#let's see how many more pics come in the future now
rustywolf14 · 1 month
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A LOT of doodles and drawings of my OCs, way more than yesterday's pile!
What can I say, I love drawing my silly group of dogs ^^
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astonmartinii · 1 year
george russell’s the type of guy | george russell instagram au
pairing: george russell x reader 
when george starts to hint at a relationship, the internet can’t quite believe who “white bread” george russell is with. 
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liked by likedbypierregasly, albono23 and 421 others 
tagged: georgerussell63 
f1wagupdates george posted this on his story recently sparking rumours he’s in a relationship. we don’t know who she is yet but it looks like he took her home to the countryside, very cute. 
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yukierreforever george russell attempting a soft launch was not on my 2023 bingo card 
softleclerc the way she looks exactly like the country girl we’d expect
lavenderlewis i wonder what private school she went to 
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liked by georgerussell63, y/bffname and 9,087 others 
yourusername a still from a recent project (killing my friend’s exes - jk if you’re the police) 
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peachyrussell @georgerussell63​ ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? 
y/bffname stab me please 
yourusername ur wish is my command 
f1fan34 she’s super cute but like we all know this isn’t the girl on george’s story right??? he’s the type of guy to cry if she rose her voice at him 
lordperceval  omg let him breathe 
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liked yourusername, alex_albon and 271,430 others 
georgerussell63 a weekend away from the track well spent 
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landonorris RUSSELL we need answers now !!!!!
charles_leclerc the boys gives us regular life powerpoints but conveniently left this out 
georgerussell63 we have a group chat for a reason CAN WE NOT USE IT 
cleclerc16 i don’t mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist but it was defo that girl whose pic he liked the other day 
chillisainz55  all the pics have been a brunette... you may be onto something 
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liked by georgerussell63, lovelysainz55 and 11,338 others 
yourusername word on the street is that i’m cuffed so enjoy this pic before they become one-way traffic to him 
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georgerussell63 one of a kind beauty 
yourusername come back home i miss you (all of you) 
yourusername you can see yourself out 
f1girly12 i honestly don’t even know what’s going on anymore 
totowolffy can someone grab a camera when they show toto who george is with i wanna see his breakdown 
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liked by lewishamilton, yourusername and 671,349 others 
tagged: yourusername, mercedesamgf1 
georgerussell63 ahhhhhh this is what we’ve been working for, thank you so much to everyone at mercedes. words can’t describe how much this means to me and my family, my maiden win is something i’ll never forget (though thanks to a special someone i don’t really remember the celebrations). 
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yourusername you’re welcome handsome, congrats on the win lover 
danielricciardo russell george i think i say on behalf of the entire paddock that we love your girlfriend and her parties 
yourusername anytime danny 
georgerussell63 i love her more 
landonorris man you make it so sappy everytime 
f1wagupdates so is this the full confirmation? 
russymerc i feel like i’m the only one who isn’t surprised that george finally went for a girl like her instead of what everyone expected 
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1 and 24,198 others 
tagged: georgerussell63 
yourusername the paddock looks good on me. oh and congrats georgie boy, (gross shit incoming) i’m so proud of you, here’s to being at your side for the many more in the future xx 
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russellstar63 they’re so different but i actually love them together so much 
georgerussell63 thank you my love, i intend on winning a championship with you 
lewishamilton now i see what alex was complaining about 
pierregasly be in love somewhere else 
alex_albon god you’re such a loser how did this happen 
yourusername  i think you’re cool babe 
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Buddie: Has Eddie realized the Buck and Kim parallels yet?
Buck and Kim (Shannon's doppelgänger) are MIRROR IMAGES of each other! Also, Buck's right in front of Eddie and Kim was positioned to be the mirror so he could see who he's been wanting since he moved to Los Angeles and the person he wants is Buck.
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There were a lot of references to season 2 in 7x9 and I might expound on all of them at some point but this post is solely about the similarities between Buck and Kim and the familiarity Eddie sees when he looks at her since he's already found everything he wants and needs in Buck but won't allow himself to have.
Full disclosure: Before I delve into this, I must admit how much I hate this "Vertigo" BS storyline they gave Eddie and I've posted about it many times because IMO he deserves better than an emotional cheating arc. But since TM (showrunner) is hellbent on incorporating DK into these episodes, it doesn't appear there's anything that can be done except fast forward through them like I did early this morning when I finally watched the episode. One more thing, I HATED the way they let Chris see Eddie with Kim. He's traumatized enough and I don't know if it was done for shock value or WTF but that was low for 9-1-1 standards and it shouldn't have been included.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
In 7x9, the scene with Buck and Kim at the firehouse allowed Buck to come face to face with a doppelgänger version of the person (Shannon) who still haunts both Eddie's and Chris' lives. Also, she represents the person Buck believes will always stand in the way of him stepping all the way in with Eddie so he can become his husband and a second father to Chris.
Now, I'll be honest, I watched the scene with Buck and Kim three times for several reasons but mainly because I noticed the show was trying to illustrate more than just Eddie's cheating. The truth is Buck's and Kim's scene should have DEMONSTRATED TO VIEWERS how Kim is a direct reflection and a representation of everything Eddie's already found and built with Buck, i.e., future spouse, lover, coparent for Chris and the family he chose. Basically, Buck's his everything but Eddie won't allow himself to feel it (believe he can have him).
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When Buck came face to face with Kim, he stopped in his tracks and his breath caught in his throat because he thought he was looking at a ghost. Kim reminds him of the woman he believes Eddie will NEVER let go of/get over so they can be together and I can prove it with the images of them facing each other.
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Ever since the BTS pics were released of Kim/Shannon, I wondered why her hair was blonde instead of brown. I figured it might be related to something but at the time I didn't know what. Now, IIRC, in the early part of season 1, Buck's hair was reddish blonde but for some reason, he dyed it and it's more of a dirty blonde now. Some people debate over the color of Buck's hair; however I'm not doing that here since it's not the point of this post. Furthermore, several Buddie shippers have commented on the gray/white streak in Kim's hair and they did the research that it's a birthmark. There have been several posts on it and the authors of them have commented that it's on the wrong side for her head for it to mimic Buck but I beg to differ.
When they faced each other (reminder Buck was never shown talking to Shannon in season 2; he saw her but they never interacted in CANON) their birthmarks were aligned. His is on the left side of his head and hers is on the right side but when they're facing, they line up. Additionally, Buck's lips are pink and IIRC, Shannon never wore bright red lipstick but Kim did. Buck and Kim (Shannon) all have blue eyes and everyone who watches the show should know Eddie loves looking at Buck the same way he said he liked looking at Kim. If these aren't parallels that show Eddie has found everything he wants and needs in Buck, then the writers should be replaced because they wrote it like this.
Why are these things important?
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They're important because for the entirety of season 7, the show has gone above and beyond to show viewers how Buck, Eddie and Chris are ALREADY a family. Additionally, their screentime also illustrates how Buck is already one of Chris' three parents and it began in 7x1.
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The three pictures above show Buck, Eddie and Shannon sitting on the same spot of Chris' bed. Please note: this is not an illusion for Buddie Shippers, it's all right above in the photos and the show orchestrated this the same way they did Buck's and Kim's similarities.
Did the show do a good job of illustrating how Eddie wants to be with Buck instead of Kim? It's debatable especially for those who are CHOOSING not to see it but the intentions were crystal clear. Buck being face to face with Kim was INTENTIONAL and the show didn't do anything to deter the parallels and similarities between them, as a matter of fact, they highlighted them.
While Eddie and Kim were in the boat, he said, "Maybe I just like looking at you" but who has EDDIE ALWAYS GIVEN "HEART EYES" TO? BUCK!
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Other than the pictures of Eddie and Shannon that Eddie keeps gazing at with longing, he rarely looked at Shannon with heart eyes.
The additional pictures below show how Buck and Kim mirror each other. When they're facing their birthmarks are on the same side. Also, Kim's even wearing a striped shirt which is reminiscent of the striped shirt Buck wore during the shooting but the differences are his stripes were vertical while hers were horizontal and her stripes are bolder/thicker. (Please note, she was wearing like three shirts/tops so it must have been intentional and her shirts were navy-blue and blue which is the same color as the Buckley-Diaz family color.)
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Eddie loves everything about Buck and he loves him so much that he put him in his will and named him to be Chris' legal guardian. He gave Buck his heart years ago because he believes Buck wont break it like Shannon did. In 3x8, he told Bobby, Shannon broke Chris' heart (Eddie's heart) when she left but just like always, Eddie's choosing to see the good while ignoring all the bad stuff that was included in their relationship. She literally asked him for a divorce but after all these years, he's still searching for the perfect "woman" to fill Shannon's shoes when he already has everything he's searching for in Buck.
Some viewers think Eddie doesn't know he's in love with Buck but I beg to differ. I believe he does know but due to his religious beliefs, he won't allow himself to want him. Also, Buck believes Shannon will always be the person who blocks/prevents or stops him from being with Eddie since after all these years, Eddie hasn't moved on from her. However, Buck knows the truth about Eddie's relationship with Shannon because Eddie told him about it in 2x10 and it's evident Buck knows she abandoned them by the way he apologized to Eddie in 3x9 for abandoning him and Chris during the lawsuit.
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The point of this post is to illustrate the way 9-1-1 allowed Buck to come face to face with Kim in an episode that's all about ashes. Also, the haunted look on his face (Shannon reappeared in Eddie's and Chris' lives in 2x7 Haunted) showed how Buck's not sure if he'll ever be able to be who Eddie wants since Eddie hasn't moved on from the woman he dated when he was 18 years old.
One good thing that happened in the $hitshow that's this raggedy ass storyline is, Kim/Shannon told Eddie he needs to "Let her go" and hopefully, he FINALLY WILL!
Before I end this post, I have to include my continued belief in my Buddie Crack Theory because there were even more things in 7x9 that furthered my belief in Buck still being in his coma dream. I haven't decided if I'll post the details yet because there are a lot of them and I don't want to do a long post, so I'll have to determine how I want to proceed with it.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Nat Torres; SaveOFMDCrew - Let's Get OFMD an Emmy; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/ Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby / Cryptid Factor ==
So our fabulous Captain has shared a video of him ghost hunting in a haunted hotel! The only way to access it (as you can see below) is to sign up for the $10 Cryptid Factor Patreon. Link here. It's cute and funny, and you get access to all of the other Cryptid Factor vids and a lot of other cool perks.
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== Taika Waititi ==
Another pic of Taika From Sydney Trip for Rita's launch of TypeBea
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Img Src: @fuckyeahworldoftaika
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie spotted out on 4/20!
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Img Src: @comedianpinkfoxx IG
== Nat Torres ==
Just a quick couple pics of Nat in hats!
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Img Src: Nat Torres IG
== Save OFMD Crew ==
Today SOFMD crew is working on more engagement to get OFMD an Emmy! Artwork by @erostheartist
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Feel free to reach out to SOFMD crew on any of the platforms and share your favorite OFMD Season 2 Costumes! Save OFMD Crew Linktr.ee
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
And who could forget the guy who pointed out that Blackbeard was out on a treasure hunt! Annnnd immediately got threatened! Thank you @melvisik for highlighting Enrique Renaldo! He really took one for the team there!
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== Colouring Pages ==
More colouring pages from the ever-lovely @patchworkpiratebear! Please click the images below to go to their tumblr pages!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Here we are again-- coming up on Monday. I really hope you all got a chance to get some rest this weekend, a chance to be creative, a chance to heal up a bit for the coming week. Refueling is incredibly important in keeping the ever wonderful you up and running.
Tonight I wanted to get a little sappy and tell you just how amazing you are. Seriously, have you thought lately about just how much went into where are you are today? Millions of years of evolution, thousands of years of civilization for your parents to meet, have you and then so many years of growing, learning, living, and here you are the way you are today. The amount of complex interactions that had to occur to make you are impossible to ever quantify.
You are a unique, beautiful, glorious creature, and when you were born, you had infinite potential for the coming years. You were wonderful, and sweet, and you meant so much to the world around you.
Today, you are both the same, and a different person as you were then. You are different in experience, and growth, but you are still the same beautiful, fantastic, full of potential creature you were the moment you breathed air for the first time. That hasn't changed.
You were worthy of love then, and you're worthy of love now.
You were beautiful then, and you may look different, but you're even more beautiful now.
Your potential was infinite back then, and guess what? It's still infinite. There is so much to do in this life, and you WILL get where you want to be one day (if you're not already there).
You also mean so much to the world around you. The players may have changed, or stayed the same, but you still mean the world to those who love you, whether they say it or not.
You are a tiny shining speck in the grand scheme of time on this planet, and yet, you make such an impact on every other speck you encounter, and just like the millions of years before you, you are instrumental in the backstory of someone yet to come.
You don't have to have kids, to make that kind of an impact (although if you do that's it's own path) even just interacting with others, giving kindness where there wasn't any before can cascade and make a world of difference, which then spreads in it's own infinite direction to the future.
Your life matters. Your love matters. You matter.
Rest well lovelies, sweet dreams.
Img Src: @/TheGoodQuote's IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is "Out of Context"
Gifs courtesy of @thunderwingdoomslayer and @mermaidstede!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Here for DG crumbs 🥹
with a non fighter, average reader like she is average and doesn't have much that stands out to her and is a dg simp. She simps hard for this man. Not a toxic or psycho fan but a supportive one
It would make my day if you could do this really! We need more dg content!!🤧
Oh right! it could be James with an average non fighter s/o as well
Thank you for reading ❤️
Ask and ye shall receive, here's a strangers to lovers (which turned out quite lengthy...)! Did this fandom just make me like DG? This plain noodle man?!
DG x Reader: Stranger to Lovers
Half fic, half hc. A normal reader comes across DG
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DG came across you on one of his lonelier nights.
He knows he shouldn't be reading articles and posts trashing him, but curiosity killed the cat.
His ego is feeling uncharacteristically bruised until he comes across your comment.
You're sweet, supportive and understanding of how hard it can be in the public eye. It cheers him up that some fans still see him as human.
He takes note of your social media name but doesn't take it any further.
Fate brings you together at a fan event (actually no, your meet and greet tickets did) but the first thing that draws DG to you is your eye contact.
He's met many fans and almost all of them avoided looking at him and were giggly and shy. It's to be expected. You are the first one that looked at him squarely head on.
You didn't go crazy or ask for a lock of his hair (like some of the other more wild fans), but thanked him for what he doing in the industry.
You're articulate even as pink dusts your cheeks.
And then you kept talking and you repeat what he read that night.
He files away that info for later.
When DG finally has his moment of peace, he quickly taps in that username in the hopes that it's you.
It is.
The same person in the profile pic that posted the kind comment is also who he met mere hours ago.
It brings a little smile to his face.
Another lonely night, without any practice schedules, PTJ Entertainment issues or James Lee loose ends meant DG had time on his hands.
He's spent enough time looking through your profile and posts over the past couple weeks, whenever he could grab a minute here or there.
You're pretty normal in every sense of the word, a world removed from DG and James Lee.
He couldn't stop thinking about the idea of you.
Biting the bullet, and using a pseudonym, he sends you a message - starting a conversation based on something you last posted about.
He receives a reply within the next 20 minutes and that was that.
The hours turn into days turn into weeks turn into months.
DG finds himself stealing time so he could respond back to you.
He lets you in on vague details about his life and you tell him all about yours.
In another life, he thinks he could have been similar to you. Normal. With normal hobbies and interests. Normal issues and headaches. Normal family and normal friends.
A normal past and normal future.
You're a golden ray of truth and light cutting through his secrecy and darkness.
DG finds himself wearing a coy smile more and more from your interactions, from your late night 3am messaging and your 'good mornings' and everything inbetween.
It doesn't go unnoticed. To the extent that rumours float around that he has found a special someone. He abruptly and coldly shoots that down.
But unable to hold back anymore, one morning he asks if you want to meet up.
DG knows how it sounds: meeting a stranger (a strange man). But he feels a bond with you, one he's never had before, and hopes you feel the same way.
The minutes until your response dragged and stretched.
Until you finally put 'Ok'.
He could feel your hesitation across the screen. Usually so full of life and excitement and emotion, this simple one worded response isn't like you.
He backtracks but you're now the one insisting.
A date and location is set.
In a quiet coffee shop, set away from the main street but popular enough to not be too secluded, DG finally meets you in person again.
Did he truly think you were normal the first time he met you? How odd.
Because now he finds you radiant, beaming, glittering. Like sunshine, like moonlight.
Anything but normal.
He calls you over, and your eyes light up as you go to meet him.
You greet him by his username, but freeze when he pulls his mask down. That face would be recognised by all of Seoul.
This meet up doesn't last long.
You flee in embarassment, having spilled all your secrets to one of the most famous man in South Korea as he kept his identity and life hidden away from you.
DG understands how you must how felt, the mortification. And the deception as he hid the biggest secret from you most of all.
He sits with his head in his hands.
DG doesn't hear from you for a few days, and the distance and silence feels cavernous.
It hits him like a truck that over time, you became his confidant, his best friend. Someone he could talk to and feel like a person.
He is the first one to reach out and he apologises.
He says what he can about his life, his current life. Hoping that this makes it up to you somehow.
That he promises to be truthful to you, where he can, but there are still some things he's not ready to say.
That he understands you feeling betrayed he kept his identity secret, especially during all those times you unknowingly gushed about how much you liked him.
That even though it was fair to keep his identity a secret, he should have told you as soon as it was appropriate. A lot sooner than at the cafe.
That this was something he started because of his ego, but continued because he likes you.
That he's never felt this closeness with anyone else.
That he's not sure if anyone has ever seen him properly as a person. Until you.
That he would like a second chance. Please.
Hope against hope, you eventually respond.
You ask to meet again in the same place.
In a quiet coffee shop, set away from the main street but popular enough to not be too secluded, DG meets you in person for the third time.
DG waits, anxiously fiddling with a bouquet of roses. He never does this.
You enter, and illuminate the room.
This time DG calls you over, and you give him a shy smile
He presents the bouquet, and you accept.
You become the starlight guiding and comforting him during the lonely nights.
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baby-yongbok · 7 months
hi pookie, i have a request if its fine for nd!reader 🥺 (if not then completely ignore this ask)
how do you think skz would act in finding out reader practices scenarios/expressions in the mirror or in private? my masking is hurting my brain and i have to reteach myself how to smile after seeing some of my old pics lol
p.s. if you ever make a nd!reader series pls let me know so i can be tagged in every post so i can read each masterpiece
I enjoy getting Neurodivergent!Reader requests cause as someone with autism I'm so damn horrible at writing it. I guess I'm not aware of how I do things but at the same time I'm hyperaware of it all..? Idk, anyway here's what I think:
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Chan, Hyunjin, Felix - Would try to help you or would want to understand the process for future reference. - They just want you to feel good and safe with them and they want to understand you and everything you struggle with. If you’re practicing expressions they’ll do it with you. This’ll quickly turn into the two of you making funny faces in the mirror and completely forgetting how this started in the first place. They’ll tell you how you sound to them and what vibe your expression gives off and if you want them to leave you to do it alone you don’t have to ask them twice (Even though they low-key want to stay). Their search history is filled with articles on the topic of scripting now and by the end of the week they will be an expert on the topic. (Or just feel like one)
Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin  - Would watch you silently and then tell you that they’ll take care of everything. - If you weren’t so focused on finding the perfect way to introduce yourself to his friends then you would’ve heard them walk into the room but he’s grateful that you didn’t. He had no clue that you did this even though he’s very well aware that you struggle with social interaction sometimes. He’ll leave carefully so that he doesn’t frighten you, maybe he wasn’t supposed to see you doing it and as much as he loves messing with you he doesn’t want to mess with something that might hurt your feelings or have you feeling embarrassed. After seeing you do that he starts doing a mini version of it too in hopes that he can be prepared to come to your rescue if you find a situation to be a bit too challenging. They just want to take care of you and make you feel comfortable.
Jisung, Changbin - Would panic like they just interrupted a presidential meeting and then ask a million questions. - You were so focused on watching your eyebrows and listening to your tone that you didn’t hear the very loud boy come into the room. He thought you were on the phone but when he realizes that you’re not he starts asking questions. The blush on your face gives way to your slight embarrassment but it’s all erased after you tell him what you were doing. The look on his face is priceless. He still has so many questions but now he’s more focused on apologizing for his mere existence, you tell him that it’s no big deal but he doesn’t wanna hear it. You will definitely hear him watching some YouTube videos about scripting later. He doesn’t wanna bombard you with questions but he wants answers. (And he will act like he never walked in on you in the first place)
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leoascendente · 2 years
PAC// What do you need to know? 🔮
Hi loves! Welcome to this new PAC, I hope you enjoy it💕
Take a deep breath and choose your pile. This is a general reading so take only what resonates with you and leave the rest. Choose more than one pile if you feel drwan to.
Decks I used: Goddess guidance oracle, ethereal visions tarot, shadows and lights oracle, shine from the inside cards.
Pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners.
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Pile 1:
Intuitive message: Be open to speak your truth, you are wiser than you like to admit, but your wisdom is needed in this world. You have something important to communicate that will help many others to get in touch with a part of themselves they left forgotten. You are full of potential and in your future awaits a lot of abundance, your voice needs to be heard, don't be afraid to stand for what you believe is right, don't be afraid to fail and learn, and even less be afraid of other people's opinion about you, someday you''l be an inspiration for other people and an example to follow. You have something important to do in this lifetime, focus on that, you are a living master, trust yourself. Sagittarius season will bring you the close of a cicle, you'll feel a lot more confident entering the new year, use these lasts months of the year to leave behind any fear or work in any blockage you are having.
You are getting a higher level of understanding about yourself, mostly with your emotions and how you deal with them. You are ending a healing cicle and understanding why certain things have happened to you in your past, you are reaching a very high level of wisdom. You are learning to listen to your inner voice and attend its needs, maybe you are even in touch with your inner child (if you are not I really recommend you to do it).
For these few last months of the year try to release the burdens you still carry, stop for a while and focus on your healing because this time will be aligning with you for release you from the pain that still remains. Also try to spend more time with your close and beloved ones, time with them will bring you so much happiness and gratitude, you'll feel very supported and protected by them, they'll genuenly show how much they care for you and how much they want to see you being happy. You will find some new friends or collaborators who will help you with your projects.
Focus on: There are some issues that needs to heal yet and for releasing them you need more introspection and learning more about your emotional responses to some situations, you have left behind a lot of hurt but there are still some wounds, they are not bleeding but you need to let them be healed. I feel you already know where this pain comes and it probably has to do something about an important loss you had in your past, you are missing someone or something and that can be making you feel empty sometimes. Don't worry babe, remember all the progress you have made, this is just the remains of what you've been through, you have bloomed into a beautiful version of yourself and you keep blooming, give yourself this time to let that behind and move forward into the new year without unnecesary weight on your back.
Breathe in bliss, exhale bullshit
Awaken your authentic self, unleash your wild side
Slow down and rest, you need it
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Pile 2:
Intuitive message: You are like the sound of violins and the singing of birds at the same time, you are realizing your inner and outside beauty and getting comfortable in the energy of appreciating yourself as the work of art you are, you are tuning into your Divine Femenine but for the most of you I feel you already embodying it. You're powerful and your precense feels powerful too, you know your worth so don't settle for less than what you know you deserve. You have made a long travel to be where you are now and this journey has taken a lot of energy and sacrifice, value that incredible alchemy you have made within yourself, the mountains from within are the hardest to climb and you have done it greatly and gracefully, enjoy this irresistible essence you are embodying. PS: I hear something about pheromones, is that relevant for you??
You are having a glow up babe! you shine like the sun wherever you go, you are focused into improving youself and your image or aesthetic and it's giving it's fruits. You'll start seeing how people feel naturally drawn to you and it's all because of your energy of self confidence, I feel dark femenine vibes from this pile. You have learnt or at least I see you in the process of stablish healthy boundaries, you are done being a people pleaser, you've spent too much time thinking about other people's feelings or thoughts torwards you and now you are entering in an state of pleasing yourself, you are giving to yourself the value and respect you know you deserve. I see you are becoming a safe place for youself, you are trying to be your own protector and counselor, you could even be embellishing your home and decoring it at your style to make it feel comfy and warm (you could have Cancer Venus/Moon or have any of those planets in the 4th house)
You are in a lucky and fertility time, you are probably harvesting the fruits of your labor, a lot of inspiration and new ideas are coming your way, would be great if you could write them to keep focused on your goals and avoid forget any of them. Don't worry babe, the Justice card here reveals you are receiving your dharma after a long time of releasing karmic patterns, now you understand the importance of feeling good within yourself to feel good about the world around you, you are taking the reins of your destiny and writing your own story. You'll receive good news soon about something you have been dreaming of or even a manifestation of your desires.
Focus on: Allow change to happen in your life, don't try to force or rush anything, just go with the flow of circumstances and cut off any of them that is not giving you good feelings anymore. Clean yourself from any negative energy, take care of your soul, mind and body and give them what they need to have a good functioning, nurture yourself and your needs, even make a deep cleanse in your home or wardrobe if you need to Try to keep like this at least through the eclipse season, after this season pass you'll feel completely renewed
Ask for help, it doesn't make you weak
Step out of your comfort zone and try something different
Surround yourself with your soul tribe
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Pile 3:
Intuitive message: My pile of geniuses! Your intellect is so wide and rich, give it their proper value because your mind is able to reach answers that other people aren't capable of. You might have felt misunderstood in your past, it doesn't matter babe, you are ment to be understood by people vibing in your same frequency. You see the big picture of life and that can feel like a too big responsability besides of feeling lonley and misunderstood, don't worry babe, it seems difficult now but in the future you'll be so proud of yourself! Focus onn learning a new skill by now, or instead you can improve an skill you already have, just do what makes you feel motivated and comfortable because soon a member of your soul tribe will appear in your life and you'll never feel lonley or judged again
You'll be going through a deep transformation that will reforce your psychic powers and abillities, you are shedding your skin to evolve into a new whole version of yourself. You are going to feel very empowered in your own skin and able to get anything you want in life, dreams you had will become a possibility in your future, you can even get psychic glipmses of what your future will look like, would be great if you could start a dream journal or write in a notebook all the visions or feelings you get. You'll be more in tune with your intuition and your guides, you'll start having a deeper bond with them and somehow their communication with you will be a lot more clear, for some of you, you can even develop a new psychic gift you didn't knew you had. Your communication skill wil also improve and if you are having any problem related to your throat chakra will be solving too, for some of you I hear laugh, so you could be getting a more positive mindset that makes you laugh of the mistakes instead of punishing yourself for that, you'll be a lot more kind with yourself. If you've been working to make your inner child happy you must be currently feeling better with yourself and with a better mood.
I must warn you babe, there's a negative mascuine energy around you and you are aware of who is this king os swords reversed, this person has a very weird and uncomfortable energy, when I try to approach their energy I see the face of a man who was stalking me a while ago. My love, if you feel intimidated by this person and that's the reason you are not taking the action of taking them out of your life you need to tell somebody close to you about this situation or call the authorities of the place you live in. Depending on the circumstances with this masculine energy you'll take different actions but please, don't keep person like this near you, their energy is consuming like a black hole (I could give you more details but what I feel is really creepy and has me a little shocked reminding me of my stalker, I hope you don't mind me stopping here). If this energy comes from a romantic interest watch it with cold head, you might be projectingg your good traits into them and that's not letting you see their true face, you probably have an important karmic lesson related to this person.
Focus on: Try to look within yourself to understand why you have attracted a person with such negative energy, this inner discovery will be hand by hand with the transformation process you are in, this will give you many answers about yourself too. This might has something to do with understanding the signals and synchronicities that your guides give you and the meaning of all of them, for this I find very helpful learning about archetypes and symbolism, books about the meaning of dreams are great tools for learning this king of things.
Change one thing today, start small
Commit to self care rituals
Be bold, don't be afraid to stand out
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Pile 4:
Intuitive message: You are so loving and caring, your heart knows no limits when it comes to share love, kindness and compassion to others, sometimes you can feel these traits about yourself are not being valued by the people around you but your guides want you to know they don't forget any of your gentle touch in the life of the people around you. They really want you to redirect that loving energy to yourself, be a little more selfish whenn you need to and learn to say no when it's needed becaue now you ar being called to take care of yourself to enter in a new chapter of your life with your batteries charged, in a near future you'll be so amazed with the person you've evolved in.
😌Another glow up pile! Go read pile 2 if you felt called to, you might find extra messages there. You are entering into an state of unconditional love but fully focused to yourself and what makes you happy, you'll be healing your relationship with your physical body as well, treating it with the love and respect you know you deserve. You'll be getting more healthy habits like a workout routine or a change in your eating habits. You are so loving and caring but now you understand that this energy must be first focused to yourself, you'll be honoring your Divine femenine by taking care of yourself and your physical needs. You'll be receiving good news about something good you did to somebody else, this new will fullfil your heart with joy and gratitude. This is like a response of your guides reminding you how close they are for when you need their help, they want you to know how strongly protected you are.
This good new will also give you a new perspective about your life, you'll be more certain about your self worth and what you deserve, your self esteem will heal in such a beautiful way, you'll feel more confident about yourself and will not be afraid to raise your voice to be heard. Someone from your past can appear soon, you'll have the chance to be honest and tell them what you think (this person can be an air sign) you might expect an argument from this person but they will surprise you for the good. Somehow this person attitude or what they have to say will make you feel awesome about yourself. For some I see this person could hurt you in the past and you were expecting any kind of regret about the way they treated you, idk what plan you have torwards this person but after that you'll feel like a living goddess.
Focus on: Feeling sexy and irrisistible, pamper yourself with the things that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. You can also change your style, your hair or the decoration of your place, make a sacred temple for yourself and water your inner garden. There's something important related to your sexuality you need to get more in touch with, try to make things to heal this energy, maybe you are a little like me, you have your moments of feeling like a living goddess but you get unconfortable when people stare at you or give you compliments, in my case I had to befriend with the siren archetype, you can try it too or look for the archetype you feel more identified with.
Get creative and excite your imagination
Keep your thoughts possitive
Trust your intuition, she's always right
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Pile 5:
Intuitive message: You are an strong fighter, my love, you have overcome so many battles and most of them just by yourself. You have trusted the Universe and have accepted its challenges for you even when you didn't wanted to, don't worry, this chapter of your life will bring you a reward, you just have to be patient and keep in the present moment. You are Divinely guided, my love, get close to your spiritual team, they are there to help you whenever you need it.
Well... This is a message of encouragement and recover hope in life, you've been through a lot, a I mean a looooooot in your life. It's pretty awesome that you are able to keep having faith that life has somethinig better for you, value and honor that hope you have within because it will be the compass that leads you to the life of your dreams. Your guides are providing you giving you what you need for the moment, when it's the time they will give you what you really want, this is just a process and a journey of self discovery and it's worthy to transit it. Your guides also tell you to start asking them more of their help, they are just right there but you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and they want you to know that you don't have to, ask them for guidance and they will give you a sign of their precense.
Your energy has been feeling very low for these past few months, I feel exhaustation and anxiety, maybe you've been even having problems for sleeping. You've been lacking enjoyment in your life, maybe you've felt a little depressive, if you feel like this I would recommend you any kind of therapy you feel comfortable doing, ik some of you might not like it but when we feel like this we need a helping hand that helps us understand what's going on and give us some answers, we can't do everything by ourselves always and we don't have always the answer to our problems. You deserve to feel happy and plenty, don't worry because you will be but first you need to attend yourself and heal from the pain you've been feeling, winter is always a wonderful time to rest, reconnect with our essence and gain strengths for the spring, so would be great if you could work on yourself and your healing journey, I promise that if you do you'll find a lot of relief and your guides will be there to help and provide what you need to keep going on, they will also make you feel you have a good company by your side when you get tired of humans 😊
Focus on: Your uniqueness and inner magic, get in tune with your intuition, try to practice any kind of divination, get a pendulum... anything that helps you develop the priestess you have within. You have psychic gifts and they are jewells waiting to be polished, don't be afraid because nothing bad will happen to you if you listen to your heart. The eclipse season will feel lighter for you but you might see the people around you tense and anxious, just focus on resting and cleaning your energy.
Tune into your inner peace, you deserve a break
Trust your intuition, she's always right
You are pure magic
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Pile 6:
Intuitive message: You've been projecting your energy outside for too long, it's time to rest and reconnect with your creative side and keep away from the negative energies around you. You have something relevant to do but there are people getting in your way or distracting you, for some you can be even recieving bad energy for making you stop progressing. Somehow you are conscious about these draining people or situations but you are not sure of what you should do. Don't put a mask to fit or be accepted by somebody else, if you have to fake who you are when you are with somebody that person is not giving you anything positive. You need to let yourself just be and enjoy, don't reject your beautiful essence for somebody else because that's cruel to you and you don't deserve to feel that unecessary pressure. If this energy comes from a brunette female, mostly a friend, be careful because there's a feeling of envy and competition coming from this female.
I feel an energy of discomfort from you, maybe this is a recent feeling or you've been dealing with it for a long time, whatever your situation is you are being called to groud yourself and work in your root chakra, probably heart chakra is calling for balance too. Your best skills to deal with this and keep evolving is to reconnect with Mother Earth, reforce your connection with nature and animals, spend more time indooors making a cozy home for you. Creativity is another important skill to improve, I'm pretty sure that the skills you develop related to these 2 themes is going to open a door for abundance in your future and this is just the learning process for you to do something important with your knowledge in the future, also this will help you relief that hard feeling you had.
The word that comes to my mind all the time is pressure and 10 of wands confirms that there's something feeling very heavy in your life, I feel it mostly related to somebody else's attitude torwards you or the relationship you have with somebody. You are not being grounded and this is leading you to be surrounded by confusing energies, you have the artist card too telling you that you are spending too much time in your imagination and not in the present moment, but I want to give you more happy news. Meditate more often, meditation gives you an space for the daydream too and you can use it to visualize the life you want to live, learn about asssumption law and manifesting so you can use your vivid imagination at your favor. Avoid focusing too much in resentment because karma is always working so it's not necessary for you to worry about somebody else's consequences of their actions, the most important thing for you should be have a clear conscience. For some of you I'm hearing something about feeling guilty, if that's your case you should know that guilt is a chatholic construction to makes us feel unworthy and hopeless when we make the "wrong choice", instead of guilt use the word responsability, if you did something that makes you feel uncomfortable with your own behavior take the responsibility of braking that pattern by healing yoursef. Learning to be generous with ourselves makes us understand better how can we be generous with others.
Focus on: Stop pleasing people and keepeng away from dramatic people or situations, sometimes the cost of being truly ourselves is making some people uncomfortable but that is necessary too, if someone to feel happy wants you to be someone you are not they don't love you unconditionally and you deserve unconditional love. this is probably a wound you have, to reject your happiness to make others happy, this is a beautiful trait that talks so well about you, but this also can make you naive and compleisant with insatisfaction. Who really loves you want to see you shine, will get happy everytime you overcome fear to become a greater and healthier version of yourself, don't worry babe, the correct people will come when it's the time and probably you have very good people by your side (mostly family) at the moment, then leave the people that leaves a negative influence behind and keep the ones that want you to succed close to you, you'll feel a lot lighter than before. This will also brings a healing process that feels very loving so I feel that you are going to have an extra spiritual guidance through this time, if you felt called to pile 1 or 5 go read it because it tells you too to approach your guides and ask them for help.
Align your intentions with your actions
Stay away from drama today
Show off your sparkle and shine from the inside
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decimalsheep · 1 year
I finally watched Bride of Halloween and I love Amuro content (even tho he was stuck in a box for most of the movie LOL) but it got me thinking about like. how so many of his friends died and i’m a sucker for fix-its so:
Time Travel!DCMK where Conan is thrown ten years into the past, right back to the day he met Akai at the beach. He’s bewildered and disbelieving but, quote, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” so he accepts his new reality and makes a plan accordingly.
At the beach he makes sure to cling stubbornly to Akai, refusing to let go and when they eventually leave the beach, Conan has a new number registered in his phone and a new pen pal buddy. Understanding that Conan is not as he appears, Akai agrees to send updates on his life occasionally (at first out of amusement and pics of whatever food he’s eating, later on asking Conan for advice on specific cases). 
At 9 years old, Conan begs his dad for tickets to Kuroba Toichi’s magic show in Tokyo. Yusaku, who is about 86% confident that his son is a time-traveler, agrees easily and may or may not have called the police for back up just in case. Because Conan doesn’t watch magic shows, time-traveler or not (if you don’t count Kid’s heists) and the poorly hidden desperation when he asked was more than enough of a hint that something was going to go down. Surprise surprise, the venue burns down, but this time Kuroba Toichi lives with some minor injuries. (The incident leaves his arm numb, and he feels that his days as Kaitou KID is running short - he decides to pass on the mantle to Kaito when he’s old enough)
At 10 years old, Conan bumps into Hagiwara Kenji at the park. It’s an incident he almost forgets about until he’s staring at the rest of the police academy students. It’s July, and Hagiwara dies in November. Conan doesn’t know the specifics, but when November rolls around, Hagiwara gains a watchful shadow. It’s when the serial bomber case appears on the news that he knows it’s time. 
There are officers at the entrance of the hotel stopping guests from entering, but Conan has never let that stop him before, so he runs, and runs and runs to the floor that Hagiwara is on. The timer is stopped, but Conan knows that it will explode regardless. He throws himself into the room, startling the occupants, and starts shouting.
“The bomb is going to explode!” he shouts and claws at the arm that tries to stop him from getting closer. “The bomber- he- it’s going to start again, Matsuda-san says it’s going to explode!” Hagiwara looks up at the commotion, radio in his hand. “What’s going on?” Matsuda snaps.
“It’s going to explode, the timer isn’t stopped!” The kid shouts, desperate and pleading. “You’re going to die!”
The kid looks straight at him when he says that. Unbidden, dread settles in his stomach, every single hair on end and the unshakable feeling that what the kid is saying is-
“Everybody out!” Hagiwara shouts - commands. “Down the hall, now!”
There’s a rush to get out the door and the kid falls to the ground in the process. He scoops him up and together they exit the hotel room. It’s as he’s turning into the hall that he hears the tell-tale sign of the timer turning back on, ticking down to their demise. The radio is left lying on the ground, Matsuda’s voice coming out loud and panicked.
The bomb explodes.
The force of the explosion sends him flying, curling his body around the kid so as to cushion him from the impact. There’s a ringing in his ears and his back hurts like a bitch, but with more distance from the bomb and several walls to take the brunt of the damage, everybody lives.
Matsuda definitely isn’t crying when he sees him coming alive out of the hotel. Life-threatening situation aside, he is so making fun of him for it in the future. Temporarily forgotten in the moment, a small boy slips away from the crowd.
A few days after his 11th birthday, Conan feels someone tailing him. He acts as if he doesn’t notice, fiddling with his phone. But as the crossing light starts flashing for an oncoming train, he bolts and takes off across the street. His tail startles and the chase begins. Using his smaller stature he zigzags through the alleys and streets, throwing himself into crowds in an effort to shake off whoever is following him. But they’re good, and persistent. He turns into an alley that he knows has a gap wide enough to fit only him from his time in the future/past. But he comes to a stop when he sees the construction going on and curses under his breath. 
A hand lands on his shoulder and he jolts, reaching for his tranquilizer watch that he got Agasa to remake, only to freeze when he sees who’s behind him.
“Oh, it’s just you Amuro-san,” he sighs, heart beating wildly but now calming down knowing he’s not in danger.
“Amuro-san?” Furuya Rei repeats, bemused, and shit he’s not Amuro yet.
He stutters out some random excuse about how he mistook him for someone and Amu-Furuya seems to let it go. But from that day on, he sees Furuya lurking in his peripherals. He never gets close, hovering from afar, but he’s there nonetheless. It’s not until Conan gets involved with a kidnapping incident does Furuya appear, kicking down the door and a wild look on his face. The rope leaves a burn on his wrists but he’s uninjured otherwise, still, Furuya treats him like he’ll break at a moments notice, carrying him with surprising softness. 
From that moment on, Furuya gets close. He’ll say hi if they run into each other (on the days it’s a coincidence) or help him out with whatever errand he’s on (if it’s not). Conan get’s the feeling that Furuya isn’t sure how to treat him. 
He asks him about it one day, when Hagiwara spots him across the street and drags him into a family restaurant, proclaiming that he’s “caught the kid.” At the table are seated several familiar faces, Furuya included.It’s apparently lunch to congratulate Furuya and Hiromitsu on their new promotion. Everybody at the table orders for him, saying something about how he saved Hagiwara’s life. Conan insists that he has no idea what they’re talking about, but they don’t seem to care, already three beers in on a Saturday afternoon. 
It leaves him and Furuya sitting together, who appears to be the chaperone for the day. 
“That day,” he starts, keeping his eyes on his glass of orange juice even as he feels Furuya’s gaze slide to him. “Why did you...”
Furuya stares at him, expression carefully controlled. “You’re... familiar,” he says slowly, looking away as Conan freezes at his words. “Somehow, I have the feeling that if it weren’t for you... that because you’re here, everything will be different.”
His eyes flash, grief and anguish and rage flickering before fading into a calm. “Everything will be okay,” he whispers and Conan isn’t sure if he was meant to hear that.
He’s 12 when he meets up with Sera to watch the new Gojira movie, having become close friends with her since the day at the beach, forming a tight knit group of four along with Ran and Sonoko. The other two aren’t there that day, saying they’d rather go to the new cafe than watch a monster movie, so it’s just the two of them at the theaters.
At the train station where they’re about to head back home, he excuses himself to go to the restroom. On his way back out onto the platform, he bumps into someone.
“Shuu-nii?” he blurts (Sera had convinced him to call him that, and Akai hadn’t protested) and Akai blinks in surprise at seeing him. 
“Oh, are you here with Sera?” He asks, then glances at the ticket in his hand. “Then I’m assuming Sera actually does have money for a train ticket?”
They walk together back to the platform and he’s treated to yet another surprise when he sees Sera standing with Hiromitsu. Wait, he remembers Sera mentioning this-
“Hiro-san?” He asks innocently, plan forming in his head. He scoots closer to Akai so that they’re shoulder to shoulder, silently willing him to play along. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be working?”
Hiromitsu looks up, surprised at first then apprehensive once he sees Akai next to him. At this point in time, Furuya, Hiromitsu, and Akai are all unaware of each other’s undercover status. In Hiromitsu’s view, Conan is currently standing next to a criminal. And in Akai’s view, Sera as well.
“I’m currently on a job,” Hiromitsu says pointedly, urging Conan to take the hint and not drop any important information, like the fact that he’s actually an undercover police officer. He knows Conan is smart, but today Conan is willfully obtuse.
“Where’s-” Furuya, he was going to ask, but suddenly he’s grabbed by the arm and dragged away from Akai. When he looks up, he sees a flash of blond hair under a baseball cap.
“It’s dangerous to be out so late at night,” Furuya says, smile tight and forced, even as his grip shifts into something more protective, his body standing in front of his as if to shield him from Akai’s view. He brightens up, bringing out his inner Ran.
“Rei-san!” He exclaims and beams up at him excitedly, doing his best to appear as innocent and friendly as he can. Sera and Akai are staring at him like he’s insane. Furuya and Hiro are staring at him the same way too. “It’s okay, I was with Shuu-nii.” 
“Shuu?” Furuya questions, eyebrow raised as Akai raises a hand to stop him from saying anything more.
“Yeah, Akai Shuichi! He’s like an older brother to me.”
“Oh? I could have sworn your name was Moroboshi.” 
“Surely you understand the importance of aliases. Right, Rei?”
“So how’s work going with the FBI, Shuu-nii?”
“Ignore him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about-”
“What the fuck do you mean FBI-”
“And you too! Matsuda and Date and Hagiwara-san were complaining about how ever since you two got into PSB you were too busy to hang out-”
“What the fuck do you mean PSB-”
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misanocircuit · 4 months
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[pic & Italian-English translation by me! :) in pink it's Vale speaking]
The 125 champion from Brno to the Gazzetta's telephone
Valentino's women
"You're handsome, do you have a girlfriend? What kind of underwear do you wear? Don't cut your hair!"
Many teenager girls wanted to talk to Rossi, asking him some risqué questions. "Want to see me up close? At the Monza Rally or at the Motor Show". Unveiled many curiosities: "My new baby brother has evicted me out of my bed: now I sleep on the sofa". "I've bought the lucky-charm turtle at the supermarket".
The supporters worried for the post-victory hangover. "I'm fine but I had to celebrate, no?". About the future: "I would have stayed in 125 but Aprilia has insisted. In 250 it will be hard to do the same but at least I will be able to sleep more in the morning". And there's who confesses that Rossifumi's joy has been damped by Lady Diana's death and Biaggi.
Valentino is tired and sleepy. The journey from Brno to the Gazzetta's telephone was long and full of insomnia. He faces the telephone with a certain amount of skepticism. But it's the fans, especially many wild young girls, who immediately wake him up.
It's Giulia Vivian, 13 y.o., from Vicenza, to start.
"Valentino, is it really you? Oh mother, what an emotion", little excitement yelps can be heard in the background.
"But, how many of you are there?".
"Four. I'll pass you Alice who's 16".
"That seems already a bit too much".
"Listen Valentino, we would like to know when you're coming here to visit us".
"I just think never. I'll go to Bologna's Motor Show, we could meet there".
"Alright, we are all going to be there with the flags and we will paint our face with your colours".
"Maybe also naked?".
"Naked? We'll see, we love you, you have a beautiful voice".
A rousing 16 y.o. whose name we are going to omitt (you'll immediately understand why...) calls from the Brescia area.
"I was about to give up. I've been trying from an hour and my father wanted me to hang up".
"Such a pain in the ass!" [literally "ball-breaker"; editor's note].
"You're right, but I can't say him that. Is it true that you will race the Monza Rally?".
"Yes, in November, let the ball-breaker bring you there".
"If he doesn't bring me, he'll see".
"Come on the first day, because on the second day I don't know if I still will be in the race".
Then the topic switches on underwear.
"I have a curiosity: what do you usually wear, slips or boxers?".
"What a question... Usually slips. And you?" .
"It depends, on Thursdays I don't wear them".
"Damn!!! Now that I think about it, the rally starts exactly on Thursday".
Francesca Testori, 15 y.o., from Como, is embarrassed.
"Sorry, I'm excited. Although we know eachother: I'm the girl who has come to your house. But you were sleeping".
"Sorry what? I don't know anything about it...".
"Yes, your mother opened the door for me and she told me you were sleeping: you know, I was on holidays in that area. Your mother is kind".
"Yes of course, such a bummer! I sleep too much".
"Listen, I want to know from you how things are with Biaggi, I've heard a lot of stuff".
"I don't like him ("me too", underlines Francesca) but I don't have any problem with him. I simply am not his supporter. Then the "bastard" journalists have exaggerated things, but we did nothing to avoid it. I don't like him... Also sexually".
"I'm Martina...".
"No, Pegoraro, I'm calling from Treviso and I'm 13. I've watched you...".
"Have I been good?".
"Yes, and how are you?" .
"I have a bit of a sore throat".
"It's been half an hour that I've been trying to call: when I heard the phone line was free I felt like if I was fainting. How is Luca doing (the baby brother that mom Stefania has recently gave birth to; Ed.)?".
"He's starting to bother. He used to eat and sleep, now he cries. And then he sleeps in my bed, while I had to move on the sofa. When he was born he weighted 4,2 kilos, he was 1,20 tall and was 42 shoe size. But he's nice".
"I've been in Tavullia two weeks ago, because I was on holidays in the area".
She hesitates.
"Sorry, my belly is trembling for the emotion".
"Don't say it, here there are all of Gazzetta's journalists, like the director and deputy director. Let's do it like this, give me your phone number and I'm going to call you".
From Como calls Giuliana Mossi, 15 y.o.: her start is languid, Valentino immediately becomes attentive.
"You know, I'm friend with Francesca, the girl who came to your house but couldn't see you and so did I...".
"Don't tell me that also this time I was sleeping because otherwise I need to shoot myself".
"No, you weren't there, you were testing at the Mugello circuit".
"Ah, then it's fine. But I bet that you've talked to my mother, nice eh? They all say this, my mom is so cool".
"I wanted to know why you chose the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle as a lucky-charm".
"When I used to race minibikes I saw one on the helmet of another rider. I liked it and I went to the Coop to buy one".
"You're so beautiful, Valentino, sooner or later I'll come by to see you in Tavullia".
"I'm waiting for you".
Another tender call.
"I'm Erica Messena, I'm 17 and I call from Brescia. Do you remember when we have met eachother? You were with Capirossi at Quelli che il calcio [an Italian sport TV show; editor's note], I took you a picture and I wanted to send it to you. I've got the address: I did everything I could to track you down, I even called the Carabinieri [Italian police force; editor's note]".
To Lorenza Gabioli, 16 y.o. from Modena, Valentino entrust the result of a lightning-quick referendum:
"How about I cut my hair?".
"I'm sorry, like this you're stupendous, especially with the pigtail".
"Thanks for the advice".
Anyway there's a shocking news coming: super short hair and breathtaking colour. All to be seen, in Barcelona.
[top right text translation]
The car dealer friend
"Try not to change"
Among the many phonecalls suddenly an imperious voice can be heard from the other side of the phone:
"Here is Tosi Moto from Rimini: you're a monster [it's a compliment; editor's note], many congratulations".
Valentino immediately recognises who's speaking:
"Thanks, Otello".
"No, you're the one who's special — replies the friend, a car dealer who is highly committed in the smaller categories and who has met the new champion when he was a child —. You have a lot of supporters. On Sunday in Misano, for the first final of the Sport Production: we were cheering like crazy just for you. We were 76 people inside a garage in front of the TV. It was 10 minutes before the race and nobody was getting prepared: another while and even the start would have been postponed".
"Keep going like this — adds Otello — and you'll have everyone by your side, because you really represent the sportsmen, the ones who go to race on Sundays to have fun. I've been knowing you since you were a child and I know how many things you could do, how far you could arrive because you got your head straight. The important thing is that you don't let anyone mislead you. Woes".
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echoeternally · 3 months
1000 Kudos for Eternally Never Yours!!
At long last...behold:
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ENY has finally reached 1000 Kudos on AO3!
This is no longer a large amount for a Super Mario fanfic, let alone a large amount for many AO3 fanfics in general. However, there are still many more stories that do not reach this amount ever.
Personally, this is likely the only story from those I've written that will ever see such a total. So, I consider that much an achievement!
None of that would be possible without so many readers out there who enjoyed the story and spread it around. And it means so much to me that so many people have enjoyed this story!
So, thank you all very much for reading!! For liking the story, talking about it with friends, sharing it around, recommending it, and giving love and care to this adventurous romance! The story still isn't complete yet, but having so much support always makes it worth every while to continue writing it.
Along with that, I wanted to give an extra thank you to my artist readers that created artwork to go with the story! Your work made the fanfic even more alive, and that helped keep interest too! If anyone ever wants to see content included, I would be delighted to feature it in the fanfic or on my blog/socials.
(Long post, but I'll share part of the art below the tab. Please look!)
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Just a few samples from the art, but I wanted to make sure their work was visible somewhere extra. Each pic should have a tag for an artist too, so please support them too!
Hopefully that's everything. There is more story to come, but reaching this has made me so happy too.
If anyone told me that a shipfic of Bowser/Mario was going to be my top fanfic/story written years ago, I'd be baffled or laugh. Actually, I'm laughing a little now, but not how I'd have expected.
Thank you all again! More Bowsario fluff and drama to come in the future! Hope you all continue to look forward to it. Thank you so very much for reading! Please take care. And have a lovely day/night!
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pierogish · 5 months
your art is so wonderful! its so expressive and colorful and joyful and never overworked. your compositions also really blow my mind! if youve ever recorded any timelapses or if you ever would like to elaborate on your process ever, i would love to see it + would pay money to. have a good day!
Hi! I apologize that it took me so long to get to this ask! Thank you so much for this incredible and kind compliment!! :') <3 I enjoy having fun with compositions and everything else and I'm glad you like what comes out of it!
Thank you for being interested in process! I haven't been answering for so long because I couldn't come up with a good answer... I have never recorded any timelapses and don't intend to in the nearest future. Also every time the process looks differently, haha..
But I compiled potentially interesting pictures (for free) - under cut :)
one fun thing I do quite often is that I begin something on paper and then complete digitally. Doodling in textbooks and sketchbooks was the beginning of many stuff
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This Seri process is one of my favorites, he was born from leftover green food coloring that I splashed and smeared over pages. Then I begin my favorite game of searching for shapes and letting them "grow" naturally from what there is.. if that makes sense.
From those little monsters that were born during classes then appeared compositions, because having some starting point is helpful to me, even if it gets completely lost eventually.
I don't have a scan and use the imperfection of phone pics for my advantage, sometimes it creates additional texture or interesting colors after little bit of editing.
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This one took longer than most of other works. (dont go after me for unrealistic architecture)
I was struggling to come up with compostition for the cathedral so again beginning with a doodle of a random arch helped. and in the end there's an infinite "yeah now it's finally done" *spends a couple of hours more*. on screenshot these are all versions I thought would be final and I sent them to look at on my phone and immediately went to fix something else :P
Beginning from a detail isn't a classic way to build a composition, and usually it's reasonable to start from defining big shapes, and that's what I do often. There are just different approaches of creating compostitions that I like using. Starting from a piece and shaping the rest from there helps me find something I maybe wouldn't have thought of doing otherwise. But it's very important to always hold a big picture in mind of course! After looking at a piece of doodle for a while, I have an approximate picture in mind of how I want to use it.
With digital doodles I usually do lineart immediately without sketching it first, then I can edit or erase it or blend with colors. Have fun and be yourself is the only rule
thank you again <3 I hope it was helpful!
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xxcatzladyxx · 11 months
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Tengen Uzui x Reader | The Sound Pillar
Hello everyone! ^^
Here is the third oneshot. This time with the god of flashiness, Tengen Uzui.
I would like to thank you again for all the likes. I never thought that Giyu would get more likes than Kyojuro. Do not misunderstand. Giyu was my favorite first and foremost. Now it's Kyojuro/Tengen.
I hope you enjoy reading!
"You want me to be what?"
"You'll be my fourth wife!"
"But you have a bird!", you make the appropriate gesture to it. "You already have three wives. Isn't that enough for you?"
You two argue so loudly that by now every other pillar has interrupted its activity and is watching the two of you. But you do not let yourselves be disturbed.
"Yes, I have a bird, a crow to be exact!"
"Very funny, Tengen! Has the worthy gentleman hung up his job as a demon hunter and become a comedian? Or did you just have a clown for breakfast? I have a crow and so does every other pillar here. The only difference is that none of them wear such stupid headgear."
The loud laugh from the Pillar of Flame, Rengoku, rings out.
"You see, even Kyōjurō has to laugh at your comedy already."
"He's more likely to laugh at you than at me, my dear!" grinned the Pillar of Sound to himself.
"Don't call me your love!" you cross your arms in front of your chest and turn away from Tengen.
You snort once, hard, annoyed. Tengen rips your nerves to the core.
"So, what now, my dear? You won't meet a flamboyant man like me a second time.", he emphasized the word 'my love' extra hard to annoy you.
You roll your eyes. You don't understand how you can be so sure of yourself. Healthy self-confidence is good, but you can also overdo it. Just like Tengen.
"Are you deaf? No, I'm not going to be your wife! I won't today! I won't tomorrow! Not in a week let alone a month either! Never! Never in my life! Just get it out of your head!"
You are slowly but surely at the end of your rope. If you continue to argue with him, you won't have a voice tomorrow. You're more than sure of that. You would put your hand in Rengoku's fire. He is still laughing loudly about your quarrel.
Actually you get along with him brilliantly. But right now, you're so pissed off at Tengen's stubbornness that you'd love to shut Rengoku up without batting an eye if he didn't stop his stupid laugh right now.
"Then in one year, my dear!" grinned Tengen victoriously.
Confused, you turn your head in his direction.
"Huh?" you quip wittily.
"You said not today, not tomorrow, not in a week and not in a month, however you never mentioned a year. So, my dear!"
"I know what I said. Are you slow on the uptake? I said never! That goes for all time!"
You want to throw more at him, however, you know that would just be a pure and pointless waste of time. You wave him off and go your way. You need some peace and quiet and decide to go for a walk.
After a while you arrive at a flower meadow. You stop and enjoy the view. Here grow your favorite flowers, lilies. White lilies.
You pick one and turn it back and forth in your hand. White. Snow white. Like the hair from the pillar of sound. Dumbfounded, you stare at the lily. Why does it come to your mind, though you only push it away from you? Does it seem to please you against your own will? You just don't want to see it? And you tell yourself the opposite?
Let's stick to the truth. He's good-looking. He's quite tall. He's got great muscles. His eyes are captivating. And his deep voice. The only thing that bothers you about him is his stupid attitude. Who does he think he is? A god? For a shiny, flamboyant god? God of flashiness? God of festivals?
"So you like, lilies? Very interesting. I'll have to make a note of that."
You give a low shriek and in shock, the flower falls out of your hand and onto the dirty ground. With a scowl, you turn to the troublemaker.
"What do you want here?"
"I have to look after my future wife, don't I?"
"Tengen, how many times do I have to tell you...!...Oh, forget it."
He picks up the flower again and carefully puts it in your hair without breaking eye contact with you. You blush slightly on your cheeks.
"I will bring you a bouquet of white lilies every day until your house is filled with them for good."
"Tengen, no!" you interrupt him. "You must be a great man, or husband, whatever. Your wives may be lucky to have married you, too. But I can't imagine sharing a husband with other women."
"So that means if I wasn't married, you would become my wife?"
"Tengen, don't do anything stupid!"
You can already see the scene before you of the demon slayer breaking up with his wives just so you'll marry him.
"Yes or no?" he ends your head spin.
"Maybe, Tengen, maybe."
You make your way home, leaving him standing there. He doesn't mind, though. Not in the least. He has a plan and he's faster than you anyway. He'll give you a nice homecoming you'll never forget. And with a certain piece of jewelry piece.
I hope you liked it! I am open for any requests. No spoilers, but spoilers! Next time it will be Kyojuro with a Lime/Lemon. I'm still not sure exactly what it is.
See you next time!
Your Wolfi <3
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lovecolibri · 1 year
The thing about the Big Q Word is that I get ~not giving future plot lines away~ and all that but I do think that when the powers behind a show or movie series become aware of a significant following for a ship that is either not-straight or interracial (or both), if they already know they’re not going to go there they have a moral responsibility to say that. In plain terms. If they’re worried about losing audience, well they can’t have it both ways. If it’s a big enough chunk to worry about, perhaps they should reconsider their plan. And if it’s not, just nip it in the bud and let people down easy. People can get very emotionally invested in media. In fact, that’s often what they want from us. And certain ships just are more sensitive than others! If, early on, the showrunners are made aware of a growing audience for X ship, and they just say “oh now that you point it out I can see what you’re seeing, but it wasn’t our intention and we won’t be pursuing it.” That would A: validate that part of the audience and not accuse them of making things up, and B: allow people to make an informed choice. I think probably most would keep watching. If they like the product and are treated with a bit of respect why not? Sure, there will always be an element who will keep believing in canon no matter how plainly you say it’s not happening (…look at what we’re seeing in the face of all evidence now. Though letting go of years of heavy shipping is harder than letting go of one season or so). But I think that could be reduced by early intervention of “hey, cool ship but just so you know it will be remaining in drydock.”
This is well said! I think part of the issue is, terminology takes awhile to catch up and that is a word that people have right now so they use it even though things don't always meet the textbook definition, because they don’t really HAVE another word to use for what a show is doing. 911 may steer clear of using Buddie in their promo material or teasing it on their social media (though they DO tend to drop scenes or pics of one or both of the guys whenever something comes out that had people talking negatively especially this season soooo), which worked to keep away the accusations on technicality, but they still used Buddie within the show itself to generate the buzz online and keep the show talked about while turning around and telling everyone fans were seeing things and that's fine but it's not what they intended to come across. 5 seasons in it's unintentional and they had no idea people would see it that way?! I call bullshit.
It's disingenuous to say people are seeing things when you’re making very specific and repeated parallels to other canon couples, and talking about how costumes ARE important and something that gets discussed, and the directors ARE watching to make sure certain facial expressions are in focus. OR how about something like telling people to pay attention to the couch, and that the couch is important, then putting Buck and Chris on the couch in shot-for-shot parallels, after Buck can’t sleep on the couch his mom gave him, and turning around and saying “oh no not THOSE couch scenes, that was "unintentional", you didn't need to pay attention to them, they never meant anything and we never said they did and you really just did this to yourself."
Like, YES they are not using Budding THEMSELVES as a marketing tool because they don't want people to call them out and right now they can say "but, but, WE didn't do it!", but it's almost more insidious how they put stuff in they absolutely cannot be unaware of how it will come across this many years in, and let the online fandom do the marketing FOR them and create all the buzz and keep their show popular, only to, when someone pushes them about it, throw those same fans under the bus with an "oh well everyone can see what they want! We certainly didn't intend that they would see THIS *insert incredibly romantically coded thing here* as anything but we won't tell them they're wrong."
@suavecitoeddie mentioned a great term today, "ship bait" which I think fits because it's not JUST about representation, as in the case of 911 there are other mlm/wlw relationships depicted AND lovingly crafted in the show. But that doesn't mean that the show ISN'T pulling some shady shit with Buddie. Hen and Karen were already established at the start but Bathena and Madney were established in season 2 and Michael met David in season 3. Aside from Athena, Michael and Chim in season 1, none of them have dated anyone else (we have seen past relationships but not active dating) and the show has given wonderful stories of growth for these couples and having each other's backs across several seasons. And Buck and Eddie have the same kind of story the only difference is, it gets told around the show throwing woman after woman after woman at them. We KNOW this show can tell well-crafted love stories, we SEE the parallels they CHOOSE to make with Buddie and the other couples. And while the GA may not be analyzing everything, it's also not fair to offhandedly label ALL of them as blind or dumb enough to NOT pick up on some of that stuff as well. We all saw the comments after Buck fell asleep on the couch, or after the cemetery scene of people saying "I thought you all were making stuff up but I'm rethinking everything now!" We have all seen the comments of people starting the show thinking fandom was blowing Buddie out of proportion (I certainly thought so and that was around season 3) only to watch and go "how did Tumbler of all places actually UNDERSELL how much these two are in love?"
We know TPTB are keeping an eye on social media because they know enough to avoid the common "traps" of baiting so people can't accuse them of it. Which means they can't say they don't know how things are going to come across. Yes, Ryan may have shocked everyone with that performance in 6x10, but he's running up the ladder in a wide shot when we hear him screaming for Buck. We don't see his face, they easily could have cut some of his reactions or the audio there or cut the scene differently and still had it be a very moving and emotional scene that showed Eddie going after his friend. We still would have seen it through a Buddie lens, but for KR to come out and act like she had no say in how that final product we saw came out, regardless of what Ryan did on the day? I don't buy it. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
And YES at this point they're in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation no matter what they say but part of that is because they have kept up the "it's open for any interpretation" thing so long while making these blatant parallels, AND, the big thing for me personally, while making Buck and Eddie at every turn be the exact puzzle piece the other is missing! Not every fandom ship is something that makes sense for canon or is even something the shippers WANT for canon, it's just fun and that's okay! But 911 specifically has build Buck and Eddie as the perfect partners in every sense of the word for each other. On top of that, they have also given them just....some of the WORST people for them where we can SEE, blatantly, how incompatible they are, and then shown Buck or Eddie perfectly doing what the gf did not. You just...you cannot tell me it's not intentional, I won't believe you.
Also, on top of everything else it's just....SO cowardly to be so concerned with appealing to everyone all at once that you refuse to pick a side and commit to a story JUST so everyone can "see it how they want", until, when push comes to shove and the show is ending, suddenly you HAVE picked a side and then suddenly all those fans are just angry for no reason because of something some other show did to them because you were NEVER doing anything to lead them on. You checked the textbook definition and followed it to a T, so no one can be upset. 🙄🙄🙄
ANYWAY. It's okay to feel "ship baited" because it's pretty clear the show was trying to have things both ways until the show was supposed to end, and only at that point did they show their hand. It's also okay to call them out on it and to let ABC know what we want. Will it do anything? Maybe not! Who knows! But they won't be able to say they didn't see or hear the backlash, and the show is made for the fans! Yes a lot of people may casually watch, but ad revenue tied to demo isn't as important as it used to be, and online fandom is what keeps shows alive. So make noise! If nothing else, you'll probably feel a little better! (And ABC was already going to be facing an uphill battle to keep viewers with an already lackluster season with dropping viewers, a network switch after so many seasons, and now the strike pushing things back. I honestly don't think they can afford to entirely discredit the current buzz around the finale. Which is NOT just tied to Buddie as a ship but the character's individual journeys, and the disjointed writing for everyone and the pacing issues especially with the big emergency. We may not get everything or at least not all at once, but the more they know about what fans want, the more likely we are to see some changes to get us closer to those early season vibes.)
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peridyke · 2 months
How many comics do you have? and where can I find them?
thank you for asking!!!!
sadly right now i don’t have any finished comics to show off as I only recently got the time to seriously work on my art BUT i do have a variety of projects that i can show off! there’s some stuff i’m actively working on and other stuff that’s more of a back burner thing but let me list out everything i’ve done/have planned on doing
1) angel bites
ok so my current project i’m working on right now is called angel bites and it’s actually going to be a fun lesbian erotica comic about an angel girl and devil girl who are bandmates and who secretly hook up on the side. i’m currently in the process of thumbnailing this one and i’m guessing it’s gonna be around 60 or so pages. once im done i’m gonna have the comic up on patreon/have it for sale digitally on a platform like itch.io BUT the first 20ish pages are sfw so I will post those publicly for free so i can show off my work and characters.
i designed these in universe pin ups that i haven’t posted publicly yet and even though i wanted to wait until i finish the third one in the series that’s a little sillier theyre my most recent and best looking art of the characters
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2) sacrificial lamb
sacrificial lamb was my main focus for a bit but i’ve taken a break from it for the time being to work on other projects. it’s a more serious project than anything else i’ve been doing but it’s one i’ve been planning out since 2021 and that i do want to seriously look into getting published when it’s finished. it is a lesbian horror comic about a butch lesbian rabbit whose femme cat girlfriend gets sucked into the darker side of new age spiritualism. here is my WIP of the cover and a finished page
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3) claw wrench
this is a lower priority project of mine but one i still want to make exist in some form one of these days. it’s about a teenage cat named milly going to live with their estranged super genius mad scientist half sister named mindy and her robot assistant mr. rogato. it would be a newspaper strip style comic with a few larger plot threads. i might start it up one of these days after i’ve gotten some other comics under my belt and i feel like i have a better mental image of what i want the writing to be like. here’s some designs i did in 2021
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4) be mine, valentine
this is a project featuring characters of mine who i’ve had for a few years but only recently decided i wanted to turn into a short story. it’s about a peryton coder named cupid who is unbeknownst to herself a trans girl egg discovering her identity after being hired by a trans girl sex worker unicorn named valentine to help build a website for her work. it’s a short but sweet little love story that i have to plan out better before i seriously work on it but i can see it being something i make in the near-ish future. there will be some nudity and sexual themes but nothing pornographic so i will upload it for free online when it’s done ^_^ sadly i um…don’t have a sfw drawing of valentine yet LOL so you’re just gonna have to deal with a cropped pic
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5) thalassophobia
this is probably most relevant to peoples’ interest who follow me and something probably remember. thalassophobia is a really big steven universe fan comic i started writing to give lapis a more complete arc. i had a lot of passion for it back in 2022/23 but steven universe hasn’t been on my mind as much recently so it’s gone on the back burner. still i put a ton of work into it so i’d like to come back and finish writing it one day, although for the actual comic process i might see about getting some help on pages and colors and such since considering the scale i think it’s way too big for me to do solo. here’s a cover and a few test pages i did
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I HAVE ONE MORE COMIC TO TALK ABOUT BUT IVE USED UP THE IMAGE LIMIT i’m gonna finish in a reblog so give me a second
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
there are clowning materials/potential candies that i wanna look into and talk about no matter how improbable they are. then there are those where i’m just — do i even want to do this? lol. only because there is not much to go on and fueled solely by speculation. anyway, this is about the alleged camera gifted to xz ( by wang yibis babie ) and how he took it to milan with him.
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i’m making this so i can refer to it if anything comes up in the future. the thing is, if you look at the vlogs/photos — ZZ is using his phone to take pictures and videos. there is nothing wrong that, most people use their phones and he has his team that will take the “content” who brought the equipment. but i just find it hard to believe that GG, a photographer, will not bring a camera? this is a dude who brings it for drama shoots ( for example ace troops ) and that’s at home. so what more for a trip like this. in milan. there are a couple of fan-photos/videos of him roaming around and we don’t see him holding a proper camera. surely there will be other content from that trip and let’s see if we find the cam but right now it seems like it’s non- existent.
this talk started with a made-up 🍉…
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i’m saying made-up because all melons that read like this are. especially those that say “xx and xx have a good relationship” or “xx exercise alot”. if this was from a fake rumor house, i would be more inclined to have a positive take on it but it’s not. as i also said before, i don’t endorse this particular account cause they clearly post reliable work-related melons, anti posts and random stuff to get attention. point is, melon accounts are not friends.
anyway, this made some turtles think about last october when some where noticing the appearance of cameras in their promo pics/ videos. and comments came up of maybe it’s a clue that they are giving us. remember XZ didn’t do his usual birthday post last year, same with Bobo.
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so now we’re like, why not look into it?
XZS posted very few photos of GG ( 2021-2022 ) with a camera and i can’t really tell what he’s using for p1 and p2. but i think this is the same one he takes with him @ drama shoots.
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for the vlogs i found this, but they covered the brand. lol. and well the occasional polaroid cameras are also spotted in his vlogs.
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i don’t see any concrete timeline of what cameras he has, i only remember his pd101 guesting and how fans were saying the camera he used is his own. it just never really came up, how many cameras do you have? hahahahahahaha!
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In terms of MFW,
the main camera his team was using for photos and vlogs was Canon EOS body and of course the important thing are the lenses which they switch out. I think this was not the “gifted” one and more of something his assistant/photographer owns. 📷
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my eye is on the camera he used for the tod’s photoset when he landed in Milan. It was still posted under XZS and they tagged Tod’s, but it’s not exactly a “business photoshoot” that will be released as a proper Ad. It is still work-related, but given the freedom to add his personal touch. popular guess is it’s a sony zv-1, which is a known compact vlogging camera that is good quality. it is a thoughtful gift for someone you know who loves to shoot his day-to-day life. it’s not too heavy or so expensive that you will be afraid to use it casually.
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some are saying it might be provided by tod’s for him to shoot but i find that unlikely. they know he has his team. if they need to capture photos/videos of him, they will send their own. knowing how cared for he was by the tod’s team during his trip. and the important thing for a tod’s “ad post” is really the product. the clothes, bags and shoes. so why was this camera featured twice? is he showing it off? for what?
i checked the review and it sounds promising that i almost wanna buy one for myself 😂😂😂
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it could be his own and he bought it himself. it is possible too ( by turtle logic ) that it’s “gifted” by wyb. who knows. as with all other candies, we can’t say for sure or confirm things. but for this one, i think we need more evidence and time. 💕
reference sources: one & two
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Yeah, so Charles' staged pap pics in LA came out and people are claiming that this is proof fame got to his head. Maybe, maybe not, but my question is: as a marketing agency why would you want these pictures at all? Most of all, right now? Like isn't the contract renewal matter way more important right now? It's not like this is a relationship announcement so what does this achieve??? There's literally no shock value to this even (except that it is painfully obvious that the pictures are so staged).
Idk maybe there's a correct audience for this type of content and maybe that's not me but as a general consumer of Leclerc media wouldn't I be influenced by what other people are perceiving this as? And right now, the consensus as I see it, is that this coming out at the same time as Max's Time cover directly pits their media personalities against each other for comparison—Charles as the pr puppy who would have to have staged photoshoots to "keep his name in the headlines," rather than the professional athlete he is. Unfortunately, and quite unfairly, Max's cover directly influences our opinion on Charles' picture. His peer has already become a 3× World Champion while he...has a girlfriend...? Idk, I just don't get the logic WME were going with.
And maybe, this is Charles branching out to secure a sustainable future despite what happens in terms of his racing career, but you have to remember he's still gonna be in this line of job for the next decade or so, so then why would you have your image be distanced from your sport?
It could also be that this is his agency doing damage control for Charles liking a lestappen edit on the main (king behaviour), or perhaps even showing Ferrari that he is at ease and still happy after the DNS (denoting his confidence in his employability outside of Ferrari)...Idk there could be so many reasons but none of them can make for the how desperate this move ultimately come off as. After all, only those who would not be confident in their ability to be naturally papped (i.e., important enough to be noticed), would go to such length as hiring photographers to fake being papped so as to force their name into the headlines. [I can't believe this is a sentence I wrote unironically, excuse me while I go hurl 🤮]
But at the end of the day, I just want him to do good and (maybe just maybe win with Ferrari 🥲🥲🥲🥲], but yeah this papped thing was a weird shunt to his reputation. Well, that is life as a Forza Ferrari Sempre-er I guess. 🥲
Also, maybe we're just so chronically online that we assume the pictures are staged and not real. I mean a hard push that one, but I'd at least like to give them the benefit of the doubt. I mean I have been papped about zero times in my life so I am not the authority to decide about his brand reputation after all. [I just talk a lot of shit...it's okay, let's have it stay between you and me😀]
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