kids that were doing the same, only with parents following them instead of various clones, most of which had broken off to go exploring.
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He blinked, turning his head to look over at the one standing next to him. He smiled sheepishly, glancing around to make sure a specific someone wasn't within earshot. "I won't tell Rex if you don't."
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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@skysnipswโ€‹ asked:ย โ€œnow, before i say anything, promise me youโ€™ll stay calm.โ€ // from ahsoka
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Anakin narrowed his eyes suspiciously, trying to adopt the look Obi-Wan always gave him when he had done stupid shit as a padawan and then didn't want to tell him or had to because he'd gotten arrested. "I have never been calm a day in my life, Ahsoka. If you wanted calm, you should've gone to Obi-Wan. Or Rex. Now what did you do and how many bodies are we going to need to hide afterwards?"
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
Emotionally intense starters | @dxrthvxdr
He couldn't take his eyes of the burning stack in front of him. Blaze reflecting on his blue iris. For a moment, Anakin's voice echoed in the distance, while the fire spread around them, seeming to leave no way out for the Jedi.
An explosion not far from them brought Obi-Wan back into the reality. And he stared at Anakin as if those words should have never come out of his mouth.
"Well, aren't you the one who enjoy adventures, Anakin?" He took a pause to look around, scaning the fire for a way through to get them out. "I don't see a way out. And this building is old, it will fall on top of us in minutes! Any ideas?!"
Of course, of course! This would happen to them. This was supposed to be simple, in and out, almost nothing to it. So much so, that they hadnโ€™t even brought any of the clones with them.
They shouldโ€™ve known better.
Because now, the whole building was falling apart around them, flames licked up the walls and slowly eating everything it could and melting away at what it usually couldnโ€™t. โ€œBeing burned alive isnโ€™t usually one of the adventures I enjoy, Obi-Wan!โ€
His eyes scanned the burning walls around them, trying to find something they could use, the explosions nearby rocking the already shaky foundation in a way that only accelerated the urgency. Then he saw it. A thinner wall, glowing orange with the flames that engulfed it. โ€œThere! That wall!โ€ he pointed. โ€œWe can break through and hope theres not as much fire on the other side.โ€
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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A sigh escaped the togruta following her old Master's voice, once she hadn't heard ever since she left the Jedi temple all these years ago. And she surely didn't expect to see him there, as she just got out of some mechanical job she had taken over to pay the rent in the lower level of Coruscant, where she had been passing her time. At first, she did want to go to an other planet, one where no one would no of her and yet she didn't, as if deep down she was hoping that there would be a day where her old life which she left behind would come back to the surface ... That she'd see Anakin again, him or any of her closest friends. And for what seems like forever, none of that happened ...
Until today, that is. And at first, she simply stared at the man who seemed older than the last time she saw him, a scar on his face and the hair longer as well. Eyes going down to her prosthetic arm for a bit before looking back up. Blue eyes stared at a similar shade as a smile appeared on her face, albeit sad due to the subject of conversation. He had always been quick to the point, not finding the need to dance around the subject. Something Ahsoka always admired.
She always respected him so much. And even now. โ We would have ย a lot of time, ma- โž She cut herself, looking down at her feet. โ We had a lot of good times. And I learned a lot from you, Anakin. You were like the brother, the family I never had. And even if we don't see each others much anymore, it doesn't change how i feel about you. โž
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Anakin couldnโ€™t say that heโ€™d been expecting to come across his old padawan while investigating an incident in the lower levels. But that didnโ€™t mean he wasnโ€™t happy about it, almost visibly perking up as soon as he spotted her, a grin taking over his lips. He hadnโ€™t known she was still on planet, sure she wouldโ€™ve left to find some where else to live.ย 
And then, of course, he had to open his mouth and say something so depressing. Heโ€™d missed her, wished she hadnโ€™t left, but that didnโ€™t mean he needed to throw it in her face. (Padmรฉ would be so proud of him for considering Ahsokaโ€™s feelings) His mouth had shut with a click after heโ€™d said that, grimacing. First time in however long that theyโ€™d seen each other again, and he opens with that?
โ€œIโ€™m glad you think so, snips. Iโ€™d always ...โ€ he trailed off unwilling to really finish the thought. Heโ€™d always worried about her. Still did, really. Which was worse: worrying about her now that he didnโ€™t know where she was but out of the war, or worrying when he knew where she was while fighting in said war?ย โ€œIโ€™ve missed you, I mean. Are you ... okay, down here?โ€
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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โ€œ ย whatever it is youโ€™re struggling with, ย i want to help and itโ€™s not going to make me look at you any different. ย โ€ย  ย  ย  @lightloyalโ€‹
His eyes were rimmed in red, tear tracked drying on his cheeks. His chest was so tight he felt like he couldn't breathe. Fear rippled through him, had been since he woke up. Try as he might, but he couldn't focus on anything else.
Dreams again.
But like when he was dreaming of his mother's death, he knew that if he brought it up to any other Jedi, it would be dismissed or he would be accused of being too attached. And this one was worse. He couldn't let them know he was married, but he also couldn't let her die.
Anakin looked up at Obi-Wan, eyes slightly wider than was normal, accenting just how red his eyes were. He froze, staring for a moment, as he warred with himself to tell the truth. But he couldn't bare to have Obi-Wan look at him with disappointment or anything similar if he knew.
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He shook his head, offering a watery smile. "No, no. I'm fine, Obi-Wan."
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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@lightloyalโ€‹ asked:ย โ€œit doesnโ€™t do any good to get worked up.โ€
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"What else am I supposed to do, then, Master?" he grumbled, plopping down on the ground, practically falling down as it was difficult to lower himself gently when his hands were bound together. The two of them had gotten placed in the same cell after they'd been captured. Which was definitely a choice you could make. Weren't prisoners supposed to be separated? Why did they keep getting put together?
Not that Anakin was going to complain. But, still, wasn't it basically his duty to cause the most annoyance possible for daring to capture them? "I'm all ears for any other ideas."
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
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@lethalwoundโ€‹ asked:ย โ€œwhat have you done to yourself?โ€ ( from padme ! )
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"It's just a scratch!" Anakin insisted, trying to subtly straighten up, accidentally pulling on the wounds hidden under his tunic. It was true, at least, that the evidence of the battle that couldn't be covered up by clothes where all healing scratches, even if the only visible skin was his face, neck, and left hand. "It's nothing, I promise."ย 
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
โ€œListen, Iโ€™d do anything for you, honest. But Iโ€™m not going after that bug, youโ€™re on your own. Donโ€™t die!โ€ (Ahsoka).ย  @skysnipswโ€‹
The room had gone deathly quiet, as if everything, even the mechanical components, were holding their breath, as soon as the bug had appeared, scuttering across the floor. Towards his room. Where he slept.
Typically, he didn't mind bugs, but that thing had to have been bigger than normal. There was no way it was the same size as normal ones.
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He'd only just began to turn towards Ahsoka, mouth open to tell her to go get rid of it, when she had said that. His teeth clicked shut and his lips formed a poutscowl. "You'd go after a huge tank manned by a hundred droids, but you won't go kill a tiny bug?"
It was not tiny. It was absolutely not a tiny bug. But what kind of master would he be if he let his padawan think he afraid nervous to go after a bug. That had somehow gotten into their rooms. And was now contaminating his sleeping area. So he walked over to his doorway, where the thing had disappeared, igniting his lightsaber on the way. It was just in case, obviously, absolutely not because he though he would need it.
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
โ› ย remind ย me ย what ย iโ€™m ย getting ย out ย of ย this ย again ? ย โœย  ย  @lightloyalโ€‹
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If he had still been younger, new to the planet and the Jedi, he would've been wiggling in excitement. As it was, it was a near thing to stop from doing just that. He quickly walked through the streets, several levels down on Coruscant, having practically dragged Obi-Wan out of the Temple with him. "You mean other than getting to spend time with me?"
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dxrthvxdr ยท 2 years
โ€œ There arenโ€™t enough noble quests to go around. โ€ @withoutpeerโ€‹
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"You could at least share! While you go off on your noble quest, fighting cyborgs or whatever, I'm stuck here with all the younglings!" Anakin exclaims, swinging his arms out, nearly hitting a Jedi Master that was walking by. Not that he seemed to notice them, or any of the multitudes of other fully-fledged Jedi wandering about, far outnumbering any younglings or padawans that happened to be around.ย 
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