#lethal company fanfic
Linked Universe AU: Lethal Company (1/18)
What if the boys from Linked Universe were put into space and forced to work under Evil Capitalism (AKA for The Company)?
Tw: none for this chapter, but gore and main character death later in the series.
He jolted upright, banged his head on the metal shelf stationed low above him like the lid to a coffin, and collapsed back onto his bed with a yelp. Groaning, he clasped both hands over the bruise blooming on his forehead and squeezed his eyelids shut against the oppressive light piercing into his brain. Somewhere, metal squealed, and low conversation thrummed.
What’s going—? He tried to search his brain for context about where he was, what was going on, but was met with nothing but an emptiness where memory should have been. He—there was no name that existed in that frightening blank, just he—knew what it should have felt like to draw upon some sort of knowledge, information, something, but there was a jarring mental block, like an unexpected run into a wall where a door should have been. If he knew what it felt like to remember, did that mean he remembered a before? He beat against the blockade for a few moments, turned, and prodded elsewhere in the empty mental landscape he’d been thrust into. But there were no cracks or breaks in the walls, and the entirely of the space between was just empty, empty, empty. Then—
The creaking of metal haunted his mind. Each sound warped and phased until they were unrecognizable, morphing into the desperate screams of the dying. A rhythmic beat like horse hooves became a steady war drum to backdrop the sounds of a crash, an explosion. A woman’s voice permeated the din, soothing and sad all at once. It too, rose into a despairing shriek, and—
The echoes of strained metal continued in the land of the waking, quieter and less warped now. He shuddered and he peeked open an eye to find the source.
“New replacements here,” someone shouted amidst the noise, and he was suddenly struck with the fact that he’s not alone. The conversation floating around the air raised the hair on his arms. Head still spinning, he carefully propped himself onto one elbow, turning towards the still too-painful light. His empty stomach clenched with the movement, and he pinched his eyes shut once more, pressing his lips together and taking in a few small, tight breaths in an attempt to calm his nausea. “Oh, he looks like a real newbie. Someone tell him to quit thinking so hard before he makes his head explode.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll deal with the new meat. You just like to scare them anyways,” a gentle voice at his side said. “Go help Time with the monitor, he’s bound to break it without intervention. Hey. Hey, kid! Can you hear me?”
He, squinting, was met with a kind, round face with soft blue eyes that peered into his bunk with intense curiosity and something that looked like heavy resignation. “Where—?” he tried to ask, only to cough over a dryness in his throat. His next attempt barely came out a whisper. “Wh—?”
“It’s alright, it’s alright, you don’t try to talk just yet,” the owner of that kind face said, rushing to hold his hand in his own. It made him feel safer, grounded, somehow. “I’ll explain everything I can in a second, you just hang tight and I’ll get you some—”
Suddenly, a blaring, triumphant tune raised itself. It seemed to swirl around his head, reverberating in his ears and raising his shoulders. “Welcome,” a robotic voice droned over the music after a slight delay, “to your first—”
“Somebody shut that thing up!” a deep masculine voice roared across the cabin.
“—on the jo—”
“I’m sorry.” The kind-faced one spoke over the din. “I’ll get you some water, and then we’ll talk.”
He tracked the kind-faced one with his eyes as he stood and crossed the narrow room, which seemed to be made out of smooth metal and wiring. Another man in an orange jumpsuit punched at something embedded in the opposite wall, and the song, looping around the words Great–great asset to the company fizzled out with a pop. The man returned to the computer screen at the front of the room, leaning over the shoulder of a child in that same orange jumpsuit. The kind-faced one was wearing one, too. And so was he, he realized, with a look down at himself. An orange jumpsuit made of thick, sturdy material, dull buttons, and a number of loops and pockets. Was—was this prison? Wait, what’s a prison, and why is it orange? Where—?
“Hey! Here.” The kind-faced one was back, trying to hand a metal canteen to him. “Drink.”
“Why—?” He couldn’t get another word out. The kind-faced one seemed to follow his gaze well enough to understand the question he wanted to ask.
“The orange? Yeah, Time wouldn’t let us buy the yellow that went on sale last cycle. Said it was a waste of money. But I think a little less Company orange would be good for the soul. Now drink.”
Company? The canteen was successfully forced into his hand. With nothing else to do, he drank. The water soothed his irritated throat enough that he could speak. “Who… who are you people?” he said at last. His own voice sounded unfamiliar to him, high and thready and weak. “Where—where am I? What’s going on?”
The kind-faced one gave a small, sad smile. “Not a lot of answers I can give you to those questions, but I can try. We’re all your crewmates assigned to work together on this ship for the duration of our contract. My name’s Sky. That’s Four… and that’s Time…”
“Heyo!” one crewmate—not a child, he could see now, but a short adult with blond hair chopped off at chin level—chirped. The taller continued tapping away at his keyboard with a dismissive grunt.
“...and you’re… uh…” Sky squinted down at his chest.
“Twilight, it says up here!” the short one finished for him.
“Yes, your name tag says that Twilight’s your name. Nice to meet you, Twilight.”
He—Twilight now—took the offered hand on instinct. “And we’re… where?” he asked vaguely, hopelessly confused. Despite the nearly empty space in his head, available to be filled with all sorts of knowledge, trying to cram that little bit in was like trying to grasp water in his hands. “What… what was your name again?”
“Sky.” The smile only turned sadder. “And we’re in space, technically, now. I mean, Time thinks otherwise, but don’t listen to that old coot.” The glare the taller man, Time, sent at the back of Sky’s head was deadly, but he didn’t seem to notice. Twilight noticed, then, the name tag on Sky’s chest, which read Sky – Employee. A glance at his own chest revealed the label Twilight – Intern. “Anyways, don’t push yourself on the names and all that—a lot of stuff won’t stick this first day, while you’re still getting over the memory wipe. We’ll be landing soon. Our job is to go inside, collect some scrap, and bring it back to the shuttle with everyone safe. Got it?”
Twilight nodded, his mind still swirling with questions. “Scrap? Why? Do we have to?”
“Doesn’t matter why. And yes, we do.” The taller man—Twilight had already forgotten his name—walked over to the bunk, leaning over Twilight with his thumbs tucked into the belt loops of his orange uniform. The placard on his chest read Time – Boss, and its chipped appearance almost distracted Twilight from his milky-white, clearly blind right eye. Almost. A jolt and a shiver ran through him, and he sat up straighter in his bunk. “That accent and those tattoos of yours suggest you’re from some subsistence farming planet,” said Time, looking him up and down critically. “You look strong—do you know how to swing a shovel?”
That question was just as foreign as everything else in this place. “Um… what?” murmured Twilight, touching his own face absentmindedly.
Just then, the room shuddered and rocked with a metallic squeal, eerily similar to that feminine scream of his dreams. Twilight braced against the bunks, barely keeping himself from spilling into the floor. The rest of the crew swayed with it and stayed on their feet without trouble.
“We’re here!” the shorter crewmate announced. He wore an orange jumpsuit, almost the same color as a prison jacket —no wait, he’d already thought this before, it wasn’t prison, but what was prison, why did he keep thinking— “Door’s open in two minutes.”
“What was that?” Twilight whispered wide-eyed, still clinging to his bunk in case it happened again. “What is this place?”
“Don’t worry about it right now. Just try to survive today.” Time looked down at him, unimpressed, and crossed his arms. “Here’s your helmet.” He reached out of sight and tossed the thing—black, round, with glass eyes and lengths of connected tubing—into Twilight’s lap. “Atmosphere’s technically breathable on this planet, but I wouldn’t suggest it if you value your lungs. Sky’ll help you with your oxygen tank. Welcome to your first day on the job.”
The man strode away. Sky took his place, fussing about with a pair of heavy yellow tanks that needed to be fastened to Twilight’s back, gloves that fit way too loosely over his fingers, and finally, his helmet. Twilight stared down at it. His own unfamiliar face—tattooed with broad, black strokes that hung over icy blue eyes—stared back at him from the fogged glass of the face shield. He didn’t want to put it on, didn’t want to consent to whatever he was tasked to do here without the slightest clue of what was going on. But to get answers, he’d have to. So he pulled his helmet on, allowed Sky to connect the tubing, and, peering through the frosted, spiderwebbed glass, stood and followed Time to the opening door at the other end of the cabin.
All credit for this goes to @across-violet-skies , who initially had the idea for this AU while we were playing Lethal Company together about a month ago. We were getting an average of 50 hrs of this game a week rather than studying for exams, and anyways, the two brain rots connected. Yay. Hope you enjoy! This series looks like it will be about 36,000 words, but it will not interfere in any way with BDOR. No regular update schedule. Beta read by the lovely @needfantasticstories.
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rapono-writes-stuff · 8 months
Unfinished scenes from "Snap my neck with care" that were sadly scrapped due to issues with pacing and/or tone, but I still liked:
(#1 alt intro)
You want to go home.
It’s the one thought rattling around in your head with any clarity, among the cacophony of anxiety. Body high-strung and tense, radio clenched tightly in one fist, flashlight in the other. It flickers, for just a moment, but it’s enough to make your heart leap with a jolt of fear.
The light stabilized, and no monsters emerged, no footsteps or creaking vents. Your body sags with exhausted relief, tense shoulders slumping, as you allow yourself a moment of weakness.
(#2 hand holding)
Curious, you grabbed at one of the hands holding you, the Bracken hesitant before it let you, your two hands gently holding its one.
Big, so much bigger than yours. It was hard to feel much through your thick gloves, but you still touched and explored. The long thinness of the fingers were deceptive of their strength, tipped in sharp claws you gently poked at.
(#3 protective panic)
The sound of invertebrate footsteps broke the peace, as you raised your head to look, spotting a hoarding bug poke its head out the doorway.
You didn’t get to react before the Bracken moved. Your only warning was feeling its body tense against you, before it shoved you forward, underneath its chest, claws digging into the carpeted floor. It glared at the bug as its leaves rattled rapidly with fury, and sound that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck, the sound you heard before a coworker who stared a moment too long, had their neck broken in front of you. You'd heard the snap, a gurgle, before he was gone.
The bug scurried away quickly with a chirp, as your breath hitched
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xxn00bpwn3rxx · 7 months
zilly zhort fic that fuelz my autizm over Lethal Company and Regretevator (ft. Poob, Pest, and Infected) :3 i waz going 2 draw it in comic form but i dunt hav teh patience 2 draw a comic that long zo i juzt decided to write it!! lol (i might try eventually but i hav other thingz i wanna draw firzt zo it iznt a priority)
ㅤInfected sat in the ship nervously, watching Pest on the monitor as he neared the ship, the map making his indicator a suspicious red dot instead of the usual yellow one that indicated a person. He heard a light clang behind him, and Infected slowly turned his head towards the sound, coming face to face with Pest in the doorway of the ship. Infected paled slightly when he noticed Pest wearing the mimic mask, and he was just standing there, staring him down, unmoving. ㅤHe sniffled nervously, hand on the stick that would turn the ship on. When Infected sniffled, 'Pest' started moving forward and Infected let out a small shriek, slamming down on the stick and starting up the ship. 'Pest' suddenly stopped, and as the ship flew off, the mask deactivated and fell off at his feet. He blinked a couple times, taking his helmet off and staring down at the mask. ㅤ"y0U [Content Deleted]!!!!1! u kN0 no7 2 PuT 0n t3H Ma$k!!!!" Infected yelled at Pest, getting frustrated. He growled at Infected, his mandibles twitching slightly. ㅤ"I didn't put the #### thing on! Something PUT IT on me!" He argued back, kicking the mimic mask, making it slide across the floor and underneath the filing cabinet. He cringed, knowing it was worth some money, so he quietly hoped that he didn't break it by doing that. ㅤInfected rolled his eyes, and went back to the monitor. Fear slowly dawned on his face as he realized he started up the ship and Poob wasn't here. Which meant they were either dead, or he accidentally left them behind, which was basically leaving them for dead. Pest slowly came up next to him and looked at the monitor as Infected switched it over to Poob, showing them unmoving in a random part of the map on the planet they just left. Infected muttered something that sounded more like an upset whine than actual words, and Pest snickered softly. "Oh they're definitely dead."
ㅤThe ship made a small jingle sound, and both of them turned around when they heard the sound of boots softly hitting the ground. Poob had appeared next to the filing cabinet, teetering on their feet lightly as if they were dizzy from the recovery and instant teleport back to the crew's ship. Infected sighed softly in relief, looking back over at the monitor and grumbling as it now said that they were fined $50 for the death of Poob and not recovering their body and items. ㅤPest walked over to Poob and leaned his shoulder on theirs, tilting his head down slightly to look at them and smiling toothily that made his face crinkle up around the eyes. "So, how was being dead?" He said, placing his other hand on his hip, acting a bit sassy. ㅤPoob recovered themselves, and whirled around to face Pest, pushing him away and taking their helmet off as well to frown at him more effectively. "u KILLED ME! WIF A STOP SIGN!" they pouted. ㅤInfected looked at Pest in surprise, then looked at Poob, growing angry again. "h3y!! H3 tr13d 2 d0 tH@t 2 M3 T00!!!11!" ㅤ"now becus of u, we hav a $50 fine and we r barely gonna meet quota!" Poob went over to the cabinet and opened it to grab more backup supplies, Pest snickering again at seeing them so riled up. ㅤ"Surprising that you're only worth $50. あなたには5ドルの価値しかない。(You're only worth $5)" Pest joked with the last statement, crossing his arms and leaning now against the ship wall, still smiling at Poob. They grumbled and walked over to him, flicking his beetle horn with a smile back, purposely trying to piss him off. Pest growled, swatting their hand away. "Excuse you!" he retorted. ㅤPoob retorted back, "o im sory am i supposed to feel BAD towerds my MURDERER?" They flicked his mandible now, knowing Pest wasn't going to bite them. Infected had a small smile on his face as he heard this little argument between them, busy calculating the loot they had in the corner and hoping it was enough money, with some left over.
ㅤSnarling, Pest pushed past Poob and walked over to the computer. "#### you. We're going to Titan." He smirked, typing in the coordinates with fast precision as if he had done this many times over before. Infected twirled around, looking at Pest in fear. Both him and Poob yelled in unison, "N0!!!!" while running over to Pest, not realizing it was too late and he already redirected the ship and started it back up. ㅤ"we r so ded." Poob hissed out, picking up their party horn from the monitor desk and blowing it obnoxiously loud at Pest, smacking his cheek with it. ㅤ"We'll be fiiine. Have faith, Poobear."
[ They were not fine. They all died on the third day and lost everything. :1 ]
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dat-is-i · 10 days
yesterday, at 3am, i had an idea. was it a good idea? no.
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lunarmoves · 3 months
you were lost in this stupidly large facility with nothing but a fucking shovel for defense.
you could feel the sweat building up on your palms underneath your black gloves as they gripped tightly onto the shovel's handle. feel the way your baby hairs stuck to the back of your neck and the way your skin crawled like there were hundreds of insects burrowed underneath it. you swallowed heavily and blinked widely in a vain attempt to see through the stifling darkness that wrapped around you in an endless blanket.
you should've never taken this job. your flashlight had ran out of power a while ago to your chagrin. the company couldn't even have been assed to give your team decent fucking supplies for your first assignment and you were all stuck with them until you raised enough money to purchase better ones. you could feel your resolve crumbling the longer you crept your way through what seemed like an infinite loop of concrete rooms. listening raptly for the sound of foreign footsteps trailing after you.
silence, thick and foreboding. then, quiet—so quiet it was almost nonexistent—there was the soft chime of a bell.
fuck, it was still following you.
you glanced quickly over your shoulder. you couldn't make anything out through your suit's mask. you knew, however, that it was only an illusion of solitude.
in this abandoned, alien facility, you were anything but alone.
you clenched your jaw and pressed forward, your steps light and careful. god forbid you stepped on a landmine and blew your legs clean off. or on some random toy and it made enough noise to attract another one of those stupid, deadly creatures. it was difficult though, so fucking difficult. you were running on pure luck, but even then, you weren't entirely sure how long it would last. the oppressive vantablack around you was starting to make you feel hopeless.
you glanced at the time through your suit's h.u.d. 10:24 p.m. you took in a deep breath and did your best to settle the way your heart pounded in your chest. at midnight, the ship's autopilot would force it to leave, regardless of whether you were on it or not. you wondered if the rest of your team was in the building looking for you, or if they thought you were already dead.
you hadn't been notified of the ship leaving yet, though, so you were holding on by a sliver.
another soft chime sounded from behind you. your lips trembled slightly. you pressed them together for a moment and slowly made your way around a corner. another dark hallway. you could barely make out the gleam of steam pipes along the walls. you shifted the shovel in your hand, your steps feather light as you walked with your knees slightly bent.
whatever was following closely behind you had been doing so for the last hour—silent enough that no matter how much you strained your ears or stilled your breaths, you couldn't hear anything apart from the occasional jingle. it was anyone's guess what creature it was that resided in this hellish building. you certainly didn't remember reading about anything capable of making bell sounds in the database.
god, you were going to fucking die in here, weren't you? everything looked the same and you weren't sure when the alien behind you would attack once it got tired of following you. biting your lip, you focused on what was in front of you for now. falling into despair would only make you feel worse.
another corner. there was the gleam of a door to your right. your heart seemed to leap in your chest and you quickly darted over to it so you could wrench it open. it was still dark, but as you stepped forward, you heard your boots land on metal that echoed around the room. you walked forward and realized that there was light—dim, extremely dim light—coming from above. barely illuminating a grated staircase. that was good—stairs were good! you were making progress!
you beelined straight for the upwards staircase, your steps like a metronome as you steadily climbed them. clang clang clang clang. your surroundings got brighter the higher you went and you could feel a light sense of relief and elation begin to wash over you. freedom was at the tips of your fingers.
below you, there was a jingle. and you knew ignoring it was the move, but something in the back of your mind itched in morbid curiosity. a glance was all you needed to add its information to the database, now that you could see a bit better. it would be beneficial, in the long term. you bit at your lower lip and felt your steps slow down just a tad.
and then you looked down, like a fool.
on the staircase directly underneath you, there was a figure that blended into the shadows—a navy blue tinge to its body that was so dark it was nearly black. it was lanky and lithe, with uncanny elongated limbs attached to an almost emaciated body. your breathing cut out as your h.u.d. circled the being in red and updated the database automatically, but you barely registered anything.
the figure was looking right up at you. a wide smile leered at you with sharp, needle-like teeth and ruby-colored eyes that glowed like a warning sign.
yeah. no. fuck that.
you couldn't get out of there fast enough, darting the rest of the way up the stairs until you reached a landing with a door. you slammed it open, then closed it behind you, breathing harsh and heavy enough that it fogged up the inside of your mask. you didn't dare linger, squeezing your hands around your stupid shovel as you walked onward and quickly analyzed where you were.
more rooms. more corridors. you gritted your teeth. it was endless. your only consolation were the lights that were attached to the walls and ceilings—widely interspersed, but at least you could see. you listened carefully for any sounds of a door creaking open behind you, wondering if that thing was still shadowing you like some strange, gaunt ghost. nothing so far. maybe you could breathe a bit easier.
you checked the time again. 10:57 p.m. shit, shit. you were going to cut things close if you didn't get a move on. you started to lightly jog, panic creeping its way through your veins. you were so close, you were so close! all you had to do was find a fire exit or the main entrance and then you could run right for the ship.
you sped through another door, then down a long hallway. everything was so, so quiet. you didn't like it. didn't like how the very building seemed to be holding its breath. your eyes glanced around quickly in your haste and unease. where was the exit? you took a sharp turn around a corner. where was—?
you slammed into something. it was so abrupt and sudden and your heart jumped straight up into your ears as you yelped and threw yourself backwards. the contact was enough for you to feel something unnatural, feel the outwards push of a breath, and the vibration of a hum.
you swung the shovel up like you were about to bat a ball and froze like a deer in headlights. in front of you, blocking your path down the hall, was another creature. long and lanky like the one you'd caught a glimpse of before, except this one was colored gold. it was hunched over you, a wide smile with sharp teeth plastered to its circular face framed with sharp, triangular protrusions. glowing white eyes illuminated the space between your heads. you could just make out its ribs through its chest, and its limbs contorted oddly around you like it didn't know where to place them in the small space.
it felt like you'd been paralyzed, rooted as you were to the floor.
the creature wasn't doing anything. it just watched you with that unreadable grin. you blinked up at it, willing your racing heart to ease down as much as it could. there was a hotness that crawled up your chest and into your neck. was this how you were going to die? did you even want to try to defend yourself?
you eyed the sheer size of the thing before you—the corded muscles you could see under its stretched skin. you would not win.
it continued to watch you, head tilting slightly to the side. not a single sound came from it. maybe you could... retreat? you swallowed thickly, then took a small step back. when the creature didn't do anything, you took another step back. then another. it was starting to get easier for you to breathe.
but then, once you got a few feet away, the creature took a step forward. you jumped slightly and tightened your grip on the shovel. it took another step, reaching its elongated legs towards you in massive steps that nearly closed the meager distance you'd built immediately. you panicked and picked up the pace, glancing behind you intermittently to ensure you wouldn't run into a wall.
was this thing chasing you? it sure felt like it, as odd as it was. it didn't help the foreboding pit you could feel at the bottom of your gut or the way your hands shook in your helplessness. but it was all you could do at the moment. trapped in this odd walk as you backtracked down a hall and into a room that split into two paths.
shit, which way should you go? you looked back in front of you at the creature and saw it was leaning to the left slightly, like it was going to try to subtly crowd you into that direction. you took the right in an attempt to avoid it. maybe it was trying to trap you somewhere. you would not let yourself be outwitted by it, you were better than that, you hoped.
it was truly unnerving how silent the creature was as it followed you, not a single sound coming from its steps. no matter how small the rooms or hallways were for it, it seemed to be able to contort its body to fit and move smoothly through the cramped spaces. it was impressive, if not worrying.
you were running out of time, you realized in dismay as you tried desperately to escape from this thing's eyes. but it was rather persistent—just like the navy one you'd encountered. the way its gaze was unwaveringly plastered onto your own was... captivating in a way that was quite worrying. and it trailed after you through room after room, hallway after hallway with attempts to crowd you into certain paths that you managed to evade until you felt yourself run into something hard.
you jumped. you hadn't realized—! you glanced behind you before snapping your gaze back to the creature in case it lunged at you or something. then you did a double take. wait a second, you'd— you'd ran straight into a red door. the fire exit. you gawked at it, then spun back around to stare at the gold creature. it had stopped moving, lingering a small distance away.
it only seemed to smile wider at you, lips stretching to reveal black gums.
did it— did it somehow—
had you just been outsmarted by this thing? subtly manipulating your movements so that you would—
no. nope. not thinking about it. you were at the exit and you had five minutes to get back to the ship. you couldn't afford to linger, to rest. an anxious feeling skittered all over your body; you did your best to ignore it.
you spared the creature a final glance, hesitating for just a small moment.
"thank you." the words were quiet as they left your lips. its head cocked to the side. then, you shoved your way past the fire exit and into the fresh air of the outside world. ignoring the way it grinned after you, knowing.
behind you, a bell gave a quaint, dulcet chime. ringing in your ears until you finally made it back onto your ship, safe and sound.
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eeveekitti · 3 months
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[most of] my lethal company ocs!! they are the world to me u have no idea squeezing them like a stress ball
[pspsps they're also on artfight]
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across-violet-skies · 21 days
more Linked Company!!! and the end of the hiatus!!!
this chapter is a little different (and a little shorter too)! if you've played/watched lethal company, you probably know that after 3 days, you go to the company and sell your scrap. so this is a lore chapter :3
preview under the cut!!
Four stretches, cracking his neck. His fellow employees are still asleep, resting peacefully (for the most part. Twilight’s twitching in his sleep, but he doesn’t seem distressed). Quietly, the smallest employee takes his place at the ship’s computer terminal, gently clacking away at the keys. After their day on moon 56-Vow, he’s almost certain the rest of the team would rather go somewhere else. Time, especially, had his qualms with the place, despite his lack of elaboration on the subject.
Four pulls up the list of moons, scanning through them.
220-Assurance (Eclipsed)
56-Vow (Stormy)
20-Adamance (Rainy)
He remembers 41-Experimentation– he didn’t particularly enjoy it there. Plus, they need to make money, right? Compared to their days on 220-Assurance and 56-Vow, Experimentation wasn’t very profitable. Even if it’s clear today, moon 41-Experimentation just doesn’t seem like a worthwhile place to go.
But that’s a problem, because both Assurance and Vow have weather conditions. Four isn’t sure how different it would be if they went to Assurance eclipsed or Vow stormy, but he isn’t really in the mood to find out.
The next moon on the list is 21-Offense. Four squints, examining the screen.
POPULATION: Abandoned.
CONDITIONS: Believed to have splintered off from its cousin 220-Assurance, Offense features similar jagged and dry conditions but differs in its ecosystem.
HISTORY: 21-Offense is categorized as an asteroid moon and seems to have not existed on its own for more than several hundred years. The industrial artifacts here have suffered damage; it’s believed they were built long before 21-Offense was splintered off.
FAUNA: A competitive and toughened ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms. Travelers to 21-Offense should know it's not for the faint of heart.
Four is on board until the last two sentences. “Aggressive lifeforms” was on the label for 56-Vow as well, and… well, they all saw what happened to Wind. But if 21-Offense was previously part of 220-Assurance, then… surely it’s similar enough?
Still, he doesn’t like the “not for the faint of heart” warning. Really, though… are any of the moons for the faint of heart? Four would argue no.
Sighing, he reroutes them to moon 21-Offense. The ship jolts– subsequently, an alarm blares.
In an instant, eight employees are sitting up in various stages of panic.
Legend is quick to his feet, lightly shoving Four away from the control lever. “What are you doing?!” He hisses, brows pinched. “Are you trying to get us killed?!”
Four shakes his head. “No, no, I-”
“Boys.” Time’s voice leaves no room for argument, and both Legend and Four are silenced. “Legend, keep in mind that not everyone here has your experience.” He turns to Four. “And Four. Until you become more familiar with the way these contracts work, I’d advise you ask before making any decisions that affect the team.”
Four nods slowly. “Okay.” His brows furrow. “Is there something wrong with moon 21-Offense?”
Hyrule’s ears pin back.
Wars shakes his head. “No, it’s not the choice of moon.” He points up at the monitors above. “Up there. The second monitor tells us how many days remain. It says 0 days, so that means it’s Company Day.”
-> read the rest on ao3!!
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fanaticartisan · 8 months
So what i'm hearing from the poll is People On This Webbed Site Read Fanfic....
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do you love the company, tumblr?
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afterartist · 6 months
Yes I am a great fanfic writer
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DanceFloor= killer
BittenbyQueen = dust
The other names are kinda self explanatory lmao
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gingermarshmallow · 5 months
F.A.R. Inc. is by far the rag-tag group of ruffians you go to when you need something unique, rare – and possibly illegal – discreetly and for a fair-ish price. Fabian (a half-elf from the planet Solace and the muscle of the group), Adaine (a high elf from the planet Fallinel and the clever one), and Riz (a goblin from the Chaos Asteroid Belt and a dextrous thief) are experts at scrounging up what to many seem like junk but to others are treasured relics of lifetimes long since passed. This small crew flies among the alien planets and heavenly bodies of the Spyre Galaxy in The Hangman, a modest, capsule-shaped ship that is kitted out for a simplistic life of scavenging. Their exemplary teamwork has allowed them to survive over two years of sand worm encounters, haunted mines, roving packs of blood-thirsty thresher wolves, and narrow escapes from collapsing and crumbling ruins – all by the age of twenty. In short, these youths know their shit. …Which is why it’s so frustrating that they’ve hit a run of bad luck recently.
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mcchicken-scratches · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lethal Company (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eyeless Dogs & Employees (Lethal Company) Characters: Reader, Employees (Lethal Company), Eyeless Dogs (Lethal Company) Additional Tags: Vore, Soft Vore, safe vore, Oral Vore, Unwilling, crackfic, Serious to silly?, Tamed wild animal, Fear, Panic, nothing bad actually happens, Happy Ending, dog being a very good boy, deserves lots of pets Summary:
You escape the dangers inside. You aren't prepared for what lays waiting for you, just outside.
Shower thought turned into short fic. Enjoy.
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rapono-writes-stuff · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lethal Company (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Employees & Masked (Lethal Company) Characters: Employees (Lethal Company), Masked (Lethal Company), Original Characters Additional Tags: This came to me in a half awake delirium, Fluff, Fear, Hurt/Comfort, Panic, Anxiety, Horror, Unusual monster behavior, Employees have names, Found family? Or I guess found coworkers. Summary:
There's another employee, lost in the mansion. Having another set of hands to carry back the scrap certainly wouldn't hurt, right?
Hey guys I'm not dead! Anyways have this quick little thing I thought of in a half conscious delirium.
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vanosslirious · 19 days
SMii7y was left alone with a baby...
Words: 497 | 23.440
Ch: 33/70. (one-shot each chapter.)
"Where is my fucking baby, John!"
"We have to get out of here, SMii7y," Kryoz said, grabbing a hold of him and dragging him into the next room.
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elluia · 7 months
"Orbit" a OMORI x Lethal Company crossover
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Welcome to the Company. You have been living here for as long as you can remember. But you are 12, and surrounded by friends and family. Even on the darkest moons, in the deepest facilities… Everything is going to be okay. … Welcome to the Company. You have been working here for as long as you can remember. You are 16, older than she will ever be. And you have a quota to meet.
Omori’s story, but set in the Lethal Company universe. And what will change, when the characters just can’t go their separate ways after the Incident?
A lot, and little.
📚 Read Orbit on AO3!
Hi, this is me with a new fic totally unrelated to Fire Emblem for once, and my first crossover! Never thought I'd ever write one, but once I found all the stuff in Lethal Company that worked with the phobias in Omori (1st hint: spiders), I realised it could work!
The story should be around 15 chapters covering Sunny and friends' missions from age 12 to 16, with the tragedies to be expected, and their different consequences in this grimmer setting.
I hope you enjoy!
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m0xenn · 10 months
Very tempted to make a lethal company x dca crossover fanfic. Very tempted indeed.
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opossum-disaster · 8 months
«How much does a body worth?»
(Based on an actual situation from mine and my bf's Lethal Company session)
– Okay... How much does a body worth?
Sam's voice echoed, as he and Jeff stood there, a couple credits short from meeting their quota.
– Sam, you... For fuck's sake, how can you even propose such a thing? We already lost Daniel and Marcus! Was it all for nothing?
– You know well enough that if we won't meet our quota, we both gonna die!
They both shouted. They both knew that they both wanted to live. Or at least for the other one to survive. A low, earth-shaking roar from the thing behind the counter was the only thing that could shut them up.
Sam had a shovel on him, and he basically forced it into Jeff's hands. Those that were shaking with fear and regret, but gripping the shovel without ability to let go.
– I want you to survive... Just promise me you'll be able to escape this hell of a job...
A hissing sound followed Sam taking off his helmet. His face was surprisingly calm. He even smiled. Jeff felt like he was gonna throw up into his suit, the whole thing made him sick. But it was the only way... Company-bought stuff didn't cost shit, and that fact made the whole situation even worse. This! This fucking shovel right here was scrap! This piece of metal and wood, not the person, who risked his life for him! Not the person, who calmed him down, when he had nightmares and sleepless nights, not Sam! Jeff clenched his fists around the rough wooden handle, raising it up, hoping that one clean hit with the sharp side would do it.
– I... I love you, Sam.
Jeff said, feeling his knees shaking and his eyes watering.
– I loved you too, Jeff.
*THUD*. As the shovel collided with Sam's head, it produced an awful meaty sound. The thing haven't killed him immediately, but definitely caused serious damage, almost reaching the center of the head. Seeing that, Jeff hesitated before the next hit, a weaker one. After it, Sam's lifeless body twitched. But he was certainly gone.
Jeff dropped the damned shovel to carry his lover to the counter. He rang the bell, staring at the gaping bleeding wound. He wanted anything except hurting the only good thing left in his life. And even that was gone now. He rang the bell again. And again. Silence was unbearable.
He cried out, slamming the bell with his fist, after which the window has opened. He almost didn't wanna take a step back. But Sam's words struck his mind. He needed to survive. Jeff started walking away, as the body got pulled through the window with a gut-wrenching meaty crunches, with no care for its condition or integrity. He picked up the shovel and started the ship. In the orbit, Jeff just looked at it, taking his helmet of and starting to properly cry, embracing the only material thing left from Sam in a painful hug. There was blood on it. On the suit too. But Jeff didn't care. He just loudly whailed in the emptiness of space, where no one but him heard it.
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